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Sonia’s ACE Portfolio Fall 2016 1

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Sonia’s ACE Portfolio Fall 2016


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Professional Correspondence to Service Learners

Hello Everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to remind you that our 2nd refection is this Sunday, November 13th from 5-6pm. It will take place in Kalmanovitz Hall room 111.

As a friendly reminder, you are required to attend 2 reflections in the semester.

Please RSVP by filling out this Google form:

I look forward to seeing you all soon.


Sonia Hurtado Ureño

In Progress: B.A. Sociology | University of San Francisco

Resident Advisor | Student Housing and Residential Education


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Professional Correspondence to Faculty

Hi Sonia,

I am running into some issues with students' availability in terms of being able to attend one of the orientation sessions. Given that all 30 of the students will be engaging with Mission Graduates this semester, would it be possible to hold a special orientation for our class during class time? I believe the purpose of the session is to set them up for the background checks to be able to go on site at the schools. Is this correct? I don't mean to create more work for you but I want to ensure that all of my students can go on site since it is a requirement of the course.

Or, please let me know if you would prefer for me to reach out to Jenna about this issue.



Hi Professor,

Thanks for communicating your concern. Jenna and I are definitely able to hold an additional orientation during your class time. Is there a specific day you had in mind?


Sonia Hurtado Ureño

In Progress: B.A. Sociology | University of San Francisco

Resident Advisor | Student Housing and Residential Education


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“The Importance of Making Latino Student Success a Family Goal” by Alfredo Gonzalez

This article highlights the importance and need for family support for Latino students in higher education. Although many parents value education, there is a lack of familiarity and knowledge about what navigating college looks like for many Latinos. As a consequence, many families do not know how to support their first-generation college student and often impact the educational experience of students. This article also offers different ways in which institutions can create programs to engage and build relationships with Latino parents. Reading this article allowed me to better understand college connect and their commitment to supporting college students. College Connect is a program for first generation college students in the mission and their families. Parents and guardians of the cohort are expected to attend meetings and workshops on a regular basis to become familiarized with the college experience and engage in dialogue to better support their student. The staff at College Connect also build a relationship with parents. College Connect is already doing a great job in building the family support this article emphasizes.

“Expanding Horizons: New Views of course Concepts” by Christine Cress and Judy Patton

This theoretical piece talks about connecting Service-Learning tasks and larger social and political issues. The section that spoke to me was the transformational learning section; transformational learning involves asking critical questions, to engage in reflection, and to identify strategies for leveraging change. Furthermore, it frames service learning as reciprocal learning; while students and faculty share their academic knowledge, community partners offer an opportunity to turn theory into practice. This chapter contributed to my learning because it offered me a dense theoretical understanding of service learning. It allowed me to better understand my role as a service learner at College Connect and the role of my service learners. Lastly, it also equipped my with the theoretical tools to support and challenge my service learners during reflection.


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Reflections 1st Reflection

Introductions (15 minutes)

o Name, year, major, SL class o Why did you decide to do service at Mission Graduates?

Establish community Guidelines (5 minutes)

o “What is said here stays here, what is learned here leaves here”, Step up/Step down, Intent vs. Impact

FACE Assessment: (30 Minutes)

Pass out FACE Assessments to each student Give students overview of each column on board (2-3 mintes) Give 10 minutes for students to complete their chart Pair Share (3 minutes) Large Group Discussion (15 minutes)

o What came up for you? o Have you ever worked with other students/youth? How do you think

working at mission graduates will be similar/different? o What challenges do you think you have?o How do you hope to grow personally, professionally? What do you hope to

contribute?o What became more clean about Mission Graduates?

Closing (7-10 minutes)

Collect FACE Assessments Announcements/Reminders Answer Questions


Overall, I felt that this reflection was successful. The pair share was a great idea to get everyone to reflect before engaging in our larger group discussion. Our group discussion was also very productive. We discussed insider/outsider dynamics and stereotypes about service learners and the mission.


The only difference that I would make for the first reflection is ask students to RSVP to have a better estimate of the turnout.


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2st Reflection

Introductions (15 minutes)

o Name, year, major, SL class, projecto Share one thing that you have learned while doing service?

Establish community Guidelines (5 minutes)

o “What is said here stays here, what is learned here leaves here”, Step up/Step down, Intent vs. Impact

o Ask for any additions

Watch “The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: (20 Minutes)

o Connect computer to projector

Large Group Discussion (15 minutes)

o What stood out to you from the video? o Has anyone ever seen something though a “single story” lens? Has

anyone ever been viewed through a single lens? How did you feel?o Where else do we see “single stories” in our society?o What kind of “single stories” do you think exist about our community

partners and the neighborhood? How do you think this impacts them?o How do you think we can look beyond “single stories”?

Closing (5 minutes)

Announcements/Reminders Answer Questions

Results: This reflection had a better turn out than the first, which allowed our discussion to include different voices. The student learners connected the video to the election results and how this may impact the students and staff at mission graduates. Many also shared their experiences doing service in their school cite.


Next time, I will incorporate a pair share activity or a small journaling activity to give students an opportunity to gather their thoughts before engaging in a larger discussion.


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3rd Reflection

Introductions (5 minutes)

o Name, year, major, SL class

Paper Chain Exercise (30)

Purpose: The Paper chain exercise illustrates the dynamics of power dividing participation into three groups with differential access to power. It is a good exercise to demonstrate social stratification.

Preparation: Prepare three bags with different supplies in each bag. Bag #1 has white paper, colorful paper, several 6” rulers, scissors, glue, tape, markers. Bag # 2 has white paper, very little colored paper, a ruler, some tape, a single pair of scissors and one or two markers. Bag # 3 has toilet paper, some newspaper, some supplies that cannot be used (like a stapler with no more than 10 staples, a broken ruler (shorter than 6”). For round 2, bring some extra colored paper and for round 3, have a stapler or two with plenty of staples. If you have them, you may also name badges or newsprint so that each gor8ip can create identification poster (with their team name or logo). Sometimes it helps to set up the room into three groups around tables that are somewhat distant from each other. Note: You should adjust the quantity of materials to account for the number of participants.

Round 1 Instruction: “I’d like to introduce an exercise that is in an activity about

resourcefulness and working together. First, we will split into three groups. In your group, your goal will be to make the longest paper chain (illustrate what a paper chain is).

Every paper chain must be created with paper strips that are 1 inch wide and 6 inches long. The group that wins will receive--- ( a fabulous prize, extra dessert, extra credit point, whatever would be appropriate reward for this group.) Let’s count off by 3s’.After they have counted off, move each group to their appropriate place in the room and have them create a team name. Using nametags or newsprint, have the team member write their team logo or name on the poster and or nametags to identify themselves. After they are settled and finish their identifying poster and or badge, say “Each group will get a bag of materials to make your paper chain. You may use ONLY the materials in you bag to make the chain. Remember that the longest chain wins. You have 6 minutes for this round and you will receive more instruction. Begin”

Observe all groups (observe who is aware of the other group, look for signs of creativity, industriousness, hopelessness, dropping out) After 3-4 minutes “tax” the 2s and 3s by taking away some supplies.

Give 1 minute warning and then close the round.


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Invite each group to “present” their chain to the other group describing its special features. Each group should also explain what was in their bag of supplies. Clap after each presentation and then declare that 1s are the winner of the first round (even if their chain is not the longest…you may offer some other qualities: nice straights cuts, “seamless links” if they used the glue, unique colors to explain the 1st triumph.

In the discussion, ask when each group noticed what the other groups had (Usually, the group with the most supplies is least likely to notice what the other groups have. The groups with the last resources are aware that they have deficient supplies) Ask each group if they worked hard.

Round 2 Announce the second round. “In Round 2, there are some new criteria; The new

criteria are the winning chain will be the longest and most colorful. Because group 1 worked so hard and did such a good job, they will be getting new materials for round 2 (hand this group the extra color paper.

Begin Round 2: “You may begin. You have 6 minutes. The chain links must once again by 1 inch wide and 6 inches long. Remember that the criteria are longest and most colorful paper chain”.

Observe signs of apathy, rule breaking, or stealing. Discourage groups from sharing materials. You can suggest that the 2s and the 3s do whatever groups in a society to get what they need, they can abide by riles, go outside of the rules, use their creativity, ect. Don’t allow violence, but you can expect some rule breaking.

Stop Round 2 after 6 minutes. Once again, have each group present and explain their chain. Clap after each presentation and then declare the 1s winner for round 2.

Round 3 (final round) Announce the third and final round. “In round 3, there are new criteria, Due to

technological advances, long colorful paper chains with staple links are the most valued. Group 1 because of their continued hard work and discipline receive additional materials” (give group 1 a stapler and plenty of staplers)

Begin round 3: “You may begin. You have 6 minutes to complete your final paper chain.

Remember the longest, most colorful, staple paper chain will win.” Observe the groups again (looking for similar patterns as described in round 2). Stop this round after 6 minutes, or if too much chaos ensues. Once again, have

each group present and explain their chain. Declare the 1s the winner and award the prizes. (Even if the other groups have stolen resources from the 1st, or have combined resources and have made a longer chain, find a way to declare the 1st winner. You might “deem” the acts of 2s and 3s stealing or cheating as one way to discredit their success).


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Discussion (20 Minutes)

“Let’s hear from each of the groups. How did it feel to be a part of your group? When did you notice what other groups had?

Did the 1s “deserve” to win? Why or why not? Did they work harder than the other groups?

Does this happen in our society? Where? How does this activity reflect our educational system?

Closing (5 minutes)

Announcements/Reminders Answer Questions

Results: The paper chain activity was an excellent way to connect what the service

learners had been doing in their cites to larger social, political and economic issues. Our discussion showed that students made these connections, especially in relation to access to education. Many of the students experiences frustration and confusion and shared examples from their schools.


The only difference that I would make would be to add a pair share activity or a small journaling activity to give students an opportunity to gather their thoughts before engaging in a larger discussion.


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Group Meeting Notes

-Reflection models ORID Model:

Stands for objective, reflective, interpretive, decisional Objective-Describe the environment and people Reflective-How do you feel when you first entered new environment Interpretive-What social issues does the organization address? Decisional-how might the skills/knowledge learned in the classroom be applied to

help the community? Different approached to conduct reflection include large groups discussion, pair-

share, journal and share, or a combination

Reflection format: What, So What, Now What:

What: describe the service cite, people, interactions So What: interpretive, meaning, feelings, why?

o Ex. How was your service addressing the social issue? Now What? This is the applicative; big picture and action

o Ex. What else can be done to address these issues.

Social Identity Wheel Identities on wheel

o Race, Ethnicity, Socio-economic class, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin, first Language, physical, emotional, developmental ability, religion or spiritual affiliation

Questions: o What identities do you think about most often?o Identities you think about least often?o Your own identities you would like to learn more about?o Identities that have the strongest effect on how you see yourself as a

person? Reflection—Pair share and large group discussions


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Training Week/Winter Retreat artifact


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This semester has been a journey of growth. Coming into the ACE position, I did

not realize how much I would learn about myself, social justice issues, and my peers.

This portfolio outlines my professional, personal and social justice development as an


I demonstrate professional development in my professional correspondence,

reflections, smart goals and images from mission graduates. Throughout the semester, I

communicated with service learners, faculty, our community partners verbally and

electronically in a professional manner. My email sent to the professor communicating

that I would be available to host an additional orientation for her class demonstrates

this. Overall, I feel that I have developed my voice and style to communicate to different


I collaborated with my supervisor and community partners to craft the reflections.

I facilitated the reflections in which the service learners shared with the larger group

stories in which they learned something new or had been challenged.

The images of College Connect are images of the recruitment of cohort 9, their

writing coaches, cohort 9 students, and the college application process. I chose these

images because these projects are the ones that I have supported in my direct service.

At the beginning of my service I met with my supervisor, Karen and spoke with her

about my needs and goals with College Connect and she has assigned me projects that

align with my goals. I feel that my relationship with college connect has been reciprocal.


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An activity that allowed me to explore my personal identities and larger social

justice issues was the identity workshop facilitated by Kiana and Greta. This activity

challenged me to think about the identities that I don’t really think about, like emotional

ability. It allowed me to see my differences with others’ identities as an opportunity to

learn about other’s experiences in our society and build solidarity.

I feel that I have also become a better facilitator when leading reflections. The

tools that I gained during training and group meetings, such as the ORID model has

helped me be intentional and creating with my reflections.

Overall, I feel that I have grown a lot in my first semester as an ACE. It has been

a pleasure to get to know my co-ACE’s, Jenna, Karen and Fernando. I have felt

supported by my community partners, faculty, the Leo T. McCarthy Center to grow

professionally, personally and conscientiously.