louis pasteur tugas celica

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Post on 14-Jan-2016




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Im going to tell you about a man called Louis Pasteur, a man that invented Pasteurisition. Louis Pasteur was born on 27 december 1822 in a small town called Dole, Paris.Sience a little, louis always wanted to be a chemistry and physica teacher or lecturer, so in 1843, young Louis go to Ecole Normale Univesity and learn how to be a teacher. In collage, he make a reserch about crystal and In 1828, Louis gradulate from collage and read his papers about his crysal research in front of the science association. After he gradulated he became a chemistry lecturer in Starsbourg university and get a professor degree and became dean of the sains faculty. One day, one of his students father came to him and asked him to overcome his factory problem about some fail alcohol, so Louis come to Mr. Biqos factory and took some alcohol sample and tried to solved the problem. Louis find out that in the fail alcohol sampel theres no yeast cell and theres a lot of black dots floating in the fail sampel, he tell Mr. Biqo to throw away the alcohol with no yeast cell, it work, but Louis still confiused about the black dots and how to clean the black dots and after a long research he find out how to clean the black dots is to heated the alcohol up to 70%c and he named it Pasteurisation from his last name Pasteur.Other then the Pasteurisation, he also make a very use full research untih he got stroke and die in 28 september 1895 at age 72.

Name: Rina CelicaClass: VIII.1No: 27