long island

Long Island For other uses, see Long Island (disambiguation). “Nassau Island” redirects here. For the island in the Cook Islands, see Nassau (Cook Islands). For other uses, see Nassau (disambiguation). Coordinates: 40°48′N 73°18′W / 40.8°N 73.3°W Long Island is an island located just off the northeast coast of the United States and a region within the U.S. state of New York. Stretching east-northeast from New York Harbor into the Atlantic Ocean, the island com- prises four counties: Kings and Queens (these form the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, re- spectively) to the west; then Nassau and Suffolk to the east. However, many people in the New York metropoli- tan area (even those living in Queens and Brooklyn) col- loquially use the term “Long Island” (or “The Island”) ex- clusively to refer to the Nassau-Suffolk county area col- lectively, which is mainly suburban in character. [2] North of the island is Long Island Sound, across which are the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island. With a Census-estimated population of 7,804,968 in 2014, constituting nearly 40% of New York State’s population, [3][4][5][6][7] Long Island is the most populated island in any U.S. state or territory, and the 17th-most populous island in the world (ahead of Ireland, Jamaica, and Hokkaidō). Its population density is 5,571 inhabi- tants per square mile (2,151/km 2 ). If Long Island geo- graphically constituted an independent metropolitan sta- tistical area, it would rank fourth most populous in the United States; while if it were a U.S. state, Long Island would rank 13th in population and first in population den- sity. Both the longest [8] and the largest island in the contiguous United States, Long Island extends 118 miles (190 km) eastward from New York Harbor to Montauk Point, with a maximum north-to-south distance of 23 miles (37 km) between Long Island Sound and the Atlantic coast. [9] With a land area of 1,401 square miles (3,629 km 2 ), Long Island is the 11th-largest island in the United States and the 148th-largest island in the world — larger than the 1,214 square miles (3,140 km 2 ) of the smallest state, Rhode Island. [10] Two of the New York City metropolitan area’s three bus- iest airports, JFK International Airport and LaGuardia Airport, are located on Long Island, in Queens. Nine bridges and 13 tunnels (including railroad tunnels) con- nect Brooklyn and Queens (and thus Long Island) to the three other boroughs of New York City. Ferries connect Suffolk County northward across Long Island Sound to the state of Connecticut. 1 History Main article: History of Long Island 1.1 Early history Long Island Native American settlements, and their neighbors At the time of European contact, the Lenape people (named the Delaware by Europeans) inhabited the west- ern end of Long Island, and spoke the Munsee di- alect of Lenape, one of the Algonquian language family. Giovanni da Verrazzano was the first European to record an encounter with these people, after entering what is now New York Bay in 1524. The eastern portion of the island was inhabited by speakers of the Mohegan-Montauk- Narragansett language group of Algonquian languages; they were part of the Pequot and Narrangansett peoples inhabiting what is now Connecticut and Rhode Island. In 1609, the English navigator Henry Hudson explored the harbor and purportedly landed at Coney Island. Adriaen Block followed in 1615 and is credited as the first European to determine that both Manhattan and Long Is- land are islands. Indian land deeds recorded by the Dutch from 1636 state that the Indians referred to Long Island as Sewanhaka (Sewanhacky and Sewanhacking were other spellings in the transliteration of Lenape). [11] Sewan was one of the terms for wampum (commemorative stringed shell beads, for a while also used as currency by colonists in trades 1

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Long IslandFor other uses, see Long Island (disambiguation).Nassau Island redirects here. For the island in theCook Islands, see Nassau (Cook Islands). For other uses,see Nassau (disambiguation).Coordinates: 4048N 7318W / 40.8N 73.3WLongIsland is an island located just o the northeastcoast of the United States and a region within the U.S.state of New York. Stretching east-northeast from NewYork Harbor into the Atlantic Ocean, the island com-prises four counties:Kings and Queens (these form theNew York City boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, re-spectively) to the west; then Nassau and Suolk to theeast. However, many people in the New York metropoli-tan area (even those living in Queens and Brooklyn) col-loquially use the term Long Island (or The Island) ex-clusively to refer to the Nassau-Suolk county area col-lectively, which is mainly suburban in character.[2] Northof the island is Long Island Sound, across which are thestates of Connecticut and Rhode Island.WithaCensus-estimatedpopulationof7,804,968in2014, constitutingnearly40%of NewYorkStatespopulation,[3][4][5][6][7] Long Island is the most populatedisland in any U.S. state or territory, and the 17th-mostpopulous island in the world (ahead of Ireland, Jamaica,and Hokkaid). Its population density is 5,571 inhabi-tants per square mile (2,151/km2). If Long Island geo-graphically constituted an independent metropolitan sta-tistical area, it would rank fourth most populous in theUnited States; while if it were a U.S. state, Long Islandwould rank 13th in population and rst in population den-sity.Both the longest[8] and the largest island in the contiguousUnited States, Long Island extends 118 miles (190 km)eastward from New York Harbor to Montauk Point, witha maximum north-to-south distance of 23 miles (37 km)between Long Island Sound and the Atlantic coast.[9]With a land area of 1,401 square miles (3,629 km2),Long Island is the 11th-largest island in the United Statesand the 148th-largest island in the world larger thanthe 1,214 square miles (3,140 km2) of the smallest state,Rhode Island.[10]Two of the New York City metropolitan areas three bus-iest airports, JFK International Airport and LaGuardiaAirport, are located on Long Island, in Queens. Ninebridges and 13 tunnels (including railroad tunnels) con-nect Brooklyn and Queens (and thus Long Island) to thethree other boroughs of New York City. Ferries connectSuolk County northward across Long Island Sound tothe state of Connecticut.1 HistoryMain article: History of Long Island1.1 Early historyLong Island Native American settlements, and their neighborsAt thetimeofEuropeancontact, theLenapepeople(named the Delaware by Europeans) inhabited the west-ernendof LongIsland, andspoketheMunseedi-alect of Lenape, one of the Algonquian language family.Giovanni da Verrazzano was the rst European to recordan encounter with these people, after entering what is nowNew York Bay in 1524. The eastern portion of the islandwasinhabitedbyspeakersoftheMohegan-Montauk-Narragansett language group of Algonquian languages;they were part of the Pequot and Narrangansett peoplesinhabiting what is now Connecticut and Rhode Island.In 1609, the English navigator Henry Hudson exploredthe harbor andpurportedlylandedat ConeyIsland.Adriaen Block followed in 1615 and is credited as the rstEuropean to determine that both Manhattan and Long Is-land are islands.Indian land deeds recorded by the Dutch from 1636 statethat the Indians referred to Long Island asSewanhaka(Sewanhacky and Sewanhacking were other spellings inthe transliteration of Lenape).[11] Sewan was one of theterms for wampum(commemorative stringed shell beads,for a while also used as currency by colonists in trades12 1 HISTORYwith the Lenape), and is also translated as loose orscattered, which may refer either to the wampum or toLong Island.[11] The name " 't Lange Eylandt alias Ma-touwacs (later shortened to Lange Eylandt) appears inDutch maps from the 1650s.[12][13] Later, the English re-ferred to the land as Nassau Island,[14] after the DutchPrince William of Nassau, Prince of Orange (who lateralso ruled as King William III of England). It is unclearwhen the name Nassau Island was discontinued.The c. 1806 Old Hook Mill in East Hampton is one of elevenextant windmills in Suolk County.The very rst settlements on Long Island were by set-tlers from England and its colonies in present-day NewEngland.Lion Gardiner settled nearby Gardiners Islandin 1637. The rst settlement on the geographic LongIsland itself was on October 21, 1640, when Southoldwas established by settlers fromNewHaven, Connecticut.Southampton was settled in the same year. Hempsteadfollowed in 1644, East Hampton in 1648, Huntington in1653, and Brookhaven in 1655.While the eastern region of Long Island was rst set-tled by English, the western portion of Long Island wassettled by the Dutch. Until 1664, the jurisdiction ofLong Island was split, roughly at the present border be-tween Nassau County and Suolk County. The Dutchfounded six towns in present-day Brooklyn beginning in1645. These included:Brooklyn, Gravesend, Flatlands,Flatbush, New Utrecht, and Bushwick. The Dutch hadgranted an English settlement in Hempstead, New York(nowin Nassau county) in 1644 but, after a boundary dis-pute, drove out English settlers from the Oyster Bay area.In 1664, the English took over the Dutch colony of NewAmsterdam, including all their lands on Long Island, andcontrolled the 120-mile (190 km) expanse (except for allthe territories inhabited by indigenous peoples.)The Old House in Cutchogue, built 1649, is the oldest English-style house in New York State.The 1664 land patent granted to the Duke of York in-cluded all islands in Long Island Sound. The Duke ofYork held a grudge against Connecticut, as New Havenhad hidden three of the judges who sentenced the Dukesfather, King Charles I, to death in 1649. Settlers through-out Suolk County pressed to stay part of Connecticut,but Governor Sir Edmund Andros threatened to eliminatethe settlers rights to land if they did not yield, which theydid by 1676.[15]All of Long Island (as well as the islands between it andConnecticut) became part of the Province of New Yorkwithin the Shire of York. Present-day Suolk County wasdesignated as the East Riding (of Yorkshire), present-dayBrooklyn was part of the West Riding, and present-dayQueens and Nassau were part of the larger North Riding.In 1683, Yorkshire was dissolved and the three originalcounties on Long Island were established: Kings, Queens,and Suolk.1.2 18th and 19th centuriesBattle of Long IslandEarly in the American Revolutionary War, the island wascaptured by the British from General George Washingtonin the Battle of Long Island, a decisive battle after which1.3 20th and 21st centuries 3Washington narrowly evacuated his troops fromBrooklynHeights under a dense fog. After the British victory onLong Island, many Patriots ed, leaving mostly Loyalistsbehind. The island remained a British stronghold untilthe end of the war in 1783.GeneralWashington based his espionage activities onLong Island, due to the western part of the islands prox-imity to the British military headquarters in New YorkCity. The Culper Spy Ring included agents operating be-tween Setauket and Manhattan. This ring alerted Wash-ington to valuable British secrets, including the treasonof Benedict Arnold and a plan to use counterfeiting toinduce economic sabotage.Long Islands colonists served both Loyalist and Patriotcauses, withmanyprominent familiesdividedamongboth sides. During the occupation British troops repur-posed a number of civilian structures for defense anddemanded to be quartered in the homes of civilians. Anumber of structures from this era remain. Among theseare Raynham Hall, the Oyster Bay home of patriot spyRobert Townsend, and the Caroline Church in Setauket,which contains bullet holes from a skirmish known as theBattle of Setauket. Also in existence is a reconstruction ofBrooklyns Old Stone House, on the site of the Maryland400's celebrated last stand during the Battle of Long Is-land.The Brooklyn Bridge, the rst of multiple crossings constructedacross the East River, connects Long Island with Manhattan Is-land (background).In the 19th century, Long Island was still mainly ruraland devoted to agriculture. The predecessor to the LongIsland Rail Road (LIRR) began service in 1836 fromthe South Ferry, Brooklyn, through Brooklyn to Jamaicain Queens. The line was completed to the east end ofLong Island in 1844 (as part of a plan for transportationto Boston). Competing railroads (soon absorbed by theLIRR) were built along the south shore to accommodatetravellers from those more populated areas. For the cen-tury from 1830 until 1930, total population roughly dou-bled every twenty years, with more dense development inareas near Manhattan. Several cities were incorporated,such as the City of Brooklyn in Kings County, and LongOheka Castle, a Gold Coast estate, is the second-largest privateresidence in the country.Island City in Queens.Until the 1883 completion of the Brooklyn Bridge, theonly connection between Long Island and the rest of theUnited States was by boat and ship. As other bridgesand tunnels were constructed, areas of the island beganto be developed as residential suburbs, rst around therailroads that oered commuting into the city. On Jan-uary 1, 1898, Kings County and portions of Queens wereconsolidated into The City of Greater New York, abolish-ing all cities and towns within them. The easternmost 280square miles (730 km2) of Queens County, which werenot part of the consolidation plan,[16][17][18][19][20][21] sep-arated from Queens in 1899 to form Nassau County.At the close of the 19th century, wealthy industrialistswho made vast fortunes during the Gilded Age beganto construct large baronial country estates in NassauCounty communities along the North Shore of Long Is-land, favoring the many lots with water views. Proxim-ity to Manhattan attracted such men as J. P. Morgan,William K. Vanderbilt, and Charles Pratt, whose estatesled to this area being nicknamed the Gold Coast. This pe-riod and the area was immortalized in ction, such as F.Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby (which has also beenadapted in lms.)1.3 20th and 21st centuriesCharles Lindbergh lifted o from Roosevelt Field withhis Spirit of Saint Louis for his historic solo ight to Eu-rope. Fromthe 1920s to the 1940s, Long Island began thetransformation from backwoods and farms as developerscreated numerous suburbs. Numerous branches of theLIRRalready enabled commuting fromthe suburbs to thecity. Robert Moses engineered various automobile park-way projects to span the island, and developed beachesand state parks for the enjoyment of residents and visi-tors from the city. Gradually, development also followedthese parkways, with various communities springing upalong the more traveled routes.4 2 GEOGRAPHYGrounds of the 1964 New York Worlds Fair in Flushing, QueensAtypical house in a post-war middle class suburban developmentAfter World War II,suburban developmentincreasedwith incentives under the GI Bill, and Long Islands popu-lation skyrocketed, mostly in Nassau County and westernSuolk County. Second and third-generation children ofimmigrants moved out to Long Island to settle in newhousing developments built during the post-war boom.Levittown became noted as a suburb, where house con-struction was simplied to be produced on a large scale.These provided opportunities for GIs returning home tobuy houses and start a family.The descendants of late 19th and early 20th-century im-migrants from southern and eastern Europe, and blackmigrants from the South, have been followed by more re-cent ones from Latin America. These have created a di-versity on Long Island lacked in other American regions.The population has many ethnic Irish, Jews and Italians,as well as an increasing number of Asians and Hispanicsreecting later migrations.In 1985, the United States Supreme Court ruled in UnitedStates v. Maine that Long Island was not an island for legalpurposes.[22][23][24]By the start of the 21st century a number of Long Is-land communities had successfully repurposed their as-sets from industrial uses to post-industrial roles.Brook-lyn reversed decades of population decline and factoryclosings to resurface as a globally renowned cultural andintellectual hotbed. Gentrication has aected much ofBrooklyn and a portion of Queens, relocating a sizeableswath of New York Citys population. On eastern LongIsland, such villages as Port Jeerson,Patchogue, andRiverhead have been repurposed from inactive shipbuild-ing and mill towns into tourist-centric commercial centerswith cultural attractions.A ood occurred on August 13, 2014 in Long Island af-ter record-setting rainfall deposited two months worth ofprecipitation on the area.2 GeographyMain article: Geography of Long IslandThe westernmost end of Long Island contains the NewMontauk Point is at Long Islands rural eastern tipYork City boroughs of Brooklyn (Kings County) andQueens (Queens County). The central and eastern por-tionscontainthesuburbanNassauandSuolkcoun-ties. However, colloquial usage of the term Long Is-land usually refers only to Nassau and Suolk coun-ties. For example, the Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork has a district named Long Island (Nassau-SuolkMetro Division).[25] At least as late as 1911, locations inQueens were still commonly referred to as being on LongIsland.[26] Some institutions in the New York City sectionof the island use the islands names, like Long Island Uni-versity and Long Island Jewish Medical Center.Nassau County is more densely developed than SuolkCounty. While auent overall, Nassau County has pock-etsofmorepronouncedwealthwithestatescoveringgreater acreage within the Gold Coast of the North Shoreand the Five Towns area on the South Shore. South Shorecommunities are built along protected wetlands of the is-land and contain white sandy beaches of Outer Barrier Is-lands fronting on the Atlantic Ocean. Dutch and Englishsettlers fromthe time before the American RevolutionaryWar, as well as communities of Native Americans, popu-lated the island. The 19th century saw the infusion of thewealthiest Americans in the so-called Gold Coast of theNorth Shore, where wealthy Americans and Europeans in2.1 Geology 5The four counties of Long Island include two independent coun-ties (NassauandSuolk) andtwoNewYorkCityboroughs(Brooklyn and Queens)the Gilded Age built lavish country homes.In its easternmost sections, Suolk remains small-townrural, as in Greenport on the North Fork and some ofthe outward areas of The Hamptons, although summertourism swells the population in those areas.A portion of the Downtown Brooklyn skyline, on Long Islandswestern endThe North Fork peninsula of Suolk Countys East Endhas developed a burgeoning Wine Country region.[27] TheSouth Fork peninsula is known for beach communities,including the prominently known Hamptons, and for theMontauk Point Lighthouse at the eastern tip of the island.The Pine Barrens is a preserved pine forest encompassingmuch of eastern Suolk County.2.1 GeologyLong Island, as part of the Outer Lands region, is formedlargely of two spines of glacial moraine,with a large,sandy outwash plain beyond. These moraines consistofgravel andlooserockleft behindduringthetwomost recent pulses of Wisconsin glaciation during the IceAges some 21,000 years ago (19,000 BC). The northernmoraine, which directly abuts the North Shore of LongIsland at points, is known as the Harbor Hill moraine.The more southerly moraine, known as the Ronkonkomamoraine, forms the backbone of Long Island; it runsThe intersection of Long Island, Manhattan, and the continentalmainlandprimarily through the very center of Long Island, roughlycoinciding with the length of the Long Island Express-way.The blus of the North ShoreThe land to the south of this moraine to the South Shoreis the outwash plain of the last glacier. One part of theoutwash plain was known as the Hempstead Plains, andthis land contained one of the few natural prairies to existeast of the Appalachian Mountains.[28]The glaciers melted and receded to the north, resultingin the dierence between the North Shore beaches andthe South Shore beaches. The North Shore beaches arerocky from the remaining glacial debris, while the SouthShores are crisp, clear, outwash sand. Jaynes Hill, at 401feet (122 m), within Suolk County near its border withNassau County, is the highest hill along either moraine;another well-known summit is Bald Hill in BrookhavenTown, not far from its geographical center at Middle Is-land. The glaciers also formed Lake Ronkonkoma in Suf-folk County and Lake Success in Nassau County, each adeep kettle lake.6 2 GEOGRAPHY2.2 ClimateLong Island has a climate similar to that of other coastalareas of the Northeastern United States; it has warm, hu-mid summers and cool, wet winters.Under the Kppenclimate classication, most of Long Island lies in a tran-sition zone between a humid subtropical climate (Cfa)and a humid continental climate (Dfa).[29] The oceanicclimate zone (Cfb) only exists on the North Fork, theeastern end of the South Fork, islands in Peconic Bay,and Fishers Island, and is rare in eastern North Amer-ica. Parts of the Harbor Hill Moraine are aected by asubtropical highland climate. The Atlantic Ocean bringsafternoon sea breezes that temper the heat in the warmermonths and limit the frequency and severity of thunder-storms. Long Island has a moderately sunny climate,averaging between 2,400 and 2,800 hours of sunshineannually.[30]Cumulus congestus clouds over Long Island on a summer after-noon.Clearskies inautumnovertheGreat PeconicBay, withtheAtlantic Ocean as its primary inow, separating the North Forkand South Fork at the East End of Long Island.Due to its coastal location, Long Island temperatures aresomewhat mild compared to the rest of New York state.The coldest month is January, when average temperaturesrange from 30 to 35 F (1 to 2 C), and the warmestmonth is July, when average temperatures range from 70to 80 F (21 to 27 C).[31] Temperatures seldom fall be-low 5 F (15 C) or rise above 95 F (35 C). Long Is-land temperatures vary fromwest to east, with the westernpart (Nassau County, Queens, and Brooklyn) generallywarmer than the east (Suolk County). This is due to sev-eral factors: the western part is closer to the mainland andmore densely developed, causing the "urban heat island"eect, and Long Islands land mass veers northward asone travels east. Also, daytime high temperatures on theeastern part of Long Island are cooler on most occasionsdue to moderation of the Atlantic Ocean and Long IslandSound. On dry nights with no clouds or wind, the PineBarrens forest of eastern Suolk County can be almost20 degrees Fahrenheit (11 degrees Celsius) cooler thanthe rest of the island due to radiational cooling. Averagedew points, a measure of atmospheric moisture, typicallylie in the 6070 F (1621 C) range during July and Au-gust.Stripped boardwalk in Rockaway Beach after Hurricane Sandyin 2012.Precipitation is distributed fairly uniformly throughoutthe year, with approximately 34 inches (76102 mm)on average during each month. Average yearly snowfalltotals range from approximately 20 to 35 inches (51 to89 cm), with the north shore and western parts averagingmore than the south shore and the east end. In any givenwinter, however, some parts of the island could see up to75 inches (190 cm) of snowor more. There are also somevery quiet winters, in which most parts of the island couldsee less than 10 inches (25 cm) of snow.Long Island is somewhat vulnerable to hurricanes.[32] Itsnorthern location (and the relatively cool waters around it)tend to weaken tropical cyclones before they reach LongIsland; nonetheless, several have stricken the Island asfull hurricanes, including a devastating Category 3, the1938 NewEngland Hurricane (also known as the Long Is-land Express), and another Category 3, Hurricane Carolin 1954. Other 20th-century storms that made landfallon Long Island at hurricane intensity include the GreatAtlantic Hurricane of 1944, Hurricane Donna in 1960,Hurricane Belle in 1976, and Hurricane Gloria in 1985.Also, the eyewall of Hurricane Bob in 1991 brushed theeastern tip. In August 2011,portions of Long Islandwere evacuated in preparation for Hurricane Irene, a Cat-egory 1 hurricane which weakened to a tropical stormbefore it reached Long Island.[33] On October 29, 2012,7Hurricane Sandy, a slow-moving superstorm, reachedthe area causing 90% of Long Island households to losepower and an estimated $18 billion in damages in Nas-sau & Suolk Counties alone.[34][35] The storm also had adevastating impact on coastal communities in the Brook-lyn and Queens portions of the island, including Coney Is-land in Brooklyn and the Rockaway Peninsula in Queens,although estimates of monetary damages there are usuallycalculated as part of the overall losses suered in NewYork City as a whole. The extent of Sandys damages issecond only to those caused by the 1938 Long Island Ex-press, when adjusted for ination. Although a lower cen-tral pressure was recorded in Sandy, the National Hur-ricane Center estimates that the 1938 hurricane had alower pressure at landfall.[36][37] Hurricane Sandy and itsprofound impacts have prompted the discussion of con-structing seawalls and other coastal barriers around theshorelines of Long Island and New York City to mini-mize the risk of destructive consequences from anothersuch event in the future.[38][39]2.3 Additional islandsMain article: Outer barrierSeveral smaller islands are in close proximity to Long Is-land and are often grouped with it. These islands includeFire Island, PlumIsland, Robins Island, Gardiners Island,Fishers Island, Long Beach Barrier Island, Jones BeachIsland, and Shelter Island.3 DemographicsLong Island is one of the most densely populated regionsin the United States. As of the United States 2010 Cen-sus, the total population of all four counties of Long Is-land was 7,568,304, which was 39 percent of the popu-lation of the State of New York. New York Citys por-tion of the census was 4,735,538, with Brooklyns popula-tion at 2,504,700 and Queens having 2,230,722 residents.Long Islands proportion of New York States populationhas been increasing, with Long Islands Census-estimatedpopulation increasing 3.1% since 2010, to 7,804,968 in2014, representing 39.5% of New York States Census-estimated 2014 population of 19,746,227.[6] Accordingto the US Census Bureaus 2008 American CommunitySurvey, Nassau and Suolk counties have the 10th and26th highest median household incomes in the nation,respectively.[40]As of the 2010 census, the combined population of Nas-sau and Suolk counties was 2,832,882 people; Suf-folk Countys share being 1,493,350 and Nassau Countys1,339,532. Nassau County had a larger population fordecades, but Suolk County surpassed it in the 1990 cen-sus as growth and development continued to spread east-Koreatown, Long Island () originated inFlushing, Queens before sprawlingeastwardalongNorthernBoulevard and into Nassau County. Bordering its west end isthe Flushing Chinatown ().ward.Long Island contains one of the worlds largest populations ofJews (), both secular and non-secular. Brooklyn is a ma-jor center for the growing following of Orthodox Judaism and isabout 23% Jewish overall.[41]As Suolk County has more than twice the land area ofNassau County, the latter still has a much higher popula-tion density.Combining all four counties, Long Islandspopulation is greater than 38 of the 50 U.S. states.Population gures from the U.S. Census Bureau Census2010[42] show that whites are the largest racial group inall four counties, and are in the majority in Nassau andSuolk counties. In 2002, The New York Times cited astudy by the non-prot group ERASE Racism, which de-termined that Nassau and Suolk counties constitute the8 4 ECONOMYmost racially segregated suburbs in the United States.[43]In contrast, Queens is the most ethnically diverse countyin the United States and the most diverse urban area inthe world.[44][45]According to a 2000 report on religion, which asked con-gregations to respond, Catholics are the largest religiousgroup on Long Island, with non-aliated in second place.Catholics make up 52% of the population of Nassau andSuolk, versus 22% for the country as a whole, with Jewsat 16% and 7%, respectively, versus 1.7% nationwide.[46]Only a small percentage of Protestants responded, 7%and 8% respectively,for Nassau and Suolk counties.This is in contrast with 23% for the entire country on thesame survey, and 50% on self-identication surveys.[46]More recently, a Little India ( ) community hasemerged in Hicksville, Nassau County,[47] spreading east-ward from the more established Little India enclaves inQueens. Rapidly growing Chinatowns have developed inBrooklyn () and Queens (), with Asian immi-grants moving into Nassau County,[48][49][50] as did ear-lier European immigrants, such as the Irish and Italians.Likewise, the Long Island Koreatown ()originated in Flushing, Queens. It is expanding eastwardalong Northern Boulevard[51][52][53][54][55] and into Nas-sau County.[50][52][53]A 2010 article in The New York Times stated that the ex-pansion of the immigrant workforce on Long Island hasnot displaced any jobs from other Long Island residents.Half of the immigrants on Long Island hold white-collarpositions.[56]Long Island is home to some of the wealthiest communi-ties in the United States, including The Hamptons, on theEast End of the South Shore of Suolk County; the GoldCoast, on the islands North Shore, along Long IslandSound; and increasingly, the western shoreline of Brook-lyn, facing Manhattan. In 2015, according to BusinessInsider, the 11962 zip code encompassing Sagaponack,within Southampton, was listed as the most expensive inthe U.S. by real estate-listings site Property Shark, with amedian home sale price of $5,125,000.[57]4 EconomyMain article: Economy of Long IslandThe counties of Nassau and Suolk have been longrenowned for their auence.From about 1930 to about 1990, Long Island was con-sidered one of the aviation centers of the United States,with companies such as Grumman Aircraft,Republic,Fairchild, and Curtiss having their headquarters and fac-tories on Long Island.Long Island has played a prominentrole in scienticresearchandinengineering. It isthehomeoftheF-14 Tomcat on static display pedestal at Grumman MemorialPark, Calverton, New YorkBrookhaven National Laboratory is a major US Department ofEnergy research institutionBrookhaven National Laboratory in nuclear physics andDepartment of Energy research.In recent decades companies such as Sperry Rand,Computer Associates (headquartered in Islandia),Motorola Enterprise Mobility (now occupying theformer headquarters of Symbol Technologies and aformer Grumman plant in Holtsville), have made LongIsland a center for the computer industry. Stony BrookUniversity of the State University of New York conductsadvanced medical and technology research.Long Island is also home to the Cold Spring Harbor Lab-oratory, which was directed for 35 years by James D.Watson (who, along with Francis Crick and RosalindFranklin, discovered the double helix structure of DNA).Long Island is home to the East Coast's largest indus-trial park, the Hauppauge Industrial Park.The park hasover 1,300 companies employing more than 71,000 LongIslanders. Companies in the park and abroad are rep-5.1 Law enforcement 9Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is a renowned biomedical re-search facilityresented by the Hauppauge Industrial Association. Asmany as 20 percent of Long Islanders commute to NewYork City jobs. The eastern end of the island is stillpartly agricultural. In the last 25 years, development ofvineyards on the North Fork became a major new indus-try, replacing potato elds. Pumpkin farms have beenadded to traditional truck farming. Farms allow freshfruit picking by Long Islanders for much of the year.Fishing continues to be an important industry, especiallyat Huntington,Northport,Montauk,and other coastalcommunities of the East End and South Shore.5 Government and politicsMain article: Politics of Long IslandNassauCountyandSuolkCountyeachhavetheirA commemorative half dollar issued in 1936 for the Long islandtercentenaryown governments, with a County Executive leading each.Each has a county legislature and countywide-elected of-cials, such as district attorney, county clerk, and countycomptroller.The towns in both counties have their owngovernments as well, with town supervisors and a towncouncil. NassauCountyisdividedintothreetownsand two small incorporated cities (Glen Cove and LongBeach). Suolk County is divided into ten towns.Brooklyn and Queens, on the other hand, do not havecounty governments. As boroughs of New York City,both have Borough Presidents, which have been largelyceremonial oces since the shutdown of the New YorkCity Board of Estimate.Long Island is home to two Indian reservations,Poospatuck Reservation, and Shinnecock Reservation.Both reservations are in Suolk County. Numerous is-land place names are Indian in origin.5.1 Law enforcementSee also: List of Long Island law enforcement agenciesQueens and Brooklyn are patrolled by the New York CityPolice Department; Nassau and Suolk counties respec-tively have the Nassau County Police Department andSuolk County Police Department. New York State Po-lice patrol state parks and parkways. Several dozen vil-lages and the two cities in Nassau have their own policedepartments.Both Nassau and Suolk each have a sheris oce thathandles civil process, evictions, warrant service and en-forcement, prisoner transport and detention, and opera-tion of the county jail.5.2 Secession proposalsMain articles: Long Island (state), List of U.S.statesecession proposals and Secession in New YorkThe secession of Long Island from New York was pro-posed as early as 1896, but talk was revived towardsthe latter part of the twentieth century.[60]On March28, 2008 Suolk County, New York Comptroller JosephSawicki proposed a plan that would make Long Island(specically, Nassau and Suolk counties) the 51st stateof the United States of America.[61] Sawicki says that allthe Long Island taxpayers money would stay on Long Is-land, rather than the funds being dispersed all over theentire state of New York, and Long Island sending toAlbany over three billion dollars more than it receivesback.[62] The state of Long Island would include over 2.7million people (larger than that of fteen other states). Sofar Nassau County executives have not expressed interestin joining in the secession proposal, which would need tobe approved by the NY State Legislature.[61]10 6 TRANSPORTATION6 TransportationMain article: Transportation on Long IslandEverymajorformoftransportationservesLongIs-John F. Kennedy International Airportland, including John F. Kennedy International Airport,LaGuardia Airport, and Long Island MacArthur Airport,multiple smaller airports, railroads, subways, and severalmajor highways. There are historic and modern bridges,recreational and commuter trails, and ferries serving var-ious parts of all of Long Island.There are currently ten road crossings out of Long Island,all within New York City limits at the extreme westernend of the island. Plans for a Long Island Crossing atvarious locations in Nassau and Suolk Counties (a pro-posed bridge or tunnel that would link Long Island to thesouth with New York or Connecticut to the north acrossLong Island Sound) have been discussed for decades, butthere are currently no rmplans to construct such a cross-ing.6.1 Public transportationA 7 train in QueensThe MTA implements mass transportation for the NewYork metropolitan area including allve boroughs ofNewYorkCity, thesuburbancounties of Dutchess,Nassau, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Suolk andWestchester, all of which together are the MetropolitanCommuter Transportation District (MCTD)".The MTA is the largest public transportation provider inthe Western Hemisphere. Its agencies serve 14.6 millionpeople spread over 5,000 square miles (13,000 km) fromNew York City through the southeastern section of thestate (including Long Island and the lower Hudson Val-ley), and Connecticut. Combined the MTA agencies nowmove more than 2.6 billion rail and bus customers a yearwhile employing some 70,000 workers.6.1.1 RailSchematic map of LIRR systemMain article: Long Island Rail RoadThe Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) is the busiestcommuter railroad system in North America, carryingan average of 282,400 passengers each weekday on 728daily trains. Chartered on April 24, 1834, it is also theoldest railroad still operating under its original name.[63]6.1.2 BusNassau Inter-County Express (NICE) provides bus ser-vice in Nassau County, while Suolk County Transit, anagency of the Suolk County government, provides busservice in Suolk County. In 2012, NICE replaced theformer Long Island Bus in transporting Long Islandersacross Nassau County while still allowing them to useMTA MetroCards as payment.[64]6.2 RoadsThe Long Island Expressway, Northern State Park-way,and Southern State Parkway,all products of theautomobile-centered planning of Robert Moses, are theislands primary east-west high-speed thoroughfares.7.2 Colleges and universities 11A Nassau Inter-County Express busLong Island Expressway in Nassau County6.2.1 Ground transportationBeing such a large, populous island with several airportsconnecting the island to the rest of the world, there areseveral hundred transportation companies that service theLong Island/New York City area.Winston airport shut-tle, the oldest of these companies in business since 1973,was the rst to introduce door-to-door shared-ride serviceto and from the major airports, which almost all trans-portation companies now utilize.[65]7 Education7.1 Primary and secondary educationLong Islands Nassau and Suolk counties are the homeof 125 public school districts containing a total of 656public schools. In contrast, all of Brooklyn and Queensare served by the New York City Department of Educa-tion, the largest school district in the United States. LongIsland is also home to a number of private and parochialschools.The academic mall across Stony Brook University's main campus7.2 Colleges and universitiesSee also: List of colleges and universities on Long Islandand List of colleges and universities in New York CityLong Island is home to a range of higher-education insti-tutions, both public and private.Brooklyn and Queens contain ve of eleven senior col-leges within CUNY, the public university system of NewYork City and one of the largest in the country. Amongthese are the notable institutions of Brooklyn College andQueens College. Brooklyn also contains private collegessuch as Pratt Institute and the New York University Poly-technic School of Engineering,an engineering collegethat merged with New York University in 2014.Nassau and Suolk counties are similarly served by com-munity colleges, as well as several colleges and universi-ties within the SUNYsystem, notably Stony Brook (for itshealth sciences research and medical center). Private in-stitutions include the New York Institute of Technology,Hofstra University and Adelphi University (both locatedin the Town of Hempstead), as well as Long Island Uni-versity (with its C.W. Post campus, located on a formerGold Coast estate in Brookville, and a satellite campusin downtown Brooklyn). Long Island also contains theWebb Institute, a small naval architecture college in GlenCove. In addition, the island is home to the United StatesMerchant Marine Academy, a Federal Service Academylocated in Kings Point, on the North Shore.8 Culture8.1 MusicMain article: Music of Long IslandSee also: Long Island Music Hall of Fame, List of LongIslanders and List of people from New York CityMusic on Long Island (Nassau and Suolk) is stronglyinuenced by the proximity to New York City and by the12 8 CULTURENikon at Jones Beach Theateryouth culture of the suburbs. Psychedelic rock was widelypopular in the 1960s as ocks of disaected youth trav-elled to NYC to participate in protest and the culture ofthe time. R & B also has a history on Long Island, espe-cially in areas close to New York City. In the late 1970sthrough the 1980s, the inuence of radio station WLIRmade Long Island one of the rst places in the U.S. tohear and embrace European New Wave bands such asDepeche Mode, the Pet Shop Boys, and Culture Club.In the 1990s, hip-hop became very popular with rap pi-oneers Rakim, EPMD, and Public Enemy growing up onLong Island. Recently, new bands have been making aname for themselves originating from Long Island suchas Brand New, Austin Schoeel and Envy on the Coast.Famous rock bands that originated on Long Island includeThe Rascals, The Ramones (from Queens), Dream The-ater, Blue yster Cult, Twisted Sister and guitar virtuososJohn Petrucci, Steve Vai and Joe Satriani. Rock and popsinger Billy Joel grew up on Long Island and his youthfullife there is reected in some of his music.The Nassau Coliseum and Nikon at Jones Beach Theaterare venues used by national touring acts as performancespaces for concerts. Nikon at Jones Beach Theater is anoutdoor amphitheatre, located at Jones Beach State Park.It is a popular place to viewsummer concerts, with newaswell as classic artists performing there during the summermonths. It hosts a large Fourth of July reworks showevery year which lls the stands. People also park carsalong the highway leading to the show, and others watchfrom the nearby beaches.[66]Long Island is also known for its school music programs.Many schools in Suolk County have distinguished mu-sic programs, with high numbers of students who are ac-cepted into the statewide All-State music groups, or eventhe National All-Eastern Coast music groups. Both theSuolk County and Nassau County Music Educators As-sociations are recognized by The National Associationof Music Education (MENC),[67][68] and host numerousevents, competitions, and other music-related activities.8.2 CuisineLong Island has historically been a center for shing andseafood.This legacy continues in the Blue Point oyster,a now ubiquitous variety that was originally harvested onthe Great South Bay and was the favorite oyster of QueenVictoria. Clams are also a popular food and clam dig-ging a popular recreational pursuit, with Manhattan clamchowder reputed to have Long Island origins.[69]Awineryandtastingroomina1690farmhousenearStonyBrook, New YorkOf land-based produce, Long Island duck has a historyof national recognition since the 19th century, with fourduck farms continuing to produce 2 million ducks a yearas of 2013.[70] Two symbols of Long Islands duck farm-ingheritagearetheLongIslandDucksminor-leaguebaseball team and the Big Duck,a 1931 duck-shapedbuilding that is a historic landmark and tourist attraction.In addition to Long Islands duck industry, Riverheadcontains one of the largest bualo farms on the Eastcoast.[71]Long Island is well known for its production of alcoholicbeverages.Eastern Long Island is a signicant producerof wines. Vineyards are most heavily concentrated onLong Islands North Fork, which contains 38 wineries.Most of these contain tasting rooms, which serve as pop-ular tourist attractions for visitors from across the NewYork metropolitan area.[72] Long Island has also becomea producer of diverse craft beers, with 15 microbreweriesexisting across Nassau and Suolk counties as of 2013.The largest of these is Blue Point Brewing Company, bestknown for its toasted lager.[73] Long Island is also glob-ally known for its signature cocktail, the Long Island IcedTea, which purportedly was invented at a popular JonesBeach nightclub in the 1970s.[74]The eateries on Long Island are largely a product of theregions local ethnic populations. Italian cuisine is repre-sented by ubiquitous pizzerias spread throughout the is-land, with the region hosting an annual competition, theLong Island Pizza Festival & Bake-O. Jewish cuisine islikewise represented by delicatessens and bagel stores.8.3 Sports 138.3 SportsSee also: Sports in New YorkThe New York Mets baseball team plays at Citi FieldBarclays Center, home of the Brooklyn Nets and New York Is-landers in Brooklynin Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, Queens. Their for-mer stadium, Shea Stadium was also home for the NewYork Jets football team from 1964 until 1983. The newstadium is designed with an exterior faade and main en-try rotunda inspired by Ebbets Field. The New YorkMets had planned to move their Double-A farm team toLong Island, as part of the ambitious but now-defunctplan for Nassau county called The Lighthouse Project.The Brooklyn Cyclones are a minor league baseball team,aliated with the New York Mets. The Cyclones playat MCU Park just o the boardwalk on Coney Islandin Brooklyn. An articial turf baseball complex namedBaseball Heaven is located in Yaphank.The Barclays Center, a new sports arena, business, andresidential complex built partly on a platform over theAtlantic Yards at Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, is the cur-rent home of the Brooklyn Nets basketball team and theNew York Islanders hockey team.The move from NewJersey in the summer of 2012 marked the return to LongIsland for the Nets franchise, which played at Nassau Vet-erans Memorial Coliseum from 1972 to 1977. The Is-landers played at Nassau Coliseum from their 1972 in-ception through 2015.Long Island has a wide variety of golf courses that spanall over. One of the most famous is the public BethpageBlack Course that has hosted multiple U.S. Open's aswell as The Barclays with the most recent during the year2012.Long Island has a professional soccer club, the New YorkCosmos, who play in the Division 2 North American Soc-cer League at James M. Shuart Stadium in Hempstead.Queens also hosts one of the four tennis grand slams, theUS Open. Every August (September, in Olympic years)the best tennis players in the world travel to Long Islandto play the championships, which is held in the USTACiti Field, home of the New York Mets in QueensNational Tennis Center, located adjacent to Citi Field inFlushing Meadows Park. The complex also contains thebiggest tennis stadium in the world, the Arthur Ashe Sta-dium.The Stony Brook Seawolves during their 2012 homecoming gameEbbets Field, which stood in Brooklyn from 1913 to1957, wasthehomeoftheBrooklynDodgersbase-ball team, who moved to California after the 1957 Ma-jor League Baseball season to become the Los Ange-les Dodgers.The Dodgers won several National Leaguepennants in the 1940s and 1950s, losing several times inthe World Seriesoften called Subway Seriesto theirBronx rivals, the New York Yankees. The Dodgers wontheir lone championship in Brooklyn in the 1955 WorldSeries versus the Yankees.Long Island has been a hot spot for outdoor lacrosseat the youth and college level,which made way for aMajor League Lacrosse team in 2001, the Long IslandLizards. The Lizards play at Mitchel Athletic Complexin Uniondale.The New York Dragons of the Arena Football Leaguealso played their home games at Nassau Coliseum. LongIsland has also been at the forefront of Semi-Professionalfootball. The Empire State Demon Knights[75] of the FiveStar Football League have called Long Island their homesince they relinquished the name Kings County Wolfpackand moved to Suolk County.Long Island is also home to the Long Island Ducks minorleague baseball team of the Atlantic League. Their sta-14 10 REFERENCESPreparing for a horse race at Belmont Park, home of the BelmontStakes, nal leg of the Triple Crowndium, Bethpage Ballpark, is located in Central Islip. Thetwo main rugby teams are the Long Island RFC in EastMeadow and the Suolk Bull Moose in Stony Brook.Another category of sporting events popular in this re-gion are Firematic Racing events, involving many localVolunteer re departments.Bethpage Ballpark, home of the Long Island Ducks minor leaguebaseball teamLong Island also has two horse racing tracks, AqueductRacetrack in Ozone Park, Queens and Belmont Parkon the Queens/Nassau border in Elmont, home of theBelmont Stakes. The longest dirt Thoroughbred race-course in the world is located in the Nassau County com-munity of Elmont at Belmont Park.Long Island is home to numerous famous athletes, in-cluding Hall of Famers Jim Brown, Julius Erving, JohnMackey, Whitey Ford, Nick Drahos, and Carl Yastrzem-ski. OthersincludeGoldMedalistsSueBird, SarahHughesandDerrickAdkins, D'BrickashawFerguson,Billy Donovan, Larry Brown, Rick Pitino, John McEn-roe, Jumbo Elliott, Mick Foley, Zack Ryder, Matt Serra,Boomer Esiason, Vinny Testaverde, Craig Biggio, FrankCatalanotto, Greg Sacks, Rob Burnett, Steve Park, FrankViola, Chris Weidman, Marques Colston and SpeedyClaxton. Several current NHLPlayerssuchasVan-couver Canucks Christopher Higgins and Matt Gilroy,Nashville Predators Eric Nystrom, Toronto Maple LeafMike Komisarek, and Pittsburgh Penguin Rob Scuderiwere all born and/or raised on Long Island. Both Komis-arek and Higgins played on the same Suolk CountyHockey League team at an early age, and later played onthe Montreal Canadiens together. Nick Drahos was anAll Scholastic and All Long Island honoree at LawrenceHigh School, Nassau Co. in 1936 and 1937, and a 2-timeUnanimous National College All-American in the yearsof 1939 and 1940 at Cornell University.9 See alsoGeography of New York CityList of Long Islanders, famous residents of Nassauand SuolkList of people from New York City, including fa-mous residents of Brooklyn and QueensList of references to Long Island places in popularcultureList of lms shot on Long IslandTimeline of town creation in Downstate New YorkLong Island (proposed state)List of Long Island recreational facilities10 References[1] Richmond Hill Historic Society Tributary tribes[2] About Long Island, LongIsland.com[3] Annual EstimatesoftheResident Population: April1, 2010 to July 1, 2014 - 2014 Population Estimates.United States Census Bureau. Retrieved May 23, 2015.[4] Kings County, New York QuickFacts. U.S. Census Bu-reau. Retrieved April 25, 2015.[5] Queens County, New York QuickFacts. U.S. CensusBureau. Retrieved April 25, 2015.[6] Nassau County, New York QuickFacts. U.S. CensusBureau. Retrieved April 25, 2015.[7] Suolk County, New York QuickFacts. U.S. CensusBureau. Retrieved April 25, 2015.[8] John Burbidge (November 21, 2004). Long Island at itsBest; Whos the Longest of Them All?". The New YorkTimes. Retrieved April 30, 2011. But the court wasn'tsaying Long Island isn't an island in a geographical sense,he continued. In fact, all parties involved in the caseagreed Long Island is a geographical island. It was onlyfor the purposes of the case that the island was declaredan extension of New Yorks coastline.15[9] Long Island. Encyclopdia Britannica (Britannica Con-cise ed.). Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc. 2011. 9370515.Retrieved April 30, 2011.[10] Secretary of State of Rhode Island. Retrieved April 30,2011. This total excludes U.S. territorial waters, whichwere included in previous years.[11] Tooker, WilliamWallace(1911). 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Retrieved April 30, 2011.The question of the Greater New-York, which is also to besubmitted to the people at this coming election, involvesthe proposition to unite in one city the following cities,counties, and towns: New-York City, Long Island City,in Queens County; the County of Kings, (Brooklyn;) theCounty of Richmond, (S.I.;) the towns of Flushing, New-town, Jamaica, in Queens County; the town of Westch-ester, in Westchester County, and all that portion of thetowns of East Chester and Pelham which lies south of astraight line drawn froma point where the northerly line ofthe City of New-York meets the centre line of the BronxRiver, to the middle of the channel between Hunters andGlen Islands, in Long Island Sound, and that part of thetown of Hempstead, in Queens County, which is westerlyof a straight line drawn fromthe south-easterly point of thetown of Flushing in a straight line to the Atlantic Ocean.(before vote)[17] Vote for Greater NewYork. The NewYork Times. 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The American Cyclopdia. 1879.1712 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses12.1 Text LongIslandSource: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Island?oldid=675278676Contributors: Magnus Manske, PaulDrye, VickiRosenzweig, Ed Poor, Scipius, Jkominek, Caltrop, Cwitty, Rickyrab, Michael Hardy, Modster, CORNELIUSSEON, Ixfd64, IZAK, Delir-ium, Alo, Tregoweth, Qslack, Stan Shebs, TUF-KAT, Den fjttrade ankan~enwiki, Kingturtle, Tkinias, Jeandr du Toit, Rl, David Newton,WhisperToMe, Wik, Zoicon5, Freechild, Maximus Rex, Omegatron, Ed g2s, Morven, Fvw, Renato Caniatti~enwiki, Wetman, Jason M,Bcorr, Jusjih, GPHemsley, Hajor, Chrism, Rdikeman, Moncrief, Altenmann, Modulatum, Postdlf, Bryce, Flauto Dolce, Hadal, Patcat88,Oobopshark, Decumanus, Giftlite, Alan W, Akadruid, Nunh-huh, Capitalistroadster, Gamaliel, Darkhunger, Mboverload, Wikisux, Siroxo,Wiki Wikardo, Golbez, Gyrofrog, Chowbok, Gadum, Kjetil r, DCrazy, Antandrus, Bhuck, Karol Langner, Dubaduba~enwiki, Carib-Digita, Huntington, 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