linkedin workshop action sheets

Create Your Professional Headline – Task 1 First impressions mean everything, especially on LinkedIn, Standout, make it interesting and enticing. What is in it for me? Description Value Keywords Example Technology – who cares? Business Development ► Solving problems working with clients to ensure ….. ► Key words Now create yours! Max length 120 characters

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Linkedin Workshop action sheets

Create Your Professional Headline – Task 1

First impressions mean everything, especially on LinkedIn, Standout, make it interesting and enticing.

What is in it for me? Description ► Value ► Keywords


Technology – who cares?

Business Development ► Solving problems working with clients to ensure ….. Key ►words

Now create yours! Max length 120 characters

Page 2: Linkedin Workshop action sheets

Summary Builder – Task 2

Opening – padding be humble, I am here to help

Hello and thank you for taking the time to view my profile. I am passionate about

business communication and helping people use social media to generate leads,

drive new business, gather business intelligence and get closer to their customers.

3 great things I do for my clients

What I am looking for

I am looking to help professionals who need a regular flow of new clients, and I am

always happy to build long term win-win relationships with like-minded people. 

Personal - Great way to end – yes you are a human being!

Outside of work I am a keen Aston Villa FC fan, enjoy most sports, & roughing it in the outdoors!

Page 3: Linkedin Workshop action sheets

Magic Messages

Invitations to connect Thank you for reaching out to me on Linkedin can I please ask how you found my profile

Good to connect. I was just wondering what interested you to connect with me and how I might be able to help?Regards, Andy

Thanks for accepting my request to connect. I would love to get an understanding of what you do and where your current focus is at the moment to see if there a synergy between our two businesses.

Would you be interested in chatting through some ideas?Regards, Andy

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I noticed that you have recently viewed my profile and wondered what it was that interested you and how I might be able to help?

Let me know if you would like to talk about how I can help you use Linkedin more powerfully

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Regards, Andy

I am currently looking to reach out to top XXXX and I noticed your profile as we are member of the same group. With your permission I would like to connectRegards, Andy

Trust you are well. My client and friend, XXXX asked to be introduced. I'll leave you two to connect.

Regards, Andy

Iwonder if you'd be interested in having a chat to see how we might be able to help each other?

Connecting via groups

I am currently looking to reach out to top [ ] and I noticed your profile as we are member of the same group [ ] with your permission I would like to send you an invitation to connect

Asking your first line

I hope you are well we are connected via LinkedIn. I am currently looking to reach out to [ ] and noticed [ ] is a direct connection of yours. Can you help me out by connecting me to him?

Always happy to return the favour

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