long island's healthy magazine

FREE HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET feel good • live simply • laugh more Blast Away Cellulite Five Exercises to Shrink Lumps and Dimples Power Play Six Ways to Let Your Light Shine Beauty Food Kimberly Snyder Shows How to Eat for Radiant Skin, Eyes and Hair Follow us on Facebook.com/NaturalAwakeningsLongIsland and Twitter NALIKelly November 2014 | Long Island Edition | NALIMag.com Cover Photo by Ylva Erevall

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feel good • live simply • laugh more

Blast Away CelluliteFive Exercises to Shrink Lumps and Dimples

Power PlaySix Ways to Let Your Light Shine

Beauty Food Kimberly Snyder

Shows How to Eat for Radiant

Skin, Eyes and Hair

Follow us on Facebook.com/NaturalAwakeningsLongIsland and Twitter NALIKelly

November 2014 | Long Island Edition | NALIMag.com

Cover Photo by Ylva Erevall

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Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue, readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.


30 HOMECOMING FARM: A Different Take on a CSA by Kelly Martinsen

32 PRACTICE GRATITUDE and Change Your Life by April Thompson

34 BRING BACK THE MAGIC Give Kids the True Gifts of the Season by Meredith Montgomery

36 POWERFUL YOU! Six Ways to Create the Life You Want by Judith Fertig

38 MIDDAY PICK-ME-UP Well-Planned Naps Boost Brainpower by Lane Vail

40 GROWING UP WITH WAYNE DYER SerenaDyerReflectson Her Spiritual Upbringing by Lindsay McGinty

42 BEAUTY FOODS Kimberly Snyder Shows How to Eat for Radiant Skin, Eyes and Hair by Judity Fertig

46 ECO-BEAUTY Homemade Shampoos, Lotions and Perfumes Make Great Gifts by Kathleen Barnes

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5natural awakenings November 2014


8 newsbriefs

12 healthbriefs

26 globalbriefs

29 ecotip

30 community spoltight 32 inspiration

34 healthykids

38 healingways

40 wisewords

42 consciouseating

46 greenliving

48 naturalpet

49 petbrief

51 fitbody

52 yogapages

54 calendar

57 classifieds

59 community resourcedirectory




48 PLAYFUL PET GIFTS AnimalsLoveInteractive Toys and Games by Sandra Murphy

49 ALLERGY TESTING ON PETS by Dr. Michel Selmer, DVM

51 CELLULITE SHRINKERS FiveSimpleExercises to Smooth Thighs by E.C. LaMeaux



Page 6: Long Island's Healthy Magazine

6 Long Island Edition NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

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EditorSara Gurgen

National EditorsLinda Sechrist

Alison Chabonais

Contributing Writers

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Design & ProductionSuzzanne Siegel

Cover Selection: DNR Martinsen

Advertising SalesKelly Martinsen, Gerry Laytin

and Darlene Dexter

To contact Natural AwakeningsLong Island Edition:

P.O. Box 1104Long Beach, NY 11561Phone: 516-587-6517

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Kelly Martinsen, Publisher Malama Pono!

Gratitude: Not Always Easy

“I am eternally grateful for the blessings,” says Joanie Weber Badyna, referring to tragedies she hasendured.It’sbecauseoftheseexperiences

she says she has learned not to “waste time” and knows how to “love without fear.” Badyna is one of many quot-edinthismonth’sInspirationfeature,“PracticeGratitudeandChangeYourLife,”onpage32.Herpersonalchal-lengeitseemsistofindthebeautyintheugly;thegoodluckinthebadluck.Thisgotmethinking:Who’stosaywhatisgoodluck?IheardthisTaoisttaleatmasslast month:

This farmer had only one horse, and one day the horse ran away. The neighbors came to console him over his terrible loss. The farmer said, “What makes you think it is so terrible?” A month later, the horse came home—this time bringing with her two beautiful wild horses. The neighbors became excited at the farmer’s good fortune. Such lovely strong horses! The farmer said, “What makes you think this is good fortune?” The farmer’s son was thrown from one of the wild horses and broke his leg. All the neighbors were very distressed. Such bad luck! The farmer said, “What makes you think it is bad?” A war came, and every able-bodied man was conscripted and sent into battle. Only the farmer’s son, because he had a broken leg, remained. The neighbors congratulated the farmer. “What makes you think this is good?” said the farmer.

Attimesitishardtoknowwhatisgoodluckandwhatisbad.Isitbadlucktofindoutyouhavecancer,orisitgoodluckbecauseithasbeenfound?Isitbadlucktohavebeenlaidoff,orisitgoodluckbecauseyouneededapushtotakeanewpath?Who’stosay?Ratherthanguessingatwhatisgoodluckandwhatisbadluckandtryingtodiscernwhatweshouldbegratefulfor,whynotbegratefulforallofit.Sure,that seems so annoyingly Pollyannaish, but, honestly, how do we know what is good andwhatisbad?Therearesomanypeoplethatbyfacingsometremendoustragedyhaveperseveredandmanagedtochangethetrajectoryoftheirlivesforthebetter.Iamcertainifyouaskthem,theywilltellyoutheyarethankfulfortheirblessingsandtheiradversity—bothofwhichledthemtothelivestheyleadtoday.

Let’s try an experiment—oh, how I love experiments! This Thanksgiving, while wefocusourenergiesongratitudefortheblessingsinourlives,let’sgoonestepfurtherandfinditinourheartstogivethanksfortheseemingly“badluck”inourlives.Findthesmallblessingsthatexistinthejobloss,thedivorce,thedisease.Recognizethatperhaps,somewhere,somehow,thisbadluckwillleadtosome-thingbeautiful,andthenletit!Letthatgratitudefreeyoufromthecontrolthisbadeventmaybeholdingoveryou,andletthisfreedomcarryyouontothenextstoneonyourpathtopersonalsuccess.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Page 7: Long Island's Healthy Magazine

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Robins Embarks on Humanitarian Trip to Africa

This month, Dr. Robert Rowen and Dr. Howard Robins will be embarking on a humanitarian trip to Sierra Le-

onewithateamofozoneexpertsinanefforttofocusoneradicatingdiseaseinthatarea.WorkingwithDr.KojoCarew,fromSierraLeone,thefocuswillbeonanefforttocombatEbola,malariaandotherdiseasesplaguingthecountry. RobinsandhisteamwillbeteachingtheSierraLe-onephysiciansTheRobinsMethodofDIVOzoneTherapy. ThepresidentofSierraLeonehasissuedexecutiveorderspermittingthisteamabilities to bring this therapy to his people. “He seems very interested in going ‘outside the box,’” says Robins. For more information, call Dr. Howard Robins at 212-581-0101. Robins is consid-ered the foremost clinical expert on the use of medical ozone in North America, with more than 22 years of clinical practice and 185,000 treatments performed. See ad on page 63.

Food Drive for Long Island Cares

The Center for the Alignment of Body, Mind and Spirit will be sponsoring a food drive November 1 through



Donations of non-perishable food items can be dropped off at 2050 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh, during normal business hours (Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 9 a.m. to noon and 3 to 7 p.m.; Tuesday: 4 to 7 p.m.; and Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to noon) from Nov. 1 through 15. For more information, call 516-221-3500. See ad on page 31.

Dr. Howard Robins

Gina Marino

Great men are those who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force—that thoughts rule the world.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Page 9: Long Island's Healthy Magazine

9natural awakenings November 2014

BPA: and the Effect on the

Human Body

Todayweliveinatoxicenvironment. Many health-oriented people are right-

fullyconcernedhowthesyntheticdentalmaterialsareaffectingtheirhealth. Most people are aware about thetoxiceffectsofmercury,butwhat most are not aware of is that thewhitefillingsusedtoreplacemercuryfillingscanbeasourceoftoxins as well.


Hormone levels. SomeexpertsbelievethatBPAcouldtheo-reticallyactlikeahormoneinthebody,disruptingnormalhormone levels and development in fetuses, babies and children.Animalstudieshavehadmixedresults.

Brain and behavior problems. After a review of the evi-dence,theNationalToxicologyProgramattheFederalDrugAdministration(FDA)expressedconcernaboutBPA’spos-sibleeffectsonthebrainandbehaviorofinfantsandyoungchildren.

Cancer. Some animal studies have shown a possible link betweenBPAexposureandalaterincreasedriskofcancer.

Heart problems. Two studies have found that adults with the highest levels of BPA in their bodies seem to have a higher incidenceofheartproblems.However,thehigherincidencecouldbeunrelatedtoBPA.

Other conditions. Someexpertshavelookedintoacon-nectionbetweenBPAexposureandmanyconditions—obe-sity,diabetes,ADHDandothers.Theevidenceisn’tstrongenough to show a link.

Increased risk to children. Some studies suggest that possible effectsfromBPAcouldbemostpronouncedininfantsandyoungchildren.Theirbodiesarestilldeveloping,andtheyarelessefficientateliminatingsubstancesfromtheirsystems.

Dr. Alex Shvartsman631-361-3577SmithtownSmiles.com


Dr. Alex Shvartsman260 East Main Street, Suite 109Smithtown, NY 11787


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Whatisworrisomeisthatstudieshavefounddetectablelevels of BPA in the saliva of some patients after they re-ceivedsealantsorfillings.However,expertsaredividedastowhetherthislowexposureconstitutesahealthrisk.ThedentalcommunitydeniesthatBPAinsomecompositeresinfillingsandsealantsisahealthproblem:“We’reasmallpartofwhatisperhapsamuchlargerproblem,”DarrylSmith,oftheCanadianDentalAssociation,toldtheGlobe.“Theamount of bisphenol-A is extremely low in dental materials and in some [it] is nonexistent.” Shockingly,astudypublishedintheJournal of the American Dental Association in 2006 found some dental productsleachBPAandcouldresultinlow-doseexposureswithintherangeinwhichhealtheffectshavebeenseeninrodents.WhilehumanstudiesofBPAarelacking,theFDAhasofficiallyclearedbisphenol-Aasapublichealthconcern.Manypeopleremainskeptical.Afterall,theFDAisknowtomakemajorblunders,rememberVioxx? Fortunately,BPA-freefillingmaterialsdoexist.AtLongIsland Center for Healthier Dentistry, Dr. Alex Shvartsman is nottakinganychances.Hecarefullyexaminesallthecom-ponentsofthetooth-coloredcompositeresintomakesurethatthetooth-coloredrestorationsheusestorestoredonotcontainanyBPA.

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Gaia Midwifery Moves to New Location


movedtoanewofficelocatedatSuite204,1VillagePlaza,KingsPark.SituatedattheLongIslandRailRoadstationintheVillage,justeastofSunkenMeadowStatePark, there is plenty of parking, shopping and eateries nearby. over the years, Gaia Midwifery has helped more than 1,000womenandfamiliesexperiencepersonalizedmidwiferycareduringtheirbirths, vBACs and well-woman visits. Thereisaplantoexpandofficehours,especiallyonweekends;hostsupportgroups;andhaveaweeklyeducationday. Also,watchfortheannouncementofGaia’sHolidayOpenHouseParty,andcomesayhello.

For more information on Gaia Midwifery, located at Suite 204 1 Village Plaza, Kings Park, call 866-239-5445. See ad on page 15.

What Health Track Are You On? Join Dr. Ray Omid for a Dinner Lecture


onrightnow?Wheredoyouenvisionyourhealthtobein10years?Areyouontracktogettingdiseaseorontracktolivingto100andlivingagreatlifewithfamilyandfriends?HarvardMedicalSchoolhasdocumentedforsometimenowthat the human body has 100 to 110 years of good-quality life inside. There are many that say that they don’t want to live to 100 years old. Many peoplecan’timaginelivingthatoldwhentheythinkoftheirhealthbeingpoorforallthoseyears.Butwhatifyourbodywasfunctioningtoitsfullestpotentialandyoufeltgreat?Weallknowpeoplethatareintheir90sthatareplayinggolfandarelivingontheirown,greatmindandphysicalhealth.Buteveryonealsoknowspeoplethatare60,areonfivedifferentmedications,arenotgettinganyhealthier,and are miserable. JoinDr.RayOmidashehostsacomplimentarydinnerandhealthtalkforyouand four guests. While dinner is being prepared, he will speak about the three componentstoa100-yearlifestyle,howtoregainlifeandvitality,andhowtohavemore energy and less stress. If you are looking to prevent disease and eliminate medication,youdefinitelywanttoattendthisevent.

Seats are limited, so call Bessi Dion at 917-747-2795 to reserve your spot. See ad on page 3.

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While more and more dentists are of-feringthisin-officeprocedure,thereareonly a handful of dentists that are truly schooledinthesaferemovalofthesefill-ings.Recentreportsindicatethatmanydentalofficesarenotfollowingasafetyprotocolintheremovalofmercury/amalgamfillings.Removalofmercury/amalgamfillingsisaprocessthatisoftenmorehazardousthanhavingthemputin.Theprimaryhazardthatexistscomesfromthelargeamountofmercuryvaporreleasedwhenfillingsareyankedout.Withoutadherencetonaturopathicmea-sures,therecanbetoxicconsequencesfor both dentist and patient. InordertoreducetheriskofmercuryexposureandHgtoxins,itisessential that your dentist is following a safetyprotocol,suchasthoseoutlinedbyDr.BillWolfeorDr.HalHuggins;both of whom have helped generate awarenessaroundthistopicthroughoutthe nation for more than 30 years. Some of the essential guidelines found to safeguard patients against ex-posure to and inhalation of poisonous mercuryduringremovalinclude:

Minimizing Toxic Consequences: Safe Mercury Filling Removal Protocol


2.SchedulingavitaminCIVdripafterremovaltoprotectthebodyagainstheavymetals.Thisisdiscussedattheconsultationandisalsodependenton patient need.

3.Usingapre-removalprotocolofholisticsupports,likeQuicksilverScientific’sIMD(IntestinalMetalDetox),doneforonetofourweeksprior to removal, depending again on individual patient need and de-termined based on blood work and consultswithmedicalpractitioner.


5.Usinganalternativesourceofairforpatients, to be breathed through the nose.


7.Usingairpurifiersandnegativeiongeneratorstominimizemercuryinthe air.

Dr. Linda J. Golden, DDS

The International AcademyofOralMedicineandToxicologyandtheHolisticDentalAssocia-tion have further guidelines, includingapost-

removalrinseandcoveringthepatient’sfacetoavoidskinexposure,whichcanbefoundontheirrespectivewebsites. Unfortunatecasesofunsafeamal-gamfillingremovalhaveresultedinneurological,immunologicalanden-docrinologicalproblems;researchhasalsofoundastronglinktoAlzheimer’sand Parkinson’s disease. It is impera-tivethatyouareeducatedaboutsafemercuryremovalandknowwhattoaskyourdentistinordertodiscernwhetherheorsheisfollowingallprotectivemeasures.Along-practicingholisticdentist will be able to work with you andaccessspecificneeds.

Source: Dr. Linda Golden, DDS, of Golden Dental Wellness (444 Commu-nity Dr., Ste. 204, Manhasset) performs safe mercury removal in her Manhasset office, strongly adhering to the guide-lines and safety measures above. Call 516-627-8400 for a consultation. See ad on page 17.

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Page 13: Long Island's Healthy Magazine

13natural awakenings November 2014

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TREADMILL DESKS BOOST JOB PERFORMANCEInadditiontoimprovingfitness,UniversityofMinnesotaresearch-ers found that treadmill walking at thedeskalsoboostsproductivityandmorale. The study tested 40 adults that used treadmills for a year. Self-assessments,combinedwithsupervi-sor assessments, found that treadmill walkingwhileworkingincreasedperformancelevels.Workperfor-manceimprovedbyanaverageof11percentbasedonsupervisorassess-ments,and7percentbased on the employee self-assessments. A study from Rutgers University tested 66 adults while they walked on treadmills set for low intensity versus when they were seated at desks, with two days separating the tests. Mea-surementsofreadingcomprehension,attention span and response speed skillsandperformanceshowthesewere unimpeded by treadmill walk-ingwhencomparedwithsitting.

Page 14: Long Island's Healthy Magazine

14 Long Island Edition NaturalAwakeningsLI.com


The Importance of Beauty Sleepby Beth Lee Schlendorf

on August 1, I was blessed with the birth of my sweet baby boy,

Joshua Ryder. Now, every morning, I amremindedoftheimportanceofget-ting my “beauty sleep” when I see the blackcirclesundermyeyesfrommid-night feedings. Womenspendapproximately$426billion annually on different beauty products.Yet,thereisone“product”thatmostofusrefertoasanecessaryhumanfunction…sleep. We know how we lookwhenwedon’thaveagoodnight’ssleep…darkcircles/bagsunderoureyes,saggingskin,breakouts,andalacklustersmile.“Lackofsleepcausesbloodves-selstodilate,causingthelookofdarkcircles,”saysdermatologistSoniaBadreshia-Bansal,M.D.,oftheUniversityofCalifornia,SanFrancisco.Whenyougotosleepeachnight,yourbodygoesintorepairandrebuildmodeonanumberofyourorgans.Yourskinisoneofthoseorgans.Newskincellsarebuilttoreplaceoldoneswhileyousleep.It’saconstantrestoringandrepairingthattakesplace. Inordertogetyourfacialmakeover,yourbodyrequiresagoodseventoeighthoursofsleepeachnight.Iknowwhatyou’rethinking:“MaybeIshouldtry10hourstolookevenbetter.”Scientistswarnthatstudiesshowtoolittleandtoomuchsleepnegativelyimpactyourbody,sostickwiththeseven-toeight-hourrule.Ifyoufeel like you need more, then try taking a short nap during the afternoon. Trythesefourtipstohelpyouenjoyyourbeautysleep:

1. Start a sleep habit. Get into a routine of going to bed and waking up at the sametimeeachday.Thisisoneofthehealthiestthingsyoucandotohelptrainyourbodytoreceivepropersleepeachnight.

2. Avoidcomputer,tabletorcellphoneusepriortogoingtosleep.Thelightema-natedfromtechnologytricksyourbrainintostayingawake.Instead,tryreadinga book or taking a relaxing bath right before bed.

3. Sleeponyourback.Ifyouenduponyourstomachyourfacewillpressintoyourpillowandmaycreatefinelinesandcreaseswhenyouariseinthemorning.

4. Useorganicsheetsandpillowcases.Manysheetshavepowerfuldyesandchemicalsthatwillnegativelyimpactyourskin.Switchingtoorganicproductswillhelpremovethosechemicalsfromaplacethatyouspendonethirdofyourlife.


Source: Beth Lee Schlendorf is the owner of Bliss Sleep Center. For more informa-tion about the center, visit BlissSleepCenter.com. See ad on page 23.

Honey and Ginger Beat Antibiotics in Fighting SuperbugsResearchersfromEthiopia’sUniver-

sityofGondarCollegeofMedicinehaverecentlyfoundthattheuseofmixturesofhoneyandgingerextractcantreatdrug-resistantbacteriasuchas Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. They notethatfurtherclinicalevaluationandpharmacologicalstandardizationofthemixturesareneededbeforetheycanbeusedtherapeutically. Thescientistsconductedlabora-torytestingwithclinicalisolationsoffiveseparatesuperbugs:methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA),Staphylococcus aureus(non-MRSA),twostrains of Escherichia coli plus Klebsi-ella pneumoniae. The inhibition of all fivetypesofbacteriabythreecommonantibiotics—methicillin,amoxicillinandpenicillin—werecomparedwiththeantibacterialeffectsofgingerextract,honeyandacombinationofthetwo. Thegingerextractandhoneycom-bination was found to have the greatest inhibitingeffectonthebacteria;how-ever, even the two applied separately weremoreeffectiveagainstthebacteriathantheantibiotics. Although in vivo studies are needed,theresearchersbelievethatthehoneyandgingerextractcombinationisapromisingsourcefortreatmentofresistantbacterialstrains.

Page 15: Long Island's Healthy Magazine

15natural awakenings November 2014

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Power to Change Inthe1960sand1970s,cancerwasaword that was hardly ever mentioned out loud.WhenMrs.McGillicuttydownthestreetwasdiagnosedwithcancer,nooneeversaidtheword“cancer.”Wereferredtocancerinwhispersoras“thec-word.” Yet, here we are in the 21stcentury,andyouhearthewordallthetime.Per-hapsthatisbecausecancerwasnotnearlyaspervasiveasitistoday.


Oneconclusion:Theenvironmentweshare.Inthelastfivedecades,industrialpollutionandcontaminantshavebeendumpedintoourwaterways;buriedunder-ground,onlytoleachoutlater;andpumpedintoourskies.Intheend,everythingends up in the water. Sadly, many of us simply take for granted that the water delivered to our homes orcomingfromourprivatewellis“safe.”Afterall,ifthegovernment’sregulatorydepartmenttellsusacertainlevelofchlorine,trihalomethanes,benzene,nitrogen,andthelistgoeson,isokaytoingest,thenweshouldbeokay.Shouldn’twe? Long Island has a unique system of getting water to its 3 million people. The islandis,ineffect,alongsandbarwithalayerofgroundwaterfloatingontopadenserlayerofsaltwater.Allthewaterusedeverydaycomesfromthislayerofwater.Recentstudiesshowdramaticincreasesinrunofffromlawnfertilizersandfarmingpesticides,householdchemicalsandpharmaceuticalsdownthedrain,un-treatedseptictanksewageandcontaminationfromover-developmentareseepinginto that single supply of water for Long Island. Weallhavetoworryaboutthedozensofunregulatedchemicalsinpublicwatersupplies,wellsandundergroundspringswithunknownimpactsonhumanhealth.Regrettably,it’snowaforegoneconclusionashundredsofchemicalshavebeendevelopedinthelast50years,mostofthemposingahazardtoourhealth. Duetochemicalsinourair,foodandwater,ourchildrenaregrowingupwithunintendedconsequences.

Source: PUR2O offers a range of water filtration and purification systems to rid your drinking water of everything that, simply put, should not be in there. For more information, call 1-888-393-1828 or visit NALIMag.com and click on the PUR2O web banner. See ad on page 8.

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17natural awakenings November 2014

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Heal Up with Immune-Boosting Echinacea by Gina Marie Cronin

Flu season is here, making it importantforonetostockone’s

shelveswithallthingsechinacea.Instead of suffering through fever, cough,severefatigue,headache,congestion,muscleachesandmore,confideinthishealingherbfrom the daisy family for relief. EndemictoEasternandCentralNorthAmerica,archaeologistshavefoundevidenceofNativeAmericansusingthismedicinalplantformorethan400years.EchinaceacontinuestobeoneofthemostpopularherbsintheU.S.tothisdayforitsdeeplytherapeuticproperties. Echinaceaispackedwithbioactivesubstancesthatboostimmunity.Poordiet,excessivealcoholintake,lackofsleep,andlackofexercisearebutafewofthefactorsthatcanwreakhavoconone’simmunesystem.Alkamides,whicharethemajorconstituentscontainedintherootsoftheechinaceaplant,workasimmuno-modulatorsforstimulatedimmunefunction. Manyarequicktograbaprescriptionorover-the-countermedicationwhencoldsymptomsarise,butthevolatileoils(essentialoils)inechinaceahelpeasein-flammation,whiletheantioxidantflavonoidskillbacteria.Studieshavefoundthatindividualsthatconsumedechinaceateaforfivedaysfeltbettermuchsoonerthanthosethatdidnot.Likewise,individualsthatconsumedechinacearegularlyhada58percentlesserchanceofdevelopingacoldinthefirstplace. Enjoyechinaceaasatea,extract,tinctureorcapsule.Aswithallmedicinalherbs,oneshouldmakesuretofind100percentorganicandpuresupplementsandadministertherecommendeddosefoundonthenutritionlabel.Keepitnatu-ral,andhealwithancientbotanicalwisdom.

Gina Marie Cronin is a staff writer for Natural Awakenings Long Island, who recent-ly spent six months in Peru learning about the healing potential of medicinal plants.

Organics Boast More Nutrients, Fewer ToxinsConventionallygrownfoodscontain

pesticideresiduesthatarethreetofour times higher than those found in or-ganicfoods(tracesmaybeduetoatmo-sphericdriftfromotherfieldsorsoils),accordingtoareviewof343researchstudies published last June in the British Journal of Nutrition.Thereview,whichincludedstudiesoffoodgrownindiffer-ent regions and seasons, also determined thatorganicfoodscontainedhigherlev-elsofhealthynutrientssuchasminerals,vitaminsandantioxidants(specificallypolyphenols),comparedtoconventionalfoods,whichalsocontainedsignificantlyhigherlevelsofcadmium,aheavymetaltoxin. Thestudy’sauthorsfoundevidencethat the higher antioxidant and lower cadmiumconcentrationsarelinkedtospecificorganicgrowingpracticessuchasavoidingmineralnitrogenandphosphorusfertilizers,respectively.Theycommented,“Resultsindicatethatswitchingfromconventionaltoorganiccropconsumptionwouldresultina20to40percentincreaseincrop-basedantioxidant/polyphenolicintakelevels.”


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Page 19: Long Island's Healthy Magazine

19natural awakenings November 2014

Support the Local Businesses in

Our Area

BPA-Free Dental ProductsBPA, otherwise

known as bisphenol A, has been present in manyconsumerplasticproductsand food pro-cessingsincethe1960s.Numer-ous studies have indicatedthatBPAmay be harmful to our health. BPA began being removed fromhardplasticandmetalcans,and,in 2012, in response to a petition from theAmericanChemistryCouncil,theFDA removed BPA as an additive in babybottlesandspill-proofcups.Didyou know that low-level BPA exposure canoccurwhendentalmaterialsthatareusedtotreatandpreventcariesareused?Thisexposurethreatexistsoverafewhoursaftertheplacement.BPAcanbefoundindentalcompositesandsealants.Accordingtoa2008reportpreparedbytheNationalToxicologyProgram,“ExposuretoBPAoccurswiththeuseofdentalsealantscontain-ingBPAdimethacrylate.”Whileitisunknown what the risk to a patient’s overall health is by using sealants that containBPA,thereisevidencethatthere is a need to avoid, where pos-sible, further exposure. Dentists should continuetolooktouseBPA-freedentalproducts,whereapplicable,fortheoverallsystemichealthofthepatient.

Source: Dr. Jonathan Richter, DDS, FAGD, is a dentist at Cardiodontal, located at 310 E. Shore Rd., Ste. 101, Great Neck. Cardiodontal prides itself in its use of BPA-free dental products. Call 516-282-0310 for an appointment. See ad on back page.

Dr. Jonathan Richter DDS, FAGD

No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace

as I have seen in one autumnal face.

~John Donne

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20 Long Island Edition NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

Lead Lurks in Lipsticks and Skin WhitenersRecentresearchhasfound

several heavy metals in nu-merouslipsticksandcosmetics.Theseincludemercuryandleadinskin-whiteningcreams,andchromium,cadmiumandleadinlipsticks.ScientistsfromtheLomaLindaUniversitySchoolofMedicineandtheUniversityofArizona’sCollegeofMedicinetested549cosmeticskin-lighteningproductsmanufacturedin32differentcountries.Theproductswerepurchasedonlineandfromstoresin the U.S., China, Taiwan, Japan and SriLanka.Thirty-threeoftheproductscontainedmorethan1,000partspermillion(ppm)oflead,and45percentofthemcontainedmorethan10,000ppmoflead.OfthosepurchasedintheU.S.,3.3percenthadmercurylevelsgreaterthan 1,000 ppm. UniversityofCaliforniascientiststested24lipsticksusedfrequentlybyteenagersandpurchasedatlocalstores.Theyfound75percentcontainedleadandnearlyhalfexceededtheU.S.FoodandDrugAdministration’s(FDA)maxi-mumacceptableconcentrationofleadforcandy(0.1ppm). In 2010, the FDA tested 400 lip-sticksandfoundleadineverysampletested—withconcentrationsrangingfrom0.9to3.06ppm.Otherstudieshaveconfirmedsimilarfindings. Theyalsofoundsignificantcon-centrationsofchromiumandcadmiumamong some of the samples. There are currentlynoconcreteinternationalorU.S. standards for safe levels of these heavymetalsincosmetics.

Chiropractic Is Not Just Neck and BackMostpeopleuponhearingthewordschiropracticor

chiropractorimmediatelythinkofneckandbackpainrelief.However,modernchiropracticisreallyfarmorethantheskilledmanipulationofbones.Manychi-ropractorshavespecializedinadvancednutrition,neu-rologicaltechniques,reflexstimulationmodalities,andmanyothermodernandancienttechniquestohelphealthe body naturally without the use of drugs or surgery. Manyofthesesystemsarenotdirectedatthespineatall.However,inmanywaysallthingsleadbacktothener-

voussystem,asitcontrolsandmeasuresallactivitiesofthebody. Problemswithinvariousorgansoftenreflectthemselvesinthecontractionofthemusclesandmisalignmentofthespinearoundtheorgans’correspondingnerveroots,whichlayonornearthespine.Forexample,thatmeansifyouhavechronicstress,whichoftendepletestheabilitiesoftheadrenalglands,theareaofyourback,regardedtoasT9toT12,maybecometightandevenchangeposition.Thosenervestravelnotjusttotheadrenalglandsbutalsototheareajustabovethebelly button. Many people when highly stressed or anxious thus feel the proverbial "butterfliesinthestomach"orahardnessintheirbellyasaresult.Insuchasitua-tion, not only would it be wise to support the adrenal glands with an appropriate supplementbutto,perhaps,applyachiropracticadjustmenttothenervesT9toT12tostimulateafasterresponseand“reset”thesystem.Otherchiropractorsmayevenmassagethe"butterflies,"asitmaystimulateahealingresponsebyback-feedingthroughthesomaticnerves.Thesearejustsomeofthechiropractictech-niques designed to help heal organ issues rather than the spine. Every organ, gland andsystemhasarelationshipsuchasthisandcanbeaffectedthroughmanualandother means to stimulate the innate healing response of the body, and often reverse and prevent disease. Ialwaysrecommendusinganexperiencedholistichealthpractitionertoassistinthesafeandeffectivehealingofthebody.

Source: Dr. David Pollack. Location: Pollack Wellness Institute (formerly Creating Wellness Center) is located at 66 Commack Rd., Commack. For more information, call 631-462-0801 or visit CreatingWellnessLI.com. See ads on pages 15 and 45.

Dr. David Pollack


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21natural awakenings November 2014

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Algae-Based Cosmetics May Ward Off Inflammation and CancerAlgaeextractsaddedtonatural

cosmeticsmayhelppre-ventcancer.ArecentreviewofresearchfromTaiwan’sKaohsiungMedicalUniversityfoundmarinealgaeextractshelpprotectskincellsbyreducingoxida-tivestress,whichhasbeenlinkedtobothinflammationandcancer. Thereviewcoveredthemajoralgaetypesofredalgae,brownalgae(suchaskelp),greenalgaeandblue-greenalgae(suchasspirulina).Ahostofcompoundsintheseextractswerefoundtoprovideprotectionagainstfree-radicaldamage.Inonestudy,phloroglucinol, a phenol derivative from brown algae,inhibitedinflammationamonghumantissuesarcomacells.

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22 Long Island Edition NaturalAwakeningsLI.com



nately, most people are not aware of it. Here arethefourmostcommonwaysthatourspiritguidessendusmessagesandinfluenceustogointherightdirection.

1. Intuition:Ourspiritguidescommunicatetous(guideus)throughourintuition.Everyonehasintuition.I’mnottalkingaboutpsychicability,althoughpsychicabilityisjustenhancedintuition.Nevertheless, your intuition is nothing more than your inner senseaboutthings,yourgutfeelings,yourpersonalinstincts,and those spontaneous thoughts that pop into your mind. It’s importantthatyoulearntofollowthesesignalsbecausemuchofthisisguidancefromyourspiritguides.

2. Coincidence:Ourspiritguidescommunicatetousandguideusthroughcoincidence.Somecallthisdivinecoincidenceorsynchronicity.Unfortunately,manypeopleerroneouslyusetheword“coincidence”tomeanluck,flukeorchance,whichis the kind of shortsightedness that will lead one to overlook valuableguidancefromtheirspiritguides.Coincidenceiswhentwoormoreeventsoccurthathavenoobviousrelationtooneanotheryetresultinameaningfulconnectionorresult.So,ifyouhavethreetotallyunrelatedpeoplerecommendthatyouseetheproductionofChicagoatthelocalplayhousethisweekend,that’sacoincidencethatmightbeamessagefromyourspiritguides.What’sthemessage?Well,thepossibilitiesareendless,butitcouldbethatyou’llmeetsomeonetherethatwillpositivelyaffecttherestofyourlife.

3. Messengers:Ourspiritguidescommunicatewithusandguideusthroughmessengers.Messengerscanbepeople,animals or things. For example, you might be fretting over how you’re going to pay a bill, when a stranger on the subway tellsyouthatshejusttradedinherunwantedgoldjewelryforhundredsofdollars.OryoumightbewatchingTVandseeasegmentondangeroustoys,onlytodiscoverthatyourgranddaughterhasoneofthosetoysinhercrib.Oryoumightbe walking your dog down the street when your dog suddenly stops, turns around and begins walking the other way. Then you learn the next day that a man was robbed on that same street around that same time of day that you were walking.

Four Ways Your Spirit Guides Communicate with You by Bob Olson

4. Events:Anothercommonmethodspiritguidesusetocommunicatewithusandguideusisthroughevents—thingsthathappentousoraroundus.Forinstance,youmightgetfiredfromyourjobonlytolandamoreenjoyablejobwith

better pay. or your boyfriend might break upwithyou,whichmightleadtoanewrelationship with someone that is more loving andcompatiblewithyou.Oryoumightevenbreak your ankle and begin writing that novel you’vealwaysdreamedofwriting,whichmightbecomeaNew York Times bestseller. When our spiritguidescommunicatetousorguideusviaevents, it’s not always going to be a seemingly negativeeventlikegettingfiredorbreakinganankle.Itcanalsobewonderfulevents.Imetawomanthatfoundawalletonceandendedup marrying the man that owned it. My wife

andIweregiventicketstoaconferenceoncewherewemetawomanthatbecameoneofourclosestfriends—bothherandher husband. Sometimes, our spirit guides guide us using two or more methodsofcommunicationandguidance.Ihaveafriendthatwasgiventicketstoaconcert,andwhiledrivingtotheconcerthall,hegotintoafenderbenderwithanothercar.Followingtheminoraccident,hiscarwastowedtoabodyshopbecausethefenderpreventedthefrontwheelsfromturning.Oncehiscarwasinthebodyshop,anautobodymechanicdiscoveredthecarhadagasleakthatcouldhavecaughtonfireorexplodedatanymoment.Couldaspiritpossiblyhaveinfluencedthepersontogivemyfriendtheconcertticketsknowingthathewouldgetintoafenderbender,whichwouldleadtothediscoveryofthegasleak?I’veseentoomanycoincidencesthathadsignificantresults like this to not believe that this is how spirits work. If we miss one opportunity to be guided, our spirit guides continuetryinguntilwegetthemessage.Butithelpsifyoustayawareofyourintuitivefeelings,thecoincidencesinyourlife, the messages brought to you by messengers, and the eventsthatareattemptingtoleadyouinnewdirections.Ifyou do, you’ll be helping your spirit guides to guide you, and you’ll be a whole lot better off for it.

Bob Olson, author of Answers About the Afterlife: A Private In-vestigator’s15-YearResearchUnlockstheMysteriesofLifeAf-ter Death (BobOlson.com), is a former skeptic and private in-vestigator who began investigating evidence of life after death after the passing of his father. This event ignited questions that he never before considered, so he decided to use his skills as a private eye to investigate the afterlife. Olson’s expertise in this field led him to create BestPsychicMediums.com, BestPsychic-Directory.com, and AfterlifeTV.com. He also has a course for psychic mediums at PsychicMediumWorkshop.com.

Bob Olson

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23natural awakenings November 2014

Looking at Beautiful Art Bumps Up Brain ActivityResearchersfromJapan’sOitaUni-

versityhavefoundthataestheticappreciationofpaintingsmaybelinkedtoalteringactivitiesinspecificareasofthebrain.Magneticresonanceimaging(MRI)scansof39peopleweretakenasthey looked at slides of still life and land-scapepaintingsby19th-centuryFrenchpainters and slides of photographs that closelyreplicatedthepaintings. Whilethesubjectsconsideredboththepaintingsandthephotographicanalogs to be beautiful during the experi-ment—withnosignificantdifferencesbe-tween them—the most beautiful paintings wereratedsignificantlyhigherthantheircorrespondingphotographicanalogsinthepre-experimentalphase.Theresearch-erscitethisasevidenceoffeelinggreaterpleasure from the paintings. The MRIs showed that during the experiment, portions of the brain’s frontal lobe related to emotions, memory, learn-inganddecisionmakingwereactivated.However,whentheresearcherscom-paredthepositiveeffectsofaestheticappreciationoftheartpaintingsversusthephotographs,theynotedsignificantlymoreactivityatthebackofthesubjects’brains,specificallythebilateralcuneus,apartoftheoccipitalloberesponsibleforbasicvisualprocessing;andtheleftlingualgyrus,orridge,associatedwithvision,encodingvisualmemory,logi-calorderinganddreaming.Thefindingssuggestedthattheseneuralstructuresareassociatedwiththeaestheticapprecia-tion for paintings.

Live each moment completely and the future will take care of itself.

Fully enjoy the wonder and beauty of each moment.

~Paramahansa Yogananda

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Dr. Howard Robins

More about the symptomsInadditiontotheaforementionedsymptoms,themostcommonsymptomsmaybeproblemsfocusingorbrain“cloudinessorfog”;generalizedmusclepain(possiblydiagnosedasfibromyal-gia);andafeelingofmalaise. Othercommonsymptomsmayincludeirritablebowel(diarrheaorconstipation);depressionorotherpsychologicalproblems;chillsandnightsweats;visualproblems;fainting;ornewfood,odororchemicalsensitivities.

What’s causing it?WhiletheCDCandtraditionaldoctorssaythecause(s)areunknown,alternativephysicianshavedirectlylinkedittotheEpstein-Barrvirus(mononucleosis),herpes6virus,candidiasis,Lymediseaseandcytomegalovirus.

So, what’s the answer—how can I fix it?Well, please don’t give up hope! For those of you that are still suffering,theanswerisIntravenousMedicalOzoneTherapy. You may be surprised to know that this proven, safe, but unusual,medicaltreatmenthasbeenusedworldwideinmorethan50countriesformanyyears(70),byover45,000physi-ciansandtherapiststosuccessfullytreatthisandmanyotherdiseases and illnesses. So, why haven’t you heard about it and why doesn’t your doctorknowanythingaboutit? Medicalozoneisagasthat’smadebyamedicalozonemachineatthemomentit’sneeded(itcanneitherbestored,bottlednorputincapsules).So,it’snotpatentable, so the drug companiescan’tmakemoneyfromit.They,alongwiththeFDA,havesuccessfullysuppresseditsuseandhavekeptwordof this treatment from spreading.

Moreinformationaboutthisamazing,safeandeffectivetreatmentis available at OzoneUniversity.comandonafabulousDVDdoc-umentarywithmorethan40patienttestimonialscalledOzone Therapy: The Miracle Medicine by Gary Null, Ph.D., available from GaryNull.com.EdMcCabe’sbookFlood Your Body with Oxygenisalsoagoodsourceofinformationaboutthehistoryofmedicalozoneanditsmanyuses,with11referencesonCFS.

Dr. Howard Robins, with more than 22 years of clinical experience using medical ozone therapy and over 185,000 treatments performed, is considered by many to be one of the world’s foremost clinical experts on its use. He is also avail-able and willing to answer your questions about it. He can be reached at his Manhattan office by calling 212-581-0101.

From the Desk of Dr. Howard Robins at The Healing Center in New York City…

You’re so tired at night that you go to sleep early most every day. You sleep 8 to 12 or more hours and still wake up tired or even exhausted. This is not the way it always was, but it’s been this way for a while and has lasted for many months. It already hasbeguntoaffectyourworkorschoolandevenyousocialactivity.Somethingisreallywrong. Youmayhaveevengonetothedoctor,whodidlotsoftests,buttheycamebackwithnothingunusualtoreport.Atleastthat’swhatthedoctorsaid.Clinicaldepression,eatingdisorders,drugabuseandsideeffectsfrommedicationwereruledout,alongwithdiabetes,hypoglycemia,lowthyroid,hormonalissuesandjustabouteverythingelsethatmightcom-monlycauseit.Butsomethingisdefinitelynotright.It’sjustnot normal to be this tired. Well,whilealmosteveryoneexperiencesfatiguefromtimetotime,thisisnotlikeanythingyou’veeverexperiencedbefore.YoumostlikelyhaveChronicFatigueSyndrome(CFS). TheCDCsaysthatmorethan1millionAmericanwomen,menandchildrensufferfromit,withthenumbersconstantlygrowing!Thiscouldbeyouorsomeoneyouknow.

The diagnosis: Does this sound like you?Haveyoufeltgenerally“unwell”forthreemonthsorlonger? Canyoustilldomostorallofthephysicalandmentalactivitiesyoudidbeforeyoubeganfeelingunwell? Hasyourillnesshadamajorimpactonwork,socialand/oreducationalactivities,totheextentthatyouhavehadtomakeadjustmentsinyourlifestyleinanefforttoavoidrelaps-ingorbecomingmoreill?


•Weaknessandexhaustion,lastingmorethan 24hours,followingmentalorphysicalactivity

•Un-refreshingsleep•Substantialimpairmentofshort-termmemory orconcentration


Did your feelings of un-wellness begin suddenly, within a periodofhours,oracoupleofdays?


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26 Long Island Edition NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

Cash MobsCollective On-the-Spot Buying Revives Local BusinessesInmostareasofthecountry,small,locallyownedretailbusinessesarethelifebloodoflocaleconomies,buttherisingcostsofdoingbusinessoftenmeanstheycannotcompetewiththelowerpricesofbig-boxretailgiants that negotiate in volume. For several years, the growthandfrequencyofcashmobshavebeenbreath-ing new life into struggling mom-and-pop businesses. Likeaflashmobperformingadanceorsocialprotest,acashmobgatherspeopletogethertohaveatremendouslypositiveeffectonhometownbusinessesthatmayhaveservedthemandtheirfamiliesfordecades. Mostcashmobsagreetomeetonaparticularday,witheachparticipantcom-mittingtospendaspecifiedamount,typically$20ormore.Thebenefitsforlocalbusinessesfarexceedaone-dayinfluxofcash—newcustomersarefound,previ-ouscustomersbecomeactiveonesagainandanewappreciationforbusinessesthatfuelalocaleconomyisrealized. Participantscanalsohavealittlefunwhilefurtherbenefitingtheircommuni-tiesasmanycashmobsgatherwitholdfriendsandnewafterashoppingfrenzyatalocalestablishmentforfoodanddrinks.

Source: CashMob.com

globalbriefsNews and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Junk PilesUN Helps Developing Countries Handle E-WasteAlthoughtheyreceivefarlessforeigne-wastethanAfricaandAsia,LatinAmericaandtheCaribbeanaresignificantandgrowingdestinationsfortheindustrial-izedworld’sdiscardedrefrigerators,smallhomeappli-ances,televisions,mobilephones,computers,e-toysandotherproductswithbatteriesorelectricalcords.

Addingtotheproblem,theregion’sfast-growingmiddleclassisemulatingAmericanconsumersbybuyingmoreelectronicandelectricalequipment.Accord-ingtotheWorldBank,economic“climbers”grew50percentinthelastdecadeandrepresent32percentofthearea’spopulation,surpassingthenumberofpoorforthefirsttimeinregionalhistory. The United Nations’ Bonn, Germany-based Solving the E-Waste Program initiativeestablishese-wasteacademiesasvaluableresourcesforresearchers,governmentdecision-makersandrecyclers.Expertssharetheirexperiencesandknowledgeindevelopingcountries. AcademyCoordinatorFedericoMagalini,Ph.D.,notes,“What’scalleda‘bestoftwoworlds’approachisneeded:efficientpre-processingindevelopingcountriesandmaximizedrecoveryofmaterialswithpropertreatmentofresidualwasteincountrieswiththebesttechnologiesforthejob,withproceedssharedfairlyandequitably.”

Source: EWasteAcademy.org

Shark SnoopingSea-Surfing Robot Tracks Marine LifeAn unmanned, solar-powered Wave Glider robot has been deployed off theU.S.coastnearSanFranciscoaspartofanarsenalofocean-ob-servingtechnologiesrevealinginrealtimethemysteriousjourneysofgreat white sharks and other marine creatures.Anewnetworkthatalsoincludesdatareceiversonfixedbuoyspicksupsignalsfromacous-tictagsonanimalspassingwithin1,000 feet and transmits information toaresearchteamonshore,ledbyStanfordUniversityMarineSciencesProfessorBarbaraBlock. ThetechnologyiscentraltoBlock’sBlueSerengetiInitiative,whichbuildsontheTaggingofPacificPreda-torsproject,partoftheinternationalCensusofMarineLife(2000-2010).“Theuseofrevolutionarytechnol-ogyincreasesourcapacitytoobserveouroceansandcensuspopulations,improvefisheriesmanagementmodelsandmonitoranimalresponsestocli-matechange,”saysBlock. Shark Net is a free IoS app availableattheApplestore,createdbyBlockandhercolleaguestoen-ableadirect,personalconnectionbetweenthepublicandwildmarineanimals, and to raise awareness of theteemingoceanlifejustoffNorthAmerica’sWestCoast.

Source: SierraClub.org

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27natural awakenings November 2014

Ka-ChingTime Is Money, So Bank ItTime banking is an updated, Web-savvy version of barter that allowsuserstoaccumulatethetimetheyworkandthen“spend”itelsewhere. Unlike traditional bartering, it’s not limited to an individ-ualtransaction.Themediumissofluidthatitcanbeexchangedmanytimesasaformofcurrency. Most people do a variety of tasks that others may not wanttodoorareincapableofdoingthemselves,suchas writing,preparingtaxes,babysitting,housecleaning,plumb-ing or even dentistry. For example, an hour of gardening equalsanhourofchildcare,dentistry,homerepairorteach-ingsomeonetoplaychess.Theideaisthatpeopletradeforwhat they need and do what they’re good at. Everyone gets whattheyneedbyexchangingtheirexpertise. Timebankingworksforgroups,too.Organizations,agencies,churchesandbusinessescanallbecomemembersofTimeBanksUSA,formedin1995,andcontributetime,energies,skillsandresources.

Source: TimeBanks.org

Golden YearsSenior Roommate ServiceCombats LonelinessAARP,Inc.,estimatesthatabout8,000babyboomers turn 65 every day. With longer and healthierlifeexpectancies,manyaredivorcedor widowed and need roommates to have companyandchatwith;tosharelivingcostsandchores;andforemotionalsupport. Women-only Roommates4Boomers.com founder Sarah venable says, “I went online to findaservicethathelpswomenover50find

roommates,andfoundtomydismaythattherewereplentyofsitesforfindingroommates in their 20s and 30s, but nothing for boomer women.” Fora$30fee,thesiteusesadetailedalgorithmtomatchwomennotonlybylocation,butbyinterests,tastes,lifestyles,education,personalpreferencesandahostofotherfactors;muchlikeasuccessfuldatingwebsite.

Tomato LacquerNon-Toxic Can Lining in DevelopmentBecausefreshfoodspoilsquickly,manypackagingandpreservation innovations have helped to extend transpor-tation hardiness and shelf life. Now, a new bioresin made fromtomatoplantbyproductscouldmakeitsafertoeatubiquitouscannedgoods. Led by the Stazione Sperimentale per l’Industria delle Conserve Alimentari(ExperimentalStationfortheFoodPreservingIndustry),inParma,Italy,theBIOCOPAC(biocopac.eu/en)consortiumisdevelop-ingabio-basedthermosettinglacquer.MostmetalfoodpackaginghasaBPA-filledlinerorchemical-basedlacquertopreventcorrosion.Whilethesekeepthecanintact,theyhavebeenlinkedtodeleteriouseffectsonthefoodinside.

Source: Inhabitat.com


Natural AwakeningsCelebrates 20 Yearsof Conscious Living

Read What People Are Saying About

Natural AwakeningsNatural Awakenings provides helpful information on natural health and en-vironmental issues with a consistently positive perspective and tone, which is not always easy considering how serious and intimidating some of these topics are. It’s a rarity.

~ Sayer Ji, founder, GreenMedInfo.com

Publications like Natural Awakenings reach many people and I’m so glad to be able to share a voice beyond the propaganda.

~ Melinda Hemmelgarn, Food Sleuth

I have changed so much over the last year finally realizing that life is so much bigger than me. I love this Earth and all the wonders that are a part of it, and your magazine contributes to my appreciation.

~ Theresa Sutton, Connecticut

It is unusual to see your level of writing and consciousness in a free publica-tion. Thanks for a great work.

~ Kaih Khriste’ King, Arizona

Natural Awakenings magazine is the only advertising I use for my practice other than word of mouth referrals and it has brought us new patients consis-tently especially now that we advertise monthly. The quality of the leads is great and we really enjoy helping the holistic-minded patient. The publisher is great to work with and truly wants to see the business succeed. We plan on always advertising with Natural Awak-enings and expanding our presence in the magazine.

~ Cate Vieregger, DDS, Colorado


Natural AwakeningsCelebrates 20 Yearsof Conscious Living

Read What People Are Saying About

Natural AwakeningsNatural Awakenings provides helpful information on natural health and en-vironmental issues with a consistently positive perspective and tone, which is not always easy considering how serious and intimidating some of these topics are. It’s a rarity.

~ Sayer Ji, founder, GreenMedInfo.com

Publications like Natural Awakenings reach many people and I’m so glad to be able to share a voice beyond the propaganda.

~ Melinda Hemmelgarn, Food Sleuth

I have changed so much over the last year finally realizing that life is so much bigger than me. I love this Earth and all the wonders that are a part of it, and your magazine contributes to my appreciation.

~ Theresa Sutton, Connecticut

It is unusual to see your level of writing and consciousness in a free publica-tion. Thanks for a great work.

~ Kaih Khriste’ King, Arizona

Natural Awakenings magazine is the only advertising I use for my practice other than word of mouth referrals and it has brought us new patients consis-tently especially now that we advertise monthly. The quality of the leads is great and we really enjoy helping the holistic-minded patient. The publisher is great to work with and truly wants to see the business succeed. We plan on always advertising with Natural Awak-enings and expanding our presence in the magazine.

~ Cate Vieregger, DDS, Colorado


Natural AwakeningsCelebrates 20 Yearsof Conscious Living

Read What People Are Saying About

Natural AwakeningsNatural Awakenings provides helpful information on natural health and en-vironmental issues with a consistently positive perspective and tone, which is not always easy considering how serious and intimidating some of these topics are. It’s a rarity.

~ Sayer Ji, founder, GreenMedInfo.com

Publications like Natural Awakenings reach many people and I’m so glad to be able to share a voice beyond the propaganda.

~ Melinda Hemmelgarn, Food Sleuth

I have changed so much over the last year finally realizing that life is so much bigger than me. I love this Earth and all the wonders that are a part of it, and your magazine contributes to my appreciation.

~ Theresa Sutton, Connecticut

It is unusual to see your level of writing and consciousness in a free publica-tion. Thanks for a great work.

~ Kaih Khriste’ King, Arizona

Natural Awakenings magazine is the only advertising I use for my practice other than word of mouth referrals and it has brought us new patients consis-tently especially now that we advertise monthly. The quality of the leads is great and we really enjoy helping the holistic-minded patient. The publisher is great to work with and truly wants to see the business succeed. We plan on always advertising with Natural Awak-enings and expanding our presence in the magazine.

~ Cate Vieregger, DDS, Colorado

Page 28: Long Island's Healthy Magazine

28 Long Island Edition NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

Eco-India Strides Promised in Environmental ProtectionFollowing the lead of Jadav “Molai” Payeng, an Indian man who singlehandedly planted 1,360acresofforest,India’sRuralDevelopment Ministry will plant 2 billion trees along the nation’s 62,137 miles of highways to combatruralpovertyandyouthunemployment and improve the

environment,whichsuffersfromsevereairpollution. AccordingtotheWorldHealthOrganization,Indiacurrentlyhasayouthun-employmentrateof10.2percentandsixoftheworld’s10citieswiththeworstairpollution.PrimeMinisterNarendraModihasalsoannouncedatargetofspreadingelectricitytoeveryhomeby2019,relyinglargelyonsolarpower,andthegovern-mentisfurtheringplanstocleanuptheGangesandYamunarivers.

Source: Treehugger.com

Saying NoTwo Countries Buck the Mining IndustryThegovernmentsofElSalvadorandCostaRicahavesuccessfullyresisteddemandsbythegoldmining industry, putting long-term environmental protectionaheadofshort-termfinancialgain. El Salvador stopped issuing gold mining permits several years ago, despite high goldpricesandthecontentionbysomethatexportinggoldwasoneofthecoun-try’sfewchancestoboosteconomicgrowth.Themajorityofitscitizensobtainwa-terfromonelargeriversystem,theLempa,andgoldmining,whichusescyanideasaprocessingagent,invariablypollutesnearbyriversandwatersheds. ThegovernmentofCostaRicahassaidnotoopen-pitmining,oneofthemostenvironmentallydestructiveminingmethods.PopularoppositionsurgedinthewakeofamajoraccidentthatledtotheclosureoftheCanadian-ownedBel-lavista open-pit gold mine.

Source: YES! magazine


Kimberly SnyderNew York Times best-selling author, nu-tritionist,teacher,yogiandheartwarriorfortheRealizeYourselfmovement,hashelped millions transform their health, shed weight, look younger and feel bet-ter. Her blog is read daily by people in over150countries,andcoversawiderangeoftopicsintheareasofhealth,nutrition, beauty, empowerment, green-friendly living, spirituality, healing and muchmore.

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USA MadeThe Power of Patriotic PurchasingBuyingproductsthataremadeintheUSAsupportsboth our neighbors and nation. Keeping theentireproductcyclewithinourbordersemploysmoreAmericans,enhanceslocalandnationaleco-nomicsecurityandensuresgreaterproductqualitybecauseAmericanenvironmental and health regulato-ry standards are often higher than in othercountries.Forcompanies,domesticproductioncanbepartofalargeremphasisonsupportinglocalbusinessesandimplementingeco-practices. StillMadeInUSA.comprovidesexamplesofdomesticallymadeproductsinmanycategories,includingpersonalap-parel,handcrafts,householdgoods,greenproducts,appli-ances,sportinggoodsandtools. About95percentofourclothingisnowmadeinothercountries,accordingtotheEcologyGlobalNetwork(Ecol-ogy.com),mostlyinChina,wheresweatshopsandhumanrights abuses are prevalent. Polyester and nylon are derived frompetroleumandprocessedanddyedusingsynthetic,oftentoxicsubstancessuchascopper,nickelandcobalt.The

ecotip nonprofitCenterforUrbanEducationaboutSustainableAg-riculture’sFibershedandGrowYourJeansprograms(Tinyurl.com/GreenJeansEtc)andtheSustainableCottonProject’s


connectingdomesticgrowersandtextile makers. Inadditiontospotlightinglocallymadeproductsinitsstoreswithspe-cialshelftags,WholeFoodsMarket

hasmademorethan$10millioninlow-interest loans to independent farm-

ersandfoodartisansviaitsLocalProducerLoanProgram. Canyon Bakehouse, a gluten-free bakery in

Boulder,Colorado;BuchiKombucha,brewersofsustainablycrafted,Earth-bermedteainAsheville,NorthCarolina;andFancypantsBakingCompany,makersof100percentnaturalandnut-freecookiesinEastWalpole,Massachusetts,areexamples(Tinyurl.com/WholeFoodsLocalLoans). IconoclasticicecreammakerBen&Jerry’s(BenJerry.com),headquarteredinWaterbury,Vermont,conductsaCaring Dairy program that assists farmers to apply more sus-tainablepractices;buyseggsfromhensincertifiedhumanecage-freefarms;andplanstotransformallofits50flavorstonon-GMOingredientsandearnfairtradecertificationbytheend of this year.

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30 Long Island Edition NaturalAwakeningsLI.com


“We believe that when we carefortheEarth,wecareforourselves,each

other and future generations while creatingsustainablecommunities,”thefarm’s website states. “When you put your hands in soil, whether you garden orfarm,youconnectyourselfatthedeepest level to life, nourishment and, ultimately, love. That is the deepest and mostprofoundworkofHomecoming.” Oneoftheearliestcertifiedorganicfarms on Long Island, it was founded as Sophia Garden—named after Sister Sophia,anAmityvilleDominican—in1996.Itwentthroughachangeroughlyfiveyearsagoinvolvingtheincorpora-tionofastrongerfocusonsustainabilityandservice.Inshort,SophiaGardenshiftedfrombeinganorganicgardenprojecttobeinganorganicfarm,andwasrenamedHomecomingFarm.ItsCommunitySupportedAgriculture(CSA)organizationnowhasaround75members.

“The universe is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects.” —Thomas Berry


Yet,HomecomingFarmismorethanjustyourrun-of-the-millfarm,anditsCSAismuchmorethanthetypicalone,whereonceaweekyoucollectyourproduceinboxes.Onthecon-trary,whenyoujointhefarm’scertifiedorganicCSA,youcontributeasmallamountoftax-deductiblemoneysothat25percentoftheweeklyharvestscanbedonatedtoTheInn(InterfaithNutri-tionNetwork)—anorganizationthatprovides nutritious food to the needy inthecommunity.“Sometimestheycookwithit,ortheydistributeit,”saysExecutiveDirectorofHomecomingFarmElizabethM.Keihm,whoherselfis a farmer. “We know they will make thedecisionhowitwillbestbeused.” Keihm also explained that it isn’t justthedonationtoTheINNthatmakesthefarmunique.CSAmemberscommittoworking15hoursoverthecourseof the season. “This fosters a sense of communityandengagesthemember-shipintheactualfarm,”sheexplains.

“Theyinteractcloselywiththefarm-ersandbecometrulyinvolvedintheplanting, growing and harvesting of the organicproduce.”AbeliefthatmostorganicfarmersshareisthatplantingdiversecropsisbetterfortheEarthandour nutrition. CSA members witness thiswhilefulfillingtheirworkrequire-ment. “The beautiful thing about this approachisthatyoubecomeintouchwith the seasons,” she adds with a smile. Educationalopportunitiesalsoexistfor visitors to learn how food grows. The farmisavailableforgroups,schoolsandscoutstocomeandlearn.WithLongIslandchildrengrowingupthesedaysthinkingtheirfoodcomesfrompack-ages,thisisawonderfulexperience.HomecomingFarmalsohostevents,forasmallfee,includingSoulCollage,Serenity Sundays, and yoga. WhenIvisitedHomecomingFarminOctober,itwascomingclosetotheendofits22-weekseason,whichrunsfromMaythroughOctober.OnarainyTuesday,whichisoneoftwomember“pickup”days,Iwaswelcomedtothefarm, where I witnessed members at work.JaneAnnewasbringingcol-lardgreensandkaleinfromthefieldandbunchingthemingroupsof24,inpreparation for the arrival of the 24 CSA membersscheduledtopickuplaterthatafternoon;tomatoeswerebeingsortedbyagroupofwomen;Katherinewaswashinggreens;andBarbarawascut-tingherbsandflowerbouquets,whicharealsopickedupwiththeproduce. Thepickupissetupabitdifferent-lythanthatofmostCSAs,whichmerelyentailspickingupaprefilledbox.Memberschoosefrompiles,allowingthemtobetterselectfortheirfamilies;onepileofeachvegetableisallowed.Someweeksareheavywithacertaincrop.Thereisalsoahelp-yourselftable, where the extra or less-desirable vegetables, like bruised tomatoes, are placed.“Someofourmemberslovethistable the best, as they take the tomatoes andmakeahomemadesauce,”saysKeihm.

A Different Take on a CSAby Kelly Martinsen

Homecoming Farm:

Page 31: Long Island's Healthy Magazine

31natural awakenings November 2014

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So,whataboutSophiaGarden?It’snowanintergenerationalorganicgarden geared to the needs of seniors—bothvisitorsaswellasthosefulfillingtheir CSA work requirement. It allows themtoexperienceworkingatthefarmwithraisedbedsandergonomicallycorrecttoolstomeettheirparticularneeds. Catherine Tamburino, a 10-year member, shares that her favorite part of being a member, like most of the mem-bers I spoke with, is being part of the process—seeingtheorganicvegetablesplantedandwatchingthemgrow.“Oth-erwise,youneverknowwhattheheckyou are getting from the supermarket,” she says with a laugh. Mitch,BarbaraandTom,othermembers whom I was fortunate to speak with that day, agree that this type ofinvolvementhasbeenaveryrichandrewardingexperience.

For more information, visit HomeComingEarth.org.

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I say, if your knees aren’t green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.

~Bill Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes

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32 Long Island Edition NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

Middlesworth, Pine and Ba-dyna are among thousands adopting a Gratitude Chal-

lenge to help develop their gratitude reflexandcultivateamorepositiveoutlookonlife.Gratitudecantakemanyforms,buttypicallyparticipantspledgetoreflectuponandexpressitdaily with the help of email prompts fromasponsoringorganization.A

gratitudepracticecanhelpgrowap-preciationforthestrangersthatbetterourlives.Itcanalsodeepenourgrate-fulnessforthesignificantotherswesometimes take for granted. Approachingamilestonebirthday,retired businessman Walter Green set outonayear-longjourneytovisit44peoplethathecreditedwithchanginghislifetoinitiateconversationsabout


Practice Gratitudeand Change Your Life

by April Thompson

Grateful Kickstarts

Kindspring.org’sfirstonlineGrati-tude Challenge brought together 11,000peoplefrom118countries.The site now has an online portal, includingastartupkitdesignedtohelpcommunityorganizationsspon-sortheirownchallenges. Gratitudecanbegoodforbusi-ness,too.FourCanadianbranchesofthe bank TD turned its ATMs into “au-tomaticthank-you”machinesthatpro-videdhigh-valuepersonalizedgiftstoitslongest-standingcustomerstothankthemfortheirloyalty.Anybusinesscanbecreativeinshowingappreciationinmeaningfulwaystoitscustomers. As with any new skill or habit, gratitudeneedstobeexerciseduntilitbecomessecondnature.Simplywrit-ingapageadayinagratitudejournalor saying a morning thank-you prayer canhelpmaintainthemomentum.

“IhavestartedagratitudejournalthatIwriteineveryday.Whenyourun out of the ‘obvious’ blessings, it makes you dig deep and see all thesmallthings.Icommittodomyverybesttonevertakeanythingor anybody, good or bad, for granted.”

~ Lisa Henderson Middlesworth

“Atowncanbesuchablessing.Neighborsalwayspulltogetherwhenthere’s a tragedy or natural disaster. The boundaries diminish and yards becomeone...weeatineachother’skitchens,superviseeachother’schildren,sharevehiclesandgenerallywatchoutforeachother.IbelieveitisGod’swayofremindingusthatwe’reonefamilyandeachofusprovides the strength and foundation for the other.”

~ Colleen Epple Pine

“MylosseshavegivenmeaninnercompassbywhichIlivemylife.WhileIwouldnotwishthetragediesIhaveexperiencedonanyone,Iameternally grateful for the blessings. I do not waste time, and I know how to love without fear.”

~ Joanie Weber Badyna

theirinfluence,whichherecountsinthe book This is the Moment! While the relationships were already solid, accordingtoGreen,“Inmanycases,itwasthemostsignificantconversationwe ever had.” Gratitudeisasmallactwithabigpayoff, Green observes. “The person receivinggratitudeappreciatesknow-ingtheymadeadifference,butthegiveristhegreatestrecipient.Itfeelsgood to express gratitude, plus you are freed from future regrets that you didn’t expressitwhenyouhadthechance.” PatriciaBrugioni,aChristianSci-encenursefromChicago,hasbeensharing three things she’s grateful for onsocialmediaonadailybasissincetakingafive-dayonlinechallengeear-lier this year. “I am a grateful person bynature,butnowIamclaimingthegoodthatiscomingtomeandlearn-ingtocherishthingswithoutfeelinglike I have to earn them,” she says.

Connect with freelance writer April Thompson at AprilWrites.com.

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33natural awakenings November 2014

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December’s Holiday Gift Guide

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theholidayswerelessmaterialistic.Tradi-tionallyrootedinfamily,faithandjoy,theseasoncanbemarredbycommercializa-tion. Instead, inspire the whole family to takea“buyless,getmore”approachsothateveryonecanexperiencetheessenceofwhatmanyconsiderthemostwonder-ful time of the year.

Raise AwarenessTheCampaignforaCommercial-FreeChildhood(CCFC)reportsthatU.S. companiesnowspendabout$17bil-lionannuallymarketingtochildren,upfrom$100millionin1983.Manykidsare formulating wish lists year-round, duetothecontinualbombardmentofalluringcommercials.CCFCAssoci-ateDirectorJoshGolinatteststhatthe


Give Kids the True Gifts of the Seasonby Meredith Montgomery

healthykids mightbeunique.Focusonaspectsthataren’t gift-related,” suggests Golin. Plan food-focusedtraditionssuchasbak-ingtogetherandspecialgroupmeals.Generateexcitementaround spiritualaspectsoftheseasonorvisitsfrom out-of-town family members. When shopping together for gifts, makeaplanandstickwithit,lettingeveryone know its purpose beforehand. Resistimpulsivepurchasestrumpetedby store promotions.

Connect with KidsNewAmericanDream’sSimplify the Holidays guide at Tinyurl.com/SimplifyTheHolidays en-couragesfamiliestoreconnectbypar-ticipatinginmeaningfulactivitiessuchasneighborhoodcaroling,buildingagingerbread house, preparing gift boxes for the homeless, taking a nature hike ormakingafeederforbackyardbirds. Explorevolunteerprojectsasafamily,lettingthechildren’sinterestslead.Ifkidsareattractedtowater,pickuplitteralongashoreline.Inthespirit of the season, donate gently used clothing,booksandtoystoashelter.Foranimallovers,contributetimeormaterialstoalocalanimalrescueorrehabilitationcenter. Attendcommunityeventssuchasmusicalperformances,playsandartexhibits. Seek out inexpensive or free localactivities.Kidsareoftenenthralledby a simple tour of neighborhood Christmas lights.

Gift BuyingMakegiftpurchasesconsistentwiththefamily’s values. Golin suggests resist-ing the temptation to buy the season’s “hot”products.“Resistbuyingwhat’sadvertised the most. We have power as parentsandaspartofalargerculturetobelievethere’snosuchthingasamust-have toy or holiday gift.” Instead, searchfortimeless,high-qualityitemsthatareeco-friendlyandfairtrade.Trywooden toys for babies and toddlers or a bamboo skateboard for teens. Adscanmakeatoylookappealingbecauseit’sbrand-newandready-to-

holidayseasonisaperfecttimetostartdiscussingthepowerofadvertisingandthetechniquesused.Teensareespe-ciallysensitivetothenotionofbeingmanipulated by adults. Forchildrenunder8thatcan’tyetcomprehendthepersuasiveintentofcommercials,limitscreentimewithalldevices.Golinadvisesthatthescopeofcommercialismhaschangedradically.“It’snolongerjusttelevisioncommer-cials,butalsoInternet,cellphonesandvideo games. Plus,children’smediacharactersareplacedoneverytypeofproductimaginable.Thinkaboutlimit-ingcommercialisminallforms;youcan’tjustturnofftheTV.”

Manage ExpectationsStart before the holidays. “Talk to kids abouthowyou’llcelebratetheholi-days in your own home, noting that it

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35natural awakenings November 2014

use,buthomemadegiftscanbeamoremeaningfulalternative.NewAmericanDreamsuggestsconstructingaropeswing or wooden sandbox for little ones.Givenacomfortabletimeframe,childrencangiftgrownupshomemadegreencleaningproductsorre-pottedherbandhouseplantclippings.Allagescangiveawaythelastbooktheyreadandkickoffayear-roundbookex-change.Foregomoretangibleitemsbygiftingexperienceslikeazoomem-bership,bowlinggiftcardsormovietickets,ormakeacharitabledonationtoacausethattherecipientsupports. Let friends and family make shop-pingeasierbyinvitingthemtocreatesuchagiftregistryatSoKindRegistry.com.

UnplugAlwaysplanforquiettime.Itreducesexposuretoholidaymarketing,createsopportunities for family bonding and fostersindependentchildren.Golinobserves,“Wecanallbebetterabouttrusting our kids to entertain them-selves.Whenreducingscreentime,wedon’tnecessarilyneedtosuggestactivi-tiestokids.Givethemthespacetobeboredforaminuteandbeamazedatwhattheycomeupwithontheirown.”

Meredith Montgomery publishes Natu-ral Awakenings of Mobile/Baldwin, AL (HealthyLivingHealthyPlanet.com).

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Physical Health


Spirituality Finances


Emotional Health

PulitzerPrizewinnerAnnaQuindlenhadreachedthetopof the New York Times bestseller

listmorethanonce,yetsherelatesinher memoir, Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake, that she also yearned to be able to do a headstand, but felt she didn’t possessthenecessarysenseofbalance.“That’sjustalittlestoryyoutellyour-self,” advised her personal trainer. Ourbodies,Quindlenobserves,aremajorappliancesthatdeliverde-cadesoffaithfulservicewithpreciouslittle downtime. She admits, “If the hu-man body had a warranty, mine would haverunoutagesago.”Still,sheclungtoavision:“Iwanttobestrong;strongenough to hike the mountain without getting breathless, strong enough to takeacaseofwinefromthedeliv-erymanandcarryittothekitchen.”Quindlen,wholivesinNewYorkCity

and New England, was also maintain-inganincorrectbelief:Itwasn’thersenseofbalancethatwasholdingherback,itwasfear. After two years of trying, she was able to do a headstand. Along with a senseofaccomplishment,thisquirkyachievementwasarevelationassheulti-matelyconcluded,“IfIcandoonethinglike that, perhaps there are others.”

Take a StandPersonal empowerment is all about taking a stand—developing the vision, counteringmisguidedbeliefs,havingaplan and then moving forward to be the best version of one’s true self. David Gershon and Gail Straub, of West Hurley, New York, authors of Empowerment: The Art of Creating Your Life As You Want It,contendthatem-powerment always starts with a desire

for a better life. “We need to learn how todream,howtoboldlyandcoura-geouslyreachforourhighestvisions,”says Straub. “Start with what’s working alreadyandthevisionofwhatlifecanbe.” She likens self-empowerment to “spiritualsurfing,ridingthewavewherethe energy, momentum and passion are.” Asworkshopleaders,theyencour-ageparticipantstotransformlimitingbeliefs, determine what is meaningful forthem,constructacompellingvisionfromthatinsightandthenfindwaystomanifest that vision. They address six key areasinwhichtobecomemorepower-fulandrealizeourpersonalbest:physi-calhealth,emotionalhealth,relation-ships,work,financesandspirituality.

Physical HealthFirst,recognizewhatwe’realreadydoingright—eatingwell,perhaps,orexercis-ing—and then add another healthy activity.CardiologistSuzanneSteinbaum,directorofNewYorkCity’sLenoxHillHospital’s Women and Heart Disease, underscoresthatmuchofphysicalhealthiswithinourpersonalcontrol.“Manylife-stylefactorskeepusfrombeingphysical-ly healthy enough to lead a full life,” she says,includinghighbloodpressure,highcholesterol,smoking,lackofexercise,poordiet,excessivealcoholconsumptionor drug use, stress and depression. “The goodnewsisthatlifestylefactorsarewithinourpowertochange.” Steinbaumrecommendsstartingsmallbychangingonebadhabitandthenseeinghowwefeel.“Quitthedietsoda or the sugar-sweetened beverages. Getridofpotatochips.Goforawalk.Put down your smartphone and spend somefocusedtimewithyourchild,afriendorevenyourpet.Thenbreathe…andjustlistentohowyoufeel.”

Emotional HealthOuremotionscanbealliesinachievingpersonal empowerment, advises Straub. Forexample,fearcanalertustodanger;joycanremindustobegrateful.How-ever,whenemotionscausepainandthreaten derailment, it’s important to un-

Powerful You!Six Ways to Create the Life You Want

by Judith Fertig

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37natural awakenings November 2014

derstand why, and then work through it. “Uncomfortableemotionsletus know there is a problem to attend to, a wound to work on, thus allow-ing us to see our own truth,” explains donMiguelRuiz,Jr.,ofSanDiego,California, author of The Five Levels of Attachment.“Withawareness,wecanobserveouruncomfortableemotions,as they may be showing a belief we are holding that is no longer true for us.” “To work through our emotions, wehavetobeabletoaccuratelysense what we are feeling and be able to express it in a healthy way,” adds Straub, like expressing anger after a toughcommutebypunchingadesig-natedpilloworshoutingintoacloset.Furthermore,“Weneedtochangethebeliefwe’veidentifiedthat’scausingthepainful emotional response.” Did the guythatcutusoffintrafficreallydoitmaliciously?Third,learntoletgoofanegativeemotionthat’sautomaticallytriggered when someone or something presses our “hot button” by immedi-atelyconsidering,“Hemusthavebeeninabighurry,”or“Shedoesn’trealizehowoffensivethatremarkcouldbe,”realizingit’stheirproblem,notours,anddecliningtomakeitours. Achievinggreateremotionalcalmisahugesteptowardpersonalempowerment.

RelationshipsActingonheartfeltemotionscanhelpforge stronger and healthier relation-ships. “Sometimes, we say yes to a false image of ourselves or hide who weareinordertobeaccepted,”coun-selsRuiz,notingthatnotpresentingourauthenticselvesinrelationshipswillweakenorreplacetrueintimacywith a sense of loneliness and dis-tance.“Say,‘Iforgive,IacceptandIletgo.’” This paves the way to being genu-ine,whichnaturallyleadstogreaterunconditionalloveandmorefulfillingand honest relationships. Inromanticrelationships,lifecoachMarthaBeck,Ph.D.,authorof Finding Your Way in a Wild New World: Reclaiming Your True Nature

to Create the Life You Want, suggests ditchingtheimageoftwopeoplelookingsoulfullyintoeachother’seyes.“Realizethatyou’rebothchang-ing all the time,” she says. Instead, envision two people walking side-by-sideatthesamepace,andarelation-shipthatwillcontinuetorefreshandmoveforward,insteadofgettingstuckin well-worn patterns.

WorkCapability is one of the new guiding principlesforself-empowermentatwork,says Haydn Shaughnessy, a fellow at the University of California-Irvine’s Center forDigitalTransformationandco-author,withNicholasVitalari,ofThe Elastic Enterprise. “It’s more about a broad-stroke capability,”heclaims,suchaspublicspeaking, writing or troubleshooting and fixingmachinery.Capabilitymeansastrongskillthatcanbefine-tunedforaspecificcircumstance;atalentedgen-eralist,ratherthananarrowspecialist.Shaughnessyrecommendsthatwerec-ognizeanddevelopourbestcompeten-ciesinordertoequipourselvestobothwithstandeconomicadversityandhelppushourcareersforward.

FinancesFiscalself-empowermentinvolvescultivatingtheconfidencethatwewill be able to obtain more money whenneeded.Beckmaintainsthatanyonecancreateabundancethatlasts. “Where people believe they get abundance,theywill,”shesays,asinfriendshipsorcreativeproblemsolving.It’s the mixed internal messages of, “I need more money,” with, “There’s not enoughtogoaround,”thatcanblocktheflowofabundanceinourlives. Beck,wholivesinSanLuisObispo,California,recommendsthrowinga“neurologicaltoggleswitch”toturnoffthe“lack-and-attack”partofourbrainsand turn on the “everything-is-going-to-be-all-right”area.Thisisrealizedthroughslowing down, relaxing and meditating. “You have to relax to start dissolving the disbelief in the possibility of having what you want,” she says. “Empty out the nega-


SpiritualityFollowingallofthesefirstfivestepsalsohelpsenhanceourspirituality.DennisMerritt Jones, of Simi valley, Califor-nia, author of the new book, Your (Re)Defining Moments: Becoming Who You Were Born to Be,callsit“beingpulledbyvision,” rather than being pushed by pain. The motivational speaker believes that ev-eryencounter,eventorcircumstanceisaportaltoaredefiningmoment—achancetoconnectwithourauthenticself. Jonescitessevencharacteristicsoftheauthenticortimelessself:realizingouronenessinlife,reverenceforthatlife,fearlessnessbecauseweknowwe’repartof something bigger, integrity, humil-ity,equanimityandunconditionallove.“Whenthesequalitiesbecomethenormin our daily lives, we’ll know we are liv-ingfromtheauthenticself,”hesays. Jones urges us to live “more verti-cally.”Heexplains,“WeexistonwhatIcallthesurfaceoflife,ahorizontalpathway where we go about our daily routines. We often don’t hear the siren callfromthedepthsofourbeingbecausewearesobusy‘doing’.It’stheauthenticselfthat’seternallycallingusto be who we were born to be.” Hedescribesa“sacredintersec-tion”wherewecanturnfromthehorizontaleverydayandmoveinaverti-caldirectiontothedepthsofoursoulsor the heights of our imaginations via mindfulness and self-enquiry. Fortunate-ly, every moment of every day offers this opportunity to expand our being. The keyquestionis,“Willwebeconsciouslypresentenoughtorecognizetheopen-ingandstepthroughthedoor?” Theseexpertsconcurthereisnofin-ish line for self-empowerment or attaining theperfectplacetostay.It’sa“sustainablegrowthprocess,”saysGershon,anidealprojectfortherestofourlives.

Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFoodAnd Lifestyle.blogspot.com from Overland Park, KS.

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Sleep, along with nutrition and exercise,shapesthebackboneofoverallhealth,yet40percentof

Americansgetaninsufficientamount,accordingtoarecentGallupsurvey,andthepotentialhealthrisksarecon-siderable.“Sleepdeprivationaffectsevery organ system and disease state,” andisassociatedwithhigherratesofcardiovasculardisease,diabetes,obe-sity,cancerandmortality,saysMichaelBreus,Ph.D.,aclinicalpsychologistinScottsdale,Arizona,andfounderofTheSleepDoctor.com. “It’s best to get seven to eight hours ofsleepinonebigblockatnighttime,”counselsBreus.Yetthecircadianrhythmdictatestwopeaksofsleepinessevery24 hours—one in the middle of the night and another 12 hours later, says Dr. LawrenceEpstein,directorofthesleepmedicineprogramatBoston’sBrighamandWomen’sHospital.Interactingwiththecircadianrhythmisthehomeostaticrhythm,whichcausesgreatersleepinessthelongerwe’reawake.Bothcircadianandhomeostaticsleepinesselevatebymid-afternoon, resulting in the familiar 4p.m.slump.Siestaculturessplitsleep,notesEpstein,slightlyreducingnighttimesleep, but devoting time midday to nap.


“Naps are a double-edged sword,” observes Epstein. While they help relieve short-term sleepiness, poorly plannednapscanperpetuateanun-healthycycleofdaytimesleepinessandnighttime wakefulness. Stepping outside for 10 minutes of sunlight and fresh air canstampoutsleepiness,saysBreus,whichismuchhealthierthanreachingforacaffeinejoltorsugarysnack.

Be a Better NapperA study published in the Journal of Sleep Research suggests that merely falling asleep may initiate memory processingandcognitiveconsolidation,helpingexplainwhyGermanscientistsfoundevensix-minutenapstobereju-venating. If substantial daytime sleep is neededtoovercomeadeficit,strivefor90to110minutes,thelengthoftimeneededtocompleteafullsleepcycle.Hereareotherpracticaltips. Reflect on the rationale. “Bore-dom,lazinessoravoidingworkarethewrong reasons to nap,” says Amanda Chan, managing editor for healthy living at The Huffington Post,whichin-stitutedtwocozynaproomsinitsNewYork headquarters after founder Arianna Huffingtoncollapsedfromexhaustion

severalyearsago.Aquickpick-me-upto boost mental agility and mood is a reasonableexcusetosnooze. Plan a prophylactic nap. Fore-stall late afternoon fatigue by napping between 1 and 3 p.m. Waiting until earlyeveningtonapcaninterferewithnighttime sleep, advises Epstein. Embrace darkness, coolness and quietude. Melatonin, “the key that starts the engine of sleep,” is suppressed by even the slightest amount of light, so wear eyeshades, suggests Breus. Keep a blanket and earplugs handy. Lie down.Ifabedorcouchisunavailable, try napping on a yoga mat onthefloor.Achairshouldbereclinedtosupportthelowerbackandavoidstrainingtheneckfrom“bobblehead”syndrome, says Breus. Power down. Setting an alarm for 10 to 25 minutes allows time for only thefirsttwosleepstages:fallingasleepand light sleep. Breus explains that sleeping longer than 25 minutes triggers deepsleep,fromwhichwakingresultsinsleep inertia, or grogginess, that impairs mood,decision-makingandmotorskills.

Napping at WorkWhile many progressive businesses suchasGoogle,AppleandZappospermitorevenpromoteworkplacenap-ping,mostcompaniesarestillskeptical.“Weliveinaculturethatminimizestheimportanceofsleep,”commentsEpstein.“Weprizeproductivityandthink it shows worker loyalty to put in excessiveamountsoftime.” Ironically,mountingresearchsuggests that napping may boost the brainpowerneededtofunctionatpeakperformance.Arecentstudyfoundthatnightshiftair-trafficcontrollersthatnappedfor19minutesshowedbettervigilanceandreactiontimesthannon-nappers.Otherdocumentedbenefitsincludebetterconcentration,memoryandcreativity. Seekoutasleepsanctuaryatwork,suchasanofficewiththedoorclosedandblindsdrawn,anunusedconfer-enceroomwithacouch,orafirst-aidofficecot,suggestsChan.Anotheroptionistonapinthecar,butBreusin-

Midday Pick-Me-UpWell-Planned Naps Boost Brainpower

by Lane Vail

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39natural awakenings November 2014

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$20 off 1st treatment!siststhatnapperstellcolleagueswherethey’regoingasaprecaution.Betteryet, bond with a “nap buddy” willing toreadnearbyduringsnoozetime.“You’re very vulnerable when you’re asleep,” he says. “Be safe.” Ifsleepingisnotcurrentlycondonedintheworkplace,considerapproachingthehumanresourcesdepartmentwithinformationonthepositiveeffectsofap-propriatenappingonworkperformance,says Epstein. Suggest implementing a sleepwellnessprogram,whichcanoffereducationonsleepdeprivation,tech-niques to improve sleep and individual screeningforsleepdisorders.

Lane Vail is a freelance writer and blogger at DiscoveringHomemaking.com.

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Serena Dyer had a uniquechildhoodbeing raised by

spiritually progres-siveparents,includ-ing her bestselling celebritydad,WayneDyer, Ph.D., who would write her notes on personal statio-nery printed with the motto,“Berealistic.Expectmiracles!”It’snot a message her peers likely heard at home. Now29,Serenasharesherpointofview in Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You: My Experience Growing Up with Spiritual Parents,co-authoredwithherfather.Thetitlereflectsherparents’keylessonfortheirchildren:Pursuethelifeyou are born to live. Somemisstepsalongthejourneytohertruecallingincludedenrollinginlawschooltomaintainherstudentidentity, but her upbringing served as a light guiding her home to herself. She wrote the book after dropping out of lawschool,abigsteptowardherdreamofinspiringotherstoliveauthentically.

What was it like to grow up with Wayne Dyer as your father?Growing up, my seven siblings and I were exposed to a lot of ideas that were different than what my friends heard.

Growing Up with Wayne DyerSerenaDyerReflectson Her Spiritual Upbringing

by Lindsay McGinty

We were taught that withineachofusisapurpose, a passion that wecalldharma,andthat dharma is what weareincarnatedhereto do. We were taught that the most important thingyoucoulddoinyour life was to follow that dharma, and in doing so, you would be serving God. I often jokethatmychildhood


Were there any downsides to being raised by spiritual parents?I like to think that while there weren’t anyrealdownsides,therewerecertain-lychallenges.Forexample,inamoretraditional household, when someone getstheflu,theirparentsprobablytellthemthatit’sfluseasonandit’sjustgo-ing around. In my household, when one ofuswouldgettheflu,weweretoldthat we aligned with it and allowed it in.Inotherwords,partofthechallengeof having spiritually progressive parents is that they make sure you are aware that you are responsible for everything happening in your life.


o: P





Gambino wants to wish

everyone a

Happy Thanksgiving

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41natural awakenings November 2014

What is the greatest lesson you learned?Thus far, it is knowing that we are the creatorsofourdestiny—themastersof our fate. I wholeheartedly believe thatwesignupfortheexperienceswehave in this lifetime, as they are part of our soul’s desire to grow and expand. Whenwemakethechoicetoviewlifeas not happening to us, but responding tous,webecomemoreconsciouslyawareofhowmuchourthoughtsaffectourdailyexperience.Iamsogratefulmy parents taught me this at a young agebecauseIhavelearnedtochoosemythoughtscarefully.

What is the greatest gift your parents have given you?It’snotsomethingtheydidforme;itwas how they lived their lives in front of me.Myparentsdidnotencouragemetofollowmydreamsandthensacrificetheirs in order to raise me. My parents followedtheirdreamsandinwatchingthem do so, I felt safe to go after mine, as well. They taught me that there is nohonorinsacrificingyourselforyourdreams for anyone else, and demonstrat-ed that the only time you have to make your life the way you want it is now. I am grateful to them for living their lives thisway,whichhasallowedmetofeelsafe living my life this way, as well.

What advice would you give to people that wish they were raised in a more spiritual manner?I tell people that it doesn’t really matter what kind of parents you had, it matters how you feel about yourself. Everything in life starts with the self. If you don’t haveloveandacceptanceandforgive-ness for yourself, you won’t have these things to give to other people either. I wastaughtthatwecan’tgivewhatwedon’t have. When we learn to love and treasure every part of ourselves, we also have love to give to others.

Contributor Lindsay McGinty lives in Orange County, CA.

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o by


a Er





beauty expert Kimberly Snyder, New York Times bestselling author of The Beauty Detox Foods. She aims for optimum healthasthebasisforachievingadesirableoutwardglow. Snydersayssheoncestruggledwithseveralbeautyissues.Inseekingwellnessonthewaytobecominganutri-tionist, she found that her daily energy level improved after she started making shifts in her diet. She then lost weight, herhairgothealthierandherformerlytroubledfacialskinbecameclearandsmooth. Blogging about her gradual transformation and lifestyle philosophiesattractedmediaattentionandacelebrityclien-telebywordofmouth.“Ineverlookedforclients;theyfoundme,”shesays.Today,SnydercountsentertainersFergieandheractor-husbandJoshDuhamel,KerryWashington,Chan-ningTatumandDrewBarrymoreamongthemanycelebritiesshehashelpedgetintobettercamera-readyshape.

Beauty FoodsKimberly Snyder Shows How to

Eat for Radiant Skin, Eyes and Hair

by Judith Fertig

Earlyintoherpersonaltransformation,Snyderrealizedthatdigestionholdsthekey.“Ineverlinkedmyconstipationissueswithmyacne,”shesays.“It’satremendousamountofworktodigestfood.It’snowonderthateatingafast-foodsandwichwithglutenbread,animalproteinandcheesewithcaseinproducesa mid-afternoon slump. They are hard to digest together and all atonce,taxingbodyenergy,”sheexplains.“Then,whenyoufeeltheinevitabledropinenergy,youmightturntocaffeineorsugary soda, but that only brings on another slump.”

For Beautiful SkinYouthfulRed bell peppersCoconut(fresh, milk,oil)AvocadosSpinach

RadiantWatercressFigsSweet potatoesCucumbersAcai


Unlined, wrinkle-freePearsCabbageTurmeric

Clear, blemish-freeFermented vegetables (e.g.,sauerkraut)

ArugulaonionsRaw apple- cidervinegarGarlicLemon

For Beautiful HairPumpkin seedsDulse(atype ofseaweed)CarrotsRadishesNutritional yeast

For Beautiful EyesBright eyesPapayaBeetsBlueberriesApples

Eliminating dark circles and puffinessCeleryCollard greensAsparagusBananas

For a Beautiful BodyFluid body movementBroccoliBrussels sproutsSesame seedsRomainelettuce

Cellulite-freeFreshcilantro and parsleyBuckwheatand oat groats (wholeoats)

Toned bodyKaleHemp seedsQuinoaMilletChia seeds

For an Inner GlowBee pollenSunflowerseedsSproutsSpirulina(dried blue-greenalgae) orchlorella (highchloro- phyllalgae)

Top 50 Beauty Detox Foodsby Kimberly Snyder

Thesefoodsworktoimprovespecificbodyareaswhile promotingwhole-bodywellness.Suchplant-basedfoods also improve digestion and raise energy levels.

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43natural awakenings November 2014

Good AdviceSnyder, who is now a vegan, suggests simplifying meals and starting them with whole, raw, plant-based foods like salads.Sheadvisesherclientstostartthedaywithlemonjuiceinwarmwa-ter. If they don’t feel like breakfast, she advises,“Don’tforceyourself.Listentoyour body, it knows best.” When hunger hits, Snyder blends a Glowing Green Smoothie—what she calls,“thestarofthewholeBeautyDetoxprogram,”inherbook.Abatchofthreetofourservingsrequiressevencupsofchoppedspinach;sixcupsofchoppedromainelettuce;one-and-a-halfcupsofchoppedcelery;onebanana;anappleandapear,bothpeeled,coredandchopped;twotablespoonsoffreshlemonjuiceandtwocupsoffilteredwater.Sheclaimsthatdrinkingthissmoothiecanmakeadifferenceinjustthreedays. She also lists 50 plant-based foods forspecificbodybenefitsbecausetheyare naturally alkaline-forming during di-gestionandassimilatemoreeffectivelythanacid-forminganimalprotein,dairy,caffeine,alcoholandsugar.Byimprov-ing digestion, we end up feeling more energetic.

Timely EatingCarefullytimedconsumptionisanotherkey in Snyder’s beauty regimen. She recommendsstartingthedaywithalightsmoothie, eating foods based on whole plants throughout the day, and then eat-ing a raw salad and a vegetarian meal or some animal protein as an earlier dinner. Eating fruit by itself on an empty stomachhelpsitdigestbetterthanwhencombinedwithotherfoodsthattakelon-gertoprocess.Onhungrierdays,Snydersuggeststurningtowholegrainssuchasoatsorquinoa,whicharehighinfiberandlowerinfat,orfibrouschiaseeds. Whenenergyislow,sheadvocatessupplementing with bee pollen or a protein smoothie. She stresses, “Prog-ress,notperfection,”ashermantra,ad-vising that it’s better to take small steps and keep moving forward rather than trytochangeeverythingallatonce.Shebelievesthatexperiencinghigherenergyandbeautybenefitsprovidesef-

fectiveincentivestocontinueinsteadoftryingtosticktoastrict,numbers-basedplanthatdoesn’ttakeintoaccountenergy or digestion.

Ongoing Cleansing“The metaphor I use for healthy diges-tion is a waterfall versus a stagnant pond,” says Snyder. “You want your systemtobemoving,dynamic.”Tokeepdigestive “sludge” out of our body’s systems,Snyderrecommendsaprovendetoxapproachofdrinkingliquidonlybetween meals to help foods digest easier.SheparticularlyrecommendsherownProbiotic&EnzymeSalad,madewithfourcupsofshreddedcabbage;oneinchoffreshginger,cutintostrips;oneteaspoonofcarawayseeds;andcold,

filteredwater,alllefttonaturally ferment inajaratroomtemperatureforaboutfivedays—orrefrigeratedrawsauerkrautfromahealthfoodstore—tohelpflushouttoxins.Shealsoemphasizessupple-mentingwithprobiotics,suchasherunique formula made from soil-based organisms.Infraredsaunatreatmentscanalsohelpleachheavymetalsoutofbodyfatanddecreasecellulite. “Thesetechniqueshavebeenaroundforalongtimebecausetheywork,”saysSnyder. “As I always say, outer beauty is a reflectionofinnerhealth.”

Connect at KimberlySnyder.com.

Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFoodAn-dLifestyle.blogspot.com from Overland Park, KS.

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Many of us have grown disen-chantedwithexpensive,com-mercialbeautyproductsthat

includetoxicandevencancer-causingingredients. Fortunately, safe, natural andaffordablealternatives—includinghomemadeshampoos,conditioners,moisturizers,bathsalts,bodyscrubsandbutters—arestockedatmanynaturalgrocersandhealthfoodstores. We all want to avoid phthalates, cetylalcohol,triclosan,sodiumlaurethsulfate, parabens and many other poi-sonouschemicalscommonlyfoundinlotions,creams,scrubs,oils,perfumesandmakeupproductsthatmaynotbelisted on labels. “You want to know what’sinyourproduct,”saysJaniceCox, of Medford, oregon, the bestsell-ing author of Natural Beauty at Home and Eco-Beauty. “If you’re making your own,you’reincontrol.” Cox remarks, “Ingredients are absorbed through the skin, our largest organ.It’swhysomemedicineslikebirthcontrol,painreliefandnicotinepatchesareeffectivelyappliedexternal-ly;it’salsowhytoxicingredientsplacedonourskincanbesoharmful.” Herrecommendedsolutionissimple:Thekitchencabinetharborssolutions to the dry and dull skin that plagues many this time of year, sham-

poo residues that result in drab hair, and less-than-glowing skin due to a suboptimal holiday diet. “Manyproductsrequireonlyoneor two ingredients and take minimal time to make,” says Cox. “Plus, they costonlypennies.Whowouldn’tchoosethatovera$30-an-ouncemys-teriouschemicalsoup?” Honey is a Cox favorite for several reasons,includingitsantimicrobialef-fects:adabonablemishorinsectbitecanzapitovernight.“Honeyhashighpotassiumcontent,makingitalmostimpossibleforbacteriatosurvivein,”sheexplains.It’salsoagoodsourceofBvitaminsthiamine,niacin,riboflavinandpantothenicacid,plusmineralslikeiron,zincandmanganese.Inthiscase,what’s absorbed through skin is literally nourishing our body’s entire system. Honeyisalsoapowerfulhumectant,helping to prevent loss of moisture from skinandhair.Coxrecommendsdroppinga tablespoon or two in a warm bath to sootheroughskinwithoutstickiness,aconditioningmixtureofhoneyandoliveoiltoproducesilkyhairandanapple-honeytonertofacilitateglowingskin. Shealsorecommendsaneasyshampoothatcontainsnothingmorethannaturalsoap(likeDr.Bronner’s),water and a little vegetable oil for dry

Eco-BeautyHomemade Shampoos, Lotions and Perfumes Make Great Gifts

by Kathleen Barnes

hair.“Itdoesn’tfoamuplikecommer-cialshampoos,butitgetshairmuchcleaner,”sheadvises. Homemadebeautyproductsarea natural outlet for anyone that loves to cookorcraft.Makeasmallbatch—ex-periment with an array of essential oils to createapreferredscenttosuitindividualtastes,andaddorsubtracttheamountsaccordingtoskinandhairtypes. “Take it a step further and make prettygiftpackageswithglassbottles,jarsortinsembellishedwithribbons,personal artwork or anything else that tapsintoyourcreativejuices,”saysCox.“Your friends and family will be espe-ciallyhappytoreceiveandusethem.”

Kathleen Barnes is the author of numerous natural health books and publisher at Take Charge Books. Con-nect at [email protected].

Simple Natural Beauty IngredientsHere are a few favorite ingredients for home treatments:

n Honeyisperfectforconditioningdry,damaged hair and rinses out easily.

n Sour creammakesagreatfacialmaskforsofteningandcleansingadullcomplexion.

n Green teaispackedwithantioxi-dants and tones skin with no need to rinse off.

n Oatmealcanbeusedinsteadofsoaptocleanseallskintypes.

n Pineapple juice soothes tired feet and softensroughpatches.

n Baking soda works head to toe as a hairrinse,facialscrubandbathsoak.

n Olive oil in a nail soak keeps nails clean,flexibleandstrong.

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Raw Sugar Body Scrub


Raw sugar is well-suited for freshening skin.Usingabodyscrubhelpsridskinofsurfaceimpurities,enablingittore-tain more moisture and look healthier. Italsoboostscirculation,whichener-gizesthewholebody.

1 cup raw sugar ½ cup light oil, such as almond or sunflower½ tsp vitamin E oil

Mix together all ingredients and pour intoacleancontainer.Massageatable-spoon or two at a time all over the body togentlyexfoliateandmoisturizeskin.

Body Butter


Thisisarich,butterycreamthatmakes awonderfulall-overbodycream.Itcontainsfourwell-knownskincondi-tioning oils.

¼ cup grated cocoa butter 1 Tbsp coconut oil 2 Tbsp light sesame oil 1 Tbsp almond oil 1 Tbsp grated beeswax

Combine all the ingredients in a heat-re-sistantcontainer.Inthemicrowaveoronthe stovetop using a double boiler, gently heatuntilthemixturejustbeginstomelt.Remove from heat and stir well until the waxandcocoabutteraremeltedandallingredients are mixed together. Pour into acleancontainerandallowittocoolcompletely.Spreadasmallamountofthe body butter on the skin.

Muscle-Soothing Bath Salts


Thisistheperfectbathtorelaxandre-fresh the whole body. Add a few drops ofessentialoilstothemixtureforscent.

1 cup kosher or sea salt 1 cup baking soda 1 cup Epsom salt

Mix together all ingredients and pour intoaclean,drycontainer.Pouronecupofthemixtureintoawarmtubslowly, allowing the salts to dissolve completely.Soakforatleast20min-utes, but no more than 40 minutes.

Basic Shampoo


If hair is oily, the optional vegetable oil may be omitted, but if hair is dry ordamaged,includeit.Thisisagreatshampooforallhairtypesbecauseit’sgentle on hair and won’t strip away the natural oils.

½ cup water ½ cup mild natural liquid soap (like Dr. Bronner’s or any Castile soap)½ tsp light vegetable oil (optional)

Gently stir all the ingredients together, beingcarefulnottobeatthemixtureoritwillcreatefoam.Pourtheshampoointoacleanplasticcontainer.Shampooas normal, and then rinse well with coolwater.

Eau de Cologne


Eau de Cologne was origi-nally made by steepingflowersinajarwithalcoholandasmallamountofoil.Thescentedoilwaspouredoffandthealcoholwasmixed with water.

¼ cup vodka or witch hazel ¼ cup water 2-3 drops of a favorite essential oil or a mixture of oils (lavender, sandalwood, bergamot, rose, frangipani, ylang-ylang or jasmine)

Mix all ingredients together. Pour into acleanspraybottleorsplashbottle.Sprayorsplashthescentedcologneonto skin or hair.

Solid Perfume


Solidperfumeandscentshavealwaysbeenpopularbecausetheyarelong-lasting,easytocarryanddiscreet—justrub them on—no need to waste them by spraying the air.

1 Tbsp grated beeswax1 Tbsp almond oil 8 drops essential oil or mixture of oils (peach, orange, sandalwood, vanilla or lavender)

Inaheat-resistantcontainerorsmallsaucepan,gentlyheatthebeeswaxandoiluntilitmelts.Stirinthescentedoil,pourintoaclean,smallcontainerandallowthemixturetocoolcompletely.Rubafingeracrossthesolidperfumeandapplythescenttopulsepointsoranywhere else.

Recipes courtesy of Janice Cox, author of Natural Beauty at Home, Natural Beauty for All Seasons, Natural Beauty from the Garden and EcoBeauty.

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What’s on the family pet’s wish listthisyear?Familymem-berscanhavefuncreating

interactivetoysandgamesthatareeasyon the holiday budget. AccordingtoarecentAmericanPetAssociationsurvey,threeoutoffourowners buy gifts for their pets dur-ingtheholidayseasontothecollec-tivetuneof$5billion.Dogsandcatsreceivenewsweatersandboots,collarsand leashes, toys and treats. Yet, what theyreallycraveisattention. “Too often, pets are left alone for eight hours a day, leading to anxiety, frustration and unwanted behaviors. It’s importantthatthey’rementallychal-lenged,learnnewcommandsandhave fun,” says Dr. Mary Gardner,co-founderofLapofLoveVeterinaryHospice,in Los Angeles. “Cognitive declineandmusclewast-ing,commoninolderpets,canbothbethwartedwithgamespersonalizedforage and ability.”

Special Dog TreatsLook for sturdy wooden

PLAYFUL PET GIFTSAnimals Love Interactive Toys and Games

by Sandra Murphy


puzzlesthathideatreatbehinddoorsthatpullorslideopen.Advancedpuzzlesinvolveamulti-stepsolution.Followingdogtreatcookbookswillkeepdedicatedbakersinacanine’sgoodgracesthroughouttheyear. Writeanactivity—awalk,triptothedogpark,gameoffetchoradoggie/humandanceparty—onafewindexcards.“Teachthedogtochoosebyrubbingonecardwithasodium-freebouilloncube,”suggestsEileenProctor,apetlifestyleexpertin Denver. “As soon as the dog sniffs thecard,rewardwithpraiseandthe

designatedgift.Oncethegameislearned, there is no need to keep scentingthecards.”Turnupacornerofallthecardsforeasypickup.

Purrfect for CatsCatsmayliketoplayitcool,

but bring out a laser pointerandtheyactlikekittensagain.Tomimichuntinginstincts,playhide-and-seek with kitty’sfood;putholesinaclosedboxwith

specialbitsofdryfoodinside,thenlether paw it out or roll the box. Placeatoo-large-to-swallowjinglebell inside an empty toilet paper roll andtapetheendsshutforacharming-soundingtoy.Anorphanedsockfilledwithcrinklycellophaneandsewnshutmakes an intriguing toy to drag around. Improviseafishingpolefromacolorfuldowel rod and heavy twine with a pet- and planet-friendly item tied on the endforapettochase. Catslovetosqueezethemselvesintosmallspacesorrelaxinlargerones, so pass along gift boxes.

Pretty-Bird Specials In the wild, birds spend most of their timeforagingforfood.Mimicawilder-nesssearchbyhidingfoodbeneathanunused,unbleachedcoffeefilteroralargelettuceleaf.Cutfoodinpiecesbigenoughtoholdinaclawtohelphonebalance.Hide seeds in a made-for-birds piñata, available at pet supply stores. Puzzleboxesrangefromreach-in-for-foodversions to slide-a-door or pull-a-knob difficultylevels.

Fun for FishBetta(Siamesefighting)fishlovetorestnearthesurface,soprovidealeafyhammock,availablewheresuppliesaresold.Finnedfriendsgetexerciseastheychasealaserpointer’sreddotthroughthe water. A new plant or ping-pong ballfloatingonthesurfaceprovidesadded entertainment. Mossballsareagoodplacetohidefoodandalsohelpkeepthewaterclean.Aceramiclogletsfishhideinside.

Climbing CrabsHermitcrabsaresocialanimals,bothcuriousandamusing.Thegiftofanewshell or two during molting season is appreciated.Flat-toppedrockswithtextured sides, large enough to not tip over, provide a different view. Fibers likethoseusedformacramé,hungfrom

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Tell them you saw their ad in


Dr. Michel Selmer, DVM

Allergy Testing on Pets

Pet PrecautionsAs with kids, don’t shower all the surprisesonapetatonce.Thechoiceswillbeoverwhelming.In-stead, rotate them while keeping one favorite on hand.

4 Checkforlooseknobsorsmallpartsontoysandaroundthehouse;any-thingthatcanbreakofffromastrongbite. Favor smooth, rounded edges.

4 Puzzlesandothertoysareforsupervised play only.

4 Never point a laser light at a pet’seyes—itcanseverelydamagetheir vision.

4 Poinsettiascanbepoisonoustopets—keepthemoutofreachoroutof the house.

4 Becauseadogorcat’stongueisrough,iftheychewontinsel,rib-bon, yarn or other textured wrap-pingsordecorations,it’slikelytogetswallowed,whichcanleadtoamedicalemergency.

thelidofthetankalmosttothefloormimicropeclimbing.Upside-downterracottaflowerpots,indifferentsizesandcoveredwithnetting,providemoresurfacesandheightstoexplore. “Time spent together is a gift for boththegiverandtherecipient,”saysProctor.“It’smorethoughtfulthananythingyoucanfindinastore.Youalwaysgetbackmorethanyougive.”

Sandra Murphy is a freelance writer in St. Louis, MO. Connect at StLouis [email protected].


haveittreated.Thefirststepinidentify-ing an allergy is to visit your vet and have the vet determine if your pet is suf-fering from allergies or if there may be someotherhealthproblemcausingthesymptomsyourpetisexperiencing.

Themostcommontypesofallergiesinpets are:

n Flea allergiesn Food allergiesn Or,morecommonly, atopicdermatitis


Types of Allergy TestingThere are two different types of allergy testingforyourpetyoucanchoosefrom.Themostconvenientandcommonisa simple serum test. You vet will take a bloodsamplefromyourdogorcatandthen send it to a lab. You then go home and wait until the results are in. Serum testingcanhelpdetectfoodallergiesaswell as environmental allergies. Thesecondtypeofallergytestingistheskintest.Whilesomevetscanperformthisintheiroffice,mostwillrecommendyouvisitapetdermatolo-gist to have the skin test done. The test consistsofshavingawaysomeofthefur

onyourpet’sbellyorsideandprick-ing the skin with different allergens in differentsections.Youthenwaitashorttime,sothattheskincanbecheckedto see to if your pet shows any hives or other signs of allergy. The limitation to skin testing is the inability to test for food allergies. While both tests pose little risk to your pet, the serum test poses the least riskasthereisnochanceofasevereal-lergicreactionsincethetestiscomplet-ed with the drawn blood—not testing your pet with known allergens. Ifyourecentlychangedyourdogfoodjustpriortoyourpetdisplayingallergicsymptoms,yourvetmaysuggestthat you try an elimination diet to deter-minewhatyourpetmaybeallergicto.Elimination diets may be started while waiting for the serum test results or done on their own. However, you do need to keepinmindthatfindingthespecificingredient in food that your pet may be allergictoisatime-consumingprocessthat requires not only a great deal of pa-tiencebutalsorequiresyounottogiveyour pet any additional foods or treats. Findingouttheexactallergensthatarecausingyourpet’sdiscomfortmaybesomewhatcostlyandtimeconsum-ing,butitisthebestwaytofindtheproper treatment to return your pet to health. Pleasecheckbackwithusinthenext issue of Natural Awakenings to learnmoreaboutitchingandthemanycauses.

Source: Dr. Michel Selmer, of Advanced Animal Care Center, located at 260 Evergreen Ave., South Huntington. For more information, call 631-FOR-PETS (631-367-7387) or visit AdvancedCare-ForPets.com. See ad on page 2.

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SurgeonGeneral,walkingisAmerica’smostpopularformoffitness.It’sfree,convenientandsimple.TheFoundationforChronicDiseasePreventionrevealsthat 10,000 daily steps help lower blood pressure,shedpounds,decreasestress,andreducetheriskofheartdiseaseandType 2 diabetes. Here’s how to rev up the routine and stay motivated.

Practical TipsBreathe. Bellybreathingcalmstheparasympatheticnervoussystem,expandslungcapacityandimprovescirculation.Inhalethroughthenose,fillthe belly and expel through the mouth, advises Asheville, North Carolina, resi-dentKatherineDreyer,co-founderandCEo of ChiWalking.

Try new techniques and terrain. “The bodyissmartandefficient.Itmustbeconstantlychallengedinsafewaysandtrickedintoburningmorecalories,”says Malin Svensson, founder and

PresidentofNordicWalkingUSA.Shesuggests taking the stairs or strolling on sand to strengthen the legs and heart. Dreyerrecommendsascendinghillssideways(crossingonefootovertheother)toengagenewmusclesandpro-tectthecalvesandAchillestendons.Shealsosuggestswalkingbackwardsfor30stepseveryfiveminutesduringa30-min-ute walk to reestablish proper posture.

Push with poles. Compelling the body forwardwithNordicwalkingpolescanburn20to46percentmorecaloriesthan regular walking, reports Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. Svens-son explains, “Applying pressure to the polesactivatesabdominal,chest,backandtricepsmuscles,whichnecessi-tates more oxygen and thereby raises theheartrate.”Thebasictechniqueis:plant, push and walk away.

Mindful TipsFeel the Earth move under your (bare) feet. Improvemood,reducepainanddeepen sleep by going outside barefoot, says Dr. Laura Koniver, of Charleston,

South Carolina, a featured expert in thedocumentary,The Grounded. “The Earth’ssurfacecontainsaninfinitereservoiroffreeelectrons,which,uponcontactwiththebody,canneutralizedamagefromfreeradicals,”shesays.

Notice nature.AlexandraHorowitz,au-thor of On Looking: Eleven Walks with Expert Eyes,findswalkingoutdoorsinfi-nitelymoreengagingthanexercisinginthegym.Seekoutwoodsyhikes,scenicwaterwaysorhistoricdowntowns,and“openuptoexperiencingtheworld,”she says.

Practice moving meditation. To lighten aheavymood,“Imagineyourchestasawindowthroughwhichenergy,freshair,sunshine,evenrain,canpourintoand through you as you walk,” says Dreyer.Togroundascatteredmind,shesuggestsfocusingonconnectingone’sfeet with the Earth.

Creative TipsMake fresh air a social affair. A group walkcanboostperformancelevelsofparticipants,saysDennisMichele,presidentoftheAmericanVolkssportAssociation,whichpromotesfun,fit-nessandfriendshipthroughnoncom-petitive, year-round walking events. Horowitzsuggestsstrollingwithfriendsandsharingsensorydiscoveries.“Afreshperspectivecanhelptuneyouintothegreatrichnessofordinaryenvi-ronments often overlooked,” she says.

Ditch the distraction of electronic devices.Horowitzviewswalkingtextersas“hazardsandobstacles,non-participantsintheenvironment.”AustralianresearcherSiobhanSchab-run,Ph.D.,revealsthesciencebehindthesentimentinherrecentUniversityofQueenslandstudy.Thebrain,shefound,prioritizestextingoverwalking,resulting in “slowing down, deviating from a straight line and walking like robots, with the arms, trunk and head inonerigidline,whichmakesfallingmore likely.”

Moveable FEET

How to Make Walking Part of Everyday Life

by Lane Vail

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Unsightlycellulite,whichiscomprisedoffatdepositsjustbeneath the skin, appears as

lumps or dimples, usually near the buttocksandupperthighs,andismostcommoninwomen.Buildingmusclecanmakecellulitehardertonoticeandhelpburnmorecalories.Whilecellulitedepositsmightnotbe eliminated, burning body fat will make them shrink and be less visible. Herearefivetopexercisestoblaststubborncellulite.

Cardiovascular ExerciseAs long as we’re expending more caloriesthanwe’retakingin,wewillbegin burning the body’s fat deposits. Ascardioworkoutsburncalories,theycanreduceoverallbodyfat,whichalsomakescellulitehardertosee.Anyexer-cisesuchaswalking,running,hikingorcyclingcanhelpintheoverallbattletoburncaloriesandblastcellulite.

Stair ClimbingStairclimbingburnsatleast10calo-riesaminute,accordingtothenon-profitNationalWellnessInstitute,thatpromotes healthy lifestyles worldwide. Plus,stairclimbinghastheaddedben-efitofworkingallthemuscleareasthattend to get hit with the greatest amounts ofcellulite.

Leg LiftsJanetWallace,Ph.D.,professorofki-nesiology at Indiana University-Bloom-ington, advises that leg lifts are the best exercisefortoningtheouterthighs.

Lieontheflooronyourside,plac-ing one elbow on the ground and prop your head up with that same hand. Placetheotherhandonthefloorbe-side your waist. With legs straight and toes pointed, lift the top leg up as far asitwillgo,thenslowlyloweritbackdown. Do 10 to 15 reps, and then turn over and work the other leg.

Back KicksAnMSNBChealthsegmentrecommend-ed this fat-busting move to target all the areasthataremostsusceptibletocellu-lite. While kneeling on hands and knees, lift a leg up behind you until it’s pointed upward at a 45-degree angle. Slowly bringthelegbackdownandrepeatthemovement with the other leg. Start with 15 reps and work up from there.

SquatsStandcomfortablywithfeetaboutafoot apart. Slowly bend the knees to lower your body until both thighs are paralleltothefloor.Thengraduallystandbackup,squeezingglutealandback-of-the-thighmusclesasyourise. Ifperformedconsistently,thisexer-cisewillincreasemusclestrengthinthethighsandbuttocks,whichalsohelpsburnfat,accordingtotheMayoClinic.Lessfatequalslessnoticeablecellulite.Aswiththeotherexercises,startwith15repetitions per session and work up to more.

E.C. LaMeaux posts a body of work at Gaiam Life (Life.Gaiam.com), from which this was adapted.

Cellulite ShrinkersFive Simple Exercises to Smooth Thighs

by E.C. LaMeaux

Walking a dog brings mutual benefits. Dr.JohnMarshall,chiefoncologistat Georgetown University Hospital, inWashington,D.C.,prescribesdogwalkingtohiscancerpatients,assertingityieldsbetteroutcomesthanchemo-therapy.Formaximumenjoyment,striveto hit a stride, advises Carla Ferris, owner of Washington, D.C. dog-walking companyWagamuffin.

Be a fanny pack fan.Fannypacks,unlikebackpacks,whichcandisturbnaturaltorsorotation,comfortablystoreidentification,phone,keysandwater,says Svensson. Ferris agrees: “Walks are somuchmoreenjoyablehands-free.”

Walk while you work.MuchoftheindependentandcollaborativeworkatMinneapolisfinancecompanySALOemerges as employees walk slowly onergonomictreadmilldesks.“Beingup,activeandforward-movingonthetreadmillbenefitsproductivity,”saysco-founderAmyLanger.Alternatively,con-siderinvestinginacordlessheadsetorstandingdesk.“Mostanythingyoucandositting,youcandostanding,andsup-porting your own body weight is almost asbeneficialaswalking,”shesays. Astudyreportedinthejournal Diabetologia suggests that sedentary timecombinedwithperiodsofmoder-ate-to-vigorousexerciseposesagreaterhealthriskthanbeinggentlyactivethroughout theday.Dreyer’smantra?“The body is wise. Listen when it says, ‘Get up and walk a bit.’”

Lane Vail is a freelance writer in South Carolina. Connect at WriterLane.com.

Let your feet speak for an important cause and sign up for an awareness walk.

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Developing Gratitude Through Yoga

by Leah Hartofelis

The month of November is a time fordevelopingunconditional

gratitude.Yogaisaneffectivewaytonurtureandcultivatethankfulnessin one’s heart for one’s self, fam-ily, friends, the Earth and beyond. Oftenthisabilitytoembracecanbeblockedbyclingingtothepastand/orfocusingonthefuture.Thispreventspeople from living in the moment. Gratitudecomesfrombeingcontentwithwhoyouareandwhatyoucur-rentlyhave.Yogateachesustofocus

on the here and now, no matter the obstaclesofourlifeandworriesofourmind. We need to ask ourselves and those around us daily, “What are you gratefulfortoday?” one of the niyamas,orobservanc-es, of yoga is santosha,whichmeanscontentmentandsatisfactionwithwhat one has. Also, the Sanskrit word sukha means happiness, pleasure orbliss.Thepracticeofrestorativeyoga and yin yoga allows for postures that promote stillness and ease. The

practiceteachesyouhowtoreleaseandletgoofphysicaland emotional tension, be in the here and now, and make friendswithourselves.Restorativeyogais“activerelaxation.”Through supporting the body with various bolsters, blankets andblocksforalengthenedperiodoftime,one,inturn,stimulates and relaxes the body and mind. Mygo-toposturesforevokinginnerappreciationandgratitude are Supta Baddha Konasana—ReclinedBoundAngle, Viparita Karani—LegsUptheWall(BNFYoga’sposeofthemonth),SupportedBridgePose,SupportedChild’sPoseand any variation of Savasana—BasicRelaxationPose.Whenpracticingrestorativeyoga,dosoinaspacethatfeelssafeandwarm,andisdarkandquiet.Beingcomfortableiskey.Allowyourselfapproximately10to15minuteswithineachpose. Apracticeofdailygratitudeempowersustofocusonthemoment, and open our eyes and hearts to the everyday bless-ings.Yogateachesusnottosearchoutsideourselvesfortrueloveandhappinessbuttodiscoverthatitisalwayswithinus.Ifourthoughts,wordsandactionsarethoseofgratitude,wecanattainastateofcontentment—ofsantosha.

Leah Hartofelis, a yoga instructor, is founder and owner of Breathe N Flow Yoga, located at 361B Atlantic Ave., Freeport. For more information, call 516-632-9626 or email [email protected]. See ad on page 53.

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53natural awakenings November 2014

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NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by the 12th of the month prior to publication and adhere to our guidelines. Visit NaturalAwakeningsLI.com for guidelines and to submit Calendar events (under “advertise” tab).



SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 Hot Stone Massage – 9am-5pm. With Amy Ko-lasky, LMT. $175; 7 CE credits. New York College of Health Professions, 6801 Jericho Turnpike, Syosset. 516-364-0808 x 223 or 800-922-7337 x 223. NYCollege.edu.

Free Health Screenings: NAVEL Expo – 9am-7pm. Dr. Michael Berlin and staff will be doing free health screenings to determine how stress has affected your spine and nervous system. They will also have an all-natural weight loss booth with information and spa raffle prizes. Long Island Hilton, 598 New York 110, Melville. More info, The Family Wellness Cen-ter: 516-822-8499. NetworkWellnessCenter.com.

Dr. Michael Berlin Lecture: NAVEL Expo – 1pm. He will discuss a breakthrough, all-natural weight loss system that truly finds and heals the cause of people’s weight problems so that it is the last program they will ever do. Long Island Hilton, 598 New York 110, Melville. More info, The Family Wellness Center: 516-822-8499. NetworkWellnessCenter.com.


Bi-Lingual Meditation Retreat – 9:30am-3pm. Join us for this day-long program with infor-mative workshops on healthy living, delicious plant-based eating, yoga, meditation and more. Speakers & workshops: The Nature of Stress & the Power of Meditation, Christian Felt, MA in Health/Fitness; Life Beyond Life- Medical Facts, Mysticism & Meditation, Matthew Raider, MD; Stop the World, I Get Off Here, Zelma Chamberlain, Med; Fun Latin Vegan Cooking Class, Rosanna Jimenez, CHHC; Hatha Yoga for Everyone, Joao Guimaraes, CYI. Science of Spirituality Meditation Center, 79 County Line Rd, Amityville. To register: 631-822-7979, [email protected], sos.org/usa/tristate.

Yoga and Sanskrit Workshop – 1-3pm. With Mel Salvador. Spend the afternoon learning to speak and understand this ancient language and how it applies to your yoga practice. Asana practice included. Ab-solute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

New York College Open House – 6:30-8:30pm. Meet admissions staff, students and faculty, and learn about accredited degree programs in Massage Therapy, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Now enrolling for the Jan term. New York College of Health Professions, 6801 Jericho Turnpike, Syos-set. 516-364-0808 x 223 or 800-922-7337 x 223. NYCollege.edu.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2Take Off & Soar: Part One – 2-4pm. With Shana Rae Gibau and Jodi Langevin. Building Strength and Developing an Arm Balance Practice. Through this workshop we hope to make arm balancing more approachable for all levels of practitioners. $40. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4Sant Mat: The Path to Inner Wisdom through Spirituality – Tuesdays, Nov 4, 18, 25 & Dec. 2, 9, 16. 7:30-9pm. 6-Part Meditation Workshop Series. Speaker: Renate Lanotte, MS, LCSW. She will offer a practical technique of meditation that can positively impact your life. Through first-hand demonstrations of this simple, yet highly effective method, discover the key to deeper concentration, relaxation and profound personal growth. Sci-ence of Spirituality Meditation Center, 79 County Line Rd, Amityville. To register: 631-822-7979, [email protected]. sos.org/usa/tristate.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7Natural Facelift Massage – Nov 7-10. 9am-5pm. With Yuri Esperson, MS, LMT, NCBTMB, NSCA, LICCI. $745; 32 CE credits. New York College of Health Professions, 6801 Jericho Turnpike, Syos-set. 516-364-0808 x 223 or 800-922-7337 x 223. NYCollege.edu.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8Experiential Holistic Healing and Spa Day – 11am-5:30pm.Experience great healings and health consults from holistic doctors, practitioners and advanced energy workers. A variety of free heal-ings available: acupuncture, mini-labyrinth walks, Reiki, EFT, holistic dentistry, chiropractic, financial wellness, yoga, Thai yoga bodywork, essential oils, sacred jewelry and more. Special-priced services, ie psychics and dream interpreter. Great speakers from 12-5pm. Limited vendor tables and speaker spots available. VFW, Albertson, 155 Searingtown Rd (next to Shelter Rock Public Library). Carol Leitner: 516 242 8270, [email protected].

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9Clinical Aromatherapy: An Introduction – 10am-6pm. With Georgeann Dau, PhD. $140 by Oct 27; $165 thereafter; 7 CE credits. New York College of Health Professions, 6801 Jericho Turnpike, Syos-set. 516-364-0808 x 223 or 800-922-7337 x 223. NYCollege.edu.

6th Annual Long Island GLBT Expo – 12-5pm. Business to Consumer features over 100 vendors covering needs such as home renovation, solar en-ergy, pet adoption, finances and financial planning, employment, wedding services, wellness, skin care

and more. Also includes raffle prizes, entertainment, children’s activities, cars and more. Long Island Hilton, 598 New York 110, Melville. More info: http://liglbtnetwork.org/expo.

Karma and Relationships – 1:30-3:30pm. Join Mindy Frenkel in a Jivamukti yoga practice devoted to identifying and releasing old patterns and behav-iors. Explore a variety of asanas from standing poses to inversions with an emphasis on the power of our attention and intention. $35 by Nov 2; $40 day of. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13New York College Open House – 6:30-8:30pm. Meet admissions staff, students and faculty, and learn about accredited degree programs in Massage Therapy, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Now enrolling for the Jan term. New York College of Health Professions, 6801 Jericho Turnpike, Syos-set. 516-364-0808 x 223 or 800-922-7337 x 223. NYCollege.edu.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15Ortho-Bionomy: An Introduction – 9am-5pm. With Michael Miller LMT. $140 by Nov 3; $170 thereafter; 7 CE credits. New York College of Health Professions, 6801 Jericho Turnpike, Syos-set. 516-364-0808 x 223 or 800-922-7337 x 223. NYCollege.edu.

Essential Oils Workshop – 6-7pm. With Leah Har-tofelis. Learn the many benefits and uses of essential oils. Young Living has over 400 all-natural, organic, 100% pure essential oils, supplements, personal care products, and Thieves household cleaner to help you live a healthier lifestyle. Free. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16Contemplative Singles – 10am-2pm. Presenter: Joan McGovern. Join other faith-based singles as we explore God’s desire for each of us and discuss our call to action in the ministry of single life. $35 including $15 non-refundable/non-transferable deposit. Lunch included. Held at the Maude Adams House, The Convent of Our Lady of the Cenacle, Ronkonkoma. Info: 631-588-8366, CenacleSisters.org/Ronkonkoma.

The Building Blocks of Yoga – 1:30-3pm. With Jo-anna Asher. Open to all students of yoga: beginners given the tools necessary to start their yogic journeys while experienced practitioners receive a gentle reminder of the roots of their practice. Come build your practice from the ground up as we explore the building blocks of yoga. $20/advance; $25/day of. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22New York College Open House – 11am-1pm. Meet admissions staff, students and faculty, and learn about accredited degree programs in Massage Therapy, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Now enrolling for the Jan term. New York College of Health Professions, 6801 Jericho Turnpike, Syos-set. 516-364-0808 x 223 or 800-922-7337 x 223. NYCollege.edu.

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55natural awakenings November 2014

ongoingeventsMONDAY, NOVEMBER 24Free Holistic Dinner and Health Talk – 6:30-9pm. Dr. Ray Omid cordially invites you and up to 4 guests to come and dine with him for a compli-mentary health dinner talk. Learn the key essentials to living a healthy and more vibrant life naturally. Umberto’s Italian Restaurant, 633 Jericho Turnpike, New Hyde Park. RSVP, Bessi: 917-747-2795.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30Balancing the Pelvis, Hips & Sacrum with Myo-fascial Release – 9am-6pm. With Jason Beickert, LMT, Certified Rolfer. $160 by Nov 21; $185 thereafter; 8 CE credits. New York College of Health Professions, 6801 Jericho Turnpike, Syos-set. 516-364-0808 x 223 or 800-922-7337 x 223. NYCollege.edu.

Celebrate with Long Island Club Reduce – 10am-5pm. The staff of Long Island Club Reduce will be giving away information, invitations and spa raffle prizes to learn about a breakthrough, all-natural weight loss system that truly finds and heals the cause of people’s weight problem so that it is the last program they will ever do. Long Island Hilton, 598 New York 110, Melville. More info: 516-822-8499. NetworkWellnessCenter.com.

planaheadWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3New York College Open House – 6:30-8:30pm. Meet admissions staff, students and faculty, and learn about accredited degree programs in Massage Therapy, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Now enrolling for the Jan term. New York College of Health Professions, 6801 Jericho Turnpike, Syos-set. 516-364-0808 x 223 or 800-922-7337 x 223. NYCollege.edu.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7Spine and Thorax – 9am-6pm. With Jason Beick-ert, LMT, Certified Rolfer. $160 by Nov 28; $185 thereafter; 8 CE credits. New York College of Health Professions, 6801 Jericho Turnpike, Syos-set. 516-364-0808 x 223 or 800-922-7337 x 223. NYCollege.edu.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13Yoga Nidra – 1-2pm. With Evangeline Houlihan. A simple guided meditation technique that is practiced while lying down on the floor in a supine position (savasana or corpse pose). While the body is very still and relaxed, the mind is aware as you listen to the voice of the teacher guiding you through the meditation practice. $20/person. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18New York College Open House – 6:30-8:30pm. Meet admissions staff, students and faculty, and learn about accredited degree programs in Massage Therapy, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Now enrolling for the Jan term. New York College of Health Professions, 6801 Jericho Turnpike, Syos-set. 516-364-0808 x 223 or 800-922-7337 x 223. NYCollege.edu.

Daily20-Hr Clairvoyant Training Program: Learn to See – Tori Quisling, M.Ed, Clairvoyant Practitio-ner, offers a 20-hr weekly course in learning to use clairvoyance in your life. By the end of the course, you will be able to meditate “Find Your Space,” give readings and work with your own Healing Guide. Customized program, begin when ready. Discounts when you join with a friend. $1,575 (when paid in full). Center for Clairvoyance and Healing, 158 Main St, Port Washington. 516-423-1794. [email protected]. YourPsychicSelf.net.

21-Day Detox – Lose weight, boost energy, de-stress, learn what you need to know for a life time of healthy cleansing. Includes: 21-day life botanica formula; pH strips; cleanse tool kit & recipes; 3 1-hr detox modules; 3 1-hr stress relief modules. RSVP: 516-676-0200. [email protected]. GirlfriendCleanse.com.

Free Chiropractic Care for Returning Veterans – 9am-6pm. Dr. Gina Marino has extended an offer of care for one full year for any U.S. military veteran returning from overseas deployment in Afghanistan and Iraq, at no charge, with presentation of their service certificate. 2050 Wantagh Ave, Wantagh. 516-221-3500. [email protected]. Align-Me.com.

Free Gym Membership – 11am-8pm. Come in and we will show you how you can get a gym member-ship absolutely free. Synergy Fitness Massapequa, 5300 Sunrise Hwy, Massapequa. For more info: 516-541-4400. SynergyFitnessLongIsland.com.

Seeking Participants for an Independent Research Study Regarding Massage Therapy – Be a part of the growing data of research regarding massage thera-py. Massage is offered to participants at a drastically reduced rate. Healing Hands Pilates and Wellness Studio, 970 Railroad Ave, Woodmere. 516-792-0868. [email protected].

SundayVinyasa Flow Yoga – 9am. All levels. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

Baby & Me Yoga – 9:30am. Infant-crawlers. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. Must register: 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

MondayAshtanga Yoga: Mysore – 6-9am, Mon-Thurs. Ab-solute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

Ashtanga Yoga – 9:30-11am. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com.

Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 1:30-3pm. An ongoing group for women with metastatic breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314 or the Breast Cancer Hotline, 800-877-8077.

Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 7-8:30pm. 2nd Mon. An ongoing group for men with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077.

Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 7-8:30pm. For young women with breast cancer. Free. Adel-phi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077.

Big Kids Yoga – 7:15-8:15pm. Ages 11-14. Pro-motes physical health, self-confidence, awareness, and mental focus in a safe and lighthearted environ-ment. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

TuesdayPilates Mat Class – 9:30am. Designed for the inter-mediate/advanced Pilates student. Challenging work-out with stretching and lengthening of the whole body. $25 with discount. Healing Hands Pilates and Well-ness, 970 Railroad Ave, Woodmere. 516-792-0868. [email protected].

Vinyasa Flow – 9:30am. Basics. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

Yin Yoga – 9:30am. A practice in which asanas (poses) are held for extended periods to increase flexibility and juice up the joints and ligaments, releasing energetic blockages that may be holding you back in your yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

Meditation – 9:30-10:30am. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com.

Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 10:30am-12pm. A morning group for women who have a genetic mutation for breast cancer (BRCA+). Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077.

Community-Open Level Yoga – 11:30am-12:30pm. Donation. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com.

Prenatal Yoga – 4:30-5:30pm. Designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

Mother & Daughter Yoga – 6-7pm. Ages 9 and up. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com.

Kundalini Yoga – 6:45-8:15pm. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com.

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56 Long Island Edition NaturalAwakeningsLI.com

Weight Loss Seminar – 7:15pm. With Dr. Michael Berlin. Learn about a breakthrough, all-natu-ral weight loss system that truly finds and heals the cause of people’s weight problems so that it is the last program they will ever do. The Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. Register: 516-822-8499. NetworkWellnessCenter.com.

WednesdayFree Energy Healing For Chemo/Radiation Patients – By appt only. 2nd Wed. Kiyra Artisse, Master Energy Healer, offers free energy healing to cancer patients, currently going through chemo-therapy or radiation therapy. Success & Harmony, Merrick. Space limited; for appt: 516-945-0919. SuccessAndHarmony.org.

Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 10:30am-12pm. For women with metastatic breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077.

Pre/Post Natal Yoga – 11am-12:15pm. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com.

Reiki Circle & Meditation – 12-1pm. $20/drop-in. Healing Studio at Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. To register: 516-509-5630. [email protected].

Bodhi Meditation Class – 1-2:30pm. With Ni Nan Gilbert, acupuncturist and healer. Experience how this unique meditation can help you purify your body/mind and unleash the creative power within you. Increase self-awareness, emotional intelligence, mental clarity, focus and inspiration. Free. Freeport Recreation Center, 130 E Merrick Rd, Freeport. Nan: 516-442-7408. NiNanHealing.com.

Kids Yoga – 5pm. Ages 5-8. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642.

Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 5:30-7pm. An evening group for women diagnosed with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077.

Pilates Mat Class – 6pm. Beginner/Intermediate Mat Class that will strengthen and lengthen your body. Change your body with the right kind of workout and feel great doing it. $25-$30. Healing Hands Pilates and Wellness, 970 Railroad Ave, Woodmere. To reserve a spot 516-792-0868 or [email protected].

Clairvoyant Development Series, Level 1 – 6:30-8pm. Tori Quisling, M.Ed, graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute and featured expert in the New York Daily News, will train on using own psychic abilities (clairvoyance, clairaudience). By the end of 8 wks, students will meditate, have awareness of psychic abilities and perform a reading. Workbook/CD. Customized programs also available. $125/class; $975/8-wk course. 158 Main St, Port Wash-ington. 516-423-1794. [email protected]. YourPsychicSelf.net.

Holistic Moms Network: South Shore Long Is-land Chapter – 7-8:30pm. 2nd Wed. Like-minded community focusing on mindful parenting and natural health. Free. CSTL – Tanglewood, 1 Tanglewood Rd, Rockville Centre. 516-924-1168. [email protected]. HolisticMoms.org.

Prenatal Yoga – 7:15pm. Designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the ben-efits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

Women in Mid-Life Discussion & Support Group – 11:15am-12:15pm. Join other women to talk about this exciting but complex developmental stage in life. Support and discuss issues around menopause, life changes, relationships, sexuality in mid-life, finding a new passion and more. Group runs in 10 session segments. $200/10 sessions. Linda Rose, LCSW, 708 Glen Cove Ave, Glen Head. 516-671-7786. LindaRose.org.

ThursdayYoga for the Soul – 11am-12:15pm. Yoga for the Soul is a meditation journey with some gentle yoga and movements and pranayama (breathwork) to prepare the body to sit for guided meditations. Ab-solute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

Free Breast Cancer Support Group – 1-2:30pm. A daytime group for women diagnosed with breast cancer. Free. Adelphi University School of Social Work, Garden City. Pre-registration required, Sandi Kafenbaum, LCSW: 516-877-4314. Breast Cancer Hotline: 800-877-8077.

YogArt – 4:30-5:30pm. Class allows kids to express themselves through the practice of yoga and creat-ing art. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

Yin Yoga – 6pm. All levels. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guil les Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642. AbsoluteYogaStudio.com.

New & Potential Patient Workshop – 8-9:30pm. Learn all about Network Care’s extraordinarily gentle method that combines light-touch neuro-logical and energy work to help to resolve all the stress, tension, distortions, and traumas from your spine and nerves. With Dr. Michael Berlin. Free. The Family Wellness Center, 641-B Old Country Rd, Plainview. Register in advance: 516-822-8499. NetworkWellnessCenter.com.

FridayDivorce Seminar – 12:30pm. Last Fri. Free seminar for those individuals who are considering the pos-sibility of divorcing. Get information about divorce mediation and litigation and answers to questions. 626 RXR Plaza, W Tower, 6th Fl, Uniondale. For info & to reserve a seat, Sheree Donath: 516-670-9332 or [email protected].

Employment Seminar – 1:30pm. Last Fri. Free seminar related to employee rights in the workplace. Find out what it means to be an “at will” employee and find out your employment rights. Will answer questions. 626 RXR Plaza, W Tower, 6th Fl, Union-dale. For info & to reserve a seat, Sheree Donath: 516-670-9332 or [email protected].

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57natural awakenings November 2014


FIGHT TODAY’S INFECTIOuS DISEASES with therapeutic essential oils known for their anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. The Home Defense Kit contains 10 different oils. TryGodesana.com 504-475-3754.

SPACE AVAILABLE for rent on hourly ba-sis in Rockville Centre. Holistic environment perfect for practitioners, massages, acupunc-ture, nutritional counseling or life coach. Front desk support included. Space for small classes. 516-203-7442

HELP WANTEDLOOKING FOR WORK in a meaningful and holistic practitioner office? Dr. Richter is looking for front office staff full time/part time please call 516-282-0310 or email resume to [email protected].

PILATES STuDIO AND WELLNESS CENTER looking for Pilates Instructors and Yoga Instructors located in Woodmere, NY. Looking for someone who is trained in all Pilates apparatus. Yoga and Pilates instruction needs to have experience with all levels of fitness. Please Email: [email protected] with information.

classifiedsCommunity Yoga: Donation-Based – 4-5pm. A vinyasa flow class that will stretch the body and clear the mind. All donations collected each month go to supporting the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation & Flying Frogs Yoga. Donate what you can. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

Prenatal Yoga – 5:30-6:30pm. Designed to bring together a community of expecting mothers to share in the benefits of a specialized yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

Develop Your Intuition Workshop – 7-8:30pm. 1st Fri. With Tori Quisling. An introductory meditation series based on her book: The Clairvoyant Practitio-ner: A Simple Guide to Developing Your Clairvoyant Abilities. An interactive series in developing your in-tuition using meditation and clairvoyant techniques to open up your ability to trust what you “see” and “know” about your life and relationships. Practice techniques you can use right away to create posi-tive changes in your life. $35. Yoga Life, 939 Port Washington Blvd, Port Washington. 516-423-1794. ToriQuisling.com.

SaturdayPre-Natal Yoga – 9am. Absolute Yoga, 1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury. 516-682-9642.

Yin Yoga – 9-10:15am. A practice in which asanas (poses) are held for extended periods to increase flexibility and juice up the joints and ligaments, releasing energetic blockages that may be holding you back in your yoga practice. Breathe N Flow Yoga, 361B Atlantic Ave, Freeport. 516-632-9626. BNFYoga.com.

Family Yoga – 10-10:45am. 1-9 yrs. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Washington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com.

Bodhi Meditation – 10-11am. With Ni Nan Gil-bert, acupuncturist and healer. Experience how this unique meditation can help you purify your body/mind and unleash the creative power within you. In-crease self-awareness, emotional intelligence, men-tal clarity, focus and inspiration. Ni Nan Healing Art Center, 2326 Merrick Rd, Merrick. 516-442-7408. NiNanHealing.com.

Self Esteem Workshop – 11am-12pm. 4-session workshop to help people develop a healthier sense of self. Learn how to challenge your present thoughts and replace unhealthy ones with more positive ones. Workshop utilizes cognitive techniques to challenge thoughts and behaviors. Change your thinking to change your life. $25. Linda Rose, LCSW, 708 Glen Cove Ave, Glen Head. 516-671-7786. LindaRose.org.

Yoga 101 Workshop – 1:30-3pm. Last Sat. Focuses on the foundational yoga poses, providing individu-alized, detailed instruction, designed to prepare you to make the most of any yoga class at Om Sweet Om. $20. Om Sweet Om Yoga, 12 Irma Ave, Port Wash-ington. 516-944-9642. OmSweetOmYoga.com.

VOLuNTEERS NEEDED – COPE, a grief and healing organization dedicated to supporting parents and families living with the loss of a child through support groups, art therapy, a grief hotline and special workshops, needs volunteers to help with various projects. Karen Flyer, Executive Director: 484-4993 or [email protected].

SERVICESLEARN ABOuT YOuR OWN PSYCHIC ABILITIES – Tori Quisling, with over 20 years experience, can teach you to use your own intuitive abilities to heal yourself and communicate with oth-ers. By the end of the course, students can meditate, work with healing guides and perform a psychic reading. Group and custom classes offered. Please see YourPsychicSelf.net or call 516-423-1794.

SPACE AVAILABLEHEALTH CARE-WELLNESS PROFESSION-ALS Network with complimentary doctors and therapists. Renovated quiet building, clean office, busy road, great parking. Ideal for second location, part timer, or new business Flexible terms. Space for small classes. Join Us! Info & Visit: 516-674-0609.

SPACE AVAILABLE FOR RENT in busy upscale long-established Woodbury yoga studio for holistic health practitioners, such as massage, nutritionist, or personal trainer. Call 516-682-9642 or email [email protected].

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59natural awakenings November 2014


NI NAN HEALING ART CENTER2326 Merrick Rd, Merrick 516-442-7408

Personalized acupuncture, en-ergy healing, Chinese herb and Bodhi meditation are all avail-able and Ni Nan Healing Art CenterinMerrick.Acupunctureforallneedsincluding,stomachupset,acupuncturefacial,fertil-

ity, pain and more. See ad on page 21.


COPE Karen Flyer Office: 516-484-4993, Fax: 516-484-4885 [email protected] CopeFoundation.org

COPEisagriefandhealingorganizationdedicatedto helping parents and families living with the loss ofachild.COPEofferssupportgroupsforparentsand siblings, alternative healing therapies, and a grief hotline. CoPE also offers a free weekend bereavementcampforchildrenages6-17dealingwith amajor loss. Formore information, [email protected].


CENTER FOR THE ALIGNMENT OF BODY, MIND & SPIRIT Dr. Gina Marino • Wantagh 516-221-3500 • Align-Me.com

Dr.Marinoutilizesacombinationofgentlechiro-practicspinaladjustments,Reikiandbodyworktoreducepain,lessentheeffectsofstressonyoursys-tem,restoreflexibilityandensureoptimumvitality.See ad on page 31.

FAMILY WELLNESS CENTER 641 B Old Country Rd, Plainview 516-822-8499 NetworkWellnessCenter.com

Our office helps people heal their bodies andtheir lives by doing light pressure points that blendadvancedneurological, energywork,andlife skills coaching to resolveall the stress, ten-sion, distortions, and traumas from the body and mind naturally. See ad on page 15.

Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our commmunity. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, visit NaturalAwakeningsLI.com for guidelines and to submit entries (under “advertise” tab.}


CLEANING SERVICESALL CLEAN LONG ISLAND INCMichelle Spadafina Massapequa Park Nassau & Suffolk County 516-987-8388 AllCleanLongIsland.com

AllCleanLong Islandprovides cleaning servicesforyourhomeandoffice.Usingonlyaholisticsys-temoforganic,pet-andhuman-friendlyproducts,weprovideanefficientserviceforallyourclean-ingneeds.Customizingeveryjobforthespecificneedsofourcustomersisimportanttousinorderto guarantee that every job is performed to yoursatisfaction.See ad on page 39.


CLEANSING CONCEPTSLocations in Smithtown and Garden City516-640-5322 • CleansingConceptsWorld.com

Private, safe, comfort-able. Lose weight, gain energy, improve skin and sleep, and help re-

ducetheriskofdisease.Spa-likeatmosphere.Feelcompletelyrelaxed.Pre-Postcleansenutrientspro-vided. See ad on page 17.


POLLACK WELLNESS CENTER66 Commack Rd, Ste 204, Commack 631-462-0801 • CreatingWellnessLI.com

Dr.Pollackspecializes in theprac-ticeofphysicalrehabilitation,herb-al and nutritional medicine, andstress and weight management in-cluding non-invasive liposuction.He has extensive experience inhealing digestive disorders (reflux,

bowel issues,colitis, loosestools,etc.), jointandmusclepain,headaches,andmanyothercommonhealthconcerns.Hisgoalistohelpasmanypeo-pleashecantoreachoptimalhealthandavoidthe“sick-care”system.See ads on pages 15 & 45.


RECONNECT LONG ISLANDRob & Anessa Koenig Hurricane Chiropractic Office 1 Montauk Hwy, Westhampton 631-338-9400 ReconnectLI.com

Experience the transformative power of Recon-nective Healing to achieve improved physical,emotional and mental health. Beyond any energy healingtechniqueyouhaveeverencountered,Re-connectiveHealing is apowerful,hands-offpro-cess that accesses a comprehensive spectrum ofenergy,light,andinformationcreditedwithbring-ingaboutastateofrestoredbalanceandwellness.ReconnectLongIslandwasestablishedbypracti-tioners Rob and Anessa Koenig to bring this impor-tant work to the East End. Your time for healing is now,scheduleyourappointmenttoday.


GOLDEN DENTAL WELLNESS444 Community Dr, Ste 204, Manhasset516-627-8400 • GoldenSmile.com

Apractice that cares for you likefamily. The philosophy of our den-tal wellness center is a whole-body approach working closelywithyourhealthcarepractitionersthat you already have a relation-ship with. The practice incorpo-

rates the teachingofHuggins, IOAMT,andmuchmore. See ad on page 17.

LONG ISLAND CENTER FOR HEALTHIER DENTISTRY260 E Main St, Ste 109, Smithtown 631-361-3577 • SmithtownSmiles.com

Dr. Shvartsman provides state-of-the-artdentalcarewithacommit-menttopatientcomfort.Heutiliz-esmercury-andheavymetal-freetoothconserving,minimally inva-siverestorativetechniquesaswellasaBiomimeticDentalapproach.Dentistry for holistic-minded pa-

tientsisourfocus.See ad on page 9.

NORTH SHORE COSMETIC & IMPLANT DENTISTRYDr. Jonathan Richter 310 E Shore Rd, Great Neck 516-282-0310

Wewelcomeyoutocomeinforacomprehensive exam of teeth,gums, early detection, and oralhealth problems. We offer the fol-lowing services: holistic dentalcare, mercury-free dentistry,TMJdisorder and treatment, treatment

for sleep disorders, Invisalign and orthodontics,dental implant, sleep apnea. Payment plans avail-able. See ad on back cover.


YOU BUY:make the green choice.

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60 Long Island Edition NaturalAwakeningsLI.com


PURE AND SIMPLE HEALTH 128 N Long Beach Rd Rockville Centre  516-203-7442 SimplyVibrant.com

“Wellness Made Easy” is our motto at Pure and Simple Health. The 3 reasons we loseourhealthare:wehavetoomuchofwhatourbodydoesn’twant(bacteria,yeast,etc.);wedon’thaveenoughofwhatitneeds(vitamins,minerals,etc.); and stress (physical, emotional or environ-mental).Wehelpyoudetoxifyandcleanyoursys-tem, nourish your body, and help you better adapt tostress,soyoucanexperiencegainsinhealththataredramaticandsustainable.


HEALTHEHABITATS 1602 Lakeland Ave Bohemia 877-861-3662 BringHealthyHome.com

Indoor Environmental Wellness™. We are the peo-ple that improve the air that you breathe, the water youdrink,bathe,andcookwith,andthesurfacesyoutouch.See ad on page 11.


1-855-491-Save NonToxicDivorce.com

Cory Rosenbaum is an expert at all forms of mediation and legal affairs. After resolving his own divorcemediating,withoutanylitigation, he was able to findpeace for himself, his ex-wifeandmost importantlyhischild.

Corywantstohelpothersstrugglingwithdivorceproceedings utilizing amediation process basedon his existing expansive knowledge of divorcelaw in New York State. See ad on page 13.


INTEGRATIVE HEALING CENTER & SPA 403 Main St, Ste 1, Port Washington 516-676-0200 IntegrativeHealthManhasset.com

Specializing in detoxification andpreventativehealthcare.Wearefullypresent in your visit so you feel safe, appreciated and heard All of ourpractitionersareI-ACTcertifiedther-apists. Only the best FDA-clearedLibbydevicesareutilizedforourcli-ents.Thecolon is thekey tohealth.See ad on page 31.


GAIA MIDWIFERYNassau & Suffolk [email protected] • GaiaMidwives.com

Personalized care through preg-nancy, water birth, natural birth,well-woman gynecology, familyplanning. Many insurance plansaccepted.See ad on page 15.


INNER SOURCE NATURAL HEALTH11 Stewart Ave, Huntington631-421-1848 • InnerSourceHealth.com

Helping each patient realizetheir greatest health potential us-ing the least disruptive recom-mendations possible to stimulate the innate ability of the body to healitself. InnerSourceNaturalHealth is staffed by the Naturo-

pathicDoctors/Acupuncturists.AsseenontheDr. Oz show. See ad on page 21.

FINKER WELLNESSBellmore 516-765-3272 • DrFinker.com

UtilizingNaturopathicMedicineto help her patients feel better naturally.Many illnesses can betreated by nutrition, botanicals,

andnutraceuticals.Dr. Finkerprovidespersonal-izedhealthcaresolutionsforherpatients.See ad on page 33.


POLLACK WELLNESS CENTER66 Commack Rd, Ste 204, Commack 631-462-0801 • CreatingWellnessLI.com

Dr.Pollackspecializes in theprac-ticeofphysicalrehabilitation,herb-al and nutritional medicine, andstress and weight management in-cluding non-invasive liposuction.He has extensive experience inhealing digestive disorders (reflux,

bowel issues,colitis, loosestools,etc.), jointandmusclepain,headaches,andmanyothercommonhealthconcerns.Hisgoalistohelpasmanypeo-pleashecantoreachoptimalhealthandavoidthe“sick-care”system.See ads on pages 15 & 45.


DR. HOWARD ROBINSThe Healing Center 200 W 57th St, Ste 807 New York 212-581-0101 [email protected]

Ifyouhaveadiseaseorconditionthatyouhaven’tbeenabletogetridof,OzoneTherapywillmostlikely be the answer, even for people that have suf-fered for years and have lost all hope. If you are questioningifyourconditioncanbetreated,callor email Dr. Robins. See ad on page 63.

PSYCHICCLAIRVOYANT READINGS & CLASSES516-423-1794 • [email protected]

Tori Quisling, MEd, offers Clair-voyant Readings, Psychic Devel-opment classes. Over 20 yearsexperience,trainingattheBerke-ley Psychic Institute, Tori assistsyou in deep spiritual answers, past lives, relationships and energy

balance. See ad on page 41.


LINDA ROSE, LCSWWilliston Park/Glen Head Locations 516-671-7786

Individual, couple and group ses-sions. Services offered include;arousal difficulties, erectile dys-function, low libido, orgasm diffi-

culties,prematureejaculationandinfidelity. See ad on page 41.

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8 Davison Plaza East Rockaway/Lynbrook 516-406-3005 OpenCircleWellness.com

Intuitive counseling, Reiki/ener-getichealing,meditationinstruction.TinaMartinezhasalonghistoryasameditatorandahealer(29years). Each session is completely unique to theindividual and is supported with the highest and purest intentions.

SUCCESSANDHARMONY.ORG27 Merrick Ave, Merrick SuccessAndHarmony.org

SuccessAndHarmony.orgoffersmultipletransforma-tion coaching and energy healing including Reikienergy classes and healing, and Transformation,vortex healing and Karuna Reiki.

SCHOOLSPROGRESSIVE SCHOOL OF LONG ISLAND1425 Merrick Ave, Merrick516-868-6835 • psoli.com

K-8 private school. Morning yoga, meditation,healthyandvegetarianeating.Individualizedread-ing,writing,math.Volunteeringandservice;earn-ingbydoing.Richincultureanddiversity.Reason-able tuition. See ad on page 35.

THE WALDORF SCHOOL OF GARDEN CITY225 Cambridge Ave Garden City 516-742-3434 WaldorfGarden.com

Nurserythroughgrade12privateschool.Aninnova-tive andholistic approach to educate andnurturewithcompassion,tobalancetowardswholeness,tochallengetowardexcellenceandachievement.Ourmethodsofteachingreflectanunderstandingofthegrowingchildandacknowledgethespiritualoriginsof humanity.

SPIRITUAL COACHCYNTHIA TAYLOR SCOTT, LMHCLightWorker and Spiritual Coach Long Island Healing Arts Center 868 Jericho Turnpike, Huntington 516-641-0375 [email protected]

CynthiaTaylorScott isaLicensedMental Health Counselor, Light-worker and Spiritual Coach. It isour birthright to reignite the light within and honor our true authen-ticselves.Cynthiachannelsangel-icmessagesthroughmeditationsto

healyourheartandprepareyourpathtoascension.A Personal Healing Plan will be written to assist you.

STEM CELL THERAPYAMERICAN STEM CELL CENTERNeil Raff, MD 160-40 78th Rd, Fresh Meadows (Queens) 718-544-1444 AmericanStemCellCenter.com

Yourownstemcellsmaybeusedas thecutting-edgetreatmentforneuro-logical and autoimmunediseases, cardiovascular, stroke,spinal cord injuries, orthopedicailments and more. In a few hour, in-office procedure, your own stem cells are collected, concentrated and injected into

the areas of damage, stimulating the body’s natural repair. Thereisnodangeroftissuerejectionoral-lergicreaction. Callfora15-minutefreeconsult.See ad on page 45.

SUCCESS COACHPAMELA RICH, HHC Long Island & Manhattan 516-624-2332 PamelaRich.com [email protected]

Chopra Certified Instructor, Li-censed Heal Your Life® Workshop Leader. Workshops, Retreats, Tele-

Classes. Guiding you to an “enRICHed” life filledwith vibrant Health * Emotional Freedom * Abun-dant Living. See ad on page 23.


ADVANCED ANIMAL CARE CENTERMichel A. Selmer, DVM260 Evergreen Ave South Huntington631-367-7387

See ad on inside front cover.


ABSOLUTE YOGA1 Guilles Ln, Woodbury 516-682-YOGA AbsoluteYogaStudio.com

Two beautiful peaceful studiosprovide theperfectenvironment for theunionofbodyandsoul.50+classesperweekinavarietyofyogastylesandlevelsfrombeginnertoenergetic,strengthening warm vinyasa yoga. We also offer kids, pre andpost-natal yoga (yogi baby), restor-ative yoga, yoga for fertility, Pilates and barre. See ad on page 52.

BREATHE N FLOW YOGA STUDIO361b Atlantic Ave, Freeport 516-632-9626 BreatheNFlowYoga.com

Family yoga studio specializingin vinyasa yoga, prenatal, restorative, kids’ yoga, mommy & me, private/semi-private, kids’ partiesandworkshops.Specialdonation-basedcommuni-tyyogaclassesofferedFridaysat4pm.Open7daysaweekofferingafullrangeofclassesintwostudiosandprivate changing/nursing area.Come feel theFlow. See ad on page 53.

OM SWEET OM YOGA12 Irma Ave, Port Washington 516-944-9642 OmSweetOmYoga.com

Beembracedbythewarmthofcommunityandbecelebratedforwhoyoutrulyare.Yourhomeawayfrom home, your refuge in a busy life. Here, your body is strengthened and soothed while your spirit is nurtured. See ad on page 53.

Increase sales of your product or service this holiday season… for as little as $50 see page 25 for details

December’s Holiday Gift Guide Call TODAY to reserve your space!

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Page 64: Long Island's Healthy Magazine

North Shore Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry, P.C.

310 East Shore Road, Suite 101

Great Neck, New York 11023

T: 516-282-0310E: [email protected]


General Holistic Dentistry where we match your health goals to that of your beautiful smile, as well as:

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where dentistry and health are personalized



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Dr. Jonathan Richter D.D.S., F.A.G.D.

Periodontist Prosthodontist Dr. Jonathan Richter is a noted dentist with a dual dental degree in periodontics/prosthetics

and dental implantology, who provides comprehensive holistic dentistry to preserve your natural teeth. He is one of a select few dual-specialists in the tri-state area.

Dr. Richter places a heavy emphasis on prevention through wellness and holistic approaches.

Personalized care for patients with diabetes, heart disease, auto immune disease and pregnancy
