life synergy magazine spring 2010

Health and Wellbeing Magazine Creativity is nothing without activity p6 THE IMPORTANCE OF VALUES P9 eco friendly living sustainable build in wanaka p3 GO TO YOGA... ITS THE NEW RELIGION P7 FEELING BLUE Help is here....check it out p8 be inspired! Locals share their real life execise tips p4 SPRING 2010

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Life Synergy Magazine Spring 2010


Health and Wellbeing Magazine

Creativity is nothing without activity p6


eco friendly livingsustainable build in wanaka p3

go to yoga... it’s the new religion p7

FEELING BLUE Help is here....check it out p8

be inspired! Locals share their real life execise tips p4



This is the most exciting issue of the magazine for us so far as spring is underway and we approach the warmer weather with glee. Increasingly people want to live

a more sustainable lifestyle, eat healthy,

nourishing food and think positively about the

environment and our future. As we live in one of the most beautiful areas of

the world, you would think this is easy to do but everyone needs a little help

from time to time. Life Synergy is not just a magazine, website or expo, it’s

also a state of mind and in this issue we feature people who are willing to

share their ideals, thoughts and methods on creating the best life to live.

Spring is one of the best seasons - enjoy.

Life Synergy tSHIRTSWHITE ORGANIC COTTON…following the success of the Life Synergy Expo held at Millbrook Resort early this year we now have more of our beautiful white

T-shirts for sale at $30. Made from soft, organic cotton and featuring the Life Synergy Tree on the front, they make fabulous gifts and are ideal for children and adults. Available in children’s sizes 2,4,6,10 and adult men or women in

Xsmall, small, med, lge and Xlge. Go online to to order or email [email protected]




Welcome to Life SynergywinwithlifesynergyWehavethreefabulousnewwellbeingbookstogiveawaythisissue.Checkoutthebooktitlesonpage12andemailustobeintowinbeforethe30thNovember2010.

Margo, Frith and Julian


sustainable LIVING

Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. Bishop Desmond Tutu

POWERFUL HERBSFresh herbs add zest and flavor to everyday cooking and hold remarkable abilities to heal and assist with a number of different ailments. Bob Tovey from Basil, Parsley and Partners in Cromwell knows a thing or two about the medicinal properties and reckons wheatgrass is a good choice to shake up your sex life. “It’s an undocumented fact but one that certainly gets people interested in the herb! It’s supposedly very good for bloke’s libido in particular and we do sell a lot of it.“

MEdIEVAL PARSLEy The parsley plant is one that’s always found in a witch’s garden. Back in medieval times, it was believed that parsley was sent to the devil nine times and back before the seeds germ-

inated. The Greeks and Romans loved the flavours and used parsley in garlands around their necks to

absorb wine fumes. It was also used in Roman baths for purification and they believed it would prevent intoxication.

THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILTChoosing to build an environmentally sound home using an alternative source of building materials is a rewarding experi-ence. there are many new sustainable building materials now on the market but one that has stood the test of time for centuries is straw. Alan and Karin Cameron from Wanaka based company, strawmark, have lead the way for the past 14 years with innovation in both design and construction. their straw bale houses have a low environmental impact, are non-toxic and can offer protection from harmful electro magnetic field radiation. “We build exclusively in straw bale, from modern straight walled designs to traditional country, our south West style being the exception. our major point of difference is the RV.9 rating. nothing comes close to that,” says Karin.



EXERCISE INSPIRATION - Creating a healthy life balance can often be a struggle. Exercise is a big key to living successfully. We spoke with four local

Fiona Woodham Age: 50


What is your exercise of choice? i have been working out with personal trainer, tania Camp-bell of Fitness for life for the past four and half years. she holds ‘one on one’ sessions and group classes and is fantastic at focusing on overall fitness and vitality.

Why did you start exercising? After having three babies in 18 months i found it hard to move the weight (about 10 Kgs) and felt i needed to do something. having never had to exercise or diet before in my life, i had to really push myself.

What’s been the hardest challenge? At the start i couldn’t do a single press up or more than two walk-ing lunges at a time, that’s how unfit i was. but tania worked with me personally to assess my capabilities and then targeted the key areas to work on. i still hate ‘jumping lunges’ and everyone laughs when i do ‘tuck jumps’ because i swing my arms around like i’m skipping, but i’ve got over that.

Where does your motivation come from? My work life balance is the key because being at my desk, on the phone and computer, plus client meetings and functions most days takes a toll mentally and physically. going to one of tania’s classes instantly eases that stress, we all have a laugh together and ulti-mately stay fit, which is great.

What have the results been? i now have muscles i never had before, particularly in my thighs and calves, and strength in my legs that is noticeable when i go skiing. i love that.

i have bought a bike, completed my first duathlon at Millbrook Resort and run the Wakatipu trails event. socially it’s been a lot of fun going walking up Queenstown hill every sunday as a group during summer.

Any good exercise advice? i think people should choose something that appeals to them and just go for it – i’m the perfect example of it being never too late to start. tania has recently introduced a ‘healthy eating’ lifestyle plan, that’s been a real eye opener to be honest. it’s not about dieting but making the right choices and eating healthily. i feel like i am creating exercise and food habits for the rest of my life and setting a good example for my girls.

Andi Smillie Age: 39


What is your exercise of choice? i’m really quite addicted to RPM because of its 45 minutes of intensity, which gives such a good workout. it’s about com-peting with yourself depending on how much resistance you put on the bike. i exercise everyday at Alpine health and Fitness starting with Pilates on Mondays, Pump class on tuesday, RPM on Wednesday, Alpine stretch class on thursday, RPM on Friday, Pump & stretch on saturday and RPM on sunday.

Why did you start exercising? i had never walked into a gym before turning 30. but i decided to focus on getting healthy and i quickly found that the gym provided a mental health space and time just for me. i really enjoy the friendly but competitive nature of the gym; it’s not about what’s on the scales but how i feel in clothes and my stance and profile.

What’s been the hardest challenge? i used to think stretching classes were not hard enough to bother with. but now that i go to Pilates and Alpine stretch classes the benefits are obvious because core strength and flexibility are just as important as cardio.

Where does your motivation come from? the gym is little bit of selfish ‘me’ time that i relish. hard workouts can put your brain into survival mode where you don’t think about anything else but getting through the class, which is good time out. i find myself re-energized and i notice it when i don’t go - for even just a day.

What have the results been? i have loads more energy both physically and mentally and i am more motivated in all areas of my life. losing weight has been an additional benefit and losing over 12 kilos means i fit my clothes better and i feel good about myself. it’s not just the physical aspect of exercise but the overall results that have me really fizzing.

Any good exercise advice? Remember that no one is looking at you at the gym. they are all too busy focusing on themselves. it takes some commitment to go but once you’re there it’s great. to start with our family had to get used to me going every day. now its just part of our daily routine.

women about their exercise regimes and how they juggle the demands of work, families and socialising to stay fit and focused ... they were inspirational.


EXERCISE INSPIRATION - Creating a healthy life balance can often be a struggle. Exercise is a big key to living successfully. We spoke with four local

Sarah Cole Age: 36


What is your exercise of choice?i am a real believer in cross training and enjoy all types of exercise. i love swimming in the open water and last year swam across lake Wakatipu which was amazing. swimming in the pool is good for core and upper body strength. it’s kind on your joints, burns a lot of energy and good for those returning to exercise. i also run, road and mountain bike and enjoy boxing.

Why did you start exercising? When i first met Richie we were both at the other end of the spec-trum of health and fitness. i had been travelling and got into eating rubbish food, Richie was a smoker and we both liked to party. that was 10 years ago and then i did the 12-week challenge and was completely inspired. Ritchie and i had a lifestyle change, went to Christchurch and trained as personal trainers and then started our own business.

What’s been the hardest challenge?squats and lunges are not favourites of mine but they are an essential part of my training. some days are more challenging and i am a great believer in listening to your body. You need to give yourself a break and do lighter training or just go for a walk. it’s about getting that balance but still making exercise a priority.

Where does your motivation come from? depending on the season, i am always training for something and try to create goals to work towards. by keeping the balance of training in all disciplines it allows me to enter local events such as biking, running and triathalons. i completed my first half iron Man last year and having events to aim for are great goals. You have to walk the talk.

What have the results been? overall its great to feel more confident about your body and it’s nice to fit clothes easily. i used to go into stores and people would say ‘you’re a big girl’ and so it’s good to be feeling better about how i look. if you feel positive you exude positive energy and exercise really helps with that.

Any good exercise advice? Everyone should have a personal trainer because you will train harder and get better results. it’s a cliché but it’s true that if you train the same you stay the same – it’s important to have variety and keep challenging yourself.

Janey newlands Age: 32


What is your exercise of choice?i go to Pulse Fitness which is a great facility and so easy. the gym is just around the corner from Mediaworks and lots of other people from our office go there so it’s good because we can workout together and try and motivate each other.

My exercise regime is a little bit of everything from running on the treadmill to weight training and walking. i also go to yoga classes sometimes and body balance.

Why did you start exercising? Playing sport at high school was really important to me and i was involved in pretty much every sport possible. but then going to university changed all of that, probably a lot of parties and student food wasn’t the best and my body shape changed– i got porky!

so when i started working in Queenstown i made the decision to get back into exercise.

What’s been the hardest challenge?i get bored really easily! that’s my biggest problem so i have to change my gym routine quite regularly to keep my interest up. i’m not really a fan of weight training.

Where does your motivation come from? My motivation comes from feeling fitter and more energized from doing exercise. i really notice the difference on a day-to-day basis and always feel so much better if i have gone to the gym. Even if it’s just to run for 20 minutes on the treadmill.

What have the results been? i am healthier and happier and can deal with work and life stress so much better. i really like having a good level of fitness and would like to progress to doing some events in the future. nothing crazy like a half marathon but maybe a 10km event.

Any good exercise advice? get off the couch and get outside or go to the gym. i think the gym is a good place to start because the trainers know how to help you achieve your goals. And then you have a good excuse to go and eat pizza and drink wine.

women about their exercise regimes and how they juggle the demands of work, families and socialising to stay fit and focused ... they were inspirational.


do . . . . bE . . . . go . . . .


power to the peopleWACA is a newly formed Walking and Cycling Alliance raising the awareness of walking and cycling in the Wakatipu area. Catkin Bartlett, Tim Buckley, Robin Rawson and Ange van der Laan reckon that the quality of our urban environment could be hugely enhanced with improved cycling and walking facilities. The aim of the group is to consult the Queenstown District council on any projects that might involve street and footpath improvements so that everyone can have input on facilities for the human powered machine that is your bike, your pram, yourself or your skateboard! New members are welcome to join up. To find out more email [email protected]

FIGHT FOR FITNESS Braden Lee is a well-known local fitness guru. His background in ice hockey and sports makes him the perfect personal trainer for those needing encouragement to get out and go hard. His new Fight Science business incorporates Martial Arts, Boxing, Personal Training and Conditioning at his studio in the Repco Boulevard.With no contracts, memberships are on a month-to-month basis and Braden works hard to motivate and encourage his clients to dig deep and learn new ways to stay fit. Brazilian Ju Jitsu, Fight Science circuits, Boxing, Open Mat sessions are all new refreshing way to work areas of the body and tone up muscles you didn’t know you had. His progressive

five and eight week NZ Boot Camps are back for spring and summer. These programmes are designed to deliver significant weight loss by tackling both diet and exercise simultaneously. To find out more go to or

Creativity is nothing without activity

FLASH CAMP - doC is upgrading the camping facilities at twelve Mile delta ready for a busy summer season. it’s a major project that will include new loos, car parking and landscaping. there is also a concerted effort to provide more information at Visitor Centres about where and how to go camping which ultimately should help keep our region clean, green and unpolluted.

Braden Lee training

with clients

Eating market fresh is easy at the Med Market..check out their fresh

vegetables, fruit, flowers, breads, meat & cheeses and artisan products


When did you start practicing and teaching yoga? I have been practicing yoga regularly for 20 years after completing my teacher training in 1998 and have been teaching for 12 years in London, Sydney and Queenstown.What type of yoga do you teach? A combination of Astanga, Sivananda, Dynamic hatha and a mix of all the teachings I have had over the years, including aspects of martial arts.How do you see yoga fitting into our 21st century lives? It is essential; the fast pace of the modern world needs to be offset with mental quiet time and physical movement. You have to ‘move your Qi’ as the Chinese say. Sitting at a computer, then in the car, then in front of the TV creates tightness and stagnation in the muscles, body and mind. Yoga stretches, strengthens and moves your whole body and mind to bring you back to balance and peace.What are the benefits both physically and mentally? Physically, you are stronger, more flexible and breathe deeper. Your whole body feels better and moves better. You can move your bodyweight around with greater ease, like a child does. Mentally, you are calmer and stronger as the challenges you face and overcome in class, help you face challenges outside the studio. You are in a more peaceful space.


Bikram Choudray, the founder of Bikram Yoga, recently told the Phuket Post while on a trip to Thai-land that to live longer it’s worth considering going to a yoga class. He says it not only makes you live longer but helps you to live with dignity. Life Synergy spoke to local yoga teachers to find out more.

What led you to start training in Bikram yoga? I began going regularly to Bikram to sort out a lower back problem that had developed after years of running. I was immediately hooked because it is a very challenging style of yoga that pushes you to your limits both mentally and physically. I went on to then study with Bikram Choudray in Los Angeles which was inspirational.

What are the biggest challenges for people when they first start this type of yoga? The heat is probably what gets most people. Mentally it takes a lot of will power at first to stay in a crowded room that is 40C for 90 minutes. Once you get through the first few classes though, you start to appreciate the benefits of the heat like muscles loosening up a bit quicker and the detoxifying effect of all the sweat.

What has Bikram yoga given you that you didn’t expect? When I took my first class in the early 90s, I never would have dreamed that I would still be practicing yoga. Even after taking time off for various reasons, I keep making my way back to that hot room.

Can people do this type of exercise for their entire lives? Yes, absolutely. I know an older woman who has been dedicated to practicing Bikram yoga for 30+ years and while she won’t admit her age, which is possibly late 70s or 80s, she will say that she has never had a serious health problem since taking up yoga.

KRISTI HOWLEY teaches part time at Studio Sangha

GREG DORN teaches classes at Pulse Gym, QST Event Centre, Studio Sangha

Kristi Howley with Bikram Choudray

Greg Dorn


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in M


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Don McInnes Body electrician, Light worker, Energy Healer

I usually let their soul call on whatever it is that they need as in my treatment, Cosmic Calling, people usually feel calm and contented at the end of a session. Other times I connect energetically with the client and go to the original cause and have the beings of light resolve it from there. This works to bring harmony to all involved and clear it back to the present day. This sort of work can resolve the long-standing causes behind most issues. Sometimes I might get clients to empower their heart energy, the love that they are and resolve all emotions that are not resonating with this love. When you are at a higher vibration like love, these lower emotions no longer affect you. The trick is to get into this state and hold it. One statement I have used to empower people is for them to centre their thoughts on their breathing and go with it to their heart centre. Affirm or say three times the following;

I invoke the light of love within my heart, I am a clear and perfect channel, Light is my guide, feel the build up of love in your chest and enjoy it.

Christopher Wesselingh Life Coaching, Meditation, Energy Balancing, Hypnotherapy, Physic Reading

My technique is an innovative life coaching and mediation method teaching ways to take control of life by discovering and removing causes of anxiety, anger, low self-esteem, fears and fatigue.It’s a combination that works to calm, re-energise and manage pain. I have particularly good results from meditation as that works in all areas of life and increases performance levels at work and play.

Todd Reid Theta Healing Practitioner, Reiki, Kinesiology Theta Healing is a very fast and effective therapy for depression, emotional issues and illness. Theta Healing works by allowing people to identify and resolve deeply held subconscious trauma and beliefs that can be the underlying causes of problems. Theta Healing allows the body to heal itself without the need for drugs or chemicals. This is a therapy where you can see instant results after one session. The path to ‘happiness’ stems from a having a healthy lifestyle, good diet, regular exercise, meditation and an attitude of gratitude for what life is.

feeling blueDepression, feeling blue, not coping with relationships or work and having a steady handle on emotions can be challenging in today’s world. Life Synergy spoke with local practioners on finding support.

Personal development coach and therapist, working within an existential, experiential and relational framework.

We all have to cope with unhappiness; it is part of the human condition. There are satisfactions and dissat-isfactions, hopes and fears, joy and sadness. It is a mistake, in my view, to pathologise sadness. It almost always has a very important message. Sadness and unhappiness are the most wonderful change agents. It brings a person to an absolute standstill so that they can focus all their attention on the situation they are facing.

I think clients always feel there is something they can do about it. Often they are seeking a technique, or some sort of key insight that will enable them to ignore it or make it go away quickly. There are such techniques, but they tend not to be enduring. Gaining the necessary insight is the best strategy but it does not always come quickly. My job is to help clients to connect with their sorrow, engage with it, and find out what it is telling them about themselves.

The idea that we should be positive all the time is a modern cultural construct. It is unrealistic and fails to take into account what it is to be fully human.

Most often, the reason why people feel sad, is that they are trapped in situations that they cannot change. One solution is to increase the supports they have to deal with the situation; another is to examine their beliefs. Often people cling to ideas about the way the world should be. Accepting that it is unpredictable and sometimes crazy can be the thing that makes the difference.

A life coach should have the skill to meet you in this deep interpersonal space. It is a space in which your behav-iour, thoughts and emotions can find free form. We need to express ourselves authentically and explore who we are in the context of a responsive, caring environment. It is difficult to move forward unless we know first where we are currently standing. To fully experience ourselves we need connection. Within this connection we can, together, find new and creative ways to view the world, to grow and to change.


in search of happiness.

feeling blue


personal wellbeing is one of the most valuable possessions enabling us to get the most out of life. nLp Master practitioner and Hypnotherapist (Intern), bCA Hons, Tracey neil, says regular checks on physical wellbeing can keep illness and disease at bay but mental wellbeing affects us daily and is often neglected. Here Tracy does a mental checklist of the importance of values.“We all have values. Many were instilled from an early age and can continue to af-fect people subconsciously throughout their lives. When did you last check your values? do you know what they are and do you live by them? values can change

over time and not being aware of what they are can cause stress, confusion and unhappiness in life.Some out dated values can be noticed by listening to language and hearing the thoughts around ideas of ‘should’ and ‘ought to’ be doing. Emotions such as guilt, anger and shame can be due to ignoring values. When we live by our values within the different areas (contexts) of life such as work, friends and family, relationships, health and spirituality we can live a less stressful, happier and more fulfilled life.”

checked your values lately?

DEFinE YOUR VaLUES1. To define your values think of 5-7

different contexts. use experiences that you enjoy or are motivated towards doing.2. For each context imagine how you felt, what you saw, what you heard. Then ask

yourself what is important about this experience, what you value about this.

Write them down.(There are hundreds of value words e.g.

trust, creative, integrity, committed, security and safety. What is important

is that they mean something and are of value to you.)

3. List the values from most important too least important. Then starting at

the top rate the list by questioning each one; is value one more important than value two or vice versa. Work down the

list, checking any changes in the order by asking this question again and again.

4. When completed you will have a prioritised list of your values. Check

and see how you are living your life with the top five values and ask what can

you do to align with these values even more. Focus on one value and truly

live it for a week. See what happens and how you feel.

To find out more go to

FRAGRANCE…. hyacinths, daffodils, tulips, lily of the valley, bluebells and all those gorgeous bulbs that pop up in the garden after months of freezing cold conditions. Bless them.

ASPARAGUS…. the new season asparagus is the sweetest treat simply steamed or boiled and served with a dab of butter, salt and pepper. Your body will love you for it.

QT YOGA.COM…. try something new like a Hatha Yoga class, a weekend retreat or mobile yoga in your home.

BLOSSOM… enjoy the lovely blossoms from flowering members of the tree genu ‘Prunus.’ The cherries are the earliest to bloom but some of the later flowering apple and pear trees will still be in bud in November.

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The only Queenstown practice to offer

Spring is the best month for


CHILDRENS YOGAsandy Murphy runs children’s yoga at st Pe-ters church hall tuesdays 3.15 - 4pm children ages 4 - 7, 4pm - 5pm children ages 8 - 12QUEENSTOWN PLUNKET - Plunket Queenstown hold a great range of

groups for mums, dads and children- Pre-school playgroup every friday

10.30am 12.30pm- Pre-school playgroup every wednesday

10am- 12 noon- Parenting education sessions every

thursday 1.30pm - 3pm, topics included are cpr, sleep patterns, behavioral issues, etc.

- Japanese families meet every wednesday 1pm - 3pm

- breast feeding support groups every 1st & 3rd thursday 11am - 1pm

- laleche every 4th tuesday, everyone is welcome to these and to call in anytime

WANAKA PLUNKET 03 443 8799- Coffee groups Wednesday 10am– 12noon

for everyone.- Active Movement is every 2nd Wednesday

of the month 1.30 – 2.30pm

- intro to Mini Muscles last Wednesday of the month 1.30 – 2.30pm

- Relevant Parental/baby/Pre-school Work-shops are held @every 6 weeks including WoF for Mums, breastfeeding tips,

CROMWELL PLUNKET 03 445 0149- Coffee group for new Mums – Marcia 03

445 4312 @every couple of months- Young Mums group meet 2 x a month at

the hut in Cromwell usually- Mental health Wellness group/Post-natal

depression support group with Marie Roxburgh

- Free Play group at Cromwell Kindergarten 25 gilling Place every Wedensday 1 – 3pm

- Rythm & dance every tuesday 10.30am at Presbyterian Church – gold Coin donation

- Cromwell Community Play group – lowburn Valley hall 9.30 – 11.30 Fridays

- Mums & bubs Exercise group through - sports Central – leanne 03 445 1142 10am Wednesdays

- Running & Jogging group meet leanne from sports Central on a Monday 9.15

~ 4 eggs~ 1 cup sugar~ 1 cup flour~ 1 teaspoon baking powder~ 1 teaspoon pure vanilla essence~ extra sugar

dairy-free sugar cupcakes

BEAT the eggs & add sugar spoon by spoon beating & beating • fold in flour & baking powder & vanilla until light & airy • sprinkle sugar on bottom of paper baking cups & then stand in muffin tray & fill 2/3 full • sprinkle sugar on top & bake 180cfor 20 mins til light golden • don’t overcook they are soft & divine with a cup of strong coffee or cup of tea • makes 14 (adapted from an old Jo Seager recipe)

kids playtime

Life Coaching, Counselling & Beyond | AuraDrawings & Analysis | Energy Balancing/ReikiHypnotherapy | NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) | Meditation | Psychic Reading

How are you?No, really?

Do you wake feeling excited about your day,?Talk to Christopher Wesselingh for supportive

life coaching and meditation techniques that really work

Christopher Wesselingh has more than 20 years of clinical experience working in NZ, Australia & the US

e: [email protected] p: (03) 442 4886 mob: 027 349

The Drumlin Riesling Mount Edward Winery Coal Pit Rd Organically certified with a light delicate style – off dry and great with food. Lovely for a spring or summer lunch al fresco

thingsSwing those hipsLearn to dance this year with Anna Stuart at Queenstown School of Dance. Everyone is welcome over the age of three years for jazz, ballet, contemporary, hip hop class-es. Check out the timetable online at

Lifestream Advanced Probiotics

This could be best gut decision you make particularly if you are stressed. There are 2 billion micororganisms per capsule which help to support the immune system and make the

tummy feel good. Available at Lifestream Stores.

Really Good Peanut Butter Mediterreanen Market

The nuts in this New Zealand made Peanut

Butter are batch roasted and ground in sunny Nelson. No added sugar or salt.

Peanut Satay anyone?

Smashbox A fantasy of illusion and intrique the Smashbox Masquerade Collection 2010 is seductive and brimming with colour. available at Collective, Queenstown. To win the Creamy Cheek Colour email: [email protected] with Smashbox in the subject line.

MINTY FRESHOrly Gumdrop Nail Lacquer is fast drying, long lasting, high gloss and we love the minty fresh colour. To win this product email: [email protected] with Orly in the subject line before November 30th.

Here at Life Synergy there is an array of clever products that we are loving. Check out these goodies currently on the market…

NATURAL MINERALSavailable at Remarkable Park Pharmacy Discover natures secret for naturally radiant skin with the Aveeno Active Naturals light tinted moisturiser.To win this product email: win@life with Aveeno in the subject line before Nov 30.

www.ted.comFor some intellectual stimulation

check out some of the worlds experts who deliver intriquing presentations on everything from classical piano to

quantum physics.



Beating Chronic Fatigue Kristina Downing-OrrChronic Fatigue is a common condition that can last for many years. Dr Kristina Downing-Orr, a clinical psychologist, suffered severe chronic fatigue symptoms and was compelled to research the cause of CFS and cure herself because she was offered so little help by the medi-cal profession. In her book Kristina reveals the causes of chronic fatigue and offers an accessible, scientifically valid, easy-to-achieve programme that will inspire people with CFS to regain their health and restore their energy and vitality. Piatkus, PB, $39.99 October 2010 Release

100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent alzheimers - Jean CarperWhen best-selling author Jean Carper discovered she had the Alzheimer’s gene, she was determined to find out if there was anything she could do to help herself. As it turns out, there was quite a lot. Based on the latest scientific findings and distilled into 100 short-form essays, 100 SIMPLE THINGS YOU CAN DO TO PREVENT ALZHEIMER’S includes such surprising strategies as drinking apple juice; taking care of your gums; powering up with Acetyl-LCarnitine; reading and even simply trying new things. PB, Little, Brown US, $34.99 November 2010 Release

Short Fat Chick Who Runs MarathonsKerre WoodhamWhen celebrity broadcaster and columnist Kerre Wood-ham became the Short Fat Chick who Runs Marathons, she changed lives. After the euphoria of the New York Marathon, Kerre set her sights on London - and failed miserably. Did that stop her? Hell no. With a training programme designed for her by long-term trainer, friend and co-author Gareth (aka ‘Gaz’) Brown, the Short Fat Chick decided to go French. With a group of friends and fellow runners, Kerre went to Paris . . . and rediscovered her joie de vivre. PB, Harper Collins, $34.99 October 2010 Release


Life Synergy has copies of each book to give away. To bE InTo WIn simply email [email protected] with the title of the book in the subject line. Winners will be notified by the 30th november 2010.