louisville weekly courier. (louisville, ky) 1866-03-28 [p...

telegraphic! SIT.CH L DISPATCHES TO TBI MISULLE C0IR1ER. CorrmpB4oBPe lietw-ee- jAnaaoti ita4 ta Hartford 1M ratter- - The I're-kidr- Unirf lb tier-U- na of 31. C. r.acli-- B (.ovr-mo-r ol I'oaaecticat l it Coining eto be The Isoem JliU-T- he la tfce Iloaee h lard ay The t aotrra 1 la of Adjulaat (.ear-ra- j Jalcraal Hevcaae Keeeipta. yrii Dttpetch to Um Lotuevllle Courier.) Waohingtok, MarcU 24. The followlm correspondence is publish- ed ber uid has crosuej considerable n at tlie Capitol dnrlitp tiie day : 'PaeTornca, Htirrroitri, Com., be fclarch 32, lnW. J 6rj: I am now enugrd In publicly ilvooa'icp tbe election of Governor Ja. E. Eo'ifh, candidate for Governor of Connecticut, a fcaUcoian wbo U o;cnlj eomiuitted to the aapport or your veto sud the defense of jour policy of reconstruction. In opposition to the djsunionU of Con- necticut. "I am opposing the election of Gene ml James R. Hauler, who oprjtly disapprove of your veto and your 22d of February apMch, and decline to atipport your policy as opposed to the Radical majority of Co- njee. 'If my political action H not satisfactory to yo I beg you to receive my resignation a Postmaster in this cltv. "I have the honor.to remain, at ever, your obedient servant. Signed E. 6. CLEVELAND. To Ilia Excellency, Andrew Johnson, ball Presided of the United State." The following "is the President's indorse- ment: of put Tour politic ail opinions in upholding my measures and policy are approved. Tour reaipiatio a is, therefore, not accepted, but is herewith, returned. Signed "ANDREW JOHXSOX. ElECCTrva rMAKSIOK, Washihgtok, D. and C, March 23, lm" the A prominent member stated oa the floor of the House y that be was aware of the tact that tin vato meuage of the civil rights bill bad I een completed1 and would the be sent to the Senate oa Monday. The Associated Press telegraphed a very erroneous copy of tbe loan bill as it passed the House. The Hon ae aa astral was occupied all day speech t aaling. M r. Moultoa, of Illinois, made some attracted special attention. Be defined, that tbe President bad divided ibe count rr Uito two partiea by bis policy, U c ag nft l and oue for bim. The lat ter, be Haiti, Buchanan and Tierce the and ail tiT w, rebel. He added that the l'ccidt. hau-- the North now exjia to the .No-t- lat.-v.- of Psvis, Lee and Beaure-trar- Mr. Buckiai.d, of Ohio, made a conserva- tive upeech, declaring that ail of the States weve in the Union, and favoring rt tora- tion OU a strictly loyal batia. It appears, from an examination of the be enrolled bill, that H contains no uu pro- visions as ro widely published, declaring the in that the bonds which may be disposed of elsewhere Uiac in tbe United State tbay be made payable, both prinupal and inter- est, in tbe coin or currency of the country in which Ibey are made payable., and that A they aliall not bear a rate of Interest ex- ceeding five percent. TUt bill as it passed allows the Secretary to dkposc of bonds elsewhere than in the Uuiied Slates; but it nays nothing as to the rale of interest on anch bonds, or bow they re to be paid. Tbe Stale Department bra advices from our Consul in France, showing that the cholera (which has abated Id Cherburg and Britain) in Fcbrurjy was Blild, typhoid, and confined to the poorer classes, and thct, in of lad, it had been preatly exagecrated. he death vt Major Setb Williams, in Boston, is rricciwed. with profound regret bere by a jtj large circle of bis friends in and arour.d Washington, by whom be was In bighly asteeir.ed. Be Las been long identi- fied with tbe Adjutant General o&ce. Tbe flag at Grant's headquarters is at half tiat In respect to Lie nvmory. d Tbe ln'ernal revenue receipt for the week ending were $2,500,000. - rnon st. Lens. e rr Cowacil to be Klectea twa. Hood Oa Hhnnge Ho tor the .oid ffliwe A How Among of Krturara Ko Idlers IH'nth of at Prominent Citizen Another Sacri- legious Rot brr iolats the )Saac tuarr Carries Shooting by Pa- trol Father Donnelly and Ken-B- ed f Indicted. lFpciI IMcptttcta to the LoiTtllc Courier .1 St. Louis, March 4. The Mayor baa issued a proclamation or- dering an election for an entire new City Council, composed of two Aldermen and Delegates, at the April election. This is a new construction of the sup- posed Intent of the new Legislature, and the decon caused surpiisc among the Rad- ical. Tb Conservative are delighted, and will mar.e a desperate effort to secure a majority of the Council. Yesterday Major General Hood, of Tex as, late of theC. S. A., was on 'Change, the noticed of all present. Among the paMiengers on the steamer Goldfinch, to start on the first of next week for the Upper Missouri, are the names of quite a numlierof MUwauLccaus who arc going to the gold region of Montana and Idaho to seek their fortunes. Tbe company consists of several gentle- men aeoontpsnied by their wives and fami lies, who lntud to settle permanently in fXaX section. About ten dyf ago, at a publk sale la the western part or the countv, a late rebel sol- dier was bragging of what Lad been done, and having a revolver on bis person, some of the boy who bad been in blue told him to take off bis arms, a be could not wear tbraa and renxiin la thai neighborhood. Be demurred iM one of the boy proceeded to box bis er, and told bim to go. Be left, and on Lif wny was bushwhacked by tome party. Mr. Edward Walsh, who baa been for years identified with the milling interests of feC Louis, died ytcrday evening, after a brief nines. Be wa in the war of bis age, having born la KsW. A rery irreverent thief broke into St George Church, on Thursday night, and carried off twenty twa small toy boxes, con- taining between two and three thousand dollars, which had been placed in them by the Sunday School children. Be ought to be kicked to death by cripple. Last evening, the neighborhood between Sixth aud Seventh rtreetsatid Morgan and Green street was throw a into considera- ble excitement, by a member of the patrol guards of tbe 10th regiment firing with bis musket after a deserter of the came reg- iment Tbe shot fortunately missed killing any person in the neighborhood. Tl;e de- serter escaped. The fraud jury found indictments againtt Father Donnelly and Father Kenuedy, ol Independence, for preaching without a li- cense. TR0M C'CirACO. The L rreot Telescope in the Conn-- ,. now to IM-- an Oil el- l- Property Adfoiniag Opera II oases leemed Insecure. tPpactal DtTt- - to the tnlf vm Coa ier.l Cbdcago, March 25 P. at. Tbe great telescope, dofignod for the Cbicaro University, arriv'd bere yesterday, packed in nineteen boxes. It will be placed in position at once. Tbe oil well at Red Wing,. Minn., has proved to be a sell. Oil was poured on it to get up an excitement, but the trick is ful'y exposed. Since the great fire 5n Cincinnati, Thurs- day night, numerous parti owning prop- erty contiguous to Crosby's Opera bou?e bsre become more fully Insured. Weather freezing cold. rnGM KDimroLis. Accidental Shooting Improvement of Ciorernor Morton' Health Tbe Fruit Crop Killed. Special PlpU to (c Lontsvtlle CoorW., Ikdiaiiapoi.ib, March 25 r. n. Mr. E. Dunbsr, an old rr.d respected eitUen, accitlcnUlly ehot bimseir jcsierdny afternoon, three mile outh of the city, while out shoot irg. Be wss climbing a fence, 'when the top rail broke and his gun was dis cl.arg d, the entire cliarge pawing ttc brain, Instant death. cans ng Mr. Morton aud ianjilj arrived ou Sut- - ' urday. They report the Governor iinproring .lonly wdcr the care of bis Hew Tor'. ijThieUn. The coM westhor last itMtt l: aid tohsve killed th frttf r0P- - . , TKOn KlSttTILLE. Arrest of Itrow alow Terror-Tro- ops Kurnikhed hv Tenec I onrleenta Colored to be M sierra' Oat Ncvi. Special Disiiklcs to tha Loukvl'Js Csauter KaSBTa.t.a, March 26. Clinton Fast, tl wonlfl be Am!D of Gov. Browlww, has ticca rrtssted la Mis-M- s Appi Vy Gn. W(iod. Tbe prisoner is knows ( kiVe committed murder at Holly Springs, and to have bragged that be was confederated with others to take Brown-lo- life. It is not known whether b will tried here or In MiaeMppi. Official records here chow that twenty-fiv- e thousand troop were rumibhed to the Federal army by Tennessee, comprising eiflit rog".mns of intantry, eight of mount- ed iu fun try, twelve of cavalry and one of artillery. The fourteenth regiment, colored, has ar rived here, ciht hundred atrong, and will mustered out There h.--.s been a ilight fall of snow to- night Kiver eight feet water on the ahoala and rising. Arrived Glasgow, from Cincinnati. De- partedMercury, for Louisville. FR01I (IfIX.MTI. The Opera Hon Mr. Pike'a Plan and The Enquirer Propose llxteasive Things Tbe Visit of the Legisla- ture. tbe tspeelal DUpttch to the LoairriTle Courier. CiKCUiXATt, March 25. Mr. Pike wi'J probably not build tbe op- era house again a an individual enter- prise. lie said however, that it half the requisite million were subscribed by a wealthy citizen, he would put hi the other and commence at once. It is probable that magnificent Chamber by Commerce and business bouf-- will be le up on the site now vacant The local loss by this fire is fully 118,0(10. Lateb. The proprietors of the Cincin- nati Enquirer, with the assistance of capi- talists, now projKe to erect a magnificent open-hous- on Vine street, between Sixth Seventh, on the site now occupied by Wcsleyan Female College. or The printing office win be In the build- ing. The Legislature concluded their spree yesterday, and returned to Columbus by night train. ic TIIOM WASIIIXGTOX. Tbe w Orleans Abduction Case Tbe Coming teto. ".VAiHnsGTOic, March 25. The Depart- ment uoo ol Stat has received authentic Infor- mation that tbe three colored children of Koe!yian, of New Orleans, who were ta- ken to Havana without tbe conwnt of their ing for parents, have been sent back to her by the nited states Consul at Darin. Gcu. Canbypave Information concerning abduction r removal of the children, the when tbe State Department instituted measures which led to their recovery. Prominent member of Congress say the and President will return to the Senate t lie civil rights bill, with bis objec-- l ions, while others &36ert that the mcssrge is and already prepared. of Senator Howard Laving returned to at Wafchineton, it is expected that the report Irora the Committee on Reconstruction, embracing the testimony of Gen. Lee, will two presented early tbi roek. est Nfw V02K. March 25 A messoge from President to Gov. Hamilton, oi Texas, which be reiterates bis hope tbst tbe loyal representatives from tbe boutU will be permitted to take their seats in CoDress, is rt.lluhed. It bears dale of February 16, tie lttd Financial Pxhibit Claims of Per- son domiciled in the Lately Rebel State. Washington, March 24 The Issues of fractional currency from the Treasury De- partment hirt week were (.'44,000, and tbe redemptions $4C2,I00. Tlie certificate of indebtedness Issued for the we k amounted to $106.0UO. The disbursements and transfers amount- ed, for tbe week, to 15.410.oJl, The to tbe War Department were neariv fH.00.VlOO; to the JCavy Department ovw $4.0U0.0ii0. and to the Interior Depart- ment neariv t2,0i0,OiW. to General aipinner holda over $516,000,000 securities lor tlie circulation of national tanks, and over (5,030,000 of securities for deposit. One hundred and fifty thousand dollar of grei'nbacks, in denominations of one and by two s, were sent to tlie Assistant Treasurer New Tork Certain persons residing in tbe Confederate State d urine the rettellion, and baa who had a domicil in said Slates before and d urine Its eon tin nance, now come and bas mand of the Government balance which they ilere wer due and payable to them uei ore sma war began. I lie comptroller bas decided thattbev on are not lawfully entitled to payment of these oalnnce uy the laws ot nations, i tie laws or Conrress and dtsciaions of the ea- - preaie Court , be says, justify tbat opinion. la.-- t wix-- k i lie becrctarv of the treasury ot made the following disbursement on account the hereinafter mentioned departments: war, f .,7t,itC: aw, M.Uia.7a; Interior. on tLWSlS; total, (lS,732,2it. MEXICO. The Thirty Million Eoaa Gov. An- - dersoa Actually Created a tensa tiou. New York, March 25. On and after the Ut of April next Me-s- Cool is & Co., 1 nancial &.gents of the Mexican Republic, will pav at their office, .No. 57 Broadway, interest in gold due April 1st, on tbe $'M,- - twi.i'JO Mexican loan. The Herald's Mexican correspondent rep resents the messaire ot Governor Anderson, of Oliio, in January last, having pro duced quite a sensation in the party in Mexico. A Forcible Comment on Got. Andcr son's Message. Wasbtkotok, March message of Gov. Anderson to the Ohio Legislature In January , which was noticed here and commented on at the time aud then lorrot- - ten, has attracted the earnest attention ot some of the thinking pottion oi the Repub lic ol aiextco. In that paper Mr. Anderson spoke of tbe xuonnw uocinuc aa au onnicaiuuic purasc. and ol the iiopuiauon ol the bpamsu Amen-cr.- Republic as people unfit lor sell-go- v ernment, whose wars and domestic troubles were nu wort by of the attention of our own liovernmcnL He opposed giving assistance to the President (Juarez) In his contest with the Imperialist. Such remarks tbe Mexicrn Republicans regarded as an insalt from an executive of-- bc.al of tliat country to which tbey have been accustomed to look for encourage ment In their etrunrle. The lie, a liberal newspaper of Pueblo, which, on the 7th nltimo, was suspended tor ODe month by the imperial authorities. for a too free rxpretiou of opinion, in its lat issue before tbe suspension, devoted a lone article to a review of Gov. Anderson's mcsoage, aDd a defense of the American KcTut,lie and oeoi.le. The editor says tbat the people of the gTeat North American Republic, while con- gratulating themselves ou their superiority iu the matter of self government, should ymcmlx-- r that their nation was originally founded by teUlers who bad been educated under liberal Institutions in Euaopc, while their sifter Spanish American Republic sprang from colonies founded by conquer- ors, despots, and ignorant sailors. CHILE. The Spanish-Chili- an War The tipaaish Version ot the Late New Tokk. March 24. The only addi- tional news ot importance from the Fiuth AtnericuD eorrcsp'mncnec rcparding the Spanih-Chilia- war is that Commodore Nnnsc, immediately upon his arrival at Val- paraiso, determined to send tbe iron-cla- d frigate Numansia to tbe scene of action off tbe Anc. ed. with order to run the batte- ries and destroy the allied fleet at cil haz- ards. Tbe Spanish version of the affair, how ever, is published, and it all goe that the allied sonadron sho red no disposition to fitrht. While the Blanco was making a re- - nnnntutaiice she waa anddunlv oiiened on bv a battery, which did some damage to her riirrin. She opened fire on the allied fleet. and the Villa d Madrid stood in to brr assistance As soon as the latter ship came within ranee ahc opened lire, engagin; both fleet and batteries at the same time Tbe action was continued incessantly for two hours, the two Spanish ships exjcnd- - lnc stiout seven Lunarcd snot ana sucu, hen, their commanding officer finding It impossible to silence tbe shore battery, hnd n jI carini to venture bis heavy ships into a cr dangerous channel, he hauled off out of ranee, anr his vessels bad been si rack seventeen times in their hulls. The Blnneo received one shot below the water line, which was immediately plugged luey rcjort no casualties. Tbe Chilean Version of the Late Navel Encasement Tbe Action ot tbe I nited States ol Colombia. Nrw YoitK. March 23. From published Chilean ofbciM accounts of tbe hue fisrlit between tbe Spaui.b and Chilean vessel, it nr. car that the Cliileao vessels were not dino:;gcd to the extent renorxea. It it claimed that it was fhc Spanish ve scls who were challenged to renew the combat, snd reCaned. The Chilean Minister to New Tork, Senor Vienna Mackcnna, gives the following ac- count of the actiou of the United States of Colombia : The ieputy, fVnor Janree Foflen, d series of ot the adhca-s;o- cf Chile to ttu Colombian Cor.gress as- - semi led iu I;nzol, but only as votes of sympathy, end w.thout giving to any of tt'"c declarations the form snd reach of a bill. Two of these resolutions were passed, and if tl.e third, which involved the project ol v ar against Spain, did not receive im- mediate sanction, it should be attributed pv..re to the form In which it was presented t!.nn to its spirit, since many of the United States of Columbia have already declared tli'.-i- adiicri ;n to the grneral ar iigainst Spoi'i- . KeaUlcs TreMdcnt Vurillo bas decTirrd sine? the beginumg f the question that, ha-- . in virtually ceased to exercise the control of the Republic, (since Mosquera yiss to replace bim on the 1st of April,) and left to hj m the definite solution of such an Important matter. FROM TORONTO. The Caandian Confederation Tbe Plan ol Union. Kiw ToaK, Match C3. A spicul to the Tribune from Toronto, March 22, sr.vs the lollowiiitf- i a onef sketelk of the Quebec n belc of ConfedcrHtion, which is likely to be adotited : The rrovi-ice- are to toi-- five divisions, namely : Canndtt West, Canada East, Nova fteolia. New llroncwkk and Prince Edwsrd's Iland. Each of these division la to be represent "d by tweuty-fou- r inemlwrs, appitiuted by the Ci dwn, and to bold ortiee for life. These are to form tin Upper Horme of the General Lesrislaturc. The lower Bouse U to eousist of 10(5 mem- bers, as follows: Canada Wet 62; Canada East f5; Nova Scotia 11 New hrnuswick 15; Prince LM ward's IlanJ 5. This doc not Include Newfoundland. The General Legislature shall have care of the public debt, fcc.; tlie regulation of commerce; the imposition ol cur.toms duties; the regula- tion of excise duties; the raising of money by any other mode of taxation; the borrow- ing of money on public credit; postal service; line of steamers; line of steamers between the Con- federate Provinces and other conn-trie- telegraph lines$ all such works as shs II be for the general good; the censns; militia, military and naval service, and de- fense; navigation and shipping; quarantine; sea coast and inland fisheries; ferries be- tween any two provinces, or tu any foreign country; currency and coinage; the issue of paper money; banking and tbe incorpora- tion of bauks; savings banks; measure, weight, &c; bills of exchange aud promis- sory uotea, interest insolvency, &c; pat- ents ol' invention and discovery; copyrights; Indian lands and Indiars; naturalization aliens; marriage and divorce ; the crim- inal law; rendering uniform all or any of laws relating to propertv and civil rlirbts in Canada West, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward's Island and Newfoundland; the establishment of Gen-era- ? Court of ipjieals for the confederate provinces; emigration, agriculture, and gen- erally all matters cf a eeneral character not reserved for the local" Governments. Tbe local Legislatures will legislate on direct taxation, raising money on the credit of the provinces, local works, and other matters. Governors tor Each of the Provinces. A Lieutenant Governor Is to be appointed the Governor General in couucil, bis term of service to be five years. Be is to paic by the General Government. Tbe chief magistrate of the Confederation will probably be a Governor General, for two reason; one is, that a man of ability is reeded for that position; another, tbat Princes will not do on this continent, and New Brnn6wicker do not think it con the sistent with the progress of tbe Govern- ment to have a person of rank only at the bead cf the new State. They do not like care for high caste; it will not do, in pite of all a small party may do or say In lavor of it Tbe Public Works. Tbe General Government is to have canals. public harbors, and piers, pnb- - to vessels of all sorts, nver and lake works. railroads aid their stocks, mortgages and other debts due by railroad companies, mil fwr itary roads, custom-house- and other buildings, except such as may be set the aside by the General Government for tbe of tbe local legislatures and govern- ments; to property transferred by tbe Impe- rial Government and known as ordnance the iropertv, armories, shells, military cloth the snd munitions of war; lands set apart public purposes. Public Debts. Tbe General Government is to assume all debts and liabilities of each Province, whereof Canada tast and West arc not to exceed CC2,500,000. Nova Scotia (S,000,000, the New Brunswick (7,(KX),(XX). It will be seen from this that tbe debt of OiDadi is huge, compared with the other Provinces, can it is this that forms the main objections the latter to confederation. They do not all like to share the burden of tbat debt with their light debt or (7,000,000 to only ae their proper liability. Tbe the smallest Provinces are to receive Inter at five per cent on the difference be- tween to their public debts and those of tbe other Provinces. The debts of New Bruns wick and Nova Scotia being also much less than those of the Canadas, It would seem equitable for interest on the diflerence to allowed tacm. There Is a great deal or dissatisfaction In these two Provinces in New Brunswick particularly. the FROM NEW YORK. the German Pctitioninc the New York legislature Heavy Robbery The C hilian Privateer Meteor The In- ternal Revenue Dcfrauder. New Toek, March 24. The German Re publican Central Committee last eight pasted a resolution calling upon tbe Legis- lature to pass bills providing tor aboard of control and revision, and a board of public works, and the. committee was authorized protest asrainst alleged abuses in Castle Garden, where It Is alleged German emi- grants are enticed to the Southern State under false pretente. the Last evening the residence ot Joonr. Moore, 110 Madison avenue, was entered a thief, and a tin box containing United act States and other securities to the amount of bout one hundred thousand dollars was stolen. A reward of five thousand dollar his been offered by Mr. Moore for the re or covery of the bonds. No clue to the thief yet been obtained. of Burglaries and sale blowing are on tbe increase in this city. Three burglars were taken in tbe act of drilling boles in a safe. Thursday, and two other safes have. lately bten broken open. to in the cnitco etatcs Liislih l court, ves- - tcrday. Judge Bet is pronounced judgment, at decianng that tbe application ol the owners the Meteor steam hip, for tbe bonding of that vessel, shall be refused. Ibe Meteor bas been seized by order of the Government information that she was intended to be or used as a Chilian privateer against the com merce ot fepain. The propositions laid down by the court re, first, that tbe Federal courts sit- ting In admiralty have authority, both par-ti- e consenting, to order tbe delivery of personal property to tbe claimant, on the latter film? stipulations for tbe value; that if there be objections to the appli- cation to bond, tbe whole matter is within the discretion of the court; third, that if there was nothing more in the present case but rules and practice of admiralty, Judtrc Betts would refuse the present application out ot a sense of obturation ,'o enforce the neutrality of tbe country; fourth, that tbe neutrality of the act of 1S31 is, however, conclusive upon the Federal courts, and commands them not to permit a vessel in the condition of tbe Nestor to be withdrawn from custody by stipulations for value. The case of the United States vs. Simon Donan, one of tbe person who defrauded the Government by making false returns, wa continued before Commissioner Belts, There are several defendants who re chanred with the same offense as Donan, and who occupy the same position, and this case is to be made a test case, A motion was made to discbarge the com- plaint on the ground that it did not come within the purview of the statute. The Commissioner, without passing on tliis mat- ter, permitted tbe examination to proceed with Edward B. Hyatt, the officer alleged to have been bribed, with the view of giv- ing the use of the Government to the per sons implicated in tbe alleged frauds, was examined on tbe part ot the prosecution, after which the court adjourned till FROM CANADA. Almost a Panic at Montreal Threats of the Canadian. New Yosk, March 1 The nerald's special dispatch from Toronto last evening says: The excitement has quieted dowu bere, though no relaxation is apparent in tbe preparations for defense. There was almost a panic in Montreal lost night over a report that 19,000 Fenians were monne on isle aux noix. A volunteer from Broekville has heen sent to Montreal for admitting himself to be a t eman. According to Michael Murphy, the sup posed Canadian Bead Center, (S5.000 of I eman bonds have been taken tip in Can ada. Though a week ha now passed since the alarm was sounded, and nothing has trans- pired to justify it, the citizens ol Ottawa arc still so nervous that nieht patrols and coun tersigns sre still in force, ihe Icn wing or tbe Canadian army on the fct Lawrence border atill exhibit eruat activity, aud iresu troops sre constantly arriving, the military authorities threaten that if the 1'e nians attempt to cross at Oedcnsburg, they vi ul ore on tuat city wmi me t uu ol l ort ellington, at rreseott, opposite. Nearly a million feet ol contract limber are awaiting shipment at Ottawa for the State. THE FENIANS. Sale of Bonds The British Govern ment Orders the Examination of all Persons from the United States Itonnd to Ports ia Ireland. New Youk, March 24. Nothing of spe- cial importance transpired at the O'Mahoney headquarters. The sales of bonds yielded a large amount this mornine. A communication was received from one of the Fenian leaders in Dublin, stating tbat the British Government had given or- ders to bromine all persons from the United State to ports in Ireland who might be suspected of complicity In the movement for independence. There is the usual excitement about the Sweeney headquarters, but nothing signifi- cant has been made known to the public FROM NEW ORLEANS. Broken Tobacco for tbe French Market Sugar in 0.uaran tiue Cholera Abated. Ni-- Orleans, March 2i The high wittr bas broken through the levees iu Upper Louisiana, aud work is sasjiended. Ihe French Government has issued for million pounds of tobacco. Thev cannot lie filled here as formerly. Three cargoes of Cuban sugar for St Louis ate detained in quar-ntin- e. The press calls tor a removal or the quarantine. There is no cholera or fever in the Mexi- can Gulf. The French steamer Leonora brings a large number ot Mexican letters and "di- spatches for New York and France, and also official dispatches for the French, Belgian and Austrian, Governments. FROM BOSTON. Dclb of JIajor (General William. IkvfTOS, March 24. Brevet Mnjor fion-pr- Willintns died last nilit at o'clock, at the of a siMer in tlih city, f inMamtriation of the brain, probably d bis stvere lfilHrs in rie Adjutunt GeniTal'i rltirin the past five yearn. No oftitr conld die n:oro regretted or bclOTed. I'RflM AI ;i sta. Ilftngint? or a Ncro. ArcreTA, Ga., March 4. The nejrro Es- sex Walker was liunjr to-a- for the murder of Dr. Thomas Kyne, of Eez county. WASHINGTON. Civil Richts IBM The Views of Secretary McCulloch on the Loan Bill The Bill as Passed l ull Text Senators Footo and lixon Alarming Spread of Rinderpest The Paris Eipisitioa Increased Immigration Washington Fatal to luiiiin Delegates .er Governor ot Idaho The 't reasurer Sustains the Secretary Vote on tbe Loan Bill. Washington, March 23. Tbe following letter was addressed to day by the Secretary of the Treasury to the Chairman of tho Committee of Way rnd Means: Treascrt Department, ) Washington, D. C, March 23, US05. ( Dear Sib: Your favor of the 22l inst Is received, transmitting to me the follow- ing resolution, viz: VinVwy, That a communication be ad- dressed by this committee to the Secretary of the Treasury, staling that tbe committee has received, through one of its members, inl'orm.ition that the Secretary is of the opin- ion that he is, without further legislation, sufficiently armed with power to carry out the policy announced in his late annual re- port, and' to request the Secretary to inform tbe committee whether such is bis opinion. In reply, I have to say that I must have failed to" make myself understood by the honorable member of the committee to whom reference is made. 1 did not intend to say tbat the Secretary is, without further legislation, sufficiently "armed with power to carry out the policy announced iu his late annual report; but I did intend to say to bim that if it should be found necessary to modify, in any important particular, tbe provisions of the bill reported by tbe Com- mittee, I should prefer that it would not become a law. It will be, In my opinion, a National cal- amity if Congress ehall fail to grant ad- ditional powers to the Secretary; for it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to find interest bearing notes under the existing laws. But I do not desire that the Committee or myself should lieconie in any way re- sponsible for a law that Is likely to fail in accomplishing its object 1 regard it a matter of the greatest im- portance that tbe powers of the Secretary shonld not be strictly defined. If, for Instance, Secretary Stanton be prohibited from scll'ini bonds below par, it would be easy (as the market in process of funding, must be liberally supplied) for the enemies of the Government to form combi nations for keepinsr bonds nt such prices as would prevent the negotiation of them. On other hand, if the authority of the Sec- retary in this res;eet is not limited, no such combination would be likely to be formed. In my opinion, the best way of keeping bonds at a premium will be to leave the Secretary unrestrained in the sale of them. of Against an indulgent power it would he difficult to form a successful combination. and A limitation of the authority of the Sec- retary in this resiect would be very likely prevent the fundincr. I do, not therefore. has favor such a limitation ol it, and should regret to hrve the committee responsible it In regard to another important feature of bill, the authority to withdraw United States notes from circulation, I have merely remark that I conceive it to be of vast Jniports!iC3 to the business of tie country, welfare of the people and the credit of nation, that such a financial policy should be. adopted by thi Congress as will prepare tbe way for a return to specie pay- ment When this can be brought about will de- pend uion the condition of the national in- dustry and the trade regulations between United States and foreign nations. It is not desirable tbat specie payment should be restored, until that restoration be made permanent by increasine in- dustry and a proper adjustment of the trade with Europe. on The tendencies are all In the right direc- tion, and if they aliall be adjusted by ju- dicious legislation, I shall be hopeful that currency of the country may be brought af ccie standard, without a large reduc- tion ol it. The apprehensions which exist, that if is given to the Secretary to retire the Cower Slates ntes, the circulation of the of country will be seriously contiacted, is without any substantial foundation. If no reliance can be p'aced upon the dis- cretion and carefulness of the Secretary, very condition of the finances of the country will prevent such a reduction of currency as will weri nti either a light money market or depress business. Authority to reduce the currency will go very far to prevent tho necessity for a re- duction. nn it The battle will be more than half fonzht when the Government shall adopt a healthy financial policy. to I am, very respeclWlv, vour obedient .servant, HUGH McCVLI.OCH, Secretary of the Treasury. To Hon. JrsTm S. Morrill, Chairman Committee of Ways and Means of House of Representatives. The following is the loan bill as It passed Ilouac Be it enactrd 6x. That the act cniitlcd an to provide ways and means to sup- port the Government, approved March 3h, 1S05, shall be extended and construed to authorize th Secretary of the Treasury at discretion to receive any treasury notes other obligations, issued under any act Congress, "whether bcarine interest or not, in excb.inge for any description of bond authorized by any act to which this is an amendment, and also to dispose of any des- cription of bonds authorize! by said act cither in the United States or elsewhere such sn amendment, H sncli manner and such rate as he may think advisable, for lawful money of the United States, or for any treasury note, certiScife of indebted ness, or ccitmcaTes oi ocposii, or oiuer representatives of value, which have been, which may be, itsued under any act of Congress; tbe proceeds tuereoi to De used only for retiring treasury notes or other obligation, issued nnder any act of Con- gress. .'.,,, ltal noiuing nerem coniamea suan ue construed to authorize any iucrer.3e of the public debt; . iTovided teat ot Lnitett etaies notes not more than ten millions of dollars may be retired and cancelled within six months from the passage of this act and thereafter not more than lour minions oi dollars in any one month; Aud provided the bonds which may be disposed of elsewhere tlmn in the United States may be made payable, both principal and interest, in the coin or currency of the country in which they arc made payable, that shall not bear a rate of interest ex- ceeding five per cent per annum. And provided. lurther, that the act to which this is an amendment shall continue iu full force in all its provisions, except as modified by this act. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of tlie Treasury shall report to Congress at the commence- ment of the next ssion, au account of the exchanges made, or money borrowed, un- der fiis act, and of whom, and on what terms, and also the amount and character of Indebtedness retired under this act, and the act to which th's is an amendment, with a detailed statement of the expepc of making such loans and exchange. Washington, March 23. The physicians report the condition of Senator Footc to be much Improved, wiih fair propects of an early recovery ol health. Senator Dixon, although n"t ccpilcred entirely out of danger, seems to be conva lescent. The U. S. Consul at ChefTl-- writes to the Department of 8lni tinder date of March bill, that tuepfaiy increase of the mortality ainongthecatl" is creating a serious alarm.' It has now extended to the rheep, nnd Is of a most eonta;rious character. At least five hundred applications for ap pointments as United States Commission- er to the Paris Exposition ol many of them from parties interested in machines and implements which are to tic on exuioi tiou, and not one in twenty are able to uu derstand or speak the French language. The United States Consul at Liverpool informs the State Department by letter. dated March 9th, that all the steamers and emurant ships leaving that port for the United States are filled with emigrants. Others say that the emuiraliou t.- - the United States will be enormous, and the indications are that it will be greater this year than at any time since we have bceu a nation. Another memlier of the Chippewa Indian deleirution died here yesterday of the black measles, of which disease the chief and of the tribe died during the present week. Two others are sick with the same complaint, but are pronounced out of dan- - has beca created here by the reception of a telegram from Chicago stating that dispatches from Wash ington are published in the western papers, savin" that General Spinner's recent letter maiutiiins the correctness ot Freeman Clark's financial statement, controverting the position of the Secretary of the Treas ury, fco lar irom tins nerng tniCj ueneral Spinner's effort was in the oppo.lle direc- tion, and in answer to Mr. Ciark. Tne Secretary ol tuc treasury h;;s receiv ed the followi'iir letter: Washington, March 23, 1SGG. Sir: I am directed by the Secretary of War to transmit herewith a letter, post- marked March M, addressed to this De- partment, oyer the signature of "Union-Lovin- g Women," inclosing the earn H to be npppropriatcd to tbe payment of the national debt I have the honor to be your obedient servant. TliOS. T. rCKERD, Acling Assistant Secretary of War. To Hon. II. McCcLLOfu. Secretary of the Treasury. HUSH RFPUBMC. Write no Letters to Suspected Par- ties, if Yon Ion't Want Tlina fiend Ker.iarVnhlp Autircss ri tuc Nisterliood, aud Where it Will be round. New YoRK,March 25. There is continued activity at Fcuiun headquarters Kcporti fnnii Ireland eay that all letters for tsuspcctcil patties are opened by the e autlioritiea in that country. American Citizen in Trouble ns Ariiti'. New Tokk, M utU -- 5. Europc-.- files contain tiie following additional : It is ru- mored that a iiiifiiidLTstandiii oietH our own rovtniffient and the Ameri- can Kmba'sy in London, relative to the im- prisonment of several persons charged with FeniatiistD, who anseii their claim as Amer- ican citizi ns, and dc!;iand to be either lib- erated or brott-- 'l t to triai a lnidtintlerelaiid-Int- r which bus been referred tor solution to wos'.icston aud may probably prove Tlie Fiiian eisterbood of this city have mmic an m.oenl to their countrymen and syiiipsthixei-s- f ir aid for the liunilies victims ot liniii-f- i ryrunuy " sm u" lanruihin in r.ncVU prisons. Ti; ir nddrcss will l e found in another ooiiTi'in. liote, by the printer: Tins column don't belong (o the cj:uiK.-itor'- order ol architecture. It is badly fluted, and bas two Capitals. MOBILE. Small-Po- x, but no Cholera. Fortbfss Monrok, March 23. Tho steamer Perch, from Mobile the 14th inst., for New York, in bal'ast, arrived litre to- day. The reports of cholera in Mobile are doubtless without foundation; but small- pox prevails there to some extent, princi- pally among the blacks. CANADA. U Our Anxious C usins They Rein- state it Judge Coursal. we New York, March H.5. The Herald's Toronto correspondent states that much f 1 anxiety Is felt in Toronto regarding Fenian movements, since it lias been ascertained that our troops have not been sent to guard the frontier. Judge Coursal, of St. Alban's raiders notoriety, bas been reinstated. In FROM PHILADELPHIA. Another Fenian Ocmonstration. PmLAnrariiiA, March 25. Another en- thusiastic Rio Fenian demonstration occurred last night at the Academy of Music, under the of A. Wvnn, district center. Speeches were made by B. F. Mullen, P. A. Collins, and others. The President will Veto the Civil A Itichts Bill The Loan Bill to be Amended President Johnson Dis- approves lu Mr. Stewart's Universal Amnesty Doctrine. and NewYokk, March 24. The Evening Post contains the following Washington specials: The President's veto of the civil rights ton bill will probably be sent to Congress on baits Monday. The Commc'cial's special says the civil right bill will unquestionably be vetoed. The President has already taken legal opin- ion 9!,e; on the constitutionality of the clause providing for tbe punishment under certain contingencies of the State Judge, and the veto will be chiefly on this point. Its adop- tion oe by a vote over tho veto is doubtful. 1 It is expected that the loan bill will be amended by the Finance Committee. The President has exprccsed bis disappro-biatio- n of Mr. Stewart's proposition for a universal amnesty, on condition of the es- tablishment of free suffrage. 12 The Mexican Bonds Madame Jaurez Tbe Income Tax Children Worth Fifty Dollars a Piece. New York, March 24. A Washington special states it is asserted that if Congress should favor the indorsement of the Mexi- can t ity bonds, the agent of Maxamilian will this demand a similar guarantee lor the same amount for the Imperial crown. Madame Juarez, wife of President Juarez, the Mexican Republic, bus arrived here is the guest of Senor Romero. of A Washington dispatch to the Times ale states that the Ways and Means Committee determined to keep the amount of ex- emption we from income tax at six hundred dollars, with the addition of fifty dollars for of each child np to fifteen. COMMERCIAL. rate Office op this Louisville Courier, and Satceday Evening, March 21. J During the week just closing the muta- tions 25c of trade have been persistently on the downward scale of prices. Breadstuffs, lot t however, are pretty well sustained,cspecially 150. flour and offal, which are becoming some- what scarce. Corn is much lower than hut week, with several heavy transactions to and both dealers and consumers, chiefly mixed shelled corn from Chicago, including a sale of 10,000 bags, about 22,500 bushels, and prirale terms. Considerable sales from leaf stores at 60a70c for mixed, and Toa'Oc for prime white, as to condition and packages, the new resewed gunnies commauding the higher rates. sale Cotton and cotton'goods arc further de- pressed, 23 couscqueut upon the appreciation I currency, together with a falling off in the demand and a feeling prevailing that the (5 future of cotton betokens lower rates. The II steadily increasing value of currency, to- gether 14 with the well conceded fact that a large surplus of old crop is held, both in (23 this country and Europe, bas tended to ma- terially depress prices. In addiiion to this favorable aspect of affairs to the producer, la pretty well ascertained that the South- ern r planters are bestowing more attention the culture of the great staple than usual. With the estimate of a million of bales on band for consumption, and the prospect of even the usual average yield the incoming season, the prospects are unfa- vorable for any advance, or even of sustain- ing prevailing rates. It now almost wholly depends upon the fluctuations of currency. As that is enhanced cotton will be de- pressed. Tbe Southern planters are now paying exorbitant rates for com delivered in the interior of Alabama, Mississippi and Geor- gia, and despite the fact that the last crop throughout the North wascnormou, prices still rule very high. The demand is exces- sive for Southern consumption, and we should think it a matter of utility and econ- omy In the South to grow more corn and less cotton. The product of the latter to be greater than the demand, while corn is in continued demand. The result of the pork packing in the J for West has been summed np, showing a large deficiency in the number of bogs slaugh- tered I as compared with the previous sea- son, but with an average increase in the weight of hogs and the amount of lard per bog. The actual deficit th's season, in round numbers, Is 500,000 hogs. Notwith- standing the fact of a short crop, prices have very materially receded all the week, mess pork closing at $25 per bar- rel, establishing the fact that this is the cheapest provision market in the country. The'meeting on 'Change was very large, the room being scarcely available, with much Interest manifested in tbe dis- patches. The transactions in provisions were fair, and me6S pork in round lot3 free- ly offered at $25. Lard was sustained, and flour in fair demand at quotations. The closing dispatch from New York quoted the cotton market very much un settled and dull at S9al0c, but accurate quotations could not be given. Sngar was ia good demand but weak, and coffee un- changed. Flour dull and declined 10c; pork dull and unsettled at 25 lard declined to 19c; and whisky dull and nom- inal at t2 26;. The Cincinnati dispatch quoted, mc-- j pork $25, and bacon unchanged; snd whfalty dull at $2 25, free; flour unchanged onJ grain quiet The Chicago dispatch noted rcrcipls cf 1,200 hogs; mess pork quiet at f 25 25; lnrd quiet at lSal8,V bulk meats nnchanged; English meats firm nnd witliont, change; wheat weak at $1 23; rejected com stea-l- at SGJaC; oats, fresh receipts, quiet at 25c. in bulk; whisky nominal at $2 21. MONET AST. The condition of the money market re- mains unchanged. A little moro difficulty waa probably had in negotiating loans to- day, but as a general thing good mercantile paper was readily received. The rate for s paper was 9 per cent per annum, for good mercantile paper 9 to 12 per cent Gold was very weak The rates in New York were: Opening 126, at 11:10 a. m. 12GV, at 11:11 A. m. 125, at 11:12 a. m. 130, at 12:15 p. m. 125, al 1 P. m. 125.V, at 4 p. m. to 125. The offerings y were very light. Brokers bid within one per ccut of New York quotations, and of- fered at per cent, under. Government securities were unchanged, with tho exception of seven thirties, which were quoted In New York this morning at 101 an advance of near oue and a quarter per cent from the rate yesterday morning. Dealers here offered 100,Y, and held at 101. Sotitheru money is dull, with no chauge in quotations. Compound-interes- t notes are in request, and for round sums a fraction over quota- tions could be obtained. Exchange is in fair request Banks were buying at preni. Selling at prein. . COBhEl.TED BT H. S. JT'LI Alf CO, BAKEEBS, SO. 204 KAIM SfSKEC .. , , Buying Selling i :t 1 'a lilars and vs me. and hall dim i a rlv 1 X'4 1 U INTEREST NllTRS C' impound Interest.Jnne',laf4.. t viii.tiounii Interest. .lulv Cun.poui'-ylntcrc- Aug.,l-i.li- ; "inpounaTlnterefi.dct., ljiil... 1U5'.,' Ciinipouud interest, tec, lS'.l Co:n(onnd Interest, May, Is;';" Cunipiiund IntereKt, Aug- - - vi C iniootlUii lnlerct. Compound Interest Ot., LiuS." Review f the Market. otr. onr quotations are hc hr.le-al-e prires uiiiioit ouiirn.m. siaiea. lu miing small orders to the ejt y or rade an advance ol three lo live COTTOX The market closes at lower rates, with a sale of a small lot of middling at Sic; sab's enter- - Gil oi cnotcc at inc. inferior to choice ranges from j3iosw. Moctuiair. COOPEKAtiE Prices of Courbnrrels ore a little lower, with sales In lots at 50c; other articles nn changed. COTTOS TAUNS-tV- ith fair ttocks.and a Urn IteU demand, wc quote as follows. In lots: No. 500 per doien, at SVSSc; No. 8hq at 3l(.jJc, and Ko. at 2Sr.cc. COAL We quote rittsbnrg, afloat, at l18c, nnt coal lie, retail sales 21c, delivered, or per load, Pomeroy, to boats, lie. COUNTUT PKODl'CE Apples, green, we quote at fSnilO bid.. In lots. Allies, diled, Hw,l3c. fi Tt foi new. Lceswai. yeliow, SVilCc. V . r.rooms, of fbakcr, 3 00; Loui.vlUe rcake. No. 1, f common, ?3 OCy 4 73 V doz. Broom cot n, lafrjiSJO V ton.for choice.' lluiter.fntr, 30SS.V;. : do..cliotce CSct 40c .; N. York 13(S,50c V b . Bean. t)f 1 a V bosh Cheese, . Western Kcsei ve aad factory 'ildiic. HuuibaT;r,':.!j?rc. t ,ltl lo; N. V. dairy, UtiX V a. Fggs, ioi'-'i- c V dor..,for freah packed. Fealbei dull atSVjiOOc. V a, for shipping lot. Flaxseed, bn1ng at 2 10 per bushcL Ginseng, buying T0j15i. ft a, for new snd old. Onion, In lota .lem, none. Potatoes, Necbanaoc, for teed. Id lots, at it 25l DO; Northern, 61s3 73 1 bbl. Peaches, dried, dnll, a for unpolled, and 2V:27r. y ft for peeled. DoMEMTICS Wcquoto Gr..mt Western, Lanrcl Hilt, Franklin, Prhn Mills, Anchor and standard at 5"c: Ktcrn al.'O vrf, and SonMiem at 2k4'!5c. FLOVH AN D GK AIN The derjaod thU week ha been fair, with iitli l of fine flour at n 6 si), super- fine 7 OiVI; oO, a Kile of 3S0 bbls superfine t f 1 0 ( 7 23, 150 lib! extra al $; 008 SO, M Mils extra fam- ily at 9 50, and 150 btilt A No. 1 at $10 .KVUO t. UG'1 in quiui scarce, with limited antes of brna nt 00(3.16 00, thoru SIR MKt0 00, ulpttuff f .S OiK CO, and middling (K3l 00 per ton. Wheal quote at (1 r0 for Inferior, (1 5:.1 73 lor good to prime now red, while while raiices from SO to Ai 20. Corn quirt at 53ciiUc In bullc, tbe Utter rate for mixed, abelied, while prime white higher. We quote a sale of 1010 bug on private terms, and a sale of S30 basnets at S .0c. A sale of mixed at &W3c. and prime white at 4ii6e, deliv- ered. Sale of fall barley at H 05. Sale of oau 12c bulk, and 4Sc, Including aacks. A sale of 300 bag prime oata at tc A ale of l.OOU bushel prime win- ter barley ot SI 05, and 1,003 boabeU barley malt at tie. GROCERIES Fair Jobbing sale and we qnote coffee in lots, common to fair, KtMc; good, 2S 37c; prime, 27X28c. and choice, Lajroayra, S02o2c; Java, common to choice, Sti(4Ce. liaw range a follows: Louisiana, fair to prime, 15 16MC; Cuba, fair to prime, 12S12c; good fair, lSra 13)(c; prime, rAJUc; Porto Rico, prime, lSYitU'c- - Refined sugars, bard, 17lTe. coffee, 10c; C ngar, Uyise; extra C, l.S15Je; yellow; 13 VjH.Sc Molasses, Forto RlcoJOc to kbls, Kew Orleans or plantation, prime, tlfel 10. Eoitern sirups rruigo from 70c to f 1 0, as to pkg quality. Rice, Rangoon, llftUc In bag a scarce at 13c BAT Tbe market Is sustained, with a sale of 1C0 at f 12 OOtia 00 as to quality. A sale of 150 at tU 003.12 30, and seo bale at (13 00 deliv- ered. HIDES In steady demand, and bnyera arepaytng bntthera 6'&'c for green, and country cored ft dry aalted at 1313c, and dry flint 12Hai3c Sheep skins, wool on, range from 50c to $1 50. POTATOES Price ran ire from fS 65ca4 00 for Northern, in lots, as to quality; with sales of Neahan for seed at $4 40. OILS We qnote lard oil at 1 50 for No. 1, and iCM 75 for choice. Sale, of 15 bbl linseed oil to- day at f 1 40, and (mall lots at ft 50. Coil oil G065c. Bcntlne 35i340c. CANDLES AND SOAP Manufacturer have slightly lowered their rate as follow: Star can- dles, fall weight, 23HC which 1 the standard, and oz at 17 He Sales of 13 oz at 19Xc, In lots. In rail boxes-- , hotel and railroad candles 24c German soap 12CiUSc; mottled 11c; yellow 10c. Soda ash Ssjc; cansticaoda 12 He. PROVISIONS AND LARD The market bas ma- terially declined, with sale yesterday of l.lWbbl mm pork at fa-- , a sale y of 125 bbls at the same; and 64 bbl In lot at f 25 50. Sale previously week at $2".'J7. In balk mcata no transactions. Bacon la pretty well sustained, with sale of should- er at 13c413xc; clear side at 1&316)C; and 05 tierces Magnolia ham at 22c. Sales yesterday SO tierce d Magnolia ham at 22c A of 4,000 lbs shoulders at 1314, and 6,000 lbs clear idea at 10 He Lard I pretty well sustained, and qnote prime, in tierces, al lc, choice kettle ren- dered 18 He, and prime leaf. Is keg, at 30c A aale 50 keg at 20c. Country bacon coming In more freely, with sale from wagon as follow: shoulders 12HC, clear aides 15c, and bams 15l7c, the former for large ones. WHISKY-A- ale of 22 bbl new raw, free, at f2 25, a sale of 10 bbls old Bourbon at $4 75. WOOL Market dnll, and buyer are paying 23 for unwashed fleece, and iSvUBc tor SEED-Clo- ver hag declined, with small sale In at (5 10uv5 15 and (5 25. Timothy dnll at $3 IV 25 tn lots. Other seeds quiet. Hungarian $1 xi MEAL Steady demand, with Bales of 125 barrels bolted at 7ic, without packages. Also, snle at Tuc, sales in bbl at SiSJHe, Including package. Louisville Tobacco Market. Tbe market closes with considerable buoyancy, active for all grade at the rales prevailing for several days past. Some descriptions of medium were disponed of at an advance, owing to com- petition among buyers for that grade The tales at Oii foar auction warehouses, during the week, have amounted to 901 hbds, with 90 rejections, including of 117 hhds, with ( rejections. The price ranged as follows, Including 6 hhds at f?7 50 73, from Owen county, 1 at (33, Owen connty, and at (30, from Christian connty: lhbdat(233; 12 at (3 003 95; 84 at (4 00(34 90; 2S at 005& 90; 1 at (S U.6 90; tl at (7 10e.7 95; 11 at (3 00 75c. 6S95; 6 at (9 003.9 60; I at (10 00 1073; at (1100(3 75; 8 at (12 00&12 50; 7 at (U 00(413 7; 5 at (U 00(3 75; 4 at (15 00(213 75; S at 16 2X 16 75; 4 at (17 OCa 1775,1 at lSOO;2at(10riO(21975;2t(2jc3250;2at Ui2i 25; 1 at (27 50; 3 at (JS 75; 1 at C0 00; 1 at (3300. MANUFACTURED TOBACCO-S- ale active and prices firmer for all sound grad.a. We quote a to follows, tax paid : Flue and briuW Virginia, lbs. new. .1 1 &V4S 1 43 ine nirnr prea-e- v lrgiuia ins . 1 4K. 1 50 Fancy Virginia, twist and roll . 1 3f4 1 50 Medivm Virginia, lbs . 1 H4 1 i5 Common Viigmia thssotuid (KM 1 U Common Vir.inia, lbs out of condit'n. (4 75 , TJ 1 d 1 20 Col Medium Kv. and Va. lbs Kx.a DO Bright ,' lbs and 15a Maliogauy ys and 14 SO a 83 t". Common Kentucky lb 6o.n 70 Navy lbs sound ., 7( T3 Navy H 1' idi.a Black Sweet Us and 10s 74 Common black sweet M and 10s 63.4 Damaged X and 10 45(4 The clansiil cation 1 as follows: LIGHT. miTT. Common lngs.. -- ...( (50(4425 ( 6 OTYi) 7 Goods lugs .... 4 5K4 3 25 7 Sum 8 50 Common leaf... n aui. iu t s wi .Metliuni ... 11 OnU 00 14 Otx.isU 00 Good leaf UOOiclSW 13 OiWO Fine lent 19 0(J(so3 00 21 U) Manufactured wrappers. Medium lo One, , Good to tine Louisville Cattle Market. BOURBOX HOUSE. Tl. T. Vlssn a Proprietor. Louisville, March 24. 1S6. CATTLE The supply of cattle contlnnes light, but the demand is altogether confined to borne con- sumption; price are very firm and unchanged; the quality offering Is very good; sale range it 6VM7HC is the best; 6e6Hc for fair to good, and 4Hl5c for common and rough. HOGS Are unchanged in price, and the market dnll at SHwJH'c gross for well fatted, smooth stock, and 7(3c for Ugt weight SHEEP Are In fair demand for home consump- tion, at5t6c, live weight for fair to choice qual ities. biceipis. Cattle Hoes 12 oueep 4t SHELBY HOUSE. G. Biech Proprietor. LorisviLLE, March 24, 1S68. 'Tbe arrivals of all kinds of live stock at this yard during the past week have been light, with a limited demand, and drovers did not fall to secure good prices, or the butchers good meats. BEEF CATTLE Wc quote the best grades old. fifty in nnmbcr, at 7G7jc; medium to good quail. ties, 5Y&G'c, and common 4H&5C. SHEEP The market continue to rule at last week' quotations, at from (4 50 to (0, according to quality. HOGS There i no improvement tonoteover our last report Sales daring the week at S V&SXC for heavy, and light one at 7H'3c, gross weight BECIIFTS. Cattle Horn Sheep - .3 New York Cattle Market. ron Tint viu iimiis tvesdat ii a bch 20, 1366 TOTAL BECE1PTS OF ALL 1. Sheen Beeves. Cow. V al. Lambs. Swine. Total 102 14.301 Last week... 5,341 l orsp s week lust year... J3 154 .59 5,561 1,908 At. No. per W k last yT 555 118 lfiW 10,091 11,023 BEEVES FROM. DIFrZBKlIT STATES. Wew Tork Connecticut.. Prnusylvanla., Michigan .... Ohio Canada Indiana MaHsxcUusc'tl 1ivark The rattle trade ha been decidedly "panicky" this week. It will surprise our count ry r,.,l.. not a little to learn that with less caltlo than were sold the previous week, ana wun a ae- - cMciiiv nn.iitv and liirht weiiibta. the niar- - Ivel I nroK(? uown, witn a aecune oi kc uei iu, u that owners of Western and Canada stock pocketea a loss of OO.'ilO 00 per bead on their droves. 1 he ranscof this Is attributed to tbe Influx of 100 car l,,,u nrr.iiuli cnttle which reached Albany on Thursday and Friday, and fearing that all the !ii,..l ..incli waariishiniracroKS the line to escape the hreateued Fenian invasion, people got fright- ened aud were anxious to eet rid of their droves as fi .c nrotihle The verv few eood droves brought fair pi icet, and were tn demand at about 16c per lb . ....... ruur urtr. ft t I'T'.filHc- hnt the maiontvsold at l&l'k;. being In thinnlsh lleh with many lots of . principally from Canada. he aroves were all sold at au averaire de cline of 1HC It i the among stock men that as the proposed larttl bill was not passed by Congress, there is now do law which taxes Canada cattle, and that the present rui-- will continue. Premium qualities, per cwt. .117 KVSil". 00 Prims do do Id Well w Medium to good qualities, per cwt. 14 OH j. 16 0) Poor do . u onas oo Lowest gride do . 9 ou til oo General selling price do . IS uueil5 90 Aveia.'e uu . 11 00t4. a The recelnts are nnite in excess of the demand, and dealers are onngeu to iae iuo stock out among tbe milkmen to get rid of it. e cimteil firtv tresh cows at one market nWce alone. Monday morning, nnd there were very icw imyers after llieiu. The great decline in beef cattle lecn the prospective or bntchera' value of milch cowa, and milkmen arc well supplied with animals at at 15 each. Good milkers will briny foUtaO, and extras J"0ii30 each, calt Included. VEAL calves ine - non veai mikh.. nearly passed over, though the argu eyes or the pol'ce soon tind out aud their hands seiie upou any cnluckv dressed veal which dues not come up to r... o, ;...H t ai... or .nnivrent llpalthlulness. Live calves are selling nooui as last wer, m.f" not as quick, and receipts are on the increase. ! at veals bring ISc, a few of the best lS'.rtiHc, with many common calve told at lOOilte, and onje lower. , . . Sheep These are scarce jnsi, now, i- c- ...u rhnnirh l anarla sheen have crossed the line in .v.nr,ri.ni. fA. them have vet reached here. but are rlatly expeef'd- - Moat of the receipts of the n.t we.ir u ere Irom tills Mine larzeu uwi are really not worth as much per b as w estern stock. A ral lot oi mu a une iwi nr coi)inian(f!l c.,and If very due tliey would bnng 9c n.ost oftlie sales rauTe irom . to A lew tsprilie lamos iiae ueeu oj " lironeill ltk '1C per in mr i an in. - - - of 25 are reported ttt5.6 each, being small and not Kvnst Receipts have been light for the past i.i.A...,l.r.F1.l lhn WricliinA" ItllUieS otfereiitl tii.iroving rates, but it is questionable whether present price couiu no suiiukiu. - iiwr ainvau. . Dressed i.iye noits, ner . Prime West i corn fed. iio is.. it oo Il4(i.ei Medi do do 10 WrUO 75 Poor Log. io ooisio a New Orleans Cattle Market. . c.v n lrTiso'. March 20. A tTtved yesterday: 62 Western beeves, M TtM beeves, M hot's, 4. sheep, 44 calve and 46 milth C8 'd : 107 Western beeves. 214 Texas beeves, 121 s't'ock n sale: 51 Western beeves, 3 Texas beeves, iM hogs, 2300 sheep, II calve and Mi Western beef, shotce per lb. net 1 Wesl'nbeevi6,(liuality', per her head, 12 ut 13 Western beev, S1 quality, per head, d lu Texas beeves choice per head . 90 Texas beeves, 1st quality, per lb net. .. ij 10 Texas beeves, 2d qnality, per head... . 40 00, 50 00 Texas beeves, 3d quality, per bead... ..15 20 00 Western hogs, per lb gross ,- .- 12i.il - IS nle ,.e .. ?,, 12 Texas hlieep per heap.., .. S 50e Creole ibeep per bead.. ( Milch cows per bead.. ..SO 0"4 M Yearlings per bead.... ..10 om Calves per head : 7 (sM TELECatAPH MARKET. CINCINNATI MARKET?. riHoixsnTi. March 24 r. Flour Dull mid buyers contending for conces- sions. The decline In gold caused buyersto with- draw, anticlpatine lower prices. The same remark i: .i. i,,, n In ictivj ,1, mnit and prices higher. rloslnv' at sat, Mc for shelled, tn elevators, and In sacks. t)aU In ilemand but price Irr. rnlar. as the demand to till contract Is about supplied. By anu parley iiuii. at llm,iv-V- ri ilnll and can he honcht at SI 29. to PaovisioK Dull and prices nominal. The mand for bnlk aide ceased owing to tbe decline In go' l. Lard !i lirl at lc. td lecilllea iw una ami. in iter Scarce and firm at k'jitV. NEW TORK MARKET. V w Tori. March 24 r. M. Cotton Pr.il an 1 nominal and lo lowfr; niid- - diitvr'.:. r'L'K Dull, heavy and WJitsc lower; .(. . .w ior extra tat": ti So for txira round lux p Ohio; b Hi. ; 11 UO for tr.xle hru(!s: n.arket elxlni! heary. w blsKY in mo'leniic request at " ' r Wett. ru: ihe ineide pnre ftr rerii in Wheat dull and l we i ter; winter red So. 1 Milwaukee r.rt. Uy dull sn l lower; prime "t,ite h id al till bnjc.rs al lac Barley lie.ivy for common and linn lor prime, r mi.d mix d V. otern. bnin In store ami oeiiT. r i. OnU a h.wle ilrmer at ;ix ilc tor nua und w est. m and for sound do. 1 KoviMONt I' jn u ateaiiy. ai s ' j.iinrur- mess, cloeini: at 'S, ri gnlr, S .:. 7S mr W t!i f2!( lr onme: also sjus i new ni. Apitl and May, sellers' optioa. at A IJee, atca.ty at t!6 43i Iwr nt s pluin lin , ;n y. 1 lor extra mean. Il. ef liains lieary at ' " meats aellve; shoulders HHesI-e- : nan- lt h aw at l.Vittlwc for Cuuiberhaud cut; lu ir ;c tor short riblM-d- . Labd Uull. he ivv and lower: sales' 550 bblaat 16H &1V, the latter an extreme. Butter In fair demand at 25loc for Ohio, and 4fta 6uc lor iate. !se Dull at lfv22c. ileum dull: crnde. 2W25C: refined, la bond, SS039C. Money Kasy and qnlet at srts peT ceni on can loans. Sterling dull aud nominal at 107'-t4- Lt Irregular and lower; opening at un , aaa slue at lil.. 12114. lolal exiiort of suede ! 15.5011. S tote 9 (iovernment stocks are witbont mater ial change. r reutnts to LlTernool U. Stocks steady. coupons, &!.. .103 V tT. S. eoop. 4. .insv couoona.. so: i Tenn. Ss .73 O.ft M. certificate.. .T . M N. Y. Central Hn.lson .H Reading 101 4 trie . MH Mieiugan Miumora.. . tj H Pittsburg 'J jsortti western... Chicago, B.. fc y.. 113 Fort Wayne .. ..,.91 REVIEW OF THE NEW TOKK STOCK AND MONEY MARKETS. Nw Ton. Murch ?4 F. SI. The Post sav the loan market la dull and well npplled at; per cent. on call. Commercial paper paise at 7(49. ine atoc market opened with a depressed and feverish feeling. At tlie close there was more ac tivity. 'fij. are wanted at Ki3 lor coupon. and those of IM, at 103V; are better and cloae al 9n. In VTxM the speculative movement origin- ated a few days ago and continued. Tennessee ad- vanced toSlHr-j'ji- irginiaST'iSO; i steady andwithont nineli activity. Railroad shares were dull and lower with limited transaction. 1 ne commercial savs ti nannaire of the nuance bill in the Hoaae of ReprepeMtuives has produced a A slight tailing upon the market. The clause author- izing a foreign loan had taken Wall street by sur- prise, and the Mil ia regarded aa granting the Secre- tary of the Treasury all the power he lor. The A action ol the House would produce a more marked effect on affairs here were it eenain that the bill would pass the Senate tn its present form. Ihere however, conquerable aount as to wneiner tne A Senate will not tnniht upon the material curtail- ment of the Secretary's powers, and ihmprobnbilii Is sontlrmed by onr advices from Waahiuttton. Gold declined to IM bat without any panic feeling. The shorts were able to borrow A what they could at H per cent per day. CALIFORNIA MINING STOCKS. Sa Feancisto. March 24 r. a. A Mlnlne stocks nrmr. B-- leher riO; tlonld and Cnrry LiO; Yellow 'acket i;5: C. Pmosl 422; Hale ft orcross l.imu: Ainna list: nuiuion 119; imperial iu; Empire Mill 200. Legal tender, 18 - A NEW ORLEANS MARKETS. Jfaw Oklms. March 24 p. at. Cotton Weak and unsettled: sale 1JU0 bale. Receipts 1,150; low middling at 37 wc Monet Gold 124. Sterling 23. hew Tork check He discount. ST. LOCI3 MARKETS. St. Lor is. March 24 P. a. Flora Trail and unchanged. Gmatv Wheat dnll and unchanged. Corn firmer. E0 at Bile for yellow. (ktSc for halt white. Oats un changed. rKovisioirs rorc arooning. a ior mesa, ( 23 for half prime mess. Bacon dull and un- changed. Y hiskt Unsettled at U 23X- - REVIEW OF THE NEW TORK MARKET. New Tore. March 24 p. a. The market for monev remains verv easy at 5i4f percent, with the bulk of business at lower rates. Go'd heavy at the close, and sold as low as U4, and bnl the last sale were at 124. 1 here was rather more steadiness In the stork larket at the second, teenlar and last open Boards. now and prices were belter In some re perl, the fol-- N. T. Centra- l- KH Cleveland and Tol..VH: In Erie i Rock Island alls Ison Fort Wayne 91 Keadinz 1! '4. O. and M.certiiicate 26 Michigan Central. ,.1U3 Tennessee s 9l! Michigan Southern, si Missouri 6 to Illinois Central... .'.115 - .HW Cleveland and Pitt. 7i,S 1G0; In Chicago aud N. W .. 't. Jul ta pn Petroleum stocks lower, and but few sales. We quote: iteuuenon iro raimer 4iw Creek 115 Lulled Stales 830 Pithole 613 Gold and mining stocks generally lower : Benton 100 Onnnell 100 unnreo 2.'5 SuulU A Parmalee...li3 Deverill 'M of Flits The market bas been depressed: tirteea have fallen od M. Louis extra, iliSlti; onr 01 tne week. 4". UK) bnls. Grain Corn has ttnetnated. Mixed Western 72a Salts of ."TO.!" bush. irk Market excited and prices lower.owmc to renoi ie'l disease. New nie& 15 ii idiiuio all Sales 34 000 blile. Coptke Business light. Sale 35,W0 bac. in uuii and ucDreaaed. i;uceinia large. Middling kVUlo. we Oil The netrolcnm trade la moderate: refined In bond 38(310. sroAii mere is an unproved aemaua tor lair good grocery at 10 to lt yellow 13tU!e. vt 111S8.1 ai ft x. The following quotation are from tbe New Tork tbe price 01 dry goods, and the market is dull and downward. Hi own slieetlnss Pacific A 25: I an ret C 20: DE 2.1. Bleached shirtings Bates tO; Bate B B S); A 21. iTlnts ilen imac W 21; Merrtmac O 20: Tuunel 17; Pacific 22W. GinGtliania Lancaster 24; Hartford 21 H. ambries Washington I I; Mauville Silecias Mananna 29: Lansdale at. Canton flannchi salmon Falls 21; Nassau Hoop skirt-s- id A. J. Meyer 1ALU lair demand at iormer prices. The following dispatches were received at the Dry Goods Exchanze: fRovniENre, Marcn ?. ine marae u exceeu- - julet. with but little doing. Loi'iG. March 24. The saies of sheetings and print have been very Large this week. CHICAGO MARKET. Chicago. March 24. Flovb Pull. tea Grain Wheat dnll. at 11 23(5 1 23K. Corn nrm; inline ior o. 1. iiui uuu ai ijc. rROVlsioNS Linn; sales 01 mess pora as 50. Lard dull at ISc Sweet pickled hams 15c. Ho Ireaed hogs at (10 2SA W per 1U0 lb. Live hogs tl &v.3 30. RitCEitT 4.2.1O onis nonr:5.noo nnsn wneat: sjuo bush corn; 4,000 bneh oata: 1.2U0 bead ho?. Shipments 4,21)0 bbls flour, 13X1 bnsh wheat; 100 bush corn; 2,SUC bush oata. LOCAL NOTICES. t"An exchange says: "Our Mutual Friend, by Cbarles Dickens, probably tbe best novel he eyer wrote; nui ine ucl muiuni iricuu no inns vi i. Roback's Bitters." That fellow's head is leyel. nibJ.'6 d&wl Tbt It. Tet It. When yonr children need any medicine for worms, you should get a box of Hurley's Worm Candy for them. It beats any other remedy in de- stroying worms in children that we know of. muCJ d&wlm. The Pale. Kekvocs and Debilitated should take Caswell, Mack & Co.'s Combi- nation of Iron, Phoephorus and CalUaya. The Iron restores color to tbe blood ; the Phosphorus renews waste of the nerve tis- sue, and the Calisaya tjives a natural, health ful tone to tlie digestive orpins. The Elixir Is grateful to the taste and to the most delicate stomach. Ask for Elixir of Calisaja, manufactured by CASWELL, MALA K LUU Under 5th Avenue Llotel, New York. For sale by all druggists. PECJAJL. NOTICES. FOR ALL LLXO AND TIIEOAT AF fectiona there 1 nothing to highly recommended a the old and VEGETABLE PCLMONART BALSAM. Kathl F. Williams, of tne port or Baltimore, says: "I have used the Vegtable Pulmo- nary Balstm In my family and among my olends for over ror.TT year." Be sure to get tne genuine Sold In Louisville by felt d&wrtm EDWARD WILDEK. la.lsyllle, Kj., Ftaniry 1st, 18SC MOVAL. KAKN & WOLF, Wholesale Dealer and Manufacturers of READY-MAD- E CLOTflLXC, Have removed to their New Storehouse, SO. 2T0 MAIN STREET, S017TI1 SIDE, A few deer below WTturk, Where they will be happy to see their Wends and customer snd the trad generally. Buying exclusively for Caah, and manufacturing their Good In Philadelphia nnder the superintend- ence of one of the firm, give them facilities In busi ness unsurpassed by any house in the West. They are now receiving from tbetr manufactory 8 large and varied stock, adapted to the Fprin; and Summer trade, and wiUell their good aa low a tbey can be had in an) of the Eastern markets. HiM'FACTORY.'W T CKTH STK T, PHILADELPHIA, PESS. KAIIX & WOLF. feMdtmAwtf FOK COUNTY COIKT JFDtiE. v v -- v iihnHxed to announce Cant, v V HATS a a candidate for County Court Judge in,, nil in. March Vi. Irfi. Iirnntioos Wbeatle; who had been confined In the Ilonklnsvtlle Asylum i,,r flw wirmtti.. n,ae hi4 Any Inform Of bis whereabout will be very thankfully received by his brother. Galinel heaticy, at oienuaie, i or lr. Kmlman, Supcrintcudeut of the Asylu xlopklnsvllle, Ky. mli20 itvawr CANCEIl CUUED! LET TIIE AFFLICTED REJOICE nflerlnir lor many venrs. abont ten years ago ei on Dr. January, at Murlrceshoro, Tenn, who cent. The durtor applied hi renied.es, the scab ea taken oft, anil t.ie sore neaiea; ouitn a sinr line it again broke out. and waa more painful than vcr. Iu November, ISSj, 1 apn.lej to l)r. t'ouden, of Lonls.llle. Ky. He examined my cancer anil pronouucea it enrame. ne immriuirij - renie.i.es, which removed the scab and extracted roots; anil at this tlate ii n i .naren, cancer appears to be inoroutniy torwi, anu u" nnt ranse me the least pain or inconvenience, Couden n a nu iav,iiite . a skill- - Wul and intelligenl phyician.and Is entirely can lld nnd Sincere in nut intercourse anu ruu.aiw" - with his patients. I ehall never cease to feel grate ful to liie doctor for renevinc me oi my irnuu. sore, whien tor many years cnmi ia nesa oi mum. i pi t, ,u , , , rTii recoinmenl an curseii wiin im.!!.., to call oa the doctor and be healed AD AMS. Jtontgomcry county, Tenn, March 8th, Ma. Pa W C Corpaw. OfTtee up stair, southwest corner Mln and Second streets, over Blanchard store, Louisville, Ky. Treats all esses of cancer, chronic diseases of the eye and ear, Ac. Office hour froui 10 a., to a r. m. Post Oo mh24 dl4 BoxOiO. IMRiWE tOMPlW. HOME OFFICE I Corner Main and Second Streets, LOUISVILLE, KY. . Capital, Jan. 1,1865.. ...$311,5G8 mm COMPANY WILL IrE POLICIF9 ON 1 farm risks for any term not evceedlnr are years. Also, Merchant ana Manufacturing Kisks.rxcepl where team power is ned, aeainst loss or damage HKK LttiHTNlSU. WIND, or IOKSAIKI, witbln the SUte of Kentucky, at rates a low aa the c prompt payment oMossM m do- - Wat. F. Lsdwicu, Secretary. 1866 THE LOUISVILLE .OBBIEJt m Paid Paid Tlffi LARGEST, CHEAPEST, Caa Hl Id ASD BEST NEWSPAPER IX KENTUCIvY ! . In Paper for the Merchant Papcr fir the Trader. Paper for the Famr. en the Pper for the Family Circle Paper far the I adits. Paper for Everybody: IS THE TDI Til SUBSCBSL Being at last permanently located la onr aacloua new offlce, with onr splendid newteam presses fairly and folly at work, we hare the plensure of placing before the anbtte the LARGEST, HANIASOMEST and BEST newspaper Kentucky. The recent enlargment of our Daixt, Seu Weeelt and Wbeklt editions, enable aa to more columns of reading matter ia each, uai furnish by all odd the cheapen paper published the West, when quantity and quality of matter considered. In politic the COURIER la well knowm. It will continue to lealously support and uphold the Dem- ocratic party as the only Constitutional party ha existence, and a the only party which can save tho country fro.n tbe savage and relentlc- - rule of Rad- icalism. The COURIER will ever he a reliable exponent ( thoe principle and measure wbich are tbe heat I calculated to advance the houor and prosperity of common country. To the Reecnat ruction policy of President John-So- n, litt Ail and to nil effort to secure a perfect union of the States, tbe Courier will give an earnest tnpport. The Cocrisr will be a faithful exponent of what believe to be the Interests of Kentucky and th South. tn It wtil he raterested In every question that shall have foi ;u or.oct tbe development of the resour- ces tn b country. i It a ill be the earnest advocate, at all time, of great industrial enterprises of oar people. AS A iraWSPAPLX The Cocbtes will continue to maintain lu repu- tation for energy and enterprise, and will aever stop at any labor or expense In procuring the latest OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. W have tpecial correspondent at 'all important points in tbe West and oaih, who keep u prompt- ly advised of everything transpiring tn ae s and commercial circle. The value of these special ar- rangements our readers can appreciate wiei we tell them they Involve the expenditure of about lAoiMoayt dollar a tear! for lids department one. MARKET REPORTS. To this department specter attention is given. Our reporters are competent and experienced, aad they furnish na dally reports of our and all the Important markets In the country snd Europe. We also regularly publish report ot the LowisTtne. ew Tork, and Mew cattle markets Tfca wide popularity of our commercial reports attest their reliability and value. FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT. Onr Money and Financial articles ara also fea tures that attract much attention. STATE AND LOCAL NEWS. To this department we will continue to give more attention than any paper tn Kentucky. MISCELLANY. Every Issue of the Weekly will eontaia sock a va riety ot miscellany, tales, poetry, wit, hemor.ftc. must make the COUKIEB an especial favorite ba the family circle. OUR TERMS. DAIXT COURIER. By mail (payable In advance), per annum.. 1 Do do do for Smooth 4fW Do do do fort months 3 23 Do do do for 1 month 1 ti-- By the week (payable to Agent or Carrier) Ui Agents and Carrier win be supplied at the rate of $3 00 per 108 copies. Retail price to transient cav tomers, I cents per copy. SEM -- WEEKLY COURIER. Published every Tuesday aad Friday. Single subscriber per year 13 9m Clubs of Ten and upward, each .-- 4 M A free copy will be sent to the getter-n- of each Club of Ten. WEEKLY COURIER, One copy, one year, S3 a umbers. I SI 34t Five copies, one year 1 1 ' Ten copies, one year tje) For every Club of ten aa extra copy will be sent. and an additional extra copy for every additional Ten subscribers. For a Club of Fifty an extra copy of the Dally will be sent. If preferred, Instead of Use extra Weeklies. To take advantage of these term, full clubs aius be sent at one time. Additions can ba made to club of five at $2 25, and to elab of ten at $2 for I paper ever sru, nuicz uic j w Vww hi advance, and the paper always discontinued at the expiration of tbe time paid for, tW Money may b sent at our nek by express, er In registered letter by mail. For sums over lit sent by mail, d rails or a money orders should be procured. Onr friend every where are requested to act a agents ia getting up club. Postmaster are also authorized to act for aa. All letters may be (imply addressed "LociernjJ Corai,"or VT. ft. HAT-DE- I! AN, LOI ISTILXE. KT, SPECIMEN COPIES SENT ON AFPICATTON. REQUIEM In Memory of the Confederate Dead. P';CKIITIVF. COMPOSITION for tte run, 'iiwIhUii rii (Tirol! title naze beauUrully emlwllielied with portraits of Stmewall Jackaoa, .,ir .v tohTuum. I.oniJasPolk.r. J. Kama. a v n.i' .1 H. smart and Joba H. Monraa. Prt-- e :.i ; wUl be sent poet paid oa reeerpt of l.f snd will be ready In a few days, THE TETO (JALOP, With a splendid r tie page. Price 40 eents. Address McCAKKalL MElMViKH. Music Psbiisaers. SI West Jefferson street, u- - CiiliD. 4 W IMPTtEStMOW ai prvTatllng la themlsxle of some of mv friends that I am connected win th. hu l HlAkpiaoni. Wooldrlilxe Co-- o Orleans. I desire to av that I have mm conaec-tlo- n whntrreT with this . Ia:n have bo- n since tlie llrsr c,iiniMeiicemert and open- ing of the houses of BAl'nN, t LAUDV Ct- - of New York, and (.OI D. P.OACH a CO, of New d with those two house. ,i tor the very liberal p r.oati exwnd- - ed to na heretofore, we rcsjiectuily soil , It a coav mb3 (112AW2 TO coysu.nPTiTEs. rriTK rtEV. KPWART) A. WILSON'S Prepared A Preacnuiioa for lha cure of Ctroaamptioa, Asthma, BroacfcUia, Consbs. Colds, and ail taroai and Laos; Affections, Has now heen to use over ten year with the mo marked sncc-ss- The Heme, It, prepared under Mr. sums per- - onai supervision, aiao s mm iui, H.rtni Vracrinton. with full and explicit i tlon for preparation and nse, lozether with a short history or his case, may be obtained of JOUS N. UkLMKE CO., Druggist. Ron th west corner Chestnut and Fifteenth streets. Louisville, KenmcEy, or Kfc V. KDWAHD A. WnJON, WS Pouth Second st., Wiltlmmsburc. N. rsTrtce of Hemedy, $3 per pscasge. Pamphlet furnished tree ol marge. mniattiws NATIONAL HORSE INSURANCE Office ia rnitrd States Bote. Block, Corner Fcarta aad Jrretaaa btrex-t- a, LOt lSTH-LE- , KT. Capital, -- f 150,000. LIVE STOCK against loss by theft rrsi'RE. 01 Rates established by tbe experience of a century la fengiana. OFTICER. J. W. PTTOCKENCT, Preal.tent; I). K. A I. F X AN I It, Vice President; 1. B. DKWKY. Secretary; JOHN K. ALKXANDKit. Treasurer, G. I.. CHAPMAN. General Arent; L W. mtlNGKH, Amis t Gen'l Agent. tW A gents wanted liberal lad ucsmsaU offered. feZldAwlm Manhattan lits tasi1r21.es CD. J. Of NEW Tl'3k riFTE.Ta"mrn timi OP T UTanhattaa Zaisi XaanrMc Cocnpw. 1 3j aaa 1 5H BrsaJway, rw Tawk. JANUAitT 1. 1. el .'j . Jaau.rj .,ivi si,- - t ; i.: c..;r. - .;: i! ; - .1(1. ..'I - - nuali. (JJ ilrtei,Ke-euue lAr pa. 1 ixea, .iieOl-r- axan,incr' Kcta, torn-m- i oii.. o 191JS2 70 (iivid'nds, reinaiiraara. ren.aeu t'u ictcs o nua, interest on diviueDOa, 4c. 9SSS U t2.lV ASSETS. In Bank and on hand... ( hwiBda and Mortgages .'U. w l state 5iv W Prrsaliua .Note on Folic k lorce U41JB 41 Tbe artoal eatimate of ?! oiickis wnieii secures n- - Bole' about f Un.ted statra ana New iora muc xtoeKa. eosl awJSl w Qttairteriy and ly rremiuins aeierr-- a ana Premium and interea la coarse oi eodecuua aaat Uaiiamlasion 3GRJi ta) Temp rary Loan oa Mocaa andU.asi XL OS ! Market value of the Secarv oxa, l Interest to data, anal aU Ola proaerty tTJSS 5S ta.i,is 3 Advaatagew af tkist f uawy srerv eher CawaEdaa, DlTiatraata tat Cms AauwsUly. FORTT PFR CENT. DIVIDEND DECLARED OV JA.1i. ARi'. loos. also YTT TAKEN JOB HALT THK ANNUAL ild PEEM1UM9. EXPENKS Lf3 TH THOSE OT AST "ALL CASH COM "AM Ed. TEX TKtT NN FOKFETTTVQ LIFK AND And ENDOW MaST POLU IKi losL KlX tsTToUcies meoateatahle. O. T. WEMPLE, See. I HEXKT 8TOKE8, Pose. the Agn of the above Cnrnoaay foe city and State. I am preaarwd to take i.ie rtiu Ihe most favoraoie trr.na Taa regular y atedical examiner will ba found at y office daily at U o'clock. MetOcxU Exasnlaser. DR. COLEMAN P.OCEKS. DU. L r. TANDE1X. J a. KOBT ATWOOD, t?et, IIATIHI.1T or rxa KENTUCKY ISSURACE COM FT, or tonsTiLiE. kt. Fraaa Jan la. lXii, t Jaaausry 1st. CAPITAL, - - $311,5604. RntnHer of Poltelee hned trout Jua 1. lo January 1. Kam'ier o4 iohciea paid, eaaceied aad expire- d- - Kainber of Poilde la (breo Jaaaary U lso 30 Atrosint of property trured from June 1. vmr. to January I, - (2i)S.T S Amount ol i paid,canekd aud ex- pired ?JCt 09 Total amount at rtok January L, 1...J7 M Preminia notes fwelved ftoaa Juae t. te January 1, u (HJ.t 44 Premium notes canceled and returned.. IMS CO Premlnm aotea In force Jan. I, tSSS. 41.073 4 Caah premlnm received rroai Jur.a 1, B, to .lannaav I, 41." VI P.ecelvcd iuuresl ar.d Iranaf-r- 3 Amoirnt of lote arid expert. irom June li'-- i. to Jaaifctry L iu-- .lljfiS .4 AS6ET. Guarantee Botes nh eet to call 2ii.ece a Premutui no ea in lore" 51.1.3 14 r&N lo toed on 4hort time iil a lu bnk S.14I ah in ortiee tibial titled states Bns :.") Ca-- h In h .n.U of ag qui and ia trauit.... I. "' " Kevenue -- lamp. er Furniture 2,Ova! ml other perouel property beloninx lo the Company l.'KI Total cap tal January 1, 1SSS SU8 04 AtDrroa' Owes, Fxroit. Kt, January 11, ta Trie aSove Is a true of tbe report of the Ku twv t ompa' y of Lontaville, Ky.. Sled my ofce ttnadav. T. tunis, Auil't4e. E. L. VA1 WlSavLhTProii ent. Wj. P. tiDwit a, Secrefajx IVjS w4 nun. t. a. avaas Suceeseors to Col Ha Ormsby. larpoaTiaa axd waoLasALS Daakaaa ia mwm & CLTLERT, 133 MA1.X STREET, BETWEE5 FOCKTU AM BFLLJ T. LonsTiu.su KT ai deodftnslw TIIE ItirNTUCICY THSIIER l.D WRINGER. rpilK KmTCKT W ASHER ha no eqnaL Faw A big proved Itself awprior in contest, t r a ains the I asmpion sbaaner. ana exieais mm challenge. Wt warrant It to wash faster, wtH less wear to tbe elotlnng. and to do it wtta less labor to the operator thaa aay other Washer u America. Send ior a circular. BKRLT, DODCE k Hl&DT, 3Jaasjttarrrs ante mannfacturm of the Brtnly Plow, of Goodrich' bvaporator aaa voait neiis. 2& meats geaerally, in Main str v, oeiw eea Tblrd and Fourth. Lonisville, Ky. fel wtf OPARTTHBSflir. waderelgned have associated themsehres TO! nnder the style of rtRIxN, HAtlHI- - A. A. (10tTWw. J. J. H KRIOS. 6. HAKIUttO.S. 5 Waoleaala Dealers ta FOREIGN JXD DOMDSTIC X3ry Ooods. ex-sj bavs takeu the aooao 5a.ww .ware 1 Hmt south Bute, between wnh and Eighth, aad are now eg aa eatireiy new stoca wi Invite the particular attentioa of oar old cm tomers and anerc.fi aut eweraiiy onr n;- - k,. . m.rw ramnlrln M,iriWat of CIMXta IO Oiler them, winch we wtd led as low a any jobbing honao Easter west. I.3.rn.i5 ZBft I 3: VJ uj i tf V " ? r- -H U AMERICAlh" HORSE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF LOCISTltuI-B- . KT. OFFICS-SawT-FX Faaarta fcre. a atalra, tOMPAUT W ow PRKPALKD TO TIM l.r siwt of all kini agAul deaa theft, on reasosaole terTU. 0IUCTORi. T. T. FP'KVlt. JAMES F. mTHia, H. TUl KKLOOD. C. I. PHLVK, D. G. BLT. J. H. GK1 FLS. OFT1CFR. T. T. SHHKVK. President. H. TKl KHI.rMtD.Vtrs Pr t. J. It. t. Mi KIN, Tresaansr. O. T. W.D. Jecrelarv. K. P. - lLH. Special At tw fersoB County. mh3sUaw4 DUE YOUR.OVH SOIP BY SATISG ASD; tI50 TOCFT. WASTE OHEABE. aad aad and Jet B. 'Bl'TOlI BOX OT THK PtnnsjlTiaiaSalt laaaf-ctari- n; Cni OS C0XCE5TSATZD LYE. will arnks T? POrTD of exeeTtwrt Hard IT Sosp or OiiALLOo the very best rt for shout S3 CcwM. Dlssetlons oa esrk boa. fr sis wall Drag sad Grocery Mores, aad k lots st waolosalsb, nTTK A co t mb31 went Lsaalwwille, kv . Memphis Appeal, Washvilto Ttanner and Atlanta Intell r'ncer copy In weea'y the thie stoats sod send hill to Lowisvllle Cww for eolleetioa. Sesnt paper to 'Psanayivsaia Salt Msantacuins; onv pany," Pittsburg. Fna, daring aubAlioa af lam advartHsmenk. wmvds ;.:.c jcszehs D RU G S 11 JAIt T.EET, r'.r--- , r:-'- e, i cwt, C - J I 111 Ci.Jt Wlald O'J.J iFIl K T T 1 f. 1)IU:G$, MEDICIXKS, CHEMICxLS, Essential Oils, . PAINTS, V.4UIS1SI1ES, TOBACHO, CIGABS, Ci.LJsl.iSIS' GOO s; ererythinf aanally tkiasd la a Drue StHT!ng ettwSTetmportern M all thetsr1 IigS me nKire iavre brand ' ;or-t- heuik .. clnal ITepamionis '.. aaat also of Uae celebrated aw&c ot torwm Tt rfamery Soaps Brushfs Jtc, Areata for ttw aala ol the) moat eelebraa4 Amertcaa aad toretga FAMILT MEDICINES. TT rn BOalttoW tn otT--T "-- l l isxlnc'is 'O IKl lifil-T- ". HKKtlU.VI nt 1IIUL-hlK-sl 4 EK A Li. 1 lea deodlmAwa SCCtESJt-- ' NAUTS & REAMER IS x 217 West Slain Street, BwrwWBS 3ITT AA It 6HA.ll LOt ISTILLE, KEMTttKY, Iron Merchants, pr?Tvo I'iTI 131.14 Fir- - Sen II5DW at Ctaetaaaal wb4eala prtoia, sa4 pay Hc. per ponnd tor good Wnvognt-tro- aerapa, and le.per pound Ut good Scraps, e'.Oer caa or arado. aad others am cunsofi their own antercsU by sending orer to aa ai rect, m'a throogh other parties. Everytblag connected with the naekamithma; mmI f busrncsa is kept la Stock, an J oM at me very lowest market rates. Term cash ; and ear motto , " isa:-- srot a3 fin'-- .,1 i! twam NOTICE ryjlIK STTV.X OF OCK FrttJI VVILL hereafter bo WIL?oT, PETSR 4s CO, Mr. W. H. DILLI5GHAM havtng been admitted aa a par. aer sinoe Janaary 1st, IBMi. WILSOW FETEH. THC9. . ABTHCB PITEH. . W. H. DLLLLSt, HA14. KSTABU1!UsVa I 1S17. W PETER & CO., (Saeeesasr ts wu a. Stsrwira aWBttaJ Aad Importer of Foreign DRUGS AFD CHEMICALS aad Dealers in Pttinte, la. Wistdow GIsmn mm (slaw Ware, Tobacco, ?nafl, Perf'anatry, ac, c. 1S7 TIaia Street, f raf r of rifth, Also, Profirtetotsof tao LoiisTiUuClEicalWcits LOriSTILLE, KT. We have remo oar busiBssa oi owr ow a soosa oa the northeast eoroer ot Warn aad Plfta ama' ear oar old stand), where ws are sow prepared lo execute the order of oar frVeni with tacllinee tbr the accurals aad prompt dispatch of baalneas, each as ao bouse ta the West can surpass. We have also LoabTille t&enical Forks TO SO!, H8, sV 39 FIFTn STUBXT, Between Mala aad Water, m tho rear of oar Stars. Ws have talrexroeed bere euttrery sew, complete aad espenstvs apparatus and machinery tbr the abactor ot Pare Powder, Fiae Choraicals, Etler, Aeids, Solid and Flaid Eitracts, aaU ail raanaacritical frr pa rat Ions of yinJarfJ Strenii. ball oar preparations our guide shs hetheeodo of tho United States Pharruaeopea. Thia addltioa of ChemiCAl maouracvarlnf to our bmunsao aa Wholesale Druggists enables us to meet tha lowest . Eassen prices for ail articles of equal strength sad purity; and, making ourselves these Powders and Preparations, ws know sad are directly respoaslUo tor their quality and standard siren gt a. A complete list of all oar prodncis ssat by ausl upon application to aa, k special qootaUosa also asale to all Druggists and Phyawiaia. We are Areata ia lha hi .tea of Kentucky and Tenaesses tbr J. B. tlCUOLl sV. CO.! srncKiL nsTcrnuTs. We are tha only Aawaia la this dtata of G sorgo Tarsi as a Co, of New Tork. wkoss Instrasaeats ara ao well kaowa ta Uua eons try sb4 ia Essosa to their excellence and Ine salsa. W keep laraj assortment of taew tasfi smiiaia. whsch wo sail as their card rstsa Ws are also Whosessle Agents Ibr Diss J0213I EI LL'S 3IC&IfnES Aad the Gewuia HiiTH's TO!4ic irr, Carrokf Pills, or Fnnale lom!atr, ranee an i a,, kb.elrVcfa 'ha J a ) irV lni it. Tb,-- t ar aerectly r asie ia ail caoes. new whea tor Cav A nnl v iirwctHr.s aad are V, 7 L A as K.ey am uloe.y 4 ' M w "nrjMiisisi, 'S "1 " fiss.ln Of v, ,.e r"i and Kmiw la csa sclJrna. us newfect as,l stalo their com sis s run. aa we trswt a, I ss asaiS etn. aiaii,t. am.1 ssrjtssBBsss eines su.ran s for ad u.si sees so ii uiey sre sabjsot. IkinMs aaae imnilil fr. Tl)' ( tsnini file are sola by all drncglste st m per box. or six boxes Ur sa; or ihey m t,t mail, free of postage, in aa ordinary fs from ja, by address ng if,, n, uu. v. at. niHHi v, art alkr'r "Mrec, N. T. W B. TroeP11ia No. 4 are orsvAfn.1 Aw osrial cases, VM m.hlee mi1lc'ss 'au- - iimss ara seat Of mail, frne of postage, a rscsipA of r- - Ubs pries of aaah bos. Dr. Vrislil'i IfjnTenatiBf IILxir, Or, K4MK.WCS OF LIFaW v, mmnv-rm- r lansnpstrn isnnnrre, wea . c!yjr sas, HtMrnn in Fmat . v 1 t fi'n oi tne Hesrt, ana .,1 ' J rvons Dl in s. It restores) - t f J asw lite viror to Use acen. " - aamatng tae hot aiooa af voia t eouras tne vntns. rnatorlUA " 4 l PaesMJi rtsM, ihs iv. nt i,...,.,. ,js)fwsMiv tis s,0ving imeowv si4 "' ty. rrstonng a,.wMM n, Atsnilty aad ssmwaosit Mh a srxeo. To ihe ynaaa. miut s agt. ss aget, toer is so rrtsr Noon tl,si tnsi "F.llitT sf I re.7 It glvns a sew lease ef r)f, es. ".ig ike wesa and deruiitated lo havt renewed strvasih sad vixor. sad ia sauiro system lo larul with joy wd pu isup. Price, eae botiie. ; three beetles, as. ssat hy areas u sn, a.l4rnas. Our tiMHliciiMw are sole aad rssnanmesi hy all rsapertabie dmK'st ia every part or ue eivi lied fiiiasr awnis dealers, aw...r. tv as SVoiMve taetr rn.u,ru-r- . sy ssnisg csess sad in order fc saaas axn-y- Hs so aeeled s lor aaMir ail ake so oa er. If lb irrjirgiat aw sot l,uni. rts W aa and we will trod theta byavpeas. es. etuliy ss'st, fr- -e oOscrvalios. W, .mi a. pie-'- l u r cetve lrw-- s rill nul alesne a is 7 diaea i with wtiM h Isdtas) susea are n m ail letters ror

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Page 1: Louisville weekly courier. (Louisville, KY) 1866-03-28 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w9g5gcc2m/data/0008.pdf · 2012. 11. 9. · legious Rot brr iolats the)Saac tuarr Carries Shooting




CorrmpB4oBPe lietw-ee- jAnaaotiita4 ta Hartford 1M ratter- -The I're-kidr- Unirf lb tier-U- na

of 31. C. r.acli-- B (.ovr-mo-r

ol I'oaaecticat l it Coining eto beThe Isoem JliU-T- he latfce Iloaee h lard ay The t aotrra1 la of Adjulaat (.ear-ra-j

Jalcraal Hevcaae Keeeipta.yrii Dttpetch to Um Lotuevllle Courier.)Waohingtok, MarcU 24.

The followlm correspondence is publish-ed ber uid has crosuej considerable n

at tlie Capitol dnrlitp tiie day :

'PaeTornca, Htirrroitri, Com., befclarch 32, lnW. J

6rj: I am now enugrd In publiclyilvooa'icp tbe election of Governor

Ja. E. Eo'ifh, candidate for Governor ofConnecticut, a fcaUcoian wbo U o;cnljeomiuitted to the aapport or your veto sudthe defense of jour policy of reconstruction.In opposition to the djsunionU of Con-

necticut."I am opposing the election of Gene ml

James R. Hauler, who oprjtly disapproveof your veto and your 22d of FebruaryapMch, and decline to atipport your policyas opposed to the Radical majority of Co-njee.

'If my political action H not satisfactoryto yo I beg you to receive my resignationa Postmaster in this cltv.

"I have the honor.to remain, at ever, yourobedient servant.

Signed E. 6. CLEVELAND.To Ilia Excellency, Andrew Johnson, ball

Presided of the United State."The following "is the President's indorse-


Tour politic ail opinions in upholdingmy measures and policy are approved.Tour reaipiatio a is, therefore, not accepted,but is herewith, returned.

Signed "ANDREW JOHXSOX.ElECCTrva rMAKSIOK, Washihgtok, D. and

C, March 23, lm" the

A prominent member stated oa the floorof the House y that be was aware ofthe tact that tin vato meuage of the civilrights bill bad I een completed1 and would

thebe sent to the Senate oa Monday.The Associated Press telegraphed a very

erroneous copy of tbe loan bill as it passedthe House.

The Hon ae aa astral was occupied all dayspeech t aaling.M r. Moultoa, of Illinois, made some

attracted special attention.Be defined, that tbe President bad dividedibe count rr Uito two partiea by bis policy,

Uc ag nft l and oue for bim. The lat

ter, be Haiti, Buchanan and Tierce theand ail tiT w, rebel. He added that thel'ccidt. hau-- the North now exjia to the.No-t- lat.-v.- of Psvis, Lee and Beaure-trar-

Mr. Buckiai.d, of Ohio, made a conserva-tive upeech, declaring that ail of the Statesweve in the Union, and favoring rt tora-

tion OU a strictly loyal batia.It appears, from an examination of the be

enrolled bill, that H contains no uu pro-

visions as ro widely published, declaring theinthat the bonds which may be disposed of

elsewhere Uiac in tbe United State tbaybe made payable, both prinupal and inter-est, in tbe coin or currency of the countryin which Ibey are made payable., and that A

they aliall not bear a rate of Interest ex-

ceeding five percent.TUt bill as it passed allows the Secretary

to dkposc of bonds elsewhere than in theUuiied Slates; but it nays nothing as to therale of interest on anch bonds, or bow theyre to be paid.Tbe Stale Department bra advices from

our Consul in France, showing that thecholera (which has abated Id Cherburg andBritain) in Fcbrurjy was Blild, typhoid, andconfined to the poorer classes, and thct, in oflad, it had been preatly exagecrated.

he death vt Major Setb Williams, inBoston, is rricciwed. with profound regretbere by a jtj large circle of bis friends inand arour.d Washington, by whom be was In

bighly asteeir.ed. Be Las been long identi-fied with tbe Adjutant General o&ce.

Tbe flag at Grant's headquarters is athalf tiat In respect to Lie nvmory. d

Tbe ln'ernal revenue receipt for the weekending were $2,500,000. -

rnon st. Lens.e rr Cowacil to be Klectea

twa. Hood Oa Hhnnge Ho torthe .oid ffliwe A How Among ofKrturara Ko Idlers IH'nth of at

Prominent Citizen Another Sacri-legious Rot brr iolats the )Saactuarr Carries Shooting by Pa-trol Father Donnelly and Ken-B- ed

f Indicted.lFpciI IMcptttcta to the LoiTtllc Courier .1

St. Louis, March 4.

The Mayor baa issued a proclamation or-

dering an election for an entire new City

Council, composed of two Aldermen andDelegates, at the April election.

This is a new construction of the sup-

posed Intent of the new Legislature, and

the decon caused surpiisc among the Rad-

ical.Tb Conservative are delighted, and will

mar.e a desperate effort to secure a majority

of the Council.Yesterday Major General Hood, of Tex

as, late of theC. S. A., was on 'Change, thenoticed of all present.

Among the paMiengers on the steamer

Goldfinch, to start on the first of next week

for the Upper Missouri, are the names ofquite a numlierof MUwauLccaus who arc

going to the gold region of Montana and

Idaho to seek their fortunes.

Tbe company consists of several gentle-

men aeoontpsnied by their wives and fami

lies, who lntud to settle permanently in

fXaX section.About ten dyf ago, at a publk sale la the

western part or the countv, a late rebel sol-

dier was bragging of what Lad been done,

and having a revolver on bis person, some

of the boy who bad been in blue told him

to take off bis arms, a be could not wear

tbraa and renxiin la thai neighborhood. Bedemurred iM one of the boy proceeded tobox bis er, and told bim to go. Be left,

and on Lif wny was bushwhacked by tomeparty.

Mr. Edward Walsh, who baa been for

years identified with the milling interests offeC Louis, died ytcrday evening, after a

brief nines. Be wa in thewar of bis age, having born la KsW.

A rery irreverent thief broke into StGeorge Church, on Thursday night, and

carried off twenty twa small toy boxes, con-

taining between two and three thousanddollars, which had been placed in them by

the Sunday School children. Be ought tobe kicked to death by cripple.

Last evening, the neighborhood between

Sixth aud Seventh rtreetsatid Morgan and

Green street was throw a into considera-

ble excitement, by a member of the patrol

guards of tbe 10th regiment firing with bismusket after a deserter of the came reg-

iment Tbe shot fortunately missed killing

any person in the neighborhood. Tl;e de-

serter escaped.The fraud jury found indictments againtt

Father Donnelly and Father Kenuedy, ol

Independence, for preaching without a li-



The L rreot Telescope in the Conn-- ,.

now to IM-- an Oil el- l-Property Adfoiniag Opera II oasesleemed Insecure.tPpactal DtTt- - to the tnlf vm Coa ier.l

Cbdcago, March 25 P. at.

Tbe great telescope, dofignod for theCbicaro University, arriv'd bere yesterday,packed in nineteen boxes.

It will be placed in position at once.

Tbe oil well at Red Wing,. Minn., has

proved to be a sell. Oil was poured on it

to get up an excitement, but the trick is

ful'y exposed.Since the great fire 5n Cincinnati, Thurs-

day night, numerous parti owning prop-

erty contiguous to Crosby's Opera bou?e

bsre become more fully Insured.

Weather freezing cold.

rnGM KDimroLis.Accidental Shooting Improvement

of Ciorernor Morton' Health TbeFruit Crop Killed.

Special PlpU to (c Lontsvtlle CoorW.,Ikdiaiiapoi.ib, March 25 r. n.

Mr. E. Dunbsr, an old rr.d respected

eitUen, accitlcnUlly ehot bimseir jcsierdny

afternoon, three mile outh of the city,

while out shoot irg.Be wss climbing a fence, 'when the top

rail broke and his gun was dis cl.arg d, the

entire cliarge pawing ttc brain,Instant death.cans ng

Mr. Morton aud ianjilj arrived ou Sut- -

'urday.They report the Governor iinproring

.lonly wdcr the care of bis Hew Tor'.


The coM westhor last itMtt l: aid tohsve

killed th frttf r0P- - . ,


Arrest of Itrow alow Terror-Tro- ops

Kurnikhed hv TenecI onrleenta Colored to be M sierra'Oat Ncvi.

Special Disiiklcs to tha Loukvl'Js CsauterKaSBTa.t.a, March 26.

Clinton Fast, tl wonlfl be Am!D ofGov. Browlww, has ticca rrtssted la Mis-M- s

Appi Vy Gn. W(iod. Tbe prisoner isknows ( kiVe committed murder at HollySprings, and to have bragged that be wasconfederated with others to take Brown-lo-

life. It is not known whether b willtried here or In MiaeMppi.

Official records here chow that twenty-fiv- e

thousand troop were rumibhed to theFederal army by Tennessee, comprisingeiflit rog".mns of intantry, eight of mount-ed iu fun try, twelve of cavalry and one ofartillery.

The fourteenth regiment, colored, has arrived here, ciht hundred atrong, and will

mustered outThere h.--.s been a ilight fall of snow to-

nightKiver eight feet water on the ahoala and

rising.Arrived Glasgow, from Cincinnati. De-

partedMercury, for Louisville.


The Opera Hon Mr. Pike'a Plan andThe Enquirer Propose llxteasive

Things Tbe Visit of the Legisla-ture.


tspeelal DUpttch to the LoairriTle Courier.CiKCUiXATt, March 25.

Mr. Pike wi'J probably not build tbe op-era house again a an individual enter-prise.

lie said however, that it half therequisite million were subscribed by awealthy citizen, he would put hi the other

and commence at once.It is probable that magnificent Chamber byCommerce and business bouf-- will be leup on the site now vacant

The local loss by this fire is fully 118,0(10.

Lateb. The proprietors of the Cincin-

nati Enquirer, with the assistance of capi-

talists, now projKe to erect a magnificentopen-hous- on Vine street, between Sixth

Seventh, on the site now occupied byWcsleyan Female College. or

The printing office win be In the build-ing.

The Legislature concluded their spreeyesterday, and returned to Columbus by

night train. ic


Tbe w Orleans Abduction CaseTbe Coming teto.

".VAiHnsGTOic, March 25. The Depart-ment


ol Stat has received authentic Infor-mation that tbe three colored children ofKoe!yian, of New Orleans, who were ta-

ken to Havana without tbe conwnt of their ingforparents, have been sent back to her by the

nited states Consul at Darin.Gcu. Canbypave Information concerning

abduction r removal of the children, thewhen tbe State Department institutedmeasures which led to their recovery.

Prominent member of Congress say the andPresident will return to theSenate t lie civil rights bill, with bis objec-- lions, while others &36ert that the mcssrge is and

already prepared. ofSenator Howard Laving returned to at

Wafchineton, it is expected that the reportIrora the Committee on Reconstruction,embracing the testimony of Gen. Lee, will two

presented early tbi roek. estNfw V02K. March 25 A messoge from

President to Gov. Hamilton, oi Texas,which be reiterates bis hope tbst tbe

loyal representatives from tbe boutU will bepermitted to take their seats in CoDress, isrt.lluhed. It bears dale of February 16, tielttd

Financial Pxhibit Claims of Per-son domiciled in the Lately RebelState.Washington, March 24 The Issues of

fractional currency from the Treasury De-

partment hirt week were (.'44,000, and tberedemptions $4C2,I00.

Tlie certificate of indebtedness Issued forthe we k amounted to $106.0UO.

The disbursements and transfers amount-ed, for tbe week, to 15.410.oJl, The

to tbe War Department wereneariv fH.00.VlOO; to the JCavy Departmentovw $4.0U0.0ii0. and to the Interior Depart-ment neariv t2,0i0,OiW. to

General aipinner holda over $516,000,000securities lor tlie circulation of national

tanks, and over (5,030,000 of securities fordeposit.

One hundred and fifty thousand dollar ofgrei'nbacks, in denominations of one and bytwo s, were sent to tlie Assistant Treasurer

New TorkCertain persons residing in tbe

Confederate State d urine the rettellion, and baawho had a domicil in said Slates beforeand d urine Its eon tin nance, now come and bas

mand of the Government balance whichthey ilere wer due and payable to themuei ore sma war began.

I lie comptroller bas decided thattbev onare not lawfully entitled to payment ofthese oalnnce uy the laws ot nations, i tielaws or Conrress and dtsciaions of the ea- -

preaie Court , be says, justify tbat opinion.la.--t wix--k i lie becrctarv of the treasury ot

made the following disbursement on accountthe hereinafter mentioned departments:

war, f .,7t,itC: aw, M.Uia.7a; Interior. ontLWSlS; total, (lS,732,2it.


The Thirty Million Eoaa Gov. An--dersoa Actually Created a tensatiou.New York, March 25. On and after the

Ut of April next Me-s- Cool is & Co., 1nancial &.gents of the Mexican Republic,will pav at their office, .No. 57 Broadway,interest in gold due April 1st, on tbe $'M,- -twi.i'JO Mexican loan.

The Herald's Mexican correspondent represents the messaire ot Governor Anderson,of Oliio, in January last, having produced quite a sensation in theparty in Mexico.A Forcible Comment on Got. Andcr

son's Message.Wasbtkotok, March message of

Gov. Anderson to the Ohio Legislature InJanuary , which was noticed here andcommented on at the time aud then lorrot- -

ten, has attracted the earnest attention otsome of the thinking pottion oi the Republic ol aiextco.

In that paper Mr. Anderson spoke of tbexuonnw uocinuc aa au onnicaiuuic purasc.and ol the iiopuiauon ol the bpamsu Amen-cr.-

Republic as people unfit lor sell-go- v

ernment, whose wars and domestic troubleswere nu wort by of the attention of our ownliovernmcnL

He opposed giving assistance to thePresident (Juarez) In his contest with theImperialist.

Such remarks tbe Mexicrn Republicansregarded as an insalt from an executive of--

bc.al of tliat country to which tbey havebeen accustomed to look for encouragement In their etrunrle.

The lie, a liberal newspaper of Pueblo,which, on the 7th nltimo, was suspendedtor ODe month by the imperial authorities.for a too free rxpretiou of opinion, in itslat issue before tbe suspension, devoted alone article to a review of Gov. Anderson'smcsoage, aDd a defense of the AmericanKcTut,lie and oeoi.le.

The editor says tbat the people of thegTeat North American Republic, while con-gratulating themselves ou their superiorityiu the matter of self government, shouldymcmlx-- r that their nation was originally

founded by teUlers who bad been educatedunder liberal Institutions in Euaopc, whiletheir sifter Spanish American Republicsprang from colonies founded by conquer-ors, despots, and ignorant sailors.


The Spanish-Chili- an War Thetipaaish Version ot the Late

New Tokk. March 24. The only addi-tional news ot importance from theFiuth AtnericuD eorrcsp'mncnec rcpardingthe Spanih-Chilia- war is that CommodoreNnnsc, immediately upon his arrival at Val-paraiso, determined to send tbe iron-cla- d

frigate Numansia to tbe scene of action offtbe Anc. ed. with order to run the batte-ries and destroy the allied fleet at cil haz-ards.

Tbe Spanish version of the affair, however, is published, and it all goe that theallied sonadron sho red no disposition tofitrht. While the Blanco was making a re- -

nnnntutaiice she waa anddunlv oiiened onbv a battery, which did some damage to herriirrin. She opened fire on the allied fleet.and the Villa d Madrid stood in to brrassistance As soon as the latter ship camewithin ranee ahc opened lire, engagin;both fleet and batteries at the same timeTbe action was continued incessantly fortwo hours, the two Spanish ships exjcnd- -

lnc stiout seven Lunarcd snot ana sucu,hen, their commanding officer finding It

impossible to silence tbe shore battery, hndn jI carini to venture bis heavy ships into a

cr dangerous channel, he hauled offout of ranee, anr his vessels bad beensi rack seventeen times in their hulls. TheBlnneo received one shot below the waterline, which was immediately pluggedluey rcjort no casualties.

Tbe Chilean Version of the LateNavel Encasement Tbe Action ottbe I nited States ol Colombia.Nrw YoitK. March 23. From published

Chilean ofbciM accounts of tbe hue fisrlitbetween tbe Spaui.b and Chilean vessel, it

nr. car that the Cliileao vessels were notdino:;gcd to the extent renorxea.

It it claimed that it was fhc Spanish vescls who were challenged to renew thecombat, snd reCaned.

The Chilean Minister to New Tork, SenorVienna Mackcnna, gives the following ac-

count of the actiou of the United States ofColombia :

The ieputy, fVnor Janree Foflen, d

series of ot the adhca-s;o-

cf Chile to ttu Colombian Cor.gress as- -

semi led iu I;nzol, but only as votes ofsympathy, end w.thout giving to any oftt'"c declarations the form snd reach of abill.

Two of these resolutions were passed,and if tl.e third, which involved the projectol v ar against Spain, did not receive im-

mediate sanction, it should be attributedpv..re to the form In which it was presentedt!.nn to its spirit, since many of the UnitedStates of Columbia have already declaredtli'.-i- adiicri ;n to the grneral ar iigainstSpoi'i-. KeaUlcs TreMdcnt Vurillo bas decTirrd

sine? the beginumg f the question that,ha-- . in virtually ceased to exercise thecontrol of the Republic, (since Mosquerayiss to replace bim on the 1st of April,)and left to hj m the definite solution of suchan Important matter.


The Caandian Confederation TbePlan ol Union.

Kiw ToaK, Match C3. A spicul to theTribune from Toronto, March 22, sr.vs thelollowiiitf- i a onef sketelk of the Quebecn belc of ConfedcrHtion, which is likely tobe adotited : The rrovi-ice- are to toi--

five divisions, namely : Canndtt West,Canada East, Nova fteolia. New llroncwkkand Prince Edwsrd's Iland. Each of thesedivision la to be represent "d by tweuty-fou- r

inemlwrs, appitiuted by the Ci dwn, andto bold ortiee for life. These are to formtin Upper Horme of the General Lesrislaturc.The lower Bouse U to eousist of 10(5 mem-bers, as follows: Canada Wet 62; CanadaEast f5; Nova Scotia 11 New hrnuswick15; Prince LM ward's IlanJ 5. This docnot Include Newfoundland. The GeneralLegislature shall have care of the publicdebt, fcc.; tlie regulation of commerce; theimposition ol cur.toms duties; the regula-tion of excise duties; the raising of moneyby any other mode of taxation; the borrow-ing of money on public credit;postal service; line of steamers;line of steamers between the Con-federate Provinces and other conn-trie-

telegraph lines$ all such works asshs II be for the general good; the censns;militia, military and naval service, and de-fense; navigation and shipping; quarantine;sea coast and inland fisheries; ferries be-tween any two provinces, or tu any foreigncountry; currency and coinage; the issue ofpaper money; banking and tbe incorpora-tion of bauks; savings banks; measure,weight, &c; bills of exchange aud promis-sory uotea, interest insolvency, &c; pat-ents ol' invention and discovery; copyrights;Indian lands and Indiars; naturalization

aliens; marriage and divorce ; the crim-inal law; rendering uniform all or any of

laws relating to propertv and civilrlirbts in Canada West, Nova Scotia, NewBrunswick, Prince Edward's Island andNewfoundland; the establishment of Gen-era- ?

Court of ipjieals for the confederateprovinces; emigration, agriculture, and gen-erally all matters cf a eeneral character notreserved for the local" Governments. Tbelocal Legislatures will legislate on directtaxation, raising money on the credit of theprovinces, local works, and other matters.

Governors tor Each of the Provinces.A Lieutenant Governor Is to be appointed

the Governor General in couucil, bisterm of service to be five years. Be is to

paic by the General Government. Tbechief magistrate of the Confederation willprobably be a Governor General, for tworeason; one is, that a man of ability isreeded for that position; another, tbatPrinces will not do on this continent, andNew Brnn6wicker do not think it con thesistent with the progress of tbe Govern-ment to have a person of rank only at thebead cf the new State. They do not like

care for high caste; it will not do, inpite of all a small party may do or say In

lavor of itTbe Public Works.

Tbe General Government is to have canals.public harbors, and piers, pnb- - to

vessels of all sorts, nver and lake works.railroads aid their stocks, mortgages andother debts due by railroad companies, mil fwritary roads, custom-house- andother buildings, except such as may be set theaside by the General Government for tbe

of tbe local legislatures and govern-ments;

toproperty transferred by tbe Impe-rial Government and known as ordnance the

iropertv, armories, shells, military cloth thesnd munitions of war; lands set apartpublic purposes.

Public Debts.Tbe General Government is to assume all

debts and liabilities of each Province,whereof Canada tast and West arc not toexceed CC2,500,000. Nova Scotia (S,000,000, the

New Brunswick (7,(KX),(XX). It will beseen from this that tbe debt of OiDadi ishuge, compared with the other Provinces, can

it is this that forms the main objectionsthe latter to confederation. They do notall like to share the burden of tbat debt

with their light debt or (7,000,000 toonly ae their proper liability. Tbe

thesmallest Provinces are to receive Interat five per cent on the difference be-


their public debts and those of tbeother Provinces. The debts of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia being also much lessthan those of the Canadas, It would seemequitable for interest on the diflerence to

allowed tacm. There Is a great deal ordissatisfaction In these two Provinces inNew Brunswick particularly.


German Pctitioninc the New Yorklegislature Heavy Robbery TheC hilian Privateer Meteor The In-ternal Revenue Dcfrauder.New Toek, March 24. The German Re

publican Central Committee last eightpasted a resolution calling upon tbe Legis-lature to pass bills providing tor aboard ofcontrol and revision, and a board of publicworks, and the. committee was authorized

protest asrainst alleged abuses in CastleGarden, where It Is alleged German emi-grants are enticed to the Southern Stateunder false pretente. theLast evening the residence ot Joonr.Moore, 110 Madison avenue, was entered

a thief, and a tin box containing United actStates and other securities to the amount of

bout one hundred thousand dollars wasstolen. A reward of five thousand dollar hisbeen offered by Mr. Moore for the re orcovery of the bonds. No clue to the thief

yet been obtained. ofBurglaries and sale blowing are on tbe

increase in this city. Three burglars weretaken in tbe act of drilling boles in a safe.

Thursday, and two other safes have.lately bten broken open.

toin the cnitco etatcs Liislih l court, ves--

tcrday. Judge Bet is pronounced judgment, atdecianng that tbe application ol the owners

the Meteor steam hip, for tbe bonding ofthat vessel, shall be refused. Ibe Meteorbas been seized by order of the Government

information that she was intended to be orused as a Chilian privateer against the commerce ot fepain.

The propositions laid down by the courtre, first, that tbe Federal courts sit-

ting In admiralty have authority, both par-ti- e

consenting, to order tbe delivery ofpersonal property to tbe claimant, on thelatter film? stipulations for tbe value;

that if there be objections to the appli-cation to bond, tbe whole matter is withinthe discretion of the court; third, that ifthere was nothing more in the present casebut rules and practice of admiralty, JudtrcBetts would refuse the present applicationout ot a sense of obturation ,'o enforce theneutrality of tbe country; fourth, that tbeneutrality of the act of 1S31 is, however,conclusive upon the Federal courts, andcommands them not to permit a vessel inthe condition of tbe Nestor to be withdrawnfrom custody by stipulations for value.

The case of the United States vs. SimonDonan, one of tbe person who defraudedthe Government by making false returns,wa continued before CommissionerBelts, There are several defendants who

re chanred with the same offense as Donan,and who occupy the same position, andthis case is to be made a test case,

A motion was made to discbarge the com-plaint on the ground that it did not comewithin the purview of the statute. TheCommissioner, without passing on tliis mat-ter, permitted tbe examination to proceedwith Edward B. Hyatt, the officer allegedto have been bribed, with the view of giv-ing the use of the Government to the persons implicated in tbe alleged frauds, wasexamined on tbe part ot the prosecution,after which the court adjourned till


Almost a Panic at Montreal Threatsof the Canadian.

New Yosk, March 1 The nerald'sspecial dispatch from Toronto last eveningsays: The excitement has quieted dowubere, though no relaxation is apparent intbe preparations for defense.

There was almost a panic in Montreal lostnight over a report that 19,000 Fenians weremonne on isle aux noix.

A volunteer from Broekville has heen sentto Montreal for admitting himself to be at eman.

According to Michael Murphy, the supposed Canadian Bead Center, (S5.000 ofI eman bonds have been taken tip in Canada.

Though a week ha now passed since thealarm was sounded, and nothing has trans-pired to justify it, the citizens ol Ottawa arcstill so nervous that nieht patrols and countersigns sre still in force, ihe Icn wing ortbe Canadian army on the fct Lawrenceborder atill exhibit eruat activity, audiresu troops sre constantly arriving, themilitary authorities threaten that if the 1'enians attempt to cross at Oedcnsburg, theyvi ul ore on tuat city wmi me t uu ol l ort

ellington, at rreseott, opposite.Nearly a million feet ol contract limber

are awaiting shipment at Ottawa for theState.


Sale of Bonds The British Government Orders the Examination ofall Persons from the United StatesItonnd to Ports ia Ireland.New Youk, March 24. Nothing of spe-

cial importance transpired at theO'Mahoney headquarters.

The sales of bonds yielded a large amountthis mornine.

A communication was received from oneof the Fenian leaders in Dublin, statingtbat the British Government had given or-ders to bromine all persons from the UnitedState to ports in Ireland who might besuspected of complicity In the movementfor independence.

There is the usual excitement about theSweeney headquarters, but nothing signifi-

cant has been made known to the public


Broken Tobacco for tbeFrench Market Sugar in 0.uarantiue Cholera Abated.Ni-- Orleans, March 2i The high

wittr bas broken through the levees iuUpper Louisiana, aud work is sasjiended.

Ihe French Government has issuedfor million pounds of tobacco.

Thev cannot lie filled here as formerly.Three cargoes of Cuban sugar for St

Louis ate detained in quar-ntin- e. The presscalls tor a removal or the quarantine.

There is no cholera or fever in the Mexi-can Gulf.

The French steamer Leonora brings alarge number ot Mexican letters and "di-spatches for New York and France, and alsoofficial dispatches for the French, Belgianand Austrian, Governments.


Dclb of JIajor (General William.IkvfTOS, March 24. Brevet Mnjor fion-pr-

Willintns died last nilit at o'clock,at the of a siMer in tlih city, finMamtriation of the brain, probably d

bis stvere lfilHrs in rie AdjutuntGeniTal'i rltirin the past fiveyearn. No oftitr conld die n:oro regrettedor bclOTed.

I'RflM AI ;i sta.Ilftngint? or a Ncro.

ArcreTA, Ga., March 4. The nejrro Es-sex Walker was liunjr to-a- for the murderof Dr. Thomas Kyne, of Eez county.


Civil Richts IBM The Views ofSecretary McCulloch on the LoanBill The Bill as Passed l ullText Senators Footo and lixon

Alarming Spread of RinderpestThe Paris Eipisitioa IncreasedImmigration Washington Fatal toluiiiin Delegates .er Governorot Idaho The 't reasurer Sustainsthe Secretary Vote on tbe LoanBill.Washington, March 23. Tbe following

letter was addressed to day by the Secretaryof the Treasury to the Chairman of thoCommittee of Way rnd Means:

Treascrt Department, )

Washington, D. C, March 23, US05. (

Dear Sib: Your favor of the 22l instIs received, transmitting to me the follow-ing resolution, viz:

VinVwy, That a communication be ad-dressed by this committee to the Secretaryof the Treasury, staling that tbe committeehas received, through one of its members,inl'orm.ition that the Secretary is of the opin-ion that he is, without further legislation,sufficiently armed with power to carry outthe policy announced in his late annual re-

port, and' to request the Secretary to informtbe committee whether such is bis opinion.

In reply, I have to say that I must havefailed to" make myself understood by thehonorable member of the committee towhom reference is made. 1 did not intendto say tbat the Secretary is, without furtherlegislation, sufficiently "armed with powerto carry out the policy announced iu hislate annual report; but I did intend to sayto bim that if it should be found necessaryto modify, in any important particular, tbeprovisions of the bill reported by tbe Com-mittee, I should prefer that it would notbecome a law.

It will be, In my opinion, a National cal-

amity if Congress ehall fail to grant ad-ditional powers to the Secretary; for it willbe very difficult, if not impossible, to findinterest bearing notes under the existinglaws.

But I do not desire that the Committeeor myself should lieconie in any way re-

sponsible for a law that Is likely to fail inaccomplishing its object

1 regard it a matter of the greatest im-

portance that tbe powers of the Secretaryshonld not be strictly defined.

If, for Instance, Secretary Stanton beprohibited from scll'ini bonds below par, itwould be easy (as the market in process offunding, must be liberally supplied) for theenemies of the Government to form combinations for keepinsr bonds nt such prices aswould prevent the negotiation of them. On

other hand, if the authority of the Sec-

retary in this res;eet is not limited, no suchcombination would be likely to be formed.

In my opinion, the best way of keepingbonds at a premium will be to leave theSecretary unrestrained in the sale of them.

ofAgainst an indulgent power it would hedifficult to form a successful combination. and

A limitation of the authority of the Sec-retary in this resiect would be very likely

prevent the fundincr. I do, not therefore. hasfavor such a limitation ol it, and shouldregret to hrve the committee responsible

itIn regard to another important feature of

bill, the authority to withdraw UnitedStates notes from circulation, I have merely

remark that I conceive it to be of vastJniports!iC3 to the business of tie country,

welfare of the people and the credit ofnation, that such a financial policy

should be. adopted by thi Congress as willprepare tbe way for a return to specie pay-ment

When this can be brought about will de-pend uion the condition of the national in-

dustry and the trade regulations betweenUnited States and foreign nations.

It is not desirable tbat specie paymentshould be restored, until that restoration

be made permanent by increasine in-

dustry and a proper adjustment of the tradewith Europe. on

The tendencies are all In the right direc-tion, and if they aliall be adjusted by ju-dicious legislation, I shall be hopeful that

currency of the country may be broughta f ccie standard, without a large reduc-

tion ol it.The apprehensions which exist, that if

is given to the Secretary to retire theCower Slates ntes, the circulation of the ofcountry will be seriously contiacted, iswithout any substantial foundation.

If no reliance can be p'aced upon the dis-cretion and carefulness of the Secretary,

very condition of the finances of thecountry will prevent such a reduction of

currency as will weri nti either a lightmoney market or depress business.

Authority to reduce the currency will govery far to prevent tho necessity for a re-

duction.nnitThe battle will be more than half fonzht

when the Government shall adopt a healthyfinancial policy. to

I am, very respeclWlv, vour obedient.servant, HUGH McCVLI.OCH,

Secretary of the Treasury.To Hon. JrsTm S. Morrill, Chairman

Committee of Ways and Means of House ofRepresentatives.

The following is the loan bill as It passedIlouac

Be it enactrd 6x. That the act cniitlcd anto provide ways and means to sup-

port the Government, approved March 3h,1S05, shall be extended and construed toauthorize th Secretary of the Treasury at

discretion to receive any treasury notesother obligations, issued under any actCongress, "whether bcarine interest or

not, in excb.inge for any description of bondauthorized by any act to which this is anamendment, and also to dispose of any des-cription of bonds authorize! by said actcither in the United States or elsewhere

such sn amendment, H sncli manner andsuch rate as he may think advisable, for

lawful money of the United States, or forany treasury note, certiScife of indebtedness, or ccitmcaTes oi ocposii, or oiuerrepresentatives of value, which have been,

which may be, itsued under any act ofCongress; tbe proceeds tuereoi to De usedonly for retiring treasury notes or otherobligation, issued nnder any act of Con-gress. .'.,,,ltal noiuing nerem coniamea suan ueconstrued to authorize any iucrer.3e of thepublic debt;. iTovided teat ot Lnitett etaies notes not

more than ten millions of dollars may beretired and cancelled within six monthsfrom the passage of this act and thereafternot more than lour minions oi dollars inany one month;

Aud provided the bonds which may bedisposed of elsewhere tlmn in the UnitedStates may be made payable, both principaland interest, in the coin or currency of thecountry in which they arc made payable,that shall not bear a rate of interest ex-ceeding five per cent per annum.

And provided. lurther, that the act towhich this is an amendment shall continueiu full force in all its provisions, except asmodified by this act.

Sec. 2. That the Secretary of tlie Treasuryshall report to Congress at the commence-ment of the next ssion, au account of theexchanges made, or money borrowed, un-

der fiis act, and of whom, and on whatterms, and also the amount and characterof Indebtedness retired under this act, andthe act to which th's is an amendment,with a detailed statement of the expepc ofmaking such loans and exchange.

Washington, March 23. The physiciansreport the condition of Senator Footc to bemuch Improved, wiih fair propects of anearly recovery ol health.

Senator Dixon, although n"t ccpilcredentirely out of danger, seems to be convalescent.

The U. S. Consul at ChefTl--

writes to the Department of 8lni tinderdate of March bill, that tuepfaiy increaseof the mortality ainongthecatl" is creatinga serious alarm.'

It has now extended to the rheep, nnd Is

of a most eonta;rious character.At least five hundred applications for ap

pointments as United States Commission-er to the Paris Exposition ol many ofthem from parties interested in machinesand implements which are to tic on exuioitiou, and not one in twenty are able to uuderstand or speak the French language.

The United States Consul at Liverpoolinforms the State Department by letter.dated March 9th, that all the steamers andemurant ships leaving that port for theUnited States are filled with emigrants.

Others say that the emuiraliou t.-- theUnited States will be enormous, and theindications are that it will be greater thisyear than at any time since we have bceu anation.

Another memlier of the Chippewa Indiandeleirution died here yesterday of the blackmeasles, of which disease the chief and

of the tribe died during the presentweek. Two others are sick with the samecomplaint, but are pronounced out of dan- -

has beca createdhere by the reception of a telegram fromChicago stating that dispatches from Washington are published in the western papers,savin" that General Spinner's recent lettermaiutiiins the correctness ot FreemanClark's financial statement, controvertingthe position of the Secretary of the Treasury, fco lar irom tins nerng tniCj ueneralSpinner's effort was in the oppo.lle direc-tion, and in answer to Mr. Ciark.

Tne Secretary ol tuc treasury h;;s received the followi'iir letter:

Washington, March 23, 1SGG.

Sir: I am directed by the Secretary ofWar to transmit herewith a letter, post-marked March M, addressed to this De-

partment, oyer the signature of "Union-Lovin- g

Women," inclosing the earn H tobe npppropriatcd to tbe payment of thenational debt I have the honor to be yourobedient servant.

TliOS. T. rCKERD,Acling Assistant Secretary of War.

To Hon. II. McCcLLOfu. Secretary ofthe Treasury.


Write no Letters to Suspected Par-ties, if Yon Ion't Want Tlinafiend Ker.iarVnhlp Autircss ri tucNisterliood, aud Where it Will beround.New YoRK,March 25. There is continued

activity at Fcuiun headquartersKcporti fnnii Ireland eay that all letters

for tsuspcctcil patties are opened by thee autlioritiea in that country.

American Citizen in Trouble ns

Ariiti'.New Tokk, M utU -- 5. Europc-.- files

contain tiie following additional : It is ru-

mored that a iiiifiiidLTstandiii oietHour own rovtniffient and the Ameri-

can Kmba'sy in London, relative to the im-

prisonment of several persons charged withFeniatiistD, who anseii their claim as Amer-

ican citizi ns, and dc!;iand to be either lib-

erated or brott-- 'l t to triai a lnidtintlerelaiid-Int- r

which bus been referred tor solution towos'.icston aud may probably prove

Tlie Fiiian eisterbood of this city havemmic an m.oenl to their countrymen andsyiiipsthixei-s- f ir aid for the liuniliesvictims ot liniii-f- i ryrunuy " sm u"lanruihin in r.ncVU prisons.

Ti; ir nddrcss will l e found in anotherooiiTi'in.

liote, by the printer: Tins column

don't belong (o the cj:uiK.-itor'- order olarchitecture. It is badly fluted, and bastwo Capitals.

MOBILE.Small-Po- x, but no Cholera.

Fortbfss Monrok, March 23. Thosteamer Perch, from Mobile the 14th inst.,for New York, in bal'ast, arrived litre to-

day.The reports of cholera in Mobile are

doubtless without foundation; but small-pox prevails there to some extent, princi-pally among the blacks.


Our Anxious C usins They Rein-state

itJudge Coursal. we

New York, March H.5. The Herald'sToronto correspondent states that much f 1

anxiety Is felt in Toronto regarding Fenianmovements, since it lias been ascertainedthat our troops have not been sent to guardthe frontier.

Judge Coursal, of St. Alban's raidersnotoriety, bas been reinstated. In


Another Fenian Ocmonstration.PmLAnrariiiA, March 25. Another en-


Fenian demonstration occurredlast night at the Academy of Music, underthe of A. Wvnn, district center.

Speeches were made by B. F. Mullen, P.A. Collins, and others.

The President will Veto the Civil A

Itichts Bill The Loan Bill to beAmended President Johnson Dis-approves

luMr. Stewart's Universal

Amnesty Doctrine. and

NewYokk, March 24. The Evening Postcontains the following Washington specials:

The President's veto of the civil rights tonbill will probably be sent to Congress on baitsMonday.

The Commc'cial's special says the civilright bill will unquestionably be vetoed.The President has already taken legal opin-ion

9!,e;on the constitutionality of the clause

providing for tbe punishment under certaincontingencies of the State Judge, and theveto will be chiefly on this point. Its adop-tion

oeby a vote over tho veto is

doubtful. 1

It is expected that the loan bill will beamended by the Finance Committee.

The President has exprccsed bis disappro-biatio- n

of Mr. Stewart's proposition for auniversal amnesty, on condition of the es-

tablishment of free suffrage.12

The Mexican Bonds Madame JaurezTbe Income Tax Children Worth

Fifty Dollars a Piece.New York, March 24. A Washington

special states it is asserted that if Congressshould favor the indorsement of the Mexi-can

t ity

bonds, the agent of Maxamilian willthisdemand a similar guarantee lor the same

amount for the Imperial crown.Madame Juarez, wife of President Juarez,the Mexican Republic, bus arrived here

is the guest of Senor Romero. ofA Washington dispatch to the Times ale

states that the Ways and Means Committeedetermined to keep the amount of ex-


from income tax at six hundreddollars, with the addition of fifty dollars for ofeach child np to fifteen.


Office op this Louisville Courier, andSatceday Evening, March 21. J

During the week just closing the muta-tions


of trade have been persistently on thedownward scale of prices. Breadstuffs, lot

thowever, are pretty well sustained,cspecially 150.flour and offal, which are becoming some-

what scarce. Corn is much lower than hutweek, with several heavy transactions to and

both dealers and consumers, chiefly mixedshelled corn from Chicago, including a sale

of 10,000 bags, about 22,500 bushels, and

prirale terms. Considerable sales fromleafstores at 60a70c for mixed, and Toa'Oc for

prime white, as to condition and packages, thenew resewed gunnies commauding thehigher rates. sale

Cotton and cotton'goods arc further de-


couscqueut upon the appreciation Icurrency, together with a falling off in

the demand and a feeling prevailing that the (5

future of cotton betokens lower rates. The IIsteadily increasing value of currency, to-


with the well conceded fact that alarge surplus of old crop is held, both in (23

this country and Europe, bas tended to ma-

terially depress prices. In addiiion to thisfavorable aspect of affairs to the producer,la pretty well ascertained that the South-


planters are bestowing more attentionthe culture of the great staple than usual.

With the estimate of a million of bales onband for consumption, and the prospect ofeven the usual average yield theincoming season, the prospects are unfa-

vorable for any advance, or even of sustain-ing prevailing rates. It now almost whollydepends upon the fluctuations of currency.As that is enhanced cotton will be de-

pressed.Tbe Southern planters are now paying

exorbitant rates for com delivered in theinterior of Alabama, Mississippi and Geor-

gia, and despite the fact that the last cropthroughout the North wascnormou, pricesstill rule very high. The demand is exces-

sive for Southern consumption, and weshould think it a matter of utility and econ-

omy In the South to grow more corn andless cotton. The product of the latter

to be greater than the demand, whilecorn is in continued demand.

The result of the pork packing in the J for

West has been summed np, showing a largedeficiency in the number of bogs slaugh-tered


as compared with the previous sea-

son, but with an average increase in theweight of hogs and the amount of lard perbog. The actual deficit th's season, inround numbers, Is 500,000 hogs. Notwith-standing the fact of a shortcrop, prices have very materially receded allthe week, mess pork closing at $25 per bar-

rel, establishing the fact that this is thecheapest provision market in the country.

The'meeting on 'Change was verylarge, the room being scarcely available,with much Interest manifested in tbe dis-

patches. The transactions in provisionswere fair, and me6S pork in round lot3 free-

ly offered at $25. Lard was sustained, andflour in fair demand at quotations.

The closing dispatch from New Yorkquoted the cotton market very much unsettled and dull at S9al0c, but accuratequotations could not be given. Sngar wasia good demand but weak, and coffee un-

changed. Flour dull and declined 10c;

pork dull and unsettled at 25 larddeclined to 19c; and whisky dull and nom-

inal at t2 26;.The Cincinnati dispatch quoted, mc-- j

pork $25, and bacon unchanged; snd whfaltydull at $2 25, free; flour unchanged onJgrain quiet

The Chicago dispatch noted rcrcipls cf1,200 hogs; mess pork quiet at f25 25; lnrdquiet at lSal8,V bulk meats nnchanged;English meats firm nnd witliont, change;wheat weak at $1 23; rejected com stea-l-

at SGJaC; oats, fresh receipts, quiet at 25c. inbulk; whisky nominal at $2 21.


The condition of the money market re-

mains unchanged. A little moro difficultywaa probably had in negotiating loans to-

day, but as a general thing good mercantilepaper was readily received. The rate for

s paper was 9 per cent per annum,for good mercantile paper 9 to 12 per cent

Gold was very weak The rates inNew York were: Opening 126, at 11:10 a.m. 12GV, at 11:11 A. m. 125, at 11:12 a. m.

130, at 12:15 p. m. 125, al 1 P. m. 125.V, at4 p. m. to 125. The offerings y

were very light. Brokers bid within oneper ccut of New York quotations, and of-

fered at per cent, under.Government securities were unchanged,

with tho exception of seven thirties, whichwere quoted In New York this morning at101 an advance of near oue and a quarterper cent from the rate yesterday morning.Dealers here offered 100,Y, and held at 101.

Sotitheru money is dull, with no chaugein quotations.

Compound-interes- t notes are in request,and for round sums a fraction over quota-

tions could be obtained.Exchange is in fair request Banks were

buying at preni. Selling atprein. .


.. , , Buying Sellingi :t 1 'alilars

and vsme. and hall dim

i arlv 1 X'4


C' impound Interest.Jnne ',laf4..t viii.tiounii Interest. .lulvCun.poui'-ylntcrc- Aug.,l-i.li- ;

"inpounaTlnterefi.dct., ljiil... 1U5'.,'Ciinipouud interest, tec, lS'.lCo:n(onnd Interest, May, Is;';"Cunipiiund IntereKt, Aug- - - viC iniootlUii lnlerct.Compound Interest Ot., LiuS."

Review f the Market.otr. onr quotations are hc hr.le-al-e prires

uiiiioit ouiirn.m. siaiea. lu miing small orders tothe ejt y or rade an advance ol three lo live

COTTOX The market closes at lower rates, witha sale of a small lot of middling at Sic; sab's enter--Gil oi cnotcc at inc. inferior to choice ranges fromj3iosw. Moctuiair.

COOPEKAtiE Prices of Courbnrrels ore a littlelower, with sales In lots at 50c; other articles nnchanged.

COTTOS TAUNS-tV- ith fair ttocks.and a UrnIteU demand, wc quote as follows. In lots: No. 500per doien, at SVSSc; No. 8hq at 3l(.jJc, and Ko.at 2Sr.cc.

COAL We quote rittsbnrg, afloat, at l18c, nntcoal lie, retail sales 21c, delivered, or per load,Pomeroy, to boats, lie.

COUNTUT PKODl'CE Apples, green, we quoteat fSnilO bid.. In lots. Allies, diled, Hw,l3c. fiTt foi new. Lceswai. yeliow, SVilCc. V . r.rooms,

of fbakcr, 3 00; Loui.vlUe rcake. No. 1, fcommon, ?3 OCy 4 73 V doz. Broom cot n, lafrjiSJO V

ton.for choice.' lluiter.fntr, 30SS.V;. : do..cliotce CSct

40c .; N. York 13(S,50c V b . Bean. t)f 1 a V boshCheese, . Western Kcsei ve aad factory 'ildiic.HuuibaT;r,':.!j?rc. t ,ltl lo; N. V. dairy, UtiXV a. Fggs, ioi'-'i- c V dor..,for freah packed. Fealbeidull atSVjiOOc. V a, for shipping lot. Flaxseed,bn1ng at 2 10 per bushcL Ginseng, buyingT0j15i. ft a, for new snd old. Onion, In lota

.lem, none. Potatoes, Necbanaoc, for teed. Idlots, at it 25l DO; Northern, 61s3 73 1 bbl.Peaches, dried, dnll, a for unpolled,and 2V:27r. y ft for peeled.

DoMEMTICS Wcquoto Gr..mt Western, LanrclHilt, Franklin, Prhn Mills, Anchor and standardat 5"c: Ktcrn al.'O vrf, and SonMiem at 2k4'!5c.

FLOVH AN D GK AIN The derjaod thU week habeen fair, with iitli l of fine flour at n 6 si), super-fine 7 OiVI; oO, a Kile of 3S0 bbls superfine t f 1 0 (

7 23, 150 lib! extra al $; 008 SO, M Mils extra fam-

ily at 9 50, and 150 btilt A No. 1 at $10 .KVUO t.UG'1 in quiui scarce, with limited antes of brna nt

00(3.16 00, thoru SIR MKt0 00, ulpttuff f .S OiK

CO, and middling (K3l 00 per ton. Whealquote at (1 r0 for Inferior, (1 5:.1 73 lor

good to prime now red, while while raiices fromSO to Ai 20. Corn quirt at 53ciiUc In bullc, tbe

Utter rate for mixed, abelied, while prime whitehigher. We quote a sale of 1010 bug on privateterms, and a sale of S30 basnets at S .0c. A sale ofmixed at &W3c. and prime white at 4ii6e, deliv-

ered. Sale of fall barley at H 05. Sale of oau 12c

bulk, and 4Sc, Including aacks. A sale of 300 bagprime oata at tc A ale of l.OOU bushel prime win-

ter barley ot SI 05, and 1,003 boabeU barley malt attie.

GROCERIES Fair Jobbing sale and we qnotecoffee in lots, common to fair, KtMc; good, 2S

37c; prime, 27X28c. and choice, Lajroayra,S02o2c; Java, common to choice, Sti(4Ce. liaw

range a follows: Louisiana, fair to prime, 15

16MC; Cuba, fair to prime, 12S12c; good fair, lSra13)(c; prime, rAJUc; Porto Rico, prime,lSYitU'c- - Refined sugars, bard, 17lTe.

coffee, 10c; C ngar, Uyise; extra C, l.S15Je;yellow; 13 VjH.Sc Molasses, Forto RlcoJOc to

kbls, Kew Orleans or plantation, prime, tlfel 10.

Eoitern sirups rruigo from 70c to f 1 0, as to pkgquality. Rice, Rangoon, llftUc In bag a

scarce at 13cBAT Tbe market Is sustained, with a sale of 1C0

at f12 OOtia 00 as to quality. A sale of 150

at tU 003.12 30, and seo bale at (13 00 deliv-

ered.HIDES In steady demand, and bnyera arepaytng

bntthera 6'&'c for green, and country cored ftdry aalted at 1313c, and dry flint 12Hai3c

Sheep skins, wool on, range from 50c to $1 50.

POTATOES Price ran ire from fS 65ca4 00 forNorthern, in lots, as to quality; with sales of Neahan

for seed at $4 40.

OILS We qnote lard oil at 1 50 for No. 1, andiCM 75 for choice. Sale, of 15 bbl linseed oil to-

day at f 1 40, and (mall lots at ft 50. Coil oil G065c.Bcntlne 35i340c.

CANDLES AND SOAP Manufacturer haveslightly lowered their rate as follow: Star can-

dles, fall weight, 23HC which 1 the standard, andoz at 17He Sales of 13 oz at 19Xc, In lots. In rail

boxes-- , hotel and railroad candles 24c German soap12CiUSc; mottled 11c; yellow 10c. Soda ash Ssjc;cansticaoda 12 He.

PROVISIONS AND LARD The market bas ma-

terially declined, with sale yesterday of l.lWbblmm pork at fa-- , a sale y of 125 bbls at the

same; and 64 bbl In lot at f25 50. Sale previouslyweek at $2".'J7. In balk mcata no transactions.

Bacon la pretty well sustained, with sale of should-er at 13c413xc; clear side at 1&316)C; and 05 tierces

Magnolia ham at 22c. Sales yesterdaySO tierce d Magnolia ham at 22c A

of 4,000 lbs shoulders at 1314, and 6,000 lbs clearidea at 10 He Lard I pretty well sustained, and

qnote prime, in tierces, al lc, choice kettle ren-

dered 18 He, and prime leaf. Is keg, at 30c A aale50 keg at 20c. Country bacon coming In more

freely, with sale from wagon as follow: shoulders12HC, clear aides 15c, and bams 15l7c, the former

for large ones.WHISKY-A- ale of 22 bbl new raw, free, at f2 25,

a sale of 10 bbls old Bourbon at $4 75.

WOOL Market dnll, and buyer are paying 23

for unwashed fleece, and iSvUBc torSEED-Clo- ver hag declined, with small sale In

at (5 10uv5 15 and (5 25. Timothy dnll at $3 IV25 tn lots. Other seeds quiet. Hungarian $1 xi

MEAL Steady demand, with Bales of 125 barrelsbolted at 7ic, without packages. Also, snle at Tuc,

sales in bbl at SiSJHe, Including package.

Louisville Tobacco Market.Tbe market closes with considerable buoyancy,

active for all grade at the rales prevailing forseveral days past. Some descriptions of medium

were disponed of at an advance, owing to com-

petition among buyers for that grade The tales atOii

foar auction warehouses, during the week, haveamounted to 901 hbds, with 90 rejections, including

of 117 hhds, with ( rejections. Theprice ranged as follows, Including 6 hhds at f?7 50

73, from Owen county, 1 at (33, Owen connty, andat (30, from Christian connty:lhbdat(233; 12 at (3 003 95; 84 at (4 00(34 90; 2S at005& 90; 1 at (S U.6 90; tl at (7 10e.7 95; 11 at (3 00

75c.6S95; 6 at (9 003.9 60; I at (10 00 1073; at (1100(3

75; 8 at (12 00&12 50; 7 at (U 00(413 7; 5 at (U 00(3

75; 4 at (15 00(213 75; S at 16 2X 16 75; 4 at (17 OCa

1775,1 at lSOO;2at(10riO(21975;2t(2jc3250;2atUi2i 25; 1 at (27 50; 3 at (JS 75; 1 at C0 00; 1 at

(3300.MANUFACTURED TOBACCO-S- ale active and

prices firmer for all sound grad.a. We quote a to

follows, tax paid :

Flue and briuW Virginia, lbs. new. .1 1 &V4S 1 43ine nirnr prea-e- v lrgiuia ins . 1 4K. 1 50

Fancy Virginia, twist and roll . 1 3f4 1 50Medivm Virginia, lbs . 1 H4 1 i5Common Viigmia thssotuid (KM 1 UCommon Vir.inia, lbs out of condit'n. (4 75 , TJ

1 d 1 20 ColMedium Kv. and Va. lbs Kx.a DOBright ,' lbs and 15aMaliogauy ys and 14 SO a 83 t".Common Kentucky lb 6o.n 70Navy lbs sound ., 7( T3Navy H 1' idi.aBlack Sweet Us and 10s 74Common black sweet M and 10s 63.4Damaged X and 10 45(4

The clansiil cation 1 as follows:LIGHT. miTT.

Common lngs.. -- ...( (50(4425 ( 6 OTYi) 7Goods lugs .... 4 5K4 3 25 7 Sum 8 50Common leaf... n aui. iu t s wi.Metliuni ... 11 OnU 00 14 Otx.isU 00Good leaf UOOiclSW 13 OiWOFine lent 19 0(J(so3 00 21 U)

Manufactured wrappers.Medium lo One, ,Good to tine

Louisville Cattle Market.BOURBOX HOUSE.

Tl. T. Vlssn a Proprietor.Louisville, March 24. 1S6.

CATTLE The supply of cattle contlnnes light,but the demand is altogether confined to borne con-

sumption; price are very firm and unchanged; thequality offering Is very good; sale range it 6VM7HC is

the best; 6e6Hc for fair to good, and 4Hl5c forcommon and rough.

HOGS Are unchanged in price, and the marketdnll at SHwJH'c gross for well fatted, smooth

stock, and 7(3c for Ugt weightSHEEP Are In fair demand for home consump-

tion, at5t6c, live weight for fair to choice qualities.

biceipis.CattleHoes 12oueep 4t

SHELBY HOUSE.G. Biech Proprietor.

LorisviLLE, March 24, 1S68.

'Tbe arrivals of all kinds of live stock at this yardduring the past week have been light, with a limiteddemand, and drovers did not fall to secure goodprices, or the butchers good meats.

BEEF CATTLE Wc quote the best grades old.fifty in nnmbcr, at 7G7jc; medium to good quail.ties, 5Y&G'c, and common 4H&5C.

SHEEP The market continue to rule at lastweek' quotations, at from (4 50 to (0, according toquality.

HOGS There i no improvement tonoteover ourlast report Sales daring the week at S V&SXC forheavy, and light one at 7H'3c, gross weight

BECIIFTS.CattleHornSheep - .3

New York Cattle Market.ron Tint viu iimiis tvesdat ii a bch 20, 1366


Beeves. Cow. V al. Lambs. Swine.Total 102 14.301Last week... 5,341

l orsp s weeklust year... J3 154 .59 5,561 1,908

At. No. perW k last yT 555 118 lfiW 10,091 11,023


Wew Tork Connecticut..Prnusylvanla., Michigan ....Ohio Canada


1ivark The rattle trade ha been decidedly"panicky" this week. It will surprise our count ryr,.,l.. not a little to learn that with less caltlothan were sold the previous week, ana wun a ae- -cMciiiv nn.iitv and liirht weiiibta. the niar- -

Ivel InroK(? uown, witn a aecune oi kc uei iu, u

that owners of Western and Canada stock pocketeaa loss of OO.'ilO 00 per bead on their droves. 1 heranscof this Is attributed to tbe Influx of 100 carl,,,u nrr.iiuli cnttle which reached Albany onThursday and Friday, and fearing that all the

!ii,..l ..incli waariishiniracroKS the line to escapethe hreateued Fenian invasion, people got fright-ened aud were anxious to eet rid of their droves as

fi .c nrotihle The verv few eood droves broughtfair pi icet, and were tn demand at about 16c per lb. ....... ruur urtr. ft t I'T'.filHc- hnt the maiontvsoldat l&l'k;. being In thinnlsh lleh with many lots of

. principally from Canada. he aroves wereall sold at au averaire de cline of 1HC It i the

among stock men that as the proposedlarttl bill was not passed by Congress, there is nowdo law which taxes Canada cattle, and that thepresent rui-- will continue.

Premium qualities, per cwt. .117 KVSil". 00

Prims do do Id Well wMedium to good qualities, per cwt. 14 OH j. 16 0)Poor do . u onas oo

Lowest gride do . 9 ou til oo

General selling price do . IS uueil5 90

Aveia.'e uu . 11 00t4.a The recelnts are nnite in excess of

the demand, and dealers are onngeu to iae iuostock out among tbe milkmen to get rid of it. ecimteil firtv tresh cows at one market nWce alone.Monday morning, nnd there were very icw imyersafter llieiu. The great decline in beef cattle lecnthe prospective or bntchera' value of milch cowa,and milkmen arc well supplied with animals at

at 15 each. Good milkers will briny foUtaO,and extras J"0ii30 each, calt Included.

VEAL calves ine - non veai mikh..nearly passed over, though the argu eyes or thepol'ce soon tind out aud their hands seiie upou anycnluckv dressed veal which dues not come up tor... o, ;...H t ai... or .nnivrent llpalthlulness.Live calves are selling nooui as last wer, m.f"not as quick, and receipts are on the increase. ! atveals bring ISc, a few of the best lS'.rtiHc, withmany common calve told at lOOilte, and onjelower. , . .

Sheep These are scarce jnsi, now, i- c-...u rhnnirh l anarla sheen have crossed the linein .v.nr,ri.ni. fA. them have vet reached here.but are rlatly expeef'd- - Moat of the receipts of then.t we.ir u ere Irom tills Mine larzeu uwi

are really not worth as much per b as w esternstock. A ral lot oi mu a une iwi nrcoi)inian(f!l c.,and If very due tliey would bnng 9c

n.ost oftlie sales rauTe irom . toA lew tsprilie lamos iiae ueeu oj "

lironeill ltk '1C per in mr i an in. - - -

of 25 are reported ttt5.6 each, being small and not

Kvnst Receipts have been light for the pasti.i.A...,l.r.F1.l lhn WricliinA" ItllUieS

otfereiitl tii.iroving rates, but it is questionablewhether present price couiu no suiiukiu. -

iiwr ainvau. . Dressedi.iye noits, ner .

Prime West i corn fed. iio is.. it oo Il4(i.eiMedi do do 10 WrUO 75

Poor Log. io ooisio a

New Orleans Cattle Market.. c.v n lrTiso'. March 20.

A tTtved yesterday: 62 Western beeves, M TtMbeeves, M hot's, 4. sheep, 44 calve and 46 milth

C8 'd : 107 Western beeves. 214 Texas beeves, 121

s't'ock n sale: 51 Western beeves, 3 Texasbeeves, iM hogs, 2300 sheep, II calve and Mi

Western beef, shotce per lb. net 1

Wesl'nbeevi6,(liuality', per her head, 12 ut 13

Western beev, S1 quality, per head, d luTexas beeves choice per head . 90

Texas beeves, 1st quality, per lb net. .. ij 10

Texas beeves, 2d qnality, per head... . 40 00, 50 00

Texas beeves, 3d quality, per bead... ..15 20 00

Western hogs, per lb gross ,-.- 12i.il - IS

nle ,.e .. ?,, 12

Texas hlieep per heap.., .. S 50e

Creole ibeep per bead.. (

Milch cows per bead.. ..SO 0"4 M

Yearlings per bead.... ..10 om

Calves per head : 7 (sM


riHoixsnTi. March 24 r.Flour Dull mid buyers contending for conces-

sions. The decline In gold caused buyersto with-

draw, anticlpatine lower prices. The same remark

i: .i. i,,, n In ictivj ,1, mnit and prices higher.rloslnv' at sat, Mc for shelled, tn elevators, andIn sacks. t)aU In ilemand but price Irr. rnlar. asthe demand to till contract Is about supplied. Byanu parley iiuii.at llm,iv-V- ri ilnll and can he honcht at SI 29.

to PaovisioK Dull and prices nominal. The

mand for bnlk aide ceased owing to tbe decline Ingo' l. Lard !i lirl at lc.

td lecilllea iw una ami.in iter Scarce and firm at k'jitV.

NEW TORK MARKET.V w Tori. March 24 r. M.

Cotton Pr.il an 1 nominal and lo lowfr; niid- -diitvr'.:.

r'L'K Dull, heavy and WJitsc lower; .(. . .w iorextra tat": ti So for txira round lux p Ohio;

b Hi. ; 11 UO for tr.xle hru(!s: n.arket elxlni! heary.w blsKY in mo'leniic request at " ' r

Wett. ru: ihe ineide pnre ftr reriiin Wheat dull and l we i ter; winter redSo. 1 Milwaukee r.rt. Uy dull sn l lower;

prime "t,ite h id al till bnjc.rs al lac Barleylie.ivy for common and linn lor prime, r

mi.d mix d V. otern. bnin In store ami oeiiT. r i.OnU a h.wle ilrmer at ;ix ilc tor nua und w est. mand for sound do.

1 KoviMONt I' jn u ateaiiy. ai s ' j.iinrur-mess, cloeini: at 'S, ri gnlr, S .:. 7S mr W

t!i f2!( lr onme: also sjus i new ni.Apitl and May, sellers' optioa. at A IJee,atca.ty at t!6 43i Iwr nt s pluin lin , ;n y. 1

lor extra mean. Il. ef liains lieary at ' "meats aellve; shoulders HHesI-e- : nan- lt

h aw at l.Vittlwc for Cuuiberhaud cut; luir ;c tor short riblM-d- .

Labd Uull. he ivv and lower: sales' 550 bblaat 16H&1V, the latter an extreme.

Butter In fair demand at 25loc for Ohio, and4fta 6uc lor iate.

!se Dull at lfv22c.ileum dull: crnde. 2W25C: refined, la

bond, SS039C.Money Kasy and qnlet at srts peT ceni on can

loans. Sterling dull aud nominal at 107'-t4-

Lt Irregular and lower; opening at un , aaaslue at lil.. 12114.

lolal exiiort of suede ! 15.5011.

S tote 9 (iovernment stocks are witbont material change.

r reutnts to LlTernool U.Stocks steady.

coupons, &!.. .103 V tT. S. eoop. 4. .insvcouoona.. so: i

Tenn. Ss .73 O.ft M. certificate...T . M N. Y. Central

Hn.lson .H Reading 101 4trie . MH Mieiugan Miumora.. . tj HPittsburg 'J jsortti western...Chicago, B.. fc y.. 113 Fort Wayne .. ..,.91


Nw Ton. Murch ?4 F. SI.The Post sav the loan market la dull and well

npplled at; per cent. on call. Commercial paperpaise at 7(49.

ine atoc market opened with a depressed andfeverish feeling. At tlie close there was more activity. 'fij. are wanted at Ki3 lor coupon.and those of IM, at 103V; are better and cloaeal 9n. In VTxM the speculative movement origin-ated a few days ago and continued. Tennessee ad-vanced toSlHr-j'ji- irginiaST'iSO; i steadyandwithont nineli activity. Railroad shares weredull and lower with limited transaction.

1 ne commercial savs ti nannaire of the nuancebill in the Hoaae of ReprepeMtuives has produced a Aslight tailing upon the market. The clause author-izing a foreign loan had taken Wall street by sur-prise, and the Mil ia regarded aa granting the Secre-tary of the Treasury all the power he lor. The Aaction ol the House would produce a more markedeffect on affairs here were it eenain that the billwould pass the Senate tn its present form. Ihere

however, conquerable aount as to wneiner tne ASenate will not tnniht upon the material curtail-ment of the Secretary's powers, and ihmprobnbiliiIs sontlrmed by onr advices from Waahiuttton.

Gold declined to IM bat without anypanic feeling. The shorts were able to borrow Awhat they could at H per cent per day.

CALIFORNIA MINING STOCKS.Sa Feancisto. March 24 r. a. AMlnlne stocks nrmr. B-- leher riO; tlonld and

Cnrry LiO; Yellow 'acket i;5: C. Pmosl 422; Hale ftorcross l.imu: Ainna list: nuiuion 119; imperial iu;

Empire Mill 200. Legal tender, 18 - ANEW ORLEANS MARKETS.Jfaw Oklms. March 24 p. at.

Cotton Weak and unsettled: sale 1JU0 bale.Receipts 1,150; low middling at 37 wc

Monet Gold 124. Sterling 23. hew Torkcheck He discount.

ST. LOCI3 MARKETS.St. Lor is. March 24 P. a.

Flora Trail and unchanged.Gmatv Wheat dnll and unchanged. Corn firmer. E0at Bile for yellow. (ktSc for halt white. Oats un

changed.rKovisioirs rorc arooning. a ior

mesa, ( 23 for half prime mess. Bacon dull and un-changed.

Y hiskt Unsettled at U 23X- -

REVIEW OF THE NEW TORK MARKET.New Tore. March 24 p. a.

The market for monev remains verv easy at 5i4fpercent, with the bulk of business at lower rates.

Go'd heavy at the close, and sold as low as U4, andbnl the last sale were at 124.1 here was rather more steadiness In the stork

larket at the second, teenlar and last open Boards. nowand prices were belter In some re perl, the fol--

N. T. Centra- l- KH Cleveland and Tol..VH: InErie i Rock Island alls

Ison Fort Wayne 91

Keadinz 1! '4. O. and M.certiiicate 26Michigan Central. ,.1U3 Tennessee s 9l!Michigan Southern, si Missouri 6 toIllinois Central... .'.115 - .HWCleveland and Pitt. 7i,S 1G0; InChicago aud N. W .. 't. Jul ta

pnPetroleum stocks lower, and but few sales. We

quote:iteuuenon iro raimer 4iw

Creek 115 Lulled Stales 830Pithole 613

Gold and mining stocks generally lower :

Benton 100 Onnnell 100unnreo 2.'5 SuulU A Parmalee...li3

Deverill 'M ofFlits The market bas been depressed: tirteea

have fallen od M. Louis extra, iliSlti; onr01 tne week. 4". UK) bnls.Grain Corn has ttnetnated. Mixed Western 72a

Salts of ."TO.!" bush.irk Market excited and prices lower.owmc to

renoi ie'l disease. New nie& 15 ii idiiuio allSales 34 000 blile.

Coptke Business light. Sale 35,W0 bac.in uuii and ucDreaaed. i;uceinia large.

Middling kVUlo. weOil The netrolcnm trade la moderate: refined In

bond 38(310.sroAii mere is an unproved aemaua tor lairgood grocery at 10 to lt yellow 13tU!e.

vt 111S8.1 ai ft x.The following quotation are from tbe New Tork

tbeprice 01 dry goods, and the market is dull anddownward.

Hi own slieetlnss Pacific A 25: I an ret C 20: D E2.1. Bleached shirtings Bates tO; Bate B B S);

A 21. iTlnts ilen imac W 21; Merrtmac O 20:Tuunel 17; Pacific 22W. GinGtliania Lancaster 24;Hartford 21 H. ambries Washington I I; Mauville

Silecias Mananna 29: Lansdale at. Cantonflannchi salmon Falls 21; Nassau Hoop skirt-s-

id A. J. Meyer 1ALU lair demand at iormerprices.

The following dispatches were received at theDry Goods Exchanze:

fRovniENre, Marcn ?. ine marae u exceeu- -

julet. with but little doing.Loi'iG. March 24. The saies of sheetings and

print have been very Large this week.

CHICAGO MARKET.Chicago. March 24.

Flovb Pull. teaGrain Wheat dnll. at 11 23(5 1 23K. Corn nrm;

inline ior o. 1. iiui uuu ai ijc.rROVlsioNS Linn; sales 01 mess pora as

50. Lard dull at ISc Sweet pickled hams 15c.Ho Ireaed hogs at (10 2SA W per 1U0 lb.

Live hogs tl &v.3 30.RitCEitT 4.2.1O onis nonr:5.noo nnsn wneat: sjuo

bush corn; 4,000 bneh oata: 1.2U0 bead ho?.Shipments 4,21)0 bbls flour, 13X1 bnsh wheat;

100 bush corn; 2,SUC bush oata.

LOCAL NOTICES.t"An exchange says:"Our Mutual Friend, by Cbarles Dickens,probably tbe best novel he eyer wrote;

nui ine ucl muiuni iricuu no inns vi i.Roback's Bitters."

That fellow's head is leyel.nibJ.'6 d&wl

Tbt It. Tet It. When yonr childrenneed any medicine for worms, you shouldget a box of Hurley's Worm Candy forthem. It beats any other remedy in de-

stroying worms in children that we knowof. muCJ d&wlm.

The Pale. Kekvocs and Debilitatedshould take Caswell, Mack & Co.'s Combi-

nation of Iron, Phoephorus and CalUaya.The Iron restores color to tbe blood ; thePhosphorus renews waste of the nerve tis-

sue, and the Calisaya tjives a natural, healthful tone to tlie digestive orpins.

The Elixir Is grateful to the taste andto the most delicate stomach. Ask

for Elixir of Calisaja,manufactured by

CASWELL, MALA K LUUUnder 5th Avenue Llotel, New York.

For sale by all druggists.


fectiona there 1 nothing to highly recommended athe old and


Kathl F. Williams, of tne port or

Baltimore, says: "I have used the Vegtable Pulmo-

nary Balstm In my family and among my olends for

over ror.TT year." Be sure to get tne genuineSold In Louisville by

felt d&wrtm EDWARD WILDEK.

la.lsyllle, Kj., Ftaniry 1st, 18SC


Wholesale Dealer and Manufacturers of

READY-MAD- E CLOTflLXC,Have removed to their New Storehouse,


A few deer below WTturk,

Where they will be happy to see their Wends andcustomer snd the trad generally.

Buying exclusively for Caah, and manufacturingtheir Good In Philadelphia nnder the superintend-

ence of one of the firm, give them facilities In busi

ness unsurpassed by any house in the West.

They are now receiving from tbetr manufactory8 large and varied stock, adapted to the Fprin; and

Summer trade, and wiUell their good aa low a

tbey can be had in an) of the Eastern markets.



KAIIX & WOLF.feMdtmAwtf

FOK COUNTY COIKT JFDtiE.v v -- v iihnHxed to announce Cant, v

V HATS a a candidate for County Court Judge

in,, nil in. March Vi. Irfi. Iirnntioos Wbeatle;who had been confined In the Ilonklnsvtlle Asylumi,,r flw wirmtti.. n,ae hi4 Any InformOf bis whereabout will be very thankfully receivedby his brother. Galinel heaticy, at oienuaie, i

or lr. Kmlman, Supcrintcudeut of the Asyluxlopklnsvllle, Ky. mli20 itvawr


nflerlnir lor many venrs. abont ten years agoei on Dr. January, at Murlrceshoro, Tenn, who

cent. The durtor applied hi renied.es, the scabea taken oft, anil t.ie sore neaiea; ouitn a sinrline it again broke out. and waa more painful thanvcr. Iu November, ISSj, 1 apn.lej to l)r. t'ouden,

of Lonls.llle. Ky. He examined my cancer anilpronouucea it enrame. ne immriuirij -

renie.i.es, which removed the scab and extractedroots; anil at this tlate ii n i .naren,

cancer appears to be inoroutniy torwi, anu u"nnt ranse me the least pain or inconvenience,Couden n a nu iav,iiite . a skill- -

Wul and intelligenl phyician.and Is entirely can lldnnd Sincere in nut intercourse anu ruu.aiw" -with his patients. I ehall never cease to feel grateful to liie doctor for renevinc me oi my irnuu.sore, whien tor many years cnmi ianesa oi mum. i pi t, ,u , , , rTiirecoinmenl an curseii wiin im.!!..,to call oa the doctor and be healed

AD AMS.Jtontgomcry county, Tenn, March 8th, Ma.Pa W C Corpaw. OfTtee up stair, southwest

corner Mln and Second streets, over Blanchardstore, Louisville, Ky. Treats all esses of cancer,chronic diseases of the eye and ear, Ac.

Office hour froui 10 a., to a r. m. Post Oomh24 dl4BoxOiO.


Corner Main and Second Streets,


Capital, Jan. 1,1865.. ...$311,5G8

mm COMPANY WILL IrE POLICIF9 ON1 farm risks for any term not evceedlnr are years.

Also, Merchant ana Manufacturing Kisks.rxceplwhere team power is ned, aeainst loss or damage

HKK LttiHTNlSU. WIND, or IOKSAIKI,witbln the SUte of Kentucky, at rates a low aa the


prompt payment oMossM m

do- - Wat. F. Lsdwicu, Secretary.











Paper for the Merchant

Papcr fir the Trader.

Paper for the Famr. enthe

Pper for the Family Circle

Paper far the I adits.

Paper for Everybody:


Being at last permanently located la onr aaclouanew offlce, with onr splendid

newteam presses fairly and folly at work, we harethe plensure of placing before the anbtte the

LARGEST, HANIASOMEST and BEST newspaperKentucky.

The recent enlargment of our Daixt, SeuWeeelt and Wbeklt editions, enable aa to

more columns of reading matter ia each, uaifurnish by all odd the cheapen paper publishedthe West, when quantity and quality of matterconsidered.In politic the COURIER la well knowm. It will

continue to lealously support and uphold the Dem-

ocratic party as the only Constitutional party ha

existence, and a the only party which can save thocountry fro.n tbe savage and relentlc- - rule of Rad-

icalism.The COURIER will ever he a reliable exponent (

thoe principle and measure wbich are tbe heatIcalculated to advance the houor and prosperity of

common country.To the Reecnat ruction policy of President John-So- n, litt

Ailand to nil effort to secure a perfect union of

the States, tbe Courier will give an earnesttnpport.

The Cocrisr will be a faithful exponent of whatbelieve to be the Interests of Kentucky and th

South. tnIt wtil he raterested In every question that shall

have foi ;u or.oct tbe development of the resour-ces tn b country. i

It a ill be the earnest advocate, at all time, ofgreat industrial enterprises of oar people.

AS A iraWSPAPLXThe Cocbtes will continue to maintain lu repu-tation for energy and enterprise, and will aeverstop at any labor or expense In procuring the latest

OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES.W have tpecial correspondent at 'all important

points in tbe West and oaih, who keep u prompt-ly advised of everything transpiring tn ae s andcommercial circle. The value of these special ar-

rangements our readers can appreciate wiei wetell them they Involve the expenditure of about

lAoiMoayt dollar a tear! for lids departmentone.

MARKET REPORTS.To this department specter attention is given.

Our reporters are competent and experienced, aadthey furnish na dally reports of our and all theImportant markets In the country snd Europe. Wealso regularly publish report ot the LowisTtne.

ew Tork, and Mew cattle markets Tfcawide popularity of our commercial reports attesttheir reliability and value.

FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT.Onr Money and Financial articles ara also fea

tures that attract much attention.

STATE AND LOCAL NEWS.To this department we will continue to give more

attention than any paper tn Kentucky.

MISCELLANY.Every Issue of the Weekly will eontaia sock a va

riety ot miscellany, tales, poetry, wit, hemor.ftc.must make the COUKIEB an especial favorite ba

the family circle.


By mail (payable In advance), per annum.. 1Do do do for Smooth 4fW

Do do do fort months 3 23Do do do for 1 month 1 ti--

By the week (payable to Agent or Carrier) UiAgents and Carrier win be supplied at the rate of

$3 00 per 108 copies. Retail price to transient cavtomers, I cents per copy.

SEM --WEEKLY COURIER.Published every Tuesday aad Friday.

Single subscriber per year 13 9mClubs of Ten and upward, each .-- 4 M

A free copy will be sent to the getter-n- of eachClub of Ten.

WEEKLY COURIER,One copy, one year, S3 a umbers. I SI 34tFive copies, one year 1 1 'Ten copies, one year tje)

For every Club of ten aa extra copy will be sent.and an additional extra copy for every additionalTen subscribers. For a Club of Fifty an extra copyof the Dally will be sent. If preferred, Instead of Use

extra Weeklies.To take advantage of these term, full clubs aius

be sent at one time. Additions can ba made toclub of five at $2 25, and to elab of ten at $2 for I

paper ever sru, nuicz uic j w Vww

hi advance, and the paper always discontinued atthe expiration of tbe time paid for,

tW Money may b sent at our nek by express, erIn registered letter by mail. For sums over litsent by mail, d rails or a money ordersshould be procured.

Onr friend every where are requested to act aagents ia getting up club. Postmaster are also

authorized to act for aa.All letters may be (imply addressed "LociernjJ

Corai,"orVT. ft. HAT-DE-I! AN,



REQUIEMIn Memory of the Confederate Dead.

P';CKIITIVF. COMPOSITION for tte run,'iiwIhUii rii (Tirol! title naze beauUrully

emlwllielied with portraits of Stmewall Jackaoa,.,ir .v tohTuum. I.oniJasPolk.r. J. Kama.

a v n.i' .1 H. smart and Joba H. Monraa.Prt-- e :.i ; wUl be sent poet paid oa reeerpt of

l.f snd will be ready In a few days,

THE TETO (JALOP,With a splendid r tie page. Price 40 eents.

Address McCAKKalL MElMViKH.Music Psbiisaers.

SI West Jefferson street,

u- - CiiliD.4 W IMPTtEStMOW ai prvTatllng la themlsxle of

some of mv friends that I am connected winth. hu l HlAkpiaoni. Wooldrlilxe Co-- oOrleans. I desire to av that I have mm conaec-tlo- n

whntrreT with this . Ia:nhave bo- n since tlie llrsr c,iiniMeiicemert and open-

ing of the houses of BAl'nN, t LAUDV Ct- - ofNew York, and (.OI D. P.OACH a CO, of New

d with those two house.,i tor the very liberal p r.oati exwnd- -

ed to na heretofore, we rcsjiectuily soil , It a coav

mb3 (112AW2

TO coysu.nPTiTEs.rriTK rtEV. KPWART) A. WILSON'S PreparedA Preacnuiioa for lha cure of

Ctroaamptioa, Asthma, BroacfcUia,Consbs. Colds, and ail taroai

and Laos; Affections,Has now heen to use over ten year with the momarked sncc-ss-

The Heme, It, prepared under Mr. sums per- -

onai supervision, aiao s mm iui,H.rtni Vracrinton. with full and explicit itlon for preparation and nse, lozether with a shorthistory or his case, may be obtained of

JOUS N. UkLMKE CO., Druggist.Ron th west corner Chestnut and Fifteenth streets.

Louisville, KenmcEy, orKfc V. KDWAHD A. WnJON,

WS Pouth Second st., Wiltlmmsburc. N.rsTrtce of Hemedy, $3 per pscasge. Pamphlet

furnished tree ol marge. mniattiws


Office ia rnitrd States Bote. Block,

Corner Fcarta aad Jrretaaa btrex-t- a,

LOt lSTH-LE- , KT.

Capital, - - f 150,000.

LIVE STOCK against loss by theftrrsi'RE.01 Rates established by tbe experience of a century

la fengiana.OFTICER.

J. W. PTTOCKENCT, Preal.tent;I). K. A I. F X AN I It, Vice President;1. B. DKWKY. Secretary;JOHN K. ALKXANDKit. Treasurer,G. I.. CHAPMAN. General Arent;L W. mtlNGKH, Amis t Gen'l Agent.

tW A gents wanted liberal lad ucsmsaU offered.feZldAwlm

Manhattan lits tasi1r21.es CD. J.Of NEW Tl'3k

riFTE.Ta"mrn timiOP T

UTanhattaa Zaisi XaanrMc Cocnpw.1 3j aaa 1 5H BrsaJway, rw Tawk.

JANUAitT 1. 1.el .'j . Jaau.rj .,ivi si,- - t ;

i.: c..;r. - .;: i! ; -

.1(1. ..'I - -

nuali. (JJilrtei,Ke-euue

lAr pa. 1 ixea, .iieOl-r-

axan,incr' Kcta, torn-m- ioii.. o 191JS2 70

(iivid'nds, reinaiiraara.ren.aeu t'u ictcs o

nua, interest on diviueDOa,4c. 9SSS U


In Bank and on hand... (hwiBda and Mortgages .'U. w

l state 5iv WPrrsaliua .Note on Folic k

lorce U41JB 41Tbe artoal eatimate of ?!

oiickis wnieii secures n- -

Bole' about fUn.ted statra ana New iora

muc xtoeKa. eosl awJSl wQttairteriy and

ly rremiuins aeierr-- a anaPremium and interea lacoarse oi eodecuua aaatUaiiamlasion 3GRJi ta)

Temp rary Loan oa MocaaandU.asi XL OS !

Market value of the Secarvoxa, l

Interest to data, analaU Ola proaerty tTJSS 5S

ta.i,is 3

Advaatagew af tkist f uawy srerv eherCawaEdaa, DlTiatraata tat Cms AauwsUly.




ENDOW MaST POLU IKi losL KlXtsTToUcies meoateatahle.O. T. WEMPLE, See. I HEXKT 8TOKE8, Pose.

the Agn of the above Cnrnoaay foecity and State. I am preaarwd to take i.ie rtiuIhe most favoraoie trr.na Taa regular y

atedical examiner will ba found at yoffice daily at U o'clock.

MetOcxU Exasnlaser.DR. COLEMAN P.OCEKS.


IIATIHI.1Tor rxa


Fraaa Jan la. lXii, t Jaaausry 1st.CAPITAL, - - $311,5604.

RntnHer of Poltelee hned trout Jua 1.lo January 1.

Kam'ier o4 iohciea paid, eaaceied aadexpire- d- -

Kainber of Poilde la (breo Jaaaary U

lso 30

Atrosint of property trured from June 1.vmr. to January I, - (2i)S.T S

Amount ol i paid,canekd aud ex-pired ?JCt 09

Total amount at rtok January L, 1...J7 M

Preminia notes fwelved ftoaa Juae t.te January 1, u (HJ.t 44

Premium notes canceled and returned.. IMS CO

Premlnm aotea In force Jan. I, tSSS. 41.073 4Caah premlnm received rroai Jur.a 1, B,

to .lannaav I, 41." VI

P.ecelvcd iuuresl ar.d Iranaf-r- 3

Amoirnt of lote arid expert. iromJune li'-- i. to Jaaifctry L iu--

.lljfiS .4AS6ET.

Guarantee Botes nh eet to call 2ii.ece aPremutui no ea in lore" 51.1.3 14

r&N lo toed on 4hort time iila lu bnk S.14I

ah in ortiee tibialtitled states Bns :.")

Ca-- h In h .n.U of ag qui and ia trauit.... I. "' "Kevenue -- lamp.

er Furniture 2,Ova! mlother perouel property beloninx lo

the Company l.'KI

Total cap tal January 1, 1SSS SU8 04

AtDrroa' Owes, Fxroit. Kt,January 11, ta

Trie aSove Is a true of tbe report of the Kutwv t ompa' y of Lontaville, Ky.. Sled

my ofce ttnadav. T. tunis, Auil't4e.E. L. VA1 WlSavLhTProii ent.

Wj. P. tiDwit a, Secrefajx IVjS w4

nun. t. a. avaas

Suceeseors to Col Ha Ormsby.

larpoaTiaa axd waoLasALS Daakaaa ia



LonsTiu.su KTai deodftnslw


rpilK KmTCKT W ASHER ha no eqnaL FawA big proved Itself awprior in contest, tr a ains the I asmpion sbaaner. ana exieais mm

challenge. Wt warrant It to wash faster, wtH lesswear to tbe elotlnng. and to do it wtta less labor tothe operator thaa aay other Washer u America.Send ior a circular.

BKRLT, DODCE k Hl&DT, 3Jaasjttarrrsante mannfacturm of the

Brtnly Plow, of Goodrich'bvaporator aaa voait neiis.2&meats geaerally, in Main str v, oeiw eea Tblrd andFourth. Lonisville, Ky. fel wtf

OPARTTHBSflir.waderelgned have associated themsehresTO! nnder the style of rtRIxN, HAtlHI--

A. A. (10tTWw.J. J. H KRIOS.6. HAKIUttO.S.

5Waoleaala Dealers ta


X3ry Ooods.ex-sj bavs takeu the aooao 5a.ww .ware1 Hmt south Bute, between wnh and

Eighth, aad are now eg aa eatireiy new stoca

wi Invite the particular attentioa of oar old cmtomers and anerc.fi aut eweraiiy onr n;- -k,. . m.rw ramnlrln M,iriWat of CIMXta IO Oilerthem, winch we wtd led as low a any jobbing honaoEaster west.

I.3.rn.i5 ZBft

I 3: VJ uj i tfV "

?r--H U



OF LOCISTltuI-B- . KT.OFFICS-SawT-FX Faaarta fcre. a atalra,

tOMPAUT W ow PRKPALKD TOTIM l.r siwt of all kini agAul deaatheft, on reasosaole terTU.


OFT1CFR.T. T. SHHKVK. President.H. TKl KHI.rMtD.Vtrs Pr t.J. It. t. Mi KIN, Tresaansr.O. T. W.D. Jecrelarv.K. P. - lLH. Special At tw

fersoB County. mh3sUaw4










PtnnsjlTiaiaSalt laaaf-ctari- n; Cni


will arnks T? POrTD of exeeTtwrt HardITSosp or OiiALLOo the very best rtfor shout S3 CcwM. Dlssetlons oa esrk boa. frsis wall Drag sad Grocery Mores, aad k lots st

waolosalsb, nTTK A co tmb31 went Lsaalwwille, kv .Memphis Appeal, Washvilto Ttanner and Atlanta

Intell r'ncer copy In weea'y the thie stoats sodsend hill to Lowisvllle Cww for eolleetioa. Sesntpaper to 'Psanayivsaia Salt Msantacuins; onvpany," Pittsburg. Fna, daring aubAlioa af lamadvartHsmenk.

wmvds ;.:.c jcszehs


r'.r--- , r:-'- e, i cwt, C -J I 111 Ci.Jt Wlald O'J.J

iFIl K T T 1 f.



Essential Oils, .




GOOs; ererythinf aanally tkiasd la a Drue

StHT!ng ettwSTetmportern M all thetsr1 IigSme nKire iavre brand ' ;or-t- heuik ..clnal ITepamionis '.. aaat also of Uae

celebrated aw&c ot torwm

Tt rfamery Soaps Brushfs Jtc,Areata for ttw aala ol the) moat eelebraa4

Amertcaa aad toretga

FAMILT MEDICINES.TT rn BOalttoW tn otT--T "-- l l isxlnc'is 'O

IKl lifil-T- ". HKKtlU.VI nt 1IIUL-hlK-sl4 EK A Li. 1

lea deodlmAwa

SCCtESJt-- '


IS x 217 West Slain Street,

BwrwWBS 3ITT AA It 6HA.ll


Iron Merchants,

pr?Tvo I'iTI131.14

Fir- -

Sen II5DW at Ctaetaaaal wb4eala prtoia, sa4pay Hc. per ponnd tor good Wnvognt-tro- aerapa,

and le.per pound Ut good Scraps, e'.Oer

caa or arado.

aad others am cunsofi their own

antercsU by sending orer to aa ai rect, m'athroogh other parties.

Everytblag connected with the naekamithma;

mmI f busrncsa is kept la Stock, an J

oM at me very lowest market rates.

Term cash ; and ear motto , " isa:-- srot a3

fin'-- .,1 i! twam


hereafter bo WIL?oT, PETSR 4s CO, Mr. W.H. DILLI5GHAM havtng been admitted aa a par.

aer sinoe Janaary 1st, IBMi.



KSTABU1!UsVa I 1S17.


(Saeeesasr ts wu a. Stsrwira aWBttaJ

Aad Importer of Foreign


aad Dealers in

Pttinte, la. Wistdow GIsmn mm

(slaw Ware, Tobacco, ?nafl,Perf'anatry, ac, c.

1S7 TIaia Street, f raf r of rifth,Also, Profirtetotsof tao

LoiisTiUuClEicalWcitsLOriSTILLE, KT.

We have remo oar busiBssa oi owr ow a soosaoa the northeast eoroer ot Warn aad Plfta ama'

ear oar old stand), where ws are sow prepared loexecute the order of oar frVeni with tacllinee tbrthe accurals aad prompt dispatch of baalneas, eachas ao bouse ta the West can surpass. We have also

LoabTille t&enical ForksTO SO!, H8, sV 39 FIFTn STUBXT,Between Mala aad Water, m tho rear of oar Stars.

Ws have talrexroeed bere euttrery sew, completeaad espenstvs apparatus and machinery tbr the

abactor ot

Pare Powder, Fiae Choraicals,Etler, Aeids, Solid and Flaid

Eitracts, aaU ailraanaacritical frr pa rat Ions of

yinJarfJ Strenii.ball oar preparations our guide shs hetheeodo

of tho United States Pharruaeopea. Thia addltioaof ChemiCAl maouracvarlnf to our bmunsao aaWholesale Druggists enables us to meet tha lowest .Eassen prices for ail articles of equal strength sadpurity; and, making ourselves these Powders andPreparations, ws know sad are directly respoaslUotor their quality and standard siren gt a.

A complete list of all oar prodncis ssat by auslupon application to aa, k special qootaUosa alsoasale to all Druggists and Phyawiaia.

We are Areata ia lha hi .tea of Kentucky andTenaesses tbr J. B. tlCUOLl sV. CO.!

srncKiL nsTcrnuTs.We are tha only Aawaia la this dtata of G sorgo

Tarsi as a Co, of New Tork. wkoss Instrasaeats araao well kaowa ta Uua eons try sb4 ia Essosa totheir excellence and Ine salsa. W keep laraj

assortment of taew tasfi smiiaia. whsch wo sail astheir card rstsa

Ws are also Whosessle Agents Ibr

Diss J0213I EI LL'S 3IC&IfnESAad the Gewuia

HiiTH's TO!4ic irr,Carrokf Pills, or Fnnale lom!atr,

ranee an i a,, kb.elrVcfa 'haJ a ) irV lni it. Tb,-- t ar aerectlyr asie ia ail caoes. new whea torCav A nnl v iirwctHr.s aad are

V, 7 L A as K.ey am uloe.y4 ' M w "nrjMiisisi,

'S "1 " fiss.ln Ofv, ,.e r"i and Kmiw la

csa sclJrna. us newfectas,l stalo their com

sis s run. aa we trswt a, I ssasaiS etn. aiaii,t. am.1

ssrjtssBBsss eines su.ran s for ad u.si sees soii uiey sre sabjsot. IkinMs aaae imnililfr.Tl)' ( tsnini file are sola by all drncglste st m

per box. or six boxes Ur sa; or ihey m t,t mail,free of postage, in aa ordinary fs from

ja, by address ng if,, n,uu. v. at. niHHi v,art alkr'r "Mrec, N. T.

W B. TroeP11ia No. 4 are orsvAfn.1 Aw osrialcases, VM m.hlee mi1lc'ss 'au- - iimss ara seat Ofmail, frne of postage, a rscsipA of r-- Ubs pries ofaaah bos.

Dr. Vrislil'i IfjnTenatiBf IILxir,Or, K4MK.WCS OF LIFaW

v, mmnv-rm- r lansnpstrn isnnnrre, wea. c!yjr sas, HtMrnn in Fmat

. v 1 t fi'n oi tne Hesrt, ana .,1' J rvons Dl in s. It restores)- t f J asw lite viror to Use acen." - aamatng tae hot aiooa af voiat eouras tne vntns. rnatorlUA" 4 l PaesMJi rtsM, ihs iv. nt i,...,.,.,js)fwsMiv tis s,0ving imeowv si4"' ty. rrstonng a,.wMM n,

Atsnilty aad ssmwaosit Mha srxeo. To ihe ynaaa. miut sagt. ss aget, toer is so rrtsr Noon tl,si tnsi"F.llitT sf I re.7 It glvns a sew lease ef r)f, es.".ig ike wesa and deruiitated lo havt renewedstrvasih sad vixor. sad ia sauiro system lo larulwith joy wd pu isup.

Price, eae botiie. ; three beetles, as. ssat hyareas u sn, a.l4rnas.

Our tiMHliciiMw are sole aad rssnanmesi hy allrsapertabie dmK'st ia every part or ue eivi liedfiiiasr awnis dealers, aw...r. tv asSVoiMve taetr rn.u,ru-r- . sy ssnisg csess sad

in order fc saaas axn-y- Hs soaeeled s lor aaMir ail ake so oaer. If lb irrjirgiat aw sot l,uni. rts W aaand we will trod theta byavpeas. es. etuliy ss'st,fr- -e oOscrvalios. W, .mi a. pie-'- l u r

cetve lrw-- s rill nul alesne a is 7diaea i with wtiM h Isdtas) susea are n

m ail letters ror