loan be fought two suspected bombs a utrman...

Gary School Plan in New York. THE WEATHER FORECAST. Giving religious teaching to the young Fair to-da- y and moderate without combining Church and Stata. A vitally intereating atory in southerly winds. nest Sunday'a SUN. nn. Highest temperature yetterday, 86; loweat, ft, Detailed weather, mall and marine reports on page 15. VOL. LXXXIII. NO. 15. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1915 . Copyright, 1916, by the Sun Printing ami Publishing 4 PRICE TWO CENTS. HUGE LOAN TO RUN5-10YEA- RS AT 5 PER CENT. Bonds. Principal and Intel est, to w Paid iii Amer- ican Dollars. BANKERS CONVINCED III t - ii'ii i .,-- . .11 t i UAH I i.l. .l l I r.r.u All,rll-Fl't'll('- ll Coinillission- - ers Make Many Calls in Financial District. Further details of the loan bv which the Anglo-Frenc- mission anil the Atner- - lean financial Intercut will endeavor to stablliie foreign exchange became. Known In the Wall Street district yes- terday. No one who was In a position to have definite Information of the plans had heard that anything less than one tillllon dollars would sultlce. The credit, according to the present Statua of the lan. Is to be established by the iKMuance of joint r.overnment bond! Of Ktifiland and France drawing I per I cent. Interest, the bonds beiiiK a ttrat lien on the two countrlea named. Information waa not aa definite 000." rernlnjc the maturity of the honda, ami that will b- one of the matter settled by dlaciiNHion. Pram one source It wa learned that KOftli favor ten ear bonda nd othera favor bonda which ahall run from five to tMI eara, the former Item the ndnimum, and the bond to mature aerially. One thlntC has been definitely agreed Upon, and that ia the '.ond. principal - Tilt II i. li .It.' Ill til- llUIlt III I'm '. I'l dollars, free from the Income taxes of oth countries. The Interest will be paid In New York cltv and the principal alHO as It becomes due The bonds will be listed on the New York Stis-- Fx- - . hange and will be dealt In as are other bomls That la one of the arguments used by those who favor the longer term for the bonds It would afford tiiore oppnrtunlty for trading. Hi. Ha r n m Viorlil Kinn.lar.l. It was pointed out yesterday that tbli la the first time In hlsiory that Kng land has ever been willing to nav a debt in the coin of another nation Her gold sovereign has been the standard Of the world for centuries. The Ainerl-- 1 van dollar for the first time supersedes gnd for that purpose Is made th world's standard oalg Th bonds are to reach the American public through the most powerful finan- cial syndicate ever organized. This syn- dicate !ll consist, not of any single group of bunkers, nor any single finan- - ial Interest, but will tie made up prac- tically of every big banking Institution In the I'i. ii.-- States. It was thai principle which lad men Interested to assert vesterda.v thai It was absurd to v that gnat b. nking lirm.- - like Kuhn l.oeb st t'o. or Speyer A Co, would not be asked to isirtleipate. This was summed up as follows "F.verv American banker in the coun- try Is asked lo take , ft his coat and aid In making It possible for the producer of the I'nited States, the farmers, the their might Amerlotiu pricee." been officials (lovernmi they rumored brand! whatever etrday that great Gorman prevent .1iKl0-Frene- h loan direct running of advocating Herman. Inasmuch as Germany ia quantity, plan Is to large purchases other them country after movement. said, been to pr-f- js rattan Interests In city. et tangible shape. Mkgmbei mission at rapidly .vester-na- y that session at New York Clearing iioatponed. Huron Reading. Kdward Smith Has!! Hbii-kett- representing Kngland, Oc- tave Homherg Krnsl Mallet, repre- senting France, remained their tem- porary offices eighteenth floor hotel until after then separately into banking district, they made many calls. visited both private banking only New York banker many town. mlssiuii to whom they known that Wade Louis, who negotiated loan year, with Haron and Kdward Holden. Another they V "Wa cannot "We have busy, have able number gentlemen continue them. Nothing been decided." lb- asked be that bunker forgotten In In- flation Morgan's answer tiienib of could Invitations affair; the) knew them IsBOW nothing them. l,' -- lilies. The long banking which has oonntry, is sonvtnoad that negotiated. great banks have correspond- ents, of thousands Bank, throughout country, bank written protest great t'o;, LOAN MAY BE FOUGHT a Y UtRMAN Billion Dollar Credit to France and England, if Unst cured, Admitted in Extremely Grave Problem. WMHIHMM, dept. Offi. her.- received with Intense interest or plan allleil financial commission etabiih bugs I'nltod States through iMunncf Joint boinlii of Oovern-tnent- a of Kngland France. The Information tails of nlan which forniu lated visiting oomnnsslon lllc th ntfBlaratlon Will lit to volim- - he ""'d 1,v 'hem in carrying on war, .,......, .n. .....would regarded Uoverninent hanker piirtlcipatltig In unless shown that thai to be something from credit ltM"' understanding here la Allies at time la establishment large credit Sufficient (n rtqttlramtntl of pttrclutfiea In country exrlulvr munitions The which Riven sanction to-d- that purtxme Influence of tlovei mnent than riMnner in ia made. It indicated tliat Government Hlready committed Helf to of with Iohun which r. entabliahed purpoiu-- Cftdll an meana of facilitating foreign trade of country unless Issue other In- volved in plans to submitted to New York bankers, CInvernnn M see no reason interposing It interference. officials of the State department White House disposed to complete dtsvlosutrH Allies' pi before maklna; known the decision of the Admlulatration the xure There ia little likelihood be forthcom- ing from Wilson until ,,la" bn launched formallj. unless eventuates New York bankers decide to approval before un- - to consummate plan which be presented to them. I'utll the bankers have i'roached President's official or of the Federal HaasrVS Hoard. OrWVS ProbleaS Administration ofricials reran! the at tempt to be made to in couisrv ll,0M,0M,M allied belligerents as presenting of gravest problems that has arisen It became knowi the fllllllall ibivernmenl al vermin!: make strong pro- - lo lrsldnt sgslnst satK'tlonlng nn unsecured loan, t'oun: rstorff. (lerunn Ambassador. promt)! lodge an objection with rttate Ilepartment If the allied financiers New York bankers with whom they In conference to consummate loan plan ot, an unsecured Home doubt obtains official quar- ters to posslbilitv of an nnine. dlate consummation of plan. Indeed, predictions heard in quarters York bankers would extremely difficult, unless sentiment takes very favorable turn, to of Indicated proport Although officially y matter of aspects of disclosed Sevrelai of State Bryan, reMin to an Inquiry Swiss Minister In whether an effort to obtain losn the Swiss Gov ernment In the Tnlted States would with opposition. Secretary Hryan it ia- known the Government would oppose loan Kuro- pean country at peare. was un derstood at time expressed opposition to of French Government, New PADEREWSKI PLAYS TO A FILM OF HIMSELF Kreisler and Scliellinjf AIho Try Novelty Krncsto FabbriN Musicale. HAggOg, Me., Sept M -- while in manufactuiers. to dispose of loan plan which Involve products abroad al advantageous neutrality brought to It lieen reported thut of the attention of State Department or great banking firms with Herman con- - White Houe !n formal nections been hurt they h id there reasons for liellevlng that begs conferences, assert- - of the nt g were good Americans ready have acquainted themselves with nnxlous to aid the country. fundamentals plan the When James J. called on Jacob H. attitude of tie yesterik. v morning was ministration been considered in that to extend an olive "sht of Information, Nothing was neces- - " safe to slate that if was authoritatively stafed. bankers pursue policy in arranging Jlill gak had merely paid credit loan propoi Minuts to an friend. ""lis. no volunteering of unfavorable suggestion from State 1'epartment need t anticipated. lirm.. Loan. The policy of Administration Supplementing 'he French loin toward lending of monev to Kuro-.- 1 isciismi, ,n m. the in after the outbreak of ilia interests realist aa thai nothing can the stoma through, since! appeals l to Inter est the counary, are i' similar loan for not now Importing goods directly or in make of and commodities store In this until the war. The It wag started In tin Went, and has presented It has not assumed any Visitors anxious to confer with f the Anglo-Frenc- h the Hlltmore came so House was Sir Hopkinson llolden. H. Bobbington snd B. nd and In on th luncheon, they went Ihe where They public houses saw not from out of Memtasrs of ths did rare met, It Festus J St. the cotton list had a talk Heading Sir man was Robert H dsor of Boston. anything said Illsckett been very busy. We a con-- s Ii of will to has was if had heard in to rccepUi.n. I' was the rs Ihs sie, be held responsible for to a social nothing of and could of ' 11 It 11 of community, its Ikngsr always on the financial pulse of me lb loan lie successfully All the some hem up Into th As in th- - of Na- tional Cliv with It 2, cor- respondents not ene corresponding has In tu Instead a number of Ognffnged oa tfecond - I ) ;n'.s the disclosure of to a credit In the j of and additional regarding the de- - the haI i..n by did not n.ise tell here that ee I tmmm .. be bv the " ... who contemplate the loan it venture .. different a The that ail that seek the of a the Ihin nf of war. waa official waa the the loan will attitude the inure the which it wan the haw a policy iwlely for of a the the and that than are the be the the will for the are wait more of the n aa to it will follow. that any commitment will ('resident the hJ " that k his dertaking may ""H "tne not np- - of the advisers members In I. , - float a loan of for the one out of I Kuropean that l most will a Wilson the I of von He: the ' will be to the and the are the basis. In as the loan were that New- - find It pub lie a finance a loan ions. It was said that the the the war by y In from the as a for meet let that not a to II that he a loan llnO.OOd.nuO to the which a Hah has not the had some the the any way hid were out of the some that and the of the for Hill oan and that the it has the be h;ui gone this like this seem the Sary, It this he a twenty! for of call old the I sla of i the An. the is. b Powers Ii the now any the and has this the the the the of and and snd but not say had hut of nf ni.t say Mr. met and see yet v were the Mr. that not the I will ruin ing case the tun ths the the the the the not the the this rm-e- t lew of the thia and any any thia the the war. test the mnnv the was any but the nt left Mr. vv'uii of Frits violinist, Kr neat Hchellinv, the piantat. also played while movie themselves shown. The appearance of Ihe noted nrtlst and the moving picture the feature of the at home, was foi the benefit the Keller It was rlie last public any eoi't summer her". Admission Mr ground was and to the private! lere the h , tfc iM,',,;n tt hdlna I known oigjiK wuinnt GOVERNMENT Washington to Present TOrk flun. aM to he .1 r. M i u gan Co., Iiul under consideration The project waa abandoned. Isite Bryan stated the position , . T"""'' to '". .'. onniii , in more vie- - tail In a letter In riisirmnii s!t,,r ... in. Committee on Foreign Kelatlons. In substance he said that the (lovcrn- - inent could n t oppose credit h ans which rare designed to accommodate the actual '' '.''l"t ate. tl'n T"?'nl J" sum In K"lil iliicctK to the (lovxi nmenta. to as in,- - ,,,l,,n. with the spirit If not the lettei neutrality. Tne plan the New York as indicated y I to arrange a loan " dollar:., to be exHnded in pur- - chase in the nlte.l States. It Is not known whether the state Department ould take step to discourage the loan .hull . it v... ... .11. 1... - !.... I. Is nat In fact n credit luan Mm ,, PI ItM stAiemrnt fn thi toKard waa oMniriHblf a The impreaw;(ri aniotig offleUUl of tle Treasury Department is thai no upponi-lio- n to the proponed loan need be antn from the member the Federal Ittere Board Their disposition la ti reg u (I the problem preaented by th platiM for the lnun na one partainlni jiiei to the policy f the QoVOrnmtflti to Ik? determineil either by the Preidi'til or the SecTetaty State The rr. shli .,1 lrT. In unofficial uuartera close to the White House it was conjectured that President Wilson views the proposed billion dollar loan to the Allies as within Hie limits neutrality because the cradll is to used lo obligations Incurred In thia country. It Is Inferred from the (lid that nous the banker who uiranged th visit of the allied commission to N. fork lias seen flt to bring the plans tn the attention the board either officially nr Informally that thess bankets are the opinion tlx.t no need exists for the cunsultation of the board As things stand now it Is not to expected that the laiard will move to Initiate any conference tegaidl: g the plans these bankers. It Is probable, however, that when advisory coun- - ell the Federal Reserve Hoard, elected lo advise the board matters policy, meets nexi week there will a dtaeusalon of the proposed loan Plans A final decision will Im reached 'ni'1 ""'' aa to r any needs rxl'x for 'ard to express Itself s vnis i.omi in Oorenaa ll be soiled that neither In the Published nor unpublished decisions of ,he hoard has an; been lnvolvd which may h isgjirdcd as shedding "am on tne course to tie In the present instance Tne I'icriniiii loan Moated b) I'hanillet RroO, in New York several months ago, which was mentioned in the disclosures . Now York newspajiai regarding the liermun munltlona propagg ti da. gave rise to no questions which came before tlx board for solution. The board knew nothing the loan until long afier It had been made, and no eatptordlnarj point calling for a special ruling have arisen from an ef- fort to Include these securities In re- discount operations it wsi under stotsl at the time i hat the loan repre- sented the purchase unsecured ob- ligations of the Herman (JOvomment, Just as Is proKscd now regarding sim- ilar obligations the Hrltish and French i iovernments It was pointed out y that the conferences Initiated by Treasury off- icial. In which Sir Oeorge Talah partici- pated in behalf the hrltish Treasury, Involved no points of similarity m the present loan situation. In that rase tin Federal Reserve Hoard the point of organising the new system, saw the country's of gold threatened bv exports to meet foreign Indebtedness The board undertook the conferences In order to prevent a dearth of gold at the time when tt would be needed for reserves the new regional bankinc: In- stitutions. No matters neutrality were involved in any way. The only Instance In which any Issue 0 neutrality has been brought to th attention the occurred In Jul v. when Itepresentatlve Fowler of Illinois, counsel for the lihor Poaoo Council, an organisation attempted to carrv on a propaganda for an embargo war munitions, tiled a brief declaring that In p i milting the rediscount of paper drawn on tag nsactlons In munitions the board was guilty of an unneutral act He asked a bearing before the board. was refused by Gov, Hamlin. 42 SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTIES VOTE DRY Only Two In State Relieved to Kcmain Wet fin.Onn Ballots fast. T'oi.cmbia. S r.. Rapt 14 Bv a vote tration certificate. The prohibition law will tuk effect on January 1. Twenty-nin- Caro- lina count" - already have pruvhlhltlon. All these voted for It continuance. In fifteen counties are dispensaries op- erated by the counties and remaining i, from aninup to sundown. With partial returns reported from forty-thre- e out forly-fou- r counties the vi. tu for prohibition Is SS.566 and against prohibition H.90. The nflV ml, I'll h.l.- COIIIltteJI nOW s" r, A,k,n. Hamlrg. ItarnweTl. He.,,,-- i t . ,. Charleston. ' ' -- """. Porchtwit-- r, Oeorgetown. Jaap. r. Uslnt- - j, , im,,i,k. huiR, Itlchlanrt. t'nlon and V nliainslmi g. strains of a sonata were RtllM Frneeto of :Mjj r) (sarol!na y voted Fabbrl'e private theatre In his summer I f((i, nmblbithsa In the statewide elee-hom- e here the lights went out, xnl j tlou ontcrpd the Innt Ornoral Asssieim-movln- g plctuics of Ignace Jan I'adereiw- - (y wag no, hMVy ony ,4Dout on a screen. Mr. I'a- - 0 V0(M wng cast, ile, ewskl himself was playing on a piano j psanlbltion setis to have carried the same sonata that was being heard for,y.four eountie. In in th. by more than 401) mem- bers the summer colony. lorchester the vote Is cloe. while Tin- moving pictures and the music Chat leaton w ent Hgiilust prohibition liy svnchronlied perfectly, but Instead o'iu V()(e ln to , The V()te Was not the arrgen,ent being a new Idea along ,.,red to a Iemo-Patl- ttvm ' the lines Thomas. A. s talk- - inx moviet4" it had hen neciisiiRry to j primary tm account general election wet the plant! himself (o play while requlrementa, the voters bWns called on ordinary "inoviea" of himself were dla- - to anow )tld up tax receipts and redis played. Krei,sier. the and of wire being three of them- selves was conceit Mr. FahhiT which given of Polish Fund. inolsil, function of for th colony to Fabhrl's adnils.,,.,, tli4.ttr w uiMmIh hou uun , -- a I I'i srM well ( Mr. ienati I of ..f bunkers of ''"Hon I of of of a of be pa of w of of be of the of of of be nine. may out followed of of of of of supply of of of board win of for which South of ..I" of , riy v(Je kl sn Iheatre of ,lf of 12. BANKER'S DAUGHTER PUINfiRSTn F.ATHi anarfWaal VUW a V KS lJl l g al Fenlov of LouUvilio.l ID Invalid. Wanders to Loft Bvlldlng Woof. H VK JUST LEFT AUNT amo to Now i.irk I Months w Afro tor treatment for Nervous Troublo. In full view of scores of persons on gasrtal CW V.pnfrA to Tnr tea Flglith street, near Sixth avenue, during LONDON, Sept. 14- .- The fat. of li en j the homeward rush hour last evening, a still hangs In the balance DOOtSlve ll dressed young woman poised for velopments are looked for at any mo-- 1 a moment on the edge of the roof of a J ment. reti ograil calls the situation in loft building at 39 West Kighth street.) the north unchanged It Is evident that, and then Jumped J a furious battle for the port I atlll She turned twice In the air and then disappeared behind a tail metal adver- - tisms: fence irimrdiinr I, ,t Inst mil of ' the building from which she had Jumped Shopgirls who had seen the Kap scaV tered to get aid for her. Some went Into the toft building to stir up the Janitor, nther went looking for a po- liceman, and a third group ran lo the house at II Wesi Eighth street, on the other side of the lot, and notified Henry Mevbord. who lives there, of what they had seen. ileybord ran out to his back yard, sealed the rSnoe and got Into the lot. which had been excavated some years ago In preparation for a building and then abandoned. In the bottom of the excavation he found a young woman, with most of her bones broken, but still breathing slightl .Mevbord called to li s mother to pass a boWl of WhiOr anil a towel over UIS fence, and he Was dol!MJ what little he could to aid the young woman wlieu In. Ryan arrived with an BmbulaiHM from si Vincent HoeplUI. The only wa n. get the patient the .inibiilance was to cut down the ad vertising fence. This was done, and the amhulai was taking the mmiiiic wom an lo the hospital when STM dud Policeman fassldy meantime tied the loft building He could find no ele- - valor man who r inhered having taken the woman upstairs, so it was on. hided h. had walked the eight flights. An expensive bat and a book "Children of the Usrth," by Alice Brown, who won two .ears ago a $10. nun prise from Wimhiop Ames, found on the stalls leading from the eighth floor to the risif. There was also the card of Ir W I! Prttcbard of on West beventy aeoond street The police notified him and he Immediately said the woman was Miss KlUabetb Fenle. . 31 years old. who had been one or his p tlenls for two month. during which time she had been living at the Hotel M. Jeslic l r. Prltekard called up Miss Bdltti Hebb, Miss Fenlev s nurse, and sent her to the hospital, w here identification was established. Miss Fenlev- was th daughter of Oscar Fenlev, president of the National Huik of Kentuck of Loutsvllle, Two months ago she came to, New York to be treated by I ir. I'ritch ird for ner- vous disorders Three das ago her aunt, a Miss Short, cams here from Isuilsvllle to i e how Mis Fenl. v was getting along. The patient wa doing so well that Miss . ort decided to go back rests rdoy. The heal of the last few days had been IrOlherlfiK Miss Fenle.v great., al- - t hough she had recovered from her nervous diet rders, Dr. Prltchard aald. So when Mtss Short was preparing to go to the Pennsylvania Station Miss Fenlev announced her intention of going with her, In the hope that the nit would refresh her The nurse was left be- - hind, anil the two women mot d to Ihe station to catch a i o'clock train. Miss Fenlev' movements from that lime until i:it, when she lumped to her I dm : h. are unknown "M!sn Ketdev was one of the most hlKhly ed mined ;unl m ompl shed pOttM women 1 have ever met." said Dr Prltchard. "If Hhe had wailed a few d ivs we would hav had eiNtler wt vi titer and she would have heen in lierfeet health, for nhe . tmipU-te- recovered from hw illne4ts. Itui I sup- pose she wan ilriven out of her mind by the heat ." U. S. MAIL STOLEN IN HAVANA. I'oncb Sent lo Naval OVIoor Hlga ln .l.erman Spies IpSgSStSd, 0peetsl feef BseasfWI ' Tns Si Havana, sept u mail nouoh fcin W ashington Addressed to the naval oommander of the Ouantai amo n ation was stolen BatUTMs) night from ii mail WwSglgl lKtween tho isist office and the station here The police have made a futile search of ssvsral prom- isee, but say that tin v have a due. Th lst office has ivabled WaahmgtOn asking flor a daSallad statement of ijie oongarag of the pom a. The belief pre- vails that tha thieves were Herman splw. j DOG PHONES FOE'S APPROACH h reni h II mm I mis- - n I Bsaaaefai v .. . ....... I. . Burks Over Wire. Sprritfl VbU Vt$fMttfh Ot TlIB Sin I'ahib, Sept. 14.- - Accordtns; to the Gnsettf de Kroace a certain Kre n.h rejrlmen possesHes a dtta; which Is sent out from advanced sentry posts at night with a telephone strapped over hi, mouth and a wire connecting- the Instru- ment wirh the post. If the flog hears the i ierman approat hlng he bark a quietly Into the telephone. CHICAGO TEACHERS SUE. Seek I ii in ii, i ion taalnsl Hale For- bidding; rnionlsallnn. Chioaoo, 14 - injunciion pro- ceedings were begun to day on behalf of the Chicago Teachers Federation against the enforcement of the Isieh rule by the Hoard of Education. The bill was signed by Mrs Ida U M. Futsmau. president of the Teachers UntM and of the Teacher Tension Fund, and slso m acting Htale's Attorney Fiank John- - stoti, Jr., on Isshalf of ihe people. All parties connected with Ihe disbursement of school boanl funds ate included In the hill asking the Injunction. The State's Attorney is said lo have signed th hill on the grv unda that the action oi in txiard in adopting the1 ..ill in I FS e . I .. of the children of th city of Chicago of ' .... . -- a .l. a a. miic mcs. -- 7. Z Z llZ'ZT. i. ... . . " Teai j hers rnain Kiiml, e-- 1 1, hi In bed hi atatuie. and that the board s aitemnilng llegHll to ertMle i ne claea of p.,.pi5 .tU.,i,,' mmmtmmu si FURIOUS BATTLE ON WITH Rlf.l AR PRIZR lit! it AAA vl i 1 ixkJ I All U Li B,rlin Report. Teaton Pro-- ; rtM Near WJIsi and south of Olita. Rl SSI A Nfl GAINING ALICIA offensivo of TnrN Troons Ui- - rrensiiifirly Kffivtivc. Says IVtrograd StttttMiir-iit- . in prngrers. the Itusslans keeping Hp their stubborn resistance. The Hussions p'.n their hupee for a sla kenlng of tlrn Autro- - icrmati of- - tensive In the north and centre upon the rum's forces Ln Oallcla, which continue, to hammer the Austro-- ( ierman armies The In Teased vigor of the new Kuselan offensive in i !al cia and the failure of the Austrian! to rbeck It and to win bud. the.r original (tout along the It rath, from Which they were COmpsMsd to re- - tire several day ngo. indicates that there Is Justification foi the Kuselan bopsa The cutting of the l' trogi-n- lll' oad .it Nov vyct ts. an) halt way bstwfvn Vllna ami Dwlnnfc, admitted in io4aj Russian official re- port. The Herman War Office nports a gain by tne Teutonic forces south of OMtll These forces have met detr- - mlned resistance on the pan of the KtlaidSnS e sines me (termans cap lured t'liia and l'i::ii their movement southward with the Urodno-Wiln- a rail load ss lln n ohtective. Tile rebixa. r - Itusslail efTort In re ma. be I taken as the immediate i oneequente of I I he cutting oi the railroad In the north.1 i.( king th. l!uss..ui . scan rthward. Teutons tintn Tnwnril Wllnn, The Muscovite forces thus will be ed to retire westward int.. the for. I esl regions This, in turn, will enable "'e Teutons, once having reached the railroad, to sweep south to Wilna. i los- - '"g the circle aroiln that important rs llroad is ire The Gorman retsirt loda) was as fol- lows Arm. (TOUP of Field Marshal von H ndenburg Between the Dwlna and the Vlllva are making progre . Northwest of Wilna we have taken ,i. .ion arisoners, one cannon, seventeen ammunition cart, thirteen machine gun and much baggage. South of OUIs we e pirns less In the bend of the Nismen. north- - east of rodno. w have advanced half wa) io i.l, la. The rallwa) thereto Inis n bombarded. Further south we are approacJiIng the Ss. sara. Army group of Prince Leopold The pursuit toward the Bsekara is continu- ing. We have defeated the enemy rear guards. Army group Of Field Marshal von Markensan i Wi continue t( pursue the enemy A few hundred prisoners ll,. e been taken in the gottthe.ietern theatre: The position f the German ttoops i un- changed. A fMmes correspondent, ji an acCOtfnl of a vlsil to Riga, savs tne port lias been stripped of everything thai might be useful to the fjormans in the i vent of ihe city's fall, only about one-thir- d of the population but there i no panic the spirit, in fact, being less pegs slralatle in Pctrogrnd. New action in the Baltic mac lie looked for nt inv moment now that the German have nlnned c mpleted their envelopment operation! around Riga Th 1 it 'I. is would be n ... effective it a not far distant from Iteval snd lvtr grad. rfl In Ilia. I, Sen. ColiHtderable sisnificillH-- Is gSCI bed :.i tin- raportad appaaranca Oet man submai Inc of the lateht typg In the Blncit Sea The sulmtersihle Undoubtedly made its wg) through the Dgvrdgnalleg. Auatro-tje- i man opargttons in Bout hert) flussla cent-- upon the effort to capture Hovno, the eastern "corner ' vif the Vol-hy- tn f triangle of which the ape, Puii!' and the western point. Isiitsk, already are In tlerman hgflda The fall f It no, the southern terminal of tile main railway line, in essential for the materialization of the Teuton plan to clear th entire of Volhynia of Itusslans. and then to liegln their lately Indicated project to sweep through Peaaarabtg t wartl the Hla k Sea pot t hlessa. As in practically ever other NCtkHI of the eastern theatre of war. the (ier-- I mans here ;t;e carrying r 11 Ofiltg to carrv out Iwtt simultaneous mo ements, one In the run th, w it ii t he dhject of gaining Sartiy, due north of It no, and connected by rail not onlv Willi the latter point, Imji directly with Kieir nnd clrcuttoQily with FMnakt, Th. ftussiau olt1tala1 reHit asserts that the It RusgigQa are ully holding the .Sarn. from. WtsODaw r fnllura of the Ganngfl oper- ations in the V'oin.Miia province with the vai ious lilt I HI It plans referred to de- pends I mainly uiou the outcome of the o.v (.resent Imttle , n the (latlclau front, w nere i nti" mf sai raiwa nave the UpPr hand. Iluasla's Heporl of Oierntlona. 'i'h' following oiticiai stntemenl issued In PSftrOffrad last night was teceivcd to- day as In Itiga ami Krlettriclistadt dis- - trlcta no taaantlal change has oocurred. tin the front f the Lower Bkau and nor t h went of Mi tail t here have hewn minor engagements between small The artillery duel has inereaseil in intensity from landeii as far as twenty versls (four it en miles) north w est of Kriedrich- atMtt Peaperate aotious continue west of Jacolmtadt and in the districts of Laos, liikttct ti ami Hanken, to (he west ami Mouthwest of Pwlnsk. We have been currying out vigorous Offensive ep M, n: - iii the distn. t of Abel and I'siany. and further souih the tlg'hL- - ing has bean onAraotarlBad by great desHtratlou Near the station of Novosvyentsyany (northeap, "f Wilna) Ihe enemy has llt ,n rairway. Under the nreaeuia or me wno maile a neclsive at- tack of between 'he Novoavyenteyan) ami VHna districts, our tnaips retired to the vit inllv of the railwa station of I'oilliroilaa In the region of Wilna and the be Oaalgjgfg on V And fiiyc. Two Suspected Fire Bombs Found in Hold of Lapland, Strange Bottles Filled With Which Would Explode or Start Flames When Rocking of Ship Broke Glass. CONTENTS TO BE ANALYZED BY OWEN EGAN Two mysterious bottles, each OOfltahV Ing a difforent llituid. were found lat night In .No. t hold on the steam- ship Lapland, formerly of the Red Star LlM, but now operating under tlia White Star management at bur piot. No. II, at the foot of Went Tweni sc. . m. I street It I the theory of the police and i w n Fgan. inspector of Combustibles, who carried the two bOttlce mm with hlrn for exammatlo,,. thai I hey probable con- - talned acids, which, mixing when the bottles broba In the hold, would ex- - plods Or Stsrt S nr on the Ship at sea ihe were peciuri. made, each alsait the sire of nn ink Isittle. but quits unlike that in shape The bottom if each Isittle wa ollWUlai Bach one tapered ln and out l.k an liour fc'1as and was seiled at the t ip with what seenied to be a separate piece of glass, welded on after he liquid had been poured Into tic bottle. This lop piece narrowed lo til,- thickness of a lead pencil One Isittle a Ida, k fluid and the other WAS near I) filled with i i!i ii lab black liquid. John Fnr.ght. a private detective, found the bottles while the hold was being loaded with copper and brass, rns mystetlouB reccptaclee were in a come. of the bold. They were not noticed un- til last night about 1 o'clock, and how the) got there was as much a mystery as the nature of their contents. The BULGARIA WON'T FIGHT ON SIDE OF ENTENTE Refum?n t Accept Serbian Con cessions It ii man in UiinIh' Prcparnt ions. LjokdosT, Sept it -- The trend of events in the Halkins ts to the j probabllity of the ATlle being compelled I to eliminate Bulgaria from their calcu- - I at tons, a despatch from Athens ssys I it Is now admitted in the ilrtek apl- - Ial that Hulgaria hae deftnlteb refused I i accepl the BefWan coin eions and that Ihe Tin agreement hae ' been sigril Meanwhile i.rece. liumani.i and Serbia are ihowlng trnng j Inclination 10 effect a new alliance. realising ihs necessity of being unitcdiv j prepared foi an AttStrO-HUngarl- at- - ta. K i Itepotl- - no... .. ..... ', ivumsnis inn ,.e, .no., such an attack, but Is rushing prcpani Hons with redoubled n:t sun e the con- - eaatratlon of AustroGernuM forces, pre BVmafcly fo ' a sweep thiough Itesaralna toward i klessa Athena msitts thai Rumania has m-- i dcreil ihe pariial ion of her troops This, however, adds little lg- - nlAoanoa to the snuation, inasmuch aa all the armies of the Halkaii COUntliee have been practically mobilised for a Inr.g past The Tunc learns from Sofia thai 'he relations between Rumania and the cen tral Powers are hemming more and more strained in view of Rumania's failure to consent to the German demand tor th,- paasags of troops through Rumanian ......w... .... - ,, i.i, io miiii, iiein&ine alio ot ler supplies to a value of 40, 1,00(1 Mranwhllc more tliati 1,1 wagons In, 'en with war material an- waiting on rha Itumanian frontlor. ? I LGA RS CHE CKM A TED ? London Tlilnks llnlUfin tsltaa iicli I lllt Intervention I n I nllUel. ptWg f'ttf'U ft?t'ttf ' tn Tna it Rons, iept. h. Thk si s s i r- - respontlent ltnrns from a diplomatic source thai the altuatlon in the Balkani has undergone no suhstantlal chanves "luring t he last few da ys There ap- pears to he no alarm hi diplomatic ni- cies here over t he lyniptOtlll of a pos- sible Bultffarlan desire to enter Into the war on the side of Ihe Teutonic allien sint-- Rumanla'a Intervention is con- sidered Inevitable, and the al It tide of i.reece favorable to the Em tent a I'owers. is argued here that Hulgaria will not dare reate complications for the ex clusive benent of Hie Austro-- i Icrni.uiM TO STAY NEUTRAL. I, in a i, .i OIVOS P Plan foe to iiuy Mnnltloaa, laeeSsi VmhU ftesasfeA to Tnr Si . Pagia, it The Rumanian munitions purchasing commission bended "ol r.oilunno will return to Itin Im - ret4( it is announced here, on account of new arrangements recently inadn hv the i lovernmenl Till1 ll opt! d loan ope rut ion has been quashed id It is asMinied thai the Mannln he al l ridge coot met with Amsricai sn.dl.n ma n it was parti) contingent upon the loan It is assumed hers that the recall of Commission indicates a decision on pari of Rumania in remain neutral for a considerable time. CHAMP CLARK PRAISES T. R. 'Kgawa " ' 111 and i.iii Vlesly Maatkod." Bays njoabog. HANNISAI,, Mo. Sent. 14 gneattas Champ Clark In a talk here at the oiieti Ml or t ii.. ninth annual , (invention of the Missouri Association of i 'oiint v High way Kngincers declared that Theodore HOOSSVSI! wa. an "American In the! core." , "I am not talking Democratic poll- -' tics, I know. I am not golnK tn dlscuas Republican polities, bul I m very fond the chief Hull Mooasfi Col Roosevelt " ai i 1'lark "He know, a little about ' mote tiling than status) any man In the country, and i not mealy mouthed peaks) Clark said he inmriii io! "peace nt Sn price " Do the Othei hand lie was "agaliii hsiikrtiniina the i,ouuli to build battleships." I Fluid Thought to Be Acidi latter probably will not be determlneid until when inspector Kgnn lils unalyses. Mnright brought the bottle to the office on the pier and telephoned to I'o-tl- Headquarter, ("apt. Thomii T'lliiney and two detective went to the pier llrst. but as SOOTl a they saw the bottles they called up Inspector lgan They were In-- i llned to tielieve tile CODtelttS RMSM lins- - chief. Kgan would not vouchsafe an optBlon until he had examined what the bottle- - contained, but It Is thought they ,., M, , , g,.lM would breuk easily anil sturt a lire The Lapland sails y at ROOtt She arrived here late Thursday might and d- eked earn I'rlilav The Kng- - ,h ,,,,. nJMeM deiffatea wars smon lier passengers The ship Is one of the largest now engaged in F.uropeert trade She wa being loaded with a heavj iri;o The is.llce believe that If the contents of the strange bottles were intended to explode or start a tire In the hold the Ingenious scheme was SO ' planned that It would not work until the L.i .i u as a ac i It was imistnaible to leant laat night exactly what comttoaed the cargo of t he I.Hplard or who intendeil to aall on the ship It waa said in behalf of the Offlolnla of the line her cargx Ha largely geneial foodstuffs, aut omot'ilev. brnsa and Hper in quant. tie, supplies and etpnpment and general morchntttftM heher ahe carries or ammunition suppllea rouid n t he oscertalneil GROWN PRINCE IS IN COLLAPSE, IS REPORT Km iter's Heir Rrcnks I'nder strain, London lions From German Sources. my ranjf .Veir .o. s l Sept. 14. A sensational re- - port coming from Herman sources and leceived here by way of Rotterdam say, that ths Oermen Cronm Princs is suffer, j Ut from menial aborrutlon, ae the rS I null of the worries of the campaign, j The Crown PrlnOS undoubtedly has spared himself in his attempt to' " r: ae a dec'slve blow on tne western front. Prisonsig stuln that for three dJ during the recent offensive he Went anUrelj without sleep He has now broken under Hie strain. to tne usrman report which adds that in Spit of the . ntrealles of ,h1 ,'r,wn .Pj,,(,..-- u ilie. t i.. 'r. ... .. ii int 'itlises to reliiiiiuLsh 7. 7 Ins ( in.ird even tcinuonirilv HINTS AIR RAID KILLED 300. '" "" Faliilllles pa ted bi logs WoaaagM keeal "iieii Ttee." The Wew rorker ;rro(f In its eve. nlng lion vest.idav th" following : An appar, nllv per feet I harmlesi able despatch readied New Vork ierday laying that red silk tie ,7r'' don have gone down too1 it m that ihe despatch meat s in ,,! .... llelernd to as aip'i i,i,ii-i- i ,inu persons ondon (calleil in the m.uage red ties") ONLY ONE IN 25,000 THINKS. r" r e Kdaeatloa school ia Declares, 1'irrsHt ii.i. Sent, it - imiv .,. ... ot ....nun person, can think ind fnun leiis l li.iv o.ioe i snow tun ihui i persons not onl cannot ihmk but that ine) k judgment, nnaginallon and in i grent many cases peraonallty," I said Di giUi f Neff, prinolpal ami , ' is iii l itis- - ' " . V "' '"' S' " ' "" " '"I iie mind what the . ' '"" uu ",r 'e bodv, r in "oi" wwns, to iieveloi, all tl ! mental fa, eauuili "In order that a man I... - i oartleular line' ..., , .... .. '..'" ..rit i. mual use all of Ins ,,wers, mln.l ner- - sonallty and character The few ate successful is that h arl? imlnlng In our achools is incorrect " ..m " 'en ituoies statistics to th. feet Hint onlv live out of one hundred men escape fall,,,, .,,! statements -- j neiei, rvener in ine effect t,,lt i, .in., nn n,,( inniK. STUDENTS LAZY. SAYS HTBBEN I'rlncelon Mend Mlnm. m t nllrgei, for Mnkliig Work fctreeMlile. PmteAPPIHU, Sept l Tiie Intel-lectli- al pampering of (Mdleae Mmlents. s ' n ineoiv mai III.. ,.. k ledge should be smooth at i piiasant. ' sol Is. at St Luke's School Vav- .. . ' If weie asked to ,,,.,. ., L'"!' . ,,..,,, ....... ... . , "" si.'iiesi ,. in,., in uiiuei graduate," am i rvsiovm niuoen, I would say It ' th. ,, , i . connTv" In thlsVm h ,w ten, lir ,t ,.... i. ., ,. vcr Itrtlcultv XI. .i. H....I . i"i " uauj nrenit nv the sweat of their brow., but the student can r- - qulre kn iwledge quite vlcarioualy, with- out having to exert himself lot It. He should Is- - made to think his way out f dldlculties for himself." I BRYAN CONFERS WITH FORD. I hey Rlagsjea Peaee lls. but . - . talosaeat. I iitiiiiit. Sent tl n , :: ii ' io.,n ano iii inv ruin, ilie ailioillonile tltanii- - f, h.,1.1 ,i '"-"- -I 1 11 plan, liele lies evening. 'I'll... .I...I'.,. .1 , , . ..I.. , , .., ' r in ; ii, e mi ni r. ga dina me ie.,,1, , ,. ,.. i Ifeieinc. HESPERIA N NOT U BOAT VICTIM, SAYS GERMANY No Suhmarine in Vicinity. it Must iiavc Been Mine, Is View. WAITING FOB BERLIN ON ARABIC ISSI F Hope That Qennany Will .Nut Reject Liability far Bahmnrine 'h Act. KAISER TO UPHOLD His ENVOY'S PLEDGE Reiterated That Passonrror Ships Will Gel Warning. Stitii'l ' rtVr- Ir.iSti-- to Tnr. Scs AMgrgRPAM, via London, Sept, 14 -- The following seml-officl- a! tamien' has been issued in Berlin, according lo doupelchas fpm thai city: It appears fr.nn tin- news available up to the present, taken in conjunc- tion with far. is known in official quarters, io be practically Impos- sible that a Uerms n itibmartna iau at all be made responsible for the stiking of the Hesperian. Tin assumption n warranted, firstly, because, according to the war pi. ins. no German submarlng on Bep tember i waa In the locality w here the Hesperian waa sunk; secondly, according to the descriptions al band from an English source, the explo- sion was nf each u kind and Its ef- fects were such that ll most lie in- ferred it was caused ll) a mine rather ihua by .1 torpedo. This is gltplMVrtcd by the fact that. from ibe descriptions at hand, lha ship was lilt close to Hie stem ami the two foremost compartments "Were Riled with water PLEDGE IS UPHELD. Ueemaay insist vVaralaa Will Be ;i. en lo Pasaaatvr bhlps, By ti., I .i.,i presj Bkiii.iv, Spi 11 The Herman K.c-elg- n Office baa Indorsed Ihenladma .en bv Ambassador von It. tiisliofr Ihu mmm. . . .klH. .11, t ,ll s - mil Mill in- SOUK Wl'nollt The Foreign Office also sa that tha difference of opinion on the fact" in th Arabic esse does no) Btfecl this principle The text of this statement is as fo,. low s : The German declaration that pas- senger ships will not be torpedoed without warning unless they try to escape wh,-- summoned to Mop or novr resistance holds g A for Ihe Arable case, there ee-- to Ik merely a difference of opinion about the fact which does not affect the above mentioned principle, .V BERLIN'S HA.XDS SOW. U. g, awaits Hi -- oil of Hera-slorO- 's l llorts vv III, llerlln. IVaSNINOVON, Sept 14 file linmedu ate future or the submarine controversy between the United gluten and Qermany is now largel) In tin- hand of Berlin With fun appreciation of tins fact, but still most hopeful Qermany win i. willing to iii.iKi- in,, coiieesxinns neces- - sary io c.irtv in situation over it, ,.. . nt "h"" atmcuii stage, tin- .,iminitra- - '" v entered uui a period of walling Count von Bernatorfr, the aerman Am. wnicn ll is noped i mm e satis- - faCtO! v attitude of tl, loan l ,ov ern- - inent toward tiie Arabic cass win be nbtulued lie lias opened a fresh iiisen lalon with his Ooverl it. and nandlius the outcome of his el'foits tlie e will I.. . mi uiriner moves 1,1 ""'-t-- fa I " 1. . .... .. . . ' . , ZZ.. . . eeK or .'r"..' ''''.. "T ' "'" ""' "T" S1" k""w' ,v Tl" as .. ....... lent i. ........ ,, .... - man wilting I,, give th.- Ambaaaadoi plenty of time for adequate consultation with Bor lln. and to defer action, or even decision, until he is in position i" communicate! again with the stat, Department, Hesl for in. Illpliimals. Matters havim; teached this stage of Inactivity for the moment, so far as tha Washington Government is oonoornsd Ambaaaadot von liernstorff is planning to leave Waahlngton In a da) or two for the summer embassy, It is also quMs ""'T .J1 "T- - ranee to eat awavf o-- AmOgSSaOor whs never "' ami. utile Solution or tne submarine is ii t rovers v heme reaclieil than be Is now While nfrtoiaU ot i ne Administration do nut. for obvious l''"'lb ly the Ambassador's f.,a,J i.0" ,!.Jk" ' " is enuniion more ,t. "" ' t line e the sinking of the Arabic 1'iirticulurly there renewed iwn. fldence now because the note writing process has heen abandoned in favor of direct discuss. on by the two flovertl' meiil in.. ,.,io "" ", .ll.' .'111- - baasy ami ITorsIgn Office It whs notsd with sutlsfactlon here that Ambassador Uerard rsportad a talk with Ilie Herlm Foreign ifpce is. parently similar in its purposes to the conference balWoen Se, retary Unsitig arbgaador Dernaiorff here Thia iruv-.- ' riSM v., in. I. ti..., ., ., . . me ..erman i io.iiiiiiiiiii snari the desire of ....... ... ... , - ""I. no a way wnum in. two i iovernments he kniaSI i . " ...OKI. Am I.,. I.. ..,..,...... . , - l . ZZZT. l"','-- "" 'he Itlovei nts reaching an understanUlna

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Gary School Plan in New York. THE WEATHER FORECAST.Giving religious teaching to the young Fair to-da- y and moderatewithout combining Church and Stata.

A vitally intereating atory in southerly winds.nest Sunday'a SUN. nn. Highest temperature yetterday, 86; loweat, ft,

Detailed weather, mall and marine reports on page 15.

VOL. LXXXIII. NO. 15. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1915 . Copyright, 1916, by the Sun Printing ami Publishing 4 PRICE TWO CENTS.




Bonds. Principal and Intelest, to w Paid iii Amer-

ican Dollars.

BANKERS CONVINCEDIII t - ii'ii i .,-- . .11 ti UAH I i.l. .l l I r.r.u

All,rll-Fl't'll('- ll Coinillission- -

ers Make Many Calls inFinancial District.

Further details of the loan bv whichthe Anglo-Frenc- mission anil the Atner- -

lean financial Intercut will endeavorto stablliie foreign exchange became.Known In the Wall Street district yes-

terday. No one who was In a positionto have definite Information of the planshad heard that anything less than onetillllon dollars would sultlce.

The credit, according to the presentStatua of the lan. Is to be established by

the iKMuance of joint r.overnment bond!Of Ktifiland and France drawing I per I

cent. Interest, the bonds beiiiK a ttratlien on the two countrlea named.

Information waa not aa definite 000."rernlnjc the maturity of the honda, amithat will b- one of the matter settledby dlaciiNHion. Pram one source It walearned that KOftli favor ten ear bonda

nd othera favor bonda which ahall runfrom five to tMI eara, the former Itemthe ndnimum, and the bond to matureaerially.

One thlntC has been definitely agreedUpon, and that ia the '.ond. principal- Tilt II i. li .It.' Ill til- llUIlt III I'm '. I'ldollars, free from the Income taxes of

oth countries. The Interest will bepaid In New York cltv and the principalalHO as It becomes due The bonds willbe listed on the New York Stis-- Fx- -. hange and will be dealt In as are otherbomls That la one of the argumentsused by those who favor the longerterm for the bonds It would affordtiiore oppnrtunlty for trading.

Hi. Ha r n m Viorlil Kinn.lar.l.It was pointed out yesterday that tbli

la the first time In hlsiory that Kngland has ever been willing to nav adebt in the coin of another nation Hergold sovereign has been the standardOf the world for centuries. The Ainerl-- 1

van dollar for the first time supersedesgnd for that purpose Is made th world'sstandard oalg

Th bonds are to reach the Americanpublic through the most powerful finan-cial syndicate ever organized. This syn-dicate !ll consist, not of any singlegroup of bunkers, nor any single finan- -

ial Interest, but will tie made up prac-tically of every big banking Institution Inthe I'i. ii.-- States.

It was thai principle which lad menInterested to assert vesterda.v thai It

was absurd to v that gnat b. nkinglirm.- - like Kuhn l.oeb st t'o. or SpeyerA Co, would not be asked to isirtleipate.This was summed up as follows

"F.verv American banker in the coun-try Is asked lo take , ft his coat and aidIn making It possible for the producerof the I'nited States, the farmers, the

their might Amerlotiupricee." been

officials (lovernmithey



etrday that great Gormanprevent

.1iKl0-Frene- h loandirect running

of advocatingHerman. Inasmuch

as Germany iaquantity, plan Is

to large purchasesother them

country aftermovement. said,

been to pr-f- js

rattan Interests In tangible shape.

Mkgmbei missionat rapidly .vester-na- y

that session at New YorkClearing iioatponed. HuronReading. Kdward

Smith Has!!Hbii-kett- representing Kngland, Oc-

tave Homherg Krnsl Mallet, repre-senting France, remained their tem-porary offices eighteenth floor

hotel until after thenseparately into bankingdistrict, they made many calls.

visited both privatebanking only NewYork banker manytown. mlssiuii

to whom theyknown that Wade

Louis, who negotiated loanyear, with Haron

and Kdward Holden.Another theyV

"Wa cannot"We have

busy, haveable number gentlemen

continue them. Nothingbeen decided."

lb- asked be thatbunker forgotten In In-

flation Morgan'sanswer tiienib of

couldInvitations affair;

the) knew themIsBOW nothing them.

l,' -- lilies.The long banking which

hasoonntry, is sonvtnoad that

negotiated.great banks have correspond-

ents, ofthousands

Bank,throughout country,

bank writtenprotest great



Billion Dollar Credit to France and England, if Unstcured, Admitted in

Extremely Grave Problem.

WMHIHMM, dept. Offi. her.-

received with Intense interestor plan allleil

financial commission etabiih bugsI'nltod States through

iMunncf Joint boinlii of Oovern-tnent- a

of Kngland France. TheInformation

tails of nlan which forniulated visiting oomnnsslon

lllc thntfBlaratlon Will lit to volim- - he ""'d 1,v 'hem in carrying on war,.,......, .n. .....would regarded Uoverninent

hanker piirtlcipatltigIn unless shown that thai

to be something fromcredit ltM"'

understanding here la

Allies at time la

establishment large credit Sufficient(n rtqttlramtntl of pttrclutfieaIn country exrlulvr munitions

The which Rivensanction to-d- that

purtxme Influenceof tlovei mnent than

riMnner in ia made.It indicated tliat Government

Hlready committed Helf toof with Iohun whichr. entabliahed purpoiu--

Cftdll an meana of facilitatingforeign trade of countryunless Issue other In-

volved in plans to submitted toNew York bankers, CInvernnn M

see no reason interposing Itinterference.

officials of the State departmentWhite House disposed to

complete dtsvlosutrH Allies'pi before maklna; known the decisionof the Admlulatration the xure

There ia little likelihoodbe forthcom-

ing from Wilson until,,la" bn launched formallj. unless

eventuates New York bankersdecide to approval before un- -

to consummate planwhich be presented to them. I'utll

the bankers havei'roached President's official

or of the FederalHaasrVS Hoard.

OrWVS ProbleaSAdministration ofricials reran! the at

tempt to be made to in couisrvll,0M,0M,M allied

belligerents as presenting ofgravest problems that has arisen

It became knowithe fllllllall ibivernmenl al

vermin!: make strong pro- -

lo lrsldnt sgslnstsatK'tlonlng nn unsecured loan, t'oun:

rstorff. (lerunn Ambassador.promt)! lodge an objection

with rttate Ilepartment If the alliedfinanciers New York bankerswith whom they In conference

to consummate loan plan ot,an unsecured

Home doubt obtains official quar-ters to posslbilitv of an nnine.dlate consummation of plan.Indeed, predictions heard inquarters York bankers would

extremely difficult, unlesssentiment takes very favorable

turn, to of Indicatedproport

Although officially y

matter of aspects of

disclosed Sevrelai of StateBryan, reMin to an Inquiry

Swiss Minister In whether aneffort to obtain losn the Swiss Government In the Tnlted States would

with opposition. Secretary Hryanit ia- known the Government

would oppose loan Kuro-pean country at peare. was understood at time expressedopposition to of

French Government, New



Kreisler and Scliellinjf AIho

Try Novelty KrncstoFabbriN Musicale.

HAggOg, Me., Sept M -- while in

manufactuiers. to dispose of loan plan which Involveproducts abroad al advantageous neutrality brought to

It lieen reported thut of the attention of State Department orgreat banking firms with Herman con- - White Houe !n formalnections been hurt they h id there reasons for liellevlng thatbegs conferences, assert- - of the nt g

were good Americans ready have acquainted themselves withnnxlous to aid the country. fundamentals plan the

When James J. called on Jacob H. attitude of tieyesterik. v morning was ministration been considered in

that to extend an olive "sht of Information,Nothing was neces- - " safe to slate that if

was authoritatively stafed. bankers pursue policy in arrangingJlill gak had merely paid credit loan propoiMinuts to an friend. ""lis. no volunteering of unfavorable

suggestion from State 1'epartmentneed t anticipated.lirm.. Loan. The policy of Administration

Supplementing 'he French loin toward lending of monev to Kuro-.- 1

isciismi, ,n m. the in after the outbreak of iliainterests

realist aa thai nothing can thestoma through, since!

appeals l to Interest the counary, arei' similar loan for

not now Importing goodsdirectly or in

make of andcommodities store In

this until the war. TheIt wag started In

tin Went, and has presentedIt has not

assumed anyVisitors anxious to confer with

f the Anglo-Frenc- h

the Hlltmore came so

House wasSir Hopkinson llolden.

H. Bobbington snd B.nd


onth luncheon,

they went Ihewhere

They publichouses saw not

from out ofMemtasrs of ths did

rare met, ItFestus J St.

the cottonlist had a talk

Heading Sirman was Robert

H dsor of Boston.anything

said Illsckett beenvery busy. We a con-- s

Ii of willto has

was if had heardin

to rccepUi.n.I' was the rs Ihs

sie, be held responsiblefor to a social

nothing of and couldof

' 11 It 11 ofcommunity,

its Ikngsr always on the financialpulse of melb loan lie successfullyAll the

some hem up Into thAs in th- - of Na-

tional Cliv with It 2, cor-respondents notene corresponding has Intu Instead a number of

Ognffnged oa tfecond


I ) ;n'.s

the disclosure ofto a

credit In thej of

andadditional regarding the de--

the haI i..nby did not

n.ise tell here thatee

I tmmm .. be bv the" ...who contemplate

the loan itventure .. differenta

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of athe

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the loan willattitude the inurethe which it

wan thehaw a policy

iwlely for ofa the

the and thatthan are

the bethe thewill for

the are waitmore of the

naa to

it will follow.that any commitment will

('resident thehJ

" thatk his


""H "tne not np- -

of theadvisers members

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floata loan of for the

oneout of I

Kuropeanthat l

most will aWilson the I

ofvon He: the '

will be tothe

and theare



the loanwere

that New- -

find It publie a

finance a loanions.

It was saidthat the the the

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the asa for

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andsee yet

v were theMr.





ruin ingcase the


the the



not the

the this

rm-e- t


of the







the war.













Frits violinist, Krneat Hchellinv, the piantat. also playedwhile movie themselvesshown.

The appearance of Ihe notednrtlst and the moving picture

the feature of theat home, wasfoi the benefit the KellerIt was rlie last public

any eoi't summerher".

Admission Mr groundwas and to the private!

lere the h, tfciM,',,;n

tt hdlna I knownoigjiK wuinnt


Washington to Present

TOrk flun. aM to he .1 r. M i u ganCo., Iiul under consideration The

project waa abandoned.Isite Bryan stated the position

, .T"""'' to '"..'. onniii , in more vie- -tail In a letter In riisirmnii s!t,,r ... in.

Committee on Foreign Kelatlons.In substance he said that the (lovcrn- -inent could n t oppose credit h ans which

rare designed to accommodate the actual' ' '.''l"t ate. tl'n T"?'nl J"sum

In K"lil iliicctK to the (lovxi nmenta. to

as in,- - ,,,l,,n. with the spirit If not thelettei neutrality.

Tne plan the New York asindicated y I to arrange a loan" dollar:., to be exHnded in pur- -

chase in the nlte.l States. It Is notknown whether the state Department

ould take step to discourage the loan.hull . it v... ... .11. 1... - !.... I.Is nat In fact n credit luan Mm ,, PI ItM

stAiemrnt fn thi toKard waa oMniriHblfa

The impreaw;(ri aniotig offleUUl of tleTreasury Department is thai no upponi-lio- n

to the proponed loan need be antnfrom the member the Federal

Ittere Board Their disposition la tireg u (I the problem preaented by thplatiM for the lnun na one

partainlni jiiei to the policy fthe QoVOrnmtflti to Ik? determineil eitherby the Preidi'til or the SecTetatyState

The rr. shli .,1 lrT.In unofficial uuartera close to the

White House it was conjectured thatPresident Wilson views the proposedbillion dollar loan to the Allies as withinHie limits neutrality because thecradll is to used lo obligationsIncurred In thia country.

It Is Inferred from the (lid that nousthe banker who uiranged th visit

of the allied commission toN. fork lias seen flt to bring theplans tn the attention the boardeither officially nr Informally that thessbankets are the opinion tlx.t no needexists for the cunsultation of the board

As things stand now it Is not toexpected that the laiard will move toInitiate any conference tegaidl: g theplans these bankers. It Is probable,however, that when advisory coun- -

ell the Federal Reserve Hoard,elected lo advise the board matters

policy, meets nexi week there willa dtaeusalon of the proposed loan

Plans A final decision will Im reached'ni'1 ""'' aa to r any needs

rxl'x for 'ard to express Itself svnis

i.omi in Oorenaall be soiled that neither In the

Published nor unpublished decisions of,he hoard has an; been lnvolvdwhich may h isgjirdcd as shedding"am on tne course to tie In thepresent instance Tne I'icriniiii loanMoated b) I'hanillet RroO, in NewYork several months ago, which wasmentioned in the disclosures . NowYork newspajiai regarding the liermunmunltlona propagg tida. gave rise tono questions which came before tlxboard for solution.

The board knew nothing the loanuntil long afier It had been made, andno eatptordlnarj point calling for aspecial ruling have arisen from an ef-fort to Include these securities In re-discount operations it wsi understotsl at the time i hat the loan repre-sented the purchase unsecured ob-ligations of the Herman (JOvomment,Just as Is proKscd now regarding sim-ilar obligations the Hrltish andFrench i iovernments

It was pointed out y that theconferences Initiated by Treasury off-icial. In which Sir Oeorge Talah partici-pated in behalf the hrltish Treasury,Involved no points of similarity m thepresent loan situation. In that rase tinFederal Reserve Hoard the pointof organising the new system, saw thecountry's of gold threatened bvexports to meet foreign IndebtednessThe board undertook the conferences Inorder to prevent a dearth of gold atthe time when tt would be needed forreserves the new regional bankinc: In-

stitutions. No matters neutralitywere involved in any way.

The only Instance In which any Issue0 neutrality has been brought to thattention the occurred In Jul v.when Itepresentatlve Fowler of Illinois,counsel for the lihor Poaoo Council, anorganisation attempted to carrvon a propaganda for an embargo warmunitions, tiled a brief declaring thatIn p i milting the rediscount of paperdrawn on tag nsactlons In munitions theboard was guilty of an unneutral actHe asked a bearing before the board.

was refused by Gov, Hamlin.



Only Two In State Relieved to

Kcmain Wet fin.OnnBallots fast.

T'oi.cmbia. S r.. Rapt 14 Bv a vote

tration certificate.The prohibition law will tuk effect

on January 1. Twenty-nin- Caro-

lina count" - already have pruvhlhltlon.All these voted for It continuance.In fifteen counties are dispensaries op-

erated by the counties and remainingi, from aninup to sundown.

With partial returns reported fromforty-thre- e out forly-fou- r countiesthe vi. tu for prohibition Is SS.566 andagainst prohibition H.90. The nflV

ml, I'll h.l.-COIIIltteJI nOW s"

r, A,k,n. Hamlrg. ItarnweTl. He.,,,-- it . ,. Charleston. '

'--""". Porchtwit-- r,

Oeorgetown. Jaap. r. Uslnt- -

j, , im,,i,k. huiR, Itlchlanrt. t'nlon andV nliainslmi g.

strains of a sonata were RtllM Frneeto of :Mjj r) (sarol!na y votedFabbrl'e private theatre In his summer I

f((i, nmblbithsa In the statewide elee-hom- e

here the lights went out, xnl j tlou ontcrpd the Innt Ornoral Asssieim-movln- g

plctuics of Ignace Jan I'adereiw- - (y wag no, hMVy ony ,4Douton a screen. Mr. I'a- -

0 V0(M wng cast,ile, ewskl himself was playing on a piano j psanlbltion setis to have carriedthe same sonata that was being heard for,y.four eountie. Inin th. by more than 401) mem-

bers the summer colony. lorchester the vote Is cloe. while

Tin- moving pictures and the music Chat leaton w ent Hgiilust prohibition liy

svnchronlied perfectly, but Instead o'iu V()(e ln to , The V()te Was notthe arrgen,ent being a new Idea along ,.,red to a Iemo-Patl-ttvm 'the lines Thomas. A. s talk- -

inx moviet4" it had hen neciisiiRry to j primary tm account general electionwet the plant! himself (o play while requlrementa, the voters bWns called onordinary "inoviea" of himself were dla- - to anow )tld up tax receipts and redisplayed.

Krei,sier. the and

of wire being

threeof them-

selves was conceitMr. FahhiT which given

of Polish Fund.inolsil, function

of for th colony

to Fabhrl'sadnils.,,.,,

tli4.ttr w uiMmIh hou uun, -- a I

I'i srM well(




of..f bunkers







ofbe pa




















of board









v(Jekl sn






PUINfiRSTn F.ATHianarfWaal VUW a V KS lJl l g al

Fenlov of LouUvilio.lID Invalid. Wanders to Loft

Bvlldlng Woof.


amo to Now i.irk I Monthsw

Afro tor treatment forNervous Troublo.

In full view of scores of persons on gasrtal CW V.pnfrA to Tnr teaFlglith street, near Sixth avenue, during LONDON, Sept. 14- .- The fat. of li en j

the homeward rush hour last evening, a still hangs In the balance DOOtSlve ll

dressed young woman poised for velopments are looked for at any mo-- 1

a moment on the edge of the roof of a J ment. reti ograil calls the situation inloft building at 39 West Kighth street.) the north unchanged It Is evident that,and then Jumped J a furious battle for the port I atlll

She turned twice In the air and thendisappeared behind a tail metal adver- -

tisms: fence irimrdiinr I, ,t Inst mil of'the building from which she had JumpedShopgirls who had seen the Kap scaV

tered to get aid for her. Some wentInto the toft building to stir up theJanitor, nther went looking for a po-

liceman, and a third group ran lo thehouse at II Wesi Eighth street, on theother side of the lot, and notified HenryMevbord. who lives there, of what theyhad seen.

ileybord ran out to his back yard,sealed the rSnoe and got Into the lot.which had been excavated some yearsago In preparation for a building andthen abandoned. In the bottom of theexcavation he found a young woman,with most of her bones broken, but stillbreathing slightl

.Mevbord called to li s mother to passa boWl of WhiOr anil a towel over UIS

fence, and he Was dol!MJ what little hecould to aid the young woman wlieu In.Ryan arrived with an BmbulaiHM fromsi Vincent HoeplUI.

The only wa n. get the patientthe .inibiilance was to cut down the advertising fence. This was done, and theamhulai was taking the mmiiiic woman lo the hospital when STM dud

Policeman fassldy meantime tiedthe loft building He could find no ele- -

valor man who r inhered havingtaken the woman upstairs, so it wason. hided h. had walked the eight

flights. An expensive bat and a book"Children of the Usrth," by Alice Brown,who won two .ears ago a $10. nun prisefrom Wimhiop Ames, found on thestalls leading from the eighth floor tothe risif.

There was also the card of Ir W I!Prttcbard of on West beventy aeoondstreet The police notified him and heImmediately said the woman was MissKlUabetb Fenle. . 31 years old. who hadbeen one or his p tlenls for two month.during which time she had been livingat the Hotel M. Jeslic

l r. Prltekard called up Miss BdlttiHebb, Miss Fenlev s nurse, and sent herto the hospital, w here identification wasestablished.

Miss Fenlev- was th daughter ofOscar Fenlev, president of the NationalHuik of Kentuck of Loutsvllle, Twomonths ago she came to, New York tobe treated by I ir. I'ritch ird for ner-vous disorders Three das ago heraunt, a Miss Short, cams here fromIsuilsvllle to i e how Mis Fenl. v wasgetting along. The patient wa doingso well that Miss . ort decided to goback restsrdoy.

The heal of the last few days hadbeen IrOlherlfiK Miss Fenle.v great., al- -t hough she had recovered from hernervous diet rders, Dr. Prltchard aald.So when Mtss Short was preparing togo to the Pennsylvania Station MissFenlev announced her intention of goingwith her, In the hope that the nit wouldrefresh her The nurse was left be- -

hind, anil the two women mot d toIhe station to catch a i o'clock train.Miss Fenlev' movements from thatlime until i:it, when she lumped to her I

dm : h. are unknown"M!sn Ketdev was one of the most

hlKhly ed mined ;unl m ompl shedpOttM women 1 have ever met." saidDr Prltchard. "If Hhe had wailed afew d ivs we would hav had eiNtlerwt vi titer and she would have heen inlierfeet health, for nhe . tmipU-te-

recovered from hw illne4ts. Itui I sup-pose she wan ilriven out of her mindby the heat ."


I'oncb Sent lo Naval OVIoor Hlgaln .l.erman Spies IpSgSStSd,

0peetsl feef BseasfWI ' Tns SiHavana, sept u mail nouoh

fcin W ashington Addressed to the navaloommander of the Ouantai amo n ationwas stolen BatUTMs) night from ii mailWwSglgl lKtween tho isist office and the

station here The police havemade a futile search of ssvsral prom-isee, but say that tin v have a due.

Th lst office has ivabled WaahmgtOnasking flor a daSallad statement of ijieoongarag of the pom a. The belief pre-vails that tha thieves were Hermansplw. j


h reni h II mm I mis- - n I Bsaaaefai v .. . ....... I. .

Burks Over Wire.Sprritfl VbU Vt$fMttfh Ot TlIB Sin

I'ahib, Sept. 14.- - Accordtns; to theGnsettf de Kroace a certain Kre n.hrejrlmen possesHes a dtta; which Is sentout from advanced sentry posts at nightwith a telephone strapped over hi,mouth and a wire connecting- the Instru-ment wirh the post. If the flog hearsthe i ierman approat hlng he bark aquietly Into the telephone.


Seek I ii in ii, i ion taalnsl Hale For-bidding; rnionlsallnn.

Chioaoo, 14 - injunciion pro-ceedings were begun to day on behalf ofthe Chicago Teachers Federation againstthe enforcement of the Isieh rule by theHoard of Education. The bill was signedby Mrs Ida U M. Futsmau. presidentof the Teachers UntM andof the Teacher Tension Fund, and slsom acting Htale's Attorney Fiank John- -stoti, Jr., on Isshalf of ihe people. Allparties connected with Ihe disbursementof school boanl funds ate included Inthe hill asking the Injunction.

The State's Attorney is said lo havesigned th hill on the grv unda that theaction oi in txiard in adopting the1

..ill in I FS e . I ..

of the children of th city of Chicago of'.... -- a .l. a a.

miic mcs. --7.Z Z llZ'ZT.i. ... . . "Teaij hers rnain Kiiml, e-- 1 1, hi In bed hiatatuie. and that the board s aitemnilngllegHll to ertMle i ne claea of p.,.pi5.tU.,i,,' mmmtmmu si


WITH Rlf.l AR PRIZRlit! it AAA vl i 1 ixkJ I All U Li

B,rlin Report. Teaton Pro-- ;

rtM Near WJIsi and southof Olita.


offensivo of TnrN Troons Ui- -

rrensiiifirly Kffivtivc. SaysIVtrograd StttttMiir-iit-.

in prngrers. the Itusslans keeping Hp

their stubborn resistance.The Hussions p'.n their hupee for a

sla kenlng of tlrn Autro- - icrmati of- -

tensive In the north and centre upon therum's forces Ln Oallcla, which continue,to hammer the Austro-- ( ierman armiesThe In Teased vigor of the new Kuselanoffensive in i !al cia and the failure ofthe Austrian! to rbeck It and to win bud.the.r original (tout along the It rath,from Which they were COmpsMsd to re- -

tire several day ngo. indicates thatthere Is Justification foi the Kuselanbopsa

The cutting of thel' trogi-n- lll' oad .it Nov vyct ts. an)halt way bstwfvn Vllna ami Dwlnnfc,admitted in io4aj Russian official re-

port. The Herman War Office nportsa gain by tne Teutonic forces south ofOMtll These forces have met detr- -

mlned resistance on the pan of theKtlaidSnS e sines me (termans caplured t'liia and l'i::ii their movementsouthward with the Urodno-Wiln- a railload ss lln n ohtective. Tile rebixa.

r - Itusslail efTort In re ma. beI taken as the immediate i oneequente ofI I he cutting oi the railroad In the north.1

i.( king th. l!uss..ui . scan rthward.

Teutons tintn Tnwnril Wllnn,The Muscovite forces thus will be

ed to retire westward int.. the for.I esl regions This, in turn, will enable

"'e Teutons, once having reached therailroad, to sweep south to Wilna. i los- -'"g the circle aroiln that importantrs llroad is ire

The Gorman retsirt loda) was as fol-lows

Arm. (TOUP of Field Marshal vonH ndenburg Between the Dwlna andthe Vlllva are making progre .Northwest of Wilna we have taken,i. .ion arisoners, one cannon, seventeenammunition cart, thirteen machinegun and much baggage.

South of OUIs we e pirnsless

In the bend of the Nismen. north- -

east of rodno. w have advancedhalf wa) io i.l, la. The rallwa) theretoInis n bombarded. Further southwe are approacJiIng the Ss. sara.

Army group of Prince Leopold Thepursuit toward the Bsekara is continu-ing. We have defeated the enemyrear guards.

Army group Of Field Marshal vonMarkensan i Wi continue t( pursuethe enemy A few hundred prisonersll,. e been taken

in the gottthe.ietern theatre: Theposition f the German ttoops i un-changed.

A fMmes correspondent, ji an acCOtfnlof a vlsil to Riga, savs tne port liasbeen stripped of everything thai mightbe useful to the fjormans in the i ventof ihe city's fall, only about one-thir- d

of the population but there i nopanic the spirit, in fact, being less pegsslralatle in Pctrogrnd.

New action in the Baltic mac lielooked for nt inv moment now that theGerman have nlnned c mpleted theirenvelopment operation! around RigaTh 1 it 'I. is would be n ... effective ita not far distant from Iteval sndlvtr grad.

rfl In Ilia. I, Sen.ColiHtderable sisnificillH-- Is gSCI bed

:.i tin- raportad appaaranca Oet mansubmai Inc of the lateht typg In the BlncitSea The sulmtersihle Undoubtedly madeits wg) through the Dgvrdgnalleg.

Auatro-tje- i man opargttons in Bout hert)flussla cent-- upon the effort to captureHovno, the eastern "corner ' vif the Vol-hy-

tn f triangle of which theape, Puii!' and the western point.Isiitsk, already are In tlerman hgfldaThe fall f It no, the southern terminalof tile main railway line, in essential forthe materialization of the Teuton planto clear th entire of Volhyniaof Itusslans. and then to liegln theirlately Indicated project to sweep throughPeaaarabtg t wartl the Hla k Sea pot thlessa.

As in practically ever other NCtkHIof the eastern theatre of war. the (ier-- Imans here ;t;e carrying r


Ofiltg to carrv out Iwtt simultaneousmo ements, one In the run th, w it ii t he

dhject of gaining Sartiy, due north ofIt no, and connected by rail not onlvWilli the latter point, Imji directly withKieir nnd clrcuttoQily with FMnakt, Th.ftussiau olt1tala1 reHit asserts that the ItRusgigQa are ully holding the.Sarn. from.

WtsODaw r fnllura of the Ganngfl oper-ations in the V'oin.Miia province with thevai ious lilt I HI It plans referred to de-


mainly uiou the outcome of the o.v(.resent Imttle , n the (latlclau front,w nere i nti" mf sai raiwa navethe UpPr hand.

Iluasla's Heporl of Oierntlona.'i'h' following oiticiai stntemenl issued

In PSftrOffrad last night was teceivcd to-

day asIn Itiga ami Krlettriclistadt dis- -

trlcta no taaantlal change has oocurred.tin the front f the Lower Bkau andnor t h went of Mi tail t here have hewnminor engagements between small

The artillery duel hasinereaseil in intensity from

landeii as far as twenty versls (fourit en miles) north w est of Kriedrich-atMtt

Peaperate aotious continue west ofJacolmtadt and in the districts of Laos,liikttct ti ami Hanken, to (he west amiMouthwest of Pwlnsk. We have beencurrying out vigorous Offensive ep

M, n: - iii the distn. t of Abel andI'siany. and further souih the tlg'hL- -

ing has bean onAraotarlBad by greatdesHtratlou

Near the station of Novosvyentsyany(northeap, "f Wilna) Ihe enemy hasllt ,n rairway. Under the nreaeuia

or me wno maile a neclsive at-tack

ofbetween 'he Novoavyenteyan) amiVHna districts, our tnaips retired tothe vit inllv of the railwa station ofI'oilliroilaa

In the region of Wilna and the

beOaalgjgfg on V And fiiyc.

Two Suspected Fire BombsFound in Hold ofLapland,

Strange Bottles Filled WithWhich Would Explode or Start Flames When

Rocking of Ship Broke Glass.


Two mysterious bottles, each OOfltahVIng a difforent llituid. were foundlat night In .No. t hold on the steam-ship Lapland, formerly of the Red StarLlM, but now operating under tlia WhiteStar management at bur piot. No. II, atthe foot of Went Tweni sc. . m. I streetIt I the theory of the police and i w nFgan. inspector of Combustibles, whocarried the two bOttlce mm with hlrnfor exammatlo,,. thai I hey probable con- -

talned acids, which, mixing when thebottles broba In the hold, would ex- -

plods Or Stsrt S nr on the Ship at seaihe were peciuri. made, each

alsait the sire of nn ink Isittle. but quitsunlike that in shape The bottom ifeach Isittle wa ollWUlai Bach onetapered ln and out l.k an liour fc'1as

and was seiled at the t ip with whatseenied to be a separate piece of glass,welded on after he liquid had beenpoured Into tic bottle. This lop piecenarrowed lo til,- thickness of a leadpencil One Isittle a Ida, kfluid and the other WAS near I) filled withi i!i ii lab black liquid.

John Fnr.ght. a private detective,found the bottles while the hold wasbeing loaded with copper and brass, rnsmystetlouB reccptaclee were in a come.of the bold. They were not noticed un-

til last night about 1 o'clock, and howthe) got there was as much a mysteryas the nature of their contents. The



Refum?n t Accept Serbian Con

cessions It ii man in UiinIh'

Prcparnt ions.

LjokdosT, Sept it -- The trend of

events in the Halkins ts to the j

probabllity of the ATlle being compelled I

to eliminate Bulgaria from their calcu- -

Iat tons, a despatch from Athens ssys I

it Is now admitted in the ilrtek apl- -

Ial that Hulgaria hae deftnlteb refusedI i accepl the BefWan coin eions and

that Ihe Tin agreement hae '

been sigril Meanwhile i.rece.liumani.i and Serbia are ihowlng trnng j

Inclination 10 effect a new alliance.realising ihs necessity of being unitcdiv j

prepared foi an AttStrO-HUngarl- at- -

ta. K i

Itepotl- - no... .. ..... ',ivumsnis inn ,.e, .no.,such an attack, but Is rushing prcpaniHons with redoubled n:t sun e the con- -

eaatratlon of AustroGernuM forces, preBVmafcly fo ' a sweep thiough Itesaralnatoward i klessa

Athena msitts thai Rumania has m-- idcreil ihe pariial ion of hertroops This, however, adds little lg- -

nlAoanoa to the snuation, inasmuch aaall the armies of the Halkaii COUntlieehave been practically mobilised for aInr.g past

The Tunc learns from Sofia thai 'herelations between Rumania and the central Powers are hemming more and morestrained in view of Rumania's failureto consent to the German demand torth,- paasags of troops through Rumanian......w... .... - ,,

i.i, io miiii, iiein&ine alioot ler supplies to a value of 40, 1,00(1

Mranwhllc more tliati 1,1 wagonsIn, 'en with war material an- waiting onrha Itumanian frontlor.


London Tlilnks llnlUfin tsltaa iicliI lllt Intervention I n I nllUel.

ptWg f'ttf'U ft?t'ttf ' tn Tna itRons, iept. h. Thk si s s i r- -

respontlent ltnrns from a diplomaticsource thai the altuatlon in the Balkanihas undergone no suhstantlal chanves"luring t he last few da ys There ap-pears to he no alarm hi diplomatic ni-cies here over t he lyniptOtlll of a pos-sible Bultffarlan desire to enter Into thewar on the side of Ihe Teutonic allien

sint-- Rumanla'a Intervention is con-sidered Inevitable, and the al It tide ofi.reece favorable to the Em tent a I'owers.

is argued here that Hulgaria will notdare reate complications for the exclusive benent of Hie Austro-- i Icrni.uiM

TO STAY NEUTRAL.I, in a i, .i OIVOS P Plan foe

to iiuy Mnnltloaa,laeeSsi VmhU ftesasfeA to Tnr Si .

Pagia, it The Rumanianmunitions purchasing commission bended

"ol r.oilunno will return to Itin Im -

ret4( it is announced here, on account ofnew arrangements recently inadn hv

the i lovernmenl Till1 ll opt! d loanope rut ion has been quashed id It isasMinied thai the Mannln he al l ridgecoot met with Amsricai sn.dl.nma n

it was parti) contingent upon theloan

It is assumed hers that the recall ofCommission indicates a decision onpari of Rumania in remain neutral

for a considerable time.


'Kgawa " ' 111 and i.iii VleslyMaatkod." Bays njoabog.

HANNISAI,, Mo. Sent. 14 gneattasChamp Clark In a talk here at the oiietiMl or t ii.. ninth annual , (invention ofthe Missouri Association of i 'oiint v Highway Kngincers declared that TheodoreHOOSSVSI! wa. an "American In the!core." ,

"I am not talking Democratic poll- -'

tics, I know. I am not golnK tn dlscuasRepublican polities, bul I m very fond

the chief Hull Mooasfi Col Roosevelt "ai i 1'lark "He know, a little about '

mote tiling than status) any man Inthe country, and i not mealy mouthed

peaks) Clark said he inmriii io!"peace nt Sn price " Do the Othei hand

lie was "agaliii hsiikrtiniina thei,ouuli to build battleships."I

Fluid Thought to Be Acidi

latter probably will not be determlneiduntil when inspector Kgnn

lils unalyses.Mnright brought the bottle to the

office on the pier and telephoned to I'o-tl-

Headquarter, ("apt. Thomii T'lliineyand two detective went to the pier llrst.but as SOOTl a they saw the bottles theycalled up Inspector lgan They were In-- illned to tielieve tile CODtelttS RMSM lins- -

chief. Kgan would not vouchsafe anoptBlon until he had examined what thebottle- - contained, but It Is thought they

,., M, , , g,.lMwould breuk easily anil sturt a lire

The Lapland sails y at ROOtt Shearrived here late Thursday might andd- eked earn I'rlilav The Kng- -

,h ,,,,. nJMeM deiffatea warssmon lier passengers The ship Is oneof the largest now engaged in F.uropeerttrade She wa being loaded with aheavj iri;o The is.llce believe that Ifthe contents of the strange bottles wereintended to explode or start a tire In thehold the Ingenious scheme was SO

' planned that It would not work until theL.i .i u as a ac i

It was imistnaible to leant laat nightexactly what comttoaed the cargo of t he

I.Hplard or who intendeil to aall on theship It waa said in behalf of theOfflolnla of the line her cargx Halargely geneial foodstuffs, aut omot'ilev.brnsa and Hper in quant.tie, supplies and etpnpment and generalmorchntttftM heher ahe carries

or ammunition suppllea rouidn t he oscertalneil



Km iter's Heir Rrcnks I'nderstrain, London lions From

German Sources.

my ranjf .Veir.o. s l Sept. 14. A sensational re- -

port coming from Herman sources andleceived here by way of Rotterdam say,that ths Oermen Cronm Princs is suffer, j

Ut from menial aborrutlon, ae the rS I

null of the worries of the campaign, j

The Crown PrlnOS undoubtedly hasspared himself in his attempt to'

" r: ae a dec'slve blow on tne westernfront. Prisonsig stuln that for threedJ during the recent offensive he WentanUrelj without sleep

He has now broken under Hie tne usrman report which

adds that in Spit of the . ntrealles of,h1 ,'r,wn .Pj,,(,..-- u ilie. t i.. 'r. ... ..

ii int 'itlises to reliiiiiuLsh7. 7Ins(

in.ird even tcinuonirilv


'" "" Faliilllles pa ted bilogs WoaaagM keeal "iieii Ttee."The Wew rorker ;rro(f In its eve.

nlng lion vest.idav th"following :

An appar, nllv perfeet I harmlesiable despatch readied New Vorkierday laying that red silk tie ,7r''

don have gone down too1 it mthat ihe despatch meat s in ,,!.... llelernd to as aip'ii,i,ii-i- i ,inu persons ondon (calleilin the m.uage red ties")


r" r e Kdaeatloaschool ia Declares,

1'irrsHt ii.i. Sent, it - imiv .,. ...ot ....nun person, can think ind fnunleiis l li.iv o.ioe i snow tun ihui i

persons not onl cannot ihmk but thatine) k judgment, nnaginallon andin i grent many cases peraonallty," Isaid Di giUi f Neff, prinolpal ami

, ' is iii l itis- -

' " . V "' '"' S' "' "" " '"I iie mind what the

. ' '"" uu ",r 'e bodv, r in"oi" wwns, to iieveloi, all tl ! mentalfa, eauuili

"In order that a man I... -i oartleular line' ..., ,.... .. '..'"..rit i.mual use all of Ins ,,wers, mln.l ner- -

sonallty and character Thefew ate successful is that h arl?imlnlng In our achools is incorrect "..m" 'en ituoies statistics to th.feet Hint onlv live out of one hundredmen escape fall,,,, .,,! statements-- j neiei, rvener in ine effect t,,lt

i, .in., nn n,,( inniK.


I'rlncelon Mend Mlnm. m t nllrgei,for Mnkliig Work fctreeMlile.

PmteAPPIHU, Sept l Tiie Intel-lectli- al

pampering of (Mdleae Mmlents.s ' n ineoiv mai III.. ,..

k ledge should be smooth at i piiasant. '

sol Is. at St Luke's School Vav- .. .' If weie asked to ,,,.,. ., L'"!' .,,..,,,....... ... . , "" si.'iiesi,. in,., in uiiuei graduate,"

am i rvsiovm niuoen, I would say It'

th. ,, , i .connTv" In thlsVm h ,wten, lir ,t ,.... i. ., ,.

vcr Itrtlcultv XI. .i. H....I .

i"i " uauj nrenit nv the sweatof their brow., but the student can r- -qulre kn iwledge quite vlcarioualy, with-out having to exert himself lot It. Heshould Is- - made to think his way out

f dldlculties for himself." I


I hey Rlagsjea Peaee lls. but .- . talosaeat.

I iitiiiiit. Sent tl n, :: ii ' io.,nano iii inv ruin, ilie ailioillonile tltanii- -

f, h.,1.1 ,i '"-"- -I 1

11plan, liele lies evening.

'I'll... .I...I'.,. .1 ,, ...I.., ,

.., 'r in ; ii, emi ni r. ga dina me ie.,,1, , ,. ,.. i





No Suhmarine in Vicinity.

it Must iiavc Been

Mine, Is View.



Hope That Qennany Will.Nut Reject Liability far

Bahmnrine 'h Act.



Reiterated That PassonrrorShips Will Gel


Stitii'l ' rtVr- Ir.iSti-- to Tnr. ScsAMgrgRPAM, via London, Sept, 14 --

The following seml-officl- a! tamien'has been issued in Berlin, according lodoupelchas fpm thai city:

It appears fr.nn tin- news availableup to the present, taken in conjunc-tion with far. is known in officialquarters, io be practically Impos-sible that a Uerms n itibmartna iauat all be made responsible for thestiking of the Hesperian.

Tin assumption n warranted,firstly, because, according to the warpi. ins. no German submarlng on Beptember i waa In the locality w herethe Hesperian waa sunk; secondly,according to the descriptions al bandfrom an English source, the explo-sion was nf each u kind and Its ef-fects were such that ll most lie in-

ferred it was caused ll) a minerather ihua by .1 torpedo.

This is gltplMVrtcd by the fact that.from ibe descriptions at hand, lhaship was lilt close to Hie stem amithe two foremost compartments

"Were Riled with water

PLEDGE IS UPHELD.Ueemaay insist vVaralaa Will Be

;i. en lo Pasaaatvr bhlps,By ti., I .i.,i presj

Bkiii.iv, Spi 11 The Herman K.c-elg- n

Office baa Indorsed Ihenladma .enbv Ambassador von It. tiisliofr Ihu mmm.

. ..klH. .11, t,ll s - mil Mill in- SOUK Wl'nollt

The Foreign Office also sa that thadifference of opinion on the fact" in thArabic esse does no) Btfecl this

principleThe text of this statement is as fo,.

low s :

The German declaration that pas-senger ships will not be torpedoedwithout warning unless they try toescape wh,-- summoned to Mop or novrresistance holds g

A for Ihe Arable case, there ee--

to Ik merely a difference of opinionabout the fact which does not affectthe above mentioned principle,

.V BERLIN'S HA.XDS SOW.U. g, awaits Hi -- oil of Hera-slorO- 's

l llorts vv III, llerlln.IVaSNINOVON, Sept 14 file linmedu

ate future or the submarine controversybetween the United gluten and Qermanyis now largel) In tin- hand of BerlinWith fun appreciation of tins fact, butstill most hopeful Qermany win i.willing to iii.iKi- in,, coiieesxinns neces- -

sary io c.irtv in situation over it, ,.. .

nt "h"" atmcuii stage, tin- .,iminitra- -'" v entered uui a period ofwalling

Count von Bernatorfr, the aerman Am.

wnicn ll is noped i mm e satis- -faCtO! v attitude of tl, loan l ,ov ern- -inent toward tiie Arabic cass win benbtulued lie lias opened a fresh iiisen

lalon with his Ooverl it. and nandliusthe outcome of his el'foits tlie e will I...mi uiriner moves 1,1 ""'-t-- fa I

"1. . .... .. . .


. , ZZ.. . . eeK or.'r"..' ''''.. "T ' "'" ""'

"T" S1" k""w' ,v Tl"as .. .......lent i. ........ ,,.... - manwilting I,, give th.- Ambaaaadoi plenty of

time for adequate consultation with Borlln. and to defer action, or even decision,until he is in position i" communicate!again with the stat, Department,

Hesl for in. Illpliimals.Matters havim; teached this stage ofInactivity for the moment, so far as thaWashington Government is oonoornsd

Ambaaaadot von liernstorff is planningto leave Waahlngton In a da) or two forthe summer embassy, It is also quMs

""'T .J1 "T--ranee to eat awavf o--

AmOgSSaOor whs never"' ami. utile Solutionor tne submarine is ii t rovers v heme

reaclieil than be Is now While nfrtoiaUot i ne Administration do nut. for obvious

l''"'lb ly the Ambassador'sf.,a,J i.0" ,!.Jk"' " isenuniion more

,t. "" ' t linee the sinking of the Arabic

1'iirticulurly there renewed iwn.fldence now because the note writingprocess has heen abandoned in favor ofdirect discuss. on by the two flovertl'meiil in.. ,.,io "" ", .ll.' .'111- -

baasy ami ITorsIgn OfficeIt whs notsd with sutlsfactlon here

that Ambassador Uerard rsportada talk with Ilie Herlm Foreign ifpce is.parently similar in its purposes to theconference balWoen Se, retary Unsitig

arbgaador Dernaiorff here Thiairuv-.- ' riSM v., in. I. ti..., .,., .

. me ..ermani io.iiiiiiiiiii snari the desire of....... ... ... ,- ""I. no a waywnum in. two i iovernments hekniaSI i

. " ...OKI.Am I.,. I....,..,...... . , - l.

ZZZT. l"','-- "" 'heItlovei nts reaching an understanUlna