lie iluletciman /eeeencicc messenger/wm1974/6_26_17/4-25-19…j.ssie rosencrantz corr weidu route...

J.ssie Rosencrantz corr Weidu Route Mich 48893 TRASH FIRE GETS AWAY, BURNS ACREAGE IN COIDWATER TOWNSHIP A trash fire near a cluster of mobile homes in Sec. 13, Cold- water Township, got out of hand and burned over 25 to 30 acres before being brought under con trol by the Nottawa and Sherman Volunteer Fire Department, the DNR from Mt. Pleasant and a tractor and plow from the DNR field office at Harrison. The fire allegedly was started by a minor, without a burning permit. Location of the origin of the fire was approximately a bit north of the Carl Geasler farm and home. It traveled in a north east direction, according to Merle Aldrich of the Mt. Pleas ant DNR, heading for the north shore of Uttlefield Lake. Damage included some wooded areas, fields, and some plantings of young pine tees near the mo bile home settlement. Weidman and Beal City Fire men were out from 2 30 to 4 30 Monday afternoon. “If the person had called to day (Monday) for a burning per mit,’ a spokesman for the Fire Department told the Messenger, “it would not have been granted. It was too windy Monday for le gal burning of trash.” There was no application for a burning permit, however. ---0--- FIREMEN’S AUCTION SAlE BRINGS OUT GOOD CROWD The ever-popular annual auc tion sale put on by the Nottawa and Sherman Volunteer fire De partment Saturday night packed Weaver’s Tavern with eager bid ders and brought in a total of $1,266.80. The money will be used for needed equipment for the fire fighters. Auctioneers were Bob Myers of Rosebush, Ben Weber of Beal City, and Grant Allen of Little- field Lake. The Firemen bought an auxil iary pump for one of the fire trucks, with money realized from the February hog roast at the little Mac Bridge on the El- wood Miller farm. - _n_ -- Mr.and Mrs. Clare Oberlin of Lansing were Saturday callers of Mr.and Mrs. R.D.Sprague. Mr. and Mrs. George Looman of Cedar Springs were also visitors. YOU MUST GET PERMIT TO BURN TRASH OR GRASS A burning permit is required of all people intending to burn any thing not contained in an approv ed-type trash barrel, the Nottawa and Sherman Fire Department said this week. If you are planning to burn over a small piece of grassland, or a pile of brush accumulated from our winter ice storms, you should call the Fire Department at Weid man beforehand, after you get a permit, so the department will know you are burning. You also must obtain a burning permit to burn a trash pile that is not in a approved barrel. Permits may be obtained from Merle Aldrich, ph. 773-5713. Saturday the Nottawa and Sher man Volunteer Fire Department had three grass fires on its hands at one time, during the after noon. None of the owners had secured a burning permit. ---0--- NEW LIFT FOR LOCAL RtTPAL MAIL SERVICE Beginning Saturday, April 27, an auxiliary route will be added to the present rural route, Harry Herman, Postmaster, said this week. This was brought about by the overburdened condition of the present rural route. The change means that some families will have their addresses changed from Ri to R2A, Weid man. If you have not received a notice from the post office asR ing that you make this change in address, Postmaster Herman said, then your address will re main as Ri, Weidman. By adding an auxiliary route, all rural customers served by the Weidman post office will receive improved service by an earlier delivery of their mail, Post master Herman said. ---0--- Mrs. Mildred Garner and son, Rex, of Vassar, were Sunday vis itors of their sisters and aunts, traveled 4,000 miles by plane Frances Tranbarger and Connie to get to their fishing place. Shinner. They all enjoyed dinner Besides this entertainment, draw-_at the Coldwater Lake Inn. ings were made for prizes, with winners as follows: Orves Cook, first prize: A bob tie made by Chuck Baker. Ed wawersik won a pocket watch. Herb Hochrein, a jackknife. Hen• ry Schafer, a fish lure; and the lie IlUletciman /eeeencicc VOL. X, NO. 2 Weidman, Mich. 48893 Thursday, April 25, 1974 354 per copy THIRD ANNUAL LIONS CLUB RETIREE DINNER--Draws a good crowd. About 60 men were guests of the Lions, whose wives prepared and served chicken dinner with all the trim nthigs. A hundred and fifty invitations were sent to retirees in the Weidman area, with response from 100. F DR. AND MRS. E. H. KOWALESKI--Of Remus were honored guests, the doctor treating the party to a showing of colored slides he took thee years ago in August, at the Great Bear Lake in northern Canada. Parts of the lake lie within the Arctic Circle. Messenger photos Great Bear Lake is a place where sportsmen catch tropy lake trout, the Arctic char, something like speckled trout only much larger. Grayling are also prized catches on the great lake. Dr. Kowaleshi said there are two to three hours of darkness up there, then “daylight” from the midnight sun. He and his son lions also presented Dr. Kowal esid with one. The dinner was a great success, and the lions are planning on further annual get-togethers for retired men around here.

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J.ssie Rosencrantz corrWeidu RouteMich 48893


A trash fire near a cluster ofmobile homes in Sec. 13, Cold-water Township, got out of handand burned over 25 to 30 acresbefore being brought under control by the Nottawa and ShermanVolunteer Fire Department, theDNR from Mt. Pleasant and atractor and plow from the DNRfield office at Harrison.

The fire allegedly was startedby a minor, without a burningpermit. Location of the originof the fire was approximately abit north of the Carl Geasler farmand home. It traveled in a northeast direction, according toMerle Aldrich of the Mt. Pleasant DNR, heading for the northshore of Uttlefield Lake.

Damage included some woodedareas, fields, and some plantingsof young pine tees near the mobile home settlement.

Weidman and Beal City Firemen were out from 2 • 30 to 4 • 30Monday afternoon.

“If the person had called today (Monday) for a burning permit,’ a spokesman for the FireDepartment told the Messenger,“it would not have been granted.It was too windy Monday for legal burning of trash.”

There was no application for aburning permit, however.


The ever-popular annual auction sale put on by the Nottawaand Sherman Volunteer fire Department Saturday night packedWeaver’s Tavern with eager bidders and brought in a total of$1,266.80.

The money will be used forneeded equipment for the firefighters.

Auctioneers were Bob Myersof Rosebush, Ben Weber of BealCity, and Grant Allen of Little-field Lake.

The Firemen bought an auxiliary pump for one of the firetrucks, with money realizedfrom the February hog roast atthe little Mac Bridge on the El-wood Miller farm.

- _n_ --

Mr.and Mrs. Clare Oberlin ofLansing were Saturday callersof Mr.and Mrs. R.D.Sprague.Mr. and Mrs. George Looman ofCedar Springs were also visitors.


A burning permit is required ofall people intending to burn anything not contained in an approved-type trash barrel, the Nottawaand Sherman Fire Departmentsaid this week.

If you are planning to burn overa small piece of grassland, or apile of brush accumulated fromour winter ice storms, you shouldcall the Fire Department at Weidman beforehand, after you geta permit, so the department willknow you are burning.

You also must obtain a burningpermit to burn a trash pile thatis not in a approved barrel.

Permits may be obtained fromMerle Aldrich, ph. 773-5713.

Saturday the Nottawa and Sherman Volunteer Fire Departmenthad three grass fires on its handsat one time, during the afternoon. None of the owners hadsecured a burning permit.


Beginning Saturday, April 27,an auxiliary route will be addedto the present rural route, HarryHerman, Postmaster, said thisweek.

This was brought about by theoverburdened condition of thepresent rural route.

The change means that somefamilies will have their addresseschanged from Ri to R2A, Weidman. If you have not received anotice from the post office asRing that you make this changein address, Postmaster Hermansaid, then your address will remain as Ri, Weidman.

By adding an auxiliary route,all rural customers served by theWeidman post office will receiveimproved service by an earlierdelivery of their mail, Postmaster Herman said.

---0---Mrs. Mildred Garner and son,

Rex, of Vassar, were Sunday vis


itors of their sisters and aunts,

traveled 4,000 miles by plane Frances Tranbarger and Connie

to get to their fishing place. Shinner. They all enjoyed dinner

Besides this entertainment, draw-_at the Coldwater Lake Inn.

ings were made for prizes, withwinners as follows:

Orves Cook, first prize: A bobtie made by Chuck Baker. Edwawersik won a pocket watch.Herb Hochrein, a jackknife. Hen•ry Schafer, a fish lure; and the

lie IlUletciman /eeeenciccVOL. X, NO. 2 Weidman, Mich. 48893 Thursday, April 25, 1974 354 per copy

THIRD ANNUAL LIONS CLUB RETIREE DINNER--Draws agood crowd. About 60 men were guests of the Lions, whosewives prepared and served chicken dinner with all the trimnthigs. A hundred and fifty invitations were sent to retireesin the Weidman area, with response from 100.


DR. AND MRS. E. H. KOWALESKI--Of Remus were honoredguests, the doctor treating the party to a showing of coloredslides he took thee years ago in August, at the Great BearLake in northern Canada. Parts of the lake lie within theArctic Circle. Messenger photos

Great Bear Lake is a placewhere sportsmen catch tropy laketrout, the Arctic char, somethinglike speckled trout only muchlarger. Grayling are also prizedcatches on the great lake.

Dr. Kowaleshi said there aretwo to three hours of darkness upthere, then “daylight” from themidnight sun. He and his son

lions also presented Dr. Kowalesid with one.

The dinner was a great success,and the lions are planning onfurther annual get-togethers forretired men around here.

WEIDMAN MESSENGER Thursday, April 25, 1974

Around HorrJessie Rosencrantz, Reporter

Mr.and Mrs. Al Gross and Amywere Sunday afternoon guests atthe Gerald Losey home.

Mrs. Dorothea Bergquist tookher mother, Mrs. Flora Wood,to Grand Rapids to a hospitallast Tuesday for her checkup.She received a very favorablereport, and will not have to goback.

Mrs. Wood received a telephone call from her grandson,Richard Wood, who is in theNavy at New London, Conn.,saying he has 90 days left in service, and will receive his discharge after five years of service.

Mr.and Mrs. Paul Miller called on Mrs. Wood Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bergquistare enjoying a two weeks’ vacation in the southern states. Theyplanned to go as far as Ken-tacky.

Mrs. Cora Shippee and Jane,Mrs. Alma Byron, Mrs. LenaMartin and Raymond Martinwere Sunday visitors of the JoeMartin family.

Mrs. Eva Denslow and Mrs.Margaret Denslow were Sundaydinner guests of the Dean Den-slows. Mr.and Mrs. BurdetteDenslow called on Mrs. EvaDenslow in the afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oplinger attended their card club at theBill Murphy home near Mt.Pleasant Saturday evening.

Mrs. Nettle Lawrence and Mrs.Alma White were Sunday afternoon callers at the Alva Cummins home.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Denslowand family, Mrs. Joyce Chaffeeand Mrs. Mary Strait were Sunday dinner guests at the MackDenslow home.

Mrs. Opal Denslow spent Sunday with her son, Junior, andfamily at Lakeview. They recently moved into their newhome at Tamarack Lake, nearLakeview.

Mrs. Gilbert Wright and Mrs.Mary Thompson of DraytonPlains and Mrs. Betty Thompsonwere Thursday afternoon callersof Mrs. Paul Miller.

Mr.and Mrs. Gerald Losey andfamily and Harold Losey wereSunday dinner guests at theCharlie Losey home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Thompsonand Lorri and Randy and Tomand Usa Dufflield and Mrs.Izora Wright of Drayton Plainswere Wednesday overnight andThursday guests at the JimThompson home. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Thompson andher guests called at the WilburDenslow home.

Larry Cummins and Mr. Bessfrom St. Louis were Sundayguests at the Tracy White home,Bill Cummins is a patient in

the Arm Arbor hospital.Vance Wood spent thee days

in Atlanta, Georgia, sent bythe Michigan-Wisconsin Pipeline Company.

Mrs • Alma White called onme Monday morning.


North WeidmanElvah Gott, Reporter

Helen Aiwood attended a kickoff tea Friday afternoon for theCancer Society fund raiser. Sheis chairman for Weidman Town,and is looking for volunteer coworkers.

Joe Ptak returned home fromCMC Hospital Friday, afterspending three weeks there witha heart attack. He was feelingbetter, but has to be careful.

Mrs. Helen Alwood visited hermother, Mrs. Hermione Smith,Saturday afternoon in Mt. Pleasant. Hermione was in good spirits, and asked about family andold friends in Weidman.

Mr. and Mrs. John Cramer ofnear Detroit called on her brother and family and also visitedJoe Ptak in CMC Hospital.

Mrs. Laura Latham is homenow. She had Easter dinner withher son-in-law and daughter,Mr.and Mrs. Dewey Olger, andfamily.

Mrs. Millie Voss took Mrs.Laura latham Wednesday for abirthday dinner for Rosie Leiterat her home.

Donny Alwood, Leslie Shenkand Joe and Peter Smith attended a Junior High dance atthe Barryton school Friday eve-fling.

Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Aiwoodand Heather were Saturday supper guests of the Don Alwoods.Donny spent the afternoon withthem, helping them with yardwork.

Mr.and Mrs. Albert Cost andMr. and Mrs. John Cost attendedour grandson’s wedding Saturday evening when David Costand Nancy Callison of near El-well were married, at St. John’sEpiscopal Church in Alma. Thehappy young couple went totheir home on his father’s farmnorth of Elwell.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cost andfamily called Saturday evening,and we had cake for John’s birthday.

Don and Wayne Abbott havebeen spending a two weeks’ vacation at Don’s trailer at Arcadia, Florida.


Mr.and Mrs. Ernie Myers andMr.and Mrs. Stanley Edwardsof lonia were Sunday guests ofMr.and Mrs. Fred Wilcox.

Callers of Mrs. C]aribel Beutler during last week includedMrs. Robert Fordyce of Marionand daughter, Mrs. Dick Elsrood,of New York City. Sunday afternoon visitors were Mrs • ForrestJohnston of Rosebush and Mr. andMrs. Leland Brecht of Mt. Pleasant.



Beal CityPhone 644-3452

DaggettFuneral Home

BARR YTONPhone 382-5566


BOTTLE GASWeidman Phone 644-2200




BILL BARZ2931 West Beal City Road

HERMAN’S GARAGEBeal City Phone 644—3645

OUR SPECIALTIES: Motor Tune-Up MOBIL GAS AND OILWheel Alignment, Auto Repair

Ph. 644-3330 Real Estate Ph. 644-3308

Mick J. SchmaThach Dolores Portenga




WEDMAN We Service Whot We Sell PHONE 6443631


Ph. 644-3516WEIDMAN

Real EstateWe have buyers for real estate in this area. LISTINGS WANTED

BERNARD PITTS Member Catiot-Isabella Board of RealtorsOffice, McArthur Ins. Agency, WeidmanTel. 644-3465. area code 517.

thursday. Anril 5. 1974 WIiIUMAN M SSENG1iK



week for ordinary ad; spacerate per column inch forthose of longer length. Cardof Thanks $2. 50, unless verylong. Phone 644-2000.

PROFESS IONAL--Hcrseshoeingby graduate from MichiganSchool of Horseshoeing. JeffHines, tel. 644-3582.

April 4tf

BIG- -BIG--BIG Tomato Plantsin Jiffy pots. Plant pot and all,They won’t wilt. Valiants,the earliest variety, heavy producers. Eat your own ripe tomatoes In early July. TheFlower Shop, West AirlineRoad, Weidman, where beautiful things come from.

April 2Stf

FOR SALE--Five bicycles. Twohigh-rise 20-inch, one beginner’s, 20-in, like new. Boy’sbike, girl’s bike. Ph. 644-2224

April 25t2

ELECTRIC SEWER SERVICE--Large rod for drains, three tosix inches, 100 foot. Also asmall rod for 1 1/2 to 3 inch,24 foot. Ph. 644-2058.

Nov. 29tf

BACK HOE WORK--Drain fieldsdug, Stones and stumps removed or buried, etc. freeestimates. Bill Wilcox, ph.644-3490.

A CORRECTIONThe Messenger wishes to cor

rect a news item in last week’spaper.

It was the family of Burr Abrahamson, not that of Dale By-water, who took Mrs. Ethel By-water out to dinner Easter Sunday. The Abrahamsons’ daughter lives near Weidman.



NoticeNotice to the citizens of Not

tawa Township:Notice is hereby given that

a meeting will be held at theNottawa Township Hall on April29, 1974, at8o’clockp.m.

For the Purpose of studying anddiscussing the feasibility ofadopting a township or a countyordinance for the Township ofNottawa.

Bernard RauNottawa Twp. Clark.

April 25t1

FOR SAlE--Good oat staw, regular size bales. Ph. 644-2015,Weidman. Call evenipgs orweekends, please.

April 4d

FOR SALE--Pickep Camper,sleeps 4. Jacl1 toilet,stove, $500. 5678 JordanRoad, Coidwater Lake, tel.644-3967.

GARAGE SAlE--Children’sclothing, dishes, puarles,items from several families.Running from now until fail.3345 West River Road. Ph.772-1475.

t899 LAND OWNERSHIP PIATSOf Coidwater, Gilmore, Sherman, Nottawa, &oomfieldand Deerfield Townships; andVillage Pints of Weidman,showing the railroad cuttingthough town and crossing theroad twice; the Village of&inton, showing the locationof the charcoal kilns; alsovillage pints of Sherman Cityand Winn. Supply is limited.Now on sale at most businessplaces in Weidman, and ofcourse at the Messenger officeSponsored by the WeidmanBusiness Association, a nonprofit organization.

FOR SAlE--Two formais, sizesmall 12, both pink. Ph. 644-2337.

April 11 t2

[cri/ J1an]

I would like to thank all myrelatives, friends and neighbors,Beal City Senior Citizens, andWeidman Rebekah Lodge, forall the get-well cards sent tome while I was in the hospital;

Also for the lovely flowersfrom the Weidman RebekahLodge, and Weidman UnitedMethodist Church;

Edna Schultz, Marge and ArzaMullet, Lucille and Jim Smith,and the Paul Straus family ofFlushing;

And a very special Thank Youto those who called on me thetwo weeks I was in the hospital.

God bless you all.Leak Scharrer

/ J/zan1i]I want to express my sincere

appreciation to all my neighborsand friends and family, for thecards and visits while I was inthe hospital.

Your thoughts of me reallyhelped me though a difficulttime.

Thank you.Joseph Ptak


Hedwig M. Frick of Rosebushdied Wednesday, April 10, atthe home of her son. She was 84.She was born Nov. 26, 1889, inSwitzerland.

funeral services were held Saturday, April 13, at 10 a.m. atSacred Heart Church in Mt. Pleasant with Fr. John Thome officiating. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery.

Surviving are five sons, Augustand Otto of Rosebush, Eugene ofMonroe, and Carl and frank ofMt • Pleasant; two daughters, Mrs.Richard (Rose Marie) Wilson ofAlpena and Miss Clara Frick oflake; a brother, Oskar Kuess ofSwitzerland; four sisters, Elsa andPriska Ruess, Kiara Hubert andRosili Hurlimann, of Switzerland;and 21 grandchildren and twogreat-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death byher husband, August.



the ChurchesWEIDMAN BAPTIST CHURCH(1 Mile West of Weidmaa)

Pastor: Marvin Eidrldge, ph,644-3504.

Sunday School, 20 a.m.Morning Service, 11 a.m.Evening Service, 7.30 p.m.Choir Thrsday, 6.30 p.m.The film, “In the Presence of

Mine Enemies,” about a formerPOW, will be shown at ourchurch Sunday, April 28, at7.30 p.m. Everyone welcome.

WEIDMAN UNITED METHODISTRev. Athel Lynch, Pastor, 2163

2nd Street, Weidman.Office phone 644-3336, parson

age 644-3441.Chwth School, 9.45 a.m.Worship Service, 11 a.m.Sharing and prayer Thursday,

?.3Op.m.Pot luck dinner third Sunday,

1p.m.U.M.W., 1stand3rdThu

days, 3p.m.Methodist Men, 4th Saturday,



Rev. John A. Wright, MinisterPhone 644-3604.Sunday School, 10a.m.Morning Worship, 11a.m.Choir practice, 6. 30 p.m.Evening Service, 7. 30 p. iii.Prayer Service Wednesday,

7.30 p.m.

ZION LUThEN CHURCHBroornfield: Located six miles

south of Weidman on CoidwaterRoad.

Rev. Edwin $chmelzer, Pastor.Sunday School, 9.15 a.m.Worship Service, 10.45 a. m.Ladies’ Aid meets on second

Wednesday of each mooth.

NEWS NOTESMrs. Eugene McArthnr (Edith)

underwent surgery Tuesday morning at CMC Hospital for removal of .a goitre.HONE PAPER FOR THE WESTHALF Of ISABELLA COUNTY




BAKE SALEWeidman United Methodist Church

SATURDAY, MAY 45. 30 to 7p.m.

Adults $1.75, under 12 $1.00Pre -school free

• AllYouCanEatH!

flibman ifltanrngvrPUBLISHER: Constance Skinner. Editor: Constance Skinner.

Tel. 644-2000, Weidman. Address, 6298 Airline Road.,Weidman, Mich. 48893.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $8 per year locally. Anywhere Inthe world, $11.

Second-Class postage paid at Weidman, Michigan.Published at Weidman, Isabella County, Michigan, each

Thursday: except that the last week of June and first weekof July, and the Christmas and New Year’s issues are combined.

Address all mail to: Weidman Messenger, Weidman, Michigan 48893.


April 2St3

Aug. 6tf

WEIDMAN MESSENGER Thursday, April 25, 1974

Brinton News day afternoon, April 30. All are caller, fence.welcome to attend. Mrs. Sue Embrey, Mrs. Tulle Mr and Mrs. Wan, Andrews

Frances Beck, Rcporter ---0--- Embrey and Mrs. Lois Clark at- children of St. Johns spentGOlDEN ANNiVERSARY 3EAL c;r’ ICC tended a fashion show at the the weekend with the Leon SchaFOR THE JOE IA WNDES JAMBOREE, BANDS rj’ Chippewa Hills High School last fer family and attended the an-

Congratulations to Mr.and The Beal City Knights of Co- week Tuesday evening, with pro- nual Firemen’s Auction SaturMrs. Joe La Londe, who were lumbus are plam2ing a jamboree ceeds going to the band. Clothes day night.guests of honor at their 50th at their hail Sunday evening, Ap were from Sally’s Shop in Remus Visitors of Mrs. Helen Smithwedding anniversary party Sun- ru 28, from 2 to 12 p.m. and Campus Tux Shop in Mt. last week included Mrs. Verliaday at The Embers in Mt. Plea- The public is invited. All bands Pleasant, modeling men’s Wilcox, Mrs. Eva Denslow andsant. are welcome, clothes. Entertainment also was

So pleased to know Madelyn ---0--- furnished the audience, includ- Judy Lawrence and Cheryl Cumruins.

was able to leave the Medical WEU)MAN SCOUTS ing two bridal parties and models Mr. and Mrs. John ShowalterCare facility for the afternoon. cI.EAr TiP PARK for tuxedos. Music was furnished of Mt. Pleasant were SundayShe is convalescing from a bro- Weidman Boy Scouts and Cub by a jazz band, evening visitors of the Garyken hip. Scouts, under direction of Dick Mr,and Mrs. James Sutton and McArthur family,

The l.a Londes’ daughter and Swaon, cleaned up Mitchell family of Ashley were Saturday---0---

husband, Mr.and Mrs. David Memorial Park in Weidman Sat- visitors of the Ronnie SpragueCrook, and family from Ohio urday. family. In theand other relatives were in at- The park was in bad shape, Mr.and Mrs. Gerald Johnson of Editor’s Itlailtendance. after the winter’s accumulation Mt. Pleasant were Sunday visitors

Eunice La Londe attended from of trash regularly contributed by of their mother, Mrs. Kit John- Dear Connie:Brinton, as did also Mr.and Mrs. delinquents of the area and also son, Enclosed is $5.00 for extendingAlvie Moore. the brush created by our two ice ‘k’s. Wesley Cole of Remus my subscription for the Messen

Our congratulations, Mr.and storms late this winter, and her daughter, Mrs. Sara ger.Mrs. La Londe! Our Scouts are a live group of Paulson, of Midland, and daugh- Sorry I let it slip by. Time goes

**1*4c boys, with good leaders, and ter, lisa, were Sunday afternoon goes so fast.Irene Bowen and I called on the town can be grateful to callers of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton But I always look forward for

Madelyn l.a Londe and Laura Pi- them for their good citizenship Smith my paper. It always seems morefez at the Medical Care Facility training and work. Mrs. Harlan Snider was hostess like a letter to me.Wednesday. ---0--- to her two daughters, Joan and Hello, everybody.

Mr.and Mrs. Russell Wright Thank you.spent a few days in Flat Rock IMC al Items Sue Ann, at the Mother-Daugh- Minnie Strauchat the home of their son, Verl. ter banquet at the VFW Hall in

Mt. Pleasantirene Bowen and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham of Mt. Pleasant Thursday evening.

Connie Fletcher, were in Mt. rural Rosebush were Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McAr

Pleasant Monday. evening callers of Mrs. Grace thur and son were Sunday dinner flJIE11111U1UDad and I spent Sunday with Pitts. Mrs. Pitts was a Friday guests of the Gary McArthurs.

Mr.and Mrs. Charley Metrger supper guest of the Bernard Pitts Doug helped Gary put up a new

of Bailey. family.Mr. ana Mrs. Don Seymour Mrs • Arlin Summers returned

spent Friday evening with us. Sunday to her home in Lansingafter visiting her sisters, Nina

TEN TABLES IN PlAY Forbes, Gladys Wilson and MargeAT REBEKAN CARD PAR1 Mullet.

Ten tables of pepper were in Mr.and Mrs. Emil Phillips wereplay at the Weidman Rebekah in Bay City Wednesday, visitingcard party at the Oddfellows Mrs. Mildred Bowman in the hosHall here last Tuesday, April 16, pitalthere. Mr.and Mrs. Earl SEED CORNMary Larson won first prize Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. Phil-for the ladies, with Austin Dent lips went to Boyne falls. Sunday SEED OATSwinning first for the men, they spent at Grass Lake with

Harold Schumacher won the her brother, Frank Durham, ofpepper prize. Catherine Schu- Bay City. ALFALFA and CLOVER seedmacher won low. Hattie Losey Mrs. Dale Bywater of Midlandwonthedoorprize. calledonivirs. EthelBywaterSat—

The. next card party at the Odd- urday afternoon. Mrs. Tracy By-fellows Hall here will be Thes- water was a Saturday afternoon GARDEN SEEDS

BULK & PACKAGEWAID REAL ESTATEChick StarterJosephine F. Waid

Realtor REALTOR’ Chick feeders961 Hillcrest Lake, Mich.

Call (517) 544.2001 AnytimeCROOKED LAKE--Two-bedroom year-round home with Large Selection

electric heat, fireplace, on 3 lots across from easement tolake waters. Lawn & Garden Needs

40 ACRES in Isabella County, five-room house, $20,000.

MECOSTA COUNTY--70 Acres, trout stream running though. Stop in Today!$27, 750.00.

SHERMAN CITY AREA--i 3/4 cares, 5-room house, full

BADER MILLING CO.basement, garden space with all kinds of berries.

ON M-20 NEAR MT. PLEASANT--One acre with mobilehome with basement, hookup for second trailer, only WEIDMAN$5,100.00, $1,500 down,

Tel, 644-3300

Thursday. APr11 25. 1974 WEIDMAN MSSNGER

Beal CityDa Smith, Repottcr

Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Keifferhad their Easter dinner with herdaughter and husband, Mr.andMrs. Lloyd Gesselman, in Hubbardston.

Mr.and Mrs. George Keifferreturned to the home of his son,Bernard, in Plymouth, Sunday,to keep house for them for awhile.

Mrs. Frank Powell called onLouise Smith Sunday evening,when she picked up Dora to takeher back to work. Rose Gririzinger was also a Sunday caller,as was also Ginger Rau.

William Martin, Sr., has beenin the hospital again.

Dorothy Grinzinger and familyof Detroit celebrated Mrs.Herman Grinzinger’s birthdayover the weekend.

Mrs. Gririzinger called on Mrs.Louise Smith and Dora Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Milo Eldred wereTuesday afternoon visitors.

The Beal City Business Association had supper at fa]setta’ sin Mt. Pleasant Tuesday evening.

The children of Herman Grinzinger came home Saturdaynight to celebrate his 79thbirthday.

Arnold Simmer of Reed Cityis back in the hospital again.Dora Smith called on Mrs.

Rose Schafer Saturday, and onMrs. John Smith and family inthe afternoon. Mrs. Henry Simmer was a Saturday evening visitor of Dora’s,

Mr.and Mrs. Oscar Schafer ofWinn spent Friday evening withMrs. Tony Schafer.

Mrs. Vera Kavanaugh returnedhome last week after spendinga few days with Mrs. HowardJohnson in Detroit.

Mr. and Mrs • Laverne Yunckerspent the weekend in Chicago.Theresa Smith took care of thechildren.

Ed Kavanaugh fell from a ladder last week while repairinghis house roof and suffered headand rib injuries. He is in CMCHospital. His many friendswish him a speedy recovery.

Mrs. Tony Schafer spent Sunday with ?vfr.and Mrs. Ed Schafer at Coidwater Lake.

Charlotte Schafer and MikeLane were married Saturday afternoon in St. Joseph the Worker Church in Beal City. Supperand a reception followed at theK.C. Hall. They will maketheir home in Grand Rapids,where both are employed. Congratulations.

Mrs. Louise Schafer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. KevinSchafer in Mt. Pleasant.

---0---Mr.and Mrs. Tom Flower and

children spent the weekend withthe David Flowers. They werehere to have their baby, BrianJohn, baptized in St. Joseph theWorker’s Church in Beal City.

Coidwater LaktMarjorie Schafer, Reporter

Robert Schafer had Easter dinner with the Jay McCoy familyof Alma.

Jay and Shirley McCoy anddaughter, Sharon, and RobertSchafer called on the RobertPung family in Beal City EasterSunday, and also called at ourhome.

Don and Robert Schafer celebrated their birthdays this weekwith dinner at the home of theirparents, the Edward Schafers.Other guests were Don’s wife,Judy, and daughters Josette andHeather, Jerry and Jane Schaferand children Billy and KeTh,Bill and Lynn Schafer and sonBrian, Wayne and Ruth AnnSherlock and children Marlene,LeAnna and Eddie.

Guests here Tuesday eveningwere Leo and Lucille Schaferof Beal City, Bill and LynnSchafer and son Brian, DorothyMaxon of Mt. Pleasant, AngelaBess and daughter laurie andChris of Grand Ledge.

We attended the wedding andreception of Michael lane andCharlotte Schafer Saturday atSt. Joseph’s Church in Beal City,

Tillie Schafer spent Sundaywith Ed and me. Other guestswere Doria and Judy Schafer anddaughters, Jerry and Jane Schafer and children of Rosebush,linda Kandaris, also of Rosebush, and Ruth Ann and WayneSherlock.

Loretta Lorenz entered theClare Hospital for tests. Sheis in Room 203.

---0---(Too Late for Last Week)

Easter Sunday we had a hailstorm, with thunder and lightaing, rain, snow, and colder weather.

Tuesday afternoon Flo Hauptcalled on Loretta Lorenz.

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Jacobs ofMidland called at the Lorenzhome. Thursday guests wereKate Martin, Winnie Johnston,and Sue Ward.

Jerry and Jane Schafer andchildren called here Thursdayevening and took Ed and me toplay cards with Wayne and RuthSherlock.

Friday Jack and Helen Lorenzand family of Rothsbury madea surprise visit to his mother,Loretta Lorenz. Lori Simmerspent Thursday and Friday withher grandmother. Dorothy Tilmann was a Monday caller.

Paul Simmer was in CMC Hospital last week, in traction forrelief of back trouble. Clarenceand Loretta Lorenz called onhim Saturday evening. On theirway home they called on Thelma Kolarik and son, Don.

Clarence and Loretta Lorenzand Leona Perrin spent Easterwith Bob and Mary Lou Theisenof Mt. Pleasant. Other guestswere the Ron Lorenz and MaxStraus families and Mr. and Mrs.Ken Lord and daughter. Clar

ence, Loretta and Leona alsocalled on the Don Lorem familyin Mt. Pleasant.

The Wade Wischmeyer familyof Alma spent Easter with hisparents, Walt and Dellie Wischmeyer.

Don and Judy Schafer anddaughters had Easter dinner withher mother, Mildred Haynes,of Deerfield Center.

Bill and Lynn Schafer and sonhad Easter dinner with her parents, the Norval Maxons, ofMt. Pleasant.

Ed and I spent Easter with theWayne Sherlock family.

Jerry and Jane Schafer entertained company from Detroitover the weekend.

The Melvin Schafer familyspent the weekend moving intotheir home here on the Goldwater River.

The Leonard Lieder familyspent Easter with his parents,the Emil liieders.

Wednesday I had a nice visitwith Ella Merrilat and SarahMorton of Mt. Pleasant, whileEd was doing some work forthem.

---0---Mr.and Mrs. Gary Agle of Far-

well were Friday supper guestsof the Bernard Pitts family.

Ivan Allen returned home fromCMC Hospital last week aftera stay due to a heart attack.


Mrs. Richard Wood, who seryesas a volunteer for the AmericanCancer Society, met with theIsabella County Fram BureauWomen’s committee at the Isabella County Medical Care Facility, with the monthly topic,‘Safety and Health”.

As chairman for the public education committee, Mrs. Woodexplained two films, 11Sense inthe Sun,” and “Second Voice,”as they were shown to representatives and guests.

Regional Representative Bernard Bishop indicated that afilm, “Man in the Land” hadbeen readied for television viewing by the joint efforts of several State- farm Bureau organizations, and said to watch for local showings.

The April project is the Menturd paper drive. Papers may beleft at the County Farm Bureauoffice in Mt. Pleasant.

The patients at the MedicalCare Facility were treated todecorated cupcakes and punch,served by the Farm Bureau ladies, and it made a fitting endto a wonderful day of sharing.

Mary BeutlerSecretary



vtMEtIoi 100-- AVE 2 \/-AYS













,noIh., DIMENSION ,nfinobenking..


1)Isabella bankand ttust MT PLEASANT & WEIDMAN M.n,E EDIC. .) F,N Ts.t P,w.r

WJidUMAIN M1i.SSk!NUJi,t( Thursday) April 25. 1974


A District Visitation was heldat the Weidman Rebekali I-ia]i Mrs. Harry Alien and Mrs.April 15, with all of the Dis- Marilyn Losey and Patti attendtrict officers present, and Mary ed a style show at the ChippewaBarlow of farwell as president Hills High School Tuesday eve-of the Association. ning last week. Harry Allen

A good attendance of mem- spent the evening with Geraldbers was present, from Shepherds Losey.Gladwin, Farwell and Weidman Mrs. Minnie Ithode and Haroldlodges. were Wednesday morning callers

A short business meeting was at the Allen home. The Aliensheld, with the Association meet- spent Thursday afternoon withing for the year to be held at Mr.and Mrs. Robert Bush atthe Farwell lodge May 2. Thbbs Lake.

A pot-luck supper was enjoyed Tim Jacitson of Mt. Pleasantby all, and an entertainment and Mr.and Mrs. Richardput on by the Weidman Rebek- Krouse of Lansing spent theahs, after the meeting. weekend at the Harry Allen

home.Born to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Blanche Carr was visiting the

Loomis, a daughter, Tern first of the week at the homeSue, at CMC Hospital Thurs- of her son, Norman, at Merrill,day evening, April 18. She and so was unable to get theweighed six pounds, 15 OUnCeS. Two Rivers news.The proud grandparents are Mr.and Mrs. Otis Loomis.

West Gilmore -

Lena Cole, Reporter

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kleasonand George Cornell of Beavertoncalled on Mr. and Mrs. NormanGeasler Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Payton Geaslercalled on Mr. and Mrs. MartinBoger Sunday. They also calledon Mr. and Mrs. Albert Geasler.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Worth attended the musical, “Oldahoma!” at the Chippewa HillsHigh School Saturday evening.Their daughter, Lynn, was inthe orchestra.

Darrell Worth was home overthe weekend, from his collegestudies in Mt. Pleasant.

Mr. and Mrs. Art Schrockreturned recently from theirsouthern tour.

The Brinton Quilting Club metthis Wednesday at the &intonHall.

Paul Cole visited his doctorin Saginaw Wednesday afternoon.

Bonnie Blackmer was takento CMC Hospital Monday morning. Mrs. Joan Hummel is caring for the Blackmers’ children.

Paul Cole, Richard Mahonand Steve Kripa were campingat Omar, and got 28 suckers,through last week.



Mrs. IsaiJohnson of Mt. Pleasant celebratdd her 96th birthdayat a family dinner party at thehome of the Marion Johnson family Sunday. April 14. Her birthday date was April 16.

Present for the milestone eventwere Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson, Mr.and Mrs. Marion Johnson and family, Mr.and Mrs. Ernest Klumpp, and Mr.and Mrs.Orval lClumpp, and Mrs. CliffordJohnson of Chippewa Lake.

Our congratulations, Mrs. Johnson!


In theEditor’s MailDear Connie:

I see our paper is about dueagain.

We enjoy the paper very much.We seldom get up there anymore, and we sure miss all ourold friends.

Roy and Mamie SiscoEast Remus RoadMt. Pleasant Route 4


Mrs. Alton Allen spent Sundayin St. Louis, attending a birthdayparty for her great-grandson, Trevor Allen, son of Mr.and Mrs..Michael Allen.


More than a tractor


Snow blade Snow thrower 10 Cu. ft. dump curt

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ZJ]EWIDEAHome is where you’ll really appreciate this lineup oflawn and garden products from Allis-Chalmers. Need atractor with total yardpower and a wide range of attachments? We’ve got six of them... 8 to 19Y2 hp. Or chooseeither a 5 or 8 hp riding mower that cuts as fast as manyso-called tractors. Or do yourself a good turn around theyard with one of four rotary mowers... 19” and21” cut.

Look over our brand of yardpower. You’ll findour little ones handle some mighty big jobs.


Weidman Marina3520 North Woodruff Road

Electric TractorsThe New Idea Electric Tractor is more thanlawn mower. In all, you get more than 35 accesSories and attachments to choose from. All willmake your New Idea Electric Tractor more versatile. and valuable. Come in and let us show you.

The electric tractor backed bydependableNEW IDEA DEALER SERVICE

Batterypower is heiferIILMANN HARDWARE

Beal City 644-2252Weidmon Tel. 644-2604

Thtwsday, April 25, 1974 WEDDMAN MFSSENCEB

Walker CreekNews

Mary Loomis, ReporterMr • and Mrs • Vance Loomis and

family of Barryton were Saturdayafternoon callers of Mr.and Mrs.Arthur Loomis.

Adra Reed, son of Mr.and Mrs.Orval Reed, left last Wednesdayfor the Marines. He will be stationed in San Diego, Calif.

Sunday visitors at the Reedhome were Mr. and Mrs. StevePyrett and family of Big Rapidsand Mr.and Mrs. John Cotsmanof Mt. Pleasant.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Denslowreturned home last week fromtheir winter vacation in Browns-field, Texas.

Mrs. Gilbert Schrock hosted abirthday party last Tuesday fortheir son, Philip, who celebratedhis sixth birthday. Five littlefriends enjoyed an evening ofgames and refreshments.

Mr.and Mrs. Schrock entertained several family members atdinner Sunday, also in honor ofPhilip’ s birthday.

Mr.and Mrs. Steve Voss andson were Friday evening visitorsof Mr.and Mrs. Charles Voss.

Sunday visitors of Mr.and Mrs.Harry Dosenberry were her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.andMrs. Ray Patterson, of Marion.Mrs. Clyde Dosenberry and sonwere callers.

Mr. and Mrs. Otis Conley andMr • and Mrs • Leo 0 enslow enjoyed dinner at the CoidwaterLake Inn Friday evening. TheConleys spent Saturday eveningwith Dale and Judy Webster atRemus.

Mr. and Mrs • Ward Loomis ofBarryton were Friday evening visitors of Mr.and Mrs. Otto Skalitzky. Mr.and Mrs. Dale Denslowand Lyle Denslow were Saturdaycallers. Mrs. Skalittky was quiteill with the flu this week.

Little Tiffany Reed, daughterof Mr.and Mrs. Burdette Reed,underwent surgery on her handsat CMC Hospital Friday. Shewas reported as doing very nicelyat this writing.

Jay Purdy and sons of Flint spentThursday and Saturday eveningat the Reed home. Edith Reedof Lansing was a visitor duringthe week. Mrs. Evelyn Denslowand Mrs • Ardith Thompson wereSunday callers.

Visitors at our home Sundayevening were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Theisen and family of Mt.Pleasant, and Mother and DadLoomis.


Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pitts areLeaving Thursday for London andParis, on another Auto OwnersInsurance Company trip. Theywill be gone 10 days. They willgo to the home of Gerald Mc-Arthur at Wixom, and thence toMetro Airport in Detroit for takeoff on their trip.

S. W. ShermanGoldie Dutcher, Reporter

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Owen ofMidland spent from Friday tillSunday afternoon with the Robert Dutcher family.

Tom Nagle and Terry Owenspent Saturday over night andtill after dinner Sunday withthem. Gale Dutcher and sonsçí Mt. Pleasant had Saturdaysupper with them.

Julia and Karen Dutcher callrd on me late Sunday afternoon.

Betty Dutcher and childrenhad dinner with us Tuesday.The girls spent the afternoonwith Patti and Grandma.

Gary and Robert Dutcher wereour Wednesday dinner guests.Thursday Robert and Julia Dutcher had dinner with us. SaturdayRichard, Gary, Dale, Jim andBecky Dutcher had dinner withus. Julia and children were myFriday evening callers.

Mr.and Mrs. Gary Dutcherand children and Rex and DawnDutcher visited the Jim Hissongsof Montague Sunday. They alsowent to the Muskegon Hospitaland visited Bonnie’s sister,Georgina.

Mr. and Mrs. &vin Dutcherand Eloise and Beth Hogg spentSunday evening with Mr. andMrs. Bob Hines.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dutcher andgirls of Pontiac spent from Friday night till Sunday afternoonwith Mr.and Mrs. &vin Dutcher, Sr.

Mr.and Mrs. Bill Remingtonand children of Saginaw andMonroe and Keith Dutcher ofClarkston came up Saturdaymorning and went home Saturday night. They were plantingtrees at &vin’s place.

Patti Losey and Floyd Dutcherwere Sunday callers of the Er-yin Dutcher, Jr., family. TheDale Dutchers of Mt. Pleasantwere Saturday caUers.

Mr.and Mrs. Tom fyke spentThursday evening with the JimDutchers, Clayton and I spentMonday evening with the Richard Yuncker family.

L$II1SBELLILester B. Halt, Reporter

Mr.and Mrs. Roy Leppan returned Sunday from Spring Hill,Florida, where they had visitedrelatives for about 10 days. Theirson and grandson, Albert andBillie Stimetr, accompaniedthem on the motor trip.

Mr.and Mrs. James Beattie returned Friday following a twoweeks’ visit in Detroit. Theirdaughter and son-in-law, Mr.and Mrs. Bud Klenk, came withthem to spend the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Norm Paddockreturned Monday from Detroit,where they had been visitingrelatives for a few days.





DISTRIBUTOR OP OIL PRODUCTSOffice 5th Street, Weidman Phone 644-3346


WeidmanPharmacistSu.Phone 644-2511 I


Ph rmacyTilmann Hardware

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Poet Office Mt. Pleasant R. I Phone 644-2252, Weldman

ged liquor EUDS opwBeer & Wine SEVENTake Out Party Store DAYSSmall Groceries A WEEKFood Stamps WEIDMAN Ph. 644-3500Accepted Here AMERICAN GREETING CARDS

$TRAUS PROCESSING CO.Dependable Custom Butchering. Processing of Beef, Pork,opc aging, cooling, curing, we sell mat wholesaleand retail, Butchering days Wednesdays and Thursdays.

4 miles north of Beal City Phone 644-2292

McArthut Insurance AgencyAUTC‘ “WE INSURE EVERYTHIN6


Phone 644-3465





Funeral HomePhone 967-3464, Remus



Phone 644-3631

Wli,IUIVIAI\ 1VlINL.y,t( 1flursaay, April 5, 1974


(Editor’s Note: We are pleased

to present this piece by “one ofour own” • It is a worthy thesis,and well thought out.)

By Austin DentKhrushchev, on a tow of the

U.S., said, “My what a waste!”which has become a problem forus. He might have said we buytoo much for too little, but hewould have to blame capitalistsand monopolists.

A person in Russia would tellyou that people in the U.S. areairight but they are victimizedby reactionary capitalists andmonopolists (quoted from thebook, “Inside Russia Today’, byJohn Gunther.)

A communist citizen is deniedhis principles by the use of authority, and without his owngovernmental power, his rightto life is useless. He is taughtthat a dead man has no value,and a person should be glad togive up his life for the governmental power.

On Feb. 24 and 25, 1956,Krushchev spoke to the PartyCongress for six hours, on itsprinciple. He said, “Lenin hadnever tried to impose by forcehis views on his co-workers, hetried to convince.” Kruschchevalso said, “The principle had !got out of hand by Stalin, andthousands of co-workers, manyhigh-ranking army officers, werekilled by Beria, and he had

‘v been killed himself.” Al-

though he was First Secretary ofthe Party, he had no privilegeto stop it, because of Stalin’sauthority.

All this reminds me of Eisenhower’s phrase, “A people thatvalues its privileges above itsprinciples soon loses both”.

He made quick decisions by•such phrases, and as a warriorand as a president, it broughthim fame. Of all American generals since George Washington,Eisenhower had the greatest qualifications for civil authority(World Encyclopedia).

In 1952, President Eisenhowerand Vice President Nixon hadbeen elected on the first ballotin Chicago. Eisenhower’s qualities made him easily elected tohigh office in war as well as in -

peace.He said, “The greatest force

in world affairs is moral force.”He wanted stronger local government, where decisions could bemade by the people. He thoughtwe could save freedom by thespirit of free Western nations.

I read an article from Reader’sDigest which he wrote, on extremism. He stated, “Most people walk the middle of the road,extremists walk the ditches.”He was for civil rights and civilliberties. He brought the KoreanWar to a truce and he had manymore qalities for greatness.

Perhaps we have wasted ourpetroleum like children. Ecologists, extremists and reactionarypeople, with some that don’tunderstand, seem to want to put

our system away. Because of ourprinciples, “communists reactthrough all groups of people byusing all their different agenciesand they do not admit responsibilities”. (From Memoirs, byGeorgeE. Kennan, p. 552.)

The oil crisis is up the Soviets’alley. Watergate is a laugh.

They worship Lenin and refer tohis principles as to a dictionary.

“Lenin wanted to turn the wholeworld to socialism first and cornmtmism second,” quoted fromthe World Encyclopedia.

We have popular people in ourcountry today speaking to largecrowds in the best of buildings,with many followers; who havesocial principles and a little beyond, which is reflected in ourgovernment, almost socialisticnow.

Dishonesty, a parasite of government, perhaps originatedwhen government was invented.That’s why we need a two-partysystem: We can groom eachother. We might invent an insecticide.

Mr. Pendergast put Harry Truman in business. During Truman’s first term in the Senate,Pendergast was sent to the penitentiary. Truman’s loyalty wasproved.

Nixon attracted unusual attention as vice president, especially during thee illnesses ofEisenhower within the 26-monthperiod from September, 1955,to November, 1957. At thattime he used judgment and skill.Nixon was more active than

most vice presidents. During thistime the Korean War was broughtto an end by a truce on July 27,1953. (World Encyclopedia).

His political career proves heis a rind for work and courage.He tried to preserve ow principles of democracy with honorand dickered a truce, a trucewhich had been promised in abig way if we would leave withstock and barrel. To this hedragged his feet.

In 1973 he was accused of corruption, and by a poll of thepeople he is already convicted.

I don’t think we are movingbackward, but I still can’tprove it.

However, our privileges mustbe guarded.

For instance, wearing seat beltsshould be a privilege we can accept or reject.

I believe that in many casesseat belts make us less cautious,and may cause an accident.

However, when we are forcedto wear them, we are being denied our privileges, whichcould be a form of Stalinism-I repeat, to impose by force.

I thought I would speak outwhile I still have the privilege.


Tuesday night was a cold one,with a mean northwest windand a hard freeze predicted.

Flowers are up and around bythis time, especially daffodilsand hyacinths.


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