lindsey krug assessment

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 1 ADVanced Insights Profile WHAT WHY HOW Lindsey Krug February 18, 2014 This Innermetrix ADVanced Insights Profile combines the best of three world-class profiles. The Attribute Index measures how you think and make decisions. The Values Index measures your motivational style and drivers and the DISC Index measures your preferred Behavioral style. Together they create WHAT, WHY and HOW (i.e., What natural talents do you have, Why are you motivated to use them and How do you prefer to use them.) The Results Group LLC 515-330-2866

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ADVanced Insights ProfileWHAT WHY HOW

Lindsey KrugFebruary 18, 2014

This Innermetrix ADVanced Insights Profile combines the best of three world-classprofiles. The Attribute Index measures how you think and make decisions. The ValuesIndex measures your motivational style and drivers and the DISC Index measures yourpreferred Behavioral style. Together they create WHAT, WHY and HOW (i.e., Whatnatural talents do you have, Why are you motivated to use them and How do you preferto use them.)

The Results Group


Executive SummaryLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 2

Natural and Adaptive Styles Comparison

Natural Style



















Natural Style: The natural style is how youbehave when you are being most natural. Itis your basic style and the one you adoptwhen you are being authentic and true toyourself. It is also the style that you revert towhen under stress or pressure. Behaving inthis style, however, reduces your stress andtension and is comforting. When authentic tothis style you will maximize your truepotential more effectively.

Adaptive Style



















Adaptive Style: The adaptive style is how youbehave when you feel you are being observedor how you behave when you are aware of yourbehavior. This style is less natural and lessauthentic for you or your true tendencies andpreferences. When forced to adapt to this stylefor too long you may become stressed and lesseffective.

Seven Dimensions of Value and MotivationLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 3

Executive Summary of Lindsey's Values


You have a bottom-line approach focusing on functionality over form oraesthetics.


Your high drive for economic gain helps provide motivation through longprojects and assignments.


You have no problem standing up for your own rights and may impart thisenergy into others as well.

Very HighPolitical

You are a very strong leader, and able to take control of a variety of initiativesand maintain control.

HighAltruist You have a high desire to help others learn, grow, and develop.


You are able to balance and understand the need to have structure and order,but not paralyzed without it.


You are able to balance the quest for understanding and knowledge with thepractical needs of a situation.











Aesthetic Economic Individualistic Political Altruist Regulatory Theoretical


1 SD

1 SD



68 70



Dimensional BalanceLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 4

0.96 / 0.95

External External

Empathy0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

8.8 +

Practical Thinking0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

8.3 -

Systems Judgment0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

7.9 -


Self Esteem/Self Belief0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

8.6 -

Role Awareness0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

9.0 -

Self Direction0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

7.4 +

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 5

The DISC Index

Executive SummaryLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 6

Natural and Adaptive Styles Comparison

Natural Style



















Natural Style: The natural style is how youbehave when you are being most natural. Itis your basic style and the one you adoptwhen you are being authentic and true toyourself. It is also the style that you revert towhen under stress or pressure. Behaving inthis style, however, reduces your stress andtension and is comforting. When authentic tothis style you will maximize your truepotential more effectively.

Adaptive Style



















Adaptive Style: The adaptive style is how youbehave when you feel you are being observedor how you behave when you are aware of yourbehavior. This style is less natural and lessauthentic for you or your true tendencies andpreferences. When forced to adapt to this stylefor too long you may become stressed and lesseffective.

IntroductionLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 7

About This Report

Research conducted by Innermetrix shows that the most successful people share the common trait ofself-awareness. They recognize the situations that will make them successful, and this makes it easyfor them to find ways of achieving objectives that fit their behavioral style. They also understand theirlimitations and where they are not effective and this helps them understand where not to go or how notto be as well. Those who understand their natural behavioral preferences are far more likely to pursuethe right opportunities, in the right way, at the right time, and get the results they desire.

This report measures four dimensions of your behavioral style. They are:• Decisive — your preference for problem solving and getting results• Interactive — your preference for interacting with others and showing emotion• Stability — your preference for pacing, persistence and steadiness• Cautious — your preference for procedures, standards and protocols

This report includes:

• The Elements of DISC — Educational background behind the profile, the science and the fourdimensions of behavior

• The DISC Dimensions — A closer look at each of your four behavioral dimensions• Style Summary — A comparison of your natural and adaptive behavioral styles • Behavioral Strengths — A detailed strengths-based description of your overall behavioral style • Communication — Tips on how you like to communicate and be communicated with • Ideal Job Climate — Your ideal work environment • Effectiveness — Insights into how you can be more effective by understanding your behavior • Behavioral Motivations — Ways to ensure your environment is motivational • Continual Improvement — Areas where you can focus on improving • Training & Learning Style — Your preferred means of sharing and receiving styles • Relevance Section — Making the information real and pertinent to you • Success Connection — Connecting your style to your own life

Four Components of BehaviorLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 8

The Elements of the DISC-Index

This DISC-Index report is unique in the marketplace for a number of reasons. You just completed thefirst ever click & drag DISC instrument on the market. This was constructed in a precise manner to allowfor ease of responses, even in the midst of many difficult decisions. This intuitive interface allows youto focus on your answers, not the process.

Also, unlike other DISC instruments, this instrument allows you to rank all four items instead. As a result,this instrument produces zero waste in responses. Some instruments ask you to choose two items outof four, and leave two items blank. Those instruments have a 50% waste of terms, and do not providefor an efficient response process. The DISC Index instrument eliminates that response problem.

Another unique aspect of this DISC-Index report is that we present the DISC aspects of your behaviorboth as separate entities and as a dynamic combination of traits. This report presents the first time thateach of the DISC elements are separated and developed as pure entities of themselves. This can serveas an important learning tool as you explore the deeper aspects of DISC. Your unique pattern of DISCtraits is developed through the context of this report. Additionally, the following four pages will bedevoted to exploring your DISC scores as separate components within the unique combination of traitsthat you exhibit.

A comment on contradictions: You may read some areas of this report that may contradict other text.This is due to the fact that many of us show contradictory behaviors in the normal course of our dailyoperations. Each of us are at times talkative and other times more reflective, depending on how we areadapting our behavior. The expression of these contradictions is a demonstration of the sensitivity ofthis instrument to determine these subtle differences in our natural and adaptive style.

Four Components of BehaviorLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 9

A closer look at the four components of your behavioral style



How you tend toapproach problems and

makes decisions

High D













Low D



How you tend tointeract with others and

share opinions

High I













Low I



How you tend to pacethings in yourenvironment

High S













Low S



Your preference forestablished protocol/


High C













Low C

Four Components of BehaviorLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 10

Four Components of BehaviorLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 11


Your approach to problem-solving and obtaining results

The D in DISC represents Decisiveness. Your score on this scale, represented below, showsyour location on the D spectrum based on the pattern of your responses. A high score doesn'tmean good, and a low score doesn't mean bad, as this is a spectrum or continuum of behavioraltraits. For example:

Higher D —Tend to solve new problems very quickly and assertively. They take an active and directapproach to obtaining results. The key here is new problems such as those that areunprecedented or haven't happened before. There may also be an element of risk in takingthe wrong approach or developing an incorrect solution, but those with a High D score arewilling to take those risks, even if they may be incorrect.

Lower D —Tend to solve new problems in a more deliberate, controlled, and organized manner. Again,the key here is new and unprecedented problems. The Lower D style will solve routineproblems very quickly because the outcomes are already known. But, when the outcomesare unknown and the problem is an uncertain one, the Lower D style will approach the newproblem in a calculated and deliberate manner by thinking things through very carefully beforeacting.















Your score shows a low average score on the 'D' spectrum.The comments below highlight some of the traits specificto just your unique score.

• Sometimes you demand too much of yourself.• You think it is important to have some time to evaluate

options before acting.• You are usually very supportive of decisions made by

others on the team.• You can be very modest in dealing with others.• Under high pressure, you may become somewhat

indecisive or resistant to making a very quick decision.• You are quite self-critical of yourself and demand a lot

out of yourself.

Four Components of BehaviorLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 12


Your approach to interacting with people and display of emotions.

The I in DISC represents Interactive. Your score on this scale represented below shows yourlocation on the I spectrum based on the pattern of your responses. A high score doesn't meangood, and a low score doesn't mean bad, as this is a spectrum or continuum of behavioraltraits. For example:

Higher I —Tend to meet new people in an outgoing, gregarious, and socially assertive manner. The keyhere is new people whom one hasn't met before. Many other styles are talkative, but moreso with people that they've known for some time. The Higher I scores are talkative, interactiveand open even with people whom they have just initially met. People scoring in this rangemay also be a bit impulsive. Generally speaking, those with the Higher I scores are generallytalkative and outgoing.

Lower I —Tend to meet new people in a more controlled, quiet and reserved manner. Here's where thekey word "new people" enters the equation. Those with Lower I scores are talkative with theirfriends and close associates, but tend to be more reserved with people they've just recentlymet. They tend to place a premium on the control of emotions, and approach new relationshipswith a more reflective approach than an emotional one.















Your score shows a very high score on the 'I' spectrum.The comments below highlight some of the traits specificto just your unique score.

• You have a very high trust level for others, but this couldactually result in you being "burned."

• At times, your desire to express your opinion and interactwith others may come across as self-promoting by thequieter people you know.

• You are gregarious and outgoing with most everyoneyou meet.

• You enjoy opportunities to motivate others.• You most likely enjoy helping others as coach, counselor,

or teacher.• Generally speaking, people find you warm, open and

excellent at interacting with others.

Four Components of BehaviorLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 13


Your approach to the pace of the work environment

The S in DISC represents Stabilizing. Your score on this scale represented below shows yourlocation on the S spectrum based on the pattern of your responses. A high score doesn't meangood, and a low score doesn't mean bad, as this is a spectrum or continuum of behavioraltraits. For example:

Higher S —Tend to prefer a more controlled, deliberative and predictable environment. They place apremium on security of a work situation and disciplined behavior. They also tend to show asense of loyalty to a team or organization, and as a result, may have a greater longevity ortenure in a position than some other styles. They have an excellent listening style and arevery patient coaches and teachers for others on the team.

Lower S —Tend to prefer a more flexible, dynamic, unstructured work environment. They value freedomof expression and the ability to change quickly from one activity to another. They tend tobecome bored with the same routine that brings security to the Higher S traits. As a result,they will seek opportunities and outlets for their high sense of urgency and high activity levels,as they have a preference for spontaneity.















Your score shows a high average score on the 'S' spectrum.The comments below highlight some of the traits specificto just your unique score.

• You tend to be a calming influence on those with whomyou work.

• You are generally known as steadfast and dependable.• When you need to, you can be flexible to change or new

ideas.• You believe rules exist for a reason.• You bring a high degree of self-control to work. You

steadily move towards the completion of a task.• If insufficient structure and order exist, you will create it.

Four Components of BehaviorLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 14


Your approach to standards, procedures, and expectations.

The C in DISC represents Cautiousness. Your score on the scale represented below showsyour location on the C spectrum based on the pattern of your responses. A high score doesn'tmean good, and a low score doesn't mean bad, as this is a spectrum or continuum of behavioraltraits. For example:

Higher C — Tend to adhere to rules, standards, procedures, and protocol set by those in authority whomthey respect. They like things to be done the right way according to the operating manual."Rules are made to be followed" is an appropriate motto for those with higher C scores. Theyhave some of the highest quality control interests of any of the styles and frequently wishothers would do the same.

Lower C —Tend to operate more independently from the rules and standard operating procedures. Theytend to be bottom-line oriented. If they find an easier way to do something, they'll do it bydeveloping a variety of strategies as situations demand. To the Lower C scores, rules areonly guidelines, and may be bent or broken as necessary to obtain results.















Your score shows a low average score on the 'C' spectrum.The comments below highlight some of the traits specificto just your unique score.

• To you, rules are guidelines, not concrete.• While you appreciate a need for procedures and

protocol, you also understand they must be practical anddirectly support results.

• You may be perceived as being non-committal by somewhen it comes to deciding on how to proceed.

• You can easily work independently when it comes tocompleting tasks and assignments.

• You are practical and realistic.• You might be perceived as a bit of a rule-bender by some

on the team.

Natural Style Pattern OverviewLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 15

Natural Style Pattern:

Your natural style is the way you tend to behave when you aren't thinking about it. This is where

you are most comfortable (natural). This is also the style you will revert back to when under

stress or moving too quickly to be consciously thinking about modifying your behavior. Finally,

this is the style you should seek to be true to in your daily roles. Being natural will return better

results with less effort and stress. The following statements are true to just your unique natural


• Tends to say 'yes' more than 'no' when asked to help out with a colleague's project or


• Socially poised without being an extremist.

• Prefers networking by face with internal and external stakeholders rather than working in

solitary conditions.

• Able to get along with a wide variety of others.

• High degree of persistence in working on specialized projects, especially over the long haul.

• Tends to have a 'long fuse' and is not easily angered while on the job, although may take

some of the anger and vent it at home.

• An excellent, empathic listening style.

• Prefers to establish relationships for the team or organization that are based on long-

standing contacts, rather than brief superficial communications.

Adaptive Style Pattern OverviewLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 16

Adaptive Style Pattern:

This is the style of behavior you adapt to when you are conscious of your own behavior, when

you feel you are being observed or whenever you are trying to better fit a situation. This is not

a natural style for you, but still one of your two styles none-the-less. In other words, it is the

way you feel you "should" behave when thinking about it. The statements below are specific

to your individual Adaptive style:

• You tend to seek freedom from routine, control, and minutia, and try to enlist the help of

others on those details.

• You want to be seen as able to influence others by your enthusiasm and openness to


• You appreciate others who show a high degree of flexibility and spontaneity with

organizational projects.

• May fear limitations or restrictions on your flexibility or spontaneity.

• You show a high interest level in working with others, and you make friends easily on and

off the job.

• On the job, will seek assignments with high people contact, and an image of authority or

knowledge in an area.

• You want to be seen as one who has a high trust level in working with others.

• Through fluent verbal skills, you are able to gain the support of a variety of styles of people.

Ideas for Being More EffectiveLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 17

Based on your behavioral style there are certain opportunities for becoming more effective by

being aware of how you prefer, and enjoy, to behave. The items below may assist you in your

professional development growth. By understanding these items you may find explanations for

why you may be stuck in some areas of your life and why other aspects give you no trouble at

all. You could be more effective by:

• Avoiding heavy detail work.

• Being more efficient.

• Ensuring that socializing doesn't interfere with getting work completed.

• Having an increased urgency in decision-making… the project clock is ticking.

• Stay positive and optimistic under high pressure moments.

• Working on a team.

• Working in a favorable climate without high pressure or chaos.

• Being more direct when communicating.

Ideas for Staying More MotivatedLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 18

Your behavioral style will cause you to be motivated by certain factors in your environment.

Having these present may make you feel more motivated, and productive. The following are

things that you may want in your surroundings to feel optimally motivated:

• An environment offering mobility around the office or around the country.

• Authority equal to your responsibility.

• Social recognition of leadership or communication ability.

• To be free from supervision of your activity, and constraints on your ideas.

• Awards to confirm ability, skill, or achievements.

• A strong, visible group or organization with which to identify.

• Recognition for your contributions to the success of a project.

• Supportive and encouraging working environment.

Strength-based InsightsLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 19

Each behavioral style contains certain unique strengths as a result of how your four behavioral

dimensions relate to each other. Understanding your own unique behavioral strengths is an

important part of putting your new level of self-awareness to work for your success and

satisfaction. The following statements highlight specific strengths of your behavioral style:

• Demonstrates an appropriate combination of people-orientation plus listening ability and

may serve as a sought-after coach or counselor to peers within the organization.

• Demonstrates a high degree of patience in working with others.

• Excellent empathic listening style, a model for others to observe and follow.

• Very people oriented. Able to talk with new people very easily in small groups or in large


• The high optimism helps motivate the team toward its goals.

• Able to reach goals by working with and supporting the efforts of others on the team.

• Works hard for the team objectives and goals.

• Brings a positive sense of humor, and not at the expense of others.

Ideal Job/ClimateLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 20

Your behavioral style plays a significant role in determining what aspects of an environment

you like. The items below will help you understand what will define an ideal working climate

for you. Based on how you prefer to behave, an ideal climate for you is one that provides you


• Opportunity to try new ideas.

• New and varied activities; a change-oriented workplace culture.

• Freedom from controls, details, and minutia.

• Public recognition of accomplishments.

• Flexible environment, able to support changes and spontaneity.

• Challenging assignments.

• Authority equal to your responsibility.

• Mobility, and freedom to travel around the organization or around the country.

Areas for Continual ImprovementLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 21

Along with strengths, all behavioral styles come with areas that could become weaknesses -

if depended upon or not acknowledged. The trick is not to manufacture a weakness in the first

place by depending on these things.

Here are a few items that could become problematic for you if not acknowledged or known.

Your awareness of the potentials below is your best step in making sure they remain only

potential problems. Due to your behavioral style, you may tend to:

• Hold a bit of a grudge toward those who offer criticism.

• Be too indirect in providing instructions, not wanting to impose your will on others.

• Show less emphasis on productivity and more emphasis on the people-side of a project.

• Need some coaching in time management and in setting deadlines that are more ambitious.

• Take constructive criticism too personally.

• Be slow to make decisions due to a need to consider the people-side of all issues.

• Be overly tolerant with individuals who are unproductive.

• Lack a high sense of urgency, especially when under pressure.

Preferred Training and Learning StyleLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 22

Based on how you tend to behave you have certain preferences for how you like to convey

information, teach, instruct or share knowledge with others. This is also true of how you like

to receive information and learn. Understanding your behavioral preferences here will help

increase your effectiveness in teaching or instructing others, and in being taught and learning.

How you prefer to share knowledge or teach:

• Brings imagination and ideas to the training event.

• Leads the group by persuading, energizing them with optimism and encouraging


• Enriches the content with stories and experiences.

• Shows patience with tedious, technical, and specialty tasks and helping others to learn.

• Prefers explicit instructions and measurement criteria to be established with the


• Models own teaching/facilitating on those held in respect and esteem.

• Structures events to inspire participants to act on their ideas and visions.

How you prefer to receive knowledge or learn:

• Shows commitment, and wants to be personally involved in learning.

• Integrates experiences with practical applications and ideas.

• Seeks inspiration and excitement in the learning process.

• Responds actively to others and tends to take learning risks.

• Shows patience with tedious, technical, and specialty tasks. Does independent practice

as well as working with others.

• Looks for meaning and clear integration of the learning activities.

• Prefers learning in groups.

Communication Insights for OthersLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 23

This page is unique in this report because it is the only one that doesn't speak directly to you,

rather to those who interact with you. The information below will help others communicate with

you more effectively by appealing to your natural behavioral style. The first items are things

others SHOULD do to be better understood by you (Do's) and the second list is of things others

SHOULD NOT do (Don'ts) if they want you to understand them well.

Things to do to effectively communicate with Lindsey:

• Provide clear, specific solutions, and support your position.

• Ask for input regarding people and specific assignments.

• Offer input on how to make the ideas become reality.

• Provide testimonials from people seen as important and prominent.

• Break the ice with a brief personal comment.

• Be certain that individual responsibilities are clear and there are no ambiguities.

• Plan some extra time in your schedule for talking, relating, and socializing.

Things to avoid to effectively communicate with Lindsey:

• Don't leave the idea or plan without backup support.

• Avoid being overly task-oriented.

• Don't 'dream' too much together or you'll lose time.

• If you disagree, don't let it reflect on others personally, and don't let it affect the relationship.

• Don't force others to agree quickly with your objectives and position; provide some time to

warm up to the ideas and for mutual ownership.

• Don't be vague or ambiguous.

• Don't be short-tempered, cold, or tight-lipped.

Relevance SectionLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 24

In order to make the most out of the information in this report it is important that you connectit to your life in a tangible way. To help you make this information your own, and pull out themost relevant parts, fill in the blanks below.

Decisiveness:How is your 'D' score relevant to your life?_________________________________________________________________________

Interacting:How is your 'I' score relevant to your life?_________________________________________________________________________

Stabilizing:How is your 'S' score relevant to your life?_________________________________________________________________________

Cautiousness:How is your 'C' score relevant to your life?_________________________________________________________________________

Overall Natural Style:What is one way in which your natural style relates to your life?_________________________________________________________________________

Overall Adaptive Style:What is one way in which your adaptive style relates to your life?_________________________________________________________________________

Strength-based insights:What specific strengths do you think connect to your success more than any other?_________________________________________________________________________

Relevance SectionLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 25

Communication Dos and Don'ts:What did you learn from understanding your preferred communication style?_________________________________________________________________________

Ideal Job Climate:How well does your current climate fit your behavioral style?_________________________________________________________________________

Effectiveness: What is one way in which you could become more effective?_________________________________________________________________________

Motivation:How can you stay more motivated?_________________________________________________________________________

Improvement:What is something you learned that you can use to improve your performance?_________________________________________________________________________

Training/Learning:What did you learn that could help you instruct others better, or learn more effectively?_________________________________________________________________________

Relevance SectionLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 26

Your final step to making sure you really benefit from the information in this report is tounderstand how your behavioral style contributes to, and perhaps hinders, your overall success.

Supporting Success:Overall, how can your unique behavioral style support your success? (cite specific examples)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Limiting Success: Overall, how could your unique behavioral style get in the way of your success? (cite specificexamples)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 27

The Values Index

IntroductionLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 28

About This Report

Research conducted by Innermetrix shows that the most successful people share the common

trait of self-awareness. They recognize the situations that will make them successful, and

this makes it easy for them to find ways of achieving objectives that resonate with their

motivations. They also understand their limitations and where they are not effective and this

helps them understand what does not inspire them or what will not motivate them to succeed.

Those who understand their natural motivators better are far more likely to pursue the right

opportunities, for the right reasons, and get the results they desire.

This report measures seven dimensions of motivation. They are:

• Aesthetic - a drive for balance, harmony and form.

• Economic - a drive for economic or practical returns.

• Individualistic - a drive to stand out as independent and unique.

• Political - a drive to be in control or have influence.

• Altruist - a drive for humanitarian efforts or to help others altruistically.

• Regulatory - a drive to establish order, routine and structure.

• Theoretical - a drive for knowledge, learning and understanding.

Seven Dimensions of Value and MotivationLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 29

The Elements of the Values Index

This Values Index is unique in the marketplace in that it examines seven independent and

unique aspects of value or motivation. Most other values instruments only examine six

dimensions of value by combining the Individualistic and Political into one dimension. The

Values Index remains true to the original works and models of two of the most significant

researchers in this field, thus delivering to you a profile that truly helps you understand your

own unique motivations and drivers.

Also, the Values Index is the first to use a click & drag approach to rank the various statements

in the instrument, which makes taking the instrument more intuitive, natural and in the end

you can actually create the order you see in your mind on the screen.

Finally, the Values Index instrument contains the most contemporary list of statements to

make your choices more relevant to your life today, which helps ensure the most accurate

results possible.

Seven Dimensions of Value and MotivationLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 30

A closer look at the seven dimensions

Values help influence behavior and action and can be consideredsomewhat of a hidden motivation because they are not readilyobservable. Understanding your values helps to tell you why you preferto do what you do.It is vital for superior performance to ensure that your motivations aresatisfied by what you do. This drives your passion, reduces fatigue,inspires you and increases drive.

Value The Drive For

Aesthetic Form, Harmony, Beauty, Balance

Economic Money, Practical results, Return

Individualistic Independence, Uniqueness

Political Control, Power, Influence

Altruistic Altruism, Service, Helping others

Regulatory Structure, Order, Routine

Theoretical Knowledge, Understanding

Seven Dimensions of Value and MotivationLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 31

Executive Summary of Lindsey's Values


You have a bottom-line approach focusing on functionality over form oraesthetics.


Your high drive for economic gain helps provide motivation through longprojects and assignments.


You have no problem standing up for your own rights and may impart thisenergy into others as well.

Very HighPolitical

You are a very strong leader, and able to take control of a variety of initiativesand maintain control.

HighAltruist You have a high desire to help others learn, grow, and develop.


You are able to balance and understand the need to have structure and order,but not paralyzed without it.


You are able to balance the quest for understanding and knowledge with thepractical needs of a situation.











Aesthetic Economic Individualistic Political Altruist Regulatory Theoretical


1 SD

1 SD



68 70



Seven Dimensions of Value and MotivationLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 32

Your Aesthetic DriveLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 33















The Aesthetic Dimension: The main motivation in thisvalue is the drive to achieve balance, harmony and findform or beauty. Environmental concerns or “green”initiatives are also typically prized by this dimension.

General Traits:• You tend to take a practical approach to workplace aesthetics and appearance and

surroundings.• You are a good steward of business processes and don't want to waste resources on

aesthetics or beauty if they don't impact productivity.• You show some preference for functionality over beauty.• You can live with lesser emphasis on harmony, balance, or aesthetics.• You believe making something 'pretty' just for pretty's sake is not very practical.

Key Strengths:• You tend to take more of a bottom-line approach.• You are a strong survivor even in heavy competition.• To you, achieving balance and peace in life may take a back seat to results.• You are less emotional than many and prefer practical transactions.

Your Aesthetic DriveLindsey Krug

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The Aesthetic Dimension: The main motivation in thisvalue is the drive to achieve balance, harmony and findform or beauty. Environmental concerns or “green”initiatives are also typically prized by this dimension.

Motivational Insights:• You connect topics to improvements in function, not things like harmony or beauty.• You can keep motivation high by appealing to the practical side of projects.• To you, rational goals are the primary motivator.• You appeal to the practical aspects of a situation.• To you, rational goals are more inspirational than emotional or feel-good ones.

Training/Learning Insights:• You teach/learn in a very practical way, nothing fancy.• You will be flexible about the surroundings in which you learn.• You should avoid lots of team interaction just for the sake of interaction; be certain there

is a business reason.• You will make sure to connect training benefits to business opportunities.• You believe more team involvement would benefit from pointing out the practical reasons.

Your Aesthetic DriveLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 35















The Aesthetic Dimension: The main motivation in thisvalue is the drive to achieve balance, harmony and findform or beauty. Environmental concerns or “green”initiatives are also typically prized by this dimension.

Continual Improvement Insights:• Some might consider you somewhat unconcerned about aesthetics, artistic beauty or

harmony.• You may be seen as a bit overly businesslike.• You should try to appreciate the value others have for artistic things, or trying to increase

workplace aesthetics.• Remember to respect the creativity of others.• You need to remember that others have different levels of appreciation of aesthetic

values, and their opinions need to be respected.

Your Economic DriveLindsey Krug

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The Economic Dimension: This dimension examinesthe motivation for security from economic gain, and toachieve practical returns. The preferred approach ofthis dimension is a professional one with a focus onbottom-line results.

General Traits:• You are motivated by high pay, and attach importance to high earnings.• To you, knowledge for the sake of knowledge may be viewed as a waste of time, talent,

energy, and creativity.• People who score like you tend to like rewards based on the results they achieve rather

than on the method used to obtain the results.• You may take the position that the ends justify the means.• You are goal driven, especially financial goals.

Key Strengths:• You will protect organizational or team finances fiercely.• You make a decision with practicality and bottom-line dollars in mind.• You are driven and motivated to achieve and win in a variety of areas.• You are highly productive.• You are able to multi-task in a variety of areas, and keep important projects moving.

Your Economic DriveLindsey Krug

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The Economic Dimension: This dimension examinesthe motivation for security from economic gain, and toachieve practical returns. The preferred approach ofthis dimension is a professional one with a focus onbottom-line results.

Motivational Insights:• You should be certain you are balancing your professional and personal life.• You should provide recognition and rewards (e.g., bonuses) as soon as possible, not

just at the end of the quarter or year.• You should remember that you have an ear to the revenue-clock. This may give you a

keen economic awareness in projects and decision-making with the team.• You should reward high performance in tangible and monetary ways with individual and

team recognition.• You should link training and meeting events to potential gains in business share or future


Training/Learning Insights:• You link learning outcomes to the ability to become more effective in increasing earnings

for both yourself and the organization.• You score like those who want information that will help them increase bottom-line activity

and effectiveness.• You attempt to provide some rewards or incentives for participation in additional training

and professional development.• If possible, build in some group competition as a part of your training activities.

Your Economic DriveLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 38















The Economic Dimension: This dimension examinesthe motivation for security from economic gain, and toachieve practical returns. The preferred approach ofthis dimension is a professional one with a focus onbottom-line results.

Continual Improvement Insights:• You may judge the efforts of others on the team by an economic scale only.• You may need to learn how to mask that greed factor so as not to alienate a prospect,

customer, client or others on the team.• You may need to hide the dollar signs in your eyes in order to establish the most

appropriate rapport with others.• You may need to develop an increased sensitivity to the needs of others and less

demonstration of potential selfishness.• You may need to work on balancing other Values scales and appreciating the strengths

that others bring, even those who may not share this high Economic drive.

Your Individualistic DriveLindsey Krug

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The Individualistic Dimension: The Individualisticdimension deals with one's need to be seen as unique,independent, and to stand apart from the crowd. Thisis the drive to be socially independent and haveopportunity for freedom of personal expression.

General Traits:• You score like those who are comfortable being in the limelight and enjoy demonstrating

their uniqueness or creativity.• You experience a feeling of accomplishment in being recognized for completing a tough

assignment in a creative way.• Many who score in this range like to invent new things, design new products, and develop

new ideas and procedures.• You enjoy work and assignments, which gives you standing in the eye of others and

evokes respect.• You prefer to make your own decisions about how an assignment or project is to be


Key Strengths:• You enjoy making presentations to small or large groups and are generally perceived as

an engaging presenter by your audiences.• You bring creative ideas.• You are not afraid to take calculated risks.• You desire to be an individual and to celebrate differences.• You bring a variety of different and energetic ideas to the workplace.

Your Individualistic DriveLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 40















The Individualistic Dimension: The Individualisticdimension deals with one's need to be seen as unique,independent, and to stand apart from the crowd. Thisis the drive to be socially independent and haveopportunity for freedom of personal expression.

Motivational Insights:• Remember that even as attention from others is important, you may also desire some

independence from team organization and protocol at times.• You should work with an idea, develop it, and run with it for a while before making a

judgment.• You should create an environment that provides security while it encourages taking

appropriate risks.• You prefer an environment where you have space to demonstrate your unique

contributions to the team.• You may bring a variety of strengths to the team that may not have been utilized; explore

the possibilities of expanding these opportunities.

Training/Learning Insights:• Your learning and professional development activities should be flexible, having a wide

variety of options.• You should attempt to provide enough creative space for you to express your uniqueness.• You should allow for some experimental or non-routine types of options.• You should link some of the benefits of the learning activity to enhancing ability to make

a special and unique contribution to the team.

Your Individualistic DriveLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 41















The Individualistic Dimension: The Individualisticdimension deals with one's need to be seen as unique,independent, and to stand apart from the crowd. Thisis the drive to be socially independent and haveopportunity for freedom of personal expression.

Continual Improvement Insights:• Sometimes your very unique approaches do not always result in complete success, and

may sometimes cause conflict with others if sensitivity is not used.• Sometimes individuals with this high Individualistic score, if in a presentation situation,

may spend excess time telling (or selling) the audience on their own, rather thandiscussing the topic of the presentation.

• Your potential value clashes with others may be reduced through increased awarenessand sensitivity to the needs of others.

• You may need to remember that your good ideas aren't the only good ideas.• You may need to listen more to others and speak less.

Your Political DriveLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 42















The Political Dimension: This drive is to be seen asa leader and to have influence and control over one'senvironment or success. Competitiveness is oftenassociated with those scoring high in this motivation.

General Traits:• You enjoy winning.• You are accountable for actions and decisions: Are ready to take the credit or the blame.• You use power and control readily and effectively to keep projects moving.• You have a bottom-line approach to getting things done.• You enjoy a feeling of accomplishment in getting a difficult job done on your own.

Key Strengths:• You have a strong ‘buck stops here' approach to business and getting things done.• You have a very high energy level to work hard at meeting goals.• You accept struggle and hard work toward a goal.• You are able to plan and design work projects for teams to accomplish.• You are able to plan and control your own work tasks.

Your Political DriveLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 43















The Political Dimension: This drive is to be seen asa leader and to have influence and control over one'senvironment or success. Competitiveness is oftenassociated with those scoring high in this motivation.

Motivational Insights:• You enjoy status and esteem in the eyes of others.• You may need to be more willing to share the attention and successes for wins.• You should provide an environment with minimal involvement with routine, detail, and

paperwork.• You score like others who may feel stifled if surrounded by many constraints.• You may like to be seen as a catalyst for change.

Training/Learning Insights:• Your scores are like those who frequently show an interest in leading some training or

professional development activities.• You provide for a variety of learning and personal development options.• Many who score like you, may prefer independent study instead of group or team activities.• You provide for individual recognition for exceptional performance.• If group activities are involved, you attempt to build in some competition and group

leadership events.

Your Political DriveLindsey Krug

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The Political Dimension: This drive is to be seen asa leader and to have influence and control over one'senvironment or success. Competitiveness is oftenassociated with those scoring high in this motivation.

Continual Improvement Insights:• You may need to be more sensitive to the needs of others on the team.• You may be perceived as one who oversteps authority at times.• You may show impatience with others who don't see the big picture as clearly.• You may need to soften your own agenda at times and allow for other ideas and methods

to be explored.• You may project a high sense of urgency which may also translate to some as a high


Your Altruist DriveLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 45















The Altruistic Dimension: This drive is an expressionof the need or drive to benefit others in a humanitariansense. There is a genuine sincerity in this dimension tohelp others, give of one's time, resources and energy,in aid of others.

General Traits:• You care about the feelings of others on the team.• Your high sincerity-factor may be exhibited in your tone of voice in communicating with

others.• You freely give time, talent and energy without being asked.• Your philosophy is "Better to give than receive," sometimes even in an organizational

environment.• You have a high service-ethic.

Key Strengths:• You are a proactive volunteer who steps in to aid others without being asked to.• You have an empathetic attitude towards others.• You are a social person more than solitary,and like networking.• You are a very good team player.• You are good at helping others communicate and respect each other and are a calming


Your Altruist DriveLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 46















The Altruistic Dimension: This drive is an expressionof the need or drive to benefit others in a humanitariansense. There is a genuine sincerity in this dimension tohelp others, give of one's time, resources and energy,in aid of others.

Motivational Insights:• You keep sincerity as a primary focus in communication.• You could be more easily taken advantage of by others because of your sincerity and

desire to be helpful.• You should provide flexibility to allow for helping others on the team.• You should treat yourself with the same level of sincere concern and interest that you

give others.• You should seek a professional outlet that allows you to help others.

Training/Learning Insights:• Your learning and development should be linked to the potential to help others.• You should link courses and training to the knowledge gained that may potentially be

shared with others on the team, or externally.• Your training and professional development will assist in personal growth and

development and in being better at any job role.

Your Altruist DriveLindsey Krug

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The Altruistic Dimension: This drive is an expressionof the need or drive to benefit others in a humanitariansense. There is a genuine sincerity in this dimension tohelp others, give of one's time, resources and energy,in aid of others.

Continual Improvement Insights:• You need to watch to ensure that your giving nature is not abused or taken advantage of.• You may need to say "no" more often.• You can lose focus on personal work in favor of helping others with theirs.• You need to remember that support and service efforts need to be practical as well.• You could benefit from resisting the urge to go into teaching mode unless clearly desired

by others.

Your Regulatory DriveLindsey Krug

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The Regulatory Dimension: The Regulatory driveindicates one's drive to establish order, routine andstructure. This motivation is to promote rules andpolicies, a traditional approach and security throughstandards and protocols.

General Traits:• You are right at the national mean when it comes to desire for stability or steadiness.• You strike a good balance between respecting individual needs, and those of the group.• You are accepting of authority, but not bound by it blindly.• You can challenge the rules as long as it is done carefully and logically.• You tend to be balanced and stable.

Key Strengths:• You are good at providing order and structure where it is required.• You are very flexible when it comes to dealing with very little or too much structure.• You are situationally aware of when rules must be followed and when they should not be.• You act to stabilize those on a team.• You serve as a good moderator between those defending the standard operating

procedure, and those challenge it.

Your Regulatory DriveLindsey Krug

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The Regulatory Dimension: The Regulatory driveindicates one's drive to establish order, routine andstructure. This motivation is to promote rules andpolicies, a traditional approach and security throughstandards and protocols.

Motivational Insights:• You can help bring order out of chaos without going overboard.• You can be the mediator between those who support the old guard and those who want

revolution.• You can provide a balanced view for creating new policies, procedures and protocols

that are effective.• You will be good at helping maintain a stable environment.• You can be a valuable asset when it comes to working in routine environments.

Training/Learning Insights:• You are open to creativity or flexibility.• You prefer to learn in the accepted way through the existing curriculum.• You become a supportive team member who gets behind the initiative.

Your Regulatory DriveLindsey Krug

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The Regulatory Dimension: The Regulatory driveindicates one's drive to establish order, routine andstructure. This motivation is to promote rules andpolicies, a traditional approach and security throughstandards and protocols.

Continual Improvement Insights:• You might benefit from exerting opinions freely in discussions of direction and planning.• You could take a firmer stand on team issues involving dissenting opinions.

Your Theoretical DriveLindsey Krug

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The Theoretical Dimension: The drive to understand,gain knowledge, or discover the “truth”. This motivationcan often be to gain knowledge for knowledge sake.Rational thinking, reasoning and problem solving areimportant to this dimension.

General Traits:• Your score in this range is near the typical businessperson's score.• You may provide a balance between the very high theoretical approaches and the very

low approaches and be able to communicate with each side.• You are able to understand the needs of the big picture issues, and appreciate the needs

of the minutia issues without being an extremist.• You bring a sense of balance and stability to a variety of technical issues and features

impacting the team.• You typically won't get bogged down in minutia, nor will you ignore the details when


Key Strengths:• You will demonstrate awareness of the necessary technical features and an appropriate

on-the-job response as needed.• You bring flexibility to the team, that is, being detail-oriented when necessary, and being

practically-oriented other times.• You are a stabilizing force on the team.• You are able to appreciate the needs of both the high and lower Theoreticals.• You show curiosity about technical details without getting bogged down.

Your Theoretical DriveLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 52















The Theoretical Dimension: The drive to understand,gain knowledge, or discover the “truth”. This motivationcan often be to gain knowledge for knowledge sake.Rational thinking, reasoning and problem solving areimportant to this dimension.

Motivational Insights:• Remember that you have the ability to be a balancing and stabilizing agent on high

knowledge-driven issues, without being an extremist toward either side.• You bring a knowledge-drive typical of many business professionals, i.e., near the national

mean.• Your perspective provides a middle-ground understanding.• Check for other values drives that may be higher or lower than this one in order to gain

a more robust picture of specific keys to your motivation.

Training/Learning Insights:• You are rather flexible and accepting of most training programs offered in the organization.• You are able to see the need for training and also realize the importance of practical

information.• You understand the needs of the high Theoreticals who want more information and the

lower Theoreticals who want only the necessary information.• Because your score range is near the national mean, please check other areas of higher

or lower values drive for additional insight into professional development needs.

Your Theoretical DriveLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 53















The Theoretical Dimension: The drive to understand,gain knowledge, or discover the “truth”. This motivationcan often be to gain knowledge for knowledge sake.Rational thinking, reasoning and problem solving areimportant to this dimension.

Continual Improvement Insights:• You may need to be a bit more demonstrative on some complex theoretical issues.• You may be asked to take a firmer stand or position on team initiatives.• You may need to examine other values' drives to determine the importance of this

Theoretical drive factor.

Relevance SectionLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 54

Use this sheet to help you track which motivators are well aligned and which are not andwhat you can do about it.

Action Step: Looking at your Values Index report, find which motivators are the most powerfulfor you (i.e., which ones are highest and farthest above the norm). Write down the top two inthe space below, and record how well your current roles align with these motivators (i.e., howwell what you do satisfies what you are passionate about).

To reach Genius levels of passion, you must increase alignment of your environment withyour passions.

Motivator #1: What aspects of your company or role can you get involved in that would satisfythis motivator?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Motivator #2: What aspects of your company or role can you get involved in that would satisfythis motivator?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Poorly Highly

Motivator #1: ______________________ 1 2 3 4 5

Motivator #2: ______________________ 1 2 3 4 5


• 2-4 = Poor • 8-9 = Excellent• 4-5 = Below Average • 10 = Genius• 6-7 = Average

Tally your score here:

Success ConnectionLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 55

Your final step to making sure you really benefit from the information in this report is tounderstand how your values style contributes to, and perhaps hinders, your overall success.

Supporting Success: Overall, how well do your motivators and drivers help support yoursuccess? (cite specific examples):_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Limiting Success: Overall, how do your natural drivers or motivators not support yoursuccess? (cite specific examples):________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 56

Attribute Index

Patterns OverviewLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 57

Over fifty years of scientific research has revealed that there are three distinct styles of decision-making.Each of us can make decisions in these three ways, but we tend to develop a preference for one morethan the other two. This preference becomes a subconscious force, affecting the decisions we makeon a daily basis and shaping how we perceive the world around us and ourselves.

The three decisional styles are the personal, the practical, and the analytical. These dimensions canbe examined in the form of patterns based on two distinct factors unique to axiology.

The Personal Style: People with a preference for this style of making decisions tend to see the worldfrom a personal point of view, or with concern for the individuals involved. They see people in a unique,individual light and are more concerned about others than the results and theory. This involves apersonal involvement with, concentration on, or investment in people. To this style, the world is filledwith people needing to be understood.

The Practical Style: People with a preference for this style of making decisions tend to see things invery practical, no nonsense, real-world, task oriented manner. They are more concerned with resultsthan others and theory. They see people in comparative ways as they relate to others. To this style,the world is an objective waiting to be achieved.

The Analytical Style: People with a preference for this style of making decisions tend to see the worldfrom a theoretical perspective, more in an abstract way than a concrete one. They see people as partof a system and tend to think in very black and white terms. They are more concerned with thinkingabout things, and analysis than actual results or personal concerns of others. To this style, the worldis a problem to be explored and solved.

To some extent we are all capable of making all three kinds of decisions, but our preference tends tobe for one more than the other two. Here's a simple example of the three in contrast to each other.One of each style are sitting around a table trying to figure out what to do. While the Personal style isfocused on the needs of the workers involved and how best to utilize their talents, the Practical doesn'treally care as much about the personal needs, or if it is done right, he just wants to get it done. Finallythere is the Analytical who sees no reason to worry about the people involved or even getting it doneif it isn't going to be done correctly.

We all have different balances of these three styles; that's what makes our decisions and actions differentfrom each other's. These ways of making decisions, and how we use them, are at the core of who weare. They are behind our preferences, our strengths, and our weaknesses. In the following pages youwill find a list of capacities which are the result of your unique combination of these three decisionalstyles. It is this understanding of your individual strengths and weaknesses that will enable you to affectchange in your life and achieve greater personal success. It is only by first understanding somethingthat we are then able to change it.

Societal I=E>S (H)Lindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 58

External Decision Making Pattern SummaryYou tend to interpret situations in terms of people and their social and work relationships first, and thenthe relationships to the larger system or structure within which these people exist. Social behavior andproductive application of human resources take precedence over system and organization, orcompliance with the existing structure or set of rules. You have very good to excellent ability forempathetic and pragmatic thinking with good to very good systemic thinking ability. This means thatyou are someone who values people and their needs as important and balance this importance withbusiness objectives in a good way. Your lower valuation of the Systems dimension implies that you arenot as concerned about having strict order or structure. Your overall development levels in the Peopleand Tasks dimensions are equal and high, while the Systems dimension is moderate, but underdeveloped in comparison. Level of development speaks to your ability to "see" a specific dimension.The more clearly we see a dimension of thought, the more able we are to use it; therefore the betterwe are at it.

MaximizersTeamwork or any group effortInterpersonal communicationEmpathyPractical thinkingUnderstanding othersPlanning and organizingBalancing performance and people needs with goal demands

MinimizersAppreciation for authority, rules and regulations as compared to that of people and resultsMay tend to prefer production deadlines or personnel needs in favor of rules or systemic guidelinesSystems dimension thinking

MotivatorsFinancial securityPeer recognitionFamily needsStatus and recognitionPersonal relationships

Needs for GrowthDevelop better two-way communication with authority figures, and greater balance between appreciationfor set rules, parameters, order or structure and people and performance objectives.

Targets for Reinforcement (R) and Development (D)Results orientation (D)Problem Solving (D)Relating to others (R)

Preferred EnvironmentDecision-sharing; cooperative, teamwork atmosphere under higher-level leadership.

Undirected I=E>S (H)Lindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 59

Internal Decision Making Pattern SummaryYou define yourself according to your present work or primary social role and identify this with theperception of your true strengths and weaknesses. Your self-image is more flexible and malleableaccording to the demands of your primary social role or work. You have a good self image and you areconfident in the roles you find yourself in life right now (e.g., husband, manager, mother, etc). However,you are less confident about the best way to proceed in one of those roles. This can be caused bychanges in the "way" you fulfill a role. New technology at work, changing relationships, newresponsibilities. These would all be examples of changes in your life that could cause you to changehow you fulfill your many roles. You see the People and Tasks dimensions clearly and have good levelsof development in both. You see the Systems dimension less clearly with moderate development.Level of development speaks to your ability to "see" a specific dimension. The more clearly we see adimension of thought, the more able we are to use it; therefore the better we are at it.

MaximizersSelf-confidenceRole awarenessSelf acceptancePersistence

MinimizersSelf directionProject goal focusInternal mission statement

MotivatorsSelf improvementMaterial PossessionsProfessional/social role involvementResponsibilities

Needs for GrowthTo develop a clearer sense of direction that guides your actions based on your own internalunderstanding of how you should be doing things, rather than how you feel others expect you to do things.

Targets for Reinforcement (R) and Development (D)Self Direction (D)Sense of mission (D)Self awareness (R)

Report SummaryLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 60

This graph summarizes the 6 Categories that comprise this Innermetrix Talent Profile. A descriptionand mean score for each category is on the following page.

This Sales Assessment Profile is designed to objectively measure those capacities which are vital tosuccess in a sales capacity. This report seeks to provide valuable insight into Lindsey's specific aptitudesand abilities in a multitude of sales related categories.

Report Component Graphs

A. PROSPECTING0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


B. GREETING0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


C. QUALIFYING0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


D. DEMONSTRATING0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


E. INFLUENCING0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


F. CLOSING0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Category OverviewsLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 61

A. PROSPECTING (8.5)This is the first step of any sale. It is the phase of the sale where prospects are identified, detailedbackground information is gathered, the physical activity of traditional prospecting is coordinated andan overall strategy for face-to-face selling is developed.

B. GREETING (8.8)The first face-to-face interaction between a prospect and the salesperson, this step is designed to enablethe salesperson to display her sincere interest in the prospect... to gain positive acceptance and todevelop a sense of mutual respect and rapport. It is the first phase of face-to-face trust building andsets the face-to-face selling process in motion.

C. QUALIFYING (8.9)The detailed needs analysis phase of the face-to-face sale. This step of the sale enables the salespersonto discover what the prospect will buy, when they will buy and under what conditions they will buy. It isallowing the prospect to identify and verbalize their level of interest, specific wants and detailed needsin the product or service the salesperson is offering.

D. DEMONSTRATING (8.7)This step allows the salesperson to present her product knowledge in such a way that it fulfills the statedor implied wants, needs or intentions of the prospect as identified and verbalized in the qualifying phaseof the sale.

E. INFLUENCING (8.8)What people believe enough, they act upon. This step is designed to enable the salesperson to buildvalue and overcome the tendency that many prospects have to place little belief or trust in what is toldto them. It is this phase of the sale that solidifies the prospect's belief in the supplier, product or serviceand salesperson.

F. CLOSING (8.5)The final phase is closing. This phase of the sale is asking the prospect to buy, dealing with objections,handling any necessary negotiation and completing the transaction to mutual satisfaction.


© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 62

Category DescriptionThis is the first step of any sale. It is the phase of the sale where prospects are identified, detailedbackground information is gathered, the physical activity of traditional prospecting is coordinated andan overall strategy for face-to-face selling is developed.

Category Component Graphs

Initiative0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Intuitive Decision Making0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Persistence0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Role Confidence0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Self Starting Ability0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Category Component DescriptionsInitiative (8.3)evaluates Lindsey's ability to direct her energy toward the completion of a goal without an external catalyst.

Intuitive Decision Making (8.7)evaluates Lindsey's ability to accurately compile intuitive perceptions about a situation into a decision or action.

Persistence (8.4)evaluates Lindsey's ability to stay on course in times of difficulty.

Role Confidence (8.8)evaluates Lindsey's ability to develop and to maintain an inner strength based on the belief that she will succeed.

Self Starting Ability (8.5)evaluates Lindsey's ability to find her own motivation for accomplishing a task and the degree to which she willmaintain that course in the face of adversity.

B. GREETINGLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 63

Category DescriptionThe first face-to-face interaction between a prospect and the salesperson, this step is designed to enablethe salesperson to display her sincere interest in the prospect... to gain positive acceptance and todevelop a sense of mutual respect and rapport. It is the first phase of face-to-face trust building andsets the face-to-face selling process in motion.

Category Component Graphs

Attitude Toward Others0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Initiative0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Relating To Others0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Sensitivity To Others0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Category Component DescriptionsAttitude Toward Others (8.8)evaluates Lindsey's ability to maintain a positive, open and objective attitude towards others.

Initiative (8.3)evaluates Lindsey's ability to direct her energy toward the completion of a goal without an external catalyst.

Relating To Others (8.8)evaluates Lindsey's ability to coordinate personal insights and knowledge of others into effective interactions.

Sensitivity To Others (9.4)evaluates Lindsey's ability to be sensitive and aware of the feelings of others but not to allow this awareness toget in her way when faced with making objective decisions.


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Category DescriptionThe detailed needs analysis phase of the face-to-face sale. This step of the sale enables the salespersonto discover what the prospect will buy, when they will buy and under what conditions they will buy. It isallowing the prospect to identify and verbalize their level of interest, specific wants and detailed needsin the product or service the salesperson is offering.

Category Component Graphs

Balanced Decision Making0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Empathetic Outlook0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Problem and Situation Analysis0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Self Confidence0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Category Component DescriptionsBalanced Decision Making (8.6)evaluates Lindsey's ability to be objective and to evaluate fairly the different aspects (people and other) of asituation; and her ability to make an ethical decision that takes into account all aspects and components.

Empathetic Outlook (8.8)evaluates Lindsey's capacity to perceive and understand the feelings and attitudes of others or to place herselfin the shoes of another.

Problem and Situation Analysis (9.2)evaluates Lindsey's ability to identify the elements of a problematic situation and to understand which componentsare critical.

Self Confidence (9.1)evaluates Lindsey's ability to develop and to maintain inner strength based on the desire to succeed and on herbelief that she possesses the capabilities to succeed.


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Category DescriptionThis step allows the salesperson to present her product knowledge in such a way that it fulfills the statedor implied wants, needs or intentions of the prospect as identified and verbalized in the qualifying phaseof the sale.

Category Component Graphs

Concrete Organization0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Problem Solving0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Project Scheduling0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Sense of Timing0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Category Component DescriptionsConcrete Organization (8.3)evaluates Lindsey's understanding of the immediate, concrete needs of a situation and to establish an effectiveplan of action for meeting those needs.

Problem Solving (8.9)evaluates Lindsey's ability to identify alternative solutions to a problem and to select the best option.

Project Scheduling (9.0)evaluates Lindsey's ability to understand the proper allocation of resources for the purpose of getting things donewithin a defined timeframe.

Sense of Timing (8.4)evaluates Lindsey's ability to evaluate a situation in such a way that statements, decisions, and actions are themost effective, accurate, and timely.


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Category DescriptionWhat people believe enough, they act upon. This step is designed to enable the salesperson to buildvalue and overcome the tendency that many prospects have to place little belief or trust in what is toldto them. It is this phase of the sale that solidifies the prospect's belief in the supplier, product or serviceand salesperson.

Category Component Graphs

Flexibility0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Persuading Others0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Understanding Attitude0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Understanding Motivational Needs0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Category Component DescriptionsFlexibility (8.6)evaluates Lindsey's ability to readily integrate, modify, and respond to changes with minimal personal resistance.

Persuading Others (8.7)evaluates Lindsey's ability to present her viewpoint in such a way that it is accepted by others.

Understanding Attitude (8.8)evaluates Lindsey's ability to read between the lines and to understand body language, reticence, stress, andemotions.

Understanding Motivational Needs (9.2)evaluates Lindsey's ability to understand the needs and desires of employees and to use this knowledge tomotivate them to succeed.

F. CLOSINGLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 67

Category DescriptionThe final phase is closing. This phase of the sale is asking the prospect to buy, dealing with objections,handling any necessary negotiation and completing the transaction to mutual satisfaction.

Category Component Graphs

Attention To Detail0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Handling Rejection0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Results Orientation0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Self Confidence0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0


Category Component DescriptionsAttention To Detail (8.1)evaluates Lindsey's ability to see and to pay attention to details.

Handling Rejection (9.1)evaluates Lindsey's ability to avoid taking rejection or criticism in an overly personal manner.

Results Orientation (7.9)evaluates Lindsey's ability to identify the actions necessary to complete tasks and to obtain results.

Self Confidence (9.1)evaluates Lindsey's ability to develop and to maintain inner strength based on the desire to succeed and on herbelief that she possesses the capabilities to succeed.

Dimensional BalanceLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 68

External External

Empathy0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

8.8 +

Practical Thinking0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

8.3 -

Systems Judgment0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

7.9 -


Self Esteem/Self Belief0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

8.6 -

Role Awareness0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

9.0 -

Self Direction0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

7.4 +

Core Attribute ListLindsey Krug

© 2010-2012 Copyright Innermetrix UK US South Africa Australia Asia Middle-East Mexico 69

Realistic Goal Setting For Others (9.8)Correcting Others (9.5)Evaluating Others (9.4)Realistic Expectations (9.4)Sensitivity To Others (9.4)Developing Others (9.2)Freedom From Prejudices (9.2)Understanding Motivational Needs (9.2)Integrative Ability (9.2)Problem and Situation Analysis (9.2)Seeing Potential Problems (9.2)Theoretical Problem Solving (9.2)Self Confidence (9.1)Handling Rejection (9.1)Material Possessions (9.0)Project Scheduling (9.0)Role Awareness (9.0)Emotional Control (9.0)Realistic Personal Goal Setting (9.0)Self Assessment (9.0)Problem Solving (8.9)Diplomacy (8.9)Evaluating What Is Said (8.8)Attitude Toward Others (8.8)Conveying Role Value (8.8)Empathetic Outlook (8.8)Enjoyment Of The Job (8.8)Human Awareness (8.8)Monitoring Others (8.8)Personal Relationships (8.8)Relating To Others (8.8)Role Confidence (8.8)Understanding Attitude (8.8)Using Common Sense (8.8)Consistency and Reliability (8.7)Creativity (8.7)Intuitive Decision Making (8.7)Persuading Others (8.7)Surrendering Control (8.7)

Self Control (8.6)Flexibility (8.6)Leading Others (8.6)Proactive Thinking (8.6)Handling Stress (8.6)Self Esteem (8.6)Self Improvement (8.6)Balanced Decision Making (8.6)Job Ethic (8.5)Self Starting Ability (8.5)Problem Management (8.4)Persistence (8.4)Sense of Timing (8.4)Attitude Toward Honesty (8.4)Concrete Organization (8.3)Following Directions (8.3)Practical Thinking (8.3)Respect For Property (8.3)Status and Recognition (8.3)Project and Goal Focus (8.3)Initiative (8.3)Personal Drive (8.3)Long Range Planning (8.2)Gaining Commitment (8.2)Meeting Standards (8.2)Personal Commitment (8.2)Attention To Detail (8.1)Quality Orientation (8.1)Conceptual Thinking (7.9)Respect For Policies (7.9)Results Orientation (7.9)Sense of Belonging (7.9)Systems Judgment (7.9)Self Management (7.7)Self Direction (7.4)Self Discipline and Sense of Duty (7.4)Sense of Mission (7.4)Personal Accountability (5.4)Accountability For Others (5.3)