lions clubs international district 201w1 & … hall of fame new...


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Established in 2012, the Western Australian Lions Hall of Fame is an initiative to celebrate the outstanding contribution made by

individual Lions and to recognize an elite group of people who have given exceptional service to the advancement of Lions in Western

Australia during the past 50 years.

* Denotes deceased

Inaugural Members 2012

PDG Wally Barrett Nominated by the Lions Club of Boddington

PDG Wally Barrett

Past District Governor Wally joined the Boddington Lions Club as the Charter Secretary in 1976.

His work took him throughout the state and he was also a member of Goomalling, Kwinana and Narrogin Lions Clubs. He is currently a member of The Lions Club of Mandurah.

Board member for many years, holding the position of President 4 times

Held the Cabinet positions of Deputy District Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Zone Chairman, Drug Awareness Chairman, Save Sight, Mints and Campaign Sight First.

Elected to the Position of District Governor for 201W2 in 1998/99

Former State Chairman of Campaign Sight First for 5 years, he has also been a board member of The Australian Lions Drug Awareness Foundation and State representative for Australian Lions Mints.

A Life Member of Lions Clubs International. He has received numerous awards and is a Melvin Jones Fellow.

Received the Efficiency Medal and Bar, Australian Defence Medal, Police Service Medal, National Medal, Reserve Force Medal, Distinguished Service Medal, National Service Medal to Local Government and has

been a Shire Councillor for 18 years and is currently the Shire President for the Shire of Murray.

Fundraising Chairman for Lions Walk for Sight for 18 years and was the Australian Representative at Bombay, India for World Drug Conference in 1988.

*PDG Tom CameronNominated by the Lions Club of Morley

*PDG Tom CameronA Charter Member of the third Lions Club to be established in Western Australia, The Lions Club of Morley; Past District Governor Tom

was a tireless worker for Lions.

The third District Governor of the then District 201L in 1968/69.

22 years on District Cabinet in a variety of roles including Youth Exchange Chairman and was Chairman of several District Conventions. He held the position of Extension Chairman for the whole of Western Australia.

Life Member of Lions Clubs International and a Melvin Jones Fellow.

Key Member, Lion of the Year and was the first Western Australian recipient of a World President’s Award.

In 1995 received an Advance Australia Award and for 20 years was Vice President of The Civilian Maimed & Limbless Association. He was also a Past Vice President and workshop coordinator of the Para Quads.

A Justice of the Peace for over 20 years he was also a Past President of the Swan Districts Football Club.

Assisted in the formation of numerous Lions Clubs including Inglewood, Osborne, Merredin, Kalgoorlie, Tammin, Goomalling, Northampton, Mullewa, & Lake Grace just to name a few of the 41 Clubs he helped form.

Constitution & By Laws Chairman for District 201L for many years.

When the City of Perth Lions Auxiliary bought a 22 foot caravan to be used as a portable testing clinic for people in WA for glaucoma, Tom would head off for weeks on end up into the Pilbara & Kimberley regions of northern Western Australia.

The Screening Van was the forerunner to The Lions Eye Institute and Lions Save Sight Foundation.

The Tom Cameron Award was struck in his honour by the Lions Eye Institute.

At the Lismore Convention held to mark the 50th Anniversary of Lions in Australia in 1999, the Lismore Medal was presented to 20 Lions who were recognized for their outstanding contribution to the establishment and growth of

Lions Clubs in Australia.Past District Governor Tom Cameron was one of the recipients.

Lion Lorna Dodd Nominated by the Lions Club of Manning

Lion Lorna Dodd

Joined Manning Lions Club in 1994

Served her Club as President for 2 consecutive years and has also served as Club secretary for 4 years.

Other Club positions include Membership and Cake Chairman.

Appointed to District Cabinet in 1996 as Hospitality Chairman and as District Chairman for Lions Hearing Foundation from 1997 through to 2008.

Received a James D Richardson Award in 2002, International President’s Appreciation Certificate in 2005 and a District Governors Appreciation Award .

In 2010 was City of South Perth’s Citizen of the Year.

Tireless worker for Lions, volunteering on behalf of Lions on a weekly basis for St Vincent de Paul as an Opportunity Shop Assistant for 11 years. She knits for King Edward Memorial Hospital Prems and World Vision. She is a Read & Write tutor teaching English to migrants twice weekly and also presents current

affairs to Castledare Retirement Village on a weekly basis.

Assists the Ryder Cheshire Foundation, transporting the sick and also acting as relief House Mother for 8 years.

Lion Lorna Dodd is one of those unsung heroes who goes about her Lions work without fanfare or fuss, committed to doing everything she can to assist those in need.

*PDG Des Hitchcock Nominated by the Lions Club of Port Kennedy

*PDG Des Hitchcock

Joined the Karratha Dampier Lions Club in 1976.

As a Bank Manager, moved on a fairly regular basis and he was a member of Kalamunda Lions Club, Lynwood, where he was appointed as Guiding Lion by Cabinet to build the Club up, Lesmurdie, Rockingham

and was with The Lions Club of Port Kennedy before he passed away.

Held numerous positions on Cabinet including Lieutenant Governor, Cabinet Secretary, CBL Chairman, Zone Chairman, Ringabout, Miss Personality, Fund raising projects, New Clubs Orientation and Training Forums.

District Governor in 1993/94

Held the position of Secretary for Lions Save Sight Foundation, Youth Exchange, Scandinavian Goodwill Tours and New Clubs Orientation Officer.

He organised Scandinavian and Australian Lions adult visits and managed all aspects of a Scandinavian Youth Choir visit, including hosting, concert and sightseeing.

Treasurer for the Multiple District Convention in 1994 and was on the Multiple Districts Legal Committee for 10 years as consultant for Districts 201W1 and W2.

Received numerous awards for his Lions work over the years including International Presidents Certificates of Appreciation, is a Life member and a William Tresise Fellow.

Melvin Jones Fellow and has received a Lions Save Sight Foundation Fellowship Award.

*PDG Norm InnesNominated by the Lions Club of Ballajura

*PDG Norm InnesJoined Lions in 1976 as a member of The Lions Club of Hamersley

Larger than life character whose Scottish accent never waned.

He held an executive position at Club level most years, including multiple terms as Club President and Secretary.

He was also a Guiding Lion

Appointed as Zone Chairman in 1981 and served on Cabinet for many years, becoming District Governor for 201W1 in 1988/89.

Best remembered for his antics in promoting Lions Christmas Cakes.

He never let an opportunity pass to promote Lions and a huge advertising board could always be seen on the verge outside his home advertising Lions Christmas Cakes in the lead up to Christmas each year.

Norm received many awards including James D Richardson Award, District Governor Extension Award, Tom Cameron Award and Melvin Jones Fellowship Award.

Life member of Lions, Norm also received an Australia Day Active Citizenship Award.

He had more than 35 years perfect attendance record and sponsored more than 20 new members.

He was involved in the charter of a number of new Lions Clubs, including Ballajura Lions Club where he ultimately became a member.

Norm was the first to volunteer and more often than not, the last to leave.

*PDG John Knowles OAMNominated by the Lions Club of Floreat

*PDG John Knowles OAMA Lion for over 45 years, having joined Floreat Lions Club in 1967.

Club President 3 times, Secretary 4 times and Treasurer 4 times. He has served as a Director of Floreat for 18 years.

Cabinet Secretary for 201W1 for a total of 13 years and was District Governor in 1979-80.

Held other Cabinet positions and was State Chairman for Miss Personality for 2 years.

At National Level served as Convention Sergeant at Arms for 6 years, Australian Lions Foundation Chairman for 7 years and as Emergency Grants Chairman for 16 years.

Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, and a William Tresise Fellow. 2 James D Richardson Awards as well as 2 International Presidents Awards and 10 International President’s Certificates.

Recipient of 6 District Governor Star Awards, a Tom Cameron Award and the inaugural recipient of the John Knowles Award.Life Member of the Lions Club of Floreat.

Recipient of the Lions Clubs International Ambassador of Goodwill Award.

Inducted into the Australian Lions Foundation Hall of Fame in 2009, John received the Order of Australia Medal for services to the Community through Lions.

Inducted into the Past District Governors Hall of Fame, is a Lions Save Sight Fellow and a Lions Save Sight Life Member.

For many years ran the Lions Shop from the back of the premises of his own Pharmacy Shop in Leederville and is largely responsible for the healthy state of District 201W1’s finances today.

A true example of “We Serve”.

*PDG Malcolm LevinsonNominated by the Lions City of Perth (Host) Club

*PDG Malcom LevinsonWas the first West Australian District Governor in 1966 – 67

Joined the Lions Club of City of Perth (Host) Club as a Charter member in 1962 and was duly elected as 3rd Vice President.

Malcolm was a jeweller by trade & his brother Robert was the Charter Secretary.

After the Charter year, Malcolm served as 1st Vice President and then as President.

Served as a Zone Chairman until the Region 3 Convention hosted by Victoria Park Lions Club

He was elected to be the first District Governor of Western Australia during the year 1966/67.

Involved in a number of Club charters and convened the first meetings to form Clubs in both Geraldton and Carnarvon

Went on to serve on Cabinet for a number of years in positions as diverse as International Relations, Information, Constitutions and Conventions.

Had the honour in 1968 of sponsoring into Lions the then Western Australian Governor, Major General Sir Douglas Kendew as an Honorary Lion.

*Lion Don LevyNominated by the Lions Club of Morley

*Lion Don Levy

Lion Don was a member of The Lions Club of Morley.

Joined Lions in 1960, making him arguably the longest serving Lion in Western Australia as at the time of his induction into the Hall of Fame.

Don joined the Lions Club of Kur-Ringai in New South Wales, transferring to Wellington South Lions Club, before seeing the light and moving to Western Australia.

He transferred to City of Perth Lions Club before eventually transferring to Morley Lions Club.

Served as President of every Club he was a member of and served Morley Club as President 4 times.

He was appointed Guiding Lion for 3 new Clubs and held numerous Cabinet positions including terms as Cabinet Secretary, Deputy District Governor, Zone Chairman, Leo Chairman and Extension Chairman.

Chairman of the W1-W2 Fundraising for the Trotting Club, Chairman for the New Zealand Youth Exchange and in 1985 received an Advance Australia Award.

Received no less than 23 Lions Awards and was awarded Life Membership in 1993.

He was also a Melvin Jones Fellow.

Received a Gold Police Award in 1993, Stirling Council Citizens Award, a 60 year Jewell Masons award, the 3rd highest award for Grand Treasurer for 13 years and was also Chairman of the Alexander Park Bowling


Lion Noel Smith OAMNominated by the City of Perth (Host) Lions Club

Lion Noel Smith OAMJoined The City of Perth (Host) Club in 1967.

Served terms as President for 12 years, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, Tail Twister and Membership Chairman.

Served on many Club projects, often as chairman, which included Save Sight screening for glaucoma and amblyopia, which was the first mass screening of the public in WA, and helped in the Lions Identikid Bus, He was highly commended by the police service for his

foresight and initiative in making this project possible.

At District level served on Cabinet for 20 years, 12 of those as Cabinet Treasurer.

It was during Noel’s tenure as Cabinet Treasurer and due to his astute business acumen and his sound investment knowledge that enabled the District’s finances to blossom.

Youth Exchange Chairman for 4 years and through his tenacity and drive to help young people to enjoy cultural exchange, he was responsible for forming and developing exchange programs with South Africa and Germany.

Responsible for bringing Camp Quality to Western Australia in 1984. He was founder and chairman for a number of years. His Club and later the District took Camp Quality on as a project for many years until the wider business community came on board with financial


Received numerous awards over the years for his caring and dedicated work.

Awards include International President’s Award for involvement in Youth Exchange, James D Richardson Award, William Tresise Fellow and is a Melvin Jones Fellow.

Member of the Order of Australia and a Life Member of RSPCA where he served 20 years as their National Treasurer and served as a WA Councillor of the RSPCA for 36 years.

Serves on the Ethics Committee for Royal Perth Hospital.

*PDG Lorraine Strickland Nominated by the Lions Club of Canning City

*PDG Lorraine Strickland

Past District Governor Lorraine joined Lynwood Districts Lions Ladies Auxiliary in 1977 and the Lions Club in 1992. Served as Club President 3 times and as Secretary 3 times. Held a board position for 16 years.

District positions included Zone Chairman, District Leadership & Development Chairman, Membership & Extension Committee, Youth of the Year Chairman, Zone Chairman Co-ordinator for 10 years and Sergeant

at Arms for District Conventions twice.

Became the first female District Governor for 201W1 in 2001/2002

Save Sight Board member and Honorary Secretary before becoming Chairman of The Lions Save Sight Foundation in 2005 until her death.

On the Multiple District Membership & Extension Committee for 3 years and 4 years as State Coordinator for Lions Youth of the Year. During her 4 year term, three National winners came from Western Australia.

Received numerous awards for her work in Lions and was a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.

An educator who never stopped learning. Her Teaching career was interrupted by a horrific car accident in 1986. While recuperating she enrolled in a Master Programme at Murdoch University and after earning

her Masters Degree she was employed by the University, teaching and mentoring external Education students.

Lorraine’s passion and enthusiasm for learning and Lions was widely respected as she willing passed on her knowledge and experience to all who sought her counsel.

*PDG Rick Sullivan Nominated by the Lions Club of Stirling

*PDG Rick SullivanPast District Governor Rick was inducted into Lions in 1978, joining the Victorian Lions Club of Portarlington


In 1983 Rick transferred to Inglewood Lions Club. He quickly became involved in that Club’s activities and established the Youth Encouragement Awards for young children through local schools and junior sporting groups.

He was a regular raffle ticket seller at the Maylands Hotel every Friday afternoon.

Served as Inglewood President in 1987/88

On Cabinet of 201W1 for many years as District Public Relations Chairman and Regional Chairman, becoming District Governor in 1991/92.

Whilst District Governor, Rick started the Lions Exemplary Service Award, for members of the public who were not Lions. He continued to administer the award for over 15 years until he could no longer continue due to ill health.

Prolific promoter of Lions and did so at every opportunity. He wrote the information booklet “Who are the Lions?” for new and prospective Lions.

He instigated Lions Day in the City and was responsible for Walk for Sight, a fundraising initiative for Lions Save Sight Foundation where he was a Director for a number of years.

Received numerous awards for his tireless work, including, Tom Cameron Award, William Tresise Fellowship, James D Richardson Award, Ian Stockdale Humanitarian Award and was a Melvin Jones Fellow.

Life Membership was bestowed on Rick in 2009.

An outstanding mentor for many less experienced Lions and was never too busy to help anybody who asked.

Lion John WilliamsNominated by the Lions Club of Leeuwin

Lion John Williams

Lion John is the Charter President of the Lions Club of Leeuwin which makes him a Lion for 41 years.

Held many positions within the Leeuwin Lions Club including Tailtwister, Vice President, President twice, Social, Aged Care, Project Recycling, Youth and History Chairman.

Awarded Life Membership of Lions Clubs International in 1992 and has sponsored over 11 new members into Lions.

Has an unending and abundance of energy that has seen him establish an Aged Care Facility in Augusta, an all weather airstrip in Augusta, a boat ramp and jetty and the

establishment of the Sea, Search and Rescue Service in Augusta.

Often called upon to MC at different functions, including neighbouring Lions Club’s changeovers, Lion John is an enthusiastic visitor to other Clubs fostering goodwill and


Helps run The Anaconda Adventure Race weekend held in Augusta each year.

Members Admitted 2013

PDG Colin Beauchamp AM JPNominated by the Lions Club of Binningup Waters

PDG Colin Beauchamp AM JP

Joined Lions Club of Manning in 1984

Club President 3 times, Personality Quest Chairman 5 years Zone & Region Chairman

District Governor 1996/97

Guiding Lion Port Kennedy

First year board member of Lions Eye Institute & Lions Hearing Foundation

23 years on Board of Lions Cancer Institute – 15 as Chairman

Life Fellow of Lions Cancer Institute

Melvin Jones Fellow, James D Richardson Award & Ian Stockdale Humanitarian Award

Awarded Order of Australia (AM) in 2007 for work with Cancer screening

Lion Murray Fletcher Nominated by the City of Perth (Host) Lions Club

Lion Murray Fletcher

Joined Lions Clubs International in 1965, 48 years as a Lion

Held numerous club positions including President and Secretary

Cabinet Magazine Chairman – West Lion Magazine – 17 years2 years for W1 then 15 years editor for both Districts

One of 36 original members of the Incorporated Lions Eye Institute

10 years as a Director of Save Sight Foundation

Numerous awards including District Governor Plaques, International Presidents Appreciation Award, District Star Award, James D Richardson Award

Melvin Jones Fellow

Member of Royal Aero Club for 45 years, 46 years as a pilot

Member of Police Aero Club for 30 years

Club computer project Chairman through whose efforts to date over 2000 computers sent to overseas under privileged children

PCC Ian Kelly Nominated by the Lions Club of Booragoon

PCC Ian Kelly

Joined Lions Club of Booragoon in 1973 as a Charter Member

Transferred to Falcon Lions Club as a charter member in 2008 and Mandurah in 2010

Membership Advancement Key

Perfect Attendance for over 40 years.

Held most club positions including several terms as Club President

District Governor in 1992/93 and Council Chairman in 1993/94

Australian Lions Foundation Trustee

Numerous awards including William Tresise, Lloyd Morgan Honoured Trust Fellow, James D Richardson Award,

International Presidents Certificate of Appreciation and Lion of the Year

Melvin Jones Fellow

*PDG Bill LaundyNominated by the Lions Club of Carnamah

*PDG Bill Laundy

29 years a member of Lions Clubs International

Bill has moved extensively throughout WA with work and has been a member of Bridgetown, Rocky Gully, Mandurah Waters, Newman, Denmark, Kalgoorlie and Carnamah

Held numerous positions at Club level including several terms a President & Secretary

Zone Chairman 4 times, Region Chairman 2 times, CBL Chairman for 8 years

Leadership Chairman for Western Australia

District Governor W1 in 2003/04 and again in 2010/11

Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow

100% District Governors Medal – twice and International Presidents Certificate Star Award

Resurrected Newman Lions Club from 2 members to 30 plus in 3 years

Established a joint aged persons unit agreement with Homeswest whilst in Denmark Lions Club

*PDG Joe MasonNominated by the Lions Club of Mandurah

*PDG Joe MasonJoined Lions in 1959 and known as the “Father” of Lions in Western Australia

Charter Member of Lions Club of City of Perth (Host) in 1962, later transferring to North Perth and MandurahAwarded Life Member in 1988

W1 District Cabinet for 18 years and District Governor in 1983/84

Founding Member and Director – Lions Help to Hear Foundation

Director Lions Save Sight Foundation

Founder Lions Identikit

Founded in 1983 the WA Lions Children of Courage Awards

International Representative 1964-72 servicing Australia and the Pacific Islands

Accredited with chartering over 100 new Lions Clubs

James D Richardson Award, 50 Year Charter Monarch, 9 International Presidents Awards, 4 International Presidents Extension Awards, Supreme Extension Award (one of only 5 ever awarded to an Australian)

Melvin Jones Fellow

Medal of the Order of Australia for service to the community through Lions Clubs International

Justice of the Peace (appointed 1981)First Lion in Western Australia and in 2002 was inducted into the Multiple District ALF Lions Hall of Fame

*PDG Harry Snell OAMNominated by the Lions Club of Morley

**PDG Harry Snell OAM

Over 40 years as a member of Lions Clubs International

Pioneer of Lions in Western Australia

Master Key (30 new members)

Instrumental in starting 20 new Lions Clubs

Justice of the Peace.

Awarded OAM in 2001

Served in most club positions including several as Club President

District Governor, Extension Chairman, Youth Exchange, CBL Chairman & WA Representative on Darwin Relief Committee

Members Admitted 2014

PCC Ambrose Depiazzi Nominated by the Lions Club of Mandurah

PCC Ambrose DepiazziPCC Ambrose joined the Mandurah Lions Club in 1971 and has long been a stalwart of the Mandurah Lions and trusted

advisor to many District Governors and Cabinet Officers In District 201W2.

The following Club, District and Multiple District & International awards and positions are a sample of his numerous achievements in Lions

AwardsJames D Richardson Award, Tom Cameron Award, Melvin Jones Fellowship, 40 year Charter Monarch, Key Member, District

Governor’s Appreciation Awards, International President Award, Life member.

Club Charter Treasurer 1971/72, President 1974/75 and 2004/05, Secretary 1978/79, Treasurer 2005/06

DistrictZone Chairman 1975/76, Lioness Chairman 1977/78, Fight Cancer Chairman1977/79, District Governor 1979/80, Director

Help to Hear 1978/81, Director Save Sight 1979/83, Treasurer Miss Personality 1982/83, CBL Chairman 1982/84,

Cabinet Secretary 1983/84, Chairperson Leadership Development 1983/84, Director Lions Eye Institute 1983/84, Chairperson International Understanding 1984/85, Lioness Chairman 1986/87, Project and Activities Committee 1990/93,

Chairman Lions Save Sight Foundation 2011/14

National and International LevelMultiple District Chairman 1980/81, Lions Traveland Joint Venture 1980/85, Inaugural Chairman Australian Lions Foundation

1982/87, Candidate for International Director in 1984

* PDG Robin DixonNominated by the Lions Club of Duncraig

*PDG Robin Dixon

PDG Robin Dixon Dixon joined the Duncraig Lions Club in 1998.

While a Lion he involved himself with Foodbank, the Community Development Fund.

Also was involved in the Clontarf Football Programme and in the Kingsley Football Bali Appeal and became a Trustee of the account which was operated through Lions.

This fundraising account was set up to control monies in trust for the players who were injured in the Bali

bombings in 2002.

Assisted in the revamp of the Dianella Lions Club, became a member and introduced many new members.

Organised a two page spread which was an insert in the Western Australian which was one of his great achievements

He put Lions out there in the public.

Became a Melvin Jones Fellow and received the James D Richardson honour award twice

Received an International Presidents Certificate of Appreciation.

Before becoming a Lion, his list of volunteering was very wide and well known.

PDG Brian King OBE AMNominated by the Lions Club of Morley

PDG Brian King OBE AMPDG Brian King joined the Crawley Lions Club in 1966.

Lions Club MembershipCharter member Crawley, Claremont Nedands, City Beach, (currently) Perth Lions Eye Institute

Club PositionsPresident, Secretary and various other positions at all of the above clubs

District LevelDistrict Governor 1972/73, Cabinet Treasurer, District Chairman several times

State LevelChairman Lions Save Sight Foundation, Secretary Miss Personality Quest

National LevelMember Multiple District Council Insurance Committee for 7 years

AwardsInternational Presidents Medal, 100% District Governor, 5 International President Appreciation Certificates, Numerous

District Governor’s Awards

Outstanding AchievementsAs District Governor, established the Lions Miss Personality Quest, Director & Chairman of the Lions Save Sight

Foundation (WA), Founding Chairman of the Lions Eye Institute in Western Australia (LEI), Established Memorandum of Understanding between UWA & the LEI, Represented LEI at the Airlancca University in Indonesia.

Also presented papers at two International Conventions in Hong Kong (1993) and Minniapolis St Paul, USA (1974)

Members Admitted 2015

Lion Professor Ian ConstableNominated by the Lions Club of City of Perth (Host)

Lion Professor Ian Constable AONominated by the Lions Club of City of Perth (Host)

Lion Professor Ian Constable AO

Lion Ian joined the City of Peth (Host) Lions Club in 1975

Ian’s expertise as Foundation Chair of Ophanology at the University of Western Australia led to the establishment of the Lions Save Sight Foundation.

Later he became a Director of the Lions Eye Institute in Perth.

Ian has been instrumental in attracting international research funds to the Institute and today it ranks as one of the outstanding eye research centres in the world.

Lion Professor Ian ConstableNominated by the Lions Club of City of Perth (Host)

Lion Spencer FieldNominated by the Lions Club of Albany

Lions Spencer FieldLion Spencer joined the Albany Lions Club in 1965 in District 201W2.

The following Club, District and Multiple District & International awards and positions are a sample of his numerous achievements in Lions


Life Membership in 1990, Melvin Jones Fellowship in 1991, Three Extension Awards, Three 100% Presidents Awards, Key Member – 15 New Members, Numerous Chairman and Zone Chairman Awards, Albany Town Council

Citizen of the Year 2001.

Club President - 3 Years, Secretary - 2 Years, Treasurer - Multiple Times, Expo Chairman in 1997 and 1999


Zone Chairman 1969/70 and 1995 – 1997,, Regional Chairman 1996/97, Extension Chairman, Deputy District Governor, International By Laws 1995, Extra Curricular 1971/72, Country Extension Chairman 1973 – 1976,

Constitution By Laws Chairman 1993 - 1995

Outstanding Achievements as a Lion

Lions Community Care Centre Secretary for 27 Years, District Convention Chairman Twice

Lion Professor Ian ConstableNominated by the Lions Club of City of Perth (Host)

PDG Jeff Needham Nominated by the Lions Club of Collie

PDG Jeff NeedhamPDG Jeff became a Lion in 1972 and has long been a stalwart of the Collie Lions Club as evidenced by the following.

His achievements have been outstanding and still are – amazing for an 83 year old – obviously he has made Lions his life.

He served at District level from 1975 to 2005 in just about every imaginable position and so too at Club level over a longer period of time.

At Club Level, he is their living library when it comes to Lions history, constitution, by-laws, general advice or anything Lions.

He has officiated at countless inductions of new members and new office bearers for his Club as well as other Lions clubs.

Grant applications are left to Jeff because he does them so well – they are always successful.

This year he took on the role of club Secretary again, Bulletin editor, Secretary for the Ewington Management Committee.

Lions Awards DG’s Star of Excellence, 100% Chairman Award, 100% Secretary Award, DG’s Award of Excellence, Melvin Jones

Fellowship, 100% Bulletin Editor Award, Life Membership

Non Lion InvolvementCollie Shire Councilor for 9 years, Coaching countless Cricket and Hockey teams, Collie Celebration Committee and

numerous other committees & programmes.

Lion Roy Stubberfield Nominated by the Lions Club of Manjimup

Lion Roy StubberfieldLion Roy originally became a Lion in 1969 as Charter President of Meekatharra, then Charter Vice president of

Leeuwin in 1971, Charter President of Kulin, in 1972, Secretary of Narrogin in 1976 and finally, Bulletin Editor and Programmes Chairman of his current club, Manjimup in 1978.


This is just a sample of the many awards he has received: James D Richardson Award, Melvin Jones Fellowship, 40 year Charter Monarch, Key Member Award, District

Governor’s Appreciation Award, Zone Chairman Award, Secretary of the Year Award, Life membership, Perfect Attendance Award , Extension Award and the list goes on.


In every Club he has been involved with over the years, he has held just about every position, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairman and Tail Twister at each.


Zone Chairman, District Chairman, Chairman Dryandra Committee, Save Sight Committee, ALDAF Committee, Quest Committee, etc

Outstanding Achievements as a Lion

Personally sponsored 19 new members and chartered 3 new clubs, and was involved in the set up 5 Clubs.

Members Admitted 2016

Lion Barry Bristow-StaggNominated by the Lions Club of Northam

Lion Barry Bristow-Stagg

Lion Barry has been a member of the Northam Lions Club for over 45 years.

Barry has held all club executive positions.

He has also been Zone Chairman at District Level.

In Northam, he has assisted with the introduction of the Lions Food Van.

He has also been active in the support of the Avon Hospice aged care units.

Lion Phillip CauntNominated by the Lions Club of Busselton

Lion Phillip CauntLion Phillip has been a Lion for over 19 years.

He is currently a member of the Busselton Lions club after transferring from his original club,

Ballajura, when he moved with his wife Beth to Busselton.

He is currently Treasurer of the WA Lions Hearing Foundation.

Phillip has also been the Chairman and the Secretary of the WA Lions Drug Education Foundation (WALDEF) over a period of 11 years.

He has also been the Secretary of District 201Wi’s Cabinet over many years during which he used and shared his extensive Lions knowledge.

Lion Phillip has received over ten major awards including two International Presidents awards.

*PDG Bill DenteNominated by the Lions Club of Leeuwin

*PDG Bill DenteLion Bill was a Lion for 34 years.

He was responsible for the chartering of the Lions Club of Katanning in 1973.

On his return to live in Perth in 1974, he joined the Lions Club of North Perth.

At North Perth he held all executive positions which culminated in him becoming a District Governor in 1989.

Bill became active in numerous District projects including establishing the District Help to Hear and Drug Education foundations.

Bill was awarded Life Membership in 2007 by the Leeuwin Lions Club.

PDG John (Jack) SellsNominated by the Lions Club of Whitford

PDG John (Jack) SellsLion Jack has been a Lion for over 36 years.

He has held all executive positions at three Lions clubs.

He served as a District Governor in the Lionistic year 1981/1982.

Jack was named Club Secretary of the Year in 2011/2012,

and is a life member of Lions.