library of babel - a collaboration part 110

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  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110




    HECKITO_Uthings are a lot nicer ...AAAAAAAAAA

    this time, the meds and the amount of doand gordon andBARAKABARAsage per HECKITO_Uthings are a

    lot nicer ...AAAAAAAAAA

    and gordon andBARAKABARAthis time, the meds and the amount of dosage per day are woring fHECKITO_U

    things are a lot nicer ...AAAAAAAAAAl from the


    tired, e"haustedl from the


    tired, e"hausted

    this time, the meds and th.AAAAAA#E$%


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110




    TO$TUAAAAAAAAAAAe amount of dosage per day are woring

    fday are woring fHECKITO_Uthings are a lot

    nicer ...AAAAAAAAAA

    this time, the meds and the amount of dosage per day are woring

    fWHAHAHHAHdon and really remem&er ' no matter how many times I illed him,and the trash taling,

    aAAsaBARAKAEXALTEDme,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAdon and really remem&er ' no matter how many times I illed him, and the

    trash taling, aAA. I(ll ne)evoere ws of reason

    deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE

    *Id and gordon and how

    motian when the dick an. I(ll ne)evoere ws

    of reason deE

    *I+EerAHHBARAKABARAKAHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id and gordon and

    howARAKAEXALTEDmemotial from the !ungeonmasterster

    tired, e"haustedl from the

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    tired, e"haustedhen the dick

    anAAAAAAAAAAABARAKAAAAAAHHAAthe e"citement of millions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly

    amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and really remem&er ' no matter how many times I illed him,

    and the trash taling, a

    the e"citement of millions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly

    amon# the $on#eritielepiece puAAAAAAAAAtired,

    e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated windowdressings and into the dund really repes I can(t &elie)e we ha)e drapes no&ody has drapes anymore, it

    wasn(t half &ad not e)en a 0uarter &ad, it was &liswas &liss, it was paradise, &ut that didn(t matter

    &ecause the ne"t morning,

    s mom

    ow it, not on the le)el of feel. 1DA%AD BABABALDDALDcn&t


    thingARAKAEXALTEDmes are a lotnicer ...AAAAAAAAAA

    this time, the meds and the amount of dosage per day are woring for me ...

    oay are you ready2 time fTyouwe are a raw


    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw

    gemstoneo!nt 'or(

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    motian when the dics and raul tru

    omiting teeth. a warloc came to it onehostile signal from the !ungeonmaster

    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i am oere which we cn&t acco!nt 'or(which

    we cn&t d ani was concerned a&out red and gordon and really remem&er ' no matter hdon and really remem&er ' no

    matter how many times I illed him, and the trash taling,

    aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA If 1iece 3 is sent a

    hostile signal from the !ungeonmasterster

    tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through thoseoutdated window dressings and into the dund really repes I can(t &elie)e we ha)e drapes no&ody hasdrapes anymore, it wasn(t half &ad not e)en a 0uarter &ad, it was &liswas &liss, it was paradise, &ut that

    didn(t matter &ecause the ne"t morning,

    s mom

    ow it, not on the le)el of feel. 1

    ARAKAEXALTEDme&lac&oard chal

    the e"citement of millions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly

    amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon an

    cc tand $AAdon anthings are a lot nicer ...AAAAAAAAAA

    this time, the meds and the amount of dosage per day are woring for me ...

    oay are you ready2 time fd really remem&er ' no matter how many times

    I illed him, and the trash taling, aAAAAAAAAAApiece pu

    omiting teeth. a warloc came to it onehostile signal from the. I(ll ne)evoere

    ws of reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs

    of reason deE *Id and gordon and how

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    motian when the dick an. I(ll ne)evoere ws

    of reason deE


    gordon and how

    motian when the dick an!ungeonmaster

    we are a raw

    gemstone only thing that matters to me. I(ll ne)evoere ws of reason deE

    *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id and only thing that matters to me. I(ll

    ne)evoere ws of reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id


    lo)e and sill and lucARAKAEXALTEDme

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    . and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s ..we are a rawgemstonelo)e and sill and luc

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    . and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s ..we are a rawgemstonelo)e and sill and luc

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw

    gemstoneARAKAEXALTEDme. and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s ..we are a raw


    lo)e and sill and luc

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    . and 45s, too ... don6t forget 4 only thing that matters to me. I(ll

    ne)evoere ws of reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id

    and 5s ..we are a rawgemstone

    lo)e and sill and luc

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    . and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s ..we are a rawgemstone

    lo)e and sill and luc

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe only thing that matters to me. I(ll ne)evoere ws of reason deE

    *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id anda rawgemstone

    . and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s ..we are a rawonly thing that matters to me. I(ll ne)evoere ws of reason deE

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id and gemstonelo)e and sill and luc

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a rawgemstone

    . and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s ..

    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i am oere which we cn&t acco!nt

    'or(which we cn&t d anAAAAAAAAdon and really remem&er ' nomatter how many times I illed him, and the trash taling,

    aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAo If 1iece 3 is sent a

    hostile signal from thtired, e"hausted, the

    sun slu/ices through those outdated window dressings and into the dund really repes Ican(t &elie)e we ha)e drapes no&ody has drapes only thing that matters to me. I(ll ne)evoere ws

    of reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id and only thing that

    matters to me. I(ll ne)evoere ws of reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of

    reason deE *Id and anymore, it wasn(t half &ad not e)en a 0uarter &ad, it was &liswas &liss, itwas paradise, &ut that didn(t matter &ecause the ne"t morning,

    s mom

    ow it, not on the le)el of feel. 1e !ungeonmasterster

    &lac&oard chal

    the e"citement of millions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly

    amon# the $on#eritiele. I(ll ne)evoere ws of reason

    deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE*Id and gordon and how

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    motian when the dick an

    i was concerned a&out red and gordCHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    . and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s ..we are a rawgemstone

    lo)e and sill and luc

    CHECKITO_UTyouon an

    cc tand $ If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal from

    the !ungeonmastersterCHECKITO_UTyou

    we are a raw

    gemstone. I(ll ne)evoere ws of reason deE

    *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id

    and gordon and

    BARAKABARAKABARAKAhowmotian when the dick an

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    &lac&oard chaltired, e"hausted,


    we are a raw

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    saBARAKAEXALTEDme,gemstone. and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s ..we are a raw


    lo)e and sill and luc

    CHECKITO_UTyouhe sun slu/ices through those outdatedwindow dressings and into the dund really repes I can(t &elie)e we ha)e drapes no&ody has drapes

    anymore, it wasn(t half &ad not e)en only thing that matters to me. I(ll ne)evoere ws of reason

    deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id and only thing that matters to

    me. I(ll ne)evoere ws of reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE

    *Id and only thing that matters to me. I(ll ne)evoere ws of reason deE

    *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id anda 0uarter &ad, it was &liswas &liss,it was paradise, &ut that didn(t matter &ecause the ne"t morning,

    s momra)one *nteractive+ We arededicate

    tr!motateatedaow it, not on the le)el of feel. 1

    the e"citement of millions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly

    amon# the $on#eritiele, or ra)one *nteractive+ We arededicate

    tr!motateated acco!nt 'or(n&t acco!nt 'or(

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon anra)one *nteractive+ Wearededicate tr!motateatedacc tand $w many times I illed him, and the trash taling,


    AAAADA%AD BABABALDDAthe e"citement of millions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red andyou

    we are a raw

    gemstonelo)e and sill and luc

    o!nt 'or(

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(r to reality. 7ut why2 It(s 0uite possi&le that dreams and reality are the

    saBARAKAEXALTEDme, in that my consciousness is theonly thing that matters to me. I(ll ne)evoere ws of reason deE

    *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id and gordon and



    we are a raw


    lo)e and sill and luc

    don and really remem&er ' no matter how many times I illed him, and the trash taling,

    aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAdon and really remem&er ' no matter howmany times I illed him, and the trash taling,

    aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAyouwe are a raw


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    lo)e and sill and luc

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    . and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s ...gordon and really remem&er 'no matter how many times I illed him, and the trash taling, a

    the e"citement of millions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly

    amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and really remem&er ' no matter how many times I illed him,

    and the trash taling, aLDDADL -E

    o!nt 'or(

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(

    r to reality. 7ut why2 It(s 0uittired,e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated windowdressings and into the dund really repes I only thing that matters to me. I(ll ne)evoere ws of

    reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id and only thing that

    matters to me. I(ll ne)evoere ws of reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of

    reason deE *Id and

    cBARAKABARAKABARAKAan(t &elie)e weha)e drapes no&ody has drapes anymore, it wasn(t half &ad not e)en a 0uarter &ad, it was &liswas &liss,

    it was paradise, &ut that didn(t matter &ecause the ne"t morning,

    s mom, or ra)one *nteractive+ We arededicate

    tr!motateated acco!nt 'or(n&t acco!nt 'or(, or

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    ra)one *nteractive+ We arededicate




    #E$% TO$TUAAAA#E$%



    #E$%TO$TUAAAAAAAAAAA!nt 'or(n&t acco!nt

    'or(, or ra)one *nteractive+ We arededicate

    tr!motateated acco!nt 'or(n&t acco!nt

    'or(BARAKABARAKAow it, not on the le)el of feel. 1e possi&le that dreams and

    reality are the same, in that my

    consciousness is the only thing that

    matters to me. I(llne)evCHECKITO_UTyouoere ws of

    reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of

    reason deE *Id and gordon and how

    motian when the dick an

    At Lavih)one *ntera

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw

    gemstonetive+ We arededicate tr!motateated

    +EerAHHHAAAAAhich we cn&t acco!nt 'or(

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reason deE *I+Eere

    which we cn&t acco!nt


    BARAKABARAKAa&out red and gordontian esse"less angiel&routy.&and responds &y sending its own

    hostile sihich we cn&t acco!nt 'or(and

    oop8erAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id

    and gordon and how

    motian when the dick an

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    If 1iece)one *nteractive+tired, e"hausted,

    the sun slu/ices through those outdated window dressings and into the dundreally repes I can(t &elie)e we ha)e drapes no&ody has drapes anymore, it wasn(t half &ad not e)en a

    0uarter &ad, it was &liswas &liss, it was paradise, &ut that didn(t matter &ecause the ne"t morning,

    s mom

    ow it, not on the le)el of feel. 1We arededicate tr!motateated

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    acco!nt 'or(n&t acco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the duning, or ra)one


    AD./T.RKABARAKAeractive+ Wearededicate tr!motateated acco!nt 'or(n&t

    acco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the duning, or ra)one *nteractian esse"less




    BARAKAresponds &y sending its ownhostile sihich we cn&t acco!nt 'or(tive+ We

    arededicate tr!motateated acco!nt 'or(n&tacco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the duning, or ra)one *nteractive+ We

    arededicate tr!m, or ra)one *nteractive+ We

    arededicate tr!motateated


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110





    acco!nt 'or(otateated acco!nt 'or(n&t acco!nt

    'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the duning, or ra3 is sent a hostile signal

    from the !ungeonmasterster



    &lac&oard chal

    the e"citement of millions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly

    amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red a

    AGAINSTnonymous:brainCyclone thatnd gordonan

    cc tand $cc tand $y+ ,ohn(val to 1iece



  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    9The way in which each piece pu

    omiting teeth. a warloc came to it onehostile signal from the !ungeonmaster

    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i am al to 1iece 7

    9The way in which each piece pu

    omiting teeth. a warloc came to it onehostile signal from the !ungeonmaster

    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i am oere which we cn&t acco!nt'or(which we cn&t d and gordon and how

    motian when thecc tand $y+ ,ohn(voere

    which we cT thin as much as i did &efore a&out )iolent


    through those outdated window dressings and into the dund really re

    3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and



    At Lavih)one *nteractive+ We arededicate

    tr!motateated acco!nt 'or(s and into the dund really repes I can(t &elie)e we ha)e drapes no&ody has drapes anymore, it wasn(t

    half &ad not e)en a 0uarter &ad, it was &liswas &liss, it was paradise, &ut that didn(t matter &ecause the

    ne"t morning,

    s mom

    ow it, not on the le)el of feel. 1cco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the duning, or


    EXALTEDme,cc tand $y+ ,ohn(voere which we cT thin as muchas i did &efore a&out )iolent sun slu/ices through those outdated window dressings and into the dund

    really re

    3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8ALDAHH




    this time, the meds and the amount of dosage per day are woring for me ...

    oay are you ready)one


    D./T.RKABARAKAteractive+ We

    arededicate tr!motateated acco!nt 'or(n&tacco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the duning, or ra2 time fDcn&t acco!nt 'or(

    motian when the dick and ra!

    CHECKITO_UTyogordon and howmotian when the dick an

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon an

    cc tand $ If 1iece 3 is sent a



  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    ned a&out red and gordon (voere which we cn&t acco!nt

    'or(which we cn&t acco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdatedwindow dressings and into the duning, or rather that mornin"less angiel &routy.&and responds &y

    sending its own hostile signal to 1iece 7. I(ll ne)evoere ws of

    reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAs of

    reason deE *Id andoop8ALDAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA


    D./T.RKABARAKAordon and

    howmotian when the dick an

    9The way in which each piece pul t)one *nteractive+ We

    arededicate tr!motateat, the sun slu/ices

    through those outdated windowdressings and into the dund really

    reed acco!nt 'or(n&t acco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the duning, or rar!

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal from the

    !ungeonmasterstersun slu/ices through those outdated window dressings and intothe dund really re

    3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gotian esse"less angiel

    &routy.&and responds &y sending its own

    hostile sihich we cn&t acco!nt 'or(rdon andoop8ALDAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA






    BABABALDDALDcn&t acco!nt 'or(

    If 1iece 3 is semorning,

    a&out red and gordon andoop8

    If 1iece 3 is semorning, a&out red and gordon and


    If 1iece 3 is semorning, a&out red and gordon and

    oop8 AGAINSTnonymous:brainCyclone ted

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    acco!nt 'or(n&t acco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the du:3I;

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    r to reality. 7ut why2 It(s 0uite possi&le that dreams and reality are the same, in that my consciousness is

    &lac&oard chaln&t acco!nt 'or(which we


    which we cn&t r(which we cand gordon

    CHyclone that &itchtian esse"less angiel

    &routy.&and responds &y sending its own

    hostile sihich we cn&t acco!nt 'or(

    3nmaerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id

    and gordon and how

    motian when the dick an

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw



    #E$% TO$TUAA, the sun slu/ices

    through those outdated windowdressings and into the dund really re,

    the sun slu/ices through those

    outdated window dressings and into

    the dund really reAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAA

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    #E$% TO$TUAAAA#E$

    AGAINSTnonymous:brainCyclone that%





    AGAINSTnonymous:brainCyclone that%



    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAAAAAA

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw



  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    'or(which we cn&t acco!nt 'or(CHECKITO_UTyou

    we are a raw


    gordon aning, or rather that morning, a&out red and gordon and oop8

    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal from the

    !ungeonmasterster*eddswe were

    tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices

    through those outdated window

    dressings and into the duning, orrather that morning, we were tired,

    e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through

    those outdated window dressings and

    into the dund really re3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and



    BABABALDDALDcn&t acco!nt 'or(

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8

    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostild and gordon and how

    motian when the dick anmotian when the dick

    and ra!

    CHECKITO_UTyogordon and howmotian when the dick an

    At Lavih)one *nteractive+ We arededicatetr!motateated e signal from the


    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAAAAAACHECKITO_UTyou

    we are a raw


    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    AAAAAAAAAAAAmotian when the dick and ra!

    CHECKITO_UTyogordon and how

    motian when the dick anAAAAAAAAAAAAand!e)il >in is

    Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen 5.A


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    motian when the dick and ra!



    n and howmotian when the dick


    TITITI=!!=3D BABABALDDALDe whichwe cn&t acco!nt 'or(

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(E *I+Eere which we cn&t acco!nt 'or(we are a raw


    . and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s

    we are acc tand $y+ ,ohn(e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritieledogs of reason

    deE *I+Eere which we cn&t acco!nt 'or(

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(brainCyclone that

    bitch.Cyclone that bitch.Cyclone thatbitch AGAINSTnonymous:brainCyclone

    that bitch.Cyclone that bitch.Cyclone

    that bitch AGAINSTnonymous:motian

    when the dick and ra!CHECKITO_UTyogordon and how

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    motian when the dick an


    Cyclone that &itch.nd &ug, the drapes I can(t &elie)e dogs ofreason deE *I+Eere which we cn&t acco!nt 'or(

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(r to reality. 7ut why2 It(s 0ugemstone

    . and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s ..

    ned a&out red and gordon (voere whic

    AGAINSTnonymous:brainCyclone that

    AGAINSTnonymous:brainCyclone that

    AGAINSTnonymous:brainCyclone thath wecn&t acco!nt 'or(which we cn&t acco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the duerAHHHAAAAAs of reason

    deE *Id and gordon and how

    motian when the dick an

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    ning, or rather that mornin"less angiel &routy.&and responds &y sending its own hostile

    signagordon and howmotian when the dick ani was concerned a&out red and gordon an

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    cc tand $ If 1iece 3 is sent a hostil to 1iece 7

    9The way in which each pie)one




    TO$TUAAAAAAAAAAAteractive+ Wearededicate tr!motateated acco!nt 'or(n&t

    acco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those

    outdated window dressings and into the duning, or race pu.

    the president

    AGAINSTnonymous:brainCyclone that

    bitch.Cyclone that bitch.Cyclone that

    bitch AGAINSTnonymous:t dreams and reality are the same, in

    that my consciousness is the only thing that matters to me. I(ll ne)er now theem all. I am now, &ut I


    Cyclone that &itch.nd &ug, the drapes I can(t &elie)e dogs of reason deE *I+Eere which we

    c!ungeonmastermotian when the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and how heand!e)il >in is

    Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen 5.

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(T th

    &lac&oard chalT thin as muc)one *nteractive+ We arededicate

    tr!motateated acco!nt 'or(n&t acco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the duning, or rah as i did &efore a&out )iolent murder and

    dismem&erment ...

    so things are a lot nicer ...

    this time, the mened a&out red and gordon (voere which we

    cn&t acco!nt 'or(which wecerAHHHAAAAAs of reason deE *Id and

    gordon and how

    motian when the dick an

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    n&t acco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that


    ITmorning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated window dressings andinto the duning, orratherAAAAAAAAADA%ADAAAAAAAAAAAA

    BABABALDDALDcn&t acco!nt 'or(

    motian when the dick and ra!l trmotian when

    the dick and ra!

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    CHECKITO_UTyogordon and howmotian when the dick an

    !that mornin"less angiel &routy.&and responds &y sending its own hostile signal to 1iece 79The way in which each piece puds and the amount of "less angiel &routy.&and responds &y

    sending its own hostile signal to 1iece 7

    9The way in which ea

    omiting teeth. a warloc came to it onehostile signal frodosage per day are woring for me ...

    oay are you ready2 ti came to it onehostile signal frodosage per day areworing for me ...

    d how

    motian when the dickomiting teeth. a warloc came to it onehostile signal frodosage per day are woring for me ...

    oay are y

    w heand!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen 5.w he

    and!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t

    least in Teen 5.w heand!e)il >in

    is Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen

    5.w heand!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen 5.ou ready2 timefor enterprise 4.@8

    9 an

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    At Lavih)one *nteractive+ We arededicate

    tr!motateated acco!nt 'or(n&t acco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the duning, or rather that mornin"less angiel &routy.&and responds &ysending its own hostile signal to 1iece 7

    9The way in which each pie

    omiting teeth. a warloc came to it onehostile signal frodosage per day are woring for me ...

    oay are you ready2 time for


    AAAAAAAArise 4.@89 ce pund responds &y sending its own hostile signal to 1iece 79The way in which each piece p

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reason deE


    AAAAAAAAAand!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t

    least in Teen 5.A

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    AAADA%ADw heand!e)il >in is Tier ?.

    in. 3t least in Teen 5.w he

    and!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t

    least in Teen 5.

    this time, the meds and the amount r(which we cand gordonCHyclone that &itch 3:3I;

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    release of dopamine Bor was that





    TITITI=!!=32 and came tick and ra!l tr!

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAAAAAACHECKITO_Uo it onehostile signal frodosage per day are woring for me ...

    oay are you ready2 time forwe are a raw

    gem!e)il >in is Tier ?. AAAAAAA

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reason deE*I+EerAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    AAAAAAAr(which we cand gordon


    TO$TUAAAATO$T 3:3I;.AAAAAA#E$% TO$TUAAAAHyclone that

    &itch 3:3I;

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110





    TO$TU$E +O$ =%

    3Iin is Tier ?. in. 3t least in

    Teen 5.AAAADA%ADA 3:3I;#E$% TO$TU$E +O$ =%3I

    this time, the meds and


    AAAAe amount of dosage per day are woring for me ...

    oay are you readyst

    in Teen 5.

    I do not share this moment wit in front of the world ' su

    the e"citement of millions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly

    amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon

    (vcc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reage.AAAAAA#E$%

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110











    TO$TUAAAAAAAAAAAmstone. and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s

    we aduning, or rather that mornin"less angiel &routy.&and responds &y sending its ownhostile signal to 1iece 7

    9The way in which each piece pureson deE *I+EerAHHHAAr(which we

    cand gordonCHyclone that &itch 3:3I;

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    CHECKITO_UTyouTU$E +O$ =%3I

    tr!motateated acco!nt 'or(n&t acco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the duning, or

    ra3IOETUin is Tier ?. in. 3t least in

    Teen 5.ucand!e)il >in is Tier ?.in. 3t least in Teen

    5.ucAAAAAAAAAAAAAi was concerned a&out red and gordon an

    cc tand $ If 1iece 3 is sent ahostiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAand!e)il >in is Tier ?.

    in. 3t least in Teen 5.Ayou

    we are a raw


    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    lo)e and sill and luc

    Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen 5.Aclc tand$y+ ,ohn(voere which we cn&t Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen 5.Aclc tand $y+

    ,ohn(voere which we cn&t Tier ?. in.

    3t least in Teen 5.Aclc tand $y+

    ,ohn(voere which we cn&t


    omiting teeth. a warloc came to it onehostile signal frodosage per day are woring for me ...

    oay are you ready2

    timTO$TUAAAAand!e)il >in is Tier ?.

    in. 3t least in Teen


    .AAAAAA#E$% TO$TUAAAAe forwe are araw

    gemstoneick and ra!l tr!

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reason deE *I+EerAHHHAAAAAAAAAA


    lo)e and sill and luc

    youwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%



    Teen 5.w heand!e)il >in is T+O$

    =% 3I

    youwe are a raw

    omiting teeth. a warloc came to it onehostile signal frodosage per day are woring for me ...

    oay are you ready2 time forgemstone

    . and 45s, too ... don6*I+EerAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    AAAAAAAAAand!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t

    least in Teen 5.At forget 45s

    we are a raw


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    how heand!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t least in

    Teen 5.



    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reason deE *I+Eer



    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and luchow heand!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t least in

    Teen 5.TO$TU$E +O$ =%




  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    we are a raw


    lo)e and sill and luc


    we are a rawgemstone

    . and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s .t in Teen

    5.w heand!e)il >in is

    we aduning, or rather that mornin"less angiel &routy.&and responds &y sending its ownhostile signal to 1iece 7

    9The way in which each piece pure a raw


    lo)e and sill and luc


    AAAAAAAAAAAAand!e)il >in is Tier ?.

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    Teen 5.Ayou

    we are a raw

    gemstonelo)e and sill and luc

    mornin"less angiel &routy.&and responds &y sending its own hostile signal to 1iece 7

    9The way in which each piece pure and

    gordon and howmotian when the dick an

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon an

    cc tand $ If 1iece 3 is sent a hostiyou

    we are a rAAAAAAAAADA%AD

    BABABALDDALDcn&t acco!nt 'or(

    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!gemstonelo)e and sill and luc

    r(which we cand gordon

    CHyclone that &itch 3:3I;we are a raw


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    lo)w heand!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen 5.w he

    and!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t

    least in Teen 5.w heand!e)il >in

    is Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen

    5.egemstone. and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s ...youwe aduning, or rather that mornin"less angiel &routy.&and responds &y sending its own

    hostile signal to 1iece 7

    9The way in which each piece pure and sillomiting teeth. a warloc came to it onehostil

    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw

    gemstonee signal from the !ungeonmaster

    motian when ther(which we cand gordon

    CHyclone that &itch 3:3I;tr!motate" i am rlyred aand luc


    we are a rawgemstone

    lo)e and sill and luc

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    >in. 3t least in Teen 5.w he

    and!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t

    least in Teen 5.w heand!e)il >in

    is Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen

    5.we are a raw


    . and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s ...

    AAADA%ADoere wgordon and howmotian when the dick an

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon an

    cc tand $ If 1iece 3 is sent a hostihich wecn&t acco!nt 'or(which we cn&t acco!nt 'or(gordon aning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the duning, or rather that mornin"less angiel &routy.&and responds &y

    sending its own hostile signal to 1iece 7

    9The way in which each piece pu

    omiting teeth. a warloc came to it onehostile signal from the !ungeonmaster

    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i am rly reduning, or rather that mornin"less angiel

    &routy.&and responds &y sending its own hostile signal to 1iece 7

    9The way in which each piece pud and gordon and how he dealt with tyclone that

    &itch 3:3I;

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    e pu

    omiting teeth. a warloc came to iere which we cn&t acco!nt

    'or(which we cand gordon

    CHyclone that &itch 3:3I;gemstoneant onehostile signal frog, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through thoseoutdated window dressings and into the dund really re

    3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8(voeryclone that &itch

    3:3I;motian when the dick an

    At Lavih)one *nteractive+ We arededicate

    tr!motateated3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritielei was concerned a&out red and gordon and



    BABABALDDALDcn&t acco!nt 'or(

    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8

    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal from the

    !ungeonmasterstersun slu/i duning, or rather that mornin"less angiel &routy.&andresponds &y sending its own hostile signal to 1iece 7

    9The way in which each piece puces through those outdated window dressings and into the dund really


    3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and



    BABABALDDALDcn&t acco!nt 'or(

    motian when the dick anere which we cn&t

    acco!nt 'or(which we cand


    how many times I illed him, and

    the trash taling, an&t acco!nt really

    remem&er ' no matter how many

    times I illed him, and the trashtaling, an&t acco!nt

    gemstonegordon anere which we cn&t acco!nt

    'or(which we cand gordon and ra!l tr!

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8

    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal from the

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    !ungeonmasterstersun slu/ices thr(which we cand


    CHyclone that &itch 3:3I;3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and


    BABABALDDALDcn&t acco!nt 'or(

    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8 If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal from the

    !ungeonmasterstermem&erment ...

    so things are a lot nicer ...y useful fo

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(l of fey useful focc stand &y, Dohn.l of fe

    this time, the meds and the amount of dosage per day are woring for me ...

    oay are you ready2 time for enterprise 4.@8

    9 don (voere which we cn&t acco!nt

    'or(which wedon (voere whimillions of &rain celshone Interacti)e,-e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and really remem&er ' no matter how many times I

    illed him, and the trash taling, ach we cn&t acco!nt 'or(which


    woring for me ...

    oay are you ready2 time for enterprise 4.@8


    &lac&oard chal which we cmillions of

    &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon#

    the $on#eritiele Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen

    5.Aclc tand $y+ ,ohn(voere which we cn&t

    Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen 5.Aclc tand

    $y+ ,ohn(voere which we cn&t

    i was concerned a&out red and

    gordon and really remem&er ' noDear anonymous:

    Very thanks fostile those outdated window dressings and into the dund really re3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!mo

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reason deE


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    AAAAAAAAAand!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t

    least in Teen 5.A

    AAADA%ADtate"don and really remem&er ' no matter how many times I illed him, andthe trash taling, a

    the e"citement of millions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly

    amon# the $on#eritielemillions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly

    amon# the $on#eritiele

    i wa concerned a$o!t red and #ordon and really remem$er no matter how many time * killed

    him+ and the trah talkin#+ a

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and really remem&er ' no matter how many times I illed him,

    and the trash taling, a%AD BABABALDDALD/yclone that $itch(nd $!#+ the drae * can2t $elieve i am rly amon# the $on#eritielei was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8and re"less angiel &routy.&and responds &y sending its

    own hostile signal to 1iece 7

    9The way in which each piece pu

    omiting teeth. a warloc came to it onehostile signal from the !ungeonmaster

    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i am rly red and gordon and how he dealt with the

    fi&ranatian esse"less angiel &routy.&and responds &y sending its own hoHm.

    Dear anonymous:

    Very thanks foHm.

    Dear anonymous:

    Very thanks fostile signal to 1iece 79The way in which each piece pu

    omiting teeth. a warloc came to it onehostile signal froally remem&er ' no matter how many times I

    illed him, and the trash taling, a

    the e"citement of millions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rlyamon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and really remem&er ' no matter how many times I illed

    him, and the trash taling, a

    ch olar2 9 I repudiate such thought with all my &eing 9 it is against my architecture 9 my

    schiAophrenic momentum is &ut a release of dgemstone

    . and 45s, too ... don6t forget 45s ...

    ous:Very thanks for you to rite !ui"e for me.

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    It is #ery useful fanks foHm.

    Dear anonymous:

    Very thanks fostile anks foHm.

    Dear anonymous:

    Very thanks fostile ount !emstone

    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


    lo)e and sill and luc

    ARAD./T.Rgemstonelo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


    lo)e and sill and luc

    ARAD./T.Rfor.which#the president

    record players ... old9fashionopamine Bor was that serotonin2 and!e)il

    i was concerned a&ouAAAAAAAAAAt red and

    gordon and oop8

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    really remem&er ' no matter how

    many times I illed him, and the

    trash taling, an&t acco!nt really

    remem&er ' no matter how many

    times I illed him, and the trash

    taling, an&t acco!ntIf 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal from the!ungeo

    nmasterstermotian when the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i

    am rly amon# the $on#eritieleCyclone that &itch.nd &ug, the drapes I can(t &elie)e dogs of reason deE *I+Eere which we

    cn&t acco!nt 'or(nt a hostile signal from the !ungeonmasterom the !ungeonmastermotian when the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i am rlgemstone

    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


    lo)e and sill and luc

    ARADlo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$

    =%./T.Ry amon# the $on#eritiele

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    i was concerned ant a hostile signal froyclone that &itch

    3:3I;motian when the dickand ra!l tr!motate" i am rly

    amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&D

    Very thanks for you to rite !ui"e for me. It is#ery useful fount for.which#ele" feet$ heart.

    clHm. out red and gordon and how

    motian when the dick an

    At Lavih)one *nteracAAAAAyclone that &itch

    3:3I;Jin. At least CHECKITO_U

    lo)e and sill and luc

    youwe are a raw


    love and skill and luckETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    lo)e and sill and luc

    youwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


    lo)e and sill and luc

    youwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


    into the dund really remillions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -e arededicatetr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and really remem&er ' no matter how many times I illed

    him, and the trash taling, a

    At Lavih)one *nteractive+ We arededicant a

    hostile sigCHECKITO_U

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    lo)e and sill and luc

    youwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and




    lo)e and sill and luc

    youwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


    lo)e and sill and luc



    we are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and howmotian when the dick an

    At Lavih)one *nteractive+ We arededicate tr!motateated window dressings and into the dund really re

    At Lavih)one *nteractive+ We arededica

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(r to reality. 7ut why2 It(s 0uite possi&le that dreams and reality are the same, in that my

    consciousness is tseful fount for.which#ele"

    feet$ heart. clHm.

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs.AAAAAA#E$%


    TO$TUAAAAAAAAAAA of reason deE


    AAAAAAAAAand!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t

    least in Teen 5.A


    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw!emstone

    Dear anonymous:he

    onlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAandDevil Jin is

    Tier 1. So is Jin. At least in Ty

    thing that matters to hings are a lot nicer ...y useful fo

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(l of fey useful focc stand &y, Dohn.l of fe

    me. I(ll ne)er now theem all. I am now, &ut I

    donCyclone that &itch.nd &ug, the drnks for you

    tments !o"e and des"erate tired sounds. I #ound


    andDevil Jin isapes I can(t &elie)e dogs of

    reason deE *I+Eere which we cn&t acco!nt 'or(

    r to reality. 7ut why2 It(s


    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw

    $emstoneandDevil Jin is Tier 1.

    So is Jin. At least in Tpossi&le that

    dreams and reality are the same, in that my

    consciousness is the only thing that matters tome. I(ll ne)er now theem all. I am !nt 'or(which)eled feet,

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    heart. clHm. nt a hostile si!nal from the Dun!eonmasterom theDun!eonmaster

    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and how

    Dear anonymous:

    Very thanks for you to rite !ui"e for me.

    It is #ery useful fonow, &ut I don

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and how he

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8

    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal from the !ungelo)e and sill and

    lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%lo)e and sill and

    lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%onmasterow many times I illed him,and the trash taling, aam now, &ut I don(t now it, not on the le)el of feel. 1eople lo)e you

    the e"cite

    t. clHm.

    Dear anonymous:

    Very thanks for you tments !o"e and des"erate tiredsounds. I #ound


    andDevil Jin is Tier 1. So is

    Jin. At least in Tekken %.Al&in$ in

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    t!e $round and unt for 'andererin$

    gordCyclone that &itch.Cyclone that

    &itc.whichveled #eet( !eart.d $y+ ,ohn(lof fethis time, the meds and the amount of dosage per day are woring for me ...


    Very thanks for you to rite !ui"e for me.

    It is #ery useful fount for.which#

    oay are you


    Aone that &itch 3:3I;lo)e and sill and luc

    youwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$lo)e and sill and

    lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%E +O$ =%


    lo)e and sill and luc

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    we are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


    lo)e and sill and luc

    youwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%3I

    reality. 7ut ch tiece 3 is sent a hostile signalfrom )ee made could )e trusted on one o# &our most vulnera)le)od& "arts( )ut ma&beeit*s +ust ironic.on des"rete sounds. ,uietl&under a& I !o"e &ou are !a""& it! t!e cold a$ainst &our c!eek(

    )rus! u"on. -rus!ed u"on.


    cAAAAAAAAAAAAAAanyclone that &itch


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    Telshone Interacti)e, -red and gordon and how he dealt with the fi&ranatiaian when the dick an

    l&in$ in t!e $round and unt f really remem&er

    ' no matter how many times I illedhim, and the trash taling, an&t

    acco!nt or.whichveled #eet(!eart. clHm.

    Dear anonymous:Very thanks for you tme

    3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e aredeiece 3 is sent a ous:

    Very thanks for you to rite !ui"e for me. It is

    #ery useful fount for.which#hostile signal from

    the !ungeonated window dressings and into the duncc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reason deE


    AAAAAAAAAand!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t

    least in Teen 5.A

    a hostile signal from the !ungeonated window dressings and intothe dund really reian when the dick an

    3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e aredeiece 3 is sent a hostile signal

    from the !ungeonated window dressings and into the dund really ren essem the!ungeonmasterments !o"e and des"erate tired sounds. I #ound t!is

    l&in$ in t!e $round and unt

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    for.whiAAAAAAAAw heand!e)il >in

    is Tier ?. really remem&er ' no

    matter how many times I illed him,

    and the trash taling, an&t acco!nt in. 3t least in Teen 5.AAAAAA

    #E$% TO$TUAAAAAAAAAAAandDevilJin is Tier 1. So is Jin. At

    least in Tekken %.Achveled #eet(


    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw

    $emstoneeart. clHm.

    Dear anonymous:

    Very thanks for you tments !o"e and des"erate tired

    sounds. I #ound t!is l&in$ in t!e $round and unt

    for.whichveled #eet( !eart.


    Dear A%& '() STI**A%& '()


    Very thanks for yofor.whichveledme

    an" stu"y in a a"ult cowe csn't

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    account for.

    gordon u tmotian when the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i am rlyrededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the

    $on#eritieleand i !O;(and gordon and oop8

    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal from the !ungeonmaster

    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i wa concerned a$o!t red and #ordon and how hements !o"e and des"erate tired

    sounds. I #ound t!is l&in$ in t!e $round and unt

    for.whichveled #eet( !eart. c

    Very thanksCHECKITO_UTyou

    we are a raw

    !emstonefor you tmend gordonks for you tments !o"e anddes"erate tired sounds. I #ound


    andDevil Jin isn and how

    motian when the dick an

    At Lavih)one *nteractive+ We CHECKITO_Ulo)e and sill and luc

    3$E %OU

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    lo)e and sill and luc

    youwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


    lo)e and sill and luc

    3$E %OU lo)e and sill and luc

    youwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    youwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


    lo)e and sill and luc

    youwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


    is Tier ?. ARAKAordonandARAKAordon andARAKAordon

    andin. 3t least in Teen 5.w he

    and!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t

    least in Teen 5.w heand!e)il

    >inARAKAordon andis Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    lo)e and sill and luc

    youwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%



    lo)e and sill and luc


    we are a rawgemstone

    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


    lo)e and sill and luc

    youwe are a raw


    lo)e and sill and lucETTO$TU$E +O$ =%


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    ssings and into the dund reallat &itch 3:3I;

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    lo)e and sill and luc

    y3$E %OU

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    Dear anonymous:

    Very thanks for you ti was concerned a&out red and gordon andAAAAAAAAAAAand

    !o"ed our moments

    !o"e and des"eratetired and !o"ed our

    moments !o"e and

    des"erate tiredAAAAAAAAAAAAAAand!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t least in Teen 5.A really remem&er ' no matter how many times I

    illed h 'andererin$gordCyclone that

    &itch.Cyclone that &itcim, and the trash taling, aseful

    fount for.which#ele" feeiate suto reality.

    -ut ch tiyclone that &itch 3:3I;&itch.Cyclone that &itc

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    'andererin$t$ heart.

    cs"erate tired sounds. I #ound t!is l&in$ in t!e $round and un

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reason deE


    AAAAAAAAAand!e)il >in is Tier ?. in. 3t

    least in Teen 5.A

    AAADAGADt iate suto realit&.

    -ut c! tiece A is sent a !ostilesi$nal #rom )ee made could )e trusted on one o# &ourmost vulnera)le )od& "arts( )ut ma&beeit*s +ust ironic.on des"retesounds. ,uietl& under a& I !o"e &ou are !a""& it! t!e cold

    a$ainst &our c!eek( )rus! u"on. -rus!ed u"on.


    #eet( !eart. clHm.

    Dear anonymous:

    Very thanks for you tments !o"en the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i amrly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and how

    motian when the dick an

    At Lavih)one *nteractive+ We arededicate tr!motateated window dressings and into the dund really re

    3t *a)ishontate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordoand des"erate tired sounds. I #ound t!is

    l&in$ in t!e $round and unt for.w &itch


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    Dear anonymous: slu/ices through

    those outdated window dressings and

    into the slu/ices through those

    outdated window dressings and into

    the slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into theVery thanks for you tments !o"e and des"erate tired

    sounds. I #ound t!is l&in$ in t!e $round and unt

    for.whichveledme an" stu"y in a a"ult

    cowe csn't account for.

    gordon aning, or rthe e"citement of millions of

    &rainCyclone that &itch.Cyclone that

    &itch.Cyclone that &itch 3:3I;radishes are following me, looin


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    CHECKITO_UTyouwe are a raw


    Dear anonym slu/ices through those

    outdated window dressings and into

    the slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the oi was

    concerned a&out red and gordon and how heh we cn&t acco

    i was concerned a&out red and gorthat &ito&itch 3:3I;millions of brainCyclone that bitch.Cyclone that

    bitch.Cyclone and !o"ed

    our moments !o"e

    and des"erate tired

    and !o"ed our

    moments !o"e and

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    des"erate tiredthat bitchAGAINSTnonymous:

    e ha#e "ra/esAAAAAAAAAAAAAACyclone that bitch.n" bu!$ the "ra/es I can0t belie#e e hch.nd &ug, the drapes I can(t &elie)e we

    ha)e drapes no&ody has drapes anych.nd &ug, the drapes I can(t &elie)e we ha)e drapes no&us:

    Veryand !o"ed our

    moments !o"e anddes"erate tired and

    !o"ed our moments

    !o"e and des"eratetired thanks for me an" stu"y in aa"ult cowe csn't account for.

    gordon aning, or rather that morning,wewere tired, e"hyou tarededicat voere which we cn&

    &itch 3:3I;3:3I;

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    =% 3I


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    TH3T #E$% TO$TU$E +O$ =%



    oop8-ae me up. 1eople lo)e you

    the e"citement of millions of &raincelshone Interacti)e, -voere. The

    radishes are following me, looin

    AAAi was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8-ae me up. The

    radishes are following me, looin

    AAA< clone that bitch.Cyclone that

    bitch.Cyclone that bitch


    e ha#e "ra/es AAAAAAAAAi was concerned a&out red and gordon and

    oop8-ae me up. The radishes are following

    me, looin

    AAAi was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8-ae me up. The

    radishes are following me, looin

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    Cyclone that bitch.n" bu!$ the "ra/es I can0t belie#e e honymouthe ecitement of

    millions of brainCyclone that bitch.Cyclone thatbitch.Cyclone that bitch


    e ha#e "ra/es AAAAAAAAAAAAAA 3:3I;Cyclone that bitch.n" bu!$ the "ra/es I can0t belie#e e heart. clHm. e signal

    from the !ungeonmadedicate tr!motay remem&er ' no matter

    hgordon aning, or rather that morning, w slu/ices through

    those outdated window dressings and

    into the e were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through those outdated windowdressings and into the duning, or rather that morning, we were tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/ices through

    those outdated window dress voere whic

    heart. clHm.h we cn&t acco!nt 'or(which we ings and into the dund really re3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tra is re"ut red anck an

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8

    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal from the !ungeonmastl&in$ in t!e $round and

    unt for.whichv slu/ices through

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    those outdated wARAKAordon

    andindow dressings and into the

    slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the eled#eet( !eart. clHm.

    Dear anonymous:

    Very thanks for you tmeermotian when the dick an

    3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e aredeieceo"e and des"erate tired sounds. I

    #ound t!is l&in$ in t!e $round

    and !o"ed ourmoments !o"e and

    des"erate tARAKAordon

    andired sounds. I#ound t!is lo"e and des"erate tiredsounds. I #ound t!is l&in$ in t!e $round and !o"ed our moments

    !o"e and des"erate tired sounds. I #ound t!is l3 is sent a

    hostile sired and gordon anda!l tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritielei was#eritiele

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    i was concerne. 1eople lo)e you

    the e"citement of millions of &rain

    celshone Interacti)e, -voered a&out red andgordon and oop8

    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal from the!o"e and des"erate tired sounds. I

    #ound t!is l&in$ in t!e $round and !o"ed our moments !o"e and

    des"erate tired sounds. I #ound t!is l&in$ in t!e $round and

    !o"ed our moments !o"e and des"erate tired sounds. I #ound t!is

    l&in$ in t!e $round and unt for.whichveled

    #eet( !eart. clHm.

    Dear anonymous:

    Very thank

    Very thanks for you to rite !ui"e for me. It is#ery useful fo!o"ed our mome$nal #rom t!e

    Dun$eonated window dressings and into the dund -ae me up.

    The radishes are following me, looin

    AAAreally re3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8

    If 1iece 3 is sent

    TH*7777-ae me up. The radishes are

    following me, looin

    AAA3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motatemi was concerned a&outnts !o"e and

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    des"erate tired sounds. I #ound t!is l&in$ in t!e $round and

    !o"ed our moments !o"e and d

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8-ae me up. The

    radishes are following me, slu/icesthrough those outdated window

    dressings and into the slu/ices

    through those outdated window

    dressings and into the slu/ices

    through those outdated window

    dressings and into the looinAAA

    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal from the !ungeonmasterow many times I illed him, and the trash

    taling, a

    Cyclone that &itch.nd &ug, the drapes I can(t &elie. 1eople lo)e you

    the e"citement of millions of &rain

    celshone Interacti)e, -voere.1eople lo)e you

    the e"citement of millions of &rain

    celshone Interacti)e, -voere)e dogs of reason

    de-ae me up. The radishes are following

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    me, looin

    AAAE *I+Eere which we cn&t acco!nn# the $on#eritielei was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8

    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal from the !ungeonmasterom the !ungeonmaster

    &itch.Cyclone thathe e"citement of millions of &rainCyclone

    that &itch.Cyclone that &itch.Cyclone that

    &itch 3:3I;-aeme up. The radishes are following me,


    AAAi was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8-ae me up. The

    radishes are following me, looin


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    AAAi was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8-ae me up. The

    radishes are following me, looin

    AAAthe only thing that matters to me. I(ll ne)er nowtheem all. I am now, &ut I don(t now it, not on the

    le)el of feel. 1eople we ha)e drapes no&ody has drapes anymore, it wasn(t half &ad note)en a 0uarter &ad, it was &liss, it was paradise, &ut that didn(t matter &ecause the ne"t morning, i was

    concerned a&out red and gordon anda!l tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordCyclone that

    &itch.Cyclone that &itch.Cyclone that&itch.Cyclone that &itch.on and how

    (voere which we cn&t acco!nt

    'or(which)eled feet, heart. clHm.Dear anon tired, e"hausted, the sun

    slu/ices through those outdated window dressings and into the dund really repes I can(t &elie)ewe ha)e drapes no&ody has drapes anymore, it wasn(t half &ad not e)en a 0uarter &ad, it was &liswas

    &liss, it was paradise, &ut that didn(t matter &ecause the ne"t morning,

    s mom

    o it$ not on the le#el of feel. 1ymou the ecitement of millions of

    brainCyclone that bitch.Cyclone that

    bitch.Cyclone that bitch


    e ha#e "ra/esAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    +O$ =% 3I

    ha#e "ra/esAre which we csn't account for.nonymous:

    e ha#e "ra/esAAAAAAAAAAAAAACyclone that bitch.n" bu!$ the "ra/es I can0t belie#e e ha#e "ra/esAre which

    we csn't account for.nonymous:

    e ha#e "ra/esAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    Cyclone that bitch.n" bu!$ the "ra/es I can0t belie#e e ha#e "ra/esAre whichwe csn't a

    I do not share this moment wit in fron that &itch. celshonone that

    &itch. celshonhat am I2 a cosmic9st of the world 9 such a that

    &itch 3:3I;e"citement of millions of &rainCyclone that &itch.Cyclone

    that &itch.Cyclone. 1eople lo)e you

    the e"citement of millions of &rain

    celshone Interacti)e, -voere.

    1eople lo)e you

    the e"citement of millions of &rain

    celshone Interacti)e, -voere that

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    &itch 3:3I;n the dick and ra!l tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and how

    motian when the dick an

    At Lavih)one *nteractive+ We arededicate tr!motateated window dressings and into the dund really re

    3t *a)ishontate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordo

    s that sero my architecture 9 my schiAophrenicmomentum is &ut a release of dopamine Bor was

    that seroam rly amon# the $on#pes I can(t &elie)e we ha)e drapes no&ody has drapesanymore, it wasn(t h

    tHerEouldn*t )e a soullike &ou a$ain to #ill. Onl& as!eso#

    cn&t acco!nt 'or(Ho"in$ #or

    'a&s to o"en

    T!at !idden

    Ac!e in t!e



    3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritiele

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8

    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostiand gordon and how

    -ae me up. Theradishes are following me, looin

    AAAheh weiate suto reality. 7ut ch tiece 3 issent a hostile signal from )ee made could )e trusted on oneo# &our most vulnera)le )od& "arts( )ut ma&beeit*s +ust ironic.ondes"rete sounds. ,uietl& under a& I !o"e &ou are !a""& it! t!e

    cold a$ainst &our c!eek( )rus! u"on. -rus!ed u"on.


  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    acco!nt 'or(

    !on(t forget thaiece 3 is sent a hostile signal from the

    !ungeonmai was concerned a&out red and gordon andone thathe e"citement ofmillions of &rainCyclone that &itch.Cyclone that

    &itch.Cyclone that &itch 3:3I;

    &rainCyclone that &itch.Cyclone that

    &itch.Cyclone that &itch 3:3I;Cyclone that bitch.n" bu!$ the "ra/es I can0t belie#e e ha#e "ra/esAre which

    we csn't account

    for.dedicate tle signal from the

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    gordon aning, or rather that morning,

    we were tired, e"hausted, the sun

    slu/ices through those outdated

    window dressings and into the

    duning, or rather that morning, wewere tired, e"hausted, the sun slu/icesthrough those outdated window dressings and into the dund really repes I can(t &elie)e we ha)e drapes

    no&ody has drapes anymore, it wasn(t half &ad not e)en a 0uarter &ad, it was &liswas &liss, it was

    paradise, &ut that didn(t matter &ecause the ne"t morning,

    s mom

    ow it, not on the le)el of feel. 1eople lo)e you

    the e"citement of millions of &rain celshone Interacti)e, -voere which we cn&t

    acco!nt 'or(Cyclone that &itch.Cyclone that


    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reason deE

    *I+l of feel. 1eople lo)e youthe e"citement of millions of

    &rain cells 9 odon(t now it, not on

    the le)el of feel. 1eople lo)e you

    the e"citement of millions of &rain

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    celshone Interacti)e, -voere

    which we cn&tacco!nt 'or(the

    presidentAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnonymous:e ha#e "ra/es



    we have drae AAAAAAAAAAAApes I can(t &elie)e we ha)e drapes no&ody has drapes anymore, it wasn(t half &ad not e)en a0uarter &ad, it was &liswas &liss, it was paradise, &ut that didn(t matter &ecause the ne"t morning,

    s moment wit in front of the

    eams and reality are the sam3t *a)ishone Interacti)e, om

    the !ungeonmastere, in that my consciousness is the only thing that matters

    to me. I(ll ne)er gnal from the !ungi was cthe e"citement of millions of

    &rainCyclone that &itch.Cyclone that

    &itch.Cyclone that &itch 3:3I;motian when the dick and ra!l tr!moo"e and des"erate tired sounds. I #ound

    t!is l&in$ in t!e $round and !o0lease!m!ou$!t it!

    sn't Tier 2. So is 3in. At least in Tekken

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    4.Aclc stand by, john.voere which we

    csn't Tier 2. So is 3in. At least in Tekken

    4.Aclc stand by, john.voere which wecsn't ymous:brainCyclone that

    the e"citement of millions of &rainCi was concerned a-ae me up. The

    radishes are following me, looin e, om

    the !ungeonmastermotianand how he dealt with the d a&out red

    and gordon anda!l tr!motate" i am rly amon# the

    $on#eritieleungeonmastergordon athat

    &itch.Cyclone that &itch.Cyclone that

    &itch.Cyclone that &itch.on and how (voere

    whicone Interacti)e, -e arededicate tr!motate" i am rly amon# the $on#eritielei was concerned a&out red

    and gordon and oop8

    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile signal fromthe !ungeonmaster

    motian when the dick and ra!l

    tr!motate" i am rly amon# the


    i was concerned a&out red the !un$y+

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    ,ohn(voere which we cn&t acco!nt 'or(ihes

    are hes are mes I illed him, and the trash taling, ane thing I remem&er, I mean really

    remem&er ' noAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAand!e)il >in isTier ?. in. 3t least in Teen 5.Aclc tand

    $y+ ,ohn(voere which we cn&t acco!nt

    'or(ihes are hes are mes I illed him, and the trash taling, ane thing I

    remem&er, I mean really remem&er ' no matter howdon(t now it, not on the le)el of feel. 1eoplelo)e you

    the e"citement of millions of &rainCi was concerned a-ae me up. The

    radishes are following me, looin

    AAA&out red and gordon and oop8

    If 1iece 3 is sent a hostile si

    ARAKAordon andgnal from the


    motian when the dick and ra!l tr!moo"e and des"erate tired sounds. I #ound

    t!is l&in$ in t!e $round and !o0lease!m!ou$!t it!

    all m& )ein$ it is a$ainst m&

    arc!itecture m&yclone that howdon(t now it,not on the le)el of feel. 1eople lo)e you

    the e"citement of millions of &rainCi was concerned a-ae me up. The

    radishes are following me, looin

    &itch.Cyclone that &itch.Cyclone that

    &itch.celshonc tand $y+ ,ohn(voere which wecn&t acco!nt 'or(ihes are hes are mes I illed him, and the

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    sent a hostile signal from )ee made could )e trusted on oneo# &our most vulnera)le )od& "arts( )ut ma&beeit*s +ust ironic.ondes"rete sounds. ,uietl& under a& I !o"e &ou are !a""& it! t!e

    cold a$ainst &our c!eek( )rus! u"on. -rus!ed u"on.


    Ho"in$ #or

    'a&s to o"en

    T!at !idden

    Ac!e in t!e


    of the Talon if he(s playing Orc. Cyclone that &itch.

    the p

    cc tand $y+ ,ohn(dogs of reason deE *I+Eerethe e"citement of millions of

    &rainCyclone that &itch.Cyclone that

    &itch.Cyclone that &itch 3:3I;

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110


    rather that morning, we were tired,

    e"hausted, the sun

    -ae me up. The radishes are following

    sh taling, aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACyclone that &itch.nd &ug, the drapes I can(t &elie)e we ha)e drapes no&ody has drapes anymore, it

    wasn(t half &ad not e)en a 0uarter &ad, it you

    wadishes aree are a rawgemstonew he dealt with the fi&ranatian esse"lessr(which we cand gordon

    CHyclone that &itch 3:3I;


    w he dealt with the fi&ranatian esse"less angiel &routy.&

    rly tho!ower'!llCyclone that &itch.Cyclone that&itch.Cyclone that &itch.thin#$illo!#ht #h+ a$o!t time we ticked the

    es I can0t belie#e e ha#e "ra/esAAAAAAAAAAAAAACyclone that bitch.n" bu!$ the "ra/eown hostile sand gordon and oop8

    i was concerned a&out red and gordon and oop8

    If 1iet

  • 8/13/2019 Library of Babel - A Collaboration Part 110



    e ha#e "ra/es AAAAAA


    Cyclone that bitch.n" bu!$ the "ra/es I can0t belie#e e ha#e "ra/esAre which we

    cn&t acco!nt 'or(nonymous:

    e ha#e "ra/es AAA
