
1.1. Background The construction of Extra-high Voltage Air Transmission line (E.HVT) 150 kV GI Berastagi – GI Kutacane for the length of 108,892 km is an effort to realize interconnected network between North Sumatera Province and Aceh Province which is hoped to support the reliability of electricity system in Sumatera island. The construction of this EHVT network is going to be executed by PT. PLN (Persero) Construction Master Unit II. The main purposes of the environmental management and monitoring are to implement eco-friendly construction and to wisely control utilization of natural resources. In order to achieve those aims, in every project planning, forecasts of changing environmental setting which might occur in the future, either positive or negative have been done in advance. Based on Law No. 32/ 2009 on Environment Protection and Management and Government Regulation No. 27/ 2012 on Environmental licenses, impacts on the environment must be managed so that the positive impacts can be developed and the negative ones can be minimized. So as to develop the negative impacts and minimize the negative impacts, environmental management plan was drafted. Meanwhile, to measure the effectiveness of the management, environmental monitoring plan was formulated. The environmental management and monitoring plans are embodied in Environmental Management and Environmental Monitoring Plans documents (EMP’s). In accordance with the result of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), the construction plan of HVAP 150 kV GI Berastagi – GI Kutacane including pre- construction, construction, operation, and post-operation phase is predicted to cause significant hypothetical impact. Therefore, the environmental management and monitoring must be conducted in every project execution. The environmental monitoring is carried out to measure the effectiveness of the project management which has been enforced in order to avoid, prevent, minimize and or control the negative impacts and to increase the positive impacts of the construction project planning of HVAP 150 kV GI Berastagi – GI Kutacane in each of its project phase. Environmental monitoring forms are displayed in Table 3.1 and observation sites are shown in Figure 3.1. The forecasts of the significant impacts due to the construction of HVAP transmission network GI Berastagi (North Sumatera Province) – GI Kutacane (Aceh Province) will be made on Significant Hypothetical Impact (SHI) based on Terms of Reference Environmental Impact Assessment (TR-EIA) scoping result. The forecasting method of the significant impact will be implemented to forecast the significance of and the important characteristic of the impact for each significant hypothetical impact. To forecast the impact (the changing of the environment quality), conditions of environmental components with the project and without the project were compared within the same year. 1.1. Latar Belakang

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1.1. Background The construction of Extra-high Voltage Air Transmission line (E.HVT) 150 kV GI Berastagi – GI

Kutacane for the length of 108,892 km is an effort to realize interconnected network between North Sumatera Province and Aceh Province which is hoped to support the reliability of electricity system in Sumatera island. The construction of this EHVT network is going to be executed by PT. PLN (Persero) Construction Master Unit II.

The main purposes of the environmental management and monitoring are to implement eco-friendly construction and to wisely control utilization of natural resources. In order to achieve those aims, in every project planning, forecasts of changing environmental setting which might occur in the future, either positive or negative have been done in advance. Based on Law No. 32/ 2009 on Environment Protection and Management and Government Regulation No. 27/ 2012 on Environmental licenses, impacts on the environment must be managed so that the positive impacts can be developed and the negative ones can be minimized. So as to develop the negative impacts and minimize the negative impacts, environmental management plan was drafted. Meanwhile, to measure the effectiveness of the management, environmental monitoring plan was formulated. The environmental management and monitoring plans are embodied in Environmental Management and Environmental Monitoring Plans documents (EMP’s).

In accordance with the result of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), the construction plan of HVAP 150 kV GI Berastagi – GI Kutacane including pre-construction, construction, operation, and post-operation phase is predicted to cause significant hypothetical impact. Therefore, the environmental management and monitoring must be conducted in every project execution.

The environmental monitoring is carried out to measure the effectiveness of the project management which has been enforced in order to avoid, prevent, minimize and or control the negative impacts and to increase the positive impacts of the construction project planning of HVAP 150 kV GI Berastagi – GI Kutacane in each of its project phase. Environmental monitoring forms are displayed in Table 3.1 and observation sites are shown in Figure 3.1.

The forecasts of the significant impacts due to the construction of HVAP transmission network GI Berastagi (North Sumatera Province) – GI Kutacane (Aceh Province) will be made on Significant Hypothetical Impact (SHI) based on Terms of Reference Environmental Impact Assessment (TR-EIA) scoping result. The forecasting method of the significant impact will be implemented to forecast the significance of and the important characteristic of the impact for each significant hypothetical impact. To forecast the impact (the changing of the environment quality), conditions of environmental components with the project and without the project were compared within the same year.

1.1.    Latar Belakang Pembangunan Saluran Udara Tegangan Tinggi (SUTT) 150 kV GI Berastagi -         GI Kutacane sepanjang 108,892 km merupakan usaha untuk merealisasikan jaringan interkoneksi antara Provinsi Sumatera Utara dan Provinsi Aceh yang diharapkan akan mendukung keandalan sistem kelistrikan di Pulau Sumatera. Pembangunan jaringan SUTT ini akan dilaksanakan oleh PT. PLN (Persero) Unit Induk Pembangunan II.Tujuan utama pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan hidup adalah terlaksananya pembangunan berwawasan lingkungan dan terkendalinya pemanfaatan sumber daya alam secara bijaksana.  Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka dalam setiap perencanaan kegiatan sudah dilakukan prakiraan perubahan rona lingkungan yang akan terjadi baik yang menguntungkan maupun yang akan merugikan.Berdasarkan UU Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27 Tahun 2012 tentang Ijin Lingkungan, dampak-dampak terhadap lingkungan tersebut wajib dikelola agar dampak positif yang timbul dapat dikembangkan dan dampak negatif dapat ditekan.  Untuk mengembangkan dampak positif dan menekan dampak negatif, maka disusun rencana pengelolaan lingkungan hidup, sementara itu untuk mengetahui efektifitas dari pengelolaan yang dilakukan, maka disusun rencana pemantauan lingkungan lingkungan hidup. Rencana pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan hidup dituangkan dalam Dokumen Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup (RKL) -  Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup (RPL).

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Sesuai dengan hasil kajian Analisis Dampak Lingkungan Hidup (ANDAL) rencana pembangunan SUTT 150 kV GI Berastagi - GI Kutacane, adanya rencana kegiatan tersebut mulai tahap Pra Konstruksi, Konstruksi, Operasi dan Pasca Operasi, diprakirakan akan menimbulkan dampak penting hipotetik. Sehingga di dalam pelaksanaan kegiatannya harus dilakukan pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan hidup.

Pemantauan lingkungan hidup dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektifitas kegiatan pengelolaan yang telah dilakukan, dalam rangka untuk menghindari, mencegah, meminimasi dan/atau mengendalikan dampak negatif dan meningkatkan dampak positif dari rencana kegiatan pembangunan SUTT 150 kV GI Berastagi - GI Kutacane pada setiap tahap kegiatannya.  Bentuk pemantauan lingkungan hidup disajikan pada  Tabel 3.1. dan lokasi pemantauan disajikan pada Gambar 3.1.

Prakiraan dampak penting akibat adanya pembangunan jaringan transmisi SUTT          GI Berastagi (Provinsi Sumatera Utara) – GI Kutacane (Provinsi Aceh), akan dilakukan terhadap Dampak Penting Hipotetik (DPH) berdasarkan hasil pelingkupan KA-ANDAL.   Metode prakiraan dampak penting akan dilakukan untuk memprakirakan besaran dan sifat penting dampak untuk masing-masing dampak penting hipotetik.  Untuk memprakirakan dampak (adanya perubahan kualitas lingkungan) dilakukan dengan membandingkan kondisi komponen lingkungan dengan kegiatan (with project) dengan kondisi tanpa kegiatan (without project) pada tahun yang sama.