lost pet

Lost pet By Zahrah Azeem

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Lost pet

Lost pet

By Zahrah Azeem

Page 2: Lost pet

One day a 2 little rabbit was lost and had no one to cuddle next to. They ran to house to house but no one wanted them as a pet . So the little boy rabbits went back to his filthy bush. They were so sad that they wanted to cry. It was raining in the dark with no one there with him.

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A little girl came back from school. Then a big dog made her fall over, her bounce ball rolled over to the filthy bush. Zahrah went over to the bush and said``oh you poor thing lets get you dry” .So Zahrah took the rabbits and named him tofy and snowflake . The rabbit was amazed someone to take a rabbit to there house. He was so happy that he has a owner to look after him. Tofy was a good little boy to Zahrah and never hurt her in his life.

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As Zahrah was walking home. To take her rabbits to see to her mum. The rabbits was amazed to see that Zahrah’s house was big. So Zahrah knocked on the door with the rabbits in her hands. Then mum opened the door and said...``oh my did you find a rabbits...right we better find them a house in your bedroom’’zahrah replied 'yes can I choose in the pets at home cage.

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They loved the cage and Tofy had a crush on Snowy, and snowy had a crush on Tofy. As he sat in the cage with his friend a girl. They both were in love with each other and happily in love so they got married. The girl and the rabbits lived happily ever after.

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They lived happily ever afterThanks for watching and listening