logistics management

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• Logistics Management


Jabil Circuit - Supply Chain and Logistics

1 Examples of the company's supply chain and logistics management

were seen during the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan


Jabil Circuit - Fulfillment and Distribution

1 The company's fulfillment and distribution services include supply

chain management network optimization, visibility and flexibility,

trade compliance, and logistics management.


Supply chain - Overview

1 It includes all of the logistics management activities noted above, as well as manufacturing operations,

and it drives coordination of processes and activities with and across marketing, sales, product design, finance and information



University of Petroleum and Energy Studies

1 It offers three-year BBA degree in Oil and Gas Marketing, Aviation

Operations, Logistics Management and Auto Marketing


Procurement - Procurement steps

1 Logistics Management: Supplier preparation, expediting, shipment,

delivery, and payment for the P/S are completed, based on contract terms. Installation and training may also be



Ann E. Dunwoody - Education

1 * Master of Science Degree in Logistics Management from the Florida Institute of Technology in



Business process outsourcing in the Philippines - Finance, logistics and accounting

1 The Philippines is becoming a regional and global hub for shared services center corporate backroom

operations, especially for financial services such as accounting and bookkeeping, account maintenance,

accounts receivable collection, accounts payable administration, payroll processing, asset management,

financial analysis and auditing, management consulting, inventory control and purchasing, expense

and revenue reporting, financial reporting, tax reporting, and other finance-related services such as financial leasing, Creditcard administration, factoring

and stock brokering; as well as for logistics management, and cargo shipment management.


Logistics - Origins and definition

1 According to the Council of Logistics Management, logistics includes the

integrated planning, control, realization, and monitoring of all internal and

network-wide material, part, and product flow, including the necessary information

flow, industrial and trading companies along the complete value-added chain

(and product life cycle) for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.


Logistics - Military logistics

1 The defeat of the British in the American War of Independence and the defeat of the Axis in the African theater of World War II are attributed by

some scholars to logistical failures.Roger Morriss, Colonization, Conquest, and the Supply of Food and Transport: The Reorganization of Logistics Management, 1780–1795, War in History, (July 2007), 14#3 pp310–324, The historical leaders Hannibal Barca, Alexander the Great, and the

Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington|Duke of Wellington are considered to have been logistical

geniuses.Ayrault Dodge, Theodore (1995)


Logistics - Business logistics

1 The term business logistics has evolved since the 1960sMcGinnis M. A., Military

Logistics: Insights for Business Logistics, International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management Vol 22, 1992 due to

the increasing complexity of supplying businesses with materials and shipping out

products in an increasingly globalized supply chain, leading to a call for professionals called supply chain


Logistics - Logistics management

1 Logistics management is that part of the supply chain that plans, implements, and controls the

efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related

information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer

requirements.CSCMP Glossary of Terms 2013 http://cscmp.org/sites/default/files/user_uploads/

resources/downloads/glossary-2013.pdf A professional working in the field of logistics

management is called a logistician.


Logistics - Logistics management

1 The Chartered Institute is one of the professional bodies or institutions for

the logistics and transport sectors that offers professional qualifications or degrees in logistics management


Supply chain management - Origin of the term and definitions

1 * According to the [http://cscmp.org/ Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals] (CSCMP), supply chain

management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in Strategic

sourcing|sourcing, procurement, conversion, and logistics



Election Markup Language - History of EML

1 The services performed for such elections include but are not limited to voter role/membership

maintenance (new voter registration, membership and dues collection, change of address tracking,

etc.), citizen/membership credentialing, redistricting, requests for absentee/expatriate

ballots, election calendaring, logistics management (polling place management),

election notification, ballot delivery and tabulation, election results reporting and

demographics.[http://oasis-open.org/committees/election/charter.php Charter of OASIS EML Work]


Resilience (organizational)

1 International Journal of Physical Distribution

Logistics Management


Military - Military logistics

1 Possessing military capability is not sufficient if this capability can not be

deployed for, and employed in combat operations. To achieve this,

military logistics are used for the logistics management and logistics

planning of the forces Military supply chain management|supply tail, the

consumables and capital equipment of the troops.


Old Dominion University - Academics

1 ODU is one of the few universities in the US to offer MBA concentrations in Maritime,

Transportation, and Port Logistics Management and also has well-respected programs in Marine Science, Coastal and

Transportation Engineering.[http://www.edumaritime.com/v


management-education Maritime Logistics Transportation Programs]



1 Its main product, also called TradeCard, was a Software as a service|SaaS cloud collaboration|collaboration product that was designed to allow companies to manage their extended supply chain management software|supply chains including tracking

movement of goods and payments.[ http://hbr.org/product/tradecard-building-a-global-trading-

electronic-pay/an/HKU105-PDF-ENG TradeCard: Building a Global Trading Electronic Payment System] TradeCard has improved visibility, cash flow and margins for over 10,000 retailers and

brands, factories and suppliers, and service providers (financial institutions, logistics management|logistics service providers, customs broking|customs brokers and agents) operating in 78

countries.[ http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/27/idUS10009+27-Mar-

2012+MW20120327 Reuters: TradeCard CEO to Share Strategies for Driving Supply Chain Value and Mitigating Risk at Prime Source



TradeCard - Clients

1 TradeCard provides global supply chain and global supply-chain finance|financial supply chain products to retaile companies,

factories and suppliers, and service providers (financial institutions, logistics management|logistics

service providers, customs broking|customs brokers and agents)


Physical Internet

1 [http://www.logisticsmgmt.com/view/


Physical Internet Initiative: Pipedream or possibility?], Logistics

Management magazine, 1 March 2012. Retrieved on 12 February



Logistics management

1 A professional working in the field of logistics management is called a logistician.


Logistics management - Logistics Education in UK

1 In UK, Logistics Management programs are conducted by many

universities and professional bodies such as CILT as mentioned above.

These programs are generally offered at the postgraduate level. Some of

the institutions providing these programs are:


Order fulfillment - Process

1 In its broadest definition, the possible steps in the process areKeely L.

Croxton. (2003) The Order Fulfillment Process, International Journal of

Logistics Management, The, Vol. 14 Iss: 1, pp.19 - 32


Jabil - Fulfillment and Distribution

1 The company's fulfillment and distribution services include supply

chain management network optimization, visibility and flexibility,

trade compliance, and logistics management.


Kühne Logistics University - History

1 'The Kuehne Logistics University' evolved in September 2010 from

Kühne School of Logistics and Management, the graduate business school for logistics management at

the Technical University of Hamburg(TUHH)


Kühne Logistics University - History

1 Kühne School offered a full-time and a part-time in-service Master of Business Administration|M.B.A.

program with a logistics management specialization, and two Master's degree|master’s programs, one in Logistics, Infrastructure, and

Mobility and the other in International Industrial Engineering.


Kühne Logistics University - Additional education programs

1 * Executive MBA Global Logistics Management[http://www.edumaritim

e.com/germany/kuhne-logistics-university-klu-at-hafencity-hamburg-germany Executive MBA in Logistics]


Kühne Logistics University - Additional education programs

1 * Summer School “Supply Chain and

Logistics Management”


Warehouse management system - Objective

1 * Enabling a seamless link to order processing and logistics

management in order to pick, pack, and ship product out of the facility.


Supply chain sustainability - Background

1 However, the increasing environmental costs of these

networks and growing consumer pressure for Eco-friendly products

has led many organizations to look at supply chain sustainability as a new

measure of profitable logistics management


Logistic engineering - Logistics Engineering Education

1 *Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Bachelor of

Engineering in Logistics Management and Engineering


Suppliers - Overview

1 It includes all of the logistics management activities noted above, as well as manufacturing operations,

and it drives coordination of processes and activities with and across marketing, sales, product design, finance and information



Stan Ackermans Institute

1 * Logistics management|Logistics Management Systems (Eindhoven University

of Technology|TU/e)



1 It also offers the Ciena One integrated network and service

management software suite, consulting and support services,

deployment services, maintenance and support services, spares and

logistics management.


Recycle - Related journals

1 * International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics



HP SPaM - Contributions

1 Eric and Emily Anderson (2000), “Postponement Strategies for

Channel Derivatives,” International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol


Supply Chain Risk Management

1 'Supply chain risk management' (SCRM) is the implementation of strategies to manage both everyday and exceptional risks along the supply chain based on continuous risk assessment with the objective of reducing

vulnerability and ensuring continuity.Wieland, A., Wallenburg, C.M., 2012. Dealing with

supply chain risks: Linking risk management practices and strategies to performance.

International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management, 42(10).


Certified Professional Logistician - Origins and definition

1 According to the Council of Logistics Management,http://cscmp.org/sites/default/files/user_uploads/resources/downloads/glossary-

2013.pdf logistics includes the integrated planning, control, realization, and monitoring

of all internal and network-wide material, part, and product flow, including the necessary

information flow, industrial and trading companies along the complete value-added chain (and product life cycle) for the purpose

of conforming to customer requirements.


Allied Council for commerce and logistics - History

1 The reason behind the formation of ACCL was the dispute between Government of India and

the Supreme Court of India regarding the distribution of food grains which was getting

damaged due to bad logistics. ACCL was formed with a view to bring private shipping logistics companies and logisticians to input their views and ideas to improve the plight of Humanitarian

Logistics, Agricultural Logistics, Logistics management|Commercial Logistics and

Logistics Education in developing countries.


United States Military Standard - Non-exhaustive list of documents

1 * MIL-STD-1388-2B, DOD requirements for a logistic support

analysis record (canceled and s/s by MIL-PRF-49506, Logistics

Management Information)


ABC analysis

1 Lun, Lai, Cheng (2010) Shipping and Logistics Management, p. 158


Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment - CPFR Model

1 “'Analysis' tasks include Exception Management, the active monitoring

of planning and operations for out-of-bounds conditions, and Performance Assessment, the calculation of key

metrics to evaluate the achievement of business goals, uncover trends or develop alternative strategies” Wal-

mart supply chain and logistics management.


Air Force Institute of Technology - Overview

1 * 'The School of Systems and Logistics' teaches more than 80

professional continuing education courses in acquisition management, logistics management, contracting,

systems management, software engineering, and financial management delivered to

warfighters around the globe via customer focused delivery modes

including resident, on-site, and online courses.


Business logistics - Origins and definition

1 According to the Council of Logistics Management,Tandem Logistics glossary

http://www.tandemlogistics.com/resources/glossary-of-terms.php logistics includes the

integrated planning, control, realization, and monitoring of all internal and network-wide

material, part, and product flow, including the necessary information flow, industrial and

trading companies along the complete value-added chain (and product life cycle) for the

purpose of conforming to customer requirements.


Business logistics - Military logistics

1 The defeat of the British in the American War of Independence and the defeat of the Axis in the African theater of World War II are attributed by

some scholars to logistical failures.Roger Morriss, Colonization, Conquest, and the Supply of Food and Transport: The Reorganization of Logistics Management, 1780–1795, War in History, (July 2007), 14#3 pp310–324, The historical leaders Hannibal Barca, Alexander the Great, and the

Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington|Duke of Wellington are considered to have been logistical



Spare part

1 A 'spare part', 'spare', 'service part', 'repair part', or 'replacement part', is an interchangeable part that is kept

in an inventory and used for the repair or replacement of failed units. Spare parts are an important feature of logistics management and supply chain management, often comprising dedicated spare parts management


GEP Worldwide - Outsourcing services

1 GEP’s procurement outsourcing services comprise spend analysis, category

management, supply market intelligence, transactions management, tail-spend management, procurement support

services and end-to-end procurement outsourcing. Supply chain outsourcing

services include inventory management, logistics management, planning forecasting

and supply chain data management.


Freight claim - Filing Deadlines

1 Conversely, ocean carriers that service the US are governed by the

Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA). This act requires that

claimants file a claim within 3 days of delivery.Logistics Management

Logistics and the Law: Freight claims in plain English page 1



Freight claim - Carrier Liability

1 How much the carrier is liable for also depends on the shipping mode and the

governing bodies. The Carmack amendment states that motor or rail carriers are liable for the full loss. Conversely, COGSA states that

the carrier is liable for no more than $500 per package.Logistics Management Logistics and the Law: Freight claims in plain English page 2 http://www.logisticsmgmt.com/article/logistics_and_the_law_freight_claims_in_plain_english/



Business agility

1 International Journal of Physical Distribution

Logistics Management, 42(10)


Resilience (disambiguation)

1 'Resilience' is the ability [of a system] to cope with

change.Wieland, A. Wallenburg, C.M. (2013): The Influence of Relational

Competencies on Supply Chain Resilience: A Relational View.

International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management,

Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 300-320.


Defense Logistics Agency - Base Realignment and Closure Commission

1 DLA continued to upgrade aging logistics systems. The Defense

Logistics Management Standards Office implemented the Defense Logistics Management Standard System throughout the Defense

Department in October 2009. The system replaced the Military

Standard Logistics System, known as MILS, used to conduct daily logistics

business for more than 40 years.https://store.theartofservice.com/the-logistics-management-toolkit.html

Corporate strategy - Implementation

1 Running the day-to-day operations of the business is often referred to as operations management or specific

terms for key departments or functions, such as logistics management or marketing

management, which take over once strategic management decisions are



Invasion - Logistics

1 Army Logistics Management

College each year.


United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command

1 The 'United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command' ('USAMRMC') is

the United States Army's medical materiel developer, with responsibility for medical research, development, and acquisition and medical logistics management. The USAMRMC's expertise in these critical areas helps establish and maintain the

capabilities the U.S. Army needs to fight and win on the battlefield.


Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisitions) - Organization of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of

the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition)

1 **Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Expeditionary Programs and Logistics Management) - DASN ELM


Robert F. Hale - Early life

1 In 1975, Hale joined Logistics Management Institute or LMI, a not-for-profit consulting firm specializing

in service to the United States Government|Federal government


National Response Framework - NRF ESF Annexes

1 *ESF #7 – Logistics Management and Resource Support


Law enforcement in Romania - Central units

1 *'General Directorate for Administrative Police' - with 4 central

directorates: Forensics Institute, Directorate for Criminal Records,

Statistics and Operational Registry, Directorate for Logistics

Management, the Directorate for ITC.


Canadian National Railway - CNR as a social and economic tool

1 CNR was also considered a railway industry leader throughout its time as a Crown corporation in terms of

research and development into railway safety systems, logistics management, and in terms of its relationship with labour unions.


Military & Aerospace Electronics Magazine - Logistics

1 Possessing military capability is not sufficient if this capability cannot be

deployed for, and employed in combat operations. To achieve this,

military logistics are used for the logistics management and logistics

planning of the forces Military supply chain management|supply tail, the

consumables and capital equipment of the troops.


Tendered - Procurement steps

1 * 'Logistics Management': Supplier preparation, expediting, shipment,

delivery, and payment for the P/S are completed, based on contract terms. Installation and training may also be



Petrolsoft Corporation - Influence

1 Initial customers for the product included Sunoco, ARCO, Mobil,


Doing_Business.php Logistics Management - Doing Business] and Tosco Corporation|Tosco, expanding to many of the major oil companies in the United States, and eventually

world-wide at companies such as YPF (Argentina) and Ampol (Australia)


List of distributed computing projects - Grid computing infrastructure

1 * BREIN uses the Semantic Web and multi-agent systems to build simple

and reliable grid computing|grid systems for business, with a focus on

engineering and logistics management.


Hill AFB - Main units

1 * 'Ogden Air Logistics Complex'Provides worldwide

engineering and logistics management for the F-16 Fighting Falcon, A-10 Thunderbolt II, and Minuteman III intercontinental

ballistic missile.



1 At maintenance facilities, such as might be found at Main Operating Bases, inventory is controlled by site personnel. Maintenance

personnel will formally turn-in unserviceable items for repair, receiving a funding credit in

the process. These turn-ins will be fixed, reconditioned, or replaced. Maintenance

personnel can also be issued repaired or new items back from inventory. These processes

are assisted by automated logistics management systems.


Line-replaceable unit - Definition

1 While the term LRU has been in use for decades, MIL-PRF-49506, Notice 1 of 18 Jan 05, the Performance Spec

for Logistics Management Information defines an LRU as:


Lockheed Martin Global Training and Logistics

1 Military logistics support and test equipment is also a large portion of their business, including machinery

controls, logistics management systems, and automated test solutions for air, land and sea.


Landstar System - History

1 In January 2014, Landstar sold its National Logistics Management

(NLM) subsidiary to XPO Logistics for $87m. Using proprietary web-based

software to provide management services for customers, and carriers NLM became the largest web-based

expediter in North America.


Ft. Detrick - Tenant units and organizations

1 *6th Medical Logistics Management Center (United States Army)|6th Medical Logistics Management

Center (6MLMC)


Mitsui & Co. - Makeup of the Mitsui Group

1 Lines, Mitsui Petrochemical Industries Ltd, Mitsui-Soko, Mitsui Sumitomo

Insurance Group, Oji Paper Company, Pacific Coast Recycling, Sumitomo

Mitsui Banking Corporation, Taiheiyo Cement, Toray Industries, Toshiba

Corporation, Tri-net Logistics Management, Mitsui Commodity Risk

Management [MCRM].


Samsung iMarketKorea - Key Business Areas

1 The procurement service consists of catalog management, procurement

management, sourcing management, logistics management, and billing

payment management.


Judith Fedder - Military career

1 A career maintainer, she has served as officer in charge of numerous

aircraft maintenance units and as Chief of Logistics Management at the

Combined Joint Task Force Headquarters for


operations Proven Force and Provide Comfort at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey


W. P. Carey School of Business - Undergraduate degrees

1 A Bachelor of Arts in Business, with a concentration including

Communication, Food Industry Management, Global Agribusiness, Global Leadership, Global Logistics

Management, Global Politics, Human Resources, Law, Public Service and

Public Policy, Sports and Media Studies, Statistics, Sustainability, Technology, Tourism, and Urban


Reyes Holdings - Company

1 Other related operations include businesses involved in transportation management, logistics management, equipment leasing, and real estate

acquisition and development. Reyes Holdings owns more than 138 properties in several countries.


EDO Corporation - Professional and Engineering Services

1 The Professional and Engineering Services sector includes three business units: Acquisition and

Logistics Management Operations, EDO-CAS, and Technical Services



EDO Corporation - Professional and Engineering Services

1 The Acquisition and Logistics Management Operations business unit provides advanced technology solutions, training and performance aids, acquisition logistics, strategic

business solutions, warfare experimentation and analysis and

engineering services.


Aitken Spence - Logistic solutions

1 Aitken Spence offers integrated transportation services in air-sea freight forwarding, warehousing, distribution, couriers and ground transport. Its services cover the

complete physical cargo flow process from shipper to recipient. It also

handles third and fourth party logistics management contracts.


National Taipei University of Technology - [http://www.cmgt1.ntut.edu.tw/CM_eng/ College of Management]

1 *[http://www.ilm.ntut.edu.tw/files/11-1053-4113.php Institute of Information and Logistics

Management] - MBA Program


INHolland university of applied sciences

1 Inholland presents itself as ambitious, innovative, and internationally oriented. It offers Bachelor programs in the fields of

Economics, Law, Management, Communication, Art (College school of music|School of Music), Health care,

Environmental science|Environment studies, Education, Horticulture, Information

Technology, International Business, Logistics Management, Marketing.
