liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure · 2015. 11. 18. · liquidity, risk...

Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure Daniel Lacker Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University November 17, 2015

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  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity, risk measures, and concentrationof measure

    Daniel Lacker

    Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University

    November 17, 2015

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Section 1

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Liquidity vs liquidity risk

    I Some sources/definitions of illiquidity: shortage ofcounterparties, search/transaction costs, misc. marketfrictions...

    I Liquidity risk: Difficult to scale positions. Risk and even priceare sensitive to volume. Leverage is risky in illiquid markets.

    I “Liquidity” is a broad concept, with many sources/definitions.But the effects on liquidity risk are not as varied.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Why risk measures?

    Risk measures axiomatize risk independently of model details.Likewise, we model liquidity risk separately from particular sourcesof illiquidity.

    Risk measures are to risk as probability measures are torandomness:

    I Probabilistic models often hide the omega, i.e., the source ofrandomness.

    I Risk measures often hide the source of risk.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Why risk measures?

    Risk measures axiomatize risk independently of model details.Likewise, we model liquidity risk separately from particular sourcesof illiquidity.

    Risk measures are to risk as probability measures are torandomness:

    I Probabilistic models often hide the omega, i.e., the source ofrandomness.

    I Risk measures often hide the source of risk.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Coherent risk measures

    A coherent risk measure (Artzner et al. ’99) is a functional

    ρ : L1(Ω,F ,P)→ (−∞,∞]


    1. Normalization: ρ(0) = 0.

    2. Monotonicity: ρ(X ) ≤ ρ(Y ) if X ≤ Y a.s.3. Cash additivity: ρ(X + c) = ρ(X ) + c for c ∈ R.4. Convexity: ρ(tX + (1− t)Y ) ≤ tρ(X ) + (1− t)ρ(Y ) for

    t ∈ (0, 1).5. Positive homogeneity: ρ(λX ) = λρ(X ) for λ ≥ 0.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Convex risk measures

    A convex risk measure (Föllmer/Schied ’02) is a functional

    ρ : L1(Ω,F ,P)→ (−∞,∞]


    1. Normalization: ρ(0) = 0.

    2. Monotonicity: ρ(X ) ≤ ρ(Y ) if X ≤ Y a.s.3. Cash additivity: ρ(X + c) = ρ(X ) + c for c ∈ R.4. Convexity: ρ(tX + (1− t)Y ) ≤ tρ(X ) + (1− t)ρ(Y ) for

    t ∈ (0, 1).5. Positive homogeneity: ρ(λX ) = λρ(X ) for λ ≥ 0.

    Idea: Liquidity risk ⇒ ρ(λX ) 6= λρ(X ) in general.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Liquidity risk profiles

    DefinitionThe liquidity risk profile of a loss X (and a given ρ) is thefunction (ρ(λX ))λ≥0.

    Goal:Quantify/study liquidity risk in terms of liquidity risk profiles.Find systematic bounds when explicit computations areunavailable.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Liquidity risk profiles

    DefinitionThe liquidity risk profile of a loss X (and a given ρ) is thefunction (ρ(λX ))λ≥0.

    Goal:Quantify/study liquidity risk in terms of liquidity risk profiles.Find systematic bounds when explicit computations areunavailable.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Basic interpretations of liquidity risk profiles (ρ(λX ))λ≥0

    I ρ(λX ) ≥ λρ(X ) for λ ≥ 1 (leverage is risky)I ρ(λX ) ≤ λρ(X ) for λ ≤ 1

    I Conservative bound on risk-per-unit X (may be ∞):

    Cρ(X ) = limλ↑∞


    λρ(λX ) = sup



    λρ(λX ).

    I Note ρ(λX ) ≤ λCρ(X ).I Marginal risk is always well-defined (Barrieu/El Karoui ’05):

    Mρ(X ) = limλ↓0


    λρ(λX ) =


    dλρ(λX )|λ=0.

    I Mρ is a coherent risk measure vanishing liquidity risk.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Basic interpretations of liquidity risk profiles (ρ(λX ))λ≥0

    I ρ(λX ) ≥ λρ(X ) for λ ≥ 1 (leverage is risky)I ρ(λX ) ≤ λρ(X ) for λ ≤ 1I Conservative bound on risk-per-unit X (may be ∞):

    Cρ(X ) = limλ↑∞


    λρ(λX ) = sup



    λρ(λX ).

    I Note ρ(λX ) ≤ λCρ(X ).

    I Marginal risk is always well-defined (Barrieu/El Karoui ’05):

    Mρ(X ) = limλ↓0


    λρ(λX ) =


    dλρ(λX )|λ=0.

    I Mρ is a coherent risk measure vanishing liquidity risk.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Basic interpretations of liquidity risk profiles (ρ(λX ))λ≥0

    I ρ(λX ) ≥ λρ(X ) for λ ≥ 1 (leverage is risky)I ρ(λX ) ≤ λρ(X ) for λ ≤ 1I Conservative bound on risk-per-unit X (may be ∞):

    Cρ(X ) = limλ↑∞


    λρ(λX ) = sup



    λρ(λX ).

    I Note ρ(λX ) ≤ λCρ(X ).I Marginal risk is always well-defined (Barrieu/El Karoui ’05):

    Mρ(X ) = limλ↓0


    λρ(λX ) =


    dλρ(λX )|λ=0.

    I Mρ is a coherent risk measure vanishing liquidity risk.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Concentration inequalities

    In general, computing liquidity risk profiles is hard!

    Goal:Systematically study concentration inequalities of the form

    ρ(λX ) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0,


    I ρ is a convex risk measure.

    I X ∈ L1 is a loss.I γ : [0,∞)→ [0,∞] is nondecreasing and convex, called a

    shape function.

    Capital required to cover a loss of λX is no more than γ(λ).

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Concentration inequalities

    In general, computing liquidity risk profiles is hard!

    Goal:Systematically study concentration inequalities of the form

    ρ(λX ) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0,


    I ρ is a convex risk measure.

    I X ∈ L1 is a loss.I γ : [0,∞)→ [0,∞] is nondecreasing and convex, called a

    shape function.

    Capital required to cover a loss of λX is no more than γ(λ).

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Centered concentration inequalities

    We may study centered concentration inequalities of the form

    ρ(λ(X − EX )) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0.

    Think of selling X for the “price” EX .

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Liquidity risk & risk measures

    Literature on liquidity risk quantification

    I Liquidity-adjusted risk measures (Acerbi-Scandolo ’08,Weber et al. ’13, Jarrow-Protter ’05)

    I Distinguish portfolio content/value

    X 7→ ρ(V (X )), ρ coherent, V marks to market.

    I Set-valued risk measures (Jouini et al. ’04, Hamel et al.’11, etc.)

    I State capital requirements in terms of multiple numeraires forwhich exchange is costly

    Both approaches go beyond convex risk measures, which wereintroduced precisely for the modeling of liquidity risk!

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Section 2

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfallconcentration inequalities

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Entropic risk measure

    Entropic risk measure: ρexp(X ) = logE[eX ].

    Classical Chernoff (tail) bound

    If ρexp(λX ) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0, then

    P(X > t) ≤ e−γ∗(t), ∀t ≥ 0,

    where γ∗(t) := supλ≥0(tλ− γ(λ)).

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Shortfall risk measures

    Definition (Föllmer/Schied ’02)

    A loss function is ` : R→ [0,∞), nondecreasing and convex, andsatisfying `(0) = 1 < `(x) ∀x > 0. The shortfall risk measure is

    ρ`(X ) = inf {m ∈ R : E[`(X −m)] ≤ 1} .

    Entropic risk measure: If `(x) = ex then ρ`(X ) = logE[eX ].

    General tail boundIf ρ`(λX ) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0, then

    P(X > t) ≤ 1/`(γ∗(t)), ∀t ≥ 0,

    where γ∗(t) := supλ≥0(tλ− γ(λ)).

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Proof of tail boundRecall

    ρ`(X ) = inf {m ∈ R : E[`(X −m)] ≤ 1} .The inf is attained, so ρ`(λX ) ≤ γ(λ) implies

    E[`(λX − γ(λ))] ≤ 1.

    Note x 7→ `(λx − γ(λ)) is nondecreasing. By Markov’s inequality,

    P(X > t) ≤ P[`(λX − γ(λ)) ≥ `(λt − γ(λ))

    ]≤ 1/`(λt − γ(λ)).

    Optimize over λ:

    P(X > t) ≤ infλ≥0

    1/`(λt − γ(λ)) = 1/`(γ∗(t)).

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Proof of tail boundRecall

    ρ`(X ) = inf {m ∈ R : E[`(X −m)] ≤ 1} .The inf is attained, so ρ`(λX ) ≤ γ(λ) implies

    E[`(λX − γ(λ))] ≤ 1.

    Note x 7→ `(λx − γ(λ)) is nondecreasing. By Markov’s inequality,

    P(X > t) ≤ P[`(λX − γ(λ)) ≥ `(λt − γ(λ))

    ]≤ 1/`(λt − γ(λ)).

    Optimize over λ:

    P(X > t) ≤ infλ≥0

    1/`(λt − γ(λ)) = 1/`(γ∗(t)).

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Proof of tail boundRecall

    ρ`(X ) = inf {m ∈ R : E[`(X −m)] ≤ 1} .The inf is attained, so ρ`(λX ) ≤ γ(λ) implies

    E[`(λX − γ(λ))] ≤ 1.

    Note x 7→ `(λx − γ(λ)) is nondecreasing. By Markov’s inequality,

    P(X > t) ≤ P[`(λX − γ(λ)) ≥ `(λt − γ(λ))

    ]≤ 1/`(λt − γ(λ)).

    Optimize over λ:

    P(X > t) ≤ infλ≥0

    1/`(λt − γ(λ)) = 1/`(γ∗(t)).

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Integral criteria for concentration

    QuestionWe saw that a necessary condition for concentration,ρ`(λX ) ≤ γ(λ) ∀λ ≥ 0, is the tail bound P(X > t) ≤ 1/`(γ∗(t))∀t > 0. When is it sufficient?

    Classical caseLet EX = 0. The following are well known to be equivalent, up toa (universal, i.e. X -independent) change in c > 0:

    1. logE[exp(λX )] ≤ cλ2, ∀λ ≥ 0 (i.e. X is subgaussian)2. P(X > t) ≤ exp(−ct2), ∀t ≥ 03. E[exp(c|X+|2)]

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Integral criteria for concentration

    QuestionWe saw that a necessary condition for concentration,ρ`(λX ) ≤ γ(λ) ∀λ ≥ 0, is the tail bound P(X > t) ≤ 1/`(γ∗(t))∀t > 0. When is it sufficient?

    Classical caseLet EX = 0. The following are well known to be equivalent, up toa (universal, i.e. X -independent) change in c > 0:

    1. logE[exp(λX )] ≤ cλ2, ∀λ ≥ 0 (i.e. X is subgaussian)2. P(X > t) ≤ exp(−ct2), ∀t ≥ 03. E[exp(c|X+|2)]

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Integral criteria for concentration

    TheoremLet EX = 0. Consider the statements

    1. ρ`(λX ) ≤ γ(cλ), ∀λ ≥ 02. P(X > t) ≤ 1/`(γ∗(ct)), ∀t ≥ 03. E[`(γ∗(cX+))] 0,`′′′ ≥ 0, and limx→∞ x2`′′(x)/`(γ∗(x)) = 0, then 3⇒ 1.Note all implications hold up to a “universal” change in c.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Integral criteria for concentration

    TheoremLet EX = 0. Consider the statements

    1. ρ`(λX ) ≤ γ(cλ), ∀λ ≥ 02. P(X > t) ≤ 1/`(γ∗(ct)), ∀t ≥ 03. E[`(γ∗(cX+))] 0,`′′′ ≥ 0, and limx→∞ x2`′′(x)/`(γ∗(x)) = 0, then 3⇒ 1.Note all implications hold up to a “universal” change in c.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Integral criteria for concentration

    TheoremLet EX = 0. Consider the statements

    1. ρ`(λX ) ≤ γ(cλ), ∀λ ≥ 02. P(X > t) ≤ 1/`(γ∗(ct)), ∀t ≥ 03. E[`(γ∗(cX+))] 0,`′′′ ≥ 0, and limx→∞ x2`′′(x)/`(γ∗(x)) = 0, then 3⇒ 1.Note all implications hold up to a “universal” change in c.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Integral criteria for concentration

    TheoremLet EX = 0. Consider the statements

    1. ρ`(λX ) ≤ γ(cλ), ∀λ ≥ 02. P(X > t) ≤ 1/`(γ∗(ct)), ∀t ≥ 03. E[`(γ∗(cX+))] 0,`′′′ ≥ 0, and limx→∞ x2`′′(x)/`(γ∗(x)) = 0, then 3⇒ 1.Note all implications hold up to a “universal” change in c.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Integral criteria for concentration

    TheoremMore generally, if EX is not necessarily 0,

    1. ρ`(λ(X − EX )) ≤ γ(cλ), ∀λ ≥ 02. P(X − EX > t) ≤ 1/`(γ∗(ct)), ∀t ≥ 03. E[`(γ∗(cX+))] 0,`′′′ ≥ 0, and limx→∞ x2`′′(x)/`(γ∗(x)) = 0, then 3⇒ 1.Note all implications hold up to a “universal” change in c .

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Application to optionsThink of X = (X1, . . . ,Xn) as asset prices. Let Ck(x) = (x − k)+and Pk(x) = (x − k)− denote call and put payoffs.

    TheoremFix a “good” pair (`, γ), and fix kci , k

    pi > 0. Suppose

    ρ`(λ(Ckci (Xi )− E[Ckci (Xi )])) ≤ γ(λ),ρ`(λ(Pkpi

    (Xi )− E[Pkpi (Xi )])) ≤ γ(λ), ∀i = 1, . . . , n, λ ≥ 0.

    Then there exists c > 0 such that, for every f satisfyingf (x) ≤ cf + |x | for some cf ∈ R,

    ρ`(λ(f (X1, . . . ,Xn)− E[f (X1, . . . ,Xn)])) ≤ γ(cλ), ∀λ ≥ 0.

    Message: Liquidity risk of linear growth options controlled(uniformly) by liquidity risk of calls and puts.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalities

    Application to optionsThink of X = (X1, . . . ,Xn) as asset prices. Let Ck(x) = (x − k)+and Pk(x) = (x − k)− denote call and put payoffs.

    TheoremFix a “good” pair (`, γ), and fix kci , k

    pi > 0. Suppose

    ρ`(λ(Ckci (Xi )− E[Ckci (Xi )])) ≤ γ(λ),ρ`(λ(Pkpi

    (Xi )− E[Pkpi (Xi )])) ≤ γ(λ), ∀i = 1, . . . , n, λ ≥ 0.

    Then there exists c > 0 such that, for every f satisfyingf (x) ≤ cf + |x | for some cf ∈ R,

    ρ`(λ(f (X1, . . . ,Xn)− E[f (X1, . . . ,Xn)])) ≤ γ(cλ), ∀λ ≥ 0.

    Message: Liquidity risk of linear growth options controlled(uniformly) by liquidity risk of calls and puts.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Section 3

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Penalty functions

    Theorem (Classical risk measure duality)

    The following are equivalent for a risk measure ρ:

    1. ρ has a penalty function, i.e. α : P∞ → [0,∞] such that

    ρ(X ) = supQ∈P∞

    (EQ [X ]− α(Q)

    ), ∀X ∈ L1,

    where P∞ is the set of Q � P with dQ/dP ∈ L∞.2. ρ has the Fatou property: If Xn → X and ∃Y ∈ L1 with|Xn| ≤ Y , then ρ(X ) ≤ lim infn→∞ ρ(Xn).

    The minimal penalty function is

    α(Q) = supX∈L1

    (EQ [X ]− ρ(X )).

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Penalty function examples

    Shortfall risk measures (Föllmer/Schied ’02)

    If ` is a loss function, the minimal penalty of ρ` is

    α`(Q) =



    {1 + EP

    [`∗(t dQdP

    )]}if Q � P

    ∞ otherwise.

    Entropic risk measure

    If `(x) = ex above so ρ(X ) = logE[eX ], then the minimal penaltyfunction is relative entropy,

    Q 7→ H(Q|P) =

    {EQ [log(dQ/dP)] if Q � P∞ otherwise.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Dual inequalities

    Concentration inequalities have useful dual forms:

    TheoremIf ρ has a penalty function α, then

    ρ(λX ) ≤ γ(λ) for all λ ≥ 0,

    if and only if

    γ∗(EQ [X ]) ≤ α(Q) for all Q ∈ P∞.

    Recall γ∗(t) = supλ≥0(λt − γ(λ)).

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Derivation of the dual inequality

    ρ(λX ) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0,

    if and only if


    (EQ [λX ]− α(Q)

    )≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0,

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Derivation of the dual inequality

    ρ(λX ) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0,

    if and only if


    (EQ [λX ]− α(Q)

    )≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0,

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Derivation of the dual inequality

    ρ(λX ) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0,

    if and only if

    EQ [λX ]− α(Q) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0, ∀Q ∈ P∞,

    if and only if

    λEQ [X ]− γ(λ) ≤ α(Q), ∀λ ≥ 0, ∀Q ∈ P∞,

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Derivation of the dual inequality

    ρ(λX ) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0,

    if and only if

    EQ [λX ]− α(Q) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0, ∀Q ∈ P∞,

    if and only if

    λEQ [X ]− γ(λ) ≤ α(Q), ∀λ ≥ 0, ∀Q ∈ P∞,

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Derivation of the dual inequality

    ρ(λX ) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0,

    if and only if

    EQ [λX ]− α(Q) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0, ∀Q ∈ P∞,

    if and only if


    (λEQ [X ]− γ(λ)

    )≤ α(Q), ∀Q ∈ P∞,

    if and only ifγ∗(EQ [X ]) ≤ α(Q), ∀Q ∈ P∞.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Derivation of the dual inequality

    ρ(λX ) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0,

    if and only if

    EQ [λX ]− α(Q) ≤ γ(λ), ∀λ ≥ 0, ∀Q ∈ P∞,

    if and only if


    (λEQ [X ]− γ(λ)

    )≤ α(Q), ∀Q ∈ P∞,

    if and only ifγ∗(EQ [X ]) ≤ α(Q), ∀Q ∈ P∞.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Uniform concentration inequalitiesA simple but important extension:


    If ρ has a penalty function α, and X ⊂ L1, then

    ρ(λX ) ≤ γ(λ) for all λ ≥ 0, X ∈ X ,

    if and only if



    EQ [X ])≤ α(Q) for all Q ∈ P∞.

    Example: If X = {X − EP [X ] : |X | ≤ 1 a.s.}, then


    EQ [X ] = ‖Q − P‖TV .

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Uniform concentration inequalitiesA simple but important extension:


    If ρ has a penalty function α, and X ⊂ L1, then

    ρ(λX ) ≤ γ(λ) for all λ ≥ 0, X ∈ X ,

    if and only if



    EQ [X ])≤ α(Q) for all Q ∈ P∞.

    Example: If X = {X − EP [X ] : |X | ≤ 1 a.s.}, then


    EQ [X ] = ‖Q − P‖TV .

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Example: transport inequalitiesSuppose (Ω, d) is a metric space and

    X ={f − EP [f ] : f : Ω→ R is 1-Lipschitz


    Kantorovich duality Wasserstein distance:


    EQ [X ] = infM


    d(x , y)M(dx , dy) =: W1(Q,P),

    where the inf is over couplings M of Q and P.

    Corollary (see Bobkov/Götze ’99)

    If ρ has a penalty function α, then

    ρ(λ(f − EP f )) ≤ γ(λ) for all λ ≥ 0, f 1-Lipschitz,⇔ γ∗ (W1(Q,P)) ≤ α(Q) for all Q ∈ P∞.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Example: transport inequalitiesSuppose (Ω, d) is a metric space and

    X ={f − EP [f ] : f : Ω→ R is 1-Lipschitz


    Kantorovich duality Wasserstein distance:


    EQ [X ] = infM


    d(x , y)M(dx , dy) =: W1(Q,P),

    where the inf is over couplings M of Q and P.

    Corollary (see Bobkov/Götze ’99)

    If ρ has a penalty function α, then

    ρ(λ(f − EP f )) ≤ γ(λ) for all λ ≥ 0, f 1-Lipschitz,⇔ γ∗ (W1(Q,P)) ≤ α(Q) for all Q ∈ P∞.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Duals of (uniform) concentration inequalities

    Tail bounds revisited

    ρ`(f ) = inf{m ∈ R : EP [`(f − c)] ≤ 1


    α`(Q) = inft>0



    {1 + EP




    TheoremThen the following are equivalent up to a change in c :

    1. ρ`(λ(f − EP f )) ≤ γ(λ) for all λ ≥ 0, f 1-Lipschitz.2. γ∗(W1(Q,P)) ≤ α`(Q) for all Q ∈ P∞.3. P(Ar ) ≥ 1− 1/`(γ∗(cr)) for all r > 0, A with P(A) ≥ 1/2.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Section 4

    Tensorization & time consistency

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency


    Question #1

    Suppose we know liquidity risk profiles of X and Y .What we say about the liquidity risk of X + Y ?

    Question #2

    Suppose we know liquidity risk profiles of f (X ) and g(Y ), for somecollection of functions f and g .What can we say about the liquidity risk of combinations of X andY , i.e. h(X ,Y ) for some h?

    ∃ nice answers for law invariant risk measures, related to timeconsistency!

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency


    Question #1

    Suppose we know liquidity risk profiles of X and Y .What we say about the liquidity risk of X + Y ?

    Question #2

    Suppose we know liquidity risk profiles of f (X ) and g(Y ), for somecollection of functions f and g .What can we say about the liquidity risk of combinations of X andY , i.e. h(X ,Y ) for some h?

    ∃ nice answers for law invariant risk measures, related to timeconsistency!

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency


    Question #1

    Suppose we know liquidity risk profiles of X and Y .What we say about the liquidity risk of X + Y ?

    Question #2

    Suppose we know liquidity risk profiles of f (X ) and g(Y ), for somecollection of functions f and g .What can we say about the liquidity risk of combinations of X andY , i.e. h(X ,Y ) for some h?

    ∃ nice answers for law invariant risk measures, related to timeconsistency!

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Law invariance & time consistency

    Assume: ρ(X ) = ρ(Y ) whenever Xd= Y .

    Define ρ̃ as ρ on distributions, i.e. ρ̃(P ◦ X−1) = ρ(X ).

    For σ-fields G ⊂ F and X ∈ L1, let

    ρ(X |G)(ω) := ρ̃(P(X ∈ · | G)(ω)).

    Say ρ is acceptance consistent (c.f. Weber ’06) if

    ρ(ρ(X |G)) ≥ ρ(X ), ∀G, X .

    Note: if (Ft)t≥0 is any filtration then

    ρ(ρ(X |Ft)|Fs) ≥ ρ(X |Fs), for s < t.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Law invariance & time consistency

    Assume: ρ(X ) = ρ(Y ) whenever Xd= Y .

    Define ρ̃ as ρ on distributions, i.e. ρ̃(P ◦ X−1) = ρ(X ).For σ-fields G ⊂ F and X ∈ L1, let

    ρ(X |G)(ω) := ρ̃(P(X ∈ · | G)(ω)).

    Say ρ is acceptance consistent (c.f. Weber ’06) if

    ρ(ρ(X |G)) ≥ ρ(X ), ∀G, X .

    Note: if (Ft)t≥0 is any filtration then

    ρ(ρ(X |Ft)|Fs) ≥ ρ(X |Fs), for s < t.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Law invariance & time consistency

    Assume: ρ(X ) = ρ(Y ) whenever Xd= Y .

    Define ρ̃ as ρ on distributions, i.e. ρ̃(P ◦ X−1) = ρ(X ).For σ-fields G ⊂ F and X ∈ L1, let

    ρ(X |G)(ω) := ρ̃(P(X ∈ · | G)(ω)).

    Say ρ is acceptance consistent (c.f. Weber ’06) if

    ρ(ρ(X |G)) ≥ ρ(X ), ∀G, X .

    Note: if (Ft)t≥0 is any filtration then

    ρ(ρ(X |Ft)|Fs) ≥ ρ(X |Fs), for s < t.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Law invariance & time consistency

    Assume: ρ(X ) = ρ(Y ) whenever Xd= Y .

    Define ρ̃ as ρ on distributions, i.e. ρ̃(P ◦ X−1) = ρ(X ).For σ-fields G ⊂ F and X ∈ L1, let

    ρ(X |G)(ω) := ρ̃(P(X ∈ · | G)(ω)).

    Say ρ is acceptance consistent (c.f. Weber ’06) if

    ρ(ρ(X |G)) ≥ ρ(X ), ∀G, X .

    Note: if (Ft)t≥0 is any filtration then

    ρ(ρ(X |Ft)|Fs) ≥ ρ(X |Fs), for s < t.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Law invariance & time consistency

    Assume: ρ(X ) = ρ(Y ) whenever Xd= Y .

    Define ρ̃ as ρ on distributions, i.e. ρ̃(P ◦ X−1) = ρ(X ).For σ-fields G ⊂ F and X ∈ L1, let

    ρ(X |G)(ω) := ρ̃(P(X ∈ · | G)(ω)).

    Say ρ is rejection consistent (c.f. Weber ’06) if

    ρ(ρ(X |G)) ≤ ρ(X ), ∀G, X .

    Note: if (Ft)t≥0 is any filtration then

    ρ(ρ(X |Ft)|Fs) ≤ ρ(X |Fs), for s < t.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Law invariance & time consistency

    Assume: ρ(X ) = ρ(Y ) whenever Xd= Y .

    Define ρ̃ as ρ on distributions, i.e. ρ̃(P ◦ X−1) = ρ(X ).For σ-fields G ⊂ F and X ∈ L1, let

    ρ(X |G)(ω) := ρ̃(P(X ∈ · | G)(ω)).

    Say ρ is time consistent (c.f. Weber ’06) if

    ρ(ρ(X |G)) = ρ(X ), ∀G, X .

    Note: if (Ft)t≥0 is any filtration then

    ρ(ρ(X |Ft)|Fs) = ρ(X |Fs), for s < t.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Time consistency & tensorization


    If X and Y are independent, and if ρ is acceptance consistent, then

    ρ(X + Y ) ≤ ρ(X ) + ρ(Y ).

    Proof.Cash additivity and independence imply

    ρ(X + Y |X ) = X + ρ(Y |X ) = X + ρ(Y ).

    Acceptance consistency implies

    ρ(X + Y ) ≤ ρ (ρ(X + Y |X ))= ρ (X + ρ(Y ))

    = ρ(X ) + ρ(Y ).

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Time consistency & tensorization


    If X and Y are independent, and if ρ is acceptance consistent, then

    ρ(X + Y ) ≤ ρ(X ) + ρ(Y ).Proof.Cash additivity and independence imply

    ρ(X + Y |X ) = X + ρ(Y |X ) = X + ρ(Y ).

    Acceptance consistency implies

    ρ(X + Y ) ≤ ρ (ρ(X + Y |X ))= ρ (X + ρ(Y ))

    = ρ(X ) + ρ(Y ).

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Time consistency & tensorization


    If X and Y are independent, and if ρ is acceptance consistent, then

    ρ(X + Y ) ≤ ρ(X ) + ρ(Y ).Proof.Cash additivity and independence imply

    ρ(X + Y |X ) = X + ρ(Y |X ) = X + ρ(Y ).

    Acceptance consistency implies

    ρ(X + Y ) ≤ ρ (ρ(X + Y |X ))= ρ (X + ρ(Y ))

    = ρ(X ) + ρ(Y ).

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Time consistency & tensorization


    Suppose X and Y are independent and ρ is acceptance consistent.Then

    ρ(λ(X + Y )) ≤ ρ(λX ) + ρ(λY ).

    We could have just used convexity to get

    ρ(λ(X + Y )) ≤ 12

    (ρ(2λX ) + ρ(2λY )) ,

    without extra assumptions...

    But for more general combinations h(X ,Y ), we really needacceptance consistency!

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Time consistency & tensorization


    Suppose X and Y are independent and ρ is acceptance consistent.Then

    ρ(λ(X + Y )) ≤ ρ(λX ) + ρ(λY ).

    We could have just used convexity to get

    ρ(λ(X + Y )) ≤ 12

    (ρ(2λX ) + ρ(2λY )) ,

    without extra assumptions...

    But for more general combinations h(X ,Y ), we really needacceptance consistency!

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Time consistency & tensorization


    Suppose (Xi )ni=1 are i.i.d. and ρ is acceptance consistent. If

    ρ(λ(f (X1)− E[f (X1)])) ≤ γ(λ), λ ≥ 0,

    for all 1-Lipschitz functions f , then

    ρ(λ(f (X1, . . . ,Xn)− E[f (X1, . . . ,Xn)])) ≤ nγ(λ), λ ≥ 0,

    for each n and each 1-Lipschitz function f .

    Message: Concentration for µ = Law(X1) plus acceptanceconsistency concentration for product measures µn.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Time consistency & tensorization

    How do we extend this to different classes of f = f (X1, . . . ,Xn)?

    Classically1, tensorization proofs operate on dual inequalities,exploiting the chain rule for relative entropy:

    H (ν(dx)K νx (dy) | µ(dx)Kµx (dy)) = H(ν|µ) +∫Eν(dx)H(K νx |Kµx ),

    whenever ν(dx)K νx (dy) and µ(dx)Kµx (dy) are in P(E × F ) for

    some standard Borel spaces E and F .

    Is there a substitute for the chain rule in the risk measure setting?

    1Marton ’96, Talagrand ’96, survey of Gozlan/Léonard ’10

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Law invariance & information divergences

    Assume: (Ω,F ,P) nonatomic, ρ(X ) = ρ(Y ) whenever X d= Y .

    DefinitionFor a standard Borel space E and µ ∈ P(E ), define a risk measureρµ on L

    ∞(E , µ) byρµ(f ) = ρ(f (X )),

    where X : Ω→ E has P ◦ X−1 = µ.

    Let α(·|µ) be its minimalpenalty function,

    α(ν|µ) = supf ∈L∞(E ,µ)

    (∫Ef dν − ρµ(f )


    Call α the divergence induced by ρ.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Law invariance & information divergences

    Assume: (Ω,F ,P) nonatomic, ρ(X ) = ρ(Y ) whenever X d= Y .

    DefinitionFor a standard Borel space E and µ ∈ P(E ), define a risk measureρµ on L

    ∞(E , µ) byρµ(f ) = ρ(f (X )),

    where X : Ω→ E has P ◦ X−1 = µ. Let α(·|µ) be its minimalpenalty function,

    α(ν|µ) = supf ∈L∞(E ,µ)

    (∫Ef dν − ρµ(f )


    Call α the divergence induced by ρ.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Chain rules

    TheoremA law invariant ρ is acceptance consistent if and only if its induceddivergence α satisfies

    α (ν(dx)K νx (dy) | µ(dx)Kµx (dy)) ≥ α(ν|µ) +∫Eν(dx)α(K νx |Kµx ),

    whenever ν(dx)K νx (dy) and µ(dx)Kµx (dy) are in P(E × F ) for

    some standard Borel spaces E and F .

    (Same for rejectionconsistence, with inequality reversed.)

    There is a third characterization in terms of acceptance sets.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency

    Chain rules

    TheoremA law invariant ρ is acceptance consistent if and only if its induceddivergence α satisfies

    α (ν(dx)K νx (dy) | µ(dx)Kµx (dy)) ≥ α(ν|µ) +∫Eν(dx)α(K νx |Kµx ),

    whenever ν(dx)K νx (dy) and µ(dx)Kµx (dy) are in P(E × F ) for

    some standard Borel spaces E and F . (Same for rejectionconsistence, with inequality reversed.)

    There is a third characterization in terms of acceptance sets.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Tensorization & time consistency


    Shortfall risk measureIf `(x + y) ≤ `(x)`(y), then

    ρ(X ) = inf{m ∈ X : E[`(X −m)] ≤ 1}

    is acceptance consistent.

    Kupper & Schachermayer ’09: The only time consistent riskmeasures are entropic. ⇒ Relative entropy is the only divergencesatisfying the chain rule.

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Large deviations

    Section 5

    Large deviations

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Large deviations

    Large deviations

    Conservative boundsGiven Y ∈ L1, the conservative risk measure is

    Cρ(Y ) = limn→∞


    nρ(nY ).

    This bounds the risk per unit of Y .

    QuestionSay (Yn)

    ∞n=1 now depend on n but are roughly of same magnitude.

    Consider the sequence of investments, of size n and compositionYn, given by nYn.

    How can we control ρ(nYn), or1nρ(nYn)?

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Large deviations

    Large deviations

    Conservative boundsGiven Y ∈ L1, the conservative risk measure is

    Cρ(Y ) = limn→∞


    nρ(nY ).

    This bounds the risk per unit of Y .

    QuestionSay (Yn)

    ∞n=1 now depend on n but are roughly of same magnitude.

    Consider the sequence of investments, of size n and compositionYn, given by nYn.

    How can we control ρ(nYn), or1nρ(nYn)?

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Large deviations

    Large deviations

    An answerLet (Xn)

    ∞n=1 be i.i.d with values in E and law µ, and let

    Yn = F





    ), e.g. Yn = F̃




    φ(Xi )


    for some F ∈ Cb(P(E )).


    I If ρ is acceptance consistent:lim supn→∞

    1nρ(nYn) ≤ supν∈P(E) (F (ν)− α(ν|µ)).

    I If ρ is rejection consistent:lim infn→∞

    1nρ(nYn) ≥ supν∈P(E) (F (ν)− α(ν|µ)).

    When ρ(X ) = logE[eX ], this recovers Sanov’s theorem!

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Large deviations

    Large deviations

    An answerLet (Xn)

    ∞n=1 be i.i.d with values in E and law µ, and let

    Yn = F





    ), e.g. Yn = F̃




    φ(Xi )


    for some F ∈ Cb(P(E )). ThenI If ρ is acceptance consistent:

    lim supn→∞1nρ(nYn) ≤ supν∈P(E) (F (ν)− α(ν|µ)).

    I If ρ is rejection consistent:lim infn→∞

    1nρ(nYn) ≥ supν∈P(E) (F (ν)− α(ν|µ)).

    When ρ(X ) = logE[eX ], this recovers Sanov’s theorem!

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Large deviations

    Large deviations

    An answerLet (Xn)

    ∞n=1 be i.i.d with values in E and law µ, and let

    Yn = F





    ), e.g. Yn = F̃




    φ(Xi )


    for some F ∈ Cb(P(E )). ThenI If ρ is acceptance consistent:

    lim supn→∞1nρ(nYn) ≤ supν∈P(E) (F (ν)− α(ν|µ)).

    I If ρ is rejection consistent:lim infn→∞

    1nρ(nYn) ≥ supν∈P(E) (F (ν)− α(ν|µ)).

    When ρ(X ) = logE[eX ], this recovers Sanov’s theorem!

  • Liquidity, risk measures, and concentration of measure

    Large deviations

    Large deviations

    An answerLet (Xn)

    ∞n=1 be i.i.d with values in E and law µ, and let

    Yn = F





    ), e.g. Yn = F̃




    φ(Xi )


    for some F ∈ Cb(P(E )). ThenI If ρ is acceptance consistent:

    lim supn→∞1nρ(nYn) ≤ supν∈P(E) (F (ν)− α(ν|µ)).

    I If ρ is rejection consistent:lim infn→∞

    1nρ(nYn) ≥ supν∈P(E) (F (ν)− α(ν|µ)).

    When ρ(X ) = logE[eX ], this recovers Sanov’s theorem!

    Liquidity risk & risk measuresTail bounds and integral criteria for shortfall concentration inequalitiesDuals of (uniform) concentration inequalitiesTensorization & time consistencyLarge deviations