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  • 8/4/2019 Liberty Books




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  • 8/4/2019 Liberty Books



    Ron Paul: The revolution, a manifesto

    eerste druk

    Paul (A Foreign Policy of Freedom) says "Let the revolution

    begin" with this libertarian plea for a return to "the principles of

    our Founding Fathers: liberty, self-government, the Constitution,

    and a noninterventionist foreign policy."

    prijs: 10 stock: 3

    Ron Paul: The revolution, a manifesto

    tweede druk, extra hoofdstuk

    Paul (A Foreign Policy of Freedom) says "Let the revolution

    begin" with this libertarian plea for a return to "the principles of

    our Founding Fathers: liberty, self-government, the Constitution,and a noninterventionist foreign policy."

    prijs: 10 stock: 3

    Ron Paul: End the Fed

    At first glance, abolishing the Federal Reserve and returning to

    the gold standard seems a quaintly eccentric idea, but Texas

    congressman Paul presents a plan to eliminate our country's

    central bank, and return to a private banking system, that's bothserious and plausible.

    prijs: 15 stock: 2

  • 8/4/2019 Liberty Books



    Ron Paul: A foreign policy of freedom

    A collection of statements Congressman Ron Paul has made over the past 30

    years dealing with foreign policy from the date he was first elected to

    Congress. Ron Paul provides a history of economic policy in the United

    States and uses this history to argue that the same free market principals

    applied to U.S. domestic policy should be applied to U.S. foreign policy

    prijs: 14 stock: 2

    Philip Haddad: Ron Paul speaks

    Congressman Ron Paulthe presidential candidate who broke twenty-four-

    hour fundraising records twiceis a man of powerful, occasionally

    controversial convictions who does not pander to any political agenda other

    than what he believes is already supported by our Constitution. For the first time in one volume, here are Ron Pauls dynamic statements

    on hundreds of critical issuesfrom abortion to immigration to terrorism

    to welfare.

    prijs: 11 stock: 1

    Jorge Besada: Economics, the social order and the Ron Paulrevolution

    The purpose of this book is to help the layman understand, not only how

    Capitalism is the economic system that creates the most prosperous social

    order, but just as importantly, why due to our tribal human nature we so

    easily fear and misunderstand it and blindly fall for the share-the-wealth

    socialist ideologies which inevitably bring socioeconomic hardship.

    prijs: 10 stock: 1

  • 8/4/2019 Liberty Books



    Jesse Ventura: 63 documents the

    government doesnt want you to read

    The official spin on numerous government

    programs is flat-out bullshit, according to Jesse

    Ventura. In this incredible collection of actual

    government documents, Ventura, the ultimate non-

    partisan truth-seeker, proves it beyond any doubt.

    He and Dick Russell walk readers through 63 of

    the most incriminating programs to reveal what

    really happens behind the closed doors.

    Jesse Ventura is the former governor of

    Minnesota and author of several bestselling books,

    includingDont Start the Revolution Without Me!andAmerican Conspiracies. Ventura is the host of

    the television show Conspiracy Theory with Jesse

    Ventura on truTV. He lives in Minnesota and


    prijs: 17 stock: 2

    Jesse Ventura: Dont start the revolution

    without me

    Jesse Ventura has had many livesas a Navy

    SEAL, as a star of pro wrestling, as an actor, and

    as the governor of Minnesota. His previous books,

    I Ain't Got Time to BleedandDo I Stand Alone?,were both national bestsellers.Don't Start the

    Revolution Without Me! is the story of his

    controversial gubernatorial years and his life since

    deciding not to seek a second term as governor in

    2002. Written with award-winning author Dick

    Russell at a secluded location on Mexico's Baja

    Peninsula, Ventura's bestselling book reveals for

    the first time why he left politicsand why he is

    now considering reentering the arena with a

    possible independent run for the presidency.

    prijs: 10 stock: 2

    Jacob Lentz: Electing Jesse Ventura, a third-party succes story

    Jesse Ventura's volatile but appealing personality was a less significant factor

    in his 1998 election as Minnesota's governor than the state's unique political

    environment, concludes Lentz, a native Minnesotan and political science

    scholar. Minnesota provides generous election campaign funds for

    established third parties and is one of only seven states that allows residents

    to register and vote on the same day. Almost 70 percent of these election-day

    registrants voted for Reform Party candidate Ventura over State Attorney

    General Skip Humphrey (Democratic Farm Labor Party) and St. Paul MayorNorm Coleman (Republican Party).

    prijs: 10 stock: 1

  • 8/4/2019 Liberty Books



    Judge Andrew Napolitano : Constitutional Chaos

    In this incisive and insightful book, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano peels back

    the legal veneer and shows how politicians, judges, prosecutors, and

    bureaucrats are trampling the U.S. Constitution in the name of law and order

    and fighting terrorism.

    prijs: 10 stock: 2

    Patrick J. Buchanan: Where the right went wrong

    Although the George W. Bush administration is famous for being "on

    message," delivering a consistent and polished political perspective no matter

    what, such consistency apparently does not extend to every member of the

    conservative universe. In Where the Right Went Wrong, veteran pundit and

    occasional presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan offers up scathing

    criticisms of Bush's policies, the arrogance and boorishness of which, he

    warns, could ultimately dramatically destabilize the United States'

    superpower status.

    prijs: 12 stock: 1

    Stephen Kinzer: All the Shahs men

    With breezy storytelling and diligent research, Kinzer has reconstructed the

    CIA's 1953 overthrow of the elected leader of Iran, Mohammad Mossadegh,

    who was wildly popular at home for having nationalized his country's oil

    industry. The coup ushered in the long and brutal dictatorship of Mohammad

    Reza Shah, widely seen as a U.S. puppet and himself overthrown by the

    Islamic revolution of 1979.

    prijs: 10 stock: 1

  • 8/4/2019 Liberty Books



    Rand Paul: The tea party goes to Washington

    If the midterm elections were a declaration of war on the status quo, Rand

    Paul leads the battle charge. Voters fearful of growing government and debt

    have found voice in the Tea Party phenomenon and the movement continues

    to deliver a message that Washington, D.C. has found impossible to ignore.

    In THE TEA PARTY GOES TO WASHINGTON, the newly elected senator

    and self-described "constitutional conservative" explains why his party has to

    stand by its limited government rhetoric and why the federal government

    must be stuffed back into its constitutional box. Given the problems our

    nation faces, these are not mere suggestions, but moral imperatives..

    prijs: 15 stock: 3

    Russell Kirk: The conservative Mind

    The Conservative Mind by Russell Kirk is arguably one of the greatest

    contributions to twentieth-century American Conservatism. Brilliant in every

    respect, from its conception to its choice of significant figures representing

    the history of intellectual conservatism, The Conservative Mind by Russell

    Kirk launched the modern American Conservative Movement. A must-read.

    prijs: 14 stock: 2

    Rick Perlstein: Before the storm

    Not every presidential election is worth a book more than a quarter-century

    after the last ballot has been counted. The 1964 race was different, though,

    and author Rick Perlstein knows exactly why. That year, President Lyndon

    Baines Johnson, a Democrat, trounced his opponent, Barry Goldwater, a

    Republican senator from Arizona, in a blowout of historic proportions. The

    conservative wing of the GOP, which had toiled for so long as the minority

    partner in a coalition dominated by more liberal brethren, finally had risen to

    power and nominated one of its own, only to see him crash in terrible

    splendor. It looked like a death, but it was really a birth: a harrowing

    introduction to politics that would serve conservatives well in the yearsahead as they went on to great success.

    ri s: 13 stock: 1

  • 8/4/2019 Liberty Books



    Hamilton Madison Jay : The federalist Papers

    "This country and this people seem to have been made for each other, and it

    appears as if it was the design of Providence, that an inheritance so proper

    and convenient for a band of brethren ... should never be split into a number

    of unsocial, jealous, and alien sovereignties." So wrote John Jay, one of the

    revolutionary authors ofThe Federalist Papers, arguing that if the United

    States was truly to be a single nation, its leaders would have to agree onuniversally binding rules of governance--in short, a constitution. In a brilliant

    set of essays, Jay and his colleagues Alexander Hamilton and James Madison

    explored in minute detail the implications of establishing a kind of rule that

    would engage as many citizens as possible and that would include a system

    of checks and balances. Their arguments proved successful in the end, and

    The Federalist Papers stand as key documents in the founding of the United


    prijs: 6 stock: 2

    Edmund Burke : Reflections on the revolution in France

    This new and up-to-date edition of a book that has been central to political

    philosophy, history, and revolutionary thought for two hundred years offers

    readers a dire warning of the consequences that follow the mismanagement

    of change. Written for a generation presented with challenges of terrible

    proportions--the Industrial, American, and French Revolutions, to name the

    most obvious--Burke'sReflections of the Revolution in France displays anacute awareness of how high political stakes can be, as well as a keen ability

    to set contemporary problems within a wider context of political theory.

    prijs: 13 stock: 2

    For Liberty : How the Ron Paul Revolution watered thewithered tree of Liberty.

    Engelstalige documentaire, DVD

    hand-out edition, paper sleeve.

    Prijs: NOTK stock: 43

  • 8/4/2019 Liberty Books



    F.A Hayek: the road to serfdom

    An unimpeachable classic work in political

    philosophy, intellectual and cultural history, and

    economics, The Road to Serfdom has inspired andinfuriated politicians, scholars, and general readers

    for half a century. Originally published in 1944

    when Eleanor Roosevelt supported the efforts of

    Stalin, and Albert Einstein subscribed lock, stock,

    and barrel to the socialist programThe Road to

    Serfdom was seen as heretical for its passionate

    warning against the dangers of state control over

    the means of production. For F. A. Hayek, the

    collectivist idea of empowering government with

    increasing economic control would lead not to a

    utopia but to the horrors of Nazi Germany andFascist Italy.

    prijs: 12 stock: 1

    Alexis de Tocqueville : Democracy inAmerica

    In 1831 Alexis de Tocqueville, a young French

    aristocrat and ambitious civil servant, made a nine-month journey throughout America. The result was

    Democracy in America, a monumental study of thelife and institutions of the evolving nation.

    Tocqueville looked to the flourishing democratic

    system in America as a possible model for post-

    revolutionary France, believing that the egalitarian

    ideals it enshrined reflected the spirit of the age

    and even divine will. His insightful work has

    become one of the most influential political texts

    ever written on America and an indispensable

    authority on democracy.

    prijs: 8 stock: 2

    Thomas Paine : Common Sense, Rights of man,

    "These are the times that try men's souls," begins Thomas Paine's first Crisis

    paper, the impassioned pamphlet that helped ignite the American Revolution.

    Published in Philadelphia in January of 1776, Common Sense sold 150,000copies almost immediately. A powerful piece of propaganda, it attacked the

    idea of a hereditary monarchy, dismissed the chance for reconciliation with

    England, and outlined the economic benefits of independence while

    espousing equality of rights among citizens. Paine fanned a flame that was

    already burning, but many historians argue that his work unified dissenting

    voices and persuaded patriots that the American Revolution was not only

    necessary, but an epochal step in world history.

    prijs: 5 stock: 2