lost in translation: the valley of death across ... · lost in translation: the valley of death...

REVIEW Open Access Lost in translation: the valley of death across preclinical and clinical divide identification of problems and overcoming obstacles Attila A. Seyhan 1,2 Abstract A rift that has opened up between basic research (bench) and clinical research and patients (bed) who need their new treatments, diagnostics and prevention, and this rift is widening and getting deeper. The crisis involving the translationof basic scientific findings in a laboratory setting into human applications and potential treatments or biomarkers for a disease is widely recognized both in academia and industry. Despite the attempts that have been made both in academic and industry settings to mitigate this problem, the high attrition rates of drug development and the problem with reproducibility and translatability of preclinical findings to human applications remain a fact and the return on the investment has been limited in terms of clinical impact. Here I provide an overview of the challenges facing the drug development, and translational discordance with specific focus on a number of culpritsin translational research including poor hypothesis, irreproducible data, ambiguous preclinical models, statistical errors, the influence of organizational structures, lack of incentives in the academic setting, governmental funding mechanisms, the clinical relevance of basic research, insufficient transparency, and lack of data sharing in research. I further provide some suggestions and new strategies that include some new aspects on open innovation models, entrepreneurship, transparency, and decision making to overcome each of the many problems during the drug discovery and development process and to more dynamically adjust for innovation challenges with broader scientific feedback. Keywords: Translational research or medicine, Valley of death, Preclinical and clinical research, Reproducibility of research findings, Drug discovery and development Background Translational research also referred to as translational medicine or translational science refers to the bench- to-bedsideprocess that harnesses knowledge from basic scientific research into clinical research to create novel treatments and treatment options devices, med- ical procedures, preventions, and diagnostics essen- tially forming a bridge between basic research and clinical research [15]. For clinical researchers and other health workers, translational research refers to translating research into clinical practice in the form of new treatments and knowledge that actually reach the patients or populations [5]. Despite the differences in semantics, basic science is the earliest stage of re- search, conducted for the advancement of knowledge, often without any concern for its practical applica- tions whereas translational research is the process of applying these discoveries generated through basic scientific inquiry to the treatment and prevention of human disease. Thus, translational research acts as a bridge between basic and clinical research. Despite significant investments in basic science, ad- vances in technology and enhanced knowledge of the human disease, translation of these findings into therapeutic advances have been far slower than © The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] 1 Joint Program in Cancer Biology, Brown University and Lifespan Cancer Institute, Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA 2 Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA Translational Medicine Communications Seyhan Translational Medicine Communications (2019) 4:18 https://doi.org/10.1186/s41231-019-0050-7

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Page 1: Lost in translation: the valley of death across ... · Lost in translation: the valley of death across preclinical and clinical divide – identification of problems and overcoming

REVIEW Open Access

Lost in translation: the valley of deathacross preclinical and clinical divide –identification of problems and overcomingobstaclesAttila A. Seyhan1,2


A rift that has opened up between basic research (bench) and clinical research and patients (bed) who need theirnew treatments, diagnostics and prevention, and this rift is widening and getting deeper. The crisis involving the“translation” of basic scientific findings in a laboratory setting into human applications and potential treatments orbiomarkers for a disease is widely recognized both in academia and industry. Despite the attempts that have beenmade both in academic and industry settings to mitigate this problem, the high attrition rates of drugdevelopment and the problem with reproducibility and translatability of preclinical findings to human applicationsremain a fact and the return on the investment has been limited in terms of clinical impact.Here I provide an overview of the challenges facing the drug development, and translational discordance withspecific focus on a number of “culprits” in translational research including poor hypothesis, irreproducible data,ambiguous preclinical models, statistical errors, the influence of organizational structures, lack of incentives in theacademic setting, governmental funding mechanisms, the clinical relevance of basic research, insufficienttransparency, and lack of data sharing in research. I further provide some suggestions and new strategies thatinclude some new aspects on open innovation models, entrepreneurship, transparency, and decision making toovercome each of the many problems during the drug discovery and development process and to moredynamically adjust for innovation challenges with broader scientific feedback.

Keywords: Translational research or medicine, Valley of death, Preclinical and clinical research, Reproducibility ofresearch findings, Drug discovery and development

BackgroundTranslational research also referred to as translationalmedicine or translational science refers to the “bench-to-bedside” process that harnesses knowledge frombasic scientific research into clinical research to createnovel treatments and treatment options devices, med-ical procedures, preventions, and diagnostics essen-tially forming a bridge between basic research andclinical research [1–5]. For clinical researchers andother health workers, translational research refers to

translating research into clinical practice in the formof new treatments and knowledge that actually reachthe patients or populations [5]. Despite the differencesin semantics, basic science is the earliest stage of re-search, conducted for the advancement of knowledge,often without any concern for its practical applica-tions whereas translational research is the process ofapplying these discoveries generated through basicscientific inquiry to the treatment and prevention ofhuman disease. Thus, translational research acts as abridge between basic and clinical research.Despite significant investments in basic science, ad-

vances in technology and enhanced knowledge of thehuman disease, translation of these findings intotherapeutic advances have been far slower than

© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] Program in Cancer Biology, Brown University and Lifespan CancerInstitute, Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA2Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Warren Alpert MedicalSchool, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA

Translational MedicineCommunications

Seyhan Translational Medicine Communications (2019) 4:18 https://doi.org/10.1186/s41231-019-0050-7

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expected [6, 7] and the return on this investment hasbeen limited in terms of clinical impact.There is a consensus both in academia and industry

that there is a crisis involving the translatability of pre-clinical science to human applications and that most re-search findings are irreproducible or false [8, 9].In a time of increased cost (it has been estimated that

for every dollar spent on R&D, less than a dollar of valueis returned on average) [10], high-attrition rates, andlength of time required for new drug development [11,12], and constrained resources, translational researchneeds a renewed outlook. For example, should the fundsbe moved from preclinical to translational research pro-jects more specifically linked to human disease, espe-cially for those involving the discovery and preclinicaldevelopment of new drugs? Would such a strategy inthe long term improve the translatability of preclinicalfindings and result in better long-term patient out-comes? One way to address these outstanding questionswould be to evaluate the potential culprits leading to thefailure of translating preclinical findings to humanstudies.In this article, I provide a fresh perspective on the

challenges of translational research, present examples ofpotential weak links that might be contributing to thefailures, and potential strategies to mitigate thoseproblems.

Why translational research / medicine matters and why itis challengingOf the many known human diseases (in the order ofthousands), for approximately 500 have a treatment ap-proved by the regulatory agencies. Even when a newtreatment is shown to be effective, it can take severalyears to identify and serve all patients who could benefit.Furthermore, as discussed by Zeggini et al. [13] mostcommon human diseases are highly complex chronicdiseases and exhibit a variable disease course and re-sponse to therapy. For example, it was reported in theliterature [14] that 10 of the best-selling drugs in theUnited States, to achieve one patient with a good re-sponse, between 4 to 25 patients must be treated. Thiscarries a significant burden on health risks and resourcesby exposing those patients who are treated withoutachieving a clinically significant response or to the riskof harm through the development of unnecessary sideeffects of the drug. This emphasizes the need to developbetter ways to targeted therapies which essentially re-quires a better and more effective translational and pre-cision medicine strategy. Therefore, a betterunderstanding of the genetic, epigenetic and other mo-lecular defects leading to complex diseases can providenew insights into fundamental biology and translationalopportunities.

As illustrated in Fig. 1, translational research is a dis-cipline that enables the results of basic science applic-able to clinical science as such it is defined as a researchapproach that seeks to move from bench to bedside.More specifically, it is a process in which the ideas, in-sights, and discoveries generated through basic scientificinquiry are applied to the treatment and prevention ofhuman disease – thus playing a critical role betweenbasic research and clinical research. It includes inter-mediate steps such as identification of targets, drugs,biomarkers, pathways, and development of and testingin animal models and human tissue xenograft models.Thus, it bridges the gap between the basic science thatidentifies novel biomolecules involved in or consequenceof diseases and their incorporation into clinical applica-tion. In that context, the term translational research hasbeen applied more generally where scientists aim totranslate fundamental research discoveries into practicalproducts and applications.Therefore, the main objective of the translational re-

search is to make sure that the discoveries that advanceinto human trials have the highest possible chance ofsuccess in terms of both safety and efficacy in humanstudies. Eliminating the ones likely to fail earlier in theprocess can significantly decrease the overall cost of de-veloping new products. Thus, the ultimate goal of trans-lational research is to take early discoveries frompreclinical space mostly conducted in academia or in-dustry to the point of investment.However, there is a bias to view translational research

as a linear process in which mice and rats are the bridgebetween basic science and human clinical studies. Asdiscussed in the literature [15, 16] and illustrated in Fig.1, translational research is a continuous process whichspans five sequential areas of activity (T0–T4) and alsoencompasses clinical research (T1–T3). Although the il-lustration of the distinct phases of translational researchimplies a linear model with a beginning and end, in factthe operational phases of translational research includemany feedback loops with interdependent phases acrossthe T0–T4 phases which requires continuous data gath-ering, analysis, dissemination, and interaction as well asthe discrete translational hurdles that must be overcome(Figs. 1 and 2) [15, 16].For translational research to operate more effectively,

functional interactions should exist between academia,,government, and the community and the financing andoperational components of industry (biotech and largepharma) [17].

Common challenges to translational research/medicineOur ability to translate discoveries into approved drugsthat can help patients is a challenging process. The im-plementation of translating scientific discoveries into

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relevant and clinically useful products and applicationsis not identical to the process of hardware or softwaredevelopment or manufacturing, although exhibitingsimilar principles in many of its aspects, such as the em-ployment of a value-added chain or a map for theprocess. As illustrated in Fig. 1, translational medicine isan organic, reiterative process that requires continuousinteractive feedback between varied disciplines to ensureits success and ability to innovate and is defined basedon the operational hurdles that must be overcome.Translational medicine therefore embodies many looselyintegrated distinct activities distributed across the aca-demic, pharmaceutical or biotech industry, and govern-mental and other private sectors.The traditional method of identifying genes in vitro,

followed by generating experimental animal models ofhuman disease in vivo, has been a challenging processbecause the targets and drugs developed in animalshave often fail in human studies [18, 19]. Despite theusefulness for better understanding of disease patho-biology and the mechanism of drug action on targets,the predictive utility of animal models studies is lessthan desired [3], especially in the context of studies

of single knockouts in specific disease models andmouse strains [18].Despite the significant efforts made in recent years to

improve the drug development process by improving theefficacy- and safety-related issues of clinical trials; how-ever, the results have been mixed and the failure rates ofhuman clinical trials are still high [12, 20]. Even with thefascinating observations and creative science, most of thebasic scientific discoveries fail to get into the therapeuticdevelopment process and often get lost in translation be-cause they are irrelevant to human disease or lack funding,incentives, and technical expertise to advance any further.These potentially important discoveries cannot cross anever-widening gap in funding and support for the type ofresearch that moves basic science findings down the pathtoward therapeutic development. This so-called “thetranslational gap” has come to be called by many the “Val-ley of Death” (Figs. 1 and 2) [21, 22]. Increases in NationalInstitutes of Health (NIH) spending on biomedical re-search have not resulted in increases in new treatmentsand cures. Despite this, early discoveries still remain inwhat has been called the “valley of death,” the gap betweenbench research and clinical application. To address this

Fig. 1 Operational phases and associated challenges for translational research. Translational research has many layers (T0-T4) and associatedoperational obstacles that must be overcome. T0, basic science research that define cellular mechanisms, their relationship to disease and,consequently, the identification of therapeutic targets and development of methods of treatment (new molecular entities). T1, is the proof of conceptstudies conducted in volunteer human subjects as phase 1 clinical trials that aim to define proof of safety, mechanism, and concept. T2, phase 2 and 3clinical (ideally randomized) trials that are necessary to test the proof of efficacy of the therapeutic agent in cohorts of patients representing therelevant disease that may include control groups. T3, phase 4 clinical trials that are associated with optimizing the therapeutic use of a therapeuticagent in clinical practice. T4, Population-level outcomes research or comparative effectiveness research aims to determine the ultimate utility and costeffectiveness of a therapeutic agent relative to others currently in use. Translation from basic science to human studies form the critical path, asdefined by the FDA, or the “valley of death”, as defined by the pharmaceutical industry. This “valley of death” encompasses T0-T2 phases of research.However, each of these phases have overlapping sets of challenges as discussed in the text. Adapted from [15, 16]

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issue, there has been significant discussion in the literatureand scientific community about the causes of thisphenomenon and how to bridge the abyss [22].The process of getting a new drug, from first testing to

final FDA approval and ultimately to market is a long(from discovery to approval of a new drug takes morethan 13 years), costly, and risky and almost 95% of thedrugs entering human trials fail [7, 23–28]. According tothe National Institutes of Health (NIH), 80 to 90% of re-search projects fail before they ever get tested in humansand for every drug that gains FDA approval, more than1000 were developed but failed. Almost 50% of all experi-mental drugs fail in Phase III trials. Hence, moving newdrug candidates from preclinical research into humanstudies and the approved drug is only approximately 0.1%.The majority of projects fail for problems unrelated to atherapeutic hypothesis which may be due to unexpectedside effects and tolerability [29, 30]. More recent analysissuggests that, despite efforts to improve the predictabilityof animal testing, the failure rate has actually increased[31]. The major causes of failure are lack of effectivenessand poor safety profiles that were not predicted in preclin-ical and animal studies [7, 19, 23–25, 32].

Moreover, the development of a newly approved drugcosts about $2.6 billion [33, 34], a 145% increase, cor-recting for inflation, over the estimate made in 2003.The analysis was based on the data obtained from 10drug companies on 106 randomly selected drugs testedin human trials between 1995 and 2007 [33, 34].It is suggested that medical knowledge has a doubling

time every 18 years, while emerging disciplines includingnanotechnology, double on the average of every 2 years[35]. It is also reported that the efficiency of R&D ofnew drugs in the US halves every 9 years [36]. Thisphenomenon is sometimes referred to as Eroom’s law —the reverse of Moore’s law for microprocessors [36]. Inother words, the cost of getting a drug developed andapproved will double every 9 years. If the business isconducted the usual way, the biopharmaceutical industrywould have to spend $16 billion on single drug develop-ment in the year 2043. This would force the industry todevelop only the most profitable drugs -– not the onesmost needed (http://ecorner.stanford.edu/videos/4224/Moores-Law-for-Pharma). Basically, from the late ‘80sthrough the late ‘90s, the cost of drug R&D spendingtended to level out. However, that is where the first wave

Fig. 2 Illustration of the valley of death in biomedical research. Between basic scientific research and clinical research is what’s known astranslational research often referred as “the Valley of Death,” where promising discoveries meet their demise. To cross the “Valley of Death, severalkey requirements must be in place to move these discoveries into new treatments, diagnostics and preventions

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of biotech drugs started coming through the market.Biotech drugs like antibody-based drugs commonly re-ferred as to “biologics” are different in that it’s a com-pletely different mode of action, it’s a completelydifferent platform from traditional small-molecule phar-maceuticals and they are costly.

The valley of death - where most preclinical findings findtheir demiseThe major obstacle in translating discoveries from basic re-search to human studies and getting them approved by theFDA is well known and this is often referred to as the ‘Val-ley of Death’ (Figs. 1 and 2). In biomedical research, themain objective of translational research is to have an in-depth understanding of health and disease state of the or-ganism that is studied and the underlying molecular factorscontributing to disease and mechanism(s) associated with itwith the goal of ‘carrying across’ this knowledge to treat dis-ease and condition. Translating a basic discovery into a po-tential drug candidate or biomarker that is ready to betested in humans is a complicated, time-consuming processthat requires collaboration between the academic scientistswho make discoveries and clinicians. Translational researchthus aims to apply fundamental knowledge gained frombasic research activities to the human condition. However,translational research is more challenging and costlier toconduct than basic research because it often involves com-plex organisms (i.e., animal models, humans). As ideas aremoving forward in the process, they become relatively lessrisky, but the research becomes exponentially more expen-sive, especially in later-stage trials in humans. To be transla-tional in biomedical research, information is often gatheredfrom the wide range of molecular and cellular biology re-search, primarily using in vitro cell culture, patient primarycell, and in vivo animal models which is then applied to re-store healthy state [18].Of course, the quality of research findings (i.e. a

change in pathophysiological changes leading to diseaseincidence and/or the development of therapy) is pre-dominantly contingent on the quality of the input dataand the methods for their processing and interpretation.The acquisition of information that may be less relevantthan anticipated further corrupts the process as well asthe use models including animal models that are irrele-vant to human disease.Of course, improving the quality of hypotheses before

testing them will save a lot of time, resources, and griev-ances, and potentially warrant success. This, of course,requires careful thinking, searching the literature andconducting a proper assessment of the likelihood of suc-cess before committing to testing a hypothesis.As discussed recently [21], there is an increasing con-

sensus that the significant resources are being allocatedinto biomedical research, and significant gains made in

understanding disease mechanisms, are not resulting inproportional gains in new treatments, diagnostics, andprevention. Over the past several decades, basic andclinical research are no longer on the same track andhave diverged. The biopharmaceutical industry, which inthe past was expected to carry discoveries across the div-ide, is now more interested in focusing on clinical re-search on candidate drugs that are more likely tosucceed the regulatory approvals, and marketing. Thevacuum left behind is often referred to as the ‘Valley ofDeath’ — and neither basic scientists, preoccupied withdiscoveries nor clinical scientists and clinicians, busywith clinical studies, are keen to communicate or co-operate. This has decreased the interaction betweenbasic and clinical scientists diminishing the transfer ofinformation between these entities. At the same variousomics platforms are generating data that could lead topotential novel drug targets and other discoveries thatboth the preclinical and clinical scientists both are hav-ing trouble parsing through. Despite biopharma isspending more on research, it is disproportionately de-livering fewer products, and is no longer able to take for-ward most basic science discoveries.Furthermore, most research findings cannot be repli-

cated and many of the findings even after replicatinghave no immediate utility or impact (however, they maylead to new avenues result in a huge benefit in thefuture).The promotions in basic scientific research have been

judged by number of funded grants based largely on thescientific publications in top journals, not on how muchthey have advanced the clinical science and medicine.Conversely, many clinicians whose success measured byhow many patients they treat often have little time ormotivation to do research and seek funding opportun-ities to do it which is increasingly becoming more com-petitive and difficult.Crossing the ‘valley of death’ is not only about science.

In addition to the scientific, design, and other reasons,this gap arises because of a systematic funding gap andalso because of a knowledge and reward gap. The abilityof research teams involved in the drug developmentprocess, as well as project management and negotiationskills, the track record of the organization, Intellectualproperty, market opportunity and a demonstrable com-petitive advantage all impact upon the ability to movethe drug candidates towards FDA approval and mar-keted drug status.

The usual suspectsEvidence suggests that many published research findingsin biomedical research are misleading, not as robust asthey claim, or cannot be reproduced [8]. Because of this,the problem with the reproducibility of findings

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preclinical findings and their translatability to humanstudies is now widely recognized by both the biopharma-ceutical industry and academic researchers.The scale of the problem could be as plain as the sim-

ple differences in methodological differences (for ex-ample, type of coating on tubes, what temperature arecells grown, how cells are stirred in culture, or subtledifferences in medium such as pH or ingredients onwhich they are cultured) can result in complete failureto replicate the results.As discussed in the literature [24], there are many

other reasons why drugs fail the development processincluding an increased focus on chronic and degenera-tive diseases and tests that use comparative drug effect-iveness. It may be that the effect seen in cultured cellsdid not translate into an effect in animal studies [19], orthe candidate drugs did not have good safety profiles inanimals for unexpected reasons or if they had poor PK/bioavailability and PD profile or they fail due to poor orlack of efficacy and safety issues in human clinical trials[12, 24, 25, 29, 37, 38] or they were no more effectivethan the current drugs or drugs do not work on theirintended targets.There are many reasons why translational research

might fail. These could be as simple as insufficient under-standing of the nature of the translational process, failureto effective integration of the data coming from differenttechnological approaches to disease, the use of models,access to tissues and appropriate materials, and the needfor support in increasingly complex areas such as ethics,bioinformatics and biostatistics and personal privacy in re-lation to carrying out research in humans [18]. Thesegreatly hinder progress in translational science.Furthermore, failure in translational research may be

explained in part by methodological flaws and poor ex-perimental designs in preclinical in vitro and in vivo ani-mal studies, leading to systematic bias and thus leadingto irreproducible and unreliable data and inaccurateconclusions.A variety of other reasons may include the lack of rele-

vance of the target or mechanism to the disease andhence leading to lack of safety and high heterogeneity ofpatient population where the target exists only in a sub-set of patients as such, the drug is effective only for asubset of patients but not for everyone.For example, a recent report has evaluated 10 cancer

drugs currently in clinical trials and found that they donot work on their intended targets [39]. The 10 small-molecule drug candidates are designed to target CASP3,HDAC6, MAPK14, PAK4, PBK and PIM1, the HDAC6inhibitors citarinostat and ricolinostatas well as the p38MAPK inhibitor ralimetinib and PAK4 inhibitor PF-03758309, for which a phase 1 in advanced solid tumorswas terminated early due to “undesirable PK characters

and the lack of an observed dose-response relationship.All 10 drugs the researchers examined have been used inat least 29 different clinical trials involving more than1000 patients. Five of the six targets that these drugs aretargeting are key for cancer cell’s survival with the ex-ception is CASP3, which is considered to induce celldeath when activated.In that case, strategies such as better use of biomarkers

[3, 40–46] and a better understanding of the link betweengenome-wide sequence and association with well-characterized phenotypes to aid diagnosis, inform diseaseprogression trajectories, and allow better targeting oftreatments to those patients most likely to respond [13].As described in the literature [3, 40–45], a biomarker is anobjective measurement of a biological signature in tissueor blood or other bodily fluids that substitutes for andideally predicts a clinically relevant endpoint or intermedi-ate outcome. Biomarkers are used in disease screening,diagnosis, and monitoring; as prognostic indicators; fordeveloping individualized therapeutic interventions; forpredicting and treating adverse drug reactions, and forpharmacodynamic and dose-response studies. A valuablebiomarker links the pathophysiological state and the rele-vant clinical endpoint. Scientific and technological ad-vances made in recent years have enabled multiscale,longitudinal measurements (snapshots) of human biologyusing various biomolecules such as RNAs (mRNA, micro-RNAs, long non-coding RNAs), DNAs, proteins, metabo-lites, [32, 40–42, 47–59] derived from patient specimensfrom liquid biopsy or tissue biopsy or single-cell analysesto whole-body monitoring [44, 60] and that these ad-vances have led to an increasing number of biomarkersfor which targeted drugs are being discovered. Collect-ively, the integration of a variety of molecular profiling ofpatient specimens with deep, longitudinal profiling of thephysiological state of an individual (i.e. deep phenotyping’)[32, 60–63] allows us is essential to understanding theprevention, initiation, progression, and response to treat-ment of diseases. For example, biomarkers identified fromthese efforts that signal correct dosing and whether thespecific molecular target has been hit in early proof-of-concept clinical trials have led to therapeutically improvedtherapeutic choices, all of which have garnered US Foodand Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Medicare &Medicaid Services (CMS), and insurance company atten-tion. Notably, Foundation Medicine’s FoundationOneCDx assay was recently approved by the FDA and concur-rently accepted by the CMS [44].Drugs that target novel targets and mechanisms ap-

pear to have higher attrition rates, [24, 64] but acombination of better-validated preclinical targets thathave significant preclinical efficacy and safety profiles,and proof of principle data, can reduce such attritionrisks.

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Additional factors may include the model systems thathave been used in scientific research where human stud-ies cannot be conducted. For example, basic scientificresearch using animal models has been considered to benecessary for developing new therapies for human dis-eases, as well as in elucidating underlying molecular andpathophysiological mechanisms that lead to or associ-ated with the disease. Almost 90% of the animal studiesthe industry conducts are legally required or justified byscientific reasons [19]. The value of preclinical researchmainly conducted in animal model experiments for pre-dicting the effectiveness of therapies and treatment strat-egies in human trials has remained contentious. Inaddition, poor translation of animal studies to humanstudies has led to significant amounts of wasted re-sources [31]. It has been claimed that just only 6% ofanimal studies are translatable to human response [65].Furthermore, improper use of statistical analysis

methods and the misinterpretation or misuse of p-valuesappear to have a significant effect leading to inaccurateconclusions leading adding to the reproducibility crisis.As for why clinical trials fail, this has been discussed

eloquently by David Grainger (www.forbes.com/sites/davidgrainger/2015/01/29/why-too-many-clinical-trials-fail-and-a-simple-solution-that-could-increase-returns-on-pharma-rd/#607c0b8edb8b) and others [24, 66] whoalso point to a major but simple cause for unexpectedlate-stage clinical trial failure i.e. the fundamental misun-derstanding of the p-value. To tackle many of theseproblems, Colqhoun [66] proposes simple steps thatcould materially increase the success rate of late-stagetrials. However, ascribing single reasons for candidatedrug failure could be an oversimplification because theremay be multiple factors contributing to the failure of thedrug candidate.Additional roadblocks affecting successful translation

of early discoveries into successful clinical research mayinclude an incomplete understanding of the science oftranslation, improper clinical trial designs, and low par-ticipation in studies further contributes to this problem.Furthermore, lack of insufficient institutional andorganizational support for translational science.

Suggestions to improve translational researchThe first step towards a solution to a problem beginswith the recognition of the problem. Perhaps, to improvetranslational research, it may be even more prudent toimprove first the quality of hypotheses before testingthem. This will save a lot of time, resources, and poten-tially increase the chances of success. This, of course, re-quires meticulous thinking, planning, searching theliterature, and conducting a proper assessment of thelikelihood of success before committing to testing a hy-pothesis. As a result, more comprehensive integration of

evidence coming from various in vitro, in vivo and hu-man studies might allow the refinement of objectivesand target relevance and might improve the translatabil-ity of preclinical findings to humans thus increasing thelikelihood of successful drug development.Another emerging strategy to improve translational re-

search is the identification of candidate drugs by screen-ing the compound libraries in less complex biologicalsystems instead of cell lines or primary human cells thathave been the workhorse of the pharmaceutical industry.There is currently interest in the use of three dimen-sional (3D) organoids for rapid drug screening [67, 68]and model organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegansand zebrafish in high-throughput screens for new drugs[18, 19, 69, 70]. It is becoming increasingly evident thatthese systems can be used to identify therapeutic targets[71] and enable understanding the biology of pathwaysand gene products, and the ability of a compound or li-brary of compounds to exert their functional effects incomplex biological processes is directly assessed.Another emerging compound library screening strat-

egy is the use of so-called clinical trials in a dish (CTiD)— which bridges preclinical testing and clinical trials.CTiD allows testing potential therapies for safety or effi-cacy on cells collected from a representative sample ofhuman patients enabling the development of drugs forspecific populations leading to the selection of saferdrugs to move into clinical development [72], resultingin a reduction in attrition and can be executed at a frac-tion of the cost outside of the rigid and heavily regulatedclinical testing environment.

Better (“deep”) phenotyping of patientsBetter (“deep”) phenotyping of patients is another strat-egy. In this approach, deep phenotyping uses variousmolecular profiling imaging, and clinical data collectedlongitudinally to define the human disease [3, 18]. Obvi-ously, this strategy requires access to patient specimensand must overcome ethical anxieties. The so-called deepphenotyping [13, 32, 60–63] involves linking retrospect-ive and prospective longitudinal molecular profiling andother relevant data including tissue histopathology toelectronic health records (EHRs). This can lead to betterclinical characterization of the study population and en-able discovery of new genetic, epigenetic, proteomic orother molecular profiling associations with disease, dis-ease subtypes. There are already several large-scale bio-banks and population-based cohorts including the UKBiobank (500,000 participants), the All of Us initiative(1000,000+ participants), and the Million Veterans Pro-gram, now include linkage to EHRs [73]. Deep pheno-typing by way of using EHR-linked biobank data hasbeen used as a resource for the discovery of novel drugtargets [74–77]. For example, Dewey et al. [78] used the

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exome sequencing data linked to the EHR from 58,000patients collected at the Geisinger Health System andfound that loss-of-function mutations in ANGPTL3were correlated with the development of coronary arterydisease. As a next step, Dewey et al. [78] developed amonoclonal antibody antagonist to target this protein asa potential therapeutic for disease prevention. Similarly,Graham et al. [79] have also shown that antisense oligo-nucleotides targeting ANGPTL3 are also protectiveagainst cardiovascular disease in humans. EHR-linkedbiobanks have also shown their utility in the field ofpharmacogenomics to discover and investigate specificgenetic variants that modulate or mediate drug efficacy,drug response or tolerance, such as those that affect me-tabolism [80]. For example, the electronic Medical Re-cords and Genomics (eMERGE) Network, collaboratingwith the Pharmacogenomics Research Network (eMER-GEPGx) reported that 96.2% of 5000 clinical subjectshad at least one actionable variant for 82 pharmacogenes[81]. As of 2018 with more than 10 million genotypedcustomers, the consumer genomics industry is becominga mainstream phenomenon [82]. Recently, the Food andDrug Administration (FDA) announced its approval ofthe first direct-to-consumer pharmacogenomics test tobe performed and marketed by 23andMe paving the wayfor direct-to-consumer genetic health risk tests of lim-ited clinical utility [83]. However, concerns remain withrespect to direct-to-consumer pharmacogenomic testing.For example, the 23andMe test includes eight gene panel(with a total of 33 variants that are expressed at a higherallelic frequency in the Caucasian population) involvedin drug metabolism. However, variants of these genesthat are expressed at higher frequency in patients of Af-rican, Asian and Hispanic populations are not includedin the 23andMe test. This potentially will result in false-positive results. For example, a recent report indicatedthat 40% of variants in a variety of genes reported indirect-to-consumer raw data were false positives [84]highlighting the importance of clinical confirmation test-ing for appropriate patient care. In addition, the genetictesting companies such as 23andMe have established atwo-sided market between the consumer and the re-search laboratories, concerning the creation of DNA da-tabases and biobank for scientific and financial gainwhich has some profound ethical ramifications [85].

Drug repurposingDrug repurposing is another strategy to accelerate drug de-velopment and skip the early phases of roadblocks [7, 36].Drug repurposing evaluates drugs that are already approvedto treat one indication or condition to see if they are safeand effective for treating other indications [36, 86–97]. Toachieve this, a variety of computational and experimentaland clinical data can be employed synergistically to analyze

various types of large-scale data for drug repurposing [98].The data set and approaches can include genetic associ-ation (genes that associate with a disease), pathway map-ping (network analysis using genetic, proteomic,transcriptomic or disease data), retrospective clinical ana-lysis (systematic analysis of EHRs, clinical trial data andpost-marketing surveillance data), novel data sources(large-scale in vitro drug screens with paired genomic data,EHR-linked large biobank and patient data), phenotypicscreening (high-throughput phenotypic screening of com-pounds using in vitro or in vivo disease models), bindingassays to identify relevant target interaction (mass spec-trometry, affinity chromatography), signature matching(comparing the transcriptomic or adverse effect signaturesof a drug with that of another drug or disease phenotype),molecular docking (structure-based computational strategyto predict binding site complementarity between a ligandand a therapeutic target) [98]. Repurposing existing drugsfor different indications or targets, drugs can be developedin 4–5 years without much risk of failure, by virtue of re-verse engineering and licensing Intellectual property (IP)rights. This is because, many repurposed drugs have alreadypassed the early phases of development, clinical safety, andbioavailability testing, thus can potentially gain FDA ap-provals in less than half the time and at one-quarter of thecost. However, side effects that would be acceptable for alife-threatening disease might not be acceptable for chronicdisease. It is argued that repositioning a drug reduces thecost of drug development because safety tests are notneeded. The argument is that, the safety data already existfor the drug because the drug works only if the dose andmode of administration remain similar. If the new indica-tion necessitates a significantly higher dose, the drug willhave to go through phase I trials again.For example, GWAS studies have been successfully

used to identify drug-repurposing opportunities, i.e., tar-gets for which there are already approved drugs forother indications [98]. Repurposing of existing de-riskedcompounds to treat both common and rare diseases isincreasingly becoming an attractive strategy to reduceoverall development time and costs. Despite the success-ful identification of repurposable drug candidates usingvarious data-driven and experimental approaches [98];however, there are also challenges including technicaland regulatory challenges that must be addressed [98].

More transparencyAnother area of improvement is more transparency inscientific research. Even if all other issues are addressed,some studies sometimes are useless and or may be verydifficult or impossible to replicate and even those thatget into the clinical space many of those clinical studiesare terminated because of futility. As discussed by Ioan-nidis [8], to be useful, “clinical research should be true”

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[99] and there has to be clinical impact or utility. Impactdecreases when research is not transparent, when studydata, protocols, and other processes are not accessiblefor verification or further use by others. Therefore, therehas to be trust (i.e. more transparency) in scientific re-search. To earn that trust, there has to be a paradigmshift for a more open, transparent science where the pri-mary goal is to test and not support hypotheses. To ac-complish this, we must make some changes in severalresearch practices that can contribute to greater trans-parency and reproducibility for biomedical research in-vestigations including the availability of detailedmethods and protocols and results (even the raw data),software and codes in ways that are accessible and forthose who may want to reanalyze or replicate theirfindings.

A more flexible and modular approach that engages bothacademia and industryDue to the increasing cost of drug development and highrisk of attrition of successful translation of findings tohuman studies and funding challenges in the public re-search sector, a collaborative partnership model hasbeen explored between industry and public research or-ganizations to pool resources and reduce duplication ofefforts. These efforts may include sharing broad as wellas deep scientific knowledge, adopting a cross-institutiondevelopment and business models, more transparency,more phenotype-specific therapies, and roader, balancedethics discussions.With some strategic federal and philanthropic invest-

ments, the paradigm is beginning to shift. For example,NIH has made some progress toward promoting transla-tional research with some helpful trans-NIH initiatives.Examples include, National Chemical Genomics Center,Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases (TRND),Rapid Access to Interventional Development (RAID),Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSAS),NIH-FDA joint leadership council, clinical center, andCures Acceleration Network (CAN) at NIH and non-profit collaborators, and philanthropic investments (e.g.Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, theCystic Fibrosis Foundation) are aiming to move promis-ing science through the Valley of Death.There are many examples of active integrated drug

discovery organizations such as Lead Discovery Centre,the Max Planck Institute, Germany; the Centre for DrugResearch and Development (CDRD), Canada; the Centrefor Drug Design and Discovery, Katholieke UniversiteitLeuven, Belgium; and MRC Technology, the Medical Re-search Council, UK.The pharmaceutical industry has been changing its

strategies to remain competitive in the face of changingbusiness environments and foreign competitions emerging

primarily from countries such as China, India, Korea, andBrazil potentially with their R&D and business models[100]. Many of these emerging countries are considered asthe ‘Future Innovators’ (i.e. capital-abundant with anevolving R&D ecosystem). These countries have built astrong base for innovation through support of academicR&D and resulting in high-impact publications, growingstart-up activities, the existence of modern infrastructureand availability of a diverse talent pool, coupled with ro-bust although mostly public but also growing privatefunding [101].In addition, changing attitudes especially in academia

with respect to entrepreneurial attitudes is important dur-ing biomedical innovation and new product development(e.g., drugs, biomarkers, etc.). Supporting environment,positive attitudes and orientation towards entrepreneur-ship are benefiting not only the inventor but also the insti-tute hence resulting in a win-win model with potentiallyhigh-value research products. Safeguarding IP, and licens-ing terms of IP rights and patents is critical for the successof the open innovation model.However, in many places, entrepreneurial traits are

still being looked at with suspicion and are judged to beless important. Of course, entrepreneurial attitude iscurrently out of the domain in the industry except for afew pharmaceutical companies which still have sometype of semi-autonomous research groups that are re-sponsible for their research programs geared towardsspecific product development. The parent companyoften gets involved in those products market introduc-tion (NDA) and the treatment of the target population.

More advocacy and incentivizationTranslational research or medicine embodies a broadrange of scientific, regulatory, and clinical disciplines. Al-though there are now numerous organizations currentlyin existence to embrace the field in its globality, thereremains many other practical aspects often related to ad-vocacy, education, incentivization, regulation, businessand economic issues remain as challenges, with no fo-cused outlet through which to address emerging issues[102]. An organization embracing the complexities oftranslational medicine should be considered with thegoal of contributing information to all arenas of the needfor translational efforts [102]. As discussed in the litera-ture [17], the incentives must be aligned to engage basicand clinical faculty to pursue translational and clinicalresearch. Accomplishing this goal requires structuraland educational initiatives such as branding and sup-porting this initiative, expansion of infrastructure in in-formatics and appropriate research facilities includingbiobanking, computational biology, specific core facil-ities, biostatistics and others. Such a shift in the para-digm of basic and clinical research would align strategy

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with the capabilities that are unique to each organiza-tions such as academic medical centers and could pro-vide them with tools to realizing their potential.

Teamwork and inter-organizational collaborationThe problem of non-translatable research is not the faultof a specific group (e.g., basic or clinical researchers) butinvolves multiple groups. Translational research is acomplex and requires a diverse skill set. Many organiza-tions have invested in educational programs, facilities,and most advanced resources to encourage translationalresearch. However, emphasis on creating a sustainablemultidisciplinary research teams and systems seem to bethe challenge. As discussed in the literature [103], teamsamplify innovation during the transition phase becausemore and often better ideas are generated by team inputthan by individuals. Involvement of team in go, no-godecision making optimizes breakthroughs and limits fail-ures as compared with an individual’s evaluation.During the selection phase of innovation, a diverse

team will eliminate poor ideas more efficiently [4]. Inaddition, a diverse team embodies extended networks,associated with each member, which facilitates more ef-ficient selection and retention and sustaining innovation.Teams consisting of individuals with identical back-grounds are more likely to develop a similar mind-setthat leads to sequential thinking [104]. Sequential think-ing results in an unimaginative method of problem-solving, using techniques common to a single disciplineor field leading to innovations that are of incrementalbenefit [104]. On the other hand, diverse teams are asso-ciated with a higher likelihood of connective thinking,during which members dynamically make connectionsbetween very different ideas, disciplines and techniquesand methods. It is argued that diverse teams that engageconnective thinking are more likely to develop radicalinnovations [104].The successful multidisciplinary teams emerge from

shared learning and experiences which leads to team in-timacy and trust [105].The success of the translation from basic science to

clinical science and eventually to the patient requires ex-tensive collaboration between basic scientists involved indiscovery research, assay developers and statisticians,and clinical scientists and clinicians who conduct thehuman studies, it also involves better communicationand collaboration between other organizations includingfunding agencies, the industry and regulatory agencies(e.g. FDA, CLIA) and other stakeholders including jour-nals., and patients and related advocacy groups. For ex-ample, journals can be very influential in setting thestandards of acceptable research and whether they areinnovative or impactful. Besides the impact factor, somejournals now have the Altmetric Attention Score for a

research output on their portals for each article theyhave published. The Altmetric Attention Score providesan indicator of the amount of attention that the articlehas received.Because a unique role that industry plays in bringing

the FDA-approved products of basic science researchthrough product development and into clinical use, thedevelopment and initial validation of drugs or bio-markers, the final steps of obtaining FDA or CLIA ap-proval; therefore, it is vital for basic and academicscientists to interact with their industrial counterpartsand clinical scientists and at an early stage of develop-ment. It will be the industry that conducts the necessaryassays on patient biospecimens or develops and marketsCLIA-approved in vitro diagnostic. And of course, theremust be resources and funds available to conduct suchtranslational research which could be funded by a varietyof funding agencies and industry. Therefore, a key stra-tegic aim for successful translational research should bethe formation of strong collaborations among academia,clinical medicine, and industry.Clinical relevance is another area that deserves some

discussion [8]. Ideally, findings from biomedical researchshould be clinically useful regardless of their eventual re-sults. Even there is a value of “negative” results and thisis rarely discussed when clinical studies are completed.There is a higher impact in generating useful informa-

tion for solving problems with higher disease burdens.However, solving problems with low prevalence orstudying rare conditions with but serious consequencesfor affected individuals is tremendously impactful forthose individuals and even others such as infectious dis-eases (e.g., HIV, Ebola, and HCV). Some of the findingsfrom low prevalence or rare disease research may gener-ate knowledge that may also be relevant to commonconditions.

More effective funding mechanismAs for the funding mechanism, the reallocation of fundscould help improve all research (basic, preclinical, andclinical). As discussed by Ioannidis [8] there has to besome new business model for funding mechanisms. Hesuggests that while discovery-based long-term researchwith high uncertainty and very high failure rate could befunded by NIH, DOD and other public funding agencies,applied preclinical research where uncertainty is high,but goals are clearly set with high failure rate but withsome probability of success should be funded by indus-try who will profit if research delivers something that isimpactful and useful and that the current public fundingmechanism in this area should shift to clinical research.It is argued that in clinical research although the uncer-tainty is high it is often manageable because goals arestated clearly and results are often useful regardless of

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whether they are “positive” or “negative”. Industry andPublic funds (e.g., NIH, Patient-Centered Outcomes Re-search Institute); may fund this type of research whileregulatory agencies and universities/research institutionsshould safeguard the independence of research.Today’s biomedical research funding mechanism often

supports only small studies with short duration becausethey can be completed in a short time and results can bepublished rapidly. However, the results from these stud-ies often require validation in separate studies with lar-ger cohorts of patients and sometimes require long-termstudies. These studies are often cannot be performed be-cause funds required to conduct these studies exceedthe resources available to the researchers. One approachto overcome this problem may be by designing morestreamlined randomized trials [106, 107] however, evenfor such trials, the cost may still be an issue. One ap-proach to address this issue may be the participation ofthe pharmaceutical industry by contributing more fundstowards these trials.The rationale is that there must be some type of finan-

cial gain from biomedical research, especially in an era oflimited resources [8]. This is often done with formal mod-eling (value of information) [108]. However, differentstudies may require very different levels of financial invest-ment and their potential financial yield may be highly vari-able. For example, clinical trials are very costly. In mostcases, the benefits of impactful biomedical research oftenoffset the cost of investment [109, 110]. It has been sug-gested that streamlining research could help make re-search better by reducing the eliminating trials that areunderpowered, lacks precision, duration, and proper out-comes that can be impactful and useful. Impactful or use-ful research is patient-centered (i.e. biomedical researchfindings benefit patients or preserve health and enhancewellness) and should not be centered on the needs of re-searchers or clinicians or sponsors.

More effective decision-making processComplexity in drug discovery and development processis quite high and the level of uncertainty is significant.The available data is limited (representing all aspects ofdisease and treatment), while time and resources are al-ways a limiting factor to explore a wider space. Uncer-tainties and risks are prominent in every stage of thedrug development process because drug discovery anddevelopment is a complex logistic process that requiresmultiple and continual expert feedback on go/no-go de-cisions (Fig. 3) from a wide range of specialists in variousareas of research [112]. During this process, new mo-lecular entities emerge with activity against specific andpromising molecular targets of importance for a specificdisease. These candidate New Chemical Entities (NCEs)are then evaluated for their efficacy, specificity, safety,

toxicity, pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics(PD), and metabolism before they can be considered safeto test in human [112]. Human trials include a rigorousseries of testing in human volunteers and patientsthrough phases one to three before the New Drug Appli-cation (NDA) for marketing approval can be made. Dur-ing this aforementioned discovery and developmentprocesses, a series of go/no-go decisions must be madeat specific process points to decide whether or not toproceed the discovery (from target selection to the In-vestigational New Drug (IND) application and develop-ment (from IND to New Drug Application (NDA)processes [113]. These go/no-go decisions are oftendependent on decisions by a group of specialists withvarying expertise in a specific field [113]. The commonapproach is that specialists or experts involved in theformal decision-making process of a particular projectuse intuitive decision-making rather than structured ap-proaches [112, 114, 115]. The knowledge as comparedwith the known unknowns and unknown-unknowns is areal challenge for making binary go/no-go decisions onR&D project continuation. This uncertainty is even fur-ther magnified with all aspects of disease pathophysi-ology, patient heterogeneity, treatment options and eachof treatment effects which all impact the decision-making process. Therefore, project management basedon risk assessment is science itself [116]. Accordingly,recently a few interesting simulation experiments havebeen conducted to evaluate the level of error indecision-making process [112, 115]. These studiessuggest that specialists involved in the R&D decision-making process vary significantly in their intuitive judg-ments of benefit and risk in go/no-go decisions duringthe R&D process. The lack of concordance and variabil-ity concerning go/no-go R&D decision-making cases se-lected in these studies may represent decisions made inthe real world. Such decisions are usually made based onincomplete information, and personal bias and variabilityof disease area expertise and background betweenexperts in the field.It has been suggested by others that [115], by model-

ing decision-making in real cases from initial drugdiscovery to late development and marketing. Inpharmaceutical industry R&D, rational decision-makingcan be managed by a group of 10–15 experts [59] whenmean group judgments over a series of decision pointsare clear go decisions. However, the number of peopleneeded for a decision with a chance to succeed was 100for early R&D projects increasing with RD project com-plexity [112]. When mean group judgments from onedecision point to another vary from go to no-go, therewill be a need to expand R&D expert input. In suchcases, the drug development processes take on the formof an open innovation model.

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Ringel et al. [117] found that most obvious factors likecompany size and R&D spending did not correlate withNew Molecular Entity (NME). Interestingly, the studyfound that the level of science in a company as mea-sured by the number of peer-reviewed literature and thepresence of experienced decision-makers with a success-ful track record significantly correlated with a positiveoutcome. Butler argued that [21] the division of R&D isone of the factors contributing to clinical failures be-cause of inadequate handovers.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to improvedecision-makingAs discussed previously in the literature [32] and others,the future will also be affected by using artificialintelligence (AI) and machine learning to help decisionmaking. Machine learning algorithms can identify fea-tures, and then use those features to make predictionsor classify new data faster, more systematically, andsometimes better than any human to answer questionsand to get insight into how to analyze the ever-growingamount of large datasets. AI can handle the complexityof the rules that must be applied to understand theselarge data.Several new generation companies are taking advantage

of this revolution. For example, Cloud Pharmaceuticals, acompany focusing on AI-based drug discovery is using thistechnology to find new drug targets, new mechanisms, andnovel first-in-class drugs. For example, the US federal gov-ernment’s Tox21 program, a collaboration among the

Environmental Protection Agency, the National Institutesof Health, and the Food and Drug Administration, main-tains a large data set of molecules and their toxicity againstkey human proteins which is an opportunity to apply thislarge data to AI in search of features of association betweenstructure, properties, function, and possible toxic effects.In addition to identifying potential toxicities, machine

learning algorithms could predict how a candidate com-pound might respond to different physical and chemicalenvironments. This can help scientists understand howthat compound or molecule might behave in various tis-sues in the human body.AI could also suggest the structure of a new thera-

peutic molecule from scratch. For example, companiesincluding Exscientia, an AI-driven drug discovery com-pany, are using machine learning for drug discovery bymimicking the decision making of a medicinal chemistwhile also learning from the inputs of real human medi-cinal chemists. These developments suggest that in thenear future, the drug targets and the molecules designedto bind them will all be influenced by the outputs oftheir AI platform.In addition to the potential of AI in drug discovery,

many scientists are also excited about the possibilitiesthat AI offers, especially when it can be used to find newtherapies or identify patients who are more likely to re-spond to specific therapies for difficult-to-treat diseases.Furthermore, the AI revolution is already providing

new tools to physicians in decision making. Several re-cent publications [118, 119] highlight the potential utility

Fig. 3 Stage-gate decision process in drug discovery and development. Go/no-go decision making process along milestones such as thoseindicated above used in biopharmaceutical industry during drug discovery and development process. As in preclinical and clinical development,go / no-go decision setpoints are defined for each milestone according to the target product profile that must be fulfilled to continue drugdiscovery and development process. Discovery and development research is also covered by benchmark initiatives which provide average risk/success rates, timelines, and resources used per milestone. Adapted from [111]

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of AI in cancer diagnostics and cancer immunotherapy[120]. The recent big data revolution accompanied bythe accumulation of comprehensive molecular (e.g. (gen-etic, genomic, proteomic, epigenomic and others) andclinical data set will enable the application of AI to thislarge data set to help decision making including diseasediagnosis. The emergence of AI and machine learninghave been recognized by academic and industry re-searchers, and regulatory agencies alike as the next nat-ural step to analyze large data set and help in decisionmaking. For example, in a recent report [118] re-searchers re-trained an off-the-shelf Google deep learn-ing algorithm to identify the most common types oflung cancers and found that the AI performed almost asgood as experienced pathologists when it was used todiscriminate between adenocarcinoma, squamous cellcarcinoma, and normal lung tissue [118]. Similarly, inanother study researchers used machine learning andretrospectively identified key features associated with aspecific response to anti-PD-L1 therapy that underscorescancer immunotherapy success. They then applied 36different features-multi-modal data set into their ma-chine learning algorithm and identified 20 features thatcould predict increases in potential tumor-fighting im-mune cells in a patient’s blood after treatment. Whenthey analyzed these features as a panel, they were able todescribe 79% of the variation in patient immune re-sponses which potentially allows better target immuno-therapy treatment to those who will benefit [120].However, there are also limitations of AI. AI is also

limited by the quality of the data. If the data is erro-neous, then the results are likely to be inaccurate.There is still need for human to put it all together.AI and machine learning will only help the process ofdrug discovery and development faster, more efficient,and better.

Reconsider the business modelWe must also find ways to change the business model ofbiomedical research by reconsidering incentives suchthat basic and clinical researchers in academia are inter-ested in translational research and can be rewarded forit.It is argued that “big science” projects that have gran-

diose ideas and goals often fail or take many years to de-liver. As discussed earlier [121], a likely contributor tothis problem is that biomedical research is a highly frag-mented industry that is organized in silos. Biomedicalorganizations have generally grown organically begin-ning from earlier discoveries, often serendipitously,which typically is organized horizontally along withfunctional “silos,” areas of expertise where the depth ofknowledge in one particular area is critical. Despite itseffectiveness for fostering excellent solutions for primary

scientific questions, such horizontal silos often generatebarriers if information must be shared between silos. Incontrast, in a vertical structure such as in manufacturingindustries, formal hand-off processes are designed suchthat discoveries are rapidly and efficiently conveyed toothers who require the information for the constructionof the end product. This enables rapid vetting of ideas,eliminating poor concepts, and fostering the acceptanceof better concepts. Of course, this is an oversimplifica-tion of two different industries one is much simplerwhile the other being highly complex and involves hu-man life..In a vertical approach, there are a several experts

within a single organization with a focus on coordinationof multiple disciplines, using shared resources and em-phasizing hand-offs between entities. This enables rapidadvancement towards a useful product. Contrastingly, ina horizontal approach, early discoveries are not advancedtowards a useful product possibly due to duplication ofefforts across disciplines.National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Early Detection Re-

search Network (EDRN) discussed these issues relatingto each of the major constituent groups and recom-mended several solutions to improve the translationalresearch process [121]. It is stated that EDRN promotesa vertical approach for conducting in this case “bio-marker research”, whereby biomarkers are developed, re-fined and analytically and clinically validated all withinone organization with a focus on coordinating multipleresources such that barriers to the rapid and efficient“hand-off” between organizations are minimized. Thesuccess of this process is ensured by formulating a struc-tured set of criteria for evaluating the roles and clinicalrelevance of each biomarker, along with criteria andstrategies for determining the use of biomarkers in rela-tionship to one another.There have been some changes in the way the

pharmaceutical industry conduct their business model ofR&D process in. For example, in a recent report, Gau-tam et al. [100] analyzed data on key aspects (i.e. rev-enue distribution, research units, portfolio mix, andemerging markets) to identify key trends to gain insightinto the change in strategic focus, realignment of R&Dfocus and focus toward targeted therapeutics and thegrowth of emerging markets. Their analysis revealed thatthere are several trends at play such as massive to lean;consolidation of R&D footprint and shift from hubs tohotspots; primary to specialty care model. The bigpharma has been shifting away from developing primarycare and small-molecule medicines; and progressivelytailoring their pipelines to specialty medicines and bio-logics targeted for high unmet medical needs; and; glo-bally a West to East shift (i.e. the emerging markets ofAsia, Latin America, Russia, Middle- East and Africa

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continue to lead revenue growth and innovation capabil-ities [101]).In addition, mission-oriented translational research

has been proposed. In this model health economics is in-tegrated into all phases of translational research as an in-trinsic component of any study aimed at improvingoutcomes for patients and intervention costs [122].

Adopt open innovation and intellectual property (IP)modelsDue to the inherent significant difference between expertsin their individual intuitive go/no-go decisions during thecomplex drug discovery and development process, newforms of multisource open innovation models such ascrowdsourcing and crowd casting could help for rationaldecision-making [112]. Accordingly, an open innovationmodel with the increased openness, entrepreneurialawareness, entrepreneurial engagements, and engage-ments of wide-ranging skills and expertise may help themto improve the R&D process.In classical business model, there are many stakeholders

that collaboratively develop and package products whetherthey are drugs, drug targets, or biomarkers or even know-how that require IP protection before publicly sharing anyfindings in the form of publications, etc. (and many of thosefindings in industry even are not published). However, thisbusiness model also slows down the progress and also re-sults in wasted resources on similar scientific efforts due toa lack of transparency. This significantly affects inherentproject uncertainty and decision-making modeling as wellas entrepreneurial orientation. Because of this, an openinnovation model (i.e. open IP platforms) differs from theclassical closed innovation model when openness enablesaccelerated product development and at the same timeavoids dead ends. However; this open innovation modelsomewhat needs to develop a strategy for cost and revenuesharing such that it becomes a win-win model that is struc-tured in open networks and business consortia.On the other hand, open innovation creates oppor-

tunities especially in lean times by breaking downconventional corporate boundaries, allowing ideas,people, and IP to flow freely both into and out of anorganization [123, 124].It has been suggested that [124], open innovation

might in fact strengthen patent protection, induces thefree sharing and dissemination of information; con-versely, the exercise of traditional IP rights by innovativefirms to protect their intellectual asset leads to a de-crease in the strength of the patent system. Because ofthis, open innovation globalization has increased theneed for cross-border, inter-firm open R&D cooperation,and this has led to transparency and cross-fertilization ofideas and concepts in the R&D process across a varietyof fields [125].

Open innovation model adopts a more effective R&Dstrategy that requires information sharing and open IPplatforms. As illustrated in Fig. 4 open innovation modelemphasizes integrative science through collaboration, viaestablishing joint ventures or strategic alliances, open-sharing of internal and external R&D functions and re-sources including IP sharing, as well as using existingknowledge (data), and taking up other multifaceted ap-proaches and resulting benefits from advances on differ-ent fronts of new R&D process.Open innovation offers several benefits including the

creation of high-value knowledge and resources. Sincethe open innovation model shares the burden of R&Dcost and reduces R&D risk, it has the potential to createsynergism between internal and external R&D leading tothe development of new technology and products fornew markets, or displacing existing products in thecurrent markets, or capturing the markets from othercompanies. Furthermore, new knowledge, technology,and products can potentially be out-licensed.At the same time, open innovation also creates a num-

ber of risks and challenges, including revealing informa-tion not intended for sharing, the potential for theorganizations to lose their competitive advantage as a re-sult of shared intellectual property [124], the complexityof ownership of IP and sharing financial and intellectualreturns from innovative products, knowledge, andtechnology.Moreover, due to the highly dynamic nature of the

R&D landscape, and because different contexts may offerdifferent challenges or opportunities for value creationor appropriation, the open innovation agreements mustbe updated regularly.Despite the challenges, open innovation models based

on global open innovation and development communi-ties are emerging in various fields of science and busi-ness such as biomedicine, life sciences, engineering, andinformation technology. Therefore, it is imperative thatwhen dealing with complex decision-making processesin biomedical research, implementing such openinnovation and management models might be able tooptimize decision-making and value creation for indus-try, society, and patients.As a result, more collaborative and open innovation

models are showing more acceptance in the pharmaceut-ical and biotech sectors. This is partly due to several fac-tors such as need for collaboration for tackling highlycomplex nature of biomedical research, better and easiercommunication across the globe via the Internet, availabil-ity of experts for complex decision-making, the fundingmechanisms encouraging such collaborations (or teamwork), increasing venture capital and entrepreneurs, phi-lanthropists to fund such research, as well as the increas-ing interest from other interest groups including public

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awareness and policymakers to support such collaborativebiomedical research to accelerate better and faster drugand other relevant biomedical product development.The last few years many pharmaceutical companies

have begun using open innovation models [126, 127] tomore dynamically adjust for innovation challenges withbroader scientific feedbacks [100]. A case in point, theDrugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) hasestablished several partnerships with the private sector(i.e. GSK, Anacor) and with academia, https://www.dndi.org/newsletters/n16/dndi.php).They have begun conduction joint biomedical research

and ways of designing their IP-strategies to optimize thevalue extraction from these joint ventures. DNDi is an

independent, not-for-profit drug or product develop-ment consortium established to discover and developnovel and improved treatments for neglected and mostlytropical diseases (i.e. malaria, leishmaniasis, sleepingsickness, and Chagas disease). DNDi was established in2003 by publicly-funded research institutes from Brazil,India, Kenya, Malaysia along Institut Pasteur and NGOslike Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) (https://www.dndi.org/newsletters/n16/edito.php). DNDi operates througha virtual model whereby all of its R&D activities are out-sourced, contributing to keeping development costsunder control while providing high flexibility. As a con-sequence of this strategic option, the development of anefficient drug development program to address neglected

Fig. 4 Open Innovation Model emphasizes integrative science through collaboration, strategic alliance, open-sharing of internal R&D and externalR&D, using existing knowledge (data), taking up other multifaceted approaches and accruing benefits from advances on different fronts of newdrug discovery and development process to create internal and external knowledge and resources to create value and to capture a piece of thatvalue. Because the open innovation model shares the innovation cost and minimizes innovation risk, it has the potential to self-sustain itselfcreating new technology and products for new markets or displacing existing products in the current markets as well as potential out licensingopportunities for the products and technology developed during this process

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diseases requires the establishment of strong agreementswithin the entire biomedical landscape. As a virtualR&D organization, DNDi undertakes the complex andlengthy drug discovery and development processes byestablishing effective partnerships with public and pri-vate organizations and to bring together their diversecomplementary capabilities essential for developing newtreatments. The partnership network consists of a di-verse group of players including individual investigators,independent experts, academic groups, NGOs like MSF,major research centers, public institutions, biotech andpharmaceutical companies. The success of this businessmodel is reflected in over 250 collaborations (research,technical, and funding agreements with both public andprivate partners) within the past 5 years. The success liesin bringing together individual, public and private part-ners who are motivated to make a significant differencefor patients suffering from neglected diseases. As elabo-rated on the DNDi portal (https://www.dndi.org/news-letters/n16/edito.php), multiple key factors are at playfor effective partnerships in this field including (1) in-novative thinking to critical issues by engaging academia,public health institutes, biotech, or pharmaceuticalindustries, (2) common needs-driven objective, (3) thevirtual model that enables delivery of timely scientificinnovation, (4) strengthening existing local capabilitiesand project management to orchestrate and coordinateactivities within the partnership networks, (5) partner-ships with local and international donors and philan-thropists which play a major role in funding the R&D,(6) reciprocal benefits such as favorable public image,scientific information generated from a particular tech-nology or compound (i.e. early stage development), ac-cess to R&D grants through joint applications, and mostimportantly developing new and improved treatments.Based on the above principles, DNDi has established apartnership with industry (e.g. GSK, Anacor, now part ofPfizer) and academia. However, there is a need for moreregulatory guidelines to safeguard access rights to scien-tific information and products developed from thesepartnerships which would help to accelerate the progressof the open innovation model.In summary, although there could be many other fac-

tors that might be contributing to the failures in transla-tion research, these are beyond the scope of this review.A more detailed discussion in each specific area affectingthe translational research including the operational chal-lenges [16] associated with bringing forward transla-tional medicine within a coherent framework fortranslational research and potential solutions to over-come those challenges have been extensively discussedin the literature [4, 8, 13, 15–17, 19, 28, 32, 60, 99, 102,103, 121, 128–132]. These include the need for new, effi-cient organizational models that promote innovation

and team-oriented collaborative science, such as in an‘adhocracy’ (i.e. a flexible, adaptable and informal formof organization that is defined by a lack of formal struc-ture that employs specialized multidisciplinary teamsgrouped by functions) as proposed by Henry Mintzberg[46].

ConclusionIn closing, the success of the translation research frombench to bedside depends on the adoption of multidiscip-linary team science and inter organizational collaborativemodel that synchronizes efforts and actions of all fundingagencies, academia, nonprofit foundations, philanthropy,pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, the public,and the policymakers, with the full support and backing oforganizational leadership and funding agencies.Despite the setbacks, there has been some progress of

movement to cross the divide. For example, in recentyears, many pharmaceutical companies have begun usingopen innovation models to address R&D challenges. Thechallenge is to establish the equilibrium betweeninnovation and healthy competition in the market in thecontext of drug discovery and development, marketing,and cost and revenue sharing. It is also noteworthy tomention that there are new breed of pharmaceuticalcompanies emerging from emerging economies includ-ing China, India, Korea, and Brazil potentially with theirunique R&D and business models to challenge the long-held leadership of US and European pharmaceuticalcompanies. Last but not least, the future will also be af-fected by using AI in biomedical R&D.Furthermore, as eloquently summarized in a recent

article [28], the scientific community, academic and re-search institutes, industry representatives, policy makers,and public in general must be open to the idea of inte-grating more inter-institutional, multidisciplinary collab-orations, continue to invest in the next generation ofresearchers who may not fit into the traditional aca-demic profile, and support the long path these re-searchers will have in front of them, and continue tobuild partnerships between academia and industry toutilize the strengths and expertise of all parties.

Abbreviations3D: Three-Dimensional; AI: Artificial Intelligence; CAN: Cures accelerationnetwork; CLIA: Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments; CMS: Centersfor Medicare & Medicaid Services; CTiD: Clinical trials in a dish; CTSAS: Clinicaland Translational Science Awards; DOD: Department of Defense; E.g.: Exempligratia; EDRN: Early Detection Research Network; EHR: Electronic HealthRecords; eMERGE: electronic Medical Records and Genomics Network;Etc.: Etcetera; FDA: The Food and Drug Administration; GWAS: Genome-wideAssociation Studies; HCV: Hepatitis C virus; HIV: human immunodeficiencyvirus; I.e.: Id est.; IND: Investigational New Drug; IP: Intellectual property;NCE: New Chemical Entities; NCGC: National Chemical Genomics Center;NCI: National Cancer Institute; NDA: New Drug Application; NIH: NationalInstitutes of Health; NME: New Molecular Entity; PD: Pharmacodynamics;PK: Pharmacokinetics; R&D: Research and Development; RAID: Rapid Access

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to Interventional Development; TRND: Therapeutics for Rare and NeglectedDiseases; US: United States

AcknowledgementsI thank our affiliated institutes making this publication possible. Weapologize to the many authors and colleagues whose works are not citeddue to limited space.

Review criteriaNumber of scientific articles with terms translational, preclinical, clinical, andbiomedical research, drug development, reproducibility of biomedicalresearch data, failure of drug development and clinical trials in the abstractwere queried. The search was restricted to the most recent studies in thisfield and all searches were limited to studies published in English.

Authors’ contributionsAAS wrote the manuscript and agrees with the manuscript’s results andconclusions. The author has read and confirms that he meets, ICMJE criteriafor authorship.

Authors’ informationAttila A Seyhan, PhD.Director of Translational Oncology Operations, Joint Program in CancerBiology, Brown University and Lifespan Cancer Institute; reports to AssociateDean for Oncologic Sciences, Warren Alpert Medical School, BrownUniversity, Providence, RI.Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and LaboratoryMedicine, Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University, Providence, RI.Correspondence: Attila Seyhan, PhD, [email protected]; [email protected]

FundingNo funding involved in the preparation of this article.

Availability of data and materialsNot applicable.

Ethics approval and consent to participateThis article does not contain any studies with human participants or animalsperformed by any of the authors. Informed consent was not required for thepreparation of this review article as it used secondary sources only.

Consent for publicationThe Author grants the Publisher the sole and exclusive license of the fullcopyright in the Contribution, which license the Publisher hereby accepts.

Competing interestsThe author declares that he has no competing interests.

Received: 5 July 2019 Accepted: 6 November 2019

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