losing control to the cloud

How to Gain Comfort in Using the Cloud by Jason Falciola, GCIH, GAWN Technical Account Manager, Northeast October 20 th 2010

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Page 1: Losing Control to the Cloud

How to Gain Comfort in Using the Cloud

by Jason Falciola, GCIH, GAWN!Technical Account Manager, Northeast October 20th 2010

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  What Perspective does Qualys bring to this discussion? −  Security & Compliance Software as a Service (SaaS) provider since 1999 −  Continuously expanding platform to address evolving challenges

  Rapid Market and Technology Changes   The Security & Compliance Conundrum   Cloud Definition   Cloud Questions   Reliance on Existing Frameworks   Tackling the Cloud   Moving Forward   Q&A


Page 3: Losing Control to the Cloud

Private Clouds"

SaaS" PaaS IaaS"



Technology and Market Trends "Cloud Computing a disruptive technology

   Accelerated Industry " Consolidation

  Moving toward thin clients and a Data Center centric model

  Security moving into the " Infrastructure and toward " Cloud Services

QualysGuard Service"

Page 4: Losing Control to the Cloud

 “In  our  February  2010  survey  of  518  business  technology  pros,  security  

concerns  again  led  the  list  of  reasons  not  to  use  cloud  services,  while  on  the  roster  

of  drivers,  77%  cited  cost  savings.”      

-­‐-­‐  InformaPon  Week  


Survey Says… (Information Week)

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Key  Findings:  • Sixty  percent  (60%)  more  survey  respondents  are  willing  to  use  soaware  as  a  service  (SaaS)  for  sensiPve  data  than  are  willing  to  use  tradiPonal  outsourcing.  

• The  quesPonnaire  is  the  most  common  form  of  external  party  risk  assessment,  with  half  of  the  quesPonnaires  based  on  industry-­‐standard  frameworks  and  the  other  half  being  organizaPonally  unique.  

Recommenda1ons:  • Develop  internal  experPse  on  external  risk  assessment,  and  on  the  contractual  clauses  that  address  security,  privacy,  regulatory  compliance,  conPnuity  and  disaster  recovery.  

• Take  an  organized  approach  to  SaaS  and  public  cloud  purchases,  and  build  a  team  and  processes  to  work  with  the  business  to  address  all  security,  compliance,  integraPon  and  contractual  needs  so  that  a  decision  can  be  made  on  whether  a  potenPal  seller  can  meet  those  requirements.      

   -­‐-­‐  Gartner  “Assessment  Prac1ces  for  Cloud,  SaaS  and  Partner  Risks”,  April  2010  


Survey Says… (Gartner)

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  What Perspective does Qualys bring to this discussion? −  Security & Compliance Software as a Service (SaaS) provider since 1999 −  Continuously expanding platform to address evolving challenges

  Rapid Market and Technology Changes   The Security & Compliance Conundrum   Cloud Definition   Cloud Questions   Reliance on Existing Frameworks   Tackling the Cloud   Moving Forward   Q&A


Page 7: Losing Control to the Cloud

Security & Compliance Conundrum "Having to address the New and Old Challenges

  New and multiplying attack vectors   Authentication still an!

unresolved issue   Security & compliance

silos, fragmented tools & data

  Lack of enterprise/agency wide visibility and policy enforcement!


Private Clouds

SaaS PaaS/ IaaS

Regulations, Industry Standards, Internal Policies



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  What Perspective does Qualys bring to this discussion? −  Security & Compliance Software as a Service (SaaS) provider since 1999 −  Continuously expanding platform to address evolving challenges

  Rapid Market and Technology Changes   The Security & Compliance Conundrum   Cloud Definition   Cloud Questions   Reliance on Existing Frameworks   Tackling the Cloud   Moving Forward   Q&A


Page 9: Losing Control to the Cloud

What is the Cloud? Definition



“The  cloud  is  a  model  for  enabling  convenient,  on-­‐demand  network  access  to  a  shared  pool  of  configurable  compuPng  resources  (e.g.,  networks,  servers,  storage,  applicaPons,  and  services)  that  can  be  rapidly  provisioned  and  released  with  minimal  management  effort  or  service  provider  interacPon”    

–  NIST  Informa,on  Technology  Laboratory    

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What is the Cloud? Essentials


Five Essential Characteristics:!

1.  On-demand, self-service – Ability to unilaterally provision computing capabilities

2.  Broad network access – Available over the network and accessed through standard mechanisms that promote heterogonous thin or thick client platforms

3.  Resource pooling – Resources are pooled to serve multiple consumers using a multi tenant model (location independence)

4.  Rapid elasticity – capabilities can be rapidly and elastically provisioned

5.  Measured service – Resource usage can be monitored, controlled and reported

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What is the Cloud? Service Models

Three Service Models 1.  Software As A Service (SaaS) – Managed application/service where customers

consume application resources as needed, without impact to internal computing resources. Security provided by cloud vendor

2.  Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Developers build and manage their own custom applications on top of platform provided by the cloud vendor. Application and data security managed by cloud customer.

3.  Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud vendor provides storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources where the consumer is able to deploy and run arbitrary software which can include operating systems and applications. Cloud vendor protects infrastructure, but operating systems, applications, and content is managed and secured by the cloud consumer.


Key Takeaway - The lower down the stack the cloud service provider goes, the more security capabilities and management enterprises are responsible for.

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What is the Cloud? Deployment Models

Four Deployment Models 1.  Public: Made available to the general public or large industry group and is

owned by an organization selling cloud services.

2.  Private: Operated solely for a single or group of organizations isolated among peers. May be managed by the organization or a third party and may exist on-premise or off-premise.

3.  Community: Shared by several organizations and supports a specific community that has shared concerns. May be managed by the organization or a third party and may exist on-premise or off-premise.

4.  Hybrid: Composed of two or more clouds (Private, Community, or Public) that remain unique, but are bound together standardized or proprietary technology that enables data and application portability (cloud bursting for load balancing between clouds).


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What is the Cloud? Visual Definition

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  What Perspective does Qualys bring to this discussion? −  Security & Compliance Software as a Service (SaaS) provider since 1999 −  Continuously expanding platform to address evolving challenges

  Rapid Market and Technology Changes   The Security & Compliance Conundrum   Cloud Definition   Cloud Questions   Reliance on Existing Frameworks   Tackling the Cloud   Moving Forward   Q&A


Page 15: Losing Control to the Cloud

Cloud Questions

 New technology combined with un-proven vendors / service providers

  Innovative technology in the hands of the users  Data leaving the perimeter  Growing number of third parties requiring

connectivity  Control validation changes to trust   Transparency limited to what you know  Challenging to report Risk back to the business

Page 16: Losing Control to the Cloud

Critical Challenges for Security Professionals

Security  Program  

Ques1onnaires   On-­‐Site  Review   Third  Party  


Security  Budgets  

Staffing/  Resources  

Reduce  Confusion  

Page 17: Losing Control to the Cloud

Audit Activities and Costs

 Up to 5 man days of work to complete  Hotel  Transportation  Any Corrective Actions  Hidden costs (e.g., require pen test, out of

office work, regulatory)  What would the average cost be

Page 18: Losing Control to the Cloud

Multiple Reviews

Cloud  User  

SaaS  SP  1  

IaaS  SP  

SaaS  SP  2  

PaaS  SP    

SaaS  SP  3  

SaaS  SP  4  

 No standard  Scalability  After the fact  Custom


Page 19: Losing Control to the Cloud

S-P-I Framework

IaaS  Infrastructure  as  a  Service  

You  build  security  in  

You  “RFP”  security  in  

PaaS  Plajorm  as  a  Service  

SaaS  Soaware  as  a  Service  

Source:  hSp://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org  

Page 20: Losing Control to the Cloud


  What Perspective does Qualys bring to this discussion? −  Security & Compliance Software as a Service (SaaS) provider since 1999 −  Continuously expanding platform to address evolving challenges

  Rapid Market and Technology Changes   The Security & Compliance Conundrum   Cloud Definition   Cloud Questions   Reliance on Existing Frameworks   Tackling the Cloud   Moving Forward   Q&A


Page 21: Losing Control to the Cloud

Existing Frameworks in Use

 Security Questionnaires  OnSite Review   ISO 27002  SAS-70 Type II  SysTrust  PCI  Third Party Penetration Test

Page 22: Losing Control to the Cloud


  What Perspective does Qualys bring to this discussion? −  Security & Compliance Software as a Service (SaaS) provider since 1999 −  Continuously expanding platform to address evolving challenges

  Rapid Market and Technology Changes   The Security & Compliance Conundrum   Cloud Definition   Cloud Questions   Reliance on Existing Frameworks   Tackling the Cloud   Moving Forward   Q&A


Page 23: Losing Control to the Cloud

Available Resources for Cloud Users – NIST & ENISA  NIST − Cloud Definition − SCAP – Security Content Automation Protocol!

http://scap.nist.gov − Continuous Monitoring!

 ENISA − Report: “Cloud Computing: Benefits,!

Risks and Recommendations for !Information Security”

−  http://www.enisa.europa.eu/act/rm/files/deliverables/cloud-computing-risk-assessment

Page 24: Losing Control to the Cloud

Available Resources (cont’d)" - Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)  Cloud Security Alliance − CSA Guide − Research Papers!

 Initiatives in Progress/Released − CSA Guidance V2.1 – Released Dec 2009!


− CSA Top Threats Research – Released March 2010 − CSA Cloud Controls Matrix – Released April 2010 − Trusted Cloud Initiative – Release Q4 2010 − CSA Cloud Metrics Working Group − Consensus Assessment Initiative

Page 25: Losing Control to the Cloud

Available Resources (cont’d) "- CSA Guidance Research

Guidance  >  100k  downloads:  cloudsecurityalliance.org/guidance  

Governance and Enterprise Risk Management

Legal and Electronic Discovery

Compliance and Audit

Information Lifecycle Management

Portability and Interoperability

Security, Bus. Cont,, and Disaster Recovery

Data Center Operations

Incident Response, Notification, Remediation

Application Security

Encryption and Key Management

Identity and Access Management


Cloud Architecture



g in




Governing the


Page 26: Losing Control to the Cloud

Available Resources (cont’d) "– CSA Cloud Controls Matrix Tool

  Controls derived from guidance

  Rated as applicable to S-P-I   Customer vs Provider role  Mapped to ISO 27001,

COBIT, PCI, HIPAA   Help bridge the gap for IT & IT

auditors between existing controls and cloud controls


Page 27: Losing Control to the Cloud

Available Resources (cont’d) – CAMM, Shared Assessments  Common Assurance Maturity Model (CAMM)!

 Shared Assessments − Target Data Tracker − Self Information Gathering (SIG) – Level I, Level II − AUP – Agreed upon Procedures − Business Continuity Questions, Privacy

Questions, Other tools − Mapped to ISO 27002:2005, COBIT 4.0 / 4.1,

PCI 1.1 / 1.2, FFIEC

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Available Resources (cont’d) – Jericho Forum Cloud Cube Model

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Available Resources (cont’d) – Jericho Forum Self-Assessment

Page 30: Losing Control to the Cloud


Proprietary,  Blended  Approach  







Recommendation: Use a Proprietary, Blended Approach

 One size does not fit all

 Same if not stronger controls

 Reliance on periodic audits

Page 31: Losing Control to the Cloud


  What Perspective does Qualys bring to this discussion? −  Security & Compliance Software as a Service (SaaS) provider since 1999 −  Continuously expanding platform to address evolving challenges

  Rapid Market and Technology Changes   The Security & Compliance Conundrum   Cloud Definition   Cloud Questions   Reliance on Existing Frameworks   Tackling the Cloud   Moving Forward   Q&A


Page 32: Losing Control to the Cloud

Moving Forward

 Collaborative effort amongst associations required

 Joint Paper with CSA, CloudAudit/A6, ISACA, and ISF

 Hope to include NIST, PCI and BITS  Cloud Users will continue to use

available resources for assessments

Page 33: Losing Control to the Cloud

Assessing Cloud Security: References

  Cloud Audit / A6 (Automated Audit, Assertion, Assessment, and Assurance API) – Now a project of CSA −  http://www.cloudaudit.org

  Cloud Security Alliance - CSA −  http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org/

  Common Assurance Maturity Model −  http://common-assurance.com/

  JERICHO Forum −  http://www.opengroup.org/jericho/

  Shared Assessments −  http://www.sharedassessments.org/

  Qualys −  http://www.qualys.com/efficient_ciso - Strategies for the Efficient CISO −  http://www.qualys.com/products/qg_suite/malware_detection/ - Free Tool −  http://www.qualys.com/aurora - Research by iSec Partners

Page 34: Losing Control to the Cloud

QualysGuard Freemium Services"More than just “free” services – leverage the cloud




Other Freemium services in the making: Malware Research Portal HoneyNet Research Portal Automated Generation of IDS Signatures COMPANY  CONFIDENTIAL   33!


Page 35: Losing Control to the Cloud

Thank You

Thanks! Q&A?

Jason Falciola, GCIH, GAWN jfalciola AT qualys.com

+1 973-464-5659
