life and its roller coaster what goes around, comes around_incident report essay

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  • 8/10/2019 Life and Its Roller Coaster What Goes Around, Comes Around_Incident Report Essay


    Sebastian, Julianne Pierre M. November 4, 2014

    RLE 3 37

    Life and its Roller Coaster: What Goes Around, Comes Around

    I must say that it was not an ordinary afternoon for me. It was not extraordinary either but it is

    something unforgettable that in one afternoon, my life had been changed in an instant. It was tough. It

    was not simply a trial or challenge but a struggle. By that time, I dont know what to feel. To exaggerate,

    I felt that I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. This exaggeration is self-centered. I

    was self-centered. I highly prioritized myself without knowing that I was already neglecting my duty and

    responsibility as a student nurse. But then again, I am aware already of what is and what is wrong. Still, I

    did a wrong thing.

    Backtracking to what I have learned, nursing always comes along with 3 Cs. These are:

    Competence, Commitment and Compassion. These 3 Cs should have been always balance with one

    another. Showing and applying all 3 at the simultaneously. An effective nurse values all these 3. If there

    is only 2 out of 3 or even 1 out of 3, the nurse is not an effective one and I was that kind of a nurse. I

    failed to not just act like one but to be one. If I may add, I would like to add another C which is

    Conscience. Do I have no conscience? I do have it and there is a reason why it didnt knock my door. It is

    simply to make me learn from that mistake. As early as now, I have to change. I should really change not

    just for the sake of myself but for the sake of what I am to be in the future. Will I be an effective and

    responsible nurse? I should be for it is a must. I was already on the right track but in an instant I got lost.

    I am still thankful enough to be able to change for the betterment of myself and others. Also, I am also

    thankful that there are many people that are helping me find my way back, to correct me for my wrong

    doings and to teach me a life lesson.

    People have continuously taught me that the right things in my life and not just in a certain field.

    Everything is interconnected to our own lives. In every little thing that I do, it influences my way of life. It

    reflects me of what I am. It indirect affects me. Everyone was never born to be perfect. I have no excuse

    to say that it is because of my imperfection. Again, this is self-centeredness. Basically, my action was

    unexcused. One can never say that he/she has no choice unless he/she has no wisdom and awareness. I

    believe in Existentialism and it says that everyone has always a choice. Remembering what I did, I made

    a choice and the choice I made was entirely wrong. I was sick and out of breath but these are no excuse

  • 8/10/2019 Life and Its Roller Coaster What Goes Around, Comes Around_Incident Report Essay


    for my irresponsibility. The answer was obvious. The solution was clear but I still I took the risky one. I

    made a mistake just like any person. I am in no place to say because I am imperfect so I get sick because

    I am no different from others. The thing is that it is only natural to be imperfect and to get sick but it is

    not natural to do the wrong thing.

    I entirely felt devastated. As Ive said,I felt that I was carrying the weight of the world then that

    time it just crushed me. That time, what I just wanted is to conserve my energy because I am sick.

    Unfortunately, I was given the 3 patients with 2 being level IV activity of care and 1 being level III activity

    of care. On that time, my 4 Cs as a nurse was tested and I failed miserably. Whoever person may be

    assigned to me, they are my responsibility and I should be thankful for their trust even if they may not

    know who I am and what I am. I am ashamed of myself for breaking their trust and for not respecting

    their privacy. Respect is another thing that I have forgotten. This is one thing that should always be

    shown not only to the patient but also to clinical instructors and other people. How can I face these

    people again? I dont know how. I said sorry and now, all I hope is for me to be forgiven. The moment I

    realize all of these things, I got home and felt the pain of guilt accompanied by the rain inside my eyes.

    All of these realizations are learnings that should never be forgotten. I went through this and felt

    the pain for these learning and realizations to greatly impact my life, to directly change my actions.

    There were so many things that I have learned. Even my philosophies in life have been related to what

    had happened last October 30, 2014. I would be committed for all that I have said especially on acting

    and being what a nurse truly is. I will not forget that moment and these events. I will carry this

    throughout my career and life.

    Life has its own roller coaster. We mount on it and we go up and down. Sometimes we might

    feel that we are the happiest person in the world or the other way around, that feeling that as if we are

    carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders.

    Life is a cycle. It is true that what comes around, goes around. If we cant respect the privacy of

    others, then they cant also be able to respect our own privacy. My recent mistake taught me this. It is

    true and will always be true. Life has its downs to teach us so we can go higher. What I learned is that it

    helps us to be better. Life simply wants us to learn. We are being taught how to proper live with our

    lives. Therefore, we are bound to struggle and make mistakes for the realization to have a great weight

    and impact. That is what life is. Life is like a roller coaster that goes around and comes around.