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LinkedIn for Job Search Basics Using LinkedIn to Stand Out in the Crowd Mike Ellsworth Linked InSolutions

Post on 18-Oct-2014




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LinkedIn for Job Search Basics

Using LinkedIn to Stand Out in the Crowd Mike Ellsworth


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Meeting Logistics

• If the GoToWebinar menu is blocking your screen, click the right-facing double arrows on the upper left of the menu.

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Meeting Logistics

• To ask a question, click the hand icon and type your question

• To work on your LinkedIn profile, you can minimize the Webinar and start your browser

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Meeting Logistics

• Many of the links in the presentation are available online at:

• You’ll get copies of the slides after the Webinar

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About ME

• LinkedIn user since June 16, 2003• Networking online since the 80s• 15 years at Nielsen Co.• 6 years as IT strategy consultant• <3 years at State of Minnesota

– Program Director of CareerOneStop• But here as a citizen and


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Today’s Agenda

• Building Your Personal Brand• How Employers Use LinkedIn• Must Have Elements of Your Profile• Making and Getting Recommendations• Becoming Findable• Using LinkedIn Groups• Power Tools to Enhance

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Finding a Job During a Recession

• Remember that jobs are still out there

• Keep networking

• Use your family network wisely

ConnectionCopyright © 2009, StratVantage Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved

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Finding a Job - Offline

• Rework your resume– Make it keyword rich – more later on that– Talk about what you DID, not what you were

responsible for– Always include outcomes – “grew sales

to $1B”• Post it everywhere

– I still get queries from resume postingsthat are years old

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I don’t think we’re only offline anymore . . .

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Finding a Job - Online

• “For every 1,470 resumes, there’s 1 job offer made and accepted” – Richard Bolles, bestselling author,

What Color is Your Parachute?

• In 2008, only 12% of jobs came from job boards

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Finding a Job - Approach

• Top Goals for Online Networking– Create a community of contacts who can

recommend you and connect you– Conduct research on employers– Expand your job search to new markets

– Create a higher profile and build your personal brand

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You are searching for a job in a marketplace.

You need to stand out

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Managing Your Online Brand

• Don’ts (rules apply for all online media)• Badmouth current/previous

employer/colleagues• Mention you’re on a job search if your present

employer isn’t aware• Write or post anything you wouldn’t want

o Your own family to see

o To see on a billboard

o To be published on the front page of the Wall Street Journal

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Today’s Agenda

• Building Your Personal Brand• How Employers Use LinkedIn• Must Have Elements of Your Profile• Making and Getting Recommendations• Becoming Findable• Using LinkedIn Groups• Power Tools to Enhance


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Employers Use Social Media• 22 percent of hiring managers researched

job candidates (up from 11% in 2006)• 9 percent plan to start• 34 percent found content caused them to

eliminate candidate from consideration

• 24 percent found content that solidified hiring/consideration decision

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What Employers Look For Online

• Background supporting job qualifications• Demonstrated fit for culture• Profile was creative• Great references posted• Professional image portrayed• Honors/awards received and highlighted• Demonstrated a wide range of


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So That’s What You Must Provide

• Make sure all your online information:• Demonstrates your background and

qualifications• Demonstrates your ability to fit in• Shows creativity• Includes references and testimonials• Is professional• Highlights honors/awards• Demonstrates wide range of


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Finding a Job – People Search

• Job search is now “people search” – Name the top companies you want to work – Find people who are employed at those

companies– Network with them, form a strong relationship

and they perform the job search for you.

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Finding a Job – People Search

• In fact, many employers avoid posting jobs

• They search job boards and LinkedIn instead

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Why Use LinkedIn?

• It’s a professional social networking site . .

• For professionals

• 35 million of them

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Why Use LinkedIn?

• Most importantly:– Employers search for candidates – Microsoft, Ebay, Netflix, and Target (and many

more) have used LinkedIn

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Who is On LinkedIn?

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Today’s Agenda

• How Employers Use LinkedIn• Must Have Elements of Your Profile• Making and Getting Recommendations• Becoming Findable• Building Your Personal Brand• Using LinkedIn Groups• Power Tools to Enhance


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Creating and Managing Your Profile

• This is how the world sees youThat’s


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Ensure Profile is Complete

• Users with complete profiles are 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn

• Get recommendations

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Create Your Profile

• Current and past position – complete • Education – complete • Photo – just you, taken by a pro• Nickname or maiden name – for

search• Summary – more on this• Websites – all of them• Interests – be careful• Email addresses – all of them• NO TYPOS!

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Profile Contents

• The more info the better• Use industry-specific keywords• Use acronyms AND spell them out

– Searchability– Keywords, keywords, keywords!– Lots of them!– Google your job title to find good keywords– Search your job title on LinkedIn

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Create Your Profile

• Make your profile public–Can be found on Google!

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Create Your Profile

• Customize profile URL to your name–

– NOT!!!!!

– Create a PDF of your profile to send along with your resume

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Your Professional Headline

• Pay particular attention to your Professional Headline

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Put “Looking” in Profile

• If you’re looking, say so in your headline

• And in your summary

• Refresh your summary every two weeks

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Consider Listing Email in Profile

• May earn you lots of spam

• But makes it easier for recruiters and employers to contact you

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Change Contact Settings

• Definitely check “Career Opportunities”

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Change Using Your Network

• Definitely check “Find a Job”

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Today’s Agenda

• Building Your Personal Brand• How Employers Use LinkedIn• Must Have Elements of Your Profile• Making and Getting Recommendations• Becoming Findable• Using LinkedIn Groups• Power Tools to Enhance


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Make and Get Recommendations

• Make recommendations and ask for recommendations

• Feels good to recommend and to be recommended

• Great for job references

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Make Connections

• Average number of connections: 34-38

• You can do better than that . . .

• Those with connections >500 are LIONs

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What is a LinkedIn LION™?

• LION™ stands for LinkedIn Open Networker - ~16,000 LION members

• LIONs connect with anyone• Don’t care who you are, what you do,

what they can do for you, or what you can do for them

• Will never IDK you – you hope!

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What is an IDK?

• If you try to connect with a LinkedIn member and they don’t remember you, they can IDK – I Don’t Know – your attempt

• Five IDKs and LinkedIn black-lists you

• If a LION IDKs you, you are not penalized, supposedly

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Help! I’ve Been IDKed!

• To remove the restriction contact Customer Service

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Alternative to Becoming a LION?

• Find at least 5 LIONs in your industry, locality, occupation

• Network with them• Will grow your network exponentially• Takes very little effort vs. being a LION

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Today’s Agenda

• Building Your Personal Brand• How Employers Use LinkedIn• Must Have Elements of Your Profile• Making and Getting Recommendations• Becoming Findable• Using LinkedIn Groups• Power Tools to Enhance

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Power Tool: Google

• First step: Check out your competition• YOUR


• For example:• engineer and

Minnesota -directory

Excludes company directory

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Adding Connections

• You start with 3,000 available invitations

• Click “Add Connections”

• Always personalize your invitation!

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Searching on LinkedIn

• LinkedIn free account limits search viewing to 100 results

• Use quotes around search terms for example “project manager”, “vice president”

• Use OR to combine searches “director" OR “vice president"

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Search for Contacts

• Search for people

• Note how far away they are

• If you share a group, great!

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Three Degrees of LinkedIn

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Power Tool: LinkedIn Toolbars

• Install LinkedIn Browser Toolbar


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Power Tool: LinkedIn Toolbars

• Install LinkedIn Browser Toolbar

• Bonus! It installs JobsInsider

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• Example display with Monster

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Power Tool: LinkedIn Toolbars

• Install LinkedIn OutlookToolbar

• The Grab button is worth it by itself• Grab contact info from email sigs!

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Follow Just Joined

• Check out the Just Joined LinkedIn section of your Home page:

• New LinkedIn users that worked or attended the companies and schools listed on your profile

• Click links, find people you know, and invite them to connect

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Inviting People to Connect

• Several ways to invite people

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Inviting People: Get Introduced

• Check out your connections’ networks

• Get introduced through a connection

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Inviting People: Add Contact

• Add contact to your network – must have some kind of connection

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Inviting Colleagues

• Add contact to your network - colleague

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Inviting Classmates

• Add contact to your network - classmate

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Inviting Business Connections

• Add contact to your network - business

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Inviting Fellow Group Members

• Add contact to your network - groups

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Use the Jobs Section

• Hundreds of jobs are posted

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LinkedIn Job Search

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LinkedIn Advanced Job Search

• Advanced Job Search

• Search by title or function

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LinkedIn Advanced Job Search

• Shows “hiring manager”

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Search Titles

• Advanced Search

• How great is that?!

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Today’s Agenda

• Building Your Personal Brand• How Employers Use LinkedIn• Must Have Elements of Your Profile• Making and Getting Recommendations• Becoming Findable• Using LinkedIn Groups• Power Tools to Enhance

LinkedInCopyright © 2009, StratVantage Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved

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Join Groups

• Join groups• Up to 50• Get email

digests of discussions

• A way to connect to people you don’t know

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Finding and Joining Groups

• Enter pretty much any keyword, and you’ll find a group

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Create a LinkedIn Group

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• Determine a concept or problem of concern to your target audience

• Create a LinkedIn Group• Name it using keywords• Invite your contacts

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LinkedIn Group Strategy

• Need plan to recruit members• Set a policy on the types of posts

– Prevent LION invites?– Prevent repeatedly posting the same

post?• Keywords for groups are key

– Microsoft ex-employees group is run by an Apple recruiter

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LinkedIn Group Strategy

• Encourage members to display group logo on their profiles

• Group search is onlydone on the 300 word summary

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Never Can Say Goodbye

• How do you drop a contact?

• Click Connections, select Connection, then Remove

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Thank You!

More In-Depth Training from Linked InSolutions

– Linked In or Left Out: Using LinkedIn and Twitter to Find a Job – 3-hour Workshop

– Using Social Media for Business – 90-minute Webinar

– Using Social Media for Recruiting – 90-minute Webinar

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Thank You!– You are welcome to connect with me:– Mike Ellsworth– Twitter: @MikeEllsworth– LinkedIn:– Facebook:– Google Mike Ellsworth and check the bottom of

the first page– [email protected]– 952-484-5287

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Thank You!

– Linked InSolutions Facebook Page:

– Social Media for Job Search LinkedIn Group:

– StratVantage Consulting LinkedIn Page:

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