logistic and poisson regression: modeling binary and logistic and poisson regression: modeling...

March 3, 2009 Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics

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Page 1: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

March 3, 2009

Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data

Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics

Page 2: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Presentation Outline 1. Introduction to Generalized Linear Models

2. Binary Response Data - Logistic Regression Model

3. Count Response Data - Poisson Regression Model

4. Variable Significance – Likelihood Ratio Test

Page 3: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Reference Material   Short Course Presentation and Data from Examples


  Categorical Data Analysis – Alan Agresti

  Examples found with SAS Code at www.stat.ufl.edu/~aa/cda/cda.html

  UCLA Statistical Consulting Website


  Detailed examples of statistical analysis of data using SAS, SPSS, Stata, R, etc.

Page 4: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Generalized Linear Models

•  Generalized linear models (GLM) extend ordinary regression to non-normal response distributions.

•  Model •  for i = 1 to n

•  Why do we use GLM’s? •  Linear regression assumes that the response is distributed

normally •  GLM’s allow for analysis when it is not reasonable to assume

the data is distributed normally.

Page 5: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Generalized Linear Models •  Predictor Variables

•  Two Types: Continuous and Categorical •  Continuous Predictor Variables

•  Examples – Time, Grade Point Average, Test Score, etc. •  Coded with one parameter

•  Categorical Predictor Variables •  Examples – Sex, Political Affiliation, Marital Status, etc. •  Actual value assigned to Category not important •  Ex) Sex - Male/Female, M/F, 1/2, 0/1, etc. •  Coded Differently than continuous variables

Page 6: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Generalized Linear Models •  Categorical Predictor Variables cont.

•  Consider a categorical predictor variable with L categories •  One category selected as reference category

•  Assignment of Reference Category is arbitrary •  Variable represented by L-1 dummy variables

•  Model Identifiability •  Two types of coding – Dummy and Effect

Page 7: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Generalized Linear Models •  Summary •  Generalized Linear Models •  Continuous and Categorical Predictor Variables

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Generalized Linear Models

•  Questions/Comments

Page 9: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Logistic Regression •  Consider a binary response variable.

•  Variable with two outcomes •  One outcome represented by a 1 and the other represented

by a 0 •  Examples:

Does the person have a disease? Yes or No Who is the person voting for? McCain or Obama Outcome of a baseball game? Win or loss

Page 10: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Logistic Regression •  Logistic Regression Example Data Set

•  Response Variable –> Admission to Grad School (Admit) •  0 if admitted, 1 if not admitted

•  Predictor Variables •  GRE Score (gre)

– Continuous •  University Prestige (topnotch)

–  1 if prestigious, 0 otherwise •  Grade Point Average (gpa)

– Continuous

Page 11: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Logistic Regression •  First 10 Observations of the Data Set

ADMIT GRE TOPNOTCH GPA 1 380 0 3.61 0 660 1 3.67 0 800 1 4 0 640 0 3.19 1 520 0 2.93 0 760 0 3 0 560 0 2.98 1 400 0 3.08 0 540 0 3.39 1 700 1 3.92

Page 12: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Logistic Regression •  Consider the logistic regression model

•  GLM with binomial random component and logit link g(µ) = logit(µ)

•  Range of values for π(Xi) is 0 to 1

Page 13: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Logistic Regression •  Interpretation of Coefficient β – Odds Ratio

•  The odds ratio is a statistic that measures the odds of an event compared to the odds of another event.

•  Say the probability of Event 1 is π1 and the probability of Event 2 is π2 . Then the odds ratio of Event 1 to Event 2 is:

•  Value of Odds Ratio range from 0 to Infinity •  Value between 0 and 1 indicate the odds of Event 2 are greater •  Value between 1 and infinity indicate odds of Event 1 are greater •  Value equal to 1 indicates events are equally likely

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Logistic Regression •  Interpretation of Coefficient β – Odds Ratio cont.

•  From our logistic regression model with a single continuous variable, the ratio of the odds of Y=0 for X+1 and X is

•  From our logistic regression model with a single two category variable with effect coding, the ratio of the odds of Y=0 from one category to another is

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Logistic Regression •  Single Continuous Predictor Variable - GPA

Generalized Linear Model Fit

Response: Admit

Modeling P(Admit=0)

Distribution: Binomial

Link: Logit

Observations (or Sum Wgts) = 400

Whole Model Test

Model -LogLikelihood L-R ChiSquare DF Prob>ChiSq

Difference 6.50444839 13.0089 1 0.0003

Full 243.48381

Reduced 249.988259

Goodness Of Fit Statistic ChiSquare DF Prob>ChiSq

Pearson 401.1706 398 0.4460

Deviance 486.9676 398 0.0015

Page 16: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Logistic Regression •  Single Continuous Predictor Variable – GPA cont.

Effect Tests

Source DF L-R ChiSquare Prob>ChiSq

GPA 1 13.008897 0.0003

Parameter Estimates

Term Estimate Std Error L-R ChiSquare Prob>ChiSq Lower CL Upper CL

Intercept -4.357587 1.0353175 19.117873 <.0001 -6.433355 -2.367383

GPA 1.0511087 0.2988695 13.008897 0.0003 0.4742176 1.6479411

Interpretation of the Parameter Estimate: Exp{1.0511087} = 2.86 = odds ratio between the odds at x+1 and odds at x for all x

The ratio of the odds of being admitted between a person with a 3.0 gpa and 2.0 gpa is equal to 2.86 or equivalently the odds of the person with the 3.0 is 2.86 times the odds of the person with the 2.0.

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Logistic Regression •  Single Categorical Predictor Variable – Top Notch

Generalized Linear Model Fit

Response: Admit

Modeling P(Admit=0)

Distribution: Binomial

Link: Logit

Observations (or Sum Wgts) = 400

Whole Model Test

Model -LogLikelihood L-R ChiSquare DF Prob>ChiSq

Difference 3.53984692 7.0797 1 0.0078

Full 246.448412

Reduced 249.988259

Goodness Of Fit Statistic ChiSquare DF Prob>ChiSq

Pearson 400.0000 398 0.4624

Deviance 492.8968 398 0.0008


Page 18: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Logistic Regression •  Single Categorical Predictor Variable – Top Notch cont.

Effect Tests

Source DF L-R ChiSquare Prob>ChiSq

TOPNOTCH 1 7.0796939 0.0078

Parameter Estimates

Term Estimate Std Error L-R ChiSquare Prob>ChiSq Lower CL Upper CL

Intercept -0.525855 0.138217 14.446085 0.0001 -0.799265 -0.255667

TOPNOTCH[0] -0.371705 0.138217 7.0796938 0.0078 -0.642635 -0.099011

Interpretation of the Parameter Estimate: Exp{2*-.371705} = 0.4755 = odds ratio between the odds of admittance for a student at a less prestigous university and the odds of admittance for a student from a more prestigous university.

The odds of being admitted from a less prestigous university is .48 times the odds of being admitted from a more prestigous university.

Page 19: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Logistic Regression •  Summary •  Introduction to the Logistic Regression Model •  Interpretation of the Parameter Estimates β – Odds


Page 20: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Logistic Regression •  Questions/Comments

Page 21: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Poisson Regression •  Consider a count response variable.

•  Response variable is the number of occurrences in a given time frame.

•  Outcomes equal to 0, 1, 2, …. •  Examples:

Number of penalties during a football game. Number of customers shop at a store on a given day. Number of car accidents at an intersection.

Page 22: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Poisson Regression •  Poisson Regression Example Data Set

•  Response Variable –> Number of Days Absent – Integer •  Predictor Variables

•  Gender- 1 if Female, 2 if Male •  Ethnicity – 6 Ethnic Categories •  School – 1 if School, 2 if School 2 •  Math Test Score – Continuous •  Language Test Score – Continuous •  Bilingual Status – 4 Bilingual Categories

Page 23: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Poisson Regression •  First 10 Observations from the Poisson Regression Example

Data Set GENDER Ethnicity School Math Score Lang. Score Bilingual.status Days Absent

1 2 4 1 56.988830 42.45086 2 4

2 2 4 1 37.094160 46.82059 2 4

3 1 4 1 32.275460 43.56657 2 2

4 1 4 1 29.056720 43.56657 2 3

5 1 4 1 6.748048 27.24847 3 3

6 1 4 1 61.654280 48.41482 0 13

7 1 4 1 56.988830 40.73543 2 11

8 2 4 1 10.390490 15.35938 2 7

9 2 4 1 50.527950 52.11514 2 10

10 2 6 1 49.472050 42.45086 0 9

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Poisson Regression •  Consider the Poisson log-linear model

•  GLM with Poisson random component and log link g(µ) = log(µ) •  Predicted response values fall between 0 and +∞

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Poisson Regression •  Interpretation of Coefficient β

•  From our Poisson regression model with a single continuous variable, the relationship between the predicted response at value x and value x+1 is

•  From our Poisson regression model with a single two category variable with effect coding, the relationship between the predicted response from one category to another is

Page 26: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Poisson Regression •  Single Continuous Predictor Variable – Math Score

Generalized Linear Model Fit

Response: number days absent

Distribution: Poisson

Link: Log Observations (or Sum Wgts) = 316

Whole Model Test

Model -LogLikelihood L-R ChiSquare DF Prob>ChiSq Difference 39.619507 79.2390 1 <.0001

Full 1595.98854

Reduced 1635.60805

Goodness Of Fit Statistic ChiSquare DF Prob>ChiSq

Pearson 3080.403 314 0.0000

Deviance 2330.581 314 <.0001

Page 27: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Poisson Regression •  Single Continuous Predictor Variable – Math Score

Effect Tests Source DF L-R ChiSquare Prob>ChiSq

ctbs math nce 1 79.239014 <.0001

Parameter Estimates

Term Estimate Std Error L-R ChiSquare Prob>ChiSq Lower CL Upper CL

Intercept 2.3020999 0.0627765 1044.4013 <.0001 2.1780081 2.424086

ctbs math nce -0.011568 0.0012941 79.239014 <.0001 -0.014101 -0.009029

Interpretation of the parameter estimate:

Exp{-0.011568} = .98 = multiplicative effect on the expected number of days absent for an increase of 1 in the Math Score

Fabricated Example – If a student is expected to miss 5 days with a math score of 50, then another student with a math score of 51 is expected to miss 5*.98 = 4.9 days

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Poisson Regression •  Single Continuous Predictor Variable – Gender

Generalized Linear Model Fit

Response: number days absent

Distribution: Poisson

Link: Log

Observations (or Sum Wgts) = 316

Whole Model Test

Model -LogLikelihood L-R ChiSquare DF Prob>ChiSq

Difference 22.6810514 45.3621 1 <.0001

Full 1612.927

Reduced 1635.60805

Goodness Of Fit Statistic ChiSquare DF Prob>ChiSq

Pearson 2877.292 314 0.0000

Deviance 2364.458 314 <.0001

Page 29: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Poisson Regression •  Single Continuous Predictor Variable – Gender

Effect Tests Source DF L-R ChiSquare Prob>ChiSq

GENDER 1 45.362103 <.0001

Parameter Estimates Term Estimate Std Error L-R ChiSquare Prob>ChiSq Lower CL Upper CL

Intercept 1.743096 0.023734 3155.5494 0.0000 1.6962023 1.7892445

GENDER[1] 0.1586429 0.023734 45.362103 <.0001 0.1122479 0.2053005

Interpretation of the parameter estimate:

Exp{2*0.1586} = 1.3733 = multiplicative effect on the expected number of days absent of being female rather than male

If a male student is expected to miss X days, then a female student is expected to miss 1.3733*X.

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Poisson Regression •  Summary •  Introduction to the Poisson Regression Model •  Interpretation of β

Page 31: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Likelihood Ratio Test •  Deviance

•  Let L(µ|y) = maximum of the log likelihood for the model L(y|y) = maximum of the log likelihood for the saturated

model •  Deviance = D(y| µ) = -2 [L(µ|y) - L(y|y) ] •  Tests the null hypothesis that the model is a good alternative

to the observed values •  Deviance has an asymptotic chi-squared distribution with N –

p degrees of freedom, where p is the number of parameters in the model.

Page 32: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Likelihood Ratio Test •  Nested Models

•  Model 1 - model with p predictor variables {X1, X2, X3,….,Xp} and vector of fitted values µ1

•  Model 2 - model with q<p predictor variables {X1, X2, X3,….,Xq} and vector of fitted values µ2

•  Model 2 is nested within Model 1 if all predictor variables found in Model 2 are included in Model 1.

•  i.e. the set of predictor variables in Model 2 are a subset of the set of predictor variables in Model 1

•  Model 2 is a special case of Model 1 - all the coefficients associated with Xp+1, Xp+2, Xp+3,….,Xq are equal to zero

Page 33: Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Logistic and Poisson Regression: Modeling Binary and Count Data Statistics Workshop Mark Seiss, Dept. of Statistics . ... • Why

Likelihood Ratio Test •  Likelihood Ratio Test

•  Null Hypothesis: There is not a significant difference between the fit of two models.

•  Null Hypothesis for Nested Models: The predictor variables in Model 1 that are not found in Model 2 are not significant to the model fit.

•  Alternate Hypothesis for Nested Models - The predictor variables in Model 1 that are not found in Model 2 are significant to the model fit.

•  Likelihood Ratio Statistic = -2* [L(y,u2)-L(y,u1)] = D(y,µ2) - D(y, µ1) Difference of the deviances of the two models •  Always D(y,µ2) > D(y,µ1) implies LRT > 0 •  LRT is distributed Chi-Squared with p-q degrees of freedom

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Likelihood Ratio Test •  Theoretical Example of Likelihood Ratio Test

•  3 predictor variables – 1 Continuous (X1), 1 Categorical with 4 Categories (X2, X3, X4), 1 Categorical with 1 Category (X5)

•  Model 1 - predictor variables {X1, X2, X3, X4, X5} •  Model 2 - predictor variables {X1, X5} •  Null Hypothesis – Variables with 4 categories is not significant

to the model (β2 = β3 = β4 = 0) •  Alternate Hypothesis - Variable with 4 categories is significant •  Likelihood Ratio Statistic = D(y,µ2) - D(y, µ1)

•  Difference of the deviance statistics from the two models •  Chi-Squared Distribution with 5-2=3 degrees of freedom

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Likelihood Ratio Test •  Likelihood Ratio Test

•  Consider the model with GPA, GRE, and Top Notch as predictor variables Generalized Linear Model Fit

Response: Admit

Modeling P(Admit=0)

Distribution: Binomial

Link: Logit

Observations (or Sum Wgts) = 400

Whole Model Test

Model -LogLikelihood L-R ChiSquare DF Prob>ChiSq

Difference 10.9234504 21.8469 3 <.0001

Full 239.064808

Reduced 249.988259

Goodness Of Fit Statistic ChiSquare DF Prob>ChiSq

Pearson 396.9196 396 0.4775

Deviance 478.1296 396 0.0029


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Likelihood Ratio Test •  Variable Selection– Likelihood Ratio Test cont.

Effect Tests Source DF L-R ChiSquare Prob>ChiSq TOPNOTCH 1 2.2143635 0.1367 GPA 1 4.2909753 0.0383 GRE 1 5.4555484 0.0195

Parameter Estimates

Term Estimate Std Error L-R ChiSquare Prob>ChiSq Lower CL Upper CL

Intercept -4.382202 1.1352224 15.917859 <.0001 -6.657167 -2.197805

TOPNOTCH[0] -0.218612 0.1459266 2.2143635 0.1367 -0.503583 0.070142

GPA 0.6675556 0.3252593 4.2909753 0.0383 0.0356956 1.3133755

GRE 0.0024768 0.0010702 5.4555484 0.0195 0.0003962 0.0046006

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Likelihood Ratio Test •  Questions/Comments