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    The concept ofpointers is one of the most powerful fundamentals of C/C++ language.

    Through pointers a developer can directly access memory from his/her code which makes

    memory related operations very fast. But, as always, with great power comes great responsibility.

    A developer has to very carefully make use of pointers in order to avoid some problems that canbe nightmare to debug.

    In this article we will study the very basic concept of pointers with examples in C language.

    What are Pointers?

    Different from other normal variables which can store values, pointers are special variables that

    can hold the address of a variable. Since they store memory address of a variable, the pointers

    are very commonly said to point to variables. Lets try to understand the concept.

    As shown in the above diagram:

    A normal variable var has a memory address of 1001 and holds a value 50.

    A pointer variable has its own address 2047 but stores 1001, which is the address of the

    variable var

    How to Declare a Pointer?

    A pointer is declared as :


    In the above declaration :

    1. pointer-type : It specifies the type of pointer. It can be int,char, float etc. This type specifiesthe type of variable whose address this pointer can store.

    2. pointer-name : It can be any name specified by the user. Professionally, there are some

    coding styles which every code follows. The pointer names commonly start with p or end

    with ptr

    An example of a pointer declaration can be :

    char *chptr;

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    In the above declaration, char signifies the pointer type, chptr is the name of the pointer while

    the asterisk * signifies that chptr is a pointer variable.

    How to initialize a Pointer?

    A pointer is initialized in the following way :




    Note that the type of variable above should be same as the pointer type.(Though this is not a

    strict rule but for beginners this should be kept in mind).

    For example :

    char ch = 'c';

    char *chptr = &ch; //initialize


    char ch = 'c';

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    char *chptr;

    chptr = &ch //initialize

    In the code above, we declared a character variable ch which stores the value c. Now, we

    declared a character pointer chptr and initialized it with the address of variable ch.

    Note that the & operator is used to access the address of any type of variable.

    How to Use a Pointer?

    A pointer can be used in two contexts.

    Context 1: For accessing the address of the variable whose memory address the pointer stores.

    Again consider the following code :

    char ch = 'c';

    char *chptr = &ch;

    Now, whenever we refer the name chptr in the code after the above two lines, then compiler

    would try to fetch the value contained by this pointer variable, which is the address of the variable

    (ch) to which the pointer points. i.e. the value given by chptr would be equal to &ch.

    For example :

    char *ptr = chptr;

    The value held by chptr (which in this case is the address of the variable ch) is assigned to the

    new pointer ptr.

    Context 2: For accessing the value of the variable whose memory address the pointer stores.

    Continuing with the piece of code used above :

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    char ch = 'c';

    char t;

    char *chptr = &ch;

    t = *chptr;

    We see that in the last line above, we have used * before the name of the pointer. What does

    this asterisk operator do?

    Well, this operator when applied to a pointer variable name(like in the last line above) yields the

    value of the variable to which this pointer points. Which means, in this case *chptr would yield

    the value kept at address held by chptr. Since chptr holds the address of variable ch and value

    of ch is c, so *chptr yeilds c.

    When used with pointers, the asterisk * operator is also known as value of operator.

    An Example of C Pointers

    Consider the following code :

    CODE :


    int main(void)


    char ch = 'c';

    char *chptr = &ch;

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    int i = 20;

    int *intptr = &i;

    float f = 1.20000;

    float *fptr = &f;

    char *ptr = "I am a string";

    printf("\n [%c], [%d], [%f], [%c], [%s]\n", *chptr, *intptr, *fptr, *ptr,


    return 0;


    OUTPUT :

    $ ./pointers

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    [c], [20], [1.200000], [I], [I am a string]

    To debug a C program, use gdb. The above code covers all the common pointers. The first three

    of them are very trivial now to understand so lets concentrate on the fourth one. In the fourth

    example, a character pointer points to a string.

    In C, a string is nothing but an array of characters. So we have no staring pointers in C. Its the

    character pointers that are used in case of strings too.

    Now, coming to the string, when we point a pointer to a string, by default it holds the address of

    the first character of the string. Lets try to understand it better.

    The string, I am String in memory is placed as :

    1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010

    I a m S t r i n g \0

    Since characters occupy one byte each, so they are placed like above in the memory. Note the

    last character, its a null character which is placed at the end of every string by default in C. Thisnull character signifies the end of the string.

    Now coming back to the point, any character pointer pointing to a string stores the address of the

    first character of the string. In the code above, ptr holds the address of the character I ie 1001.

    Now, when we apply the value of operator * to ptr, we intend to fetch the value at address

    1001 which is I and hence when we print *ptr, we get I as the output.

    Also, If we specify the format specifier as %s and use ptr (which contains the starting address

    of the string), then the complete string is printed using printf. The concept is that %s specifier

    requires the address of the beginning byte of string to display the complete string, which we

    provided using ptr (which we know holds the beginning byte address of the string). This we can

    see as the last print in the output above.

    Pointers as Structure Objects

    Consider the following code :

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    struct st{

    int a;

    char ch;


    int main(void)


    struct st obj;

    struct st *stobj = &obj;

    stobj->a = 5;

    stobj->ch = 'a';

    printf("\n [%d] [%c]\n", stobj->a, stobj->ch);

    return 0;

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    $ ./pointers

    [5] [a]

    In the above code, we have declared a pointer stobj of type struct st. Now since the pointer type

    is a structure, so the address it points to has to be of a struct st type variable(which in this case

    is obj). Other interesting part is how structure elements are accessed using pointer variable

    stobj. Yes, When dealing with pointer objects, its a standard to use arrow operator -> instead of

    . operator(which would have been used, had we used obj to access the structure elements).

    To conclude, In this article we studied the concept of pointers in C from scratch and then slowly

    built upon our understanding to more complex topics like using pointers as structure objects. This

    was a basic tutorial, we will cover more complex pointer concepts in the part-II of this article.

    (Part 2:Advanced C pointers).

    In C programming language, the concept of pointers is the most powerful concept that makes C

    stand apart from other programming languages. In the part-I of this series we discussed

    thefundamental concepts around C pointers.

    In this article, we will try to develop understanding of some of the relatively complex concepts.

    The following are explained in this article with examples:

    1. Constant pointer and pointer to constant.

    2. Pointer to pointer with an example

    3. Array of pointers with an example

    4. Pointer to functions with an example

    1. C Constant Pointer and Pointer to Constant

    As a developer, you should understand the difference between constant pointer and pointer to

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    C Constant pointer

    A pointer is said to be constant pointer when the address its pointing to cannot be changed.

    Lets take an example :

    char ch, c;

    char *ptr = &ch

    ptr = &c

    In the above example we defined two characters (ch and c) and a character pointer ptr. First,

    the pointer ptr contained the address of ch and in the next line it contained the address of c. In

    other words, we can say that Initially ptr pointed to ch and then it pointed to c.

    But in case of a constant pointer, once a pointer holds an address, it cannot change it. This

    means a constant pointer, if already pointing to an address, cannot point to a new address.

    If we see the example above, then if ptr would have been a constant pointer, then the third line

    would have not been valid.

    A constant pointer is declared as :


    For example :


    int main(void)


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    char ch = 'c';

    char c = 'a';

    char *const ptr = &ch; // A constant pointer

    ptr = &c; // Trying to assign new address to a constant pointer. WRONG!!!!

    return 0;


    When the code above is compiled, compiler gives the following error :

    $ gcc -Wall constptr.c -o constptr

    constptr.c: In function main:

    constptr.c:9: error: assignment of read-only variable ptr

    So we see that, as expected, compiler throws an error since we tried to change the address heldby constant pointer.

    Now, we should be clear with this concept. Lets move on.

    C Pointer to Constant

    This concept is easy to understand as the name simplifies the concept. Yes, as the name itself

    suggests, this type of pointer cannot change the value at the address pointed by it.

    Lets understand this through an example :

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    char ch = 'c';

    char *ptr = &ch

    *ptr = 'a';

    In the above example, we used a character pointer ptr that points to character ch. In the last

    line, we change the value at address pointer by ptr. But if this would have been a pointer to a

    constant, then the last line would have been invalid because a pointer to a constant cannot

    change the value at the address its pointing to.

    A pointer to a constant is declared as :

    const *;

    For example :


    int main(void)


    char ch = 'c';

    const char *ptr = &ch; // A constant pointer 'ptr' pointing to 'ch'

    *ptr = 'a';// WRONG!!! Cannot change the value at address pointed by


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    return 0;


    When the above code was compiled, compiler gave the following error :

    $ gcc -Wall ptr2const.c -o ptr2const

    ptr2const.c: In function main:

    ptr2const.c:7: error: assignment of read-only location *ptr

    So now we know the reason behind the error above ie we cannot change the value pointed to by

    a constant pointer.

    2. C Pointer to Pointer

    Till now we have used or learned pointer to a data type like character, integer etc. But in this

    section we will learn about pointers pointing to pointers.

    As the definition of pointer says that its a special variable that can store the address of an other

    variable. Then the other variable can very well be a pointer. This means that its perfectly legal for

    a pointer to be pointing to another pointer.

    Lets suppose we have a pointer p1 that points to yet another pointer p2 that points to a

    character ch. In memory, the three variables can be visualized as :

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    So we can see that in memory, pointer p1 holds the address of pointer p2. Pointer p2 holds the

    address of character ch.

    So p2 is pointer to character ch, while p1 is pointer to p2 or we can also say that p2 is a

    pointer to pointer to character ch.

    Now, in code p2 can be declared as :

    char *p2 = &ch;

    But p1 is declared as :

    char **p1 = &p2;

    So we see that p1 is a double pointer (ie pointer to a pointer to a character) and hence the two

    *s in declaration.


    p1 is the address of p2 ie 5000

    *p1 is the value held by p2 ie 8000

    **p1 is the value at 8000 ie c

    I think that should pretty much clear the concept, lets take a small example :


    int main(void)


    char **ptr = NULL;

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    char *p = NULL;

    char c = 'd';

    p = &c;

    ptr = &p;

    printf("\n c = [%c]\n",c);

    printf("\n *p = [%c]\n",*p);

    printf("\n **ptr = [%c]\n",**ptr);

    return 0;


    Here is the output :

    $ ./doubleptr

    c = [d]

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    *p = [d]

    **ptr = [d]

    3. C Array of Pointers

    Just like array of integers or characters, there can be array of pointers too.

    An array of pointers can be declared as :


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    char *p2 = "Arora";

    char *p3 = "India";

    char *arr[3];

    arr[0] = p1;

    arr[1] = p2;

    arr[2] = p3;

    printf("\n p1 = [%s] \n",p1);

    printf("\n p2 = [%s] \n",p2);

    printf("\n p3 = [%s] \n",p3);

    printf("\n arr[0] = [%s] \n",arr[0]);

    printf("\n arr[1] = [%s] \n",arr[1]);

    printf("\n arr[2] = [%s] \n",arr[2]);

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    return 0;


    In the above code, we took three pointers pointing to three strings. Then we declared an array

    that can contain three pointers. We assigned the pointers p1, p2 and p3 to the 0,1 and 2 index

    of array. Lets see the output :

    $ ./arrayofptr

    p1 = [Himanshu]

    p2 = [Arora]

    p3 = [India]

    arr[0] = [Himanshu]

    arr[1] = [Arora]

    arr[2] = [India]

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    So we see that array now holds the address of strings.

    4. C Function Pointers

    Just like pointer to characters, integers etc, we can have pointers to functions.

    A function pointer can be declared as :

    (*) (type of function arguments)

    For example :

    int (*fptr)(int, int)

    The above line declares a function pointer fptr that can point to a function whose return type is

    int and takes two integers as arguments.

    Lets take a working example :


    int func (int a, int b)


    printf("\n a = %d\n",a);

    printf("\n b = %d\n",b);

    return 0;

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    int main(void)


    int(*fptr)(int,int); // Function pointer

    fptr = func; // Assign address to function pointer



    return 0;


    In the above example, we defined a function func that takes two integers as inputs and returns

    an integer. In the main() function, we declare a function pointer fptr and then assign value to it.

    Note that, name of the function can be treated as starting address of the function so we can

    assign the address of function to function pointer using functions name. Lets see the output :

    $ ./fptr

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    a = 2

    b = 3

    a = 2

    b = 3

    So from the output we see that calling the function through function pointer produces the same

    output as calling the function from its name.

    To conclude, in this article we touched some of the advanced concepts related to pointers. There

    can be some interesting problems related to pointers, which we might cover in some future


    Linked list is one of the fundamental data structures in C.

    Knowledge of linked lists is must for C programmers. This article explains the fundamentals of C

    linked list with an example C program.

    Linked list is a dynamic data structure whose length can be increased or decreased at run time.

    How Linked lists are different from arrays? Consider the following points :

    An array is a static data structure. This means the length of array cannot be altered at run

    time. While, a linked list is a dynamic data structure.

    In an array, all the elements are kept at consecutive memory locations while in a linked list

    the elements (or nodes) may be kept at any location but still connected to each other.

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    When to prefer linked lists over arrays? Linked lists are preferred mostly when you dont know

    the volume of data to be stored. For example, In an employee management system, one cannot

    use arrays as they are of fixed length while any number of new employees can join. In scenarios

    like these, linked lists (or other dynamic data structures) are used as their capacity can be

    increased (or decreased) at run time (as an when required).

    How linked lists are arranged in memory?

    Linked list basically consists of memory blocks that are located at random memory locations.

    Now, one would ask how are they connected or how they can be traversed? Well, they are

    connected through pointers. Usually a block in a linked list is represented through a structure like

    this :

    struct test_struct


    int val;

    struct test_struct *next;


    So as you can see here, this structure contains a value val and a pointer to a structure of same

    type. The value val can be any value (depending upon the data that the linked list is holding)

    while the pointer next contains the address of next block of this linked list. So linked list traversal

    is made possible through these next pointers that contain address of the next node. The next

    pointer of the last node (or for a single node linked list) would contain a NULL.

    How a node is created?

    A node is created by allocating memory to a structure (as shown in above point) in the following

    way :

    struct test_struct *ptr = (struct test_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct


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    So, as we can see above, the pointer ptr now contains address of a newly created node. If the

    linked list is empty and first node is created then it is also known as head node.

    Once a node is created, then it can be assigned the value (that it is created to hold) and its next

    pointer is assigned the address of next node. If no next node exists (or if its the last node) then

    as already discussed, a NULL is assigned. This can be done in following way :



    ptr->val = val;

    ptr->next = NULL;



    How to search a node in a linked list?

    Searching a node means finding the node that contains the value being searched. This is in fact

    a very simple task if we talk about linear search (Note that there can be many search algorithms).

    One just needs to start with the first node and then compare the value which is being searched

    with the value contained in this node. If the value does not match then through the next pointer

    (which contains the address of next node) the next node is accessed and same value

    comparison is done there. The search goes on until last node is accessed or node is found

    whose value is equal to the value being searched. A code snippet for this may look like :




    while(ptr != NULL)

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    if(ptr->val == val)


    found = true;





    ptr = ptr->next;






    How a node is deleted?

    A node is deleted by first finding it in the linked list and then calling free() on the pointer

    containing its address. If the deleted node is any node other than the first and last node then the

    next pointer of the node previous to the deleted node needs to be pointed to the address of the

    node that is just after the deleted node. Its just like if a person breaks away from a human chain

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    then the two persons (between whom the person was) needs to join hand together to maintain

    the chain.

    A Practical C Linked List Example

    Here is a practical example that creates a linked list, adds some nodes to it, searches and

    deletes nodes from it.




    struct test_struct


    int val;

    struct test_struct *next;


    struct test_struct *head = NULL;

    struct test_struct *curr = NULL;

    struct test_struct* create_list(int val)

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    printf("\n creating list with headnode as [%d]\n",val);

    struct test_struct *ptr = (struct test_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct


    if(NULL == ptr)


    printf("\n Node creation failed \n");

    return NULL;


    ptr->val = val;

    ptr->next = NULL;

    head = curr = ptr;

    return ptr;


    struct test_struct* add_to_list(int val, bool add_to_end)


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    if(NULL == head)


    return (create_list(val));



    printf("\n Adding node to end of list with value [%d]\n",val);


    printf("\n Adding node to beginning of list with value [%d]\n",val);

    struct test_struct *ptr = (struct test_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct


    if(NULL == ptr)


    printf("\n Node creation failed \n");

    return NULL;


    ptr->val = val;

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    ptr->next = NULL;



    curr->next = ptr;

    curr = ptr;




    ptr->next = head;

    head = ptr;


    return ptr;


    struct test_struct* search_in_list(int val, struct test_struct **prev)


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    struct test_struct *ptr = head;

    struct test_struct *tmp = NULL;

    bool found = false;

    printf("\n Searching the list for value [%d] \n",val);

    while(ptr != NULL)


    if(ptr->val == val)


    found = true;





    tmp = ptr;

    ptr = ptr->next;

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    if(true == found)



    *prev = tmp;

    return ptr;




    return NULL;



    int delete_from_list(int val)


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    struct test_struct *prev = NULL;

    struct test_struct *del = NULL;

    printf("\n Deleting value [%d] from list\n",val);

    del = search_in_list(val,&prev);

    if(del == NULL)


    return -1;




    if(prev != NULL)

    prev->next = del->next;

    if(del == curr)


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    curr = prev;


    else if(del == head)


    head = del->next;




    del = NULL;

    return 0;


    void print_list(void)


    struct test_struct *ptr = head;

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    printf("\n -------Printing list Start------- \n");

    while(ptr != NULL)


    printf("\n [%d] \n",ptr->val);

    ptr = ptr->next;


    printf("\n -------Printing list End------- \n");



    int main(void)


    int i = 0, ret = 0;

    struct test_struct *ptr = NULL;

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    for(i = 5; i0; i--)



    for(i = 1; i

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    printf("\n Search [val = %d] failed, no such element found\n",i);




    printf("\n Search passed [val = %d]\n",ptr->val);



    ret = delete_from_list(i);

    if(ret != 0)


    printf("\n delete [val = %d] failed, no such element found\n",i);




    printf("\n delete [val = %d] passed \n",i);

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    return 0;


    In the code above :

    The first node is always made accessible through a global head pointer. This pointer is

    adjusted when first node is deleted.

    Similarly there is a curr pointer that contains the last node in the list. This is also adjusted

    when last node is deleted.

    Whenever a node is added to linked list, it is always checked if the linked list is empty then

    add it as the first node.

    Also, as you see from the above Linked list example, it also uses pointers. If you are new to C

    programming, you should understand the fundamentals of C pointers.

    The output of the above code looks like :

    $ ./ll

    -------Printing list Start-------

    -------Printing list End-------
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    creating list with headnode as [5]

    Adding node to end of list with value [6]

    Adding node to end of list with value [7]

    Adding node to end of list with value [8]

    Adding node to end of list with value [9]

    -------Printing list Start-------



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    -------Printing list End-------

    Adding node to beginning of list with value [4]

    Adding node to beginning of list with value [3]

    Adding node to beginning of list with value [2]

    Adding node to beginning of list with value [1]

    -------Printing list Start-------

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    -------Printing list End-------

    Searching the list for value [1]

    Search passed [val = 1]

    -------Printing list Start-------





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    -------Printing list End-------

    Deleting value [1] from list

    Searching the list for value [1]

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    delete [val = 1] passed

    -------Printing list Start-------








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    -------Printing list End-------

    Searching the list for value [5]

    Search passed [val = 5]

    -------Printing list Start-------




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    -------Printing list End-------

    Deleting value [5] from list

    Searching the list for value [5]

    delete [val = 5] passed

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    -------Printing list Start-------








  • 7/27/2019 lists in c.pdf


    -------Printing list End-------

    Searching the list for value [9]

    Search passed [val = 9]

    -------Printing list Start-------






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    -------Printing list End-------

    Deleting value [9] from list

    Searching the list for value [9]

    delete [val = 9] passed

    -------Printing list Start-------


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    -------Printing list End-------

    As you see from the above output, it does all the fundamental Linked list operations. It creates a

    linked list, adds some nodes to it, searches and deletes nodes from it.