linear accelerators and detectors

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  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



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  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors




    1 for the relativistic case Kinetic energyNote: If is the charge of the ion, is the peak value of the ac frequency applied to the drifttubes, then in each gap ions acquire energy .If there are such gaps then, kinetic energyacquired in the gaps For electrons, whose speed very rapidly approaches the speed of light, the accelerator consists of

    a straight tube in the form of a series of cylindrical metal cavities. Power is fed to the accelerator

    from a series of devices called klystrons, which produce electromagnetic radiation in the form ofmicrowave pulses that are transported via waveguides to the accelerator. There they generate an

    oscillating electric field pointing along the direction of the metal tube and a magnetic field in a

    circle around the interior of the accelerating tube. The magnetic field helps to keep the beam

    focused, and the frequency of the microwaves is adjusted so that the electrons arrive at each

    cavity of the accelerator at the optimal time to receive the maximum energy boost from the

    electric field. As long as this phase relationship can be maintained, the particles will be

    continuously accelerated. The largest electron linac at Stanford has a maximum energy of50 .In linear accelerator we face two types of focusing problems.

    1. Phase focusing2. Radial focusing

    Phase Focusing

    It will enable an accelerator to produce more energetic particles. It is possible to obtain phase

    focusing, if the particle beam made to cross the accelerating gap or cavity during the raising part

    of accelerating potential. This is because particles with low velocities arrive at the cavity later

    than the particles with higher velocities. Therefore, they will receive more acceleration and

    equalize their velocity. This is not possible or will have opposite effect, if the particles made tocross the cavity during falling part of the accelerating potential.

    Radial Focusing

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    This will enable to the accelerator to produce a well-pointed beam of particle. As can be seen

    from the figure, an ion off the axis is acted upon by an axially directed field component,which accelerates the ion and by the radial component of the field. The radial componentacts inwards in the first half of the gap, tending to push the ion towards the axis. In the secondhalf of the gap, the radial component acts outwards, tending to push the ion away from the axis.

    Thus, the radial component has a focusing action in the first half and a defocusing effect in the

    second half. However, since the ions moves faster than in the second half than in the first, they

    spend less time in the second half of the region, so that there is a net focusing effect due to the

    radial field. It can be shown that the radial focusing is effective if the ions cross the gap during

    falling part of the accelerating potential, in which the accelerating potential decreases from the

    maximum towards to zero.

    These requirements for phase focusing and radial focusing will be opposing one another. Toovercome these problems we can use either,

    1. a third electrode (grid)2. quadruple magnets.

    A metallic gird has been placed across the entrance end of each drift tube. This makes the lines

    of force of the electric field converging all the way from the exit-end of a tube to the entrance

    end of the next tube. Radial focusing now occurs at any time during the accelerating half cycle of

    the r.f field, i.e., for the phase of the field between 0 to . Hence, this covers the range of phasefocusing.

    A second method of achieving radial focusing is to use a quadruple magnet within each drift-

    tube, which compensates the defocusing of the ion beams during the gap crossing.

    The light arrows indicate field directions; the heavy arrows, the force on the positive particle

    travelling into the paper.

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors




    Cyclotron is based on the principle that charged particles acquire energy when they repeatedlymove through an alternating electric field along a spiral path. They move in a spiral path by a

    perpendicular magnetic field. A cyclotron consists of two D- shaped hollow semicircular

    chambers and called Dees because of their shapes. These dees are connected to theterminals of an alternating high frequency and high voltage peak value.

    This arrangement makes one dee is positive and other is negative during one-half cycle and vice

    versa in the next half cycle. An ion source S of positive ions, such as protons, deuterons, particles, etc, is placed in the central region of the gap between the dees



    A uniform magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the cross sectional area of the dees byplacing them between the pole faces of a large electromagnet.

    For an instance (say) is positive and is neagative.These positive will be acceleratedforwards dee and enter the dee . As there is no electric field inside the dees, the ions aresubjected to perpendicular magnetic field. The perpendicular magnetic field acts on the ions and

    positive ions move in a circular path.

    Once inside the dee, they experience no acceleration and move with a constant velocity. After

    traversing the semicircular path inside the dee , they return to the gap between the dees. Thefrequency of the oscillator is adjusted in such a way that when ions reach the gap, the dee

    becomes positive and becomes negative. Now the positive ions are accelerated towards thedee , thus gaining in kinetic energy. The ions enter the dee with higher kinetic energycompared to the value it was in dee . In the dee , they move again in a circular path withlarger radius but with a constant velocity. After covering the semicircle inside the dee , theions reach the gap between the dees. At this instance gain the polarity of the dees is reversed,

    positive ions again experience acceleration and this process is repeated many times. Finally,

    when the positive ions reach the periphery of the dee after gaining a maximum energy, it is

    extracted out of the dees by means of high voltage deflecting plates.

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    Let be the mass of the positive ions to be accelerated is the charge on the ion. The ion movesin a semicircular of radius with velocity in a perpendicular magnetic field .Magnetic force acting on the ion As positive ions gain energy, i.e. increases, the ions move in a semicircle of larger and largerradius. Therefore, the path of the ions is spiral in the dees.

    If is the time taken by the ions to complete a semicircular path, then

    12 2

    Where is the angular frequency and Time for completing a full circular path is given by

    2 2

    is independent of the velocity of the ion, radius of the semicircular path and radius of the dees.Hence, the frequency of the oscillations required to keep the ion phase is given by 1 2

    where cyclotron frequency and it is the frequency of ac oscillator also.If is the radius of the orbit from which the ions are extracted out of the dees and is the velocity of the ions in the last orbit, then,

    Correspondingly, the maximum kinetic energy of the ions is 12


    12 2

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    The above equation shows that the final energy depends on the radius of the dees and thestrength of the magnetic induction field (or the frequency f of the rf voltage which depends on).So to achieve higher energy, a magnet of larger radius is to be used.But Where -total number of circles completed by the ions before it is extracted out of the dees, peak value of the ac voltage12



    It can be shown that the radius of the orbit after the dee crossing is given by

    1 2 Plane Focusing

    Due to the curvature of the magnetic field lines near the periphery (outer edge) of the magnet the

    particles moving in orbits with large radius are focused towards the central plane. In other words

    due to the end effect the plane focusing is possible.

    It is also possible to obtain plane focusing using specially constructing the outer edge of the

    magnet as shown below.

    In this diagram magnetic field lines are made progressively curved from the centre.

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



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  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    The electrons are initially accelerated in an electron gun and are released into circular orbit due

    to the magnetic field (of strength ) which is at right angles to the electron velocity.

    Or A flux cuts this orbit and is changed at the rate of .Due to the change of flux, an induced .. is produced causing more speedy motion of theelectrons.

    Let the induced field component tangential to the orbit be and the orbit radius be , then theinduced given by

    . Induced .. in the electron orbit is equal to work one by the unit charge in going around theorbit or radius .i.e. 2and the force acing on the electron will be equal to the rate of change of momentum.i.e.


    Hence, 2

    If we start from a zero flux and zero field at the orbits, we get 2 This relation between the magnetic flux and field at the orbit involves only the radius of the orbit

    and is independent of energy or the mass of the particle.

    A large central flux is created initially by the doughnut shaped magnet pole face. In order to

    produce flux changes, a sinusoidally varying current is introduced into the coils of the

    electromagnet during the first quarter of the cycle.

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors


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  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    Limitation Due to Relativistic Effect

    The maximum energies of particles attainable in a cyclotron cannot be increased indefinitely byincreasing the size of the apparatus because of relativistic increase in mass of the particles to


    Where is the mass and , the mass at velocity . As the speed of the particle increases tobecome comparable with the speed of the light, its mass m increases appreciably.

    Therefore, the frequency goes on decreasing and the particle traverses each dee too slowly andbecomes more and more out of step with the applied alternating potential difference, disturbing

    the synchronization. The frequency of circular motion of the particle.

    1 2 There are two methods possible to compensate for the relativistic increase in mass.

    a. By keeping the factor 1 constant to keep the orbital frequency of the ionsunchanged. It is achieved by using such an electromagnet for which the magnet field

    increases with an increase in the velocity of the ions during their motion along orbits of

    increasing radius. Such an accelerator is known as synchrotron

    b. The decrease in ion frequency due to relativistic effect can be compensated by reducingthe frequency of the applied alternating electric field with increase of velocity such that

    the two frequencies always equal each other. Such an accelerator is synchrocyclotron.


    In this machine, the limitation introduced by the relativistic effect was removed by introducing a

    periodic step-by-step increase of the period of the r.f. field. Initially the particles are accelerated

    like in cyclotron machine. Due to the relativistic effect, it is not possible to accelerate beyond

    certain radius of the particle orbit. At this orbit, all particles move with the same phase butwithout any acceleration, when they cross the gap.

    This orbit is called phase stable orbit.

    In synchrocyclotron machine, this radius is made small by using strong magnetic field. After

    reaching this radius or phase stable orbit, the frequencies of the r.f. field is reduced by small step

    and accelerate the ions until, they get again another phase stable orbit. In this way, it is possible

    to accelerate particles to higher energies by reducing the frequency of the r.f. field in steps.

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    The radius of the machine limits the maximum energy attainable in the machine. i.e. Radius of

    the dees.

    In the relativistic limit 1

    And momentum





    1 1

    2 2


    For each value of particle energy in the magnetic field there is a particular orbit radius The specific frequency of revolution is given by

    2 2Where


    Let be the angular frequency of the phase stable orbit near the centre of the machine and be the angular frequency of the accelerating field for phase stable orbit near the periphery of the



    magnetic ield at the centre

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    magnetic ield near the peripheryThe kinetic energy attainable



    Where . . .

    The output of the machine is the form of pulse, if is the pulse repeation time, then 2


    - is the number of revolution and

    is the average angular frequency.


    In this machine the charged particle are accelerated in fixed radius path by increasing the

    strength of the magnetic field.In this machine, the particles are maintained at constant radius in a

    ring shaped vacuum chamber contained in a magnetic field.

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    In relativistic

    Hence, to increase the momentum and energy of a particle in a fixed radius path the magnetic

    field has to increase.Maximum momentum attainable is therefore limited by both themaximum strength of available magnetic field and the size of the ring.

    The circulating angular frequency of the particle at any momentum is given by Acceleration is achieved by having the particles pass through suitable phased r.f. cavities in the


    To keep particles well contained inside the beam pipe and achieve the stable orbit, particles are

    accelerated in bunches, synchronization with the radio frequency field. Analogously to linacs, all

    particles in a bunch have to move in phase with the radiofrequency field. In high-energy

    machine, the particles are accelerated in a linac before injection to the synchrotron.

    For electrons, which become relativistic at very low energy, the velocity, and thus circulating

    frequency is essentially constant. In the case of protons, we need to reduce the frequency of theaccelerating potential as they accelerated.

    The machine is usually constructed by using large number of annular tubes and straight tubes.

    The annular tubes are covered with c shaped magnets in order to give circular path for protons.

    The straight tubes consists accelerating electrodes, electrostatic deflectors and quadrupole

    magnets. Charged particle, which travels in a circular orbit with relativistic speeds emit

    synchrotron radiation. Amount of energy radiated per turn is



    For relativistic particles, the energy loss increases as , becoming verysignificant for high energy light particles ( electrons)

    For relativistic electrons and protons of same momentum the ratio of energy loss electronproton 10

    The radius of an electron synchrotron must be large to compensate for the synchrotron radiation


  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    Example: The LEP (large electron positron) acceleration at CERN was ~27 8.6 incircumference. The CERN SPS (super proton synchrotron) has a radius 1.1 .. Muchhigher energies are achieved for protons compared to electrons, due to smaller losses caused bysynchrotron radiation.

    Depending on whether the beam is shooting into a stationary (fixed) target or is colliding with

    another beam, both linear accelerator and cyclic accelerator are divided into two types.

    1. Fixed target machine2. Colliders

    In fixed target machine, accelerated particles are extracted from the accelerator and directed onto

    an external target. This can be the source of secondary particles , , , , , , , , thatneed to be stable or long-lived but need not to be charged.

    Some Fixed Target Accelerators

    Machine Type Particles Tevatron II

    Fermi lab, USA

    Synchrotron P 1000


    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

    Synchrotron P 450


    Stanford, California

    linac 25Note: For collisions between two particles


    , the total four momentum squared of the

    system in the laboratory frame is 2 2. . 2 2. . This is a Lorentz invariant.i.e. the same in all the frames. The centre of mass systemhas 0 by definition. If the total energy in the frame is then, 2 2. . If the target at rest then

    Secondary Beams


    Extracted Beam


  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    2Example: For a 450

    proton a stationary proton target (



    2 450 0.938 29 . Only 29 is available for interesting physics, i.e. to createnew particles. The rest goes into propelling the centre of mass forward.In colliders machines two beams of particles traveling in almost opposite directions are made to

    collide at a small or zero crossing angle. In most of these machines, currently in operation the

    colliding particles have the same mass.

    Some colliders

    Machine Particles E-beam KEKB, KEK,Tokyo, Japan , 8,3.5PEP-II, SLAC, California, USA , 9,3.1LEP, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland , 105HERA, Hamburg, Germany , 30,920Tevatron II, Fermi lab, Illinois, USA , 1000LHC, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland , 7000

    If incident particle and target collide head on with and and they both highlyrelativistic



    2. 2 2and 2 2 4 2 i.e. a 450 proton hitting a 450 proton gives 900 available.i.e. Great advantage of colliding beam machines over fixed target machines. For or machines one ring is sufficient since particles with opposite charges and samemass can go in opposite directions using the same magnets. For or two rings arerequired with different magnets. The disadvantage of colliding beams rate is much lower because

    the target is much smaller.


    The reaction rate is given by Where cross section units of area, Luminosity units of area,

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    -number of bunches of particles in each beam (typically4 8), revolution frequency 450 40 . , are the number of particles in each bunch ~10 the area of each beam ~Particle Detectors

    The nuclear particle detectors are broadly divided into following two categories.

    a. Electronic DetectorsThe passage of a particle through such detectors produces charged particles which can be

    collected by applying an electric field to produce a transient electrical pulse.

    These pulses are then amplified and analyzed to find the intensity or energy spectrum of the

    incident radiation. The following types of electronic detectors are commonly used.

    i. Ionization chamberii. Proportional counteriii. Geiger-Muller counteriv. Scintillation counterv. Cerenkov countervi. Semiconductor detectorb. Track Detectors

    Such detectors produce charged particles due to ionisation loss along the trajectory of the

    particle. These charged particles produce a particular physical phenomenon which leaves a trackalong the trajectory of the particle. The following track detectors are commonly used.

    i. Cloud chamberii. Bubble chamberiii. Nuclear emulsion detectorsiv. Spark chamber

    Gas Filled Ionization

    When nuclear radiation passes through a gas contained between two electrodes, it ionizes the gas

    molecules. The ions may be collected by applying an electric field (to the electrodes) to produce

    an ionization current pulse across a resistor the magnitude of which depends upon the nature and

    velocity of the incident particles and properties of the detector. Gas filled detector consists of a

    cylindrical metal container filled with a readily ionizable gas such as argon or krypton at a low

    pressure and carrying (along its axis) a thin tungsten wire, which is well insulated from the

    container. The (outer) wall of the container is connected to the negative terminal and the central

    tungsten electrode to the positive terminal of a d.c. power supply. The ions collected by the

    electrodes produce an output pulse across the resistor which can be amplified by a linear

    amplifier and analysed by a counter.

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors


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  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    The above curve can be divided into six distinct regions. In region I , the voltage applied is so low

    that recombination of ions takes place. This is known as ion recombination region.

    In region II, the voltage is sufficiently high so that only a negligible amount of recombinationtakes place and the ion pairs move to the electrodes so rapidly that virtually every ion pair

    reaches the electrodes and all ion pairs are collected in the region II. The gas filled detector

    operating in region II is called an ionization chamber.

    When the potential difference is further increased, the ion pairs get accelerated by the electric

    field and produce secondary ion pairs in successive collisions. This phenomenon is called

    Townsend avalanche. The ionization current is directly proportional to the energy of the incident

    particle in this region III. The gas filled detector operating in this region is called the

    proportional counter. Such a proportional behaviour is lost in the region IV for which the applied

    potential is further increased. The pulse heights are still related to the applied voltage but nolonger proportional to initial ionizing intensity. This region is not useful for measurement and

    limitations may be because:

    (i) ultraviolet photons may be formed;

    (ii) new electrons may be formed when positive ions reach the cathode; or

    (iii) the space charge may distort the electric field

    In a typical Townsend avalanche created by a single original electron, many excited gas

    molecules are formed by electron in addition to secondary ions. Within usually a few

    nanoseconds, these exited molecules return to their ground sate through the emissions of

    ultraviolet (UV).These photons may be reabsorbed in the gas by photoelectric absorption less

    tightly bound electrons creating new free electrons. Alternatively the photons may reach the

    cathode wall where it could release a free electron upon absorption. In both cases, the newly

    created free electrons move towards the anode and trigger another avalanche.

    In region V, the multiplication of secondary ions increases by a large factor and the curves for and particles merge showing that the ionization current is independent of the initial ionization.A minimum ionizing particle produces a pulse of large height and the detector operating in

    region V is called a Geiger Muller Counter.

    At the end of the Geiger region, the counter goes into continuous discharge region and the

    discharge consists of a large number of multiple pulses. The region is of no interest because the

    discharge is indifferent to the presence of incident charged particles.

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    Ionization Chamber

    When the detector operates in region II, it collects actual number of ions produced because therecombination is negligible. The count-rate records actual ionization current produced without

    any multiplication of ions. The pulse height produced is 10 for an or particle of1 energy. As small number of ions are produced which are collected instantaneously, thecounter remains dead (inoperative) for a time of about 1 between successive counts. Itsenergy resolution is about 0.5%. The ionisation chamber does not give a count of individualparticles, but an average effect of a large number of particles.

    Proportional Counter

    When a particle of low specific ionization passes through an ionization chamber, the pulse

    produced is too small to detect. Potential difference is increased so that it works in proportional

    region, in which the size of the output signal is proportional to the number of ions formed by the

    primary ionization process.

    The proportional counter consists of a cylindrical gas filled tube with a very thin central wire,

    which is insulated from the tube. The central wire is always made positive with respect to the

    metallic cylindrical tube and serves as a collecting electrode which is connected to a pulse

    amplifier. The tube is filled with methane and approximately

    20%argon, the first to improve

    stability and the second to raise the amplification factor (The number of ion pairs formed bycollision as each electron travels toward the central wire is known as the multiplication factor or

    gas amplification factor). Multiplication factor depends on the anode radius, radius of the

    cathode, voltage and the nature and pressure of the gas. If a potential difference is appliedacross anode wire of radius a and cylindrical cathode of radius , the electric field , at a radialdistance is given by

    When a charged particle is incident on such a detector, it produces ion pairs along the trajectory

    of the particle. For 1000 volts, 1.0 and a = 1.0 mm the field strength at thecentral wire is 6.7 10.The ion pairs produced are accelerated through such a high electric field which causes gas

    multiplication (production of secondary ions). The electrodes collect respective negative and

    positive ions and the total ionization current produces a pulse through the resistor. As the height

    of the pulse is proportional to the energy of the incident particle, it can be used to estimate the

    energy of the particle. The number of particles incident per unit time or intensity can be

    estimated from the number of pulses produced per unit time

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    G. M.length




    is gove

    A thick


    are tran

    still thi


    A high


    C and


    Since t


    differeonly at

    wire. T


    After t


    in its o


    ubes haveand from

    r may be s

    with a thi

    of tungste

    ned by the

    ness corres

    articles. W

    smitted, bu

    ner wall,



    ce develop


    in going t

    e potentia

    particle p

    ce betweeone point

    he amplifi


    e avalanch

    a positive

    iginal state


    been madeto

    upported in

    layer of

    with a thi

    nature of p

    ponding to

    ith a glass

    t the part

    nd be equi


    R is conne

    ed at the en

    R'. The co

    o the count

    l differenc

    roduces a l

    proportiohereas in t

    ation doe

    e, the elect

    heath of io

    after all th

    in a greatin di

    side a glas

    n electric

    kness of

    articles to

    all of

    icles are e

    ped with a

    cted in seri

    ds ofR is s

    ndenser C


    across th

    arge ioniz

    al and G.e latter th

    not there

    rons get c

    ns which d

    e charges h

    variety ofmeter. Th

    s tube, or t

    l conducto


    e detected.

    of wall

    , al

    cluded. To

    window o

    es between

    ent to a co

    obstructs t


    tion pulse

    . counteravalanche

    ore depen

    llected at t

    rift slowly

    ave been cl

    sizes andwalls can

    he interior

    r (for exa

    area readil

    l the gam


    thin mica,

    the axial

    nter throu

    e d.c. com


    because o

    is that in thspreads al

    on the i

    he anode i

    toward the

    eared from

    hapes, frobe of met

    surface of

    ple, silver

    . The wa

    passes ga

    a rays and

    particles, t

    stainless st

    anode and

    h a circuit

    ponent of t

    ds to regio


    e former, tng the who

    itial ioniz

    a short ti

    cathode. T

    the active

    toal (copper)

    the glass t

    ). The cen

    ll thickness

    ma rays b

    most of the

    e counter

    eel or plio

    cathode. T


    he potentia

    n V, even


    e avalanchle length o

    tion produ


    e counter

    space. This


    i, a metalli

    be may b

    tral wire i

    of the tub

    ut blocks


    must have

    fllm, with

    e potentia

    a condense


    a minimu

    . The mai

    e is formethe centra

    ced by th

    and leav

    omes bac

    situation i

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors








    of phot

    the pho



    of a ph

    The sel




    A suita

    is shiel






    when the

    ry quenchi

    lation C

    n electrom

    enon of f

    ent materi

    ons in the

    tons produ

    ation count

    ence. The


    ection of t

    e in the f

    lene is co

    tion count

    ble scintill

    ded from

    s a tiny fla

    te in a sho

    ultiplier t

    ectrons. T

    ls are appl

    positive io

    ng process.


    agnetic rad


    l which ar

    visible or u

    ed are call

    er is a dev


    r tube and

    e scintillat

    rm of a t

    monly em

    r is shown

    tor crystal

    all stray li

    sh of light,

    rt time

    be and fa

    e tube has

    ied. The ph

    s are eith

    iation is in

    . The inci

    then de-e


    d scintillat

    ice used fo

    s produced

    are then rec

    or depends

    hin crystal

    ployed, wh


    is fitted to

    ght by an

    due to fluo


    ll on a tra

    many ele


    r collected

    cident on c

    dent radia

    cited in a

    adiation. S


    r detecting

    are conver

    orded elect

    upon the r

    is used.

    ile for y ra

    he end of


    rescence. (

    s). The

    nsparent p

    trodes call

    s are pulle

    by the ca

    ertain mat

    ion (like

    very short

    uch materi


    ted into a


    adiation to

    or part

    ys a crysta


    casing. T

    he atoms

    hotons tra


    ed 'dynod

    d to the dy

    thode or g

    rials, it ca

    rays) ex

    ime and it

    als are kno

    like a

    plified ele

    be detecte

    icles, a cr

    of NaI (T

    iplier tube

    he radiatio

    nd molecul

    vel throug

    e layer (p

    s' to whic

    ode 1 whe

    t neutraliz

    emit ligh

    ite the at

    results in t

    wn as scint

    d rays b

    trical puls

    . For pa

    stal of an

    ) is used.

    through a l

    n entering

    es are first

    the light



    re a numbe


    ed in som

    due to th

    ms of th

    e emissio

    illators an

    y means o

    s by mean

    rticles, zin

    hracene o

    ne type o

    ight pipe. I

    the crysta

    excited an

    pipe to th

    e), ejectin

    vely highe

    r (4 to 5) o

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    secondary electrons are emitted for each primary photoelectron. These in turn are pulled to

    dynode 2, 3, 6 in succession where electrons get multiplied due to secondary emission. Finally a

    highly amplified electrical pulse is delivered at the anode where it is amplified and afterdiscrimination from the noise level pulses it is given to the recording scalars and counters.

    Semiconductor Detectors

    These are based on the principle that if an energetic particle is incident on a reverse biased junction, it releases electron hole pairs from the depletion layer and an electric potential

    difference applied across the junction collects these electrons and holes to produce an electricpulse. The electrons and holes collected by the respective electrodes send an electric pulse of



    with a short rise time of about

    10 to


    s across the external resistance


    These pulses are linearly amplified and recorded by counters for detecting the incoming radiation

    and measure its intensity. The energy spectrum of the incoming radiation can be obtained by

    using a single channel or multichannel pulse height analyzer. Most semiconductor junction

    detectors fall into three categories according to the formation of junction.

    1. Diffused junction detector2. Surface barrier detector3. Lithium ion drifted junction detector

    Track Detectors

    The Wilson Cloud Chamber

    The Wilson cloud chamber can be used for photographing the tracks of-particles, particlesand secondary ionization effects due to the passage of-rays or -rays.It is based on the principle that when a charged particle passes through a supersaturated vapour,

    it produces ionization along the trajectory of the particle and droplets are formed on the ions due

    to condensation of vapour. A gas (air) mixed with saturated vapour, either of water, or alcohol or

    ether is contained in a cylindrical vessel. When gas is allowed to expand adiabatically, a

    considerable fall in temperature takes place and the space becomes supersaturated with vapour.

    The excess of vapour will condense on the ions formed due to passage of the particle through the

    gas. Due to condensation, a cloud is formed and if it is properly illuminated, the track appears as

    a white line on a dark background which can be photographed by means of a camera.

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors


    A simp


    an opti

    is illust

    Air sat

    G. The


    increaswith a



    avoid t

    The th




    pair pr



    the disc



    lified form

    r CC in w

    ally-flat gl

    rated from

    rated with

    pressure i

    the pisto

    s. The adipearance

    aphic arra

    d within th

    e formatio

    ickness of

    ished fro


    ion pairs

    duced, t

    ic field to t

    . (Wilson cl

    overy of p

    e Chamb

    's cloud ch

    of a cloud

    ich a pisto

    ass plate G

    a side with

    given liqui

    nside the c

    down su

    batic expaof cloud i

    gement is

    cloud cha

    n of a diffu

    the track

    those m


    er cm. Sin

    racks are s

    e chamber

    oud chamb

    sitron, whi


    mber suffe

    chamber i

    P is fitted

    and a cam

    the help of

    is taken i

    hamber is

    ddenly, wi

    sion resultchamber

    made usin

    mber to sw

    se fog. Thi

    is charac

    de by ele

    ion pair

    e both a

    ort and th

    the curved

    er had bee

    ch had a cu

    red from th

    s shown b

    at the bott

    ra from th

    a strong lig

    the space

    kept high.

    th the res

    s in coolin. The trac

    g intense l

    eep out any

    sweep fiel

    teristic of

    trons. On

    s per cm i

    nd particl

    ick, where

    tracks of t

    earlier use

    rvature op

    e following

    low. It co

    om. On th

    top views

    ht source.

    between th

    The pressu

    ult the vol

    g and conss can be

    ight. A s

    stray ions

    d is cut off

    the partic

    an averag

    air. On t

    es lose ene

    s tracks

    e incident

    d for the st

    osite to th


    nsists of a

    top of the

    inside the c


    re in the c

    ume of th

    quent supeseen by t

    all electric

    which are n

    just before

    le. Alpha

    , -particl

    e other ha

    rgy by givi

    are long a

    particles ca

    udy of cos

    t of an elec




    hamber. T

    iston P an

    hamber is

    e expansi

    r saturatiohe eye, b

    field of f

    ot of intere


    tracks can

    es under

    d -partic

    ng up

    d thin. By

    n be photo

    ic radiatio




    chamber i

    is chambe

    glass plat

    lowered b

    n chambe

    of vapourt normall

    ew volts i

    st just to

    be easil


    les produc

    per io


    raphed an

    n and led t


  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    low stopping power due to low density of vapour and its large dead-time, as. a result very

    energetic particles could not be detected. This problem can be avoided if somehow stopping

    power can be increased, say, by filling the chamber with a particular liquid of necessary thermalproperties.

    A liquid boils at a higher temperature under high pressure. If the applied pressure is more than

    the saturation vapour- pressure at that (high) temperature, the liquid will boil without formation

    of vapours, that is it will be a superheated liquid. If now, the pressure is suddenly decreased,

    instead of vapours, the bubbles will be formed.

    Now suppose the particles to be detected are allowed to pass through the chamber so, they will

    ionize the liquid bubble-atoms in the vicinity of their paths. As a consequence, those nearby

    atoms will be ionized (nascent atoms), liberating few electrons with opposite momentum (may

    be so called recoil-electrons).These recoil electrons cause local heating of the bubble's-surfacescausing them to grow within a few milliseconds. At this moment, a light is flashed and the

    bubbles are photographed simultaneously from many different angles and afterwards, their

    spatial distribution can be obtained by stereographic reconstruction.

    Generally bubble chamber is subjected to a strong magnetic field on order to distinguish the sign

    of the charge on the ionizing particles and to measure their momenta from the radius of curvature

    of the bubble tracks. Through most commonly used liquid in bubble chamber is liquid hydrogen,

    other liquids such as deuterium, helium, xenon, etc, are used in some cases.

    The schematic diagram of the bubble chamber is shown below. The main body of the chamber is

    made up of stainless steel with thick glass ports at the top for viewing camera. A box of thick

    walled glass is filled with the liquid hydrogen and is connected to the expansion pressure system.

    In order to maintain the chamber at the constant temperature, it is surrounded by liquid nitrogen.

    High energy particles are allowed to enter the chamber from a side window .

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    The B






    issing trac

    ubble C

    i. Dupre



    ii. Thdiff

    iii. Thiv. Thv. Thr Emuls

    d particles

    ns can be

    a photogr


    ks in the ph

    amber h

    to high d

    ent in a gi

    ds of even

    ractions to

    tracks ar

    usion withi

    chamber i

    re is an abs

    recycling t

    ion Tech

    interact wi

    used for re

    phic emul

    a line of la

    otograph r

    s followi

    nsity of li

    en path to

    ts occur w

    be examine

    very cle

    n the liquid

    sensitive t

    ence of bac

    ime is only


    h photogra

    cording th

    ion of a ph

    ent images

    present ne

    ng Adva

    uid (as co

    interact wi

    ithin the b

    d in a great

    arly define

    is very sm

    o particles

    kground d

    a few seco

    phic emuls

    tracks of


    along their

    tral particl


    mpared to

    h the inco

    ubble cha


    d, becaus


    of low ioni

    e to old tra


    ions in the

    charged pa

    plate they



    air), a larg

    ing particl

    ber, whic

    the bubb

    ing ability.


    same way

    rticles. As

    interact wit

    number o

    e. Consequ


    les grow

    as photon

    charged p

    h the tiny s


    f nuclei ar

    ently, larg

    igh energ

    apidly an

    ; hence th

    rticles pas

    ilver halid

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    The optical photographic emulsion is not suitable for quantitative work with nuclear radiations.

    The sensitivity is low and the tracks due to charged particles have non-clear range because the

    developed crystals grains are large and widely spaced. The composition of the emulsion has to bechanged to make it suitable for study of various ionizing particles such particles, protons,mesons and electrons etc. The table shows a comparison of nuclear and optical emulsions.

    Because of larger density and large Z number the stopping power of emulsions for high energy

    particles is much better than an ordinary cloud chamber. When a particle passes through an

    emulsion plate or a stack of plates it reduces the silver and after developing, the path of the

    particles is made visible under a microscope. With a binocular microscope a three dimensional

    view of a particle and its associated reactions or interactions can be obtained. Different

    commercially available emulsions differing chiefly in grain size, are used to discriminate

    between different particles.

    In cosmic ray research, the nuclear emulsion plate offers the advantage of simplicity. These

    plates can be readily taken to mountain tops or sent up to great altitudes in balloons or satellites

    for recording primary cosmic ray phenomena. For the study of machine produced reactions, the

    energetic particles are passed through a stack of emulsion and the tracks thus produced are

    analysed for identification of the mass and charge of the resulting events.

    Advantages of Nuclear Emulsion Detectors

    i. These detectors have a large stopping power for highly energetic particles andthese provide a continuously sensitive medium for permanent record of events

    involving low, medium and high energy.

    ii. These detectors can measure a large number of parameters of most of the particlesincluding estimation of charge, mass, energy, life time etc.

    iii. Nuclear emulsion detectors have excellent spatial resolution ~ 0.5 m and highangular resolution ~10 radian which is invariably required for accuratemeasurements inhigh energy interactions involving multiple particle production.

    iv. The emulsion is relatively light and cheap. This makes it better for high altitudecosmic ray experiments.

    v. They were widely employed in cosmic ray studies and led to the discovery of the and -mesons

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors


    The sp

    counterspark c

    high sp

    The wo

    an inert


    the par

    the hel

    The ins

    first, th

    all eve

    order o

    The pl




    Spark C

    rk chambe

    and to givhamber de

    atial resolu

    rking princ

    gas but th

    enters the

    icle. Thus

    of automa

    trument co

    ird, fifth a

    number p


    tes are m

    s and neutr

    neon mixt

    nt to prod


    r utilizes a

    e track geoector is ca


    iple is as f

    electric fi

    gas space,

    the path of

    tic operatio

    nsists of a

    d all other

    lates are c


    de of bra

    inos which

    re at about

    ce a disc

    ll incipient

    metry infoable of co

    llows. A

    ld is insuf

    spark pas

    the particl

    n of the ins

    eries of thi

    odd numb

    nnected to

    etween ad

    s, lead or

    interact in

    an atmosp

    arge betw


    mation, likunting part

    igh voltag

    icient to p

    es and ten

    is marked


    n parallel

    r plates ar

    a high vol

    acent pairs

    other hea

    the plates

    heric press

    en a pair

    ischarge i

    e that proicles with

    is maintai

    rmit the p

    s to follow

    by the sp

    lates space


    age dc pul

    of plates.

    y conduct

    o produce

    re. The hi

    of adjacen

    a gas like

    ided by aa high cou

    ned betwe

    ssage of s

    the path o

    rk and can

    d about

    and the se

    se generato

    ing materi

    charged pa

    h voltage i

    t plates. A

    that used

    ubble chat rate as

    n two plat

    ark. When

    ion pairs

    be photog


    ond, fourt

    r so that a

    ls to dete

    ticles. The

    s almost, b

    trail of i


    in a Geige

    ber. Thusell as wit

    s placed i

    an ionizin

    roduced b

    aphed wit

    apart. Th

    , sixth an

    field of th

    t gammas

    gas used i

    ut not quit

    nization i



  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors






    The po





    very sh

    which f



    A char



    atomsleads to

    the dip

    For a p

    wave fr

    and pr


    d by an i


    les), a sms produce

    ive multipl

    wer suppl

    d. A swee

    e to that o

    . The delay

    r and the e

    ort in com

    ollow the t

    kov Cou

    kov Rad

    ged particl

    of light

    kov radiati

    long its trathe emissi

    le where it

    rticle trav

    ont of Che

    duce a co

    g from the

    cident cha


    ll localizeare accel

    ication due

    is cut of

    ping field

    the high v

    time is ab

    ergy of th

    arison to t

    acks of the



    , traversin

    in that

    on. Cheren

    ck so that ton of electr


    lling with

    renkov radi



    rged partic

    ing which

    spark disrated to s

    to seconda

    in about

    f about 20

    oltage spar

    ut .

    spark, and

    hat of clou

    particles a

    a medium


    kov radiat

    hey becomomagnetic

    elocity les

    ation origi


    are not inte

    le. If the (

    electrons i

    charge occch energie

    y collision


    0 volts per

    k field to

    The recov

    it is usuall

    d and bub

    d the track

    with refra

    mits a ch

    ion is emi

    e electric dradiation. T

    than the v

    ating from

    . i.e. The

    rrelated an

    pulse) volt

    n this trail

    urs alongs in the el



    cm is con

    repare the

    ry time de

    y between

    le chambe

    s are photo

    tive index


    ted becau

    ipoles. Thehis radiati


    different d

    wave fron

    are entirel

    age is appl

    are free (

    he particlectric field

    g a conde

    tinuously a

    detector fo

    ends on th

    to .

    s). Series

    graphed by

    with a v


    e the char

    time varian spreads o

    of li

    ipoles are

    ts of the

    y independ

    ied in a fr

    efore attac

    's path (Tthat they c

    ser after t

    pplied in t

    r the detec

    gas, the d

    (This reco

    f sparks a


    locity ex

    netic radia

    ged particl

    tion of theut in the m

    ght in the

    nable to gi




    action of

    hing to ga

    e ions anan produc

    he spark i

    e directio

    ion of nex

    esign of th

    very time i

    e produce

    ic cameras.

    ceeding th

    tion, calle

    e polarize

    dipole fieledium fro

    edium, th

    ve interfer

    etic wave

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors


    But, if


    The wis same


    at the t

    wave f


    The pa

    ABC. T

    is thus


    The val



    The Ch


    of the d



    the veloc

    ctive interf

    ve front othe directi

    figure sho

    ime of thir

    ont can b

    d at a parti

    ticle move

    he time in

    the wave

    particle is

    ue of ca

    ultiplier (

    is known i

    erenkov d

    rs. Also Ch

    etectors m

    odes are



    Ring i

    ity is larg

    rence of th

    the radiatn of the pa

    s the inter


    drawn tan

    ular angle

    s along

    hich parti

    ront. The

    given by

    be estima

    ) tube

    t is possibl

    tectors are

    erenkov de

    dium is ca

    ld Cheren

    ntial Chere

    aging Che

    r than the

    e wave fro

    ion that prrticle.

    actions wh

    n. The Hu

    gent to th

    with respe

    . It radiat

    le travels

    angle whic

    ed by mea

    can be use

    to estimat


    tectors can

    efully sele

    ov detecto

    kov detect

    enkov dete


    ts is possi

    duce a co


    gen's cons


    t to the dir

    s energy i


    h the Cere

    uring the v

    to detect

    the value

    used for i

    be used in





    le. It make

    nstructive i

    . The wa

    ruction of

    surfaces a

    ction of m

    all directi

    , the radi

    nkov radia

    alue of b

    radiation. I

    of .

    ndenting p

    three diffe

    of light

    s Cherenko


    e fronts fr

    wave optic

    d the Cere

    otion of the

    ons from th

    ation will

    tion makes

    y optical m

    f the mom

    articles in

    ent modes,

    in the me

    v radiation

    is conical

    m 1 and 2

    s shows th

    nkov radia


    e points al

    ove a dista

    with the


    ntum or e


    if the refr


    dium, the


    with axis

    lie inside

    at a conica

    tion can b

    ng its pat


    irection o

    ergy of th

    with trac

    ctive inde

  • 8/8/2019 Linear Accelerators and Detectors



    Threshold Cherenkov Detectors

    This type consists simply a radiator and a light detector (usually P.M.T). In this particles. In thiscase, particles with velocity greater than the threshold velocity for the generation of the

    Cherenkov radiation are detected.

    For a counter filled with material of refractive index , the threshold momentum, for a particlewith mass is given by

    1If a gas is used as radiator then it is possible to tune the detector to match the velocity of the

    particles with by adjusting the pressure of the gas.Note: The refractive index of the gas depend on the pressure


    1 1 Where and refer to an atmosphere measures.Differential Cherenkov Detectors

    This accept Cherenkov radiation only in a narrow range of angles, . In other word, in anarrow velocity interval.


    of the order


    can be obtained by using this detector. A chromatic dispersion

    is the major source of the error at high momenta. A special type of achromatic counters called

    Directional isochronous self collimating ( DISC) counters has been developed. This design is

    capable to give the resolution ~10 10.