life of christ, section 6: early galilean ministry

The Ministry of Jesus Section 6: the early stages of Jesus’ Galilean Ministry

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Notes from Life Transforming College International Course No. 202: The Life of Christ


Page 1: Life of Christ, Section 6: Early Galilean Ministry

The Ministry of Jesus

Section 6: the early stages of Jesus’ Galilean Ministry

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Page 4: Life of Christ, Section 6: Early Galilean Ministry

This is the time of Jesus’ greatest popularity.It is difficult to put chronologically as often (not always) the synoptics are usually arranged thematically.Blomberg follows Mark up to the end of his third chapter and so shall we.

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What will Jesus do?JTB has been imprisonedMark 1:14,15 is a statement of intent, a declaration of purpose - again it is similar to JTB’s14 After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 15 “The time has come,” he said.“The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”What is the Kingdom of God (kog)? It is not geographical but “a power more than a place”

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Matthew does not use kingdom of God but of heaven (33x in NT but only in Matthew) - this is to avoid speaking of something holy in an overly familiar way - he also quotes Isa 9:1,2 as another fulfillment of Jesus.Luke starts the ministry of Jesus in Galilee with him preaching in the synagogue in Nazareth (4:14-30) and his rejection there.In a synagogue a distinguished guest would be given one of the scrolls with the reading for the day and asked to expound it.

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Jesus reads Isa 61:1,2 and declares it fulfilled in him at that moment - this is the year of Jubilee (Lev 25:8-55) when all debts are forgiven.Initially people admire his gracious words but when the focus includes the Gentiles (something which would have produced a stunned response) they turn against him, trying to kill him by forcing him off a cliff. Somehow Jesus miraculously escapes.

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Jesus reads Isa 61:1,2 and declares it fulfilled in him at that moment - this is the year of Jubilee (Lev 25:8-55) when all debts are forgiven.Initially people admire his gracious words but when the focus includes the Gentiles (something which would have produced a stunned response) they turn against him, trying to kill him by forcing him off a cliff. Somehow Jesus miraculously escapes.

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to

proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent

me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to

proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Luke 4:18,19 NIV

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Jesus reads Isa 61:1,2 and declares it fulfilled in him at that moment - this is the year of Jubilee (Lev 25:8-55) when all debts are forgiven.Initially people admire his gracious words but when the focus includes the Gentiles (something which would have produced a stunned response) they turn against him, trying to kill him by forcing him off a cliff. Somehow Jesus miraculously escapes.

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Jesus reads Isa 61:1,2 and declares it fulfilled in him at that moment - this is the year of Jubilee (Lev 25:8-55) when all debts are forgiven.Initially people admire his gracious words but when the focus includes the Gentiles (something which would have produced a stunned response) they turn against him, trying to kill him by forcing him off a cliff. Somehow Jesus miraculously escapes.

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Calling / Gathering Disciples

- the first disciples were called early in the Galilean ministry- it was probably not an instantaneous decision but was radical on their part as they left family and occupation (which had great cultural value and pressure) to join an itinerant ministry- Jesus did not ask for applicants but called people to follow, something that was the opposite of the rabbinic custom of the day

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Calling / Gathering Disciples

- the first disciples were called early in the Galilean ministry- it was probably not an instantaneous decision but was radical on their part as they left family and occupation (which had great cultural value and pressure) to join an itinerant ministry- Jesus did not ask for applicants but called people to follow, something that was the opposite of the rabbinic custom of the day

As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 17 ‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’ 18 At once they left their nets and followed him.19 When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets.20 Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.

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Calling / Gathering Disciples

- the first disciples were called early in the Galilean ministry- it was probably not an instantaneous decision but was radical on their part as they left family and occupation (which had great cultural value and pressure) to join an itinerant ministry- Jesus did not ask for applicants but called people to follow, something that was the opposite of the rabbinic custom of the day

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Luke sets this call in the context of the miraculous catch of fish 5:1ff - Peter feels the weight of his sinfulness in the presence of Jesus- explaining to the disciples they will be fishing for peopleThen Jesus said to Simon,‘Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.’ So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.

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Exorcisms and healingsMk 1:21-45 - in fact Mk 1:21-34 has been described as a typical day in the life of Jesus the healerCapernaum is now ‘home’ for Jesus- various examples of healings and exorcisms appear- in each case the authority and power of Christ is seen as greater than satan and sickness- usually a simple word is used (other healers of his day would invoke a list of gods, say special prayers and use special items

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Exorcisms and healingsMk 1:21-45 - in fact Mk 1:21-34 has been described as a typical day in the life of Jesus the healerCapernaum is now ‘home’ for Jesus- various examples of healings and exorcisms appear- in each case the authority and power of Christ is seen as greater than satan and sickness- usually a simple word is used (other healers of his day would invoke a list of gods, say special prayers and use special items

21 They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. 22 The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. 23 Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, 24 ‘What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are – the Holy One of God!’25 ‘Be quiet!’ said Jesus sternly. ‘Come out of him!’26 The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.27 The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, ‘What is this? A new teaching – and with authority! He even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him.’

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Exorcisms and healingsMk 1:21-45 - in fact Mk 1:21-34 has been described as a typical day in the life of Jesus the healerCapernaum is now ‘home’ for Jesus- various examples of healings and exorcisms appear- in each case the authority and power of Christ is seen as greater than satan and sickness- usually a simple word is used (other healers of his day would invoke a list of gods, say special prayers and use special items

28 News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee.29 As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. 30 Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. 31 So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them.32 That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all who were ill and demon-possessed.33 The whole town gathered at the door, 34 and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.

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Exorcisms and healingsMk 1:21-45 - in fact Mk 1:21-34 has been described as a typical day in the life of Jesus the healerCapernaum is now ‘home’ for Jesus- various examples of healings and exorcisms appear- in each case the authority and power of Christ is seen as greater than satan and sickness- usually a simple word is used (other healers of his day would invoke a list of gods, say special prayers and use special items

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- the demons appear to recognise Jesus Mk 1:24- Jesus rebukes them for this- in using his name they are trying to gain authority (this can be done by knowing and invoking the name of a spiritual power - cf. Mk 5:9- the demons ploy fails!- it is called a new teaching - does this mean Jesus explained to people what was happening?- Matt 4:23-25 also summarises

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- the demons appear to recognise Jesus Mk 1:24- Jesus rebukes them for this- in using his name they are trying to gain authority (this can be done by knowing and invoking the name of a spiritual power - cf. Mk 5:9- the demons ploy fails!- it is called a new teaching - does this mean Jesus explained to people what was happening?- Matt 4:23-25 also summarises

Mk 1:40-4540 A man with leprosy[h]came to him and begged him on his knees, ‘If you are willing, you can make me clean.’41 Jesus was indignant.[i]He reached out his hand and touched the man. ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be clean!’42 Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleansed.43 Jesus sent him away at once with a strong warning: 44 ‘See that you don’t tell this to anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.’ 45 Instead he went out and began to talk freely, spreading the news. As a result, Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places. Yet the people still came to him from everywhere.

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- the demons appear to recognise Jesus Mk 1:24- Jesus rebukes them for this- in using his name they are trying to gain authority (this can be done by knowing and invoking the name of a spiritual power - cf. Mk 5:9- the demons ploy fails!- it is called a new teaching - does this mean Jesus explained to people what was happening?- Matt 4:23-25 also summarises

Mk 1:40-4540 A man with leprosy[h]came to him and begged him on his knees, ‘If you are willing, you can make me clean.’41 Jesus was indignant.[i]He reached out his hand and touched the man. ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be clean!’42 Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleansed.43 Jesus sent him away at once with a strong warning: 44 ‘See that you don’t tell this to anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.’ 45 Instead he went out and began to talk freely, spreading the news. As a result, Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places. Yet the people still came to him from everywhere.

As an example of Jesus healing a person we see here:- Jesus had divine power- Jesus had compassion for the sick (indignation at sickness)- was willing to be considered unclean by touching a leper- miracle proved who Jesus was- testimony was by act not word

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Pronouncement stories

Mk 2:1-3:6- 5 stories called pronouncement (a formal declaration of opinion: an authoritative announcement) or conflict or controversy stories- each climaxes with an radical pronouncement that would have challenged / provoked Jewish tradition and authorities- Mk has 5 more at the climax of his gospel (11:27-12:37)

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- healing the paralytic is about Jesus’ claiming God’s authority and the ability to forgive sins 2:5- calling of Levi / Matthew focusses on 2:17On hearing this, Jesus said to them, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but those who are ill. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’*who are the sinners - possibly those working with Rome, whom Jesus eats with and accepts as followers*who are the righteous - the Jewish leaders(is that irony)?* Matthew adds fulfilling Hosea 6:6

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- mk 2:18-22 is about fasting* Jesus links himself to God* the marriage feast was a messianic symbol and so in rejecting it he is saying that Yahweh (the bridegroom) is here* fasting will resume one day*wine and wineskins represent a joyful new age that has come and so new ways are required (not just the old stuff rehashed)

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- Mk 2:23-3:6 sabbath controversies* 2 stories challenging traditional understanding of the Sabbath*the Mishnah (oral Torah) forbade reaping and threshing as work on the Sabbath and the healing was the healing of someone whose life was not in danger* as Lord of the sabbath Jesus could decide to how to live on it*the example of David acts as a precedent for Jesus*Jesus believed that doing good on the Sabbath was ok and this required reinterpretation of the 4th comm.

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In Matthews account (12:11,12) the willingness of the Jews to rescue a sheep and yet not heal a man is declared by Jesus.In this light it is no surprise that many suggest that Mark 3:6 is a mini-climax in the life of Jesus:Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus. Or was it?

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Calling the 12Mk 3:17-19, Lk 6:12-16- the formal call of the 12 who we know as Christ’s closest followers- Matt lists the 12 later in chapter 10, although they had been together for a while 10:1- 12 is theologically significant esp. for the 12 tribes at Mosaic covenant- the following gives the primary information from the gospels, there is much additional material in other non-biblical sources

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Calling the 12Mk 3:17-19, Lk 6:12-16- the formal call of the 12 who we know as Christ’s closest followers- Matt lists the 12 later in chapter 10, although they had been together for a while 10:1- 12 is theologically significant esp. for the 12 tribes at Mosaic covenant- the following gives the primary information from the gospels, there is much additional material in other non-biblical sources

12 One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. 13 When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles: 14 Simon (whom he named Peter), his brother Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew,15 Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon who was called the Zealot,16 Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.

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Calling the 12Mk 3:17-19, Lk 6:12-16- the formal call of the 12 who we know as Christ’s closest followers- Matt lists the 12 later in chapter 10, although they had been together for a while 10:1- 12 is theologically significant esp. for the 12 tribes at Mosaic covenant- the following gives the primary information from the gospels, there is much additional material in other non-biblical sources

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The healing of the centurion’s servant

Matt 8: 5-13, Luk 7:1-10, Jn 4:43-54??- not found in Mark but in keeping with others we have mentioned in this stage of Galilean ministry- healing takes place over a distance and is an extension of Jesus’ ministry- in Matt the man comes to Jesus, in Lk he send representatives - we can explain this as a man ‘spoke’ through his representatives- // with another Gentile, Cornelius

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- Matt includes this in a section involving 3 people socially ostracized by Jews: a leper, the centurion, a woman 8:1-15- additionally he quotes Isa 53:4 as being fulfilled- John includes a story of an officials son who is healed at a distance, some say it is a variant of this storyWe do not know if they are the same event - it is wise to remember that we do not have an exhaustive record of all Jesus healings or action.

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Jesus’ family, critics and followersMark 3:20-35- Blomberg suggests this is a sandwich of events ABA leading the reader to think closely at how B is related to the two A’s- reactions of Jesus’ family and friends 3:20-21, 30-35, sandwich the reaction of the Jewish leaders 3:22-30- Jesus’ biological family do not understand him, he is out of his mind- The Jews do not, he has an evil spirit

And Jesus Wept statue that stands next to the Oklahoma

City National Memorial

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- the disciples are his true family, Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.- the culture of the day valued highly family commitments and such language was radical- do we pervert our loyalty to God in such cultural practices today?- the claim of Jesus having an evil spirit continued in later centuries, the Talmud states, “Jesus the Nazarene practiced magic and led Israel astray”

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- Jesus’ status as miracle worker was not denied- Jesus declared their words were self contradictory “Satan fighting Satan”- and self condemning asa they believed other Jewish exorcists had God-given powers- were they now in danger of committing blasphemy against the holy Spirit? Mk 3:28-29people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.’

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Matt and Luke include further teaching in Matt 12/Lk 11- casting out demons not by Beelzebub but by God’s Spirit is a sign of kog has come with Christ (realised eschatology)- Jewish leaders are looking for signs with no possible misinterpretation, such will not come, Matt 12:38-42, Lk 11:29-32- the death and resurrection of christ (like the sign of Jonah) should be enough to produce faith- it is not enough to cast out evil, it must be replaced with good

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The sermon on the mountEarly in Jesus’s Galilean ministry he went up a hillside and called those he wanted to him Mk 3:13ff, Lk 6:12ff- a larger crowd gathered around for Jesus’ most famous sermon- It contains the essential parts of all of Jesus’ teachings and is said to be a reinterpretation of the Torah or the promotion of a new Law- in it Jesus emphasised the internal nature of living to please God

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- Matt 5-7, Lk 6:20ff though Luke has Jesus on a level place and is sometimes called the sermon on the plain- beatitudes, love (inc. for enemies), responding correctly to Jesus, wise and foolish builders

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