lifesmiracle today vol. 3

LifesMiracle Today That can change your health! The 3 Factors January 2013 LifesMiracle is going global! Opening up Singapore, Canada, and the Bahamas!

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LifesMiracle Today

That can change your health!The 3 Factors

January 2013

LifesMiracle is going global! Opening up Singapore, Canada, and the Bahamas!

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WORD FROM THE CEOJohn Nitkowski...

Our mission statement for 2013 is to “Change Some-one’s Life Today!’ We’ve discovered long ago that to be leaders you have to be enablers! You must enable your-self first and lead by example... Because we understand the importance of what we do, the LifesMiracle corpo-rate and distributors are committed to being the best we can be, and to enable others to be the best they can be!

We would like to encourage you to learn about the

2013 Change someone’s life today

big picture, especially what LifesMiracle products can do to change people’s lives, and to actively participate in sharing this with others. We have simplified the

way of staying healthy into three fac-tors: the Regeneration Factor, the Ion Factor, and the Energy Factor. This has made it easier than ever to share with others using the technology of online webinars and videos, and utilizing social media like Facebook. Changing people’s lives today can be as easy as sending them an email! This can change your life and so many others in such a big way and we’re going to help make that happen for you! for you!

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Opening Global Markets

Changing People's Lives with "The Factors"


If you’re not as healthy as you would like to be, and not happy with your present financial situation, LifesMiracle may be exactly the path to follow!

We’re now celebrating our 4th year! Exciting things are happening globally in LifesMiracle! In addition to expanding our distribution to Canada we now have an exclusive distribution channel in Singapore for our popular Cellilux Glacial Skin Care Mask. And begin-ning January 2013 we have opened full distributor-ship opportunities in the Bahamas!

This is the year of “Changing Someone’s Life” in LifesMiracle. And we’ve also updated our website to focus on the 3 factors that may change your health naturally:

We have a promise to our customers and distributors: We’re committed to giving a quality product for a fair price!

Where do you see yourself five to ten years from now?

►The Regeneration Factor to “Stimulate and support the production and release of healthy stem cells and to protect telomeres”; ►The Ion Factor to “Alkalize and cleanse the body”; ►The Energy Factor to “Maintain healthy weight and energy levels”.

Change your life... and join us in our mission to “Change Someone’s Life” this year!

Being a part of LifesMiracle puts you at the forefront of the latest trends in holistic nutrition, technology, and marketing. The right place at the right time with a com-pany who’s first order of business is to be there for you for the long-term!

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When people see the changes in you, they’re inspired for the changes they need to make!

One of the greatest gifts you can give your family is improved health and an improved lifestyle.

Be a source of inspiration to make a difference in the world!


LifesMiracle’s Three Principles to Guide Us through the Next Decade

In January of 2013 the LifesMiracle Corporate team outlined their Decade Vision --their shared ambition with a specific ten year outcome for the growth of the company. Global Marketing and Leadership emerged as the top factors for ensuring that LifesMiracle is always relevant, life-changing, and the best home business opportunity today. They came up with three principles to fuel its growth and deliver on those stated ambitions. We asked David Snuggs, LifesMiracle’s President to elaborate on these principles:

INNOVATION: LifesMiracle’s nutritional products and our Direct Level Marketing are redefining the whole home business climate. It’s opened up ways for entrepreneurs, health providers, and network marketers to participate in our health network. Our products were developed by our doctors, who are themselves world renown pioneers in Ionic nutrition, utilizing three innovative biological Factors—the Regeneration Factor, the Ion Factor, and the Energy Factor to help people live healthier lives.

We also consult with our leaders in the field on a regular basis to develop better products and better ways to promote them. The mar-ketplace is getting tougher and we need to be sharper to remain at the top of this industry. Innovation is at the core of LifesMiracle to help all the distributors reach their personal business goals.

FOCUS: With thousands of brand ideas, messages and apps flooding consumers daily it’s critical that our efforts, energy and invest-ments create marketplace impact. In our digitally connected, rapid world it’s easy to get pulled away from your focus by the “promises” of those ideas. But most rarely deliver business results over the long term. Our bottom-line is better health, and our marketing system rewards those with this mindset. Focus is a business imperative — our goal isn’t to create what looks good on paper, it’s to create a good, relevant, breakthrough, value-creating framework that lasts for decades.

SUPPORT: There is a direct connection to the strength and power of our innovative health products to the support for the distributors. And this is what truly separates us from virtu-ally everything else out there. To reach our Vision, we will continue to give unparalled support to deliver strong business results.

Our journey to 2023 promises incredible opportunities, massive learning and, of course, some challenges along the way. Our best investment to deliver on our business ambitions is in our people. Empowering and preparing our teams to do their best thinking and best work through added Incentives, Innovation, Focus and Support will help us deliver on our 2023 Vision.

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The people behind the research of LifesMiracle products are lecturers and world travellers who work every day to create new products and educate people to help them live long, healthy, and full lives. There are certain biological fac-tors that control all the processes of the body, and unless your food and supple-ments conform to them, disease may be the result.

The 3 Factors we’re talking about here are the Regeneration Factor, the Ion Factor, and the Energy Factor.

Dr. Kurt Grange, chairman of the LifesMiracle scientific advisory board, says “There is a growing body of evi-dence that shows a direct link between the number of circulating stem cells and the body’s ability to regenerate and re-pair.

Fewer stem cells in the bloodstream means that fewer stem cells can con-tribute to the process of tissue repair, leading to the development of organ dysfunction. Therefore increasing the number of circulating stem cells sup-ports the process of tissue repair and helps the body maintain health.

Since most of the cells go through a cycle whereby they live a short time and then replace themselves, the inability to regen-erate puts the organs and the entire body at risk.

The emerging field of stem cell nutrition has the “potential to eclipse the massive antioxidant supplement business!

The next generation of nutrition, tissue maintenance and repair helps increase the number of adult stem cells or ‘master cells’ that are released into the blood-stream before migrating into tissues where they reproduce and become new healthy cells, effectively helping the body renew and repair itself.


The LifesMiracle Factors

LifesMiracle has taken solid biological principles and incorporated them into a product line that can change people’s lives in such a way they may have never thought possible!

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Background: Studies confirm that stem cells are responsible for 50% to 70% of your body's healing and repairing! The more stem cells or “building blocks” available, the faster and more efficiently organs and other body tissue can be repaired. As we age our natural stem cell count begins to decline.

Natural adult stem cells can migrate to damaged tissues and actually become a new heart cell, liver cell, pancreas cell or any type of tissue cell.

•The Regeneration Factor is the body’s ability to heal itself through the support, activation, and release of your healthy stem cells;• The stem cells are created in the bone marrow and when released can travel through the bloodstream to rebuild and repair any part of the body in need;•This is NOT stem cell therapy. It’s the activation and release of stem cells already created by your body!

The Regeneration Factor in our nutritional supplements:

There are specific compounds found in food sources that naturally contain the Re-generation Factor. Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) found in our Green Cell 50/50, Pterostilbene from Blueberry Extract, and Acai Berry in our Gammaqui have been shown to effectively support and activate the release of healthy stem cells in the body.

Who can benefit?

The Regeneration Factor may be extremely beneficial for:•Athletes and those who are active;•People who have sustained injuries;•Those with health problems.

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The people behind the research of LifesMiracle products are lecturers and world travellers who work every day to create new products and educate people to help them live long, healthy, and full lives. There are certain biological fac-tors that control all the processes of the body, and unless your food and supple-ments conform to them, disease may be the result.


The LifesMiracle FactorsLifesMiracle has taken solid biological principles and incorporated them into a product line that can change people’s lives in such a way they may have never thought possible!

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The Ion Factor is the presence of natural, negatively charged particles, catalytic molecules or free electrons, (natures antioxidants), that neutralize positively charged free radicals and other potential harmful agents and pathogens. These healthy, negatively charged ions are the polar opposite of positively charged free radicals, and are measured in negative (-) millivolts, and are also known as Re-dox or Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP).

The Ion Factor in our nutritional supplements The Ionic mineral complex in our supplements is either naturally occurring, or added through our proprietary Sango Mineral blend. The Ion Factor may en-hance the anti-oxidant effect of our supplements.

•Ionic elements are naturally negatively charged, and can bind with, and neu-tralize, free radical molecules;•Most are absorbed through the lining of the stomach and do not have to go through the digestive process;•Ionic nutrients are smaller in size than chelated or colloidal;•Ionic minerals help balance pH and reduce the cellular resistivity!

The Ion Factor in our Air Sanification Products These catalytic molecules (The Ion Factor) seek out and destroy carbon-based molecules such as VOCs, mold, bacteria, viruses, and other aero-allergens by converting them to harmless carbon dioxide and water.

The Ion Factor in our Water Purification and Ionizing Systems Alkaline water produced in our Agua Miracle water ionizer alkalizes, hydrates, and detoxifies the body and contains billions of free electrons which provide the Ion Factor for a healthier lifestyle.

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Energy production within the human body is a process by which nutrients are converted into usable energy for all our muscles, organs, and body systems.

Without the energy factor, nutrients may not be digested and absorbed properly, or the nutri-ents are stored as fat. In both instaces, you’re not getting energy from your food.


The LifesMiracle FactorsLifesMiracle has taken solid biological principles and incorporated them into a product line that can change people’s lives in such a way they may have never thought possible!

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The LifesMiracle Energy Factor comes from a group of nutrients designed to stimulate the produc-tion of energy and facilitate the delivery to the cells.

The Energy Factor promotes:•ATP/Creatine/Glycogen Production Cycle•Digestive System•Increased Basal Metabolic Rate•The Electrical Brain and Nervous System•Increased oxygen levels•Healthy weight loss

The Energy Factor in our nutritional supplements The Ionic mineral complex in our supplements is either naturally occurring, or added through our proprietary Sango Mineral blend. The Ion Factor may enhance the antioxidant effect of our supple-ments.

The Energy Factor in our Air Sanification Products “Studies show that over 58% of our energy comes from the air we breathe!" Fungii and mold spores, aeroallergens, as well as toxins from our environment, interfere with the metabolic process and bind oxygen lowering our energy levels. -Dr. Nabarun Ghosh PhD professor of Aerobiology, West Texas A&M University.

The Energy Factor in our Water Purification and Ionizing Systems Alkaline water produced in our Agua Miracle water ionizer alkalizes, hydrates, and raises oxygen levels in the body which naturally increases energy levels.

Who can benefit?The Energy Factor may be extremely beneficial for:

•Those who need more energy;•Those who need mental clarity;•People who need to lose weight;•Everybody!

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It takes a lot more than just great products to build a great company. When you’re looking for leaders to join you in your mission, it’s imperative for everything to be right. Many people with leadership abilities and strong desires for success have been “left behind” in their home businesses for four reasons: the products were not of high quality; it cost too much to get started; the business was too difficult to understand; or they did not get the support they were promised.

LifesMiracle is changing all this. According to LifesMiracle Vice- President David Snuggs, “Simply put, we’ve eliminated most of the things that have traditionally held people back from becoming

successful in the majority of the home business opportunities.”

The LifesMiracle products are the strong foundation on which our success is built.

Our formulators were the ones who intro-duced Ionic Nutrition into the U.S. in the 1990s and today we’re on the cutting edge of innovation. We have coined the Ion Fac-tor, the Reneration Factor, and the Energy Factor as the cutting edge performers in natural health.

“Relevance and innovation gives you long-term stability. Our Factors are relevant to the needs of a large number of people be-cause it provides them with what they need while giving them high quality nutrition,”

Why LifesMiracle?says LifesMiracle COO, Jeff Bennert.

The LifesMiracle Compensation Plan called Direct Level Marketing is a new innovative system built on simplicity, affordability and support. It’s about directly rewarding those who work the hardest while still proving a residual income through the team efforts!

“No one is left behind in this company. This sytem was specifically created it so anyone serious about their success and willing to work it will succeed. We want people excited about their future at LifesMiracle!”

“The Path to Greatness is to skate to where the puck is going, not to where it once was!” --Wayne GretskyA home business in this economy requires new rules to prosper by.

Think about this: you’re always in the right place at the right time for something! When you find it and take action, you’re at the start of something that can change your life in a relatively short period of time!

If you had the opportunity to be involved with IBM or Microsoft when they first start-ed, you could be a millionaire or billionaire today. But who, in the 1960s, had the in-sight to realize that someday there would be a computer in virtually every home?

However, investing in a business in that field today could be very difficult and ex-pensive. It’s past the time for that!

The Opportunity in a Nutshell

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Smart business people find out where the money is headed so they can put their energy into what’s innovative, the easiest to build, and the most profitable for the long term. Natural health, energy, and green living technologies are the areas people are looking into today to improve their lives. And they’re going to be around for a long time!

“When people ask me what makes LifesMiracle unique, I think of two things: the first is the great need for what the

products can do... and the majority of people using these products feel they’re get better results than anything

else they’ve tried. The LifesMiracle Fac-tors could possibly be the most significant advancement in nutrition in the last 50 years,” says Jeff Bennert C.T.N., COO. “And the second thing - because we know the industry - we’ve initiated a program that gets more checks to more people, even in a difficult economy. It’s the combination of these factors that makes our distributors successful!”

Joe Margolis, a twenty year veteran net-worker and million dollar earner says, ”There are some great companies out there with great products, and some with great compensation plans, but LifesMira-cle has put it all together. In my opinion, they have, by far, made it easier to get started and have one of the best training programs I’ve ever seen in any company. I believe these factors make it the best choice for those serious about success-fully building a long term residual income, especially if they’re new to the industry.”

“LifesMiracle’s philosophy is to build a distributor network where no one is left

behind, so team building is the first thing they teach after a new distributor under-stands what the products can do.”

“That’s often the missing element from the opportunities I’ve seen over the years. What LifesMiracle does differently is: in-stead of telling people what to do, they do it with them to get them up and running, usually within their first week. As long as people have the desire to learn, they never stop working with them. They gives them a bulletproof foundation to reach the level

of proficiency and confidence

to earn at the higher levels this

industry can provide.”

“People are already motivated to make it work. Just give them the skills and support!” “In virtually every other company I’ve seen you were pretty much on your own to figure it out. Life-sMiracle’s innovation in team building is putting a lot of checks in people’s hands.”

When the leaders created LifesMiracle, they knew it had to be vastly different from everything else out there. “We knew what was happening in the industry and saw people working very hard and putting their hearts and souls into making their dream happen, but success seemed to come only to a select few. We determined at the very onset that we were going to change all that,” says LifesMiracle CEO, John Nitkowski. “LifesMiracle had to be achievable for everybody or we weren’t going to do it at all!”

LifesMiracle’s President, David Snuggs, states further, “The company is new, but our team has been together for a long time. We have seen so many lives changed with the Ionic Nutrition over the years that we had to make it easier for

Continued on next page

“Find out where every- body is going, and get there first!” --Mark Twain


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people to participate. It’s not only about making money, it’s about changing peo-ple’s lives and giving hope where it hasn’t existed for a long time. And to me, that’s one of the greatest things we do!”

Success isn’t just a wish for LifesMiracle Distributors. Market research interviews of home business owners across a wide range of products and services has shown spe-cifically the top three reasons why rightly motivated people don’t get the level of success they want. And in the majority of cases they’ve found it’s not the fault of the distributor!

Their research found that the cost, both to get involved, and the monthly autoships were too high in the majority of the com-panies. And second, the companies only supported and worked with the so-called high producers and spent very little time in developing the new leaders and teaching them the skills. Third, the products weren’t relevant to the needs of a large enough group of people.

Jeff Bennert, COO, puts it into per-spective, “People are using these products even if they’re not doing LifesMiracle as a business because they get better results than with what they were using before. When we first started, our challenge was, how could we expect a brand new Distributor on our team to go and promote the products when they know that the people they’re talking to can’t afford them? Or if they can’t afford them themselves? We had to change all that!”

“If you’re in a company that’s expensive to join and build, it may look good on paper, but there can be little, if any, real growth. Your opportunity has to be affordable to get it to the point where it duplicates on its own and can grow with or without you.”

LifesMiracle also makes it simple. In al-most every other opportunity you have to earn your way up to the higher earning lev-els. In LifesMiracle you are at the highest level starting your first day. And in most other opportunities you have to perform at a cer-tain level each month or you lose the com-missions you have earned. With LifesMiracle your commissions carry over month to month until you qualify for your next check.

“Our compensation structure is as inno-vative as our products, and we’re chang-ing the industry. Those who get in now have the opportunity to be at the start of a whole new way of doing business where

the people are really the most important asset. If I could say one thing to people it would be to take a really close look at what we have here because LifesMir-acle is going to be one of the giants

in this industry!” says LifesMiracle CEO, John Nitkowski.

“What’s really exciting is that there are mil-lions of people who have tried networking in the past and it didn’t work out for them, usually because it was too difficult, too ex-

Why LifesMiracle?The Opportunity in a Nutshell Continued from previous page

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pensive, or they didn’t get the help they were promised. Those are the things we’ve eliminat-ed to make this, we believe, into the best home business opportunity in this country.”

LifesMiracle field leader, Leon Galitzin, com-ments about this opportunity, “I haven’t seen a company with this much excitement on the front end. People who’ve tried Network-ing before and felt the excitement, but didn’t achieve the success in those companies, or if they lost the success they had, are becom-ing excited again! And every one of those networkers knows others who knows others, and so on, and on and on!”

He continues, “What these former networkers are doing is taking the skills they’ve learned and are applying them to an easier and more affordable program - one that can have growth! These products and the affordability factor are making this a whole new game.”

When you add it all up, there are no secrets to creating wealth or financial freedom. All it takes is the desire to learn, the right mindset, and being in the right place at the right time. Having all this, you could be on your way to

There are two big reasons why people are joining LifesMiracle-- Health and Wealth!

We help people from all walks of life pursue their dreams. Health is a big part of that dream. Success is created from building a strong community, mentorship, and training, and being there for each distributor every step of the way. -- David Snuggs, LifesMiracle President

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IONIC SEABuilding The Foundation For Your Health!

Getting and Keeping Your Body Alkaline is the Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Health!

High acid levels in your body are the root cause of many of today’s most frustrating, painful, and dangerous health problems.

High acidity within the body is directly related to the deficiency of ionic, organic minerals. We used to be able to obtain these minerals from our foods, but they’re no longer present in enough quantities to sustain good health. Therefore, we must supplement our diets.

Because our Sango Coral Mineral Complex comes from a natural living source, it’s a natural ionized form of calcium, magnesium, and over 70 other ionic trace minerals. When Ionic Sea sachets are placed in water, the ionic minerals become bio-available and are 100 percent bio-absorbable in just minutes!

“The pH of your saliva may be a good indicator of your overall health. If it falls below 7.0 you may have, or be developing, health problems!” --Dr. Kurt Grange

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one needs this supplement! And while there are many companies that offer Coral, there are a few things you have to look for when choos-ing. For instance, prior to the tsunami in Japan, a very good coral source came from Okinawa. But after the nuclear plant disaster the waters where the coral came from became contaminated. Another concern is whether the coral should be consumed in the sachet or capsule form. Dr. Bennert and Dr. Grange, who were the pioneers in bringing ionic nutrition to the forefront have

determined that the sachet form is more powerful, and more easily absorbed than the capsules.

Dr. Grange and Dr. Bennert have co-authored the book, “Mineral of Miracles” that goes into the science and details of why this pH balance is so important. This book is avail-able to all our members free of charge in the back office of their LifesMiracle website. Ionic Sea truly can be the Mineral of Miracles for you!

When our doctors brought the ionic mineral complex to North America in the 1990s little did they know the impact it would have on people’s health. It had such an impact that many health providers and nutrition companies took notice, and an industry was born. Dr. Grange and Dr. Bennert have established themselves as the foremost authority on ionic nutrition, to the point where most of the informa-tion you see on TV on the Internet, or in written litera-ture about the pH levels of the body or acid-alkaline bal-ance is a direct result of their ground breaking studies. The Ionic Sea is so impor-tant that it forms the basis for each of the Ion Factor, Regen-eration Factor and the Energy Factor. What sets apart Ionic Sea from all other mineral supple-ments is its composition. Its make up is nearly identical to the minerals found in human bone. And this is why every-

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Tri-Zyme Plus

People who understand nutrition know the importance of good digestive enzymes with every meal.

Tri-Zyme Plus is a well researched, unique combination of enzymes, probiotics, herbs, and nutrients for your digestive tract to efficiently accomplish the job it was designed to do, digest your foods, help deliver nutrition to your body, and eliminate waste to keep you healthy.Tri-Zyme Plus uniquely includes three proteases that allows it to work in the three different pH rang-es of the digestive tract and cardio- vascular system.

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they also go to work in the cardio-vascu-lar system to break down all the plaque and undigested fats and proteins that could be clog-ging up the vascu-lar system. Another area affected by di-gestion is the skin.

Many of the health problems we face can be traced to problems of the digestive system. The two main roles of the digestive tract are to extract nutrients

from our food and to get rid of toxins, and when there is a breakdown of the system our bodies may not adequat-ly nourish our cells, and we become toxic. From biology we learn the digestive process works the best when our diet includes minerals, enzymes, and probiotics. It’s extremely important to support the digestive process because when undigested fats and proteins get into the blood it becomes very sticky and difficult to push through the capilaries. With the right kinds of diges-tive enzymes, they not only work in the digestive tract,

ranges of the body. So it can help you di-gest your food and also break down the plaque and undigested fats and proteins that may be clogging up your arteries. Anoth-er important ingredi-ent in Tri-Zyme Plus is degylycyrrhizinated (DGL) licorice. Licorice is a well known digestive aid for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, but the draw-back is that it is known to cause negative side effects, such as hyper-tension and edema. Us-ing licorice in which the glycyrrhizin has been removed allows you to get the healing aspect of the herb without any of the drawbacks! So while we know that “all disease begins in the colon,” health can begin in the colon as well, when you give it everything it needs. Tri-Zyme Plus is a prod-uct everyone needs!

Since the skin is an organ of elimina-tion, when the di-gestive system isn’t working efficiently we can develop skin conditions such as rashes, acne, ros-cea, and a number of other conditions, when the toxins exit

through the skin. The shortfalls of most digestive en-zyme products on the market is that they only work in a narrow pH range. Tri-Zyme plus has three different pro-teases that work in the different pH

Take one digestive enzyme with every meal! --Dr. Jeff Bennert

For A Lot More Than Just DigestionTri-Zyme Plus

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Goji berries, Açaí berries, Mangosteen fruit including the peri-carp, Maqui berries extracted at 8:1 ratio, Pterostilbene from Blueberry extracted at 150:1 ratio, Red Grape Seed Extract standardized to 95% Proanthocyanadins, Japanese Knotweed standardized to 99% Trans-Resveratrol.

Goji berries, Açaí berries, Mangosteen fruit includ-

ing the Pericarp, and Maqui berries extracted at the 4:1 ratio, the highest quality standard for

The Harvard Food Pyramid recommends five to seven servings of raw fruits and vegetables each day. These

foods contain phytonutrients whose main purposes include: GAMMAQUI

6 POWERFUL SUPERFRUITS“We have been saying all along that, when you have a health problem, two of the most important things you can do to regain your health is to reduce inflammation and increase circulation!”

--Dr. Jeff Bennert

The Miracle of Superfruits

• Balancing the Immune System• Reducing Inflammation • The Regeneration Factor

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Immune System Nutrition

T h e c r u c i a l

i m p o r t a n c e of phytonutrients

cannot be overstated! there are so many functions

of the body that rely specifically on them. The six particular fruits in

Gammaqui were specifically chosen for their immune and regeneration compo-nents. In addition they are the six most powerful antioxidants ever discovered. So there are many reasons to in-clude Gammaqui as part of your diet. But we believe the most important major function is the Regeneration Factor, which is the body’s ability to create, acti-vate, and release...

A very simple and convenient way to get all the goodness of all these fruits!

Continued on next page

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concepts in nutrition and really the goal of natural healing in all its forms! This is way beyond the concept of vi-tamins and minerals, it’s a whole new study of how nutrition works in the body. There are literally thousands of university studies that show how this regeneration factor works. but what we regard as the most important is-sue is that it’s not a medical process, but rather a nutritional, supportive one. So it’s not about manipulat-ing the body to bring about healing,

continued from previous page

...of your body’s own stem cell ac-tivity. You may have heard of all the potential for healing in stem cell re-search, what we’re talking about here your very own stem cells that are produced in the bone marrow being released into the bloodstream to be carried to wherever they’re needed in the body for regeneration or re-pair! This is one of the most exciting

but about the four factors of alkaliz-ing, cleansing, nourishing, and balanc-ing the body to regenerate and heal!

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Auis nature num quiaspisim con reiumquo to

quid eos rersped molorum fuga. Bea in net

ea nobis ipis assent, sitium volorion rempos

repellenda con numquis suntio qui blaci is di

unt, que ipsapid enditinti dolorumqui. Ti ctur,

quas am amus, consequia do piet aceptio re-

icte velique eliberisqui nimagnam utatem

isquias voloremos moluptas enienis autate

es eatiatu resequunt ratestiate vell uis na-

ture num. Cum reperov itate ipsam, qui at.

Rae esto omniendis que liqui illaci, sitatus sa-

pedig nimodita vel molorrumet officimin cum

laborep uditium, autas vel militatur, sunt quiam.

Pterostilbene is one of the most

exciting and highly studied com-

pounds ever discovered for its

ability to stimulate the creation,

activation, and release of your

body’s own healing stem cells!



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Ruis nature num quiaspisim con reiumquo to quid eos rersped molorum fuga. Bea in net ea nobis ipis assent, sitium volorion rempos repellenda con numquis suntio qui blaci is di unt, que ipsapid enditinti dolorumqui. Ti ctur, quas am amus, consequia do piet acep-tio reicte velique eliberisqui ni-magnam utatem isquias volo-remos moluptas enienis autate es eatiatu resequunt ratestiate vel. Quis nature num quiaspi-sim con reiumquo to quid eos rersped molorum fuga. Bea in net ea nobis ipis assent, sitium volorion rempos repellenda con numquis suntio qui blaci do piet aceptioatiatu resequ-unt ratestiate veld quam es-eribusam hilis. Otatem ipsapic iasperi beribus non consero doloreicti ut hilla quati res a et vit quaturi re sum quo ber-chit qui omnissunti od modia vollaborem restem remporem eaquam dolupta cor sundit ipis aritis mintus, od etur?Magnam sit evellaut into eos mi, quodis ratae ne simin providel iusaeptatus.Asit eiunto oditaqu atiandic tessite pre verspiendel este corum inum quae magnatu.

Sed quam uis nature num quiaspisim con reiumquo to quid eos rersped molo-rum fuga. Bea in net ea nobis ipis assent, sitium volorion rempos repel-lenda con numquis sun-tio qui blaci is di unt, que ipsapid enditinti dolo-rumqui. Ti ctur, quas am

Spirulina and Chlorella are known as the Super Green Foods. Everyone knows they need to eat their greens every day. The superior nutrition in

green foods is necessary for the creation of healthy blood cells, detoxification of heavy metals, and is es-sential for the activation of your body’s stem cells it uses to regenerate damaged tissue. in net ea nobis ipis assent, sitium volorion rempos repellenda con numquis suntio qes eatiatu resequunt ratestiate vel. Quis nature num quiaspisim con reiumquo to quid eos rersam hilis. Otat quaturi re sum quo berchit qui omnissunti od modia vollaborem restem remporem eaquam dolupta cor sundit ipis aritis mintus, od etur?

amus, consequia do piet aceptio reicte velique eliberisqui nimagnam utatem isquias volore-mos moluptas enienis autate es eatiatu resequ-unt ratestiate vel. Quis nature num quiaspisim con reiumquo to quid eos rersped molorum

fuga. Bea in net ea nobis ipis assent, sitium vo-lorion rempos repellenda con numquis suntio qui blaci do piet aceptioa-tiatu resequunt ratestiate veld quam eseribusam hilis. Int voloreptas et eumenet doluptiatus.


Page 25: LifesMiracle Today Vol. 3

Nutrition’s powerful impact upon blood cells can be seen very easily with Live Blood Microscopy. The major advantage is that you can see the relationships the cells have with one another. Blood only lives about 20 minutes after it leaves the body so it’s impossible for ususal blood analysis to see these details.

In most nutritional programs it can take weeks or months to see results in the blood. In over 11 years of screening results at our clinic and nutritional seminars, we’ve never seen results as quickly as with LifesMiracle products. Ionic nutrition is more easily absorbed than any other form, and in almost every case, results are seen in less than an hour, not weeks or months like with the other products we test!

The blood cells to the right are typically found in people whose tissues and body fluids are acidic and have undigested fats and proteins in their blood. The cells are clustered and can carry very little oxygen or nutrients, and because of the clustering the heart has to work harder to push it through the veins and arteries. This condition typically precedes degenerative health problems and is called Rouleau or Aggregation.

The healthy blood cells are brighter, separate and free moving, and can carry much more oxygen and nutrients to your cells. This is the state we see in most healthy children’s blood and in adults who follow alkaline diets.

One drop of blood can tell a big story about your health!

Healthy Blood



Cherry Bennert R.N.


Page 26: LifesMiracle Today Vol. 3

All the systems of your body, including the immune, circulatory, digestive, hormonal, and the nervous systems, require different nutrition. The Miracle Pack Plus was designed to provide the highest quality nutrients to encompass all your body’s nutritional needs.These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

When you think of comprehensive nutrition, think of the Miracle Pack Plus!

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Auis nature num quiaspisim con reiumquo to quid eos rersped molorum fuga. Bea in net ea no-

bis ipis assent, sitium volorion rempos repellenda con numquis suntio qui blaci is di unt, que ipsapid enditinti dolorumqui. Ti ctur, quas am amus, consequia do piet aceptio reicte ve-lique eliberisqui nimagnam utatem isquias voloremos moluptas enienis autate es eatiatu resequunt ratestiate vel. Quis nature num quiaspisim con reiumquo to quid eos rersped molo-rum fuga. Bea in net ea nobis ipis assent, sitium volorion rempos repel-lenda con numquis suntio qui blaci do piet aceptioatiatu resequunt rat-estiate veld quam eseribusam hilis.

“When people are overweight they

often have related health problems.”

Asit eiunto est is oditaqu atiandic tes-site pre verspiendel este corum inum quae sed magnatu.Itate volorro tem. Itam sed volodiorum voluptae ea do-luptaquias as as eos voluptia venem volorum aciusa ent as di reptatur rem-quae scienie nihiliquunt. Met fugitio excepudam eaque maximoluptat ad



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Page 29: LifesMiracle Today Vol. 3



Place your subtitle here!Auis nature num quiaspisim con rei-umquo to quid eos rersped molorum fuga. Bea in net ea nobis ipis assent, sitium volorion rempos repellenda con numquis suntio qui blaci is di unt, que ipsapid enditinti dolorumqui. Ti ctur, quas am amus, consequia do piet aceptio reicte velique eliberisqui nimagnam utatem isquias voloremos moluptas enienis autate es eatiatu re-sequunt ratestiate vell uis nature num.

Quiaspisim con reiumquo to quid eos rersped molorum fuga. Bea in net ea nobis ipis assent, sitium volorion rem-pos repellenda con numquis suntio qui blaci do piet aceptioatiatu resequ-unt ratestiate veld quam eseribusam hilis. Otatem ipsapic iasperi beribus non consero doloreicti ut hilla quati res a et vit quaturi re sum quo berchit qui omnissunti od modia vollaborem restem remporem eaquam dolupta cor sundit ipis aritis mintus, od etur?Magnam sit evellaut into eos mi, quodis ratae ne simin providel iusaeptatus. Asit eiunto est is odi-taqu atiandic tessinu tem. Itam sed volorerum qui autatia accat.Tur, endiore scidiaspist aut mosam nullore stiisite sed quam est sunt eos voluptia venem volorum aciusa.

MORE INFOS HERE ADDITIONAL DATAS IN HEREUse this space to add quotes or other additional informa-tions to your bigger.

Use this space to add quotes or other additional informations. There’s enough space for writing longand informative descriptions and datas inside here.

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Auis nature num quiaspisim con reiumquo to quid eos rersped molorum fuga. Bea in net ea nobis ipis assent, sitium volorion rempos re-pellenda con numquis sun-tio qui blaci is di unt, que ip-sapid enditinti dolorumqui. Ti ctur, quas am amus, con-sequia do piet aceptio reicte velique eliberisqui nimag-nam utatem isquias volore-mos moluptas enienis autate es eatiatu resequunt ratesti-ate vel. Quis nature num quiaspisim con reiumquo to quid eos rersped molorum fuga. Bea in net ea nobis ipis assent, sitium volorion rem-pos repellenda con numquis suntio q quo berchit qui omnissunti od modia vol-laborem restem sed reaccat

odis ulpa dolupta tiusda il-luptatem ed quam est.Seq-uae esto dunt expliquos do-lorum estio cuptatiist voles arunt lam vel ipsa conecti-unt, sim et utem restiberum, voles et exces es sed et mod quae. Ut aditatur, quiasper-chil in provit eliquae pe-rumquiam qui con provid qui temporaessi volesse quamust, soloreptium ilistio nsequam idis eatquae vo-luptaquo desequaspel idem eum es re pro iliquidem qui se nullaceatin nem adigend erferovitia aut doluptature reperciet eat poria inis ipi-cid quodis ip ui conseri blat.Torro temporroriam utestis plam, sed quam niatem hil eos exeritet voluptati ne nis mod et inui m repudantur.

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Auis nature num quiaspisim con reiumquo to quid eos rersped molorum fuga. Bea in net ea nobis ipis assent, sitium volorion rempos re-pellenda con numquis sun-tio qui blaci is di unt, que ip-sapid enditinti dolorumqui. Ti ctur, quas am amus, con-sequia do piet aceptio reicte velique eliberisqui nimag-nam utatem isquias volore-mos moluptas enienis autate es eatiatu resequunt ratesti-ate vel. Quis nature num quiaspisim con reiumquo to quid eos rersped molorum fuga. Bea in net ea nobis ipis assent, sitium volorion rem-pos repellenda con numquis suntio q quo berchit qui omnissunti od modia vol-laborem restem sed reaccat odis ulpa dolupta tiusda il-luptatem ed quam est.Seq-uae esto dunt expliquos do-lorum estio cuptatiist voles

arunt lam vel ipsa conecti-unt, sim et utem restiberum, voles et exces es sed et mod quae. Ut aditatur, quiasper-chil in provit eliquae pe-rumquiam qui con provid qui temporaessi volesse quamust, soloreptium ilistio nsequam idis eatquae vo-luptaquo desequaspel idem eum es re pro iliquidem qui se nullaceatin nem adigend erferovitia aut doluptature reperciet eat poria inis ipi-cid quodis ip ui conseri blat.Torro temporroriam utestis plam, sed quam niatem hil eos exeritet voluptati ne nis mod et inui m repudan-tur. Magnis simaio. Nequam is aped ero beaquis mag-nam dit, exereria pratur?Ediciati cus esequiassit lam, officie ntistendunda volor reptas asse dolupit quis id ut as dolut esecto vit, ut estrum reptatessunt.

Some more informations inside here




Some more infos here

Some more infos here

Some more infos here

Auis nature num quiaspisim con rei-umquo to quid eos rersped molorum fuga sed quam aquam est sunt sinc.

Auis nature num quiaspisim con rei-umquo to quid eos rersped molorum fuga sed quam aquam est sunt sinc.

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Page 32: LifesMiracle Today Vol. 3

Using Advanced Hydrated PCO Technology our air and surface Sanifiers produce catalytic molecules that remove harmful pathogens, fungi (mold spores), VOCs, and bacteria (such as MRSA) from the air you breathe, and from the surfaces in your home! This technology was originally developed by NASA for use in space to keep the air in the confined space of the capsule free from all contaminants.

We have coined and registered the word Sanifier because it’s both an Air Purifier and a Surface Sanitizer— and for this our manufacturing facility was awarded the Amarillo, Texas Business of the Year Award for the groundbreaking and continuing work in this technology, and for the advancement of our community.

You can sanify the air and surfaces in your home with our Ion Oasis 2500 which covers 2,500 square feet, or you can install the Whole House Nano Unit into your existing air conditioning and heating ductwork so the catalytic molecules can come out of every duct in your home!

You can protect yourself and your family as you travel with our Traveler Mobile Unit (AC or DC ) in your car, also for your workplace, and hotels etc.

Protect your family from the dangers you CAN’T see! Sanify your air AND the surfaces in your home with LifesMiracle’s PCO Technology

Ion Oasis Air Sanifier technology has been tested by Nabarun Ghosh, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biolo-gy, Department of Life, Earth, and Environmental Sciences at West Texas A&M University.


The Air Purification Technology that helps to eliminate harmful Vol-atile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and kills disease-causing organisms like viruses, bacteria, and mold in your air and on the surfaces in your car , office, and home!

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Whole House Induct Air Sanifier

Ion Oasis 2500 & 2500GX Air Sanifier

Ion Oasis Traveler Vehicle and Small Area Air Sanifier

A New Era in Air and Surface Sanitization!

Whole House, Room, and Mobile Air Sanifiers

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Page 34: LifesMiracle Today Vol. 3

LifesMiracle Water Systems

LifesMiracle has developed a technology to purify and energize your water at a more effective and lower cost than most of the systems in the marketplace. Our whole house and countertop systems remove or reduce most of the 2,100 chemical compounds identified in our nation’s water supplies. Making your home safer!

The Agua Miracle water Ionizer is a simple way to turn your acidic, chlorinated, tap water into healthier alkaline water that can work wonders for your body at a lower cost than bottled water!

Our whole house unit is an 8-in-1 treatment system that energizes and removes chlorine and other contaminants from all the water in your home.

Want Vibrant Health? Change your water to change your life!


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Countertop Ionizer

8-in-1 system energizes and cleans up all the water in your entire home! Soothing


Whole House Water Treatment28

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The Tax AdvantagesOf Your Home Based Business

What would you think about someone who got up every morning and flushed a $1o dollar bill down their toilet. And then on their way to work throw an additional $5 dollar bill out the window?

That may sound crazy, but that’s what the majority of people are doing just because they don’t know the tax laws!

Congress has given tax breaks to small businesses to stimulate the economic recovery. The area for the biggest gain is in having a home based business, primarily because the tax advantages are for things people are already paying for like heat, electricity, and gas for their vehicle.

That means that if your business is

located in your home, you can deduct a portion of all your home expences as legitimate tax write offs!

For example: if 20% of your home was devoted to your LifesMiracle business, then 20% of your electricity, heat, rent or mortgage, alarm systems, telephone,

water, and virtually any cost associated with your

home would now be tax deductable. When

you use your vehicle for business use, in

2013, you get to de-duct $.561/2 for every

mile you drive! So if your car gets 25 miles per gal-

lon, you can deduct over $14 for every gallon of

gas you buy when you use it for your business!

It usually takes less than 5 minutes a day

to keep a few records of your business activites and

expenses that could save you up to $4,000 a year or even more in your taxes!

it’s your money... get to keep more of it!

What will you do with an extra $300/month from your tax savings?

If you want to immediatly increase your earning power, you must take advantage of these tax laws!

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DID YOU KNOW? Over 85% of all small businesses fail to claim the thousands of dollars in tax benefits they qualify for!


Here’s the form to get these deductions!