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Outsourcing Request for Proposal Addendum A—Vendor Proposal Format The City of Minneapolis A Vendor Proposal Format A.1 General Instructions The following are general instructions for formatting responses to the City's RFP: a) Proposals should be assembled in binders with appropriate tabs for each section b) Binders for the technical sections, and another one for the cost proposal c) Dividers for each section, and page break for each subsection. A.2 Proposal Outline The proposal must be organized according to the format outlined below. Binder 1: Business and Technical Proposal 1.0 Executive Summary 2.0 Vendor Profile 3.0 Conformance with the City of Minneapolis Terms and Conditions 4.0 Requirements Checklist 5.0 Technical Configurations and Requirements 6.0 ESP Service Level and Technical Requirements 7.0 ESP Performance Metrics and Management 8.0 Reporting Requirements 9.0 Personnel (City of Minneapolis affected employees) 10.0 Transition Plan 11.0 Appendices and Attachments Binder 2: Pricing Proposal A. Baseline Services Summary B. Baseline Services by Pricing Element C. Detail Pricing Matrix D. Transition Cost Matrix E. ESP Capital Investment Matrix F. Profile of Capital Investment A-1

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Outsourcing Request for ProposalAddendum A—Vendor Proposal Format The City of Minneapolis

A Vendor Proposal Format

A.1 General Instructions

The following are general instructions for formatting responses to the City's RFP:

a) Proposals should be assembled in binders with appropriate tabs for each section

b) Binders for the technical sections, and another one for the cost proposal

c) Dividers for each section, and page break for each subsection.

A.2 Proposal Outline

The proposal must be organized according to the format outlined below.

Binder 1: Business and Technical Proposal

1.0 Executive Summary

2.0 Vendor Profile

3.0 Conformance with the City of Minneapolis Terms and Conditions

4.0 Requirements Checklist

5.0 Technical Configurations and Requirements

6.0 ESP Service Level and Technical Requirements

7.0 ESP Performance Metrics and Management

8.0 Reporting Requirements

9.0 Personnel (City of Minneapolis affected employees)

10.0Transition Plan

11.0Appendices and Attachments

Binder 2: Pricing Proposal

A. Baseline Services Summary

B. Baseline Services by Pricing Element

C. Detail Pricing Matrix

D. Transition Cost Matrix

E. ESP Capital Investment Matrix

F. Profile of Capital Investment

G. Capital Investment Usage Profile (one for each year)

H. Residual Credit Value for City Assets

I. Notes and Assumptions Document

J. Added Value Offerings


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Outsourcing Request for ProposalAddendum A—Vendor Proposal Format The City of Minneapolis

A.3 Business and Technical Proposal Response Format

The proposal MUST be organized according to the detailed outline below. Vendors MUST prepare a written response to each section and provide the greatest amount of detail possible regarding how the vendor proposes to address all the following service requests for the City of Minneapolis contract. These responses MUST specifically address all the City of Minneapolis terms and conditions and requirements detailed throughout this RFP.

SECTION 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY General Instructions to Vendors

This section should be a 5 to 10 –page summary of the key aspects of the proposed outsourcing solution, including proposed solution and implementation plan.

Layout RFP Sections1.0 Proposal Background (e.g. understanding of the City environment) 2, 3 and 4

1.1 Overall capability to provide the services described within this RFP

1.2 History in government outsourcing

1.3 The financial stability necessary to support ITS outsourcing for 7-10 years

1.4 The ability to serve as the Prime Contractor and act as a single point of contact for the services described in this RFP

1.5 The ability to provide employment opportunities (Continuity of Employment) for ITS employees displaced by outsourcing

1.6 The existence of, or willinginess to establish, or partner with someone to create a data center and outsourcing service operation in Minnesota, preferably in the Twin Cities Metro Area.

1.7 The ability to accept the transfer of ownership of the City’s IT assets as a contract requirement

1.8 ESP must meet or exceed all existing City security requirements in conformance with the state and federal regulations.

1.9 Term of Proposal 3.2

1.10 Summary of Proposed Solution / Scope of Services 7 to 10

1.11 Summary of Proposed Implementation Plan 7 to 10

1.12 Summary of Proposed Value Added Offerings 5.2.4


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SECTION 2. VENDOR PROFILE General Instructions to Vendors

This section should provide all relevant information regarding each vendor’s unique capabilities as an outsourcing service provider. Both the documentation of vendor’s internal practices and satisfaction of the customer base are an essential part of the City evaluation process.

Layout RFP Sections2.0 Organization Overview N/A

2.1 Request for Contractor Information 7.5.1

2.1.1 Project Organization Chart

2.1.2 Sub-Contractor Experience

2.1.3 Contract Management

2.1.4 Company Information

2.1.4.a List the company name, address, and telephone number of each sub-contractor proposed to provide ITS services. Identify the specific services and functional requirements that each sub-contractor will provide.

2.1.4.b List the primary contact name, title, telephone number and e-mail address, for each sub-contractor

2.1.4.c Indicate the number of years and scope of experience each sub-contractor has had providing ITS services, particularly in implementing solutions for government, for the services that each will provide.

2.1.4.d Financial Summary for each sub-contractor firm

2.1.4.e Attach five (5) references for each sub-contractor, at least two (2) of which shall be for government clients, including the following information:

Client NameContract Title/Contract Reference NumberPrimary Contact, Title and Telephone NumberContract DatesContract AmountType of Contract (Public/Private Sector)Length of Relationship with ClientDescription of innovative solutions implemented to meet needs similar to the City’s

2.1.4.f Describe any previous, current and future engagements that any of your sub-contractors have with the City. Indicate for which agency or department services were/are performed when current engagements will conclude and how these engagements will be affected by this effort, and the status of any prospective proposals or proposals that such sub-contractors submitted to the City.

2.1.4.g Identify all clients that have discontinued use of your sub-contractor’s IT services in the past three- (3) years, and provide names of individuals whom the City might contact at such clients.

2.1.4.h For each organization identified in 2.1, specify each organization’s total number of employees, products and services, affiliated companies, and other descriptive information.

2.2 Submit Financial Information 7.5.2

2.2.1 Complete financial Statements for the most recent three years

2.2.2 The most recent 10-K and 10-Q reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

2.2.3 Recent reports published by one or more credit rating services relating to the outstanding debt, if any

2.2.4 Pending litigation, state regulatory actions that may have a material impact on the financial condition of the prime contractor that is not otherwise disclosed in the above financial information.


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Outsourcing Request for ProposalAddendum A—Vendor Proposal Format The City of Minneapolis

SECTION 2. VENDOR PROFILE 2.3 Submit Information regarding Organization and Staffing 7.5.3

2.3.1 Name the key individuals, along with their qualifications, experience, and the level and extent of their expected involvement, that would comprise the sub-contractor’s dedicated team for involvement in this RFP process.

2.3.2 Describe each sub-contractor’s customary selection and replacement procedures for the project staff that will be providing the services as outlined in this RFP.

2.3.3 State the percent of turnover of key personnel and all other staff for each of the last three (3) years in the segment of the sub-contractor’s organization that shall be responsible for performing IT services within the City.

2.4 ESP experience / History in government outsourcing 7.5.4

2.5 Systems Engineering Capability maturity model 7.5.5

2.6 International Standards organization (ISO) certification & 6 Sigma 7.5.6

2.7 ESP Performance References 7.5.7

2.8 ESP Organization & Staffing 7.5.8

2.8.1 Describe your total organization, including any parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, and other related entities.

2.8.2 Describe the ownership structure of your organization, including any significant or controlling equity holders

2.8.3 Provide an organization chart for your overall organization showing each entity within your organization.

2.8.4 Provide contact information summarizing the proposed Project Managers for all services proposed in this RFP. Contact information must include the following information:

Project Manager NameProject Manager's Qualifications (PMI Certified?)Proposed ResponsibilitiesTelephone NumberE-mail Address

2.8.5 Name the key individuals, along with their qualifications, experience, and the level and extent of their expected involvement, that would comprise your organization’s dedicated team for involvement in this RFP process.

2.8.6 State the percent of turnover of key personnel and all other staff for each of the last three (3) years in the segment of your organization that shall be responsible for performing IT services within the City.

2.8.7 Describe your organization’s customary selection and replacement procedures for the project staff that will be providing the services as outlined in this RFP, including your organization’s willingness to commit to City requests to maintain specific staffing assignments on key City systems.


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General Instructions to Vendors

Vendor MUST indicate conformance with each clause contained in RFP Section 6.

Layout RFP Section

3.1 Checklist response to table below.


General Requirements 6.1

City’s Rights 6.1.1

Interest of Members of City 6.1.2

Equal Opportunity Statement 6.1.3

Non-Discrimination 6.1.4

Transfer of Interest 6.1.5

Compliance Requirements 6.2

Compliance Requirements 6.2.1

General Compliance 6.2.2

Independent Contractor 6.2.3

Retention of Records 6.2.4

Accounting Standards 6.2.5

Inspection of Records 6.2.6

Data Practices 6.2.7

Living Wage Policy 6.2.8

Small & Underutilized Business Program (SUPB) Requirements 6.2.9

Applicable Law 6.2.10

Conflict & Priority 6.2.11

City as a Dynamic Organization 6.2.12

Contractor Flexibility 6.2.13

Contractor Insurance 6.2.14

Hold Harmless 6.2.15

Cessation of Services 6.2.16

3.2 “Every Available and Reasonable Effort Criteria Questionnaire”, Appendix 1

3.3 “Contractor Participation—City of Minneapolis, Woman, Minority, and Small Business Utilization Plan”, Appendix 2

3.4 Documentation of whether the ESP engaged in the required activities

3.5 Transition/Disentanglement Periods: Implementation Plan 6.3


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General Instructions to Vendors

Please include this table in section 4 and check the correct box (YES or NO).Will you meet the requirements described in the corresponding RFP section?

Layout RFP Section


Mandatory ESP response 1.4.1

Additional Selection Criteria 1.4.2

Technology Infrastructure refresh 3.6

Performance Incentives & Penalties 3.7

Transition/Disentanglement Period 6.3

Human Resources Continuity Planning 7.1.1

Same Sex Domestic Partner Benefits 7.1.2

Transition Plan 7.6

Standard Desktop Configurations (IBM Compatible)

Standard Laptop Configuration (IBM Compatible)

City Standard Development/Engineering Configuration (IBM Compatible)

Compaq Application Storage Needs

Enterprise Oracle Application Storage on AIX

Enterprise Microsoft SQL Server Application Storage on NT and Windows 2000 Advanced Server

Servers to

Energy Conservation 8.2.1

Public Works Merger 8.4.1

Backup LAN Data 8.5.1

Provide Change Management 8.5.2

Provide Disaster Recovery 8.5.3

Provide System Administration 8.5.4

Manage Resource Usage and Capacity Planning 8.5.5

Manage Network Performance and Availability 8.5.6

Software Administration 8.5.7

Implement Enterprisewide Virus Protection Program

Assume Existing Hardware and Software Contracts 8.6.1

Maintain an Asset Inventory 8.6.2

Maintain Configuration Details 8.6.3

Maintain Hardware 8.6.4

Implement Standard Configurations 8.7.1

Provide Total E-mail Connectivity 8.7.2

Upgrade Office Automation Software 8.7.3

Forecast Future Needs 8.7.4

Research New Technologies 8.7.5

Secured Systems 8.8

Risk Mitigation 8.10

Procedures Manual 8.11


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LAN/WAN/Remote Communication Requirements 9.3

Server-based Platform Requirements 9.4.1 to 9.4.10

Network Performance Threshold and Characteristics 9.4.11

Capacity Upgrade Threshold 9.4.12

End-user Platform Requirements 9.5

Software Requirements 9.6

Printing platform service level requirements 9.7

Moves, Adds and Changes (MAC) Requirements 9.8

System Administration Requirements 9.9

Customer Support and Help Desk Requirements 9.10

Operations Management Requirements 9.11

Software Distribution Requirements 9.12

Event Monitoring & Management Requirements 9.13

Performance Monitoring & Tuning Requirements 9.14

Security Requirements 9.15

Business Continuity Management and Disaster Recovery Requirements


ESP’s Service Catalog 9.17

Level 1 Metrics 10.1.1

Level 2 Metrics 10.1.2

Level 3 Metrics 10.1.3

Service Delivery Metric 10.1.5

Availability Metric 10.1.6

Customer Satisfaction Metric 10.1.7

ESP Specific Metric—Level 2 10.1.8

Trend Metrics—Level 3 10.1.9

Metric Terms 10.1.10

Reporting Requirements 11.0

MASL 11.1

Satisfaction Surveys 11.2

Reporting Requirements 11.3


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General Instructions to Vendors

Vendors MUST clearly indicate their approaches to providing the full range of services documented in this RFP. Vendors may provide additional information as needed.

Layout RFP Sections

5.0 Overall Approach N/A

5.1 Current Technical Environment 8.1

5.1.1 Desktop and Portables 8.1.1 Standard Desktop Configuration Standard Desktop Configuration: Meet this Requirement? Standard Desktop Configuration: Implementation Plan Standard Desktop Configuration: Service Metrics Standard Laptop Configuration Standard Laptop Configuration: Meet this Requirement? Standard Laptop Configuration: Implementation Plan Standard Laptop Configuration: Service Metrics City Standard Development / Engineering Configuration City Standard Development / Engineering Configuration: Meet this Requirement? City Standard Development / Engineering Configuration: Implementation Plan City Standard Development / Engineering Configuration: Service Metrics

5.1.2 Application-Specific storage capacity 8.1.3 Compaq Application Storage Needs Compaq Application Storage Needs: Meet this Requirement? Compaq Application Storage Needs: Implementation Plan Compaq Application Storage Needs: Service Metrics Enterprise Oracle Application Storage on AIX Enterprise Oracle Application Storage on AIX: Meet this Requirement? Enterprise Oracle Application Storage on AIX: Implementation Plan Enterprise Oracle Application Storage on AIX: Service Metrics Enterprise Microsoft SQL Server Application Storage on NT & Windows 2000 Advanced Server Enterprise Microsoft SQL Server Application Storage on NT & Windows 2000 Advanced Server: Meet this Requirement? Enterprise Microsoft SQL Server Application Storage on NT & Windows 2000 Advanced Server: Implementation Plan Enterprise Microsoft SQL Server Application Storage on NT & Windows 2000 Advanced Server: Service Metrics

5.1.2. 4 Servers to

5.1.2. 4.a Servers: Meet this Requirement?

5.1.2. 4.b Servers: Implementation Plan

5.1.2. 4.c Servers: Service Metrics

5.2 General Equipment Requirements 8.2

5.2.a Energy Conservation: Meet this Requirement? 8.2.1


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5.2.b Energy Conservation: Implementation Plan

5.2.c Energy Conservation: Service Metrics

5.3 Specialized Requirements 8.4

5.3.1 Public Works Merger 8.4.1

5.3.1.a Public Works Merger: Meet this Requirement?

5.3.1.b Public Works Merger: Implementation Plan

5.3.1.c Public Works Merger: Service Metrics

5.3.2 Risk Mitigation 8.4.2

5.3.3 Procedures Manual 8.4.3

5.4 Technical Support Requirements 8.5

5.4.1 Backup LAN data 8.5.1

5.4.1.a Backup LAN data: Meet this Requirement?

5.4.1.b Backup LAN data: Implementation Plan

5.4.1.c Backup LAN data: Service Metrics

5.4.2 Provide Change Management 8.5.2

5.4.2.a Provide Change Management: Meet this Requirement?

5.4.2.b Provide Change Management: Implementation Plan

5.4.2.c Provide Change Management: Service Metrics

5.4.3 Disaster Recovery 8.5.3

5.4.3.a Disaster Recovery: Meet this Requirement?

5.4.3.b For each service bundle, describe your approach to providing continuous operations of the City’s systems

5.4.3.c For each service bundle, describe your organization’s proposed solution for providing Disaster Recovery services to the City.

5.4.3.d Will your organization allow the City to declare a disaster? If so, describe the implications to the City should it declare a disaster

5.4.3.e Describe how your organization will ensure the availability of City data during Disaster Recovery

5.4.3.f Describe the support that will be provided by your organization in the event that functions to be retained by the City (e.g., local printing) suffer a disaster

5.4.3.g Describe your organization’s proposed approach for implementing network connectivity between City facilities and the proposed recovery site(s).

5.4.3.h Describe your organization’s approach to supporting connectivity from alternate City office locations to the proposed data center(s).

5.4.3.i Describe how you expect the City to be involved in developing its Disaster Recovery Plan. Describe how you will involve the City in any actual recovery process.

5.4.3.j Describe the scope of recovery testing the City may anticipate. Describe how you expect the City to participate in recovery testing

5.4.4 Provide System Administration 8.5.4

5.4.4.a Provide System Administration: Meet this Requirement?

5.4.4.b Provide System Administration: Implementation Plan

5.4.4.c Provide System Administration: Service Metrics

5.4.5 Manage Resource Usage and Capacity Planning 8.5.5


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5.4.5.a Manage Resource Usage and Capacity Planning: Meet this Requirement?

5.4.5.b Manage Resource Usage and Capacity Planning: Implementation Plan

5.4.5.c Manage Resource Usage and Capacity Planning: Service Metrics

5.4.6 Manage Network Performance and Availability 8.5.6

5.4.6.a Manage Network Performance and Availability: Meet this Requirement?

5.4.6.b Manage Network Performance and Availability: Implementation Plan

5.4.6.c Manage Network Performance and Availability: Service Metrics

5.4.7 Software Administration 8.5.7

5.4.7.a Software Administration: Meet this Requirement?

5.4.7.b Software Administration: Implementation Plan

5.4.7.c Software Administration: Service Metrics

5.4.8 Implement Enterprise-wide Virus Protection Program 8.5.8

5.4.8.a Implement Enterprise-wide Virus Protection Program: Meet this Requirement?

5.4.8.b Implement Enterprise-wide Virus Protection Program: Implementation Plan

5.4.8.c Implement Enterprise-wide Virus Protection Program: Service Metrics

5.5 Asset Management 8.6

5.5.1 Assume Existing Hardware & Software Contracts 8.6.1

5.5.1.a Assume Existing Hardware & Software Contracts: Meet this Requirement?

5.5.1.b Assume Existing Hardware & Software Contracts: Implementation Plan

5.5.1.c Assume Existing Hardware & Software Contracts: Service Metrics

5.5.2 Maintain an Asset Inventory 8.6.2

5.5.2.a Maintain an Asset Inventory: Meet this requirement?

5.5.2.b Approach to ensuring inventory accuracy

5.5.2.c Proposed strategy for automating the collection of individual desktop Configuration data

5.5.2.d Describe how your organization will coordinate licensing to achieve economies of scale in hardware and software procurement?

5.5.2.e Approach for managing software licensing.

5.5.2.f Implementation plan

5.5.2.g Service Metrics

5.5.3 Maintain Configuration Details 8.6.3

5.5.3.a Maintain Configuration Details: Meet this requirement?

5.5.3.b Maintain Configuration Details: Implementation Plan

5.5.3.c Maintain Configuration Details: Service Metrics

5.5.4 Maintain Hardware 8.6.4

5.5.4.a Maintain Hardware: Meet this requirement?

5.5.4.b Maintain Hardware: Implementation Plan

5.5.4.c Maintain Hardware: Service Metrics

5.6 End User Platform Environment Management 8.7

5.6.1 Implement Standard Configurations 8.7.1

5.6.1.a Implement Standard Configurations: Meet this requirement?


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5.6.1.b Does your organization recommend a standard hardware and software platform other than the one specified in section 8.7.1? Describe your proposed platform and its ability to meet City goals described in the Vision statement.

5.6.1.c Describe any issues in regard to implementing standard desktop configurations. Describe how your organization proposes to resolve these issues.

5.6.1.d Describe how implementing a “standard” desktop environment has improved operations for other customers.

5.6.1.e Describe your organization’s relationships with desktop equipment providers. How will this benefit the City?

5.6.1.f Describe how your organization will assess and mitigate impacts to existing desktop systems and business applications stemming from transition to a new, standard platform.

5.6.1.g Describe your strategy for supporting the City’s heterogeneous desktop environment. In particular, address issues with integration of data access and office suite applications across platforms. How will your organization support this environment prior to and during transition to the new desktop environment standard configuration

5.6.2 Provide Total E-mail Connectivity 8.7.2

5.6.2.a Provide Total E-mail Connectivity: Meet this requirement?

5.6.2.b Describe your organization’s strategy for providing e-mail and calendaring to every desktop

5.6.2.c Describe your organization’s solution for ensuring that users are notified of internal e-mail delivery failures

5.6.2.d Describe your organization’s solution for ensuring that users are notified of external (Internet) e-mail delivery failures

5.6.2.e Describe your proposed approach to supporting e-mail connectivity between in-scope City departments and out-of-scope City departments

5.6.3 Upgrade Office Automation Software 8.7.3

5.6.3.a Upgrade Office Automation Software: Meet this requirement?

5.6.3.b Describe your organization’s approach for determining when to implement new releases of office automation software. How do you expect the City to participate in this process?

5.6.3.c Describe your organizations proposed strategy for automated distribution of software to the desktop.

5.6.3.d Describe how your organization will ensure that City functions continue to operate through upgrades and new releases of automation software.

5.6.3.e Describe how your organization will minimize interruption during upgrades to office automation software.

5.6.4 Forecast Future Needs 8.7.4

5.6.4.a Forecast Future Needs: Meet this requirement?

5.6.4.b Describe your organization’s approach to involving the City in this process. What requirements will your organization have of the City?

5.6.5 Research New Technologies 8.7.5

5.6.5.a Research New Technologies: Meet this requirement?

5.6.5.b What technologies does your organization propose that will immediately improve the City’s desktop environment? Describe how similar recommendations have improved operations for other customers.


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5.6.5.c Describe how your organization will facilitate the City’s preparedness to utilize such new technologies to improve efficiency and effectiveness

5.6.5.d How will your organization ensure that new technologies will interface with the existing environment without disrupting City staff productivity?

5.7 Secured Systems Requirements 8.8

5.7.a Secured Systems: Meet this requirement? 8.8

5.7.b Provide a detailed implementation plan that outlines how your organization will meet this requirement. Such plan should describe the major tasks to be accomplished along with their respective time frames.

5.7.c Describe your strategy for assessing and enhancing the City’s system security. In particular, describe how you intend to reduce any risks associated with an outsourcing relationship. Describe how implementing your strategy has improved system security for other customers of your organization.

5.7.d Describe what security training your organization’s employees will be given, specifically those working in the proposed data center(s), both upon their initial hiring and throughout their employment

5.7.e Describe whether your organization will convert the City’s enterprise server access control system to a different system. How will your organization minimize disruption of service and maintain data security during this transition?

5.7.f Describe the steps your organization will take to guard against, and monitor, unauthorized access or alteration of City data by your organization’s employees.

5.7.g Describe how your organization will monitor for, and receive notification of, system security violations

5.7.h Describe your proposed process for informing the City of security violations

5.7.i Describe the frequency with which the City can expect your organization to conduct system security audits.

5.7.j Describe how your organization will involve the City in system security audits

5.7.k Describe your organization’s approach to assessing the City’s application vulnerabilities and security risks.

5.7.l Describe how you expect the City to be involved in the assessment process.

5.7.m Describe the extent to which your proposed security procedures conform to ISO 9001 standards

5.7.n Describe your organization’s proposed approach for managing the Security Administration function. Do you propose centralized or decentralized Security Administration? Describe the extent to which the City would be expected to perform Security Administration.

5.7.o Describe your proposed approach for implementing and supporting encryption and/or access authentication services to protect transmissions of City data. Describe any potential issues raised with the use of encryption, and your strategy for resolving them.

5.7.p Describe your organization’s strategy for improving the City’s Web application security, in particular, the City’s use of firewalls. Describe how implementing your strategy has improved security for other customers.


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5.7.q Explain any issues that may arise with the integration of the City’s systems into your proposed data center environment(s).

5.7.r Describe your organization’s approach to assessing the City’s current security environment. Describe how you expect the City to participate in the security assessment process

5.7.s Describe how your organization will address security deficiencies.

5.7.t Describe any tools your organization will implement to enable centralized security monitoring of network traffic, and provide automated alerts upon detecting violations.

5.7.u Describe software and tools your organization deploys to interface with, and manage, intranet and Internet servers and firewalls.

5.7.v Describe your organization’s approach. How will you involve the City in establishing security procedures?

5.7.w Does your organization have any requirements of the City with regard to desktop security and audit ability? If so, please describe them.

5.7.x How will your organization monitor unauthorized attempts to access desktops?

5.8 Risk Mitigation 8.10

5.8.a Risk Mitigation: Meet this requirement?

5.8.b Risk Mitigation: Implementation Plan

5.9 Procedures Manual 8.11

5.9.a Procedures Manual: Meet this requirement?

5.9.b Procedures Manual: Transition Plan

5.10 Technology Refresh Plan 3.6

5.10.a Describe how you will meet the technology refresh requirement.


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General Instructions to Vendors

Vendors MUST clearly indicate their approaches to providing the full range of services documented in this RFP. Vendors may provide additional information as needed.

Layout RFP Sections

6.0 Overall Approach N/A

6.1 LAN/WAN/Remote Communication Requirements 9.3.1 to 9.3.4

6.1.a LAN/WAN/Remote Communication: Meet this requirement?

6.1.b LAN/WAN/Remote Communication: Implementation Plan

6.2 Server-based Platform Requirements 9.4.1 to 9.4.10

6.2.a Server-based Platform: Meet this requirement?

6.2.b Server-based Platform: Implementation Plan

6.3 Network Performance Threshold and Characteristics 9.4.11

6.3.a Network Performance Threshold and Characteristics: Meet this requirement?

6.3.b Network Performance Threshold and Characteristics: Implementation Plan

6.3.c Network Performance Threshold and Characteristics: Service Metrics

6.4 Capacity Upgrade Threshold 9.4.12

6.4.a Capacity Upgrade Threshold: Meet this requirement?

6.4.b Capacity Upgrade Threshold: Implementation Plan

6.4.c Capacity Upgrade Threshold: Service Metrics

6.5 End-user platform Requirements 9.5

6.5.a End-user platform Requirements: Meet this requirement?

6.5.b End-user platform Requirements: Implementation Plan

6.6 Software Requirements 9.6

6.6.a Software Requirements: Meet this requirement?

6.6.b Software Requirements: Implementation Plan

6.7 Printing Platform / Special Purpose Device 9.7

6.7.a Printing Platform / Special Purpose Device: Meet this requirement?

6.7.b Printing Platform / Special Purpose Device: Implementation Plan

6.8 Move, Adds & Changes (MAC) Requirements 9.8

6.8.a MAC: Meet this requirement?

6.8.b MAC: Implementation Plan

6.9 System Administration Requirements 9.9

6.9.a System Administration: Meet this requirement?

6.9.b System Administration: Implementation Plan

6.10 Customer Support & Help Desk Requirements 9.10

6.10.a Customer Support & Help Desk: Meet this requirement?

6.10.b Customer Support & Help Desk: Implementation Plan

6.11 Operations Management Requirements 9.11

6.11.a Operations Management: Meet this requirement?

6.11.b Operations Management: Implementation Plan

6.12 Software Distribution Requirements 9.12

6.12.a Software Distribution: Meet this requirement?


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6.12.b Software Distribution: Implementation Plan

6.13 Event Monitoring and Management Requirements 9.13

6.13.a Event Monitoring and Management: Meet this requirement?

6.13.b Event Monitoring and Management: Implementation Plan

6.14 Performance Monitoring & Tuning Requirements 9.14

6.14.a Performance Monitoring & Tuning: Meet this requirement?

6.14.b Performance Monitoring & Tuning: Implementation Plan

6.15 Security Requirements 9.15

6.15.a Security: Meet this requirement?

6.15.b Security: Implementation Plan

6.16 Business Continuity Management & Disaster Recovery Requirements


6.16.a Business Continuity Management & Disaster Recovery: Meet this requirement?

6.16.b Business Continuity Management & Disaster Recovery: Implementation Plan

6.17 ESP’s Service Catalog 9.17

6.17.a ESP’s Service Catalog: Meet this requirement?


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General Instructions to Vendors

Vendors MUST clearly indicate their approaches to providing the full range of services documented in this RFP. Vendors may provide additional information as needed.

Layout RFP Sections

7.0 Overall Approach N/A

7.1 Level 1 Metrics 10.1.1

7.1.a Level 1 Metrics: Meet this requirement?

7.1.b Level 1 Metrics: Implementation Plan

7.1.c Level 1 Metrics: Service Metrics

7.2 Level 2 Metrics 10.1.2

7.2.a Level 2 Metrics: Meet this requirement?

7.2.b Level 2 Metrics: Implementation Plan

7.2.c Level 2 Metrics: Service Metrics

7.3 Level 3 Metrics 10.1.3

7.3.a Level 3 Metrics: Meet this requirement?

7.3.b Level 3 Metrics: Implementation Plan

7.3.c Level 3 Metrics: Service Metrics

7.4 Service Delivery Metric 10.1.5

7.4.a Service Delivery Metric: Meet this requirement?

7.4.b Service Delivery Metric: Implementation Plan

7.4.c Service Delivery Metric: Service Metrics

7.5 Availability Metric 10.1.6

7.5.a Availability Metric: Meet this requirement?

7.5.b Availability Metric: Implementation Plan

7.5.c Availability Metric: Service Metrics

7.6 Customer Satisfaction Metric 10.1.7

7.6.a Customer Satisfaction Metric: Meet this requirement?

7.6.b Customer Satisfaction Metric: Implementation Plan

7.6.c Customer Satisfaction Metric: Service Metrics

7.7 ESP Specific Metric – Level 2 10.1.8

7.7.a ESP Specific Metric: Meet this requirement?

7.7.b ESP Specific Metric: Implementation Plan

7.7.c ESP Specific Metric: Service Metrics

7.8 Trend Metric—Level 3 10.1.9

7.8.a Trend Metric—Level 3: Meet this requirement?

7.8.b Trend Metric—Level 3: Implementation Plan

7.8.c Trend Metric—Level 3: Service Metrics

7.9 Metric Terms 10.1.10

7.9.a Metric Terms: Meet this requirement?

7.9.b Metric Terms: Implementation Plan

7.9.c Metric Terms: Service Metrics


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General Instructions to Vendors

Vendors MUST clearly indicate their approaches to providing the full range of services documented in this RFP. Vendors may provide additional information as needed.

Layout RFP Sections

8.0 Overall Approach N/A

8.1 Reporting Requirements 11.0

8.1.a Reporting: Meet this requirement?

8.1.b Reporting: Implementation Plan

8.1.c Reporting: Service Metrics

8.2 Minimum Acceptable Service level (MASL) Reporting 11.1

8.2.a MASL: Meet this requirement?

8.2.b MASL: Implementation Plan

8.2.c MASL Metrics: Service Metrics

8.3 End-User Satisfaction Surveys 11.2

8.3.a Satisfaction Surveys: Meet this requirement?

8.3.b Satisfaction Surveys: Implementation Plan

8.3.c Satisfaction Surveys: Service Metrics

8.3.d Provide Examples of how you have obtained consistent end-user satisfaction.

8.4 Other Reporting Requirements 11.3

8.4.a Other Reporting: Meet this requirement?

8.4.b Other Reporting: Implementation Plan

8.4.c Other Reporting: Service Metrics


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General Instructions to Vendors

Vendors MUST provide all relevant information about the expected treatment of the City affected employees.

Layout RFP Sections

9.0 Overview N/A

9.1 Human Resources Continuity PlanningPlease provide a complete transition plan according to the outline in RFP section 7.1.1, including special attention to questions below:


9.1.1 Describe any issues your organization has with regard to the requirements of the City's employee transition objectives.

9.1.2 Describe how your organization proposes to handle the transition of the City’s ITS professionals. Describe how they will be integrated into your organization, including duration and timing of events.

9.1.3 Describe the benefits, and benefit programs, that the City’s ITS professionals hired by your organization can expect to receive from your organization. Provide a proposal for ITS professionals hired by your organization to receive prior service credits applicable to employee benefits.

9.1.4 Describe the same-sex domestic partner benefits offered to your employees and provide detailed information on the same sex domestic partner benefits program.

9.1.5 Describe the employment opportunities, which exist in your organization for the City’s ITS professionals. What assurances will such employees have that they will be given opportunities comparable to those of your organization’s current employees?

9.1.6 What professional and technical training programs will your organization implement to assist the City’s ITS employees hired by your organization to advance professionally?

9.2 Same Sex Domestic Partner BenefitsDescribe the same-sex domestic partner benefits offered to your employees and provide detailed information on the same sex domestic partner benefits program.



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General Instructions to Vendors

Vendors MUST provide all relevant information about their transition plan.

Layout RFP Sections

10.1 Please provide a comprehensive description of the Transition Plan that includes a work breakdown structure (WBS) and associated proposed timeline for transferring the City’s Technology Operations to Managed Services.


10.2 Describe how you propose to provide flexibility in the Transition Plan to easily integrate the City’s retained Information Services processes and practices.

10.3 Describe the make-up of your proposed transition team.

10.4 Describe the security procedures that will be enforced during the transition period.

10.5 Describe end user communication plans, orientation and training.

10.6 Describe your change management process.

10.7 Define the critical success factors associated with the Transition of the City’s Technology Operations to Managed Services.

10.8 Provide details of your ISO 9002 and 6 Sigma certifications.


General Instructions to Vendors

The City expects that vendors will provide additional information to further clarify their proposal and elucidate the benefits of their proposal for the City. This section provides the vendor with the opportunity to include additional information pertinent to this solicitation.

Layout RFP Sections

11.0 BenefitsGeneral vendor benefits to the City of MinneapolisSpecific benefits in this transaction


11.1 Value-added services N/A

11.2 Supporting AnalysisVendor assumptions for each Service


11.3 Other Supporting DocumentsAnnual reportRelevant publications or articles



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A.4 Pricing Proposal Response format

A.4.1 Pricing Proforma

The pricing matrices delineate the pricing elements for each service area that your organization shall price on a monthly unit basis or hourly rate as indicated in the pricing matrices. ESPs should complete the pricing matrices based on the City's volume projections specified for a seven-year contract term. In addition the City anticipates the annual rolled up price will decrease over the term of the contract to reflect a decreasing per unit cost over time due to improvements in IT infrastructure and operations management methods that yield more efficient operations. For purposes of completing the pricing matrices, make the following assumptions and provide the information as instructed in the matrices below:

The pricing matrices contain a comprehensive set of unit measurements. The units are the complete measurements for all services, tasks, and obligations to be performed by the ESP for the City and no additional measurements of resource usage or compensation should be added for pricing purposes.

Unless otherwise stated, the unit prices should be fully loaded (i.e., inclusive of all costs including equipment, software, taxes, labor, out-of-pocket expenses and other expenses).

The baseline unit usage or compensation volumes should be stated in the matrices. These volumes reflect production requirements. Test environments are the responsibility of the ESP.

"MACs" (i.e., moves, adds, and changes) should be included as a component of the respective unit to which they apply (e.g., the Desktop Operations per seat price should include the MAC charges). The City assumes one (1) MAC per desktop user each year, excluding initial installation. For purposes of this RFP, please complete the pricing matrices accordingly.

List prices should be stated in constant dollars without cost of living or inflationary adjustments. In the Assumptions and Notes Document state your proposed approach to address these cost factors.

Level monthly billing will be in arrears with quarterly reporting on unit usage or consumption and a quarterly true-up to actual unit usage or consumption.

The unit prices will remain as stated provided that City's usage or consumption is within plus or minus 10% of the volumes stated in the pricing matrices.

Your organization's business proposal must include any assumptions your organization has made and must also describe specific due diligence activities required to eliminate such assumptions, because final pricing in the definitive Service Agreement will not be subject to any assumptions or contingencies of any kind.

The pricing matrices are composed of three components—Baseline Services, Transition Cost, ESP Capital Investment and termination for convenience Charges. Below is a description of these components:

Baseline Services—All key pricing elements with respect to the requested services should be reflected in the appropriate matrix based on the annual volumes provided and rolled up on the matrix provided. The volumes are based on the current Asset Inventory and other sources, however they have been modified to reflect the City's best understanding of its current requirements.

Transition Cost—All costs specific to the City's transition of all the required Technical Operations services that go through the ESP's environments, platforms, methods or standards should be reflected on a line item basis in the pricing matrix provided.

ESP Capital Investment—All ESP capital investment in the City and its IT infrastructure should be reflected on a line item basis in the matrix provided.


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A.4.2 Pricing Proposal Format

Below is a list of the detailed pricing matrices and a diagram outlining their relationship. In addition to the matrices defined here, an assumptions document should be included to describe any points of clarification or assumptions that were utilized. Topics that should be addressed include the approach and proposed cost profile for nonstandard delivery requirements or equipment for both acquisition and ongoing support and any unique volume ceiling or floor that would result in a change in pricing. The points in the Assumptions Document should reference the relevant matrix and the specific financial figure.

Pricing Matrices

Baseline Services Summary A

Baseline Services by Pricing Element B

Detail Pricing Matrix C

Transition Cost Matrix D

ESP Capital Investment Matrix E

Profile of Capital Investment F (Proposal should include a narrative Word document)

Capital Investment usage profile G (One for each year)

Residual Credit Value for City Assets H

Notes and Assumptions Document I (Proposal should include a narrative Word document)

Added Value Offerings J (Proposal should include a narrative Word document)

Note: Unit prices for baseline services should be fully loaded and inclusive of the transition and investment costs during the term of the contract; these are not additional fees to the City.

A.4.3 Detailed Pricing

The following diagram outlines the relationships between the requested pricing matrices.

(A)Baseline Services


(A)Baseline Services


(B)Baseline Services

Summary by Pricing Element

(B)Baseline Services

Summary by Pricing Element

(D)Transition Cost

(D)Transition Cost

(E)ESP Capital

Investment Matrix

(E)ESP Capital

Investment Matrix

(C)Detailed Pricing


(C)Detailed Pricing


(H)Credit Value for

City Assets

(H)Credit Value for

City Assets

(F)ESP Profile of

Capital Investment

(F)ESP Profile of

Capital Investment

(G)Capital Investment

Usage ProfileY1

(G)Capital Investment

Usage ProfileY1

(I)Notes and


(I)Notes and


(A)Baseline Services


(A)Baseline Services


(B)Baseline Services

Summary by Pricing Element

(B)Baseline Services

Summary by Pricing Element

(D)Transition Cost

(D)Transition Cost

(E)ESP Capital

Investment Matrix

(E)ESP Capital

Investment Matrix

(C)Detailed Pricing


(C)Detailed Pricing


(H)Credit Value for

City Assets

(H)Credit Value for

City Assets

(F)ESP Profile of

Capital Investment

(F)ESP Profile of

Capital Investment

(G)Capital Investment

Usage ProfileY1

(G)Capital Investment

Usage ProfileY1

(I)Notes and


(I)Notes and



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Workstation Pricing

(Prices are per seat)

Workstation Standard Premium Enhanced

Application Software (Tier 1 and 2)

Help Desk Support

HW Maintenance

Systems S/W Maint

Application S/W Support

Hardware Refreshment

Software Refreshment

Moves/Adds/Changes Hardware

Moves/Adds/Changes Software

LAN Services

Int. Customer. Support/Help

Systems Administration

Shared Peripheral Service

File Service

Local Data Backup and Restore

Loaner Pool Management


Thin Client Standard Premium Enhanced

Application Software (Tier 1 and 2)

HW Maintenance

Systems S/W Maint

Application S/W Support

Hardware Refreshment

Software Refreshment

Moves/Adds/Changes Hardware

Moves/Adds/Changes Software

LAN Services

Int. Customer. Support/Help

Systems Administration

Shared Peripheral Service

File Service

Local Data Backup and Restore

Loaner Pool Management



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Laptop Standard Premium Enhanced

Application Software (Tier 1 and 2)

HW Maintenance

Systems S/W Maint

Application S/W Support

Hardware Refreshment

Software Refreshment

Moves/Adds/Changes Hardware

Moves/Adds/Changes Software

LAN Services

Int. Customer. Support/Help

Systems Administration

Shared Peripheral Service

File Service

Local Data Backup and Restore

Loaner Pool Management


PDA Standard Premium Enhanced

Application Software (Tier 1 and 2)

HW Maintenance

Systems S/W Maint

Application S/W Support

Hardware Refreshment

Software Refreshment

Moves/Adds/Changes Hardware

Moves/Adds/Changes Software

LAN Services

Int. Customer. Support/Help

Systems Administration

Shared Peripheral Service

File Service

Local Data Backup and Restore

Loaner Pool Management



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Engineering And Development Standard Premium Enhanced

Application Software (Tier 1 and 2)

HW Maintenance

Systems S/W Maint

Application S/W Support

Hardware Refreshment

Software Refreshment

Moves/Adds/Changes Hardware

Moves/Adds/Changes Software

LAN Services

Int. Customer. Support/Help

Systems Administration

Shared Peripheral Service

File Service

Local Data Backup and Restore

Loaner Pool Management


Network Access(Prices are Per Connection) 1 2 3 4 5 6




Printing Platform Pricing (Prices are Per Printer)

Personal Black and White Standard Premium Enhanced


HW Maintenance

Systems S/W Maint.

Hardware Refreshment



LAN Services

Int. Customer. Support/Help

System Administration



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Personal Color Standard Premium Enhanced


HW Maintenance

Systems S/W Maint.

Hardware Refreshment



LAN Services

Int. Customer. Support/Help

System Administration


Networked Black & White Standard Premium Enhanced


HW Maintenance

Systems S/W Maint.

Hardware Refreshment



LAN Services

Int. Customer. Support/Help

System Administration


Networked Color Standard Premium Enhanced


HW Maintenance

Systems S/W Maint.

Hardware Refreshment



LAN Services

Int. Customer. Support/Help

System Administration



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Special Purpose Standard Premium Enhanced


HW Maintenance

Systems S/W Maint.

Hardware Refreshment



LAN Services

Int. Customer. Support/Help

System Administration


Software Tier Pricing BaseAdmin Fee for


Tier 1 Software

Tier 2 Software

Tier 3 Software

Tier 4 Software


Server Pricing Each Server Quantity Extended Total

Web Server

Application Server

Database Server

File Storage and Print Server

Thin Client Server


A.4.4 ESP Capital Investment

The City views the ESP as its business partner and expects that the ESP will make certain capital investments, both immediately and during the term of its relationship with the City. The City seeks a provider who will finance the immediate improvement of the City's IT infrastructure and support services to the extent necessary to deliver the enhanced services defined within the scope of this RFP. To that end, the City expects the ESP to acquire the City's IT assets described in this RFP. In lieu of paying the City for its IT assets, the City's preference is that acquisition value of these assets be reinvested into the City's IT infrastructure and support services. Please include in your pricing proposal responses to the following:


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General Instructions to Vendors

Please include response to the following:

Layout RFP Sections

F.a Describe the types and amounts of capital investments that your organization proposes to make for the City in connection with providing the services that are within the scope of this RFP and upgrading the City's IT infrastructure. The ESP's Capital Investment Matrix should reflect the timing and amount of these investments.


F.b What is the amount of capital investment you attribute to the acquisition of the City's IT assets?

F.c Describe in detail the methodology by which your organization will pass on to the City the cost of such capital investment, including any internal interest calculation or other cost of funds components associated with this methodology. Explain any assumptions or models that your organization has incorporated into the methodology.

F.d What portion, if any, of the cost of the capital investments your organization proposes to make will not be passed on, either directly or indirectly, to the City but will be absorbed by your organization?

A.4.5 Added Value Offerings

The City believes that this initiative and the City's position as a customer in the IT marketplace offers it a unique opportunity to bring added value benefits to City residents and the entire community. We encourage ESPs to propose creative offerings in addition to providing the IT infrastructure services specified in the RFP to the City. ESPs will be evaluated, in part on creative community-oriented offerings to the City and its residents. These offerings are obviously at the discretion of the ESP but your organization could consider enhancements to the City's education and economic development initiatives. These added value offerings could include the following:

Enhance computer technology literacy throughout the City.

Improving citizen access to City services by assisting the City in implementing Common Contact Center.

Developing research and development relationships with educational facilities in the City.

Providing Internet access to educational facilities in the City.

Advancing the use of distant, remote or distributed learning programs.

Offering computer hardware, software, network infrastructure, administrative services, and training to schools and other educational facilities in the City.

Locate an e-government application Center of Excellence in the City.

Provide pricing agreements and discounts to neighborhood groups participating in the Minneapolis Neighborhood Information System, City Boards, Independent Agencies and Community Livability Initiatives.

Provide Kiosk access at strategically placed City locations.


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General Instructions to Vendors

Describe the added value your organization could offer the City, both immediately and in the long term, beyond providing IT infrastructure services to the City, as required by the RFP. Below are some examples of value added offerings. The City expects creativity from the vendors in addressing these requirements in the RFP.

Layout RFP Sections

J.a What facilities do your organization maintain within the City that employs City residents? How would your organization expand these facilities if selected as the City's IT External Service Provider? Would your organization locate any new facilities within the City?


J.b What steps could your organization take to foster job retention and creation within the City?

J.c What additional value has your organization offered to its customers in connection with providing services to them similar to listed above?
