locloud - d6 2: interim dissemination report

Local content in a Europeana cloud D6.2: Interim Disseminaon Report Author: Barbara Morgan LoCloud is funded by the European Commission’s ICT Policy Support Programme Revision: Final

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Local content in a Europeana cloud

D6.2: Interim Dissemination Report

Author:Barbara Morganti

LoCloud is funded by the European Commission’s ICT Policy Support Programme

Revision: Final

LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Change Log

Version Date Amended by Changes

V.01 -draft 13-16-02-2015

Barbara Morganti Drafted first version report

V.02 17-03-2015 Holly Wright Draft edit

V.03 26-03-2015 Barbara Morganti Additional text added

V.1 27-03-2015 Holly Wright Final edit


Author: Barbara Morganti

Contributors: Holly Wright, Kate Fernie, Carol Usher, all partners

LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Table of Contents

1. Executive summary 4

2. Dissemination activities 52.1 Involving stakeholder communities 52.2 Events 62.3 Means of dissemination 92.3.1 Dissemination materials 92.3.3 Web site 102.3.4 Social networks 172.3.5 LoCloud Newsletter 18

3. Dissemination activities planned for the final project period 193.1 Events 193.2 LoCloud planned events until end of project 203.3 Publications 20

4. Monitoring 21

5. Conclusion 22


ANNEX 2 PUBLICATIONS 36Press, news and social media 39



LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

1. Executive summaryThis deliverable provides an account of all dissemination activities carried out by LoCloudduring months 1 to 24 of the project.

LoCloud supports small and medium-sized institutions in making their content and metadataavailable within Europeana, by exploring the potential of cloud computing technologies. Toachieve this, the project has developed a cloud-based technology infrastructure to enablethe aggregation of local cultural content. It is also developing a number of micro-services tohelp reduce technical, semantic and skills barriers, and to render the content morediscoverable and interoperable.

A dissemination strategy was set out at the inception of the project in the Dissemination Plan(D6.1). It aimed to raise awareness about the LoCloud project and its activities amongst:

• Internal stakeholders within the partner organisations.

• Organisations with an interest in cloud computing, applied to small and medium sizedinstitutions, including small and medium sized cultural heritage institutions, holders ofprivate collections, and others.

• The Research Community with an interest and involvement in cloud computing ingeneral, and to cultural institutions in particular.

• The European Commission’s CIP ICT PSP programme and related projects fundedby the programme.

• Users of Europeana, members of the general public, students, researchers, etc.

The objectives of the dissemination strategy are to:

• Identify the interests of the stakeholder community, and the main channels forcommunication and networking activities.

• Build and extend the project contact database by clustering with other projects,participating in events, and exploiting the partners’ networks of contacts.

• Informing the stakeholder community about news, events and activities bydeveloping a project newsletter, exploiting social networking channels, as well astraditional media.

• Providing an up-to-date set of dissemination materials by developing the projectwebsite, briefing papers, presentation template, and other materials for use by thepartners.

• Presenting the project at relevant national and international events.

These objectives will also be pursued in the second period of LoCloud, until the end of theproject. A final dissemination report, due in month 36, will provide an account of all thedissemination and promotional activities carried out by the partners throughout the entireproject duration.

Section 2 of this report describes the project dissemination activities carried out, andpromotional materials produced during year 1 and 2.

Section 3 provides an overview of planned dissemination activities until the end of theproject.


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

2. Dissemination activities This section provides a review of all dissemination activities carried out during months 1-24.It describes first the audiences targeted for dissemination, the means and resources used topromote the project progress and their result, and the actual activities carried out to reachthe identified audiences.

2.1 Involving stakeholder communities

The following stakeholders were identified as target groups in the initial dissemination plan:

• internal stakeholders within the partner organisations;

• organisations with an interest in cloud computing applied to small and mediumsized institutions, such as small and medium sized cultural heritage institutions,national and domain aggregation services, holders of private collections,Europeana, and others;

• research communities with a general interest and involvement in cloudcomputing, and a particular interest as applied to cultural institutions;

• the European Commission’s CIP ICT PSP programme and related projectsfunded by the programme;

• Europeana, end users of Europeana (e.g. students, researchers, etc).

All LoCloud partners have been actively engaged in promoting LoCloud both with theirinternal stakeholders and external audiences, targeting the communities of small culturalinstitutions, researchers, and companies working in the domain of cloud computing,specifically for small institutions. These audiences have been reached mainly throughpresentations by partners at various national and international events, as well as via theirmailing lists and social media.

There has been a regular and mutual exchange of information between LoCloud andEuropeana. LoCloud participated in the Europeana group projects meetings, as well as inthe EuropeanaTech conference, which took place in Paris on 13-14 February, 2015 (seebelow).

The Europeana office maintains the Europeana group web site (http://group.europeana.eu)and disseminates information about projects, including LoCloud, to its stakeholdercommunity through the website, a quarterly newsletter, and its news channel. The officealso maintains a calendar of events informing group members about upcoming events,inviting participation in clustering activities, and disseminating information about the project’sparticipation in international conferences and events.

LoCloud has followed the work of, and exchanged information with, Europeana Cloud1,Europeana Creative2 and Europeana Inside3. This is done mainly via the exchange of news,with occasional virtual and face-to-face meetings. Europeana Cloud set up a ‘CloudCoordination Group’, whose aim is to coordinate those projects working on cloud-basedapplications for the storage, retrieval and manipulation of metadata and digital content within1 http://pro.europeana.eu/web/europeana-cloud2 http://pro.europeana.eu/web/europeana-creative3 http://www.europeana-inside.eu/home/index.html


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

the context of Europeana. There was a virtual meeting of this group in June 2013, but therehave been no subsequent meetings. However, there is regular dialogue between LoCloudand Europeana Cloud.

LoCloud has also exchanged news and information on the results of the project with the 3DICONS project. The infrastructure model developed within the CARARE project and used by3D ICONS (involving the MINT ingestion service and the MoRe repository), is thefundamental basis upon which LoCloud’s work has been developed.

LoCloud is in the process of discussing a Cooperation Agreement with AthenaPlus, a CIPbest practice network which aims to contribute more than three million metadata records toEuropeana, improve search, retrieval and re-use of Europeana’s content, and experimentwith enriched metadata, with their re-use adapted for users with different needs.

The LoCloud project web site allows stakeholders to register to receive the projectnewsletter, with updates on progress and results. This has enabled the building of a contactdatabase, which will continue to be enlarged throughout the project. Currently the databaseincludes 92 subscribers of which 89 subscribed to the LoCloud newsletter. This will surely beexpanded in the coming period, as a result of the extensive dissemination activities thatpartners will be carrying out, including promoting the services and tools developed by theproject.

2.2 Events There have been a large number of presentations by partners at conferences, seminars andworkshops within the local heritage and professional domains, with the aim of promoting theresults of the project, and advocating the contribution of content/metadata to Europeana.Below are a few highlights of main events organised by LoCloud, or with a substantialproject presence, during the reporting period. The full list of events is available as Annex 1to this report.

EuroMed2014, 3-8 November 2014, Lemessos, Cyprus

Organised by the Cyprus University of Technology, with the support of Athena Researchand Innovation Center (both LoCloud partners). Opened by the Minister of Education andCulture, Costas Kadis, it gathered more than 17 small local stakeholders, willing tocontribute more than 3,000 digital objects to Europeana. The event was attended by 350participants from 38 different countries, and was a success. A total of 432 papers weresubmitted to the conference.

ICOMOS Workshop, ICOMOS 18th General Assembly, 11 November 2014, Florence, Italy

This workshop was organised as part of WP 6, by the University of York and the NationalArchives of Norway.


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

LoCloud partners at the ICOMOS 18th General Assembly. L-R: Kate Fernie (2Culture Associates), Holly Wright(Archaeology Data Service), Silvia Alfreider (National Archives of Norway).

The objectives of this workshop were:

• to stimulate discussion and collaboration between curators, experts andstakeholders in digital libraries, cultural heritage, tourism and local communitiesabout new ways to make holdings more widely available;

• to showcase the latest developments in supporting small and medium-sizedcultural institutions in making their digitised collections available online, via theEuropeana portal, through the LoCloud project.

The event included the following presentations;

• Overview of the LoCloud project, and how local cultural institutions can get involved, KateFernie, 2Culture Associates, UK

• Overview and demonstration of LoCloud mapping tools and cloud-based services forEuropeana, Dimitris Gavrilis, ATHENA Research Centre, Greece

• Overview and demonstration of LoCloud Collections: a new collection management systemfor small to medium sized organisations to make their collections available online, anddiscoverable within Europeana, Holly Wright, Archaeology Data Service, University of York,UK

• Overview and demonstration of geographic location and map based services for localheritage within LoCloud services for Europeana, Siri Slettvåg, Avinet, Norway

• Support for communities and cultural tourism, Silvia Alfreider, National Archives of Norway,Norway

The workshop raised interesting and lively discussions on the topics addressed and anumber of participants showed a specific interested in the project. Moreover, the event wasa useful networking exercise, being part of the ICOMOS conference, which attracted aconsiderable number of International participants from cultural heritage institutions.


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

LoCloud Hackathon, 11 February 2015

A LoCloud hackathon was organised byAthenaRC with 2Culture and Europeana,at the Google Culture Institute in Parison 11 February, in the context ofEuropeanaTech. The event gathered 22developers who worked during the entireday on innovative applications for thecu l t u r a l h e r i t a g e s e c t o r , u s i n gEuropeana data and a series of servicesdeveloped by LoCloud.

The Services included: the MORerepository, the enrichment services, thegeolocation service, the historicalplacenames service, the vocabularyservice, and the Wikimedia application.

MoRe Quality by Vangelis Banos (Future Library, Greece) was the winning prototypeapplication.

A website was set up for the hackhathon by Athena RC to provide information about theevent and the services available at http://more.locloud.eu/hackathon/index.php?op=home.

Extensive promotion was carried out by the LoCloud partners before and after thehackathon, which raised a lot of interest in the event, and in LoCloud services. Two articles,one on the event in general, and one on the winning application, were published on theLoCloud web site and in the February newsletter:



EuropeanaTech2015, 11-13 February 2015, Paris, France

The conference brought together application developers, information professionals,technology researchers and decision makers in the cultural domain, to explore currenttechnical challenges around digitisation and re-use of cultural content, to learn about newdevelopments, and establish future collaborations.

LoCloud partners participated in the conference, within which context the LoCloudHackathon was organised. The team also held the LoCloud mid-term plenary meeting on11 February at the National Library of France.

2.3 Means of dissemination

2.3.1 Dissemination materials A set of promotional materials were prepared and made available for use. These materialsinclude:

• A general poster translated in all partner languages

• A technical poster produced in February 2015, providing an overview of the LoCloudservices; translations are being made available


Developers working on applications using Europeanadata and a series of services developed by LoCloud.

LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

• A project fact sheet

• A project leaflet

• A LoCloud PowerPoint presentation template

Partners have worked with 2Culture to provide the promotional materials translated innational languages. All materials are made available to members of the project for downloadfrom the LoCloud website.

1.1.1 Videos

A video about the LoCloud project was developed and is available on the project website. The video provides an introduction to the project and services.

A number of videos illustrating the LoCloud microservices are being produced (oncethe services are finalised) and will be made available on the web site. These will helppromote the services, by explaining their use and benefits for small culturalinstitutions.

2.3.2 Web site

The LoCloud web site (http://www.locloud.eu/) was launched by MDR in the first month ofthe project (March 2013) and is now maintained and developed by 2Culture. The siteprovides information about the project, and includes an intranet section for members of theproject consortium.


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

The public area of the web site has been recently expanded and currently includes:

• About – the project, consortium and activities

• News – news bulletins and newsletters

• LoCloud Collections

• Resources – presentations by project partners, publications, dissemination materials,links to related projects and initiatives

• Support – links to the LoCloud support centre, providing access to documentation,learning materials, questions and answers, and help desk

• Events – events of interest to the LoCloud community

• Get involved – a section providing information for small and medium sizedorganisations interested in joining LoCloud

• Contacts – How to contact the LoCloud project

The project intranet includes:

• Project Reviews

• Reporting

• Deliverables

• Work packages (one folder for each WP)

The web site is made available in English. Where appropriate, project partners haveprovided translations of some parts of the public pages of the site in their nationallanguages.

All partners have been encouraged to disseminate information about LoCloud activities andprogress on their own institutional web sites, by regularly posting news and providing links torelevant documentation.

Below are some statistics on access to the LoCloud web site during the reporting period.

Note: While systems are in place to prevent visits from site administrators (by IP and by website account),these systems are not 100% reliable, and may result in infated visit counts from the UK. Google Analytcs doesnot record visits from users with JavaScript disabled. There are no accurate fgures for the percentage of userswith JavaScript disabled, but is generally considered somewhere between 2% to 3%.

Where easily identfable, data for visits and referrals from crawlers and spambots have been excluded fromthese results.


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Visits by Country

Total number of:

• users 7,161• sessions 11,242• pageviews 41,994


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Percentage of visits by country to the LoCloud website

Date Range: 01/03/2013 to 28/02/2015

Total number of countries: 129

Country %Visits Country %

Visits Country %Visits Country %



11.49% Portugal 1.37% Colombia 0.20% Hong Kong 0.05%

Italy 10.11% Denmark 1.21% Argentna 0.17% Kenya 0.05%

Spain 9.35% Serbia 1.21% Hungary 0.16% Singapore 0.05%

Cyprus 5.87% Ireland 1.19% South Korea 0.16% El Salvador 0.05%

Greece 5.32% Iceland 1.09% Luxembourg 0.15% Ukraine 0.05%

Norway 5.03% Bulgaria 1.05% Malta 0.15% United ArabEmirates


France 4.48% China 1.01% Saudi Arabia 0.13% Chile 0.04%

Germany 4.02% Brazil 0.74% Nigeria 0.12% Thailand 0.04%

Netherlands 3.37% Canada 0.67% Israel 0.12% South Africa 0.04%

United States 3.13% India 0.62% Mexico 0.12% Armenia 0.04%

Austria 2.70% Switzerland 0.61% Taiwan 0.09% Ghana 0.04%

Romania 2.53% Australia 0.46% Indonesia 0.08%Macedonia(FYROM) 0.04%

Poland 2.51% Slovakia 0.44% Montenegro 0.08% Peru 0.04%


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Turkey 2.48% Russia 0.36% Pakistan 0.08% Venezuela 0.04%

CzechRepublic 2.23% Japan 0.35% Albania 0.07% Ecuador 0.03%

Belgium 1.98% Estonia 0.30% New Zealand 0.07% Kuwait 0.03%

Lithuania 1.77% (not set) 0.28% Egypt 0.06% Tunisia 0.03%

Slovenia 1.54% Finland 0.28% Iran 0.06% Vietnam 0.03%

Croata 1.47% Bosnia & Herz. 0.26% Malaysia 0.06% Other 0.52%

Sweden 1.45% Latvia 0.21% Philippines 0.06%Source Google Analytcs

Note: Channel data is not available prior to 25 July, 2013.


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Top 20 referrers to to the LoCloud website

01/03/2013 to 28/02/2015

(including social media)


Referral Source Sessions % Total

t.co (Twiter) 388 11.99%culturalheritage2014.eu 349 10.78%archaeologydataservice.ac.uk 171 5.28%linkedin.com 148 4.57%pro.europeana.eu 138 4.26%mcu.es 136 4.20%us1.campaign-archive1.com 85 2.63%facebook.com 82 2.53%bjc.ro 74 2.29%support.locloud.eu 73 2.26%digitalheritagelab.eu 69 2.13%mdrpartners.com 66 2.04%lc004.ait.co.at:8080 54 1.67%europeana-local.at 50 1.55%libvar.bg 49 1.51%bby.hacetepe.edu.tr 43 1.33%york.ac.uk 43 1.33%l.facebook.com 37 1.14%forence2014.icomos.org 36 1.11%surveygizmo.com 36 1.11%Other 1109 34.27%

Total 3236 100.00%

Source: Google Analytcs

LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

There have been two major spikes of actvity on the website resultng from referrals surroundingevents at which LoCloud was represented.

EuroMed 2014 conference was held in Limassol,Cyprus on 3-8 November 2014.

The Cyprus University of Technology, a partner in LoCloud, was part of the

Conference Chairing Commitee.

Disseminaton actvites resultng from the LoCloudproject presence at the Europeana Tech 2015

conference held in Paris on 12-13 February 2015.


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

New vs. Returning Visitors

New Visitor - A visitor who did not have Google Analytcs cookies when they hit the frst page in thiervisit. If a visitor deletes their cookies and comes back to the site, they will be counted as a newvisitor.

Returning Visitor - A visitor with existng Google Analytcs cookies from a previous visit.

Top Content


Page Pageviews % Total

Home 9806 23.4%News 5727 13.6%Resources 4301 10.2%Events 3354 8.0%About 3123 7.4%Consortum 2552 6.1%Actvites 1239 3.0%Community 1065 2.5%Newsleter 992 2.4%Deliverables 727 1.7%Other 9108 21.7%

Total 41994 100.00%Source: Google Analytcs

LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

2.3.3 Social networks

Twiter: LoCloud Projecthtps://twiter.com/LoCloudProject

Tweets: 130

Retweets: 375

Followers: 126

Included on Lists: 11

The recent retweets show there was a high level of interest in the LoCloud Hackathon event held on 11 February 2015 in Paris, and in the LoCloud Newsleter released at the end of February.


A group has been established for LoCloud at: htps://www.linkedin.com/groups/LoCloud-4984888

Members: 64

Discussions posted: 19


Presentatons about the LoCloud project given by project partners at events, reports,and promotonal materials are uploaded to Slideshare. In turn presentatons areembedded into the LoCloud website. The following table shows the number of viewsof all Slideshare documents for the reportng period, and for the project to date.

Document Type No. Slideshare views

Presentatons 24 10075

Reports 18 3008

Promotonal Materials 1 362

Total views from start ofproject

43 10,507 (of which 5,303 are embeds)

A YouTube channel was established for the project. The “LoCloud Introducton”Video was uploaded.

Views: 716

Subscribes: 2


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

LoCloud Website Registratons

Total Registratons: 92

Of which Partner Registratons: 57

Newsleter opt-in: 79

2.3.4 LoCloud Newsletter

The project newsleter is produced twice a year. Editons were issued in August 2013, February andAugust 2014 and February 2015. They are available from htp://www.locloud.eu/News/Newsleter.

A summary newsleter is distributed to email lists, and the full newsleter is uploaded to the projectwebsite. Notces about the newsleter are posted on social networks and email lists by projectpartners. Publishing a summary version of the newsleter with links to the full artcles sends trafc tothe project website.

The latest newsleter (February 2015) was distributed to about 80 recipients, and was actvelypromoted through social networks.


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

3. Dissemination activities planned for the final projectperiod

3.1 Events

In the coming months LoCloud will coordinate presentations, poster sessions and workshopsat key conferences to promote the results of the project, and the contribution of content toEuropeana. Below are a few highlights of external events which LoCloud partners plan toattend. The full list is available as Annex 3.

LoCloud Competition

An international competition is being organised to encourage people to explore a favouriteplace or part of their local history through Europeana, and present their experience online inthe form of web pages, a blog or video.

The competition will have two strands:

"My Local Heritage" for curators, volunteers, local historians, or students to presenttheir experience of exploring their local heritage in Europeana in a short video, blogpost or online essay. "My LoCloud Services", will be a prize for the best implementation or development ofLoCloud services, and is open to developers, aggregators and cultural institutions.

The competition will be launched in April 2015, with submission deadline in October 2015.

The finalists will be invited to present their entries at the LoCloud final event, which will beheld in Amersfoort, Netherlands on 5th February 2016. All short-listed entries will bepromoted on the LoCloud website.

The competition winners will receive a prize and their winning entry will be publicised byLoCloud and Europeana.

Details are published at http://www.locloud.eu/News/LoCloud-Competition.

LoCloud Workshop, Granada, Spain

The University of York/ADS is organising a workshop at Digital Heritage 2015 in Granada, 28September-2 October (http://digitalheritage2015.org/), to promote the results of the project.Digital Heritage is a biennial federated world congress held jointly with affiliated internationalconferences, societies, organisations and exhibitions around IT for heritage. Eleven LoCloudpartners have confirmed their participation in the event, and their contribution to theworkshop. By that time, most of the LoCloud micro-services will be finalised and a substantialamount of partners’ digital collections will be available on Europeana.

TPDL 2015, Poznań, Poland

The International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) constitutesa leading scientific forum on digital libraries that brings together researchers, developers,content providers and users in the field of digital libraries. TPDL 2015, the 19th edition of theconference, is organised by Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre (partner in


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

LoCloud) and will be held held in Poznań, Poland on 14-18 September 2015.

3.2 LoCloud planned events until end of project

Meetng/event Date/Project month Partcipants Locaton

Workshop at DH2015

28 September-2 October 2015

Selected partners Granada, Spain

Second technical review

15-16 April 2015 Project management team, WP leaders

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Final technical review

M36 Project management team, WP leaders


Final conference and competition awards

5 February 2016 Up to 200 external stakeholders, plus project participants

Amersfoort, Netherlands

3.3 Publications Partners have been active in promoting the project’s results, especially through socialnetworks, blogs, and a few articles published in on-line local newspapers. A full list of thepublications for the reporting period is available as Annex 2.


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

4. Monitoring

Between month 24 and the end of the project (month 36) monitoring activity will be carriedout to evaluate the progress and impact of the project’s activities planned by March 2016.

Below are the indicators and set targets.

Indicators Month 36

Number of unique visitors to the website 8,000

Number of followers on social networks 250

Number of newsletter readers 140

Number of presentations by partners innational and international events


Number of attended events 40

Number of participants in the Final conference 200


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

5. ConclusionThis document provides an account of the dissemination activities of the LoCloud projectduring the first 24 months.

The report shows that a substantial number of dissemination actions have been carried outduring the first two years of the project, raising awareness amongst targeted audiences ofthe project progress and results. This document will be updated in month 36 to produce afinal dissemination report, accounting for the promotion and dissemination activities duringthe entire project period.


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report


Name, URL (if available)Description, URL of

presentation delivered(if applicable)

Location Date

National Meeting: BITKOM National E-Learning Association

Speech and presentation by Christian M. Stracke, UDE

Type of Audience: National key E-Learning providers

Potsdam, Germany

12 Apr 2013

Seminar for Postgraduate Course “Library and Information Studies, MSc”, Grundlehrgang 2012/13


‘Digital preservation and EU-projects’

Introduction to LoCloud included in presentation

Graz, Austria 12 Apr 2013

CEN WS-LT International Meeting and Standardization Committee

Presentation by Christian M. Stracke, UDE

Brussels, Belgium

17 Apr 2013

National Conference for Archives: “Wikipedia & Archive” http://arkivmote.no/

Presentation by Gunnar Urtegaard, NRA, including a shortintroduction on LoCloud

Ålesund, Norway

18 Apr 2013

BiblioPublica National Conference of Librarians from Public libraries in Romania

Presentation: Importance of digitisation of local and regional content and Romanian contribution to Europeana: A new project - LoCloud.

Busteni, Romania

19 Apr 2013

Turkish Information Day Programmehttp://www.europeana-newspapers.eu/take-a-look-at-the-turkish-information-day-program/

Presentation by Bülent Yılmaz, Hacettepe University, at panel session.

Ankara, Turkey

3 May 2013

Cloud Cityhttp://cloudcityexpo.com/http://cloudcityexpo.com/i-relatori/

Presentation by Giulia Coletti, FRS, “LoCloud (Local content in aEuropeana cloud)”: http://cloudcityexpo.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/abstract-intervento-giulia-coletti.pdf

Orvieto, Italy 4 May 2013

Conference on Private Archives and Collectionshttp://www.arkivverket.no/arkivverket/Arkivverket/Om-oss/Aktuelt/Nyhetsarkiv/Nyhetsarkiv-2013/Privatarkivkonferanse-i-Sandefjord

Presentation by Gunnar Urtegaard, NRA, including a shortintroduction on LoCloud

Sandefjord, Norway

4 Jun 2013



Presentation by Marcin Werla, "National cloud-based data repositories as key element for the on-line presence of cultural heritage materials"

Maastricht, Netherlands

4 Jun 2013


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

session description: https://tnc2013.terena.org/core/session/12

video: https://tnc2013.terena.org/web/media/archive/5B

TNC2013: Tuesday daily impression - short video

Marcin Werla in “TNC2013: Tuesday daily impression” a shortvideohttp://tv.pionier.net.pl/Default.aspx?id=2108

Maastricht, Netherlands

5 Jun 2013

Workshop on archives and Europeana - Europeana officeTask force archives

Attendance by Gunnar Urtegaard,NRA,

The Hague, Netherlands

6 Jun 2013

Europeana Vlaanderen Overlegplatform


Presentation including introduction on LoCloud

Gent, Belgium

7 Jun 2013

1st Stakeholder Meeting 1st LoCloud CY Awareness event at the Ministry of Education and Culture

Nicosia, Cyprus

8 Jun 2013

Meeting of Regional Editors of the KAMRA portal

Presentation about LoCloud 13 Jun 2013

NPU Workshop of GIS Editors Paper by Petr Vofík “IISPP yesterday, today and tomorrow” describing information systems of the NPU including the CARARE repository and a presentation on Europeana

Grabštejn, Czech Republic

12-14 Jun 2013

eCloud Case Studies Expert Forum

Attendance at the eCloud Expert Forum at Trinity College Dubli, Ireland, representing LoCloud project and archaeological content

Dublin, Ireland

18 Jun 2013

12th Specialised Conference on Historic Structures Analyseshttp://www.svornik.cz/

Paper by Zuzana Syrová on historic earthen structures including their presentation in the National Heritage Information System and Europeana

Roudnice nad Labem, Czech Republic

18-21 Jun 2013

Seminars to Board of Management of one of Hacettepe University’s Research Center (HÜTKAM)

Presentation by Yurdagül Ünal, Hacettepe University “Europeana and LoCloud”

Ankara, Turkey

21 Jun 2013

Meeting with Regional Committee (Umbria) ICOM Italia

Presentation by Giulia Coletti, Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello, “LoCloud (Local content in a Europeana cloud)”

Perugia, Italy

25 Jul

CEN WS-LT International Meeting and Standardization Committee

Speech and presentation by Christian M. Stracke, UDE

Brussels, Belgium

25 Jul 2013


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Slovak Geophysical Conference


Personal contacts and LoCloud launch press release distribution

Smolenice, Slovakia

19-21 Aug 2013

EuropeanaCloud DevelopmentKick-off Meeting

Adam Dudczak participated in EuropeanaCloud development kickoff. Presented the idea and expectation related to LoCloud Lightweight Digital Library Framework.

Poznań, Poland

2 Sept 2013

Workshop about semantic weband Glam-institutions

Presentation Oslo, Norway 2 Sept 2013

Conference: Innovative services in public library - supporting local communities

Short introduction on LoCloud Albena, Slovenia

3-4 Sept 2013

National meeting with international participation

Short introduction on LoCloud Varna, Slovenia

4 Sept 2013

“4th International Symposium on Information Management ina Changing World” (IMCW2013).http://imcw2013.bilgiyonetimi.net/

Presentation: "Local Content in a Europeana Cloud: The LoCloud Project as a Best Practice" by Bülent Yılmaz, Özgür Külcü, Yurdagül Ünal & Tolga Çakmak. Programme: http://imcw2013.bilgiyonetimi.net/documents/imcw2013_program.pdf

Limerick, Ireland

4-6 Sept 2013

National Conference of Romanian Library Association

Presentation of Europeana opportunities for all libraries in Romaniahttp://www.abr.org.ro/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=315%3Aprogramul-conferinei-naional-abr-2013-oradea&catid=122%3Aa-xxiv-a-conferinta-nationala-a-abr&Itemid=91&lang=ro

Oradea, Romania

5 Sept 2013

Conference on Norwegian Regional Archiveshttp://samdokdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/gunnar_urtegaard_2013-1009-kai-konferansen-i-balestrand.pdf

Presentation on LoCloud Balestrand, Norway

12 Sept 2013

URLA 2013 Conference, “Information Systems, Platforms, Architectures and Technologies.”http://unak2013.unak.org.tr/en/

Presentation: "Europeana Bulutunda Yerel İçerik: İyi Uygulama Örneği olarak LoCloud Projesi” by Bülent Yılmaz, Özgür Külcü, Yurdagül Ünal,Tolga Çakmak Programme:



19-21 Sept 2013

Workshop at TPDL 2013, The International Conference on Theory and Practice

Presentation by Franc Zakrajšek, IPCH

Valetta, Malta

22-26 Sept 2013

IMI Distinguished Lecture - Distinguished invited lecture Singapore 26 Sept


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Institute for Media Innovation Nanyang Technological University,


International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservationand Youth Forum

Invited Talk Taipei, Taiwan

28 Sept 2013

School Library Automation Seminarhttp://www.kv-biblio.org.rs/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1395&Itemid=2

Presentation by Predrag Djukic, BGB


Kraljevo, Serbia

4 Oct 2013

International Conference on Vernacular Architecture CIAV 2013

Paper by Zuzana Syrová on historic daubed earth structures inCzech Republic including a presentation in the National Heritage Information System and Europeana

Vila Nova Cerveira, Portugal

16-20. Oct 2013

Meeting at Bulgarian National Library

Presentation regarding Digital Libraries and Europeana, including a section regarding the LoCloud project.

Sofia, Bulgaria

17 Oct 2013

6th International Congress Science and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basinhttp://www.athenscongress.com/contenuti.asp?page=Home

Invited Keynote Speaker (first plenary session)

Athens, Greece

22 Oct2013

MAB Meeting http://www.mab-italia.org/index.php/comitatati/mab-umbria/item/90-soluzioni-conservative

Presentation by Giulia Coletti, FSR, “LoCloud (Local content in aEuropeana Cloud)”http://www.locloud.eu/Resources/Presentations

Perugia, Italy 25 Oct 2013

Internal Seminar of the National Archives of Norway

Presentation on LoCloud Hadeland, Norway

Oct 2013

Workshop on Semantic Web inthe Nordic Countries

Presentation on LoCloud Oslo, Norway 5 Nov 2013

ICT 2013 Attendance, distribution of folders,networking

Vilnius, Lithuania

5-9 Nov 2013

“Cultural Heritage and LOD”; Meeting at the Directorate for Cultural Heritage

Presentation by Gunnar Urtegaard: “Linked Open Data - the way forward” http://kulturognaturreise.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/urtegaard-gunnar-riksarkivet-og-lod-kort-om-status-og-videre-planer.pdf

Oslo, Norway 6 Nov 2013

AeLC International Conference Keynote and presentation by Vienna, 6-7 Nov


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Christian M. Stracke, UDE Austria 2013

Contemporary Library Conference- a Place for Innovative Services and e-learning

Presentation: Project LoCloud Varna, Slovenia

8 Nov 2013

Aristotle University, Department of Informatics.

Presentation on LoCloud project outline and objectives


15 Nov 2013

CultureCloud / Brabant Cloud Interactive participation in information session about a European heritage information Cloud (Culture Cloud, from Delving)

Hertogenbosch / Tilburg, Netherlands

18-19 Nov. 2013

DARIAH-AT Workshop„Digitale Geisteswissenschaften in Österreich: Nationale Kooperationen und europäische Perspektiven“

Attendance and member of panel discussionhttp://informationsmodellierung.uni-graz.at/de/aktuelles/dariah-at-workshop/

Graz, Austria 20 Nov 2013

GIS Day Presentation by Irena Blažková on LoCloud and CARARE projects

Praha, Czech Republic

21 Nov 2013

Digitale Bibliothek 2013http://conference.ait.co.at/digbib2013

Poster presentation on LoCloud atthe year 2013 conference. http://conference.ait.co.at/digbib/index.php/digbib2013/digbib2013/paper/view/54

Graz, Austria 22 Nov 2013

COP-Digidoc Presentation about quality for Linked Data for a group of local support agencies in BelgiumQ&A

Brussels, Belgium

28 Nov 2013

14th Conference “Archives, Libraries, Museums in the Digital World 2013”

Presentation by Irena Blažková, Zuzana Syrová, Jiří Syrový “Information Systems of the NPU and Europeana” http://www.skipcr.cz/akce-a-projekty/akce-skip/archivy-knihovny-muzea-v-digitalnim-svete/14.-konference-archivy-knihovny-muzea-v-digitalnim-svete-2013

Prague, Czech Republic

27-28 Nov 2013

ETESBS International Conference

Keynote and presentation by Christian M. Stracke, UDE

Shanghai, China

28-29 Nov 2013

Europeana Network AGM 2013, Rotterdam

Attendance, distribution of folders,networking

Rotterdam, Netherlands

2 Dec 2013

Conference on Digital Born Archives

Presentation including introduction to LoCloud


4. Dec 2013

National digitisation conference “Digital memory in virtual space 2013” (“Skaitmeninė atmintis virtualioje erdvėje 2013” SAVE2013) organised by Vilnius University Faculty of Communication and Vilnius University Library

Presentation by Ingrida Vosyliūtė: “LoCLoud: Lithuanian archaeology in Euorpeana cloud” ("LoCloud: Lietuvos archeologija Europeanos debesyje"). Availableat: http://www.locloud.eu/Resources/Presentations

Vilnius, Lithuania



LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

http://www.kf.vu.lt/naujienos/ivykiai/renginiai/957-konferencija-save-2013First meeting of Icom Italia-Umbriahttp://www.icom-italia.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=257:assemblea-coordinamento-umbria&catid=8&Itemid=101

Presentation by Giulia Coletti, FRS, “LoCloud (Local content in aEuropeana cloud)”http://www.locloud.eu/Resources/Presentations

Assisi, Italy 17 Jan 2014

LoCloud at the Danish Europeana Network Meeting

Presentation Copenhagen,Denmark

Jan 22 2014

Congress: Digitale Creativo: opportunità per le biblioteche

Presentation on LoCloud by GiuliaColetti, FRShttp://www.locloud.eu/Resources/Presentations

Terni, italy 24 Jan 2014

Various meetings Meetings with several potential small institutions interested in using the LoCloud infrastructure (Arts Council, Archive Vestfold, Directorate for Cultural Heritage)

Oslo/Sandefjord, Norway

Jan/Feb 2014

Public debate “Стање културног наслеђа у Србији изначај дигитализације у служби заштите“ in National library of Serbiahttp://digitalnaagenda.gov.rs/vesti/javna_debata_sa_temom:_%E2%80%9Estanje_kulturnog_nasleda_u_srbiji_i_znacaj_digitalizacije_u_sluzbi_zastite%E2%80%9C/

Presentation by Predrag Djukic, BGB on the Lightweight Digital Library LoCloud Tool

Belgrade, Serbia

6 Feb 2014

eNOSCO International Conference

Keynote speech and presentation by Christian M. Stracke, UDE

Lens, France 13 Feb 2014

National Exhibition ‘100 Years of Benefiting Heritage’

Presentation of the LoCloud project by Franc Zakrajšek, Slovenia

Ljubljana, Slovenia

21 Feb 2014


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

2nd Stakeholder Meeting

Presentation: http://www.locloud.eu/Resources/Presentations

2nd LoCloud CY Awareness event at the Ministry of Education and Culture

Nicosia, Cyprus

5 Mar 2014

UDE Summer School in Essen Presentation by Christian M. Stracke introducing LoCLoud as example for federation and harvesting of content collections of small content providers

Essen, Germany

7 Mar 2014

Avdelingsseminar – Seminar of the conservation and supervision department of NRA

Status about Locloud with 2 presentations by Gunnar Urtegaard and Silvia Alfreider

Oslo, Norway 10 Mar 2014

Meeting, Awayday FondazioneRanieri di Sorbello

Speech of Enrico Speranza on LoCloud Project

Tuoro (Pg), Italy

14 Mar 2014

Meeting with Kamra (Slovenian portal for local cultural history) content providers

Presentation of progress of LoCloud and benefits for Slovenia

Celje, Slovenia

17 Mar 2014

Kulturni bazar 2014 IPCHS representative Franc Zakrajšek presented LoCloud project

Ljubljana 18 Mar 2014

LOD Fagdag (focus day for Linked Open Data)


Organized by Kultur-og Naturreiser, a project run by the Norwegian Arts Council, and NRA

Oslo, Norway 19 Mar 2014

Annual General meeting of theArchives of Norway


Oslo, Norway 20-21 Mar


Meeting at Town Hall of Municipality of Limassol.

Presentation by Marinos Ioannides: “The emergence of photographic Archive of

Limassol Municipality in Europeana, through European Research

Project LoCloud

Limassol, Cyprus

21 Mar 2014

Europeana Conference 2014 in Berlin

Presentation by Christian M. Stracke “LoCLoud for Europeana:How can SMS & end users benefit from heaven?” http://www.armubi.de/tagung2014/downloads/LoCLoud.pdf

Berlin, Germany

20-21 Mar 2014

Librarians Association (Knjižničarsko društvo Rijeka)


Presentation by Andreja Silić Švonja, Rijeka City Library at the University Library Rijeka ‘Digitalization and multiple choices - example of the SveVID

Rijeka, Croatia

25 Mar 2014


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

digital library'

LoCloud video presented

Student scientific conference 2014


Poster, personal discussions and press leaflets distribution

Bratislava, Slovakia

9 Apr


Institute for Archaeology (IfA) http://www.archaeologists.net/conference2014/

Presentation by Holly Wright, ADS: ‘Navigating Collaborative European Projects in Archaeology’

Leaflets distributed

Glasgow, UK 9 Apr


4th Festival of Croatian digitisation projects


Presentation by Andreja Silić Švonja, Rijeka City Library at the National and University Library in Zagreb presenting SVeVID digital Library and LoCloud project (“SVeVID – digitalna knjižnica Gradske knjižnice Rijeka: iskustvoi izazovi”


Zagreb, Croatia

10 Apr 2014

E-Coop Meeting Locloud presentation to the Culture Department and E-Coop project managers.


Bordeaux, France

11 Apr 2014

Europeana Day http://dfest.nsk.hr/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Europeana-Day_programme2.pdf

Croatian Experience with Europeana: benefits and obstacles in Cooperation (AndrejaSilić Švonja, Rijeka City Library participated among other participants from Croatia: Aleksandra Uzelac, Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose; Vedrana Juričić, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti; Sofija Klarin Zadravec, Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu; Tihomir Pleše, Hrvatski državni arhiv; Vesna Lovrić Plantić, Muzej za umjetnosti obrt; Diana Zrilić, Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti, Rijeka)

Zagreb, Croatia

11 Apr 2014

Europeana an open window to the European culture – an open meeting

LoCloud project http://www.libvar.bg/conferences/Europeana_15042014/LoCloud.pdf

Varna, Bulgaria

15 Apr 2014

Lecture, Università degli Stranieri, Perugia

Speech by Giulia Coletti on LoCloud Project as part of a PhD

Perugia, Italy 16 Apr2014


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

of ‘Italianistica’ lesson about digital libraries in the contemporary age.

Computer Applications in Archaeology (CAA) http://caa2014.sciencesconf.org/

Presentation by Michael Charno, ADS: ‘ADS Resources Online’

Paris, France 22 Apr 2014

Europeana an open window to the European culture – an open meeting

LoCloud project http://www.libvar.bg/conferences/Europeana_15042014/LoCloud.pdf

Varna, Bulgaria

15 Apr 2014

EGU General assembly 2014http://www.egu2014.eu/

Presentation, personal discussions and leaflets distribution

Vienna, Austria

27 Apr - 2 May 2014

KUAS annual meeting for the GLAM sector

Presentation of LoCloud Copenhagen,Denmark

May 2014

3rd annual International Conference LINQ 2014 http://www.learning-innovations.eu/

LoCloud Project presentation reviewed and accepted by the International Scientific Programme Committee in a hybrid review process within the official Call for projects: http://www.learning-innovations.eu/sites/learning-innovations.eu/files/2014/20140410_EIF_LINQ_2014_Programme_WEB_April2014.pdf. Presenter: Tatiana Shamarina-Heidenreich, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Rethymnon, Greece

8 May 2014

Cultural Heritage2014: From Natural and Man-Made disasters

http://chp.nsk.hr/ Zagreb,Croatia 8 - 1 0 M a y


Two days conference from the Ministry of Education and Culture in Cyprus:



May 2014

Аутоматизација пословања школске библиотеке (School library automation seminar)http://www.maticnabiblioteka-va.org.rs/dogadjanja.htmPredrag Djukic from BGB, presented the project to the participants of the Seminar


Valjevo, Serbia

12 May 2014

Meeting with partners – the content providers

Presentation of the LoCloud – goals, progress and achievements.

Varna, Bulgaria

15 May 2014

BiblioPublica National Conference of Librarians from

Romanian collection in Europeana (Colecţii digitale

Bistrita, Romania

15 May 2014


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Public libraries in Romania http://www.anbpr.org.ro/index.php/conferinte

româneşti în Europeana)http://www.bjc.ro/new/files/proiecte-in-derulare/prezentare_conferinta_bistrita_sorina_stanca.pdf

Cloud Computing Uptake in the Public SectorEuropean Commission Workshophttp://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/cloud-computing-uptake-public-sector

Presentation by Walter Koch, AIT:‘CLOUD INITIATIVES IN VARIOUS SOCIETAL DOMAINS:culture: LoCloud’, http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom/cf/document.cfm?action=display&doc_id=5532 Presentation, Leaflets distributed

Brussels, Belgium

20 May 2014

Cloud Computing Uptake in the Public SectorEuropean Commission Workshophttp://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/cloud-computing-uptake-public-sector

Presentation by Walter Koch, AIT:‘CLOUD INITIATIVES IN VARIOUS SOCIETAL DOMAINS:culture: LoCloud’, http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom/cf/document.cfm?action=display&doc_id=5532 Presentation, Leaflets distributed

Brussels, Belgium

20 May 2014

NPU Workshop of GIS editors Presentation by Irena Blažková and Zuzana Syrová on LoCloud and CARARE projects “Portál Europeana, evropské projekty CARARE a LoCloud – inspirace pro informační systémy památkové péče”

Ostrava, Důl Michal, Czech Republic

21-.23 May 2014

Session of Commissione CaseMuseo Icom Italia

Speech of Claudia Pazzini on LoCloud Project at Fondazione Pini; Session of Commissione Case Museo Icom Italia; leaflets and posters distributed.

Milan, Italy 24 May 2014

University of Macedonia Presentation regarding LoCloud project outline and objectives in University of Macedonia, Information Management Laboratory.


5 Jun 2014

Biblionet 2014, annual conference of Serbian parent librarieshttp://www.gbns.rs/index1.htmlPredrag Djukic and Zlatko Ahmić from BGB, presented the project of the Conference


Novi Sad, Serbia

5-6. Jun 2014

National Library of Greece Presentation regarding LoCloud project outline and objectives in the National Library of Greece IT personnel.

Athens, Greece

11 Jun 2014

Private Archives in Norway, organized by NRA


Oslo, Norway 16 Jun 2014

Operational Digital Survey Committee

Presentation of LoCloud at an Operational Digital Survey Committee session (vice president in charge).

Bordeaux, France

17 Jun 2014

LOD Fagdag (focus day for Presentation of how LOD has Oslo, Norway 18 Jun 2014


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Linked Open Data) organized by Kultur- og Naturreiser, a project run by the Norwegian Arts Council, the Norwegian Archive Authority (partner 1, NRA)http://samdok.com/presentasjonar/fagdagar-o-a-2014/

been used in the Geocoding Application (part of D3.2, Geolocation Enrichment Tools)

Aristotle University Presentation on LoCloud project (outline and objectives) at Aristotle University, Department ofInformatics.


1 Jul 2014

Digital Heritage 2014: Digital Communities in Actionhttp://www.york.ac.uk/digital-heritage/events/cdh2014/

Leaflets distributed York, UK 12 Jul 2014

Fagdag GeodatabaserFocus day about Geodatabases, organised by NRA


Oslo, Norway 2 Aug2014

CIDOC-CRM2014 Conference http://www.cidoc2014.de/index.php/en/Presentation on LoCoud

Dresden, Germany

6-11 Sept 2014


International Committee for Documentation of ICOM http://www.cidoc2014.de

Workshop by Walter Koch, AIT: How to identify and formalize processes in the museum domain, Introductory Level, Hands on Tutorialhttp://www.cidoc2014.de/index.php/de/home/programm/workshops-und-special-sessionsLeaflets distributed

Dresden, Germany

7-11 Sept 2014

“Bouguer anomaly, what kind of puzzle it is ?” workshop (attendend by Martin Krajňák and René Putiška)


Bratislava, Slovakia

11-12 Sept 2014

Constructing memory Conference


Verdun, France

15 Sept 2014

URLA 2014: International Congress on Management of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Memory Institutions

http://unak2014.unak.org.tr(attended by Tolga Çakmak and presentation about LoCloud Project)

Istanbul, Turkey

17-20 Sept 2014

Europeana Projects Group Assembly

Participation and information dissemination by Walter Koch

Leaflets distributed

The Hague, Netherlands

25-26 Sept 2014

Using Cloud Technologies in Libraries : national workshop

http://media.rcub.bg.ac.rs/?p=3702(Serbia and LoCloud project, presentation by Predrag Djukic)

Belgrade, Serbia

1 Oct 2014

International Conference The reuse of digital cultural contentin education, tourism and leisure: an opportunity for cultural institutions and

Poster presented on LoCloud Rome, Italy 2 Oct 2014


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

creative industries, an investment for the futureInternational Conference Geomatics in Projects

http://gis.zcu.cz/?page=geomatika-v-projektech(paper on LoCloud by Irena Blažková and Zuzana Syrová)

Kosel, Republic of Macedonia

1-2 Oct 2014

Demhist Meeting Attended by FRS. Distribution of LoCloud dissemination materials

Compiègne, France

7-10 Oct 2014

BAM (libraries, archives, museums) conference (Breda Karun)


Sarajevo, Bosnia

10-11 Oct 2014

The Conference of the National Association of Public Libraries and Librarians in Romania, Biblionext


Targu Jiu , Romania

10-13 Oct 2014

Fagdag Mobilformidling Focus day about Mobile applications, organised by the Arts Council of Norway, attended by Silvia Alfreider


Oslo, Norway 14 Oct 2014

Samdok- konferanse; Annual conference organised by NRA,including a parallell session about LoCloud; where some LoCloud services were presented; organised and attended by Gunnar Urtegaardand Silvia Alfreider


Oslo, Norway 16 Oct 2014

ECIL 2014 – 2nd European Conference on Information Literacy (attended by Bülent Yılmaz and Tolga Çakmak)

http://ecil2014.ilconf.org Dubrovnik, Croatia

20-23 October 2014

Norlod; Conference about linked Open data in the Nordic Countries; attended by GunnarUrtegaard


Oslo, Norway 23-24 Oct 2014

ICKM2014 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management (attended by Bülent Yılmaz, Özgür Külcü, Yurdagül Ünal and Tolga Çakmak)

http://ickm2014.bilgiyonetimi.net Antalya, Turkey

24-26 Oct 2014

IMCW2014: 5th International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World (attended by Bülent Yılmaz, Özgür Külcü, YurdagülÜnal and Tolga Çakmak)

http://imcw2014.bilgiyonetimi.net Antalya, Turkey

24-26 Oct 2014

Universities and City ResearchCentre Symposium (attended by Bülent Yılmaz and Tolga Çakmak, presentation about LoCloud)


Ankara, Turkey

31 Oct 2015

Europeana Network AGM Participation by Kate Fernie in Madrid, 30 Oct 2015


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

2014 Europeana AGMNetworking


Europeana Annual General Meeting; attended by Silvia Alfreider, NRA, Breda Karun, Jara Zavod


Madrid, Spain

30-31 Oct 2014

World Conference EuroMed 2014


Cyprus, Limassol

3-8 Nov 2014

ATHENA RC has actively participated in EuroMed 2014 in cooperation with our Lab

ATHENA RC in cooperation with DHR Lab presented a paper accompanied with a small Video-clip illustrating the LoCloud functionalities and the impact of the project in such small countriesas Cyprus

Cyprus, Limassol

3 Nov 2014

During the EuroMed 2014 a special training has been scheduled with the partner ATHENA RC and has been carried out by the colleague Dimitris Gavrillis.

The training focused on the MORE functionality and core LoCloud services with a special emphasis on harvesting the digitalmaterial to Europeana.

Cyprus, Limassol

4 Nov 2014

On a special workshop regarding the lab activities, theLoCloud project has been presented

Cyprus, Limassol

4 Nov 2014

ICOMOS; Presentation about ʺLoCloud as support for communities and cultural tourismʺ, by Silvia Alfreider; Presentation LoCloud, Geocoding Enrichment Services, by Siri Slettvåg


Florence, Italy

10-14 Nov 2014

Meeting with Europe Department on European project

Meeting with Europe Department on European project

Bordeaux, France

17 Nov 2014

15th Conference Archives, Libraries, Muzeums in the Digital World (paper on LoCloud by Irena Blažková)


Prague, Czech Republic

26-27 Nov 2014

Conference Cultural Heritage: Recalibrating Relationships

Poster presented Pisa, Italy 4-5 Dec 2014

Symposium on Cultural Heritage and Cultural Memory (attended by Bülent Yılmaz and Tolga Çakmak, presentation about LoCloud)


Ankara, Turkey

5 Dec 2014

Lecture in Master Study Presentation by Christian M. Stracke introducing LoCLoud as example of federating and harvesting OER

Krems, Austria

12 Dec 2014

Presentation of LoCloud at Wijchen museum

http://www.museumwijchen.nl/ Wijchen, Netherlands

12 Jan 2015

Meeting with local libraries Presentation of LoCloud tools Thessaloniki,Greece

16 Jan 2015

3d ins Museum http://virtual-archaeology.htw- Berlin, 26 Jan 2015


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

berlin.de/?page_id=109 GermanyMeeting management team collections wijchen

Meeting locloud tools Wijchen, Netherlands

28 Jan 2015

Fagdag Mobilformidling; focus day about Mobile applications, organised by Arts Council of Norway; attended by Silvia Alfreider


Oslo, Norway 28 Jan 2015

UNCTAD Workshop Presentation by Christian M. Stracke introducing LoCLoud as example of cloud-based services for OER

Geneva, Switzerland

2 Feb 2015

Digital Past 2015 Two workshop presentations on LoCloud Collections, and promotion of LoCloud at conference booth

Swansea, UK

11-12 Feb 2015

Presentation of the LoCloud project at the UBC


Donostia, Spain

17 Feb 2015

Strumenti per la pubblicazione e il riuso dei contenuti culturali a uso di istituzioni culturali e scuole


Rome, Italy 19 Feb 2015

Digitale Bibliothek


Information on the LoCloud project distributed by Walter Kochand Gerda Koch

Leaflets in all conference bags

Graz, Austria 23-24 Feb 2015

Meeting with local institutions FRS meeting with local institutions

Perugia, Italy 20 Mar 2015

LoCloud Workshop BJC Bucharest,Romania

25 Mar 2015

CAA2015 LoCloud poster session Siena, Italy 3-31 Mar 2015


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report


Title, URL Authors DatePlace - City,Country (ifapplicable)



Holly Wright 11 Mar 2013

Article in ADSnewsletter (hardcopy, website, and email versions).

Biblioteka grada Beograda učestvuje u projektu "LoCloud"

An article in the newspaper “Glas javnosti”, published after the LoCloud Kick-off Meetinghttp://www.glas-javnosti.rs/aktuelne-vesti/2013-03-28/biblioteka-grada-beograda-ucestvuje-u-projektu-locloud

28 Mar 2013

Serbia Short online article

Lokalne vsebine v oblaku Europeane. Knjižničarske novice 3-4 letnik, 23 (2013)http://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/knjiznicarskenovice/v2/podrobnostClanek.aspx?id=724

Breda Karun Mar/Apr 2013

Ljubljana Article

“LoCloud Best Practice Network”

In “AIB Notizie 2013, (2):


Giulia Coletti Apr 2013

Perugia LoCloud launch press release

Press release on the participation of the National Heritage Institute in LoCloud (http://www.npu.cz/news/11944-n/)

Irena Blažková 8 Apr 2013

Internet Press release

Ankara tarihini öğrenecekhttps://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/?ui=2&ik=2a7e51d4b9&view=att&th=13f8081e5b442327&attid=0.1&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P_y4BRMc0FmMNnSrleCoXGf&sadet=1372407592520&sads=ptyQI_KHrlq4qiTUDsO7TaFbX5Q

Emre Üre 23 Jun 2013

Turkey Newspaper


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Bulut Bilişim Tabanlı İyi Uygulamalar: LoCloud Projesi BaşladıCumhuriyet Bilim ve Teknoloji, June 21, 2013.

Bülent Yılmaz 21 Jun 2013

Turkey Newsletter article

Article published in Portodosmuseus (professional blog with 900.000 viewers) http://www.pportodosmuseus.pt


Maria José Teixeira Jun 2013

Porto, Portugal


Article published on the Portuguese Association for Librarians and Archivist webpage


Teixeira, Maria José Jun 2013

Porto, Portugal


Press release on the LoCloud Content Provider Workshop in York:


Irena Blažková 19 Sept 2013

Internet Press release


‘LoCloud Picking Up Steam!’ a project update article advertised in ADS e-newsletter

16 Dec 2013


Kroz novi EU projekt LoCloud donosimo lokalnu bastinu u “oblak” Europeane (New EU project Lo Cloud brings local heritage into Europeana cloud)


Silic Švonja, A. 15 Nov 2013

Rijeka, Croatia

Article in GKRonline magaizne


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Europeana pro blog


Kristine Hoff Meyer 20 Dec 2013

Blog post

Europeana Bulutunda Yerel İçerik: İyi Uygulama Örneği olarak LoCloud Projesi

Bülent YılmazÖzgür KülcüYurdagül ÜnalTolga Çakmak

Book abstract

Title, URL Authors DatePlace - City,Country (ifapplicable)


Changing the trajectory: qualityfor opening up education, [official proceedings of the International EIF/LINQ Conference 2014, held in Crete, Greece, on 7th - 9th of May 2014] / Christian M. Stracke ... (ed.), Berlin: Logos Verl, 2014, p.196


UDE 2014 Berlin, Germany: Logos Publishing house, Germany,ISBN:978-3-8325-3686-2

Project description with contact tothe project coordinator

Article about HPN microservice “Beyond the space: the LoCloud Historical Place Names micro-service” (part of LoCloud Newsletter No. 3)

Laužikas, R. and

Vosyliūtė, I., VUKF

Augu 2014

Vilnius, Lithuania

Newsletter article

Varna in Europeana


Bulgarian National Television, Channel 2

22 Oct 2014

Varna Interview



August 2014

2 articles by Municipality of Agios Athanasios news paper, referencing the collaboration withCUT into LoCloud Project context and Digitalization of the Municipality

Limassol, Cyprus


“Om LoCloud”; (about Silvia Alfreider, NRA Continu online blog


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

Title, URL Authors DatePlace - City,Country (ifapplicable)







Silvia Alfreider, NRA Continuous

online blog

”En løsning som kan gi mer mangfoldig innhold på nettet?”


Silvia Alfreider, NRA Continuous

online blog

Easy use and creation of vocabularies: the LoCloud vocabulary microservice


Koch, G. and Koch, W.

Feb 2015

Online Newsletter article

Press, news and social media

Title, URL Authors DatePlace - City,Country (ifapplicable)


President's speech at the opening of the 5th InternationalEuro-Mediterranean Conference on Cultural Heritage


President of the Republic Cyprus

03 Nov 2014

Cyprus Ανακοινωθέντα Γραφείου Τύπου και Πληροφοριών

EuroMED2014 State Channel 03 Nov Cyprus State Channel


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report


(CyBC1) 2014 (CyBC1) news

International Conference on Digitization of Cultural Heritagein Cyprus


CUT 14 Nov 2014

Limassol CUT webpage

International Conference on Digitization of Cultural Heritagein Cyprus


Stockwatch 14 Nov 2014

Cyprus Article in stockwatch.com

CUT: International Conferenceon Digitization of Cultural Heritage in Cyprus

Paideia-news 14 Nov 2014

Cyprus Article in Paideia-news Blog

Digitizing the Cultural Heritage of Cyprus

http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDcQF AE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwebapps.leventis.ucy.ac.cy%3A7786%2Fdailypress%2Fdailypress.manage_documents2.download%3Fp_file%3DF1542796708%2FFIL20141121_15520328.pdf&ei=juzsVKrFNoG0U9TAgqgN&usg=AFQjCNGNfXs2mrQJfHkNER6FHoXiMdV6xA&bvm=bv.86475890,d.d24


21 Nov 2014

Cyprus Article in Fileleftheros newspaper

Cyprus postal services: digitizing Cypriot stamps http://www.sigmalive.com/news/scitech/technology/185425/taxydromeio-psifiopoiountai-kypriaka-grammatosima#sthash.xSQKWZwy.dpuf

Sigmalive 01 Dec 2014

Cyprus Article in Sigmalive news webpage

Our Metropolis participated in the World Conference EuroMed 2014


Holy metropolis 09 Dec 2014

Limassol, Cyprus

Article in Holy metropolis of Limassol webpage


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report


The photographic album of Agios Athanasios Municipality in EUROPEANA


Philenews 31 Dec 2014

Limassol, Cyprus

Article in Fileleftheros newspaper

Има ли облака над Србијом?: дигитална Библиотека града Београда - a paper in Conference proceedings Biblionet 2014

Predrag Djukic12 Jan 2014

ISBN 978-86-82275-96-1

Conference proceedings


Kyperounda Community Council

Kyperounda, Limassol, Cyprus

Logo of LoCloud on Kyperounda Community Council webpage

http://www.yeri.org.cy/ Yeri MunicipalityYeri Municipality, Nicosia, Cyprus

Logo of LoCloud on Yeri Municipality webpage


DHR Lab FacebookLimassol, Cyprus


DHR Lab Projects http://www.digitalheritagelab.eu/research/ongoing-projects

DHR Lab webpageLimassol, Cyprus www.digitalhe


Posts at FMNF’s facebook Teixeira, Maria José


Lisbon, Portugal


Regular retweets of LoCloud Twitter account tweets


LoCloud Newsletter distributedvia Facebook and Twitter.

ADS 9 Aug 2014


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

LoCloud Video distributed via Facebook and Twitter.

ADS 25 Mar 2014

LoCloud Video advertised on ADS website RSS feed and home page.

ADS 25 Mar 2014

LoCloud new deliverables (http://www.locloud.eu/News/LoCloud-new-deliverables) advertised on Facebook and Twitter account.

ADS 4 Mar 2014

Facebook, twitter

Announcement of national workshop on using cloud technologies in libraries - http://www.fondacijanb.rs/cms/view.php?id=1007 and https://www.nb.rs/events/event.php?id=26550

BGBSept 2014

online Web site

Presentation of LoCloud Project on librarians blog - http://odknjigedoduse.wordpress.com/2014/10/02/locloud-nov-nacin-web-arhiviranja-podataka/

BGBOct 2014

online Web site

“Om LoCloud”; (about LoCloud)


Silvia Alfreider, NRAContinuous

online blog

About LoCloud collectionshttp://samdok.com/2014/09/05/en-losning-som-kan-gi-mer-mangfoldig-innhold-pa-nettet/

Silvia Alfreider, NRAContinuous

online blog

About the Samdok conference with LoClouds Parallellsession;publication on ʺHeritage hereʺsblog, a project developed by the Arts Council of Norway


Silvia Alfreider, NRAContinuous

online blog

ICOMOS – Presentations


Silvia Alfreider, NRA11 Nov 2014

Florence, Italy

“Geocoding” Silvia Alfreider, NRAContinuous

online blog


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report


”En løsning som kan gi mer mangfoldig innhold på nettet?”


Silvia Alfreider, NRAContinuous

online blog

http://twitter.com/vbanos Future Library Presenting information / webpages about LoCloud at Twitter.

"Quality in Learning, Educationand Training" (QLET) Facebook Account



online Facebook account for news and events relatedto quality, TEL, OER

"Quality in Learning, Educationand Training" (QLET) Twitter Account - @Q4LET


online Twitter account for news and events relatedto quality, TEL, OER

Open Education Europa - http://openeducationeuropa.eu/


online eLearning andopen education news site, with blog posts, news items, and event pages

WIP UDE Website - http://www.wip.wiwi.uni-due.de/forschung/forschungsprojekte/locloud/


online Project description, information, and links to project pages

"Quality in Learning, Education, and Training" on Scoop.it - http://www.scoop.it/t/competence-development


online Articles and news from theLoCloud Project shared regularly among other news in the aforementioned fields

TELIT Website: Homepage of the TELIT Institute - https://www.telit.wiwi.uni-


online Project description, information,


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report

due.de/ and links to project pages

Blogpost about LoCloud’s technical Poster and newsletter


Silvia Alfreider, NRAFeb 2015

online Blog

Projekt LoCloud: Digitalna biblioteka u oblaku

Breda Karun, Jara Zavod

_____ Print Conference Proceedings

Announcements about LoCloud events on ADS facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/archaeology.data.service


online facebook

Announcements about LoCloud events on ADS twitteraccounts, https://twitter.com/ADS_Chatter , https://twitter.com/ADS_Update

ADS Continuous

online twitter

The photographic album of Agios Athanasios Municipality in EUROPEANA


Philenews 31 Dec 2014

Limassol, Cyprus

Article in Fileleftheros newspaper

Archiving and promotion the photo album of Agios Athanasios Municipality into the European digital library EUROPEANA


Elemesos blog 02 Jan 2015

Cyprus, Limassol

Article in elemesos webpage

Part of the digitized archive of Agios Athanasios Municipality in EUROPEANA, the European Digital Library

Lemesos blog 05 Jan 2015

Limassol, Cyprus

Article in Lemesos blog


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report


Cypriot Diaspora online, http://cyprus-mail.com/2015/01/18/the-cypriot-diaspora-online/

Alexia Evripidou 18 Jan 2015

Cyprus Article in Sunday Mail

The programme “Under the same Sky” of the State Channel (CyBC1), documenting the LoCloud - Cyprus University of Techology (CUT)


State Channel (CyBC2)

04 Feb 2015

Cyprus Programme “Under the same Sky”, State Channel(CyBC2)

Press release on HPN microservice (in Lithuanian) http://www.kf.vu.lt/naujienos/mokslas/1561-kf-mokslininkai-baige-istoriniu-vietovardziu-informacijos-valdymo-projekta

VUKF15 Feb 2015

Online Web page


BJCFeb 2015

Online Post about LoCloud poster and newsletter


LoCloud D.6.2 Interim Dissemination Report


Name, URL (if available) Location Date

National workshop for small memory cultural heritage institutions in Montenegro

Cetinje, Montenegro 15 Apr 2015

Annual conference of Republika Srpska Librarians Association

Trebinje, Serbia 17 Apr 2015

Student scientific conference 2015 Bratislava, Slovakia 22 Apr 2015

LoCloud Collection, workshop Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

7 May 2015

Conference 120 Years of Research, Documentation and Presentation of Vernacular Architecture

Kolin, Republic of Macedonia

12-13 May 2015

GIS and MIS Editors´ Meeting Brno, Czech Republic 1-3 Jun 2015

Digital Heritage; LoCloud workshop year 3 Granada, Spain 1 Sept 2015

Presentation at AARG 2015 conference Santiago de Compostela, Spain

9 Sept 2015

Samdok Konferanse 2015 Oslo, Norway 1 Nov 2015

16th Conference Archives, Libraries, Muzeums in the Digital World

Prague, Czech Republic Nov-Dec 2015

LoCloud Final Event Amersfort, Netherlands 1 Feb 2016