library of congress · tnmatttjacinref thereof, or from a per . nkw zealand jbasjouome time suf t...

TnmaTTtJacinref thereof, or from a per . Nkw Zealand JbasJouome time suf af ITsak and Jw Jaa.aa,"uot- - Uwlu 1 t Commox Onion Sauck. Takeff iWLO I, .- -.i . ..HI Sa ii ni 1 -- II ...-- a missoub. At Kansas City, about 2 o'clock the morn- ing of the 19th, a man named Petell, from Detroit, Mich., was stabbed in a house on .Wyandqlte, nd JSixth Streets tfy St man SamjpdyAe4 frU bAdiecofaftauaint-e- a with Maher's wife, and it Is alleged had made her drunk. He retired with her to her bed-roo- m about 1 o'clock. Maber had been listening at the front door, and as soon same coupie naa reureojiMvpi. in, JrfVi iifeERBREAD, One cup of sugar, open the 8in,p, one cup of sour milk. ilOME AXD FOREIGN flOSSIP. A PXinttrSrf Jtmomery, Ala,, sines airs from y pinafore correctly., and in a splendid manner." A Chinese boy in Pekin has recited t he whole of the New Testament in his native-la-aen- n Tins prettiest jotd pieeenoiWireulat-in- g in France is the 20-fra- nc piece bear-m- g the head of Napoleon for the year 1805. It looks, like the coin of an old Itonian Emperdr, . ' Miss Payne of St. Paol became a se-crt- its sanokeri UWhoritwe ffentlemen called she hurriedly thrust lighted rwr.-iirW'- ka tttufiwas s)) A fl)Tflze-receivis- Durns tha werpjilinost ' .isrr Arw AnViiifn fTa ndn l.t i s. ; wiiom ne had not seen before' since he , :. : was three years old, although He had i i . "a r or five white onions, half a pint o milk, one ounce of butter, jocupper and Atf to suit yqiy Vf't-- I feeaie onions auqbou thtly liyjjiari.tensVr; press tne water from them, and chop them very fine. Have the milk hot; pulp the I onions; add the butter; pepper and salM to suit vour taste. .0 half cup of butter, one tablespoonful of ginger, one teaspoonful of soda, flour i enough to make it thick but not so stiff tlill'w1Pinoth without the aid a spspa. icaKMn a smau-size-a anp psBi sstu tflft out as you want for Hasty IVddiko. Place on the Wvfe a pan containing six teacupfuls of sweet milk. Beat two eggs well, and add one tf.ifiinfnl of milk, six .t!il)lcstxii)nfiils of jfouanLi Ji&fc saltj Beatw 1 together, Ihejfstirltif ttie nnlktoiv tlil,sve just before or as it beginto boil. V hen as thick as mush put in greased cupsto mold. Made in the morning and fiateii wiOi 8weeTenea'creamfor dinner, it is excellent. 7 JTQ Boil Potat0eT Sec1 those of apoii one vasip very ixiuan uul uo not pare. "IHit ihto ti pan or cold water ffof hour before .boijin In boiling- - use no more water than will cover them. TBI miijentlhy $do, tu off the Water and set the kettle on the Pack of a cloth over the potatoes ana tne cover draw n to one side. After a few" ' twmients, take off the cloth, sprinkle a little salt ow, put onthd cover and shake up thai putatoes. Let them Staled with the cover on for a 8rVfrc,:;r- - r": VBoiiri TosGfE. Soak for two hxD3 Mid win a .skewer through the ?Kt.Jfilet tongues; tie some string 'fotlQd the noiot of the skewer ami fasten Jteathelhet'end, to r give the tongue the forjof An arcli. Boil fonr about three hours ;r"i done immerse in cold wa-te- c and f -- iff the outer1 skin. Truss $niae,: afresh, in the form of artf are;hvfafut xru press sideways, between two dishes with a weight on the top, and when cold trim it smooth :. or jrith a small, sharp knife carve the surfayeso as to represent leaves. '" If hot, swtve with sginac-- ; 4f ooltL garnish with: veal Tried Liver. Pour boiling" holj ya-terov- er it and sliee thitj. Sewoniwell frtfh kalt-ar- ia "brotl ov !t clear fire; rub cold butter on it a,nd serve hot, with small slices of fat bacon. It can be fried with bacon in this way: Cutlhe' liver into slices about half., an inch 'thick ; melt two ounces of 'nice clear dripping in a frying-pa- n ; ditsdge the sliced liver with Hour, and fry it over a pretty ijuick fire ; .thep, fry rash- ers of bacon ; lay the liver ill a, hotdish and the bacon upon it ; fry and place isrdiind it, if liked, onions Lu"el line and. I I lived 'within 100 miles of her" all Uie 1 time.' ' ' " Alf orchestra consisting; of two violins, a cornet, a base viol and an organ, all played, by convicts, and a choir of $g r prisoners. Is a regular aceomnanirnent vrf the Sunday services WAiibTlrn' (X. Y.) Prison..- - ri , ThW oldest Masonic relic in the world 'wis sold for $178 in Toronto anada, the other day. It is the Masonio certifi- cate of Souter Johnny, of Burns's "Tarn O'Shanter," and was issued by St. Janies Lodge; AJT,T irt: 1799. i Pinned to the corner of the diploma is a lovkof. High- land Mary's hair. n .fciii ' Tn& "Waste Not' ' Soelftty is com- posed of Sunday-scho- ol children at Brighton, England. Its members saved in 12 .months about $125 .worth of refuse L paper, and sold it for the benefit of two little girls, who were thus supported at thA nrnlifinnerpj 11 1'ftiK seh)fs'of neeflfe-wdtr.Vaintth- g, (clay modeling, , paifitine oif'TWrcelain, wofid! carving, tek'grap?fcti9t-hand- , cooking and various other arts, 'are now offt-rrn- opportunist's for girls of evert-variet- of 'capability.- The school wood carving and modeling, now estab- lished at the Boston Museum, of Fine, k Arts, offers advantages to pupils at very low rates. Its instruction is of a thor- ough and valuable sort such as not often offered to young men. j- - Thk Sisters of Charity in .tho. United States number 1,179 rin' charge of IOC establishments for the care of orphans, r.m infant widows, jnthtirT.inane and . school 'children.' "All" of 'thtise, ins.tituV 'tions had their origin in ' tbe onsecra- - tion and labors of one woman. Mother Seaton, who began in 1808 in Maryland ; the formation of a sisterhnQrLJn connecv . - tioni'with. a school, and that was the parent of similar societies, 'now widely taieely browned, or sarhih "With CsDjjit, nnolied to laLur. nronrnteifbv pner- - . j scattered mrougnout America. Cartwrigiit, .who died short time ago in an English Work house, was an extraordinary character .t ile had. been well educated and tw fortunes had fallen to him, one of .$200 000, the other of $400,000. . "Both for tunes were spent in ostentatious living. so that he became utterly destitute an ' 4 ,,; was sent to the Work-hous- e. There he , ; lived many years quietly and contented " iy; ana tne luxuries which he enjoyed .. - were obtained by writing poems for i .bans at nan. j. ' knot avar itlsad tH n m a aa Lkat mmrmtnmf daida Siaf aaSly SI uaHd. Aiaat araat MaMoa awtka, asS (aks Uta aVauoa Clrau- - aarsnaa. w. a avyaa tfmw auJ M. 4uv Sa. wXma l.l ,' f .lMna.l'l Th re and One-Quartf- ci i'-- t f.Sa,'Ma BawavBs4 r Osnrtit aflaai FaBsr-Baaa- Vaclwalars Ma, alH tar maamaaa. ajaaaaUf a rstalat at Sda. ' KIMBERLY.'GLARK & CO. vAfJ (" '.' . ' J ' ' ' . i ADVERTISERS 't . ' aEMtMMMfl TO i.r Tie HEADERS itf THIS STATS v ; " CAJt V) SO M THB ' ' Cheapest and Best banner, i ff - "ill f . .. . - . - 2E . PIIATT. , 9V Javokaoa ritrMt. Cbiosdroa OflI aboie ai lurnims fiw nailis, nwd apfernas aC1Fand dial' sww lw Hetmd rMnlll., Urn, 4WSS MAkStk. m US S)aav SW K. U . GRAEFErjDERG TBwBTABUI Mildest rrsr known, owa MALARIAL DISEASES, HEA0ACHE. 9ILI0US NESS. IN0ICESTIOM snsl ww FEVERS. Thsss' Teras as ska tystsm restore rinsin to those strffsrii nsrvoutnsss. 23 HOLIDAYMOSIC ! ' ' , . ' Six Christmas Carols. rTAimjrr? , , Alio niaw Uaw Saw Carala pmmt har uL Christmas Gifts. MmlHinla surh an liKWTi IIF KNIIIJmM tuisili. '. uwi tm or orm. siirneiMki Or sum, ar one or the thirty otaer ot Mniiiar aula, wauins ' " frero M ttj H each. n1 IncJiMln aarb from au la twu nanoraa pnoiuar Suajaarinira. i, Christmas Gift, Ma. Om tar. Varaet, or any luad or Orrheaual InMrumenL a MuaVi lk laiae er email i. a IMm. ar any Tn UutnUBaaa, suuauca. aauruu , i - i Duo Mmr win do watt in in em nt rnmatts wttk Di ihi in !)! oiil a Aa.STioie.,fi w) ) eonUlnlnc b't plecaly turn bmI aa Valuataflaa. J Tnawrt flday Son! Son tank. WIITI RntlK, Hiicta.) wUlto nwataooapUUnraiaul liarsSMBdaf Th nrUrnt Temane Sons law. TKMPItRAMOl ir, KIA ' micu, i im, will (l w inmiat t laflgrwi nnima imssiiifa. any amua ouuiea lor mm nnaa I OLIVER DITSOX k CO., Boston.. C. M. Blaww at ?avl . SV DtsaeA 4 Csa, MSSrsadwsj.R. t. ttt Cksataet Ik, FkUm. mm In ellmtnatln Ibe Imtniri Itee of lb bionl. th Mlnml aad aecresry reatt lariaw earenf esadt Ml4MWnl oih-rai- enjm imm Pli.mi Incliallar ilaaii a. S'tfala. and 4iierwH-ea- It I Hi la-- t atlaad fairtaxv, and atlmav-lale- a every functtoo Ui awn bawlUifOI action, and I hits a benefit In all riisanne. S.sajpiu Siiwi aaa" tja H aiK. f aMIyalUa, Plalwaa. ferl lrU. 11. dr.. n re rarcl hy It. aae tlltew. 1 1 la uncqualed a an ApietiBMrvnd Kenlar Tonic. It I a medicine which aiioald na in eery ntmlly, anil wlii h. r uanLwIU aav neynient of mny cPcn wn. H ati.n of two in- - ; iirire H esawk and M. BUTWARNER'S Safe RetTfsdles are s4M by Srupglils A Dealers In Med-lo- in 1' li Yrl everywhere. H,H.WimlC3., J0CHE8TE1. V. T. The Only Kemedy THAT ACTS AT TU BAM TL1A 01 THE LIVER. THE DOWELS, i . and tho KIDNEYS. Thti tembined tvitioHgum it wna-- potcer to emr ail linwia-- s. o Iilrrful Are We Oleic? JWaunt ww im thmgrmtorganAl Iio become tmigyed or torpid, end I XintotXs blood that sW. 1$ orpmUedl norwrnwf . . - ISli'v'-rf..--"- l rUaklH, A SFHTOta VIHOBVKalH, fr eautifiofree action of OKm and rtttnna their power to tkrom oft Wky RaflVr Unlaw Bala a4 sekraf . I war tonaeated wltb I .Ua, twaatia I Why frlrkleaed rer SUarwVrrd lildaeyat WJlif BBfW ai i wrik krwdacawal W hy kr aleealeaa abrku I . 17s KIONKT WOBT eaf raVrio la I AeoUA, 71 iJ S dry, aaoBOa Oawnawkaawwlll awakaala ataaf Madlataa.l I Oaf if ef rtr DrttmiM, A w43 srms att jar yew. ua. I XZIS. BXC8AI93CX OL. Pro Ml la winl niiiiy r 11 kmSf as I I 1. Soft raireUTaAhnBWaeAmrilWBrnrtkial I . 8 IZU nwa AddraaiSTnaxjB kOa. fllaad. M I WHDT , WaUTTaTO , TP . AIIS I lM, I ail aw sr jww Wr tke. i aianlssssaayl ka I this ayr. AwWwrtiawrs DJwte fcawrw I wbww waMl will lavssw'd aiiUlnskiBk I . , . i w '" vn t'"k- - I imam - I I ir rei mi nn' p. . . I Iks mt CllsifcUr SiaS I Aacmt aad wbikrr Bat tor Mees sajislsslse tiwswet. bacrrnai prwdaot a par wt. ni's se kwr aa.- - saesmiaWof .. country newspapers and sermons for neighboring clergymen. ' Six boys at Hennepin, Iowa, orran lzed as bandits, on a plan suggested bv . 'a thrilling novel which they had read .'. They could not find a natural onve, and ' therefore dug one in the side of a hill Their first exploit was to' rbb" all th ' "clothes-line- s of the neighborhood on wash-da- y night. Great excitement en fered from an xrtef snppry- - of rabbits whipbv have eaten up the growing crops with . comparative. Immunity. . But a short way with 'the depredators has at Jast been happily discovered. ;By aid of v , 1 if 1 ; 1 an ingenious niacoine cuf oomc oiiue jpta U introduced Into the barrows, : after aS the holes have been carefully, .stopped. The rabbits are soon in the condition-o- f tho Arabs whom the French smoked In their caves. ' In lew seconds a great hubbub Is beard inside, bat this quickly subsides. The burrow Is dutr open after- - a short time, when ' the.' dead bodie,of J uue raDDiu are found huddled. , together in a. corner A French peasant halts before the show-cas- e of a photographer and gazes upon a reproduction of Ranch's famous group of . " The Three Graces.', Oh, those women those women, n sighs the honest man ; they were too poor to buy a stitch of clothing, bnt they could find, the money to get their pictures " '" ' taken!". ; - I Happiness is like manna ; it is to be gathered in grains arid enjoyed every day. It will not keep; it . can not be accumulated ; nor have we to go out of ourselves into remote , places to gather it, since it has rained down at our very doors, or, rather, within them. Groeera arMl Hi raker prs pav 3 to 5 cents a pound extra for batter made mtn Uilt-Eil- e Batter Maker. It in creases the production 6 to 10 per cent. Ke duces labor of cliurnlne one-hal- f. Gives a rich colden color the year rouniL Sold by drucclsts, erocers and general storekeepers. Send atainp for " Uiuts to Butter-Makers.- " Address, Butter Improvement Co., Buffalo, n. y. An Old Alan Rejuvenated. Peter Sbowerman, of Qatavta, N. T- - certi fied Sent. 15, 187t, as follows: "For forty years I have suffered with kidney and liver (lllnculty, being obliged to void urine as often as once in 30 minutes, and have also been frcat sufferer from palpitation of toe heart, now using your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, and can truly say, at 70 years of ago, trim it manes me leei line a new man." Frok; Proctor declares that the earth is still in its youth. Now we know why the giddy thing runs rotind so much o' nights. Utncinnati (Jazclte. Tmt Goldek Censer, of Rockford. 111.. Is deservedly a most successful family paper, be- - ing un sectarian, tree irom advenming, earn- est and pure. Eight pages, (1.25 per year. A postal card will bring a sample copy free.- - Vegetise Is now acknowledged by onr best miysH'ians to ne tne only sure ana sale remeuy for ail es arisini; from impure blood. such as scrofula and scrofulous humors. Chw Jackson's Best Sweet Nary Tobacco THE MARKETS. NEW YORK, December 7, CATTT.E Native Kteen. J7.00 flHl.U 8I1KEI' Common to Choice.. t.M ft ti.llO HOiiS Uvh 4.75 OO rrON Middltnir .... tm 111 FLOUR Good to Cnolee . w e. WHEAT 'o. S Spring 1.40 a lAi CORN No. 3 O ATS Western Mixed 4 AO FORK Mesa 12JiO a 12.75 6T. uovia. COTTON' MiddUna; 12 BEEVES Choii-- to Kaney... 4. SO 5.00 Uood to Prime..... 4.40 4.75 Native Cowh....... a 43 3.1.0 Texas 8teer 2.;,u 3.70 TTOGS Common to Seli.i't.... 4.0 i.m SHEEP Common toCIiniee.. 8.40 4.50 . IjiuiI), per licud.... 2.00 r 3.00 FLOUR Hnieo 0 lt.:'jl XXX s.iio m 6.0O WHEAT Red Winter, No. 5... l.Wi Ki-- Winter, No. 3.. l.flr 1.2li CORN No. Mixed. OATS No. 2. 3iJi - xs KVK No. 4 .... 0 TIMOTHY WEED Prime JM 2..V TOBACCO Hark- - Lugs 2.75 0 3.50 Mi'diiiin Hark Leaf. 4.75 n.oo HAY Choice Timotliv 18.50 0 I'.I.OO BUTTER Choice Dairy. 24 0 28 EG44S Freh Candh-d- . 18 0 19 PORK Standard Mi's 13.00 a 13.40 VyoOL (Hioieo. , 53 0 6.1 Uuwaulied Medium.. 5J"0 35 CHICAGO. CATTLE Native Stoera. 2.25 0 5.40 HOGS Common to Cuoice., 4.4S 0 4.V0 8HEEP Common to Choice.. 3.10 ,'0 4.40 FLOUR Extras ' 6.00 0 7.00 Superfine 3.75 0 6.00 WHEAT Spring No. 2 l.S2"0 1.32. No. i 1.150 1. 16 CORN.... 4O,0 40 OATS Ko. S 35 SO ' POItK Mess..... 13.45 at 1X56 NEW ORLEANS, FLOUE-IIi- Kh Grades., 6.75 0 7.7 CORN White 57, m an OATS Choice "... 4 0 AO HAY Choice 21.00 e 25.00 PORK Mims.. .......... 13.50 0 14.00 BACON I......... O5Ai0 OOrTON Middling filllf Cvolrersv ninstratedCatsIogus UUH4 Iran, (araat Waaaprn Om Wart. Htutiurch CCC A WFKK inyonrown towa. Termnand 4U H Sft wtnt (rea, Addr U. UalieU ACaPw tland.kla " 1 .4Vpr Trfh fr fwirtlil mtnni, T itialpaM.Soc., 1". W. Ijmi. Ma a. nnflY1'' OurApentsmskelt. New W JUUUunoua COE. yOMUH kOO M. Louis. XI o. Enellch Branches 910 a mr. Wrlla to Millard Great Buainna Client ILeokuk. la. lrnillIIaknoaraSiirAalVoni.irf. UriUm Atlanta.' Ga, KeHaM T ntdma) siren, aanKieraaes to cures paneau am wnrsiciaus. ood fox mr bouk on Ui habUaud lu ravTFltlUL -- Snill9al HmklM ItaMtrwrwal In iCl . toTxruiLM. aLrfsbaDou, Obit, m mi rxng ww iwmiwHL ruuui-rn- t tTsT'in or n:no. Mall! on recent of Send 'Ac stump frr 1.50 wortll of MaMle UJ. JML TakttAT 4k Ca. piul Adlubla, v. WboIesirleTswd reta'I. Send forprteev HAIR list Oood sent CO. n. wiin made ti or;lar. K.BU&N11A1S, W. Miill3..n-M..i:hlca- ruYnsAm1 tioi.iw. TIMS. uvitabOs sasin. ryn f iniateier aemtaSilresA mil bear of a icrcttt-- ' m iciitlon. paoT. Jtrifcl'll, l In lit iaMiirar? f ta.aMWaxaam brtt iwi.taj Cai'll.1. With - aiail l'i rl.a OTiin la.l t - In. 1AWBENCS m CO., 1 ItrhsaM racK mk. . X m ' Srats'mnwyioiiU iki Omshlwand Ms-- - ' '' n1Sriiaiuiimsed nbrkakjd WW(,T ia,. rn i A sanat a).wl Nmid foc-- t Broadway, New york. Beware of spurious lutual. DVKeS'BEAWD LIXIi. S ilmfmmmElEmTi ASK vou r Mer CTCUV ADT ctiarit fcr the vv mm ww ara mm a i fnS a rtrlttitw. ftud buy no other until Jrn I nareeeen It. It to th rhMiwM fttid I nt, warr.ii - en to pIphsa you. (Send ttvrlrm , JOHN itANAfitri w.Mtbato Atjit, au M nam WWlt bU iAMllJk, M(A, J IIROWT SAn IW.awn-HOO- t 1 Uie HmfM I hrtn teweiier's eat and tbe youns awpll's liest snide. Motharsaaa intru1 tnetr children properly wi erery position at tn hand and Snaws la fullr lnintratad by nam-T- oo enamvinKa. PricepoBtaoe-pald- . . Jnblihd by i HI. A. fOa at CO.. 25 tlmon anwara. N. T. - AGENTS READ THIS. aavi wilt our ren SatirrT i Sir! iter "month and ex , r allww a laiv vna-aWiH- . 4n U onr n w ana wunaerru. inTenuon. e men rre wiir. l W. AddMa SHaUtaTAM ktxxt Harahall, Mica. WE LOAN MONET cSMNSS property. addren iwltbaumDi f. aawie Dower Aemctsftini H N mh'.. stIi'.Ma I lAOKkTS KRWOKSTRt-- WA.NTfcD. AT SIX PER CENT. inWWVallt iriwdiiir. ill ui;il I.Ti-- iHHlict mi w euitcd to to fnfaiit and arowin child an KI1H.KH HH 11 m no Mic mwried arnele. WOOLKICH A 1X1 an every land. nnwrnna nr a OTTn vrtV A TnTTtTT SS Wliai TT OB le aa m w - Mm I v 11 ROUND THE WORLD fl BY GENERAL OKANT.' jQ pntcii onxjT faweet-eellln- r h--m mtn and tbs This to th rjWWiwt. anly cmiilctc and authentic hlstcry mt I r. ela. Semi f. ctreolan cmttliiim diwerld.e af tb work and nor eilra lerin to A"utt- - Aihlrrm Mathikal Ii;i.i.-min- w Co, s. Lual. Ma Orest Remedy ' Cariav Oouith, AL Ids, trnsampy. B, Aamma, c. Sndfil ssd B":oahiys sad, all Tfeenut and Physie'an, tb Pre, L Lanr affection. Bere. mm A ArUietad Tecpl. Try UU Allsa's ton Bel-- BALSAM is year LUKE THE CHILDREN TWPPY I mitiie NunsEnr.ii Moptbly Magulaa for Ysetfst Readers. Seaerkly Illwstnrtstr. W &nd O easts 1 for a Samoi Number and Premium Z,uL ;A 1 Liver Complaint. 1 This tianm mj lw saM IS limm Mr Iran Ui- - aumiarh bniix uul irf m tttr find .Oea JM Mm Monies tiftnc miV tt roer Uv Mm 4 mi m whit; ana wnjT ah in Dtnao m wm bona bmtr Mwi ttinwrb urn Uwr ma Irwjmm atM u htm tn blllmu muter nwraum rm IL a tha lw mi (cruTtiiixn Ultit tw MJirr ImBaritf tm ttm ki. u will Mi! wHMh uvmnummt the IMm. Uj mnd Uj, bmmr, urn lairur.Ur lu ll tnt. wIllTrtxKTlhfi i rMr. ml rmfrr m m tla torpid: mi'D It Kltl ta ixrfnno II Hulr ot strMa. Huiuuttoet.ffA.- - Onfj poMwwin fcf Ml 1 ttw itrr: and t(i rialt.lll tw an ntntrnrtMl. I'iUudmI ni MB IB 1 Mur i It, Unin. awl wieh th rlliuai, prwn bf Imctx 'I ar ryaiptutM "" iMI apnimn-MMtini- r niWIniiH p a r VTKWmrfci in tlw riclit nlil.s Imluriiis unoT WMrtimv: amili. ki. 04ifiil arlw, 74kiwmB of Wir ys fevw soil itnit turn. HltlmVrrLUela fcH ai n lfUHs nmcuK i nm t oar urK rartoi lArvrinw plaint i and UiU kv w rikr at Um r 'fo it il ls, nuMartim tlw iMomacri. thi Mimt. t' IIt- and m swral hrnlt at the uaw On. IbMf l 1.NK tint IU ' o nils, Ufa riu eauct a ajnadi cura. ba lata. ..... .., v I Eochester, PoUctmaa 'Gained Eight j Poun4 in Jhxee Weeka.? M . H." R STaram: " ' Itnr sir llatii2 nanl bnt Unva bnttlaiia' mir rra ETINR In a tptj had raM of Ijiw Cuiniilaliit. I Slid arwli iniiautliis MpHllr. am atelHtilnc . rlKat riiif Ifiwrv at hnnrnt Mian I did hn I Ue wi Mlln It. and bfllrTP. wlta acutiUiiiunppot samali itua ML, iiwr. s shall he pntln-l- i I brcan tkln Uis VKiiETINK 1 was tinclt-- r the nuetacs car Was atrk a IniHrUme. TSr. smtta, wia bad iWitI rrmt iiem-n-t fruinlaklns tlie tbntfLNK. ailTlani aie to lr It I ma cnsprfiilir rrmaimi-n- d It t evrry onr aa a snd iwill- - rine. as tnr tia.i iE aa auoe awn fur aw uian im dvctlinoaulltka ' I ' em.l Youn truly. ' !' ri t ;! JAMES A. JOHNHON. Pulkc Offiar, Na SJZ llruwii SC. Uacbn. A T. - ' Socm tMUWa. mta, Oct. tU 1 S7S. Ma. H. R, Snrrms : sir j 1 to'vrbcsn slrk twarsaniwRh Oi Lrnsr Cimiplaln and durtiia tnst Utn liave tsJiii a nam alSrn nt nadllnr. but suae id thai did me anf S'mhI. 1 was resllp nluhts. ami bad nnaiwtlt. Sia" tvkinK Urn VHittCTINK I ik wIL and rHbiii mr Ian nTuuiOHMMl IIik vw.KIINK r wtuu Ubaa dm It - me. l ours raspsrtni nr. VI itnm nt UIS SIm.. M Id. aLBJCRT BH'KlUa LU. UCMIKliB M. AIUIil Mrdford. Mass. VEGETINE PRKPAKEO Bt" II. Jl. STEVEN'S, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists.! f J Tla In T5 . V-- . vrlli JTiMty, X UU Over kaa Mara, If Sara a VAUH or VUlaga IXT, raolrtuf !SJs71rQssVErFB $2,000,000,000 f T'i rmf n't Minin rxttlaM .0 "re asnemlrit la FKNCIN41. To fcKoenar new Waatera SrM will coi a mB'h more. Ererjr FARM ami TIU lase IIT Owner, It A ST, WKST, anil son II, H f'lerettit. Tofeneea e Farm eoaiaft'NXt tn stTim, anil for a' SOx'00 Vlllnite !t lo SIO-I- . Wood Arncos anos itccar. Bui s New Era laatkanit. Bjr new Invrntlona, STEEL and IKON ar aminlaiit WOTID, rornlaliliis better. Cheaper, sad InmMna Krnei-a- . The SDih Volnme of Uie Americas AsrlraU t a rtat Ifor In!) now brlnnln, will irive rery , mnrh Information aiiont new Feaelns. with wianr Knermrlnr. (The Number for. Dec, let haa ill nfrarlnca ot Barbed Fenrln. and murk InUrrM. Inf matter. Sent poal-pal- d lor 15 renin.) tW Toerery one lnterete1 tn FENCING for a FARM, or Ylllar IXHT, tha Sum Volnme ' - of the- - American AffrtumXurimt win I wortk Ire timet, if not a bnndred timet, Ita email coat. JiiT; tieatdea hi aoore rmportanl featare. th. Atntrican AtirirHtturt wtS ss S Tery (treat , amoaat of VajeTal, Fraetieai, Reliable IaUraaaHaa for the Farm, the Clardea, ' and Ilaaaehald (CblMrea btcJadrdl-a- nd orer SOO Orlglnnl l'n(rrnTlsicai( '' inntrattns Lfi Vir-aot-Jl nff, Lnbor-htJpia- onstrlT. aneea. Animal. Plant, Frnlta sod Flower. Farm J)ulMmn,mdmanyofter Picture InatrneHre nd ' plraalnato OM and Ymbsv-- U I aefnltt ALL as i Vlllag, and Cowntry. : It constant expos are of Ff TTITllirft, which ha ed o Its readers many Million of ' Iiollara, will be eontlnned 1ircniilr. Fur the ' lone th America AirrlruttMris; nhoold tw In prerp faml'tr. no matter how mm kther jonrnnl re Kkeni alo for It Special l formation ailH nmlrlrnde of' pleasing sad Beful f!nszvlnr In rhlea It far axcal all other Jornb. I TIHRI tpontan prepaid 1.S1JD a year. Four topic, ss. etnale number, is crnia. (Od apec. rien only, for two cramps.) t tF-Or- er 12tt YalaabUFreralBB Article and Books are offered to thoae setllns' Up rlutis. j Premium Ut lent oa receipt of S Cents pofre. 1 OR A NOB JI'DD COnPANT. rwh1lhen), I 343 Brwwdwar. Nw Tarfc. , HAkER'S PHILADELPHIA - Tiist ons.t he i:nv Ff CwMaHI.B,.Wrrlal. IwMulf. . ,riM fnw , ,i1mM IV CVminimiitliin baa been cured araln asd amln by th HmtiUfr'eiim'irhuilitirm nvlh' tir'frfiUllilv thmuail the use of tills trntti woiidiTrul reniiHW. whlcb la pro. nmtmett by tbr kian fn'itlutfj Ottlauriay to b bwtai fooll Mint iMfHIIelne. liccln Ita war pramptly, ami Ikmt lam lift and mkibliAk AeiUA. Ualay prepare lltkrr'a l'reCml l.ltef 0.1 with Phoankatesr Mai, Blker'al'arel ad l.iref 0l With Pko, Hlldl fcerry Bkrrn I'nre tod l.lrer Ollwltk Kxtrnet of wilt. tar mle by all drmnriiita. m1 tor amiihlet to j JOHN C. BAKE A CO., Philadelphia. en red by the use of MA n LfTlU HLIt SLPIM61IXI11V. Suld tit all dnicslnia f Iaa Cairw for Ciwaiawaaav. i tlaw I also fa beeteoocb med- icine, IM niaall,-k- ttl I 1 larva Sold KTWuem . : 1 and , n i2t u3 famuli of Cars mailed REE. , rpfVr-- . AwrADBu rnnr an an oniie eiirw i"r l aisrrn, v? Vff-ltri- ii AUma..nsba, tda. i T .Mirai!,. lc. I'ns-i- - t. n:'.' on. (JViUk lirn'l AsXilSOIlretVlAUla-aa- . RCfvNs mvkt AWyv "9 Iwrlirr Br., Chlrkrrlntpu tlaja,tk. tmvy m, Hmp. fr.tiTM th CfiW Kwmd lfjrfTefr ntmTy M 4. '41 Ms. ft OrfMno, 5f cAof IntcmtfUjar next MO day Snd vf JuUiUmfMm, m CTI1DV & I I MO wl9OttrStrtik3t.lA9vt0.Xm IUni m VAtari i im 5iots, CAfctvo, a CIO to 010,000 ar 13 IriraatiK in 8yndteat Operatiorie rnSteeke. Till plan pbi tb Rnallest onenkar. with na lnreav asaiitar IriMnSin to SHMaaasar wttk tlMoo wtwawas SI0.0O0andrlldSblramnronfatlfmaleanAL Itanranai aUko alt UwadTantaimnf lam eapitx. nd wlthill-- d eiperieoce. mil Infirmatlon aiailcd lie. . kddreas BVAJtTS.BAIUiJSCO. Banters. i Broad St. M. T tTT r.' V tVi a (Tiy aCKome easIIV mafle. - ib IxMly oirtM Iras Addr's Tro A O. AmmaU. Mm ZZT Tlusnsmest sad ( nT! askMe daly, ! ii Asa) Jaw 'Si eaalltrat am fealft rrmawM BlaatocmikiSiaBa. r o owaar yapMlaam, wertt amrkat ralas. ef amltatiaam mark et'dWryvraM, r'sa T arsssssaaA I ear book "Hints torn. Small V llo. as mXkZ Zml& taw Artdtjsas, aw' Li f""sned, and several innoceof trtiAps were , .arrested bnt the mystery wtisKxplained sun rJixm nged in ihqjel sale or pr.icHa apaucaiyp lajrwi, una ap- - thA sasne-toAn- a. f lis own use. and not for sale, nor for manufacturing a product for sale' Tho third bill, de- signed -- tc4 incut any objections which may be urged, against the second, pro-- vides that Jit suits,, for lavipgement MWtMiMeririnami feaf ove ao-s- tttUS-- lie TkUrtsTl not re cover a judgment in damages of $30 or over, the court shall adjudge that be pay all the costs of suit, including a reasonable Vattoraerfs foot- - 'lb the de fendant, and if the plaintiff shall not re cover a judgment in damages of 50 or over, the, court shall adjudge that he pay all tne costs of suit." . . . ' Yl 1 ' 1 1 1 Air asw lutHiniiy uesiyves-- . iub laifcsiAiiJti fnffort to shield them from what has become a niukt grieivouls "tas, and one which, in very many instances, originates in de- - jLpTjrstwjrjpljiBTicVI rnT Patent rights, fi jthoJini4 ojhojdp-ed- s of victims. Jrti'Sii ii.'fcnt --wrong's and as the bills prepared apd- - preseat hy the. gentle- - .llifnfm todnlinCaWIthsUttempt to dheck a rapidly growing and exceed- - uij(. vxpofuuvo vn, il u wj oe nopea Congress will- - pass them without need- less delay. St. Louis Republican. - AGRICULTURAL NOTES. r . .. . . ' ' For throat distemper, . grate fine a small, groen, wild turnip; or , if dry, giveja heapjsig spoonful, mixed with bran or bats. It is good for a cough also. -' i. ' A' rs w drops of ammonia added to a gallon of water and applied once a week to all pots of flowers will do much good and keep the pots and earth from souring., . , Some one who has experimented in the matter says that a handful of bran scattered in each hill of potatoes when planting will increase the yield one-thir-d. A dairyman says : Never keep a poor cow the second year. No man can af- ford to keen a rnwthat will not make from 200 to Sarrminds of butter or its equivalent everyvyar. t For potatoend tomatoesMake one tfTreelborrow logdof earth where the Wne is to stand and fill in witlrlialf coal giiihr" anil half soil. The yisld will be early doflNedhereby. ""Soak oalS in tepid water before feed-fh- z them tw horses Old horses with rtmtA teeth can thMttiasticate he grain sufficiently and Igfeedy young animals yjjl not swallow it whole. w pA soft, firm, velvety skints nearly always fau1id''oVa god cqjy, and a thick, hardhidd-uiv- a poorona A soft, ffrm skin jtlenotes- - rich "miltet while a oft, vclvuly skin "indicates qd&ntity of Farm kus do. tyj f;ul so much from want of knowledge as they do from want of ivetion,... " Jf theiiknowledge i gy and peraevumn:, JT'' it w(u accomplish poUiing. r- - " - , , vseXiiE following riue in 1 no wing is rec- - onimended-- t 'Nj!r turn upover one 'or" two inches of unfertile subflrlil in one season; :md,,,wtfn so turneT up, the land should retelve a dressing of ma- nure." C.J) " The yearly dairy product" of New jOvt- - 111 atTi I iu.nn.lj U l.nttui. Und 9lS,725,172'i"nds of cheese. Oi - ..i .i.LJt i iis total, inury-Mire- e counties niase aiThually H3,478,7:50 pounds of butter, and 'J5,988,9iO poiyids of cheese. iOC o? thu pTadnee indications of tin- - sijreS8fnl farutyig to see manure go ing 1oisjteed. When tvtMsweB thi're"H(ni Mad of looking beyond tn' stables and yank to find out h fmt(ivQflXiii.rJrto judge of tmei succtss, of its ownei jU.v It is jm great Jnistako k mCd cattle tjled irrtHiTtand tiien rn them ii . spring, expusuiiimM io coin s wf wini and fwrl Stock rpf(SAryBt0il1AAJjjl anihial? gi?1ifa3ttforji&Qi&ktl arefully pro-- recuw jijogjjirjlithe aay9 anri nigmVrewartWt. TiiE"che4pest frtod in America is corn bread jiroperly made. It is also very healthful and invigorating. It is the main dependence of the very poor. It requires but a trifle over a pound of it per day to keep the human systeni in health and vigor, and this pound costs only about one cent. ? A correspondent of the Ploughman, writing from Watertown, Mass., states that lie has been very successful in cur- ing wartson the teats of cows by amply bathing with water in which beans have been boiled. Have any of our readers had similar success in the use of this, simple remedy ? ? H ' Twelve quarts of milk a day is quite common for Kerry cows the smallest of British breeds but several cases are on record where they have given when flush, during a period of several weeks, as much as twenty-tw- o quarts, of a qual ity, the Lonilon Live Slock Jouraiil says, " inferior only to that of the Jersey." Mr. Isaac C. Pierce, Rochester, N. Y., reports steady improvement in the quality of apples from an orchard in which he has kept hogs for several years, lie does not think crop rotation always necessary; has raised garden corn en me same piot mr successiv e seasons, ana the past year the yield was at the rate fit lau bushels of cars per acre. ' it ' Standing Armies of Europe. J J There can lie little question that the present prostrate condition of conti nental trade is in great measure due to the enormous burdens laid oh the peo ple by the military policy of their rulers. How heavy these burdens are some de- tails taken from a report lately issued by the Hungarian Ministry will show. Ac- cording to this report (the object of which is to exhibit the relative weak- ness of the Aiistro-Hnngari-an forces' and advocate an addition to them), the rtlU- - itarv strensth of Russia consists of 3,- - 046,8(10 men, of whom 100,000 lieiong to the reserve and 2,446,800 to the stand ing army. The regular army ot t ranee comprises 1,689,000 soldiers of all arms, the territorial army 1,208,000; total, 2,-- 2J,000,to lie increased in 192 by theadr dition of 300,000 reserve men to 000.' The Gorman power of all classes represented by 2,004,:!00 men, of whom 1,076.200 belong to the standing army, 807,200.: to the landwehr, and 620,ttOO to the reserve, Italy has an army of OtfS.OOO, and a militia of 810,- - 000. In 1N2, when the reserve will number 1,016,200, her total strength vill reach 2,024,200. Austro-Hungar- y possesses a standing army of 800,000, a andwehr of 233,318, and a reserve of 95,000 men; total, 1,194,318. The grand total of all these forces amounts to the standing armies alone num bering 7.925,000. But it must not be understood that all the latter are now nnder arras; at least half of them are on furlough. They form the first line, and would, of course, be at once called out in the event of a general waiv It is nevertheless true that the great military powers have at their disposal 16,000,000 men who have learned, or are now learn ing, the soldier's art, and are bound to re-ent-er the ranks when required. The ' mind refuses to grasp the full signifi- cance of these portentous fievrea : but may safely be affirmed that, w long 1 these bloated armaments are suffered exist, Europe can count neither on lasting commercial prosperity nor on a Ions continuance of , pe&ce-rGene- Vor. of Manchester Examiner ' : ' ,., A grave mistake is made by farmers A who think that stock, must not be fed sft home after the first aiipear&ucc of grass. r Stock will shot this false economy all. through the season, ! -: .:. ..i.'..3!'.-'.- - wnen, on tne loiiowjn night, tae young as he attempted to escape. The latter ran out into the bitter cold streets with no cloth- ing on except an underftbirt, and was pur- sued fMVaome i11t.Tjir byjthe nwddened busbanf.Jprte oUndwsqpt Sa,'erous, but bIeMrf fJkelf 1nt a Jilaod was left f oiikji, iartinj tie cruse taken bj me naicnrmaiK-- Ti poncemm caunit retci three blocks from the scene of the affrayi and took him to the station, but he refused to tell any thing, and left town by an early train. lAlthniifrh Jetcll was discovered in Jot atil. ttinfe tio maeh inSicateA o un- - lace her shoes. Mrs. Maher is very respect able, and it is claimed was drugged by the William MeKee. senior partner in the Globe-Democr- at Compnny of St. Louis, died sucldeulyon the 20th, df aart disease, and )h fifier tof Jl'iOc fin ghe 23d from tb familv fokiidnnin ITrt wn a in tliA lth VPor of Aispis.. The stofk Hid by tneG - Cpmnaoy at thejime. of lia death was 24 fol- - llouscr, 143; J. B. SlcCulIagh, JSOi Simeon Ray, 20; Henry Mcket.15. r - h 9 On the 18th there were in the Penitentiary at Jefferson City but 1,273 convicts 1,227 males and 4ti females a smaller number tbau there has been fsr some time. pa.- - Ul the prisoners , not fav tihl 4Bitaren-ploye- d either naidcr cotact fn.tS pnb-,- 1 ic works. To Ijgindresl aad1 oniiare em - ployed at the ?coal Mlusj aBtT) adftittniM leuukara reortwdMtsBsWhofjtusJt!hed at present- - Ci-iS- , '$ h'e i unilCainniissloners haye.; inade $ remilrftion oil the AnJitor for - warrsnt on tat Treasurer &r 420,000 1 Pointer est on state MstfjMine JatmBljysfiA; draft was drawn o5lhe Bank of .5mmerc!fe-atf- . Lonls, where the State fiafl tnorfrthan jiofflcient funds to meet thq claim. v At Chillicothe on the 21st, a fire, said to have started in Gloyd's boot and shoe store, resulted in the destruction of property val- ued a $&,0QO.. The los&feU iuaa Miss Kui- - niaj..L'( fL' aittl jperkrmher III. Lerper UT. Giene, tlR BfatlbnS 8teart & Ma haffev. Brown & Leeper. J. H. Davis fe Co.t Xvifi . Brono, John F Mart ill. Sij oi seven buildings in all were either conMiined or oriwhed by falling wall. An ordinance for the introduction of wa trrworks at St. Joseph was submitted to a vote of the people on the tT.d, and was rati- fied by a yote Of l,8ti in faor of rthe wjitgr-wor- to only 19 against.. The City Council had already adopted the ordinance by a unanimous vote. Articles of association have been filed with the Secretary of State by the" PULouh nd yew Orleans TrnsportatIonX'onipany;-ea- p ftal, 5.V),000; Henry Lowrey,, r. Breealore Smith, Thos. K. Bennett, Thomas Poe of 8U Louis, and Win. E. Burden, Chicago, IiK$r-jiorato- rs. Business object, 'buildingJ'eTiuip-pin- g, etc., of stcanlhoats and other vessels. anAtrring on general transportation "onr Mississippi Kiver and tributaries. ' ; A little over six weeks ago Mri" Bsnt An' drnson put up the first telephone in Sedalia,' Thirty telephones are now in place and hf 1 actual every-da- y use. Ten more, or forty n all, have been engaged and will be in opera- tion in a few days. Sixteen other parties have conditionally engaged to put them tip. It1s(tit probable that on the 'first day of January, 1NS0, there were fifty in actual use. m B.' Kly, Esq., financial agent of William Jewell College, the well known Baptist at Liberty, has raised suf- ficient means to pay the running expenses mfthercoHege for Are-year- s; and Isucw vig orously at work raising the endowment. The college hsl&jr&BuKntajl tfk of whom are cajfliatet forheiifJuKrfw' Mr. Samuel Tompkins of Scott County raised 100 acres of amber sugar case the past season and sent two car-loa- of molasses to St. Louis at one sfflpdkent. He firoposes to fdsnUSA cr8next feirnld WpMjrfiempt . 1. . . . . i . . 1. jj.. i .. . . mi uniiisiiwLUfvvuaDiruui hum vuuuiuio, variety of cane. A special term of tha Taney County Cir- cuit Court will be held on the first Monday in January, oiry several murder. 4ses. . v CAt effsTfoa Ckf, db he 23d, coirviet named Jamison, an eight-yea- r man, quietly Walked past the guard stationed at the rail road track on the levee near the Peniten tiary .without IWgnelgndiamrjnacSq I good his escape - lie was una otaganKabouti. to be placed at work on the river bank but was left for a moment with others at the uriuIiousibylheguwS in t&irge, where be aiuiieeska in$estintblas!ouon over-shi- rt and a hair of overalls, or had them be neathhis uniform, -- and igoingllehiltdheM I house made ..the. change. hTb 'SPtanU m cnarge 01 a gang ai. worn vu tue gauu-u- ai opposite, some few hundred yards out In the river, seeing a man come from behind the house clothed in that . manner, suspected something and called - to1 the- - guard on te t track to stop him, but ba diet fat seem to un derstand, and, merely.ittesiiomug 'SJmison as he came up as to wherJnfTWas going, af- - lowed hira to pass. A fteWnifilts later the guard in charge the-- gswgcame back ad found be was a man Shrt, but too late; Jamison had disappeared Hugh Jones, a former merchant. Justice of the- - Peace and Postmaster at Dawn, in Livingston County, was found dead Christ mas morning' nnder'clrcnmstaiices fhat leAd to the belief,that he 'aa. foully luiirUYtetl. Dawn Is located on"tbei eist 'sidof !h.a Creek, which is spanned by an iron bridge 40 feet above the watert Me. Jimts, liTl on th west side of the.creekr 11m l.uily v; louiul finder the"T)ndge, in the 'creed:, with 3 Mil of blood leading from the bridge up the roail into the town. It is believed he was murdered the previous night tip town, his body-dragge-d th UfHUfn ml tliroww the cret k. i- - ThonsAnd Mile" for ir Hnstiand. From Watertown, Jf. Y., to Atisfralia is a long and weary way ten thousand miles or more but a young woman has had the courage to set out alone on the journey, and she is a servant-gir- l. A gentlemanwho w .well-to-d- o fell, in love witifcheii and offered M marry licr, but she would not believe that he meant whsrtrshcsaWjrlne d!vinAunistave;lr Higir htstold herrhftt his phySchfn " had advised him to seok tte sunshine of Australia in order to rogmfn his failing health. He said he had sreat faith in the balmy,olrnaiiof thp'Sistant island una ne una ner mai ne nau uecittcu to go, but he could not start without nrst being bound to her by that bond which no man shall put asunder." He said they would be married andthen ha would journey with a light heart to his new b6me; "which he would put in readiness for, .her.; , To this proposition Fannie It nally yielded, but after the clergyman had aiwivdsqHft- - thought ,hat possfbh this AJihIjv fie tho wisev eosrse1, Miil itTktfiS the knot was fthbut to be tied she jemuiiejL - JSha thnn and thara pledgud ner love to mm, dux insteaa oi marrying him told hira to go first to Australia, and after the arrangements for her com fort and happinaBsfliad bfeen 'ciAiplete4 there, if he still loved Tier, to send for If her and she sjrould go tor hjpn. After a iCf saw that he would like the people, and that a home among them would be pleasant. Ilcilirtdnot'farolteli thib fy, promise that was made to him in Water- - She was faithful to her promise, and tbev were married at Sydney, N. S. W., be 44 Loss ' of appetite, thirst, diarrhea, general weakness and cyanosis of the comb Sure symptoms of chicken cholera the . , , . amateur tnieves stole a norse ana wagon ana were caught tmemg Janp. of th ' clothes to the nearest eity..4 . i flrajttttfRJttoaVr. '7)'Jes .. - ?m . -- 1 yjjh'u i ' . SSI ! 1 ' 114 1I , 'BrL f rt i i w? ... . r TSASBBm. Tk Beat Bamedy Kxwwm to Kant W aTaaahaaTa with Ma Mill aw law takaeuia1u " e ma V- -' Sawaiiia3landhaMlB ihSlMiaS " piaaawfid taweayat wiai m" . Th. im man, at Mr. bur .mmJt.rjrT w Ha. J ai and ann. at waaimaiww ' ...I at ana allSiWInaW WT uiruii", Hill JSf. u. So l ark eorM " M maaiel hall I amM. UiM bus I'UM aiwijaa ' fc.l..i al wtH ka rl'w law. I llrn la a neal wdaiwa S I Na and Klnw Tear l t '"1" CI iTai 3 whVti umin win k man twafww J avihal ) r--ra Mr. S a. a. rttl. a. emli I ihr ! r. sua. ra, lawns -A ,...! mt aklcW wraial lW MMVn "W Baikal anwaiid MsJM ", h the auxwrul inwnriotl' i warM- - aa r M tell.ll law S raw1y iMawaariM) kaakikis i mSawt ma , i : - I wi ( '. Lj S1 r . f.,-1.1- . MM ' w rg ' Ji 'PfkJI .5! ro-- i tMMns ha fcaaa added tm th aaairMn a4.w"S aw bean ukfw away. It M wiirmw SealH th war i aina at im is MS eawavaw t th uniia wwaaaua. Thwami pa I mkrimt ne ' mt ai a I mm uia,. ' It avrwa r la kl4era, 1 1 rasrwlwaew turn nrteaw 1mm am. It Wale the Wwrwwwa - M arwawlt PI - t Vwmrtakxw. straaftaMM SMaA Wlai trai e4T tkw ele kl was has iraia tka aaril mt 1mm k.lai. U4 Is larei avHaiw awalrmwa. M aaaliallaa taw aeranr laaat ar Walaaa SB laad. whlcb anwaiea Nrcula. Kry.iiiaiaa ana an manner at akla di i. and Internal hrntew. Thar ara aa aainui aupi'trwi in lie aaaniirarawra. an ran be takea bv tha mat BWIrafa hah, ar at Ih ae im f aia, ar away awns rayawas tm i a a Bdwl& lastman la Xadlta Cottnmia aSrsw saw tmrs Tkaas Aamwe Tw OowKara a as cwaa. ana a i ar see saaaa. Mm s almpl 11 II nt af Ui ham hi facu aasaofaai wit th ad bi law, iii i af a baiptoaa family, and in . aaptrras, aarbaraa aad aJBmala aanap if II lw nufinamta, rar aai a ar mall. ma i TtwInrldeaBj at lb asanla. raaaaf Mr. Sailnian, Si th WaaV Mtosatk awrlnatnai akjaf Whine tie BiedlrlBa la racnpnaad, tn wa kuala aad aaewB a Dr. Clark Jehneon' INDIAN DLOOD PURIFIER. Prise ef Larrs Bottles . a il.OC Pries ef mall Settles . a . . XI BolBiilmy awawwlM af aeiaw. wka away by urn aa of lw. lark eWliBWIB ImliaS I in yar aw rWanitf . nsmasjAu. of cuaE$, Chill and refer Carrd. I) T Cttt. vin Id tr.t O nlr. Ma fr Mr la B KwHtl laal tumr taallaa) alii, rlfayrrwaikwlMieiual, enr. d aiy Ii aiMl rarer. an: a'wt Wamaie i 'iMlM4li'f, wnick he had ir "I I TiTh fir ia Hf i I Bald ree.,,M-Bj- hisbly. .aidu,a ulLIJAAHk. . - DIaearr4l IJrrr. - imrua. H ilea Oanir, Ma, Var Sfe Ky tftfl elilM. anan awiuw has aea mmalaWy CMr-- af laaewa af tt Ue lt hurt Wlal af raw truly Hln.1.1- - rmly, ladlaa MlasS kyisp, li I M aay luatk w. u. la mi xrrr. l ii' Reasedr fsr Rbeasssllsmi i Waarril.t aWrltw IkavHy Ma. fbaw Sir I ww Iranbl'-- Nim Heiiralei and ekumatiam hw a---rJ yaara, ami rair ratr rurtin4 aa ma a w yrw p aa reiiveq ie wee than - aaa nlna . Illlltl b t Ueart Jlseea. smrnw. (Wiitwaa Onwnty Ms. tmt L 1?S mrOmrtrnm mawuM allwaj lllawd ' yraiwaf reiee)r""iuaii ai I aw .i,iHa 1 e,W aa.- - . waa fail a a tin rai la mat i and SnjurWaw of Hratn. aad i ou.tQtM-- 1 a w'-a- i awl af a tia wmy ba: Wal alia a anar trial af ,.r SrruB. I am aww enlrln rd ImmUib. I raa aafl reeaaieaead th M f aW brktrwha ia. a aaatorlji aSIIT'ail tw ' ii t. 4 Aarswaa. Mi r tWaaayi Maw a. ISIS tmrlltr I aaa beaa alt - l.-- yeara etik lliW. I Wtod fa- - a- v- aaartlant I WBIWH ' Miaad array, anil II h rur--J a, , v "iTi Mia VLuaaava m. w f atT. " ' nekrt Disrase Carrd. 'I Imwrnil. Ma, anr a, l7A AarrSW TbM I k cam' that yiear IMIaa W ma-o- Haarl H.. an f aMiat ywraldla .Mi. P Ii i. Go4 Jlettlriaa. . I tmtBSr.kAiMS. ran. IAtTA ' W 1 hm aei Bnue Imimm ' wrrwpm my iamny wiin niai aa. T I aWST' ' f f a saaa BMlaM Sly aa haa mnu " ma at raarsr WI'K fram uir wned kwalik ary rmlla-J-"T- !! CVi.TTl aWULt MAMaUl - I i .. li n rsmepsU ud IadJ resile. . Wnmwifiin, Satla onanly. Ma. Tom-ara- I ad la a) Mlwaat Ba aaa wrd amaf Hyapaiwa, aflet UW utaL liecMyuana kaa ass af yarn anaiihii m aUaawmay kaa)nvrd aa Cirea BeTere RiawWks,' ' "' WaWTwaf 1. awkia Duality. Ma. fraal pieaauiw la aaywi tuat naar kymy hi in aat fiwmi I haa U waiataw. j ;. 1 Se?er-sTaU- s te Car. ,. r - tamaaww a amyrawsi. Ma Dear sr- -l wa hi ary aany kewiUi f. a Bumbar at BMW and waa maiai m Bad aa inlad anui 1 . mamwd lakUwiyaHr I ad kaa Mlaaat rr, whir ka 1 mi n I Bay W pmfae aaail. I mM a Boat WBV. iAmtfUHM. ' M m aerurrRaI t Iwenay, Ma. yraslm aSwiiaiilr ica. ar Bruw Una. and aflw aM aiTTtt Ml Lima. 1 mmrmtmmtm4TkntimmXmC 1' H -- i awwaWmmj a O aaar, Isa. law mr TW M W BarUtB UiM 1 aaaa al lam Mad arm aw iiawena mami af ik. m ' ' CirM'lhMk 1 r-- dT .'at btmr Otr- -t awed aaaly, wrk ka daai ralTl a, M.aml BSSaatr twriM aaf iiil'i'tt'i.!' d. '.;rwui 4ir-yi' . Captain Bassett, the'." Assistant ,. '. Doorkeeper of the United States Senate became a page in that chamber through' i mo mnuence oi Webster m 1831 remember," says the . Captuin, one rainy day Webster fold me to go and Z Ket a hack. I hunted for a long time '. and came back wet and tired without .' I nndino; any. Webster was alwavs verv ; friendly with me, and so I came t be quite familiar with him. On this occa- sion, being rather cross, I rushed up to Webster and said, with boyish rudeness, I can't find any hack.' Webster just looked at me. But what a glance ! J would rather endure any thing than an . other such glance. I felt like sinking through the floor. Then Webster said ' (io and get that hack. '- - , It is . needless to say the carriage was found."'. A Portsmouth (N. II.) man has an aquarium which contained an alligator as well as a number of gold-fis- h, craw fish and a trout weighing three-quarte- rs of a pound, but of late all but the alli- gator have disappeared. ' One evening the thief was discovered, and found to be a large rat that had worked his way lniome iiouc JDroiigfl , We..pjajn-pip- e 111" was heard, and the rat was found : i:...i iA mcucu uuiu'i, or pou.ovwrr jncivcr and bjan a saucer imidc l6f Butteitnd Hoar f ! '( CcStarh Tie. Befttihe yelks off&u? eT nKnt tllpn the whites, then Spill a level teacopful of sugar into the egg aC beat all Hell. . ... .1.1 11 t .1 '1 A Aim grauujiiiy a ipiart oi ine 1 lriussi milk ; if it is half cream all the better; and stir thoroughly together add a level teaspoonful of salt and a teaspoonful or more of any flavoring essence. If spice is USed it should be beaten into the eggs before the milk or sugar is .added to them. Put the deep pie plates (covered with pasto before the eggs are beaten) into the oven and with-- a cup or ladle till them j:arefulJytothejinisJ Bake tijjH ine cusiaru is m m. jover, 11 necessary wit h., pasteboard, or thick paper if the "UOWpote. rare and core half a uoz en large, fair apples, throwing each. as it is pared into cold water to keep it T irom turning orown. rut a nan pouna of loaf sugar- - mtijs ap (iiaipieled, stew air wiitli thfiee rwnfa fit gwater as teoon as it isnnelted !ilaj)0ils put m the apple: with the juice of two lemons; stew een tly until the apples are sufficiently cookcu out nnf nrokenJJien take them oui earetoiiyuid the lili wmeli they are to go to table. Cut the rinds of the lemon into the thinnest pos' sible strips and nut them into the sirup : buU till firwier, tfynrhicli time the sirup wSH4)e,Wnvh re(ffiifid. When cold pour Tne sirrrrr aTiom the Apples, and also uis pose the transparent strips of lemon about Uicmtt 1 hjs dlMlooks prettily wtth a bit (btfluiisfe ielt laaM into the ti61low"bf each api)le; or with a candied rthep't In p.he hollow, and angelica cut info lozenges and inserted around the top-'o- f aoh apple Farmers and Patent Rights. Mr: Baker of Indiana has introduced three bills which, while primarily in tended for the protection of the farming community in ins own Mate, will, ahoahl they become laws, be. eouallv ibenencuu: to farmers elsewhere es- - pociany,ui,Illinois and Missouri. These bills ara lejoled at iwtati may lie called the patent-righ- t nuisance. Mr. Baker says that owners of patent rights have obtained notes, under false pretenses. ljioui a large; number of farmers in the northern part of Indiana and assigned themg.tai' lSlTsoasf ltyiihjj Outside of tho State, who are thereby enabled to bring suit m tne unitett states Circuit i;oiirt. According to the existing law a claim, in order t be Sadraitterf to this Court, must exceed $500, exclusive of costs. Nearly all of the notes arc for $25 or less, but by some sort of sharp practice the suits are brought for .5M), and the unlucky" farmer pays the $25 to save the expense of Ueteuihtg Uie case 111 Indian has .20,000 of Indiana notes so as signed. One of the bills introduced pro vides that when, in such suit in the United States Court, the finding is for a sum not exceeding .foOO, exclusive of costs, the defendant shall recover costs and a reawitfable attorney's fee, which lAtU sfcall be assessed by the Jmlffe or Jury as part of the fin.dinr le''s&''enticti6rii dfjthe bill provides that hoVnitedStates "''Circuit Court shall have or maintain cognizance is of any surfr to recover the contents of any prjpmissorviipte in favor of an as- - iijtotlinJoeriTO action might have been prosecuted in the same court to recover upon the note if no assignment had been made. Forgym bills, of ex change are excepted..- - JL. 'What-ar- known as "driven wells" are exte'nsfvely used in the East as well as West, and in Northern Indiana alone is said there are twenty thousand of them. J he owners have either paid the agemts who made the wells or bought rheright of use and put tliem in them- selves. During the past year other agents- - have betuworrad- - and informed the proprietors of these wells that they all were infringing upon a patent which previous agents did not control, and must nay a royalty of $10 for each well. the proprietor refuses he is threatened itn a stntandlnany pay Ta$Ber than Kit. t..t-- .... 1...U. 1. : - I O... . 3 i'iii,Jf viatiSf iiiar;u outlet urts.L Ilsonse fklisces? Jshtdaver, the well owners have combined to resist the imposition; and in Indiana, especialT it large Jaiociations have been as formed to fight the patent-rig- ht pirates. to ments of this kind shall ' brought or maintained in any court having jurisdiction in' patent cases, ' where it shall appear that the defend- ant, or any person through or from whom he derives title thereto, purchased patented article in good faith from vm. doaen feet from tlttniRTntt, here he re ztmiii siiocecttea - m. c ftfryus'M: young JslHgrtM'P'iid- B fiyi Willed with fil "'- - flower-pot- s and plants. Th rat was tevidenuy mjrpnsed atthe' fighting and tHllmtiM-S- fish, "lmtJie vould probably havebeen the Tictor had he not been discovered arid '. clubbed. The alligator still lives and is apparently, not jpuv.h the ,, worse for thH ioM&ot okkw and a Jew. pieces of hi i - f priori!, turtn j, r ij .- - Tub Chinese Eneycloptedja to which tha famed Britanrnca w & primer,, has just Deen complefed . under-ti- n; imperial ; - sanction, and may be had at any of the twok-stor- es complete for a matter of $7,500. It consists of 5,020 volumes and is dirt cheap. Works of this character ;: are by no means new in the Chinese Em pire, and people who form their esti- mate of the intelligence and cultures Jot its people by the specimens found in " America misjudge a race that, though as progressive as; the western peo m ples, are yet ingenious ana curious, in f the geography and topography of the ' Immense: empire its schohirs are jf marvelonsly well informed, ven. so tne minutest particulars, and no imcon- - ,aB , '" l' .rT' sdoible.rpoi1iaiffhlTaptDdia is . c- Mdevoted to information of this kffid, with which Chinese are expected to be The hjnpse tove al- ways been book-maki-f- ej ijiliffflAim"to ' have invented the art of printing long ' before it was known in Europe. , , rawfauiwai llaaiaa SIm niawlBiM 1 he jjrovers' journal truthfully says we neeu more snecp. In afl parlal tuai ,Ti'bf this great country ttt MoUjreiealth and comfort its people must "have food and clothing. The sheep furnishes the , beett and most wholesome animal food. SBaa, . and most comfortable clothing yet test- ed by the masses of oar people. In malarial districtM. laupiiallv thnaavwriArai " extremes of heat and $! eVfti5iuennJcli Aattos kwwlam taawkf. . waaiaaMaS fras Cfrm a alas walaaa Cater Um imw rim s. A. woolen clothing and a--1 freer and more common diet of young mutton would in-su- re better health and better vigor than generally characterizes pork -- eaters and theiwofti srs of csttxm sua Mnen. Let no ; one indulge a single fear of !oveT-pro-(- '.. duct ion of either mutton or wool; Could J arm aowess ause la BBsrskSS ef ptjaart ted Caa ywa maka a litlmr JatateaaaXI ; Asnaiw eeaaiae sokt eely ta koxss .with, srs toswxbst' wlta words "OiLT-tea- e IBUTTnJaAJiBaWnriBtadaaaWa BaTkWf rkwSBaaid I ' - 'our flocks bo tripled oronadrnoledl thev iasal Win iiipin. sA yeas esskja aW " wmild add not only to the comfort anarahlOcCSO tXlOXX k BBtMr-Makan- ." ar aax atame as as alsa, x av,ai ss eenn; Laura U, t ma, ssisaTtwA by mm Mrgss ti. . juTTiB linklrTUfJIT CafVnw - i intelligence and sobriety, aa 'well as to V : ; lhe productiveness of every field osed as '. eheep. pasture,. a Aakr AaaHMt. 9V7Aa, . X, fJntsSllw('-l5- ' 3a .rV

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Page 1: Library of Congress · TnmaTTtJacinref thereof, or from a per . Nkw Zealand JbasJouome time suf t af ITsak and JwJaa.aa,"uot-- Uwlu 1 iWLO Commox Onion Sauck. Takeff I, .- -.i ii

TnmaTTtJacinref thereof, or from a per . Nkw Zealand JbasJouome time sufaf ITsak and Jw Jaa.aa,"uot- - Uwlu 1tCommox Onion Sauck. Takeff

iWLOI, .- -.i . ..HI Saii ni 1 -- II ...-- amissoub.

At Kansas City, about 2 o'clock the morn-ing of the 19th, a man named Petell, fromDetroit, Mich., was stabbed in a house on

.Wyandqlte, nd JSixth Streets tfy St manSamjpdyAe4 frU bAdiecofaftauaint-e-a

with Maher's wife, and it Is alleged hadmade her drunk. He retired with her toher bed-roo- m about 1 o'clock. Maber hadbeen listening at the front door, and as soonsame coupie naa reureojiMvpi. in,JrfVi iifeERBREAD, One cup of sugar,open the 8in,p, one cup of sour milk.


A PXinttrSrf Jtmomery, Ala,, sinesairs from ypinafore correctly., and ina splendid manner."

A Chinese boy in Pekin has recitedt he whole of the New Testament in hisnative-la-aen- n

Tins prettiest jotd pieeenoiWireulat-in- gin France is the 20-fra- nc piece bear-m- g

the head of Napoleon for the year1805. It looks, like the coin of an oldItonian Emperdr, . '

Miss Payne of St. Paol became a se-crt- its

sanokeri UWhoritwe ffentlemencalled she hurriedly thrust lighted

rwr.-iirW'- ka tttufiwas s))Afl)Tflze-receivis- Durns tha werpjilinost' .isrr

Arw AnViiifn fTa ndn l.t

i s. ; wiiom ne had not seen before' since he, :. : was three years old, although He had

i i



ror five white onions, half a pint omilk, one ounce of butter, jocupper andAtf to suit yqiy Vf't--I feeaie onions

auqbou thtly liyjjiari.tensVr; presstne water from them, and chop themvery fine. Have the milk hot; pulp the I

onions; add the butter; pepper and salMto suit vour taste. .0half cup of butter, one tablespoonful ofginger, one teaspoonful of soda, flour ienough to make it thick but not so stiff

tlill'w1Pinoth without the aida spspa. icaKMn a smau-size-a anp

psBi sstu tflft out as you want for

Hasty IVddiko. Place on the Wvfea pan containing six teacupfuls of sweetmilk. Beat two eggs well, and add onetf.ifiinfnl of milk, six .t!il)lcstxii)nfiils ofjfouanLi Ji&fc saltj Beatw 1 together,Ihejfstirltif ttie nnlktoiv tlil,sve justbefore or as it beginto boil. V hen asthick as mush put in greased cupstomold. Made in the morning and fiateiiwiOi 8weeTenea'creamfor dinner, it isexcellent.

7 JTQ Boil Potat0eT Sec1 those ofapoii one vasip very ixiuan uul uonot pare. "IHit ihto ti pan or cold water

ffof hour before .boijin In boiling- -

use no more water than will cover them.TBI miijentlhy $do, tu off theWater and set the kettle on the Pack of

a cloth over the potatoesana tne cover draw n to one side. Aftera few" ' twmients, take off the cloth,sprinkle a little salt ow, put onthdcover and shake up thai putatoes. Letthem Staled with the cover on for a

8rVfrc,:;r- - r":

VBoiiri TosGfE. Soak for twohxD3 Mid win a .skewer through the?Kt.Jfilet tongues; tie some string'fotlQd the noiot of the skewer ami fastenJteathelhet'end, to r give the tonguethe forjof An arcli. Boil fonr about threehours ;r"i done immerse in cold wa-te- c

and f -- iff the outer1 skin. Truss$niae,: afresh, in the form of artfare;hvfafut xru press sideways, betweentwo dishes with a weight on the top,and when cold trim it smooth :. or jritha small, sharp knife carve the surfayesoas to represent leaves. '" If hot, swtvewith sginac-- ; 4f ooltL garnish with: veal

Tried Liver. Pour boiling" holj ya-terov- er

it and sliee thitj. Sewoniwellfrtfh kalt-ar- ia "brotl ov !tclear fire; rub cold butter on it a,ndserve hot, with small slices of fat bacon.It can be fried with bacon in this way:Cutlhe' liver into slices about half., aninch 'thick ; melt two ounces of 'niceclear dripping in a frying-pa-n ; ditsdgethe sliced liver with Hour, and fry itover a pretty ijuick fire ; .thep, fry rash-ers of bacon ; lay the liver ill a, hotdishand the bacon upon it ; fry and place

isrdiind it, if liked, onions Lu"el line and.


lived 'within 100 miles of her" all Uie 1

time.' ' '" Alf orchestra consisting; of two violins,a cornet, a base viol and an organ, allplayed, by convicts, and a choir of $g rprisoners. Is a regular aceomnanirnentvrf the Sunday services WAiibTlrn' (X. Y.)Prison..- - ri

, ThW oldest Masonic relic in the world'wis sold for $178 in Toronto anada,the other day. It is the Masonio certifi-cate of Souter Johnny, of Burns's "TarnO'Shanter," and was issued by St. JaniesLodge; AJT,T irt: 1799. i Pinned to thecorner of the diploma is a lovkof. High-land Mary's hair. n .fciii' Tn& "Waste Not' ' Soelftty is com-posed of Sunday-scho- ol children atBrighton, England. Its members savedin 12 .months about $125 .worth of refuse L

paper, and sold it for the benefit of twolittle girls, who were thus supported atthA nrnlifinnerpj

11 1'ftiK seh)fs'of neeflfe-wdtr.Vaintth- g,

(clay modeling, , paifitine oif'TWrcelain,wofid! carving, tek'grap?fcti9t-hand- ,cooking and various other arts, 'are nowofft-rrn- opportunist's for girls of evert-variet-

of 'capability.- The schoolwood carving and modeling, now estab-lished at the Boston Museum, of Fine, kArts, offers advantages to pupils at verylow rates. Its instruction is of a thor-ough and valuable sort such as not oftenoffered to young men.

j- - Thk Sisters of Charity in .tho. UnitedStates number 1,179 rin' charge of IOCestablishments for the care of orphans,

r.m infant widows, jnthtirT.inane and. school 'children.' "All" of 'thtise, ins.tituV

'tions had their origin in ' tbe onsecra- -tion and labors of one woman. MotherSeaton, who began in 1808 in Maryland

; the formation of a sisterhnQrLJn connecv. - tioni'with. a school, and that was the

parent of similar societies, 'now widely

taieely browned, or sarhih "With CsDjjit, nnolied to laLur. nronrnteifbv pner- -

. j scattered mrougnout Cartwrigiit, .who died

short time ago in an English Workhouse, was an extraordinary character

.t ile had. been well educated and twfortunes had fallen to him, one of .$200000, the other of $400,000. . "Both fortunes were spent in ostentatious that he became utterly destitute an


,,; was sent to the Work-hous- e. There he,

; lived many years quietly and contented" iy; ana tne luxuries which he enjoyed.. - were obtained by writing poems for

i .bans at nan. j. '

knot avar itlsad tH n m a aa Lkatmmrmtnmf daida Siaf aaSly SI uaHd. Aiaataraat MaMoa awtka, asS (aks Uta aVauoa Clrau- -

aarsnaa. w. a avyaa tfmw auJ M. 4uv Sa. wXma

l.l ,' f .lMna.l'l

Th re and One-Quartf- cii'-- t f.Sa,'Ma BawavBs4

r Osnrtit aflaai FaBsr-Baaa-

Vaclwalars Ma, alHtar maamaaa. ajaaaaUf a rstalat at Sda. '


vAfJ (" '.' . ' J ' ' ' . i



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Christmas Gifts.MmlHinla surh an liKWTi IIF KNIIIJmM tuisili.

'. uwi tm or orm. siirneiMki Or sum, arone or the thirty otaer ot Mniiiar aula, wauins' " frero M ttj H each. n1 IncJiMln aarb from aula twu nanoraa pnoiuar Suajaarinira. i,

Christmas Gift, Ma. Om tar. Varaet, or anyluad or Orrheaual InMrumenL a MuaVi lklaiae er email i. a IMm. ar any Tn UutnUBaaa,

suuauca. aauruu ,

i - i

Duo Mmr win do watt in in em nt rnmatts wttkDi ihi in !)! oiil a Aa.STioie.,fi w) )eonUlnlnc b't plecaly turnbmI aa Valuataflaa. JTnawrt flday Son! Son tank. WIITI RntlK,

Hiicta.) wUlto nwataooapUUnraiaul liarsSMBdaf

Th nrUrnt Temane Sons law. TKMPItRAMOlir, KIA ' micu, i im, will (l w inmiat tlaflgrwi nnima imssiiifa.any amua ouuiea lor mm nnaa


OLIVER DITSOX k CO., Boston..C. M. Blaww at ?avl . SV DtsaeA 4 Csa,

MSSrsadwsj.R. t. ttt Cksataet Ik, FkUm.


In ellmtnatln Ibe Imtniri Itee of lb bionl. thMlnml aad aecresry reatt lariaw earenf esadtMl4MWnl oih-rai- enjm imm Pli.miIncliallar ilaaii a. S'tfala. and 4iierwH-ea-

It I Hi la--t atlaad fairtaxv, and atlmav-lale- a

every functtoo Ui awn bawlUifOI action,and I hits a benefit In all riisanne.S.sajpiu Siiwi aaa" tja H aiK.f aMIyalUa, Plalwaa. ferl lrU.11. dr.. n re rarcl hy It. aae tlltew. 1 1 launcqualed a an ApietiBMrvnd Kenlar Tonic.

It I a medicine which aiioald na in eeryntmlly, anil wlii h. r uanLwIU aavneynient of mny cPcn wn.

H ati.n of two in-- ; iirire H esawk and M.BUTWARNER'S

Safe RetTfsdles ares4M by SrupglilsA Dealers In Med-lo- in

1' li Yrl everywhere.


J0CHE8TE1. V. T.



Thti tembined tvitioHgum it wna--potcer to emr ail linwia-- s. o

Iilrrful Are We Oleic?JWaunt ww im thmgrmtorganAl

Iio become tmigyed or torpid, end I

XintotXs blood that sW. 1$ orpmUedlnorwrnwf . . -

ISli'v'-rf..--"- l


fr eautifiofree action of OKmand rtttnna their power to tkrom oft

Wky RaflVr Unlaw Bala a4 sekraf .

I war tonaeated wltb I .Ua, twaatiaI Why frlrkleaed rer SUarwVrrd lildaeyat

WJlif BBfW ai i wrik krwdacawalW hy kr aleealeaa abrku I .

17s KIONKT WOBT eaf raVrio la IAeoUA, 71 iJ S dry, aaoBOaOawnawkaawwlll awakaala ataaf Madlataa.l

I Oaf if ef rtr DrttmiM, A w43 srms attjar yew. ua.I XZIS. BXC8AI93CX OL. Pro Ml

la winl niiiiyr 11 kmSf as I I

1. Soft raireUTaAhnBWaeAmrilWBrnrtkial I .

8 IZU nwa AddraaiSTnaxjB kOa. fllaad. M I

WHDT , WaUTTaTO , TP . AIIS I lM, Iail aw sr jww Wr tke. i aianlssssaayl ka Ithis ayr. AwWwrtiawrs DJwte fcawrw Iwbww waMl will lavssw'd aiiUlnskiBk I

. , . iw '" vn t'"k- -


imam- I I

ir rei mi nn' p. . . IIks mt CllsifcUr SiaS I

Aacmt aad wbikrr Bat tor Mees sajislsslsetiwswet. bacrrnai prwdaot a par wt. ni'sse kwr aa.- - saesmiaWof

.. country newspapers and sermons forneighboring clergymen.

' Six boys at Hennepin, Iowa, orranlzed as bandits, on a plan suggested bv

. 'a thrilling novel which they had read.'. They could not find a natural onve, and' therefore dug one in the side of a hill

Their first exploit was to' rbb" all th' "clothes-line- s of the neighborhood on

wash-da- y night. Great excitement en

fered from an xrtef snppry- - of rabbitswhipbv have eaten up the growing cropswith . comparative. Immunity. . But ashort way with 'the depredators has atJast been happily discovered. ;By aid ofv , 1 if 1 ; 1an ingenious niacoine cufoomc oiiue jptaU introduced Into the barrows, : after aSthe holes have been carefully, .stopped.The rabbits are soon in the condition-o- f

tho Arabs whom the French smoked Intheir caves. ' In lew seconds a greathubbub Is beard inside, bat this quicklysubsides. The burrow Is dutr open after- -

a short time, when ' the.' dead bodie,of J

uue raDDiu are found huddled. , togetherin a. corner

A French peasant halts before theshow-cas-e of a photographer and gazesupon a reproduction of Ranch's famousgroup of . " The Three Graces.', Oh,those women those women,n sighs thehonest man ; they were too poor tobuy a stitch of clothing, bnt they couldfind, the money to get their pictures

" '" 'taken!". ; -


Happiness is like manna ; it is to begathered in grains arid enjoyed everyday. It will not keep; it . can not beaccumulated ; nor have we to go out ofourselves into remote , places to gatherit, since it has rained down at our verydoors, or, rather, within them.

Groeera arMl Hi raker prspav 3 to 5 cents a pound extra for battermade mtn Uilt-Eil- e Batter Maker. It increases the production 6 to 10 per cent. Keduces labor of cliurnlne one-hal- f. Gives arich colden color the year rouniL Sold bydrucclsts, erocers and general storekeepers.Send atainp for " Uiuts to Butter-Makers.- "

Address, Butter Improvement Co., Buffalo,n. y.An Old Alan Rejuvenated.

Peter Sbowerman, of Qatavta, N. T-- certified Sent. 15, 187t, as follows: "For fortyyears I have suffered with kidney and liver(lllnculty, being obliged to void urine as oftenas once in 30 minutes, and have also beenfrcat sufferer from palpitation of toe heart,

now using your Safe Kidney and LiverCure, and can truly say, at 70 years of ago,trim it manes me leei line a new man."

Frok; Proctor declares that theearth is still in its youth. Now we knowwhy the giddy thing runs rotind so mucho' nights. Utncinnati (Jazclte.

Tmt Goldek Censer, of Rockford. 111.. Isdeservedly a most successful family paper, be--ing un sectarian, tree irom advenming, earn-est and pure. Eight pages, (1.25 per year.A postal card will bring a sample copy free.- -

Vegetise Is now acknowledged by onr bestmiysH'ians to ne tne only sure ana sale remeuyfor ail es arisini; from impure blood.such as scrofula and scrofulous humors.

Chw Jackson's Best Sweet Nary Tobacco


NEW YORK, December 7,CATTT.E Native Kteen. J7.00 flHl.U8I1KEI' Common to Choice.. t.M ft ti.llO

HOiiS Uvh 4.75OO rrON Middltnir .... tm 111FLOUR Good to Cnolee . w e.WHEAT 'o. S Spring 1.40 a lAiCORN No. 3O ATS Western Mixed 4 AO

FORK Mesa 12JiO a 12.756T. uovia.

COTTON' MiddUna; 12BEEVES Choii-- to Kaney... 4. SO 5.00

Uood to Prime..... 4.40 4.75Native Cowh....... a 43 3.1.0Texas 8teer 2.;,u 3.70

TTOGS Common to Seli.i't.... 4.0 i.mSHEEP Common toCIiniee.. 8.40 4.50

. IjiuiI), per licud.... 2.00 r 3.00FLOUR Hnieo 0 lt.:'jl

XXX s.iio m 6.0OWHEAT Red Winter, No. 5... l.Wi

Ki-- Winter, No. 3.. l.flr 1.2liCORN No. Mixed.OATS No. 2. 3iJi - xsKVK No. 4 .... 0TIMOTHY WEED Prime JM 2..VTOBACCO Hark-- Lugs 2.75 0 3.50

Mi'diiiin Hark Leaf. 4.75 n.ooHAY Choice Timotliv 18.50 0 I'.I.OO

BUTTER Choice Dairy. 24 0 28EG44S Freh Candh-d- . 18 0 19PORK Standard Mi's 13.00 a 13.40VyoOL (Hioieo. , 53 0 6.1

Uuwaulied Medium.. 5J"0 35CHICAGO.

CATTLE Native Stoera. 2.25 0 5.40HOGS Common to Cuoice., 4.4S 0 4.V08HEEP Common to Choice.. 3.10 ,'0 4.40FLOUR Extras ' 6.00 0 7.00

Superfine 3.75 0 6.00WHEAT Spring No. 2 l.S2"0 1.32.

No. i 1.150 1. 16

CORN.... 4O,0 40OATS Ko. S 35

SO 'POItK Mess..... 13.45 at 1X56

NEW ORLEANS,FLOUE-IIi- Kh Grades., 6.75 0 7.7CORN White 57, m anOATS Choice "... 4 0 AO

HAY Choice 21.00 e 25.00PORK Mims.. .......... 13.50 0 14.00BACON I......... O5Ai0OOrTON Middling

filllf Cvolrersv ninstratedCatsIogusUUH4 Iran, (araat Waaaprn Om Wart. Htutiurch

CCC A WFKK inyonrown towa. Termnand4U H Sft wtnt (rea, Addr U. UalieU ACaPw tland.kla"

1 .4Vpr Trfh fr fwirtlil mtnni,T itialpaM.Soc., 1". W. Ijmi. Ma a.

nnflY1'' OurApentsmskelt. NewW JUUUunoua COE. yOMUH kOO M. Louis. XI o.

Enellch Branches 910 amr. Wrlla to Millard GreatBuainna Client ILeokuk. la.

lrnillIIaknoaraSiirAalVoni.irf.UriUm Atlanta.' Ga, KeHaM T ntdma)siren, aanKieraaes to cures paneau am wnrsiciaus.ood fox mr bouk on Ui habUaud lu ravTFltlUL

--Snill9al HmklM ItaMtrwrwal In iCl. toTxruiLM. aLrfsbaDou, Obit,

m mi rxng ww iwmiwHL ruuui-rn- t tTsT'in or n:no.Mall! on recent of Send 'Ac stump frr 1.50 wortllof MaMle UJ. JML TakttAT 4k Ca. piul Adlubla, v.

WboIesirleTswd reta'I. Send forprteevHAIR list Oood sent CO. n. wiin made ti or;lar.

K.BU&N11A1S, W. Miill3..n-M..i:hlca-

ruYnsAm1 tioi.iw. TIMS.uvitabOs sasin.ryn f iniateier aemtaSilresA mil bear of a icrcttt--' m iciitlon. paoT. Jtrifcl'll, l In lit

iaMiirar?f ta.aMWaxaam brtt iwi.taj Cai'll.1. With -aiail l'i rl.aOTiin la.l t - In.1AWBENCS m CO., 1 ItrhsaM racK mk.

. X m ' Srats'mnwyioiiU iki Omshlwand Ms-- -' '' n1Sriiaiuiimsed nbrkakjd,T ia,. rn i A sanat a).wl Nmid foc-- t

Broadway, New york. Beware of spurious lutual.


S ilmfmmmElEmTiASK vou r Mer CTCUV ADTctiarit fcr the vv mm ww ara mm a ifnS a rtrlttitw. ftud buy no other until Jrn I

nareeeen It. It to th rhMiwM fttid I nt, warr.ii -en to pIphsa you. (Send ttvrlrm , JOHN itANAfitriw.Mtbato Atjit, au M nam WWlt bU iAMllJk, M(A, J

IIROWT SAn IW.awn-HOO- t1 Uie HmfM I hrtn teweiier's eatand tbe youns awpll's liest snide. Motharsaaa intru1tnetr children properly wi erery position at tn handand Snaws la fullr lnintratad by nam-T- oo enamvinKa.PricepoBtaoe-pald- . . Jnblihd by iHI. A. fOa at CO.. 25 tlmon anwara. N. T. -

AGENTS READ THIS.aavi wilt our ren SatirrT i Sir! iter "month and

ex , r allww a laiv vna-aWiH-. 4n U onr n w

ana wunaerru. inTenuon. e men rre wiir. l

W. AddMa SHaUtaTAM ktxxt Harahall, Mica.

WE LOAN MONET cSMNSSproperty. addren iwltbaumDi f.

aawie Dower Aemctsftini H N mh'.. stIi'.MaIlAOKkTS


inWWValltiriwdiiir.ill ui;il I.Ti-- iHHlict mi w euitcd to to

fnfaiit and arowin child an KI1H.KH HH 11 m noMic mwried arnele. WOOLKICH A 1X1 an every land.

nnwrnna nr a OTTn vrtV A TnTTtTTSS Wliai TT OB le aa m w - Mm I v


faweet-eellln- r h--m mtn and tbsThis to th rjWWiwt.anly cmiilctc and authentic hlstcry mt I r. ela.Semi f. ctreolan cmttliiim diwerld.e af tbwork and nor eilra lerin to A"utt-- Aihlrrm

Mathikal Ii;i.i.-min- w Co, s. Lual. Ma

Orest Remedy' Cariav Oouith,AL Ids, trnsampy.B, Aamma, c.

Sndfil ssd B":oahiys sad,all Tfeenut and

Physie'an,tb Pre, L Lanr affection. A ArUietadTecpl. Try UUAllsa's ton Bel-- BALSAM

is year


mitiie NunsEnr.iiMoptbly Magulaa for Ysetfst Readers.Seaerkly Illwstnrtstr. W &nd O easts 1

for a Samoi Number and Premium Z,uL

;A 1

Liver Complaint. 1

This tianm mj lw saM IS limmMr Iran Ui- - aumiarh bniix uul irf m tttr find.Oea JM Mm Monies tiftnc miV tt roer Uv Mm 4

mi m whit; ana wnjT ah in Dtnao m wmbona bmtr Mwi ttinwrb urn Uwr ma IrwjmmatM u htm tn blllmu muter nwraum rm IL atha lw mi (cruTtiiixn Ultit tw MJirr ImBaritf tm ttmki. u will Mi! wHMh uvmnummtthe IMm. Uj mnd Uj, bmmr, urn lairur.Ur lu lltnt. wIllTrtxKTlhfi i rMr. ml rmfrr m m tlatorpid: mi'D It Kltl ta ixrfnno II Hulr ot strMa.Huiuuttoet.ffA.- - Onfj poMwwin fcf Ml 1 ttw itrr:and t(i rialt.lll tw an ntntrnrtMl. I'iUudmI ni

MB IB 1 Mur i It, Unin.awl wieh th rlliuai, prwn bf Imctx 'I ar ryaiptutM

"" iMI apnimn-MMtini- r niWIniiH p a rVTKWmrfci in tlw riclit nlil.s Imluriiis unoTWMrtimv: amili. ki.04ifiil arlw, 74kiwmB of Wir ys fevw soil itnitturn. HltlmVrrLUela fcH ai n lfUHsnmcuK i nm t oar urK rartoi lArvrinwplaint i and UiU kv w rikr at Um r 'fo it il ls,nuMartim tlw iMomacri. thi Mimt. t' IIt- and m

swral hrnlt at the uaw On. IbMf l 1.NK tintIU ' o nils, Ufa riu eauct a ajnadi cura. ba lata...... .., v I

Eochester, PoUctmaa 'Gained Eightj Poun4 in Jhxee Weeka.?

M . H." R STaram: " 'Itnr sir llatii2 nanl bnt Unva bnttlaiia' mir rra

ETINR In a tptj had raM of Ijiw Cuiniilaliit. I Slidarwli iniiautliis MpHllr. am atelHtilnc . rlKat riiifIfiwrv at hnnrnt Mian I did hn I Ue wi Mlln It. andbfllrTP. wlta acutiUiiiunppot samali itua ML, iiwr. sshall he pntln-l- i I brcan tkln UisVKiiETINK 1 was tinclt-- r the nuetacs car Was atrk aIniHrUme. TSr. smtta, wia bad iWitI rrmt iiem-n-tfruinlaklns tlie tbntfLNK. ailTlani aie to lr It I macnsprfiilir rrmaimi-n- d It t evrry onr aa a snd iwill- -rine. as tnr tia.i iE aa auoe awn fur aw uian imdvctlinoaulltka ' I ' em.lYoun truly. ' !'ri t ;! JAMES A. JOHNHON.

Pulkc Offiar, Na SJZ llruwii SC. Uacbn. A T.

- ' Socm tMUWa. mta, Oct. tU 1 S7S.Ma. H. R, Snrrms :

sir j 1 to'vrbcsn slrk twarsaniwRh Oi LrnsrCimiplaln and durtiia tnst Utn liave tsJiii anam alSrn nt nadllnr. but suae id thai did me anfS'mhI. 1 was resllp nluhts. ami bad nnaiwtlt. Sia"tvkinK Urn VHittCTINK I ik wIL and rHbiii mr nTuuiOHMMl IIik vw.KIINK r wtuu Ubaa dmIt - me. l ours raspsrtni nr.

VI itnm nt UIS SIm.. M Id. aLBJCRT BH'KlUaLU. UCMIKliB M. AIUIil

Mrdford. Mass.


II. Jl. STEVEN'S, Boston, Mass.

Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists.!f J Tla In T5 . V-- .

vrlli JTiMty, X UU

Over kaa Mara, IfSara a VAUH or VUlaga IXT, raolrtuf


$2,000,000,000f T'i rmf n't Minin rxttlaM .0 "re asnemlrit laFKNCIN41. To fcKoenar new Waatera SrMwill coi a mB'h more. Ererjr FARM ami TIUlase IIT Owner, It A ST, WKST, anil son II,H f'lerettit. Tofeneea e Farm eoaiaft'NXttn stTim, anil for a' SOx'00 Vlllnite !t loSIO-I- . Wood Arncos anos itccar. Bui s NewEra laatkanit. Bjr new Invrntlona,

STEEL and IKON ar aminlaiit WOTID,rornlaliliis better. Cheaper, sad InmMna Krnei-a- .

The SDih Volnme of Uie Americas AsrlraUta rtat Ifor In!) now brlnnln, will irive rery ,

mnrh Information aiiont new Feaelns. with wianrKnermrlnr. (The Number for. Dec, let haa illnfrarlnca ot Barbed Fenrln. and murk InUrrM.

Inf matter. Sent poal-pal- d lor 15 renin.)tW Toerery one lnterete1 tn FENCING for

a FARM, or Ylllar IXHT, tha Sum Volnme '

- of the- - American AffrtumXurimt win I wortkIre timet, if not a bnndred timet, Ita email coat.

JiiT; tieatdea hi aoore rmportanl featare. th.Atntrican AtirirHtturt wtS ss S Tery (treat ,amoaat of VajeTal, Fraetieai, ReliableIaUraaaHaa for the Farm, the Clardea, 'and Ilaaaehald (CblMrea btcJadrdl-a- nd orer

SOO Orlglnnl l'n(rrnTlsicai( ''

inntrattns Lfi Vir-aot-Jl nff, Lnbor-htJpia- onstrlT.aneea. Animal. Plant, Frnlta sod Flower. FarmJ)ulMmn,mdmanyofter Picture InatrneHre nd '

plraalnato OM and Ymbsv-- U I aefnltt ALL as

i Vlllag, and Cowntry. :

It constant expos are of Ff TTITllirft, whichha ed o Its readers many Million of 'Iiollara, will be eontlnned 1ircniilr. Fur the '

lone th America AirrlruttMris; nhoold tw Inprerp faml'tr. no matter how mm kther jonrnnl

re Kkeni alo for It Special l formation ailHnmlrlrnde of' pleasing sad Beful f!nszvlnr In

rhlea It far axcal all other Jornb.I TIHRI tpontan prepaid 1.S1JD a year. Fourtopic, ss. etnale number, is crnia. (Od apec.rien only, for two cramps.) t

tF-Or-er 12tt YalaabUFreralBB Article

and Books are offered to thoae setllns' Up rlutis.j Premium Ut lent oa receipt of S Cents pofre.1 OR A NOB JI'DD COnPANT. rwh1lhen),I 343 Brwwdwar. Nw Tarfc. ,


- Tiist ons.t he i:nvFf CwMaHI.B,.Wrrlal. IwMulf.. ,riM fnw , ,i1mM IVCVminimiitliin baa been cured araln asd amln by th

HmtiUfr'eiim'irhuilitirm nvlh' tir'frfiUllilv thmuailthe use of tills trntti woiidiTrul reniiHW. whlcb la pro.nmtmett by tbr kian fn'itlutfj Ottlauriay to b bwtaifooll Mint iMfHIIelne.

liccln Ita war pramptly, ami Ikmt lam lift andmkibliAk AeiUA. Ualay preparelltkrr'a l'reCml l.ltef 0.1 with Phoankatesr Mai,Blker'al'arel ad l.iref 0l With Pko, Hlldl fcerryBkrrn I'nre tod l.lrer Ollwltk Kxtrnet of wilt.tar mle by all drmnriiita. m1 tor amiihlet toj JOHN C. BAKE A CO., Philadelphia.

en red by the use of MA nLfTlU HLIt SLPIM61IXI11V. Suld tit all dnicslnia


Iaa Cairw for Ciwaiawaaav.i tlaw I also fa beeteoocb med-

icine, IM niaall,-k- ttlI 1 larva Sold KTWuem .

: 1 and ,

n i2t u3

famuli of Cars mailed REE.

, rpfVr--. AwrADBu rnnran an oniie eiirw i"r l aisrrn,

v? Vff-ltri- ii AUma..nsba, tda.i T .Mirai!,. lc. I'ns-i- - t. n:'.' on.(JViUk lirn'l AsXilSOIlretVlAUla-aa- .

RCfvNsmvkt AWyv "9 Iwrlirr Br., Chlrkrrlntputlaja,tk. tmvy m, Hmp. fr.tiTM th CfiW

Kwmd lfjrfTefr ntmTy M 4. '41 Ms. ft OrfMno, 5fcAof IntcmtfUjar next MO day Snd vf JuUiUmfMm, m

CTI1DV & I I MO wl9OttrStrtik3t.lA9vt0.XmIUni m VAtari i im 5iots, CAfctvo, aCIO to 010,000 ar

13IriraatiK in 8yndteat Operatiorie rnSteeke.

Till plan pbi tb Rnallest onenkar. with na lnreavasaiitar IriMnSin to SHMaaasar wttk tlMoo wtwawasSI0.0O0andrlldSblramnronfatlfmaleanAL ItanranaiaUko alt UwadTantaimnf lam eapitx. nd wlthill-- d

eiperieoce. mil Infirmatlon aiailcd lie. . kddreasBVAJtTS.BAIUiJSCO. Banters. i Broad St. M. T

tTT r.' V tVi a (Tiy aCKome easIIV mafle.-

i b IxMly oirtM Iras Addr's Tro A O. AmmaU. Mm



( nT! askMe daly,! ii Asa) Jaw

'Si eaalltrat amfealft rrmawMBlaatocmikiSiaBa.r o owaar


amrkat ralas.ef amltatiaammark et'dWryvraM,

r'sa T arsssssaaAI ear book "Hints

torn. SmallV llo. as

mXkZ Zml& tawArtdtjsas,


Li f""sned, and several innoceof trtiAps were, .arrested bnt the mystery wtisKxplained

sun rJixm nged in ihqjel sale orpr.icHa apaucaiyp lajrwi, una ap- -

thA sasne-toAn-a. f lis own use.and not for sale, nor for manufacturinga product for sale' Tho third bill, de-signed -- tc4 incut any objections whichmay be urged, against the second, pro--vides thatJit suits,, for lavipgementMWtMiMeririnami feaf ove ao-s-

tttUS-- lie TkUrtsTl not recover a judgment in damages of $30 orover, the court shall adjudge that bepay all the costs of suit, including areasonable Vattoraerfs foot- - 'lb the defendant, and if the plaintiff shall not recover a judgment in damages of 50 orover, the, court shall adjudge that hepay all tne costs of suit.". . . 'Yl 1 ' 1 1 1

Air asw lutHiniiy uesiyves-- . iublaifcsiAiiJti fnffort toshield them from what has become aniukt grieivouls "tas, and one which, invery many instances, originates in de--jLpTjrstwjrjpljiBTicVI rnT Patent rights,fi jthoJini4 ojhojdp-ed- s of victims.Jrti'Sii ii.'fcnt --wrong's and as the billsprepared apd- - preseat hy the. gentle--

.llifnfm todnlinCaWIthsUttemptto dheck a rapidly growing and exceed- -uij(. vxpofuuvo vn, il u wj oe nopeaCongress will- - pass them without need-less delay. St. Louis Republican. -


. . . . '

'For throat distemper, . grate fine asmall, groen, wild turnip; or , if dry,giveja heapjsig spoonful, mixed withbran or bats. It is good for a coughalso. -' i.

' A' rs w drops of ammonia added to agallon of water and applied once aweek to all pots of flowers will do muchgood and keep the pots and earth fromsouring., . ,

Some one who has experimented inthe matter says that a handful of branscattered in each hill of potatoes whenplanting will increase the yield one-thir-d.

A dairyman says : Never keep a poorcow the second year. No man can af-ford to keen a rnwthat will not makefrom 200 to Sarrminds of butter or itsequivalent everyvyar. t

For potatoend tomatoesMake onetfTreelborrow logdof earth where theWne is to stand and fill in witlrlialf coalgiiihr" anil half soil. The yisld will be

early doflNedhereby.""Soak oalS in tepid water before feed-fh- z

them tw horses Old horses withrtmtA teeth can thMttiasticate he grain

sufficiently and Igfeedy young animalsyjjl not swallow it whole. w

pA soft, firm, velvety skints nearlyalways fau1id''oVa god cqjy, and athick, hardhidd-uiv-a poorona A soft,ffrm skin jtlenotes- - rich "miltet while aoft, vclvuly skin "indicates qd&ntity of

Farm kus do. tyj f;ul so much fromwant of knowledge as they do fromwant of ivetion,... " Jf theiiknowledge i

gy and peraevumn:,JT'' it w(u accomplishpoUiing. r- - " - , ,

vseXiiE following riue in 1 no wing is rec- -onimended-- t 'Nj!r turn upover one'or" two inches of unfertile subflrlil in oneseason; :md,,,wtfn so turneT up, theland should retelve a dressing of ma-

nure." C.J) "The yearly dairy product" of NewjOvt- - 111 atTi I iu.nn.lj U l.nttui.

Und 9lS,725,172'i"nds of cheese. Oi- ..i .i.LJt iiis total, inury-Mire- e counties niase

aiThually H3,478,7:50 pounds of butter,and 'J5,988,9iO poiyids of cheese.

iOC o? thu pTadnee indications of tin- -

sijreS8fnl farutyig to see manure going 1oisjteed. WhentvtMsweB thi're"H(ni Mad of lookingbeyond tn' stables and yank to find outh fmt(ivQflXiii.rJrto judge of

tmei succtss, of its ownei jU.vIt is jm great Jnistako k mCd cattle

tjled irrtHiTtand tiien rn themii . spring, expusuiiimM io coin

s wf wini and fwrl Stockrpf(SAryBt0il1AAJjjl anihial?gi?1ifa3ttforji&Qi&ktl arefully pro--recuw jijogjjirjlithe aay9 anrinigmVrewartWt.

TiiE"che4pest frtod in America is cornbread jiroperly made. It is also veryhealthful and invigorating. It is themain dependence of the very poor. Itrequires but a trifle over a pound of itper day to keep the human systeni inhealth and vigor, and this pound costsonly about one cent. ?

A correspondent of the Ploughman,writing from Watertown, Mass., statesthat lie has been very successful in cur-ing wartson the teats of cows by amplybathing with water in which beans havebeen boiled. Have any of our readershad similar success in the use of this,simple remedy ? ? H '

Twelve quarts of milk a day is quitecommon for Kerry cows the smallestof British breeds but several cases areon record where they have given whenflush, during a period of several weeks,as much as twenty-tw- o quarts, of a quality, the Lonilon Live Slock Jouraiil says," inferior only to that of the Jersey."

Mr. Isaac C. Pierce, Rochester, N.Y., reports steady improvement in thequality of apples from an orchard inwhich he has kept hogs for several years,lie does not think crop rotation alwaysnecessary; has raised garden corn enme same piot mr successiv e seasons, anathe past year the yield was at the rate fitlau bushels of cars per acre.

' it 'Standing Armies of Europe. J J

There can lie little question that thepresent prostrate condition of continental trade is in great measure due tothe enormous burdens laid oh the people by the military policy of their rulers.How heavy these burdens are some de-tails taken from a report lately issued bythe Hungarian Ministry will show. Ac-cording to this report (the object ofwhich is to exhibit the relative weak-ness of the Aiistro-Hnngari-an forces' andadvocate an addition to them), the rtlU- -

itarv strensth of Russia consists of 3,- -046,8(10 men, of whom 100,000 lieiong tothe reserve and 2,446,800 to the standing army. The regular army ot t raneecomprises 1,689,000 soldiers of all arms,the territorial army 1,208,000; total, 2,--

2J,000,to lie increased in 192 by theadrdition of 300,000 reserve men to000.' The Gorman power of all classes

represented by 2,004,:!00 men, ofwhom 1,076.200 belong to the standingarmy, 807,200.: to the landwehr, and620,ttOO to the reserve, Italy has anarmy of OtfS.OOO, and a militia of 810,- -000. In 1N2, when the reserve willnumber 1,016,200, her total strengthvill reach 2,024,200. Austro-Hungar- y

possesses a standing army of 800,000, aandwehr of 233,318, and a reserve of

95,000 men; total, 1,194,318. The grandtotal of all these forces amounts to

the standing armies alone numbering 7.925,000. But it must not beunderstood that all the latter are nownnder arras; at least half of them are onfurlough. They form the first line, and

would, of course, be at once calledout in the event of a general waiv It isnevertheless true that the great militarypowers have at their disposal 16,000,000men who have learned, or are now learning, the soldier's art, and are bound tore-ent-er the ranks when required. The 'mind refuses to grasp the full signifi-cance of these portentous fievrea : but

may safely be affirmed that, w long 1

these bloated armaments are sufferedexist, Europe can count neither on

lasting commercial prosperity nor on aIons continuance of , pe&ce-rGene-

Vor. of Manchester Examiner ':

' ,.,

A grave mistake is made by farmers Awho think that stock, must not be fed sfthome after the first aiipear&ucc of grass. r

Stock will shot this false economy all.through the season, ! -:

.:. ..i.'..3!'.-'.- -

wnen, on tne loiiowjn night, tae young

as he attempted to escape. The latter ranout into the bitter cold streets with no cloth-ing on except an underftbirt, and was pur-sued fMVaome i11t.Tjir byjthe nwddenedbusbanf.Jprte oUndwsqpt Sa,'erous,but bIeMrf fJkelf 1nt a Jilaod wasleft foiikji, iartinj tie cruse taken bjme naicnrmaiK-- Ti poncemm caunit retcithree blocks from the scene of the affrayiand took him to the station, but he refusedto tell any thing, and left town by an earlytrain. lAlthniifrh Jetcll was discovered in

Jot atil. ttinfe tio maeh inSicateA o un- -

lace her shoes. Mrs. Maher is very respectable, and it is claimed was drugged by the

William MeKee. senior partner in theGlobe-Democr- at Compnny of St. Louis, diedsucldeulyon the 20th, df aart disease, and)h fifier tof Jl'iOc fin ghe 23d from tbfamilv fokiidnnin ITrt wn a in tliA lth VPorof Aispis.. The stofk Hid by tneG -

Cpmnaoy at thejime. of lia death was 24 fol- -

llouscr, 143; J. B. SlcCulIagh, JSOi SimeonRay, 20; Henry Mcket.15. r - h 9

On the 18th there were in the Penitentiaryat Jefferson City but 1,273 convicts 1,227males and 4ti females a smaller numbertbau there has been fsr some time. pa.- - Ulthe prisoners ,not fav tihl 4Bitaren-ploye- d

either naidcr cotact fn.tS pnb-,- 1

ic works. To Ijgindresl aad1 oniiare em -ployed at the ?coal Mlusj aBtT) adftittniMleuukara reortwdMtsBsWhofjtusJt!hedat present- - Ci-iS- ,

'$ h'e i unilCainniissloners haye.; inade $remilrftion oil the AnJitor for - warrsnt on

tat Treasurer &r 420,000 1 Pointerest on state MstfjMine JatmBljysfiA;draft was drawn o5lhe Bank of .5mmerc!fe-atf- .

Lonls, where the State fiafl tnorfrthanjiofflcient funds to meet thq claim. v

At Chillicothe on the 21st, a fire, said tohave started in Gloyd's boot and shoe store,resulted in the destruction of property val-

ued a $&,0QO.. The los&feU iuaa Miss Kui- -niaj..L'( fL' aittl jperkrmher III. LerperUT. Giene, tlR BfatlbnS 8teart & Mahaffev. Brown & Leeper. J. H. Davis fe Co.tXvifi . Brono, John F Mart ill. Sij oiseven buildings in all were either conMiinedor oriwhed by falling wall.

An ordinance for the introduction of watrrworks at St. Joseph was submitted to avote of the people on the tT.d, and was rati-fied by a yote Of l,8ti in faor of rthe wjitgr-wor-

to only 19 against.. The City Councilhad already adopted the ordinance by aunanimous vote.

Articles of association have been filed withthe Secretary of State by the" PULouh ndyew Orleans TrnsportatIonX'onipany;-ea- p

ftal, 5.V),000; Henry Lowrey,, r. BreealoreSmith, Thos. K. Bennett, Thomas Poe of 8ULouis, and Win. E. Burden, Chicago, IiK$r-jiorato- rs.

Business object, 'buildingJ'eTiuip-pin- g,

etc., of stcanlhoats and other vessels.anAtrring on general transportation "onrMississippi Kiver and tributaries. ' ;

A little over six weeks ago Mri" Bsnt An'drnson put up the first telephone in Sedalia,'Thirty telephones are now in place and hf 1

actual every-da- y use. Ten more, or forty nall, have been engaged and will be in opera-tion in a few days. Sixteen other partieshave conditionally engaged to put them tip.It1s(tit probable that on the 'first day ofJanuary, 1NS0, there were fifty in actual use.

m B.' Kly, Esq., financial agent of WilliamJewell College, the well known Baptist

at Liberty, has raised suf-ficient means to pay the running expenses

mfthercoHege for Are-year- s; and Isucw vigorously at work raising the endowment. Thecollege hsl&jr&BuKntajl tfk ofwhom are cajfliatet forheiifJuKrfw'

Mr. Samuel Tompkins of Scott Countyraised 100 acres of amber sugar case the pastseason and sent two car-loa- of molasses toSt. Louis at one sfflpdkent. He firoposes tofdsnUSA cr8next feirnld WpMjrfiempt. 1. . . . . i . . 1. jj.. i . . . .mi uniiisiiwLUfvvuaDiruui hum vuuuiuio,variety of cane.

A special term of tha Taney County Cir-

cuit Court will be held on the first Mondayin January, oiry several murder. 4ses. . v

CAt effsTfoa Ckf, db he 23d, coirvietnamed Jamison, an eight-yea- r man, quietlyWalked past the guard stationed at the railroad track on the levee near the Penitentiary .without IWgnelgndiamrjnacSq

I good his escape - lie was una be placed at work on the river bank butwas left for a moment with others at theuriuIiousibylheguwS in t&irge, where

be aiuiieeska in$estintblas!ouon over-shi- rt

and a hair of overalls, or had them beneathhis uniform, --and igoingllehiltdheM


house made ..the. change. hTb 'SPtanU mcnarge 01 a gang ai. worn vu tue gauu-u- ai

opposite, some few hundred yards out In theriver, seeing a man come from behind thehouse clothed in that . manner, suspectedsomething and called - to1 the-- guard on te ttrack to stop him, but ba diet fat seem to understand, and, merely.ittesiiomug 'SJmisonas he came up as to wherJnfTWas going, af--

lowed hira to pass. A fteWnifilts laterthe guard in charge the-- gswgcame back

ad found be was a man Shrt, but too late;Jamison had disappeared

Hugh Jones, a former merchant. Justiceof the- - Peace and Postmaster at Dawn, inLivingston County, was found dead Christmas morning' nnder'clrcnmstaiices fhat leAd

to the belief,that he 'aa. foully luiirUYtetl.Dawn Is located on"tbei eist 'sidof !h.aCreek, which is spanned by an iron bridge40 feet above the watert Me. Jimts, liTl onth west side of the.creekr 11m l.uily v;

louiul finder the"T)ndge, in the 'creed:, with 3

Mil of blood leading from the bridge up theroail into the town. It is believed he wasmurdered the previous night tip town, hisbody-dragge-d th UfHUfn ml tlirowwthe cret k.


ThonsAnd Mile" for ir Hnstiand.

From Watertown, Jf. Y., to Atisfraliais a long and weary way ten thousandmiles or more but a young woman hashad the courage to set out alone on thejourney, and she is a servant-gir- l. Agentlemanwho w .well-to-d-o fell, inlove witifcheii and offered M marry licr,but she would not believe that he meantwhsrtrshcsaWjrlne d!vinAunistave;lr

Higir htstold herrhftt his phySchfn " hadadvised him to seok tte sunshine ofAustralia in order to rogmfn his failinghealth. He said he had sreat faith inthe balmy,olrnaiiof thp'Sistant islanduna ne una ner mai ne nau uecittcu togo, but he could not start without nrstbeing bound to her by that bond which

no man shall put asunder." He saidthey would be married andthen ha wouldjourney with a light heart to his newb6me; "which he would put in readinessfor, .her.; , To this proposition Fannie It

nally yielded, but after the clergymanhad aiwivdsqHft- - thought ,hat possfbhthis AJihIjv fie tho wisev eosrse1, MiilitTktfiS the knot was fthbut to be tied shejemuiiejL-JSha thnn and thara pledgudner love to mm, dux insteaa oi marryinghim told hira to go first to Australia,and after the arrangements for her comfort and happinaBsfliad bfeen 'ciAiplete4there, if he still loved Tier, to send for Ifher and she sjrould go tor hjpn. After a

iCfsaw that he would like the people,

and that a home among them would bepleasant. Ilcilirtdnot'farolteli thib fy,promise that was made to him in Water- -

She was faithful to her promise, andtbev were married at Sydney, N. S. W., be


Loss'of appetite, thirst, diarrhea,

general weakness and cyanosis of thecomb Sure symptoms of chicken cholera the

. , , . amateur tnieves stole a norse ana wagonana were caught tmemg Janp. of th

' clothes to the nearest eity..4

. i flrajttttfRJttoaVr.

'7)'Jes.. -

?m . -- 1 yjjh'ui ' . SSI ! 1 ' 114 1I ,

'BrLf rt i i w? ... . r


Tk Beat Bamedy Kxwwm to KantW aTaaahaaTa with Ma

Mill aw law

takaeuia1u " e ma V- -'Sawaiiia3landhaMlB ihSlMiaS "piaaawfid taweayat wiai m" .

Th. im man, at Mr. bur .mmJt.rjrTw Ha. J ai and ann. at waaimaiww '...I at ana allSiWInaW WT uiruii",

Hill JSf. u. So l ark eorM " Mmaaielhall I

amM. UiM bus I'UM aiwijaa 'fc.l..i al wtH ka rl'w law. Illrn la a neal wdaiwa S I Naand Klnw Tear l t '"1" CI iTai3 whVti umin win k man twafww Javihal ) r--ra Mr. S a. a. rttl. a.

emli I ihr ! r. sua. ra, lawns-A ,...! mt aklcW wraial lW MMVn "W

Baikal anwaiid MsJM ",h the auxwrul inwnriotl'i warM- - aa r M tell.ll law S raw1y

iMawaariM) kaakikis i mSawt ma, i : - I wi ( '. Lj


r. f.,-1.1-

. MM' w rg 'Ji 'PfkJI .5! ro-- i

tMMns ha fcaaa added tm th aaairMn a4.w"Saw bean ukfw away. It M wiirmw SealH th war i

aina at im is MS eawavaw t th uniiawwaaaua.Thwami pa I mkrimt ne

' mt ai a I mm uia,. 'It avrwa r la kl4era,1 1 rasrwlwaew turn

nrteaw 1mm am.It Wale the Wwrwwwa - Marwawlt PI -

t Vwmrtakxw. straaftaMM SMaA Wlaitrai e4T tkw ele kl was hasiraia tka aaril mt 1mm k.lai. U4 Is

larei avHaiw awalrmwa.M aaaliallaa taw aeranr laaat ar Walaaa SBlaad. whlcb anwaiea Nrcula. Kry.iiiaiaa ana an

manner at akla di i. and Internal hrntew.Thar ara aa aainui aupi'trwi in lie aaaniirarawra. anran be takea bv tha mat BWIrafa hah, ar at Ih

ae im f aia, ar away awns rayawas tm i a


Bdwl& lastman la Xadlta CottnmiaaSrsw saw tmrs Tkaas Aamwe Tw OowKara a as

cwaa. ana a i ar see saaaa. Mm salmpl 11 II nt af Ui ham hi facu aasaofaaiwit th ad bi law, iii i af a baiptoaa family, and in

. aaptrras, aarbaraa aad aJBmala aanap if II lwnufinamta, rar aai a ar

mall. ma iTtwInrldeaBj at lb

asanla. raaaafMr. Sailnian, Si th WaaV

Mtosatk awrlnatnai akjaf Whinetie BiedlrlBa la racnpnaad, tn wa kuala

aad aaewB aDr. Clark Jehneon'

INDIAN DLOOD PURIFIER.Prise ef Larrs Bottles . a il.OCPries ef mall Settles . a . . XI

BolBiilmy awawwlM af aeiaw. wka awayby urn aa of lw. lark eWliBWIB ImliaSI in yar aw rWanitf .

nsmasjAu. of cuaE$,Chill and refer Carrd.

I) T Cttt. vin Id tr.t O nlr. Mafr Mr la B KwHtl laal tumr taallaa)alii, rlfayrrwaikwlMieiual, enr. d aiy I i i.niaiMl rarer. an: a'wt Wamaie i 'iMlM4li'f, wnick he had

ir "I I TiTh fir ia Hf i I Bald ree.,,M-Bj-hisbly. .aidu,a ulLIJAAHk.

. - DIaearr4l IJrrr.- imrua. H ilea Oanir, Ma,

Var Sfe Ky tftfl elilM. anan awiuw hasaea mmalaWy CMr-- af laaewa af tt Ue lthurt Wlal af raw truly Hln.1.1- - rmly, ladlaa

MlasS kyisp, li I M aay luatkw. u. la mixrrr.


ii' Reasedr fsr Rbeasssllsmi i

Waarril.t aWrltw IkavHy Ma.fbaw Sir I ww Iranbl'-- Nim Heiiralei and

ekumatiam hw a---rJ yaara, ami rair ratr rurtin4aa ma a w yrw p aa reiiveq ie wee than- aaa nlna. Illlltl b t Ueart Jlseea.smrnw. (Wiitwaa Onwnty Ms. tmt L 1?S

mrOmrtrnm mawuM allwaj lllawd 'yraiwaf reiee)r""iuaii ai I aw .i,iHa 1e,W aa.- - . waa fail a a tin rai la mat i andSnjurWaw of Hratn. aad i ou.tQtM-- 1 a w'-a- i awl afa tia wmy ba: Wal alia a anar trial af ,.r

SrruB. I am aww enlrln rd ImmUib. I raa aaflreeaaieaead th M f aW brktrwha ia. aaaatorlji aSIIT'ail

tw '

ii t. 4Aarswaa. Mi r tWaaayi Maw a. ISIS

tmrlltr I aaa beaa alt - l.-- yeara etiklliW. I Wtod fa-- a- v- aaartlant I WBIWH '

Miaad array, anil II h rur--J a,, v "iTi Mia VLuaaava m. w fatT.

" ' nekrt Disrase Carrd.'I Imwrnil. Ma, anr a, l7A

AarrSW TbM I k cam' that yiear IMIaaW ma-o- Haarl H.. anf aMiat ywraldla

.Mi. P Iii. Go4 Jlettlriaa.. I tmtBSr.kAiMS. ran. IAtTA' W 1 hm aei Bnue Imimm 'wrrwpm my iamny wiin niai aa. T I aWST' ' f

f a saaa BMlaM Sly aa haamnu "ma at raarsr WI'K fram uirwned kwalik ary rmlla-J-"T- !! CVi.TTl


- I i .. li nrsmepsU ud IadJ resile. .

Wnmwifiin, Satla onanly. Ma.Tom-ara- I ad la a) Mlwaat Ba aaa

wrd amaf Hyapaiwa, aflet UW utaL liecMyuanakaa ass af yarn anaiihii m aUaawmay kaa)nvrd aa

Cirea BeTere RiawWks,' ' "'WaWTwaf 1. awkia Duality. Ma.

fraal pieaauiw la aaywi tuat naarkymy hi in aat fiwmi I haaU waiataw.

j ;. 1

Se?er-sTaU- s te Car.,. r - tamaaww a amyrawsi. MaDear sr- -l wa hi ary aany kewiUi f. a Bumbar atBMW and waa maiai m Bad aa inlad anui 1 .

mamwd lakUwiyaHr I ad kaa Mlaaat rr, whirka 1 mi n I Bay W pmfae aaail. I mM a Boat

WBV. iAmtfUHM.


M m aerurrRaI tIwenay, Ma.

yraslm aSwiiaiilrica. ar Bruw Una. and aflw aM

aiTTtt Ml Lima.1 mmrmtmmtm4TkntimmXmC

1' H -- i awwaWmmj a O aaar, mr TW M W BarUtB UiM 1 aaaa allam Mad arm aw iiawena mami af ik.

m ' 'CirM'lhMk 1 r-- dT

.'atbtmr Otr- -t awed

aaaly, wrk ka daai ralTla, M.aml BSSaatr twriM aaf

iiil'i'tt'i.!' d. '.;rwui


. Captain Bassett, the'." Assistant,. '. Doorkeeper of the United States Senate

became a page in that chamber through'i mo mnuence oi Webster m 1831

remember," says the . Captuin, onerainy day Webster fold me to go and

Z Ket a hack. I hunted for a long time'. and came back wet and tired without

.' I nndino; any. Webster was alwavs verv; friendly with me, and so I came t be

quite familiar with him. On this occa-sion, being rather cross, I rushed up toWebster and said, with boyish rudeness,I can't find any hack.' Webster just

looked at me. But what a glance ! J

would rather endure any thing than an. other such glance. I felt like sinking

through the floor. Then Webster said' (io and get that hack. '-- , It is . needlessto say the carriage was found."'.

A Portsmouth (N. II.) man has anaquarium which contained an alligatoras well as a number of gold-fis- h, crawfish and a trout weighing three-quarte-rs

of a pound, but of late all but the alli-gator have disappeared. ' One eveningthe thief was discovered, and found tobe a large rat that had worked his waylniome iiouc JDroiigfl , We..pjajn-pip- e

111" was heard, and the rat was found :

i:...i iAmcucu uuiu'i, or pou.ovwrr jncivcrand bjan a saucer imidc l6f ButteitndHoar f !

'( CcStarh Tie. Befttihe yelks off&u?eT nKnt tllpn the whites, then

Spill a level teacopfulof sugar into the egg aC beat all Hell.

. ....1.1 11 t .1 '1 AAim grauujiiiy a ipiart oi ine 1 lriussimilk ; if it is half cream all the better;and stir thoroughly together add a levelteaspoonful of salt and a teaspoonful ormore of any flavoring essence. If spiceis USed it should be beaten into the eggsbefore the milk or sugar is .added tothem. Put the deep pie plates (coveredwith pasto before the eggs are beaten)into the oven and with-- a cup or ladle tillthem j:arefulJytothejinisJ Bake tijjHine cusiaru is m m. jover, 11 necessarywit h., pasteboard, or thick paper if the

"UOWpote. rare and core half a uozen large, fair apples, throwing each. asit is pared into cold water to keep itTirom turning orown. rut a nan pounaof loaf sugar-- mtijs ap (iiaipieled, stew airwiitli thfiee rwnfa fit gwater as teoon as itisnnelted !ilaj)0ils put m the apple:with the juice of two lemons; stew eently until the apples are sufficientlycookcu out nnf nrokenJJien take themoui earetoiiyuid the liliwmeli they are to go to table. Cut therinds of the lemon into the thinnest pos'sible strips and nut them into the sirup :

buU till firwier, tfynrhicli time the sirupwSH4)e,Wnvh re(ffiifid. When cold pourTne sirrrrr aTiom the Apples, and also uispose the transparent strips of lemonabout Uicmtt 1 hjs dlMlooks prettilywtth a bit (btfluiisfe ielt laaM into theti61low"bf each api)le; or with a candied

rthep't In p.he hollow, and angelica cutinfo lozenges and inserted around thetop-'o- f aoh apple

Farmers and Patent Rights.

Mr: Baker of Indiana has introducedthree bills which, while primarily intended for the protection of the farmingcommunity in ins own Mate, will,ahoahl they become laws, be. eouallv

ibenencuu: to farmers elsewhere es- -pociany,ui,Illinois and Missouri. Thesebills ara lejoled at iwtati may lie calledthe patent-righ- t nuisance. Mr. Bakersays that owners of patent rights haveobtained notes, under false pretenses.

ljioui a large; number of farmers in thenorthern part of Indiana and assignedthemg.tai' lSlTsoasf ltyiihjj Outside of thoState, who are thereby enabled to bringsuit m tne unitett states Circuit i;oiirt.According to the existing law a claim,in order t be Sadraitterf to this Court,must exceed $500, exclusive of costs.Nearly all of the notes arc for $25 orless, but by some sort of sharp practicethe suits are brought for .5M), and theunlucky" farmer pays the $25 to save theexpense of Ueteuihtg Uie case 111 Indian

has .20,000 of Indiana notes so assigned. One of the bills introduced provides that when, in such suit in theUnited States Court, the finding is for asum not exceeding .foOO, exclusive ofcosts, the defendant shall recovercosts and a reawitfable attorney'sfee, which lAtU sfcall be assessedby the Jmlffe or Jury as part of thefin.dinr le''s&''enticti6rii dfjthe billprovides that hoVnitedStates "''CircuitCourt shall have or maintain cognizance isof any surfr to recover the contents ofany prjpmissorviipte in favor of an as- -iijtotlinJoeriTO action might havebeen prosecuted in the same court torecover upon the note if no assignmenthad been made. Forgym bills, of exchange are excepted..- - JL.

'What-ar- known as "driven wells"are exte'nsfvely used in the East as wellas West, and in Northern Indiana alone

is said there are twenty thousand ofthem. J he owners have either paid theagemts who made the wells or boughtrheright of use and put tliem in them-selves. During the past year otheragents- - have betuworrad- - and informedthe proprietors of these wells that they allwere infringing upon a patent whichprevious agents did not control, andmust nay a royalty of $10 for each well.

the proprietor refuses he is threateneditn a stntandlnany pay Ta$Ber thanKit. t..t-- 1...U. 1. : - I O... .3 i'iii,Jf viatiSf iiiar;u outlet

urts.L Ilsonse fklisces? Jshtdaver, thewell owners have combined to resistthe imposition; and in Indiana, especialT itlarge Jaiociations have been asformed to fight the patent-rig- ht pirates. to

ments of this kind shall '

brought or maintained in any courthaving jurisdiction in' patent cases, '

where it shall appear that the defend-ant, or any person through or fromwhom he derives title thereto, purchased

patented article in good faith from

vm. doaen feet from tlttniRTntt, here here ztmiii siiocecttea - m. c ftfryus'M: young

JslHgrtM'P'iid- BfiyiWilled withfil "'- - flower-pot- s and plants. Th rat wastevidenuy mjrpnsed atthe' fighting andtHllmtiM-S- fish,"lmtJie vould probably havebeen the

Tictor had he not been discovered arid'. clubbed. The alligator still lives and is

apparently, not jpuv.h the ,,worse for thHioM&ot okkw and a Jew. pieces of hi

i - f priori!, turtn j, r ij.-- Tub Chinese Eneycloptedja to whichtha famed Britanrnca w & primer,, hasjust Deen complefed . under-ti- n; imperial

; - sanction, and may be had at any of thetwok-stor- es complete for a matter of$7,500. It consists of 5,020 volumes andis dirt cheap. Works of this character

;: are by no means new in the Chinese Empire, and people who form their esti-mate of the intelligence and cultures Jotits people by the specimens found in

" America misjudge a race that, thoughas progressive as; the western peo

mples, are yet ingenious ana curious, inf the geography and topography of the

' Immense: empire its schohirs are jfmarvelonsly well informed, ven. sotne minutest particulars, and no imcon- -

,aB ,

'" l'

.rT' sdoible.rpoi1iaiffhlTaptDdia is. c- Mdevoted to information of this kffid, with

which Chinese are expected to beThe hjnpse tove al-

ways been book-maki-f- ej ijiliffflAim"to' have invented the art of printing long

' before it was known in Europe. , ,

rawfauiwaillaaiaa SImniawlBiM

1 he jjrovers' journal truthfully sayswe neeu more snecp. In afl parlaltuai

,Ti'bf this great country ttt MoUjreiealthand comfort its people must "have foodand clothing. The sheep furnishes the

, beett and most wholesome animal food.SBaa,

. and most comfortable clothing yet test-ed by the masses of oar people. Inmalarial districtM. laupiiallv thnaavwriArai

" extremes of heat and $! eVfti5iuennJcliAattos kwwlam taawkf. .

waaiaaMaS frasCfrm a alas walaaa Cater Um imw rim s. A.

woolen clothing and a--1 freer and morecommon diet of young mutton would in-su- re

better health and better vigor thangenerally characterizes pork --eaters andtheiwofti srs of csttxm sua Mnen. Let no

; one indulge a single fear of !oveT-pro-(- '..

duct ion of either mutton or wool; Could

Jarm aowess ause la BBsrskSS ef ptjaart ted

Caa ywa maka a litlmr JatateaaaXI ; Asnaiweeaaiae sokt eely ta koxss .with, srs

toswxbst' wlta words "OiLT-tea- e

IBUTTnJaAJiBaWnriBtadaaaWa BaTkWf rkwSBaaid I' - 'our flocks bo tripled oronadrnoledl thev iasal Win iiipin. sA yeas esskja aW" wmild add not only to the comfort anarahlOcCSO tXlOXX k BBtMr-Makan- ." ar aax atame as as

alsa, x av,ai ss eenn; Laura U, t ma,ssisaTtwA by mm Mrgss ti. .

juTTiB linklrTUfJIT CafVnw - i

intelligence and sobriety, aa 'well as toV : ; lhe productiveness of every field osed as'. eheep. pasture,. a Aakr AaaHMt. 9V7Aa, . X,

fJntsSllw('-l5-' 3a.rV