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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Quality • Waitrose• M&S

• Jack Wills• M.A.C

M.A.C: They let the image justify how good the make-up is. It gives the public an idea of how well the make-up works and what could be done with it if they bought it. The fact that the collection is called ‘PoshParadise’ insinuates that it is a quality product because posh people are rich, they have high quality clothes, furniture and houses. Everything they have is high quality. The fact that they have gone to the trouble of having a photo-shoot for the advert and it look very high end proves that they are a quality brand and that’s the thing they rely on to sell. If you focussed on price then 1)there would be the price on the advert 2)The images and design wouldn’t be so elaborate.If they make so much effort with the advert just image the effort they made when making the products.

• Benefit• Apple

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Waitrose vs. M&S

They both state that their food is quality food. Waitrose’s is their tagline, ‘Everyone deserves quality food’. M&S states in one of their advertising campaigns that it’s ‘Quality worth every penny’. Neither mention price but everyone knows they aren’t cheap. This is why they focus on quality rather than price but M&S have kind of bowed to pressure by saying it’s worth the money. Both companies have adverts with nothing but the product on, letting the product hold its own. They are so confident that the food is so good quality and appetising that showing it will be enough to get it off the shelves. M&S have used an empty plate that used to have food on to show how good the food is. It’s so good that you will eat it all! While Waitrose have used a group of happy people to show you what effect the quality of food have on people. It brings you together and that is a good selling point when it comes to targeting mum’s as they like when the whole family eat together.

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Price • Premier Inn• Thomas Cook

• Tesco• Travelodge

Tesco: The advert is very simple, no nonsense. There is nothing fancy about it. Nothing that draws attention away from the big red circle with the price in. Having the price on display is one of the biggest giveaways that Tesco is a brand that cares more about the cost. The product is shown exactly how it will be, nothing has been changed, it isn’t apart of some over the top scene. It is shown as how you would use it. Even the slogan, every little helps, suggests that Tesco care more about saving people money to the quality of their products. Of course they have high end items and their own finest range but it isn’t as highly advertised as the value, cheaper stuff.

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Travelodge vs. Premier Inn

Both adverts include the price. It’s one of the first things you see as they are bigger than the other copy. The Travelodge have even included a bright red circle around the price to make it stand out more. They both state that it is from a certain price so it’s not necessarily the right price to make them look cheaper.

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Image • Innocent• McDonald’s

• M&S• Happy Eggs

Innocent:They pride themselves on being healthy. ‘Nothing but nothing but fruit’ is stating that the only thing in the drink is fruit. The image used is of outside, making the advert look healthier because the outdoors are meant to be good because of the fresh air and vitamins. The fruit is also displayed to show what it is in the product. Bright colours also symbolise the healthiness of the product. It also makes the product look fun. The price isn’t mentioned and it doesn’t state where the fruit comes from which is would if they were about price or quality.

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McDonald’s:Lately McDonald’s have been trying to create a healthy image. They are advertising that they use 100% British beef and recycle their oil. Since saving the environment and being healthy and caring where your food comes from become popular McDonald’s has changed their image to ensure they won’t lose any custom.

Comparison: They both use bright colours to signify how healthy they are. The outdoors is also a common occurrence. They both state the ingredients so the public can see what they are eating and the quality of it. While Innocent has used very simple and basic fonts and copy, to reflect the simplicity of their product, McDonalds has used decorative and fancy fonts with a bit more copy than Innocent to make the brand look more fun and enjoyable.Innocent focus’ more on the product, letting the product sell itself while McDonald’s focus a lot on the image to justify eating there.

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Value• Aldi• B&M Bargains

• Asda

Aldi: This particularly campaign is advertising that Aldi’s brands are just as good as the big brands but they are cheaper so it insinuates that they are better value. On the TV adverts they have the people say that they like the high brand one and the name brand one. Suggesting that they taste the same but one is cheaper, why pay more if they are both the same? On this particular ad the Aldi chocolate bunny is eaten but the brand one isn’t, suggesting that the Aldi one is better, that it tastes nicer.

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MarketSimilar products have the same market that they will target. Because they are targeting the same audience the techniques will be similar. Especially when it comes to make-up brands. Both these adverts are advertising mascara, the product is on the poster and the name and brand is clearly stated too. They both use beautiful women as models with dramatic features. They both have striking cheek bones and strong facial features, the look every women wants. Both adverts are bold and dramatic but in different ways. The Maybelline one had bold colours which make it dramatic but the Max Factor one is dramatic because it is in black and white. As you can see you can achieve the same effect in different ways but the end result will still look similar.

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CompetitionThere are a lot of competitions that are advertised and this is one of them. The top advert is BMW saying that they are better than Audi in a sly way. Firstly they congratulate Audi on winner an award but then finish it by saying they have won a better award. World car of the year is way better than South African Car of the year because there are loads more companies in the world car category, proving BMW is a better car.

Audi replied with the bottom ad. In return they congratulated BMW for winning just like BMW did to them. They then stated that they have consecutively won the same award, showing that they have held the stop standard for 6 years. Le Mans 24 hour race is a race of endurance proving that an Audi is powerful and can last for a long time. Also winning something six times is very impressive.So Audi has replied with an advert showing that they may not be the world’s car of the year but they are powerful and can keep the standard up.

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Market and CompetitionMost major supermarkets are in competition with each other, they have the same target audience, same stock, same products and similar systems so the only thing they can change to become better is the prices. Every other advert on the telly is an advert saying that this supermarket has more cheaper product than another. The two on the left are adverts for Asda. The top one is insulting Tesco, saying there system on clubcard points is a gimmick, which it could be classed as, and that having cheaper prices all the time is better than get vouchers on the things you regularly buy. The second advert is comparing Asda to the rest of the main supermarkets. Asda is obviously shown as the best one since this advert is for Asda. While the bottom right advert is saying that Tesco is better. Obviously the tests and research into prices aren’t fair but people believe them. The target audience is mothers and families so the cheapest will

always be best this is why the supermarkets want to prove that they are the best, the cheapest and better value. Getting someone to do their weekly shop at your shop will turn a massive profit as most people spendaround £100 a go.