lidice & stoke-on-trent for schools

The Bond Between Lidice & Stoke-on-Trent © Alan Gerrard / The Barnett Stross Foundation 1

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The Bond BetweenLidice

& Stoke-on-Trent

© Alan Gerrard / The Barnett Stross Foundation


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Lidice 9th June 1942 – 503 inhabitants

Men employed as miners and steelworkers in the nearby city of Kladno

School photographJune 2nd 1942


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Reinhard Heydrich1904 - 1942

Considered to be Adolf Hitler’s successor

Installed as Deputy Reich Protector of Bohemia & Moravia on 27 September 1941

Considered the Czechoslovakian people to be slaves for the German war effort.

Increased the working day from 8 hours to 12 hours

He famously proclaimed, “We will Germanize the Czech vermin”

5,000 Czechs executed in first 4 months

Czechoslovakians knew him as “The Hangman”


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Operation Anthropoid

27th May 1942

Heydrich’s burnt out Mercedes

Minutes from London meeting which gives

confirmation of the decision to execute plan

The British trained Czech partisan assassinators Jan

Kubiš and Jozef Gabčík

Left at the scene: Stengun Mk II and hand grenade


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Nazi Retribution

On hearing news of Heydrich’s death, an enraged Adolf Hitler ordered the Gestapo to“Wade in blood” throughBohemia.As a result many Czechs were summarily shot and hanged without trial and 13,000 arrests were made

Hitler wanted to “Make up for “his” death”

Following Heydrich’s assassination public executions

in Prague were commonplace


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Lidice – 10th June 1942The Men - 192 murdered

Early morning 173 men were executed at Mr. Horak’s farmhouseFirst shot in batches of 5Then batches of 10The 19 not in the village at the time were shot later in Prague

The remains of Horak’s farmhouse. Nearby lies the mass grave in which

the executed men were unceremoniously thrown.


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Lidice – 10th June 1942The 173 men murdered in Lidice


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Lidice – June 1942Women & Children

Kladno Grammar SchoolJune 10th – 12th

On the gymnasium floor strewn with a little straw the women and children spent their

last three days and two nights together.

The Gestapo made detailed descriptions of the children, identifying hair and eye colour

On the 12th the children were forcibly separated from the women


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The Children82 murdered – 9 “Germanized”

19 of the 82 Lidice children, murdered at Chelmno on July 2nd in specially adapted gas vans

Postcards written home to parents – July 1st. The children’s fate had already been decided.


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The ChildrenThe ditch near Chelmno where many thousand children were laid to rest

This propaganda image promoted the Nazis’ Lebensborn programme and

contains two “Germanized” Lidice children. Their experience was far more

traumatic than the picture suggests

Dress of Lidice girl found near site


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The Women60 murdered

Ravensbrück concentration camp

A photograph of the Lidice women on the day of their

liberation.143 survived.

They returned to find devastation and discovered

the deaths of their men folk.

Badge worn by Lidice women


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LidiceJune 1942

The Animals

The livestock were sent to German farm

All family pets were shot


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LidiceJune 11th 1942 – late 1943

The systematicobliteration of the village begins

A professional film crew is hired to record the events for promotional purposes

The Nazis steal the savings of the victims to pay for the destruction of the village15

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LidiceJune 11th 1942 – late 1943

Re-routing the river

Hitler Youth violation of the cemetery included the removal of gold teeth from corpses 16

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LidiceJune 11th 1942 – late 1943

Hitler Youth uprooting thetrees

Transporting the rubble out on a specially constructed narrow gauge railway


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The only living thing to remain in Lidice.

The Pear Tree

Now protected by the Czech government

At the time of the atrocity a small sapling


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LidiceJune 11th 1942 – late 1943

The cross was erected at the site of the mass grave by Soviet troops who liberated

Czechoslovakia in Spring 1945


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The Lidice Shall Live



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Sir Barnett Stross

Born Christmas Day 1899 in Poland. Jewish faith

Family moved to Leeds 1902

GP Shelton from 1926

Councillor for Shelton from 1937 - 1945

MP for Hanley / Stoke Central 1945 – 1965

Died 14th May 1967


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Sir Barnett StrossFounder of the international “Lidice Shall Live” campaign

Successfully fought for improvements to working conditions for miners and pottery workers

Donated land for The Mitchell Memorial Theatre

Key figure in the establishment of Keele University

Designed the largest Memorial Rose Garden in the world. Completed 1955

Knighted Valentine’s Day 1964 for services to arts

Sir Barnett Stross was granted “Freedom of the village of Lidice” in 1957


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Lidice Shall LiveThe Victoria Hall

September 6th 1942


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North Staffordshire MinersEmpathy for fellow mining community.

Staffordshire miners donate one day’s pay per week to the campaign

Sneyd Pit Disaster January 1942


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Lidice Shall LiveFrom its base in Stoke-on-Trent the campaign spreads to an international level


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Lidice Shall LiveRebuilding the Village – 1947 >

Barnett Stross with delegates from The North Staffs Miners’ Federation in Lidice in 1947 inspecting the devastation left by the

Nazis. They help to plan a “new” Lidice26

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Lidice Shall LiveHousing & Memorial Rose Garden

The main phase of the “model mining village” was completed in 1950

Barnett Stross presenting the plans for the “Friendship & Peace Park” to Lidice residents – opened in 1955


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The Rose Garden

The beautiful “Friendship & Peace Park” is the largest rose garden in the world.

Designed by Barnett Stross it contains hundreds of variants of roses from across the globe.

The“Lidice Rose”


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Lidice Today

The Stoke-on-Trent based

campaign donated the equivalent of

£1 million to ensure a new

Lidice would rise again.

Adolf Hitler had proclaimed that

Lidice would “Die Forever”


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Lidice TodayThe Memorial Museum

A visit to The Memorial Museum and gardens is a humbling experience for all.


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Lidice Today The Lidice Gallery houses “The Lidice

Collection”, a priceless collection of paintings

and sculptures commemorating the atrocity. Donated by

celebrated international artists following a call by

Barnett Stross in 1966

The Lidice Gallery

The Lidice Gallery is home to The International Children’s Exhibition of Fine Art.The largest fine art competition for children in the world.

Barnett Stross


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Lidice TodayAnnual Commemoration

Each year the people of Lidice, the Czech Republic and the world commemorate the men, women and children murdered, and the complete obliteration of the old village.

Children’s choirs from around the world unite in friendship at The Festival of Lights:

musical performances celebrating the values of courage, determination and friendship


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Lidice & Stoke-on-Trent’s Bonds Today

The people of Lidice know much about Stoke-on-Trent and its heritage.

Many people support Stoke City FC. Many people love to listen to Robbie Williams

In Stoke-on-Trent once more adults and children are beginning to annually commemorate the atrocity and celebrate the village’s rebirth.

The people of Lidice have never forgotten the role Barnett Stross and Stoke-on-Trent people played in rebuilding their village


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Lidice & Stoke-on-Trent Celebrating Achievements

A great way for Stoke-on-Trent’s young people to celebrate the rebirth of Lidice and to cement the bonds between our two communities is by entering The UK Children’s Art Exhibition and The International Children’s Exhibition of Fine


All entrants receive a certificate of “Recognition and Achievement”

There are outstanding contribution awards at county, national and international levels. For primary, secondary and special school pupils


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Lidice & Stoke-on-Trent

The End

For more information on Lidice, school presentations, The UK Children’s Fine Art Exhibition and The ICEFA, or becoming involved in Lidice / Stoke-on-Trent related

projects, please contact The Barnett Stross Foundation

[email protected]

Lidice Memorial, Mrs. Muriel Stoddard, Bustehrad School, Mrs. Ivona Kasalicka, Mrs Veronika Kellerova

This presentation © Alan Gerrard / Barnett Stross Foundation is free to distribute in order to raise awareness of the inspirational links between Stoke-on-Trent and Lidice to their fullest extent.