library of congress · intelligencer bookandjoboffice....

INTELLIGENCER BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. TiituiMleiaignedlakelhlioccation to iemlndtb*ir friend, . ml th* public renei til)', lint in connection with tin olAc* or th* billy lnt«lllgeiicer, tb*y hive » Job Office evprebtly * tied v lor h* .tecutlon of >11 kind, or ' PI.AIN ANUOBXAMKmLPRINTINO. *. TWl.r JP*UW*. .¦nbrtcliig It 'J11 »W«» 01 Job .ype, tndthtn Uiga anyl wellttlected .' «rd«. Ink*. Ac., Wins puicbtted tl the oweit (. .VI |I,ICM, tnd the Job oak* being * dlltilrct >le »tl I mem, carefully tnd efficiently tn,iieg*d, tUycanguaran t»* loiUIr cuatomeia eotii* taUlUctloii, u regaiiUthe oiuf.1, Accuracy Md Prampiama, with which tMir work win be don* 7hey tit pttntitd toaucate £»*»* Pt 001 aMM ft, OitrtLat*, Poeraaa, r,*"t.V COKI HIT 8ll.Lt, JIlLL JlvaDt, Halt. TlCktr., {JlLLt l,*Otko, STItMIOaT Mint, nlHkCllknU, At'lllON illLU, Oatiki Hooxe, Uaav Tit kit., Jut". P#*IOIIT llOOKt, 5,tB* H»IUO»» llLaHKa, Hr< ti»Ti Hotbl Htuima*, rai.ima, Kraaon*, llama, KI.duo* Ticaara, AMiw.T.attordMrlplioaortoiur.piMaPrtiihM. Alto .II kiudeuf work in coi.onn ANDRiiorrzBn, WAll ordara rrom a dlataece promptly ttltndtd to HW KARI NtiK!t,ri Y LOK & *0. ADVERTISEMENTS. No. 1, Sprigg House Emporium!! CLOTHS, CASSIMEHE8 AND VESTINOSI I-..?®]! Spring nuil ft manner Oodul TAh A l'leaiurd Mi| able to tay to my old cu»t m- i.M/i ?,i!? community, that 1 have lust returned Jrom .New York, and have t*?n able to piocuie a.^JL^!°r .'..MoMbUliothltfor the aeatox that tbc great htpforiuni, lUw York, can import rum Fiance and the olv count rie«| and ha Ting di«i>enaed with tl»e sale of com mo* clothing, glvea me mote lootn and time to attend lo lb# M ania or my cuitomeri iu lha faaliioiubla way. H> mw aiuck now conaiaia or (lack, aaoWN, okkkn, »U'«, ouvi and DA LIIIA CLOTH*. Alio. tllk and wooi cuhmerellt, all ihadettnd colotai bombailne, drapiter luramerclolha, linen and grt.ieloth., Ac., for making frock, drra*. lack and bualneil coata . French, English, and Ameilctn caiilintieii alao, docki, linen dilliin(a. Ac., for making Paula. Aa lo Vcailnta, I have the nwtt baautlril wlection evar looked al In anycl If, *11 of which I am now prtpared to r.taka up In the moll fashionable and beat nyte, aa I htveaecuied Mr Ht aatLL'a ..rvlee. for Ih* cob,,, | frej certain In eaylaxtbat I can furnlth bcltar clotha tommy bout* weal 01 Ihe/fllegheny mounliiiu. In connection with Iheabove I hav*a beautiful aaaoil- tnent o Purnlahlnj Gooda, ah line, aeaaonable, and laab l'inabl,,conalatlii(or cloib, cttaimer*, caibr.arttt, bom btaliit, graea llnan, diabllt and plain linen, fiock, die» and butlne*i coata, veil! and pant*, made from ll>* inoat laihlunabie and aeaaonab'e (iooda, In great vailetyi alao, linenand cotton Khlrli, Hi en, lambe wool ai:d cot¬ ton Undent,irii and Diiwini cuaata, atocka, colltia, glove* and uapender*. Holler* in glut vtrlelyi alao. every other arllcl* ault .bl, loi coinpltiinf t >eni:eintu't waidrolx. All lb* tboat named ailldtv loctiher with uuny olhei . 'title* tkttt** found tt mj atore. No I, Knriu Houie. rleaa* call loand lake : look, and much obllxe youia, b. KICK. NOTICE^ EXTKA. I haraa email at nek of common clo.l.lnflhat I will dia- pot* of *1 com, or even leu, to make room loi my Kpilne Mock of Mmfooda: * ¦"»' 8 HIliK New Savings' Bank Store, niw rtiHiNONiu Ltrrtaa at tiie old rorrorricicl J A M now recti »ln, and openlni an unuanally larea anil atnt'tl tuaorlmtnlof lloote, Shoea, llata, llonntti, mbreltaa and Cartel Kacka, al thernrntrof Market and Slonio* aliecla, Wheeling, V'a,, In the room fitriiMiljr oc¬ cupied tt lb* Pott Office and oppoalte the Mcl,ure llooae, a vary laijeand <nt|i*l>- new atock which wa,puiclia»ed lor caah, iioiu th« manufactuiflra 01 Ihc Noitb, ui dtrli.e inoat raTOrtblaclrcumalancea, and offer tham lotbecltl rent of WIimIIii, fid vicinity al reduitd prlctt, whole- ailt and retail, and itapouiully aollclt a abtre of palion- t|«. I deem il o«elfta totty much In praiaeor mytlotk. ir I ndatak* not, the people ol Wheeling are not to raaily kumbufted by advertlani; pufTai anfflcelt loaay I have any variety of men'a. youllit' tnd hoy'a llooteand Shoea, inir- tor, ailk, muleakln, wool, l^,liorn, biuthtinl »lrtw btit, and for ladiet tvtry vaiieiy uftilk, lawn, at raw aid braid bonntta. of the n»oat recent laehiona tnd aiylet. Alao. Mioea. Nlippera and (laitera, both fur ladiet, mlaaeaat'd cblldrtn, of the moat tkahlonable fctyle, make and quality .call and ua Tor lourtelvra, Havlnf purchaaed a lair Mock or Hit above named tr llclaa, I would reapeclfully invite country merrbania to call and *e« me, or atml me ibelrordtrt I will duplictlo t»y hllla purchaaed in the ettlern cltle* for caab. tpM II. II. WATSON. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. 8lmc*a I*. IVttdraw having, on th* lllbdtyol Apill, l#<4, by nioptr deed conveyed in trutl lo Ihe unileitltntd lor Hit bei.efll ol hia aald Woodiow't ciedii ora, all of hia rati tnd |«itonal pro|*rly and clioaet Inac- iloui all peraona In tny wite Indtbted totald Woodrow aie required to rruk* hnme.lnle pay mem torn*, ami all p*iaona having cltrma afainat aald Noodrnw ara laqulied In m der lo leeelve any htuefi'. under and tiuat, wllliln lour month* 10 Air llitlr clt'ma with the proper leieare ae coiding to lb« ItllOa of »ald deed, wlib Ihe undtitltutd. ar-n f.KO >V. MOIITH, ^aaigmt. Saddlers Hardware. AND CIIACII TKIUMINII. T CUT opened, . luge aiaorlment oINaddler't llaril ware V «rd t nrliTilninilng , Ootchaid I^Mler Vaml.n, Hufcjy Howl, llubn, Npok*a, Kellowa, Ctrr1t;etnd Tlte Holla, Malleable Irom, Patent and Kntmelleil Letthtr. and ev*rythln| naed by Ihe trade, to which I In vile the at lurllouoftl.e public. ' JOHN KXOTK, nial J Old Hltiid, iMMtln at, Notioe. WD. MOTTK ban aatoclated with him aa a ntrtner, . hit brother J. W. MOTTK, the partneiahip coni- irrnciry on t*»e I f th Inat Th« atyla of th« Arm will br W. iJ. AIOTTK<V HKOTHKK. [fabli Second Notioe. ALL peraona Indebted to W. D. Mottb art requested to call and aettlo their accounta immediately. >bl< W, I). MOTTK. Bound to Sbave! DKJA4UKK LKCOULTHK'H ctlebraled warranted I Hataois. I hey ahave with thegieatett eaae, and air the beat ever bronght to t hia market. Jual receved at C. P- IIHO WW'fi Wew'Jewelry 8tore. WaahlnttoH '1 hrew Phytic It ihe l)eg«-ft*aherMBcbcr a IIVURO BLKCTKIO VuLTAlC CHAINS* Producing Inrlanl relief from the moat tctfe pain and per ntaneiitlrcuilna all Meuialgle dlaeaaet, Kheuma tlam, ptlnlul tnd Swelled Jolnta, Keuitlgla or tha Pace, Deafueaa, blindneaa, St. VMwf anea, Palpilatlpne of II* Heart, Periodical lleadacbca, Ptlnt In the stomach. In- Paralyala, tie. The** chain* were drat Introduced in Ik* rlly of New Jork lu* Iban on* y**r tlnce, and tiitr hein, auhjecled ( thorough tritla In avery boapllalln the city, and appli¬ ed by lira. Valentin* Molt, Poat, Carnockan, Van lluien aid other*, it wta di»co**i*d that they poaaeaa aiiaure and WOI d*rftd power In lb* lelief and car* or tbe tbove data ol dlaetMt, md th*lr aal*. tnd II,* toccett llitl bta .Headed (kali ut* It uniwralleM. Prevloua to llielr Inlioilucllon Into thl" country, Iney were u**dln*veiy liotplltl In Kuiore, and ai.«meil by i<* In Prane*, (Itrmany, Aoalila, Piuaai* and Bn, landi tndtlaolnlbt United Klttf*. "THINK CL08B AND PONDER WELL" Tht principle! upon which II U claimed thai Ihe chiliit pioducttMlr nv,rvelloui cuiea art, fliat.that all turvut duiAjti aie attcudtd tnd produced by i deficient aupplyot I 0*1 vow fluid, tnd tn tjent lUt rexmbletdoael) elecliic. Hy or electro intgnelitnii tnd aecond-tlut tlw electro mtgotllcchalnt, by being worn ovtr and upon Ihenait and oi ga u d! tea ted, rumlah lo tba etlnuatrd uerviaia ,yt. lam, by It* powerful atlmulallng effect., tba nervout fluid I * hMllky tct.oa tbiongh the noaliumlttllriwed lobe It. , fit rljld obatrvince ollliel o*rtl Itwa or health trt lequlied Hiltk filcllon upon . ptrldliaiaed add* much to tbt effect of lb* cbalna, by lacrMtlm their raaci.ellr power. ONB THOUSAND which la required lo produce a be* entli* *iatem. Nodiajualln* notli ken wkll* u*ln| lb* chtlna, but t t jr .aalai lh*lr fMinellc power. DOLLARS will b* tlv*n to tny pcrton ho will pioduc* *o many wtll aalhtnllcated i*nlflctte« of car*, both (rum lutein- I gent pel le nit and teitnliflc phyaiiltnti aa haytbeen el- lected by Uie ute of Pulvtrnitclier'a Klectrlc Cbalnt,. 'I hey never tbil to perform what they tr. adverliaed to do tnd au ptiton baa ever been dltttlitfled wlx, bti glvtu l he in a trial IN FEMALE DISEASES. Mere than on hucdied permenent enret or I'mitpau* I teil btve been effected year kytbtuw ol tl,et* chain*. Ily applying one end or Hie chtln over the region el the abdomen, and Hie oilier urontbt tplat, iuni .bove Ibelilp, the utuel «eveie .yinptoma Incident lotbtt .liaetrt ¦¦. at once rernnved. MODE OK I18E. Thecbtln Mould bemoi*lenedbefore uae wilhtoiniiam I \inert!, and tl.en one end ol Ihe chain abould be applied dlieclly to tl« teat ol Ihe pain or dlMdre, and lh* oilier end nppnaite (oil. BK NUT l)K< KIVHIII The Klectrlc Cbalna ai* not locuratlldlvtMHi but lor Neiruua l>i«eat*a It la claim t«l tbal NO Medicloal Ageul in Ihe woild bit prndLied to I inani cuic* In Ibelatl year .aibe Kkf trie chain INHTANT HKLIKrUoni II,e moel acute pain, lepro- ducxl >1 the moir*nl ol applicatiun raorii moieeffectuallv than can b* pritlucetl by o luui, inany ol It*mini* Call end obtain a pamphlet (giatta) ONE WORD MOKE. These chtlna are themmewheh btve lately beehMnt ovtr lo the Mnperor of tbe PreiKh, to be tiled byhlaowu phyaidana In caret i l cholera, etc. ami which have pioved to amlr.tnlly aucceaaful. J. fiTKINKK r, tole Agent cori er IMnce atieel tral llroadwar. O-JAMRK IIAKKK, tnd iiieulUni*r & A ¦ mat rout. Wheeling agtnl*. dcll-lyr I Dr7Todd'fl Pills C1AN be hadrrtah anil genuine11 (he (tollowing ptacea In J theeilyoi IPlieelingand vklnlly. Tilt.At tbe Urut .tore* or itrret lltktri Ketla A ( alduelli llr*ntlln»r A ®*» T" l oganA I 01 Fieil'k Vahrlmg, Wm AfcKee A Cot(Rllcki«town)i P A llrentilrifei (t enlr* Wbe*llng)iti k* 4-koetiiiienr Todd A Devol, market tqutre, tad all tba Pro, ttore of the proprietor, coiner orQulncytml Plfhttrcel*. They fen alto be bad tt P Ouun't, Grave Creeki A U«- dlllion't and Jacnb (ioodine't, Nailoutl Hoei't Ben], I. Craven, welllAlexardrlai « llson .Vtilnjer'*, weat Wheel- Ingi end Kir Looman'l, llrld{e|ioii, Ohio. Thete pllltneeii aofuriker recommendation than a all trlali tbey have now been In couatant ute lor wore than twenty year*, end If you Willi only give them a chance they I will apeak for Utem»*lve».ti> tliem. »4cper boxi (i pti don J20 per groat. ltrA I " nbW nooKsi-"" Thler'e Consulate trd Kmpli*,-t volt. "Iltad:*)'a Second War with Knfltud," t vol*. ..Headley'r Semed MounltlMi" "^t Id win A 1 homaa' Cattttwrof lb* U. S." "8b**'a Civil Aieklteciaret" "Mlt .le lleiinoni" "Kathay.n slave." by Mr*. Judao*| "tiietl.e'1 rautt.'' die drC Juat tecelved by tp!8 WlLliB A PHOTO BH. TTRTTHflEM--i«iiit, vtinl.b, will, Tor ih. "medical. Prof. Woods' Hair Hi-aioruilve In now Ut the firat tin* intro¬ duced to U>« ciliieut of Wheeling, tt Ho KB Mark t ad cat, which la the only euie remedy ever invented that will effectually tealore the «rey halit and wbiakers to the original color of pulii, without dyein i cover Hi; bald head In aahoil time with thenatuial roveilug, lemove dandiutT. and prevent* the hair Irom falling off, and la free frum tl.o flllhv sediment to objectionable in dlvora prepa. i at ions oT different iu nk« a now befoietho nubile; ll.e Hl ¦tor a*i ivk la a beautiful article Tor the toilet, for the old 01 yout g. and can only be apmcciated by Ita utej end all are leapectiully Invited to call at tin* Depot nnd examine the testimonial# ol ladies and gentlemen of high tepiita- linnluihe South ami Went, where It wit invented, bul will leler to the certificate below of the diatii guiahed atateamanand Senator, Judge llieeae, ol lllluoi»: Carlvlk, III-, Jui*'.T, IW3. I have used Prof. O. 8. Wooda' Mlalr Heatoralive,' and kave idinlied the wonderluledect. .My hair waa becom¬ ing, aa I thought, prematurely giey, but by the uieol lot 'Kealoiatlve' It haa leaunied Ita original iolor, and 1 have no doubt permanently to. HIDNKV I1RKK«K( Kx*£enator of the United States. I'rofr.aor WmiI>< Oriruml MomoiItb lilnimcMt- , , Tlila IJnlment ti> valuable autinaiy In the treatment ol aomeol the moil formidable diaeaiea with wlntu UMOur lot for lii»l»iK*. ieutli. Hr « lliuroueli and continued epplk«llo»iol Ible Llnlinent over the ri'glon of the afletltd organ,1 i)C*e oth erwlae formidable dlae.tea <mioiK« dle.uiie.lor moi» thin hill llnlr lenoie, paitliulailir >niongchildten, and tliuua.u,d« bl mother., *»eie lhe> .lii»wed lp*|-e.k, woud Will, til the eloqience of reeling and affection, hear llreli unittd leallmouy to llit fact that li bad * natc lifo 11*11 enil. dian fiom the veiy .ie,*a o' death, and tentoied tlMlii to tbalr foimer heallhand brauiy. Agal., It will be lound a pnveilulai.iillai j In removing what lageneieliy known aa an Afui Cakr.oran enlargement otlhe caae. where an exie m.I appllcailou laot aervicc, tlila Un* .Mlit will be fouinl uaeul. ..... , ... draaoraat Dep. I CM llroadivaj*. .Vw \ork:and 114 arkel al.Ht Louia Poi aale wholesale tnd retail In W heellniM W11,1,1AM J AHMSIHONi. $5,000 nvw M. BALLY'S ANTIDOTE AND GONORRHEA LOTION, THE GREAT OllIOINAIi FRENCH PREPARATIONft Por the *afe. <r* eedy and effectual cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleeta, Htiicturea, Whites, Painslnthe back and Loina, SVndnal weakneaa, and .ill other PlSUItlltltS or TilY. IISINARV IlKtlANS. Tbeae Invaluable prepa itionshave now been before the tuhllc for ll.e past Ave >eer*,end nave become ao well and voiably Hnown that they Uo«ot icquiie eny very elaho rate piaitte. 'I hey weie invented by one of the Aeat eml moatceUbrafed venereal phya-clsua in Perls, end sine* tbelr Inlroductlou iutoibe Unite J Kletes. heve effected muiecuies, both Of lecent cetea ¦ml thoaeof longstand¬ ing. than any other medicines ol the kind, ever* offered to Ibe public In I he treatment of Qonotrhot* and Qlnt, el- ao Lucorrh** or WMtf (In leirwles) tl ey have never been equalled, having cured many ca#«a of fiom 0 t eight yeara'slaiiding. Slid the Propiletor telll tcarront Ih'in to cuis nlnersaes out of ten, taking them on an eveiege. They coiiialn mercury or an., other mineralsubalance» esslarce ntsjoi llyof the niepaiatlons now In use do, but on th* conliary, aieenliiely Vepe'eble In their iistuie, ¦ ml will do no Injury to the ino»t delicate female lliose who ere efflicted cennot do belter then to try them, end they will recommend themselves. They ere put up In bottles, with f»»1l diiectlons eccom- neuiliaKtbem. the Antidote at $1, and the lotion atuOfcU per bo*.lie Oi.ehdltle lasia ten dsys. Many hsve been entirely cured in two nrthieedav*. Invented byM.U.UJ.Y, Phyalclaiiof llie Peilsllospl- tel«, end pie|ured fr.un the oiigiual lecipea, einl eold at Wbolesele and retail by , OUROY & CO., Ormriial Aokntk, for the United Kteiesend ( suede, to whom orders muat beaddietsed. . , u Princlpel Depot,436 Uroedwey, coiner Orend at., New York , . Sold in Wheeling, whole,e,eend retell by I. II. PATTKKKON a Co. No. 33 Monroe at. Pltlaburi-PI.KMISO A llHOTIIKIIh, Ko. M Wood »t. anil by I)iucfial«j;eiier.llr Jel»-.:«i AFFLICTED READ!! T>blln«lrlplila MrUlral llaiiSe-Katebllah-d«0 g )enrn*goby Ur- Klinhelint corner 'I'lilid and Union ste. between spruce and, Philadelphia, P«. INVALIDS Are eppilaed that Dr. KlNKKM.t conHuea his piectlce to e pellicular biuiKh ot u-edicii.e, winch engajeb his undivided attention. He caution* t'.e tinToi lunete eseiuM tho nbune of meicu.yj thoueauds eie ei.nually meicurielited ou' of lite. Keceni affections eie piomptly """'l-WBNTV YEAIIS UK EXPKRIBNOH In the treatment of aclamof di»t«ae» hitherto end lmi>eifectly undcistuotl, lias enabled 1»k. hi.Mvr.- I.I.N, (Aulhoi o/ u vol A on A'r'/ I' r./ion,) lo |M0ve tb.t nine leniha ol alar c.uae. 01 n.r«on. d.biliijr, local . ud toiialltutluiral weaki.esn. menial and |'h)alcal auiroi- Inc. are lieceabie to certain babila, loiming tlw most Re« cietyet deedly end lalal epiinga of domentlc mieery ei.u ¦"."-"".irKB^ARTICULAB NOTICE. Thereieene%il hsbit tometlive* Indulged in by boys, In solitude, often growl r in with them to manliood, end which, If not reiormed In dne time, not only begets ieil- oun obiiei les to nialiimouial happinee>, bm gives rise to e aeiies of piotisctcd, inal ioua, elid deveatating effec- tlona. Few of tl.oae who give way lo Hne Kinicloua piecliceere awaieol the consequeiKe*, until they Und the iiei \oua ¦>atemi »hetteied, Tre. fcliange elid unacCounU* ble, and vague fear In tho mind. the uiitiutunele thue efllicied becomee feeble, It une* ble to lebor with eccuitomed . Igor, or lo apply hie nd u to aludyi lilaatep U teidyend week, he in dull, liieko- lute, and ea ia his aport with le»HCiieigy than naual. |l emancipates hlimelf be.oie the practice hae dune il4\vo:at end entrr HMlili»»oiiy, hla maril^gc »» ulifiUll ful, end hhaeuae leila blmlbat Una ia ceuMrd by bin early f dliee. Tu<ie ait comidtrahont uhich »h*uld awkm lh. elfemtene/ tho*e t^xUrl}/ tiiumted. MAHHIAUB. , t Hequl ee the fullilment of aeverel coudlllone. In order tbet jt may be really the ceuae of muiuel happlneSs.- Cou4 the veil which now coveie the oilgin oi domestic wietchedneaebe leieed, end Ita liue touaee »nettry t»». Ha. ce diKCloted.In how manycculdit be traced to pliya leal dlaqueliflcailona and their attendant diaappointmentl (lieuiUitucd. K em USUI EH. He who places biniaelt under Dr. Klnkelln'a treetment msy letlxiouai) toutide in lii» honoi aa a gentlemen, end rely upon the ¦.surence, (net the secieis of Dr. K. spa tisnts will never be dhtioM Young inan.let no lalie modesty detei jou ftoni inak Ingyourceae known to one who, from education and re. snetiebilil), ceu ceiteluly befriend >ou. «,,u*ir l oo many think Ibe) will conceal 'haaecra In tWr own heal la. ei.d cure Ihennelt eal alaal how often la thl» * lalal deiualou, and how nianjra |iromliln, jouni niaii, who might have been an ornament to aocleiy, haa ladeu ''bl"Mu'eV o tU urethra are lapldlf rei»o»ed by the aprllcailonof a theia|«-iiiial agent, uwed only by llr. K. U'raliu.. and CiiafllMfiOMaf ttiitilf /M"-"°r "'ToirNTHY INVALIDS. Cen hsve (by eteting their ceseeipllcltly, together with ell thalr eymptoiuH. |*«r laitei enclnainge lemlltence,) Di K'e medicine, eppiopr.eied eccoidlngty. Foiwatded to any pai tof the United Slates, end pack¬ ed wecuie from Jeinegr orcurfeaify. READ 11 YOUTH AND MANHOOD. A VitorouM L(/< or a Premature Death, Dr. Klnktlin on ' Ar/Prefrrref/eR.-On^WcenU. tiee work eminently lequiied, aa e nieenaof relOrm- '"."''""'IRTuaPa'auiW; A poet ktempR, eddreeaed to.Dr. KINKKLIN. Philadel phla, fa , will aecuie acopjr of eilhei ol the «hov» hooka by of mall, or li cnpio« will b. lent free ol I'Oal a»e 101 tl. Ilookaelelra, canvaw a, traveling ageiita, Ac., aupplled wbole.aie at th. publlahai. prlc.., which admit oi a large piollt. to-.Ml,ftie.a muat be poat.pald. .ERUPTIVE diseases. IT haa now become . .ettled fact, acknowledged, hj tin beat Fliy.iclaii. ofour city, that in th. curu of Keiolula, Tetter and many other dUc-iaos, H««» . Ki.|.in Kir,.,! or K.aaaeialtli a«o u»ho*i.ioi«. I. decidedly above all oilier pie|*aralloria. It ape«kalorltaeH wljeneyei uaeji .ud although we have never taken the palna bf hay- log It iiubllalied through the pa|iera,or appointing agent, lortba aaleol It, yetwe aie alnro.t weekly leceWIng oi¬ ler, in" Vermont, New Yoik, Ohio, Keulucky .ndolher atatea by peieon., who by »nni« cliance ineana bavn liearil otlta wonleiful curative I'owera. The lol owing i*ham . MiillemanofVeruioiH.iewilay.ali.ce, who wd ttrwr . * ery aei Ioua di.ea»ei. **°<J|°*The twobollka ofinedicln. I got fiom l»J wunlii Wheeling, have neatly cuiedmei pleuieaeudine aunt, uiuteby Keapecllully. It la now prew.lbtd by nea.l) .11 the FhyalcUna of om cllf. not aaa quack tMdlclue, lor we have made Ihem .c oujii ted with the conii^uaiit I'.itai aud .ay to. II !«h a. we have not the opi>orti.nll»or making It known to^th't It la enlliely fieo from ill nilnerila, .ni l. not In lwl«.t Ineonipatlbla withanyol I he |.ie|-aratlon« ol lo li,. Fovviei'a.olutlow,orolherpropertlea. To be had at Patlon A Uke'a. aid fr Vahtlln,. and aol.l Wholesale.nd ,tUllubKyKNTUN(;Hf| A ARWKTHONO. Monroe atreet, nppoalte WaMilngton Hall, Wheeling Va. Jul) SI. '»¦ - . *ao itooHo4|K »'. Attorneys at law & land Agents, Mnrikoli C. II., V'u., Mtundtvillt, I'. O , Wl I.I, practlceln Ohio. Maiah.ll, .nd \\ .IMleoontle.. Particular .Mention will '>egiven tocollecllona.ud buaii era. .All kindaof land ronatantly foi rule apOt-lydAtw PHILADELPHIA Curtain Warehouse, m """ IkirokTKN aku Dkai.kUlt Curtaini, Curtain Ma> Tk*l*t », AM) PuiNITVkt CoTKklNOI, The atoekconrprlalnff In part, the following! K.<5d?£a CuTulnil Ollt CoiMce.1 no AfuaiiH .'" Drapery Fa'ti'nde UlMai ao nana., Fringes, CurUln Drops. Ac. "a'urteatock nr tRXSCH huSHIS. of all colore and ^rr^n'kooiVSIUlltS. .U HOLLANDS |t all RU> M., MEDICINAL. The Nonpareil Nerve and Bone LINIMENT, PREPARED 11Y H. H. CARD A CO., FROM A PRESCRIPTION PURNISIIED BY DR. WATSON OARR, OK WHEELING, LATE OK MORQANTOWN. It (a Uiei upon thebroad Principle tht.t anyrtmedy irhirh trill relit re an external pain, trill, if properly conf founded, I* equally tucce$»/ul in removing inter¬ nal u£<ctionM\ a poirer tohieh it leantfully developed in an*t pert/liar to the fitoSPAHMJL LIMAIEST. ARB YOU SUFFERING l^HOM Ilheumetiani, Kore Throat, Cruun, Difficult X Hrxathlng. Toothache, Tic Do'oreux, rain in Ihe liir«'t 01 hide, Stiain or Spasm, Head Ache. lullsinma (ion. Stiff JoinU. Cult, MvuWee.Poleon Sore*, Fever Soica, Fein or cianipt In the Stomach, t holeia Morbus, Choleia Infantum, C'holic, J*ame Hack, Chilblains, bite* ol Poi pil¬ ous Insects or Kabid Dogs, A goo cake, .line in Die IIleast or Face, burns, braises, chafing, chapped hands, corns, Couiiactlona of tiit Muscles or coids, cuts ol any kind, Muscuar weakness, Psislyals, Files. Kar Ache, Ulcer*, Salt Kheuni, .scurvy, More Nipples, SoieLips, Veneieal Soies, Scat let Fev:r, or any similar dUrate, you may test aasuied that In this article you have A .SOVEREIGN REMEDY, which not only removes pain almost instantaneously, but penetrans to the seat of and entirely ERADICATES THE DI6BA8B. Sonic will laugh at the idea of any composition curing such a number 01 disea&es: hut if yo < but reflect that these diseases, though numeiout in name, all aiise liom similar cautes, the piopositlon will ieun less extravagant) but were It ten tlinea mo re so tiie r aits which eUre us in the fac* would Jorce the candid to acknowledge Its meiltai for all who have used it theimelves, or witnessed Itsmag/c rifectaon othera, unite in drclsnng It just what Its uame (aNonpai ell) indicate*, the be*t Liniment knotan. TO THOSE WHO THINK. Have you never noticed the striking a mllartty between many external and internal ditcaaes living entirely differ ent namca? And haa it never occuried to you that a rent¬ ed* might btprepaied which should be equally applicable to both! This lemedy Is nowoffeied you in tho Johta- RK t Linimkkt, which does not insult your uiuleralauding by claiming to have beei. fouud In aome burning mount lint of Mexico ox mighty car/# of the earth| but Is simply the Oirsrsmo or Ri ixkcs! being mCdand simple Initaaction and yet levealing in ita effects a power almost Inciedihle, .reselling (he most hidden slnewa of nsnn or benaf,. and yet being Innoxious to the weakest infant, it is also by fai the chetpett iJulmcnt In the msrket. being put up in bottles twite a* large r>» (he majority, and one-fourth laiger than the largest, beside* bning more than four tltuemia atrsiigi we thereroie offer It to you with pride and con¬ fidence, asanartlcle exactly aulted to the wanta of rich or poor, high or low. he unpiecedeuted slse In which the Nonpareil l.lnlment is put up; and tbe vest expenie of the n ateilal* u-ed in It, inakea It Impossible for us topsy toi the priming ot the hundieda of certificates we m ght publish, not do we deem it ucceasary,aa thoaiticle wheievei it ia used wi.lcertiry for llself. We would however refer (hose affi'cted ones who have soolten been gulled by foigedceitiflcateasnd bigassei lions to the following names, being but a few or the many pen sons whose chsiader for candor and veiacity need a no panegyric from us, tiiid who having fully tested its viituea In the different diseases (or which it Is letommei.ded, aie prepared toapcak ol ita meiita aa It deserves. Sold in Wheeling by jemes Maker, Hells Caldwell, T II Logan <$ to, IrK Mcfiee, Patieison & Co , and by the piincipal Diuggieteof Virginis. and Feiiiisylvania. A ugust 17, '03 From the Fairmont ( I'i.) Republican. An I a vali'ablx Manillas.-It Is but seld< m \vr find among the many lenudies offered to the public lor the cuie of disesse, oi.e we can consent tocommeud, or wlmte vlr* tues we aie able to discover, and have slwajrs >eduously avoided giving utteiance to anything that might le-dany one to suppoie that we plavd any Faith Hi their prcleu* sion>. Hut with leferencetoa remedy niauu actured ill ibis place, slid which has become ss familiar to the nubile as housel»old words, we speak liom knowledge of ita im tilnsic excellencies, its sdaptstlou to many or the Ills ol It e, and the security with whlcu it may be used. We sneak of the Noii|>aieil Nerveaud Hone Liniment, prepar¬ ed by II. II. Carr & Co.,fiom a preeciiptlou furnished by Ur Watson Carr, lateoi Moigautowu, and now of Wheel* lug, one ol the most eminent Fhyslcisns In Virginia. This Liniment is based upon the bioad ptlnclple that any ieme- dy which will lellav# external pain, will il properly com* pounded, be equally efficacious in lemovlt g internal slTec. tlona, a principle that has been successfully develored . It la aimply the offspring of Sclei.ce, being mild and sim¬ ple in ita Kctiou, and yet levealing lulls effects a power more incredible, reaching the mnil hidden ainew* ol npn snd beast.and yet being Innoxioua to tao weakest infulit.. It is also by tar the rheapttt l.lmmeut in iho usiket. being put up in lottles twice as Isige ss the majoitty, si d one* louith larger than the largest, besides being more Humour limes aa at ong We commend Ittothose in want ol a asfe and ceitain remedy 'Mian Itiiaw Thyaell." An Invaluable Book lor 25 Cents "tivrnf Fuinilu thou hi Auv u Copy." COKlHS roIu in le^a than three months. A UUUU new edition revised and impro\ed, lusi Issued Pit HU.MKH'S MKOICAI' MANUAL A Sill HAM) lltiOK FOIt Till: A KF1.11'.TKI». Containing an outline nriheoiigin, piogiesa, tieatment and cmeol every foiin of disease, conducted by promiscuous aexunl luteicourse, by sell ubuse, 01 by sexiu excess, with advice tor their prevrtiiion, written in a familiar sly ieavoldii g all inedicu technicalities, arcl eveiy hi n^ hat would offend o decency, from the lesult ol some I went? ycaia tuccesafu piaclicc, exclusively devoted to thecuie ol diseases ot a delicate or private natuie. To which ia added, receipts for the cure of the above diseases, and a treatise on the cauaes, symptoms and cuie of the Fever and Acne. Tiitimony of thel*rofesior of t htelrlct In l*euU. Col- lefe, fAi/«<wpii«-4,l>». Ilrafin'a Mann ai. NauOaI," the author oftjila woik, unlike the mak»liy ol those who adveitise to cuie the disesses of which it Heats is a grad uate of oif ol the bent colleges In the United Niat«* It affords me pleasure to lecommeud him to the unim tunate, or to the victim ol malpiscllce, as a succea»ful ami evpe fenced piac tUloner, In wlnne honor and Integrity they may ylsce the greatest confidence Jim. H. IxiMosiinas, M. I). Ftom A. H'o<WiMnf. M. It, of Ptmi. Ilnlrer^lty, Philadel¬ phia -It givea nx* pleasuie in add my leillnioiiy to the pioressloual ability of the author of the "Medical Main u*l." .Numerouscases ol Disease ol the Ueiiiial Oigcus, some ol them of longstanding, have come ui-der uiy no¬ tice, In which liia skill has been m-intieit in lestounglo pei icct he.«llh, iu tome raws wheie the patient has been consideied beyond medical aid In the tnatmeni of Sem¬ inal weaknesses, 01 disarnugemcnt ol the ruiictio.-m pio diuid by sell abus^, or exceanol verery, I do not know hiaauMr ier in the proressiou. have been hcitua'nied with the authoi aome thli ty and deem it no naire ihau Justice to him, as well as kii di.esa to the unlOrt i- i.ale victim ol eaily liidlscreiloi:, to recommend him as one in whose professional skill slid integrity they may salely confide themselves. ALrRKD WnonwARD, M. H. .This la, without exception, tbe most comprehensive and Intelligible work published, ou the clssaof diaease* ot which H tresta. Avnldingall technlcaltei ms, it addie^sea Itself tolhe reason ol ita teadeia. It ialieefiom allob Jectlonable matter, rnd no parent, however lasildlous,car object to plsciifg it In tbe bands of his sons. The sulhor has devoted many yeara to the tieatment of tho varioua complaiutaneatedof, and 'with loo little l)rcath lopufT,' and 'too little presumptlou to Impose,' he hasoffeied to the woildat the meiely nominal pi Ice of 28 cents, thefruita or some twenty yeaia most successful practice '.Herald. 'No teacher or paient should be without Hie knowledge imnsrled In this invaluable work. It would aave yeaiaof pain, mortification and aonow to the youth under tbek chaige People'* Advocate. ;rA rresbyteilan clergyman in Ohio, In writing ol tet'a Medical Manual,' aaysi .Thousands upon thouia'la or our youth, by evil example sud the Influence of the sions, have been led Into the habit 01 adf pollution with out realliinethe sin and fearlul conaequeucea upon thein- selveaaud theli poaterity. The constitutions or thousands who are raising faniiliee have beeu enfeebled, ir not biokeu down, snd they do not know the cause or Hie cure. Any thing tliat can be done ao to enlighten and influence tIse public mind as to check, snd ultimately to remove thia widc-epiead source of human wretchedness, would comer Ihe grestest blessing next to the religion fo Jesus Christ, on the piesent and coming generations. Inte nperane. (or the live ofluloxlcating drinks,) thou;h It haa slain thouv Ksnds upon thousands, is not a gieaier acouige to Hie hu- «mit race. Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted, and, believe me, your co worker In the good work/id ate so actively engaged In.' One copy will bo forwarded (tecurcly enveloped snd po»iste paid,) on receipt of 23 cents, or six copies (or 81 Address, COSDKN ® CO., Publishers, llox i'JO, FliUa delph's. Ilooksellers. Canvassers and Rook Agents, supplied on the most llbeialterms. junelU^yr Planished Tin Ware. JUKT opened.snsssortmentofsplendliJFlsnished Wsra, consisting ol coffee and Tea Urns, chafing Dishes, Oys* ter Steweis, Vegetable Dishes, Dish Covers, Teapot*, Kgf eoolern. Rtomach warmers, sud painted Toilet sets.'a beautiful article.' We respectfully solicit the atteniion ol the public to our varied and beautiful assortment of (foune and Ktesm lioat furnishing goods If Oil lis, DAH2VKA A CO, No28, Monro* 8t, near the Post Office, novIO Wheeling, Va Wheeling Window Glass M AN U F A C T O H Y. Til K partnership heretofore existing between Stocktosll Haukerd A Co, has beeu dissolved by tho purchase of ii, Ml. Dsnkerd's right, title, and interest, by Ktockton «\a Hussell. The busiuesa wl'l be csrried on under the name of oct8 STOCKTON, HUSSKLL & CO Wheeling, Oft 4.1ft'.? ok to your Coughs ! at uuc.i «sare laboring under Coughs. Colds. House nest, Fains in the llraaat, Spitting lllood, i(e., wo would honestly recommend the use ol Jlieutliugui'a Conn pound Syrup ol lloneset, aa a Pleasant, sale and speedy ..are It rail he had at Meaara. Fa vto>« A Lakh'#, end of the Suspention Dndge, and at IIKKNTLINGEK & AltMSTHONCi'fl, ang^l- yrid Monroe stieet, Whcding. To Country Merohants. MH.H.K. KNOX having withdrawn from the firn.ol McClollen, Knoxdc Co., the remaining partners have associated Willi tliem Mr. Chester I). Knox, (brother of S. S. Kno.v,)so longoml favorably known inlhetrading public u? turning Hie style of McClallens and K no v. They would respectfully Inform their old customerlCwho have so longond libei ally sustained t hern) si id all olherdeal eia in iioota and Shoes, that their Fall Stock will he arriv¬ ing from tbe 10th to Hie last of September. Having been aelected with the gi eaten t care and bought ror cash, they flatter theimelvea that In their Fall Stock ot Hoots and Shoes they tan bold out induceinenta in Quality and prices superior to any ever offered In the market. To Country Merchants on their way east, they would be picas, cd to exhibit their stock, and poet them inphcea, feailessiv rfallen*!nga comparison with the mat keta of Kaltlmore ami Philadelphia. fsep3) fl/A IJ.F.NS Ar KNOX uGaN, t'AKK fit CO., have Just re<eiveu r.oboe" j of tobacco, In addition to their latge stock. Call uiundat No. SI.and sees specimen of tbe * Califorui golden bar Tobacco," Intended for all "who love e gooa thing." A l*o. a la I $e lot of I matted Sahara Just t oh and Advioe. IP yod a ri trnubld', with » couihi PI in In th«brr..l or ,nr>(lMllo!l ol tbe Lunf,.vm Hreiitllog.r,» Coin- pnur.d 5<yri-.,> of lloneMl. lr you «i« .Aided wltii RbturulUm, h«r. rec'v.d brulie.or .pr.lD,, or your b.itd. or real aie (mat bitten or chipKil-Uto iu n,r(tr or Kplno and Mutcl^ Unl- iil#it11 and Kliotid you b. affected wltb RtrofaU, or inr iL'aotM arlilrnfrumlmrurltyof tMblood. ortl t InJUdlcloua ute of mercury, by ill inctn, i tocur* UrenUlr.f.r'a Plull Kx- trador Caraanailllaaod I'and.llon. TbeM rainailn hav, beea tried by hundreds, tad In i!l H'U liave|l«aaaatlatattory «»ld,nce oflUalr appellor eBcacy 0T,r**,rr otb«r n*4lclM I* tb« cure of tfeu* complaint,, tor whlcb I hey va re*»«i«aB4a4 To be had at 8RBNTI.IN08R ? ABMITBOROfS AyjbKjr;, Mmiroa«lreel,adHnln,lh. McLura Hkae, Hoskins, Heiekell & Co mtottui »«o APLE AND FANCY DRY C100DS, A VK removed lotheli ne»v 1 ton llullilinr.'.'lSMark.t . i. >nil .11 Commerce «t . PHILADRI.I'HU. »p!7ilr H Anspach, lJrother & Co. WHOU&ALE dry goods stork, A'o'G A'.rfA Third mI. cormr »/tkrrry, I'hllndclpliln Julin All,inch, Jr... John F. J«co'i>|.. .Jtuxa M. Heed; Wllllim An.mchi..Ilen-y W P.lrnmi. wpl-nmin Wolles, Ballard Ac Co. mro.Tit.. *hit J«.na.. ;n foreign and domestic dry goods, 179 Markrl llr/tl, I'll I Inilrl |>li 1 ¦¦ C'oi.. II. F., formerly of Wheeling, eng.ged In lhl» lloutO «<p/U-Jlf_ Odd VeTUwf.itlnaoua, Uri lieu, h«m« ol Ttwrirnnh And other Society Kegalla, Bannert, Sealtnnd Jewels, mnnujar.ltireit uwl tohl by Gillt it Smith, No. 73 Ihiltimore Street, Haitimore, Md. THK asor tine lit usually on liar J consists of UKGAI.IA, Odd Fellotes'.Grand and Subordinate I#odge and K. . * ' canipment. * ' Past Grand and other Ofllceis, plain ano 1 . embroidered. i 4 lei,2d, 3d, 4thand 6th Begiee Paradelle ' . galiae. * 1 Pithly embroidered Kncampment Farad Kegalias. Masonic.Knights Templar, Royal A^;h. and Mailer. 4 Jewel", Robes, Uanneia, 8\ ords, Ac. Sons of Temperance.National, (irand and Kubordlna Divisions.Oftfeeis and Members. Red Men.Sachems, Past Officers and richly einbroldei W Degree Worklngsnd Parade Regalia. JBNVELS Of the various Orders, of Silver, (flit or Plated Melals, ncludlnf Knights Templar, (with IMiks.) BANNERS. Banners or every size, style and coat, adapted to the va¬ rious Oiders sud Societies, manulactuied toorderjand lie signs Tor Banners, when requited, furnished free or ex pense, showing the style of the Mine when finished. Alan KOUB8, 8ASHE8, COSTUMBS, CAPS. Ac. Comprising the largest ssortment to be (mind in the U. H. LODGES, BNCAMPMBNTB, DIVISIONS AND THIBBSj Wishing to fit up their Halls, or supply themselves with Parade or Woikina Kcgalia, Banner*, &t. can depend up. Oil having their ordei a satisfactorily filled, by calling oil or addressing ; (SINKS & SMITH. Regslis and Banner M tureis, T3 Bsitlmore Street, Balllmoie, Md. ccy (i T. SHY, Agar* \Vhaling. Vs. oct/V-tf UwyiToTIteia, lmporlfl «liui(jl>bbrr.of llrj > . Ao. 7 llunovrrSlrert. BALTIMORE, Md. OPPl... r. »le, on the most fnvoiuhle terms, a cliolcf a. J telect MockofBTal-nt ahu Phi r Itrnr (ioun., lo which they irk|iectrully Invite (heetfenlloii ol li e tradi generi My. t ninW-dlf ALKK. fKNH. KtClt'tl li. UlTCIHtLL. PBNN 6c MITCHELL, TOUACCO AND General Commission Merchants. No. CI South Gay Stikkt; llultluiore. AKFKRKNCKSi Dan'ISprlgji cashier Merchants' Hank, Baltimore. Miller, .Mayhew 4-Co, uo Love, Martin 4-Co. Uu Titos. J. Carson 4* Co. do Pollard, Kird4-Co. do James K. Baker, Wheel'ng. W. IK. Shrlver, do Porsfths' 4* Hopkins, do Rhodes 4- Ogllbejr, Bridgeport. Hollowav 4- U'sitleld, do hnWilyd T. BKI.T. BUWIK BELT & BOWIfl, TOBACCO AND OKNRRAL Produce Commission Merchants, 1 Ellh-ottStrkkt, Bai.tiiiork. KKFKKKPtC'KSi lion Thomas G. Piatt, Kx Gov. and U 8 Senator * A/d. Hon John Glenn, Judge Clixull Couil U S for AM. Daniel Spilgt, Ktq., Cash'r Merchants /Mc.Bali More Agnilla (Sites, Kao. . Finiklln . d^ Tit.enun Cioss, K?q.1 Com. 4" Par. ti'k do Kuvall, Kosns «V Co do Pilsseiald 4- Magruder, do Lons4Byiu, uc Webb, Kowland 4* Co..I.oulsvllle. Foisyihs 4- Hopkins. Whceliiia* Jamcs R. Bsker, do (J I.. W. OOSNKIX. i L. Ot'CK (iifSNKI.I. L. W. GOSNELL & RON, C OMMJSSJOaS MHUCHA NTS, Foi the tale ofall kind* of coiiiVricv ruinnxn, 11 Uou'LV'l WiiAitr, CSdi'tm St.), BALTIMORE. BKFSRKKCBSi t*. Iliookli IVeK't Wcilcin II.iik, ) J. l>. K.ilr. K^. ynjltlinor. .i/illsr. .V.jIii-iv + Co. ) Win. T. K.lbjr, 1 Join* (ioiibnin .f- Sun. /WIimIIii,. Jacob >fii»tii>. I A.J. Wht.l.r, 1 II. II. Ilowlfr, >CIiicIiiuU. lliute, .Vorfeiii + ^o. I Webb, Rol.liil + Co. ) w. ( . /imok*. 4- co >toul.vlUe. J. H, J lew. MooH. W.jfWAbur., H*. [J.nVO TABB, SHIPLEY A CO. flour nndUenernI Produce COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 51 Light Street, Baltimore. nSFMHWCHfit C C Jamison. Ksq, i'ashier Bank of Baltimore. B Sprigs, Ksij, Cashier Meichanls' Bank. Tmemaii Cross, Hsa, Cashier Com. (tr Farmers' Hank. Mcms Grrenway <v Co, Ka-ikeir, Baltimore. 11 John Sullivan A Sons, .. .. S C Baker A Co, Wheeling. Mr Jas R Baker, 11 Mr KB Swe«iiugeii« " cort.-nfli ¦ Jv^iiC*** nmde on rf»n»lrwn'Cnts. dect' JUSKfli OIHT, JUIIM II. U'KLLS, O/Wtll-iuff, ».«. O/WtlUiurf, Vt. ' GIST & WBLLB, Produoo CommiflBion Merohants, No. 39 Soutii IIowaku Strkkt, BALTIMORE. UT'l'.illcul.i .llrntiOB r.lil <o th. ul. of Floor .nil plher I'rodiKr. 'will, prompt i.lurn..' imd. on consignments. RKFTRKNCKBI, 4* Fullcii, Il.ltlnioi*. Colo + llotvaril, do nrouk,. Son + Co. Uo ra^M:W,UburS. James Daliell. do Dr. J. (,. Campbell, Wheeling. (JaiAS Pendleton 6l Brother, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IN LKAF TOBAt'l'O, COT'ION, AND PKODUL'h CKNKHALLV, , , PrrUlilon'l lVA.r/, A«. HO/.oiwr i'nd ./ SmflV. t.rJ IIALTI.MOKK. RBFERSNCESi llucli Jcnkln. A Co. 1 F. W. llruneA Rone, S B.lllinor.. Wm. Wll.on <VHon», ) F.dwlu WortUiniiV t o.") Arcli'lil T ho in.. A Son, > Richmond. lluibW. Prr, I llliodea iV Ogleb.y, Ilrldgrporl, Ohio. TwfeJ. Sibley A- \Vrl(bt, ) JoecrhC. Duller & Co. > Clnclrn«tl. John UrclRtr, ' oIi»J. Cbir«l*' I ChArlMlou, S. U. GoidonA Co., LouUvllle. June. M'Cully, 1 Ilioivi^dc Klrkpktrlck, ^ Fllt.bur,. f)'. ulb,'Ku|, C,»h. N. W 11 .iik, 1 .> 8. Jlr.dy, F..q,C,.b.M.AM.Il.nk, Wheeling. J.«. H. M.ker, . I Iblry, ll.mburf, R. 0. Henry A, Khio.-der, .Mobile, AI». A. 11. (,.lne«. New Orle.nk TUB LONUON Watoh and Jewelry Store. no io imHTsturkt, (4 doots /romflaltlmorft.,<>rro»" Inntatn Hotel,) Hnltittsere. rnilKaub*crlber, alter twenty years* experience In the) 1 cities dl Kuroi»e, would Inrormelt'senihiid strsnpeis who are in want ol a good watch, that* for quality of work- imunliip. Iiih waicl.e* defy all competition) he having Is. dlitiea for obtaining Fiss I.osoos Wu« uses, which few in thiscountry possess, being rtrsonaily acquainted wl'h the most eminent l^judon inanulactuieis. J. A LBXANHKK, Ute of J M. Frtneh's Uoyat Kjehnge, Undon. OCVFIm Watches end Jewelr/ rcpaire-l pioj»eily. All London Watches sold at this establishment, warranted free of cos! for four yeara. sepIfi-lrJ PARTNKRSH1P N0T1CR, rpllR undorslfned hsve entered into partnership, for the 1 purpoNT or rarfylngcn the wholesale tobacco business, under the Arm of l.ofin. O.rr A Co. ^ ^ ^ JOS.f;. UAKKH, W.VTTfiON t)AHH, rmrrfl II. II. CAItlt. AgrToulturRl Warehouse. rpHK undersigned are now prepared to All orders for all J kinJaof Agriculltiral Implements, havejutt ircelvedi Straw and Hsy Cutlers, asnorted » Virginia Corn Shelleis, do 11 ennometer Chufnsj Oeddes' llarrowsi Or Yokesi Meat Cuttersi Saunaae Stuflersj Stoic Trucks, etc.etc. dcMawlm MrAFKK BHOTHRHH.Qulncy at £)j W I CIIOICK plain .tore, .nd lor Mle by M/W lr|D M- " "f 1,1.Y mrui. l.old Fell 1. very .upciioi .mcie; lot tale by |,li.1| JAMBS li.lKKIt 159 MAOKEHBL t... Ni«. 1 .nd 2, Jo.t received .nd for ule by dcM M. KKII.I.V ~ ~CfieipTi6I5. t'.ae Kr«ryb«Hy and .act WK .rranied on . ehe p '.ble. of eve ry kin.I. old *lyl.< Good., .ud .rtlcleaof irh'cli »e bavetoo large. (lock, which n. puipou toiellolTat tomt frier.whatever tkey w;ll brln« Coiue aoon, whil. you hav» aebane. for ba'galns. .IM7 W. I>. MOTTK A HKO. H T TO J'LASTBRERS. A(\(\ BVSims good ('Attic. Ralr, lor ul. by 4UU. JOIIN KNOTK, iatl Old Stand, lMH,lu,l. OU rvlTlflnJ by r.lhiig iwxt door loOre.r, Ott A Co 1 >0. K Monro. «t. '.'t pali . men. Enameled Oxford Tleai Si do do brocaiwi < cau MM|NI oo Jylt J.\MKW n. MAHHH MEMCINA],. Ur Hall's Celebrated Pulmonic Elixir | >ol! Hit permanent cuie blconsh., culdt, t-.onaumpllaii. X* bioncliltli(,»«ihiiw.ltfliienia,croup, ivlKWi'lngwigli, Jnll.maiiuii ol llta tmntcliee aiid liOiftt neM» cauliu l>y |'u!>. .|C ipcaklnjiaiiJ til .Dtclloni if (ho organaof leaplra. tic I). s Warreii'ed the |»!ea>oiit<*st nml best medicine for distas¬ te o I he lungs oversold in America. In picfiillntf tills mediciiij to the public v. e have the satisfaction to know that we not only inetent thorn with all Invaluable untiJOle fgr the cUki ol disease* ll profes* %rn iocuie, but one which is perfectly haimlets In it* er feci*upfn the constitution, siiduibc aduiinlstered wllli- out any lear ol mineral politou', Tor it contains none.. The tarri ilintAlaige portion ol the > nfTcrlnj, ami death tlnoughoutt ecouuti), Is caused by disease oftheorya s ol regulation, consequent upouexposuie and cold, basin- dne« d us to put it within the ir,uh or every individual who may need a ie i.edy that has proven itself so Invalu- *h'e. Tide medicine in the result of a long experience, and study ol those dlse.nea of the luiifc* which ar j so frequent in oui ibaiigoblcclliiuleiaiid we claim it to belli advauce ol all medicincsever hetore discovered Mr hose peculiar (omplduta. an impioyemeiil iv nail, and consequently u|i'iloi to all others. Weshall make no extiavogau' assertions of Its eftlcacy in curing di-.caici. I'ke the veudeisof too iiiuij nostrum*, who deccive all who tiu»t thou', nor aliall we hold oul any inducements which experience docs not justify. irpatients will |»eiseveie'in tin uie of this medicine, aud u*e li a* din-cted, »hey \<rllt be cured in every instance that it is not hejond the power of medicine, t here are nun erous pei sons now onjoyiuglhe olCSslngS of health and lei.ewed life, at It weie, who otnerwiss would have louf .live been In their piave. but for the tiuie.y and |»ersevo ring u»e ol lid* invaluable lemedy. Ills not pretended that it is infallible inovery stage ofconsumption, hut we know It to hi betteradapted loth* various diseases oil ho lespiislory orgai.s thin any other .Medicine over o/lerrd 10 tho public. All wo ask is atrial, and in overy instance. it vteu lively according to the directions, nud if perfect satin- raction U notflvn, the money will be icturncd. Genuine signed K. II \ I.I, »v CO. For sale by JAM BR DAK P.!.', Uriutlsl. Wheeling, V®. Alto, by Druggists severally throughout thecountrv. ap*-iy GREAT CURB FOR DYSPEPSIA t\y\\KT u,t) gfiht Pin- DR HOUGHTON'S n,,Ouin'c Juta, pre- ^nared from Keunet, or the Fourth Stomach of the Ox, aftei the dhectlons or Ua- ioii Liebig, the great Phrsl. ologlcal Chemist, by J. N. lloruiiToM, M. D., Phila¬ delphia. Pa. Thla is Natdrk'* own Hkmkdy for au unhealthy stomach. No art ol man cauequal lUcurative poweia. It contains no Ai.conoi., Hiti alls, Ac ion, or .N a tutors Dat'os. It fa extvemely agieoahie to the taste, and may be taken by the most fecb.e ratio* who cannot eat a water cracker without acutedffctresa. Ileware 01 Dm'uokp Imitation*. Pepsin Is HOT A DKl'O. Call oil the agent, and get a descriptive circular, gratia, giving a laife amount of Kr:«KTiric Kvidkm at, from Idg'a Animal ( heiuistryi Dr. Combe's Physiology of Di¬ gestion! Dr Peicirsou Food and Diet) Dr John W. Dra¬ per, of New York Unlveiailyi Prof. Du^|llson's Physiolo. jtyi P.of. slilimau, ol Vale College) Dr. ( ai pouter's Phya- inlogyi etc., together with repoita ofera**from all paita of tho UnlledSiales. li II. PATTHHHON. S3 Monroe street. WIIKKLI.NO, Wholesale and Helail Agent. martft-d&wl y 8PHIN0 1)KB68 OOuUd. WK have ju»-t opened a »pleodld assortment of Ihess (inoda, of the numerous st)les ami qualities calcu¬ lated io pease every 01 e. mr4 MrNMH 6 IIP.HVKV '2 hhimNui Casloi Oil jU«l lecd and loi sale oy j«ii3l JAM HP HAKKH To"tho ladies! o 1 WK have just received, a) the sign of the big led boot, ihe most beautiful and complete a»SOiti» ent of la¬ dle*. misses and child i en's Shoes ever pi evented in loll market ~ . , uO pair ladies Philadelphia (iaiteisi |in do do KllppeiSl 300 do do Jeuuy l.indsi mihskh' and ciiii.iihkn's work. fOO paii nilt*te bool* and tboesofeveiy vailetyt I WW ' Ciiildrru'a do do do do flKNTMUKN'il WORK. 100 (.air fields fine bootoi I.VJ do line Momoesi 200 do patent leather Oxford Ties) |.*>0 do do Jersey do I no do do t.oniivsi boots) 125 d'i huck»kln Oxford Tiesi ",5 do do COiigU'SS bootS|' |0S do col'dcloh do 2«yi do (.stent leather We..sfer'I lea, (.entiemen .ire rexpectlully invited to cillaud examine at the ilgiiiii the Dig Hod Hoot. 0,»x w alrr.UM.KNW ^ KNOX. TZTTiihi meirapatent leaihei CoTigresii Nv««idiigtoiiiaus 1 Z m ni)'.l o\k ll a 1.1., 12a Main »t. t Ufii rxeUed- 0 10 doaen of Italtlmore Shaker b'oomsj 100*1 bush* Iduo and Meieer I'otatoast I bid. ol msi'le countiy cake Sugar} 4iv>i i|im of tcuntry bacon liana) 1000 busheh of Ott»| JOOil do corut jono do diied apples;, li)00 do diicd poachesi 4000 lbs. of hide bacont fOO do Jowlsi 100 bbls. su|>ei extra Fan.iiy Flour. niy.t A if fif» F.I.V. * tlAT.s AND CAi'S. T I'ST received, a larre lot of gents and youths fine silk . I llul*, New Yoik, Philadelphia ai d llaltimoie Myles. 1 ' M ^ Jtj.N.Vewld'sand Tlios. iiluiidelt'a i-elubiated Hallway Time keepers, in gold aud silver huntln? catesj wai- uuied to porioi m equal to any watches in Hie world. A 1.0-Jos. Johii'on and other line watches always on hand and loi sale at C. P. IIKOWr'ff, dcio Monroe atreet |I0NNBT8 Ur K have tills dry iccelvrd a choice variety of Hon Tj nets, compilsinx several very des.rsble styles} vui Plain Stiaw bonpets (soil flulsu) extra flniab, lot ladies and misse*. Heal Paris bonnel*, a few exceed I nglv beautiful. Kt.flai.d, split Stiaw, Fiench l^ce do. Wli|» an immenae variety of other styles, for ladles and and lulsae*) ahoatull stock of Hloomeisaml Flat", lor misses. .I*|| II RISK P.I.I. A Co. 11) MILS\ Spin. T t iKMdfne, for isle low III drrft JAMF.K HAKKH No. ragrj i> K\v DioiiK. [h». n:i' Ntw stock | M. MoNeal & Co'b | 'n*w ,t»i.k Oak Hall Triumphant!! WF. aie now receiving and opeidug the most desirable stock ol Hoots and Shoes, Hats and ''aps, Trunks and Valises, t'aipetings, Ac., that his e\er beenofleied to the Hade or tuecityund vlcin'ty, at the business stand heietoloie known ns W. W Jime^oii'sj therefore we give notice that \ve aie iu receipt of and leceiving '.he be*t so- lec ed stock of Goods Which we are bound to sell. t To one aud a'l, ao give us a call. providing low pi ices will not give otlence. apt 3 7 MhKSS GOODS, &c. PLAIN and fig'd Haia^es, in b'ue, pink, lavender, tan, ashes Of rotes, gicen and b'ackj Hlcli P ench Oigandles] Plain Uwiis, lusalaioii, blue, pink and tail) Fig'd Lawns, In gteal vaiicty; Fiench «'hintie*k Plain and corded Silksi Plain Vouslin Do Laineai Just received. myl6 HKIHKKMj <c Cq. r UIMKJW lll,IM)S. PLAIN Green OiM'loth. Lanescape, Tiansparent and Paper Window Hliuds,in great variety. For sale by Wlt,DK A HHOTIiKR, niyl3 cor Main and |fnion sis KKbiill uYSTEKb. JUST received at fit per can, and warranted JanSt T M PAHKKR OrWWV bottles Japan boot and shoe 1'olUh, for sale ZUUU by J. It. VOWKLU nivin 94 Union M. UHK.AT HAKOA1N. XWI Ll, sell my leeseand fixtures of the best Hard aa a t'onlrctljuei y ar.d Ice Cream b'aloOn iu the city, on icasouablo lerms Kuquheat this ofnee or of opto J. ROHI.VVON. Ms'kef st. fun RENTI ANKW two story llrlck Dwelling, plessaiitlv situated on the laland. and containing five looms. Henl SI-0 ptr annum. Possession given immediately Knqulie at the Imurancc Oft\ce of Messia. DorteyA Aithui. m>e nOODS HY KXPHESS. HO ANDY MUKLINS) Frencli Jaconet; Plain Laregea. Nainsook Alusllns: Dot I'd Swiss tturilnS} Coloied and black Fflnjesj Conled and F>ounced Skir!st Second Mourning Jlonnel Hlbbons, Fieuch Chinliesj Plain French Lawns, In colors, etci efc. Ifeccl veil this day by m>20 HKlSKKLT. A Cn SUOAU CUBED HAWS. yillPPR A t'O'S. iiu^ai cuicd llatiiS} M cssks F.vans A Swill's suiar cured hamsi 10 tieicea do diled beefi Just leceivcd aud will be wold >ew by thecasfc' niy'.T QO)lDON. M^TIIKWH A Co. DON'T YOU WANT TO Bl!Y A MANTLE! IF >ou do, >oucan And a IDst rate choice*! W, D. MOTTK iV HKO.'R am) m vr mon^r going there 10 buy ore. inyCO I \l li \ LllS. Siiioked Shouideist / y,UUU 20,000 lbs do llam-. Just iceoivrd aud for sal? by my27 GOHDON, MATTffKWH & Co. I'AHASOl.S.H().N'NKTS. ALA HOF. variety ol Paiaaols in the most desirable colors. Honnets, misses' dale and bonnets aud bojs lists. Just icceUed by inylO HKI3KBLL & Co. Removal. TIIK »ul>«cithrr Iu* remo.'il liln l^igeand >|i|.udld .lock or Hal. and Cap., to ihr tliJon Hall buliaini;. So. Si, (iruullr occunled bf Jofin Kllioll,) (wo ilooiaaoulhof (ha North WMlcrn Hank apl W. W. JIMKSOM. LOOK IIEttE. MOliK bound. In ve at 11 vet) at ths.lor. or ill>72 W 1). MOTTK A DhO. I'Fiitfacr llrltlnn nil it I.nee l.enther. AKlKKa.acilmeiitjutl lecaivtd at loweal ratea trom a iBlebrattd New York inauyfaclory. inylO IML8KTT& Co. . [Vonng imarlta copy.} 1 n I'HX. niei.'a patent laathar Galtera, aetvedi lv nupcrlor aitirit at niytt 0>K H.MJ., )?3 Main»t, T?MHK0ll)hRH!»- l i»)¦« rich cambric Klonneliieai If) i Kwla.and oambrlc KJ,lnp; fi 1 Of l.t«, eimbrlt and SwIm Colltr.i 12 dot l«c«. cambric and fcwlaa ftlt.veai . ' varrrkli robm.nkroldertd, In cambric and book nuaUnai ,5' ^/ra«fk^',d^ llRMKKI. *rfi LU" 11 I1 J II !¦¦¦!! II EASTERN ADVERTISEMENTS CURTAINS, CURTAIN MATERIAL, furniture «'o*H'liiu». Ac.. AT WHOLKBALB A NO UKTAll., \Y. II. CAKKVI.'M CURTAIN STOKE, it St. 189C,*»<tnut.J'l I'hU'dilfhU. Corntr Fl/IM ilrttl, oppctile th< Sr<ttc Home. v |l K baa alway. in ator. * full .lock oi 1'ieiich Hrocatellsiall wldllia ' ami colors l HieiKh Mil" Ul neai India Satin Dainaakai fiencb Moquettei Do Plusbeai N. V. Fainted WtmnW.s l.sce and Muslin Curtahia of every atylt and price. Table .1- I'iallu L'ovei a Ac.I Cilll Corlilceai (tilt I'Inn anil J La nda v (ilinjia, Kiiunai Cords. Taiwla, Ac. U.itlKS, ol all atylaa and pilteai llHir llollatidsi Shade l-'i vtuic», lliaatca, 4C I ami tr'ri/IMiin rompltle f.r Citrlilni, of I lie newest Paris styles, and at tho loirtil frlcu. 1'er.Ofta sending th. height and i./ifl* of their mfndue fiavin, can have their Curtains mad. and trimmed III llie Iie«t mauneri an Paahloit Plait* In August number u[ Gu- dcy'a l/idy'a llonk. Steamers, i,..teia. o.tW I III 1,1/Kits. a nil U.alers c«ner a My, supplied at (he hlttll lrhtltiatt>rHcet. W. H. OAHKYL. llr.lerin furnishing (iopds, 169 Chestnut street, corner orFlflh, nnrn-lTilArW Olipo'tlla lite gist* limine. Phll.da^ Fnper Waronouse. cykun if. "Field <f- co., COMMISH ON SIK.aClla.NTH. No. 11 Cliff Streot, NEW YOHK. Arc Nolo Agcnla In tho Uiillcil Hlalc* for .\lu*pratt'8 8uperior Kleachlug Powder. Victoria Mlllf (MsbratsJ Writing Pa]»ers. Huhscll .. Kupetlor " " Geneve " 11 Printing " Rawlins »t* Sons* Kngllsh Tissue 11 Firat quality Ifltrainarine Jtlue The)' a»c also Agent * for the principal Paper Mauufactur* art* lu iliif* country, ami offer for KMe l»y lar the most ex. tensive and ami desirable slock oi Vafer awl Poper Mann- /octurns' Materia la thatcait be found III this or any other country. Thei r business It atrlctly wholesale, and Writing Papers are aold by the case only. Their extraordinary facilities enable them to offer all {roods*, both Foreign and Domestic, at tho lowest possible '"paper mode to order, any site or weight. Liberal ad¬ vancea made on consignments of Paper, Paper Makers* alock and other meuhandlae The highest maiket prlco paid In cash for ill kinds * Hags. augl-ly. \Villi:tiii« ami ili'ollivr, GKNF.HAI, MKOCKItH AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Coa.NiH C**r anp Pkakl St«kkt», Riohmoud, Va. CO^OfTer Ihelrse" vices for the nsle of all kinds of Pro¬ duce and Manufacture*. (ioods for them may be shipped by Hie Malt. <fc Ohio Kailioad to llaiiiniore and consigned to Jacob Ihaudt. Jr., agent for the Powhailan K team boa I t'o.jor Charlea Pendergait, asei.t of the Kalto. and Rich¬ mond line of Packets, either of whom will leceive and forward them without rhnige. MtrmKNCKSt Jas K. Maker, Ksq. Aaron Kelly, ' K. IIrady, * Morgan Nelson, 1 f Wheeling. Iir. aM. II. llouKton, I A/esais. Sweeney A Son. ) .Mesvrs. Lewi* v Ceo. (.assail, * J. s'cllniautV S'ou, > //all I more. 1 l<ove, Mai tin <V <-c. J Jud?e Jno. /Jrocknibrough, Lexington, Va. Jaul'.'iliiid WttS o him. Humphreyu, Hotlmaa A Koons, COMMISSION MEliC1JANTS, FOR Tlir. HAI.K OK Flour, I'orl&t Rmon, Hrc<|« and Produce (J morally, No. 47, North Whnrvet, nnti 95, North Water-it., PlIII.AOEiritlA.' icy*Liberal advancea will bo made on receipt Hills Ia ding. Hrftr to Mtttrt. Porsvtiib A llofxiss. Wheeling. jnli< uANnar it(MVLi.ib; Brokorand Gonoral Claim Agont, wasiii.noton. ii. c., r ILL give piompt and per onnl atiention to Clsim* befoie tiie department, and other bnsiiiiKS entrusted ii. He for to K II SwkAKi huuh. ap'i^ly LAYMAKBR & HA8LBTT, COLUMBIA HOUSE, I'llfatuut at., belowllb, i> m. i'iiia. IIOA IIII «I..V11'UK IIAV. nnW-,||) JOHN H. DROWN & CO., Imyortsrl -V H7io/r.a/f Jftaln* in British, French and American DRY QOOD3, iVo. I'iJ.TInrkriHlrrrl, I'lallmtclplila. tlHilyU FRANKLIN HOUSE. Chfiliiut filrerl, lirlicftu 3il und 4M, PlIlLADKLI'HIA. Ilru. II tl'wl iiiii ii Piopiietpr. A fliat (Mass Hotel. Pi Ices reduced! Prom ft'J.OO to $1,60 per day. marH-lyd Wllllnui llnlly, T. A. Joliiin &c t o , Wholrtule dealer* in iloott, Shott, iSonnelt, Lrg hi-rn, Panama ami I'ulm Leaf Halt. M.St) rUN, SILK, AM) WOOL UMS, OS Market Stieet, Piur.AOki.i'iif a. mar 17-1 yd a. cucuotN. a.rowTo.N Colhoun & Cowton, I'ltts Itl'<K«'<s.ll .t| l«MH>> .flliltC'IIANTH FOR TIIK fa. K or KLOI'R, ¦ ACO.V, I.A It I), rt.OVKR KF.F.O, &C., Hroad St., Ka»t tide, bet. Itare A" t-herry, PHI LA PKLPIt A. Liberaladvancos mado on ConsignmentM,and when re ceivrd bycar'oadv, fire of drayage. KBPKH to FoivythsiV Hopkins, Wheeling, who will ntak* advsyces on coi sJinroentS. npli^-ly lloiijiiusiii II. liitfbllool, Hats, Caps, and Ladles' Riding Hats No, 41, North Second Street, PHll.ADKLVlitA. <i«-o. W. Huffy.I*uaf.UhetinjtSt. marl7-)yd LLOYD & CO., Claim, Pension and Bounty Land AQBNT8, Fiftrrnlh ilrrrt, oppoiitr the Trraiuru, WASH.NO I0.N. II. C., Ct'nah mini need on flu I uia, Ac. 1 LA I.Ms befoie t'ongiean oi lhv<; idled .States that have J been al»andoned by oilier agents m uort'.l<»t, have been successfully prosecuted by us. Letlei s addressed ax ¦.bove, post paid, will be piomptly attended to. aplA-if rowiN a. claBACUM. w. i'lahahui* FOUNTAIN HOTEL. rPIIKun,leial,ned liaTii>a|>urchaa.d the leaaa and efreco I- Dflliat old calabllihcil Irnua., tho Poi'»t»ih IIotkl. Light street, llaltlmoie, and hating repaired and r. fur- nlalied at a heavy outlay, now offei to their friend, and the Iravelln, public an iikl.>bllt>liiiicitl aacoud (uuoi e In com loiUndconvenleiN«. The Ladtea' Oidinarr, end the aultes of rooms attached, Will be found lo affoid Hi. comfort, of horn, to f.mille r, tvblla ilia altuitlon otthe boure eiuianteesquiet renos. to all Ita ratron*. Itl.t emost central sltuallon for t>.e man of bual neai belli* In Iliecei,tie of business, am>id. aa convenient ac- ce.a to all tho Kailioad l)e|iol« .lid Nteamboat UnJInuaa any other lintel In the city. * It will be tlw ilealie and plea.ui. or th. proprietor lo promote thacomron ot the coast, oi the house. ai'?-ly CLAJIAUOII <V IIHOTHKH. Solid Daguerreotypes. r 'PHIS latest discover) Is Hie wonder of tho aa. Tl« X picture assume, all i lie rouudnou and aolldltv of lite It .l.o appeal a llfe.lie, and ill .very polut letenible. the llvliw haliif. Naluie la perfrclly mocKed. even to an |. dividual hair. Taken at Wlin'miUBNT'H. ov.rCUmp bell'. Jewelry atnie, lialllmore atieel, In the city or Haiti, inoiei also, in hi. WaMhlngion tiallery, and will soon bt Introduced In .11 or lila jall.ilea, which may be round in all I lie principal citiea In the Union. Mr. IKiiiTsnrarr lias the honor lo announce that he liar received * ell.r rromllie President or Ihe Unlled Klale.. inrorinln, hlmnflheawaidnfa Medal, Certificate andacopyoflho lb. Wuild'aPair, ,x>n marXt-ir JOIIN W., .*MJ. uasim n JOHN W. BELL & CO., profit a i;i:\FitAi, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Howard St., oumitr Centre* iyH-t» It A LTlalOHK. TUOfl. J. CANHONa] [Joasru ( ARSON1 T. J. VAUHON A CO., Western Produoo and General Commission Mrrchants, 41 &l 42, I.ight Street, ilaiTiNOR*, An11 30, Water 5lruel, iNow-Yoih. W^IJb.ral sdvarve. made , n roaaiennwnt.. ilopkliia At I m |7, 1,1 r.f, Merchant Tailors, 220 Baltimore Sheet, I1AI.TIMOKK, N V ITri the attention ol Ihe dlliens ol \Vh.«lltu tot hell i extensive.Uoi tment ol clothe, caaaimeie. and SSmn "I'd ,vl,h "'c,t cav«- from the latest1 Importa. ItaDV Sltllt CLOTIIIMi;. On the acconil flnor or their smie they keep, latrea. soitinenj ol elegantly nnlahed clothing. Made by Ibe be.I lisnd and cut In Ihe most r.shlonable style. msrlR lyd ¦lnr«, Plcraoa, llellldny A; <.«,, WIIOI.KSAI.IC TifcatjfcCM IN STAIM.K AND KANOV DltY GOODS, A'a. 1 Hantrrr .Irrtl.nrcr Mai krl, p . HAIiTI.MOKK K cnato l ass, lla.iaL Hotuoav, WlLUi* fllrtMX, JaMra HoanrsoN. . Hef'r In ihe Merchanlsnl Wlieellne marW iy MARTIN & HODSON, r lour anil OeneralCtnnmie.ion Merchant,, ro.R.R ii'tiw alto ati.TiM/ia. .t.., farW-lv IM f.TI MUMK 7ri ''"s nilss.a Albonaa, I'l iiadelpbianuke, licelved I iJ at "Oak Hall." No. 133 .Main .1. between Monroe and Union 1«I7 Mc.NKAl. <t Cti F,rt HKN. Ladle. Kosatt Jeuoy land's, lecelted at Oak V" ll.ll. No. 133 Main, between Monro, and Union at... J«l» H..NKAL A Co. .¦ck,» Vlel* Hook ror Kngtueera,^ * new work, just rrceived by )e»3 WII.DB At HHO. OHO BULS. ijiu.Juai /oc.l tea«wl foi ael. ~ vri/ very low by Jvl8, IM»«KTT*Cn. i 0 tHiMrtN CIQA|ia. ~ u i.JHMig'-". Of) RRLn.I.r^r and fat, Ju.l recUffd and Or nl. by '".« M. Blrtu'v ¦JIALTIMWIK Scull & Thompson iufo«T»n.i ani> wmulmalk tnuui. T«n. WI"«, I. qn.r., I,/,!'1... 'r>bucc«, i.oirrc, *MBnr, .ilolii,??:01 a»b uriina ijiimmiia "*. No 4Ti A'arfl 'IWrrand ill .VeriMPWr.. * /,ui»»fM.Areh,lH.I, WambfcLPm. Eatnblishcd In 102Q. IC»*TIIOM»'SON HKYNOMm.lnieieaJedl, .. lluuM, teapccirull* lliyltra Weatein *l«nh.1j, ,'V Mm. mil _____ canm*i u. w. a. i Annum. / "V; CANFIEED, BROTHER, & &". 229 ItaUimiirr Slrrrt, Vorntr ofCUrL. WHUI.KSALK IMl'OHTliKS, MANVFac/m'; AND UKALKRf IN »INK WATOIIKa, «IC|| .It.VKR, H.ATKD, ANU AI.DATA Wt>. ,,.'U FANCY GOODS! ° HAVF.opened their new atoie with * . UOOd*. U,'.,| 001.11 AND SII.VItK WATCHU! From ll>* mualcaletiieled unker* In l^ u.l. and Geneva.«u ratenalve atick alwaji every on* of ivlncli ia |uaia»teed lo fni," '1 'i»u lime. ".» BILVICR WAX or Ol* OWN MANl'tACIti.' Silver Tea mid Colloe Seta, OohlHa,C«tt>' I Caalote. Wallaia, Spoon*, Fork*. Fie and i:,v K ' 1 lea INeam Knlve», Napkin lUiiti, Kl.l, Ktilt, . "1 laia, 4c.. ol new ile>i|n>. .'v.iJ War*. Coffee ami Tel seta, Ui na, lieitlea. bin ,«i. Weiteia-Oval. (|blvM»«na lomnl *lup<*i lutm, lltkkria. Kpe.gneM, flower, ud Fiuit IIIAMOND Work! A «u|>ark collection ol Diamond llracrici* ar.j L llioache*. Croa»ea, Pinter Kui(«, lull auii< 0( i^.,. auilable lor \> adding Cilia. RICH JKWki.rt! Tlila blanch of our buslneai la uol aurpa.v* hi labll nienl lu Hie Couiilrn having win kiwi, emn'oni Jar oar own *ih ervlaion. coiwLutly maklh* arm lu. and by ever; aleamer we «ie tur>|i|i(l) hoxi lie KaiJ racioilc*. which em Mr* m tojlveio oar cmtnij?! laieat Mblon*, and al tew |>ilcea. fanot noons! Willing Ileaka, Work Hoxea. cmu kela, Cologne lloltl)*, etecanl Vaua, I'.iufa, *1 Statute*. Karl* llronlee, Fine I'alntingt, lw(, v ' Tables ond Work Stands, I'm It Alui.oilci inane, Fiench 1'erfunierfM, HwaiicwdnJ Into,,'.. I *ing Caaaa, Kuglllk hoai a, Tooth llmkr., IUj, Blu AC. HUIUIIOl A Lb VTA WAIt! Sew raltaiiiaol l'ark», Spoon., UJim,w cle, wulch ia fnatau|>aiaedln|iaiUer waie sri.xsniu M\ntlk cuxia! kfNHNiOM Manll«ri<xkaoleleti>IOetiui u| yellow, di»b ai d wklU niaibladui Kieiaa I ¦ Ictilx deeoialed. Watch TnoLa and MATiaitia.ollkebealauliiii alanllr k'l" on hand aiidcairtil!| Mrtitil. Kor tlia comenlence ol cualomaia «t U11 timu Inrae, apacloui alora, Bivinicu»'oioeiint,r InaneclliiKP*!' Mi»nal*» alockor Ciooit retail talea room, we have HIM U|. teotber n»n», t. Ilk) IMI In deplh. for the Wboletale lirrtitneij. pjr*Kvar) ailide fioi'inni eilibluli^n . 10 be «a ROtid aa iepre»enled. [EfHeiaona vlaltlnf llalllino e,> . .Hir aaaoilinenl* Orderaliooi ikec^iirj 4 «d (0lailhruIlT and (iromllt ItnOTHKk-* C»., V9» llaltlinoie at., S. We«lt.iiaerolCu»iWt ¦ Silji. otifcUoU.n W,.I llAlllnio'e. Maicb 84,-«IwIt jt KRKV. II. »i»UW v LEHEW, BANDER ft Co,, iorcil9on or VIIARI.r.11 URCIIKR 4 CO., 3D) NiritllHrtrl.lrlirri* Ihmrifi {.!<«.'. HAtTIMOMK ¦ HI'OIITKRMOr Qerman, French and Enyliil Oo»j| SUCH AS lloalerf, "'aw*., B«ttona, Olovea, Shawla, T.|»«, lotea. Filnjea. Kialno. . Thiead*. SewlnjKHk. sjW.I'.«H| Under Shirts, Ki»|'ender», Kil.bu»t, Turkey Bed Vain.etc., etc Scyllies. Slates, Vlollna, .Urmfiex., I Jew> Harna, I'eiC Capa, (Inllara, lliimmHul Marb|e«. lA>k'« d««M». Hlatej. [ A C m,'lel f vanorlmehl of ( omka am! Fan«y (.on*. uiar4?«-|v,t#lw OOMMJillCJA L OOLU;QL, louatkk .NO. I -7 nU.TIMOH. sr. l)Al/l I.MORK, .Mu. OK ClfAMMKHMN would «jy lo M* f.l^, . patiOi'H iliiougbodl (lie Wc«l, ftiiU I tWiious of Inriiliif llouk Kcerin;. that lie l»n >).<,¦. o(lii> iiilr «est IA (Ktfl^K^liur^il'uinriMTcUICtf^.i peimvurntly IqcaIciIhiui\eli in k«.J Ilic hend of 0116 ol Il;c liiolt iRHtnkMlit In^titnti^kiii'.l Uiii«n The facilities lieie u!oi*i) |«»» I nlcte Meicenllle cdiicaOou «ierv)ual If not thufleof any hlnrflar ('oUc^e Iii Ihr We«t. InllfiJ. wlnhlnc(ooMaln situation when qualineO, will f. J their qjvantage to prepare Itteninei vet at im» mi! -i rnenti a laige niniibci of gentlemen(aikm.* n.'ovil veveral front the Went) have re<ei>tlj coiflrtN couiae ofatmlv, urn) uhtaloeU ileA|i«blcii:iMtioiuil»j Keepers In tlila city. Kor particular*, terns,eu, n and bave a circular forwarded by mail. ma«y>-drgtwty 1 Drakeley at Pentou, (f-HTABI.lOltD 1B-T4.) COMMISSION M RROHANTS. For the "ale of Hou Psoodct*. Kcoti, tfrmi, WaA Winnow Mi.%»s ai)d''ooxTRY FauDrct.ffiiennr. Ti{ will alnc give attention topuruhati <01 toa ntrtiw 337 livltimnrr St., corner.fV*tQ. II.\LTIM0«F, Ma. m»r?&- tyd^w JOHN SULLIVAN &, SONs.l COMMISSION MKRCIIANTS, AOF.STS FOR TDK SALKOK LKAFTOII.ICUO.Iol 'tUN, Fl.orrt, WllMKY) 4ND Wl&TIIR PaoDHCK t* K NKR t M.V. CavuUn Si., nrnr Lii'ht St. W'kirf, .p15~lx IIAI.TI.MOKK A. SISCO, Ao. 95 Ihillimorr Strrrt, u/tposih WIIOI.KSAI.K and Hetail nianu'acluier irfNIF Iowa, Matonlr, Son* ol Tcmnemicr, l|rJ joiner l(«}»iia, llanneia, Flaji, l.wrla, etc.. J S'-' 1 Oooda of_a»J[lnila *>. Stein & Brother, Manufacturer! ami Wholetnlt Vr'ltrii\ CLOTHING, I A'«, 310 Halllmort Slrt'l, him H IhirerJ .»I iifcin' mai28-3in l)A LTIMOHK. ~ rSVehb ho^sb:- IIY J . A II K V K I. V ¦ * « F It iilktnti Tin utrnT, mtir28 Cumhrrlanil. Ml. MoCLa'lLBN'S & KNOX, WIIOIjUSALK AN 11 RKTAIL UKALKKI * , BOOTS AND SHOES, MENSAXl Boyi* Halt and Caps, it tkr irell k nown Hand of Iht BIG RuD BOOT. "llf Ksre now receiving horn Our Kaitern M«aa*et«fl TT Katabliahnients. one of the higeat to«l t>estiut£» < tuiednasoitinentof Hoots and Shoes, foi fa'li' d Wh:i Wear, ever Oflcied In Ihlaor any other nurkrt. Tier Si beeu ttunufactuied torn dor. irco-diugto our uwadif tlom, and ate intended exprcaslf 'or irt«l'!^ Toi regular cnatoinera, and all ottieri who way Uxor ».li I call, wecanoffer an unusually laige varteiyoi Koe£ii» Hhoea, which weguaranteeequaltu quslifjr of uuteuh workinanablp to ihoie tliannfactu'cd In ifc'f o"»rf partial the United .Statea. Our stock will befondt#^ aiat, it pai t,of tlio rollowing nejaonahlefooJi: NO. 187 xkn'n pootii. n,t'I 1,000 pr men's hip boot*, o«iTia>, ' 1,000 men's thick boots, 900pr won^f4'1"^ 1,600 men's c«lt boots, 100 do hil' piteis. 1.000 ineii'a water pioof do 600 Jo w*!* . MkN'e sniii)an«. iV*) do fe^*'1 ®J,k"'-J 600 men's calf biogans, &>0 Jo kiJNttkiua,* ^ 1,01)0prime kip do I*"- l,60O do thick do Mia>K>aoorsif »c| 1,000 low pr (red do *is«. vir. st> vi» «j )o i «4fino mls^ei www c* 1600pair f»>ya thick bootees, do l'»P .. HfiS ; 4 kin Uo 3>») do call £ * . calf do 3>0 «lw kManJoe roUYh' hoot*. rocro buikim pr youths call boota, ItV) do black, «" do kip do bromcd gaileo* l&X) do thick do riiii.nsa»''®®0T,tW Stive ANUVouiiineruaaNa. I,.V)0 |.r lai^y bo.>teea, 1,000pr Hoys kip bromiis, ?,000 kid A nwrocco 1 10(H) au thick «To 1.600 Childles't I*!"".. youths do do lOOOchildreu'a COD do kip do i/X) do «<woicd .' 600 buys and > out ho calf do ui M fUOli- J wnMFH't 1,AC* roots. 4*"0Tipalts nK-nVi 600 morocco lare booh, children's Gum SM** 1 1000 Call do 11 i?f all*r 0011 11J do 400 dot inen'a pluak cap. 1600 kip do W . »%oolhsi«. a* NO sov*». 300 wood hand boxes. , TluJik'tl for the liheia| pationage Jieielotoreextefi* as, we solicit a rontlnuauce of I be same. %nX | I *ep3 M.fLM.I KWfl * | Mpitl.\t. oiri yi'j'ib wm. tTIelby. tm WHOLESALE DEALER IN l'orcl||u A Uoutr.llr l»rjrfi«oda. J A'o. Ill Main it., tVril tiJt, UlKf» Uoirf L'uion til. Wlieollug, V*., j IK NOW In rete'pl ofhla S|.cl« ato k of llff ». . lid Notion*, dliMt tinm hnporleia an.1 »*"" . rara- I'ompiiilnp aa complete and ilealrab'o a*'1 , Cooda adapted to Ike trade oi Ihla a«tlun aa c.n Mi liiwnjrliou e, toivkirb 1 WPuld "¦>!* Inrlla (he atlanlionof retail dwleiai<onalaHn,oi niKMi'OOi». H In buckallka, alpacaa,'a, d#lalne hama, etc., with a *ery lai,e aloci o'pilau. npkea and colore. Alao, boniiei*, nbbtn.a, ln»t<* » ollj'.r tclmmlnjalp variety. Anduf MkN'f wrA*. J In clotha, caaalmer», aatlliKtti, Jeana, Iwreda, and aummer doibai*l»o, I owaau» ^ tda' blue dillla. brown llnena, linen dilUa. »'»" other inch (ooJa, a aery dealrab.e aJjoilBJ't- . .,J men'aand boy'apalm hala. legbom aiidC*«'o« »* 1on ba 4r(((lu ¦ lid bl 1,1 lb* NOTION wsa ikiea'fc » 1 Aa taiabrlca, Jaconata, lrlifc (h*fi I ^ualltTandatyle, aali»Fri«aa.

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Page 1: Library of Congress · INTELLIGENCER BOOKANDJOBOFFICE. TiituiMleiaignedlakelhlioccationtoiemlndtb*irfriend,.mlth*public reneitil)', lint in connection withtinolAc* orth* billy lnt

INTELLIGENCERBOOK AND JOB OFFICE.TiituiMleiaignedlakelhlioccation to iemlndtb*ir friend,

. ml th* public renei til)', lint in connection with tin olAc*or th* billy lnt«lllgeiicer, tb*y hive » Job Office evprebtly* tied v lor h* .tecutlon of >11 kind, or


PI.AIN ANUOBXAMKmLPRINTINO.*. TWl.rJP*UW*. .¦nbrtcliig U» It'J11 »W«» 01 Job .ype, tndthtn Uiga anyl wellttlected

.' «rd«. Ink*. Ac., Wins puicbtted tl theoweit (. .VI |I,ICM, tnd the Job oak* being * dlltilrct >le»tl I mem, carefully tnd efficiently tn,iieg*d, tUycanguarant»* loiUIr cuatomeia eotii* taUlUctloii, u regaiiUthe

oiuf.1, Accuracy Md Prampiama,with which tMir work win be don*7hey tit pttntitd toaucate£»*»* Pt 001 aMM ft,OitrtLat*, Poeraaa,r,*"t.V COKI HIT 8ll.Lt,JIlLL JlvaDt, Halt. TlCktr.,{JlLLt l,*Otko, STItMIOaT Mint,nlHkCllknU, At'lllON illLU,Oatiki Hooxe, Uaav Tit kit.,

Jut". P#*IOIIT llOOKt,5,tB* H»IUO»» llLaHKa,

Hr< ti»Ti Hotbl Htuima*,rai.ima, Kraaon*,llama, KI.duo* Ticaara,

AMiw.T.attordMrlplioaortoiur.piMaPrtiihM. Alto.II kiudeuf work in

coi.onn ANDRiiorrzBn,WAll ordara rrom a dlataece promptly ttltndtd to

HWKARINtiK!t,riYLOK & *0.


I-..?®]! Spring nuil ftmanner OodulTAh A l'leaiurd .« Mi| able to tay to my old cu»t m-

i.M/i ?,i!? community, that 1 have lustreturned Jrom .New York, and have t*?n able to piocuiea.^JL^!°r .'..MoMbUliothltfor the aeatox that tbc greathtpforiuni, lUw York, can import rum Fiance and theolv count rie«| and ha Ting di«i>enaed with tl»e sale of commo* clothing, glvea me mote lootn and time to attend lolb# M ania or my cuitomeri iu lha faaliioiubla way. H>mw aiuck now conaiaia or

(lack, aaoWN, okkkn, »U'«, ouvi andDA LIIIA CLOTH*.

Alio. tllk and wooi cuhmerellt, all ihadettnd colotaibombailne, drapiter luramerclolha, linen and grt.ieloth.,Ac., for making frock, drra*. lack and bualneil coata .French, English, and Ameilctn caiilintieii alao, docki,linen dilliin(a. Ac., for making Paula. Aa lo Vcailnta, Ihave the nwtt baautlril wlection evar looked al In anyclIf, *11 of which I am now prtpared to r.taka up In the mollfashionable and beat nyte, aa I htveaecuied Mr Ht aatLL'a..rvlee. for Ih* cob,,, | frej certain Ineaylaxtbat I can furnlth bcltar clotha tommy bout* weal01 Ihe/fllegheny mounliiiu.

In connection with Iheabove I hav*a beautiful aaaoil-tnent o Purnlahlnj Gooda, ah line, aeaaonable, and laabl'inabl,,conalatlii(or cloib, cttaimer*, caibr.arttt, bombtaliit, graea llnan, diabllt and plain linen, fiock, die»and butlne*i coata, veil! and pant*, made from ll>* inoatlaihlunabie and aeaaonab'e (iooda, In great vailetyi alao,linenand cotton Khlrli, Hi en, lambe wool ai:d cot¬ton Undent,irii and Diiwini cuaata, atocka, colltia,glove* and uapender*.Holler* in glut vtrlelyi alao. every other arllcl* ault

.bl, loi coinpltiinf t >eni:eintu't waidrolx.All lb* tboat named ailldtv loctiher with uuny olhei

. 'title* tkttt** b« found tt mj atore. No I, Knriu Houie.rleaa* call loand lake : look, and much obllxe youia,

b. KICK.

NOTICE^EXTKA.I haraa email at nek of common clo.l.lnflhat I will dia-

pot* of *1 com, or even leu, to make room loi my KpilneMock of Mmfooda:


¦"»' 8 HIliKNew Savings' Bank Store,

niw rtiHiNONiu Ltrrtaa at tiie old rorrorricicl

J A M now recti »ln, and openlni an unuanally larea anilatnt'tl tuaorlmtnlof lloote, Shoea, llata, llonntti,

mbreltaa and Cartel Kacka, al thernrntrof Market andSlonio* aliecla, Wheeling, V'a,, In the room fitriiMiljr oc¬

cupied tt lb* Pott Office and oppoalte the Mcl,ure llooae,a vary laijeand <nt|i*l>- new atock which wa,puiclia»edlor caah, iioiu th« manufactuiflra 01 Ihc Noitb, ui dtrli.einoat raTOrtblaclrcumalancea, and offer tham lotbecltlrent of WIimIIii, fid vicinity al reduitd prlctt, whole-ailt and retail, and itapouiully aollclt a abtre of palion-t|«.

I deem il o«elfta totty much In praiaeor mytlotk. irI ndatak* not, the people ol Wheeling are not to raailykumbufted by advertlani; pufTai anfflcelt loaay I have anyvariety of men'a. youllit' tnd hoy'a llooteand Shoea, inir-tor, ailk, muleakln, wool, l^,liorn, biuthtinl »lrtw btit,and for ladiet tvtry vaiieiy uftilk, lawn, at raw aid braidbonntta. of the n»oat recent laehiona tnd aiylet. Alao.Mioea. Nlippera and (laitera, both fur ladiet, mlaaeaat'dcblldrtn, of the moat tkahlonable fctyle, make and and ua Tor lourtelvra,Havlnf purchaaed a lair Mock or Hit above named tr

llclaa, I would reapeclfully invite country merrbania tocall and *e« me, or atml me ibelrordtrt I will duplictlot»y hllla purchaaed in the ettlern cltle* for caab.


8lmc*a I*. IVttdraw having, on th* lllbdtyolApill, l#<4, by nioptr deed conveyed in trutl lo Ihe

unileitltntd lor Hit bei.efll ol hia aald Woodiow't ciediiora, all of hia rati tnd |«itonal pro|*rly and clioaet Inac-iloui all peraona In tny wite Indtbted totald Woodrowaie required to rruk* hnme.lnle pay mem torn*, ami allp*iaona having cltrma afainat aald Noodrnw ara laquliedIn m der lo leeelve any htuefi'. under and tiuat, wlllilnlour month* 10 Air llitlr clt'ma with the proper leieare ae

coiding to lb« ItllOa of »ald deed, wlib Ihe f.KO >V. MOIITH, ^aaigmt.


T CUT opened, . luge aiaorlment oINaddler't llaril wareV «rd t nrliTilninilng , Ootchaid I^Mler Vaml.n,Hufcjy Howl, llubn, Npok*a, Kellowa, Ctrr1t;etnd TlteHolla, Malleable Irom, Patent and Kntmelleil Letthtr.and ev*rythln| naed by Ihe trade, to which I In vile the atlurllouoftl.e public. ' JOHN KXOTK,

nial J Old Hltiid, iMMtln at,

Notioe.WD. MOTTK ban aatoclated with him aa a ntrtner,

. hit brother J. W. MOTTK, the partneiahip coni-

irrnciry on t*»e I f th Inat Th« atyla of th« Arm will brW. iJ. AIOTTK<V HKOTHKK. [fabli

Second Notioe.ALL peraona Indebted to W. D. Mottb art requested to

call and aettlo their accounta immediately.>bl< W, I). MOTTK.

Bound to Sbave!DKJA4UKK LKCOULTHK'H ctlebraled warranted I

Hataois. I hey ahave with thegieatett eaae, and air

the beat ever bronght to t hia market. Jual receved atC. P- IIHO WW'fi

Wew'Jewelry 8tore. WaahlnttoH'1 hrew Phytic It ihe l)eg«-ft*aherMBcbcr a

IIVURO BLKCTKIO VuLTAlC CHAINS*Producing Inrlanl relief from the moat tctfe pain and per

ntaneiitlrcuilna all Meuialgle dlaeaaet, Kheumatlam, ptlnlul tnd Swelled Jolnta, Keuitlgla

or tha Pace, Deafueaa, blindneaa, St.VMwf anea, Palpilatlpne of II*Heart, Periodical lleadacbca,Ptlnt In the stomach. In-


The** chain* were drat Introduced in Ik* rlly of New

Jork lu* Iban on* y**r tlnce, and tiitr hein, auhjecled( thorough tritla In avery boapllalln the city, and appli¬

ed by lira. Valentin* Molt, Poat, Carnockan, Van lluienaid other*, it wta di»co**i*d that they poaaeaa aiiaureand WOI d*rftd power In lb* lelief and car* or tbe tbovedata ol dlaetMt, md th*lr aal*. tnd II,* toccett llitl bta.Headed (kali ut* It uniwralleM.

Prevloua to llielr Inlioilucllon Into thl" country, Ineywere u**dln*veiy liotplltl In Kuiore, and ai.«meil byi<* In Prane*, (Itrmany, Aoalila, Piuaai* and Bn,landi tndtlaolnlbt United Klttf*."THINK CL08B AND PONDER WELL"Tht principle! upon which II U claimed thai Ihe chiliit

pioducttMlr nv,rvelloui cuiea art, fliat.that all turvutduiAjti aie attcudtd tnd produced by i deficient aupplyot I0*1 vow fluid, tnd tn tjent lUt rexmbletdoael) elecliic.Hy or electro intgnelitnii tnd aecond-tlut tlw electromtgotllcchalnt, by being worn ovtr and upon Ihenaitand oi ga u d! tea ted, rumlah lo tba etlnuatrd uerviaia ,yt.lam, by It* powerful atlmulallng effect., tba nervout fluid

I * hMllky tct.oa tbiongh thenoaliumlttllriwed lobe It.

,fit rljld obatrvince ollliel

o*rtl Itwa or health trt lequlied Hiltk filcllon upon. ptrldliaiaed add* much to tbt effect of lb* cbalna, by

lacrMtlm their raaci.ellr power.ONB THOUSAND

which la required lo produce a be*entli* *iatem. Nodiajualln* notliken wkll* u*ln| lb* chtlna, but t t

jr .aalai lh*lr fMinellc power.DOLLARS

will b* tlv*n to tny pcrton ho will pioduc* *o manywtll aalhtnllcated i*nlflctte« of car*, both (rum lutein- Igent pel le nit and teitnliflc phyaiiltnti aa haytbeen el-lected by Uie ute of Pulvtrnitclier'a Klectrlc Cbalnt,.'I hey never tbil to perform what they tr. adverliaed to dotnd au ptiton baa ever been dltttlitfled wlx, bti glvtul he in a trial

IN FEMALE DISEASES.Mere than on hucdied permenent enret or I'mitpau*I teil btve been effected year kytbtuw ol

tl,et* chain*. Ily applying one end or Hie chtln over theregion el the abdomen, and Hie oilier urontbt tplat, iuni.bove Ibelilp, the utuel «eveie .yinptoma Incident lotbtt.liaetrt ¦¦. at once rernnved.

MODE OK I18E.Thecbtln Mould bemoi*lenedbefore uae wilhtoiniiam I

\inert!, and tl.en one end ol Ihe chain abould be applieddlieclly to tl« teat ol Ihe pain or dlMdre, and lh* oilierend nppnaite (oil.BK NUT l)K< KIVHIII The Klectrlc Cbalna ai* not

locuratlldlvtMHi but lor Neiruua l>i«eat*a It la claimt«l tbal NO Medicloal Ageul in Ihe woild bit prndLied to Iinani cuic* In Ibelatl year .aibe Kkf trie chainINHTANT HKLIKrUoni II,e moel acute pain, lepro-

ducxl >1 the moir*nl ol applicatiun raorii moieeffectuallvthan can b* pritlucetl by o luui, inany ol It*mini*

Call end obtain a pamphlet (giatta)ONE WORD MOKE.

These chtlna are themmewheh btve lately beehMntovtr lo the Mnperor of tbe PreiKh, to be tiled byhlaowuphyaidana In caret i l cholera, etc. ami which have piovedto amlr.tnlly aucceaaful. J. fiTKINKK r, tole Agent

cori er IMnce atieel tral llroadwar.O-JAMRK IIAKKK, tnd iiieulUni*r & A ¦ mat rout.

Wheeling agtnl*. dcll-lyr

I Dr7Todd'fl PillsC1AN be hadrrtah anil genuine11 (he (tollowing ptacea InJ theeilyoi IPlieelingand vklnlly. Tilt.At tbe Urut

.tore* or itrret lltktri Ketla A ( alduelli llr*ntlln»r A®*» T" l oganA I 01 Fieil'k Vahrlmg, Wm AfcKee ACot(Rllcki«town)i P A llrentilrifei (t enlr* Wbe*llng)itik* 4-koetiiiienr Todd A Devol, market tqutre, tad alltba Pro, ttore of the proprietor, coiner orQulncytmlPlfhttrcel*.They fen alto be bad tt P Ouun't, Grave Creeki A U«-

dlllion't and Jacnb (ioodine't, Nailoutl Hoei't Ben], I.Craven, welllAlexardrlai « llson .Vtilnjer'*, weat Wheel-Ingi end Kir Looman'l, llrld{e|ioii, Ohio.Thete pllltneeii aofuriker recommendation than a all

trlali tbey have now been In couatant ute lor wore thantwenty year*, end If you Willi only give them a chance they Iwill apeak for Utem»*lve».ti> tliem. »4cper boxi (i ptidon J20 per groat. ltrA I" nbW nooKsi-""Thler'e Consulate trd Kmpli*,-t volt.

"Iltad:*)'a Second War with Knfltud," t vol*...Headley'r Semed MounltlMi""^tId win A 1 homaa' Cattttwrof lb* U. S.""8b**'a Civil Aieklteciaret""Mlt .le lleiinoni""Kathay.n slave." by Mr*. Judao*|"tiietl.e'1 rautt.'' die drC

Juat tecelved bytp!8 WlLliB A PHOTO BH.

TTRTTHflEM--i«iiit, vtinl.b, will, Tor ih.

"medical.Prof. Woods'

Hair Hi-aioruilve In now Ut the firat tin* intro¬duced to U>« ciliieut of Wheeling, tt Ho KB Mark t

ad cat, which la the only euie remedy ever invented thatwill effectually tealore the «rey halit and wbiakers to theoriginal color of pulii, without dyein i cover Hi; baldhead In aahoil time with thenatuial roveilug, lemovedandiutT. and prevent* the hair Irom falling off, and la freefrum tl.o flllhv sediment to objectionable in dlvora prepa.i at ions oT different iu nk« a now befoietho nubile; ll.e Hl¦tor a*i ivk la a beautiful article Tor the toilet, for the old01 yout g. and can only be apmcciated by Ita utej end allare leapectiully Invited to call at tin* Depot nnd examinethe testimonial# ol ladies and gentlemen of high tepiita-linnluihe South ami Went, where It wit invented, bulwill leler to the certificate below of the diatii guiahedatateamanand Senator, Judge llieeae, ol lllluoi»:

Carlvlk, III-, Jui*'.T, IW3.I have used Prof. O. 8. Wooda' Mlalr Heatoralive,' andkave idinlied the wonderluledect. .My hair waa becom¬

ing, aa I thought, prematurely giey, but by the uieol lot'Kealoiatlve' It haa leaunied Ita original iolor, and 1 haveno doubt permanently to.

HIDNKV I1RKK«K(Kx*£enator of the United States.

I'rofr.aor WmiI>< Oriruml MomoiItblilnimcMt-

, ,Tlila IJnlment ti> valuable autinaiy In the treatment olaomeol the moil formidable diaeaiea with wlntu UMOurlot for lii»l»iK*.ieutli. Hr « lliuroueli and continued epplk«llo»iol IbleLlnlinent over the ri'glon of the afletltd organ,1 i)C*e otherwlae formidable dlae.tea <mioiK« dle.uiie.lor moi»thin hill llnlr lenoie, paitliulailir >niongchildten, andtliuua.u,d« bl mother., *»eie lhe> .lii»wed lp*|-e.k, woudWill, til the eloqience of reeling and affection, hear llreliunittd leallmouy to llit fact that li bad * natc lifo 11*11 enil.dian fiom the veiy .ie,*a o' death, and tentoied tlMlii totbalr foimer heallhand brauiy. Agal., It will be lound a

pnveilulai.iillai j In removing what lageneieliy knownaa an Afui Cakr.oran enlargement otlhe .pleeii.ln.ilcaae. where an exie m.I appllcailou laot aervicc, tlila Un*.Mlit will be fouinl uaeul.

....., ...draaoraat Dep. I CM llroadivaj*. .Vw \ork:and 114arkel al.Ht LouiaPoi aale wholesale tnd retail In W heellniM






FRENCH PREPARATIONftPor the *afe. <r* eedy and effectual cure of Gonorrhoea,Gleeta, Htiicturea, Whites, Painslnthe back and

Loina, SVndnal weakneaa, and .ill otherPlSUItlltltS or TilY. IISINARV IlKtlANS.

Tbeae Invaluable prepa itionshave now been before the

tuhllc for ll.e past Ave >eer*,end nave become ao well andvoiably Hnown that they Uo«ot icquiie eny very elaho

rate piaitte. 'I hey weie invented by one of the Aeat emlmoatceUbrafed venereal phya-clsua in Perls, end sine*tbelr Inlroductlou iutoibe Unite J Kletes. heve effectedmuiecuies, both Of lecent cetea ¦ml thoaeof longstand¬ing. than any other medicines ol the kind, ever* offered toIbe public In I he treatment of Qonotrhot* and Qlnt, el-ao Lucorrh** or WMtf (In leirwles) tl ey have neverbeen equalled, having cured many ca#«a of fiom 0 t eightyeara'slaiiding. Slid the Propiletor telll tcarront Ih'in tocuis nlnersaes out of ten, taking them on an eveiege.They coiiialn n« mercury or an., other mineralsubalance»esslarce ntsjoi llyof the niepaiatlons now In use do, buton th* conliary, aieenliiely Vepe'eble In their iistuie,¦ml will do no Injury to the ino»t delicate female lliosewho ere efflicted cennot do belter then to try them, endthey will recommend themselves.They ere put up In bottles, with f»»1l diiectlons eccom-

neuiliaKtbem. the Antidote at $1, and the lotion atuOfcUper bo*.lie Oi.ehdltle lasia ten dsys. Many hsve beenentirely cured in two nrthieedav*.

Invented byM.U.UJ.Y, Phyalclaiiof llie Peilsllospl-tel«, end pie|ured fr.un the oiigiual lecipea, einl eold atWbolesele and retail by ,

OUROY & CO., Ormriial Aokntk,for the United Kteiesend ( suede, to whom orders muatbeaddietsed.

. , uPrinclpel Depot,436 Uroedwey, coiner Orend at., NewYork

, .Sold in Wheeling, whole,e,eend retell byI. II. PATTKKKON a Co.

No. 33 Monroe at.Pltlaburi-PI.KMISO A llHOTIIKIIh, Ko. M Wood

»t. anil by I)iucfial«j;eiier.llr Jel»-.:«iAFFLICTED READ!!

T>blln«lrlplila MrUlral llaiiSe-Katebllah-d«0g )enrn*goby Ur- Klinhelint corner 'I'lilid and Unionste. between spruce and, Philadelphia, P«.

INVALIDSAre eppilaed that Dr. KlNKKM.t conHuea his piectlceto e pellicular biuiKh ot u-edicii.e, winch engajeb hisundivided attention. He caution* t'.e tinToi luneteeseiuM tho nbune of meicu.yj thoueauds eie ei.nuallymeicurielited ou' of lite. Keceni affections eie piomptly

"""'l-WBNTV YEAIIS UK EXPKRIBNOHIn the treatment of aclamof di»t«ae» hithertoend lmi>eifectly undcistuotl, lias enabled 1»k. hi.Mvr.-I.I.N, (Aulhoi o/ u vol A on A'r'/ I' r./ion,) lo |M0vetb.t nine leniha ol alar c.uae. 01 n.r«on. d.biliijr, local. ud toiialltutluiral weaki.esn. menial and |'h)alcal auiroi-Inc. are lieceabie to certain babila, loiming tlw most Re«cietyet deedly end lalal epiinga of domentlc mieery ei.u

¦"."-"".irKB^ARTICULAB NOTICE.Thereieene%il hsbit tometlive* Indulged in by boys, In

solitude, often growl r in with them to manliood, endwhich, If not reiormed In dne time, not only begets ieil-oun obiiei les to nialiimouial happinee>, bm gives rise toe aeiies of piotisctcd, inal ioua, elid deveatating effec-tlona. Few of tl.oae who give way lo Hne Kiniclouapiecliceere awaieol the consequeiKe*, until they Und theiiei \oua ¦>atemi »hetteied, Tre. fcliange elid unacCounU*ble, and vague fear In tho mind.

the uiitiutunele thue efllicied becomee feeble, It une*ble to lebor with eccuitomed . Igor, or lo apply hie nd u

to aludyi lilaatep U teidyend week, he in dull, liieko-lute, and ea ia his aport with le»HCiieigy than naual.

|l h« emancipates hlimelf be.oie the practice hae duneil4\vo:at end entrr HMlili»»oiiy, hla maril^gc »» ulifiUllful, end hhaeuae leila blmlbat Una ia ceuMrd by bin earlyf dliee. Tu<ie ait comidtrahont uhich »h*uld awkm lh.elfemtene/ tho*e t^xUrl}/ tiiumted.

MAHHIAUB., tHequl ee the fullilment of aeverel coudlllone. In order

tbet jt may be really the ceuae of muiuel happlneSs.-Cou4 the veil which now coveie the oilgin oi domesticwietchedneaebe leieed, end Ita liue touaee »nettry t»».Ha. ce diKCloted.In how manycculdit be traced to pliyaleal dlaqueliflcailona and their attendant diaappointmentl

(lieuiUitucd.K em USUI EH.

He who places biniaelt under Dr. Klnkelln'a treetmentmsy letlxiouai) toutide in lii» honoi aa a gentlemen, endrely upon the ¦.surence, (net the secieis of Dr. K. spatisnts will never be dhtioMYoung inan.let no lalie modesty detei jou ftoni inak

Ingyourceae known to one who, from education and re.snetiebilil), ceu ceiteluly befriend >ou. «,,u*irl oo many think Ibe) will conceal 'haaecra In tWrown heal la. ei.d cure Ihennelt eal alaal how often la thl»* lalal deiualou, and how nianjra |iromliln, jouni niaii,who might have been an ornament to aocleiy, haa ladeu

''bl"Mu'eV o tU urethra are lapldlf rei»o»ed by theaprllcailonof a theia|«-iiiial agent, uwed only by llr. K.U'raliu.. and CiiafllMfiOMaf ttiitilf/M"-"°r "'ToirNTHY INVALIDS.Cen hsve (by eteting their ceseeipllcltly, together with

ell thalr eymptoiuH. |*«r laitei enclnainge lemlltence,) DiK'e medicine, eppiopr.eied eccoidlngty.Foiwatded to any pai tof the United Slates, end pack¬

ed wecuie from Jeinegr orcurfeaify.READ 11

YOUTH AND MANHOOD.A VitorouM L(/< or a Premature Death, Dr. Klnktlin on' Ar/Prefrrref/eR.-On^WcenU.

tiee work eminently lequiied, aa e nieenaof relOrm-

'"."''""'IRTuaPa'auiW; A

poet ktempR, eddreeaed to.Dr. KINKKLIN. Philadelphla, fa , will aecuie acopjr of eilhei ol the «hov» hookaby of mall, or li cnpio« will b. lent free ol I'Oala»e 101 tl. Ilookaelelra, canvaw a, traveling ageiita,Ac., aupplled wbole.aie at th. publlahai. prlc.., whichadmit oi a large,ftie.a muat be poat.pald..ERUPTIVE diseases.IT haa now become . .ettled fact, acknowledged, hj tin

beat Fliy.iclaii. ofour city, that in th. curu of Keiolula,Tetter and many other dUc-iaos, H««» . Ki.|.inKir,.,! or K.aaaeialtli a«o u»ho*i.ioi«. I. decidedlyabove all oilier pie|*aralloria. It ape«kalorltaeH wljeneyeiuaeji .ud although we have never taken the palna bf hay-log It iiubllalied through the pa|iera,or appointing agent,lortba aaleol It, yetwe aie alnro.t weekly leceWIng oi¬

ler, in" Vermont, New Yoik, Ohio, Keulucky .ndolheratatea by peieon., who by »nni« cliance ineana bavn liearilotlta wonleiful curative I'owera. The lol owing i*ham .

MiillemanofVeruioiH.iewilay.ali.ce, whowd ttrwr .*ery aei Ioua di.ea»ei.

**°<J|°*The twobollka ofinedicln. I got fiom l»Jwunlii Wheeling, have neatly cuiedmei pleuieaeudineaunt, uiuteby Keapecllully.

It la now prew.lbtd by nea.l) .11 the FhyalcUna of omcllf. not aaa quack tMdlclue, lor we have made Ihem .c

oujii ted with the conii^uaiit I'.itai aud .ay to. II!«h a. we have not the opi>orti.nll»or making It knownto^th't It la enlliely fieo from ill nilnerila, .ni l. not Inlwl«.t Ineonipatlbla withanyol I he |.ie|-aratlon« ol loli,. Fovviei'a.olutlow,orolherpropertlea.To be had at Patlon A Uke'a. aid fr Vahtlln,. and aol.l

Wholesale.nd ,tUllubKyKNTUN(;Hf| A ARWKTHONO.Monroe atreet, nppoalte WaMilngton Hall, Wheeling Va.

Jul) SI. '»¦ -

. *ao itooHo4|K »'.

Attorneys at law & land Agents,Mnrikoli C. II., V'u., Mtundtvillt, I'. O ,

Wl I.I, practlceln Ohio. Maiah.ll, .nd \\ .IMleoontle..Particular .Mention will '>egiven tocollecllona.ud buaii era. .All kindaof land ronatantly foi ruleapOt-lydAtw

PHILADELPHIACurtain Warehouse,

m """

IkirokTKN aku Dkai.kUlt Curtaini, Curtain Ma>Tk*l*t », AM) PuiNITVkt CoTKklNOI,

The atoekconrprlalnff In part, the following!K.<5d?£a CuTulnil Ollt CoiMce.1no AfuaiiH .'"


Fa'ti'nde UlMai

ao nana.,

Fringes, CurUln Drops.Ac."a'urteatock nr tRXSCH huSHIS. of all colore and

^rr^n'kooiVSIUlltS. .U HOLLANDS |t all

RU> M.,

MEDICINAL.The Nonpareil Nerve and Bone


LATE OK MORQANTOWN.It (a Uiei upon thebroad Principle tht.t anyrtmedy irhirh

trill relit re an external pain, trill, if properly conf

founded, I* equally tucce$»/ul in removing inter¬nal u£<ctionM\ a poirer tohieh it leantfully

developed in an*t pert/liar to thefitoSPAHMJL LIMAIEST.

ARB YOU SUFFERINGl^HOM Ilheumetiani, Kore Throat, Cruun, DifficultX Hrxathlng. Toothache, Tic Do'oreux, rain in Iheliir«'t 01 hide, Stiain or Spasm, Head Ache. lullsinma(ion. Stiff JoinU. Cult, MvuWee.Poleon Sore*, Fever Soica,Fein or cianipt In the Stomach, t holeia Morbus, CholeiaInfantum, C'holic, J*ame Hack, Chilblains, bite* ol Poi pil¬ous Insects or Kabid Dogs, A goo cake, .line in Die IIleastor Face, burns, braises, chafing, chapped hands, corns,Couiiactlona of tiit Muscles or coids, cuts ol any kind,Muscuar weakness, Psislyals, Files. Kar Ache, Ulcer*,Salt Kheuni, .scurvy, More Nipples, SoieLips, VeneiealSoies, Scat let Fev:r, or any similar dUrate, you may testaasuied that In this article you have

A .SOVEREIGN REMEDY,which not only removes pain almost instantaneously, butpenetrans to the seat of and entirely

ERADICATES THE DI6BA8B.Sonic will laugh at the idea of any composition curing

such a number 01 disea&es: hut if yo < but reflect that thesediseases, though numeiout in name, all aiise liom similarcautes, the piopositlon will ieun less extravagant) butwere It ten tlinea more so tiie raits which eUre us in thefac* would Jorce the candid to acknowledge Its meiltai forall who have used it theimelves, or witnessed Itsmag/crifectaon othera, unite in drclsnng It just what Its uame(aNonpai ell) indicate*, the be*t Liniment knotan.

TO THOSE WHO THINK.Have you never noticed the striking a mllartty between

many external and internal ditcaaes living entirely different namca? And haa it never occuried to you that a rent¬ed* might btprepaied which should be equally applicableto both! This lemedy Is nowoffeied you in tho Johta-RK t Linimkkt, which does not insult your uiuleralaudingby claiming to have beei. fouud In aome burning mount lintof Mexico ox mighty car/# of the earth| but Is simply theOirsrsmo or Ri ixkcs! being mCdand simple Initaactionand yet levealing in ita effects a power almost Inciedihle,.reselling (he most hidden slnewa of nsnn or benaf,.and yet being Innoxious to the weakest infant, it is alsoby fai the chetpett iJulmcnt In the msrket. being put up inbottles twite a* large r>» (he majority, and one-fourth laigerthan the largest, beside* bning more than four tltuemiaatrsiigi we thereroie offer It to you with pride and con¬fidence, asanartlcle exactly aulted to the wanta of rich orpoor, high or low.

he unpiecedeuted slse In which the Nonpareil l.lnlmentis put up; and tbe vest expenie of the n ateilal* u-ed in It,inakea It Impossible for us topsy toi the priming ot thehundieda ofcertificates we m ght publish, not do we deemit ucceasary,aa thoaiticle wheievei it ia used wi.lcertiryfor llself.We would however refer (hose affi'cted ones who have

soolten been gulled by foigedceitiflcateasnd bigassei lionsto the following names, being but a few or the many pensons whose chsiader for candor and veiacity need a no

panegyric from us, tiiid who having fully tested its viitueaIn the different diseases (or which it Is letommei.ded, aieprepared toapcak ol ita meiita aa It deserves.Sold in Wheeling by jemes Maker, Hells <£ Caldwell, T

II Logan <$ to, IrK Mcfiee, Patieison& Co , and by thepiincipal Diuggieteof Virginis. and Feiiiisylvania.A ugust 17, '03

From the Fairmont ( I'i.) Republican.An I a vali'ablx Manillas.-It Is but seld< m \vr find

among the many lenudies offered to the public lor the cuieof disesse, oi.e we can consent tocommeud, or wlmte vlr*tues we aie able to discover, and have slwajrs >eduouslyavoided giving utteiance to anything that might le-danyone to suppoie that we plavd any Faith Hi their prcleu*sion>. Hut with leferencetoa remedy niauu actured illibis place, slid which has become ss familiar to the nubileas housel»old words, we speak liom knowledge of ita imtilnsic excellencies, its sdaptstlou to many or the Ills olIt e, and the security with whlcu it may be used. Wesneak of the Noii|>aieil Nerveaud Hone Liniment, prepar¬ed by II. II. Carr & Co.,fiom a preeciiptlou furnished byUr Watson Carr, lateoi Moigautowu, and now of Wheel*lug, one ol the most eminent Fhyslcisns In Virginia. ThisLiniment is based upon the bioad ptlnclple that any ieme-dy which will lellav# external pain, will il properly com*pounded, be equally efficacious in lemovlt g internal slTec.tlona, a principle that has been successfully develored .It la aimply the offspring of Sclei.ce, being mild and sim¬ple in ita Kctiou, and yet levealing lulls effects a powermore incredible, reaching the mnil hidden ainew* ol npnsnd beast.and yet being Innoxioua to tao weakest infulit..It is also by tar the rheapttt l.lmmeut in iho usiket. beingput up in lottles twice as Isige ss the majoitty, si d one*louith larger than the largest, besides being more Humourlimes aa at ong We commend Ittothose in want ol aasfe and ceitain remedy

'Mian Itiiaw Thyaell."An Invaluable Book lor 25 Cents

"tivrnf Fuinilu thouhi Auv u Copy."COKlHS roIu in le^a than three months. AUUUU new edition revised and impro\ed, lusi Issued

Pit HU.MKH'S MKOICAI' MANUAL A Sill HAM)lltiOK FOIt Till: A KF1.11'.TKI». Containing an outlinenriheoiigin, piogiesa, tieatment and cmeol every foiinofdisease, conducted by promiscuous aexunl luteicourse,by sell ubuse, 01 by sexiu excess, with advice tor theirprevrtiiion, written in a familiar sly ieavoldii g all inedicutechnicalities, arcl eveiy hi n^ hat would offend odecency, from the lesult ol some I went? ycaia tuccesafupiaclicc, exclusively devoted to thecuie ol diseases ot adelicate or private natuie.To which ia added, receipts for the cure of the above

diseases, and a treatise on the cauaes, symptoms and cuieof the Fever and Acne.Tiitimony of thel*rofesior of t htelrlct In l*euU. Col-

lefe, fAi/«<wpii«-4,l>». Ilrafin'a Mann ai. NauOaI,"the author oftjila woik, unlike the mak»liy ol those whoadveitise to cuie the disesses of which it Heats is a graduate of oif ol the bent colleges In the United Niat«* Itaffords me pleasure to lecommeud him to the unim tunate,or to the victim ol malpiscllce, as a succea»ful ami evpefenced piac tUloner, In wlnne honor and Integrity theymay ylsce the greatest confidence

Jim. H. IxiMosiinas, M. I).

Ftom A. H'o<WiMnf. M. It, of Ptmi. Ilnlrer^lty, Philadel¬phia -It givea nx* pleasuie in add my leillnioiiy to thepioressloual ability of the author of the "Medical Mainu*l." .Numerouscases ol Disease ol the Ueiiiial Oigcus,some ol them of longstanding, have come ui-der uiy no¬

tice, In which liia skill has been m-intieit in lestounglopei icct he.«llh, iu tome raws wheie the patient has beenconsideied beyond medical aid In the tnatmeni of Sem¬inal weaknesses, 01 disarnugemcnt ol the ruiictio.-m piodiuid by sell abus^, or exceanol verery, I do not knowhiaauMr ier in the proressiou. have been hcitua'niedwith the authoi aome thli ty and deem it no naireihau Justice to him, as well as kii di.esa to the unlOrt i-

i.ale victim ol eaily liidlscreiloi:, to recommend him as

one in whose professional skill slid integrity they maysalely confide themselves.

ALrRKD WnonwARD, M. H..This la, without exception, tbe most comprehensive

and Intelligible work published, ou the clssaof diaease* otwhich H tresta. Avnldingall technlcaltei ms, it addie^seaItself tolhe reason ol ita teadeia. It ialieefiom allobJectlonable matter, rnd no parent, however lasildlous,carobject to plsciifg it In tbe bands of his sons. The sulhorhas devoted many yeara to the tieatment of tho variouacomplaiutaneatedof, and 'with loo little l)rcath lopufT,'and 'too little presumptlou to Impose,' he hasoffeied tothe woildat the meiely nominal pi Ice of28 cents, thefruitaor some twenty yeaia most successful practice '.Herald.'No teacher or paient should be without Hie knowledge

imnsrled In this invaluable work. It would aave yeaiaofpain, mortification and aonow to the youth under tbekchaige People'* Advocate.;rA rresbyteilan clergyman in Ohio, In writing oltet'a Medical Manual,' aaysi .Thousands upon thouia'laor our youth, by evil example sud the Influence of thesions, have been led Into the habit 01 adf pollution without realliinethe sin and fearlul conaequeucea upon thein-selveaaud theli poaterity. The constitutions or thousandswho are raising faniiliee have beeu enfeebled, ir not biokeudown, snd they do not know the cause or Hie cure. Anything tliat can be done ao to enlighten and influence tIsepublic mind as to check, snd ultimately to remove thiawidc-epiead source of human wretchedness, would comerIhe grestest blessing next to the religion fo Jesus Christ,on the piesent and coming generations. Inte nperane. (orthe live ofluloxlcating drinks,) thou;h It haa slain thouvKsnds upon thousands, is not a gieaier acouige to Hie hu-«mit race. Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted,and, believe me, your co worker In the good work/id ateso actively engaged In.'One copy will bo forwarded (tecurcly enveloped snd

po»iste paid,) on receipt of 23 cents, or six copies (or 81Address, COSDKN ® CO., Publishers, llox i'JO, FliUadelph's.

Ilooksellers. Canvassers and Rook Agents, supplied onthe most llbeialterms. junelU^yr

Planished Tin Ware.JUKT opened.snsssortmentofsplendliJFlsnished Wsra,

consisting ol coffee and Tea Urns, chafing Dishes, Oys*ter Steweis, Vegetable Dishes, Dish Covers, Teapot*, Kgfeoolern. Rtomach warmers, sud painted Toilet sets.'abeautiful article.' We respectfully solicit the atteniion olthe public to our varied and beautifulassortment of(founeand Ktesm lioat furnishing goods

If Oil lis, DAH2VKA A CO,No28, Monro* 8t, near the Post Office,

novIO Wheeling, Va

Wheeling Window GlassM AN U F A C T O H Y.

Til K partnership heretofore existing between StocktosllHaukerd A Co, has beeu dissolved by tho purchase of ii,Ml. Dsnkerd's right, title, and interest, by Ktockton «\aHussell.The busiuesa wl'l be csrried on under the name ofoct8 STOCKTON, HUSSKLL & COWheeling, Oft 4.1ft'.?

ok to your Coughs !at uuc.i «sare laboring under Coughs. Colds. House

nest, Fains in the llraaat, Spitting lllood, i(e., wowould honestly recommend the use ol Jlieutliugui'a Connpound Syrup ol lloneset, aa a Pleasant, sale and speedy..are It rail he had at Meaara. Fa vto>« A Lakh'#, end ofthe Suspention Dndge, and at

IIKKNTLINGEK & AltMSTHONCi'fl,ang^l-yrid Monroe stieet, Whcding.

To Country Merohants.MH.H.K. KNOX having withdrawn from the firn.ol

McClollen, Knoxdc Co., the remaining partners haveassociated Willi tliem Mr. Chester I). Knox, (brother of S.S. Kno.v,)so longoml favorably known inlhetrading public

u? turning Hie style of McClallens and K no v.

They would respectfully Inform their old customerlCwhohave so longond libei ally sustained t hern) si id all olherdealeia in iioota and Shoes, that their Fall Stock will he arriv¬ing from tbe 10th to Hie last of September.Having been aelected with the gi eaten t care and bought

ror cash, they flatter theimelvea that In their Fall Stock otHoots and Shoes they tan bold out induceinenta in Qualityand prices superior to any ever offered In the market. ToCountry Merchants on their way east, they would be picas,cd to exhibit their stock, and poet them inphcea, feailessivrfallen*!nga comparison with the mat keta of Kaltlmore amiPhiladelphia. fsep3) M«fl/A IJ.F.NS Ar KNOX

uGaN, t'AKK fit CO., have Just re<eiveu r.oboe"j of tobacco, In addition to their latge stock. Call

uiundat No. SI.and sees specimen of tbe * Califoruigolden bar Tobacco," Intended for all "who love e gooathing." A l*o. a la I $e lot of I matted Sahara Just t oh and

Advioe.IP yod a ri trnubld', with » couihi PI in In th«brr..l or

,nr>(lMllo!l ol tbe Lunf,.vm Hreiitllog.r,» Coin-pnur.d 5<yri-.,> of lloneMl.

lr you «i« .Aided wltii RbturulUm, h«r. rec'v.dbrulie.or .pr.lD,, or your b.itd. or real aie (mat bittenor chipKil-Uto iu n,r(tr or Kplno and Mutcl^ Unl-iil#it11 andKliotid you b. affected wltb RtrofaU, or inr iL'aotM

arlilrnfrumlmrurltyof tMblood. ortl t InJUdlcloua uteof mercury, by ill inctn, i tocur* UrenUlr.f.r'a Plull Kx-trador Caraanailllaaod I'and.llon.TbeM rainailn hav, beea tried by hundreds, tad In i!l

H'U liave|l«aaaatlatattory «»ld,nce oflUalr appelloreBcacy 0T,r**,rr otb«r n*4lclM I* tb« cure of tfeu*complaint,, tor whlcb Ihey va re*»«i«aB4a4To be had at

8RBNTI.IN08R ? ABMITBOROfSAyjbKjr;, Mmiroa«lreel,adHnln,lh. McLura Hkae,

Hoskins, Heiekell & Comtottui »«o

APLE AND FANCY DRY C100DS,A VK removed lotheli ne»v 1 ton llullilinr.'.'lSMark.t. i. >nil .11 Commerce «t . PHILADRI.I'HU. »p!7ilrHAnspach, lJrother & Co.

WHOU&ALE dry goods stork,A'o'G A'.rfA Third mI. cormr »/tkrrry, I'hllndclplilnJulin All,inch, Jr... John F. J«co'i>|.. .Jtuxa M. Heed;Wllllim An.mchi..Ilen-y W P.lrnmi. wpl-nmin

Wolles, Ballard Ac Co.mro.Tit.. *hit J«.na.. ;n

foreign and domestic dry goods,179 Markrl llr/tl, I'll I Inilrl |>li 1 ¦¦

C'oi.. II. F., formerly of Wheeling, l» eng.gedIn lhl» lloutO «<p/U-Jlf_Odd VeTUwf.itlnaoua, Uri lieu, h«m« ol

TtwrirnnhAnd other Society Kegalla,

Bannert, Sealtnnd Jewels, mnnujar.ltireit uwl tohlby Gillt it Smith, No. 73 Ihiltimore Street,

Haitimore, Md.THK asor tine lit usually on liar J consists of

UKGAI.IA,Odd Fellotes'.Grand and Subordinate I#odge and K. .

* ' canipment.* ' Past Grand and other Ofllceis, plain ano1 . embroidered.i

4 lei,2d, 3d, 4thand 6th Begiee Paradelle' . galiae.* 1 Pithly embroidered Kncampment Farad

Kegalias.Masonic.Knights Templar, Royal A^;h. and Mailer.

4 Jewel", Robes, Uanneia, 8\ ords, Ac.Sons of Temperance.National, (irand and Kubordlna

Divisions.Oftfeeis and Members.Red Men.Sachems, Past Officers and richly einbroldeiW Degree Worklngsnd Parade Regalia.

JBNVELSOf the various Orders, of Silver, (flit or Plated Melals,

ncludlnf Knights Templar, (with IMiks.)BANNERS.

Banners or every size, style and coat, adapted to the va¬

rious Oiders sud Societies, manulactuied toorderjand liesigns Tor Banners, when requited, furnished free or expense, showing the style of the Mine when finished. AlanKOUB8, 8ASHE8, COSTUMBS, CAPS. Ac.Comprising the largest ssortment to be (mind in the U. H.


Wishing to fit up their Halls, or supply themselves withParade or Woikina Kcgalia, Banner*, &t. can depend up.Oil having their ordei a satisfactorily filled, by calling oil oraddressing ; (SINKS & SMITH.

Regslis and Banner M tureis, T3 Bsitlmore Street,Balllmoie, Md.ccy (i T. SHY, Agar* \Vhaling. Vs. oct/V-tf

UwyiToTIteia,lmporlfl «liui(jl>bbrr.of llrj > .

Ao. 7 llunovrrSlrert.BALTIMORE, Md.

OPPl... r. »le, on the most fnvoiuhle terms, acliolcf a. J telect MockofBTal-nt ahu Phi r Itrnr (ioun.,lo which they irk|iectrully Invite (heetfenlloii ol li e tradigeneriMy. t

ninW-dlfALKK. fKNH. KtClt'tl li. UlTCIHtLL.


General Commission Merchants.No. CI South Gay Stikkt;


Dan'ISprlgji cashier Merchants' Hank, Baltimore.Miller, .Mayhew 4-Co, uo

Love, Martin 4-Co. UuTitos. J. Carson 4* Co. doPollard, Kird4-Co. doJames K. Baker, Wheel'ng.W. IK. Shrlver, doPorsfths' 4* Hopkins, doRhodes 4- Ogllbejr, Bridgeport.Hollowav 4- U'sitleld, do hnWilyd


TOBACCO AND OKNRRALProduce Commission Merchants,

1 Ellh-ottStrkkt, Bai.tiiiork.KKFKKKPtC'KSi

lion Thomas G. Piatt, Kx Gov. and U 8 Senator * A/d.Hon John Glenn, Judge Clixull Couil U S for AM.Daniel Spilgt, Ktq., Cash'r Merchants /Mc.BaliMoreAgnilla (Sites, Kao. . Finiklln .d^Tit.enun Cioss, K?q.1 Com. 4" Par. ti'k doKuvall, Kosns «V Co doPilsseiald 4- Magruder, doLons4Byiu, ucWebb, Kowland 4* Co..I.oulsvllle.Foisyihs 4- Hopkins. Whceliiia*Jamcs R. Bsker, do(J


C OMMJSSJOaS MHUCHA NTS,Foi the tale ofall kind* of

coiiiVricv ruinnxn,11 Uou'LV'l WiiAitr, CSdi'tm St.),


t*. Iliookli IVeK't Wcilcin II.iik, )J. l>. K.ilr. K^. ynjltlinor..i/illsr. .V.jIii-iv + Co. )Win. T. K.lbjr, 1Join* (ioiibnin .f- Sun. /WIimIIii,.Jacob >fii»tii>. IA.J. Wht.l.r, 1II. II. Ilowlfr, >CIiicIiiuU.lliute, .Vorfeiii + ^o. IWebb, Rol.liil + Co. )w. ( . /imok*. 4- co >toul.vlUe.J. H, Jlew. MooH. W.jfWAbur., H*. [J.nVO


51 Light Street, Baltimore.

nSFMHWCHfitC C Jamison. Ksq, i'ashier Bank of Baltimore.B Sprigs, Ksij, Cashier Meichanls' Bank.Tmemaii Cross, Hsa, Cashier Com. (tr Farmers' Hank.Mcms Grrenway <v Co, Ka-ikeir, Baltimore.

11 John Sullivan A Sons, ..

.. S C Baker A Co, Wheeling.Mr Jas R Baker, 11

Mr K B Swe«iiugeii« "

cort.-nfli ¦ Jv^iiC*** nmde on rf»n»lrwn'Cnts. dect'

JUSKfli OIHT, JUIIM II. U'KLLS,O/Wtll-iuff, ».«. O/WtlUiurf, Vt.' GIST & WBLLB,Produoo CommiflBion Merohants,

No. 39 Soutii IIowaku Strkkt,BALTIMORE.

UT'l'.illcul.i .llrntiOB r.lil <o th. ul. of Floor .nilplher I'rodiKr. 'will, prompt i.lurn..' imd. on

consignments.RKFTRKNCKBI, 4* Fullcii, Il.ltlnioi*.Colo + llotvaril, donrouk,. Son + Co. Uo

ra^M:W,UburS.James Daliell. doDr. J. (,. Campbell, Wheeling. (JaiAS

Pendleton 6l Brother,COMMISSION MERCHANTS,


PrrUlilon'l lVA.r/, A«. HO/.oiwr i'nd ./ SmflV. t.rJIIALTI.MOKK.

RBFERSNCESillucli Jcnkln. A Co. 1F. W. llruneA Rone, S B.lllinor..Wm. Wll.on <VHon», )F.dwlu WortUiniiV t o.")Arcli'lil T ho in.. A Son, > Richmond.lluibW. Prr, Illliodea iV Ogleb.y, Ilrldgrporl, Ohio.TwfeJ. Sibley A- \Vrl(bt, )JoecrhC. Duller & Co. > Clnclrn«tl.John UrclRtr, '

oIi»J. Cbir«l*' I ChArlMlou, S. U.

GoidonA Co., LouUvllle.June. M'Cully, 1

Ilioivi^dc Klrkpktrlck, ^ Fllt.bur,.f)'. ulb,'Ku|, C,»h. N. W 11 .iik, 1 .>

8. Jlr.dy, F..q,C,.b.M.AM.Il.nk, Wheeling.J.«. H. M.ker, . Iblry, ll.mburf, R. 0.Henry A, Khio.-der, .Mobile, AI».A. 11. (,.lne«. New Orle.nk

TUB LONUONWatoh and Jewelry Store.

no io imHTsturkt,(4 doots /romflaltlmorft.,<>rro»" Inntatn Hotel,)

Hnltittsere.rnilKaub*crlber, alter twenty years* experience In the)1 cities dl Kuroi»e, would Inrormelt'senihiid strsnpeiswho are in want ol a good watch, that* for quality of work-imunliip. Iiih waicl.e* defy all competition) he having Is.dlitiea for obtaining Fiss I.osoos Wu« uses, which fewin thiscountry possess, being rtrsonaily acquainted wl'hthe most eminent l^judon inanulactuieis.

J. A LBXANHKK,Ute of J M. Frtneh's Uoyat Kjehnge, Undon.

OCVFIm Watches end Jewelr/ rcpaire-l pioj»eily. AllLondon Watches sold at this establishment, warrantedfree of cos! for four yeara. sepIfi-lrJ

PARTNKRSH1P N0T1CR,rpllR undorslfned hsve entered into partnership, for the1 purpoNT or rarfylngcn the wholesale tobacco business,under the Arm of l.ofin. O.rr A Co.


rmrrfl II. II. CAItlt.

AgrToulturRl Warehouse.rpHK undersigned are now prepared to All orders for allJ kinJaof Agriculltiral Implements, havejutt ircelvedi

Straw and Hsy Cutlers, asnorted »

Virginia Corn Shelleis, do11 ennometer ChufnsjOeddes' llarrowsiOr YokesiMeat CuttersiSaunaae StuflersjStoic Trucks, etc.etc.

dcMawlm MrAFKK BHOTHRHH.Qulncy at

£)j W I CIIOICK plain .tore, .nd lor Mle byM/Wlr|D M- " "f 1,1.Y

mrui. l.old Fell 1. very .upciioi .mcie; lot tale by|,li.1|JAMBS li.lKKIt


t... Ni«. 1 .nd 2, Jo.t received .nd for ule bydcM M. KKII.I.V

~ ~CfieipTi6I5.t'.ae Kr«ryb«Hy and .act

WK .rranied on . ehe p '.ble. of every kin.I. old *lyl.< Good., .ud .rtlcleaof irh'cli »e

bavetoo large. (lock, which n. puipou toiellolTattomt frier.whatever tkey w;ll brln«Coiue aoon, whil. you hav» aebane. for ba'galns..IM7 W. I>. MOTTK A HKO.H T TO J'LASTBRERS.

A(\(\ BVSims good ('Attic. Ralr, lor ul. by4UU. JOIIN KNOTK,iatl Old Stand, lMH,lu,l.

OU rvlTlflnJ by r.lhiig iwxt door loOre.r, Ott A Co1 >0. K Monro. «t.'.'t pali . men. Enameled Oxford TleaiSi do do brocaiwi< cau MM|NI oo

Jylt J.\MKW n. MAHHH

MEMCINA],.Ur Hall's Celebrated Pulmonic Elixir| >ol! Hit permanent cuie blconsh., culdt, t-.onaumpllaii.X* bioncliltli(,»«ihiiw.ltfliienia,croup, ivlKWi'lngwigli,Jnll.maiiuii ol llta tmntcliee aiid liOifttneM» cauliu l>y |'u!>..|C ipcaklnjiaiiJ til .Dtclloni if (ho organaof leaplra.tic I). s

Warreii'ed the |»!ea>oiit<*st nml best medicine for distas¬te o I he lungs oversold in America.

In picfiillntf tills mediciiij to the public v. e have thesatisfaction to know that we not only inetent thorn withall Invaluable untiJOle fgr the cUki ol disease* ll profes*%rn iocuie, but one which is perfectly haimlets In it* er

feci*upfn the constitution, siiduibc aduiinlstered wllli-out any lear ol mineral politou', Tor it contains none..The tarri ilintAlaige portion ol the > nfTcrlnj, ami death

tlnoughoutt ecouuti), Is caused by disease oftheorya s

ol regulation, consequent upouexposuie and cold, basin-dne« d us to put it within the ir,uh or every individualwho may need a ie i.edy that has proven itself so Invalu-*h'e.Tide medicine in the result of a long experience, and

study ol those dlse.nea of the luiifc* which ar j so frequent in

oui ibaiigoblcclliiuleiaiid we claim it to belli advauceol all medicincsever hetore discovered Mr hose peculiar(omplduta. an impioyemeiil iv nail, and consequentlyu|i'iloi to all others.Weshall make no extiavogau' assertions of Its eftlcacy

in curing di-.caici. I'ke the veudeisof too iiiuij nostrum*,who deccive all who tiu»t thou', nor aliall we hold oul anyinducements which experience docs not justify.

irpatients will |»eiseveie'in tin uie of this medicine,aud u*e li a* din-cted, »hey \<rllt be cured in every instancethat it is not hejond the power of medicine, t here are

nun erous pei sons now onjoyiuglhe olCSslngS of health andlei.ewed life, at It weie, who otnerwiss would have been In their piave. but for the tiuie.y and |»ersevoring u»e ol lid* invaluable lemedy. Ills not pretendedthat it is infallible inovery stage ofconsumption, hut we

know It to hi betteradapted loth* various diseases oil holespiislory orgai.s thin any other .Medicine over o/lerrd 10

tho public. All wo ask is atrial, and in overy instance. itvteu lively according to the directions, nud if perfect satin-raction U notflvn, the money will be icturncd.Genuine signed K. II \ I.I, »v CO. For sale by JAM BR

DAK P.!.', Uriutlsl. Wheeling, V®. Alto, by Druggistsseverally throughout thecountrv. ap*-iy


DR HOUGHTON'S n,,Ouin'c Juta, pre-^nared from Keunet, or the

Fourth Stomach of the Ox,aftei the dhectlons or Ua-ioii Liebig, the great Phrsl.ologlcal Chemist, by J. N.lloruiiToM, M. D., Phila¬delphia. Pa.Thla is Natdrk'* own

Hkmkdy for au unhealthystomach. No art ol man

cauequal lUcurative poweia. It contains no Ai.conoi.,Hiti alls, Ac ion, or .N a tutors Dat'os. It fa extvemelyagieoahie to the taste, and may be taken by the mostfecb.e ratio* t» who cannot eat a water cracker withoutacutedffctresa. Ileware 01 Dm'uokp Imitation*. PepsinIs HOT A DKl'O.

Call oil the agent, and get a descriptive circular, gratia,giving a laife amount of Kr:«KTiric Kvidkm at, from'a Animal ( heiuistryi Dr. Combe's Physiology of Di¬gestion! Dr Peicirsou Food and Diet) Dr John W. Dra¬per, of New York Unlveiailyi Prof. Du^|llson's Physiolo.jtyi P.of. slilimau, ol Vale College) Dr. ( ai pouter's Phya-inlogyi etc., together with repoita ofera**from all paitaoftho UnlledSiales.

li II. PATTHHHON. S3 Monroe street. WIIKKLI.NO,Wholesale and Helail Agent. martft-d&wl y

8PHIN0 1)KB68 OOuUd.WK have ju»-t opened a »pleodld assortment of Ihess

(inoda, of the numerous st)les ami qualities calcu¬lated io pease every 01 e.


'2 hhimNui Casloi Oil jU«l lecd and loi sale oyj«ii3l JAM HP HAKKH

To"tho ladies!



WK have just received, a) the sign of the big led boot,ihe most beautiful and complete a»SOiti» ent of la¬

dle*. misses and child i en's Shoes ever pi evented in lollmarket ~ . ,

uO pair ladies Philadelphia (iaiteisi|in do do KllppeiSl300 do do Jeuuy l.indsi

mihskh' and ciiii.iihkn's work.fOO paii nilt*te bool* and tboesofeveiy vailetyt

I WW ' Ciiildrru'a do do do do

flKNTMUKN'il WORK.100 (.air fields fine bootoiI.VJ do line Momoesi200 do patent leather Oxford Ties)|.*>0 do do Jersey doI no do do t.oniivsi boots)125 d'i huck»kln Oxford Tiesi",5 do do COiigU'SS bootS|'|0S do col'dcloh do2«yi do (.stent leather We..sfer'I lea,

(.entiemen .ire rexpectlully invited to cillaud examineat the ilgiiiii the Dig Hod Hoot.

0,»x w alrr.UM.KNW ^ KNOX.TZTTiihi meirapatent leaihei CoTigresii Nv««idiigtoiiiaus1 Z mni)'.l o\k ll a 1.1., 12a Main »t.

t Ufii rxeUed-0 10 doaen of Italtlmore Shaker b'oomsj

100*1 bush* Iduo and Meieer I'otatoastI bid. ol msi'le countiy cake Sugar}

4iv>i i|im of tcuntry bacon liana)1000 busheh of Ott»|JOOil do corutjono do diied apples;,li)00 do diicd poachesi4000 lbs. of hide bacontfOO do Jowlsi100 bbls. su|>ei extra Fan.iiy Flour.

niy.tA if fif» F.I.V.* tlAT.s AND CAi'S.

T I'ST received, a larre lot of gents and youths fine silk. I llul*, New Yoik, Philadelphia ai d llaltimoie Myles.

1 ' M ^

Jtj.N.Vewld'sand Tlios. iiluiidelt'a i-elubiated HallwayTime keepers, in gold aud silver huntln? catesj wai-

uuied to porioi m equal to any watches in Hie world.A 1.0-Jos. Johii'on and other line watches always on

hand and loi sale at C. P. IIKOWr'ff,dcio Monroe atreet

|I0NNBT8Ur K have tills dry iccelvrd a choice variety of HonT j nets, compilsinx several very des.rsble styles} vuiPlain Stiaw bonpets (soil flulsu) extra flniab, lot ladies

and misse*.Heal Paris bonnel*, a few exceed I nglv beautiful.Kt.flai.d, split Stiaw, Fiench l^ce do.Wli|» an immenae variety of other styles, for ladles and

and lulsae*) ahoatull stock of Hloomeisaml Flat", lormisses.

.I*||II RISK P.I.I. A Co.

11) MILS\ Spin. T t iKMdfne, for isle lowIII drrft JAMF.K HAKKHNo. ragrj i> K\v DioiiK. [h». n:i'

Ntw stock | M. MoNeal & Co'b | 'n*w ,t»i.k

Oak Hall Triumphant!!WF. aie now receiving and opeidug the most desirable

stock ol Hoots and Shoes, Hats and ''aps, Trunksand Valises, t'aipetings, Ac., that his e\er beenofleiedto the Hade or tuecityund vlcin'ty, at the business standheietoloie known ns W. W Jime^oii'sj therefore we givenotice that \ve aie iu receipt of and leceiving '.he be*t so-lec ed stock of Goods

Which we are bound to sell. tTo one aud a'l, ao give us a call.

providing low pi ices will not give otlence. apt 37 MhKSS GOODS, &c.

PLAIN and fig'd Haia^es, in b'ue, pink, lavender, tan,ashes Of rotes, gicen and b'ackjHlcli P ench Oigandles]Plain Uwiis, lusalaioii, blue, pink and tail)Fig'd Lawns, In gteal vaiicty;Fiench «'hintie*kPlain and corded SilksiPlain Vouslin Do Laineai Just received.

myl6 HKIHKKMj <c Cq.r UIMKJW lll,IM)S.

PLAIN Green OiM'loth. Lanescape, Tiansparent andPaper Window Hliuds,in great variety.For sale by Wlt,DK A HHOTIiKR,

niyl3 cor Main and |fnion sis

KKbiill uYSTEKb.JUST received at fit per can, and warranted

JanSt T M PAHKKROrWWV bottles Japan boot and shoe 1'olUh, for saleZUUU by J. It. VOWKLU

nivin 94 Union M.

UHK.AT HAKOA1N.XWI Ll, sell my leeseand fixtures of the best Hard aa a

t'onlrctljuei y ar.d Ice Cream b'aloOn iu the city, onicasouablo lerms

Kuquheat this ofnee or ofopto J. ROHI.VVON. Ms'kef RENTI

ANKW two story llrlck Dwelling, plessaiitlv situatedon the laland. and containing five looms. Henl SI-0

ptr annum. Possession given immediatelyKnqulie at the Imurancc Oft\ce of Messia. DorteyA

Aithui. m>enOODS HY KXPHESS.

HOANDY MUKLINS)Frencli Jaconet;Plain Laregea.Nainsook Alusllns:Dot I'd Swiss tturilnS}Coloied and black FflnjesjConled and F>ounced Skir!stSecond Mourning Jlonnel Hlbbons,Fieuch ChinliesjPlain French Lawns, In colors, etci efc.

Ifeccl veil this day bym>20 HKlSKKLT. A Cn

SUOAU CUBED HAWS.yillPPR A t'O'S. iiu^ai cuicd llatiiS}M cssks F.vans A Swill's suiar cured hamsi10 tieicea do diled beefiJust leceivcd aud will be wold >ew by thecasfc'


IF >ou do, >oucan And a IDst rate choice*!W, D. MOTTK iV HKO.'R

am) mvr mon^r going there 10 buy ore. inyCOI \l li \ LllS. Siiioked Shouideist

/ y,UUU 20,000 lbs do llam-.Just iceoivrd aud for sal? by


ALA HOF. variety ol Paiaaols in the most desirablecolors.

Honnets, misses' dale and bonnets aud bojs lists.Just icceUed by

inylO HKI3KBLL & Co.

Removal.TIIK »ul>«cithrr Iu* remo.'il liln l^igeand >|i|.udld

.lock or Hal. and Cap., to ihr tliJon Hallbuliaini;. So. Si, (iruullr occunled bf Jofin Kllioll,) (woilooiaaoulhof (ha North WMlcrn Hank


MOliK bound. In ve at 11 vet) at ths.lor. orill>72 W 1). MOTTK A DhO.

I'Fiitfacr llrltlnn nil it I.nee l.enther.

AKlKKa.acilmeiitjutl lecaivtd at loweal ratea troma iBlebrattd New York inauyfaclory.

inylO IML8KTT& Co. .

[Vonng imarlta copy.}1 n I'HX. niei.'a patent laathar Galtera, aetvedilv nupcrlor aitirit at

niytt0>K H.MJ., )?3 Main»t,T?MHK0ll)hRH!»-l i»)¦« rich cambric Klonneliieai

If) i Kwla.and oambrlc KJ,lnp;fi 1 Of l.t«, eimbrlt and SwIm Colltr.i12 dot l«c«. cambric and fcwlaa ftlt.veai. ' varrrkli robm.nkroldertd, In cambric and

book nuaUnai,5' ^/ra«fk^',d^llRMKKI. *rfi

LU" 11 I1 J II !¦¦¦!! II


CURTAIN MATERIAL,furniture «'o*H'liiu». Ac..


CURTAIN STOKE,it St. 189C,*»<tnut.J'l I'hU'dilfhU. Corntr Fl/IM ilrttl,

oppctile th< Sr<ttc Home. v

|l K baa alway. in ator. * full .lock oi

1'ieiich Hrocatellsiall wldllia '

ami colors lHieiKh Mil" J« Ul neaiIndia Satin Dainaakaifiencb MoquetteiDo PlusbeaiN. V. Fainted WtmnW.s

l.sce and Muslin Curtahiaof every atylt and price.

Table .1- I'iallu L'ovei a Ac.ICilll Corlilceai(tilt I'Inn anil J Landa v(ilinjia, KiiunaiCords. Taiwla, Ac.U.itlKS, ol all atylaa and

pilteai llHir llollatidsi Shade l-'i vtuic», lliaatca, 4C I amitr'ri/IMiin rompltle f.r Citrlilni, of I lie newest Parisstyles, and at tho loirtil frlcu.

1'er.Ofta sending th. height and i./ifl* of their mfnduefiavin, can have their Curtains mad. and trimmed III llieIie«t mauneri an Paahloit Plait* In August number u[ Gu-

dcy'a l/idy'a llonk.Steamers, i,..teia. o.tW I III1,1/Kits. a nil U.alers c«ner

a My, supplied at (he hlttll lrhtltiatt>rHcet.W. H. OAHKYL. llr.lerin furnishing (iopds,169 Chestnut street, corner orFlflh,

nnrn-lTilArW Olipo'tlla lite gist* limine. Phll.da^Fnper Waronouse.

cykun if. "Field <f- co.,COMMISH ON SIK.aClla.NTH.

No. 11 Cliff Streot,NEW YOHK.

Arc Nolo Agcnla In tho Uiillcil Hlalc* for.\lu*pratt'8 8uperior Kleachlug Powder.Victoria Mlllf(MsbratsJ Writing Pa]»ers.Huhscll .. Kupetlor " "

Geneve " 11 Printing "

Rawlins »t* Sons* Kngllsh Tissue 11

Firat quality Ifltrainarine JtlueThe)' a»c also Agent * for the principal Paper Mauufactur*

art* lu iliif* country, ami offer for KMe l»y lar the most ex.

tensive and ami desirable slock oi Vafer awl Poper Mann-/octurns' Materia la thatcait be found III this or any othercountry.

Thei r business It atrlctly wholesale,and Writing Papersare aold by the case only.Their extraordinary facilities enable them to offer all

{roods*, both Foreign and Domestic, at tho lowest possible

'"paper mode to order, any site or weight. Liberal ad¬vancea made on consignments of Paper, Paper Makers*alock and other meuhandlaeThe highest maiket prlco paid In cash for ill kinds *

Hags. augl-ly.

\Villi:tiii« ami ili'ollivr,GKNF.HAI, MKOCKItH AND

COMMISSION MERCHANTS,Coa.NiH C**r anp Pkakl St«kkt»,

Riohmoud, Va.CO^OfTer Ihelrse" vices for the nsle of all kinds of Pro¬

duceand Manufacture*. (ioods for them may be shippedby Hie Malt. <fc Ohio Kailioad to llaiiiniore and consignedto Jacob Ihaudt. Jr., agent for the Powhailan Kteamboa I

t'o.jor Charlea Pendergait, asei.t of the Kalto. and Rich¬mond line of Packets, either of whom will leceive andforward them without rhnige.MtrmKNCKSt

Jas K. Maker, Ksq.Aaron Kelly, '

K. IIrady, *

Morgan Nelson, 1 f Wheeling.Iir. aM. II. llouKton, IA/esais. Sweeney A Son. ).Mesvrs. Lewi* v Ceo. (.assail,

* J. s'cllniautV S'ou, > //all I more.1 l<ove, Mai tin <V <-c. J

Jud?e Jno. /Jrocknibrough, Lexington, Va.Jaul'.'iliiid

WttSo him.

Humphreyu, Hotlmaa A Koons,COMMISSION MEliC1JANTS,


Flour, I'orl&t Rmon, Hrc<|« and Produce(Jmorally,

No. 47, North Whnrvet, nnti 95, North Water-it.,PlIII.AOEiritlA.'

icy*Liberal advancea will bo made on receipt Hills Iading.

Hrftr to Mtttrt. Porsvtiib A llofxiss. Wheeling. jnli<uANnar it(MVLi.ib;

Brokorand Gonoral Claim Agont,wasiii.noton. ii. c.,

r ILL give piompt and per onnl atiention to Clsim*befoie tiie department, and other bnsiiiiKS entrusted

ii. He for to K II SwkAKihuuh. ap'i^lyLAYMAKBR & HA8LBTT,

COLUMBIA HOUSE,I'llfatuut at., belowllb,

i>m. i'iiia.IIOA IIII «I..V11'UK IIAV.nnW-,||)

JOHN H. DROWN & CO.,Imyortsrl -V H7io/r.a/f Jftaln* in

British, French and AmericanDRY QOOD3,

iVo. I'iJ.TInrkriHlrrrl, I'lallmtclplila.tlHilyU

FRANKLIN HOUSE.Chfiliiut filrerl, lirlicftu 3il und 4M,

PlIlLADKLI'HIA.Ilru. II tl'wl iiiii ii Piopiietpr.

A fliat (Mass Hotel. Pi Ices reduced! Prom ft'J.OO to$1,60 per day. marH-lyd

Wllllnui llnlly, T. A. Joliiin &c t o ,

Wholrtule dealer* in iloott, Shott, iSonnelt, Lrghi-rn, Panama ami I'ulm Leaf Halt.M.St) rUN, SILK, AM) WOOL UMS,OS Market Stieet, Piur.AOki.i'iif a.

mar17-1yda. cucuotN. a.rowTo.N

Colhoun & Cowton,I'ltts Itl'<K«'<s.ll .t| l«MH>> .flliltC'IIANTH

FOR TIIK fa. K or

KLOI'R, ¦ ACO.V, I.A It I), rt.OVKR KF.F.O, &C.,Hroad St., Ka»t tide, bet. Itare A" t-herry,

PHI LA PKLPIt A.Liberaladvancos mado on ConsignmentM,and when re

ceivrd bycar'oadv, fire of drayage.KBPKH to FoivythsiV Hopkins, Wheeling, who will

ntak* advsyces on coi sJinroentS. npli^-lylloiijiiusiii II. liitfbllool,

Hats, Caps, and Ladles' Riding HatsNo, 41, North Second Street,

PHll.ADKLVlitA.<i«-o. W. Huffy.I*uaf.UhetinjtSt. marl7-)yd

LLOYD & CO.,Claim, Pension and Bounty Land

AQBNT8,Fiftrrnlh ilrrrt, oppoiitr the Trraiuru,

WASH.NO I0.N. II. C.,Ct'nah mini need on flu I uia, Ac.

1 LA I.Ms befoie t'ongiean oi lhv<;idled .States that haveJ been al»andoned by oilier agents m uort'.l<»t, have

been successfully prosecuted by us. Letlei s addressed ax¦.bove, post paid, will be piomptly attended to.aplA-if

rowiN a. claBACUM. w. i'lahahui*FOUNTAIN HOTEL.

rPIIKun,leial,ned liaTii>a|>urchaa.d the leaaa and efrecoI- Dflliat old calabllihcil Irnua., tho Poi'»t»ih IIotkl.Light street, llaltlmoie, and hating repaired and r. fur-nlalied at a heavy outlay, now offei to their friend, and theIravelln, public an iikl.>bllt>liiiicitl aacoud (uuoi e In comloiUndconvenleiN«.The Ladtea' Oidinarr, end the aultes of rooms attached,

Will be found lo affoid Hi. comfort, of horn, to f.mille r,tvblla ilia altuitlon otthe boure eiuianteesquiet renos. toall Ita ratron*.

Itl.t emost central sltuallon for t>.e man of bual neaibelli* In Iliecei,tie of business, am>id. aa convenient ac-ce.a to all tho Kailioad l)e|iol« .lid Nteamboat UnJInuaaany other lintel In the city. *

It will be tlw ilealie and plea.ui. or th. proprietor lopromote thacomron ot the coast, oi the'?-ly CLAJIAUOII <V IIHOTHKH.

Solid Daguerreotypes. r

'PHIS latest discover) Is Hie wonder of tho aa. Tl«X picture assume, all i lie rouudnou and aolldltv of liteIt .l.o appeal a llfe.lie, and ill .very polut letenible. thellvliw haliif. Naluie la perfrclly mocKed. even to an |.dividual hair. Taken at Wlin'miUBNT'H. ov.rCUmpbell'. Jewelry atnie, lialllmore atieel, In the city or Haiti,inoiei also, in hi. WaMhlngion tiallery, and will soon btIntroduced In .11 or lila jall.ilea, which may be round inall I lie principal citiea In the Union.Mr. IKiiiTsnrarr lias the honor lo announce that he liar

received * ell.r rromllie President or Ihe UnlledKlale.. inrorinln, hlmnflheawaidnfa Medal, Certificateandacopyoflho lb. Wuild'aPair, ,x>n

marXt-irJOIIN W., .*MJ. uasim

n JOHN W. BELL & CO.,profit a i;i:\FitAi,

COMMISSION MERCHANTS.Howard St., oumitr Centre*

iyH-t» It A LTlalOHK.TUOfl. J. CANHONa] [Joasru ( ARSON1

T. J. VAUHON A CO.,Western Produoo and General

Commission Mrrchants,41 &l 42, I.ight Street,

ilaiTiNOR*,An11 30, Water 5lruel, iNow-Yoih.

W^IJb.ral sdvarve. made , n roaaiennwnt..ilopkliia At I m |7, 1,1 r.f,

Merchant Tailors,220 Baltimore Sheet,

I1AI.TIMOKK,N V ITri the attention ol Ihe dlliens ol \Vh.«lltu tot hell

i extensive.Uoi tment ol clothe, caaaimeie. and

SSmn "I'd ,vl,h "'c,t cav«- from the latest1 Importa.ItaDV Sltllt CLOTIIIMi;.

On the acconil flnor or their smie they keep, latrea.soitinenj ol elegantly nnlahed clothing. Made by Ibe be.Ilisnd and cut In Ihe most r.shlonable style. msrlR lyd

¦lnr«, Plcraoa, llellldny A; <.«,,WIIOI.KSAI.IC TifcatjfcCM IN

STAIM.K AND KANOV DltY GOODS,A'a. 1 Hantrrr .Irrtl.nrcr Mai krl,


K cnato l ass, lla.iaL Hotuoav,WlLUi* fllrtMX, JaMra HoanrsoN. .

Hef'r In ihe Merchanlsnl Wlieellne marW iyMARTIN & HODSON,

r lour anil OeneralCtnnmie.ion Merchant,,ro.R.R ii'tiw alto ati.TiM/ia. .t..,

farW-lv IM f.TI MUMK

7ri ''"s nilss.a Albonaa, I'l iiadelpbianuke, licelvedI iJ at "Oak Hall."

No. 133 .Main .1. between Monroe and Union1«I7 Mc.NKAl. <t Cti

F,rt HKN. Ladle. Kosatt Jeuoy land's, lecelted at OakV" ll.ll.

No. 133 Main, between Monro, and Union at...J«l» H..NKAL A Co.

.¦ck,» Vlel* Hook ror Kngtueera,^ *new work, just rrceived by

)e»3 WII.DB At HHO.OHO BULS. ijiu.Juai /oc.l tea«wl foi ael.~ vri/ very low byJvl8, IM»«KTT*Cn.

i 0 tHiMrtN CIQA|ia.~

u i.JHMig'-".Of) RRLn.I.r^r and fat, Ju.l recUffd and Or nl. by

'".« M. Blrtu'v

¦JIALTIMWIKScull & Thompsoniufo«T»n.i ani> wmulmalk tnuui.T«n. WI"«, I. qn.r., I,/,!'1...'r>bucc«, i.oirrc, *MBnr, .ilolii,??:01a»b uriina ijiimmiia "*.

No 4Ti A'arfl 'IWrrand ill .VeriMPWr..* /,ui»»fM.Areh,lH.I, WambfcLPm.Eatnblishcd In 102Q.

IC»*TIIOM»'SON HKYNOMm.lnieieaJedl, ..lluuM, teapccirull* lliyltra Weatein *l«nh.1j, ,'VMm. mil_____canm*i u. w. a. i Annum. / "V;CANFIEED, BROTHER, & &".229 ItaUimiirr Slrrrt, Vorntr ofCUrL.WHUI.KSALK IMl'OHTliKS, MANVFac/m';AND UKALKRf IN »INK WATOIIKa, «IC||


HAVF.opened their new atoie with *.UOOd*. U,'.,|001.11 AND SII.VItK WATCHU!From ll>* mualcaletiieled unker* In l^ u.l.and Geneva.«u ratenalve atick alwaji

every on* of ivlncli ia |uaia»teed lo fni," '1 'i»ulime. ".»BILVICR WAX or Ol* OWN MANl'tACIti.'Silver Tea mid Colloe Seta, OohlHa,C«tt>' ICaalote. Wallaia, Spoon*, Fork*. Fie and i:,v K

' 1lea INeam Knlve», Napkin lUiiti, Kl.l, Ktilt, . "1laia, 4c.. ol new ile>i|n>. .'v.iJWar*.

Coffee ami Tel seta, Ui na, T« lieitlea. bin ,«i.Weiteia-Oval. (|blvM»«na lomnl *lup<*i lutm,lltkkria. Kpe.gneM, flower,ud FiuitIIIAMOND Work!

A «u|>ark collection ol Diamond llracrici* ar.j Lllioache*. Croa»ea, Pinter Kui(«, lull auii< 0( i^.,.auilable lor \> adding Cilia.RICH JKWki.rt!

Tlila blanch ofour buslneai la uol aurpa.v* hilabll nienl lu Hie Couiilrn having win kiwi, emn'oniJar oar own *ih ervlaion. coiwLutly maklh* arm lu.and by ever; aleamer we «ie tur>|i|i(l) hoxi lie KaiJracioilc*. which emMr* m tojlveio oar cmtnij?!laieat Mblon*, and al tew |>ilcea.fanot noons!

Willing Ileaka, Work Hoxea. cmukela, Cologne lloltl)*, etecanl Vaua, I'.iufa, *1Statute*. Karl* llronlee, Fine I'alntingt, lw(, v


Tables ond Work Stands, I'm It Alui.oilciinane, Fiench 1'erfunierfM, HwaiicwdnJ Into,,'.. I*ing Caaaa, Kuglllk hoai a, Tooth llmkr., IUj, BluAC.

HUIUIIOl A Lb VTA WAIt!Sew raltaiiiaol l'ark», Spoon., UJim,wcle, wulch ia fnatau|>aiaedln|iaiUer waie

sri.xsniu M\ntlk cuxia!kfNHNiOM Manll«ri<xkaoleleti>IOetiui u|yellow, di»b ai d wklU niaibladui Kieiaa I¦ Ictilx deeoialed.Watch TnoLa and MATiaitia.ollkebealauliiiialanllr k'l" on hand aiidcairtil!| Mrtitil.Kor tlia comenlence ol cualomaia «t U11 timuInrae, apacloui alora, Bivinicu»'oioeiint,rInaneclliiKP*!' Mi»nal*» alockor Ciooit

retail talea room, we have HIM U|. teotber n»n», t.Ilk) IMI In deplh. for the Wboletale lirrtitneij.pjr*Kvar) ailide fioi'inni eilibluli^n .10 be «a ROtid aa iepre»enled.[EfHeiaona vlaltlnf llalllino e,> ..Hir aaaoilinenl* Orderaliooi ikec^iirj 4«d (0lailhruIlT and (iromllt ItnOTHKk-* C».,V9» llaltlinoie at., S. We«lt.iiaerolCu»iWt ¦Silji. otifcUoU.n W,.IllAlllnio'e. Maicb 84,-«IwItjt KRKV. II. »i»UWv

LEHEW, BANDER ft Co,,iorcil9on or

VIIARI.r.11 URCIIKR 4 CO.,Y» 3D) NiritllHrtrl.lrlirri* Ihmrifi {.!<«.'.HAtTIMOMK

¦HI'OIITKRMOrQerman, French and Enyliil Oo»j|SUCH ASlloalerf, "'aw*., B«ttona,Olovea, Shawla, T.|»«,lotea. Filnjea. Kialno. .Thiead*. SewlnjKHk. sjW.I'.«H|Under Shirts, Ki»|'ender», Kil.bu»t,

Turkey Bed Vain.etc., etcScyllies. Slates, Vlollna, .Urmfiex., IJew> Harna, I'eiC Capa, (Inllara, lliimmHulMarb|e«. lA>k'« d««M». Hlatej. [A C m,'lel f vanorlmehl of ( omka am! Fan«y (.on*.uiar4?«-|v,t#lw

OOMMJillCJA L OOLU;QL,louatkk .NO. I -7 nU.TIMOH. sr.

l)Al/l I.MORK, .Mu.

OK ClfAMMKHMN would «jy lo M* f.l^,. patiOi'H iliiougbodl (lie Wc«l, ftiiUI

tWiious of Inriiliif llouk Kcerin;. that lie l»n >).<,¦.o(lii> iiilr «est IA (Ktfl^K^liur^il'uinriMTcUICtf^.ipeimvurntly IqcaIciIhiui\eli in k«.JIlic hend of 0116 ol Il;c liiolt iRHtnkMlit In^titnti^kiii'.lUiii«n The facilities lieie u!oi*i) |«»» Inlcte Meicenllle cdiicaOou «ierv)ual If notthufleof any hlnrflar ('oUc^e Iii Ihr We«t. InllfiJ.wlnhlnc(ooMaln situation when qualineO, will f. Jtheir qjvantage to prepare Itteninei vet at im» mi! -irnenti a laige niniibci of gentlemen(aikm.* n.'ovilveveral front the Went) have re<ei>tlj coiflrtNcouiae ofatmlv, urn) uhtaloeU ileA|i«blcii:iMtioiuil»jKeepers In tlila city. Kor particular*, terns,eu, n

and bave a circular forwarded by«y>-drgtwty

1 Drakeley at Pentou,(f-HTABI.lOltD 1B-T4.)

COMMISSION M RROHANTS.For the "ale of Hou Psoodct*. Kcoti, tfrmi, WaAWinnow Mi.%»s ai)d''ooxTRY FauDrct.ffiiennr. Ti{will alnc give attention topuruhati <01 toa ntrtiw

337 livltimnrr St., corner.fV*tQ.II.\LTIM0«F, Ma.

m»r?&- tyd^wJOHN SULLIVAN &, SONs.l


'tUN, Fl.orrt, WllMKY) 4ND Wl&TIIRPaoDHCK t* K NKR t M.V.

CavuUn Si., nrnr Lii'ht St. W'kirf,.p15~lx IIAI.TI.MOKK

A. SISCO,Ao. 95 Ihillimorr Strrrt, u/tposih

WIIOI.KSAI.K and Hetail nianu'acluier irfNIFIowa, Matonlr, Son* ol Tcmnemicr, l|rJ

joiner l(«}»iia, llanneia, Flaji, l.wrla, etc.. J S'-'1 Oooda of_a»J[lnila *>.

Stein & Brother,Manufacturer! ami Wholetnlt Vr'ltrii\

CLOTHING,I A'«, 310 Halllmort Slrt'l, himH IhirerJ .»I iifcin'

mai28-3in l)A LTIMOHK.~ rSVehb ho^sb:-

IIYJ . A II K V K I. V ¦ * « F It

iilktnti Tin utrnT,mtir28 Cumhrrlanil. Ml.


BOOTS AND SHOES, MENSAXlBoyi* Halt and Caps, it tkr

irell known Hand of IhtBIG RuD BOOT.

"llf Ksre now receiving horn Our Kaitern M«aa*et«flTT Katabliahnients. one of the higeat to«l t>estiut£» <

tuiednasoitinentof Hoots and Shoes, foi fa'li' d Wh:iWear, ever Oflcied In Ihlaor any other nurkrt. Tier Sibeeu ttunufactuied torn dor. irco-diugto our uwadiftlom, and ate intended exprcaslf 'or irt«l'!^ Toi

regular cnatoinera, and all ottieri who way Uxor t» ».li

I call, wecanoffer an unusually laige varteiyoi Koe£ii»Hhoea, which weguaranteeequaltu quslifjr of uuteuhworkinanablp to ihoie tliannfactu'cd In ifc'f o"»rf .»

partial the United .Statea. Our stock will befondt#^aiat, it pai t,of tlio rollowing nejaonahlefooJi:

NO. 187xkn'n pootii. n,t'I

1,000 pr men's hip boot*, o«iTia>,'

1,000 men's thick boots, 900pr won^f4'1"^1,600 men's c«lt boots, 100 do hil' piteis.1.000 ineii'a water pioof do 600 Jo w*!* .

MkN'e sniii)an«. iV*) do fe^*'1 ®J,k"'-J600 men's calf biogans, &>0 Jo kiJNttkiua,* ^1,01)0prime kip doI*"-l,60O do thick do Mia>K>aoorsif »c|

1,000 low pr(red do *is«. vir.

st> vi» «j )o i«4fino mls^ei www c*

1600pair f»>ya thick bootees, do l'»P ..

HfiS ; 4 kin Uo 3>») do call £* . calf do 3>0 «lw kManJoeroUYh' hoot*. rocro buikim

pr youths call boota, ItV) do black, «"

do kip do bromcd gaileo*l&X) do thick do riiii.nsa»''®®0T,tWStive ANUVouiiineruaaNa. I,.V)0 |.r lai^y bo.>teea,

1,000pr Hoys kip bromiis, ?,000 kidA nwrocco 1

10(H) au thick «To 1.600 Childles't I*!""..youths do do lOOOchildreu'a

COD do kip do i/X) do «<woicd .'

600 buys and > out ho calfdo ui M fUOli- J

wnMFH't 1,AC* roots. 4*"0Tipalts nK-nVi600 morocco lare booh, children's Gum SM** 1

1000 Call do 11 i?f all*r0011 11J do 400 dot inen'a pluak cap.1600 kip do W . »%oolhsi«.

a* NO sov*».300 wood hand boxes. ,

TluJik'tl for the liheia| pationage Jieielotoreextefi*as, we solicit a rontlnuauce of Ibe same. %nX |

I*ep3 M.fLM.I KWfl * |Mpitl.\t. oiri yi'j'ib

wm. tTIelby. tm

WHOLESALE DEALER INl'orcl||u A Uoutr.llr l»rjrfi«oda.

J A'o. Ill Main it., tVril tiJt, UlKf» UoirfL'uion til.

Wlieollug, V*., j

IK NOW In rete'pl ofhla S|.cl« ato k of llff ».

. lid Notion*, dliMt tinm hnporleia an.1 »*"".

rara- I'ompiiilnp aa complete and ilealrab'o a*'1,

Cooda adapted to Ike trade oi Ihla a«tlun aa c.n Mi

liiwnjrliou e, toivkirb 1 WPuld "¦>!*Inrlla (he atlanlionof retail dwleiai<onalaHn,oi

niKMi'OOi». HIn buckallka, alpacaa,'a, d#lalne

hama, etc., with a *ery lai,e aloci o'pilau.npkea and colore. Alao, boniiei*, nbbtn.a, ln»t<* »

ollj'.r tclmmlnjalp variety. AndufMkN'f wrA*. J

In clotha, caaalmer», aatlliKtti,Jeana, Iwreda, and aummer doibai*l»o, I owaau» ^tda' blue dillla. brown llnena, linen dilUa. »'»"

other inch (ooJa, a aery dealrab.e aJjoilBJ't- . .,Jmen'aand boy'apalm hala. legbom aiidC*«'o« »*

1on ba4r(((lu¦ lid bl1,1 lb* NOTION wsa ikiea'fc »1Aa taiabrlca, Jaconata, lrlifc (h*fiI

^ualltTandatyle, aali»Fri«aa.