lifetime fitness: ch 1


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Wellness Concepts and Applications, 8th Edition


Page 1: Lifetime Fitness: Ch 1


Chapter 1

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Define wellness and factors that influence attaining it

List seven areas which comprise the holistic view of wellness

List and define six steps to changing behavior and name the model

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An active process through which people become aware of, and make choices towards, a more successful existence.

It is a process – not a goal

It implies choice, a way of life

It suggests what you believe, feel and do have an influence on your health

Wellness Defined

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Components of Wellness

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Spiritual—Belief in a source of value that transcends the boundaries of self, but also nurtures the self; provides meaning and direction

Social—The ability to interact successfully with people and with one’s personal environment

Physical—The ability to carry out daily tasks, develop cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, maintain adequate nutrition and a healthy body fat level, and avoid abusing drugs and alcohol

Environmental—The ability to promote health measures that improve the standard of living and quality of life in the community

Occupational—The ability to achieve a balance between work and leisure

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Emotional—The ability to control stress and to express emotions appropriately and comfortably

Intellectual—The ability to learn and use information effectively for personal, family, and career development

Intellectual wellness implies:

•Overcoming the health-behavior gap

•Possessing an internal locus of control

•Having a strong sense of self-efficacy

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Lifestyle diseases—The most serious health problem in today’s society

Chronic diseases include heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension

Accidents, homicides, and suicides are leading killers among 15- to 24-year-olds

The Wellness Challenge

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Despite bioterrorism and the global spread of new viruses:

The real threats to human life involve:

• Diet

•Physical activity

• Personal health habits

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The risk factor most strongly associated with preventable death and chronic disease

Diet and physical inactivityNext highest risk factor for smokers

Highest risk factor for nonsmokers


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Physical activity - Vigorous activity in adolescents and moderate physical activity in adults

Overweight and obesity – Maintaining of proper weight for adolescents and adults

Tobacco use – Stopping or not starting smoking by adolescents and adults

Substance abuse – Refraining from alcohol and illicit drugs use by adolescents and adults

Responsible sexual behavior – Responsible sexual behavior

Healthy People 2010- Govt ReportLeading Health Indicators (LHIs)

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Mental health – Treatment for those with recognized depression

Injury and violence – Reduce deaths from motor vehicle crashes and homicides

Environmental quality – Ozone pollution exposure/tobacco smoke

Immunization - Children and high risk adults

Access to health care – Person have insurance and prenatal care

LHIs Continued

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Health behavior is learned, and can be changed

Forces that shape behavior

• Family, role models, and social norms


• Psychological needs

• Reactance motivation

Achieving Lifestyle Change

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A SELF-HELP APPROACH assumes that individuals can manage their lifestyle change and learn to control environmental factors that are detrimental to health

Any approach requires time and planning

You Are Responsible

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Precontemplation stageNo behavior change is planned

Person may be unaware of need for change or feels he or she can’t change

Contemplation stageAware of problem behaviors

Not willing to commit effort to change at this time

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Preparation stage—Planning to take action

Assess current behavior

Set Goals

S.M.A. R.T. - specific, measurable, accurate, realistic, and trackable

Realize that change is permanent

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Action stage —Overt changes are made in behavior, experiences, or environment

Rewards and incentives are important elements

Strategies for change:Countering is one of most powerful strategies

Changing the environment

• avoidance; the elimination of associated circumstances

Contracting with oneself

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Maintenance stage — Goal is to retain the gains and prevent relapse

Termination stage —The point at which problem behavior is no longer tempting

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Review: Six Stages of Change




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Nice Pecs!

P atienceE ffortC onsistencyS upport

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