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One But Not the Same2013-15

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GRIGORE URECHE (1590- 1647)

GRIGORE URECHE a fost primul cronicar român,

ale cărui opere de inspirație istorică reflectă cele mai

importante evenimente din Moldova Evului Mediu.

Principala sa operă este „ Letopisețul Țării Moldovei de

când s-a descălecat țara și de cursul anilor și de viața

domnilor care scrie de la Dragoș-vodă până la Aron-vodă”,

scrisă spre sfârșitul vieții (între anii 1642-1647). Aceasta

prezintă, de asemenea, originile neamului romanesc,

înrudirea dialectului din Moldova cu limba română.

Grigore Ureche s-a născut în 1590, ca fiu al lui Nestor Ureche, important boier de la

sfârșitul veacului al XVI-lea, în timpul voievodului Eremia Movilă. În continuare, Grigore

învață în Lemberg (astăzi Liov-Ucraina), la Școala Frăției Ortodoxe, unde studiază

istoria, geografia,latina, greaca și retorica.

Reîntors în țară, este numit logofăt și, mai târziu, spătar. În vremea domniei lui Vasile

Lupu, în 1642, ajunge mare vornic al Țării de Jos.

Grigore Ureche moare în 1647, în satul Golești, fiind înmormântat la Mânăstirea Bistrița

din Moldova.

Grigore Ureche (1590–1647) was a chronicler who wrote a novel about

the history of Moldavia, named ”Letopiseţul Ţării Moldovei” (”The Chronicles of the land

of Moldavia”), covering the period from 1359 to 1594. Grigore Ureche was born in

Moldavia, as the son of Nestor Ureche, a rich man of their times.

G. Ureche is the first to attest the existence of the Moldavian language

and its Roman nature. He also illustrated the common Roman origin of Moldavians,

Wallachians and the Romanians from Transylvania.

During his life, he had important positions in Moldavia, as ”spătar”,

”logofăt” and ”mare vornic”.


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VASILE ALECSANDRI este unul dintre cei mai mari

poeţi romȃni. El s-a născut în anul 1821, la Bacău şi a

trăit pȃnă în anul 1890. Acesta a fost scriitor,

folclorist, dramaturg, om politic şi diplomat. Unele

dintre cele mai reprezenative opere ale sale sunt:

Iarna (poezie)

Miezul Iernii (poezie)

Gerul (poezie)

Chiriţa la Iaşi sau două fete ş-o neneacă


Chiriţa în provincie (teatru)

După Revoluţia Poeţilor acesta e exilat şi se stabileşte la Paris, unde se

împrieteneşte cu Nicolae Bălcescu.

Vasile Alecsandri is one of the most representative Romanian poets. He was born in

1821 in Bacău and he died in 1890. He was a playwright, politician and diplomat, and

he also collected folk songs. Alecsandri created incredible pieces of work, such as

”Iarna” (poem) or “Chiriţa în provincie” (play). One of his friends was Nicolae Balcescu,

a famous politician and intellectual of the times. During his youth he was exiled

because of his political beliefs, but he returned after a few years spent in the Western

European cities.


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ION CREANG Ă (1837-1889) Data nasterii lui ION CREANGĂ

este incertă. El însuși afirmă în ‘’Fragment

de biografie’’ că s-ar fi năcut la 1 martie

1837. O altă variantă o reprezintă data de

10 iunie 1839 conform unei condici de

nou-născuţi din Humuleşti.

Ion Creangă a fost un scriitor clasic

al literaturii române recunoscut mai ales

datorită operei sale autobiografice ’’Amintiri

din copilărie’’ prin prisma căreia tinereţea

sa este bine cunoscută publicului larg.

Este o operă realistă, dar împinsă în ideala

lume a copilăriei, pe care n-a trăit-o


Ion Creangă a trăit în secolul XIX, născut în Humuleşti, Judeţul Neamţ,

reprezentănd perfect sufletul poporului român, fiind cel mai îndrăgit şi cunoscut

povestitor al nostru.

A creat poveşti și povestiri nemuritoare precum: „Ivan Turbincă’’, „Soacra cu trei

nurori’’, „Capra cu trei iezi’’, „Povestea lui Harap-Alb’’.

A fost bun prieten cu marele nostru poet român,Mihai Eminescu, care l-a ajutat

să-şi publice povestirile, remarcându-i talentul deosebit.

Ion Creangă, one of our greatest classic writers, dedicated most of his works to childhood

adventures and magic. His stories and fairy tales loved by kids and adults alike continually arouse

interest through their healthy humor.

Creangă's masterpiece "Childhood Memories" provides a detailed account of his childhood, full of

charm, sincerity and humor.

He was born in Humulesti, Neamt County and he was Mihai Eminescu’s, our national poet, best


As he has improved the treasury of our popular language, Ion Creanga is considered the perfect

embodiment of the Romanian soul.

MIHAI EMINESCU (1850-1889)


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MIHAI EMINESCU a fost un poet, prozator si jurnalist roman, socotit de cititorii

români și de critica literară drept cel mai important scriitor romantic din literatura

română, supranumit și "luceafărul poeziei românești"

A scris până a murit, timp de 39 de ani, scriind poezii şi proza. Temele abordate

erau natura, istoria, trecerea ireversibilă a timpului şi dragostea.

Cele mai faimoase opere sunt : "Luceafărul " (cel mai lung poem de dragoste –

98 de strofe), „Scrisoarea a III-a", „Călin - file din poveste", „Făt-Frumos din lacrimă”

(basm), „Sărmanul Dionis (nuvelă).

A iubit-o pe Veronica Micle, dar aceasta era căsătorită cu profesorul ei, fiind o

căsătorie aranjată de părinţi. Mihai o iubea pe Veronica nespus de mult. Ea a fost şi

sursa sa principală de inspiraţie.

În timpul vietii sale, opera sa nu a fost apreciată. Doar după ce a murit a

început să fie recunoscut.

A fost şi editor de ziar şi reviste din Bucureşti, Iaşi şi Viena. A murit în 1889 la



ION LUCA CARAGIALE a fost un dramaturg,

nuvelist, pamfletar, poet, scriitor, director de

Mihai Eminescu was a Romanian poet of the mid-nineteenth century. He lived only 39 years, writing poetry and prose. Some of the topics addressed were the nature and lost love.

The most famous works are: "Luceafarul" (poem), "Scrisoarea III" (poem), "Calin-file din poveste" (poem).

During his lifetime, his writings weren’t fully appreciated. Only after he died he began being recognized.

He was a newspaper editor in Bucharest, Iasi and Viena.

He died in 1889 in Bucharest.


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teatru, comentator politic și ziarist român. Este considerat a fi cel mai mare dramaturg

român și unul dintre cei mai importanți scriitori români. A fost ales membru al

Academiei Române. De asemenea, Caragiale a fost și director al Teatrului

Național din București.

Este foarte cunoscut și apreciat pentru comediile cărora le-a dat viață și care

sunt interpretate și astăzi pe marile scene ale teatrelor din România – „O scrisoare

pierdută”, „O noapte furtunoasă”, „D-ale carnavalului”.

Momentele și schițele scrise de Caragiale sunt îndrăgite de cititori de toate

vârstele – „Bubico”, D-l Goe”, „Vizită”, „Bacalaureat”.

GEORGE COŞBUC (1866-1918)

GEORGE COŞBUC s-a născut în anul 1866 şi a

fost un poet român. De asemenea, el a şi tradus

texte în limba română. Este renumit pentru versurile

pe care le-a scris, ce descriu viaţa la ţară şi eroii

poporului român, dar şi temele legate de natură, cum

ar fi venirea primăverii.

Printre cele mai cunoscute poezii scrise de el

se numără şi ,,Paşa Hassan”, care a fost publicată în

Ion Luca Caragiale was a great Romanian playwright, short story writer, poet, theater

manager, political commentator and journalist. He is considered one of the greatest

Romanian playwrights and writers, a leading representative of local humor, and a main

representative of Junimea, an influential literary society which he parted with during the

second half of his life.


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volumul ,,Cântece de vitejie”, ce îl descrie pe domnitorul român Mihai Viteazul luptând

împotriva paşei Hassan, dar şi ,,Oaspeţii primăverii”, o poezie ce descrie venirea

acestui anotimp.

George Coşbuc a murit în anul 1918, lăsând poporului român numeroase poezii


George Coşbuc, a Romanian poet, was born in 1866. He translated foreign literature in

Romanian, too. He is famous for his poems in which he describes the country life and

the Romanian heroes.

His well-known poems are “Paşa Hassan” and “Oaspeţii primăverii”.

George Coşbuc died in 1918 and he left lots of impressive poems to the Romanian



scriitor român din secolul XX.

Cariera lui a durat 50 de ani, în

tot acest timp scriind romane, nuvele şi

povestiri. Temele abordate au fost istoria

şi aventura.


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Cele mai reprezentative opere sunt: “Ion Ursu” (nuvelă), “Baltagul”

(roman), “Fraţii Jderi” (roman) şi “Hanu’ Ancuţei” (volum).

Îi plăcea să facă vizite prin toată România pentru a îşi găsi inspiraţia pentru

viitoarele scrieri.

IOAN SLAVICI (1848-1925) IOAN SLAVICI a fost un scriitor, jurnalist și pedagog român, membru corespondent

al Academiei Române.

A devenit scriitor îndrumat de Mihai

Eminescu. Memoriile sale publicate în

volumul “Amintiri”, apărut în anul 1924, au o

importanță deosebită pentru istoria literaturii

române. A scris numeroase nuvele („Popa

Tanda”, „Moara cu noroc”, „Pădureanca”),

Mihail Sadoveanu was a Romanian writer of the 20th century.

His career lasted 50 years, having written novels, short stories and tales about history and


His representative writings are “Ion Ursu” (short story), “Baltagul” (novel), “Fraţii Jderi” (novel)

and “Hanu Ancuţei” (novel).

He liked going on trips around the country to find his inspiration for his next writings


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romane (Mara) și povești („Doi feți cu stea în frunte”, „Spaima zmeilor” „Păcală în satul


Redactor la “Timpul” în București și, mai apoi, fondator al Tribunei din Sibiu a

fost un jurnalist controversat, iar în urma articolelor sale a fost închis de cinci ori, atât în

Austro-Ungaria, cât și în România. Această experiență a fost reflectată de Slavici în

lucrarea memorialistică intitulată „Închisorile mele”, publicată în 1921.

Se stinge din viață la 77 de ani.


MIRCEA CĂRTĂRESCU s-a născut în 1956 la

Bucureşti. A urmat cursurile Facultăţii de Filologie a

Universităţii din Bucureşti şi a debutat ca poet, publicând

câteva volume de versuri, marcate de spiritul a ceea ce

critica literară a numit „generaţia optzecistă".

Treptat, s-a îndepărtat de poezie, dedicându-se

aproape exclusiv prozei. Povestirilor din Nostalgia le-au urmat un scurt roman

(Travesti, 1994) şi apoi unul în trei volume, Orbitor (1996-2007), privit de critică drept

un reper al prozei româneşti contemporane.

Ioan Slavici was a Romanian writer, journalist and member of the Romanian Academy.

He became a writer guided by Mihai Eminescu. The book “Amintiri” is very important for the

Romanian literature history.

He was also editor at “Timpul”. He has been imprisoned for 5 times for his articles. He wrote

about this experience in the book “Închisorile mele”.

Some of his stories are:“Doi feți cu stea în frunte” and “ Spaima zmeilor”He died at 77 years old.


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Trei volume de publicistică întregesc chipul scriitorului cu cel al unui observator

lucid al cotidianului românesc. La capitolul literatură pentru copii el a scris Enciclopedia

zmeilor (2005).

MIRCEA CĂRTĂRESCU (1 June 1956) is a Romanian poet, novelist and essayist.

Born in Bucharest, he graduated the University of Bucharest - Faculty of Letters. His

debut as a writer was in 1978, in the magazine “România Literară”. Between 1980 and

1989 he worked as a Romanian language teacher. He wrote Enciclopedia zmeilor (The

Encyclopedia of Dragons) which is an educational story for kids.


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ADAM MICKIEWICZAdam Mickiewicz (ur. w Zaosiu 24 grudnia 1798 r – zm. 26

listopada 1855 w Konstantynopolu)- polski poeta, działacz i

publicysta polityczny, wolnomularz. Obok Juliusza

Słowackiego i Zygmunta Krasickiego uważany za

największego poetę polskiego romantyzmu (grono tzw.

Trzech Wieszczów) oraz literatury polskiej. Znany przede

wszystkim jako autor ballad, powieści poetyckich, dramatu

Dziady oraz epopei narodowe Pan Tadeusz. Narodowy

poeta Polski, Litwy i Białorusi.

Studia filologii klasycznej, literatury polskiej i historii odbywał

w Wilnie (1815 r – 1819 r.). Później był nauczycielem w szkole w Kownie.

Za uczestnictwo w Towarzystwie Filomatów został zesłany do Rosji, skąd powrócił w

1829 r.


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Na wiadomość o wybuchu Powstania Listopadowego (1830) udał się do Wielkopolski,

lecz musiał wrócić do Paryża. Tam poślubił Celinę Szymanowską. W 1839 r. wyjechał,

aby objąć na uniwersytecie Lozańskim Katedrę literatury Rzymskiej. Wrócił jednak do


W czasie Wiosny Ludów stworzył we Włoszech (1848 r.) ochotniczy legion polski.

Założył i był redaktorem pisma "Trybuna Ludów". W 1855 r. W czasie wojny krymskiej

organizował w Turcji oddziały polskie. Tam zmarł na cholerę w Konstantynopolu.

Oddziaływanie dorobku twórczego Mickiewicza wykroczyło poza sferę czysto poetycką.

Jasność obrazu poetyckiego oraz prostota języka czyniły jego dzieła dostępne dla

ogółu czytelników.

Klimat jego twórczości jest jednym z ogniw polskiej świadomości narodowej.Ukazanie

się pierwszego tomu poezji "Ballady i romanse" uznaje się za początek epoki

romantyzmu w Polsce.

Do ważniejszych utworów Mickiewicza należą "Grażyna" (1823 r.) "Sonety Krymskie"

i "Konrad Wallenrod" (1826 r.), "Dziady" a szczególnie część III (1832 r.) którą obok

Ksiąg Narodu Polskiego i Pielgrzymstwa Polskiego oraz "Pana Tadeusza" uznaje

się za szczytowe osiągnięcie poety.

Adam Mickiewicz (born 24 December 1798- died 26 November 1855) was a Polish

national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, professor of Slavic literature, and

political activist. A principal figure in Polish Romanticism, he is counted one of Poland's

"Three Bards" ("Trzej Wieszcze") and is widely regarded as Poland's greatest poet. He

is also considered one of the greatest Slavic and European poets and has been

dubbed a "Slavic bard". A leading Romantic dramatist, he has been compared in

Poland and Europe to Byron and Goethe. He is known chiefly for the poetic drama

Dziady (Forefathers' Eve) and the national epic poem Pan Tadeusz. His other

influential works include Crimean Sonnets, Grażyna, Konrad Wallenrod and Books of the Polish Nation and the Polish Pilgrimage, 1832. All these served as inspiration

for uprisings against the three imperial powers that had partitioned the Polish-

Lithuanian Commonwealth out of existence.

Mickiewicz was born in the Russian-partitioned territories which had been part of the

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and was active in the struggle to win independence

for his home region. After, as a consequence, spending five years exiled to central

Russia, in 1829 he succeeded in leaving the Russian Empire and lived out the rest of

his life abroad. He settled first in Rome, then in Paris, where for a little over three years

he lectured on Slavic literature at the College de France. He died, probably of cholera

at Istanbul in the Ottoman Empire, where he had gone to help organize Polish and


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Jewish forces to fight Russia in the Crimean War.

JAN DULGOSZUrodził się w 1415 w centralnej części Polski. Był synem bogatych rodziców. Jan

Długosz był słynnym pisarzem Polski

Studiował w Korczynie i Krakowie. Był współpracownikiem

Biskupa Oleśnickiego. Potem pracował z królem Polski-

Kazimierzem Jagiellończykiem. Był zaangażowany w życie

polityczne w Polsce. Zmarł w 1480 roku w Krakowie. Był

autorem publikacji historycznych, takich jak Annales seu

cronicae incliti Regni Poloniae (Roczników, czyli Kroniki

sławnego Królestwa Polskiego), w których opisał historię

Polski do roku 1480. "Chorographia Regni Poloniae" był

częścią jego pracy i pokazał cechy geograficzne Polski.

Jan Długosz był jednym z najbardziej inteligentnych i

wybitnych pisarzy w historii Polski.

Jan Długosz- was a Polish priest, chronicler, diplomat, soldier and secretary to Bishop

Zbigniew Oleśnicki of Kraków.

He was born in 1415 in the central part of Poland. He was a son of rich parents. Jan

Długosz was a famous history writer. He studied in Korczyn and Kraków. He was the

co-worker of bishop Oleśnicki. Then he worked with the king of Poland- Kazimierz

Jagiellończyk. He was involved in political life In Poland. He died In 1480 in Kraków. He

was the author of historic publications like Annales seu cronici incliti Regni Poloniae

(Annals or Chronicles of the Famous Kingdom of Poland) or known as The Annals of

Jan Dlugosz , in which he described the history of Poland to the year 1480.

“Chorographia Regni Poloniae” was a part of his work and showed geographic features

of Poland. Jan Długosz was the author of Historiae Polonicae libri xii (Polish Histories,

in Twelve Books; written 1455–80; first published 1711-12, in 2 volumes) and thus one

of the most intelligent and prominent


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Jan Kochanowski (ur. 1530 w Sycynie, zm. 22

sierpnia 1584 w Lublinie) – polski poeta epoki

Renesansu, sekretarz królewski

Jan Kochanowski uważany jest za jednego z

najwybitniejszych twórców Renesansu w Europie,

najlepszego poetę słowiańskiego, który przyczynił się

do rozwoju polskiego języka literackiego. Był autorem

fraszek, pieśni, wierszy okolicznościowych, trenów.

Wszyscy Polacy znają słowa jego fraszki:

„Szlachetne zdrowie, nikt się nie dowie jako

smakujesz, aż się zepsujesz”

He was a Polish Renaissance poet who established poetic patterns that would become

integral to the

Polish literary language. He was the author of well-known epigrams, limericks, poems

and elegies.

He is commonly regarded as the greatest Polish poet before Adam Mickiewicz and the

greatest Slavic poet prior to the 19th century.


Henryk Sienkiewicz ( ur. 5 maja 1846, zm. 15

listopada 1916 -) znany również pod

pseudonimem "Litwos", polski nowelista,

powieściopisarz, publicysta; laureat Nagrody

Nobla w dziedzinie Literatury w 1905 za

całokształt twórczości, jeden z

najpopularniejszych pisarzy polskich przełomu

XIX i XX wieku.

W 1858 roku Sienkiewicz rozpoczął naukę w

Warszawie . W tamtym czasie będąc w szkole w

roku 1864 zdobył swą pierwszą nagrody.

Wskutek trudnej sytuacji materialnej,

dziewiętnastoletni Sienkiewicz podjął się posady guwernera. W 1866 r. Uzyskał

świadectwo dojrzałości i ostatecznie studiował na wydziale filologiczno-historycznym.

Zdobył tam gruntowną znajomość literatury i języka staropolskiego.


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W lutym 1876 r. wybrał się w podróż do USA. W 1878 roku wrócił do Europy. Zatrzymał

się w Londynie, następnie przez rok przebywał w Paryżu. W roku 1878 napisał nowelę

Janko Muzykant

Korespondencje ze Stanów Zjednoczonych zyskały szerokie uznanie i wzbudziły

zainteresowanie jego osobą. W 1881 ożenił sie z Marię Szetkiewiczównę. Małżeństwo

nie trwało długo, gdyż 19 października 1885 roku Maria zmarła. W 1880 napisał utwór

historyczny Niewola Tatarska i pracował nad powieścią historyczną Ogniem i Mieczem. Powieść ta przyniosła pisarzowi wielką popularność i spotkała się z

nadzwyczajnym odbiorem społecznym. Druga połowa lat osiemdziesiątych i początek

lat dziewięćdziesiątych to dla pisarza okres bardzo wytężonej pracy nad kilkoma

powieściami. Wkrótce pisarz rozpoczął prace nad kolejną częścią Trylogii- Potopem; tytuł odnosił się do potopu szwedzkiego.

Po napisaniu Trylogii Sienkiewicz w 1888 roku odbył podróż do Hiszpanii. W styczniu

1891 wyruszył w podróż do Afryki. Podróż ta zaowocowała Listami z Afryki.

Pierwsze rozdziały Quo vadis, ukazały się drukiem od marca 1895 roku w

warszawskiej „Gazecie Polskiej”, krakowskim „Czasie” oraz „Dzienniku Poznańskim”.

Wydanie książkowe pojawiło się niedługo później i zrobiło zawrotną karierę w całej

Europie. Quo vadis wielokrotnie adaptowano i wystawiano na deskach teatrów,

ukazała się nawet opera oparta na motywach powieści, a w 1913 roku zostało po raz

pierwszy sfilmowane. Potem była ekranizowana jeszcze kilkakrotnie.

W 1905 roku otrzymał Nagrodę Nobla za całokształt twórczości. Po wybuchu wojny

Henryk Sienkiewicz wyjechał do Szwajcarii. W 1924 roku, już w wolnej Polsce, prochy

pisarza uroczyście sprowadzono do Polski.

Henryk Sienkiewicz- also known by the pseudonym "Litwos" (5 May 1846 – 15

November 1916)

was a Polish journalist, Nobel Prize-winning novelist, and philanthropist. He is best

remembered for his historical novels.

Born into an impoverished Polish noble family in Russian-ruled Congress Poland. In

the late 1860s he began publishing journalistic and literary pieces. In the late 1870s he

traveled to the United States, sending back travel essays that won him popularity with

Polish readers. In the 1880s he began serializing novels that further increased his

popularity. He soon became one of the most popular Polish writers of the turn of the


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19th and 20th centuries, and numerous translations gained him international renown,

culminating in his receipt of the 1905 Nobel Prize in Literature for his "outstanding

merits as an epic writer."

Many of his novels remain in print. In Poland he is best known for his "Trilogy" of

historical novels – With Fire and Sword, The Deluge, and Sir Michael— set in the 17th-

century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; internationally he is best known for Quo

Vadis set in Nero's Rome. The Trilogy and Quo Vadis have been filmed, the latter

several times, with Hollywood's 1961 version receiving the most international



Wincenty urodził się w Krakowie pod

Opatowem w 1155r. W szkole przyjaźnił się z

Kazimierzem Sprawiedliwym. Wincenty

należał do elity uczonych w Polsce. Kadłubek

został mistrzem (magistrem) w dyplomie

Kazimierza Sprawiedliwego 12 kwietnia

1189r. W tym czasie zaczyna pisać " Kronikę

polską" największe dzieło literatury tamtych

czasów. W 1207r. Wincenty zostaje wybrany

biskupem krakowskim, i jako biskup podpisuje

się "niegodny sługa Kościoła". Należał do

zwolenników reform (wprowadzenie celibatu,

uniezależnienie Kościoła od władzy

świeckiej ).Szczególnie wspierał zakon bożogrobowców, ma także zasługę w

podniesieniu poziomu szkoły katedralnej. Szerzył kult św. Floriana i św. Stanisława. w

1218 r. Kadłubek zrzeka się urzędu i wstępuje do klasztoru opactwa cystersów w

Jędrzejowie. Przed wstąpieniem oddał cały swój majątek oraz tytuły i jako pustelnik


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wstępuje do klasztoru Teodoryków. W wolnych chwilach kończy swoje dzieło. Wincenty

umiera 8 marca 1223r w Jędrzejowie .Jako biskup napisał trzy części Kronik Polskich,a

w klasztorze zdążył napisać czwartą doprowadzając kronikę do 1202r,czyli do czasów

w których żył. Wincenty Kadłubek był pierwszym historykiem polskim, jego historia ma

formę dialogu napisanego łaciną. W sowiej Kronice Wincenty zebrał wszystkie podania

i mity o początkach powstania Polski. Dużo w niej poetyckiej fikcji ale są też ważne

ziarna tradycji.

Blessed Wincenty Kadłubek also known as Vincent Kadlubek, was a thirteenth-

century Bishop of Kraków and historian of Poland.

He was born in 1155r. He studied in Kraków. He was a friend of Polish prince

Kazimerz. He studied in Paris and Bolonia. He belonged to the high intellectual class

of the society. He was a priest of a Polish King Kazimierz Sprawiedliwy.

Kadłubek's best-known work, Chronica seu originale regnum st principum Poloniae

(Chronicles of the Kings and Princes of Poland), is a history of Poland in four

volumes. The first three volumes take the form of a dialogue between Archbishop John

of Gniezno (1149–after 1167) and Matthew Bishop of Kraków (1143–1166). The first

volume's sources are legends, the second is based on the chronicle of Gallus

Anonymus, and the last two are based upon Kadłubek's own experiences.

He had great influence on the shape of the Catholic Church in Poland. The rest of his

life he spent in a monastery where he wanted to finish the Chronicles. Wincenty

Kadłubek was a first Polish historical writer who wrote with beautiful language. He

collected the myths and documents about the beginning of Poland. There are many

poetic descriptions in Latin. He used very colorful language. He died in 1223.

WISŁAWA SZYMBORSKA –(UR. 2.07.1923, ZM. 1.02.2012) Polska poetka, eseistka i krytyk literacki.

Debiutowała w 1945 zamieszczając swój wiersz

w „Dzienniku Polskim”.

W 1989 roku założyła Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy

Polskich. Rok przed śmiercią (2011 rok) została

oznaczona Orderem Orła Białego. Dostała także

wiele innych nagród na przykład: Krzyż

Kawalerski Orderu Odrodzenia Polski (1974 rok),

Złoty Krzyż Zasługi (1955 rok), Dziecięca

Nagroda SERCA .


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Należy do najczęściej tłumaczonych polskich autorów, jej książki zostały

przetłumaczone na 42 języki. Napisała wiele sławnych dzieł: Ludzie na moście,

Wołanie do Yeti, Koniec i początek. Jednymi z jej popularnych utworów są:

„Dwukropek”, „Widok z ziarnkiem piasku”, „Wielka liczba”. W 1996 dostała Nobla w

dziedzinie literatury za całokształt pracy literackiej.

Wisława Szymborska – (born 2.07.1923 –died 1.02.2012)

She was a Polish poet, essayist, translator and literary critic.

Her popular work is: „Dwukropek”(„Colon”), „Widok z ziarnkiem piasku” ("View with a

Grain of Sand"), „Wielka liczba” („A large number”), „Ludzie na moście”("People on the

Bridge") , „Wołanie do Yeti” ("Calling Out to Yeti") , „Koniec i początek”, ("The End and

the Beginning").

She is most often translated and at the same time renowned Polish author.

She was described as a "Mozart of Poetry" in Poland.

Her work has been translated into 42 languages.

In 1996 she won a Nobel Prize in Literature "for poetry that with ironic precision allows

the historical and biological context to come to light in fragments of human reality".


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TURKISH LITERATURE IN MIDDLE AGESWe can divide the Turkish Literature in Middle Ages into five categories as;

Turkish Literature Prior to the Adoption of Islam

The Oral Tradition

Turkish Literature After the Adoption of Islam

Popular Literature

Divan Literature

TURKISH LITERATURE PRIOR TO THE ADOPTION OF ISLAMTurkish literature was the joint product of the Turkish clans and was mostly oral. The

oldest known examples of Turkish writings are on obelisks dating from the late 7th and

early 8th centuries.

The Orkhon Inscriptions

The Orkhon inscriptions are two memorial installations erected by the Göktürks

written in Old Turkic alphabet in the early 8th century in the Orkhon Valley in Mongolia.


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They were erected in the honor of two Turkic princes, Kul Tigin and his brother Bilge


A sample from the Book of Dede Korkut

The "Book of Dede Korkut" that was put down in writing in the 14th century, is an

extremely valuable work that preserves the memory of that epic era in beautiful

language. The Book of Dede Korkut is the most famous among the epic stories of the

Oghuz Turks (also known as Turkmens or Turcomans) The stories carry morals and

values significant to the social lifestyle of the nomadic Turks and their pre-Islamic


The work originated as a series of epics orally told and transferred over the

generations before being published in book form. There are numerous versions

collected of the stories. It is thought that the first versions were in natural verse, since

Turkish is an agglutinative language, but that they gradually transformed into

combinations of verse and prose as the Islamic elements affected the narrative over



Mahmud of Kasghar (1005-1102)

The oral products of the period were written down in the Divanü Lugati't-Türk

(Dictionary of Turkish languages) written by Mahmud of Kashgar in the 11th century.Al-

Kashgari studied the Turkic languages of his time and wrote the first comprehensive

dictionary of Turkic languages, the Dīwānu l-Luġat al-Turk in 1072-74.Mahmud

Kashgari's comprehensive dictionary, later edited by the Turkish historian, Ali Amiri,


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contains specimens of old Turkic poetry in the typical form of quatrains, representing all

the principal genres: epic, pastoral, didactic, lyric, and elegiac. His book also included

the first known map of the areas inhabited by Turkic peoples. This map is housed at

the National Library in Istanbul.Some researchers think that Mahmud al-Kashgari died

in 1102 at the age of 97 in Upal, a small city southwest of Kashgar, and was buried

there. There is now a mausoleum erected on his gravesite. But some modern authors

reject such a data, saying that the date of his death is just unknown.

One of al-Kashgari's most famous poems relates to the Turko-Islamic conquest of

the Buddhist, Tocharian Kingdom of Khotan:

We came down on them like a flood!

We went out among their cities!

We tore down the idol-temples,

We shat on the Buddha's head!

TURKISH LITERATURE AFTER THE ADOPTION OF ISLAMFollowing Turkish migrations into Anatolia in the wake of the Malazgirt victory in 1071,

the establishment of various Beyliks in Anatolia and the eventual founding of the Seljuk

and Ottoman Empires set the scene for Turkish literature to develop along two distinct

lines, with "divan" or classical literature drawing its inspiration from the Arabic and

Persian languages and Turkish folk literature still remaining deeply rooted in Central

Asian traditions.

To a certain extent, the Turkish folk literature which has survived till our day, reflects

the influence of Islam and the new life style and form of the traditional literature of

Central Asia after the adoption of Islam. Turkish folk literature comprised anonymous

works of bard poems and Tekke (mystical religious retreats) literature.

Yunus Emre (1238-1320)

Yunus Emre was a Turkishpoet and Sufimystic. He has exercised immense influence


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on Turkish literature, from his own day until the present. Because Yunus Emre is, after

Ahmet Yesevi and Sultan Walad, one of the first known poets to have composed works

in the spoken Turkish of his own age and region rather than in Persian or Arabic, his

diction remains very close to the popular speech of his contemporaries in Central and

Western Anatolia. This is also the language of a number of anonymous folk-poets, folk-

songs, fairy tales, riddles, and proverbs. His poems, written in the tradition of Anatolian

folk poetry, mainly concern divine love as well as human destiny:

“Yunus Emre the mystic is my name,

Each passing day fans and rouses my flame,

What I desire in both worlds is the same:

You're the one I need, you're the one I crave.”

POPULAR LITERATUREThis area consists of folk tales, folk songs, proverbs, riddles and village performance

shows, the creators of which are either unclear or unknown. Dervish literature can be

regarded as popular literature with a religious content. Dervish poetry would be read to

the accompaniment of tunes known as 'ilahi' or 'nefes.' Although containing elements of

Arabic and Persian, the language employed in dervish literature was intended to be

clearly understood. The most important representatives of this form of literature are

Yunus Emre, Nesimi, Kaygusuz Abdal.

Nesimi (1369-1417)

Nesimi is considered one of the greatest Turkic mystical poets of the late 14th and

early 15th centuries and one of the most prominent early divan masters in Turkic


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literary history.One of Nesîmî's most famous poems is the gazel beginning with the

following lines:

“Both worlds can fit within me, but in this world I cannot fit

I am the placeless essence, but into existence I cannot fit”


The most important literary activity of the Ottoman period, Divan Literature, which many

scholars have claimed to be the product of cultural alienation, was mostly an

adaptation of the Arabic and Iranian art. It addressed people who had Madrasah

(theological school) training and religious knowledge. It however was not appreciated,

or read by the masses, and so remained merely as court literature. Its language was a

mixture of Turkish, Arabic and Persian, which was later called the Ottoman Language.

Although this genre produced mostly poems, it also produced history books, letters and

travel notes. Dehhani, Kadi Burhan al-Din Ahmed, Nesimi and Ahmedi were the first

masters of Divan poetry in the fourteenth century.


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Kadi Burhan al-Din Ahmed (1345-1398)

He was an outstanding Turkish poet.He was also a poet who wrote primarily

in Persian. Qāżi Aḥmad Borhān al-Din played significant role in the development of

the Azeri Turkish poetry. Turkish divan poets beginning in the fifteenth century

adopted all the characteristics of Persian poetry. In non-religious subjects, the most

famous poets of divan literature were Seyhi, Ahmet Pasha and Necati.

Suleyman Celebi

Suleyman Celebi wrote the most renowned religious poem of that period, Mevlut, which

differs from the other examples of its kind in its simple, enthusiastic and sincere

language. It is still recited in some religious gatherings today. 


Fużūlī (1494 – 1556) was the pen name of the Ottoman poet,

writer and thinker Muhammad bin Suleyman .Often considered

one of the greatest contributors to the Divan tradition of


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Azerbaijani literature. Fuzûlî in fact wrote his collected poems (dîvân) in three different

languages: in his native AzerbaijaniTurkic, Persian, and Arabic.He was also well

versed in mathematics and astronomy.

Fuzûlî showed poetic promise early in life, composing sometime around his twentieth

year the important masnavi entitled Beng ü Bâde ( "Hashish and Wine"), in which he

compared the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II to hashish and the Safavid shah Ismail I to

wine, much to the advantage of the latter.

One of the few things that is known of Fuzûlî's life during this time is how he arrived at

his pen name. In the introduction to his collected Persian poems, he says: "In the early

days when I was just beginning to write poetry, every few days I would set my heart on

a particular pen name and then after a time change it for another because someone

showed up who shared the same name". Eventually, he decided upon the Arabic word

fuzûlî—which literally means "impertinent, improper, unnecessary"—because he "knew

that this title would not be acceptable to anyone else". Despite the name's pejorative

meaning, however, it contains a double meaning—what is called tevriyye in Ottoman

Divan poetry—as Fuzûlî himself explains: "I was possessed of all the arts and sciences

and found a pen name that also implies this sense since in the dictionary fuzûl is given

as a plural of fazl ('learning') and has the same rhythm as ‘ulûm ( 'sciences') and fünûn

( 'arts')".

Fuzûlî has always been known, first and foremost, as a poet of love. It was, in fact, a

characterization that he seems to have agreed with:

“Don't ask Fuzûlî for poems of praise or rebuke

I am a lover and speak only of love”

Fuzûlî's notion of love, however, has more in common with the Sufi idea of love as a

projection of the essence of God—though Fuzûlî himself seems to have belonged to no

particular Sufi order—than it does with the Western idea of romantic love. This can be

seen in the following lines from another poem:

“All that is in the world is love

And knowledge is nothing but gossip”

The first of these lines, especially, relates to the idea of wahdat al-wujūd or "unity of

being", which was first formulated by Ibn al-‘Arabī and which states that nothing apart


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from various manifestations of God exists. Here, Fuzûlî uses the word "love" rather

than God in the formula, but the effect is the same.

In Fuzûlî's œuvre, his most extended treatment of this idea of love is in the long poem

Dâstân-ı Leylî vü Mecnun , a mesnevî which takes as its subject the classical Middle

Eastern love story of Layla and Majnun. In his version of the story, Fuzûlî concentrates

upon the pain of the mad lover Majnun's separation from his beloved Layla, and comes

to see this pain as being of the essence of love:

“Oh God, let me know the pain of love

Do not for even a moment separate me from it

Do not lessen your aid to the afflicted

But rather, make lovesick me one among them”

The ultimate value of the suffering of love, in Fuzûlî's work, lies in that it helps one to

approach closer to "the Real" , which is one of the 99 names of God in Islamic tradition.

A page from the collected poems of Fuzûlî

Works in Turkish

Dîvân ("Collected Poems")


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Beng ü Bâde ( "Hashish and Wine")

Hadîkat üs-Süedâ ( "Garden of Pleasures")

Dâstân-ı Leylî vü Mecnûn ("The Epic of Layla and Majnun")

Risâle-i Muammeyât ("Treatise on Riddles")

Şikâyetnâme ("Complaint")

In 1959, a town and the associated rayon in Azerbaijan were renamed after him.

In 1996 the National Bank of Azerbaijan minted a golden 100 manat and a silver 50

manat commemorative coins dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Fuzûlî's life and



Mehmed Zilli (25 March 1611 – after

1682), known as Evliya Çelebi (Tchelebi

in French , Tchalabi/Chalabi in English )

was an Ottoman Turk who travelled

through the territory of the Ottoman

Empire and neighboring lands over a

period of forty years. He is renowned for

his expansive travelogue (Seyâhatnâme).

. His journal writing began in Constantinople, taking notes on buildings, markets,

customs and culture, and in 1640 it was extended with accounts of his travels beyond

the confines of the city. The collected notes of Evilya Çelebi's travels form a ten-volume

work called the Seyahatname ("Travelogue").


According to Evliya Çelebi, the name Mostar means

"bridge-keeper." Of the bridge, 28 meters long and


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20 meters high, Çelebi wrote that "the bridge is like a rainbow arch soaring up to the

skies, extending from one cliff to the other. ...I, a poor and miserable slave of Allah,

have passed through 16 countries, but I have never seen such a high bridge. It is

thrown from rock to rock as high as the sky."

The Seyâhatnâme

Although many of the descriptions the Seyâhatnâme were written in an exaggerated

manner or were plainly inventive fiction or 3rd-source misinterpretation, his notes

remain a useful guide to the culture and lifestyles of the 17th century Ottoman Empire.

The first volume deals exclusively with Constantinople, the final volume with Egypt.

Evliya is noted for having collected specimens of the languages in each region he

traveled in. There are some 30 Turkic dialects and languages cataloged in the

Seyâhatnâme. Çelebi notes the similarities between several words from the German

and Persian, though he denies any common Indo-European heritage. The

Seyâhatnâme also contains the first transcriptions of many Caucasian languages and

Tsakonian, and the only extant specimens of written Ubykh outside the linguistic


In the 10 volumes of his Seyâhatnâme, he describes ten journeys:


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(1908-1983) Va ser una escriptora catalana molt famosa. Es

va casar amb el seu oncle, cosa que no era massa estranya

en l'època. Després, quan va començar la guerra civil, es va

exiliar amb el seu marit a Ginebra i a França. No va tornar a

Catalunya fins la dècada dels 70.



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RODOREDA, Mercè, Aloma, Barcelona, 1936, Institucions Lletres Catalanes.

RODOREDA, Mercè, Viatges i Flors, Barcelona, 1980, Edicions 62.

RODOREDA, Mercè, Mirall Trencat, Barcelona, 1974, Club Trencat.

“Un vespre em va semblar que el veia a l’entrada del bosc de les arrels però quan m’hi

vaig poder saber si era ell o el desig que jo tenia d’ell o la seva ombra que em buscava

perduda entre els arbres, com jo, amunt i avall.” (La salamandra; dins La meva Cristina

i altres contes).

He was a famous writer. She married her uncle. After the beginning of the Civil War in Spain and she exiled to France and Genève. There, she continued writing books in Catalan and she became very famous in her lifetime.



(1913-1995) Va ser un poeta i escriptor català molt famós. A

la seva infància era un noi trapella i juganer però es va

tornar més seriós a causa que molts dels seus familiars van

morir i això va ser un cop molt dur per a ell. Malgrat que va

esclatar la guerra civil ell no es va exiliar i va seguir escrivint

en català, sense por del que pogués passar.


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ESPRIU, Salvador, Laia, Barcelona, 1932.

ESPRIU, Salvador, La pell de brau, Barcelona, 1960

ESPRIU, Salvador, Llibre de Sinera, Barcelona, 1963

“El metge va parlar d’alcoholisme, de les lleis de l’herència i de nervis espatllats, va

pronunciar amb èmfasi el mot «desconfiança» i va deixar la família esbalaïda i plena

d’agraït respecte pel seu saber. Després d’aquell pronòstic, pocs creien en les

possibilitats de salvació de la petita, però aquesta es va refer i va créixer

esprimatxada, rampelluda, esquerpa.” (Laia).

He was a very famous poet and writer. When he was young, a lot of his family died and he became a serious person. In the Civil War of Spain he stayed in Barcelona and he continued writing books and poems.



(1897-1981) Va ser una  figura referent de la literatura

catalana. Sorprenentment, no va aprovar el batxillerat en un

internat de Girona. Durant la guerra civil se’n va anar a viure

un temps a Marsella i al cap d'un temps a Roma.


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Seguidament va tornar a Catalunya per intentar recuperar la identitat cultural del país.

Actualment encara és un dels escriptors més llegits.


PLA, Josep, Les hores, Barcelona, 1953

PLA, Josep, Vint-i-cinc anys de política catalanista, Barcelona, 1931

PLA, Josep, Coses vistes, Barcelona, 1925

“Ciset Vilà, un marxant de boscos, fill, com el general Savalls, de la Pera, sol explicar

que quan aquest general corria pel país fent la segona guerra carlista es presentà un

dia al seu poble natal, muntat en el seu cèlebre cavall blanc que figura a les litografies,

rodejat dels principals personatges de la seva partida.” (El quadern gris)

He was a catalan writer. He didn’t get his secondary school certificate. In the Civil War of Spain, he went to live in Marseille and Rome. Now he is considered one of the most important writers in our country.



Va neixer entre el 1413 i 1415 a la ciutat de València

segons l' historiador Jaume Chiner, en el si del llinatge

dels Martorell, una família de la mitjana noblesa


Page 34: LITERARI com…  · Web viewGrigore Ureche s-a născut în 1590, ca fiu al lui Nestor Ureche, important boier de la sfârșitul veacului al XVI-lea, în timpul

originària de Gandia, però establerta a València des de 1400. El seu avi va ser

conseller reial i el seu pare, cambrer del rei Martí l'Humà.

Joanot Martorell era un cavaller vigorós i un molt bon escriptor.

El 1433 Martorell surt per primera vegada documentat en una lletra de batalla. Joanot

Martorell provocava molts enfrontaments. N'hi ha quatre de molt famosos.

L'any 1437 contra Joan de Monpalau.

L'any 1442 contra Jaume Ripoll.[2]

L'any 1442 contra Felip Boil,

Des de l'any 1442 fins al 1450 contra Gonzalo de Híjar.[4]

El 2 de gener de 1460 va començar a escriure Tirant lo Blanc, morí sense acabar la

novel·la al 1468 a València sense descendència.

Ara hi ha un carrer anomenat com ell a Granollers


Es pensa que Miguel de Cervantes va néixer a

Alcalá de Henareso a Alcázar de San Juan. El

dia exacte del seu naixement és desconegut,

però es diu que podia haver nascut el 29 de

setembre, data en què se celebra la festa de

l'arcàngel Sant Miquel, donada la tradició de


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rebre el nom del santoral. Miguel de Cervantes va ser batejat a Alcalá de Henares

(Espanya) el 9 d'octubre de 1547, a la parròquia de Santa Maria la Major.

Segons aquesta teoria, era fill de Rodrigo de Cervantes i de Leonor de Cortinas

Sánchez. El seu pare, d'ascendència cordovesa i d'avantpassats gallecs, era cirurgià,

ofici més semblant a l'actual practicant que a la nostra idea de metge. Segons Américo

Castro, Daniel Eisenberg i altres cervantistes, l'escriptor tenia ascendència de jueu

conversper amb dues línies familiars. Per contra, Jean Canavaggio afirma que no està

provat, i ho compara amb els documents que recolzen sense cap dubte aquesta

ascendència per a Mateo Alemán. De la seva mare, Leonor, pràcticament no se'n sap

res. Els seus germans van ser Andrés (1543), Andrea (1544), Luisa (1546), que va

arribar a ser priora d'un convent carmelita; Rodrigo (1550), també soldat, que el va

acompanyar en el captiveri algerià; Magdalena (1554) i Juan, només conegut perquè

el pare l'esmenta en el testament.


Ramon Llull va néixer a Palma de Mallorca el

1233 i va morir a la mateixa Palma de

Mallorca el 1315. Va ser un escriptor, filòsof,

místic, profesor i missioner. La seva obra

escrita és la més extensa produïada per un

sol autor medieval, la va redactar en català,

occità, llatí i àrab. És considerat el primer

autor medieval en fer servir una llengua

romànica escrita.



Madrid, 25 de noviembre 1562 – Ibídem, 27 de

agosto 1635

Militar, poeta, cómico, novelista



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De tema religioso:

-Lo fingido verdadero sobre la vida de san Ginés, -El robo de Diana, -Los trabajos de Jacob, -El rústico del cielo, -La hermosa Esther -El nacimiento de Cristo De tema mitológico:

-Las mujeres sin hombres -El marido más firme -El laberinto de Creta -El amor enamorado


Va néixer al 1510 a Tortosa i va morir al 1574. Fou

un cavaller de formació cortesana que després de

nombroses querelles vers els seus actes

cavallerescos exercí un càrrec polític en la

governació de Tortosa en el segle XVI


L'únic llibre que va escriure va ser:

– Los col·loquis de la insigne ciutat de Tortosa

(1557) . Prosa catalana


Federico García Lorca (Fuentevaqueros 1898 - Víznar,

1936). Poeta y dramaturgo español. 

En 1915 comienza a estudiar Filosofía y Letras, así

como Derecho, en la Universidad de Granada. Forma

parte de El Rinconcillo, centro de reunión de los

artistas granadinos donde conoce a Manuel de Falla.

Entre 1916 y 1917 realiza una serie de viajes por

España con sus compañeros de estudios, conociendo


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a Antonio Machado. En 1919 se traslada a Madrid y se instala en la Residencia de

Estudiantes, coincidiendo con numerosos literatos e intelectuales.

En 1929 viaja a Nueva York y a Cuba. Dos años después funda el grupo teatral

universitario La Barraca, para acercar el teatro al pueblo, y en 1936 vuelve a Granada

donde es detenido y fusilado por sus ideas liberales.

Escribe tanto poesía como teatro,

En la actualidad Federico García Lorca es el poeta español más leído de todos los


He was a poet. In 1915 he started studying in the University of Granada. Between 1916 -1917, he travelled around Spain and met Antonio Machado. In 1919 he went to Madrid. In 1929, he travelled to New York. He wrote poetry and theatre.

RAFAEL ALBERTIRafael Alberti Merello. (El Puerto de Santa

María, Cádiz, 1902 - El Puerto de Santa María,

Cádiz, 1999). Poeta español de la Generación

del 27.

Empieza el bachillerato en el Colegio de los

Jesuitas del Puerto de Santa María. En 1917 se

traslada a Madrid, donde abandona el

bachillerato por la pintura, que ejerce una gran

influencia en su obra. Por motivos de salud se

traslada a vivir a las sierras de Guadarrama y


Page 38: LITERARI com…  · Web viewGrigore Ureche s-a născut în 1590, ca fiu al lui Nestor Ureche, important boier de la sfârșitul veacului al XVI-lea, în timpul

Rute, donde empieza a escribir sus primeras poesías, recogidas bajo el título

de Marinero en tierra. Con este libro obtiene el Premio Nacional de Literatura (1924-

25), otorgado por un jurado que integraban Antonio Machado, Menéndez Pidal y

Gabriel Miró.

Su poesía es "popular" -según Juan Ramón Jiménez-, " personalísima, de tradición

española, nueva, fresca, ágil, graciosa, parpadeante: andalucísima

En 1928 se afilia al partido comunista, y su obra adquiere tono político.

En 1931 recorre  varios países de Europa, para estudiar las nuevas tendencias del


En 1939, al terminar la Guerra Civil española, emigra a la República Argentina, desde

donde se traslada a Roma en 1962.

En las poesías que escribe en este periodo muestra cierta nostalgia por la patria.

Regresa finalmente a España en 1977.

He went to Madrid in 1917, and he left school and started painting. Then, he went to Guadarrama, where he started writings poems. In 1931, he travelled through Europe and he studied Theatre. He returned to Spain in 1977.