limitations to · turns out in history, though, rather than follow this simple instrucon, men tend...

LIMITATIONS TO KINGDOM DOMINION MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL DR. JOSEPH & MRS MERCY OLOWE - HOSTS Please help us spread the gospel by sharing this post with 5 or more people on your social media network. God bless you as you do so. PART 2

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Page 1: LIMITATIONS TO · turns out in history, though, rather than follow this simple instrucon, men tend to build gates and doors that limit the manifestaon of God's power. Let us look




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Page 2: LIMITATIONS TO · turns out in history, though, rather than follow this simple instrucon, men tend to build gates and doors that limit the manifestaon of God's power. Let us look

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Published by JOMI PUBLICATIONS, 8700 Montana Avenue, El Paso, Texas 79925, USAvisit our website:

Kingdom Dominion Ministries IntʼlL I M I T A T I O N S T O M I R A C L E S | | 0 3 1 3 2 0 2 0

GOOD NEWS: THE GOD OF ORDERIn the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void;

and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:1-2 KJV)

There are a few things that are constantly influencing happenings around us; one of them is the spirit of confusion. Last week, we looked at a scripture that reminded us that the whole world lies in wickedness—and righ�ully so. Looking at the wickedness going on in our world today, one can only wonder what the future holds. The world is so dark today that people are running helter-skelter searching for inferior lights. How does one overcome this global confusion in the world today?

First, permit me to direct your a�en�on back to the original condi�on of the earth in the beginning. The scripture tells us that the earth was without form, void and dark. The image we get in Genesis 1:2 is a high defini�on illustra�on of confusion. Unfortunately, it is also a perfect representa�on of the lives of many people. Lives without form—without the external appearance of a clearly defined goal and/or vision. Lives that are void—empty and without any meaningful content. Darkened lives—perpetually in a state of obscurity and concealment. Isn't what the life of someone in your world and mine looks like?

Here's the good news: the God that restored order in the beginning is s�ll alive and well. If you are born again, congrats; you've got what it takes to navigate any confusion. If you are not, however, it's just a ma�er of �me before you are drawn further into higher realms of confusion. Today can be the defining moment when everything changes for the be�er by asking God to intervene on your behalf. If you are doing that for the first �me, let me be the first to welcome you to the Kingdom of God.

LIMITATIONS TO MIRACLES (Part 2)We thank God for an awesome and beau�ful beginning to this new wonderful series. We are learning about the things that can limit our access to our promised land. God is ready to bring us all our desires in this season, however, we can inadvertently limit His interven�ons and His move on our behalf.

As Paul says to the Greeks in Thessalonica, we move, live and have our being in God. In other words, He has given us an all-access pass to His domain. However, because we are moral beings gi�ed with freewill, we are capable of advancing or resis�ng God's inten�ons for us. This is why, alongside the gi� of free will, we are enjoined to make the right choice. To the Israelites of old, Joshua proclaimed the words of God: “l have laid before you life and death . . .” He did not end there, however; he added: “choose life that you may live!” As it turns out in history, though, rather than follow this simple instruc�on, men tend to build gates and doors that limit the manifesta�on of God's power.

Let us look at the Word of the Lord in Isaiah 45:1-3.

“Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue na�ons before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut; I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and

hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.” (Isaiah 45:1-3 KJV)

It is interes�ng to note that this message was to Cyrus who was described in this passage as the 'ANOINTED' of the Lord. So this prophe�c word about open gates, it seems, is �ed to the ANOINTING. When we cooperate with God, He anoints us—He empowers us to succeed! And of course, when God is not limited in our lives, the results are always glorious. Na�ons get subdued before us. The loins of the opposi�on are loosened. The two leaved gates are opened. Glory!

When God is allowed to manifest Himself in our lives without limita�ons, He goes before us to straighten crooked places. He breaks in pieces the gates of brass and cuts asunder the bars of iron so that we can have access to the HIDDEN TREASURES OF DARKNESS.

What have you been missing? There are lots of treasures that belong to you, but they are held away from you

Page 3: LIMITATIONS TO · turns out in history, though, rather than follow this simple instrucon, men tend to build gates and doors that limit the manifestaon of God's power. Let us look

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Kingdom Dominion Ministries IntʼlL I M I T A T I O N S T O M I R A C L E S | | 0 3 1 3 2 0 2 0

by gates and doors which will answer to divine anoin�ng. By the anoin�ng, God gets to hold our hands and lead us into victory. God wants us to align with Him in order for us to fully enjoy His help; don't be an obstacle to your own breakthrough. Rather, choose to become a CYRUS today.

OUR FOUNDATIONAL TEXTOur founda�on text for this series is found in the book of Psalm 78:41.

“Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.” (Psalms 78:41 KJV)

The Psalmist said concerning those of old, “they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy one of lsrael.” They limited the One Who wants to give us the hidden treasures of darkness which has been reserved for us. One of the ways this happens is by embracing tradi�on at the detriment of how God is choosing to lead us now. The scripture tells us that the Jewish leaders in the days of Jesus made the word of God of none effect by their tradi�ons.

“Making the word of God of none effect through your tradi�on, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” (Mark 7:13 KJV)

So the ques�on is this: What tradi�ons are you holding unto �ll now that have become doors or gates hindering you from accessing your hidden treasures? That's a ques�on ONLY YOU can answer. Perhaps, it is �me for some soul-searching adventure to evaluate what is actually limi�ng you and hindering your des�ny fulfilment.

THE STORY OF OUR LIMITATIONThe story that gives us a great illustra�on of how we can set limita�ons to our own miracles is found in Mark 2:1-12. It is the story of one man who, thanks to his friends, defied all odds and removed the limita�ons on his way to his future. If the man and his friends did not do their part, the sick man would have remained sick of palsy all his life and we will not be looking at his story today.

Last week, we considered Limita�on #1: A Lack of Support. The narra�ve was clear about the fact that this man enjoyed the healing he received because he was supported by four men who carried him to his miracle. What support are you lacking? remember that Jesus is a SHELTER OF COMFORT; He wants to bring you in.

I want to believe that we have been able to iden�fy our respec�ve areas of weakness. This man's was his sickness (palsy). He realized his lack of mobility and sought adequate support to carry him into his promised land, as it were. Do you know where you need support? Have you go�en adequate support for such areas?

Let's look at another limita�on today.

LIMITATION #2: EXISTING STRUCTURES “1 And again he entered into Capernaum a�er some days; and it was noised that he was in the house. 2 And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them,

no, not so much as about the door: and he preached the word unto them . . . And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it

up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay.” (Mark 2:1-2, 4 KJV)

In this case of this man, he came to the door but could not enter because the people were too many. However, this did not stop him from reaching his desired end. Through the support he had go�en, he got to the roof which will eventually be his entry route. That's instruc�ve in itself. You will need support to get to 'the roof'. It takes support to get to the top.

But that's not all. What did this man's supporters do for him at the roof? They began to remove the exis�ng structure in order to make a way. That points us to the second limita�on on our way to our miracle—the exis�ng structure that must be removed. Un�l you remove the exis�ng structure, you will only hear about the shelter of comfort but not get in. What are the structures on your way? Don't get it twisted; we all need boundaries to guide us in life, but we need to do without structures that limit the expression of God's power in our lives. And if we will be honest,

Page 4: LIMITATIONS TO · turns out in history, though, rather than follow this simple instrucon, men tend to build gates and doors that limit the manifestaon of God's power. Let us look

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Published by JOMI PUBLICATIONS, 8700 Montana Avenue, El Paso, Texas 79925, USAvisit our website:

Kingdom Dominion Ministries IntʼlL I M I T A T I O N S T O M I R A C L E S | | 0 3 1 3 2 0 2 0

many of us have been limited by one structure or the other—some built by people to contain us; others built by ourselves or by nature. In any case, they must be removed by God, as He engages us.

Let us consider two biblical examples to bu�ress our point.

1. THE WALL OF JERICHO This beau�ful illustra�on is found in Joshua 6:1-25. (Please take your �me to read it; it's a very rich story.) God had promised His people the land that is following with milk and honey, but they couldn't get in because there was a massive structure keeping them out: THE WALLS OF JERICHO!

As earlier men�oned, a structure can be self-built or built against you. For some of us, our biggest self-built structure is our self righteousness and sense of en�tlement. If this is you, please pull down such a structure. The people marched around the walls of Jericho according to specific divine instruc�on. Lean in to God �ll He drops in your heart how to march around your own walls of Jericho, too.

“So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city.”

(Joshua 6:20 KJV)

2. THE RED SEAWe will recall how God heard the cry of His people about their afflic�on in the land of Egypt and how He sent a deliverer to them. The story gets interes�ng, however, when we read that God led them by the way of the Red Sea. The sea stood between them and the promised land. Of course, God knew that the sea was there, He was trying to teach His people how to remove obstruc�ng structures along their way.

This also tells us that the fact that God had promised us something doesn't mean that we wouldn't have to fight to acquire it. More likely than not, we will need to deal with some exis�ng structures along the way. How did the structure (Red Sea) get out of the way for the Israelites? God asked a concerned Moses about what he's got in his hand. In other words, what you need to remove exis�ng unfavourable structures on your way is already with you; all you need to do is use it. God will not come down to remove it for you; it is up to you and your support system. This is not the �me to cry anymore; it is �me for ac�on.

CALL TO ACTIONDo you know you have direct access to God?Do you know what structures are in your way?Are they self-built, erected by others or by nature? (Tip: They all respond to the power of God!) Do you know what you have in your hand?Do you have adequate support to remove the structure?

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “THE VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE” “And from the days of John the Bap�st un�l now the kingdom of heaven suffereth

violence, and the violent take it by force.” (Ma�hew 11:12 KJV)

There are some things that require some force before we can lay hold on them. Some things will not come to us unless we are willing to remove the exis�ng structure

obstruc�ng our reach for them. Behind the two-leaved gates, for Cyrus, lie the hidden treasures of darkness; it will take some forceful opening of those gates by the anoin�ng

to get them. That is what you need, too: the anoin�ng. Shalom.

PRAYER POINTS1. Father, bap�se me with a fresh unc�on and anoin�ng to break every yoke and every structure hindering my blessings in the name of Jesus.2. I declare that every 'wall of Jericho' and every 'red sea' on my path to my promised land give way today in the name of Jesus.

PS: PLEASE DO NOT FORGET OPERATION TEN SOUL FOR 2020. Reach out or pray for ten souls to be added to the Kingdom in your area. God bless you as you do so.