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Risorse utili per LaTeX


  • 1. - GUIDE - SOFTWARE - COMPILING DOCUMENTS ONLINE > RICERCHE > EQUATION COMPILER > FUNZIONALITA' BASE > STORAGE AND EDITOR > ALTRO - ALTRO ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ GUIDE - Guida di riferimento - Appunti LaTeX (in italiano) - L'arte di scrivere con latex - LaTex math guide - LaTeX facile - Impara LaTeX ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ SOFTWARE - Elenco latex editor - MiKTeX is a typesetting system for the Windows operating system. The distribution includes TeX, pdfTeX and XeTeX. Significant features of MiKTeX are its ability to update itself by downloading new versions of previously installed components and packages, and an easy installation process. Additionally, it can ask users whether they wish to download any packages that have not yet been installed but are requested by the current document. - LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply their appearance (WYSIWYG). LyX combines the power and flexibility of TeX/LaTeX with the ease of use of a graphical interface. This results in world-class support for creation of mathematical content (via a fully integrated equation editor) and structured documents like academic articles, theses, and books. In addition, staples of scientific authoring such as reference list and index creation come standard. But you can also use LyX to create a letter or a novel or a theatre play or film script. A broad array of ready, well-designed document layouts are built in. LyX is for people who want their writing to look great, right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting

2. details, finger painting font attributes or futzing around with page boundaries. You just write. On screen, LyX looks like any word processor; its printed output or richly cross-referenced PDF, just as readily produced looks like nothing else. - Texmaker is a free, modern and cross-platform LaTeX editor for linux, macosx and windows systems that integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX, in just one application. - Tool che genera immagini da un sorgente latex - JaxEdit un edito latex scritto in javascript. Ha un preview istantaneo. Non necessita di installazione - Kile is a user-friendly TeX/LaTeX editor for the KDE desktop environment. KDE is available for many architectures and operating systems such as PC, Mac, and BSD, including Linux and Microsoft Windows. - TeXstudio is an integrated writing environment for creating LaTeX documents. Our goal is to make writing LaTeX as easy and comfortable as possible. Therefore TeXstudio has numerous features like syntax-highlighting, integrated viewer, reference checking and various assistants. For more details see the features. - TeXnicCenter is a feature rich and easy-to-use integrated environment for creating LaTeX documents on the Windows platform. Its powerful editor and its tight integration with the LaTeX environment helps you to concentrate on what matters: The content of your document. And best of all: TeXnicCenter is open source software and available completely free of charge! - The TeXworks project is an effort to build a simple TeX front-end program (working environment) that will be available for all todays major desktop operating systemsin particular, MS Windows (XP and Vista), typical GNU/Linux distros and other X11-based systems, and Mac OS X. It is deliberately modeled on Dick Kochs award-winning TeXShop for Mac OS X, which is credited with a resurgence of TeX usage on the Mac platform. - TeXlipse is a plugin that adds Latex support to the Eclipse IDE. - With Scientific WorkPlace Version, you can create, edit, and typeset mathematical and scientific text more easily than ever before. The software is based on an easy-to-use word processor that completely integrates writing mathematics and text in the same environment. With the built-in computer algebra system, you can perform computations right on the screen. - JLatexEditor is a cross-platform open source LaTeX editor. The editor is in constant development. It is well-tested on Linux 3. and Mac OS X, but has to be considered pre-alpha version, and only for experimental use for Windows. - VerbTeX allows you to create and manage LaTeX projects directly on your Android device and generate a PDF by using the LaTeX service available at ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ COMPILING DOCUMENTS ONLINE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- RICERCHE - Elenco di tools per lavorare con latex online - Ricerca di tools per lavorare con latex online -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- EQUATION COMPILER - Consente di scrivere un'equazione in latex e di generare l'immagine corrispondente. E' presente anche una barra degli strumenti. -|ed Generazione di formule in formato pdf, png o source latex. Interfaccia grafica con numero barre strumenti (molto bello). - Consente di scrivere un'equazione in latex e di generare l'immagine corrispondente. E' presente anche una barra degli strumenti. - Consente di scrivere un'equazione in latex e di generare l'immagine corrispondente. E' presente una piccola guida contestuale con esempi LaTeX - Create image from latex source. Tip: In your email messages, you can just write$YOUR EQUATION$ This will produce a direct link to your equation, for example:$E=mc^2$ - Questo servizio consente di generare un'immagine in formatoc PNG di una formula matematica che deve essere specificata tramite il linguaggio LaText. - is a free web service aimed to help people to include mathematical formulas&graphics into the web pages easily and without sacrificing flexibility and high quality of LaTeX system. It is based on very simple idea. User feeds with the piece of LaTeX code. QuickLaTeX renders it to the image stored on the server and returns URL of that image. User inserts URL 4. into web page in place where formula should be. Next time when visitor opens that web page in the browser formula is shown. - This page allows you to generate online PNG images from LaTeX formulas. It is a CGI interface that calls the TeX2PNG program. The server where the program runs is a modest PC under Linux, so be patient with it and please do not call the program several times at the same moment. If we notice severe abuse on this server, we will shut down the facility. Moreover, the size of the generated images is limited to 1600x1200 pixels with this online version. Thanks in advance for your comprehension. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- FUNZIONALITA' BASE - JaxEdit is an online LaTeX editor with instant preview. - Creazione del documento latex e possibilit di scaricarlo in diversi formati (pdf, png, swf, ...) - TeXonWeb is project helping to use typesetting system TeX/LaTeX via web browser. Textarea acts as source code editor where you can type your document. To get it simply press button PostScript or PDF for appropriate format. You can also select format, number of compiler passes. More information is available in Documentation - Scrivere i documenti e compilarli online. E' anche possibile caricaricare file di testo e compilarli. - Solo un campo di testo in cui inserire il codice ed un pulsante per generare il corrispondente pdf - Inserito il codice latex la pagina genera il link per ottenere l'immagine corrispondente -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- STORAGE AND EDITOR - Creazione e storage di documenti latex online. Non richiesta la registrazione. - A LaTeX Editor for smooth collaboration - Creazione e storage di documenti latex online. E' necessario un account google. - Write well-structured, scientific documents in LaTeX and produce PDF files in this browser-based 5. editor. Manage your projects, upload existing documents, images and styling files. - Create PDFs through LaTeX. - Creazione e storage di documenti latex online. Richiesta la registrazione. - LaTeX is already installed and configured on our servers. Just write your LaTeX documents in the editor with syntax highlighting, spellchecker and word completion and compile it to PDF. Use one of our templates to create new documents quickly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ ALTRO - Sito ufficiale del progetto latex - TeX User Group - Gruppo Utilizzatori di TeX. Il sito del Gruppo utilizzatori Italiani di TeX stato creato con l'intento di incrementare l'utilizzo di LaTeX, e del suo motore TeX, in Italia. Al suo interno sono disponibili diverse informazioni su cos' LaTeX, guide, sulle procedure d'installazione, sul suo uso e sui programmi ad esso collegati, nonch un Forum per lo scambio di esperienze legate al suo uso e una mailing list per discutere di problemi TeXnici. - Comparazione TeX editors - Pagine wiki su latex - Si disegna un simolo con il mouse e la pagina mostra i possibili comandi latex per ottenerlo - Convertitore da Latex a MathML 6. - FMATH for Java, javascript, flash - FREE solution to display and edit mathematics on web pages using Java components. ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ 7. - FMATH for Java, javascript, flash - FREE solution to display and edit mathematics on web pages using Java components. ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________