lord of the flies summer reading answers

Lord of the Flies Summer Reading Answers Yuri Jew English 10 H Chapter One 1) The first characters we meet are Ralph and Piggy. Ralph is a boy with fair hair and is twelve years old. Piggy is a fat boy with glasses. He is called Piggy because he is fat. 2) The boys discover that they were in a plane and crashed into an island. They think they crashed because the plane was attacked. They also find a conch and Ralph blows it to call all the other boys. 3) Ralph is the elected leader, also known as, “chief” because he was the one who blew the conch. 4) Piggy is told to take names. The choir become hunters, led by Jack. Simon is also called by Ralph to explore the island. The rest of the boys are reponsible to building/ finding shelter. 5) When they find a piglet, Jack raises his knife in the air, but doesn’t swing down because he flinched. The piglet escapes while Jack was flinching. 6) Piggy is a fat boy, unlike Ralph and is annoying and full of complaints. Ralph is a boy with fair hair, not fat, and he has charisma. Chapter Two

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Lord of the Flies Summer Reading Answers

Yuri Jew English 10 H

Chapter One

1) The first characters we meet are Ralph and Piggy. Ralph is a boy with fair hair and is twelve years old. Piggy is a fat boy with glasses. He is called Piggy because he is fat.

2) The boys discover that they were in a plane and crashed into an island. They think they crashed because the plane was attacked. They also find a conch and Ralph blows it to call all the other boys.

3) Ralph is the elected leader, also known as, “chief” because he was the one who blew the conch.

4) Piggy is told to take names. The choir become hunters, led by Jack. Simon is also called by Ralph to explore the island. The rest of the boys are reponsible to building/ finding shelter.

5) When they find a piglet, Jack raises his knife in the air, but doesn’t swing down because he flinched. The piglet escapes while Jack was flinching.

6) Piggy is a fat boy, unlike Ralph and is annoying and full of complaints. Ralph is a boy with fair hair, not fat, and he has charisma.

Chapter Two

1) The rule Ralph lays down is that whoever holds the conch may speak, nobody should interrupt that person except for Ralph, the chief.

2) The frightened boy tells the group that he saw a “snake-thing”, a “beastie” in the woods, in the dark. The group doesn’t believe him and contradicts him with reasoning. They think he might’ve had a nightmare. The boy also says that the “beastie” hung in the branches in the morning and will come back tonight.

3) Ralph tells the boys to make a fire so that when a ship comes, they will see the smoke and rescue them.

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4) As a result of the fire, more labor was required from the boys because of the lack of wood needed to make a fire. Also, Piggy’s glasses was used to light the fire.

5) Jack and his choir accept the responsibility of keeping the fire alive.

6) This chapter reveals the Piggy is a big complainer. He hates it when other people tell him to shut up. He wants people to acknowledge his existence and to listen to him. He would also have no hope and complain about the situation.

Chapter Three

1) Jack is not successful in the second hunt. He throws his spear, but misses.

2) Simon is the only one who helps Ralph build the huts.

3) Jack and Ralph argue about the importance of meat and shelter. Ralph blames Jack for not catching anything in two days and says shelter is needed more.

4) Jack is intent on hunting because he figures that is the manliest job. He is the carefree, daring one. He likes hunting because it is more fun for him.

5) Ralph is concerned about the littluns because they are frightened at night. They have nightmares, “as if it wasn’t a good island”. Ralph is worried because the littluns need to be protected in case the “beastie” is actually real.

6) Golding implies that rules are essential to peace and order. The conch represents all law , democracy, and rules in the book, because that is the only rule the boys have.

Chapter Four

1) The littluns did many things during the day. They ate, picked fruit, built sand castles, played in the sand, and went to assemblies. They also experienced bad things, such as chronic diarrhoea, untold terrors in the dark, and they were very dirty

2) Roger and Maurice kick over the sand castles.

3) Cruel qualities of Roger are revealed in this chapter. He is very mean by kicking over the littluns’ sand castles. He also threw stones at the littlun named Henry. His subconscious made him see things around Henry in the form of parents, policemen, and the law. He subconsciously threw the stones around Henry, to miss.

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4) Jack and the other hunters paint their faces because Jack thinks that the pigs are scared from seeing the pink on their faces. Therefore, they paint their faces to look more pig friendly.

5) The boys hate Piggy. Piggy has asthma, he is fat, he is smarter than everyone else, and he complains all the time. This all drives the other boys to torment him and hate him. Piggy plays the role of the social outcast, the “unpopular kid”.

6) When Ralph scolds the hunters, at first they are not bothered by it and tries to turn the conversation away with how they killed the pig. They try to avoid it but at last Jack finally gives in and is humiliated. Even Piggy blames him, and that causes Jack to become angry. Jack punchs Piggy in the gut and smacks his glasses off, causing one side to break. After that, Jack finally apologizes.

7) After Ralph told Jack of, Piggy also told Jack that he should not have let the fire out, since it was his responsibility. Some of the hunters agreed with him, but this caused Jack to become malevolent. He hit Piggy in the stomach, making Piggy sit down with a grunt. Then Jack smacks Piggy's head, causing his glasses to fly off. One side of the glasses broke, and Piggy yells at Jack saying that he only has one eye now. They continued to scramble around the rock until Ralph intervenes.

Chapter Five

1) Ralph calls an assembly to fix some things that are going wrong on the island. He tries to fix the problem with the littluns using the fruit area as a toilet. The rule is you must only use certain rocks at the beach as a toilet. Ralph also says to keep the fire going, or else they will not be rescued. The last thing Ralph says is that if anyone wants to make a fire to cook food, it has to be done on the mountain.

2) After Jack breaks the rules and drives the assembly wild, Ralph and Piggy talk to each other about the problems. If he blows the conch and the rest don’t come back, they won’t be rescued because there won’t be people to keep the fire going. If he doesn’t blow, then they’re animals anyway. Ralph is scared of the debate of if the “beastie” is either a ghost or an animal. He asks Piggy for comfort, and Piggy assures him that there is no such thing. Ralph wants to quit being chief but Simon joins in and convinces him to go on. Ralph has more sympathy for Piggy because he finally knows what it feels like to be outcasted, nobody ever listening to you.

3) Ralph chides the boys for not using the rocks on the beach as a toilet, helping out with the chores, and leaving the fire unattended.

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4) Percivel said that the “beast” came up from the water. Maurice suggests that it was a squid, and then boys started arguing whether a squid could come out of the water. After that, Someone suggests that it could be a ghost. More arguing and chattering come from the assembly. Everyone is scared out of their wits that it could be a ghost.

5) When Simon speaks about the beast, he says, “Maybe, maybe there is a beast. What I mean is, maybe it’s only us.” This explanation is very hard to understand, he doesn’t express it very well, therefore nobody understands what he is saying. He is suggesting that the “beast” is from everyone’s subconscious, that the “beast” is only a piece of imagination.

6) “Now people seem to use anywhere. Even near the shelters and the platform. You littluns, when you’re getting fruit; if you’re taking short—“ The assembly roared.”I said if you’re taken short you go right along the beast to the rocks. See?” This paragraph shows that the hygiene of the boys is decreasing, they are becoming more like savages.

“Jack stood up, scowling in the gloom, and held out his hands. “I haven’t finished yet.” “But you’ve talked and talked!” “I’ve got the conch.” Jack sat down, grumbling. – Pg. 81-82. “Jack! Jack! The rules! You’re breaking the rules!” “Who cares?” “Because rules are the only thing we’ve got!” “Bollucks to the rules! We’re strong – we hunt! If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down! – Pg. 91. This shows that laws are crumbling away, law and order is deteriorating.

Chapter Six

1) The sign the came down from the world of grownups was a bright explosion. A figure dropped from a parachute, then a gust of wind blew the figure among the blue flowers of the mountain-side Then a gentle breeze blew the figure thrrough the flowers, over the rocks until it huddled among the rocks of the mountain top. It was a dead parachutist.

2) Sam and Eric mistake the weird figure of the dead parachutist as the “beast” that is thought to exist. They run away and tell the news to everyone else.

3) For most of the story, the conch represented democracy and order. It’s significance gradually disappears after Jack says, “Conch! Conch! We don’t need the conch anymore. We know who ought to say things. What good did Simon do speaking, or Bill, or Walter? It’s time some people knew they’ve got to keep quiet and leave deciding things to the rest of us.

4) When Piggy says he has the right to speak because of the conch, Jack responds by saying they don’t need the conch anymore. Ralph comes in and tells Jack to sit down. Ralph then accuses Jack of not wanting to be rescued. Jack then take s a violent swing at Ralph.

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5) “Simon, walking in front of Ralph, felt a flicker of incredulity – a beast with claws that

scratched, that sat on a mountain-top, that left no tracks and yet was not fast enough to catch Samneric. However Simon thought of the beast, there rose before his inward sight the picture of a human, at once heroic and sick.” Simon is bothered that the “beast”, was not able to catch Sam and Eric, and left no tracks. He wanted to say that it was not real, but he was too afraid.

6) Ralph obviously never believed that the “beast” was actually real. Even with the eyewitness report from Sam and Eric, he still didn’t believe it. Even so, he agreed to a search of the island because all the other boys were afraid of the beast, and he wanted them to be relieved that there was no beast.

7) Ralph gets angry with Jack and his followers because they are fooling around and pushing rocks. They also want to play around and make a fort,while Ralph orders them to go to the top of the mountain and light the fire.

Chapter Seven

1) Simon predicts that Ralph will return to his home just fine. Ralph doesn’t know how to respond because Simon doesn’t seem to have any definitive proof for that. He doesn’t believe it but Simon assures him that he will.

2) Jack and the hunters found pigs droppings, and invited Ralph to come hunt with them, but at the same time they are also searching for the beast. They eventually find a boar, and even Ralph is getting in on the action. Although they are unsuccessful at capturing the boar, Ralph is very thrilled and excited to have wounded it. Robert then acts like the boar that just recently escaped. Everyone else pretends to hunt him, but then they forget that it’s a game. They nearly kill Robert.

3) In the first hunt that Ralph participates in, they encounter a boar. Ralph throws his spear at the boar, not killing it, but wounding it. Ralph gets extremely elated and tries to get anyone’s attention at what he accomplished. Then, when the group nearly kills Robert, even Ralph wanted to kill him. “Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering.”

4) The boys reenacted the event of hunting the boar. Robert played the part of the boar and they nearly killed him.

5) Ralph asks Jack, “Why do you hate me?”. Jack leaves this question unanswered.

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6) Jack climbs the mountain to see the beast. He pressures all the other boys to come with him. All the other boys forgot their urge to avoid climbing the mountain. Ralph is the first one to accept Jack’s “challenge”. The next person to climb the mountain is Roger. All three of them climb up the mountain to see the “beast”.

Chapter Eight

1) Jack is the one who blew the conch for the assembly. He wanted to inform everyone that they have seen the beast, and that Ralph is a coward. He asks everyone if they still want Ralph to be chief, nobody raised their hands, so Jack, in humiliated tears, ran away by himself.

2) The rest of the boys do not want Ralph to be replaced as the chief, so they do not raise their hands. Jack is ashamed and so he runs away, humilated.

3) Simon suggests that they climb the mountain. Everyone else is shocked, and they object to his suggestion.

4) The fire is not made at the top of the mountain, but on the lower part of the island. It is not as easily seen, but they want to avoid the “beast”.

5) Bill and Roger have disappeared, seeming as though they went to go find Jack as he left. The rest of the boys are confident that they can manage without them, as Jack, Roger, and Bill were only useless boys.

6) Jack told his follows that they were going to forget about the beast, and that they shouldn’t dream so much at the end of the island. He also told them that when they kill a pig and have a feast, they will leave some of the pig for the beast, hoping that it won’t bother them. This shows that Jack and his band are becoming more like savages, worshipping the “beast” as an idol.

7) This hunt is more violent. The hunters are more bloodthirsty, and vicious.

8) The hunters of the sow put it’s head on a stick. It was meant to be a gift for the “beast”. It’s called “The Lord of the Flies” because it represents the fact that Jack and his hunters have become barbaric and vicious. The term “Lord of the Flies” also represents the devil.

Chapter Nine

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1) After leaving the lord of the flies, Simon goes toward the dusk of the forest, only to find the dead parachutist that flew into the island earlier. He goes and tries to inform the others. The rest of the boys are chanting and dancing in a circle, and finds Simon crawling on his knees, mumbling things about a dead body on the hill. They completely ignore this, and they brutally kill Simon while thinking that he is a pig.

2) Ralph and Piggy decide to attend Jack’s feast because Piggy suggested it, “to make sure nothing happens”. They attend the feast, and they receive some meat from Jack. After they ate, they try to convince them that Ralph is still chief and that the fire still needs to keep going. Jack’s tribe ignores him. They try to leave when they finished eating their meat.

3) When Jack asks Ralph’s followers to join him, Ralph points out that he is the chief.

Jack argues with him, and Ralph also points out that a storm is approaching, and that they have no shelters. Rain and thunder came down, and Jack encourages them to dance. Then, they proceed with their dance and eventually kill Simon.

4) In the frenzy and the excitement of the dance, Simon crawls out to tell them that the “beast” is a dead body on the hill. The boys are insane now and they think Simon is a beast and they kill him.

5) Simon is the godly figure, the one who does no harm, and the one who tries to preach the truth. He is “sacrificed” for preaching the truth, all due to the insanity of the boys. His function was to be like Christ, also the sacrifice. While Ralph and Jack were on two different planes, Simon was on a somewhat neutral side. He committed many selfless acts, and wasn’t cruel or mean to the littluns. Simon represented the goodness of humans, however his accidental death was proof of the evilness within humans.

Chapter Ten

1) Piggy and Sam and Eric are the only biguns who have remained in Ralph’s tribe. Jack forces Sam and Eric to join his tribe, so it is only Ralph and Piggy.

2) Piggy proves himself to be the most calm, because Ralph is the one who doesn’t know what to do. Piggy is the one assuring him that they can live on their own.

3) Those that disobey Jack’s wishes are tied up and beaten by Jack, the chief.

4) Jack convinces his tribe that Simon’s death was the beast disguising itself.

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5) Jack’s boys attack Ralph’s because they wanted Piggy’s glasses. They needed Piggy’s glasses in order to make fire.

Chapter Eleven

1) Ralph and Piggy decide to go to Jack’s fort in order to retrieve Piggy’s glasses so that Piggy will regain his vision and the ability to make fire.

2) Piggy is far from understanding what Jack and his followers have been turned into. He

thinks that going to Jack’s tribe and asking for his glasses backwill actually convince them to return him his glasses after it has been stolen. Piggy basically had sealed his own fate when he decided to approach the savages.

3) Jack is no longer playing a game because of the severe killings of both Simon and Piggy. Murder is not a game. Jack and his boys went from school boys into vicious savages. Also, in Chapter Eight, Jack mentions, “I’m not going to play any longer. Not with you,”

4) Piggy feels that he has a right to speak because he is holding the conch. He tries to make himself heard, points out how Ralph’s law and order is superior to Jack’s hunting and worshipping the “beast”. Piggy is then smashed by rocks and he falls fourty feet to his death.

5) Piggy’s death is equated with the slaughter with pigs because the slaughter of the pigs followed the same pattern of the death of the boys. Jack was unable to kill the piglet, then hunted pigs for meat, and then for pure pleasure. The littlun with the mulberry-colored birthmark was killed by negligence, Simon was killed from overexcitement, and Piggy was killed on purpose. Also, Piggy’s name is also related to equating his death with the slaughter of the pigs.

6) Jack reacts to Piggy’s death by saying, “See? See? That’s what you’ll get! I meant that! There isn’t a tribe for you anymore! The conch is gone-”. This shows that Jack isn’t fazed by Piggy’s death, he never cared about Piggy. He also says this to threaten his tribe, to make sure that they are scared of him.

Chapter Twelve

1) Ralph flees to a covert and hides. After he was sure he wasn’t being followed, he tries to rationalize what has happened.

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2) Ralph is not very successful at trying to rationalize what has happened. He is devastated,

and tries to convince himself that Simon and Piggy’s deaths were an accident.

3) Ralph gets his weapon by taking the stick that the sow’s head was on.

4) Sam and Eric are treated very badly by the savages. They were forced to join their tribe, and the tribe beat them.

5) They find Ralph’s hiding place by torturing Sam and Eric to tell them where Ralph was hiding in.

6) After Ralph was driven out of the thicket by smoke, he escapes and runs for his life. He is panicked every time he hears a savage close by, and runs further every time he hears a cry. He tries desperately to think of what to do, and has three ideas. He does not choose to execute any of these ideas, he just runs for his life and tries to hide in a hiding place on the beach, cornered by savages nearby, only to find a naval officer.

7) Ralph is saved at the last possible moment because when he was finally cornered and had nowhere to go, the naval officer finds him just in time to save him. If he had came a minute later, Ralph would’ve died a violent death.

8) When the naval officer looksbat at the boys, he sees the hunters, “A semicircle of little boys, their bodies streaked with colored clay, sharp sticks in their hands, were standing on the beach making no noise at all.” He sees Ralph, “The officer inspected the little scarecrow in front of him. The kid needed a bath, a haircut,a nose-wipe and a good deal of ointment. He also sees the littluns,”Other boys were appearing now, tiny tots some of them, brown, with the distended bellies of small savages.”

9) The “end of innocence” is the fact that these little British boys in the beginning in the novel were innocent, mostly kind to one another, and nonviolent. As they became more barbaric and like savages, they lost their innocence, as they have been killing animals for pleasure. They have been torturing, killing, and beating humans also for pleasure.They completely lose their grip on reality. The “darkness of man’s heart” is the evilness that lurks within each and every human being. When Ralph is saved from the naval officer, he is not filled with joy or relief, he wept because he knew about the “darkness of man’s heart” , and that he will never be the same from this traumatic experience.

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10) It’s Ironic that the fire that Jack used to smoke out Ralph and kill him, ended up saving his life.

11) It’s ironic that they are brought to this island as a result from the war, and they are also saved by a war ship.