library of congress...tlll'l dispatch bythedispatchcompany. iasii imarivihi > is «!>v...

Tlll'l DISPATCH BY THE DISPATCH COMPANY. IASII IM ARIVIHI > IS «!>V AV a. The PA 11. W PI-il'ATCH la.teBvered If.suhsrrl- nrr> ai rim in i iat- pasr tPBak,pajraMs tn tins ca, 11. i «,. Viv. Valle,| al BU |>er annum ; IT for ill BraaBas; fl.Aw foi Mire, inonlli-; hoe. tor one '"iTi. '-H'MI-WFPRI.Y DISPATCH tltlBBUB in, ,.i 11 fia -I v ian nth*. T>e VV Kl Kit PIsl'ATt'H a! fl per annum. I 4.114111*. « Ml 4 1.411 lim HS. LVVl.l. LOOMS. 1 (ll VIP 1- I IPI ll \li'P-"\ ,..,-,-.. ,i lo VV Moll' vu Kt il vs i TAILOR, So Ill Mildil I'ol K I UV III -TKka I Dl'l'l.-I ic I \t ii VM,a lim a i has ins) r...i.,,I a tall im. .,r "¦'All. .mt w s- I 1 K -I I I IS., tC »l,t. h alt! I.el. BB in .irM-. i,-- -i».. .ii -i "iv asotarrateprteea. lit (fiiarsi.t.. . lo . s ;CI I V! AiniAlilllN. S I VV - 11 M tv a vi i wu vv is 11 i: i lui it. ( (. VITSi,- WORRI l P. CHEVIOT, ANI> ( V .|V|| I.I -I IHN.,- Jl -! "Kl SI P A I VI \|\ -| |;M ALI. tip si w a-i BTYLM ck I ll N' ll ASP I Ni.llslt -.1 lt IS.!,-.. I VII VNP IWVIISI ol ¦ SI W -iel. i B -IT S, r A -"\. Ht i.,! Tailor-. a\ .I'lll NEV* Kl 0ULAT1ON l NI 1 Kl IRMS i ii, !¦« vv I MU |Ni,i i: - MUT I VI:V I VIKlill. ¦'IT Rank sthkki, Ri i,rn,,iel v . ,". .pond. i,,a .-ii ii, ,i .uei um-dei >, ni te ul I '!.. -tal. jv 14-.L el tm A* lia lilVIS I I ItNISIIINI. 4.OOHS i kl I! i'U \ M VlvK. ** 'e. ;,, .io i from i P"/T N a v.. v rut n, ii ct i.( vi -nil:!-. I,,ai,ul.ri.,I, || l,\ I,- ,,l ll, si v l r -I PATTI BN8, iii,I linnie In IIP I V ! I -I -l\ll. v. lill TWO « "ii vi:- io i vt it -un: i t "I ORS pi vt: vs i p. il. i. BILLER .I - V lu corni a Ninth am! VI tin. o woola * Ml t'OAI.. s ll wu. lill -l.») k BEST W S IIB! Vt ll I GG.SlOVI an SI I ( "VI . ll Ul'am! Il VII -I'I IS I : i I "V I li IPI I I vp- kud n vii -". I i "i\ and all klndsuf I N..INI . .. V I " VK ind 1TNI W . nip. loila*. wisted, and spilt, fm lowe i i-h prices. Hroad ¦. I pp ,'¦ I la i'i. tiol ItfOO I ll I -Heel. :. So.. Pl.*. I-. Kp V. II. I* Al.! I' i. I TloN, ll \\ IN). SOLD OUT \ . RIB PORMKR l-l-isi--. la now readv le¬ tti,.n to ll,, I o V I. VSP Wi Hilt ki -isi --. ll. keep*...,, i.i nil v ,»i hand all kinds ..I vsiMKV.ii) ll'hesnui. stove, and 'i VS WV ll V I.I VP" -KITS I. .villi ( K"V l: -tl I.I. Kl VP' V NP ll VII.; als,, itni vsp "vk W O li D (Lons, sawed, aud split), aud Mdltiii il mall |.,..iii to in ike i.n I.te. office, 1714 eaal . .ll Us I. Pie- i-r.-i.. no.'jtt. p. >i-pni < . m. .n «. I -l/l - v\ III; vi ITT.roAl., Red .\ and w Mle v ¦, vv i ST VIRGINIA sPLIN i "VI. ,,n,s|i, ,n, a ia ii ai, i, HRH,HT- Hull sud vppi "I ip vs tl: v 11 . "VI.-: ! Kl r.v, S V I K VI. I "Kl ll, lin, ( Hoking ill vi;i itni sad oviv WOOD, DR! (.awed, spilt, sud Lou*, sll uroiuptl) ilellvered, irefull) »t .Ti. .1 ind mea ut, .1 at lowest warkel j., i,... mhleh ii Us inieie-i ,,i .iii partii - i,, bm aai.w, ut. Kui ii. i eloo', al 7"' .ii vim, I. -(.lum. .S....11'J tn. I. K W V I KIS-. / ni vi.I.i lp.ll sI'I.IN 1 COAL; vn i ip: vt iii COAL vu si/.-. ).., ' di n ,!.!., s-,,lti r. - Il ll WV ls. i, -.--I 1 kalil**) nih iud ( ir\ -' 1/ \NA\\ ll \ -IM INT COAL. MleaUofl .¦) di ilers andeonautaera i- Invited I ill*) il.." -I Kl li l"l: . o VK. la in/ tu-l!v con . i.l, i. I',, beaton III"' n.11,I (.'ives un'" .1 .ii t i.iion. oi.ler- for winter supplies solicited. -. P. I Villi:"!'. Sole Vv nt lor Richmond, Ki v. iiteen Hi .tn, t. ai Draw l.rldi i. _ Av HRAI UK ANI» « I MI.KI'I.ANU POAL WI RT linllHlP, wholesale ant retail dealer In best ,|u.illiv \ ST III: vi IT I. and GEoHiii - . Ki I iv (i Mukki.asp ) pal, T ..), te. o-uiaiiiir.u ttnvrs luiDished l.\ ll., cm'", .i lu i..u iron, lu to plo ton-, at Ralllnioi*. md ... i.-. i,.mu iUoUIIoi,.. VI ... WIST VPP.ISIV SPLINT. I I "V 1 i: HILL Ll RP. and OAK and il ni WOOD (Sawed aud -|.tiii. of claolce gualltv, ,t kattata* n, uk, i i.,i< ott,,. a,i,i v:n.i. corner -> w i.i.-. ntli »,..1 i.o\ ir.,i Telephoii. n "] 'J'-Mii. 4.KOI I'.KII.K. l.iqi«W.JU".^ DALT! SALT! .'"i (ion |A' Ks IV HP.I rv. mliVTM I.IPsAl.T, li -I l ni.I l-ll Ult VND-. icm lu,, lue .in,I to arrive, ',) OAVE.VPoRT <t VIoKIP- ., | j- pu liti|,..) DOfaTO-i:d 0 moi. r-JMg, .jsaatatjhiiinpiirn MO* v--i ino haaaassad i \ ii: v uk vv v -v it it, pill BBJIBlS NI VV illili AS- Mill.A . 1 - ,1 POTTS. STOKES *(()._ VCW MKS*- MACKEREL, ..> -H.l.i TED BOB HKKRIVi- * vi MAI.MON, Will IK WHI-KF.Y. (PVT IVE I'EVill VND APPLE BRAN¬ DI KU. Alan full Int ia* FRI>ll SPICKS aud OLD riDttK VINEGAR FOR Pp Kl lt* tutti_t*JTKiHTlAN a Will ll III KU CIDER VIN I- i. Mt ANO A full Hue of FRESH SPII'KB Rm picklius pur- pose* caa be fouud at BK ( ARTHY A HA YNES'S, aa 81 0*1 .** Broad atraeL DAILY DISPATCH. YOI, LXIV. RICHMOND, VA., SUNDAY, BKWEMBEK 16, I88»---8UPI>LBBIENT. NO. M. ^Richmond |.ispatrh. SlNTi.VY.sKI'TKMRKIt If, IfM, Bar ill I ( IIP 1 'I.aiiov OE TER I'lsl'v r. ii Bl I.ARI,ER III VS TIP ( "Villi SKI) I UPI - V I l"S i.K All THK. OTHER PAIKT VKVVS- PAEBtU "I I UK (TTY. 11.nt. r. ,1 at tl,. I'ost-otln. at Willum., il. Va., as «ec,,n,l-clns. matter. I Nearlv nil tl" aatMlffl eoiintric-, IikT.kI- itii' Ni vv .1. rs.v. Bjsj threatened with ititer- nal dispirkiiiccs. Hini'C VV. < ollie tu tliillk of j|, p.. " ->e:i of Icc." with Kati: IT.ixion id lt. I- ti¬ to Ix a tncllimr play. Kentucky they o.lor cuni ffblekei with i'. athis." That ai count- fm the Mooni mt thc RffatBgf Kentucky tn,*'-. Tvkbaiik -av*J .. AB cartlninakc OB*** a vole mii hii-|ie,l up." A gOOd BRU)* D4*S> plc wi-h Tai . hik wa-au :ttth.4t1.1k.'. An ex. hali:.'.- Mya- "The Bannocks, who arc un thc war-path BgalBi torture their V ii'liin-." Itu 11 wc may iv pel an¬ other I'.alllloek-liUIT). The Atlanta Constitution -av- ".lui .li i- PBBBI1M buys (l"/el)s uf ra/.nr- i-vetv V>:u: what he tloe- willi Iii,Ti, i, u mystery." No! at all. He (h)ovvii- th, ni. " New Ki)o|.iik! railton adV4*a*ate busk* m.' Ina s." N'.w England edttoTI ale Wel¬ come ti) get their hutley that Bray. Wc prefer to buy our-. .. Thc unprincipled party must ito." Tlitl- it i- thc ITiiciniiali Ciami-m Uk t.h.1 Iti- sound, thc death-knell uf Radical¬ ism. Thc Philadelphia l'r>ss -iv-: "Phila¬ delphia want- better -trots ami better iliinkitio-watci." Ulnii did the av. Philadelphia!) discover thal the di water wa- Lad ' K\-<."V (IT)ol l.t U Bl Vt KIT i:S. ol Ki utiii kv, -iv- that he left ollie,- vv ith more pleasure than beeatered it." Thi-hi,a 1- uallv (li-l'ii-i - Of the -Iaiiilei th il I.i hi vv ,- liol 11 in Ohio. Since ¦ Javanese volcano threw up a red- ii cake "f icc. thc instiran.'i.mpaales tatiiioi be caught bj the auBoum'etjseRl thai Iv mi ! vxpis vv il! appear thia ie taoa rn ¦. -sea of Ice." A I'hici 0 paper announce- that .. a mu..ti 1 of Chicago physicians expect i,, bare the chotara hep- oezl summer." r,,r, waru.,I i- forearmed. Quaiantini th, m arl* in tbe spiiag. The W a-hiii:Toii /'ot -av- every dollar in the Uaited -rates Treaaury '.thal i- should be used for trteredemp* Pun ol hoods." But what ls 1., i.e doae about a Bond that 1- paal redemption. A New .lt -r-cv paper asks: "What could tbe licniocrats nf that Slate be Dunkin about lo nominate LBOM Annan''" Wt reckon tiny were UdBkinsj about ildlog 1U1I Al'liellitU a L'ood C.TII-e. \\ 1 mutt, rim ii'- announce- that he baa not gone hack on Uks Ut ii ku. w are glad of it. If auvthin.' could make I'.KS re-pectal'le ill the eve- nf III)' pllhlic il would bc to hav | f,w ni,11 like Wi fc*« UKI.1. 20 hack on bim. Itiruiiit .'hali), .via., ha- her ni-laHni- is|s \\ rOUgbl !" a blgll s|:ite of Vehement tu know win Bee caine tin- copper lound il .hi 1 mliaii --rave near there a ten dav- ago.'" Wc Mtppu-r ii cinie in Um regular ara] ol ,|, -1 ,ni Iron prehistoric dice. An exchange, etmimentlngon the state¬ ment that "ex-Speaker Kbbb'h -on, arho i- ,.lily twilit)--iv lear- of agc, 1- I li-inj puliliciall," - IV- " lie lllll-t hlVecollliilt net d V (TV yOUng." lletailllllltTlCed w ith Ul lllli- cratic leaven doubtless. Thc Baltimore Day, in ii- account m the 4 iriolc celci'i iiiou, aa) -! " The Kev- of the city, ttro massive gill affairs, restla*" ob a Velvet tll-hii.ll, Wete theil plT-iTltcll to Lord I'.ai iivh'kk." If Ihe Monumental .liv Would pul "ii 11 s|,iii,e |,,,k and giv* thc old ". till. 01:10 ;i Bight-key we dwi- sa] he would fia I mort' at home. Tin¦ stirpri-i' el pt eased l»J the I'liilul.l- jiliia paper- that Ml. -AMI Kl ..I. I," VM'Al.K hoi 1 ld have lieen vv illili:: to-live on a Juiv i* pr.tlv loiioh un thc average Philadel¬ phia juri man, hut lin-pul,lie have the sat¬ isfaction of kaowlag thal the aexl Speaker uf tin lloii-c I- ffbOYC contamination ftoiu the wui-l as-ociaiion-. Thc Atlanta Constitution, in an article oil " Southern t'CVcloplllcnt," have- \ 11- iriniaoul "f ii-, tabulated -tatcnicnt. This p. Uv evhihitioii of jcaloii-v i- due tu the fa, I thal thc cholera-spia adiBg vvatcrnicloii if |g tO thc Watermelon nf ult I' ii WU a- thc vv hui Mein rt \ I- to thc pei- - mi nani). And vet Georgia expects lo at* tain true :T callie .. / DANVILLE. noni Kui M' viv-ti sic BBBAI I"- 1 to: (ISAK IO BB KM.IT TKI' ITtll.llKIV (H.). -.,|Mt u BOBE 1. a s n <vi H loit.vriti iK.ihl sc DIBOt .ms. [COrit I'oli'l' me ..) Hie K I.I, Pi |.i'oli| BBYTBMH ¦ I".. I**"!. Thc b"ily "f I'larcnce Au-iiii, the >"iii)i' tuan who n sj drew mil .Monday, vv a- found yesterday evcalag bj ¦ party nctltig under the direction- "1 Iii*, tallier, ami brotlghl ..ut with grappllng-irona. I*(.111:111 Ia: I. LofiM of Ma-oti- bal oil, I, d t,. liii (.tami i oiiimaiidtrv of \ il- -ini 1. Ihioii'-'h I love 4 'oinniaiidi rv. the 11-c Of it- i-u.'in- diiiiiu' the -e--ioii to I"' held h.rc in Oi -inlier. Thc mill- and factories draw itii.' water from thc (anal W( re ii"t al Wuik vt -t. rda}, tin- w apr fiann thc e ittal, while there wa* ou a h uh lu'tu I of il, davine vvoik'd its way through thc hunk in one plan' ttkff aighl liclotc und carried oil tOMM ktOOM twelve fc<t of it. Thc watcliin.n on dutv di-cnvercd tie hrcuk and -hut tin- iMtc.s al.uv), and thu- prcvenUd INRsRBbV tallie dainakc- It 1- supjaoscd that thc water found lt- way through thc hunk bj follow¬ ing tin* root of a tn e. Business w III prob- ahly lie resumed lo-day. I'laternor Cameron has written to Hn-riil overt.), of lbe couBty, thu! IBBM Kvou and llctiht 11 Kink', purtles with Lawson t*OQBf- er in tbe mulder of Miupuid, have not li itu- lu theil a-t to pi-lifv inj.iviutlon ou bis purl in their In-half, and Unit thc trnot mercy ia to relieve 1 In tu of suspense or fal-. hope. HiciM ovcrhy Informs tbe publk that Ihc execution will I* strletlv private. Kv.n rcpnrtcrs will ba excluded from thc inclnsurc. .I'M Lav ti. , a soldier nf Ihc war of IMP.', died at hi- Imm,. in this county on thc '.'Tth iiMim,.. at an hui nf more than iiim-lv-livc yeats. Sheriff Overlaey, a commissioner lu the Mae of Tabitha M. Thump-on'- idmini- ttattof r.s. William Fonlalne's adininl*- triitnr, ha- -old lands near Fall-4'reck d' p"! ii- follow-: OSjt Octet at fifi [x-racre ; Bl acres al *?lu.n,"i: Sfsj ajeroa at *?'J. The trail, in tobacco continue, heavy lat the Hca-on, and thc wonder I- that hikfli pt ic- BBB lind sn much nf it. Thc prices un marvell'iii-, and BB**fl* not tu have Ina n alleeled l,\ the recent laius. Advcrtisemenls fur x-af-aklm* nt many place- in thc county have Keen Boated for the Hen.ratic -pinker-, hut it I- iiii.|>t- -toml that lhere will be no di-ctt.inn- be¬ tween tin uppo-iii/ iiididate*. Ait-iia. I'<.>r*><innl. Mr. GladatoBe baa tnuulatcd Cowper*! hymn. .. Hark. My bool " Into thc llalian. lt ts announced thal the vachtlmr crui-c of Mr. <ilad-toiie will be extended froaj ih. coael of Bcotlaad to rToraray, Pliace Sonna Peraka, w ho died of tonto fever ai Mazatlan recently, wa- known at "The Kigbtiogate «>f Mexico.*1 Qetjcral Qrahl ha* atore ilvea(written oin -) than any other president i mi pt Washington. Lord Coleridge it sjiioled aa ¦ayfag lhat "l.oVeHlol Hillier is one nf the |||o-t | charmin.,' men I ever m. I." I»r. Marv Walker i- bappl at las'. A wealthv nhl .rank in Springfield, Mass., who ,ii,,| the other day, belan moved bj the |.r woman'- SOITOWa, left bet **'.!,uno. -lr Edwlfl Walkin -iv. that thc l,oiiiloii al'-HiTVcrs' A-suciatinii bat inure politi¬ cal inlliience than Ihc whole of thc railway inls-1. -t iii the kingdom. Frank .lone-, Hie wealthy brewer of I'ort-ini'iith, N. H.. ts l,uihliiie-a tlnecli i|.. for thc Middle-Trot llapptl Church, of lilia! chi. Thc llolh-olilld* ur, nail! tn hold -"lim.,'il nf United sl.ite- l.ond- Paloin-* P.nidi tt-< .nut- Bartlett, sf Ji >.. aoo.i h ni ; the I Hike of Sutherland, 16,000,000; and >ir ITioina- Brassy, 10,000,000. i hri-iiiie Nil.on im- cawed notice t" 1" -itv d upon if. MobIbbbob. a Pans -tuck- broker, for thc recovery of in.Mm, liefai Miall ul Pie propelt) of Inr (I,.,.(-til hi!- liand, M. liou/cuid. Mr-. Marv Mapes Dodge, editor aad do* relist, i- daughter "f rStaldenl Map'-, the celebrated a riler on horticulture, she iolTii, riv liv ,| in \''\v irk, I'll! i- DOR a t. -id. ni of Sen .* ork. Samuel Bergard tOnSord, of Mary*aad, In- I, ti! Kt the tnaiia-cr- ol' the New Eng¬ land Fair the cutglaas of ld- kinsman, Ihe lamons Paul Joni -, and the tiu of th,- Boa ili'iiiine Rkhard. Ocneral "".herman ls diaappolofed hi bis p., iii,-.oh-' pip beean* of the tax* on* ilition of the atmcapbere, that condition having lasted througboul the excursion. He expects'" return to w ashington ti,oin | the 12th of October, Pill Nv.', the tl lilli >t i-t, hts liol I.Hfl) hell. |, tit, it la) hi- rustiCBtion in tin Northwest, win a,- be -pent several mootai lo the hope ,d relief from chronic or continued iserehro* I spinal 111«. 11 i 11 ir i i i -. Ile i- hack again In Laramie, and it i- noa feared his reeuvi i) is 1.,.!,. le-.-. Willi nu l>. Ilovv.ll*. the nov.list, is a youug-sOoklBg maa of middle betjrbt; bb hair i- cropped shorl and parted in tin I centre: be weareaahorl groy inoiurtacbe, iud his aspect is thal "f a student, ll. -Iiiink- from - n it Iv mid i- of (|uht and domestic Ki*tes. In i--Til the I nil, rally al ' txford eon* |ferred upoa Turgeacff the honorary de- -ree of doctor of civil law. The wboli Mown vv i- -eai-eli, ,1 in vain foi i.niv, ratty cap large enouj*h for bim. Ile bad Otiail* lo con!, ul hiln-, If W Uh hi- .vt \ -dav |,|;ick -ilk "stov, pipi ." TTn sight ol' SUcb a hal >vcr thc do4*tor*s il nine red gown had nevi before been in itxford. Thc 1 mute de b I.Tiune. a pia,Ti, .al 1'l'elicll clillll.iT ll I- In Il killel while I-- ciTuiin ¦: thc Pie Bernlna, the bigheal p. ak in thc Rngadiae, Mwllxerland, and rarely iii.Tiipieii un .nt',,iint nf ii- daaa*ers. One |ol hi* guides fell IbIo a cr, va--,, drag* >»ing down lin < Tuiite and the second .guide, Thc i niiite was Immedbttcly kill* |cd hy "ailinn ou hi* head, while oin- guide tva* sefioii-lv Injured, and the other ea- lensed. ^ Uriel RaSBB IIciiih. The li.' i- -aid I" be a IRK CTOp iu nio-t nf live southern "States. I h.-i"*t "f eultL vatioa la tiiilinf,'. Canada'-colt"li-f:ic!"i i«* BW 1" !>o run oul* foin d iv a wt, k. I h. ia is a com¬ plaint of uv.T-pit'ilinTi..ii. A gold minc ha- Keen opened in hil! ii. vi ass, The value of the preelons m<' il Pin- far Bl.veied i- leas Iii iii |10. A Foti Way in Ind.) telegr un says Pi din Richards, who wrns Plinth divorced from bia wife, brained ber a'th a flat-iron I'Tulay. Il' Was arrested. Longfellow's two unmarried daughters halt -decided P. Ure ii- -Iud'nt-al New¬ ham i oUcge, Kn ir ind, (lulim; ihacomini* vt a). Thc po-t-utti.e at Juactlon (Ity, <».. waa broken into on Thunda** Bight and thc safe robbed of po-iai-noie- numbered from 7 to '"'O. The thief al*" took the punch uni oiHcc-st.uiip-, thu- muring an catire eqnlpmenl for wsulnj ootxal Rotes, Tbe captain of an An-iie whaliBg-ehip, vv hich ha- ju-t returned from a cruiae :u Davie -trait-, reports thal be niulc aeareb* lag inquiries of the aativea aloin.' tfae eoaat, Kui I.-u ucl Dotkiog rclatino to thc lireely espi ditioll. A propo-cil KlgBBtta* land steal, ravelop* imr several million dollar-' worth of Uaited State- redeemed tiiiiher lands iii thc north- ern BBTl "f ('alift'i'itia, ha* beCB brought to light in San Kraiicisco. lt U al biged thal pov.riiincnl otlii id- aicaetinu' in collusion w ilh the pail ic, en:: in.-, ring the -ch,mo. A woiirui nained (.imus., af Batt Tem¬ pleton, i mu., locked li. i children, aged lour and two. iii the bouse I'riday while -he weill lo milk lin cow. l'ituinin_', sh. found the bouse on Ire aad Ingress impo**- -i!i|.. Tin bulldin: was deatroved. A . .arch alu,nu- p.. ruins di-. ..vend tint thc slightest trace "t the children, A ci-c af Icpl'u-v wa* I,routh! to "-all FT.nuilsoo bj lae la-t O/eetnet iron Bobs> | ul ii. Th. -iitlcpT i- a uativ. of the ¦sand¬ wich Island-, of V rcmh dc-, cut. The i.ii.iraiipno uiii,a i- lefii-ed petmiaaloB f"r him tu land. A wt it af nobet$ corpus hat |. ii i-siied. ami UM matti r w ill .um, up iii the Superior t "int. toflpaakar RaBdall had i lone interview with Judk.'c Haadly. I»(iii''ei.,tic cindidate fur 8 'V'TTii'i- "f Old,,, nu Monday |.(-i. lt is ii'ulerslood tltMt Mr. Randall ha- uilvi-c I th< nturn "f .lud-'c lloa.ll;, al thc earliest moment that his health vv ill permit, ami there i- no doRIBl hut I lie nssjsjsjffjji will lie prompt)} (Hu.Tfilied %* itli. ".iiiatoi Minion i- In I',',,. [n re|a. lion io hi- arre-t at Sun Krauci-co ju-t its he wp ahout ataVtfmg Ka-t, at thc , Instance of a wuiicui who claims that he owes ber nioner, he say- ll was »urelv a 'ca-cof hluckmall, laatlgalad hy un i x-Aus- trallan convict who -.rlhliles on a low publication -"an Francisco, out ol re- vetik.'c BfftBBBM he enii-cd this woman to hu ejected from thc Kacitic Hotel. Mrs. Mary E. (lem, a notorious Indiana I w oma ti, was released (rom thc penitentiary on Wcdti.sdav, where -lie has four year-fur lacrjitry. By a -iit-ulii ealBef- dciiec Wednesday wa- the fift.,,,t|, anni¬ versary of the day when Jaeob and Nainv Tcsnag wera i»v*tcri(>ii-iv munlered, a eritne far which tao waa tried live tlaaea, tw icc -cnti'lici'd tu he llill.'cil. ami litiallv released nu a Ici'h'ucalitv. A tpecfal di-pitch from Com Oraade to th.- i;i Pa-ofi'iva-i 'linn -av-th, Apaches nrc beL'inuinif to-how signs of lp ichery, .ad lt la the int.minn of the Mexican au* thorltlea tn surround and keep them in the ii'-ikChlicrhouil nf ( asa t'ramie until a cor¬ don bi t'oiiipi.ied. arbes ¦ *apeedj -,noel ta thc present slate ,,f artair- Maybe looked for. The Kni|>cror William BM (''inferred upon Prince Alexander ol II,--, .< a--, I the coiiituitiidcr of thc Thirteenth Diagoooa, uti ihe nc, a-iun of thc Prince'- completion of his lift Pt Ii year af niililaiv -ervic ¦. I'tincc Alexander ha- rordially accepted ih.- honor. t.atlfjin- thai be bas .Tl'.-uulont d all anti-r*riis-i ,ii tetideticie-. and that the SStfaWBI OStdiok betWCCfl Um KnipiTor and hiin-elf lia- been ItMoitsl. Tim remains of Chief Keokuk, of the Rac and Kux Indian*, arc IO I"' moved and r<- intcrrcd near Ihe Invva eily lin! hear- lu- trune. Ile died at au advanced age a few var* after Ihc Blscl Hawk val. op|i,,.,,| to the war, he told the lllaek Hawk faction that they vr..nhl pcri-h If th. v should -.. to war with the united States, hui thal if thev would kill all th, ir worn, n uni chil¬ dren bellin h uni. he woiihl had them Into hallie. They refe.-.Tcd. and ile-i-t, ,|. p,,i -llh-C(p|t ll! ev, lit- pia eipitated thew ir i:: -pde of hts conn-,T-. A travcUIag «lts*tiic-Ugbl plan! i- ¦ nea feature na th. i ui)ii,ei]ami Valle) ill- road in Pcbbbihania. ii i- employed lor lighting Up wreck- nfl the loni Off fol tip ctiier^TTicy th,! ia i|uiic- aigbl work. and it OBBBlata "f a Iajaggag4s-Car, iiiiin a -tatioiiaiv -t< aiii-.n^'ln.. a Thump-..n- Houston dv nani" machine and Bxturi -. s water-tank and coal-hunker, and provltted with clei'tric-lanip IXtUffCa "ii lin roof. The ITOMPMIS ha* al-o vv ind CBBlp-BK tin ; KTouods ob tbe line of it* mad ri adj for electric lighting. Mr. Kellin R.Grigg, of MuHal... wimba* lieen e\|iirill|iTlli!IL.' lelalivct'.the -o-,"t||eil bacteria or BjerRM ilia! ale -aid to muse va- rlotis (li-ea-c-, furnishes tbe following to Un- A--udated Pre**: Bj tailing a ipmn* lity of healthy blood ta obtaiaetl all the fonnaof bacteria. Thea, with some pure tii.titi. obtained train a Bashed ci,,t nf 1.1.»od. Mid l.oiiiiie it. pniviii'-r that it wa¬ llie thread.- ol lil,lin I,token lip into pieces and ','ranules that eave lbe laacterla, the -Tllle rCBUltS Well ol'laitleil. Ne\t. -"tile iii.I wa- obtained and toiled undi r warmth ami cfoaelj aratcbed for two months, ami here ¦ rain all tbe forms ari re obtained thal the fresh bolled lalo ul gave. From these experiments Mr. tarli. dude- that ill the b tcterla "f dis. is* in lonna of Antin, and for tbe general good requests all iuvestigator* to repeal pi iTinetital work uni report tn bi ihe laaolts of such Investigations. Arl mid Artists. Ihe English sculptor Richmond h Un* Ubed a bust ,,f his ,,i,i friend Dr. Pusey. Klim Urtagorj ami Stanlej Mid,Met. american painter-, received lioaorable inenlioos al tbe v .1.aili. - exbibUion. Tofaiio, the palnUT Of "Killin -elli-." i-a Neapolitan Who piiut- in Paris, is a pupil of M,nelli, aad was diacovereil bj Qoupll. I'ratlk 1.letti, "f ('hi'-Mon, |. pal ll! ill','for Vliss MaiLrant Mather, the a, lr.--, "Th, li, aih of Juliet.** Mis- || liber posed for Mn bi puin and Mr. Malvin! for Koine.,. ThorwaMaee never handled the .iii-. on thc works thal were pul In marble from hi* model*, while Paoova always did, linishing tare and there and adding new lieauties to the Baal work, There are over seven hundred works ,.i art iii the galleries of thc N< is England ln- atitute at Boatoo. Borne two inindia d an works bj fopi ii ni ii lo ii ii d f .in oollec* Hons or bj dealers. Tin Hali.ut sculptor Pontana bas finlshetl for the new (lovernmenl ..iii'-,- it Sydney, ff, ¦*. ffV., -lalue* iii < Tirari marl,I, ni thi .uii.n of Kii-'latnl. Ihe Prim.I Wal,-. uni .,f an alk*go*ieal female representing lbe col,.nv. 1T,e Courru r ii, TAH -lat, v, \ pm I- ipi Iv ihai Ilegnatill was li fl h.uni. il, ind .ni!i>' paragraph tbal ha- laren goim* the lolllld- ali,,Ut Hie faUll "I" Hie SCUlptol ol hi- -iain, al the mw Hoi, de \ Ills i- mistake. Bongaereau's "W.I Nymphs Bath- In ." u iiiih vv aa shown for Mine Un* i" ihis lip. I- noa exhibited In an annex lo ihc ari department ol Un- Chicago Exposl- ion. Pranklln Simmons's bronze si itut 11 -tnaloi Minion, for Indianapolis, i- ,\- pe,|, d to an ive then fl "in Vinni, h. w In i. ii was cast, about thi Irs! ni neal mouth. The -eiilpioi (ret* -'I,.',"" for tin w,,ik. and ihc granite pedi abd i-1" cost £3,000. on.- of the I" si laml-i ai a - in the Ameri¬ can il. pallin.'tit at tbe Munich Exhibition ,- said bi a recent visitor t" ta thal ol Muk Planer, fonnciij of If-aaton, bul noa the occnpaiii of a London studio rad i regular c.inp-ii.utor to tho(Imsvcnor-gal- lerj ' \ hi '-ii i. .11**. Kimi Pore*, a brother of li usiave, and a colonel "f artillery, bas I.l«*d ..v.t lo tbe ld net olen! AiTi-Tic So i. iv, found, ,I bj p.,iou ray tor, in touveuir ot bis brother and lo c irrv ..ul the Ritter's intention-, lin -um ,,| 30,000 fran, ¦-. vi i,|. it lae Letaaire,one,.f the i..--t female punier-, i- a pupil "f < haplili. Uhf inher¬ it-much "f bia grnre la tbe delineation ol Tem.d, beatlty, and ramMaes a Ith ii a ch inn all tar own. She in."!.¦ h.r dibut at tbe Salon ia 1888, a iih ¦ portrait, aad |WO v-ar- afl'T" Ber "Al:;, lia!) W olllali " attracted attctiHnii. Thc i.ouvre hat reoeatlj "received a col* I, dion ol liflv-llin'. terr.i-entt.i HgUJ in, - from mvtint. which wt*** found bj rs m- aut-. The til-*.t notable oae represent* i dancer. The others appear lo be imita¬ tions of tho- "f Tallalia. A largi i- ample, n |n. -. niin.' v .nu- standing ii no d Kv a Vasse, ls d rued oa the hack .. A alic* Hun." Three nial l|, -i .lu.-- have hen placed in iheenipiv niches of ih, res ale thom ufi of the trend coiirl of Ihe Lotjvre on iii north, tn f n; nh-. I lc J ale \'Ham's .. \ . mis .' ),,,Idiii a rose in her ri .'ht and thc torch "I lov, in taff left hand: Olliti'- .. i ainpa-p. "' herself |.. Ap, ii,- al tin Hitler ot ai, nader; and UevaUX's " \ mp I"riuinpliant." hoi,lui with holli haii'l- tha trident af Neptune. n ii-P "I """., I»rnmill lc Nolcs. The tnw pl av "f "Ihe Unman.,ti," pro* du. ed ui Ptartl lad hal wc k by Mi- < hu lotte Thi'inp*""' '" '"n-iilered a -mci-.. Patti will leave Eaadaadtowards the ad of October. Before doles- io ade win -in ¦ ut tWO cue il- in Hirinint'lniiii and M ni¬ el,e-t, r. She makes lu-r liri ippearaoce ,. Nea Voil Novcmhcriiili. \mhro-f Ih"""'-. thc Freitcliooin|vo-ei. h:,^, hen-tavinr ltd* siiiuiuer In BiitLinv. His health ha- taecn verv precurlmi-. aad this -tate WBI "¦.".'' BRMBI bv the -ad MWI .f hi-hroth'T'-'.. ath. lb h.*. however, now recovered t" n certain extant. Madame Wai'iu r refuses to let thc hand uart* of thc "Parsifal" score lae used in l.uiiiioii, hut it li »"»!>'.<. t'"- dihVully will Im- got over, to thal Parsifal ruaj bc pi r- fnruic'I al the AU«'rt Hall, wb.-re thc cho¬ ral iclicitr-iab have already tajjun. Thc title of the post humous o|n;ra liv thc 'lute comiHiser Ran* U "Ail and Love." The -elie I- laid in Venice in l**ff, Tin motif I- fin love nf thc then celebrated .on,po-er -I. A. ll aaa for the jrreat BBBta> Iriee I'lti-tin a l'...|-dnni. Thc pn. have not IseeB particularly fia* ..iou- toward An-un pond's pta) of "lier Atm,, un ul," hut .lohn Rickaby, thc tin-j al kal -peculator ami liv. 'y bii-inc. mi- niptilatnruf shows ^itnrillv,-av - il is"ai i-rreal pla}!" Wry iiatural. when it i-' known tint Rickaby hts -nine thnii-ands of dollar- invi-teil in ii. Thc Kill.' nf Bavaria baa agata aajayad. j at a a"t*cal cost, Ih.- pl.n-iirc nf',' and j beartBK " I'ai'-lf.d." al .Munich, all lo him- self, ile will iml go to lb v reiitli and vv it- | in-- ih, |.iii,nuance of "Parsifal,'' *<. .. Parsifal " li i* tu minc to him. I'ancv Hu- bj liulc elahoiale |Mi'furniatice fivefl fur that enc mundy *p, sitting in his darkened box ! " p.,,' 'bonum, or tbe Great White pearl.*" N thc lille nf Kilward Solomon's |ate-t ....mic opera. Which ta I" |,e produced nt the < ira ra i 'omiqvie, bondon, next month, willi Lillian Russell in the title.r,.io. Mi. l*u.ell. aieoialiii'-r in mir latest advices from bondon, ha- been approached bj |)'( )\ Iv ( ute with iii offer t" create thc principal part in Hilbert ind Sullivan'- new ,,p, ra, which i- tu Kc produced at thc Alhambra in Uctober, A- vi t -bc bat given th'tn no answer. Warri Ina: Pa Isca pc School. *'.')!.:' "Mil i' ITIOM "K vi nins int LOW¬ ING \ tot KO OIBL'S WEDDING, Ile -Upi'. .Hie I 'nilli, - IV- a I'.o-toll telc- -'iiin, jtesterdaj is-u,.,i i writ of habeas corvus demanding the producion in court ol' Mrs Ann'' v ( tahrone. I h, p. titinn- i- .1 .un .1. ( ochiain , and lin- unit, i- I'oiiiiii. ,| upon the following peculiar con¬ dition of facta: \nnie V. Sullivan, who ll el Mi a 'i lear- ol iga, resided with her parents in ( tarlestowa, and tbej wi re desirous tba! tbe should eater a boarding- ael.I. Uer prob st thal ita ifould throw herself aw.iv rather than go toi boardlag* ucl.I had no influence with her panut-, who -eli. |,,| a-i .Monday a- the dav wh. ii llli'il- VV i-!n - should lie e.iirieil IntO .Hilt. On sunda} she what wa- lo he done and eontultr tl ber friend, James j, Cochrane, wiro waa so -hocked, iii- said, al h. r des],, rate intention thal ta rRropoaed marriage aa a waj oul "f her troubles. Tin- wa- tillite ace [Hallieto Mi-- Sullivan md. at ii" ct nile tte could ta obtaiaed on lint day, lt was m i mod thal Ibej should nm.un at tbe bouse "f < ochrane's slater in Somerville thal Bight and ta married on Hie following nrorninw;. Arrangement* were -.1-" i,mle with Ita -i-i. i- that after -ii vj., I'ocbrance and his wife -in.nhl i.,nd there until tiny wein i<> housekeeping. On Monda* the marriaire look pla... Koli, parties representing them* aelvcaaial -id.-ni- ol somerville, which, ll i- noa claimed, was pert* tlj legal, as tbej intended tu live there. In the afternoon Cochram was arrested lu an officer [routine Charlestown district without i warrant, ind, after being baked up in the -. .lion-It.iii-e ovcr night, ww liken to Soi:n iv ill, the nevi liomin . while a complaint for abthi' litiL,' MI-- Sulliv ii \. i- uti i. ii. Ile a a- charged a uh hal ¦. i represented him-.Ti io .ni' iv ilk for the purpoae "f pro- hi an i ni tiTTiji-iic'Ti-,.. i rider dui,--, a- ii is alleged, he pleaded guihy, and the i" wa.linn, d until Kl Ida* of thia . eek ii disposition. » m the other hand. ii i- al-o claimed lhat Mrs. Cochrane, on al itiniis ihat she was nota lo see ber Inisi. .nd, was decoyed to tbe house of her brother, .lohn Sullivan, in Charles, town.where abc has -ince been Illegal'* restrained of her liberty, tn secure which iii., kobi a* orpu was obtaine4L A Spill nil 4 ouch. [Boa K.,11.| \ ei|-i| ,.'ii i- -aid to travel about ihe lonely couutrj road* of Norfolk. Who he ic-iii -- spirit mav ta ilia! occupies il none can ti I', "i how long ta baa hen out in hi- vv. ital conveyance; i,ui pl.t he has been long a wami, n r In iii- .-.. nh. vv Idell ever and anon appi ara inion: n-. anne would '" so pcrvi io,- to [plcsliotl. Indeed, tile phanluiii C4Mcll travels fal ami wide through Norfolk, and stOpS al people'- holt-e- ill the dead ol' ll i.Tl!. Ali iin-i n hand lt I- down Hu -Pp-, thc hone* champ their blt* and snort, tin car¬ riage-do ar i- -lanuin d. and the thin nov e- oil; i.u' winn p. opie pp pare i" i, t in thc uacxpi ei'd vbdtor with kindlj welcomi lol lhere bi nothing. Tbe coach has gone. On one occasion raj informant, who iiv,,l in a hun Iv old i' iitii-Iiou -,. -aw tl,, ||a,h nf 'np- ami beard tbe ch unpin ( of Ihe hil.-. Mc ..p.iit d the front dnor. The night was calm ind still; there was neither voic noi anv th answer) d. No harm seems to *;,u.< i,, -u,-i, ,- n n ive tin sc nocturnal v [sit*, bul ii i- the pi, v di nt belief thai lbe occupun "i tbe oin!. linn d iii walk like the W an¬ il, in .lew lt Ls a envious K attire of the storj Heil the !ii_-**t¦ loni, alon; which thc in all li-i d !" ll l\ cl ill the -o,,(l Old 'lill' s. pi--, ,1 il some di-! uitf way, which was certaiulj called tlie eoaeb- road some generations back, und I have a -il-pii 'll dial lin lad thal no ph m- ti>ni having K.eti teen "I late on Hi, c.,,.!, io.,d it.-elf tbough Hi'-} idi me ii ha- been seen bj (.scores ol 'em" i-<winn id.iv ta ac* conni, d for; it I- a BBtttcr of history thal -nine iliinv ago ih, pre-cut I.ord [hulk v drove i c u*i lage aad four along the '¦' '.eli-1" ni, and. tn the ama/, na "r and p.T'pl.'\iiv ,.f in ti ki ml, did no! perish in Hu- aiionipi. sin.-, thea theghoHtlj lu- dividual, stained al helot* so manlfestlv outdone, bas retired from t\o^ pail "i the s. H., oi hi- former cbanob cnn .. % laoilli-Koll ol lilt-lit vtoiithi. The BKtrologlstS Who -. h .led 1889 B a .:.I v,ar for carthqu ike*, i¦. it li nee and accidents neem to havi in ide a bit, I luriuii the pi -ht i."i- "i the year conelderahlj nore than Kl,""!) liv, - h-iv. Keen lu-! In notable disasters, in lhat t il-in-r Into ac¬ count the yellow-fever In thc Mouth. Bj Bitnplv following the bi.' news of the pn . dispatches the foll,win-: tabla* of people killed i- made np: I.'. "f the limbria. 134; Milwaukee hotel tire, Bo; Poland circus lire, -.'ii-: Australia minc flooded, 72 : 'I 'hi. Inp a (( al.) railroad acchleBt, 2\; KluMaonl ilisaster, V C., 18; I"-- ol < Itj nf Bnissels, IO: mine exjifadon, III., IO: Strm. .* "ik rn tuaol linnie, 10 ¦Jraldwriod min,- disaster. 77; Kebruarv llomi-. ."..;; droa " J ai iirown*vHie, Minn., 111 April loin ul,,, -, 2«n; fall "f a Tex is h"i. I. 11; r pun,'. \CM i; tornadoes, ndi .lind (Kng.)achool [ianic,202; June ilood-. .> : Baltimore plei disaster, 7j ii |von \. *i., railroad arcldeat, IT; .Imp i nndon I int.), it Huagan ii,.., jo; Ischli ."nth.piilx,, 4,M0; Kile- list] ti-hin ' fleets, oT:!: lunn in food*, I |n: vp. vi 'i ll av'tlai!'!!' IM: powder explosion In Europa, SM: two minc ix- pi,,..(,,n-in F.urope, 162; Borabaj fact.uv pani.-, etc., I"1: Koctasti r, Minii.iturnail". 16; Lake t Mem fialawaccuh'nt, 23; Cotn- wail min.- ic. id.-nt. 12; collision off Eddy- '.'-!,ou--. 18; '-reit Hank- ti-bn- in.Ti lo-t. 60; Java rarthrpiake, iini.ikmi India cholera. 15,060; Egyptian '-helen. ll dian steamer Au* i. M; steamer Kenmore Cantta, :]2- -r.nn.T liypsy, I*; -*. .nu. i- N iviure, bi: ship ¦i ,.,. -.'tj; Borne cvpio-ion. m. \\ j '\plo-inll, f] : -teatU'l r, 70; burning Lake Cotna theatre, -lin Daphna ou civile, IM. '[ he famuli* r.rooUvn i lub will J**BJ hall at th' \ ii .mia RflaB Qflll I'ark uti Munda}. You should no! fail ba -cc il. Ililli I-** AMI HtlAKIIl.tts-lltirBIM. iMM Itno.MS, WITH I.HOD BOAJQ), r ,,n p terni.. A|,|illiatl(,ii- m-rtlveil .lTaiiv ni" .' i' B". ataa. bo. c. whit*., Vu VcTlui BO. 1000 east flay -Ire* _rm cat tow ai*_ J)l< IIMOND I IMAI.i: INSTITITK, l.'IITIVt,.M, \ \ i "it sac Ti:nth ano V! vit-nvi i -th a:a r-. lu- BBrtJ lir-t .mil,,I . .sion BffBatt lu-tltiiMnli Bin Opt n VlM\|i \\ -,,,(,.,,,u,. 17(|,. KAI I I. V ¦I A mont ..I' Tl S li \. MU;, i,,. ,..,. ,.,. I'I"'-¦ moatol whom Ban hmas hem (.Inutile with the int,t,-t- ul ll.hool. Tts arl.t in arraaaad arroraBaur la Hie Kluver ll\ -v-t. ,n ml Un larnlanl of iri i.lii- ill.ii, i- liol -ni passes! I.v anv -. ie--I -,,mi,. III. BOARDING DK-VK'Tvir s i In the in-titiit,. Moil., i- :'oua,i trmry etna foti lok",Ul" r willi ill lint p. Lillis |i) (Iii tl,..,.,,,,,1, culture of y.,uny ladll**: nil tile 'Al nat, pay. )r«,n i^e. ie.) ..iilv tr..rn V Irariiil.-i. Lilt from Ihi li¬ lle -..lilli, ill. -t-Hie exe, lleii.Tcs-.r 11,1- T.pirl- lilelil. PBBPAB V Tul.'Y s( -|l()i(|., Recofralalns thc liupottaiwe off thorough pre- |.ii:it..iv tl,, principal off till ih'pal tmei.t in ike-., i peta I, t' nt e. train papll' fur adi inns nieiu Iel,, u.. |,l .|. I,i.,ne!,,.,. I .tulla ar, ie, m.I ,,t tli.- aire ol' l.-!n a, ar,. lt I- Important thal Huts* nroposlnc iormina!. sin,ill,I paws lliroiuli till- lliocuiiyli cur e -i itu,ii. OB vu -u ITie BOC VI III I" VII VII \ um hf |,r. 1.1,.I on io ¦ ,'ei,T,i.i!e.i -ii g, t ,n.| I,,,, paan- is), who ha- tarra iii,.i-..ii. i,i> ntl.,I fm Uer tuart, li) ma i, r i,"iii Iii .Vuna Ira unI I- ii mrs*, vi - nt - i vt v x. ni. ta-en Uh* IMn mtor M n-ic at ii.< I ntit iii, ,iin nu/ lie |, i-i ii,, rears, lu-. ni o- -.-' ii, ,, 11, ,.| .i iii,i «rlll asia in-alile lo iee.a\. pu,,|l Iii, pity -...) ,.||i,ih|.i e..nne,T..,i arl Ul the -.I.i. i. srlsliln bi iii Uk iii pl vi la !. a. lillis ll ..l-l avail ih. lils. la. ..I' Hie ne ,.|\ int i. liff, rt i| li) Un ,I, ,.ar!i,i, ni. I- .,r,- ii ,i. .,-iie ,,r I ii formattoa apply hy mall or In person |,, Vii-- -VIII V IK Il VV|\H,', Killi.T; ll. Principal'sofflrt i.i- from B to ii v. vi. m IB-aa n KU MONT) i (il.l.l.).i:. li RICHMONO, V V h. ii, vi. -sion i...j,i -I ri KVIIIKi: M I --(.,¦ ,| e. ,1,1,111, es III,,, III., lilli-. KAITKIV I'll! M' H IB Bl "MIX. V. VI IV..i, I. n li¬ ll. II. Il IBB***, M. A I.K. I*., Prate (,i..-a. V. K I'.lttiW v. II. II.. Kr..i. .., ror'isti. r HW VIM) li.-VII ll. VI. V..K..I. --,,, ,,f VI .ul a main (ll VIM.I- II. VV IN- |i>\. M. A.. I.K. I).. I'u i, ¦¦! I'hvslrs. IK IT UV I IB, V.VK. I.K. I)., Kia,I, -arni Iel,,- l-lr\. W I! I I WI |). Till iM V-. .VI. V.. ll. I'.. IV!, er ol' Kl,Hos,,pin. IT.!¦ un ll VI.-KK- uni sVII III. Vl.,1, rn Ult- I- NIT \-l i Ol v l.'l -HU VI -ll IH \ wo lum.n. m.i i..ur .i..ii o per nlm month* nrsslon co. iii il..- \ ,.ai riff ,n|. linli.i,".ir I. in I. K In .. ami w i-InI,.-. I i.-htv- - V- II doll ll lilli Urti D ll! Will .t III, . \|. li e ,,| a non-re clent ii,.|.-i,l. w iii,in th, ni \, ir more Hun MC mi hi I... ,i vp. iel. III,c uni III |,l, ,\, in, nt 1, ills in, i, li, Iii, ,.|.al an.l POIIVI 1)1 .) M.,). ni inti Di h. Ins Uar far 11 Hie ol union. 'I h. -tiii! irj ni in/, im ni. ot ita coll ,.\eept|,,ii illi |.I. it,, lo. at iou lil I. aad healthful, emhrarlns m.i. Kol ii i! .,- appia at th. '.. '. v. ii. ki uv i vi:. I. s-l-e 20 l Tciirui in, tl 'I -riKuii. pok lui \ <; i. vnn-- v\n ii i itt- i. it: i .-. s Kl( HMuNli. V v. Ilii -1 - n (...'in -I kit vim i: gil ll, A l,| ,.|||l.Moll ai i.¦ un i,i ni..,i I. vu KBll III " I- I lu Prill. >| al QT. MA UV »8 ( ol.l.lTii:. (, I BIB VI.lal. (. V-I..S ml SI V. N. i .. lay the lien. .11. lin. Kath. r-. lem,-. |170 i" i".il Kian a ur ol ns vi..s i n-. Int KRNMOUK IMV I l.'-l TY ll I G IH -I lim,I.. II. A - Klllll Vt Uh, in ltira! VI, T .ii C. \ i... Kiln, ipal. eeo VBitters! IK. V a. -. lon l.e.'i'i -, ntl inls ll",. IT. p Il I..rv t.. Iii, I no. r-iti ..I Vii-ima. t htjrtl-STUlll Tlliiilcl s.ho.,1. -iml. Ill ns'l'lvcl a- lu. iii).. Psof [th. family. I'onli rion! al c il ilnsruv, irlilna full particulars,arl4tn i the frlnolpal. |e**0-3m sJiv A HUI Molli-: i ol.I.Ki. I.. 0 Kel: BOTH BEX KU sm a: \ e i n vii vim i:- ur mk tn h.ini-. -ni it rv nh KIMI sn-. li, it. minuit Halloa, Phil. I-lill I'llllfK' li IB -I'll, -lelill ile. and in ,¦'.. vi it, i, irstorj -. i.I. I.oe un,ii un-1:, na ml t. r hrnlthfii ni as. (li a- .Ive .-I,.un ii hull,Unas sad bu- \ i,ui'li nnnitlu -I I'll VIKI I: ll. 1--T. Apply olv tn li.-ur. i.lin!- l.ii. |,,i ealalor'iie uni lull ||.'iil li- ullin - I.VV VIM, ll. VI VI.II.K. V. VI.. IV. .lill l.t. |. 'J.--.(ni -i. arl on . sty. Wt. 1) VM'! V( (»N ( (H.l.lT.i:. lt V-IIK WI). VV Th, lorn-iiiniii seaaloai pi n i Hl'l.'-n v V Sept. mt,, ¦:. KISS. Mo ol Uh ii|i| ton..- lin, T'.i.lown uni h h. w I'laTil. riMllll Collo. le I... Il ell'I'T. 'I"! lill', ¦! lill lion ,- I,. If rn,., A-'., semi I"!' eal .! la. I,, RSV. VS. VV ll S SI ll. ll Pl I.Iel,I. au .",-.|\w!-,-ji v i.i mil. v i. 1 : MV ll,'-I I 1 -( llocl.. I So. III SHH I ll ll -I IM I I. I'h. ion.!,, Bill lol.In I.I alli U'ltln lin UM i vv nh. liny-nf elev I ll well a,Iv a'uee,!. ,-v..-ii yiHIIIJ ii ikiii -. "i: rm -i --i"S Klein, rn uv lien 1, amt vt ii faao Illa-lii I- 'i o,.I vi ,n email*Tl I itiu. I.ii k. K.h >.m.. ll |, .'\ ll,, ll' oil .'¦ . ii a ho) luh, ie.¦>. than twa..i ila ia* I. for Ihe Uni ml toni th. K,,r: aro ut mon o from tl" nu ,|,allie! loll ol -III Hill In ll. ele tl'..Ill I I. ll LU I .* IT tli. I. I'ayiin ut a- folios Ten dollai Ml in In tin-,.. -iv. .-uni nine in,,ml, norn 1 Uh -eplcint.,a, I-- 4. ( ne,,>.,, ai ll..- iMMikstori ll.(VIA- ll. Si-KW.-.-li. I'rin. I Ital, In, S... III north (. l.'l.ll, tl SCHOOL ''Oil VOl M. I \ I > 11. - WU i.HM.-. 710 BAST (il: v. lilli. Ml:- ,; "' l"N ' IO ,s, ,,..,s vhs, v. i. nvsu ., ' IIN' " u -, i ionI. win opt n -r I'i vim i: ; t.(n uni ,.,-, will i.<- eiupioM- iii ever*. .|. p it ima nt. sml o,r, t cllliv oller, il tor tl,.ttl .-in.I liulsh..! Tu. i- Vorclrrular uni ila-t partouiir- apply at tat iHMikstf.rrs or al 7 ::.. t. m a-nujw -.A 4 < I.A-- IN LATIN < I.A»1< H VOB .\ VI'll -. I IllVlll io iel. lie. w'lh .nell ¦, wi-l. t,, leal -el.-. -Moils from the ta-al nilli.T- of Kalin l"|,.-. inti PortrJ I Will abo lei.Ti I. lin al Vh iii Ul' .Kilo i. <. Itu I. Karil, ul irs will ll lu |- r-on. DUI NU M VIM.'l-.iS ur ..I Kalin. -. Kl- I, -ii.V I elw Ki.Tun..inI l ol'.av> II V fORY. Ml-- Fal Mill. li(»VN KN. <> S.w V ork .neI K lou. will naman ll. KK.'.ITI'.S -a ci a Mea i: K">. -..1". line¬ ll.,u In aural ral tun uni rulr, -hnlMlna. so: .i ...kiln ii-, i. n vs a DRAl ll Mill m:v lt ii>RMl \ I> K.iviM.isi. vsn nw -i in".i s. !.: Prank lin Irrrt Kl. luuou'l v i 11. inn, n ruth l»u omni. ur. III K-- I. VV -.. pl.nil.. r lt. I--I. net I' )'in. I VJ, I--1. I ir. ular Bl Ita. '.. ns,- (.'(> »r Bunn ipullra- lloiito sKKIV. II. |i ".-VV K*-u- ii ITni. Ipil ail- .ll lill I Kl u III. KbVOTRM mu: itmvi vi:v W IMKM »¦"!: lum - vsn I'.i.V - on -1 KT I IM1KK BO, al I" i- rs I'h ii" I lt w. a ... i. saliatt ¦ -".v H'ti" ii |-- KOBI nt- i ILL t' uki: -i MOOL ii 9DAY. 88*1 WA0M i- i-- M So. Ill TiiiT-li", ^.y-suTu.llilsuli _ lt. A\l» MKS. KN(il.l>H¦- ~< U"t»l lu); v,,i si, I vnn- vsn iniii ..ii:l- 707 BAST I'h wKi is BTBBBT, li,, in vi Batatas, i-yiu lin i:-l»vV,BBbbssb* i. r c\o. i,*. t. foi- cl rc ulai applv io vin-..ll***-1 a. (.('IM'DN RNUL18H. A I -i.VTIitin _ AMERICAN hlNPKIMi VltTKN. Nd. 400, Mais \m> 1"( sill STRBSts. Hi. Mi-.a.- ss v in- K. iTiu.Tpal*. The -v.lith -a-sslou ..ian- Vii >M> V V ) a. t..l« a l-l with Un-u I'KIVt VUV HMVltlVlKSl sc 4,(|.Vl,lsl.lll.ltKlil.V! KJU.Jo Jil M TERMSOF^ADVERTISINO r ASH-i-fvsauBtv im ADVaaea. (lue-,|ii u. .flic Inwrtlo.i.. nv (lin-«|ii.ire, tun insvrtl'.iis. J ,M* "ne ,,ii ire. three Insertion*. 1 B'" ' me -,n.iri .-)« Ins, rlloi.s. » jul ciiesf|u»rr,»wi.|vi'lnsi'rtlout. I *." . me *|uair,. in..nth. 10 4)0 ()nesf,iaare. tWMiii.Hilh.. 1*4 i'll one .|iun-,l)irte nionUi.. BA 04) KDI CATION A I~ ^f IS- S. K. WILLIAMS will rrsumc ihc dnll.-s of her -i Hool, Tllll'sli V V . sai'isMliKK ailTfl. at Uar re-nhucc ,,| her l,r.,ther. No. Bill* I .rich -tri* I. . I«. I ar N10 Killi' SCHOOL. Th.. BBsaraBstsr*! sii.m -( ii.mi, wm ia' n- um,,I at No. tit BBSt IT oiWIni s|n,T .,, the Ulta. Tills school lia* Ins ti In sue,-cs.|ul tapsralloB for st vera! year-, lt arter,!- ni, vrlleiit "pt-, i lino -. for IO vou)is an . n^aire'l ka taBBaat - .liirltiK the iluv. Sui,jets taught wallie as III Kug- l!-!l ml T.'i--ic.-il -iTi.m.I. Bl option of pupil. .«svi,.| for eli .ii! ir-, s. li'.-ll» K. s. sgt'HM' nant a: ur Titi, (irv x m-.i Kn.un. i IlKin-o- ipsii iti ti ins,, BOA EAST VI vksit vi sTlisar. Ku nu.<m>. Va., BrplsrabrrB, Ism. ) ¦rnkui: **j*ill be a TEACHERS' I VIKKlTSi. al th, lil, hu,,,,,,| High s.Ti.n.I oh -VII ri.VV thc IMli ll ..'clock v. M.. al wt,I, I, tim,. \| | (III- IK VITIM** arr rr- .iiiiie.i i, i,. aa tin. will I- Bulgara* 1 Ih. it r.-i-... Uv. -. Iiix.l. |-.,r tl,, iii-ulii.' armluii. Thc pul.Ile -eli.h.Kef Will !». ..ih li. .1 ii M('S HW Un 17llili.-l.tiit. al li ... Th-S, X. M I., iaa.-1-l.a all ll,, ..Kl scholar-., ami oil II axil V V Hie I sill Instant mw ..liol u will ipply cr tegi- ir-uioii. VII pupils r,,r thc lliu'ii school will ria-.n on VliiSDVY Ik* itt* iii-Uut. ( ll VSiM "!¦ -i ll(i"l. Ill-I IMi IS. h il portion of Via.Il.-school |li.trio Inn- w, -I ..I'll), mil,Ile line ,,| i luna sir.-,, t!, ,,i V|mi -ir-. li i- ).., ii trtiisf. n'. T to IT).a -rh,h.I n.-iiT.-t. I-. vi. i, vi:ni. i i. -ii)- rlni. ..I I ll, -. S.,.,1 e |_\H .< lll-.ll M'" l>- MANNIE W Mill KN Ul III si VII usu - < 11. i. 11 imiiis iii-nvv vivi i-rii si i) suhbu) N... 2ii k v-i i iii: ii -rei I-f- 14-t.Vsii-'t*- _ Ml-*- TANN EU'S **( ll* >< i|.. ii,,, s,ti..o| ha. bera r.m,,w.| Ir.un 7(11 west VI on to l I 7 vv Kart VKVIN. Hu -cv. uUrlitli -, .sion will lieglu ll rsDVV. scptetul.ei ls. | fur further Inf.,ri,, ., .nen-ir- ,i h.H.k .for.s ,,, apply .1 ll,. r.-|- .hl.Off the l*t nt Ipal 7"! *f.t Vi un. -. 14-1,-u.t in ll* 'IM1K liNllEKBIONED I'Ksl'KiTKI I.- I KV .ii,fionii.-f- hil Hit nevi Malua ,,i lo ll"V|K--ill'i(il K"l; ittiV- will brain -1 I'¬ ll vi itt- i." 15, 1-- t. ami pud .lui., -,. !--!. KM-- -Jil', pas ill, In is|ll:.! IllsOllmeiil. ,1 '...iruiiiliig. nil,hlu. uni ern|,,| i -si,,i. I nw Vl.'li (.. (,W A 1IIV1KV Tu! -r-v III. lt moa, a const) V I, RBKKRBXCK*: I ai lilt) nf ITovrr-llv iaf VI rr I- Ula, :a< ullv ol Kl, lin,.a,.| ( ullfM.ori lill, ml lill' ''¦.I', willi.' .-.uilei,un VI ii.,,.I. H. (Til!,,.rm V. 'i. K. W, lats* '. VK. .i... in. Walkin-. Mr. Joalah llyl.aii.l.Mr.Jars Luipi., aslf-laawli i;s. < \MM'- -< inni|. kihi Bom til. Illltll .CKsl.lll Off IBIS sl-h,Mil Will IhvIH "O vitisn vv. s, pi, uiIm jiu,. ,i ihe ...u .g. s. in ulh 'I'liii -tn. I-.., pol', nio -.. .Tieiilur -il VV .-I ,V .lol,,, toll'-or Ihe rts|,|. ma ol ll,, prue lp,I. 710(a) I Urara- l,.,t -. |.*,-,,.,|li),l / -IH iMlMtNION Ml s|\k*s i ol.. I f Kl (il Baa. HOI VI xis STBBI i. -, ri n utii .n I'.'.'n "< I"1.1 lt |s) :t....k iM.pliu'. I .iiiiiiii.i il Kaw. i'..inuier.T .' Villein, p.. I'..lill, .ll Kr.m. lYuin.lli III,. ..un Ac i.H'Kl.l VI SK (>K. iii 11-lin Kiln.!|.il. I * sh I i:-l I *i -. HOOL, I'KI'KK-- l Kl I.i. V V. I h. niii.T. eiuli annual asSaSSJ MOMlAV. no.' I Ile .rough J.rep'l- railuii for L'nlvrrsll) ol Virginia snd I'nltcd -i.i'.- Vliii! uv ml S ii .1 V.ail.iiu.-.. Illa-hl, iel, T ll) Kn ullv nf lill' I ulvi rallJT Ol V ir: una. lui' lal in 'lint.>r-. Pupils mil¬ lennia sn...- nil -mnilou h.-alUituI I irll lp lill) .'ia. eli .1. i. ..I I. l-l- -ll n-tla limtti I. Por e iiaio.'n nliti*. W .."IMMiS VI. ( VIM au .-.-oin ll.-.i,I Basti I. M HAMI'ATIKE MA I.K M'Al>EM\ |l,. IM. all, ll.I lill I.I will i.lie ian i.ii ii.. I Ula vv is ... mia u, I. iel,, r. VV tl I.I Wi |"l:t-- l'..\ IIB VV ls.tu .- iii iti ,i ti,, i diver-It) ol V Irsrlata. I,,, .-ir. ina, appia t" i oiosai i ii*. m v- lt ( vi: 11 i: vi ii,.piln I..--I-..I' sf.;-. ...Il in Klug William emily. I I ANOVER ACADEMY, II i w i "K-v it i k i'<>-1 -orrti'B, va. ( ..11. MIK VK'V P. -JuNc-. VI. \. iii, flilrli-r,nilli annual -.--Ion Isylli- s! !" IT VIKKI, .'lilli -I lui prov) cu for-mall !">)>. semi for cala* loBTUP. Iv lH-p."lll(cl li lIMcMi SEMINAItY, .,. T I- V-I UH V( I -I Kl I. imi nvi'.sn v v. DBW lolls ll. KdW KKK. **l Of !'. V l"V ( «.,.,..i,i.. I', m.lnils M I. li.i.uiviii '" ' "Ptntjutm, Th, weiiih s,...i,,i, of Mit- BoantlBg and 1st) -c.I toi ... el.. un) ii will iMga.i vi,.sn vv. -. pi. ii,'-a :i'i>. IBh I. ng ill ,1,,, ..u % mt a in iM"n 'in Im gnu, ii hy ay|ill< atioii al liar '"-¦* um m i" Mn iTimTp.ils. au 1 l.-u.AVV Ll \|i-- STAN \i:i» W III. Kl "ITV lill; -I ll"',I. os ma 17 ni "I -H'TT- Mun: S |0** w, si Qf ac- tl, ft. - -i I a I V 11 1)1 I IT s' WIIIMll, lol." I'.ul* ASH I v "i si, vii s |,.i, -i l-l t viki i: I'.arn il -I "Kui. u.iin. BulMtllS uew. p'.-r .a.ll .ppil ll -. 1*1*1 w.-l VI Hu -H.. I. ol al i..mT,'.i lulls Pl I II - VI V I'u pai i: vs i. Ki itv I IB. ni I .:--'. W it-.,,, I limit. \V a-iii\i.tmn wu kkk i mv Kit¬ ti -I I V Kl VIVI, l"S. V V. Inliii. Mon In ih. n ,i .1 i, I, mi, m.I Iii Ha. i. ii il i ,. ii h..rina I '.. il lou ii- ""' ml. I \|. ci. Ni xi . i.i»'n- -l ri viki i: 'om. K..i u iionu. i.i.n. ¦.( Kl l."h ". ll) Vi I V is 1--W I %-, Tu ., Will K. I'i, -I.hut L*KENI ll ANO li EKE w IT. '. - ,r ll V--I Ul ffl - -' ll'H.K MBfaBBI BB ii,, i.iiu munrviki-a, i,,r Battauiir- assti- ,1 lol ip. 11 -ii.Tn'. Ililm Ml NIC Al.. IM.. K. I NM! . ;\ v. in i: Off un it vs"-K"Imi. ...i m. i .' " oi nt. Bas [totalI ....-ci \ll.,,\,l Mule, -lull.' Ill Will I.e. oe ., Il,mil.I iiiiiiiIh r of pupil-. . ,|| ,, In Itt! H "iT -irrcl. a l-l I..V aol' |MM:i» i . ll MIK. I'I I'M.iiK KHAN/ |^ i-/i mil Hl'.lH.i: hi vi. -ni i. . 1,1 VII -ll VI. IS-IIM ( I ION 01 l-l ,.a <M I a .1.1 I.'. Oratara raay i- I-it sui, ii.. ffjBBt «ff Baaas v .1 Hil ,. A I... I-- kwlll, I Kui,un. '. VV .VU' Ll Mu n. BOW im ii il < i.ait will, ki -i ai a ni- i\-i IM i"S is vii -u vi vi: to iM'gllilier ile! ll\ Ul'', T -ticl, ill ol, ll,, 1st ii' in rniiKl:. i ii ima!" I' el t.. BB] |a| I,ri, wSvBVlMtt Mi:-, i v. -kwms. \ -, liol IB .,, -nra,,.r V vs 'I i ix. .>( 1 i,u rn*. will f, -. I.sin VIM VI Ml -I" on (M I. ,|:i I: I tn) romaaanl. itlou h fl alta I: . i vi, m.i Kykta.l S I ... ..( M aaa .. ¦> ,i, ,.... e utli Dili,i m. wm in prompt!) | |... I, Lphoiir. SM .7 . .) (w* .inp BAST I i:\NKl.IV VI VI VKV I. VV III! Wl- w III i< nun- li. vu -ii it --.,s- i, vu i altai ITU i:-l'.VV lt., -"tli -. pt. nu.. I...-'.'I : 4 ll I N \ 4. lissa % Kt. Ar. V K W «¦ imi la- We have I.,,w ..ii hil,.I BBB ." r.e. lil,,/.lalla ..ur tr VII. -I"! K "V .-u-Llla* < . IHN.VUt-. -TI'l'Ml. IlKIVhlV-l It.V-. i. VIII -, tii,|i>V -I KK -I 1-- i" . aariely ami u l..w pru*,-,; als... i full mir >I N'»\ BLI la>aatl ll"l -KU KSI-HISi. I.U41I1-I I U. TAYLOB. loll Malu -utii. >'». *"'** ** ta alt H*A. Jt:*4tt.lJl*l. atc / 1 IT MSHKN A MIN. A a-aJM Mais stkssT, BK'BBiasia, Va. maat UNI". VV ill Uart ANOJKVV kl.KV ni winson ano >n vt.uw vkh |c J 1 o.llm

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Page 1: Library of Congress...Tlll'l DISPATCH BYTHEDISPATCHCOMPANY. IASII IMARIVIHI > IS «!>V AVa. ThePA11.W PI-il'ATCH la.teBvered If.suhsrrl-nrr> ai rimin i iat- pasrtPBak,pajraMs tntins



The PA 11. W PI-il'ATCH la.teBvered If.suhsrrl-nrr> ai rim in i iat- pasr tPBak,pajraMs tn tinsca, 11. i «,. Viv. Valle,| al BU |>er annum ; IT forill BraaBas; fl.Aw foi Mire, inonlli-; hoe. tor one

'"iTi. '-H'MI-WFPRI.Y DISPATCH tltlBBUBin, ,.i 11 fia -I v ian nth*.T>e VV Kl Kit PIsl'ATt'H a! fl per annum.

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¦. I pp ,'¦ I la i'i. tiol ItfOO I ll I -Heel.:. So.. Pl.*. I-. Kp V. II. I* Al.!

I' i. ITloN, ll \\ IN). SOLD OUT\ . RIB PORMKR l-l-isi--. la now readv le¬

tti,.n to ll,, I o V I. VSPWi Hilt ki -isi --. ll. keep*...,, i.i nil v ,»i handall kinds ..I vsiMKV.ii) ll'hesnui. stove, and

'i VS WV ll V I.I VP" -KITS I..villi ( K"V l: -tl I.I. Kl VP' V NP ll VII.; als,,itni vsp "vk W O liD (Lons, sawed, audsplit), aud Mdltiii il mall |.,..iii to in ike i.nI.te. office, 1714 eaal . .ll Us I. Pie-i-r.-i.. no.'jtt. p. >i-pni < . m. .n

«. I -l/l - v\ III; vi ITT.roAl., Red.\ and w Mle v ¦, vv i ST VIRGINIA sPLIN i"VI. ,,n,s|i, ,n, a ia ii ai, i, HRH,HT-

Hull sud vppi "I ip vs tl: v 11 . "VI.-:! Kl r.v, S V I K VI. I "Kl ll, lin, ( Hoking

ill vi;i itni sad oviv WOOD, DR!(.awed, spilt, sud Lou*, sll uroiuptl) ilellvered,

irefull) »t .Ti. .1 ind mea ut, .1 at lowest warkelj., i,... mhleh ii Us inieie-i ,,i .iii partii - i,, bmaai.w, ut. Kui ii. i eloo', al 7"' .ii vim,

I. -(.lum. .S....11'Jtn. I. K W V I KIS-.

/ ni vi.I.i lp.ll sI'I.IN 1 COAL;vn i ip: vt iii COAL vu si/.-.

).., ' di n ,!.!., s-,,lti r.

- Il ll WV ls.

i, -.--I 1 kalil**) nih iud ( ir\ -'

1/ \NA\\ ll \ -IM INT COAL.MleaUofl .¦) di ilers andeonautaera i- Invited

I ill*) il.." -I Kl li l"l: . o VK. la in/ tu-l!v con

. i.l, i. I',, beaton III"' n.11,I (.'ives un'" .1

.ii t i.iion. oi.ler- for winter supplies solicited.-. P. I Villi:"!'.

Sole Vv nt lor Richmond,Ki v. iiteen Hi .tn, t. ai Draw l.rldi i.


Av HRAI UK ANI» « I MI.KI'I.ANUPOAL WIRT linllHlP, wholesale ant

retail dealer In best ,|u.illiv \ ST III: vi IT I. andGEoHiii - . Ki I iv (i Mukki.asp ) pal,T ..), te. o-uiaiiiir.u ttnvrs luiDished l.\ ll., cm'",.i lu i..u iron, lu to plo ton-, at Ralllnioi*. md

... i.-. i,.mu iUoUIIoi,.. VI ... WIST VPP.ISIVSPLINT. I I "V 1 i: HILL Ll RP. and OAK andil ni WOOD (Sawed aud -|.tiii. of claolce gualltv,,t kattata* n, uk, i i.,i< ott,,. a,i,i v:n.i. corner-> w i.i.-. ntli »,..1 i.o\ ir.,i Telephoii. n

"] 'J'-Mii.

4.KOI I'.KII.K. l.iqi«W.JU".^DALT! SALT!

.'"i (ion |A' Ks

IV HP.I rv. mliVTM I.IPsAl.T,

li -I l ni.I l-ll Ult VND-.

icm lu,, lue .in,I to arrive,


., | j- pu liti|,..)

DOfaTO-i:d 0 moi. r-JMg,.jsaatatjhiiinpiirn MO* v--i

ino haaaassad i \ ii: v uk vv v -v it it,pill BBJIBlS NI VV illili AS- Mill.A. 1 -



DIKU.Alan full Int ia*



tutti_t*JTKiHTlAN a Will ll


full Hue of FRESH SPII'KB Rm picklius pur-

pose* caa be fouud atBK ( ARTHY A HAYNES'S,

aa 81 0*1 .** Broad atraeL


^Richmond |.ispatrh.SlNTi.VY.sKI'TKMRKIt If, IfM,

Bar ill I ( IIP 1 'I.aiiov OETER I'lsl'v r. ii




11.nt. r. ,1 at tl,. I'ost-otln. at Willum., il. Va., as

«ec,,n,l-clns. matter. I

Nearlv nil tl" aatMlffl eoiintric-, IikT.kI-itii' Ni vv .1. rs.v. Bjsj threatened with ititer-nal dispirkiiiccs.

Hini'C VV. < ollie tu tliillk of j|, p.. " ->e:i

of Icc." with Kati: IT.ixion id lt. I- ti¬

to Ix a tncllimr play. Kentucky they o.lor cuni ffblekeiwith i'. athis." That ai count- fm theMooni mt thc RffatBgf Kentucky tn,*'-.

Tvkbaiik -av*J .. AB cartlninakc i» OB***a vole mii hii-|ie,l up." A gOOd BRU)* D4*S>plc wi-h Tai . hik wa-au :ttth.4t1.1k.'.

An ex. hali:.'.- Mya- "The Bannocks,who arc un thc war-path BgalBi torturetheir V ii'liin-." Itu 11 wc may iv pel an¬

other I'.alllloek-liUIT).

The Atlanta Constitution -av- ".lui .li i-

PBBBI1M buys (l"/el)s uf ra/.nr- i-vetv V>:u:

what he tloe- willi Iii,Ti, i, u mystery."No! at all. He (h)ovvii- th, ni.

" New Ki)o|.iik! railton adV4*a*ate busk*m.' Ina s." N'.w England edttoTI ale Wel¬come ti) get their hutley that Bray. Wc

prefer to buy our-.

.. Thc unprincipled party must ito."Tlitl- it i- thc ITiiciniiali Ciami-m Ukt.h.1 Iti- sound, thc death-knell uf Radical¬ism.

Thc Philadelphia l'r>ss -iv-: "Phila¬delphia want- better -trots ami betteriliinkitio-watci." Ulnii did the av.

Philadelphia!) discover thal the di ml.inwater wa- Lad '

K\-<."V (IT)ol l.t U Bl Vt KIT i:S. ol

Ki utiii kv, -iv- that he left ollie,- vv ith more

pleasure than beeatered it." Thi-hi,a 1-

uallv (li-l'ii-i - Of the -Iaiiilei th il I.i hi vv ,-

liol 11 in Ohio.

Since ¦ Javanese volcano threw up a red-ii cake "f icc. thc instiran.'i.mpaales

tatiiioi be caught bj the auBoum'etjseRlthai Iv mi ! vxpis vv il! appear thia ie taoarn ¦. -sea of Ice."

A I'hici 0 paper announce- that .. a

mu..ti 1 of Chicago physicians expect i,,

bare the chotara hep- oezl summer."r,,r, waru.,I i- forearmed. Quaiantinith, m arl* in tbe spiiag.The W a-hiii:Toii /'ot -av- every dollar

in the Uaited -rates Treaaury '.thal should be used for trteredemp*Pun ol hoods." But what ls 1., i.e doaeabout a Bond that 1- paal redemption.

A New .lt -r-cv paper asks: "What couldtbe licniocrats nf that Slate be Dunkinabout lo nominate LBOM Annan''" Wtreckon tiny were UdBkinsj about ildlog1U1I Al'liellitU a L'ood C.TII-e.

\\ 1 mutt, rim ii'- announce- that hebaa not gone hack on Uks Ut ii ku. w

are glad of it. If auvthin.' could makeI'.KS re-pectal'le ill the eve- nf III)' pllhlicil would bc to hav | f,w ni,11 like Wi fc*«

UKI.1. 20 hack on bim.

Itiruiiit .'hali), .via., ha- her ni-laHni-is|s \\ rOUgbl !" a blgll s|:ite of Vehement

tu know win Bee caine tin- copper lound il.hi 1 mliaii --rave near there a ten dav- ago.'"Wc Mtppu-r ii cinie in Um regular ara] ol,|, -1 ,ni Iron prehistoric dice.

An exchange, etmimentlngon the state¬ment that "ex-Speaker Kbbb'h -on, arho i-

,.lily twilit)--iv lear- of agc, 1- I li-inj

puliliciall," - IV- " lie lllll-t hlVecollliilt net dV (TV yOUng." lletailllllltTlCed w ith Ul lllli-

cratic leaven doubtless.

Thc Baltimore Day, in ii- account m the4 iriolc celci'i iiiou, aa) -! " The Kev- of thecity, ttro massive gill affairs, restla*" ob a

Velvet tll-hii.ll, Wete theil plT-iTltcll to

Lord I'.ai iivh'kk." If Ihe Monumental.liv Would pul "ii 11 s|,iii,e |,,,k and giv*thc old ". till. 01:10 ;i Bight-key we dwi- sa]he would fia I mort' at home.

Tin¦ stirpri-i' elpteased l»J the I'liilul.l-jiliia paper- that Ml. -AMI Kl ..I. I," VM'Al.Khoi 1 ld have lieen vv illili:: to-live on a Juiv

i* pr.tlv loiioh un thc average Philadel¬phia juri man, hut lin-pul,lie have the sat¬

isfaction of kaowlag thal the aexl Speakeruf tin lloii-c I- ffbOYC contamination ftoiu

the wui-l as-ociaiion-.

Thc Atlanta Constitution, in an articleoil " Southern t'CVcloplllcnt," have- \ 11-

iriniaoul "f ii-, tabulated -tatcnicnt. This

p. Uv evhihitioii of jcaloii-v i- due tu thefa, I thal thc cholera-spia adiBg vvatcrnicloiiif |g tO thc Watermelon nf ult I' iiWU a- thc vv hui Mein rt \ I- to thc pei-- mi nani). And vet Georgia expects lo at*tain true :T callie..

/ DANVILLE.noni Kui M' viv-ti sic BBBAI I"- 1 to:


-.,|Mt u BOBE 1. a s n <vi H loit.vriti

iK.ihl sc DIBOt .ms.

[COrit I'oli'l'me ..) Hie K I.I, Pi |.i'oli|BBYTBMH ¦ I".. I**"!.

Thc b"ily "f I'larcnce Au-iiii, the >"iii)i'tuan who n sj drew mil .Monday, vv a- found

yesterday evcalag bj ¦ party nctltig underthe direction- "1 Iii*, tallier, ami brotlghl..ut with grappllng-irona.

I*(.111:111 Ia: I. LofiM of Ma-oti- baloil, I, d t,. liii (.tami i oiiimaiidtrv of \ il--ini 1. Ihioii'-'h I love 4 'oinniaiidi rv. the 11-c

Of it- i-u.'in- diiiiiu' the -e--ioii to I"' heldh.rc in Oi-inlier.

Thc mill- and factories draw itii.' waterfrom thc (anal W( re ii"t al Wuik vt -t. rda},tin- w apr fiann thc e ittal, while there wa*

ou a h uh lu'tu I of il, davine vvoik'd its

way through thc hunk in one plan' ttkffaighl liclotc und carried oil tOMM ktOOMtwelve fc<t of it. Thc watcliin.n on dutvdi-cnvercd tie hrcuk and -hut tin- iMtc.sal.uv), and thu- prcvenUd INRsRBbV talliedainakc- It 1- supjaoscd that thc waterfound lt- way through thc hunk bj follow¬ing tin* root of a tn e. Business w III prob-ahly lie resumed lo-day.

I'laternor Cameron has written to Hn-riilovert.), of lbe couBty, thu! IBBM Kvou andllctiht 11 Kink', purtles with Lawson t*OQBf-er in tbe mulder of Miupuid, have not li itu-lu theil a-t to pi-lifv inj.iviutlon ou bispurl in their In-half, and Unit thc trnot

mercy ia to relieve 1 In tu of suspense or fal-.hope. HiciM ovcrhy Informs tbe publk

that Ihc execution will I* strletlv private.Kv.n rcpnrtcrs will ba excluded from thcinclnsurc.

.I'M Lav ti. , a soldier nf Ihc war of IMP.',died at hi- Imm,. in this county on thc '.'TthiiMim,.. at an hui nf more than iiim-lv-livcyeats.

Sheriff Overlaey, a commissioner lu theMae of Tabitha M. Thump-on'- idmini-ttattof r.s. William Fonlalne's adininl*-triitnr, ha- -old lands near Fall-4'reckd' p"! ii- follow-: OSjt Octet at fifi [x-racre ;Bl acres al *?lu.n,"i: Sfsj ajeroa at *?'J.

The trail, in tobacco continue, heavy latthe Hca-on, and thc wonder I- that hikflipt ic- BBB lind sn much nf it. Thc pricesun marvell'iii-, and BB**fl* not tu have Ina nalleeled l,\ the recent laius.Advcrtisemenls fur x-af-aklm* nt many

place- in thc county have Keen Boated forthe Hen.ratic -pinker-, hut it I- iiii.|>t--toml that lhere will be no di-ctt.inn- be¬tween tin uppo-iii/ iiididate*. Ait-iia.

I'<.>r*><innl.Mr. GladatoBe baa tnuulatcd Cowper*!

hymn. .. Hark. My bool " Into thc ts announced thal the vachtlmr crui-c

of Mr. <ilad-toiie will be extended froajih. coael of Bcotlaad to rToraray,

Pliace Sonna Peraka, w ho died of tontofever ai Mazatlan recently, wa- known at"The Kigbtiogate «>f Mexico.*1

Qetjcral Qrahl ha* atore ilvea(writtenoin -) than any other president i mi ptWashington.Lord Coleridge it sjiioled aa ¦ayfag lhat

"l.oVeHlol Hillier is one nf the |||o-t| charmin.,' men I ever m. I."

I»r. Marv Walker i- bappl at las'. Awealthv nhl .rank in Springfield, Mass.,who ,ii,,| the other day, belan moved bjthe |.r woman'- SOITOWa, left bet **'.!,uno.

-lr Edwlfl Walkin -iv. that thc l,oiiiloiial'-HiTVcrs' A-suciatinii bat inure politi¬

cal inlliience than Ihc whole of thc railwayinls-1. -t iii the kingdom.Frank .lone-, Hie wealthy brewer of

I'ort-ini'iith, N. H.. ts l,uihliiie-a tlnecli i|..for thc Middle-Trot llapptl Church, of

lilia! chi.Thc llolh-olilld* ur, nail! tn hold -"lim.,'il nf United sl.ite- l.ond- Paloin-*P.nidi tt-< .nut- Bartlett, sf Ji >.. aoo.i h ni ; theI Hike of Sutherland, 16,000,000; and >irITioina- Brassy, 10,000,000.

i hri-iiiie Nil.on im- cawed notice t" 1"-itv d upon if. MobIbbbob. a Pans -tuck-broker, for thc recovery of in.Mm, liefaiMiall ul Pie propelt) of Inr (I,.,.(-til hi!-liand, M. liou/cuid.Mr-. Marv Mapes Dodge, editor aad do*

relist, i- daughter "f rStaldenl Map'-,the celebrated a riler on horticulture, sheiolTii, riv liv ,| in \''\v irk, I'll! i- DOR a

t. -id. ni of Sen .* ork.Samuel Bergard tOnSord, of Mary*aad,

In- I, ti! Kt the tnaiia-cr- ol' the New Eng¬land Fair the cutglaas of ld- kinsman, Ihelamons Paul Joni -, and the tiu of th,- Boaili'iiiine Rkhard.Ocneral "".herman ls diaappolofed hi bis

p., iii,-.oh-' pip beean* of the tax* on*ilition of the atmcapbere, that conditionhaving lasted througboul the excursion.He expects'" return to w ashington ti,oin

| the 12th of October,Pill Nv.', the tl lilli >t i-t, hts liol I.Hfl) hell.

|, tit, it la) hi- rustiCBtion in tin Northwest,win a,- be -pent several mootai lo the hope,d relief from chronic or continued iserehro*

I spinal 111«. 11 i 11 ir i i i -. Ile i- hack again InLaramie, and it i- noa feared his reeuvi i)is 1.,.!,. le-.-.

Willi nu l>. Ilovv.ll*. the nov.list, is a

youug-sOoklBg maa of middle betjrbt; bbhair i- cropped shorl and parted in tin

I centre: be weareaahorl groy inoiurtacbe,iud his aspect is thal "f a student, ll.-Iiiink- from - n it Iv mid i- of (|uht anddomestic Ki*tes.

In i--Til the I nil, rally al ' txford eon*

|ferred upoa Turgeacff the honorary de--ree of doctor of civil law. The wboli

Mown vv i- -eai-eli, ,1 in vain foi i.niv, rattycap large enouj*h for bim. Ile bad Otiail*lo con!, ul hiln-, If W Uh hi- .vt \ -dav |,|;ick-ilk "stov, pipi ." TTn sight ol' SUcb a hal>vcr thc do4*tor*s il nine red gown hadnevi before been in itxford.Thc 1 mute de b I.Tiune. a pia,Ti, .al

1'l'elicll clillll.iT ll I- In Il killel while I--

ciTuiin ¦: thc Pie Bernlna, the bigheal p. akin thc Rngadiae, Mwllxerland, and rarelyiii.Tiipieii un .nt',,iint nf ii- daaa*ers. One

|ol hi* guides fell IbIo a cr, va--,, drag*>»ing down lin < Tuiite and the second

.guide, Thc i niiite was Immedbttcly kill*|cd hy "ailinn ou hi* head, while oin- guidetva* sefioii-lv Injured, and the other ea-

lensed. ^

Uriel RaSBB IIciiih.

The li.' i- -aid I" be a IRK CTOp iu nio-tnf live southern "States. I h.-i"*t "f eultLvatioa la tiiilinf,'.

Canada'-colt"li-f:ic!"i i«* BW 1" !>o run

oul* foin d iv a wt, k. I h. ia is a com¬

plaint of uv.T-pit'ilinTi..ii.A gold minc ha- Keen opened in hil! ii.

vi ass, The value of the preelons m<' ilPin- far Bl.veied i- leas Iii iii |10.A Foti Way in Ind.) telegr un says Pi

din Richards, who wrns Plinth divorcedfrom bia wife, brained ber a'th a flat-ironI'Tulay. Il' Was arrested.

Longfellow's two unmarried daughtershalt -decided P. Ure ii- -Iud'nt-al New¬ham i oUcge, Kn ir ind, (lulim; ihacomini*vt a).

Thc po-t-utti.e at Juactlon (Ity, <».. waabroken into on Thunda** Bight and thcsafe robbed of po-iai-noie- numbered from7 to '"'O. The thief al*" took the punchuni oiHcc-st.uiip-, thu- muring an catireeqnlpmenl for wsulnj ootxal Rotes,Tbe captain of an An-iie whaliBg-ehip,

vv hich ha- ju-t returned from a cruiae :u

Davie -trait-, reports thal be niulc aeareb*lag inquiries of the aativea aloin.' tfae eoaat,Kui I.-u ucl Dotkiog rclatino to thc lireelyespi ditioll.A propo-cil KlgBBtta* land steal, ravelop*

imr several million dollar-' worth of UaitedState- redeemed tiiiiher lands iii thc north-ern BBTl "f ('alift'i'itia, ha* beCB brought tolight in San Kraiicisco. lt U albiged thalpov.riiincnl otlii id- aicaetinu' in collusionw ilh the pail ic, en:: in.-, ring the -ch,mo.

A woiirui nained (.imus., af Batt Tem¬pleton, i mu., locked li. i children, aged lourand two. iii the bouse I'riday while -heweill lo milk lin cow. l'ituinin_', sh.found the bouse on Ire aad Ingress impo**--i!i|.. Tin bulldin: was deatroved. A

. .arch alu,nu- p.. ruins di-. ..vend tint thcslightest trace "t the children,

A ci-c af Icpl'u-v wa* I,routh! to "-allFT.nuilsoo bj lae la-t O/eetnet iron Bobs>| ul ii. Th. -iitlcpT i- a uativ. of the ¦sand¬wich Island-, of Vrcmh dc-, cut. Thei.ii.iraiipno uiii,a i- lefii-ed petmiaaloB f"rhim tu land. A wt it af nobet$ corpus hat|. ii i-siied. ami UM matti r w ill .um, upiii the Superior t "int.

toflpaakar RaBdall had i lone interviewwith Judk.'c Haadly. I»(iii''ei.,tic cindidatefur 8 'V'TTii'i- "f Old,,, nu Monday |.(-i. ltis ii'ulerslood tltMt Mr. Randall ha- uilvi-c Ith< nturn "f .lud-'c lloa.ll;, al thc earliestmoment that his health vv ill permit, amithere i- no doRIBl hut I lie nssjsjsjffjji willlie prompt)} (Hu.Tfilied %* itli.

".iiiatoi Minion i- In I',',,. [n re|a.lion io hi- arre-t at Sun Krauci-co ju-tits he wp ahout ataVtfmg Ka-t, at thc

, Instance of a wuiicui who claims that heowes ber nioner, he say- ll was »urelv a'ca-cof hluckmall, laatlgalad hy un i x-Aus-trallan convict who -.rlhliles on a lowpublication l» -"an Francisco, out ol re-vetik.'c BfftBBBM he enii-cd this woman to huejected from thc Kacitic Hotel.

Mrs. Mary E. (lem, a notorious IndianaI w oma ti, was released (rom thc penitentiary

on Wcdti.sdav, where -lie has fouryear-fur lacrjitry. By a -iit-ulii ealBef-dciiec Wednesday wa- the fift.,,,t|, anni¬versary of the day when Jaeob and NainvTcsnag wera i»v*tcri(>ii-iv munlered, aeritne far which tao waa tried live tlaaea,tw icc -cnti'lici'd tu he llill.'cil. ami litiallvreleased nu a Ici'h'ucalitv.A tpecfal di-pitch from Com Oraade to

th.- i;i Pa-ofi'iva-i 'linn -av-th, Apachesnrc beL'inuinif to-how signs of lp ichery,.ad lt la the int.minn of the Mexican au*thorltlea tn surround and keep them in theii'-ikChlicrhouil nf ( asa t'ramie until a cor¬don bi t'oiiipi.ied. arbes ¦ *apeedj -,noel tathc present slate ,,f artair- Maybe lookedfor.The Kni|>cror William BM (''inferred

upon Prince Alexander ol II,--, .< a--, Ithe coiiituitiidcr of thc Thirteenth Diagoooa,uti ihe nc, a-iun of thc Prince'- completionof his lift Pt Ii year af niililaiv -ervic ¦.

I'tincc Alexander ha- rordially acceptedih.- honor. t.atlfjin- thai be bas.Tl'.-uulont d all anti-r*riis-i ,ii tetideticie-.and that the SStfaWBI OStdiok betWCCfl UmKnipiTor and hiin-elf lia- been ItMoitsl.Tim remains of Chief Keokuk, of the Rac

and Kux Indian*, arc IO I"' moved and r<-intcrrcd near Ihe Invva eily lin! hear- lu-trune. Ile died at au advanced age a fewvar* after Ihc Blscl Hawk val. op|i,,.,,|to the war, he told the lllaek Hawk factionthat they vr..nhl pcri-h If th. v should -..

to war with the united States, hui thal ifthev would kill all th, ir worn, n uni chil¬dren bellin h uni. he woiihl had them Intohallie. They refe.-.Tcd. and ile-i-t, ,|. p,,i-llh-C(p|t ll! ev, lit- pia eipitated thew ir i::-pde of hts conn-,T-.A travcUIag «lts*tiic-Ugbl plan! i- ¦ nea

feature na th. i ui)ii,ei]ami Valle) ill-road in Pcbbbihania. ii i- employed lorlighting Up wreck- nfl the loni Off foltip ctiier^TTicy th,! ia i|uiic- aigbl work.and it OBBBlata "f a Iajaggag4s-Car, iiiiina -tatioiiaiv -t< aiii-.n^'ln.. a Thump-..n-Houston dv nani" machine and Bxturi -. swater-tank and coal-hunker, and provlttedwith clei'tric-lanip IXtUffCa "ii lin roof.The ITOMPMIS ha* al-o vv ind CBBlp-BK tin ;

KTouods ob tbe line of it* mad ri adj forelectric lighting.

Mr. Kellin R.Grigg, of MuHal... wimba*lieen e\|iirill|iTlli!IL.' lelalivct'.the -o-,"t||eilbacteria or BjerRM ilia! ale -aid to muse va-

rlotis (li-ea-c-, furnishes tbe following toUn- A--udated Pre**: Bj tailing a ipmn*lity of healthy blood ta obtaiaetl all thefonnaof bacteria. Thea, with some puretii.titi. obtained train a Bashed ci,,t nf1.1.»od. Mid l.oiiiiie it. pniviii'-r that it wa¬

llie thread.- ol lil,lin I,token lip into piecesand ','ranules that eave lbe laacterla, the-Tllle rCBUltS Well ol'laitleil. Ne\t. -"tile

iii.I wa- obtained and toiled undi r

warmth ami cfoaelj aratcbed for twomonths, ami here ¦ rain all tbe forms ari reobtained thal the fresh bolled lalo ul gave.From these experiments Mr. tarli.dude- that ill the b tcterla "f dis. is* inlonna of Antin, and for tbe general goodrequests all iuvestigator* to repealpi iTinetital work uni report tn biihe laaolts of such Investigations.

Arl mid Artists.Ihe English sculptor Richmond h Un*

Ubed a bust ,,f his ,,i,i friend Dr. Pusey.Klim Urtagorj ami Stanlej Mid,Met.

american painter-, received lioaorableinenlioos al tbe v .1.aili. - exbibUion.

Tofaiio, the palnUT Of "Killin -elli-."i-a Neapolitan Who piiut- in Paris, is a

pupil of M,nelli, aad was diacovereil bjQoupll.

I'ratlk 1.letti, "f ('hi'-Mon, |. pal ll! ill','forVliss MaiLrant Mather, the a, lr.--, "Th,li, aih of Juliet.** Mis- || liber posed forMn bi puin and Mr. Malvin! for Koine.,.

ThorwaMaee never handled the .iii-.on thc works thal were pul In marble fromhi* model*, while Paoova always did,linishing tare and there and adding new

lieauties to the Baal work,There are over seven hundred works ,.i

art iii the galleries of thc N< is England ln-atitute at Boatoo. Borne two inindia d anworks bj fopi ii ni ii lo ii ii d f .in oollec*Hons or bj dealers.

Tin Hali.ut sculptor Pontana bas finlshetlfor the new (lovernmenl ..iii'-,- it Sydney,ff, ¦*. ffV., -lalue* iii < Tirari marl,I, ni thi.uii.n of Kii-'latnl. Ihe Prim.I Wal,-.uni .,f an alk*go*ieal female representinglbe col,.nv.

1T,e Courru r ii, TAH -lat, v, \ pm I-ipi Iv ihai Ilegnatill was li fl h.uni. il,!i>' paragraph tbal ha- laren goim* thelolllld- ali,,Ut Hie faUll "I" Hie SCUlptol ol

hi- -iain, al the mw Hoi, de \ Ills i-mistake.

Bongaereau's "W.I Nymphs Bath-In ." u iiiih vv aa shown for Mine Un* i"ihis lip. I- noa exhibited In an annex loihc ari department ol Un- Chicago Exposl-ion.Pranklln Simmons's bronze si itut 11

-tnaloi Minion, for Indianapolis, i- ,\-

pe,|, d to an ive then fl "in Vinni, h. w In i.

ii was cast, about thi Irs! ni neal mouth.The -eiilpioi (ret* -'I,.',"" for tin w,,ik. andihc granite pedi abd i-1" cost £3,000.on.- of the I" si laml-i ai a - in the Ameri¬

can il. pallin.'tit at tbe Munich Exhibition,- said bi a recent visitor t" ta thal olMuk Planer, fonnciij of If-aaton, bul noathe occnpaiii of a London studio rad i

regular c.inp-ii.utor to tho(Imsvcnor-gal-lerj ' \ hi '-ii i. .11**.

Kimi Pore*, a brother of liusiave, and a

colonel "f artillery, bas I.l«*d ..v.t lo tbeld net olen! AiTi-Tic So i. iv, found, ,I bjp.,iou ray tor, in touveuir ot bis brotherand lo c irrv ..ul the Ritter's intention-, lin-um ,,| 30,000 fran, ¦-.

vi i,|. it lae Letaaire,one,.f the i..--t femalepunier-, i- a pupil "f < haplili. Uhf inher¬it-much "f bia grnre la tbe delineation olTem.d, beatlty, and ramMaes a Ith ii a

ch inn all tar own. She in."!.¦ h.r dibutat tbe Salon ia 1888, a iih ¦ portrait, aad|WO v-ar- afl'T" Ber "Al:;, lia!) W olllali


attracted attctiHnii.Thc i.ouvre hat reoeatlj "received a col*

I, dion ol liflv-llin'. terr.i-entt.i HgUJ in, -

from mvtint. which wt*** found bj rs m-

aut-. The til-*.t notable oae represent* i

dancer. The others appear lo be imita¬tions of tho- "f Tallalia. A largi i-

ample, n |n. -. niin.' v .nu- standing ii no dKv a Vasse, ls d rued oa the hack .. A alic*Hun."

Three nial l|, -i .lu.-- have hen placed iniheenipiv niches of ih, res ale thom ufi ofthe trend coiirl of Ihe Lotjvre on iiinorth, tn f n; nh-. I lc J ale \'Ham's .. \ .

mis.' ),,,Idiii a rose in her ri .'ht and thc

torch "I lov, in taff left hand: Olliti'-.. i ainpa-p.

"' herself |..

Ap, ii,- al tin Hitler ot ai, nader; andUevaUX's " \ mp I"riuinpliant." hoi,luiwith holli haii'l- tha trident af Neptune.

n ii-P "I """., I»rnmill lc Nolcs.The tnw pl av "f "Ihe Unman.,ti," pro*

du. ed ui Ptartl lad hal wc k by Mi- < hulotte Thi'inp*""' '" '"n-iilered a -mci-..

Patti will leave Eaadaadtowards the adof October. Before doles- io ade win -in ¦

ut tWO cue il- in Hirinint'lniiii and M ni¬

el,e-t, r. She makes lu-r liri ippearaoce,. Nea Voil Novcmhcriiili.

\mhro-f Ih"""'-. thc Freitcliooin|vo-ei.h:,^, hen-tavinr ltd* siiiuiuer In BiitLinv.His health ha- taecn verv precurlmi-. aadthis -tate WBI "¦.".'' BRMBI bv the -ad MWI.f hi-hroth'T'-'.. ath. lb h.*. however,now recovered t" n certain extant.

Madame Wai'iu r refuses to let thc handuart* of thc "Parsifal" score lae used inl.uiiiioii, hut it li »"»!>'.<. t'"- dihVully willIm- got over, to thal Parsifal ruaj bc pi r-

fnruic'I al the AU«'rt Hall, wb.-re thc cho¬ral iclicitr-iab have already tajjun.Thc title of the posthumous o|n;ra liv thc

'lute comiHiser Ran* U "Ail and Love."

The -elie I- laid in Venice in l**ff, Tinmotif I- fin love nf thc then celebrated.on,po-er -I. A. ll aaa for the jrreat BBBta>Iriee I'lti-tin a l'...|-dnni.Thc pn. have not IseeB particularly fia*

..iou- toward An-un pond's pta) of "lierAtm,, un ul," hut .lohn Rickaby, thc tin-jal kal -peculator ami liv. 'y bii-inc. mi-

niptilatnruf shows ^itnrillv,-av - il is"aii-rreal pla}!" Wry iiatural. when it i-'known tint Rickaby hts -nine thnii-andsof dollar- invi-teil in ii.Thc Kill.' nf Bavaria baa agata aajayad. j

at a a"t*cal cost, Ih.- pl.n-iirc nf',' and jbeartBK " I'ai'-lf.d." al .Munich, all lo him-self, ile will iml go to lb v reiitli and vv it- |in-- ih, |.iii,nuance of "Parsifal,'' *<.

.. Parsifal " li i* tu minc to him. I'ancvHu- bj liulc elahoiale |Mi'furniatice fivefl furthat enc mundy *p, sitting in hisdarkened box !

" p.,,' 'bonum, or tbeGreat White pearl.*"N thc lille nf Kilward Solomon's |ate-t....mic opera. Which ta I" |,e produced ntthe < ira ra i 'omiqvie, bondon, next month,willi Lillian Russell in the title.r,.io. Mi.l*u.ell. aieoialiii'-r in mir latest advicesfrom bondon, ha- been approached bj|)'( )\ Iv ( ute with iii offer t" create thcprincipal part in Hilbert ind Sullivan'-new ,,p, ra, which i- tu Kc produced at thcAlhambra in Uctober, A- vi t -bc batgiven th'tn no answer.

Warri Ina: Pa Isca pc School.*'.')!.:' "Mil i' ITIOM "K vi nins int LOW¬

ING \ tot KO OIBL'S WEDDING,Ile -Upi'. .Hie I 'nilli, - IV- a I'.o-toll telc-

-'iiin, jtesterdaj is-u,.,i i writ of habeascorvus demanding the producion in courtol' Mrs Ann'' v ( tahrone. I h, p. titinn-

i- .1 .un .1. ( ochiain , and lin- unit, i-

I'oiiiiii. ,| upon the following peculiar con¬dition of facta: \nnie V. Sullivan, who llel Mi a 'i lear- ol iga, resided with herparents in ( tarlestowa, and tbej wi redesirous tba! tbe should eater a boarding-ael.I. Uer prob st thal ita ifould throwherself aw.iv rather than go toi boardlag*ucl.I had no influence with her panut-,who -eli. |,,| a-i .Monday a- the dav wh. iillli'il- VV i-!n - should lie e.iirieil IntO .Hilt.On sunda} she what wa- lo hedone and eontultr tl ber friend, James j,Cochrane, wiro waa so -hocked, iii- said,al h. r des],, rate intention thal ta rRropoaedmarriage aa a waj oul "f her troubles.Tin- wa- tillite ace [Hallieto Mi-- Sullivanmd. at ii" ct nile tte could ta obtaiaed onlint day, lt was m i mod thal Ibej shouldnm.un at tbe bouse "f < ochrane's slaterin Somerville thal Bight and ta married onHie following nrorninw;. Arrangement*were -.1-" i,mle with Ita -i-i. i- that after

-ii vj., I'ocbrance and his wife-in.nhl i.,nd there until tiny wein i<>

housekeeping. On Monda* the marriairelook pla... Koli, parties representing them*aelvcaaial -id.-ni- ol somerville, which, lli- noa claimed, was pert* tlj legal, as tbejintended tu live there. In the afternoonCochram was arrested lu an officer[routine Charlestown district without i

warrant, ind, after being baked upin the -. .lion-It.iii-e ovcr night, wwliken to Soi:n iv ill, the nevi liomin .

while a complaint for abthi' litiL,' MI--Sulliv ii \. i- uti i. ii. Ile a a- chargeda uh hal ¦. i represented him-.Ti io

.ni' iv ilk for the purpoae "f pro-hian i ni tiTTiji-iic'Ti-,.. i rider dui,--,

a- ii is alleged, he pleaded guihy, and thei" wa.linn, d until Kl Ida* of thia

. eek ii disposition. » m the other hand.ii i- al-o claimed lhat Mrs. Cochrane, on

al itiniis ihat she was nota lo see

ber Inisi. .nd, was decoyed to tbe house ofher brother, .lohn Sullivan, in Charles,town.where abc has -ince been Illegal'*restrained of her liberty, tn secure whichiii., kobi a* orpu was obtaine4L

A Spill nil 4 ouch.[Boa K.,11.|

\ ei|-i| ,.'ii i- -aid to travel aboutihe lonely couutrj road* of Norfolk. Whohe ic-iii -- spirit mav ta ilia! occupies ilnone can ti I', "i how long ta baa hen

out in hi- vv. ital conveyance;i,ui pl.t he has been long a wami, n r Iniii- .-.. nh. vv Idell ever and anon appi arainion: n-. anne would '" so pcrvi io,- to[plcsliotl. Indeed, tile phanluiii C4Mclltravels fal ami wide through Norfolk, andstOpS al people'- holt-e- ill the dead ol' ll i.Tl!.Ali iin-i n hand lt I- down Hu -Pp-, thchone* champ their blt* and snort, tin car¬riage-do ar i- -lanuin d. and the thin nov e-

oil; i.u' winn p. opie pp pare i" i, t in thcuacxpi ei'd vbdtor with kindlj welcomilol lhere bi nothing. Tbe coach has gone.On one occasion raj informant, who iiv,,lin a hun Iv old i' iitii-Iiou -,. -aw tl,, ||a,h nf

'np- ami beard tbe ch unpin ( of Ihehil.-. Mc ..p.iit d the front dnor. Thenight was calm ind still; there was neithervoic noi anv th answer) d.No harm seems to *;,u.< i,, -u,-i, ,- n

n ive tin sc nocturnal v [sit*, bul ii i- thepi, v di nt belief thai lbe occupun "i tbe

oin!. linn d iii walk like the W an¬il, in .lew lt Ls a envious K attire of thestorj Heil the !ii_-**t¦ loni, alon; which thcin all li-i d !" ll l\ cl ill the -o,,(l Old 'lill' s.

pi--, ,1 il some di-! uitf fi-niuHiehaiinl.ilway, which was certaiulj called tlie eoaeb-road some generations back, und I have a

-il-pii 'll dial lin lad thal no ph m-

ti>ni having K.eti teen "I late onHi, c.,,.!, io.,d it.-elf tbough Hi'-}idi me ii ha- been seen bj(.scores ol 'em" i-<winn id.iv ta ac*conni, d for; it I- a BBtttcr of history thal-nine iliinv ago ih, pre-cut I.ord[hulk v drove i c u*i lage aad four alongthe '¦' '.eli-1" ni, and. tn the ama/, na "r

and p.T'pl.'\iiv ,.f in ti ki ml, did no! perishin Hu- aiionipi. sin.-, thea theghoHtlj lu-dividual, stained al helot* so manlfestlvoutdone, bas retired from t\o^ pail "i thes. H., oi hi- former cbanob cnn ..

% laoilli-Koll ol lilt-lit vtoiithi.

The BKtrologlstS Who -. h .led 1889 B a

.:.I v,ar for carthqu ike*, i¦. it li nee andaccidents neem to havi in ide a bit, I luriuiithe pi -ht i."i- "i the year conelderahljnore than Kl,""!) liv, - h-iv. Keen lu-! Innotable disasters, in lhat t il-in-r Into ac¬

count the yellow-fever In thc Mouth. BjBitnplv following the bi.' news of the pn .

dispatches the foll,win-: tabla* of peoplekilled i- made np: I.'. "f the limbria.

134; Milwaukee hotel tire, Bo; Polandcircus lire, -.'ii-: Australia minc flooded,72 : 'I 'hi. Inp a (( al.) railroad acchleBt, 2\;KluMaonl ilisaster, V C., 18; I"-- ol < Itjnf Bnissels, IO: mine exjifadon, III., IO:Strm. .* "ik rn tuaol linnie, 10 ¦Jraldwriodmin,- disaster. 77; Kebruarv llomi-. ."..;;droa " J ai iirown*vHie, Minn., 111 Aprilloin ul,,, -, 2«n; fall "f a Tex is h"i. I. 11;

r pun,'. \CM i; tornadoes,ndi .lind (Kng.)achool [ianic,202;

June ilood-. .> : Baltimore plei disaster,7j ii |von \. *i., railroad arcldeat, IT;.Imp i nndon I int.), it Huaganii,.., jo; Ischli ."nth.piilx,, 4,M0; Kile-list] ti-hin ' fleets, oT:!: lunn in food*,I |n: vp. vi 'i ll av'tlai!'!!' IM: powderexplosion In Europa, SM: two minc ix-

pi,,..(,,n-in F.urope, 162; Borabaj fact.uv

pani.-, etc., I"1: Koctasti r, Minii.iturnail".16; Lake t Mem fialawaccuh'nt, 23; Cotn-wail min.- ic. id.-nt. 12; collision off Eddy-

'.'-!,ou--. 18; '-reit Hank- ti-bn-in.Ti lo-t. 60; Java rarthrpiake, iini.ikmiIndia cholera. 15,060; Egyptian '-helen.

ll dian steamer Au* i. M;steamer Kenmore Cantta, :]2- -r.nn.T

liypsy, I*; -*. .nu. i- N iviure, bi: ship¦i ,.,. -.'tj; Borne cvpio-ion. m.

\\ j '\plo-inll, f] : -teatU'l

r, 70; burning Lake Cotna theatre,-lin Daphna ou civile, IM.

'[ he famuli* r.rooUvn i lub will J**BJ hall

at th' \ ii .mia RflaB Qflll I'ark uti Munda}.You should no! fail ba -cc il.

Ililli I-** AMI HtlAKIIl.tts-lltirBIM.

iMM Itno.MS, WITH I.HOD BOAJQ),r ,,n p terni.. A|,|illiatl(,ii- m-rtlveil.lTaiiv ni" .' i' B". ataa. bo. c. whit*.,Vu VcTlui BO. 1000 east flay -Ire*

_rm cattowai*_


l.'IITIVt,.M, \ \

i "it sac Ti:nth ano V! vit-nvi i -th a:a r-.

lu- BBrtJ lir-t .mil,,I . .sion BffBatt lu-tltiiMnliBin Opt n VlM\|i \\ -,,,(,.,,,u,. 17(|,.


¦IA mont ..I' Tl S li \. MU;, i,,. ,..,. ,.,.

I'I"'-¦ moatol whom Ban hmas hem (.Inutilewith the int,t,-t- ul ll.hool.Tts arl.t in arraaaad arroraBaur la

Hie Kluver ll\ -v-t. ,nml Un larnlanl of iri i.lii-ill.ii, i- liol -ni passes! I.v anv -. ie--I -,,mi,.III.

BOARDING DK-VK'Tvir s iIn the in-titiit,. Moil., i- :'oua,i trmry etnafoti

lok",Ul" r willi ill lint p. Lillis |i) (Iii tl,..,.,,,,,1,culture of y.,uny ladll**: nil tile 'Al nat, pay.)r«,n i^e. ie.) ..iilv tr..rn V Irariiil.-i. Lilt from Ihi li¬lle -..lilli, ill. -t-Hie exe, lleii.Tcs-.r 11,1- T.pirl-lilelil.

PBBPAB VTul.'Y s( -|l()i(|.,Recofralalns thc liupottaiwe off thorough pre-

|.ii:it..iv tl,, principal off till ih'pal tmei.tin ike-., ipeta I, t' nt e. train papll' fur adi innsnieiu Iel,, u.. |,l .|. I,i.,ne!,,.,.

I .tulla ar, ie, m.I ,,t tli.- aire ol' l.-!n a, ar,.lt I- Important thal Huts* nroposlnc iormina!.sin,ill,I paws lliroiuli till- lliocuiiyli cur e

-i itu,ii. OB vu -uITie BOC VI III I" VII VII \ um hf |,r. 1.1,.I

on io ¦ ,'ei,T,i.i!e.i -ii g, t ,n.| I,,,, paan-is), who ha- tarra iii,.i-..ii. i,i> ntl.,I fm Uer tuart,li) ma i, r i,"iii Iii .Vuna Ira unI I- iimrs*,

vi - nt - i vt v x. ni. ta-en Uh* IMn mtorM n-ic at ii.< I ntit iii, ,iin nu/ lie |, i-i ii,, rears,lu-. ni o- -.-' ii, ,, 11, ,.| .i iii,i «rlll asiain-alile lo iee.a\. pu,,|l Iii, pity -...) ,.||i,ih|.ie..nne,T..,i arl Ul the -.I.i. i. srlsliln bi iiiUk iii pl vi la !. a. lillis ll ..l-l avail ih. lils. la...I' Hie ne ,.|\ int i. liff, rt i| li) Un ,I, ,.ar!i,i, ni.

I- .,r,- ii ,i. .,-iie ,,r I iiformattoa apply hy mall orIn person |,, Vii-- -VIII V IK Il VV|\H,',

Killi.T; ll.Principal'sofflrt i.i- from B to ii v. vi.

m IB-aanKUMONT) i (il.l.l.).i:.


h. ii, vi. -sion i...j,i -I ri KVIIIKi: MI --(.,¦ ,| e. ,1,1,111,es III,,, III., lilli-.


I. n li¬

ll. II. Il IBB***, M. A I.K. I*., Prate(,i..-a.

V. K I'.lttiW v. II. II.. Kr..i. .., ror'isti.r HW VIM) li.-VII ll. VI. V..K..I. --,,, ,,f VI .ul a

main(ll VIM.I- II. VV IN- |i>\. M. A.. I.K. I).. I'u

i, ¦¦! I'hvslrs.IK IT UV I IB, V.VK. I.K. I)., Kia,I, -arni Iel,,-

l-lr\.W I! I I WI |). Till iM V-. .VI. V.. ll. I'.. IV!,

er ol' Kl,Hos,,pin.IT.!¦ un ll VI.-KK- uni sVII III. Vl.,1, rn Ult-

I- NIT \-l i Ol v l.'l -HU VI -ll IH \wo lum.n. m.i i..ur .i..ii o per nlm month*

nrsslon co. iii il..- \ ,.ai riff ,n|.linli.i,".ir I. in I. K In .. ami w i-InI,.-. I i.-htv-- V- II doll ll lilli Urti D ll! Will .t III, . \|. li e

,,| a non-re clent ii,.|.-i,l.w iii,in th, ni \, ir more Hun MC mi hi

I... ,i vp. iel. III,c uni III |,l, ,\, in, nt1, ills in, i, li, Iii, ,.|.al an.l POIIVI 1)1 .)M.,). ni inti Di h. Ins Uar far 11Hie olunion.

'I h. -tiii! irj ni in/, im ni. ot ita coll,.\eept|,,ii illi |.I.

it,, lo. at iou lil I. aad healthful, emhrarlnsm.i.

Kol ii i! .,- appia at th. '.. '.v. ii. ki uv i vi:.

I. s-l-e 20 l Tciirui in,

tl 'I -riKuii. pok lui \ <;i. vnn-- v\n ii i itt- i. it: i .-.s

Kl( HMuNli. V v.Ilii -1 - n (...'in -I kit vim i: gil

'¦ ll, A l,| ,.|||l.Mollai i.¦ un i,i ni..,i I. vu KBll

III " I- I lu Prill. >| al

QT. MA UV »8 ( ol.l.lTii:.(, IBIB VI.lal. (. V-I..S ml SI V. N. i .. lay the lien. .11. lin. Kath. r-. lem,-.

|170 i" i".il Kian a ur ol ns vi..s i n-.Int

KRNMOUK IMV I l.'-l TY ll I G IH-I lim,I.. II. A - Klllll Vt Uh, in ltira!

VI, T .ii C. \ i... Kiln, ipal. eeo VBitters! IK.V a. -. lon l.e.'i'i -, ntl inls ll",. IT. p IlI..rv t.. Iii, I no. r-iti ..I Vii-ima. t htjrtl-STUlllTlliiilcl s.ho.,1. -iml. Ill ns'l'lvcl a- lu. iii).. Psof[th. family. I'onli rion! al c il ilnsruv, irlilna fullparticulars,arl4tn i the frlnolpal. |e**0-3m

sJiv A HUI Molli-: i ol.I.Ki. I..0 Kel: BOTH BEXKU

sm a: \ e i n

vii vim i:- ur mk tn h.ini-. -ni it rv nhKIMI sn-.

li, it. minuit Halloa, Phil.I-lill I'llllfK' li IB -I'll, -lelill

ile. and in ,¦'.. vi it, i, irstorj -. i.I.I.oe un,ii un-1:, na ml t. r hrnlthfii ni as. (li a-.Ive .-I,.un '¦ ii hull,Unas sad bu-

\ i,ui'li nnnitlu-I I'll VIKI I: ll. 1--T. Apply olv tn li.-ur.i.lin!- l.ii. |,,i ealalor'iie uni lull ||.'iil li-

ullin -

I.VV VIM, ll. VI VI.II.K. V. VI.. IV. .lill l.t.|. 'J.--.(ni -i. arl on . sty. Wt.

1 ) VM'! V( (»N ( ( V-IIK WI). V V

Th, lorn-iiiniii seaaloai pi n i Hl'l.'-n v VSept. mt,, ¦:. KISS. Mo ol Uh ii|i|ton..- lin, T'.i.lown uni h h. w I'laTil.riMllll Collo. le I... Il ell'I'T. 'I"! lill', ¦! lill

lion ,- I,. If rn,., A-'., semi I"!' eal .! la. I,,RSV. VS. VV ll S SI ll. ll Pl I.Iel,I.

au .",-.|\w!-,-ji v i.i mil. v i.

1 : MV ll,'-I I 1 -( llocl..I So. III SHH I ll ll -I IM I I.

I'h. ion.!,, Bill lol.In I.I alli U'ltlnlin UM i vv nh.liny-nf elev I ll well

a,Iv a'uee,!. ,-v..-ii yiHIIIJii ikiii -. "i: rm -i --i"S

Klein, rn uv lien 1, amt vt ii faaoIlla-lii I- 'i o,.I vi ,n email*Tl

I itiu. I.ii k. K.h >.m..ll|, .'\ ll,, ll' oil.'¦

. ii a ho) luh, ie.¦>. than twa..i ila ia*I. for Ihe Uni ml toni th.

K,,r: aro ut mon o from tl" nu,|,allie! loll ol -III Hill In ll. ele tl'..Ill I I. ll LU I .* ITtli. I.

I'ayiin ut a- folios Ten dollai Mlin In tin-,.. -iv. .-uni nine

in,,ml, norn 1 Uh -eplcint.,a, I-- 4.( ne,,>.,, ai ll..- iMMikstori

ll.(VIA- ll. Si-KW.-.-li. I'rin. I Ital,In, S... I I I north (. l.'l.ll, tl

SCHOOL ''Oil VOl M. I \ I > 11. - WUi.HM.-.

710 BAST (il: v. lilli.

Ml:- ,; "' l"N ' IO ,s, ,,..,svhs, v. i. nvsu .,' IIN' " u

-, iionI. win opt n

-r I'i vim i: ; t.(n uni ,.,-, willi.<- eiupioM- iii ever*. .|. p it ima nt. sml o,r, tcllliv oller, il tor tl,.ttl .-in.I liulsh..! Tu. i-

tn.ioVorclrrular uni ila-t partouiir- apply at tat

iHMikstf.rrs or al 7 ::.. t.m a-nujw -.A

4 < I.A-- IN LATIN < I.A»1< H VOB.\ VI'll -. I IllVlll io iel. lie. w'lh .nell¦, wi-l. t,, leal -el.-. -Moils from the ta-al nilli.T- ofKalin l"|,.-. inti PortrJ I Will abo lei.Ti I. lin al

Vh iii Ul' .Kilo i. <. Itu I. Karil, ul irs willll lu |- r-on.

DUI NU M VIM.'l-.iSur ..I Kalin.

-. Kl- I, -ii.V Ielw Ki.Tun..inI l ol'.av>

II V fORY. Ml-- Fal Mill. li(»VN KN.<>S.w V ork .neI K lou. will naman ll.KK.'.ITI'.S -a ci a Mea i: K">. -..1". line¬ll.,u In aural raltun uni rulr, -hnlMlna. .i ...kiln ii-, i. n v s a

DRAl ll Mill m:v lt ii>RMl \I> K.iviM.isi. vsn nw -i in".i s. !.:

Prank lin Irrrt Kl. luuou'l v i

11. inn, n ruth l»u omni. ur. III K--I. VV -.. pl.nil.. r lt. I--I. net I' )'in. I VJ,I--1.

I ir. ular Bl Ita. '.. ns,- (.'(> »r Bunn ipullra-lloiitosKKIV. II.

|i ".-VV K*-u- ii ITni. Ipil

ail- .ll lill I Kl u III. KbVOTRMmu: itmvi vi:v W IMKM »¦"!: lum - vsn

I'.i.V - on -1 KT I IM1KK BO, al I" i- rs I'h ii" I lt

w. a ... i. saliatt ¦ -".v H'ti"

ii |-- KOBI nt- i ILL t' uki:

-i MOOLii 9DAY. 88*1 WA0M i- i--

M So. Ill TiiiT-li",^.y-suTu.llilsuli _

lt. A\l» MKS. KN(il.l>H¦- ~< U"t»llu);

v,,i si, I vnn- vsn iniii ..ii:l-707 BAST I'h wKi is BTBBBT,

li,, in vi Batatas, i-yiu lin i:-l»vV,BBbbssb*i. r c\o. i,*. t. foi- cl rculai applv io

vin-..ll***-1 a. (.('IM'DN RNUL18H.A I -i.VTIitin


AMERICAN hlNPKIMi VltTKN.Nd. 400, Mais \m> 1"( sill STRBSts.

Hi. Mi-.a.- ss v in- K. iTiu.Tpal*.The -v.lith -a-sslou ..ian- Vii >M> V V ) a. t..l« a

l-l with Un-u I'KIVt VUV HMVltlVlKSlsc 4,(|.Vl,lsl.lll.ltKlil.V! KJU.Jo Jil



(lue-,|ii u. .flic Inwrtlo.i.. nv

(lin-«|ii.ire, tun insvrtl'.iis. J ,M*"ne ,,ii ire. three Insertion*. 1 B'"' me -,n.iri .-)« Ins, rlloi.s. » julciiesf|u»rr,»wi.|vi'lnsi'rtlout. I *.". me *|uair,. in..nth. 10 4)0()nesf,iaare. tWMiii.Hilh.. 1*4 i'llone .|iun-,l)irte nionUi.. BA 04)


^f IS- S. K. WILLIAMSwill rrsumc ihc dnll.-s of her

-i Hool,Tllll'sli V V . sai'isMliKK ailTfl.

at Uar re-nhucc ,,| her l,r.,ther. No. Bill* I .rich-tri*I. . I«. I ar

N10Killi' SCHOOL.Th.. BBsaraBstsr*! sii.m -( ii.mi, wm ia' n-um,,I at No. tit BBSt IT oiWIni s|n,T .,, the Ulta.

Tills school lia* Ins ti In sue,-cs.|ul tapsralloB forst vera! year-, lt arter,!- ni, vrlleiit "pt-, i lino -.

for IO vou)is an . n^aire'l ka taBBaat -

.liirltiK the iluv. Sui,jets taught wallie as III Kug-l!-!l ml T.'i--ic.-il -iTi.m.I. Bl option of pupil. .«svi,.|for eli .ii! ir-,

s. li'.-ll» K. s. sgt'HM'nant a: ur Titi, (irv x m-.i Kn.un. i

IlKin-o- ipsii iti ti ins,,BOA EAST VI vksit vi sTlisar.

Ku nu.<m>. Va., BrplsrabrrB, Ism. )¦rnkui: **j*ill be a TEACHERS'I VIKKlTSi. al th, lil, hu,,,,,,| High s.Ti.n.I oh-VII ri.VV thc IMli ll ..'clock v.M.. al wt,I, I, tim,. \| | (III- IK VITIM** arr rr-.iiiiie.i i, i,. aa tin. will I- Bulgara* 1Ih. it r.-i-... Uv. -. Iiix.l. |-.,r tl,, iii-ulii.' armluii.Thc pul.Ile -eli.h.Kef Will !». ..ih li. .1

ii M('S HW Un 17llili.-l.tiit. al li ... Th-S, X. MI., iaa.-1-l.a all ll,, ..Kl scholar-., ami oil I I axil V VHie I sill Instant mw ..liol u will ipply cr tegi-ir-uioii. VII pupils r,,r thc lliu'ii school will ria-.non VliiSDVY Ik* itt* iii-Uut.

( ll VSiM "!¦ -i ll(i"l. Ill-I IMi IS.h il portion of Via.Il.-school |li.trio Inn-

w, -I ..I'll), mil,Ile line ,,| i luna sir.-,, t!,,,i V|mi -ir-. li i- ).., ii trtiisf. n'. T to IT).a -rh,h.In.-iiT.-t. I-. vi. i, vi:ni. i i.

-ii)- rlni. ..I I ll, -. S.,.,1e |_\H .< lll-.ll

M'"l>- MANNIE W Mill KNUl III si VII usu

- < 11. i. 11 imiiis

iii-nvv vivi i-rii si i) suhbu)

N... 2ii k v-i i iii: ii -reiI-f- 14-t.Vsii-'t*-


Ml-*- TANNEU'S **( ll* >< i|.. ii,,,s,ti..o| ha. bera r.m,,w.| Ir.un 7(11 west

VI on to l I 7 vv Kart VKVIN.Hu -cv. uUrlitli -, .sion will lieglu ll rsDVV.

scptetul.ei ls. | fur further Inf.,ri,,, .nen-ir- ,i h.H.k .for.s ,,, apply .1 ll,. r.-|-.hl.Off the l*t nt Ipal 7"! *f.t Vi un.

-. 14-1,-u.t in ll*

'IM1K liNllEKBIONED I'Ksl'KiTKI I.-I KV .ii,fionii.-f- hil Hit nevi Malua ,,i loll"V|K--ill'i(il K"l; ittiV- will brain -1 I'¬ll vi itt- i." 15, 1-- t. ami pud .lui., -,. !--!.

KM-- -Jil', pas ill, In is|ll:.! IllsOllmeiil. ,1'...iruiiiliig. nil,hlu. uni ern|,,| i -si,,i.

I nw Vl.'li (.. (,W A 1IIV1KVTu! -r-v III. lt moa, a const) V I,

RBKKRBXCK*: I ai lilt) nf ITovrr-llv iaf VI rr I-Ula, :a< ullv ol Kl, lin,.a,.| ( ullfM.ori lill, ml lill'''¦.I', willi.' .-.uilei,un VI ii.,,.I. H. (Til!,,.rm V.'i. K. W, lats* '. VK. .i... in. Walkin-. Mr. Joalahllyl.aii.l.Mr.Jars Luipi., aslf-laawli

i;s. < \MM'- -< inni|. kihi Bomtil. Illltll .CKsl.lll Off IBIS sl-h,Mil Will IhvIH "O

vitisn vv. s, pi, uiIm jiu,. ,i ihe ...u .g. ulh 'I'liii -tn.I-.., pol', nio -.. .Tieiilur -il VV .-I ,V .lol,,,

toll'-or Ihe rts|,|. ma ol ll,, prue lp,I. 710(a) I

Urara- l,.,t -. |.*,-,,.,|li),l

/ -IH iMlMtNION Ml s|\k*s i ol..I f Kl (il

Baa. HOI VI xis STBBI i.-, ri n utii .n I'.'.'n "< I"1.1 lt |s)

:t....k iM.pliu'. I .iiiiiiii.i il Kaw. i'..inuier.T .'Villein, p.. I'..lill, .ll Kr.m. lYuin.lli III,...un Ac i.H'Kl.l VI SK (>K.iii 11-lin Kiln.!|.il.

I * sh I i:-l I *i -. HOOL, I'KI'KK--l Kl I.i. V V. I h. niii.T. eiuli annual asSaSSJ

MOMlAV. no.' I Ile .rough J.rep'l-railuii for L'nlvrrsll) ol Virginia snd I'nltcd-i.i'.- Vliii! uv ml S ii .1 V.ail.iiu.-.. Illa-hl, iel, T ll) Kn ullv nf lill' I ulvi rallJT OlV ir: una. lui' lal in 'lint.>r-. Pupils mil¬lennia sn...- nil -mnilou h.-alUituI I irll lplill) .'ia. eli .1. i. ..I I. l-l- -ll n-tlalimtti I. Por e iiaio.'n nliti*.

W .."IMMiS VI. ( VIMau .-.-oin ll.-.i,I Basti I.


HAMI'ATIKE MA I.K M'Al>EM\|l,. IM. all, ll.I lill I.I will i.lie

ian i.ii ii.. I Ula vv is ... mia u,I. iel,, r. VV tl I.I Wi |"l:t-- l'..\ IIB VV ls.tu .-

iii iti ,i ti,, i diver-It) ol V Irsrlata.I,,, .-ir. ina, appia t"

i oiosai i ii*. m v- lt ( vi: 11 i:vi ii,.piln I..--I-..I'

sf.;-. ...Il in Klug Williamemily.I I ANOVER ACADEMY,II i w i "K-v it i k i'<>-1 -orrti'B, va.

( ..11. MIK VK'V P. -JuNc-. VI. \.

iii, flilrli-r,nilli annual -.--Ion Isylli- s! !"IT VIKKI, .'lilli-I .¦ lui prov) cu for-mall !">)>. semi for cala*

loBTUP. Iv lH-p."lll(cl

li lIMcMi SEMINAItY,.,. T I- V-I UH V( I -I Kl I.

imi nvi'.sn v v.


lolls ll. KdW KKK.**l Of !'. V l"V ( «.,.,..i,i.. I', m.lnilsM I. li.i.uiviii '" ' "Ptntjutm,

Th, weiiih s,...i,,i, of Mit- BoantlBg and 1st)-c.I toi ... el.. un) ii will iMga.ivi,.sn vv. -. pi. ii,'-a :i'i>. IBh I.

ng ill ,1,,, ..u % mt a in iM"n 'in

Im gnu, ii hy ay|ill< atioii al liar '"-¦* um m i"

Mn iTimTp.ils. au 1 l.-u.AVV Ll

\|i-- STAN \i:i»W III. Kl "ITV lill; -I ll"',I.

os ma

17 ni "I -H'TT- Mun:S |0** w, si Qfac- tl, ft.

- -i I a I V 11

1)1 I IT s' WIIIMll, lol." I'.ul* ASHI v "i si, vii s |,.i, -i l-l t viki i: I'.arn il-I "Kui. u.iin. BulMtllS uew. p'.-r .a.ll.ppil ll -. 1*1*1 w.-l VI Hu -H.. I. ol ali..mT,'.i lulls Pl I I I - VI V

I'u paii: vs i. Ki itv I IB.

ni I .:--'. W it-.,,, I limit.

\V a-iii\i.tmn wu kkk i mv Kit¬ti -I I V Kl VIVI, l"S. V V. Inliii. Mon In

ih. n ,i .1 i, I, mi, m.I Iii Ha. i. ii ili ,. ii h..rina I '.. illou ii- ""'

ml. I \|. ,¦ ci. Ni xi . i.i»'n--l ri viki i: 'om. K..i u iionu. i.i.n.¦.( Kl l."h ". ll) Vi I V

is 1--W I %-, Tu ., Will K. I'i, -I.hut


IT. '. - ,r ll V--I Ul ffl - -' ll'H.K MBfaBBI BBii,, i.iiu munrviki-a, i,,r Battauiir- assti-,1 lol ip. 11 -ii.Tn'. Ililm

Ml NICAl..

IM.. K. I NM! .

;\ v. in i: Off un it vs"-K"Imi....i m. i .' " oi nt. Bas [totalI ....-ci

\ll.,,\,l Mule, -lull.' Ill Will I.e. oe ., Il,mil.I

iiiiiiiIh r of pupil-.. ,|| ,, In Itt! H "iT -irrcl.a l-l I..V aol'

|MM:i» i . ll MIK. I'I I'M.iiK KHAN/|^ i-/i mil Hl'.lH.i: hi vi. -ni i.

. 1,1 VII -ll VI. IS-IIM ( I ION 01

l-l ,.a <M I a .1.1 I.'.

Oratara raay i- I-it sui, ii.. ffjBBt «ff Baaas v.1 Hil ,. A I... I-- kwlll, I Kui,un.

'. VV .VU' Ll

Mu n. BOW im ii il < i.aitwill, ki -i ai a ni-

i\-i IM i"S is vii -u vi vi:to iM'gllilier ile! ll\ Ul'', T -ticl, ill ol, ll,,

1st ii' in rniiKl:.i ii ima!" I' el t.. BB] |a|

I,ri, wSvBVlMtt

Mi:-, i v. -kwms.\ -, liol IB .,,

-nra,,.r V vs 'I i ix. .>( 1 i,u rn*.will f, -. I.sin VIM VI Ml -I" on (M

I. ,|:i I: I tn) romaaanl. itlou h fl alta I: .

i vi, m.i Kykta.l S I ... ..( M aaa .. ¦>

,i, ,.... e utli Dili,i m. wm in prompt!)| |... I, Lphoiir.SM .7 . .) (w*


w III i< nun- -ii it --.,s-

i, vu i altaiITU i:-l'.VV lt., -"tli -. pt. nu..


4 ll I N \ 4. lissa % Kt. Ar.

V K W «¦ imi la-

We have I.,,w ..ii hil,.I BBB ." r.e. lil,,/.lalla..ur tr VII. -I"! K "V .-u-Llla* < .

IHN.VUt-. -TI'l'Ml. IlKIVhlV-l It.V-.

i. VIII -, tii,|i>V -I KK -I 1-- i" . aariely ami

u l..w pru*,-,; als... i full mir >I N'»\ BLI la>aatl

ll"l -KU KSI-HISi. I.U41I1-II U. TAYLOB.loll Malu -utii. >'». *"'** **

ta alt H*A. Jt:*4tt.lJl*l. atc


a-aJM Mais stkssT, BK'BBiasia, Va. maatUNI". VV ill Uart ANOJKVV kl.KV

ni winson ano >n vt.uw vkh|c J 1 o.llm