loki's bachelor challenge: day 3


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Post on 06-Nov-2014



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Day 3 and more eliminations.


Page 1: Loki's Bachelor Challenge: Day 3
Page 2: Loki's Bachelor Challenge: Day 3

Lots to do today, many things going on. Day 3 is about to begin. I have a

system you see, every two days I upload another BC chapter. I can’t drag

things out like with a regular legacy chapter and I’m bored so…

Let’s just go.

Page 3: Loki's Bachelor Challenge: Day 3

Day 3, before 12 noon you must do one flirt with each of the contestants. After 12 noon

hot tubbing and chess dates.

Loki: It’s so nice to see everyone around the table this morning, did you all sleep well?

Aphrodite: I did.

Ella: Suck up.

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First flirt: A charm…

Loki: I’m so nervous…

Aria: Uh oh…

Go on now…

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Loki: A-A-Aria…I-I-I did I ever tell you how lovely green looks on you?

*sweats bullets*

Aria: Is that all?

Loki: N-n-no, I also love umm…y-y-your hair?

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Aria: Sorry but it’s too early for flirting.

Loki: O-o-oh…*sad face*

Rejected!! That will cost Aria big points. And how dare she break my poor little

Loki’s heart!!

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Loki: V-V-Voice? She, she shot me down…I-I *lip quiver*

Aww, honey. Don’t make me cry too. You still have five more. One of them has

to like you.

Loki: B-B-But…I’m crushed…

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Next we have Camilla, can she recover from that negative numbers loss?

Loki: A wolf whistle? I’m so embarrassed…

It was the only option you had. Sorry.

Camilla: Hey it’s cool, I don’t mind. I know I’m hot. I may even forgive you for that kids

crack the other day.

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Well. I’m surprised. It worked.

Loki: Do I have to do that again?

Camilla: You can if you want, I don’t mind.

Sorry, one flirt on Day 3.

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Third up is Cube, these two have had some tension before, is today the day to finally

break free from that?

Loki: Lookin’ good…umm good lookin’

Cube: That was surprisingly uncreative but hey, props for trying.

And accepted, but is it enough?

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Next is Maddie, and again all he had was Wolf Whistle so you can see how

thrilled he is with that.

Loki: Why? I like to Charm…

Maddie: I’m okay with either actually.

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It was accepted I was worried it wouldn’t be.

Loki: Please tell me that was the last Wolf Whistle…

I make no promises.

Loki: You mean I have to do it again?

At least once more.

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Ella: Yeah baby.

Loki: Please tell me that was it…

Well Aphrodite is last so maybe it was your last.

Loki: Oh thank the Force.

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Ella: You could always give me that DJ Booth you stashed in your inventory, I’ll

accept any flirt after that.

Loki: Err, sorry no can do.

The soul-sucking DJ Booth stays locked away…sorry.

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Loki: A charm oh finally!! But still…*blush*

Aphrodite: You are so cute!!

Loki: A-Aphrodite…your name speaks of love…and I hope you’ll share it with me.

Aphrodite: That can be arranged…

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Loki: R-R-really?

Aphrodite: Of course. No second place for me this time.

Loki: Wait, this time?

Aphrodite: Never mind. Tell me more about my lovely name.

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So here is where I faced a dilemma, there was still time before noon and I had a two way

tie between the lowest scores. So I introduced the Square Table Discussion time to see if I

could break the tie, if you hadn’t guessed it was between Cube and Maddie…Camilla over

there was just waiting to stalk Loki.

Loki: So *ahem* Something you should know about me, my grandmother hates pink…so

when you meet her don’t wear it.

Cube: Wut?

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Camilla: He’s so hot when he’s discussing Crimes of Fashion.

Cube: How can you hate pink? It’s so cute and girly!! I always wear something

pink!! And I’m not going to change that for anyone!!

Maddie: Umm Cube? Maybe you shouldn’t…on second thought, go ahead,

rack up the negative points…all the more better for me.

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Needless to say, it did not save Cube today. She was out.

Cube: How can he hate pink? It’s inconceivable, I’m gonna sit right here in my

PINK pj’s on the PINK couch in the PINK room and think about how much I

love PINK!! That’lll show him…

Umm, should I tell her that it’s Dark Kiara who hates pink, and not Loki? Naw…

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Day 3 Stats:

Aphrodite: 46!! Holy Force!!

Camilla: 25 Big comeback

Ella: 20

Aria: 16

Maddie: 11

Cube: 6

We will see Cube’s Exit Interview later…in the meantime.

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Aphrodite: So…

Aria: So…

Camilla: Yeah…

Loki: This is nice, just hanging out in the hot tub.

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Maddie: This sucks, I wanted to be over there.

Ella: Speak for yourself, I was going to be in there till I was route blocked…

Maddie: Should we be conspiring or something?

Ella: Probably…

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Loki: Did I ever tell you I was on the Dean’s List four years in a row?

Camilla: I never went to college.

Aria: I was never a teen.

Aphrodite: A bug flew in my mouth! *cough*

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Loki: So did my brother and sister.

Aphrodite: Where are they?

Loki: Well my sister Nyx is with my uncle Tyrone and aunt Jane, and my

brother Thanos is the heir.

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After it started to snow, it was time for chess dates. And my super serious spare was all

excited about it.

Loki: Ooh I love chess!!

Camilla: It’s alright. It’s more of a thinking man’s game though.

Loki: I know that’s what I love about it.

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Camilla: Ooh Logic point.

Loki: I maxed my skills in college.

Camilla: It’s a small victory, don’t demean it for me.

Loki: Sorry.

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Chess Timer: DING!! Change places.

Maddie: Someone should replace this with something fun and explosion filled…

Loki: I like it, the solitude and the concentration it takes to plan out the moves right, it’s

like a symphony of intellectual pursuits.

Maddie: Not explody enough.

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Maddie: I guess it’s an art you have to learn.

Loki: You think so too? That’s great!!

Maddie: *small smile* Sure.

Chess Timer: DING!! Change places.

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Loki: Did you go to college?

Ella: Yep. Made the Dean’s List, then got abducted by my space parent.

Loki: NO way!! Me TOO!! Funny how that works out huh?

Ella: It wasn’t planned.

Loki: Neither was mine.

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Loki: I wrote my Junior term paper on my experience with my space parent. The prof

loved it.

Ella: Mine didn’t believe me.

Loki: That’s odd, usually they are more open-minded.

Ella: You would think so but no.

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Chess Timer: DING!! Change places.

Aria: Do you think you can get something to study Mechanical with in here?

Loki: Like what?

Aria: I don’t know, that train set thing. That would be cool.

Also flamey-burstable so no train set for you.

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Aria: Or a video game system? Something other than chess?

Loki: Sorry, Voice says it’s not in the rules.

Aria: Drag.

Chess Timer: DING!! Change places.

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Aphrodite: So I hear you have five BFF’s…

Loki: Oh yes, I met a lot of them in college. Also my siblings, even though Thanos tries to

kill me…he’s Sith–obsessed you know.

Aphrodite: Sith?

Loki: Dark Side of the Force, that’s what they call themselves.

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Loki: I wish he would see reason…

Aphrodite: I’m sure you can get him to, you are his brother aren’t you?

Loki: I will keep trying, as a Jedi it’s my duty.

Aphrodite: You’re a Jedi?

Chess Timer: DING!! Sessions are now over.

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And now we see what happened to Cube.

Cube: It’s just not fair!! How can he hate PINK!?!?

She’s still obsessed you see…

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Gabriel: WHY?? WHY?? WHY did she HAVE to sit here??

Cube: You agree with me right? I mean you’re in red and red is like a cooler

shade of pink…

Gabriel: GO AWAY!!

Cube: Pink is cute right? Of course it is…

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Cube: *GASP* You don’t think that’s why Loki didn’t like me do you? Oh…I

hate losing.

Gabriel: Just one Smite…PLEEAASSSEEE!! One measly little

Smite…anything to shut her up…*cracks knuckles*

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Well since Gabe’s irritation amuses me I guess I will have to interview you. So Cube,

what happened?

Cube: Pink…I was too obsessed….

Right…so anyway you have a choice to make, you can stay playable or become a

Townie, what will it be?

Cube: Pink…

o_0? Okay then…Townie it is.

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But wait, there’s more…simselves!!

Thai: The Thai likes red hands…

Pony: We won the BBVM!! WOOT!!

Rosie: You do know it was all a ploy right? We planned it all along.

Keika: Shh, little sis. No cross-legacy spoilers!!*

*see the latest White Legacy chapter for details*

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*door crashes open*

Margaret: You perverts!! Stop spying on me while I’m all the way at work and

had no possible way of knowing you were even doing it!! *grr*

Thai: The Thai wins again…no one catches the Thai spying. *kekeke*

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Keika: But-but it wasn’t me!! WAHHAAHAA!!

Margaret: And another thing!! That shirt is too PINK!! BURN IT!!

Keika: Now she’s insulting my stylish sweater vest!! *moar bawls*

Duality B ladies and gentleman, Duality B.

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Keika: First the BBVM campers on my lawn, now I get insulted and nearly poked

by a nasty ginger headed legacy spouse…can I take out another IOU for here


One per customer, sorry. You have one in Angel’s Haven that’s still valid.

Thai: The Thai is good, the Thai is goooddd…

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Keika: Oh don’t think I didn’t hear your pirate laugh at my expense back there…

Thai: The Thai doesn’t know what you mean, the Thai didn’t do anything.

Keika: I have simself ears, I heard you!!

Thai: The Thai thinks you are mistaken.

Keika: The Keika—I mean I know you’re lying!!

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Mysterious Blond: Mission complete, the visiting Force guardian is ready for


*garbled whispering*

Mysterious Blond: Understood, returning to base.

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Keika: Rosie!! Back me up here!! Was it Thai spying on the Betas or wasn’t it?

Rosie: I don’t know I didn’t see.

Keika: PSSH!! Some sister you are!!

Rosie: Sorry, but can’t vouch for something I didn’t witness!!

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Sam: Come on guys, let’s all sit down and get this sorted alright?

Pony: Back away Sam, just back away…

Sam: Why? I—I

Pony: Wanna see some pics of Hanna?*

Sam: Oh sure.

*Pony’s real dog

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Mysterious Blond: No resistance to my escape, they are all occupied.

*more garbled whispers*

Mysterious Blond: Good. I’ll be there soon.

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“Excellent. Return as soon as you can. There have been some developments.”

Mysterious Blond: What sort of developments?

“He’s falling in love.”

Mysterious Blond: I see, I’ll hasten my pace.