library as publisher: the ideas and experiences of national taiwan normal university joyce chao-chen...

Library as Publisher: the ideas and experiences of National Taiwan Normal University Joyce Chao-chen Chen Professor & University Librarian National Taiwan Normal University Nov. 8, 2012 1

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Page 1: Library as Publisher: the ideas and experiences of National Taiwan Normal University Joyce Chao-chen Chen Professor & University Librarian National Taiwan

Library as Publisher: the ideas and experiences of National Taiwan Normal University

Joyce Chao-chen Chen

Professor & University Librarian

National Taiwan Normal University

Nov. 8, 2012


Page 2: Library as Publisher: the ideas and experiences of National Taiwan Normal University Joyce Chao-chen Chen Professor & University Librarian National Taiwan


• The Challenges of Academic Libraries• The Change of NTNU Library

– Redefine the mission of NTNU Library– Prove the value of NTNU Library– Reorganize NTNU Library– Improve the competence of staffs

• The trend of library-based publishing services • The publishing services of NTNU Library


Page 3: Library as Publisher: the ideas and experiences of National Taiwan Normal University Joyce Chao-chen Chen Professor & University Librarian National Taiwan

The Challenges of Academic Libraries

• A large number of open and free information

• Rapid change of Internet and digital technology

• Less funding


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2012 Top ten trends of academic libraries -- ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee

• Communicating value • Data curation • Digital preservation • Higher education • Information technology • Mobile environments • Patron driven e-book acquisition • Scholarly communication • Staffing• User behaviors and expectations


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Scholarly communication

• New scholarly communication and publishing models are developing at an ever-faster pace, requiring libraries to be actively involved or be left behind. – 2012 top ten trends in academic libraries: a review of the trends and issues

affecting academic libraries in higher education.


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Scholarly communication

• A 2010 survey of member institutions of ARL, the Oberlin Group and the University Libraries Group found that approximately half of the respondents had or were developing library publishing services.

• Three quarters published journals, while half published monographs and/or conference proceedings.

• The libraries commonly provided digital repository services, author copyright advice, digitization services, and management of research datasets, as well as metadata creation, cataloging, and digital preservation.

• Academic libraries were less likely to provide traditional publishing services – peer review management, editing, typesetting, design and marketing – that faculty authors at a recent THATCamp publishing forum identified as important.– 2012 top ten trends in academic libraries: a review of the trends and issues

affecting academic libraries in higher education.


Page 7: Library as Publisher: the ideas and experiences of National Taiwan Normal University Joyce Chao-chen Chen Professor & University Librarian National Taiwan

The Changes of NTNU Library

• Redefine the mission • Prove the library’s value by ROI• Reorganization• Hire new personnel and retraining the existing staff


Page 8: Library as Publisher: the ideas and experiences of National Taiwan Normal University Joyce Chao-chen Chen Professor & University Librarian National Taiwan

New departments or new jobs of library

• New departments– Department of University History Management– Publishing Center

• publishing services• gift design and marketing

• New jobs– OCW– IR– Digital archives– …


Page 9: Library as Publisher: the ideas and experiences of National Taiwan Normal University Joyce Chao-chen Chen Professor & University Librarian National Taiwan

The trend of library-based publishing services

• More than 80% of ARL libraries offer or plan to offer publishing services– Charles Watkinson et. al. Library Publishing Services: Strategies for Success.

Purdue e-Pubs, 2012

• Shake up the scholarly communication system• Most are open access• Lack of adequate staffing and don’t have full time

employee dedicated to publishing• Most plan to expand cost recovery mechanisms moving

forward.– Timothy S. Deliyannides. Incentivizing open access: the library as publisher.

SPARC Open Access Meeting, Kansas City, March 11-13, 2012


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Why we provide publishing services?


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We would like…

• Move from the end of a publishing and distribution chain to somewhere closer to the scholars/creator

• Branding University• Establish trusted repositories for the research output of

the University• Provide services that scholars understand, need and

value– Timothy S. Deliyannides. Incentivizing open access: the library as publisher.

SPARC Open Access Meeting, Kansas City, March 11-13, 2012


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Scholarly communication


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Acquiring &




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Library as Publisher

• Non profit publishing• For profit publishing


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Library as Publisher—non profit

• Institution Repository– Academic Journals – Thesis and dissertation– OpenCourseWare– Lectures and Speech– University historical document, manuscripts…

• Curator + publishing + gifts design and marketing• Journal Publishing Platform

– Open Journal System


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Library as publisher—for profit

• Publishing Academic books• Publishing students’ works• Peer Review• Book Marketing


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Other services

• ISBN, ISSN, GPN registration• Order textbooks for students


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What do we publish?


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• Works of scholars/students– Personal works– Cooperated works

• Conference proceedings• Planed by university press• Works of literary award


We Publish…


Page 20: Library as Publisher: the ideas and experiences of National Taiwan Normal University Joyce Chao-chen Chen Professor & University Librarian National Taiwan

• monographs• proceedings• textbooks, teaching materials• created works by faculty/students: Popular

books, Picture books• audio and video, multimedia works


Types of publication


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How do we publish?


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Collaborate with commercial publishers

• Publishing center– Collect the draft works of scholars/students– Call the publishing committee meeting – Peer review management– Check and approve the typesetting version– Copyright management

• Collaborated publishers– typesetting– Printing (POD) and e-publishing – E & P version Marketing


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Co-publishing model


Commercial publisher

教師 / 學生

商業出版社 大學出版社University press



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2010~ 2012 cover pages design


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Help to get the peers’ review

收件日期 著作名稱100/12/27 第二語言課室研究101/1/6 臺海兩岸焦循文獻考察與學術研究101/1/6 易學思想與時代易學論文集101/1/6 臺灣師大鎮館之寶:翁方綱手批杜詩稿本校譯101/1/9 品德教育與校園營造101/1/19 漢語篇章分析與教學應用101/2/14 中國大陸主權財富基金發展的政治經濟分析101/2/14 中國大陸僑務政策與工作體系之研究101/2/14 大陸觀光客來台對兩岸關係影響的政治經濟分析101/2/17 對比分析與教學應用101/2/21 明末清初才子佳人小說敘事研究101/2/21 -「演義」 明代四大奇書敘事研究101/2/24 宋代老子學詮釋的義理向度101/2/29 臺灣作曲家「鋼琴協奏曲」之統整與分析101/2/29 從「協奏曲」的沿革論《犁之翼》與《南島之音》的創作觀101/2/29 1885-1937跨國移動的困境:美國華日兩族的族群關係,101/3/5 裨海紀遊校釋101/3/5 低眉集:臺灣文學/翻譯、遊記與書評101/3/6 ‧ ‧足音集:文學記憶紀行電影101/4/16 ─突破閱讀困難的另一種模式 挪威的閱讀困難補救系統101/5/10 老師,你可以這樣帶班101/7/31 ‧ ‧ ─行旅地誌社會記憶 王士性紀遊書寫探論

• 協助教師取得嚴謹之專書出版審查證明

Peer reviewing 22 academic

books in 2012


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系列名稱 成果

科普系列 《當數學遇見文化》


《「臺灣頌‧泰然情」蕭泰然特展專輯》《歲月悠悠‧焠鍊百年風華的藝術家-陳慧坤》《版畫人生 - 廖修平教授藝術創作特展專輯》《走入師大 遇見高行健》特展電子書

古騰堡經典系列 已完成 103 本 E-pub 格式之電子書

特展系列 《臺北高等學校創立 90 週年紀念系列活動─白線帽的青春》特展電子書

2011~ 2012 e-books


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NTNU University Press app

Android Market

Apple Store 28

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NTNU University Press app



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2011 Taipei International Book Exhibition


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2012 Taipei International Book Exhibition


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Small book store 微書店


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Page 34: Library as Publisher: the ideas and experiences of National Taiwan Normal University Joyce Chao-chen Chen Professor & University Librarian National Taiwan


• Enlarge the library professional territory• Librarians more deeply understand scholarly

communication and help to improve the quality of research products

• More interaction with scholars/students• Preserving the academic publications• Provide more open access publications• Branding University• Library become the culture center of the university.• Library also is the university press.


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Thank you andWelcome any comments