lord of war

Lord of war: intro timeline Sound Mis-en-scene Cinematography Edit Start Bullet cases on the floor 0:01 surrounding sounds ( crickets ) 0:04 - camera swoops over bullet cases 0:15 shows a man standing on his own shot comes from low 0:31 man turns round to show character 0:35 a fact stated by characters voice 0:49 show a working factory camera floats around 0:49 calm relaxing music starts 1:08 main actor “ Nicolas Cage “ introduced 1:12 shows close up of machinery at work 1:15 starts with the making of bullet that is focused on 1:19 title of film introduced “ Lord of War “ 1:25 sounds of macheinery at work 1:26 introduction of another actor “ Jared Leto “ 1:40 other actorsintroduced “ Ian Holm … “ 1:50 - bullets being moved in bulk ( inside view ) 2:01 bullets being transported with no care 2:21 bullets arrive at dock as just another box 2:25 - shows editor “ Zach Staenberg “ 2:27 production designer shows “ Jean Vincent Puzos “ 2:30 shipment of bullets arrives (inside view) 2:37 shipment gets knocked over as if not important 2:38 follows specific bullet as it rolls away 2:42 same specific bullet picked up 2:43 shows director of photography “ Amir Mokri “ 2:49 bullet put back In box with no care 3:00 shows executive producers “ Gary Hamilton …. ”

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Lord of war

Lord of war: intro timeline





Start – Bullet cases on the floor

0:01 – surrounding sounds ( crickets )

0:04 - camera swoops over bullet cases

0:15 – shows a man standing on his own shot comes from low

0:31 – man turns round to show character

0:35 – a fact stated by characters voice

0:49 – show a working factory camera floats around

0:49 – calm relaxing music starts

1:08 – main actor “ Nicolas Cage “ introduced

1:12 – shows close up of machinery at work

1:15 – starts with the making of bullet that is focused on

1:19 – title of film introduced “ Lord of War “

1:25 – sounds of macheinery at work

1:26 – introduction of another actor “ Jared Leto “

1:40 – other actorsintroduced “ Ian Holm … “

1:50 - bullets being moved in bulk ( inside view )

2:01 – bullets being transported with no care

2:21 – bullets arrive at dock as just another box

2:25 - shows editor “ Zach Staenberg “

2:27 – production designer shows “ Jean Vincent Puzos “

2:30 – shipment of bullets arrives (inside view)

2:37 – shipment gets knocked over as if not important

2:38 – follows specific bullet as it rolls away

2:42 – same specific bullet picked up

2:43 – shows director of photography “ Amir Mokri “

2:49 – bullet put back In box with no care

3:00 – shows executive producers “ Gary Hamilton …. ”

Page 2: Lord of war

3:16 – bullets thrown on floor

3:20 – shows producers “ Nicolas Cage … “

3:23 – bullet put into magazine for gun (close up )

3:33 – shows the bullet is coming up to being fired from gun

3:41 – target is found and aimed followed gun

3:43 – bullet shot and camera follows the bullet to target

3:44 – goes into slow motion before kids face

3:45 – then imbeds into the boys head so screen goes red

3:47 – shows written and directed by “ Andrew Niccol “

3:50 – intro ends / song ends

During this intro there was a close up on the bullet at all times

as if the camera was a centermeter behind the bullet , even at

times where the bullet was in a box it would just make the

screen go dark and then they would either introduce and actor or

a producer … The view was always from the behind of the

bullet and light and sound would adjust accordingly , this mad

for a extremely intresting intro and had a great finish with the

killing of the boy and the bullet imbedding in his head and the

screen going dark to start the film.