little merman

By Parker Flynn and Logan Tapscott

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Post on 21-Jul-2016




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Page 1: Little merman

By Parker Flynn and Logan Tapscott

Page 2: Little merman

You all know the story of the little mermaid, but this is the story of the little merman. The little merman is named Greg. He is the long lost brother of Ariel, the little mermaid. Greg lives in a swamp deep in the forest.

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The swamp that Greg lives in is found deep in the dark forest. The only way that Greg can get out is a long journey down the dangerous snake river. For that reason he has never left and had stayed in the swamp ever since he has been alive.

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His only friend in the swamp is an alligator named Bob. Bob has lived in the swamp since the beginning of time. He has been the only friend for Greg because it has only been Greg, Bob, and a few others in the swamp.

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One day, Greg comes up to the surface. He sees the most beautiful girl in the world. She is on her boat down the Snake River into the pond. Since he is very bad at swimming, he causes a loud commotion in the water, scaring the girl. She knocks a gas canister over, and somehow it boat sets on fire.

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Greg knows he has to do something. He tells the girl to jump off and he will save her. She jumps off, but Greg once again realizes he can barely swim by himself. How will he swim with her too? Greg decides to leave her behind. She jumps off and he leaves.

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Greg goes back down into the water. He can't stop thinking about the girl. He wants to get out of the swamp so badly. His mother, Queen Teresa, tells him that he is forbidden to go on the surface. One day, Greg hatches a plan to leave the swamp.

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Greg won't wait anymore. He is going to go up to the surface. He pulls himself out of the water but realizes that he has a problem. He has no legs. He can’t walk around on land and go places he would like to go.

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He makes his way back to the water. When he gets back he is devastated because he will never see the girl again. But all of a sudden he sees a few crawdads. They tell him to go deeper into the water. He does, and he finds another person in his swamp. It is a witch!

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Greg asks “Who are you”? The witch replies, “I am Gramps, the one who will give you legs to walk on land”. Greg says “I thought witches were girls.” Gramps is mad now. The witch offers his powers to give Greg legs. He tells him that for the deal to work, he has to give up his hearing to him. He graciously accepts. If he doesn't kiss the princess in 3 days, he will belong to the witch.

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Greg goes to the shore with Bob and walks up it. “It feels so good having legs!” he thought. After about a mile, he finds the girl in the woods. Greg is almost deaf now, so he doesn't know what the girl is saying. He follows her back to her house. He expects a massive castle, but all he sees is a worn down shed.

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“This is my home. My name is Erica” she says. Greg and Erica spend lots of time together. Erica really likes Greg. The first day passes. In the afternoon at the edge of the pond, Greg tries to kiss Erica, but the witch’s crawdads come up from the water and interrupt them. Greg is mad now.

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Gramps wants Erica to marry him, not Greg. He disguises himself as a prince. He lures Erica over to him and puts Erica in a trance. She wants to marry Gramps now.

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The next day, Greg wakes up and sees that Erica will be married to Gramps today. “How could this happen?” he says. Greg sees a wedding barge in the big pond. he has to stop Gramps.

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He catches up to the barge and summons his mother, Bob, and other animals to help stop it. Bob jumps onto Gramps, breaking his necklace that had Gregs hearing inside of it. It also takes away the trance on Erica. Erica realizes that Greg left her to die, and that Gramps is an old man. She doesn't really want to marry either of them.

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She needs a date, and she thinks Greg’s afro is hot, so she picks him. As they are running to kiss, Greg accidentally pushes Erica into the water. Greg trips and falls in too. The sun sets and he becomes a merman again. Gramps takes Greg.

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Queen Teresa wants to become Gramps’ prisoner, so Greg can be free. Gramps asks for Greg’s Trident, and he gives it to him. Gramps uses the trident and becomes huge. He takes over the entire swamp, and it actually looks pretty good this way.

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The ship that Erica came in on earlier comes to the top of the water. Erica gets in it and steers towards Gramps, hitting him with the boat. Gramps is gone and they have won. The swamp turns back to the mess it always was.

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Teresa tells Greg that he may marry Erica. Greg is very excited. Just then, he realizes a necklace on her. He grabs it off. Erica turns into Gramps. You are mine, Greg. Forever. The end.