library of congress€¦ · the gazette. mondaymorning, bkckhbkk 31, 1s60. domesticitems....

the gazette. MONDAY MORNING, Bkckhbkk 31, 1S60. DOMESTIC ITEMS. The command of Capt. Dent, United States Army, has reached Walla alia, from the scene of the late Indian massacre near Fort Bois, bringing with him twelve men, wo¬ men and children, who have been rescued from this massacre, which has been one of the saddest that has ever occurred ou the j emigrant route. These wretched creatures! were found almost naked, and eating the dead bodies of those that had been massa- cred, and in one case eating the head of a man that had been buried for ten days. The party numbered forty-four souls, out of which twenty-nine were massacred and tif- teen saved. The St. Louis Bulletin of the 22d has in- formation that "the people on the line of the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad bad made en attack upon the road, and were tearing up the rails on the track, and that apprehen- sions of serious difficulties were entertained lest the feeling against the company, which is alleged to be under the control of Boston men, should iead to the destruction of life and property. An attack was also made up¬ on the Palmyra and Quincy railroad, which is said to be in collision with the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad. The Centrifugal Gun was exhibited at i Boston last week. It is claimed by the in- ventor, Mr. Dickenson, that this guu will throw live hundred balls per minute at a ! long rifle range, without powder or cap, j simply by turning a crank like a coffee mill. The balls are ted into a funnel with a shovel, from which the guu feeds itself. It throws j its shots singly but continuously, at a rate equal to the ceaseless fire of 10,000 men. In all discussions touching the present trou- bles of the country, it should be remember- ed that South Carolina has long contemplat¬ ed her present movement, and repudiates the idea that any redress of grievances will or can induce her ever again to recognize the authority of the Uuited States. This fixed fact should be borne in mind by all those who wish to preserve the Union in its integ- ! rity. In the trial of some gamblers in Chicago, the court permitted them to bring in evi- dence to prove that they and others of their I Session paid a considerable sum of money j ast spring to elect John Wenfcworth mayor, on the direct and explicit pledge that during liie term at least they should be unmolested. The evidence was plain aud palpable, and did not admit of doubt. By the Turk's Island paper. "Royal Stand- ard," it appears that Mr. A. (J. Carothers- United States consul to that Island, arrived therefrom St. Thomas on the 7th instant, after a boisterous passage, lie was officially recognised on the 10th. it ia stated that his health has not suffered from his rather long and tempestuous voyage. The political convulsion is beginning to press heavily on the manufacturing towns and cities of New England, thus demonstra- ting that the curses which have been hurled from that violent abolition section against the South, the constitution and the Union, are coming home, like chickens to roost. A Utah letter, dated November 20, states that a fearful hurricane had swept over the northern portion of that Territory, destroy¬ ing a large amount of property, unroofing houses and carrying before it everything movable. The hurricane lasted forty-eight bours. The famous imported stallion Yorkshire, died on the farm of his owner, John M. Cla}r, near Lexington, K.y., on Sunday. lie was nearly twenty-seven years old. Yorkshire was the sire of Waterloo, Austerlitz, Magen¬ ta, and a host of other fine racers. The list in the Boston Commercial Bulle¬ tin, of Saturday, gives two failures in Bos- ten, eight in New York, thirteeu in New Or¬ leans, two in Baltimore, and thirteen in oth¬ er places, making a total of thirty-eight dur¬ ing the week. Mr. Redpath has chartered the British brig Sanet Kidson, at Boston, to proceed to Jersey city and thence to Port au Prince.. She will take on board 1«> colored passengers, ulso John Brown, son of the late John Brown. Gov. Houaton, of Texas,who at first refus¬ ed to call the legislature together, except on the request of a majority of the voters, has yielded to theoverwhelming public senti¬ ment, aud issued a call for the legislature to meet on the 21st of January. The farmers of New Jersey are much con¬ cerned by the appearance of a new disease among their horses by which a large num¬ ber have died. The attack is ushered in by a slight cough, which rapidly becomes worse. The mechanics and working men thrown out of employment in New York city, are be¬ ginning to "agitato" in earnest. Meetings of the cabinet makers and piano forte jour¬ neymen, have been called to consider what they shall do. Thegreatsuit of Mrs. Gaines has been set down for trial in January next, in the Supreme Court, No. GO on the calender. All of the parties are now preparing for the con¬ test. ^ The "Proverbial Philosophy man, Martin .t'arquhar Tupper, has addressed an eulogis¬ tic sonnet to "Abraham Lincolu." Tupper- ism is proverbially stupid. The Constitution says:."It is but too ap¬ parent that the words of a negro, who was overheard discussing the crisis with one of his fellows on the avenue some days ago, are literally true. "Dis guvmunt," said the nigger, "is like all de res' uv's got to be born agin." The New York Ex¬ press says:."If, in seeking to give liberty to the n^gro, we have destroyed our own, let us, at least, have enough ofcommou seuse to refrain from the further egregrious folly of slaying each other for the sake of that ne- gro, also." DEAFNESS AND NOISES IN THE HEAD. DR. COLSTON, ineuber of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, member of the Royal Society, and late Medical Superintendent of the West Grenada Gold Mines, Central Ameri¬ ca, still continue* to apply his newly discovered and extraordinary method of treatment by which he wt».a himself cured, after eleven years of intense suffering. Particulars for self euro sent to any address for postage. Consultations daily from 11 till 4 o'clock, free. Address 51?, 12th street, "Washington, I). C., where hundreds of letters from persons cured, by his diploma and leitimo- aials may be seen. Washington, oet 11 !v COAL..White and Red Ash Anthracite and Cumberland COALS on hand, and being con¬ stantly received, for sale by cargo, car-load, or single ton. Apply to D. B. SMITH. Orders may bo left at Potomac Insurance Office, or my offico, on the Wharf, between Came¬ ron aud Quetm streets. °'*t 9 BROOMS! BROOMS!! BROOMS.'!.' TIJST to think that I am determined to sell BROOVS to our merchants in Alexandria, Washington, and Georgetown, and that I will now sell tbeiu 6 per cenC. lower tbau they can be bought any wharo north of this pla*c. L. HERRING, Royal street. do« 5 four doors smith of Kinjr. Alex'a. XINCE MEAT ! MINCE MEAT !! CALL and g»t your MINCE MEAT for the holidays, at No. IS, King street, next door to Partlow, Hill k Co.'s, at rkduced pricks. dee 18 NO. 1. HEART SHINGLES 100,000 No. 2 do. Just received and for sale by 91 WATTTWQ * rr\ OOR MATS of Rope, Manilla, Cocoa, Jute, Alicante, Insido Mats, Tabic Mats, for s ile by j*ov 26 JOHN OGDEN 200.000 DRY GOODS, &c. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. ASHBY A WOOD, No. 170, King-street, have now in store h full supply of superior French ami American CLOTHS. Best makes 3-4 and 6-4 Black Doeskin Fancy Cassimore*, all qualifies Cassinets and Kentucky Jean* Lambs' Wool Shirts and Drawers Merino " " Cotton, Lambs' Wool, and Silk Socks Shirts, Shirt Collars, Cravats, Neck Ties, Gloves, and all kinds of Dry Goods used by gen¬ tlemen. We ask dealers generally to examine our stock. nov 20 LINEX GOODS. ASHBY A WOOD, No. 170, King-street, have now in store a full supply of IRISH LIN¬ ENS for Shirting. Bleached 6-4 and 8 -1 Table Damask Brown 11 11 " Russia Diaper: Huckeback Toweling Table Napkins, white and colored Bath Towels: Linen Sheeting, 3 yards wide Pillow Case Linen; Family Linen Linen FloorCloths, or Druggets Pleated Shirt Bosoms; Ready-made Shirts. The above with all kinds of DRY GOODS, we are now offering as low as the same goods can bo found in this market. nov 20 milE JAPANESE 11AVE RETURNED TO jl JAPAN..The steamer Mouticello has just arrived from New York with a heavy cargo of DRY GOODS, which is now offering at the cor¬ ner of King and Pitt streets, Alexandria, Va., NEW GOODS, FRESH. GOODS, and CHEAP GOODS. , , .. , We respectfully beg leave to inform the ladies ot Alexandria, and vicinity that we have just opened the largest and best selected stock ol Dry Goods ever before in this market, consisting of French and English Merinos, plain and figured; All Wool Plaids; All Wool de Laines; Valencia's Pales de Sheveras; Paramatta's; Alapaca's; Cauiborecses; Mouslins of all kinds, and as low as 10 cents per yard; Fancv, Plain, ltobcd and Po de ^ Savi Dress Silks; Black bilk of all prices and widths; Shaws and Cloaks of the latest styles; Double, Single and Piqued Shawls; sets at W hole sale price*; White Goods of all classes; Embroi¬ deries; Gloves; Gauntlets: Ac., Ac. Also a laigo and choice stock ol Calicoes, direct lroiu the Mills, which enables us to sell them at whole- sale prices. Flannels ot all colors and grades, i Cassimeres, Satinets, Tweeds and Kentucky Jeans, Ac. Together with a heavy stock of Domestics, which wo offer on as good terms and as low prices as any house South. Our senior partner, is a resident merchant ot Now ^ ork, which ena- bles us to have new goods every week, and he be- ing an old experienced buyer tor iho Southern j market, affords us facilities to have goods best adapted for this trade, and cheaper than any other houso. Please give us a call, our stock is com- plete and shown with pleasure. F scp i C. L. A D. SICHEK. /^ LOR 10US AND EXCITING NEWS!!. VX Look at the ru.-di at SCHWARZ'S Store, and why, because he sells you GOODS at a very small advance, and always has some bargain or other. To-day, you will find the following extra bargains on hand, with yard wide Black Silk at S7c., heavy and good quality and no mistake 3 4 wide Black Silk at 62c., a splendid goods The prettiest and choicest Mousclin DoLaiues at 20c . never was sold for less than 25c Figured, plain and striped De Laines, a hunured pieces at 12Ac I The best Embroidered Cambric Collars with Bauds for 12 Ac Silk Round Veils, a dollar article for 25c 42 spring Steel Skirts, with Bustle at $1 .. " «. «' ut 38c., and in fact a great many tiOODS in proportion. Do j give him a call, and convince yourself.nskforthe goods as advertised, and you il li'id, he 11 come up to the scratch. There is no humbug, he has a large stock, and it must be sold, as uiouey is all that is wanting now, and never stop tiavcling till you get to SCHWARZ'S Store. nov 2 rnu HOUSEKEEPERS. J_ We have just received another large sup- ply of. Brussels and Ingrain Carpetings Brussels and \ enetian Stair do List and Rag do Dutch and Hemp do i A full stock of Oil Cloths, 4-4 to 24-4, in all qualities Floor Druggets, Bockiugs, and Crumb Clothd Rugs. Door Mats, and Hassocks Super. Bed Blankets and Comforts Stair Bockings and Oil Cloths French Lace and Nottingham Curtains Embroidered Muslin do Satin. DeLaiu and Uuion Damasks, with cor- nices and all the belongings.all of which will be sold as low as they can be bought in this or any j other market. oct 23 G. K. WITMER A BROS. | CiARRETING AT COST..Being desirous of J closing out my CARPETING, I have con- eluded to sell them at cost. Heavy Ingrain, best goods, former price $1, now selling at Sljc Ingrain, second quality, former price 75c., now selling at 60c Three Ply, former price $1.12$ to $1.25, now sel¬ ling at U7$c. I have also many other desirable GOODS on hand, suitable for the season. Call and get bar¬ gains, at No. 64, King-street. nov 14 [Sent.] L. A. LARKIN. NEW GOODS..Just received the following very desirable Goods. Printed Mouselaincs and Coburgs Black, Brown, and Green Poplins Fig'd Merinos and Wool Delaines ttlack Italian Lusting* Rcped Mousclincs Alpacas, Debagcs, Culicoes, Ginghams, Shawls, Cassiuieres for Men and Boys Red and Grey Flannels, Brown and Bleached Cottons, 10-4 and 11-4 Bleached Sheetings, Cot¬ ton Osaaburgs, Linseys, Ac., for sale by BRYAN A ADAMS, nov 15 Agents for G. h. Jones. Housekeeping and SERVANTS' GOODS. Wo h ave now on hand a well selected stock of the above goo .Is, such as Sheetings, Table Linens, Napkins, Towelings, Linseys, Full Cloths, Blan¬ kets.from common to very fine.Osnaburg, Blue Domestics, Ginghams, Pillow Case Cottons and Linens, Dunbar A Dickinson's Barklies, Charley A Co.. and Richardson's Irish Linens in all quali- j tio> all of whom wo will dispose of on the best terms. TAYLOR A HUTCHISON, Washington, nov l.'i L 0 A K S! CLOAKS!! j yj C L0 A K S!!! The Camilla, the Arab, the Garibaldi, The Romeo, the Zouave, the Albanas, The Richard, '.lie English Sack, the French Sack, With many other new and beautiful styles in Kept Treco and French Beaver CLOTH, in prices from $3.50 to $26, to which we ask the attention of the ladies. TA^ LOR A HI 1C1IISON. Washington, nov 24 OIL CLOTH FOR HALLS AND ROOMS.. I have received 4 Sheets of OTL CLOTH, 2.1 yard?, and 2.t> yards wide. These Cloths are splendid patterns, and ot* extra quality. They represent in their patterns the most beautiful Tiling, and will bo cut according to diagrams of Rooms and Halls, nov 20 J.M.STEWART. i blankets, NOW IN STORE. jtjlSHBY WOOI), 170 King St., htve heavy Servants Blankets. d<». do. Hotel or School do., do. tine Rod, all sizes. Also, Flannels, Linsey, Worsted, Hosiery, Cloves, Shawls, Cloaks, and all kind of Dry (Joods, to winch they invito the at¬ tention of dealers generally. dee 3 J LOTDO UN FULLED CLOTHS, 4-4 and 0~~r 9-S IMaid Linseys, Servants Blankets, Stoekiugs and Flannels, Kerseys, Brown Cottons, aud Cotton Osnaburgs, Bed Comforts, Striped Domestics, Ac., just received, and for sale very cheap, at BRYAN A ADAMS', Agents, nov 22 HEAVY GOODS..We have just received a superior lot of X 1 and fi-4 Fulled Cloths, 3-4, 7-S, 4-4, 3-4 heavy Linseys, Bed and Servants Blankets, Osnabergs aud Domestics. With many other goods adapted to the season, nor 20 (I. K. w1tmer & BKO. ANOTHER ARRIVAL..Just received anoth¬ er lot of those very cheap Calicoes, White Flannels and Mouselaiues. aud for sale by nov 22 BRYAN .fc ADAMS. Agents. HOOPED SKIRTS.. 1 have on hand a lot of elegant quality HOOPED SKIRTS, slight¬ ly damaged, which I will sell extremely low dec 1 rSent. j L. A. LAB kin. CLOAKS, CLOAKS!.I have just received u lot of ladies Cloaks, which I am selling very low. Call aud get oue cheap. nov ft L. A. LARK IN. Embroideries: embroideries:!-.^ other lot of those Collars aud Sets just open¬ ed at [dec41 S. A W. meyenberu'S. mRlMM INUS!.TASSELS!!.BUTTONS!!.». J in every variety, at 107 King street. dec i S. A W. MEYENBERO. DRY GOODS, &c. TO TFE PUBLIC- Having a large amount of money to pay prior to tho 1st of March next, and ewiDg tu the general stagnation of' business, we have determined to offer an extra inducement for purchasers to buy of us for cash, and now propose to make a discount of ten per cent, on aU cash sales for the next sixty days, in order to reduco our very large stock of GOODS, and realize the money for them previous to opening our Spring supplies. Cash customers will readily seo the advantago they will have in trading with us on the terms pro¬ posed, as an examination of our stock, and priccs, will show for themselves whether or not we are sincere in- our proposition, and as the greater por¬ tion of our FANCY STOCK has already been re¬ duced since the crisis began, we feel confident that the extra inducement we now offer will be highly appreciated by every one having goods to buy who are at all familiar with the prices gene¬ rally charged elsewhere. We need hardly add that our sleek, (owing to the state of the times) is now very larjre in many- kinds of STAPLE as well as FANCY GOODS, and purchasers will be able to supply themselves with almost every thing in our line of business at very low prices, and, in many' instances, for less than the actual cost. The lowest cash price will invariably bo named at once. W. M. SHUSTEK A CO., No. 36. opposite Centre Market, between 7th and Sth streets. Washington, dec 21.d2w Look out.'.war ladies,war:.5,000 Ladies wanted to goto HENRY SCHWARZS' cheap store, and get their winter supplies. He has certainly got tho cheapest BLANKETS, SHAW LS, CAPES and FUltS ou hand, anil some of the best bargains ever offered before. He has a heap of mouey to raise this month, and will undoubtedly sell you goods right, as their is no use talking. He'll let nobody go, even at cost prices, lie is stilling a great many goods, such as DeLains, Merino, plaid and fancy Dress Goods and Notions. Bo sure and call and see him at 132 King street, sign of tho in front of the store. doc f> 11URS! FURS!! FURS!!! ! Panic Pukchasks, Ghkat Bargains!.Wo are now oponing one of the finest stocks of LADIES' DRESS FURS ever offered in this market. Those goods have been bought for cash during the past week, and wo are enabled to offer them at prices unparallcd in the history of tho Fur trade. S. A W. MEYENBERG, dec 4 107 King-st., cor. of Pitt. "Ti TORE NEW GOODS..L. A. LARKIN is re- JAX reiving additional supplies to his stock of GOODS, viz: Superior Full'd Cloths, 3-4 and fi-4 Heavy Linseys, very cheap Fancy Calicoes, Blankets, Flannels, Ac. Among this lot I have some of the cheapest goods yet offered. Please call and convince your¬ self. [Sent.] oct 27 NOTICE..I have on hand a few patterns of all wool MOUSLINE ROBES, which I will sell at about half price. Now is your time to get a handsome dress for a little inonev: also, some verv handsome styles, low priced 'MOUSLINE DkLAINES. FANCY CALICOES, at (»j and 10 cts., that, can't ex¬ celled. [dec 21] L. A. LARK IN. ] A DIES CLOAKS..We havejust received an additional supply of CLOAKS, of the newest designs. G. K. WITMER A BRU. nov 20 ijlOR OVERCOATS, Ac..Just received a very tine article of Double Width Mixed CLOTH, Virginia made, for Overcoats and Business suits. Call at Tdec »] BRYAN A ADAMS', Agents. 11 UN T 0 X & III DG ELY, WIIOLKSALK DKAI.KKS IN TEAS, TOBACCO, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, OFFER to the trade, upon accommodating terms, and at the very lowest rates. ,'»00 bbls. Pure RYE WHISKEY, Copper distilled, purchased direct from Distillers.a large por¬ tion of which is highly improved by age, and purity guaranteed. 40 i and i casks pure FRENCH BRANDY, Otard, Hennessey, and Maestrau vintages, '49, '61, '6ti, and '68. 60 bbls. APPLE BRANDY 26 .< PEACH 26 i casks MALAGA WINJC 16 " " Pure Old PORT 10 " " Fine Old SHERRY 6 " " 44 " MADEIRA 20 " " Good " 160 bbls. RECTIFIED WHISKEY 100 packages DOM. BRANDY 50 bbls. N. E. RUM 26 " DOM. GIN 40 casks PORTER, ALE, and BROWN STOUT 1 puncheon Pure Old J AM AICA RUM 1 " very fine Old SCOTCH WHISKEY 2 pipes Holland gin. .ALSO. 160 boxes Manufactured TOBACCO 60 bbls. and bales Smoking do 100 boxes Scotch and Rappee SNUFF 26 bids. do. Loose and ill Bladders 300,000 Imported and Domestic SUGARS .A SI). 100 \ chests G. P., Y. H., IMPERIAL, and 'BLACK TEAS. Sep WASHINGTON BREWERY. DRAUGHT ALE, PORTER AND STRONG BEER. A FULL assortment of barrels, halves and quarters, of tho above superior and pure MALT LIQUORS, can be had at a low price from JOHN DAVISON, Middle Store, old Theatre, Alexandria, Va. The STRONG BEER, on account of its low price and mild flavor, is well fitted for family use, and it will prove a most agreeable and wholesome beverage to ladies and children. N. B~. Read the following from the Evening Star of December 3, 1 ^59: .*A Rkmaukably Fink Alk..Mr. Davison's successor in the Washington Brewery, corner of K and 27th streets, Mr. Colineau, is now manufac¬ turing XX ale and porter and brown stout, all of which reflect infinite credit on his establishment. His ale compares favorably, indeed, with the best Philadelphia and Albany ales, being, according to our taste, much more like the best English and Scotch ales than those imported from either of those cities. If he continues to produce so supe¬ rior an article, he will shortly make a reputation for his brewery surpassing that of any Northern establishment." Enquire of JOHN DAVISON, Theatre Building, Alexandria, mh Wholesale Dealer in Malt Liquors. rjl ALi-A.AiN JJj&iA ilJtiJt WJtJttX . JL HE undersigned is now manufacturing, at his B R E W E R Y , Corner of King and Fayette Streets, Superior qualities of PALE, AMBER, AND CREAM ALES, to wliich he respectfully invites the attention of his friends, and the public. Having an experi¬ ence of over 20 years in the business, and posses¬ sing extensive mann/ueturiny facilities, he Hatters himself that his ALES will compare favorably with any manufactured, either in or out of the State of Virginia. If necessary, he could fill columns with the many flattering testimonials he has received with regard to the superiority of his A LES, from the press and the public ; but ho prefers that his ALE shall speak for itself. By a strict personal attention to business, and a determination to manufacture nothing but h superior quality of l'UUE ALE, lie hopes to merit a share of public patronage. BOTTLED ale AND PORTER, put up ex¬ pressly for family use, constantly on hand. /.EST* Orders promptly attended to. mh 15 H. S. MARTIN. Alexandria library company.. Library kept in the south-rooui, lirst-story, of the Lyceum Hall, S. W. corner of Prince and Washington streets. Open every day from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M. Annual subscriptions, $3; six mouths, $1.50; three months, $1. Volumes in Library, nearly 5,100. President.H. L. Caknk, jn. Vice President.Silvasus Miller, Jit. .DIRECTORS:. Sylvester Scott, James S. Hallowell, Benjamin Barton, George I>. Fowle, John A. Milburn, Andrew Jatuieson, Edgar Snowden, jr., Elisha J. Miller, Stephen Swain, John West. Treasurf-r.Audrew Jamieson. my 5- Ij J. sam'L. w1m8att. Librarian. UST received. 50 boxes uew Smyrna Figs 30,000 Torpedoes 1 barrel Crauberries. Also, a fresh supply of toys and fancy articles, at C. SCHAFER'S; Confectioner and Fruit Dealer, nov 26 No. 3 North Fairfax street. CALL and SEE the MACGREGOR AND OTHER STOVES, at H. 1. GREGORY'S, dec 61 IS and 120 King-street. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. New books,.magazines and papers at GEO. SI0GEltS' Honk and Periodical Store, 75 Prince street, oj)juisite the Gazette Office. Earper's new Monthly Magazine for Januarj*, 25c. Casscll's Illustrated Family Bible, Part 21,15c. Cassell's Illustrated Natural History, Part 20, 15 cts. The Character and influence of Abolitionism, a sermon preached in the First Presbj terian Church, of Brooklyn, by Hcv. Henry J. Van Dyke, 10c. The Pictorial Brother Jonathan, for the Christ¬ mas and New Year's Holidays, 12c. Beadle's Dime Novels, No. 13, entitled Cedar Swamp," or Wild Nat's Brigade, a laic of the Pal¬ metto State, by Wm. R. Eyster, 10c. Beadle's Dime Biographical Library, No. 1, Gar¬ ibaldi, The Washington of Italy, 10c. Beadle's Half Dime Novelette, No. 1, Myrtle, the Child of the Prairie, by Rose Kennedy. Long's Dime Romances, The Naval Officer, by Lieut. Murray. The People's five cent Novelette's, The Red Shark, or tiie Pride of the Isles, by Augustus Corn- stock. Comic Monthly for January, 6c. All the Magazines for January, and papers for this week, on hand publishers at prices. . Daily Papers..N. Y. Herald, Baltimore Clipper, Alexandria Gazette, and every tiling in the cheap Book and Periodical line. dec 21 GET THE BEST..Smit It\ AV/r (Ju<irto (!eo- yruj'hj, c-mtainiug Map Questions, inter¬ spersed with such facts as an observing Tourist would notice which are followed by a concise text and explanatory notes, based on a combination of the analytical, synthetical, and comparative sys¬ tems, designed to be si iiple and concise, but not dry; Philosophical and Practical for the use of common Schools in the United States, by Kosewell C. Smith, A. M , author of various School Books, with Maps of Religion, Government, Civilization, Races of Men, the Atlantic Ocean, Countries, Vicinities of Noted Cities, Outlines of Countries, > Islands, <tc., unequal length of day and nighr, Rains, Winds, The Seasons, Isothermal, the Ro- i man Empire, the Solar System, Railroads in the United States, Palestine in our Saviour's time, ( North Star, and Constellations near it.the whole forming a convenient and ready Manual for lami- j lies, Counting Houses, and Travellers, price $1. Just published by Lippincott <fc Co., and for sale ! by [dec 15] ROBERT BKLL. j G1 0 O 1) S FOR 11 0 L I D A VA X l> X E W j T VICAR'S PRESKNTS AND OTHER PUR- PUSES..By recent additions, I am prepared to | oiler the largest Stock of Goods, I have ever ex- hibitcd in Alexandria and at very moderate pricr-s, i for cash, or tupunctual dealers on the usual terms. I name, in part, Rosewood, Morocco and Ma- j hogany writing desks, Papier Mache and Morocco i Portfolios, Papoteries, Ladies' Rosewood Work j Boxes, t i en t s' Dressing Cases and Traveling Bags, Ladies Reticnlcs and Traveling Bags, Morocco, Shell, Wire and Silk Velvet Porte Monies, Buck- j skin, Thread, Kid, Bead and Silk Purses, Cigar and Card cases, Meerschauu Cigar Smokers, Snuff j Boxes, S'lvcr Thimbles, Key Rings and Chains, Shawl Pins, Tweezers, Watch Keys, Wax and j Vienra Matches. Pearl and Ivory Letter Folders, Mahogany and other Portable Spring Inkstands. Propelling'and Repelling Pocket Pencils, Gold Pens with or without cases, Tea and Call Bells, Ivory Tablets, Crochet Needles, Eye Glasses, Ladies Head Dress Pins, Indelible Working Pen¬ cils, Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors, Hair, Fin¬ ger, Tooth, Hat and Cloth Brushes, Parlor Balls, Horn, Rubber, Buffalo, Ivory and Shell Combs, Steel and Rubber Hair Pins, Soaps, Perfumeries, Extracts, Colognes, Hair Oils, Pomades, LipSalves, Shaving Creams and Compounds, Toothpastes, Lilly White. Powder Pull's and man}' others. Also a great variety of Juvenile and other Books, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Gift Books and Annuals, Autograph,Scrap, and other Albums. And as to Musical Instruments, most any thing you want, from a splendid Piano or Mcb»deon to a Jews Harp. Please call and examine my stock for I am determined to sell if vou will buy. dec 12 JOHN *11. PARK.OTT. Nr ELS OX'S VIEWS OF AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN' Scenery, V iews of Cities, their environs, Public Buildings, .fee. These Views are put up iu packs of 12, (in beautiful oil colors,) with descriptive catalogue at 2 5c. per pack. They are suitable for the Centre table or for your Scrap Book, for which purpose 1 have sold a great many. All of the very latest and last, just received, and for sale by dec. Ill JOHN H. PARROTT. VYAL U A B L15 W11 P. K.. 77,, .1 'jrujih Jiih!r, containing the Old and New Testaments, according to the authorized version, arranged in paragraphs and parallelisms, with Explanatory Notes, prefaces to the several Books, and an entirely new selection of references to parallel and illustrative passages, in two hand¬ some octavo volumes, published by the London Religious Tract Society, price $(». For s;>l« by dec I9__ * ROBERT BELL. BUSK'S NEW WORK ON THE RIFLE.. The Rifle and how to use it, comprising a. description of that valuable Weapon iu all its va- ricties, and an account of its origin, by Hans Busk, M. A., 1st Lieutenant Victoria Rillcs, <tc , author of Ititlo Volunteers, and bow to drill them, tfee., lit'., new edition, enlarged and improved. Price $1. Just published. dec 11 ROBERT BELL, (II King-st, rnilE NEW CODE.. Tin- ('../*¦ ,./ 17/ ¦;/inia, See- X ond Edition, including Legislative to the year LStiO, published pursuant to la w, just received and for sale bv dec 22 ROBERT BELL. Rosewood and mahogany writing DESKS..A large assortment of the best uia- terial and workmanship, also, neuplus ultra desks and furtrshed portfolios in great variety, for sale at low prices. fdeclOJ ROBERT BKLL. CHINA. GLASS AND EARTHENWARE, Bv tiik Sun* Pkthka, iwiikct from Livkhcool, anii otmkr arrivals, we have received our FULL FALL SUPPLIES. OjA CRATES OF QUE ENS WARE, of all /VtU grades 300 PACKAGES cut, pressed, and common GLASSWARE 8 JIIIDS. and other packages FRENCH PORCELAIN 24 BOXES Powhatan PIPE HEADS 7000 REED PIPE STEMS, with an assort¬ ment of FANCY GOODS Ivory handled and Gutta Perchahandled Knives Plaited and Britannia frame Castors, with cut or moulded bottles. With our usual assortment of STA PLE GOODS, always on hand, we flatter ourselves that we can supply country merchants, Hotel keepers, and private families, with as complete assortment of GOODS, iu our line, as can be found in any other establishment, and at prices which favorably com¬ pare with any in-the larger cities. A full supply of WIN DOW G LASS, of all sizes. Superior polished French heavy Looking Glass PLATES, ordered to suit Piers of any dimensions. 9th mo 20 K. 11. MILLER. SON «t CO. GENUINE FAMILY LIQUORS. WM. B. MORKHOUSE & CO., IMPORT KKS AMI WHO I KSALK DKAbKKS IX Jirandies, ll'itw.s, (j'uix tnul &'tjurs. BEG leave to call the attention of the citizens of the United States to their Pure Wines and Liquors, put up under their own supervision, for Family and Medicinal use, in cases assorted to suit customers. Clubs, Military and other public bodies, who require to purchase in large or small J quantities, in casks or bottles will be liberally dealt with. Price List sent on application. OLD MOREHOUSE BITTERS. Recommeuded by the first physicians as the j best remedy known for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Debility, and all Nervous Diseases. As a bever- j age, it is pure, wholesome, and delicious to the taste. Sold by all Druggists. WM. B. MOREHOUSE «fc CO., Proprietors, 3 A 5 Exchange Place, Jersey City, N. J. Jersey City, N. J., oct HO.d'^m AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, No. 25, Kinq-stred. PLASTER MILL AND FACTORY, No. 49, Union-sired. HAVING REMOVED from the old stand ud Fairfax street, r the SPACIOUS WARE¬ HOUSE, No. 25. Kiug-street, wo hog leave t«» eali the attention offariuers to our large and \ieli se¬ lected stock of IMPLEMENTS, SEEDS, ami GUANOS. Wo are also erecting a PLASTER MILL, (at No.-19, Union street,) where we will soon ho able to furnish the BEST FINE GROUND WINDSOR PLASTER, Of our own Importation. We are also preparing for the manufacture of FA It MING IMPL EMENTS, which we expect to furnish of the best quality, jan 3 MEADE & MA RYE. (CHRISTMAS GOUDS..Shopkeepers and t>ih- J ers will lind a pood stock of FANOV GOODS, suited for the Holidays, at No. Srf Kin^ street, Alexandria. dec 15 JOHN T. CR EIGHT UN. c DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &c. ^OAL OIL AND LAMPS..We have just rc- vJ eeived another large lot of pure PARAFFINE OIL, direct from the works of the Virginia Coal and Oil Company of Kanawha County, Va , and can recommend it as being very superior. Wo arc the wholesale Agents tor thu place; also, on hand ,a full assortment of COAL OIL LAMPS, large and small, Burners, Chimneys, Wicks, Hanging Lamps, Side Lamps, witY. reflectors, Glass and I'aper Shades, Chimney Brudies, Ac., Ac , all of which we can sell at the lowest prices. LEADBEATER A CO., 12 mo 11 Nos. 5 and 7, South Fairfux-st. P URE GROUND SPICES, Jtc..Nutmeg* . Mace, Ginger, Cloves, Allspice, Bluck Pep¬ per, Mustard, Cayenne Pepper, Super Carb. So¬ da, Yeast Powders, Azumo, Flavoring Extracts, Cox's Gelatine, American Isinglass, Bermuda Arrow Root, Canaway Seeds, Rose Water, Ext. Coffee, pure Suit Fetre, Hops, Oil Lemon, Horn a:- nathic Cocoa, Ground Rice, Ac , received, and tor sale by HENRY COOK A CO, dec 13 *_ Sarcpta HalL PEEL & STEVENS, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 30 Kixg-Stmekt, CiALL the attention of the trade to their cxtcn- j give stock of DR U G S. M E DICINES, PAINTS. OILS, Ac., which they are now receiv¬ ing.all they ask is a fair examination of tiicir stock, as they are confident that they cud con. vince any dealer that it would be to his intcjcft to buy of them instead of at the North. sop 7 G1 00 D YEAR'S BR EAST PU.M PS; Glass Syrin- T ges; Gum Arabic; Vanilla Beans; Irish Moss: Madder; Clack Snake Root; Bromide of Potas¬ sium: Sulpha to Cinchona; Brown s Essence of (iinger; Camphor; Roll Brimstone, Chamomile Flowers, dust received and fur sale by JAS. ENTWISLE, Jit., Apothecary, dec 7 , y4 King street. J71 OR COUGHS, COLDS, Ac..Hunuewell's j Universal Cough Remedy, Wistar's Lozenges, Brown's Bronchial Troches, Ayer's Cherry Pecto¬ ral. St aider's Anodyne Cherry Expectorant, Rose's Cough Syrup or Expectorant, Puller's Compound Tolu, on hand, and lor sale by WM. A. HART, No. 112, King st. Next door to Marshall House, fisT" Sign of the Golden Mortar. oct 20 PAINTS, OILS, Ac..Pure White Lead, Lin¬ seed Oil, English Venetian Red, Blake's Fire Proof Paint, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Litharge, Rvd Lead, Vermillion, Paint Brushes, Blende'r.--, Glazier's Diamonds, Copal Varnishes, Japan do., Picture do., Zinc W hite, Paint Mills, Kerosene Oil. Ethereal Oil. Alcohol, Ac., just re¬ ceived, by DR. R. II. .STABLER, Chemist, 11 ov 11 N. W. cor. of King and Wash-sts. Drugs and patent medicines.. Chloroform; Chlorato l'otash; Ayer's Pecto. ral; Wilbur's Cod Liver Oil; Jules Haul's Erasive Soap; Brown's Bronchial Troches; Bluek Stick Pomade; Arnica Plasters; Ext. Tarayicuin; Hus¬ band's Isinglass; Adhesive Plaster; Castile Soap; just received, and for sale bv JAMES ENTWISLE. Jk., ,lec Apothecary. 'Jl King-st. /^iOX'S GELATINE, Irish Moss, pure Ground Cinnamon. Allspice, Cloves and (linger, Nut¬ megs, Aenis, Coriander, and l'eunel Seed, Extracts Vanilla, T.emini, Orange. Peach, Almonds, Rasp- berry, and Strawberry, British Lustre, Sup. Carb. Soda, Cream Tartar, Oxalic Aeid. Opium, Low's Brown Windsor and Iloncv Soap, just received, and lor sale by j. WM. BOWLING, ,]ec js tI2, cor. of Fairfax ami Prince sis. CllGARS, Ac..A lot of superior Cigars, Lyneli- ) burg Tobacco, Brown's Bronchial Troches, Bromide of Potassium, Chloroform, Sponges, Ext. Vanilla, (superior) Chamois Skins, Ilomiim- piithie Cocoa, Donovan's Syrup of Bark, Glycerin Cream for chaps, »tc., lor sale by DR. R. H. STABLER. Chemist; n<>v II No. U>5. King St..cor. of Washington. CI PICKS, Ac..Cox's Gelatine, Carageen, Bur- ^ tuuda Arrow Root, Pearl Sago, Tapioca, Cooper's Amerieua Isinglass, Ciuoamon, Starch, Indigo, NutmegJ, Salt Petrc, t/oru >tarch, Oaf- meal, Oil Lemon, Ext. do , Essence do., Celery Seed, Cloves, and Ground Black Pepper, for sale by LEADBEATER A CO., 12 mo I :t Nos. 5 A 7 S. Fairfax street. 11A L OIL manufactured on tke Kanawha J River, warranted equal ti» any Kerosene or Coal Oil manufactured in New ^ ork, Boston or Portland, for sale by the bottle or less quantity as low as it can be bought, in any other city, thus saving the freight, and exchange. A constant supply, for sale by 11ENR\ COOK A CO. dec 17 0 1LS.. 200 gallons Linseed Oil 250 " Kerosene Oil L'ad Spirits Turpentine 2jtl *' Ethereal Oil 200 " Whale Oil, iu store and (or sale by LEADBEATER A CO., 12 mo 17 Nos. 5 A 7 South Fairfax street. 13 LACK STICK POMADE, Baud's Erasive L) Soap: Wilbur's Cod Liver Oil: Castile Soap; Cochineal; Husband's Isinglass: Adhesive Plaster; Hops; Glycerine: Copaibas and Cubeb Capsules, just received and for sale by JAS. ENTWISLE, Jit., dec 22 Apothecary. !M King street. KEROSENE LAMPS, Shades, Chimneys, Wieks, Globus, Ac. Also, extra Burners for altering Lamps, just received by WM. A. HART. No. 112 King-si., next door to the Marshall House. ;£..#-Sign of the Golden Mortar. dec 2*.» HOLLOWAY'S LARGE, MEDIUM and small Arnica Plasters; Browu's Bronchial Troches: Chlorate Potash; Avur's Pictoral; Chloroform,just received and for sale by JAS. ENTWISLK, Jr., dec 22 Apothecary, W4 King street. C^ROUP SYRUP; Syrup Squills: Cream Tartar: _j Epj'om Salts; Sugar Lead: Brown's Jamaica Gin"cr; Valerianate t»l Zinc: Rochelle Salts; lor sale at Ml LB URN A RRO.'S, Chemists and Druggists, dec 11 N. E. comer of King and Wash-sts. SPICES. Ac., FOR THE SEASON..The sub¬ scriber has on hand choice Spices. Gelatines, Brandy for Mince Meat, Flavoring Extracts, Anise and Caraway Seeds. JAMES ENTWISLE, Jit., 17 Apothecary, 1)1 King street. EROSENE OR COAL OIL, just received and for sale by WM. A. HART, 112 King-street, next door to Marshall House. ff.ft*Sign of the Golden Mortar. dec 20 AYER'S SARSAPARILLA; Ayer's Cherry J\_ Pectoral; Ayer's Pills: StabJer's Expectorant: Cod Liver Oil;'Chloroform; Quinine; Camphor: Dorer's Powder, just, received, and for sale by dee 11 MILBUHN A BBO., Apothecaries. [) ltOWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES.A full ) supply of thi se valuable articles lor Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, «t*c.. just received at M I LB URNS, Apothecaries, dec II King-street. WATERS..Greenbrier, White Sulphur, Sara¬ toga, and Oulpeper Alum Waters, for sale by LEADBEATER A CO., 12 mo 17 Nos. 5 A 7 South Fairfax street. SUPERIOR COAL OIL, Oil. Turpeu- tine, and Alcohol, constantly ou hand, and t(jr sale by J. WM. BOWLING, dee 18 G2, cor. of Fairfax and Prince-sis. Kerosene lamps..a full assortment just received and for sale by dee 15 IIENIIY COOK A CO. CITY HOTEL, CORNBIl OV ROVAI. AND CAM Kit ON STKKKTS, A lex'i mlrin, V!r<j in >«, S. HEFLEB0WER, Proprietor. mil IS HOUSE has been conducted by the pre- I sent Proprietor for the past three years, and has received its full share of the patronage of the Travelling public, and having been lately repair¬ ed and refurnished from garret to cellar, addition¬ al facilities are afforded by which erery comfort and convenience to be found at any other 1* J RSI- CLASS HOTEL is guaranteed. A pleasant sojourn is promised to all who may patronise this house. ,T*i- Strangers will find at the Steamers and Trains, upon their arrival in this city, polite Por¬ ters and comfortable Omnibuses, which will con¬ vey them immediately to the Hotel. The best the market affords is always to be found at this Hotel, my mo THE PUBLIC..Dr. P. A. COBB has JL made Milbuin A Bro., Druggists of the c.ity of Alexandria, his sole Agents tor the town and couutvo* Alexandria, to sell his superior OIL, known as the CINAKER OIL. I his OIL is warranted to remove all kinds of pains, such as Kheumatism, Neuralgia, Sick Headache, Strains, Sprains, Bruises, Ac.; also, recommended very highly for Horses. This OIL is warranted to re¬ move all the above pains in from 0 to 4ti minutes. DR. P. A. COBB, Lynchburg, Va. sep 24 . dly ORSK SHOES..100 kegs assorted, for sale by [oct 16] WHEAT A BRO. H' groceries, &C. tttE HAVE just received our stock ol FALL W »"J WINTER OROCplEs,Sc eeted c»re- fully for Family use, consisting in part ol the lowing articles: 6 hhds. prime Porto Rico Sugar 5 « " St. Croix 4 5 " common Brown 1 " Lovcring's Syrup 5 " prime Porto Rico Molasses 5 « « Muscovado " 5 « " Cuba " ]0 bbls. Miller's Cut Loaf " 10 boxes Lovcring's best Loaf Sugar in hbla " " Crushed Sugar - a « Granulated Sugar ]b u c< BaudC Yellow '/ 25 bags Old Government Java Coffee, strict¬ ly prime 20 bat's White Laguyra Coffee 25 " Rio ' " 30 bftxes Adamantine Candles 40 " and half boxes French Wax Candles 5 " superior Sperm do.; 15 do Jackson a Tallow do.; 10 do Brown Soap; 5 do Castilv do.; 20 do prime Eastern Dairy Cheese; 10 do Pine Ap¬ ple do.; 5 do Ground Ginger in 1 lb^ package?; » do do Pepper in 1 lb <1d.; 5 do S. C. Soda in 1 lb do.: 5 do Maccaroni; 5 half chests Greeu Tea, best quality; 5 do Black <lo. do. do.; 500 sacks Ashton's and G. A. Salt, in ttore, and for sale by HUMPHREYS & TALIAFERRO, at Marshall «fc Co.'s Old Stand, nova * No. U, King-street. KNOX «fc BROTHER have just received a full stock of FALL unil WINTER GROCE¬ RIES, selected carefully for Family use, consist¬ ing in jiart of the following articles. 10 hlidrf. Prime Brown Sugar 5 " Commou do do 10 " Prime Molasses 5 " Common do 20 pack's. Lovcring's best Crushed Sugar 2() " Mo ler's Cut Loaf 40 " C. Y. Sugar 20 " Yellow do 50 bags Old Gov. Java Coffee, very suporior 50 44 Laguyra and Maricibo Coffees 50 " Rio Coffee 20 " Santos do 40 boxes Solar Sperm & Imp'l. Sperm Candles 40 " Common Adamantine Candles -10 " Mould Candles, very superior 10 half chests Green Tea, best quality 5 " 44 Black « " " 1000 stacks Ash ton G. A. Salt 300 bbls. Prime N. S. and Eastport Herring oct' LIQUORS, WINES, &c. OTA BBLS. RECTIFIED WHISKEY /jQ\) 150 do. Medium Grade Old Mouougahala 200 bbls. X, XX, and XXX 75 do Sup. pure Old ltye, warranted 150 i and i casks Cognac and Champagne Brandy 20 bbls. Domestic Brandies 75 casks Blackberry, Ginger, Cherry, and Rasp¬ berry Brandy 25 bbls. Apple do 110 casks and A casks Maderia, Port, Sherry, Sici- 1 y. Muscat, Marseilles,Tencriffe, ard Malaga Wines 55 baskets Chain paigne Wine 75 tierccs pnro Cider Vinegar Dealers in Liquors, Wines, Ac., will fiud it greatly to their interest to call and examine our stock before making their purchases. j. ii. mcyeigh £ son, sep 21. Prince street Wharf, Alexandria. 5 IQUORS, WINES, Ac.. J J 150 bbls. Old Rectified Whiskey 150 44 X XX XXX do 100 Old Mouongabcla do 20 " Pure Rye do 0 years old 50 " Domestic Brandy 15 casks Otard, Hennessey and Cognac do 1 ti bbls. Old Apple Brandy 10 11 Old Peach Brandy 2tl casks Malaga Wino 15 44 Port Wine 15 44 Maderia Wino 15 ,c Sherry Wine 25 bbls. Domestic Gin 2 pipes Hofbtrui Gia 25 bbls. Ruin 75 cases Champagne Wine, various brands. Also, Jamaica Rum, St. CroixRum, Scotch Whis¬ key, blackberry, Raspberry, Ginger, Cherry and Strawberry Brandy, &c. sep 2y BLACKLOCK, DENT & CO. "I lljUORS, WINES, Ac.. 1 i 175 bbls. Prime Rectified Whiskey 25 " Vc.rv Superior Old Rye, 7 years old 50 " X. XX, XXX ditto .in " Old Monougahela, ditto 25 casks Hennessey, Otard, and Cognac Brandy SO casks Malaga Wino 15 44 Madeira ditto 5 1 casks very Superior Old Sherry 5 A bbls. Superior Scotch Whiskey 2 pipes Pure Holland Gin 125 baskets Champagne Wine, best brands, for sale by oct 10 WASHINGTON & CO._ PURE LIQUORS..The practice of adulterat¬ ing Liquors has become so common that a genuine article is the exception, while it is of vital importance to those requiring it for family use and invalids, that ir should be of perfect purity. I have now on band. Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin, Port Wine, Old Rye and Scotch Whiskeys, which I can recommend a.s being per¬ fectly pure; also, an assortment of DOMESTIC WINES and BRANDIES. CHARLES J. WISE, nov 13 cor. of Prince and Pitt-sts. FRUIT! FRUIT!! OA FRAILS New Dates 10 cases Currants lft 44 Prunes, all in fine order, and for sale to arrive, by F. A. REED «fc CO.. nov I No. ft. South Wharves. ILLING TH R E A D..1,500 lbs. superior K Irish GILLING THREAD, Nos. 35, 40, 45, aud 50, of our own importation; also, Gill Cord, Oars, <fec., for sale by nov 14 WHEAT ,fc t>R0. LBS. PURE VIRGINIA BUCkT WJIKAT FLOUR, ground to my or¬ der, and warranted, lor sale bv CHARLES J. WISE, dec 6 cor. of Prince and Pitt-sts. OWEET CIDER..Newark Sweet CIDER by O the barrel or gallon, for sale by CHARLES J. WISE, dec 6 cor of Prince aud Pitt sts. T71RES1I GLADES BUTTER..17 backugeslato JL made Glades Butter, received this day per steamer Diamoud State, and for sale by dec 7 GARRET HTJLST. Buckwheat flour..a lot of fresh Vir¬ ginia ground Buckwheat Flour, just received and 'or sale by PARTLOW, HILL & CO. __de« :i ~AA BUSHELS WHITE AND BLUE M Eli- 0\J\J CER POTATOES, just received, and for sale by THOM AS PERRY, nov 2.5 No. 5, South Wharves. |) UCIvW UK AT FLOUR..120 bags superior JL) Family Buckwheat, in bags of 25, 50 and 100 lbs. each, for sale by WHEAT & BRO. nov 21) TjlRESH PEACHES and LOBSTERS, in cans, JP hermetically sealed, for sale by CHARLES J. WISE, nov 13 f»or. of Prince and Pitt-sts. "PHILADELPHIA SYRUP, new and superior, X just received, aud for sale by CHARLES J. WISE, 1 cor. of Prince and Pitt-sts. Rosin.. 50 bbls. No. 1 ROSIN 50 44 common do., for sale by _,lec 5 WHEAT tt BRO. OKAA FRESH GROUND PENNSYL- 40\J\J VAN [A BUCKWHEAT, received and for sale by [m>v 20] GARRET HULST. XIRAISINS.-25bo.xes prime VA- V LEIsCIA RAISINS, received, and for sale low« hy [nov 221 GARRET UIJLST 2.500 B CIrK3 Currants, Lemons, Raisins, Almonds, and Figs, for sale by CUAS. J. WISE, _ °ct _cor. of iPrinco and Pitt-sts. HpirT^'^EAT. 20,000 tt,s. Ilulled BUCK- V HEAT, in 12£ and 25 tbs. sacks, for sale by nnv 22L. J- N. H Ail PER ,fe CO. 500 BBLS* EASTERN HERRING, recently U\J\J received in store, and for sale by d*c 8 FOWLE & CO. BUTTER.-- Received daily, fresh BUTTER tor sale by . KNOX k BRO. P^SHCURRANTS, Citron, Raisins, aud soft JL shell Almonds, received this .lay, and for sale I1100:.'] GARRET^ IIULST. C.25 boxes Eastern Dairy Cheese ~ -5 boxes prune Cutting do., for sale by -±ecJ WHEAT A BRO. QE1NK TWINE..1,000 tbs. Seine Twine,"for O sale by [dec 5J WHEAT k BRO. CLOTHING. R TO THE PUBLIC. FASHION in dress is the pictorial hittorv of tho times, while it is the outward r«*flteii0n or rathurhalo, of internal refinement, and, thtrt<| fore, in order to gratify appreciative intelleciui|! ity, the undesigned has, with grcatcarc, purcb. aed a -superior assortment of CLOTHS, CASf MERES, and VESTINGS, embracing the Def styles and most elegant patterns the Kurop market affords, which will be made up to orde artistie mode, defying superiority in cut workmanship. In the FURNISHING LII Cashmere and India have poured out their ofc ings of Wool and Silk, the industry and intci gcncc of our own great country has competed ia many instances successfully, in producing Sbhts (under and upper,) Drawers, Glovks, SuspkkI ukks, Half IIosic, Handkerchiefs, Nkcjc 1'h.s Stocks, with many other articles utual in a gttJ' tlemau's toilet. Also, a good assortment of Kg/ DY MADE COATS, PANTS, and VESTS, ci and made like ordered work, very far superior)' what is generally sold in that way. Buta;>iaali profit is asked, and orders filled with punctuality. If you want a GARMi.Nl that will iioproy^ vour appearance, call upon W. D. MASSEY, Merchant Tailor, net 13 No. '->2, King-aireeL WILLIAM ARNOLD, MERCHANT TAlLOJt, Kiug-Sireet, ESPECTFULLY informs his customers UHd the public that he has now on hand a very extensive stock of S P R I N G and S L M M E K GOODS. Elegant and faehionabl- at;'es o! eVtrj thing of Gentlemen's wear, of which m: y U Diltu. cd in part black, blue and fancy CLOTHS. The finest and best French, English and American C A S S IM E R E S. Fancy Silk, :>:,d Marstilleg VESTINGS. Linen Shirts and Collars; Net Shiru and Drawers; Gloves; Linen and silk Pocket Handkerchiefs; Neck Ties of every description at«i style; Suspenders of the finest quality and Ute,t styles; half Hose, of tho best quality. All woik will he guaranteed to be done in the best manner. Thanking his customers and the public tor putt favors, he solicits the continuance oi their jat- ronaje. Orders from the country promptly at¬ tended to. ap 2? rpHK UNION FOREVER..Strangers and citT. I z«ns, 6ne and all, are requested to exam- ino the new and magnificent STOCK OF FALL and WINTER CLOTHING, at SCJIOOLHEltH ti- JJJiO.'S Great Watern Clothing llouxc, *. King utreet, Alexandria, Va., which ennpri garments of every description for i\len, Voir Boys, and Servants, together with a full as.«oi went of FURNISHING GOODS. Their Clothing is all well made, of the lest materials, warranted a perfect tit, and can be bought at much lower prices than the same kind of Clothing can be bad elsewhere. Recollect thej manufacture for themselves, therefore, every one who desires beautiful Clothing, at economical pri¬ ces, should call at once at SCHOOLIIERR Sc BRO'S., Great Western Clothing House, 108 King street. 3 doors below the Marshall House, Alexandria, Va. sep 8 100, 100, 100, 100, 10U. SIMON WATERMAN, No. 100, King street, ALEXANDRIA, VA., BEGS leave to announce to his numeroup friendd and customers, that he is now prepared to exhibit a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and Gentlemen's Furnishing GOODS, which in regard to quantity, quality, and styles, cannot he equalled by any similar establishment in this city, and not excelled by any Clothing bouse in the two leading avenues of fashion on this side of the Atlantic.Broadway, Now York; and Chettnut street, Philadelphia. Although the present stock is a very extensive one, indeed, additional supplies will still be receiv¬ ed, from time to time, during the business sea.-on, in order to keep up a full assortment of styles and sizes. P. S..Mr. WATERMAN will endeavor to con¬ vince any one favoring him with a call, that Lis reputation for selling at the most moderate nricci is grounded on facts. ap 2'J REMOVAL. TO enable us to meet more fully the wants of our customers, we have taken the large and hand¬ some store-room in Green's Mansion House build¬ ing, on Fairfax street, next door to the Exprtfrf Office. We would invito your attention to tl.e large and general assortment of CLOTHS, CAS- SIMERES, <tc., together with an extensive vari¬ ety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS; all of which have been selected from the latest styles, and will bo furnished by us on as good terms, as by auv first class furnishing establismeut. _aug 21 ' W. & A. MURRAY. LATOUC HE, MERCHANT TAILOR, 82 King Street. TS now receiving a very large and choice a«- J_ sortment of all the various kinds of G00D.S usually kept in a tirst class Merchant Tailoring and Gentlemen's Furnishing Establishment.. Thankful for the very liberal patronage already bestowed, a continuance is rcspectfnlly solicited. Uniform and small profits.quick and safe re¬ turns. ' scp 11 NOTICE..If you want good, cheap, and fash¬ ionable CLOTHING, go to LATOUCUE, Merchant Tailor, S2, King-itreet. Constantly re¬ ceiving the latest styles of FU RNISHING GOODS. N. B. A choice article of SILK SHAKER find CANTON UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS. p&T SHIRTS made to order. scp rno THE PUBLIC..I have just had manufac- X turcd a large uumbvr of suits of fashionable CLOTHING, which will bo sold very cheap. Also, just received an assortment of Velvet, Silk, and Cashmere Vesting*, very handsome in style and combination. W. D. MASSEY, nov 13 Merchant Tailor. EOOTS AND SHOES. mHE undersigned having purchased of K i . JL Cross, his entire stock of BOOTS and SHOES, would most respectfully inform his friends and the public, that be intends to continue the manufacture of every variety of BOOTS and SHOES, and will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of every thing in his line adapted to the taste of evm one, so that tho most fastidious need not leave the Store without purchasing. He intends to sell his work at small profits to cash or punctual ere lit customers.none others need apply, as hid very limited capital will not allow him to give long credit. To CUSTOM WORK, he intends to devote his undivided attention, make it of the best materials, and at short notice, and Hatters himself that ho c»n get it up in as good style as any one in tho sumo business. He hopes by strict attention to business, to merit and receive a continuance of the very liberal pa¬ tronage heretofore bestowed on his esteemed pre¬ decessor. Cull at R. Y. Cross's old stand, N°. "4, King street HENRY C. FIELD, jj' Suecess'-r to R. Y. Cross. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! jFARMERS AND OTHERS in want of SER- 2 VANTS BOOTS and SHOES, are requested to call and examine the VERY LARGE STOCK of the undersigned, believing that they will tind it to their advantage to do so before purchasing elsewhere, as he is fully satisfied that lie can tar¬ nish the above articles at prices to suit any one. 11c has an unusually large stock, and is desirous ot cloning them out. Call and see for yourselves at R. Y. Cross' Old Stand. II. C. FIELD, Successor to R. Y. Cross, No. 74, King-st. oct. 24 THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED..The sub¬ scriber having tried the credit system, and tound that it would not pay, has concluded to adopt the CASH principle. In future, and from this date, he will continue to do business upon this principle. In bidding adieu to the old system, would return his thanks to his customers forp»-*t favors, and hopes by strict attention, and such in¬ ducements as he may off«r, to continue it under the new. [jan 3 .tf] JOHN L. SMITH. LUMBER, LATHS, LIME, &c. B. WATERS. THOS. A. WATKKS. WATERS & CO., Extensive dealers in lumbek, SHINGLES, LATHS and PA LIN « S.. Also, LIME, WHITE SAND, HYDRAULIC CEMENT, CALCINED PLAISTER, NAILS, «tc., at the Wharf, foot of Cameron street. They have constantly on hand a well assorted atock of SEASONED LUMBER. Their arrange¬ ments with manufacturers in different sections, enable th«m to supply particular bills ot V hit° Spruce and Southern Pine, of the best quality, and at shortest notice. N. B. Now landing 80,000 feet of superior Georgia Pine, various sizes. mh 2.'* I UMBER, COAL. AND WOUD YARD..Cor- J Hero/ Union and Quven Street*, North..Where I am prepared to furnish every description of LUMBER, SHINGLES. LATHS, LIME, Also, Oak and Pine WOOD, Red and White Ash» and Cumberland COAL, which I am selling low for tash, or on reasonable terms to good customers. U. W. BARKEK. WALL PAPERS, of all the very latest pat¬ terns, furnished and hung in the best man¬ ner, at J. P. CLARKK-S New Paper Hanging and Window Furnishing Store, No. 158, King* etreot. ' oct »

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Page 1: Library of Congress€¦ · the gazette. MONDAYMORNING, Bkckhbkk 31, 1S60. DOMESTICITEMS. ThecommandofCapt.Dent, UnitedStates Army, has reached Walla alia, from the sceneof the late

the gazette.MONDAY MORNING, Bkckhbkk 31, 1S60.

DOMESTIC ITEMS.The command of Capt. Dent, United States

Army, has reached Walla alia, from thescene of the late Indian massacre near FortBois, bringing with him twelve men, wo¬

men and children, who have been rescuedfrom this massacre, which has been one ofthe saddest that has ever occurred ou the jemigrant route. These wretched creatures!were found almost naked, and eating thedead bodies of those that had been massa-

cred, and in one case eating the head of a

man that had been buried for ten days. Theparty numbered forty-four souls, out ofwhich twenty-nine were massacred and tif-teen saved.The St. Louis Bulletin of the 22d has in-

formation that "the people on the line of theHannibal and St. Joseph railroad bad madeen attack upon the road, and were tearingup the rails on the track, and that apprehen-sions of serious difficulties were entertainedlest the feeling against the company, which isalleged to be under the control of Bostonmen, should iead to the destruction of lifeand property. An attack was also made up¬on the Palmyra and Quincy railroad, whichis said to be in collision with the Hannibaland St. Joseph railroad.The Centrifugal Gun was exhibited at i

Boston last week. It is claimed by the in-ventor, Mr. Dickenson, that this guu willthrow live hundred balls per minute at a !long rifle range, without powder or cap, jsimply by turning a crank like a coffee mill.The balls are ted into a funnel with a shovel,from which the guu feeds itself. It throws jits shots singly but continuously, at a rate

equal to the ceaseless fire of 10,000 men.

In all discussions touching the present trou-bles of the country, it should be remember-ed that South Carolina has long contemplat¬ed her present movement, and repudiates theidea that any redress of grievances will or

can induce her ever again to recognize theauthority of the Uuited States. This fixedfact should be borne in mind by all thosewho wish to preserve the Union in its integ- !rity.

In the trial of some gamblers in Chicago,the court permitted them to bring in evi-dence to prove that they and others of their

ISession paid a considerable sum of money jast spring to elect John Wenfcworth mayor,on the direct and explicit pledge that duringliie term at least they should be unmolested.The evidence was plain aud palpable, anddid not admit of doubt.By the Turk's Island paper. "Royal Stand-

ard," it appears that Mr. A. (J. Carothers-United States consul to that Island, arrivedtherefrom St. Thomas on the 7th instant,after a boisterous passage, lie was officiallyrecognised on the 10th. it ia stated that hishealth has not suffered from his rather longand tempestuous voyage.The political convulsion is beginning to

press heavily on the manufacturing townsand cities of New England, thus demonstra-ting that the curses which have been hurledfrom that violent abolition section againstthe South, the constitution and the Union,are coming home, like chickens to roost.

A Utah letter, dated November 20, statesthat a fearful hurricane had swept over thenorthern portion of that Territory, destroy¬ing a large amount of property, unroofinghouses and carrying before it everythingmovable. The hurricane lasted forty-eightbours.

The famous imported stallion Yorkshire,died on the farm of his owner, John M. Cla}r,near Lexington, K.y., on Sunday. lie was

nearly twenty-seven years old. Yorkshirewas the sire of Waterloo, Austerlitz, Magen¬ta, and a host of other fine racers.

The list in the Boston Commercial Bulle¬tin, of Saturday, gives two failures in Bos-ten, eight in New York, thirteeu in New Or¬leans, two in Baltimore, and thirteen in oth¬er places, making a total of thirty-eight dur¬ing the week.Mr. Redpath has chartered the British

brig Sanet Kidson, at Boston, to proceed to

Jersey city and thence to Port au Prince..She will take on board 1«> colored passengers,ulso John Brown, son of the late JohnBrown.

Gov. Houaton, of Texas,who at first refus¬ed to call the legislature together, excepton the request of a majority of the voters,has yielded to theoverwhelming public senti¬ment, aud issued a call for the legislature tomeet on the 21st of January.The farmers of New Jersey are much con¬

cerned by the appearance of a new diseaseamong their horses by which a large num¬

ber have died. The attack is ushered in bya slight cough, which rapidly becomes worse.

The mechanics and working men thrownout of employment in New York city, are be¬ginning to "agitato" in earnest. Meetingsof the cabinet makers and piano forte jour¬neymen, have been called to consider whatthey shall do.

Thegreatsuit of Mrs. Gaines has beenset down for trial in January next, in theSupreme Court, No. GO on the calender. Allof the parties are now preparing for the con¬



The "Proverbial Philosophy man, Martin.t'arquhar Tupper, has addressed an eulogis¬tic sonnet to "Abraham Lincolu." Tupper-ism is proverbially stupid.The Constitution says:."It is but too ap¬

parent that the words of a negro, who was

overheard discussing the crisis with one ofhis fellows on the avenue some days ago,are literally true. "Dis guvmunt," said thenigger, "is like all de res' uv'sgot to be born agin." The New York Ex¬press says:."If, in seeking to give libertyto the n^gro, we have destroyed our own, letus, at least, have enough ofcommou seuseto refrain from the further egregrious follyof slaying each other for the sake of that ne-

gro, also."


DR. COLSTON, ineuber of the Royal Collegeof Surgeons of England, member of the

Royal Society, and late Medical Superintendentof the West Grenada Gold Mines, Central Ameri¬ca, still continue* to apply his newly discoveredand extraordinary method of treatment by whichhe wt».a himself cured, after eleven years of intensesuffering. Particulars for self euro sent to anyaddress for postage. Consultations daily from11 till 4 o'clock, free. Address 51?, 12th street,"Washington, I). C., where hundreds of lettersfrom persons cured, by his diploma and leitimo-aials may be seen. Washington, oet 11 !v

COAL..White and Red Ash Anthracite andCumberland COALS on hand, and being con¬

stantly received, for sale by cargo, car-load, or

single ton. Apply to D. B. SMITH.Orders may bo left at Potomac Insurance

Office, or my offico, on the Wharf, between Came¬ron aud Quetm streets. °'*t 9

BROOMS! BROOMS!! BROOMS.'!.'TIJST to think that I am determined to sell

BROOVS to our merchants in Alexandria,Washington, and Georgetown, and that I will nowsell tbeiu 6 per cenC. lower tbau they can be boughtany wharo north of this pla*c.

L. HERRING, Royal« 5 four doors smith of Kinjr. Alex'a.


CALL and g»t your MINCE MEAT for theholidays, at No. IS, King street, next door to

Partlow, Hill k Co.'s, at rkduced pricks.dee 18

NO. 1. HEART SHINGLES100,000 No. 2 do.

Just received and for sale by91 WATTTWQ * rr\

OOR MATS of Rope, Manilla, Cocoa, Jute,Alicante, Insido Mats, Tabic Mats, for s ile by




ASHBY A WOOD, No. 170, King-street, havenow in store h full supply of superior French

ami American CLOTHS.Best makes 3-4 and 6-4 Black DoeskinFancy Cassimore*, all qualifiesCassinets and Kentucky Jean*Lambs' Wool Shirts and DrawersMerino ""

Cotton, Lambs' Wool, and Silk SocksShirts, Shirt Collars, Cravats, Neck Ties,

Gloves, and all kinds of Dry Goods used by gen¬tlemen. We ask dealers generally to examine our

stock. nov 20


ASHBY A WOOD, No. 170, King-street, havenow in store a full supply of IRISH LIN¬

ENS for Shirting.Bleached 6-4 and 8 -1 Table DamaskBrown 11 11 "

Russia Diaper: Huckeback TowelingTable Napkins, white and coloredBath Towels: Linen Sheeting, 3 yards widePillow Case Linen; Family LinenLinen FloorCloths, or DruggetsPleated Shirt Bosoms; Ready-made Shirts.

The above with all kinds of DRY GOODS, we

are now offering as low as the same goods can bofound in this market. nov 20

milE JAPANESE 11AVE RETURNED TOjl JAPAN..The steamer Mouticello has justarrived from New York with a heavy cargo ofDRY GOODS, which is now offering at the cor¬

ner of King and Pitt streets, Alexandria, Va.,NEW GOODS, FRESH. GOODS, and CHEAPGOODS.

, , .. ,We respectfully beg leave to inform the ladies ot

Alexandria, and vicinity that we have just openedthe largest and best selected stock ol Dry Goodsever before in this market, consisting of Frenchand English Merinos, plain and figured; All WoolPlaids; All Wool de Laines; Valencia's Pales deSheveras; Paramatta's; Alapaca's; Cauiborecses;Mouslins of all kinds, and as low as 10 cents peryard; Fancv, Plain, ltobcd and Po de


SaviDress Silks; Black bilk of all prices and widths;Shaws and Cloaks of the latest styles; Double,Single and Piqued Shawls; sets at W holesale price*; White Goods of all classes; Embroi¬deries; Gloves; Gauntlets: Ac., Ac. Also a laigoand choice stock ol Calicoes, direct lroiu theMills, which enables us to sell them at whole-sale prices. Flannels ot all colors and grades, i

Cassimeres, Satinets, Tweeds and Kentucky Jeans,Ac. Together with a heavy stock of Domestics,which wo offer on as good terms and as lowprices as any house South. Our senior partner,is a resident merchant ot Now ^ ork, which ena-

bles us to have new goods every week, and he be-ing an old experienced buyer tor iho Southern jmarket, affords us facilities to have goods bestadapted for this trade, and cheaper than any otherhouso. Please give us a call, our stock is com-

plete and shown with pleasure.Fscp i C. L. A D. SICHEK.

/^ LOR 10US AND EXCITING NEWS!!.VX Look at the ru.-di at SCHWARZ'S Store, andwhy, because he sells you GOODS at a very smalladvance, and always has some bargain or other.To-day, you will find the following extra bargainson hand, with yard wide Black Silk at S7c., heavyand good quality and no mistake3 4 wide Black Silk at 62c., a splendid goodsThe prettiest and choicest Mousclin DoLaiues at

20c . never was sold for less than 25cFigured, plain and striped De Laines, a hunured

pieces at 12Ac IThe best Embroidered Cambric Collars with Bauds

for 12AcSilk Round Veils, a dollar article for 25c42 spring Steel Skirts, with Bustle at $1

.." «. «' ut 38c., and infact a great many tiOODS in proportion. Do jgive him a call, and convince yourself.nskforthegoods as advertised, and you il li'id, he 11 come

up to the scratch. There is no humbug, he hasa large stock, and it must be sold, as uiouey is allthat is wanting now, and never stop tiavcling tillyou get to SCHWARZ'S Store. nov 2

rnu HOUSEKEEPERS.J_ We have just received another large sup-ply of.

Brussels and Ingrain CarpetingsBrussels and \ enetian Stair doList and Rag doDutch and Hemp do i

A full stock of Oil Cloths, 4-4 to 24-4, in allqualities

Floor Druggets, Bockiugs, and Crumb ClothdRugs. Door Mats, and HassocksSuper. Bed Blankets and ComfortsStair Bockings and Oil ClothsFrench Lace and Nottingham CurtainsEmbroidered Muslin doSatin. DeLaiu and Uuion Damasks, with cor-

nices and all the belongings.all of which will besold as low as they can be bought in this or any jother market.

oct 23 G. K. WITMER A BROS. |

CiARRETING AT COST..Being desirous ofJ closing out my CARPETING, I have con-

eluded to sell them at cost.

Heavy Ingrain, best goods, former price $1, now

selling at SljcIngrain, second quality, former price 75c., now

selling at 60cThree Ply, former price $1.12$ to $1.25, now sel¬

ling at U7$c.I have also many other desirable GOODS on

hand, suitable for the season. Call and get bar¬gains, at No. 64, King-street.nov 14 [Sent.] L. A. LARKIN.

NEW GOODS..Just received the followingvery desirable Goods.

Printed Mouselaincs and CoburgsBlack, Brown, and Green PoplinsFig'd Merinos and Wool Delainesttlack Italian Lusting*Rcped MousclincsAlpacas, Debagcs, Culicoes, Ginghams,Shawls, Cassiuieres for Men and BoysRed and Grey Flannels, Brown and Bleached

Cottons, 10-4 and 11-4 Bleached Sheetings, Cot¬ton Osaaburgs, Linseys, Ac., for sale by

BRYAN A ADAMS,nov 15 Agents for G. h. Jones.

Housekeeping andSERVANTS' GOODS.

Wo have now on hand a well selected stock ofthe above goo .Is, such as Sheetings, Table Linens,Napkins, Towelings, Linseys, Full Cloths, Blan¬kets.from common to very fine.Osnaburg, BlueDomestics, Ginghams, Pillow Case Cottons andLinens, Dunbar A Dickinson's Barklies, CharleyA Co.. and Richardson's Irish Linens in all quali- jtio> all of whom wo will dispose of on the bestterms. TAYLOR A HUTCHISON,Washington, nov l.'i

L 0 A K S! CLOAKS!! jyj C L 0 A K S!!!

The Camilla, the Arab, the Garibaldi,The Romeo, the Zouave, the Albanas,The Richard, '.lie English Sack, the French Sack,With many other new and beautiful styles in

Kept Treco and French Beaver CLOTH, in pricesfrom $3.50 to $26, to which we ask the attentionof the ladies. TA^ LOR A HI 1C1IISON.Washington, nov 24

OIL CLOTH FOR HALLS AND ROOMS..I have received 4 Sheets of OTL CLOTH,

2.1 yard?, and 2.t> yards wide. These Clothsare splendid patterns, and ot* extra quality. Theyrepresent in their patterns the most beautifulTiling, and will bo cut according to diagrams ofRooms and Halls,nov 20 J.M.STEWART.i blankets, NOW IN STORE.

jtjlSHBY WOOI), 170 King St., htve heavyServants Blankets. d<». do. Hotel or School do.,do. tine Rod, all sizes. Also, Flannels, Linsey,Worsted, Hosiery, Cloves, Shawls, Cloaks, and allkind of Dry (Joods, to winch they invito the at¬tention of dealers generally. dee 3

J LOTDOUN FULLED CLOTHS, 4-4 and0~~r 9-S IMaid Linseys, Servants Blankets,Stoekiugs and Flannels, Kerseys, Brown Cottons,aud Cotton Osnaburgs, Bed Comforts, StripedDomestics, Ac., just received, and for sale verycheap, at BRYAN A ADAMS', Agents,nov 22

HEAVY GOODS..We have just received a

superior lot of X 1 and fi-4 Fulled Cloths, 3-4,7-S, 4-4, 3-4 heavy Linseys, Bed and ServantsBlankets, Osnabergs aud Domestics. With manyother goods adapted to the season,

nor 20 (I. K. w1tmer & BKO.

ANOTHER ARRIVAL..Just received anoth¬er lot of those very cheap Calicoes, White

Flannels and Mouselaiues. aud for sale bynov 22 BRYAN .fc ADAMS. Agents.

HOOPED SKIRTS.. 1 have on hand a lot ofelegant quality HOOPED SKIRTS, slight¬

ly damaged, which I will sell extremely lowdec 1 rSent. j L. A. LAB kin.

CLOAKS, CLOAKS!.I have just received u

lot of ladies Cloaks, which I am selling verylow. Call aud get oue cheap.novft L. A. LARK IN.

Embroideries: embroideries:!-.^other lot of those Collars aud Sets just open¬

ed at [dec41 S. A W. meyenberu'S.mRlMM INUS!.TASSELS!!.BUTTONS!!.».J in every variety, at 107 King street.dec i S. A W. MEYENBERO.


Having a large amount of moneyto pay prior to tho 1st of March next, and

ewiDg tu the general stagnation of' business, we

have determined to offer an extra inducement forpurchasers to buy of us for cash, and now proposeto make a discount of ten per cent, on aU cashsales for the next sixty days, in order to reducoour very large stock of GOODS, and realize themoney for them previous to opening our Springsupplies.Cash customers will readily seo the advantago

they will have in trading with us on the terms pro¬posed, as an examination of our stock, and priccs,will show for themselves whether or not we are

sincere in- our proposition, and as the greater por¬tion of our FANCY STOCK has already been re¬

duced since the crisis began, we feel confidentthat the extra inducement we now offer will behighly appreciated by every one having goods to

buy who are at all familiar with the prices gene¬rally charged elsewhere.We need hardly add that our sleek, (owing to

the state of the times) is now very larjre in many-kinds of STAPLE as well as FANCY GOODS,and purchasers will be able to supply themselveswith almost every thing in our line of business atvery low prices, and, in many' instances, for lessthan the actual cost.The lowest cash price will invariably bo named

at once. W. M. SHUSTEK A CO.,No. 36. opposite Centre Market,

between 7th and Sth streets.

Washington, dec 21.d2w

Look out.'.war ladies,war:.5,000Ladies wanted to goto HENRY SCHWARZS'

cheap store, and get their winter supplies. He hascertainly got tho cheapest BLANKETS, SHAWLS,CAPES and FUltS ou hand, anil some of the bestbargains ever offered before. He has a heap ofmouey to raise this month, and will undoubtedlysell you goods right, as their is no use talking.He'll let nobody go, even at cost prices, lie isstilling a great many goods, such as DeLains,Merino, plaid and fancy Dress Goods and Notions.Bo sure and call and see him at 132 King street,sign of tho in front of the store. doc f>

11URS! FURS!! FURS!!!! Panic Pukchasks, Ghkat Bargains!.Wo

are now oponing one of the finest stocks ofLADIES' DRESS FURS

ever offered in this market. Those goods havebeen bought for cash during the past week, andwo are enabled to offer them at prices unparallcdin the history of tho Fur trade.

S. A W. MEYENBERG,dec 4 107 King-st., cor. of Pitt.


JAX reiving additional supplies to his stock ofGOODS, viz:

Superior Full'd Cloths, 3-4 and fi-4Heavy Linseys, very cheapFancy Calicoes, Blankets, Flannels, Ac.

Among this lot I have some of the cheapestgoods yet offered. Please call and convince your¬

self. [Sent.] oct 27

NOTICE..I have on hand a few patterns ofall wool MOUSLINE ROBES, which I will

sell at about half price.Now is your time to get a handsome dress for

a little inonev: also, some verv handsome styles,low priced 'MOUSLINE DkLAINES. FANCYCALICOES, at (»j and 10 cts., that, can't ex¬

celled. [dec 21] L. A. LARK IN.

] ADIES CLOAKS..We havejust received an

additional supply of CLOAKS, of the newestdesigns. G. K. WITMER A BRU.nov 20

ijlOR OVERCOATS, Ac..Just received a verytine article of Double Width Mixed CLOTH,

Virginia made, for Overcoats and Business suits.Call at Tdec »] BRYAN A ADAMS', Agents.



OFFER to the trade, upon accommodatingterms, and at the very lowest rates.

,'»00 bbls. Pure RYE WHISKEY, Copper distilled,purchased direct from Distillers.a large por¬tion of which is highly improved by age, andpurity guaranteed.

40 i and i casks pure FRENCH BRANDY,Otard, Hennessey, and Maestrau vintages,'49, '61, '6ti, and '68.

60 bbls. APPLE BRANDY26 .< PEACH26 i casks MALAGA WINJC16 " " Pure Old PORT10 " " Fine Old SHERRY6 " " 44 " MADEIRA

20 " " Good "

160 bbls. RECTIFIED WHISKEY100 packages DOM. BRANDY50 bbls. N. E. RUM26 " DOM. GIN40 casks PORTER, ALE, and BROWN STOUT

1 puncheon Pure Old JAM AICA RUM1 " very fine Old SCOTCH WHISKEY2 pipes Holland gin.

.ALSO.160 boxes Manufactured TOBACCO60 bbls. and bales Smoking do

100 boxes Scotch and Rappee SNUFF26 bids. do. Loose and ill Bladders

300,000 Imported and Domestic SUGARS.A SI).

100 \ chests G. P., Y. H., IMPERIAL, and'BLACK TEAS. Sep



A FULL assortment of barrels, halves andquarters, of tho above superior and pure

MALT LIQUORS, can be had at a low price fromJOHN DAVISON,

Middle Store, old Theatre, Alexandria, Va.The STRONG BEER, on account of its low

price and mild flavor, is well fitted for family use,and it will prove a most agreeable and wholesomebeverage to ladies and children.

N. B~. Read the following from the EveningStar of December 3, 1 ^59:

.*A Rkmaukably Fink Alk..Mr. Davison'ssuccessor in the Washington Brewery, corner ofK and 27th streets, Mr. Colineau, is now manufac¬turing XX ale and porter and brown stout, all ofwhich reflect infinite credit on his establishment.His ale compares favorably, indeed, with the bestPhiladelphia and Albany ales, being, accordingto our taste, much more like the best English andScotch ales than those imported from either ofthose cities. If he continues to produce so supe¬rior an article, he will shortly make a reputationfor his brewery surpassing that of any Northernestablishment."

Enquire of JOHN DAVISON,Theatre Building, Alexandria,

mh Wholesale Dealer in Malt Liquors.rjl ALi-A.AiN JJj&iA ilJtiJt WJtJttX .

JL HE undersigned is now manufacturing, at hisB R E W E R Y ,

Corner of King and Fayette Streets,Superior qualities of

PALE, AMBER, AND CREAM ALES,to wliich he respectfully invites the attention ofhis friends, and the public. Having an experi¬ence of over 20 years in the business, and posses¬sing extensive mann/ueturiny facilities, he Hattershimself that his ALES will compare favorablywith any manufactured, either in or out of theState of Virginia.

If necessary, he could fill columns with themany flattering testimonials he has received withregard to the superiority of his A LES, from thepress and the public ; but ho prefers that his ALEshall speak for itself.By a strict personal attention to business, and

a determination to manufacture nothing but h

superior quality of l'UUE ALE, lie hopes tomerit a share of public patronage.BOTTLED ale AND PORTER, put up ex¬

pressly for family use, constantly on hand./.EST* Orders promptly attended to.mh15 H. S. MARTIN.

Alexandria library company..Library kept in the south-rooui, lirst-story,

of the Lyceum Hall, S. W. corner of Prince andWashington streets. Open every day from 5 to 7o'clock, P. M. Annual subscriptions, $3; sixmouths, $1.50; three months, $1. Volumes inLibrary, nearly 5,100.

President.H. L. Caknk, jn.Vice President.Silvasus Miller, Jit.

.DIRECTORS:.Sylvester Scott,James S. Hallowell,Benjamin Barton,George I>. Fowle,John A. Milburn,

Andrew Jatuieson,Edgar Snowden, jr.,Elisha J. Miller,Stephen Swain,John West.

Treasurf-r.Audrew 5- Ij J. sam'L. w1m8att. Librarian.UST received.50 boxes uew Smyrna Figs30,000 Torpedoes1 barrel Crauberries.

Also, a fresh supply of toys and fancy articles,at C. SCHAFER'S;

Confectioner and Fruit Dealer,nov 26 No. 3 North Fairfax street.


H. 1. GREGORY'S,dec 6 1 IS and 120 King-street.


New books,.magazines and papersat GEO. SI0GEltS' Honk and Periodical

Store, 75 Prince street, oj)juisite the Gazette Office.Earper's new Monthly Magazine for Januarj*,

25c.Casscll's Illustrated Family Bible, Part 21,15c.Cassell's Illustrated Natural History, Part 20,

15 cts.The Character and influence of Abolitionism, a

sermon preached in the First Presbj terian Church,of Brooklyn, by Hcv. Henry J. Van Dyke, 10c.The Pictorial Brother Jonathan, for the Christ¬

mas and New Year's Holidays, 12c.Beadle's Dime Novels, No. 13, entitled Cedar

Swamp," or Wild Nat's Brigade, a laic of the Pal¬metto State, by Wm. R. Eyster, 10c.

Beadle's Dime Biographical Library, No. 1, Gar¬ibaldi, The Washington of Italy, 10c.

Beadle's Half Dime Novelette, No. 1, Myrtle,the Child of the Prairie, by Rose Kennedy.

Long's Dime Romances, The Naval Officer, byLieut. Murray.The People's five cent Novelette's, The Red

Shark, or tiie Pride of the Isles, by Augustus Corn-stock.Comic Monthly for January, 6c.All the Magazines for January, and papers for

this week, on hand publishers at prices.. Daily Papers..N. Y. Herald, Baltimore Clipper,Alexandria Gazette, and every tiling in the cheapBook and Periodical line. dec 21

GET THE BEST..SmitIt\ AV/r (Ju<irto (!eo-yruj'hj, c-mtainiug Map Questions, inter¬

spersed with such facts as an observing Touristwould notice which are followed by a concise textand explanatory notes, based on a combination ofthe analytical, synthetical, and comparative sys¬tems, designed to be si iiple and concise, but not

dry; Philosophical and Practical for the use ofcommon Schools in the United States, by KosewellC. Smith, A. M , author of various School Books,with Maps of Religion, Government, Civilization,Races of Men, the Atlantic Ocean, Countries,Vicinities of Noted Cities, Outlines of Countries, >

Islands, <tc., unequal length of day and nighr,Rains, Winds, The Seasons, Isothermal, the Ro- i

man Empire, the Solar System, Railroads in theUnited States, Palestine in our Saviour's time, (

North Star, and Constellations near it.the wholeforming a convenient and ready Manual for lami- jlies, Counting Houses, and Travellers, price $1.Just published by Lippincott <fc Co., and for sale !by [dec 15] ROBERT BKLL. j


PUSES..By recent additions, I am prepared to |oiler the largest Stock of Goods, I have ever ex-

hibitcd in Alexandria and at very moderate pricr-s, ifor cash, or tupunctual dealers on the usual terms.

I name, in part, Rosewood, Morocco and Ma- jhogany writing desks, Papier Mache and Morocco iPortfolios, Papoteries, Ladies' Rosewood Work jBoxes, t i en t s' Dressing Cases and Traveling Bags,Ladies Reticnlcs and Traveling Bags, Morocco,Shell, Wire and Silk Velvet Porte Monies, Buck- jskin, Thread, Kid, Bead and Silk Purses, Cigarand Card cases, Meerschauu Cigar Smokers, Snuff jBoxes, S'lvcr Thimbles, Key Rings and Chains,Shawl Pins, Tweezers, Watch Keys, Wax and jVienra Matches. Pearl and Ivory Letter Folders,Mahogany and other Portable Spring Inkstands.Propelling'and Repelling Pocket Pencils, GoldPens with or without cases, Tea and Call Bells,Ivory Tablets, Crochet Needles, Eye Glasses,Ladies Head Dress Pins, Indelible Working Pen¬cils, Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors, Hair, Fin¬ger, Tooth, Hat and Cloth Brushes, Parlor Balls,Horn, Rubber, Buffalo, Ivory and Shell Combs,Steel and Rubber Hair Pins, Soaps, Perfumeries,Extracts, Colognes, Hair Oils, Pomades, LipSalves,Shaving Creams and Compounds, Toothpastes,Lilly White. Powder Pull's and man}' others.Also a great variety ofJuvenile and other Books,

Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Gift Booksand Annuals, Autograph,Scrap, and other Albums.And as to Musical Instruments, most any thing

you want, from a splendid Piano or Mcb»deon to a

Jews Harp. Please call and examine my stockfor I am determined to sell if vou will buy.

dec 12 JOHN *11. PARK.OTT.

Nr ELSOX'S VIEWS OF AMERICAN ANDEUROPEAN' Scenery, V iews of Cities, their

environs, Public Buildings, .fee.These Views are put up iu packs of 12, (in

beautiful oil colors,) with descriptive catalogue at2 5c. per pack.They are suitable for the Centre table or for

your Scrap Book, for which purpose 1 have solda great many.

All of the very latest and last, just received,and for sale by


VYALU A B L15 W11 P. K.. 77,, .1'jrujih Jiih!r, containing the Old and New

Testaments, according to the authorized version,arranged in paragraphs and parallelisms, withExplanatory Notes, prefaces to the several Books,and an entirely new selection of references to

parallel and illustrative passages, in two hand¬some octavo volumes, published by the LondonReligious Tract Society, price $(». For s;>l« bydec I9__



BUSK'S NEW WORK ON THE RIFLE..The Rifle and how to use it, comprising a.

description of that valuable Weapon iu all its va-

ricties, and an account of its origin, by HansBusk, M. A., 1st Lieutenant Victoria Rillcs, <tc ,

author of Ititlo Volunteers, and bow to drill them,tfee., lit'., new edition, enlarged and improved.Price $1. Just published.

dec 11 ROBERT BELL, (II King-st,rnilE NEW CODE.. Tin- ('../*¦ ,./ 17/¦;/inia, See-X ond Edition, including Legislative to the yearLStiO, published pursuant to la w, just received andfor sale bv


Rosewood and mahogany writingDESKS..A large assortment of the best uia-

terial and workmanship, also, neuplus ultra desksand furtrshed portfolios in great variety, for saleat low prices. fdeclOJ ROBERT BKLL.

CHINA. GLASS AND EARTHENWARE,Bv tiik Sun* Pkthka, iwiikct from Livkhcool,

anii otmkr arrivals, we have received ourFULL FALL SUPPLIES.

OjA CRATES OF QUEENSWARE, of all/VtU grades300 PACKAGES cut, pressed, and common

GLASSWARE8 JIIIDS. and other packages FRENCH

PORCELAIN24 BOXES Powhatan PIPE HEADS7000 REED PIPE STEMS, with an assort¬

ment of FANCY GOODSIvory handled and Gutta Perchahandled KnivesPlaited and Britannia frame Castors, with cut

or moulded bottles.With our usual assortment of STA PLE GOODS,

always on hand, we flatter ourselves that we can

supply country merchants, Hotel keepers, andprivate families, with as complete assortment ofGOODS, iu our line, as can be found in any otherestablishment, and at prices which favorably com¬pare with any in-the larger cities.A full supply of WIN DOW G LASS, of all sizes.Superior polished French heavy Looking Glass

PLATES, ordered to suit Piers of any dimensions.9th mo 20 K. 11. MILLER. SON «t CO.


IMPORTKKS AMI WHO I KSALK DKAbKKS IXJirandies, ll'itw.s, (j'uix tnul &'tjurs.

BEG leave to call the attention of the citizens ofthe United States to their Pure Wines and

Liquors, put up under their own supervision, forFamily and Medicinal use, in cases assorted tosuit customers. Clubs, Military and other publicbodies, who require to purchase in large or small Jquantities, in casks or bottles will be liberallydealt with. Price List sent on application.

OLD MOREHOUSE BITTERS.Recommeuded by the first physicians as the j

best remedy known for Dyspepsia, Indigestion,Debility, and all Nervous Diseases. As a bever- jage, it is pure, wholesome, and delicious to thetaste. Sold by all Druggists.

WM. B. MOREHOUSE «fc CO.,Proprietors, 3 A 5 Exchange Place,

Jersey City, N. J.Jersey City, N. J., oct HO.d'^m



HAVING REMOVED from the old stand ud

Fairfax street, r the SPACIOUS WARE¬HOUSE, No. 25. Kiug-street, wo hog leave t«» ealithe attention offariuers to our large and \ieli se¬

lected stock ofIMPLEMENTS, SEEDS, ami GUANOS.Wo are also erecting a PLASTER MILL, (at

No.-19, Union street,) where we will soon ho ableto furnish theBEST FINE GROUND WINDSOR PLASTER,

Of our own Importation.We are also preparing for the manufacture of

FA ItMING IMPLEMENTS,which we expect to furnish of the best quality,jan 3 MEADE & MA RYE.

(CHRISTMAS GOUDS..Shopkeepers and t>ih-J ers will lind a pood stock of FANOV GOODS,

suited for the Holidays, at No. Srf Kin^ street,Alexandria.



^OAL OIL AND LAMPS..We have just rc-

vJ eeived another large lot of pure PARAFFINEOIL, direct from the works of the Virginia Coaland Oil Company of Kanawha County, Va , andcan recommend it as being very superior. Woarc the wholesale Agents tor thu place; also, on

hand ,a full assortment of COAL OIL LAMPS,large and small, Burners, Chimneys, Wicks,Hanging Lamps, Side Lamps, witY. reflectors,Glass and I'aper Shades, Chimney Brudies, Ac.,Ac , all of which we can sell at the lowest prices.

LEADBEATER A CO.,12 mo 11 Nos. 5 and 7, South Fairfux-st.

PURE GROUND SPICES, Jtc..Nutmeg*. Mace, Ginger, Cloves, Allspice, Bluck Pep¬per, Mustard, Cayenne Pepper, Super Carb. So¬da, Yeast Powders, Azumo, Flavoring Extracts,Cox's Gelatine, American Isinglass, BermudaArrow Root, Canaway Seeds, Rose Water, Ext.Coffee, pure Suit Fetre, Hops, Oil Lemon, Horn a:-

nathic Cocoa, Ground Rice, Ac , received, and torsale by HENRY COOK A CO,

dec13 *_ Sarcpta HalLPEEL & STEVENS,


CiALL the attention of the trade to their cxtcn-j give stock of D R U G S. M E DICINES,

PAINTS. OILS, Ac., which they are now receiv¬ing.all they ask is a fair examination of tiicirstock, as they are confident that they cud con.vince any dealer that it would be to his intcjcft to

buy of them instead of at the North. sop 7

G1 00DYEAR'S BREAST PU.M PS; Glass Syrin-T ges; Gum Arabic; Vanilla Beans; Irish Moss:

Madder; Clack Snake Root; Bromide of Potas¬sium: Sulpha to Cinchona; Brown s Essence of(iinger; Camphor; Roll Brimstone, ChamomileFlowers, dust received and fur sale by

JAS. ENTWISLE, Jit., Apothecary,dec7

,y4 King street.

J71OR COUGHS, COLDS, Ac..Hunuewell'sj Universal Cough Remedy, Wistar's Lozenges,

Brown's Bronchial Troches, Ayer's Cherry Pecto¬ral. St aider's Anodyne Cherry Expectorant, Rose'sCough Syrup or Expectorant, Puller's CompoundTolu, on hand, and lor sale by

WM. A. HART, No. 112, King st.Next door to Marshall House,

fisT" Sign of the Golden Mortar. oct 20

PAINTS, OILS, Ac..Pure White Lead, Lin¬seed Oil, English Venetian Red, Blake's Fire

Proof Paint, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow,Litharge, Rvd Lead, Vermillion, Paint Brushes,Blende'r.--, Glazier's Diamonds, Copal Varnishes,Japan do., Picture do., Zinc W hite, Paint Mills,Kerosene Oil. Ethereal Oil. Alcohol, Ac., just re¬

ceived, by DR. R. II. .STABLER, Chemist,11ov 11 N. W. cor. of King and Wash-sts.

Drugs and patent medicines..Chloroform; Chlorato l'otash; Ayer's Pecto.

ral; Wilbur's Cod Liver Oil; Jules Haul's ErasiveSoap; Brown's Bronchial Troches; Bluek StickPomade; Arnica Plasters; Ext. Tarayicuin; Hus¬band's Isinglass; Adhesive Plaster; Castile Soap;just received, and for sale bv

JAMES ENTWISLE. Jk.,,lec Apothecary. 'Jl King-st.

/^iOX'S GELATINE, Irish Moss, pure GroundCinnamon. Allspice, Cloves and (linger, Nut¬

megs, Aenis, Coriander, and l'eunel Seed, ExtractsVanilla, T.emini, Orange. Peach, Almonds, Rasp-berry, and Strawberry, British Lustre, Sup. Carb.Soda, Cream Tartar, Oxalic Aeid. Opium, Low'sBrown Windsor and Iloncv Soap, just received,and lor sale by j. WM. BOWLING,

,]ec js tI2, cor. of Fairfax ami Prince sis.

CllGARS, Ac..A lot of superior Cigars, Lyneli-) burg Tobacco, Brown's Bronchial Troches,

Bromide of Potassium, Chloroform, Sponges,Ext. Vanilla, (superior) Chamois Skins, Ilomiim-piithie Cocoa, Donovan's Syrup of Bark, GlycerinCream for chaps, »tc., lor sale by

DR. R. H. STABLER. Chemist;n<>v II No. U>5. King St..cor. of Washington.

CI PICKS, Ac..Cox's Gelatine, Carageen, Bur-^ tuuda Arrow Root, Pearl Sago, Tapioca,Cooper's Amerieua Isinglass, Ciuoamon, Starch,Indigo, NutmegJ, Salt Petrc, t/oru >tarch, Oaf-meal, Oil Lemon, Ext. do , Essence do., CelerySeed, Cloves, and Ground Black Pepper, for sale

by LEADBEATER A CO.,12 mo I :t Nos. 5 A 7 S. Fairfax street.

11A L OIL manufactured on tke KanawhaJ River, warranted equal ti» any Kerosene or

Coal Oil manufactured in New ^ ork, Boston or

Portland, for sale by the bottle or less quantity aslow as it can be bought, in any other city, thussaving the freight, and exchange. A constantsupply, for sale by 11ENR\ COOK A CO.

dec 17

0 1LS..200 gallons Linseed Oil250 " Kerosene OilL'ad Spirits Turpentine2jtl *' Ethereal Oil200 " Whale Oil, iu store and (or sale

by LEADBEATER A CO.,12 mo 17 Nos. 5 A 7 South Fairfax street.

13 LACK STICK POMADE, Baud's ErasiveL) Soap: Wilbur's Cod Liver Oil: Castile Soap;Cochineal; Husband's Isinglass: Adhesive Plaster;Hops; Glycerine: Copaibas and Cubeb Capsules,just received and for sale by

JAS. ENTWISLE, Jit.,dec 22 Apothecary. !M King street.

KEROSENE LAMPS, Shades, Chimneys,Wieks, Globus, Ac. Also, extra Burners for

altering Lamps, just received byWM. A. HART. No. 112 King-si.,

next door to the Marshall House.;£..#-Sign of the Golden Mortar. dec 2*.»

HOLLOWAY'S LARGE, MEDIUM and smallArnica Plasters; Browu's Bronchial Troches:

Chlorate Potash; Avur's Pictoral; Chloroform,justreceived and for sale by

JAS. ENTWISLK, Jr.,dec22 Apothecary, W4 King street.

C^ROUP SYRUP; Syrup Squills: Cream Tartar:_j Epj'om Salts; Sugar Lead: Brown's JamaicaGin"cr; Valerianate t»l Zinc: Rochelle Salts; lorsale at Ml LBURN A RRO.'S,

Chemists and Druggists,dec 11 N. E. comer of King and Wash-sts.

SPICES. Ac., FOR THE SEASON..The sub¬scriber has on hand choice Spices. Gelatines,

Brandy for Mince Meat, Flavoring Extracts, Aniseand Caraway Seeds.

JAMES ENTWISLE, Jit.,17 Apothecary, 1)1 King street.

EROSENE OR COAL OIL, just receivedand for sale by

WM. A. HART, 112 King-street,next door to Marshall House.

ff.ft*Sign of the Golden Mortar. dec 20AYER'S SARSAPARILLA; Ayer's CherryJ\_ Pectoral; Ayer's Pills: StabJer's Expectorant:

Cod Liver Oil;'Chloroform; Quinine; Camphor:Dorer's Powder, just, received, and for sale by

dee 11 MILBUHN A BBO., Apothecaries.

[) ltOWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES.A full) supply of thi se valuable articles lor Coughs,

Colds, Hoarseness, «t*c.. just received atM I LB URNS, Apothecaries,

dec II King-street.

WATERS..Greenbrier, White Sulphur, Sara¬toga, and Oulpeper Alum Waters, for sale by

LEADBEATER A CO.,12 mo 17 Nos. 5 A 7 South Fairfax street.

SUPERIOR COAL OIL, Oil. Turpeu-tine, and Alcohol, constantly ou hand, and

t(jr sale by J. WM. BOWLING,dee 18 G2, cor. of Fairfax and Prince-sis.

Kerosene lamps..a full assortment justreceived and for sale by



A lex'i mlrin, V!r<j in >«,S. HEFLEB0WER, Proprietor.

mil IS HOUSE has been conducted by the pre-I sent Proprietor for the past three years, and

has received its full share of the patronage of theTravelling public, and having been lately repair¬ed and refurnished from garret to cellar, addition¬al facilities are afforded by which erery comfortand convenience to be found at any other 1* J RSI-CLASS HOTEL is guaranteed.A pleasant sojourn is promised to all who may

patronise this house.,T*i- Strangers will find at the Steamers and

Trains, upon their arrival in this city, polite Por¬ters and comfortable Omnibuses, which will con¬

vey them immediately to the Hotel. The best themarket affords is always to be found at this Hotel,my 15.tfmo THE PUBLIC..Dr. P. A. COBB hasJL made Milbuin A Bro., Druggists of the c.ityof Alexandria, his sole Agents tor the town andcouutvo* Alexandria, to sell his superior OIL,known as the CINAKER OIL. I his OIL iswarranted to remove all kinds of pains, such as

Kheumatism, Neuralgia, Sick Headache, Strains,Sprains, Bruises, Ac.; also, recommended veryhighly for Horses. This OIL is warranted to re¬move all the above pains in from 0 to 4ti minutes.

DR. P. A. COBB, Lynchburg, Va.sep 24. dlyORSK SHOES..100 kegs assorted, for saleby [oct 16] WHEAT A BRO.H'

groceries, &C.

tttE HAVE just received our stock ol FALL

W »"J WINTER OROCplEs,Sc eeted c»re-

fully for Family use, consisting in part ol the

lowing articles:6 hhds. prime Porto Rico Sugar5 « " St. Croix 4

5 " common Brown1 " Lovcring's Syrup5 " prime Porto Rico Molasses5 « « Muscovado "

5 « " Cuba "

]0 bbls. Miller's Cut Loaf "

10 boxes Lovcring's best Loaf Sugarin hbla " " Crushed Sugar

-a « Granulated Sugar]b u c< BaudC Yellow '/25 bags Old Government Java Coffee, strict¬

ly prime20 bat's White Laguyra Coffee25 " Rio

' "

30 bftxes Adamantine Candles40 " and half boxes French Wax Candles5 " superior Sperm do.; 15 do Jackson a

Tallow do.; 10 do Brown Soap; 5 do Castilv do.;20 do prime Eastern Dairy Cheese; 10 do Pine Ap¬ple do.; 5 do Ground Ginger in 1 lb^ package?; »

do do Pepper in 1 lb <1d.; 5 do S. C. Soda in 1 lbdo.: 5 do Maccaroni; 5 half chests Greeu Tea,best quality; 5 do Black <lo. do. do.; 500 sacksAshton's and G. A. Salt, in ttore, and for sale by

HUMPHREYS & TALIAFERRO,at Marshall «fc Co.'s Old Stand,

nova* No. U, King-street.

KNOX «fc BROTHER have just received a fullstock of FALL unil WINTER GROCE¬

RIES, selected carefully for Family use, consist¬

ing in jiart of the following articles.10 hlidrf. Prime Brown Sugar5 " Commou do do

10 " Prime Molasses5 " Common do

20 pack's. Lovcring's best Crushed Sugar2() " Mo ler's Cut Loaf40 " C. Y. Sugar20 " Yellow do50 bags Old Gov. Java Coffee, very suporior50 44 Laguyra and Maricibo Coffees50 " Rio Coffee20 " Santos do40 boxes Solar Sperm & Imp'l. Sperm Candles40 " Common Adamantine Candles-10 " Mould Candles, very superior10 half chests Green Tea, best quality5 " 44 Black « " "

1000 stacks Ashton G. A. Salt300 bbls. Prime N. S. and Eastport Herring


LIQUORS, WINES, &c.OTA BBLS. RECTIFIED WHISKEY/jQ\) 150 do. Medium Grade Old Mouougahala200 bbls. X, XX, and XXX75 do Sup. pure Old ltye, warranted

150 i and i casks Cognac and Champagne Brandy20 bbls. Domestic Brandies75 casks Blackberry, Ginger, Cherry, and Rasp¬

berry Brandy25 bbls. Apple do110 casks and A casks Maderia, Port, Sherry, Sici-

1 y. Muscat, Marseilles,Tencriffe, ard MalagaWines

55 baskets Chainpaigne Wine75 tierccs pnro Cider VinegarDealers in Liquors, Wines, Ac., will fiud it

greatly to their interest to call and examine our

stock before making their purchases.j. ii. mcyeigh £ son,

sep 21. Prince street Wharf, Alexandria.5 IQUORS, WINES, Ac..J J 150 bbls. Old Rectified Whiskey

150 44 X XX XXX do100 Old Mouongabcla do20 " Pure Rye do 0 years old50 " Domestic Brandy15 casks Otard, Hennessey and Cognac do1 ti bbls. Old Apple Brandy10 11 Old Peach Brandy2tl casks Malaga Wino15 44 Port Wine15 44 Maderia Wino15 ,c Sherry Wine25 bbls. Domestic Gin2 pipes Hofbtrui Gia

25 bbls. Ruin75 cases Champagne Wine, various brands.

Also, Jamaica Rum, St. CroixRum, Scotch Whis¬key, blackberry, Raspberry, Ginger, Cherry andStrawberry Brandy, &c.

sep 2y BLACKLOCK, DENT & CO."I lljUORS, WINES, Ac..1 i 175 bbls. Prime Rectified Whiskey

25 " Vc.rv Superior Old Rye, 7 years old50 " X. XX, XXX " Old Monougahela, ditto25 casks Hennessey, Otard, and Cognac

BrandySO casks Malaga Wino15 44 Madeira ditto5 1 casks very Superior Old Sherry5 A bbls. Superior Scotch Whiskey2 pipes Pure Holland Gin

125 baskets Champagne Wine, best brands,for sale by

oct 10 WASHINGTON & CO._PURE LIQUORS..The practice of adulterat¬

ing Liquors has become so common that a

genuine article is the exception, while it is ofvital importance to those requiring it for familyuse and invalids, that ir should be of perfectpurity. I have now on band. Cognac Brandy,Holland Gin, Port Wine, Old Rye and ScotchWhiskeys, which I can recommend a.s being per¬fectly pure; also, an assortment of DOMESTICWINES and BRANDIES.

CHARLES J. WISE,nov13 cor. of Prince and Pitt-sts.


10 cases Currantslft 44 Prunes, all in fine order, and for

sale to arrive, by F. A. REED «fc CO..nov I No. ft. South Wharves.

ILLING TH R E A D..1,500 lbs. superiorK Irish GILLING THREAD, Nos. 35, 40, 45,

aud 50, of our own importation; also, Gill Cord,Oars, <fec., for sale bynov 14 WHEAT ,fc t>R0.


der, and warranted, lor sale bvCHARLES J. WISE,dec 6 cor. of Prince and Pitt-sts.

OWEET CIDER..Newark Sweet CIDER byO the barrel or gallon, for sale byCHARLES J. WISE,

dec 6 cor of Prince aud Pitt sts.T71RES1I GLADES BUTTER..17 backugeslatoJL made Glades Butter, received this day persteamer Diamoud State, and for sale bydec 7 GARRET HTJLST.

Buckwheat flour..a lot of fresh Vir¬ginia ground Buckwheat Flour, just received

and 'or sale by PARTLOW, HILL & CO.__de« :i

~AA BUSHELS WHITE AND BLUE M Eli-0\J\J CER POTATOES, just received, and forsale by THOM AS PERRY,nov 2.5 No. 5, South Wharves.

|) UCIvW UKAT FLOUR..120 bags superiorJL) Family Buckwheat, in bags of 25, 50 and 100lbs. each, for sale by WHEAT & BRO.

nov 21)

TjlRESH PEACHES and LOBSTERS, in cans,JP hermetically sealed, for sale byCHARLES J. WISE,

nov 13 f»or. of Prince and Pitt-sts.

"PHILADELPHIA SYRUP, new and superior,X just received, aud for sale byCHARLES J. WISE,1 cor. of Prince and Pitt-sts.

Rosin..50 bbls. No. 1 ROSIN50 44 common do., for sale by_,lec 5 WHEAT tt BRO.

OKAA FRESH GROUND PENNSYL-40\J\J VAN [A BUCKWHEAT, received andfor sale by [m>v 20] GARRET HULST.XIRAISINS.-25bo.xes prime VA-V LEIsCIA RAISINS, received, and for salelow« hy [nov 221 GARRET UIJLST


BCIrK3 Currants, Lemons, Raisins, Almonds,and Figs, for sale by CUAS. J. WISE,_

°ct _cor. of iPrinco and Pitt-sts.

HpirT^'^EAT. 20,000 tt,s. Ilulled BUCK-V HEAT, in 12£ and 25 tbs. sacks, for sale bynnv 22L. J- N. H Ail PER ,fe CO.

500 BBLS* EASTERN HERRING, recentlyU\J\J received in store, and for sale byd*c 8 FOWLE & CO.

BUTTER.-- Received daily, fresh BUTTERtor sale by. KNOX k BRO.

P^SHCURRANTS, Citron, Raisins, aud softJL shell Almonds, received this .lay, and for saleI1100:.'] GARRET^ IIULST.C.25 boxes Eastern Dairy Cheese


-5 boxes prune Cutting do., for sale by-±ecJ WHEAT A BRO.QE1NK TWINE..1,000 tbs. Seine Twine,"forO sale by [dec 5J WHEAT k BRO.




FASHION in dress is the pictorial hittorv oftho times, while it is the outward r«*flteii0nor rathurhalo, of internal refinement, and, thtrt<|fore, in order to gratify appreciative intelleciui|!ity, the undesigned has, with grcatcarc, purcb.aed a -superior assortment of CLOTHS, CASfMERES, and VESTINGS, embracing the Defstyles and most elegant patterns the Kuropmarket affords, which will be made up to ordeartistie mode, defying superiority in cutworkmanship. In the FURNISHING LIICashmere and India have poured out their ofcings of Wool and Silk, the industry and intcigcncc of our own great country has competed iamany instances successfully, in producing Sbhts(under and upper,) Drawers, Glovks, SuspkkIukks, Half IIosic, Handkerchiefs, Nkcjc 1'h.sStocks, with many other articles utual in a gttJ'tlemau's toilet. Also, a good assortment of Kg/DY MADE COATS, PANTS, and VESTS, ciand made like ordered work, very far superior)'what is generally sold in that way. Buta;>iaaliprofit is asked, and orders filled with punctuality.If you want a GARMi.Nl that will iioproy^vour appearance, call upon

W. D. MASSEY, Merchant Tailor,net 13 No. '->2, King-aireeL

WILLIAM ARNOLD,MERCHANT TAlLOJt, Kiug-Sireet,ESPECTFULLY informs his customers UHdthe public that he has now on hand a very

extensive stock of S P R I N G and S L M M E KGOODS. Elegant and faehionabl- at;'es o! eVtrjthing of Gentlemen's wear, of which m: y U in part black, blue and fancy CLOTHS. Thefinest and best French, English and AmericanC A S S IM E R E S. Fancy Silk, :>:,d MarstillegVESTINGS. Linen Shirts and Collars; Net Shiruand Drawers; Gloves; Linen and silk PocketHandkerchiefs; Neck Ties ofevery description at«istyle; Suspenders of the finest quality and Ute,tstyles; half Hose, of tho best quality. All woikwill he guaranteed to be done in the best manner.Thanking his customers and the public tor puttfavors, he solicits the continuance oi their jat-ronaje. Orders from the country promptly at¬tended to. ap 2?

rpHK UNION FOREVER..Strangers and citT.I z«ns, 6ne and all, are requested to exam-

ino the new and magnificent STOCK OF FALLand WINTER CLOTHING, at SCJIOOLHEltHti- JJJiO.'S Great Watern Clothing llouxc, *.

King utreet, Alexandria, Va., which ennprigarments of every description for i\len, VoirBoys, and Servants, together with a full as.«oi

went of FURNISHING GOODS.Their Clothing is all well made, of the lest

materials, warranted a perfect tit, and can bebought at much lower prices than the same kindof Clothing can be bad elsewhere. Recollect thejmanufacture for themselves, therefore, every onewho desires beautiful Clothing, at economical pri¬ces, should call at once at

SCHOOLIIERR Sc BRO'S.,Great Western Clothing House,

108 King street. 3 doors below the Marshall House,Alexandria, Va. sep 8

100, 100, 100, 100, 10U.SIMON WATERMAN, No. 100, King street,


BEGS leave to announce to his numeroup frienddand customers, that he is now prepared to

exhibit a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING,and Gentlemen's Furnishing GOODS, which inregard to quantity, quality, and styles, cannot heequalled by any similar establishment in this city,and not excelled by any Clothing bouse in thetwo leading avenues of fashion on this side of theAtlantic.Broadway, Now York; and Chettnutstreet, Philadelphia.

Although the present stock is a very extensiveone, indeed, additional supplies will still be receiv¬ed, from time to time, during the business sea.-on,in order to keep up a full assortment of styles andsizes.

P. S..Mr. WATERMAN will endeavor to con¬

vince any one favoring him with a call, that Lisreputation for selling at the most moderate nricciis grounded on facts. ap 2'J


TO enable us to meet more fully the wants of our

customers, we have taken the large and hand¬some store-room in Green's Mansion House build¬ing, on Fairfax street, next door to the ExprtfrfOffice. We would invito your attention to tl.elarge and general assortment of CLOTHS, CAS-SIMERES, <tc., together with an extensive vari¬ety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS;all of which have been selected from the lateststyles, and will bo furnished by us on as goodterms, as by auv first class furnishing establismeut._aug 21 ' W. & A. MURRAY.


TS now receiving a very large and choice a«-

J_ sortment of all the various kinds of G00D.Susually kept in a tirst class Merchant Tailoringand Gentlemen's Furnishing Establishment..Thankful for the very liberal patronage alreadybestowed, a continuance is rcspectfnlly solicited.Uniform and small profits.quick and safe re¬turns. '

scp 11

NOTICE..If you want good, cheap, and fash¬ionable CLOTHING, go to LATOUCUE,

Merchant Tailor, S2, King-itreet. Constantly re¬

ceiving the latest styles of FU RNISHING GOODS.N. B. A choice article of SILK SHAKER find


rno THE PUBLIC..I have just had manufac-X turcd a large uumbvr of suits of fashionableCLOTHING, which will bo sold very cheap.

Also, just received an assortment of Velvet,Silk, and Cashmere Vesting*, very handsome instyle and combination. W. D. MASSEY,

nov 13 Merchant Tailor.

EOOTS AND SHOES.mHE undersigned having purchased of K i .

JL Cross, his entire stock of BOOTS and SHOES,would most respectfully inform his friends and thepublic, that be intends to continue the manufactureof every variety of BOOTS and SHOES, and willkeep constantly on hand a full assortment of everything in his line adapted to the taste of evm one,so that tho most fastidious need not leave theStore without purchasing. He intends to sell hiswork at small profits to cash or punctual ere litcustomers.none others need apply, as hid verylimited capital will not allow him to give longcredit.To CUSTOM WORK, he intends to devote his

undivided attention, make it of the best materials,and at short notice, and Hatters himself that hoc»n get it up in as good style as any one in thosumo business.He hopes by strict attention to business, to merit

and receive a continuance of the very liberal pa¬tronage heretofore bestowed on his esteemed pre¬decessor. Cull at R. Y. Cross's old stand, N°. "4,King street HENRY C. FIELD,

jj' Suecess'-r to R. Y. Cross.SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!!

jFARMERS AND OTHERS in want of SER-2 VANTS BOOTS and SHOES, are requested

to call and examine the VERY LARGE STOCKof the undersigned, believing that they will tindit to their advantage to do so before purchasingelsewhere, as he is fully satisfied that lie can tar¬nish the above articles at prices to suit any one.11c has an unusually large stock, and is desirous otcloning them out. Call and see for yourselves atR. Y. Cross' Old Stand. II. C. FIELD,

Successor to R. Y. Cross, No. 74, King-st.oct. 24

THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED..The sub¬scriber having tried the credit system, and

tound that it would not pay, has concluded to adoptthe CASH principle. In future, and from thisdate, he will continue to do business upon thisprinciple. In bidding adieu to the old system, h®would return his thanks to his customers forp»-*tfavors, and hopes by strict attention, and such in¬ducements as he may off«r, to continue it underthe new. [jan 3 .tf] JOHN L. SMITH.


WATERS & CO.,Extensive dealers in lumbek,

SHINGLES, LATHS and PA LIN « S..Also, LIME, WHITE SAND, HYDRAULICCEMENT, CALCINED PLAISTER, NAILS,«tc., at the Wharf, foot of Cameron street.They have constantly on hand a well assorted

atock of SEASONED LUMBER. Their arrange¬ments with manufacturers in different sections,enable th«m to supply particular bills ot V hit°Spruce and Southern Pine, of the best quality,and at shortest notice.

N. B. Now landing 80,000 feet of superiorGeorgia Pine, various sizes. mh 2.'*

I UMBER, COAL. AND WOUD YARD..Cor-J Hero/ Union and Quven Street*, North..WhereI am prepared to furnish every description of

LUMBER, SHINGLES. LATHS, LIME,Also, Oak and Pine WOOD, Red and White Ash»and Cumberland COAL, which I am selling low fortash, or on reasonable terms to good U. W. BARKEK.

WALL PAPERS, of all the very latest pat¬terns, furnished and hung in the best man¬

ner, at J. P. CLARKK-S New Paper Hangingand Window Furnishing Store, No. 158, King*etreot.

'oct »