louisville weekly journal. (louisville, ky) 1858-05-19 [p...

"kw Albat axu Su.r h .:. r..d. It givei u. ple&tur tu t enable 1 to tuu thai, notwitb-tandio- tLe aerr lua this companr baa aaOarrd by th destruction of sta trachiae lop, it will not iuterfarn ktita tlie ruoriiiig arrangir.jta of tb road. Tlx lota bw th fire is not aa larfre at M at first uppjaad. Tlar rouul bnase, in bkh all tbe not nnderyoinrr repair ar kept, i not burnt. Tnt walla of tb turtiicj ihop are good, and it will bjoo ba Ucd la coc lition to answer for temporary Thro, of tb aerea l.tcnfu.rtive injured ca be put in runuirtc order ia a week, at a cost not exceeding t .KM. Thrt m an iiuunn on tbe propertr burnt of 10,fc X) ia the .Etna om . Ci"Tbt rpoe:;.-- i::t tHe treawrr during tbe last quarter, l tba oftn-ia-l Mate meet, were from regular eJ wisoe'.lausoua vourcea of icoomt t S.'K)3.( )0. The ex'D i tuies, exclusive cf public delt, were tlT,CS3,i'fH. Tbe d licit of cine mil lion of dollar wh turiplitd r the treaaurr. Tbia U a les ditwaxag'iig financial exhibit than thit of the pitccditg quarter, when the reve- nue fell abort f the exiaiiture I t a round ten Aa tlie revenue cu'totns rljea not increase, and aa tbe dlsburemecta aiidir tbe ana in moth dcrioien"T till are juit commencing, tba dViiUt fur lti. quarter v. ill U great ot.J jir. ccdent. Ac.Rii.rt.Tt bl Vaki:ii isk.v (. Mr. H. Ik Howard, bo i gob te irn ii'.luri U ia thi rit'u.itr an-- i in t!. interior of tbe State aa the mariiifctu-- r of Mc.-v"- a celc' rated l;a;r, haa removed from to N. 571 and 373 Main eti, lieo ix;h au4 fvcth, in the ware-hu- ci latelr nc, itd by til.tztiironk & Rro. Mr. H. keeps ort band not ouiy all of and unpl"ipf rut neeled (y airrrrulturiMe, but alo a rn-r- v ri"y cf gras and garden aeeda, and ia fat even tiling needed for tlie cultivation of the toil. He i a clever gei.tl ir in, ad deserving of a liiieral patronage. XJTTbe witness S'.a.le, evk'iiiued in Philadelphia, accounted f r the tietiuatiun f the ei;hty-eeve- n tbouaaui d.ibr exjendt-- by Ktoue, 4 Co. in proca-i- n tlc of tba tariff bill. Between aixty and seventy thousand dollar! wa ahown to Live jot in Walcott'a handa. There are ao traces of thi amount lryond ba'; and w briber he pat 1 it oa' p rkr!.-- it, U not Lnawn. The remaln '.er waa dlntri'iuteH among out itlera no meniber of Cjr j.Twa reoeiving aj.y except one, who borroacd a buudred and rcpail it. e aliip Tronic Bird, bicu baa just arrived at I'l.iW J.',.,h!a fr in Irt au Frinoe, via Ioagua, rsporU wlien ff Iuagua, ahe w lircd in'o by the B hib gun-b- o it Japcr, tbe capiaia of which after- ward atot a bt alujf-nd- and tbe ship's papers to a riici examinauon. At tbe earue time, tbe arbooncr Cortci, of New York, waa h ing at Ioau'us, urder svizure as a alaver. Tbe Tniiic D.rd was laden itb c '(tet acd lowovi. CCbief Juxttcc Taney annc.-- 3 in the Supreme Cnirt on M t.diy that tlie cwrt mould adjourn on the 20i b lust., and bat it wou'd n bear any argn-te- on tbe merits of a cae after the 12lh, acd bear m.tiooa af;er the 14 h. CTTEev. Alfred E or-. D I) , Trofevor of Math- ematics in Centre CoUce. dd oa l)e 8:h inst. His diasa was erystprlav Dr. Eycr bid ten eon ected with tba luMiiu.4a for Uinse or fur yoara past, and he was aa aHe profeor. CirTbe Dens lcratic party of tbe brat Cocgreabion. al district in ArLani-a- rooveacd at Bitesvi'.l on tbe od inst., and nu.irated as tbair candidate for a T. C. Hindman. C?" Ia iur advertUicg columns will be aeea a notice of tbe cobtinnsoce of the business of the firm Wilson & Sur'.iird, without change in atyle or interest to tbe full term of tbe er.gngeoient lietween tbe partita, tbe of one of whom (Mr. A. T. btiruird) re publiebtd very recently. Tbia booae date lack in is origin to the year 1817, wben b was eatat!ibed by the late Dr. Dan'l WiUun. In I Sol it came into the bands of bis ton, the aarrivor cf (be preaet:t firm, w bo alone and in com-ae- y with other partiea haa ln coaoecud w iih it ever since. It g; es u plexanre to aay that we have kwei lb! 1. te for the Isst years, and that ha r.-w for and fur tbe bih quality nf be important ankles in which it deals . is as r nerally known to tbe puMir aa it ia to Ve are glad la aee from bis advertisement that Ir. Wilson iu'ei.d to devote a larger share of bis persnoal attentiun to tiia bcsinsa than he haa 4one of late rrars. l?Tbe Vashiogtoa t of tbe Cal.i-m- Patriot aaya: Toe intimation thit Jodcr Douglas it seeking a reconcii at inn i'b the Administration in pronouoord fal- - bv tbe Ju .e bimwlf. He afli ins that be snaintains bis pouioa oi Kansas to tbe fullest ex- tent. Tbe projrr.se in the fwmation of a greit national cwiservative nartv ia very cheering, aid the day ia Kit far ditant k-- tf re will le froentod a party tganiiaUiu that w:U fKture tbe coal.dence of an overwhelmuig majority of tbe freemen of thit land. XXXVTH COXGKESS riEST SESSIOS. Frll:y'$ Pruevrdtof). Washington, 5Iay H. &wrt A resx'otion was mlimitted by Mr. Uiirps cf N. C., that tba Irrkident lie requestel. if with toe (ii'ilc iuvrats, to conimunica'e to toe Senue any in'ormation which miy have been received canc-rn- it e recent scaTh or aeir.ure of Anterican veaarla. by n armed cruisers in tbe t.ulf of ilrxica and aJ.iacnt eeaa: and, also, what maanrvs, if ry, have iwn taken ia relation there- to. Alopttd uuani:n"us'y. Tba auiiauTt l.u. cis has bnea unimportant lie'nr inairlv (rnate ititia. kit. Tti II vise to tbe disposal of tbe J ernwriat bu iacsa rejiort d from tb Cux nut- let of tike wh'.W-- . Tbe Li I mku;; an f r the comple- tion of the niiloarv ro id troiu A itoria t Salem in rxf ws . 1 wo txhrt- 1 i;i for mvls in Kew Mexico and Wasi.irrtoo Territories were rejected. Tbe House then took up tbe private calendar. Warhisotos, May 14. It ia ascertained frm an ondouhtcd eon roe by tbe latea advice from New tikesuda, that tbe n Treaty bad paasrd tne Oreuadiau Sarnie with a cunu.irativf.lv nr.impo-U- lt amendment to tlie first eni W, a- -d atr'king out tbe 7rb article rela-ts- e to a cial deim f.ir tia United &:ates. It wat Relieved ti tlie House would restore tte latter, but with tbe aadprstaniiinz that tbe pnul ;e is to only ai loo? aa the itaw of the treaty, au j'xtt to removal. In case of tbe disatrreement, hoth ranche rt in joiot cwvtat'ai ben a of th whole vote tlie q sti-- . The tci lH ini c Kn a- - that tte treaty will past with tbe ab'v amend notus. Tb Oreralian Cjnircss were at ill occupied with tbe disce-io- a of tne new f onstituum. tymof tbe ksnaasap WMntin-nt- P have beu made fr Mn c:tir?ns of tb ternary as f illows: Mr. M er of public ninn-y- : Mr. I'atterson. of I'en wvjvania, of the land otlict at t;d-f- l; Mr. M rh. of the lind ofticie at I Tt ScjU: A. C. I)jvi4, of Xew York, tisrict attornev Kansa: M J. Nrwsoa, acnt for the btiawnee Icdot; ad Mr. Bidger, agent for the H. W. LaUunx, witees in tba WilleU'i Toint cam. after who u a had Ic-- n Bent by tbe his rmurn-- d to Waf binztoa in ao ordinc wna hi- - pr vnise in a ltter be adlresaed to fie chairtnsn of h iivetigaung committee on the dav he left for KutKy. Tb Secretary of War hie authorized tbe chief of the txireaa of ordnance to send to New York aa office' cacecid wiib that liureau fo tbe purpose of testing the cano-- ct r tfe Ku aian man now building ia thu city. Tt.it ia done at tba re- quest of tbe RM,n cTtn, ho is supennteodmg U coostrucj m of tbe vceai. The U roes cf contract and?r wbich the cancoi were cast pwvidedd that tb.-- ahouid be tssUd Ly an experienced Govtra-ne- ofiicer. Toe tvcips lno the treisurr during tbe past wek aiu uoiH to k! IC.Ori; amoGn'. aubject to draft 43.4? 1 i. lb rdactk3 tbe previoaa week is A from the Purser of tbe sloop of war h atats that d'.llan have become a current coin in China, and will henceforth be more aru wju any outer lore'a mouey. Xrw York, Mav 14. A trpe cwtoo ttting and r.iattrs factorr has ha I urd. It was situa od tt Point. Tlit luiidiaga belonged to the estate of Widow fSchaster, were larije, a id ntirelv destrovL totresrer with the (feattr part of tbe atock. 'Tbe loss Is rea'lr ( VH),m, and it is Mieved there ia no nau aace. " rota tLe New Albany Tritiuse Lxtra. Immmtl Can It frat'im Vuvt'tre A'ko; of th Xrr A my aH 'i m Hul.ro-- i J at .'(una Lou 1 .' 0- Nrw Albant, Isd., Frilay Morning, May 14. J Abnsii ore oVl r:k ibis morning a tine broke out in th machine of the New Albmy acd Salem l.silmad wmpmr in tun citv, bich spread with nek fearful ra: i luv that it au imtiossible to aave aevthineo ntinid tberrin and ia lsr than an bour t'le entire buiiilins, coveritie a square of jrround. were in rains. 1 a -- re wire seven comotrves in the round-bou- e at Itia time, and were all greatly dam aored. prota'.!v to at Itnst hilf t'wie value. Tbe lor vf tbe Cmi.iiry ia liuildiuga, locomo- - tivos. panerna, ma h:rM"T. 4c, cannot Ik less than li,iitri, and mv resch S2.)0.ism. with not a dollar o: insurance, to (r e cou.d karn. lortunatelv toe ps waa very little wok utdr way in the shops, or trie mas woa:a nave leen mnon r. Tne bre waa evid ml v tbe work of an incendiarv, Tbe engine w.'ikh bad brought in tbe one o'chek train bad jurt been put ia tl engine bouse, when (aa we ine watchman to aay) tbe fl.ioes broke out in several places at tbe eame moment. Tun locomotive sta imaiediatelv runout aud conae- - qsntJy tir& irinry. Thi is the moit "T?c.ive fire tha ha ever cTjd iu tur cii v a' 4 one l.ich we will cot axon recover, it is init iiarous ia iu cfl-- i ts apoa tba coiroany uo'ier their already geat t. Tbetail prot.sl.ly not "attempt to ra- - uuuti tu i.u: n.ere'y esaUitu temporary a hops here for d .mi tbe ceoesarv renaira reuui'ed by the cart acd Inroinotives. At lesst ore buudnd "d men will be thrown out of emplovnieut bv this disasur. Tnere are orl'' tvo row at tbia end of the road, hit' we lesrc that tt ey ail! have a fufliciext rtimliee 09 th ro id to keep i!n regular trains mov- ing, though aotue naay occur for a lew days. The firemen were promptly eq tbe ground and worked writ a hear y will, but Libcred under ;reat djavaDiI.e frra want of waiar. 1 by rendered some aervice nwithfading. br plai.-.- upon the locoarotive". tbere p'evc-jtu- . tlieireJUre destruc- tion, acd alo aucieded tu eaving tbe aid rourd-boaa- Tu la ter, boa ever, is f very litti value compare 1 wi:h tt.c o.ber buildi-jgs- . To JourT Mcmrjt '.Ut .Vcnvy Ccok Fovjui Our readi remeitt'er tbe a unt, recently pub- lished, e tbe 6crf"ij;ef tbe desd ai;d mutilated lxdv of a female fit Joliet, anppsed to I taat of Miji Mane y Cook, tbe dauburr of a W idow, si bo was fn.asin?. A vour; mil ranted David Ku'.iaidaon waa arrests d fir ber muHer, and Mra Cook stated that the last saw tier daughter in company with the manner, aid tbt tbe girl was ew'e hy him. 7 he people of Jo.ii-- t were .reittv exciti-- by the affair, and it was wiih iot- - i,;ii-j- !ty that Ilubardioa was aavrd lnicti nj. Yea'erdav, th'onrrh the enertimia of Ms' h vl Vrhal Vo Aukcn, r4 Jobet, f..ur.d Ma tk in the dwelling bouse, Ho. I4i 'i'h.eao avenue, and Is m evenly be re- turned to Jobet with l r, 8be dini a beirg esy"e, bat admit that Se ki,-- Km bardsou a arr"t for her order, CUcog, Trilunt. MOXOkT, MAT 17, 1SVI. Jiwini L. Eat, . Casimuatx fob Shkiuff is SHr.LSV. The Americani of Shelby connty hive nominated a full tuket for county officer. They have chosen m iarly and well in making their aelec- - uons and have piesen'ed aa cand.datea men who are emmently worthy and well qualified for the offices for wbich they have been named. Tbe Democrat! thua far have brougM out only a candidate for one of tbe county offices, that of iheriff, and they are mnxing extraordinary exertions to achieve his elec- tion. We truat our friends in old Shelby will cot be deceived by tbi apparent a'asence of opposition. It it one of the nana! atratagema of tbe Democracy. Conscious of the titter hopelessneas of electing a full ticket, tb-- y are trying to deceive the Americans into a fancied aeenrity and fatal apathy, while tre- mendous e ffjrt are lieing made to concentrate the entire Demoratic vote of tbe county npoa their single rami 'date. Tbe Americana of Shelby have every reason to l proud of their candidate f the sheriffalty. He it worthy of their most industrious efforts. He is en- tirely qualified for tbe office and ia a tried acd faith ful American. Ilia unfaltering devotion to Ameri can principles is the cause of tbe bitter h stilitv of the against Lim. Whenever occasion required, Mr. lliy haa cheerfully devoted his time acd bit means acd bia pen and Lis voice to promote the success of hij party, and a tbe candidate of that party ha deserves, and, if our American friends do their duty, he will unquestionably receive, tbe support of the while Americu vote of tbe ouuty. On account of hia lieing a descendant of Lloyd Ksy, one of the princ:pl witnes'ea in the casc of Duparc (a Catbol e priest) vs. X. L. Rice, in tbe suit of the Roman Catholic hierarchy of Rsrdstosrn against Rice, Mr. Ray has incurred tbe intensest hatred of Jesuitism, which mercilessly and relent leesly transfers ita resentment from father to at J generation to generation of thosi ho have opposed it. In this instance the orpoiitkn to Joseph L. Ray has bfcome a practical illustration of reli- gious persecution, hich should rally arouud this candidtte in 'olid ph.il mx all the friecds of religions freedom in the county. We commend Mr. Rjy moat heartily to our American fiicnils in Shelby, and urge thera earnestly to lalior incessantly to defeat tbe cabals of Lcoi"ocoisui acd Jesuitism arrayed against him ar.d give bun such a routing majority in August as hill forever silence the opposition iu Sbelny ouuty, one of the strongholda of American- ism in Kentucky. , Da. R :;ers. We regret to learn that this practitioner hu resigned hia place in tbe mtdical of onr I'niverMty. Dr. Rogers has for many years leen a leading practitioner in the city. He haa Iwen connected with the I'niver-fi'- y aa Professor of Slateria Medics, of Theory of Practice, and lastly of Clinical Medicine. In each cf these positions he haa proved himself equal to tbe dutiot of his ataticn. He brought to bear npoa these department the rich stores of experience m tich he had gathered ia his large practice, Tbccgh comparatively a young man, he hat identified him self so thoroughly with medical teaching that hit resignation will b deeply regretted by all the friends of the institution. rKF.SBVTF.RtAN GfcXEKAL A3KMBLT Second Day. On the 14t, tbe General Assembly in session at Xew Orleans selected Indianapolis aa the next place and tbe third Thursday of May, 1653, as tbe time for the meeting of tie next General Assembly. Tbe report of tbe Eclkif Fund Committee showed that eibt minister, twenty widows, and two farr.i-li- of orphan had I teen nlieved at an expense of 2,750. A resolution was offered that overture Xo. 5, re specting tbe alteration made by tbe American Bible Kttety, and toe publication or tbe Bible by the Hoard of Publication, wbich wat referred by tbe last General Assemoiy to this, be taken np, read, and referred to a committee with instructions to draft and report a minute expression of tbe views of tbe As- sembly oa their duty in reference to tbe claims of tbe American Bible Society on our church. The overture declared that tbe American Bible Society bad no right hy tbe terms of its constitution to al'er in any way the common and accepted standard En- glish Scriptures, and expressed a conviction that the support of tbe Preshvterian Chan-- would depend oa a strict adherence to tbe principle of their con stitution. Dr. Breckinr'de advocated a discussion on the res olution by tbe General Assembly liefore it was refer- red to the committee. He gave the Bible Society mucn credit lor ita lalior in publishing a truthful version of the Scripture. I. Hewitt elated that tte Bible Society was now preparing to pubVi-- a perfect edition of" tbe B.ble from the original version. Lafayette, Ind., Mar 15. An accident happened at 1 o'clock thit morninc. at Potato creek. In miles south of LtfayeUe. Tte bridire ia about liX) feet bmr. Tbe train wat run- ning at 25 mile an hour; wben tbe engine reached tbe further end of tbe bridge the wools gave way, piling the cart one upon tbe other b?low. The whole train ia a complete wreck. Tbe nibt waa verv dark. Tbe high water had undermined the abut- ment s. Jacoj Burstinger, engineer, and Malorey, lirenian, were instantly kilkd. Tbe conductor, J as. Irsrin, eitting in tbe f.irward passenger car, waa struck by timler and di-- d in an hour. Tne passen- gers escaped without serious injury. WAjsiiiXiiTos, May 15. A disnatch from Lient. Col. Simnson. dated Fort Leavenwortb. May 7th, "tales that tbe Sixth Infant-r- under command of Lieut. Col. Andrews, and the company of engineers, commanded by Lieut. Duane, icrt on mat aay en route lor Ltan. IDs regiment would co ia. Tort Reamer and thence diverce from tbe Oregon route aa far at tbe south f'k of the Platte, aud thence through tbe black hills to rort linajrer. Ibis route was surveyed and located by Lieut. Bray an in 1356, and ia nerenty miles snorter than the old one. Gen. Smith was expect- ed to arrive at Fort Leavenworth on tbe 'J.h inst. St. Lofts, May 15. The suspended banks of this citr resumed Tester- - dar. Tbe Chamber of Commerce of thit citr has re ported in favor of tbe establishment of ocean mail rv ice between tbe United States and the We-- t In- dies, Brazil, and the Argentine Republic, aa pro- posed in the memorial of John Gardner, now before Congress. Unci, X. Y'., May 15. The verdict of the coroner's jure on the killed bv the recent railway accident, censure tbe Xew 1 ork Central lilroad Lompanr fur not havinc the bridge properly examined. Xew Obleaxs, May 15. Billr Buwlers't whole partv, consisting of 160 persona, arrived at the barrack below the city last evenmp. l.ti.irt to stop tbe crevasse twentv-fiv- e miles aliove hare been abandoned. The damage by tbe e crevasse u counted by the million. Tbe river is not falling bere. Kaxsas Cm (via Bonneville), May 13. Intelligence wss received here last night from Le- - compton to tbe effect that a bard of marauders had committed ncmerous depredations in tbat ncightior- - noon on tne tun, rot uutr several settlers and tbe store of Wut. S. Well", fifteen milea from Le Co The' gang is said to number sixty men, com pletely anneo, ana it is asserted to be tbe e ime that recently rpetrated the robberies and murder at rort Scott. Xo pursuit waa attempted. Washington, May 15. The Micresota Senator have drawn lots tor term of office, tteocral Shields drew th terra expiring marcn, ana air. liice drew the term expiru.g March, 103. Nashville, May 14. Th steamer Citr of Huntsville sunk on Wednes day night at Palmyra Island; total losf; 10 lost; co further particular. The Xew Yxtx Ckntral Railroad Accident. The bridge at which the accident occurred was en- tirely rotten, several of the main beams on which tbe track waa laid being found decayed all the war through. There is now no doubt but tbat the acci- dent occurred through the voluntary breaking of paam over the bTidgeat the san.o time. The greater portion of tb heart of th wood is like so much punk, acd toe wonder is that the brid-- e had stood so long. J be smash ia a most temble one. and the ruins convey a vivid impreseioa the horrors of the disas ter, lietweca tlie atone abutments of the hndge is a space of 82 feet; tlie ordinary length of a car is 85 feet, and the to tbe bottom of tbe creek is 9 feet. Three entire cars lay lengthwaya, crushed up lik: a telescope, between tbe abutments of tbe bridge, thus cictuping a space of but little more than tbe length of one car. Tbe first and second car cannot lie distinguished one from tb other. The third car ia entirely demolished, except a'lout on third of tbe rear. Oa the sides of tbe cars and on tbe timber of bridge are frightful stains of hu- man blotd. 74e 7ef.A coroner's jury was called the same cinht of the accident, and examined Benjamin Stoutenj:er, engineer of tLe op train, whose testi- mony show that both engines passed over th bridge at tbe same time. He felt nothing nctil his engiue got oa tbe west sida of tbe bridce, whs a tber was suddenly a jerk, and tbe tender bn,ke short off. He tbey lor k d round and saw tbe cars piling up ia tbe creek, Tbe engineers have orders not to run two engines at tbe aame time over the bridge at Home, but no anch ordera aa to any other bridges. Both engine passed over tbe bridge and remained on their separate tracks. Chaiies Cbamplin, of Y'orkville, wat then sworn. Ha waa at tbe scene of the disaster immediately af- ter it took place, and helped to get out the dead and wounded; he had beard several persons talk within three weeks past of tne rottenness and insecurity of tbe bridge, and predict an accident there, Georjre Btylis, Justice ef the Peace, of Whites-tow- deKsed that two weeks since be passed over the bridge, and waa struck by tbe rottenness of tlie mood. Many tbe beams were of bastard elm, apparently enfit ta I .ear their own weight. He had etamned bit heel into litem by tbe side of tba rail, and foand them perfectly rotten. This unsoundness waa ao apparent at to t evident to his eye while co sing tbe bridge. He bad mentioned the fact in con vers it ion before tbe accident. The Ii.quest adjourned at 11 P. M , till Wedne- - aav evenmir. Thm-- A lnt tie Brtrthnfi of am Arie ItlnprnrrJ. Tbe theory of the railroad employee is tbat tne axle of tbe baceare car oa tb down track broke, and this caused the accident. This is destroyed, Low- - ever, lir the fact that the bap (race car was over tne bri'Ie mhea tha break happened, at well as by tbe evident rottenness of tbe bripe. The Cevtral Kailboad Disaster Tie firene of the Acddrnt Tbe scene of tbia disaster, which ill link tbe name of the Swqnoit with the Des Jardins ia tbe record of horrors, is between the Erie canal and tb Mohawk river, and directly oppoMte tha nliage of Yorkville, The bridge wis about thirty live fet auan.of wood, with stone abut menu J be Quia nee to toe mater is aooui eigui icei, ami tbe denth of the water not over four feet. The wood work is of elm. Tbe timbers outside appear camparatively solid, though , but wben broken several of the beams were rotten near- ly throurh and through. The heap of ruins at a distance even were sad to behold. At cue drew nearer, be saw on tbe south tide of th track a paereuser car in splinter"; the bridge cnttbed; a pile of passenger car rising 20 or 30 feet into tb air; freight car on the bank and ia tbe creek: and bar and there gout of blood and frsgtrenti of clothing that hinted at tbe terrible casuaii v. Wii.-M- r. Moore m as killed br a fracture of the akull. causing a compression of the brain. He wn insensible, A penile man who helped to take him from the car informed our reporter that m hen he raised him be aaid, "this man is dead " and Mr. Moore answered, "no, I am not dead." These were the only words he aftered. H waa identiikd br his baage check. Three daguerreotypes f young lid.es were found in bia the likenesses of hi daughters. He waa a man appa- rently about CO year of age, and, probably aa Irish- man. Tb name of th French lady at the Xortbern no- te! ia Mr. Zahn, of Louivi:;r Ky. She has both bone broken, acd it otherwise dangerously injured. In tha last two months w have sent out a very large aumlier of accounts for collection. Many of them have been tf long standing, Dearly all cf them over twelve months. We hope they will be promptly met "in presentation, and that oar collect- or will make returns to at without delay, diim. Xew Water Ci re Estabijshment. Wa atk the attention of inralids te the water cur establish ment of Mr. Egeln, (lite Dr. Caspari'i), in thit city. The estahlUhmect has a reputation second to none in the country, and has been tried by hundreds cf our citizens with the most beneficial effects. XO WAR IX UTAH. Got. Cummins in Salt Lake City. The 3Ifrm,'iH Departing. St. L011- -, May 16. The Republican received a dispatch late last nipht stating th it an express reached leavanwortb on th 13th fn m Camp Scott April 10;h, bringing intelli- gence that tbe Murmona had laid down arm. Gov- ernor Cummirg, on invitation of Young, entered Salt Lake City without escort. Many Mormons have gone to tb southern part of tbe Territory. Tbe women and children are preparing to follow. A dispatch dated Leavenworth tbe 1 tth states tbat the nems from I "tab is unofficial, but a private letter received by Col. Rich, at the Tort, corroliorates the statement, and it is universally credited at Leaven-mor.- G v. Cuiuming entered Lake City on tbe l;t of April, and tbe army wat in readinest fur im- mediate action in case of an emergency. Tbe steamer Lucas, from the Missouri, arrived last nit;bt, brine no further particulars of the Utah news tcleirrsphed yesterday. lien. Smith had cot reached Leavenworth wben the Lucas left. Ti e K u ka poo correspondent of th Republican saya tbe liamtita in the neighborhood cf Fort Scott, Kansas, number tM, commanded by the notorious Opt. Montgomery, and are thoroughly armed and mounted cn fleet horses. They the L'cited States troops, and swear they never can be taken. I'pwards of 150 families have letn robbed and driven into Missouri. Three hundred troops, composing tbe first detach- ment of tlie 7th Infantry, kft Jrftern Barracks yescrdav for Leavenworth. Gen. Ilarney arrived at Leavenworth on the 12lh. Secretary Hartnett left for L'Uh on tlie 13th. ARRIVAL OF THE XORTII AMERICA. Quebec, May 17. Tbe steamer Xorth America is below with Liver- pool dates to the itb. Sales of cotton tlie three days 34,000 bales, 5,000 to siecnl.itors and 3,0"0 to exporters. All qualities advanced l;d. Brcad-turt'- s steady. Provisions ditto. Consols 7SH'. ikef heavy; all qtialitits have sligh ly ii el. ciVriW litspttch.-Th- dispatches hy the America furnish th following intelligence: The steamer Xorth Star, for Havre, arrived at Southampton on the 1st. The steamer America reached Liverpool on the 3d. The resolution relative to the Government cf In- dia is progretsing in Parliament. A resolution endorsing tbe anion of the Dannbian Principalities bat been rejected in the H juse of by a lare majority. The Trench LepbLiture has adopted the budget. Tbe Envoys of tbe leading corners have requested a convocation of tb German Diet to consider tb proposition of Denmark relative to the Duchies. England A collision ccenrred in St. Georges C laurel Iwtween a steamer and a barque, which caused both vessels to sink. Thirty lives were lost. The sc'iosner tieorfre, l.ouc d on an expedition to the river Xiger, fjusdered in the channel, by which seven cf the crew were . Engl.ind has made a formal demand on Xarles for indemnity for the imprisonment of the English en- gineers captured on board the Cagliari. France The grain crops are promising. Bread- stuff, firmer. Jmlui Letters from India state that Xana Sahib has nr n breed, and mai about to recommence operations. Isiudon Mimfy Marlei, WeJnetity, ifayhth. Tbe funds hav improved under the sstisfactorr state- ment of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. There ia an increased demand in the discount market, the ratea ranging rrom z.vo-- J i psr cent, the heavy pavmcnts due on Tnssday mere met without embar rassment. Consols closed at 97 j"07-"- . Mancber- - ter advices favorable, prices having an upward ten dency. Jjrernnnl. Flour closed dull at the following Quo tations: Ohio 2Zi 63(i2it Od; Western Canal 21so 21s OI; for Philadelphia and Baltimore 21 1 62','s wneat closea quiet, quoting red at b.'bj,d; white 7i7t tid. Corn also closed quiet; white is slichlly better, quoting at 31cr:!4s fid. Provision market Beef dull and 5d lower; lard 57s; bacon closed firm. Liverpool produce market Rosin dull at 4s 3d: turjientine spirits steady at 44?; sugar firm; rice quiet; linseed oil quoted at 30efa3)s Co, ixracon markets Sugar closed buoyant and Gd better; breadstuffs generally closed firm; linseed oil quoted at 30 9ia31s. Money market Consols for money ar quoted at XXXVTH COXGRESS FIRST SESSION. Friday'$ Proceeding Concluded. Washisqtox, May 15. llrmm. Two dozen private bills were laid aside for favorable action. There beins no quorum pres ent, several ineff ectual effort) were made to adjourn then a call of the House, when excuses were of fered for absentees, and, after further proceedings. on motion of Mr. Clemens, the sergeant-at-ar- mas directed to arrest and bring to tbe bar of the House such memtiers at bad not been excused. A number were arrested from time to time and brought in, but their excuses cot beinz deemed satisfactory . they mere discharged from custody on payment of es. Mr. Morcan, of Xew Y'ork. said he understood that members mere dining at the President's bouse, ana tne nicer or mis tjodr had cone thither for them, but tber were refused admittance. He thwught it ontrageons that gentlemen should be sit- ting here at tLis hour (8 o'clock), while those refer- red to were enjoying themselves. korh merriment was caused by occasional Tiumomus incidental re- marks mad ia the cour-- e of a debate as to the pro- priety of these proceedings. One side contended tbat it woud result in no benefit, while others main- tained that members should be compelled to attend and transact business in order to adjourn on the 7th of June, Seven Pennsylvania members, who had been din ing with the President, rendered excusea for their absence, and at half past 11 o'clock tbe Hons ad journed. Saturday's ProteedJngt. Washixtox, May 15. &rnafe.'$U. Gwin, of California, presented a me morial from tbe Legislature of California, calling on the Executive to take up tbe caaeof Juan Enzr, who was Miwwi iiv an armeu uauu 01 iuexicans in and carried to Sonora, where he ia still held a captive. The California delegation had written to President Comonfort, m ho gave orders to have the prisoner released, but his order being disregarded, be professed himself unable to enforce it-- Mr. Ga in spoke warmly on the subject of Mexican out race on American citizens, and hoped tbat are this Con gress should adjourn, the Government will send a ship of war to that coast to demand reparation. This prisoner is the onlv survivor m bo can testify to the Snora massacre of" Americana by the very par-ti- m ho invited them into Mexico. Tbe subject referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. Seward introduced a joint resolution to autho- rise tbe President to cive notice to the Government of H. mover for the abrogation of the treaty of lSlti, which imposes restrictions on commerce. Mr. Crittenden of Ky., presented a petition from Tal. P. Shall rer praying for an amendment of the act of March 3d, 157, wbich granted concessions to tbe Atlantic lelegrsph Company, to tbe effect that the subsidy granted by that act be extended to all Atlantic telegraph line. The petition was ordered to be printed and referred to Judiciary Committee, inasmuch as it mar involve questions at law. lluuit: R. W. litlum, summoned as a m itness before the Willet s Point examination committee, mas in pursuance of a previous order, brought the bar of tbe House by the sergeant-at-arm- His statement, detailing trie circumstances of his sb:ence from the citv. and disavowing anv nnrnos disrespectful to the House. Sir. liaskin of . 1., made some explanatory re- marks, aud, as Mr. Latham had voluntarily ap- peared; tbe latter, on Haskin's motion, was ordered to be discharged on giving his testimony before the corpmittee. Mr. Smith of Ills., from tbe Select Committee, te mhichtbe subject hsd been referred, presented a bill to apportion tba clerks and messengers of tbe several Department at Washington among the sev eral States, territories, and District of Columbia. 7 he House then proceeded to tte consideration of the private calender. XXXVTH COXGRESS-FIR- ST SESSION. Saturdays ProceedingtConctuded. Washington, May 15. ftemde. Several local (District of Columbia"! bills passed. 1 be House lull for the relief of Barclay & Liv ingston and others was referred. Ine duties oa merchandize destroyed at th great fire in Xew York, ia loio, after being debated, wa killed by 15 majority. Adjourned. Washington, May 15. Tbe Senate in executive session cocfirmed the of Joseph Williams as Associate Justice of Kansas, end several postmasters ia Massachu- setts, including Capen, of Boston. Lient. Ives, in official letters, states tbat the ex- ploration of the Colorado so far progressed well. 1 be Mormons do not appear to have lieen success- ful in conciliating the Xavajoes. Tbe latter are jealour of their approach. A party ha been sent to examine the route from the Mormon road to the Colorado south of big Can- non, which work, mith the exploration of Virgin Valley, m ill be numbed in the course of two weeks. When this information was obtained, the practica- bility of the route aa a channel of communication from Utah was determined an important object of the expedition. Wasihnutox, May 17. Tbe War Department has no confirmation of th latest newspaper intelligence from I" tab. Lieut. General Scott says there are two chances out of nv that it is true. Tbe President has demanded explanations from F.ncland acd Spain witb reference to tbe aearch and visitations of American vessels in the ricinity of Cuba and ita harbors. . Tbe Colorado, which left Xorfolk on the 12th inst., baa specific orders to tbe home squadron to stop these interferences with American shipping from any quarter. Tbe recent violations have caus- ed much indignation on tbe part of Congress as well as the Administration, and both Houses hare called upon the President for (articular. 1 he Senate, in executive session, confirm- ed the nomination of Mr. Rynders as V. S. Marshal for tbe Southern district of New Y'ork. Mr. Schell, Collector of Xew York, has not yet been reported from the Committee of Commerce. Tbe following postmasters have been confirmed: Mr. Fowler, New York; Gideon Westcott, Philadel- phia; Mr. H niter, Eistoc, Pa.; Mr. lirattan, Car- lisle, Pa.; Mr. Sloan, Eric, Pa.; Mr. Mcfarland, Meadville, Pa.; Mr. Stewart, Allegheny City, I'a.; also, the following, aurveyors: General Francis L. Dan v for Florida; John Loughborough, of Missouri, for Missouri acd Illinois; Warren Lewis, of lows, for Vircocein and lows; A. C. Davis wa also con- firmed an district attorney for Kansas. Mr. Bitrler's bill reported authorizing a change in the buildings for custom house, post office and court room is on tbe principle of that passed in the Ilou'O, but more explicit in its provisions. Tbe Senate refused to consider it. 1 be volunteers enrolled by Florida have been dis- banded. Only thirty-two- " Iuduu warriors, and a comparatively small number of women and children are now ft in tbat State. At a Democratic caucus of the members of the House of Representative Joseph L. Wright, of Xew Jeotey, received the nomination for door- keeper over many candidates. Tbe lobbies were thronged with persons interested in the result. Daytox, Ohio, May 17. Tb Miami river has risen to mi thin fiv feet of t be great fiood of 1847. McPbersontown, on the opposite tide of the river is partially inundated. Tbe river has jirobably attained iu highest point. Boston, May 17. The brig Winpald reports lieing fired into with mmkets by a British cruiser soon afier leaving Sierra Morena and was afterwards lioarded and searched by an armed bat'a crew of Iiv. New Yoick, May 17. A special Washington dispatch to tbe Herald says it is lielieved that orders have been issued to the borne squadron to pievent the outrages committed by British cruisers on American vessels. ISichmomi, Va , May lfi. A disastrous bail storm occurred in Chesterl 'd county last evening. The hail stones were as large as eg, completely destroying the vegetation. 1 be ground was strewed with leaves and branches from trees, and an immense amount of glass was broken. In some place hail lay from two to three feet deep. Tbe storm wa unprecedented. Tbe train from Pe- tersburg last evening came in contact with a tree that had fallen across tbe track. The engine and cars wer damaged, but th passengers escaped ur.. curt. Cincinnati, Mar 17. . In the case of Wm. M. Connelly, e n trial for sev- eral days past for harboring fugitive slaves, a ver- dict was rendered tbismorningof guilty. A motion waa made for a new trial, one of the jurror being deputy U. S. marshal. On Saturday night the postoffic at BrooVville, Ind., to which is attached the jewelry store nf J. R. Cla'ke, was entered by burglars and upwards of $2,000 worth of matches and jewelry stolen. Tber carried off all the letters in tbe postoffice, some of which were registered as valuable, and some (300 ia stamp. St. Louis, Mar 15. A violent tornado blew the pa'senger train nf tha Chicago, Alton, and St. Loui3 Railroad off the track at Lexington, Illinois, Thursday night. The towns of Lexington, Peoria, Junction, and Towanda suffer- ed severely. Half the houses in them were pros- trated. Three men were killed at Towanda. Yes- terday another storm of a like character pased over the region between Bloonreagton and Springfield, doing much damage. A large numlier of bouses in Elkhart and Williamsville were demolished, one of them falling in and crushing a family of five persons to dtath. ANWTnr.n Seirirw. Oa Tuesday evening, a man named George W.Taylor, aged aliout 28 years, de- stroyed his life. The" deceased was a plasterer by trade, and was originally from Philadelphia, where h ha respectable relations living. He had been married but, a few month, and came from Wash- ington, Franklin county, Mo., where his wife re- sides, about two weeks ago. Among the papers of the unfortunate man mas found a slip overwritten with a pencil, in these touching word;: "My Dear Wife: I have wronged yon. Forgive and pray for me. I am a villain, and deserve to die. May God have mercy on my soul." S. Lmlt Republican. A friend from the country informs as that tbe young blades of corn, which has just put up, are lieing destroyed by a small insect, such as he has never seen before." It is about tbe size of a flea and has wings. It is a new enemy that our farmers hare to contend with, and one "whose rtrages are very destructive. Similar complaints of the same insect are made from some of the surrounding coun- ties. Lex. Olnerrer. nrPr f. W00S. the renowned discoverer of the Invalu- able "Hair still continues to labor in lichalf thxattlirlrd. Ilii nirilirinns are universally admitti-- by the American ris to be far snjierinr to all oheis for caurinr tlie hair on the head of the seed to stow tortll with aa nitirh vUor and luxuriance as when with the ynuth. Tin-r- ran be no doubt, if we place civdit in the Innumerable testimonial which the Profesaor ha in hi uoawsion. that It is one of the created discove- ries in the medical world. It r'tor permanently fray hair to its original color ami makes tt assume a brautiful silky texture, which ha been very in all ages of the world. It frequently harp-n- that old men marry beautiful and amiable youna ladi, and not unfru(uently cruty old maids, make victims of handsome puod naturvd younr eeutlemcn, and by what process it has never been determined until lately, when it was attributed to the use of this invaluable Hair Restorative. La Salle Journal. Sold by all good druggists. What it is Doinu for thk Suk. Wm. Schuch-ma- Esq., the well known lithographer, savs: "I have frequently used Boerhave'a Holland Bitters, and find it invariably relieves indigeston and debi- lity." Rer. Samuel Babcock says: "I fonnd special re- lief from ita nse for a sever headache with which I hsd long suffered." J. W. Wood well, Esq., says: "I have used 'a Holland Bitters mvsclf, and recommend it to others, knowing it to be just what it is represent- ed." Aid. Jonathan Xeely, of Lower St. Clair, says: "I have derived great tienefit from its use for weakness of the stomach and ind'gestion." James M. Murphy says: "After several physi- cians bad failed, Bo?rhare'i Ilollmd Bitters "re- moved the pain from my heart and side, arising from indigestion." ml5 jibeod3iwl Morgan-field- , Kt., April 19, 1858. Dr. R. D. Porter Dear Htn I enclose von the proceeds of another hundred bott'es of y'oar Liniment, and wish yea to send me another supply immediately. In this section of Kentucky your Lin- iment stands for the many virtues it possesses more, really, than you claim for it. To my own knowledge, it has bein eminently success- ful in the complete cure of piles. Many cases, that have defied all other remedies for years, have been cu- red perfectly by a few applications of your Liniment. Y'ery respectfully, vours, J. II.'JUPIX, M. D. and Druggist. ap2G d&wtf MIjSL OUTPUT JUS KentnrWr Harvester,... $150 Manny's Harvester, ISO Xew York It caper, 13S Kndlrs C'liatn Thresher, ITS Two Horse Ohio Thresher, fiH Four HorKC Ohio Thresher 133 Four Horse It a 1st oil's Cleaner,.. 20 Klcht Horse Kslatnn's Cleaner, 3'ii Square Teeth Hny Rakes, $4.00 Improved 5 Teeth Cultivators,. 6.30 SOLD BY PITKIN BROTHERS, LOUISVILLE, KY. inayli vou&wdiu MARRIED, On the lath Inst., by the Very r.ev. Tt. J. gpaldine. Tr. Ann., of n, to Mis Kats O'Nkil, ward of J. C. Webb, of t tiie city. of Klkuiu, Ky., to Mis Fbedo.ma Got l, of Todd co. On the 15th Inst., hy rtv. F. II. Hn.iuell, Mr. rintXABii MoSMI WOSTA to MLl Ll.lIA O'iiRVAX. On the 1.1th inst.. by Rev. W. L. Prockinridee. n.D.. Vr A. C. SrarLt to Mia Salmk Bi.At niiTra, all of th scity. I I "i III 'I I Witj DIED, In Hardlnsbnrf. Ky.. on the ?tli April, nf disease of ine neart, ltoia Li.vr, wile or Mom aged Ml years. The demised was an exemplary memlier of the M. E Church and has been nearly all her life aortly arlticted which he bore with christian Far removed from niort.il care and strife, Ke.t the friend, tlie mother, snd the wile; Farewell, mother, till we meet thee in Heaven. At Ptephensiiort, on the ptth in , on lioard the steamer fVd'ito. Mra. F.HTlir.a Ax Seat, wife of Francis Stav. and daughter of 11. 11. Williams, of Washington co. At Nashville. Tenn.. on the 25th of April. C'l.irrnan. egttd 'Jl month, and on the lurh iutaut. Mowbray, aged a year aud s month, sons of James and Jane iiacrc. te-Xe- Orleans papers please ropy. Oa Friday miniins. the 14th inst.. Thiwii GrsxrrT. infaut sou of Mary aud Chos. A. Kobardj. In thi citv, on Thursday eveninf, May It, at t o'clock, Ir. llr:T J. Jo em. 45 years, formerly of St Louu, but for many yeama practicing physician in thi city. In Shasta, CtV, April 6th, Jon Fields, a fed 2 years, formerly fpm Kentucky. In Run Frane ere. Cat.. Aprit 7th. of Inflammation of the brain, Mr. Kokebt t. Woods, agid Si years, formerly of liarosiowu, ar. COMMERCIAL. WEEKLY REVIEW OF THE MARKET. LotrisriLLS. May 18. r.UABKS So great a stagnancy a has prevailed In every department of the produce business during the past week has rarely been known. Tobacco is the ouly article In which any confidence is evinced, and the market has been really animated, all the receipt being eagerly taken at full prices. In flour and grain, and in groceries, a mere retail businees has been done at former rates. The provi- sion market has labored under unususl depression. Noth- ing to guide us in quotations has been done. There baa been no demand whsteyer, excojit in a retail way. Holders have, howeTcr, some hope that a reaction a ill oon taki place. I n the minor articles nothing of moment has trans- pired. The money market has bev-- very ijniet. Account begin to reach us from tlie Green river eoontry and aleo from the Tennessee that the fly U doinc errat damage to the tobacco plant. There i no doubt that It has been injured, but for these reports great allowance must b made-B- o far as the cotton crop is concerned, it is now satldac- - torily ascertained that the late frosts have doue compara- tively little injury. Hut the overflow in the Iwer will unquestionably reduce the yield of it as well as of sugar, but to what extent has not yet b.cn aacrtained. The crevasses on the MUsissippi a e doing immense dam age. Far the last three week the river has been out of its banks, aud it is likely to remain so for some time. The rise from Pittrburg and the tribntaries of the Ohio has just reached here, and the river here i biith and Ilet4des, It wa raining agaiu very hard lat night. We are having entirely too much rain for wheat, and it also prevent farmer from planting corn. Thus far, we have heard of no actual injury by it, bdt should the wet weather continue a week longer, it will cut the crop short. Onr quotations embrace only tbe wholesale price uule-- a otherwise specified. DacsitfO and Dale Rora. The only large sale in bag. gingwa 600 pieces good handloom at 12Xc Some few small salt to fill orders have been made within the ranee of onr quotations. In rope we notice a sale, of UK) coils hand at 6c and 300 coils machine at 7, e's'iTe. We con- tinue to quote handloom bagging at 11 W I2Vc, according to quality, and Hunt' powerloom at 12c, and hand rope at X (a H'tfe, and machine at TtSTc. At New Orleans they are dull and unchanged. (Jotto. Nothing doing. The receipts at New Orleans are nearly Til. (so bale in excess of Iat year. Liverpool adriocs to the 5th report an advance of ',d with a goo 1 business. Cottok Yabns, SniETirioa. c etottnn yarns we quote (KM. 9(S!i)tf, and 10c10Xe in lots. Cannellton and lilteburg sheetings we quote at C.Vc CanoeM ton batting 14 cents. CoaDAoe, ie, Manilla cordage we quote at 13c. Hemp twine we quote at W4dZc. Ciief.sk. Sales of Weatern R'' serve In lot from store at I cents. Cahdles akd Poar. Btar we continue to qnote l320c, eah, according to weight. Hard pressed tallow candle we quote at llc. Soap w continue to quote at Vii 5c V lb, according to qnality. Coal. Another supply of Pittsburg ia srrlving, but most of it is going South. By the barge load it has been sold at the river at SVc. The retail price ia as before 14c for PitUburg and lJc for Pomeroy. Floce akd Geaix No large transactions have been made during the week. The sale have been pretty much in lots by the drayload at prices ranging from 43 75 to $4, according to qnality and quantity. The city mills continue to ship nearly all they make. Wheat has continued to arrive quite freely, and former rates have been maintain- ed aay 64a70c for red and white, and prime white 75c. Corn is firmer, and dealer offer 30(12e for ear. A dealer purchased 00 bushel white shelled at 3.V. For oats deal ers continue to pay 30c. Very little rye and barley coming in, and we qnote them 40(5 4.1c rtran I very dull, and we quote it non inally at 5ui 7, short f9, shipstuffs lz, and middling (05 3? ton. FartTS Dried apples are dull at (1 15 and dried peach es we quote at ... Itamns we now quote 4.1S3 2u for M It. and layer. Figs 12'ic Date 9e. Lemons 3 50. FEATnr.as, Uiksexo, Beeswax, akd Rags All there articles continue to tome in slowly, and are scarce. Feath ers have declined to 4oe, giueeng nomiually 47c, beeswax S4c. and rags Se cash. Ftsu. There only s retail trade In fish, and quotations take a wide range. For the present we omit thera. Gkoterieb. A mere retail business has been done, and quotation bar undergone no chance. The sales of rurar bar been at prices ranging from 6?f to7?ic for common to prime Louisiana, and sales of refined white, powdernd, and crushed at lOiSHWc. Plantation molames has been selling at 4(S."Sc for bbls and 3c for hf bbls. Coffee con tinue unchanged and rather firm, tbe uling rates for Rio bing HJia,ll)c and the extreme prices 11 to lie. Rio 4)4 S4c Glass Cunningham's Pittsburg city brands declined The agency bere is wiling via: 8x10 it 50, li xli (3 75, 10x14 is 4, 10x16 (4 50, 10x17 and 12x14 4 75, 10x18 and 12x 16 i, litis 85 5, l iii3 and lix20 go, and lix!.! $4 23. Country brand sell ic lower. IiEiip Nothing doing and very little coming la. Man ufacturers would pay C4 V hundred for fair Kentucky. Missouri w quote nominally js0(S$s2 for fair. Hides We have no ehaure to notice. Dealers are pay- ing to butchers 4 se, and e.ll at the same, adding 2oe $ hide for commission. Dry salted we quote at 9c, and flint at in lie. Hav There is an abundaaee of Inferior In market, but good hay L very scarce, and dealers would readily pay for it 10to 10 50 from the wharf. Inferior ha been sold af low aa 45 per ton from the wharf. Iaon. Stonecoal and charcoal w quote atS(S4!, In lot to tha trade. Bormx soe lb. Oakum 7'nc Pig Iron is scarce, and the iron maker have withdrawn from tho mar. ket, anticipating an advance. "Vo quota nominally $27 so , usual tltal Jeans and Linsets Small sale of mixed at 30 and 40c Leatiiei Remains firm. We qnote oak sol and hem lock at IK 15c. Harness we qnote at 24a2Se, skirting M 28e, black bridle Jfio.'!c, and fair bridle (a Ce. Lead anb SnoT. Bar lead we now quote at c, and pU at 6c The city manufactory ia selling pure whit lead at 43 to )2 13 V, superior at 1 75 to 5, and Clinton at (1 60 $t 75, according to quantity. Shot I SO. Nails. We quote lOd's from the wharf from first hands at 3 for ronnd lots; from atore we quote 3 15. Horseshoe nails. Imported, Xle, and e Sec. Oils. The mill U selling at 67c. Lard oil w quote at eOS;35c for No. 1. Paovisio.ta and Lasd. A few small sales to fill South. ern order comprise the extent of th business. Nobody want to buy, and the market ha therefor had a moat discouraging appearance throughout. It may be tbat aa soon as the overflow abate a demand may ensue. Our quotations are only nominal and for small lota, aay mesa pork $17, rump ail, bacon shoulder 6H7c, ribbed side H e, clear side 9io U Sc, plain ham fd v, canvassed ham f.VoflOc, fancy sugar cured ham ll312c, bbl lard 10,Ve and keg live. Many holders bought at high prices, and hence this range in quotations. Very little meat ha been received from the eoontry.and nobody want to buy excel at a considerable decline; we quote from wagons shoulders , bam 77c, clear side (WS(Jie, bbl lard 9e, and keg lard l()a Our country friend had better keep their meat at home and watch the turn of events. PoTATora and Oxionb Nothing doing In either. Po tatoes very dull at 50c per bbl. Salt. The Kanawha agency Is selling at 21c by whole. sale and 23c by retail. Seeds. Flaxseed continues firm at $1. Th eaon for other description of seed I over. t tabch W qnota at Viis'te for No. 1 In lota. Tim Plats Unchanged. Wa quote If, 10x14, 413 50; IX, 10x14, .14 25; IC, 1420, leaded, 12 SO; IX, 14x20, al4 Ji; block tin, 35'33c y ft; charcoa ron 6Xc; boiler do SXc; brazing eoppor 38e. Galvanized Iron, all number from 2C up, 14.iilB. Russian iron, from 26 np, $lii(20. Tallow. We quote city rendered at 9)s. Dealers ar paying butchers for rough, 5c. Tobacco Great flrmnea ha characterized tbe tobacco msrket, ar.d all receive '; Specs, lators have some confidence In tobacco, and thia, together with an easy money market, ha tended to sustain price. Tiie sales have been somewhat larger tlian during th pre ceding week. The total sales here since the 1st November hive been 10,200 lihdj, the bulk of which has been ld du- ring tlie Iat three month, a there was no stock on hard at the commencement of the season and the receipts during the first three months went very trifling. The sale of the week have been 880 hhd, of which th following are the particulars, viz.: 23 hhds at 4(4 95, 25 at tirtjj W, SoOat t P5, li5 at 7)7 i, 130 at 9. 33 at t(i9 R5, t at 1U. 10 80, and 5 at til, (12 35, 12 50, )13, and ,14 We now quote merchantable lug at $5 25 to 6 50, eorr. mon to medium leaf $6 50 to $, good to fine leaf $4 to 50, and extra fine 10 50 to tl4. The sales yesterday, exclusive of the above, were 1: t hhd 1 at tt ?, 27 at 5(S5 95, 33 at ft(46 95, 40 at $7( 7 95, S2 at (SS 95, 3 at a!3 35. and S at )I010 25. Wool Very little doing. We contiuue to quote grease at 182oe, pulled 24i)2ie, and washed 2Ha2Sc. WmsET. Raw ha advanced to 17c, at which the mar. ket close. FBKinnTSj Are scarce, but ws quote aa before, as fol lows: To New Orleans and Virkburg rates are 25c y hun- dred for pound freights, 40c for flour, 60e for pork, 65e for tierce lard, 75c for whiiky. Sheep we qnote 50c T) head, mules $5, and horses and cattle $. On way freights an advance I charged. freights we quote to Wheel, ing and Pittsburg lic If hundred. Flour Is taken through to Philadelphia at V bbl. Wliieky to Nashville and Memphis 50c 1$ bbl, and to Ohio river point 40c V bbl. There ha been hardly a day during the week that there were not two or three Wheeling and Pittaburg biaU at tbe harf. The Money Market Great quietness haa prevailed in the money market. The bank take all the good 4, , and 8 months' paper that ia offering ot their usual rate per cent per month. The broker are doing very little. Ex. chance continues very dull; the bank and brokers wiling Eastern at X prem., but refuse to pay more than par. New Orleans is without demand, and New Orleans bank notes are at a discount. Exchange on St. Louis and Cincinnati i par. Gald continues at to H prem. Unrurrent money continues at former rate. Tennessee at 1 discount. North Carolina abont the same. The best Georgia and South Carolina banknotes ar I V dieco int. Ohio ai d Indiana State bank are par. Indiana free bank X to discunt, and Illinois 1 discount. The St. Louis banks resumed specie payment on Satur- day. The State Bank of Missouri haa refused to receive the notes of her branches in payment of collection paper, but take them in payment of note discounted. AU the other St. Louis banks will take Missouri note at par. The New Orleans Crescent of Wednesday say: The money market is, without any donbt. daily leading to conoesion iu favor of seller of paper, or those wanting losns. Tlie paiier market was very quiet We note the sale of some long date commercial ier at the rate of 10 percent, and some fair at 1U:12 ?r cent The call on the bank were only moderate. There does not appear to be full employment that is, in the aggregate for the entire resource of the bank. The exchange market had a heavy feeling The banks were selling checks on New York at par for large and i remiuin for small smite. The demand waa stark, very slack, outride the transactions were a" par to "4 discount. Some sixty day Havana bill, payable. 1st July, were Bold st V'a dicount. This cannot be called a quotation. Resident drawers (Al) ssked 7 discount, and we quote the range of the market from that to 1, l1,', 1Vij dicoiint Some of the Iwnk were not During, and towards the clone of busine.se there was some difficulty in realizing at these rate. In sterling there were salesof bills with shipping document at llil'aoVli 7J4 We quote, however, a low a 107 and a hie1! as hi, '.i -. witb clear hills of hlch rig. natures at lu1!!!!"?. and some at 109 for remittance. In franca there were several transactions at b.mlid..li and pL'ilai.15. Tb market, however, closed without anima- tion. The New York Journal of Commerce cf Friday evening " says: The market is less astir but rate of Interest re- main the same, and the supply of money ia aoundast We quote Loan on call, stock securities 4 I hi do, oth"r good securities 4 f Pi ime endorsed bill, hoc '.i day. 3ik 4 Do do. 4.o nioutli . 4( 5 First class incle signature &c 6 other g.iod bill 7 Name less known.... tKt y Foreign exchange ia firm, and prime bill are rill scarce. We quote bid at ixty darson London for com- mercial: ln!i',(allo for barkers'; do at sight llollH: Paris at sixty days 6.1:i,'(i).124; do at short sight 5.12'i (ft. 10. The stork market opens heavily, akd the tendency is again in favor of the buyers. The imports of foreign dry goods at thia port for tlie week are comparatively li'ht, and the supply in bond i stiil drawn upou to supply the deficiency. We annex our usual weekly comparative summary: Import of Foreien Dry Goods at Xeu York. For the week. VM. Is57. lsiis. Fntered at the port tl,nsn,J47 )75,90 e.w.ofa Thrown on market P.'!.' 5lo,i20 75u,tsW Since Jan. 1st. 1&. 1X57. 1V. Entered at the port aW.HW.S4? 3t,71l,113 (17.!6,7:i3 Thrown on market i"VvSV.s;4 87,.V',iW 21,041.4--6 The following is a summary ef th condition of the New Orleans bank on the 8th: Liabilities. Resource. Cirenlation. 0.023.1 2 t.Slwcie 10,615,539 I posiM l.274.:lll Short Loans. 1.V4.V.I Due distaut banks ..1.112,1", Exchange y.liavH The Boston Traveller, of Friday evening, in an editorial on business matters, rayr: We are gratified to be able to announce that the last ac- count from Calcutta, not a single ship wa loadiuc for Bos ton, nor for any port in the United Mate! Some five or six ship are now on the way to tin port, and will arrive within three mouths, but none are now lookel for. We trust to be able to announce that there are none on the way soon. Our stocks of roods here are amply snftVient for the trade for m.nny month torome.even with good buinas,and we horc that for six month at least our merchants will atop all im imitations of Iudia good. Ai a general thing t here it no life ts trade in thi city In larrre Jooher are doing in many cases as much as usual, bnt on the wltarve. and among the mrrrhanta, much apathy prevails. Although money is so plenty, no one seems liKsed to speculate in merchandise, thinkiug that the leading article are tot low euoub to oiler any in- ducement. Our (eople have sutfered j much that they do not choose to dabble in fancy ttocks on State street, and they do not care aliout buying anything hut good paying seciiniies. Let us Hope that tney will hoia to this determi- nation, and not eire iviv cood mouer unless they obtain something equally good aud sure. The quicker some of tneee uubiilcsare nurei uie oeiier, never, we uojic.io oe arain. In rhinuiua matters, nothing can ba more unfavorable than the present aspect. Ves Is, as a general thing, are not naviiir their way. Thi year we see a great falling ort in the shipping at this port, not much more than oiie.half of last year. For several mouth to come, the decline will be more marki-d- , as the iudia aud New Orleans ship hare now uearly all arrived. This U the tons of the press In all tbe commercial cities of the Union, New York not excepted. 17oi(r&o ouse Cattle ilark'tIl. F. Yituman. Louisville, May 17. The cattle market for the week past has been du I and price a shade lower. We quote fair from 3 i5 to 3 75. There have been few sold at higher figures. Second rate &i (Hv,3. Sheep and lambs are in fair demand and retailing from t 2 to $3 50 for old sheep; lamb from $1 75 to $2 50, accor. ding to quality. The hog market is dull, with but few in market Prices ranging fiom 4 25 to S)5. Receipts: Spencer county, Mr Yeesh, 13 cattle Nelson county, J Rebhart, 16 cattle City, 8 Bills, 30 cattle Washington O'Connel, cattle Clark county, Ind., Mr Frey, 4cat. tie Clarke county, Ind., Thos Byrnes, 12 eittle Shel- by, Ky J Newman, 12 cattle Clarke county, Ind., A Cooues, 5 cattle Boyle county, Ky., G C Battmus, 17 cattle B Warner, 17 cattle Mr Prewitt & Co, 13 eat- - tie Oldham county, G Anderson, 21 sheep Shcloy, W Carn, ft sheep Jefferscn, 8 Yager, 21 sheep Clarke county, Ind., Mr Miller, 1 hogs Jefferson county, Ky., D ITotiu. 55 hog Clarke, J Bennett, 18 hogs--do Howard, 17 hogs. Total 157 cattle, 113 heep, and 100 ho;.". Shelby IIoum Cattle XarketW. W. Summer. There is still a fair demand for cattle, and the market moderately supplied. Hogs are very dull, and the market crowded. There is a fair demand for sheep and none on the market Frist quality rattle 4?4 50 V cwt , gross; second rate $3 (33 7?; third rate $2 50(;i3. Hops arc atlllng slowly at 4 503 4 75, cross. Sheep selling briskly at s33 50 per head for fir a quality, wool off; common tl 75(32 75; lambs tl 25 to )3. Receipts: Cattle D W Doyle, Clark, Ind, 12 M Adams, do do, 8 W W Ladd, city, 2 B Pruett, Marion, 20 II Carlton, 6 K Rucker, Jack-on- , Ind, 11 V Camp bell, do do, 5 B Long, Clark, Ind, S C Bivcn, Bar. tholomew, Ind, 32 Wm Gray, Trimble, WO Pra- - thcr, Bartholomew, Ind, 14 M Morgan, city. 5. Total, 123 head. Hots Mr McMeekio. Marion, 57 O W Weller, Bullitt, 14 T Norris, Washington, Ind, 57 II Zolman, Jack- son, Ind, 97 R Davi, Bullitt, 11 Wm Canady, If R Lyle, Henry, 41 Bowdine & Davi, South Carlton, l!i7. Total, 4x4 head. Snr.Er W W Ladd, city, 52 Thoma Ewing, Marlon, 121 Total, lt head. New Yoek, May 17, P. M. Cotton firm but unchanged s lea of 2,5uo bale. Flonr heavy sale of 13,000 bbl. Wheat firm sale of 40,000 bushel Southern red $1 06gl lu, white 151 JO, Mil waukee club 98, Western white 1 07, red unchanged. Corn firm sale of 27,000 bushels yellow 73e?70c. Chicago beef declined 4"c sales a ?1J tu(13 50. Prime pork advanced 10c sales at (14 12M14 25. Lard heavy at lO fill He Whisky firm at lie. Bacon steady dry salted hams t'ic, do shoulders 6li6Se. Hides steady Western 17.V Tallow steady at lOCijluc. Sugar quiet Porto Rico () G.Vc Coffee steady. Rice dull st lX4c. Freight very ftcady. Cincinnati, May 17, P. M. There haa been a moderate demand for flour, and price are steady rale of 1,200 bbls at )3 60(3 65 for superfine and 43 10 for extra receipts light Whisky in active demand, and 1,600 bbl sold at liic, doling buoant Sales of 600 bbls mess pork at (16 60, at which there was a good demand. There was nothing doing In bacon or lard. 50,(00 tb bulk sides sold at sSc, to be delivered June 1st uiw Obleans, May 17, P. M. Sales of cotton 4,000 bale. Tba steamer' new had no effect upon the market d wheat S5e, white tl 12,'tf. Yellow corn otaouc Lard in keg) li Cincinnati, May 17, M. Flour unchanged; higher grade scarce and held higher; receipt but BOO bbls of all kind since Saturday. Whisky advanced to 17'tc and In good demand. Provisions are nominal. New Yoek, May 17, M Flour heavy sales of 8,500 bbls at 844 10 for State and t4 oO(A,4 35 fur Ohio, an advance of 5c; Southern steady and unchanged. Wheat firm sales 20,000 bushels st tl 10 for Southern red and tl 20 for white. Cora Is firm sale 15,00o budiels at 71Xs72),c for white and 7475 for yel. low, an advance of lc for each. Mea pork loc lower and unsettledrale et $17 59. Prime pork haa also declined 10c, quoting at tl4 1SJ. Lard duU at 10?f113c, Stocks higher Chicago and Rock Island KX, Illinois Central 91. do do bonds WV, Michigan Southern 25?i, New York Central 8X, Reading 47S, Milwaukee and Musis-slp- TOVf, Missouri 85, Galena and Chicago 90, Michigan Cutral 65, Erie 24X, Cleveland and Toledo 44.", Cleve- land, Columbus, and Cincinnati 9nV: Tennessee a" "90, Calafornia 7 a 87, Ohio 1875 105J, Ohio 10 1C2.1,, H5. Sterling exchange dull aud nominal. New Obleanb, May 11, P. M. gales cf cotton l,8t0 bales; market firm. Sales of the last three days 13.500 bales. Stock at New Orleans 202,000 hales; receipts shead of last year 46,500 bales. Re. eeipt at all th Southern port ahead of lat year 340 bales; receipt for la 'luce days 12,250 bales SBajMaajBBmMBJBBajBBBBmw New Oei iAa, May 13, F. V. Sale of cotton 3,000 'laies: price irregular and eajierbut qnotition unehang-d- stugar firm. Molaaae lie. Flour declining. Pork very dull. White com Ve, yellow 68. Baeoa d nil and tending downward. Lard dull Other article unchanged. New Obleans, May 14, P. M. Sale of cotton 4,500 bale. Silea of tbe week 26.000 bale. Stock at New Orleans bale. Reeeirt last week 20,000 bales. Receipt ahead ef last year SSJO bale. Reeeis ahead of last year at all the Southern porta 25,000. Lard dull at a decline of e. Rio coffee 11(3 ll 'ic; sales of the week 5,250 bags. Stock at New Orleans 6,000 bag, against 91.000 last year. Freights en eottoa to Liverpool to Havre lc. New Obleans, May IS, P. M. Sales of cotton 4,500 bales; market dnlL Prices isier, but quotations unchanged. Sugar firm, Mouumv 31c Flour declining. Corn steady. Pork dull. Freight extremely dull. Exchangeon London lOBXSKftt. Other article unchanged. i aw Yobk Cattlb if asset. May 12. BIBT CATTLB. Firs nualltr.. .t 8 50(4 t OA Ordinary .. 8 uti'4 8 60 Common ,. 7 50.4 8 Inferior .. 7 OOvA J 60 COWS AND CALVES. First quality... ,. 60 M(6f, SO Ordinary...... .. All 0n:6 00 Common ,. 40 00i16 0 Inferior........ .. 24 U(.iA 04 TEAL CALVES. SHEET AND I AH US. First quality Other qualities 1 5o( 4 vv SW1NB. The market wa well supplied with good cattle but price declined nearly a cent a pound. Th receipt during the past few weeks having been large, and there having been left over quite a lir;e number last week, price euld not be kept np, notwith'ta-.din- g the atrenuou exer- - of brokers to do so. 1 here were on sale some of the rineet steer we have seen thi seas n. and during the early honi some of them sold at 9Hc. It waa thought that a large number would be left over unsold. At iteriren f ill and tlie other a moderate business wa done at t he derl ine; at the former place about 200 head lanceo: nanus on Monnav at rroaa 1 H to sc. ither stock waa in moderate demand at last weeks prices. Swine are plenty, aud at 5i.r)4c. The total receipt of all stock at ail the yards for the week were a follows: Veal Sheep Beeves. Cows. Calve. A La tuba. Swine. At Allertnn 3217 At nin i 77 . 64 M 83 "Jo7 New Obleans Cattlb Mabkxt, May 10. lower deerriptions of stock easy for purchaser at our quo- tations, viz: Price: Beef Cattle, Western fine to choice $ 8 50(4 SO .. rougn ana lair 7 s 11 Texas and Attakapaa 6 voA 7 00 choice. !" on Hogs. too lb net C i)'at 8 () Sheep, Inferior and ordinary 4 i4 0 no choice o ISHsS a vtl Milch Cow, ordinary 30 is.;o IM .. choice 00 owa oil Oil Yaal Cattle 10 500300 00 JAMES McHENRY & CO9 CIRCULAR. LivxarooL, April 20. Provision The consumptive demand has not respond ed to the speculation in bacon; the stock i iarre and in- creasing. Some fine cheese haa arrived and been sold at 56. All qualities beef has receded Ss Sd to 5a per tierce. Pork very quiet. Hacon, long mMiaie, nD in, 4.1 to per cwt.; short middles, nb in. 4" to ass id do; c cut no in, to 4ri do. Prime mea boef. now, oa to llli per . India 10 to 2os more. Prima mesa pork ,2 hd. Shoulder none. Lard has advanced to 57: there is a fair demand. but it ia generally held for higher prices. Tallow support the advance, and is wonn tw to oh. BreadernfT. At thi day' market some Improvement in tone waa evident and at a slight decline in wheat or Hour some extensive operations would have beeli entered into; the actual transactions were unimportant, except in Indian corn, wbich recovered tho dee line submitted to early in tlie week. Cincinnati Cattlb Maheet, Mar li. Ilors are dull and heavy, with a good snpplv. The Ice eurer have discontinued business for the present owing to tb dull state of the market for tba hog product Wa quote $4 SVl4 50 V cwt gro as the range. Beef eattle have been rather scarce during the week, bnt there is no change iu prices, and the market close laurtiid at t2 50 to 4, the latter ueiug an extreme ra ta for choice. C"Hundred of oar citizens complain of debility and langor of the aystem, derangement of tba liver or stomach, want of appetite, Ac. They are frequently the re Ut of too close application and a thou.-an-e other causes we cannot here name; but we would aay to all so afflicted do as we have done get a bottle or two of Dr. Hoofland' German Bitter, prepared by Dr. Jackson, and, onr word font, yon will be cured. We recommend thia medicine knowing from experience that it Is much superior to tb g snerality of patent medicine. We would aay to our reader purchase none unless prepared by Dr. C. M. Jack son, Philadelphia. Principal Office No. 418 Arch street, Philadelphia, fa.. and sold by druggist and storekeepers in ev.ry town and village in the United SUtea, Canada, West Indies, and South America, at 75 cents per bottle. See that tbe algna. ture of C. M. Jackson is on the wrapper of each bottle. SUTCLIFF4 HUGHES, Agents, wholesale and retail mayl8 dl2AwI Louisville, Ky THIRD EXHIBITION OF T11E Kentucky State Agricultural SOOIETT, TO BE HELD ON THE FAIR GROUNDS OF THE Southwestern Agricultural and Me- chanical Association, NEAR LOUISVILLE, ON Tuesdays Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, auu Saturday, Sert-rab- 7tfa, 8th, Oth, lOtb, and 11th, 1838. OYER $5,000 OMRE 1 Competition, txcept for tbe products of th Farm ana tne Uaraen, open to toe woria. ORDER OF EXHIBITION, Ac. 1st dajr 'atttv Phwp, end 2,1 da lilnodtMi Hon' and Mult- -. Sd day Hitmen-! linn and poultry. 4th da.v addle Hon. ftth d a v Draft lfor. . and Aeycs. Y.vvry day, aftr th fina. Fruit, Flower, pnmwtw M;inuicturv Agricultural joipieaifnrd mnd Macmaer)'. l- - arm iTouiKta, r rouuciiuns oi me orKuop, kc KVLES AND REGULATIONS, Ac 1. All ptork mut be entered by half-p- t 9 o'clock of the day nf exhibition. 2. Eah dy exhibition will commence prcWl v at 9 o'- clock, the dtock to be brought iuto the Amphitheatre in the order of th prvraium t. 3. The award, of the judges win be announced aa toon an their decision are made. 4. All animal to which premium fhall be awarded will he required to remain on the ground until the close of the Fair, with the exception of thoe who removal mar be permitted by the Frenidcnt for peculiar and aatufactory rewons. fr. The hallt will be ready for the reeeption of article eve ml day before the open in r of the Fair. ft. AU articles must be etitert-- on or before the fint day, and placed in the appropriate halls for exhibition, to re. main in charge of the su.erintndenU until the clow of the Fnir. 7. The halls will be opened after the first day for the of visitors. 8. Premium will be paid out daily. Immediately after the cloe of the exhibition. 9. All rtock and articles intended for exhibition, and which shnll beffhown and not old, will be conveyed to and from the Fair Ground free of chare, tinder the ukiiI reg- ulation, br the Louisville and Fraukfort and the Lexing- ton and Frankfort Kailroadi. 10. All !t,)ck and articles mu?t be entered by and In the name of the owner. 1. The payment of $.1 shall entitle pnrwns not members ef the State Societr to compete for all premium. The payment of $l shall entitle wh person to compete for premium than five dollar in amount. 12. premiums will be paid in either silver plate, coin, or book, ma the rceiver may elect. X Provender for stock on the ground; will be fur niched to exhibitors for the act ami cost. W A stronit police force will be on the ground both dav and nicht, and disorder aud immorality of every kind will be lrictiv repreueed aud puuisbed. CsT"No articles can b enured and received after the commencement of the Fair, previous to that time may be made to W. E. Mil 'on. Main street, sec- ond house wwktt of Firxt, Louitviii. Ky. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Each person on foot 55 Each. pwiNon on horse 3.i ?inple btispr 40 Double bnecy 74 Private carriatre, per day, $1 9 Hack, per day 00 Uninibiin, ier day, 1 50 tWV.veTy pa.veufer in an omnibus or hack will be re- quired to deliver his Fn trance Ticket at the rate before the vehicle enter. No money received at the rates. For Premium Litj. and other information, addresa the Correspond iu and Recording Secretary, W. L. GALLAGHER, mayl7 Pewee Valley, Kr. Fourth Sale of Lots AT AUCTION Emporium Real Estate and Manufactur- ing Company, MOTJISri) CITY, Pulaski County, 111., ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, June 1st and 2d, 1858, EMBRACING elaree nnmlvr of eliirfble locations for whether for reeidtincee. stores, man- ufactories, or other purposes. Also several Houees, double and single Frame Cottages, recently erected, in modern style, ani ready for occupancy: all of which wiil be olfered tijKin liberal terms and sold, without reavrva, to the highest bidder. Mound City offers inducements to pernons desiroos of locating unequalled by auv othr point at the Went. Pe- tal? fit list. d upon a high, blutf bank of th Ohio river, ix miles abore ttM confluence with tha Mtmiesippt, it is free from all miasmatic vapors. Is at the head of navigation on the Ohio river for Urpe steamer in seasons of extreme cold weather or of drought; w connected with the whole North, East, and Wtst, bv means of the MOUND CITY RAILROAD, which makes fonr daily connections with the Illinois Cen- tral Rtiiroad, north and south; ss, also, d.iilr connctions br river with all the rrcular packet to ( iocinnmti, Louis- ville, M. Louie, Memphi, New Orleans, To the manufacturer and niechauic Mound City offers superior inducement, havinic now in operation an extru- sive Foundery and Machine Shop, Marine Hail war and Ship Yard, 8 team Pottery and Ten a ltta Work, an ex- tensive rUrrel Factory, Flouring Mill, Furniture Factory, Planinc .Mill and Saith and Ikor Factory, Pork 1'ackinc Ertahlihment,and several Saw Mills in the immediate ri. cinHy of the Uwn, all of which rive constant and lucra- tive employment to a Iarre number of hands. It slreadr ha some twelve s'ores, doiur a rood buIns, Prakerttw, printinr Othf. Newp;.m-r- , lintel. Komrdinn Houses, School, Chnrches, etc., and possewes. fn an emi- nent decree, all the elements of a Iarre eirv. The incremee in it buinvss and the number of iu inhabitants haa been marvellous. The materials for all kinds of nianufactminc purpors are abundant and close at hand, while the facilities for shipment of the manufactured article are unequalled by any other point on the Ohio river. Tfbms or Salf in csh, balance In three eo,nal annual installment, bearing interest at sis per cent, per annum, or the deferred payment may be made ia the stock of the Compauy. Lots mar be purchased at private sale at all times. For further particulars, maps, plan, etc., apply to W. H. fftokes, ., Louisville, Kr.; C. E. N'onrse fc Cincin- nati, O.; J. II. Gamhart, ti., St. Louia, Mo.; M. Mumly, Phi'adelphia. Pa.; J. W. Cochran, Lexinfton, Ky.; A. V. 8. LindJe, Kq.. Tenn.; W. T. En., Colunbua, O.; or to the Secretary of the Com- pany at Mound City. By order of the board. n. IIAINKR, President. JGkiswolp, Secretary. may 15 dlOeVwl C ARRIAGES ! AURIAiE9 !! ! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT CHEAP. WE are now offering to the public a fine assortment of such as Coaches, bretta, Rockaways, si le- - seat, top, and open Hurries, tic, at price correrpondioaC with tha times. Bl'KR, H AIGHT, fe WHEELER, Ferpuon's ner building. Main .opposite Walt House. aprl diatoiAweowSiD DICKSON & OILMORE, Importers of Gons and Fishing Tackl, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 8J Third street, near Main, Louiavfll,, Ky., IIV leare to Inform marchanta. Ooa. uun, aoa ail otucr Ral Uley bar now on naodalarrs lot of Una aol I'lain dinblo and siarle hrrH fhot Gam.Cnlt'aaiKl All.n'. Pi.t..l. W,H. Itarrel, Oaa Lock, and crrrr ar'icle for aportina Ap aratu, nch a Gam Hr, bhot Illt, Pow. Flak, Ptrenxiion Car, lliintina Kn rea. and On Pockrt ;nt)ry, akn a lara utork of Rifr of our ow Biake and warranted, alro Tarkle of crfrrdmrip. lion, all of which w wll oil mix h lowr than hrmf ra Tboae wantlnrwiil pUaaaaall and axauiia lor tnemMlT aatl9dlAweU AN ACT To Incorporate the Jefferson Southern Pond Draining Company. Be it enacted In th Kemerml Aimrakl nf t,rm. wjonwOTWa 0 Kentucky, That E.iha .inTif .r.1, YL G. Miner, . W. vuk John Mrl,mrl. iilrr irkrj, and Rii hard Philirp.ancl ih. ir uH-ib- , xliall anl thrr are crral- - d a hody poiitir and mrporate br the nam' and trie of the .;,;.., oi,THra Hum Iiaaixi'fo ( owrAXY. and wh ahan rorprrt erarnr. witb iKiwrr to file and be nd. eoiiirwc a ixi V- ronrrad win. and do and perform all at nrr-- r and proper to rarrr on! ine draining the pontlaand pmwuima tnr rarryuif on the watr within the dpare of coiintry tna ahail be em. hrao-- within tbe boundary of laid corporation aa bwraaf. tar prorided. frc. i. T hat all the owner and proprietor of land within the bonn'larr of eail corporarion ahail he aieTnhr of aaid corporation, and bare the right of Toiing for the rr anient and I hrvrtor of ald mnwranon acroriina to tbe theivof. and al to anthn an annual tax per rear nf not more than nfty nor trx than fire oeni pr arre, to be rated ami chanted npon aid lands in propor- tion to tht henti'i ennfrceil, to efffct the draining the pond and la ndn where in the boundary of .eld corporation. Sec. . That th- named In the llr ecti.u of thUact - the rlr-- t l.ard of Dirertoio of aaid corpo- ration, with the ight to nelrct one of thlr own body a Prpinilent, or win- - ther person holdin land to be bene. nud by the draining of the !nd and country contem- plated by thin act. and said Pivi.leiit ar.d Irirtctora shall eierciaeall the powers of the corporation and upplr ad vacancies in their body nntil their uceeeaoni shall belrt-e- d In accordance with tne and their aucceaaor hall hare the same power and authority. gee. 4. That it shall he the duty of sid President and IVirertory to raiuc a surrey of the outward boundaries of the mnds to be by the draining, with a plan for draining the same, and call a meeting of .11 the proprietors of lands within the boundary by giviug public notice of tha time and place thi reof ia the printed in at least two we. k. and said proprietors shsll bar a ruiht to accept this charter and petition the circuit court ot to establish the boundary of the corporation, and said court, on raid peri ion, snail haee toe power to estahli'h the mm or to iu ..lify the same if rood cause to that effect shall be shown by the proprietor of aid land residing witinn the boundary and for lb purpose of giiing an opportunity of constructing In a,ine. The boundary shall nrst be published for one month after the i tiled and public notice given a the Court shall direct. See. i. That a said meeting of proprietor of land, after accepting the charter, they shall estahhsh a code of he. law for the gowernnv-n- of the corporation. The Presi- dent and sha1! keep a record of their proceed- ings and that of the proprietors, in which rha charter and the code of ny.Hws and all the ecu of the corporation and proprietors shall he recorded. cv. . That the .IcnVrson tjonthem Pond Draining Colo- rs nv shall have th power anil anthoritv vested in the JetfersoQ Pond Draining Company by ita charter and Boieuonienr to raise money By taxation on tne land ol the proprietor within the boundaries of said corporation, from year to ytar. and the same powr to collect or hare tlie Mine collated by the sheriff of that waaresU el in the Jefferson Pond Draining c omny. They may obtain money for the obiecta of trie Com, any by aubaenp- - uou iruu uioee wuaiu ur wiuiout the boiindarr. hamki. p. whitk. Speaker of the House of Represenratirea. Jims VI A. KINO. tisfaker of the Senate Approved Fehrtiarr 15, l3t. By the Governor, c. 8. MOSEHEAD. Maaox Baow.v, Secretary of S'ate. Cohmoswiaitb or Uthco of tbe Secretary of dtaia. I. Mason Brown, Secretary of Stata for tbe Common. wealtu aforesaid and of tlie srrhins thereof do hereby certify that the is a true copy of tho bill now on record In my ortice. r. In testimony whereof I have hereunto act mv 5r a hand and affixed the seal of my otfce, thi lt t1" of April, A. l. 1851. " M.OM BROWS, br T. P. ATTIC'l'H BlbU, Aaiistanl see'y. At a meeting of tha President and Direetom of th Jeff- erson Southern Pond Draining ( omianv, held In Louis- ville, at tha olfice of lleuuiug it Speed, oa Saturday, May 15, IV The committee appointed for the purpose, having, em- ployed John Rohb to make the surv-- v of the outward boundary proposed to be included in the charter of the "Jcil-rso-n Southern Pond Draining Company." and aaid Robb having made and submitted a map of the outwark boundary of the lam's supposed to be proper to inelud1a the bound' of said Company, bounded on the east bv th Sulphur Weil plank Koad Company, and extending np the plank road to the new Shepherdsville road, and with that road to a point opposite the brick house of B. F. and th. nee west through the land of B. F. and M. A. McCawley and Lochery's heirs to a point in Lochery' line at Moore's corner, and thence through Locherv's land ton point on the railroad at Speed's old corner, and ttfeuee with the railroad to the deposit de- pot, and thence along the new cut road to the corner be- tween Wood ami Combs' s, thence along their line to Wood's corner iu Philip moot's line, theuee at rieht an- gle to Wood's southwestern line, thence along Wood line to Michael Beck s corner, thence across his land to his corner on Bee Lick, near his house, thence along tbe line between Mr. i'eck and Mr. Conner fifty poire, tbeneeaonrh 45 degree west to the Man's Lick road, thence down the valley of Pond creek on the south side to Kemp's miiU dam, thence across pond creek, and up it valley on the north side to the Man Lick road, thence to a corner of Len. Smith and Heritage's heirs, thence with the lino of Smith and Harltge to a stone comer to said Smith, thenea aero the land of lianl-ur- and throuh the Barman hone to the line between Banuan and Fiuley, thence said line continued so far a to include 50 acre of Finley's land, thence hack to Barman's line, thence with F'nley's line lo Major Minor's corner, thence with Major Minorline to the intersection of Uigont's line, theuce with his and line to a stone corner to Finlev. thence with Finley'a line north to hi corner, thence north degree east to the corner between W. P. Thomaeson and Murry Phillip, a forked beech marked M. P., thence with Thomasson' line to the railroad, thence to the corner of Irr. Standiford and L. L. Dorsey on the new proposed road, thence along the same to th pland road. Resolved. That said boundary ia approved by the Board and said Kohb requested to complete his map plan of drainage, with a written report to lay before the person whiiee linds are included in said boundary oa the ftth day of June next, and that a meeting of all the proprietor of lands within said boundary be called by public notice for the th day of June next, in the city of Louisville, between li and 3 o'clock of aaid dav, at the livery stable of Bacon A Davis, on street, preceded by a publ. ration of tlie ehart-- aud the foregoing boundary and this resola-Oo- for the pnrpose of accepting or reiseting the charter, ana. if accepted, of petitioning the Jederson Circnit Court to establUh said boundary, and also to adopt the necessary JAMfcS GL'l'HKlE, Freeident. W. J. McGokicalb, Secretary. NOTICE to hereby riven to the proprietors of land with in the above described boundary to meet on the .Vh day of June next, at tne urrry stable or bacon oj Davis. In tbe city of Louisnille. on Jefferson street, between Third and Fourth, between the ho irs of 1J and 3 o'clock P. M.. for the purpose of accepting or reiecting the charter, and. if accepteii, to petition the jenvrsnn circuit Court to estab- lish the boundary, and to adopt the necessary JAMES GL'THKlE, President. W. J. McOciuboalb, Secretary. may 19 wl Fistnla inAno Cnred in Eighteen Days! I KNOW thij to tme bwatt- it it mf own c&9. I hav) beca for a Ion time artUrred anrvlr witb this abhorrent d 146. The bt( meiliral aid had b9n to no useful pnrpow. I met with Dr. William PriwTof thwrity. and told him my condition. At ter examination, he tnid me he could cure ma. and I eonwM.ed U Win ruakiuc a trial and he did to. He ha no knite. no tiktature; nor ha he Dried any other arnizijig arrin:nt metoi. In n day. I am well. 1 can be found at my houe of on Market street, where al. who e k further Intor- - mation can ee tue. AprU 14, ld. JOSEPH YOU9E- - F I propoee to enre Cancer. ferofn la. BonfarT9rpb Uib in aii iu acrravatea torrn. inronvesora .yea, coron; Diarrhea, and itula in Ano. No cure no oar for medi- - eiDeandattenuon. I keep tha jenoaua ftici FiLt. fox n.e. Office Fifth street, between Jefferson and Green, auc Uddfwil WE OFFER FOR SALE ON FAVORABLE TERMS ' thecHKMICALd and PRODI CTSol the LOl 1H- - V1LLK l llb.Vlll AL ui;kj,iii.l invite the an n of the trade to them. We are pre,ared U furoi'h thera In anr reiiird qiiantttr We warrant the purit of ererj article nii. in in are. tipirinot Nitrous tUwr; Sulphuric Eiber; Aqua Ammoui; ii iriu AmtuoDia; Chloroform; 11 tf man' Anodyne; Mile 1111; Mercurial Ointmert; Hub mrbonjf.tr1 of Itimuth; of bismuth: Nitrar of Silrer (cry At and In nti k: The II poptto"phiU ChurrhiU'a new remeijr for Con .pnon Select powders, Ac. nayl w4.W PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. TV'ITRATF'. of Silver (pcrt-tl- r piitv-- , wiihthe 11 othtr PhotorraphicChrrnipaUof Ihe Lotiiivill Chem ical Work of J. Laarence dmttb A Co, ia lull suppl at asaDulacturan pnrus by WILSON 9TARBIRD, marl wltrM Arit for tn Work. THESE M AtHIN'F.S are nnqurrtionahljr tha mt in No wxll rrciila'rd familr ran affirl to do without. liKOVKRA BAKKR SEWINCi MACUI.NE, aiae xpr-l- y f.:r ranlLT ttwiw. Ther mak a new au4 auprior stkra. In which tha threadu are so fintDed aa to render it iinpomribU to rip, even if everr third stitch be etit. It makeaa mora fui and durable iam than can be dvn bv hand, wliil. H WW ilk or cotton front ordinar spovl with ciualfaciiitv, by a mere chanre of poola. Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Co, 49i Pmadwav. New York: 1' Summer rtrect, Boston; and SU rhestnut rtrret, Philadelphia. w respectable and A rent wanted for every county in th. Vni'ed States. fcMii wiitu CAUTION ! Brad Carefully. THE GESUISE HIGHLY CONCENTRATED BfERHAVE'3 HOLLAND BITTEKS IS PUT UP IN HALF PINT BOTTLES ONLT AND RETAILED AT ONE DOLLAR I OR E BOTTLES. TIIE GRET DEMAND FOR THIS TRULY CELEBRATED MEDICINE HAS INDUCED MANY IMITATIONS WHICH THE PUBLIC SHOULD GUARD AGAINST PUR- CHASING. auk rna BfEKIIATE'S HOLLAND BITTEKS, MANrrAITLREJ BT BENJAMIN CAIIE, .1 K. , V CO . . Of FUteburo. Fa , And at that their nam is on tha label of svery bottle. BKMAMIX PAiiF. JR., A CO., Manufacturing pharmaceutist and i hemtsta. Pittsbiirf, Pa. Wll.SOy A STARIiiK. aprl deodA veowly Wholeajl Ajfsau, Louiavilla. JKl'S. rfhrlet EraltMl ia the GLIMPSESOF (t rou lit second Londoa edition), for sale by maylt d.wib G. W. H0r.KRT-- CO. BOOKS! BOOKS'! AND CHEAP BOOKS at the Masonic Tempi, NEW of Tourth and .KTtVrn, for ale bv ma.vl4d.4w;AI . W. KOHERTON CO. REMOVAL. mherriher h.i removed hi REAPER and SEFI THE SE from sivth street, b. tween Main and Market, to No. 371 and 3l Main street between iath and Seventh. mayl7 d4&wi II. B HOWARD. NOTICE. of WILSON 4 STARBIRDwill "ufferno TITEbn-ln- br the de:ith of mv laf partner Mr. A. P. St irbird. The tvle of the firm will remain th name sal his interest continue a k stood to the teria of our partner- - b'V. Inten'finc to devote my time and presence to the with able in every department of it, I wou d k for the h .ne a eontirmanee of that and eonridenee whieh it baa heretot'o-- enjoyed with its correiondeBt iu ail it ruoceaEious for th last 34) years acd loner. Order sha!! be promptly filled with (food roods at feir pricae. marI7 dAw;rm THOMAS E. WILSON. Soutnwestem AgTicultaral and Mechani- cal Association. meetlna ef stockholders held ia Louisville ea Tr.K May IS, paeu lii following resolutiona: 1. Rrmolred w fAi mcetim). That the li rectory be in. structed to aasume the deut due WilL Watkins on the Im- provement put npon the Grounds of he Southwestern Agricultural and Meehatiical A.teiation hv fall: proMed tba a clear title to aaid improvement be nada to said Association. t. Remilrtd. That th Board of IlreTors be irwtrneted to collect the dues of deliminent Stockhoiden forthwith by law or otherwise. Attest: A true copy from the minutes. inayKdJ&wt W. U. GALLAGHER, See'y. JUST RKCFIVF.D A GF.XFRAL ASSORT meot ef t.KN T6' and BtlVs' HOOTS. JHol.S tX. r u iksh i i f mayla dilmdtwl Main st.. Louisville, Ky. TO THE LADIES. IRig? Jl received a gonertl aneortment LA LiIEa1 aud CHILlJREN'S BOOTS and BHOLS, coaipr:nij ail tae varioua st7'..a In , and fur aia at reooeea fTKB by u. Jl KLl.. aiayu dmtcdiwl Mala .. Ky. P. S. Also a art ef Ladies' aoiled Shoe al less tbaa roe. D. M. WHITE and Yellow Com for Seed; If I'eabodv's Proline Corn: HunarUn fila-- s Seed (sow any tim ia May); White and BKek onfr At the Reaper and Warennnsr, No. TT1 and 371 Main t.. sUlh and aevaatU, Lounvillf. apri7 dietf w4 H. B. IloWARP. FHENPPT crTTCiTca w) .Tntreceived. d'reet trett th celebrated . JTV "V ' ot M. H. n. f I'.rk-- . an artiiienl of Gent Patent Lsoi r '", a very handsome article, and lor sale ny u. iiK"ii.ii.u Main, near Third rfreet, IfiBavUdMadl 1 " larruia, Hy. COLTTiSCN. SEW GOODS OPENING or oca SPRIG TRADE DAILY ARRIVALS. Direct Importations. ora rntcHisEs n this cocmi Made only from the largfjst Importers ana juaauxacturers. Ottr SZXI0R rARTXSS rmtdemt tf.VewYark Ofa. RARE INDUCEMENTS Offered iurinj th pretent 8aaoi IX ETE8T DEPAKTMKNT Of OCI EXTCHIVZ stock or ICY iHD STAPLE GOODS, Floor Oilcloths, CURTAIN MATERIALS, House Furnishings. SILK DEPARTMENT. Ia thai department may ba foand reery variety of rtala and Fane FL0U5TFD ROBES, BAYADERE ROBES, ROB 3 A'QCILLE, TAFFETA LTONAISE (J1 colors), PARIS PLAIDS, RONNAE'S BLACK, BiscHorrs black, BONJOUK BLACK, 4W. SPECIAL ATTENTION b hitei to our Sfpartiiwit tt Laoos, 332aa.T3i,oiclo2rlo, "VUlalto Goods, Uoslory,tfco., WEICB WE OFFFX ATRIAL BAXGAIX PAEIS SPRING DRESS GOODS, GRENADINE ROBES A'QCILLE, CHALLIE ROBES A'QCILLE, BEREGE ROBES A'QCILLE, MOCSSELIXE ROBES A'QUILLE, ORGANDIE ROBES A'QCILLE, ORGANDIE MUSLINS and LAWNS, JACONET MUSLINS and rERCALES, MODE DELAINES and CHALLIE3 a. STAPLE GOODS. Ia rsarr vartsty aad ef baa very boss brass la. LINEN GOODS. A aylaadld ssoeb ef wsn laat1ttlBn troaa larmw and bt taaairfacvsrte ta laropa. CARPETS. tnaHak and Aatwrkan amvoro, of aba awwes aad abotrex pattern, and a nraatS t low at ean ka atarchaaad at tba band of tbair aawass. DUKKEE, nEalTH, iCO 107 FOURTH STREET Batwwsai Blnrknt and Jateraaat, aaatllarWU IrOVUTUJ or a WATto: "WANTED. llna--te WANTE3 I VTrnT a e vo all wno " ' ia ' rTe TT, "1". 11 i, and s.lHeei ' ' viYnrnnrn .ir.s v- ,- lLocl TixJja. fT& KI- "'" t avrvroa: I ant bow f. L , 'll'h ' Th r "on"1" beweniiT Wianea j Umber-- d. The rxul.liDea r .d a two. a n well ia the vrd hI spring whsca rJrda plenty of stota wt'er 'or the the road to vra . na Spnoga. aud wouid a aTood and sor a awn. eleven and m a I ware of euinvuoa. wirfi a 7L . " ' a water. aearwMra r."iao"ntow and Grava piinaa road cent Kude s e. wrh medeaee and necessary dowa and Um bmaaea ia una and two year, wi.a kuKto 1 iT re-oiar- s MTees Hevdon Ertia, TOa. - aader igned. .t owenso... r. - LfcWIS H. fcN'Lisif. N'OtlCO. - ath."el , l"m,'-J- ia tho aame of wiiii- .o'.ie r B Andrew- - sompanv or r tho fo.u,!l""wW',"l', b beea " a- - aot Mwf.lil'Y'i''' rouDtv. Tenne.oie-.- wt d.to to the yea- - , "1 "TT0 ' " it Hire lime iw or previoa tlie varr ' " " 'T"ent wo Informal, and btooa by Siowuiaont to be no.iJd.rH-ti-tr'ffT- lJ IerrTi:7,n ' Jlr":,i iJvJ.? asa.na ud vurui too orBee. It m mr m d ume us "W for a 'l iiieio of sud warrant for lao baajeat of loose whom it nx eneern. .NATiiA.M KL LAIRD. WirrsniesrV nrt. m w.m. . aovWw7 Br C. H. BARK La. Y. AUoraoy. Tbe SoQt2ern Harmony and MaaicaJ Companjon, COITAIINf; aenoiee eollee., of T roeo, Hyassje, and Anthems. aelrted from ho sane emineot anthor. to the I rji'ed Hates, toeetber with Bear, lyeno neadred oew tunes which hav never before bea pnhuebed. wilted In mn at too Metre. waU'Ded in W tt e Hvmn Merree'sl luster. lMrv'n over's Hvmo Hook, and Bd-i- - Harmony, sad a.laried to 1 bnMiaa nurehe of everr nwuiti, snxin; srsiooia, sad orlvwa Brxrieti-- .vo, an ismv lairo. durle.n lo the ro)ios of muste, he eidima-- of medo, and puna ules'or i WtiKer. nners. By WMiom Frieo, nam wuie lu, suit tnm of noete: or j oer doaeav rssjobv C UAGA.'. diCtK. , may',9 w.'dri Lowrrule. Kr. SIDE'S Forty-thir- d Gift Enterprise: 913.0 la TalaabU rriawoT 100 PRIZES IN AMERICAN GOLD! Rangta; from ap to tSOO aach. ITE F.tR.rlra FOB SI EACH! 275 Cold and Silrer Leifr iTiicaes! Bdiaio from j op to jijO acbu Gold TtMmnd Gitt4 Cm. Slid mnd Ticket lamlted to 13,000. TotdU Number of Prlxes, 2,000. Jm tut T 1. ATX vald mirffiBrf to th nblf th Hi For-L- o ty.tiurrt Man moth iifT will drv al, oa whirl, oocawn vUl b .tniatd th TMkr )wt'ir9 two UwunmuU wt.tin Uiiu, a.ioa vlucb u4 TWO THOr'AXO TTVl Ht"XTRFT TX AMERICAS Li. is d ht.4rl KKI, f. rmo1i.r from 4 lo thr-- o 4uf re ni i iw r In4 Wma r ,J: V..fi Si1t-- t Wi4-fw- vn. trm . ivfri, mhrrii,i wm of ihm fti- - Wtchn of KitsT'wf. d A "?rr mna-f'nrr- , m &ntfl Go"i Virha)iMa, Lvii. iro,(i uur1 i om. A nniid aai d iiTr.r- -, ron-- tr jim of T Tw.iirt, Fork, Burr-Kiiiv- . e. a :, frld Cama-o- . mo4 Frnjotdwl a.t, BrciiaL LAcktat, . Aiio. (tim irtd ,n u4 (biaia ftWv Button. Hin. she. AU nf Ui Gut - of i xj qnalitr m t for th prk ttl m irrodrianmdiL TS WlrTV r cca.rav4 mnd if tor of th pfi Bhoiini Nil t - murm mttim-Uf- they will fxciuagv! if rtiturocd is m goo4 rtir M W he'll lciT. 1 ir imt thftt tOT EdIi ,rW mr fahir anf orarri v eondnctavrl. tn1 tltfr ea tx ril tmb ta r-- poricu nr. I)nj alwitys toft piem ib 4my tvdnavsM, aa-- i thaw m avr aay (keiawdi4-a- i aa. dr anr CTrrnmaiK; mni ail Prix dri tr arvtna vrM nrtDot a..tDd tb irwin r mjioVt. r frrvr.. 4 at air exiD aol nk; aiti a ot to 4rawn iua. Vt is forwM4 u er keuaoidcr, wbtbr U.j art fornn-- f or aot. AaiwBtmliira tvf apM will S mt'T' "tt h TVit attrbanrat! ffntuM-h- ; SmW nrktr mm urk-- t a A. All or'W'il t avl.irve-v- i L. D. il K, oi tU. Iaqip. M .. or thr mar bif1rea'4 w L. I. ?1 N E, Ha 710,1 ininnati. Obio. a I har aa Afrat at.atttrittc lanplr U h mw fr1r frm tKrt. wiar 4 LOriSTILLE WATER dEEa CORNEK OF SECOND AND GCTHRIS TRZETS. A.W. irf.T, HD . FaTlciav. JOHN EM.EL.N, ProvrMior. HTS rtf,b1hmriV frTn-r.- T nnA tha mrm of rvtr a. Cdtvai. hTnt aatarD a hortWB rmum. a aw eDm, wn a avcomnriia, for wo rvai. titMiof iavauHndvi-ib- PI vlr r TiwfJ-ka- i ear- - of th "inr W nn i r J ramoa ami fuarrf-- l at" A. W. alm. M. T.. w ltnj m ra AlioHU hir am H Trnaj.f hc B'riro pmJmwIt Bt b,m :or tb ear f aiau froa tn urh ni TH i Mtrsnm which t4nil 'tt H iricbM? ?rrmfBi 4 'Fvmaiv onijU.nt in hi nra a lo ih$ autnr-tnn- a mm of itfrrH rriwhrf awiiranca f a etrdj viia ao liobiiitr to rutur inturr. If iriicioc KiU, arbaa oiaaBrt. anl v bion rna.bta to avn tha of t phri ma ai t Dior ani m.k r'i Mo. n tiTO'ii will !KI b laOAl'TlOtDtawl m n to a'Bi wib ht0 . aia (rva.iUa- - ia lb atMuAi iiuissaDi of tht a.6.taia) BVT.L Tia anl Tthirir JTririn ar nnrr tho fonirfvl of Jorif p.m.icl'. tna Prprbpvr. and hm who wll 4w ihTia'iT' to m.B ta UTOO boa at tio "Xuxa K'.b proauaO a4 pacorouy ta uta p wnt. porata PaMiina atwromotHo!a, aTnSrc,nc w r of Raino. aiaiouTar-- - io fm! etifim wr rrifort aad aoBTviucaca, ara prTwltd, fox ioadv and xaaipa-ant- a. A.l 'firabla and maar rtiotrvtwinf and uVii fatal mal'. which her trnar;nn, vri to Wur 1, uro mnaaniaTt- A. 'ha Kpo - Hr. dropocuir trvornaBt ran oh'oirtrd ( '. tob abmnt. TH tMuoi cbarx wiu brw, t Ko'hiBtu ut; fr TUthiti .nd ; for Bothing, budndMinfU LrOdd)-- aol wt nf rrMifa, f lhra fr MIm a. &tradaara will a To tha enaraett-- r nf ,h caa aitd ra uirvvi: bin in ail 'o:- All rhararoto ba ph ra adwava. HvlpaM orouj mttot bovs, tbaiir wa arvBnt a rtaal thnav. And wbaaarvtra vnica ara iiiairt4 Aala.uoBoi ciurj will m aialo tor 'hvin. Ai cotumiinirnoTa in ivf'rn to tha Twrrna?at nf Biiniaioo mn-- t S - roci, d to A-- W. ci,xx. M. . Wirr i,r, t. Kr. IVtor a. - ifB-i-i 'o ra ia Id thadtr or ohdtt. Tn-ie- p rLai cbb be accomioi i Bails wy li ltw-Aw- propn ar. A SPLENDID GOLD WATCH, AV'ARRAXTKD to beeichleea earat eld. aad a perfect v nchlv irli I'irrT Iiilais. is ?e. sentrd to every rri wht ."n t. it. FITY l'LLAK in ibemt'tODe th. loe-es- t lO.woed and porojlA' net-n- wonthlr. TH K I'M r Kl I"A I ES J' l Al . or o aov persoa seuiu Um .auto am mat to aay oi our yoew-l- book. A Sf PESB CriKD TEST f II AIT, A Boaatlful Engraved Gold Rln$ fti prapnt4 ta anr paraaa asadiac oa oaa dollar aitoar for tb ppr or Banttax Sand tor a wmn of th Jovtrnal ar a aawy of oar CafctKua, wb rh n.f.ra- - teu; '. d.n-o-t boofe mnd lu pltvlid a' - wf arHwittin. Inc'iUina i.ft WATfnrja. Jxwblit or ail kia. PmJ"i a Kaoradk. Tovytw MwtmrtT EoBriTtoa. c., aad you eaa ia a aor no Urm a eia for in pmnor aal book, tthar or oofA, that oilt arnr van rvnira tor yoir trniioi. Hon ar nnriM to wtart To.irowa froat tha arboiiiia In or ardonro with ha aawooaa roa wad, umu and eacakc ta t'luajraod frea oa ao piicauoa. J. X. I3IEB30 CO., TrNWWv-r- aamyll d3diw1 bnaiwr, Y ra. Winter Arrangement C2ix-- of Time. BALTIMORE AND0H10 RAILROAD, COSXECTIfe THE OHIO RITES A7 WUEELIMi VTITU THE CENTRAL OHIO RAILROAD (Groat Natwaal Rootev. AND AT FARKEKSBL'RQ WITH THI JI arietta ana Ciaeinnati Kallra4 (Amortc. Coatrai KoateV, A ad fen Batthstwv) witb tbo wmriooat Koatea nil iaa turns and aoatbeaal. Mm and dotiiawea jo BALTIJI01l. rilILADr:LwTA. lit TOKX. AND TX)TOM Aad Use ONLT KOCTK thai an foraiah a Tbr.MhTWkslssd R((ssCssck SO) Va. ustoa lujt. Tno bolder of a throttab rdeket to "" T'ttK oaa e ever in BALTIMOKr. end fll I LA Li LPH I A a kag aa deirtrle and reonie 'heir Mvtrnee t pleasure. rar-T- wash NtiTov t ITY KAI Li4nn berna tmearni part of the lA I.T1 w IKK AMI) oril'l lUile Ri Ai. and eonnectiuc wiib it aino ssiles from t'.SM:iaMr preata ui. ou.y oonuauouo liao of rati Wtssiaioa City. livers tnr WHinrwa Cfty bava tna illillsia al vfcttUO bsuttsaoro witltoat salra coaro. foa Trmiwo Uav. rlartnaaia TrailT uwan.ra aAA:arraix Two Trains tU LitUn Miami and Central Ohio Railroad. A. M. LIOHTNJ EXPHKSS Leavsw Uttl Mlanl Depot at A. M . amvina is Bsiumors .1 uc.M A. M. oaat day. connecting imnWieiv wirb Tr.inor Poi.ad-ltni- Sew York, aud rVs a. Arrive. s Wwiin'ot civ M 11: A.M.. eoaneenaw wiib uraussfor aoaaaoad, Nortoin, and ail potnu Sooth. A. X. Vr'KES Lovea I tttlo Miasal Depot a k A. X. arrive Baltimore at r" U. Beat dav. ar. rivea .t Wsriinroo t'ltv ac ' f. M. . inansmn so above for all point, bast aad 4oata. TWO TB I l Tf v?RlTTT AMD CW-- C 1VTI KAli.at.ttAl. t A. M. SXPBK.s- s- Tr.ia leawsa tba llto M'arjl iwv.l st A. M . arnveea Marit tu.1 tja p. t : Wjta PvkertMire l ..i P. X.: srnvwi .t uti4o .t o) p )t. and Baltimore .1 lie M A. X. next day. eenneet,.. imiue. duMeiy witb miasior Phil.delprxa, 'w Vora. ts Un. loa. Thi. rrmia eooneeui t ute K.v ns. tin n.ue from Bai'iraora, witb train for W aauia4toa, arnvia) at .. w. W A. M. X VTt THAIf Teain bsv Llttla Warn depot .1 A X . arrveeat Manetu t p. M. Loavoa Parkersbeir. MSA. X.; arrive, at lnu to a at :M A. X.. Baltimore sA I'tJ) A. X. Uio aaat da, aad WMauiaton City st P. X. HTPenoer mar view tha iwacnlfeoat as itel of rbo r fci by d.vlisnt irutn.i'JN m a. m. traia trosaWboes. a or tao A. X. traia irosa prkerbnr, vine over oa Cuioberiaad atsd fwuraiaa aeat aaoraiaa a A4 bv jre... tlfTonr Traina leave Rxltimore dally for Wvirir) City a i A. X.. acatt a. . P. X.. aad at p. X. TOR THROCGH TIC KET Apply oa board taa Inn sail stoaaserw, wttM-- leave everr day . o'oloek, or .t trie ornee ol ilto JenVrsiavii o RAtlroad.sy warof the Jeifersoavtlle. t irito aui X seueoppt. .1 unio) basis Railroad, or via lU'ii.aapoiM. Usr'i.s. od aad in luemoati. st tne ouv-- ot ;bo Liui. t.d rnod. No. I Kuraet Hoasa.seooBd door we.tt V'nestrwt, aad old odteo. enrnor of Broadway aad Pros street., th 9teneer Uoueo. er a Uta Eastern (Little X ami) Depot, Last Front street. W. A WOtTMirPB, Mapaaraftnanortaaea,Baltnor.aDd ud .iroad-- J d X X. irtAitp. now o daoddVwaowti- - REMOVAi. A mso. luw removed ta 5a. M4 Main GLAZTBHOOK Seveutk aad Litutn. a.yl dtvbw W.Jcb A berd i brrtll. r baav LouAwfll A Covinstsea Ksilroad CI eary coars. , OTIC It k bsr'tiT trveoi that there a pmeeed a 'a x 1 tatsmiav to wcilo .nd wire! u. the ..lair, ot tio uxl ' ovioito. Ka.iro.1 Kaianr, .ad the me aas oeew reierred to me, andev the trt "eowoerairt too Looserillo and t'ovinnroa ko.lroad Conoaov, .eoeoved Fsoroarv K 1A' Pewa. h.vin ei.im. saiaot . tontpany are ootilled to ;rodtteo Jtem peior ate. M air i.nVo. in tb eitr of LooMviile. and orove be sate ea r before too In dav of vsoher. teat best, be A.W liod by entii eourt oa or betora abien suert ea. ne d lo be died and proved. TH. P. 4iT 4. wi.rli fsa. t's. (! Coir. Uomp XVantod. THE NEW YORX PVLPIT1N TEB MVITAJ. OT irr saie by . rtay dw Ab q w. Korrvso "A Sn tr, EON'S WORKS COMPLETE; sod TSeol .tcai Workst Sraool Hio; Mvwil.'teM Works; jlrho.d H.ek-- . A mil f Statioaerr: er v aayl4 id. d tt. W. K H A CO. V"OX kN, Hr.H. kll"1 ANI Llf-R- bvAltHa t u s.l r. I) . lata ier m Pan- -, T'ao kited" fr"m tb. r'reoen. "Taey is roek tbe mda ruin ,A. world. - w ,,TJ(1, . ro.. Masonic Tempsa, ornr FowtAaud Jarsea ita. BsfUiasA

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Page 1: Louisville weekly journal. (Louisville, KY) 1858-05-19 [p 3].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt73ff3kx60p/data/0292.pdf · 2012-11-09 · Tnt walla of tb turtiicj ihop are good, and it will bjoo

"kw Albat axu Su.r h .:. r..d. It giveiu. ple&tur tu t enable 1 to tuu thai, notwitb-tandio-

tLe aerr lua this companr baa aaOarrdby th destruction of sta trachiae lop, it will not

iuterfarn ktita tlie ruoriiiig arrangir.jta of tbroad.

Tlx lota bw th fire is not aa larfre at M at first

uppjaad. Tlar rouul bnase, in bkh all tbenot nnderyoinrr repair ar kept, i not burnt.

Tnt walla of tb turtiicj ihop are good, and it will

bjoo ba Ucd la coc lition to answer for temporary

Thro, of tb aerea l.tcnfu.rtive injured ca be putin runuirtc order ia a week, at a cost not exceeding

t .KM. Thrt m an iiuunn on tbe propertr burntof 10,fc X) ia the .Etna om .

Ci"Tbt rpoe:;.-- i::t tHe treawrr during tbe lastquarter, l tba oftn-ia-l Mate meet, werefrom regular eJ wisoe'.lausoua vourcea of icoomt

t S.'K)3.( )0. The ex'D i tuies, exclusive cf publicdelt, were tlT,CS3,i'fH. Tbe d licit of cine million of dollar wh turiplitd r the treaaurr. TbiaU a les ditwaxag'iig financial exhibitthan thit of the pitccditg quarter, when the reve-

nue fell abort f the exiaiiture I t a round tenAa tlie revenue cu'totns rljea not

increase, and aa tbe dlsburemecta aiidirtbe ana in moth dcrioien"T till are juit commencing,tba dViiUt fur lti. quarter v. ill U great ot.J jir.ccdent.

Ac.Rii.rt.Tt bl Vaki:ii isk.v (. Mr. H.Ik Howard, bo i gob te irn ii'.luri U ia thirit'u.itr an-- i in t!. interior of tbe State aa themariiifctu-- r of Mc.-v"- a celc' rated l;a;r, haaremoved from to N. 571 and 373 Main

eti, lieo ix;h au4 fvcth, in the ware-hu- ci

latelr nc, itd by til.tztiironk & Rro. Mr.H. keeps ort band not ouiy all of

and unpl"ipf rut neeled (y airrrrulturiMe, butalo a rn-r- v ri"y cf gras and garden aeeda,and ia fat even tiling needed for tlie cultivation ofthe toil. He i a clever gei.tl ir in, ad deservingof a liiieral patronage.

XJTTbe witness S'.a.le, evk'iiiued in Philadelphia,accounted f r the tietiuatiun f the ei;hty-eeve- n

tbouaaui d.ibr exjendt-- byKtoue, 4 Co. in proca-i- n tlc of tba tariffbill. Between aixty and seventy thousand dollar!wa ahown to Live jot in Walcott'a handa.There are ao traces of thi amount lryond ba'; andw briber he pat 1 it oa' p rkr!.-- it, U not Lnawn.The remaln '.er waa dlntri'iuteH among out itlera nomeniber of Cjr j.Twa reoeiving aj.y except one, whoborroacd a buudred and rcpail it.

e aliip Tronic Bird, bicu baa just arrivedat I'l.iW J.',.,h!a fr in Irt au Frinoe, via Ioagua,rsporU wlien ff Iuagua, ahe w lircd in'o by theB hib gun-b- o it Japcr, tbe capiaia of which after-ward atot a bt alujf-nd- and tbe ship'spapers to a riici examinauon. At tbe earue time,tbe arbooncr Cortci, of New York, waa h ing atIoau'us, urder svizure as a alaver. TbeTniiic D.rd was laden itb c '(tet acd lowovi.

CCbief Juxttcc Taney annc.-- 3 in the SupremeCnirt on M t.diy that tlie cwrt mould adjourn on

the 20i b lust., and bat it wou'd n bear any argn-te-

on tbe merits of a cae after the 12lh, acd bearm.tiooa af;er the 14 h.

CTTEev. Alfred E or-. D I) , Trofevor of Math-

ematics in Centre CoUce. dd oa l)e 8:h inst. Hisdiasa was erystprlav Dr. Eycr bid ten eon

ected with tba luMiiu.4a for Uinse or fur yoarapast, and he was aa aHe profeor.

CirTbe Dens lcratic party of tbe brat Cocgreabion.

al district in ArLani-a- rooveacd at Bitesvi'.l on tbeod inst., and nu.irated as tbair candidate for a

T. C. Hindman.

C?" Ia iur advertUicg columns will be aeea a

notice of tbe cobtinnsoce of the business of the firmWilson & Sur'.iird, without change in atyle or

interest to tbe full term of tbe er.gngeoient lietweentbe partita, tbe of one of whom (Mr. A. T.btiruird) re publiebtd very recently.

Tbia booae date lack in is origin to the year1817, wben b was eatat!ibed by the late Dr. Dan'lWiUun. In I Sol it came into the bands of bis ton, theaarrivor cf (be preaet:t firm, w bo alone and in com-ae- y

with other partiea haa ln coaoecud w iih itever since. It g; es u plexanre to aay that we havekwei lb! 1. te for the Isst years, andthat ha r.-w for and fur tbe bihquality nf be important ankles in which it deals

. is as r nerally known to tbe puMir aa it ia toVe are glad la aee from bis advertisement

that Ir. Wilson iu'ei.d to devote a larger share ofbis persnoal attentiun to tiia bcsinsa than he haa4one of late rrars.

l?Tbe Vashiogtoa t of tbe Cal.i-m-

Patriot aaya:Toe intimation thit Jodcr Douglas it seeking a

reconcii at inn i'b the Administration in pronouoordfal- - bv tbe Ju .e bimwlf. He afli ins that besnaintains bis pouioa oi Kansas to tbe fullest ex-

tent.Tbe projrr.se in the fwmation of a greit national

cwiservative nartv ia very cheering, aid the day iaKit far ditant k-- tf re will le froentod a partytganiiaUiu that w:U fKture tbe coal.dence of an

overwhelmuig majority of tbe freemen of thit land.


Washington, 5Iay H.&wrt A resx'otion was mlimitted by Mr. Uiirps

cf N. C., that tba Irrkident lie requestel. ifwith toe (ii'ilc iuvrats, to conimunica'e to

toe Senue any in'ormation which miy have beenreceived canc-rn- it e recent scaTh or aeir.ure ofAnterican veaarla. by n armed cruisers in tbet.ulf of ilrxica and aJ.iacnt eeaa: and, also, whatmaanrvs, if ry, have iwn taken ia relation there-to. Alopttd uuani:n"us'y.

Tba auiiauTt l.u. cis has bnea unimportantlie'nr inairlv (rnate ititia.

kit. Tti II vise to tbe disposal oftbe J ernwriat bu iacsa rejiort d from tb Cux nut-let of tike wh'.W-- .

Tbe Li I mku;; an f r the comple-tion of the niiloarv ro id troiu A itoria t Salem in

rxf ws .

1 wo txhrt- 1 i;i for mvls in Kew Mexico andWasi.irrtoo Territories were rejected.

Tbe House then took up tbe private calendar.Warhisotos, May 14.

It ia ascertained frm an ondouhtcd eon roe by tbelatea advice from New tikesuda, that tbe n

Treaty bad paasrd tne Oreuadiau Sarniewith a cunu.irativf.lv nr.impo-U- lt amendment totlie first eni W, a- -d atr'king out tbe 7rb article rela-ts- e

to a cial deim f.ir tia United &:ates. It watRelieved ti tlie House would restore tte latter, butwith tbe aadprstaniiinz that tbe pnul ;e is to

only ai loo? aa the itaw of the treaty,au j'xtt to removal. In case of tbe disatrreement,hoth ranche rt in joiot cwvtat'ai ben a

of th whole vote tlie q sti-- . Thetci lH ini c Kn a- - that tte treaty will past withtbe ab'v amend notus.

Tb Oreralian Cjnircss were at ill occupiedwith tbe disce-io- a of tne new f onstituum.

tymof tbe ksnaasap WMntin-nt- P have beu madefr Mn c:tir?ns of tb ternary as f illows: Mr. M

er of public ninn-y- : Mr. I'atterson.of I'en wvjvania, of the land otlict at

t;d-f- l; Mr. M rh. of the lind ofticie atI Tt ScjU: A. C. I)jvi4, of Xew York,tisrict attornev Kansa: M J. Nrwsoa, acntfor the btiawnee Icdot; ad Mr. Bidger, agent forthe

H. W. LaUunx, witees in tba WilleU'i Tointcam. after who u a had Ic-- n Bent by tbe

his rmurn-- d to Waf binztoa in aoordinc wna hi- - pr vnise in a ltter be adlresaed tofie chairtnsn of h iivetigaung committee on thedav he left for KutKy.

Tb Secretary of War hie authorized tbe chief ofthe txireaa of ordnance to send to New York aaoffice' cacecid wiib that liureau fo tbe purpose oftesting the cano-- ct r tfe Ku aian mannow building ia thu city. Tt.it ia done at tba re-quest of tbe RM,n cTtn, ho is supennteodmgU coostrucj m of tbe vceai. The U roes cf contractand?r wbich the cancoi were cast pwvidedd thattb.-- ahouid be tssUd Ly an experienced Govtra-ne-

ofiicer.Toe tvcips lno the treisurr during tbe past

wek aiu uoiH to k! IC.Ori; amoGn'. aubject to draft43.4? 1 i. lb rdactk3 tbe previoaa weekis

A from the Purser of tbe sloop of war h

atats that d'.llan have become acurrent coin in China, and will henceforth be more

aru wju any outer lore'a mouey.Xrw York, Mav 14.

A trpe cwtoo ttting and r.iattrs factorr hasha I urd. It was situa od tt Point.Tlit luiidiaga belonged to the estate of WidowfSchaster, were larije, a id ntirelv destrovLtotresrer with the (feattr part of tbe atock. 'Tbeloss Is rea'lr ( VH),m, and it is Mieved there ia nonau aace.

"rota tLe New Albany Tritiuse Lxtra.Immmtl Can It frat'im Vuvt'tre A'ko; of th Xrr

A my aH 'i m Hul.ro-- i J at .'(una Lou 1 .' 0 -

Nrw Albant, Isd.,Frilay Morning, May 14. J

Abnsii ore oVl r:k ibis morning a tine broke out inth machine of the New Albmy acd Saleml.silmad wmpmr in tun citv, bich spread withnek fearful ra: i luv that it au imtiossible to aave

aevthineo ntinid tberrin and ia lsr than an bourt'le entire buiiilins, coveritie a square of jrround.were in rains. 1 a --re wire seven comotrves in theround-bou- e at Itia time, and were all greatly damaored. prota'.!v to at Itnst hilf t'wie value.

Tbe lor vf tbe Cmi.iiry ia liuildiuga, locomo- -tivos. panerna, ma h:rM"T. 4c, cannot Ik less than

li,iitri, and mv resch S2.)0.ism. with not a dollaro: insurance, to (r e cou.d karn. lortunatelvtoe ps waa very little wok utdr way in the shops,or trie mas woa:a nave leen mnon r.

Tne bre waa evid ml v tbe work of an incendiarv,Tbe engine w.'ikh bad brought in tbe one o'chektrain bad jurt been put ia tl engine bouse, when(aa we ine watchman to aay) tbe fl.ioesbroke out in several places at tbe eame moment.Tun locomotive sta imaiediatelv runout aud conae- -

qsntJy tir& irinry.Thi is the moit "T?c.ive fire tha ha ever

cTjd iu tur cii v a' 4 one l.ich we will cotaxon recover, it is init iiarous ia iu cfl-- i tsapoa tba coiroany uo'ier their already geat t.

Tbetail prot.sl.ly not "attempt to ra- -uuuti tu i.u: n.ere'y esaUitu temporarya hops here for d .mi tbe ceoesarv renaira reuui'edby the cart acd Inroinotives. At lesst ore buudnd

"d men will be thrown out of emplovnieut bvthis disasur.

Tnere are orl'' tvo row at tbia end ofthe road, hit' we lesrc that tt ey ail! have a fufliciextrtimliee 09 th ro id to keep i!n regular trains mov-ing, though aotue naay occur for alew days.

The firemen were promptly eq tbe ground andworked writ a hear y will, but Libcred under ;reatdjavaDiI.e frra want of waiar. 1 by renderedsome aervice nwithfading. br plai.-.- upon thelocoarotive". tbere p'evc-jtu- . tlieireJUre destruc-tion, acd alo aucieded tu eaving tbe aid rourd-boaa-

Tu la ter, boa ever, is f very litti valuecompare 1 wi:h tt.c o.ber buildi-jgs- .

To JourT Mcmrjt '.Ut .Vcnvy Ccok FovjuiOur readi remeitt'er tbe a unt, recently pub-lished, e tbe 6crf"ij;ef tbe desd ai;d mutilated lxdvof a female fit Joliet, anppsed to I taat of MijiMane y Cook, tbe dauburr of a W idow, si bo wasfn.asin?. A vour; mil ranted David Ku'.iaidaonwaa arrests d fir ber muHer, and Mra Cook statedthat the last saw tier daughter in company with themanner, aid tbt tbe girl was ew'e hy him. 7 he

people of Jo.ii-- t were .reittv exciti-- by the affair,and it was wiih iot- - i,;ii-j- !ty that Ilubardioawas aavrd lnicti nj. Yea'erdav, th'onrrh theenertimia of Ms' h vl Vrhal Vo Aukcn,r4 Jobet, f..ur.d Ma tk in the dwelling bouse,Ho. I4i 'i'h.eao avenue, and Is m evenly be re-

turned to Jobet with l r, 8be dini a beirg esy"e,bat admit that Se ki,-- Km bardsou a arr"t forher order, CUcog, Trilunt.


Jiwini L. Eat, . Casimuatx fob Shkiuffis SHr.LSV. The Americani of Shelby connty hivenominated a full tuket for county officer. Theyhave chosen m iarly and well in making their aelec- -uons and have piesen'ed aa cand.datea men who areemmently worthy and well qualified for the officesfor wbich they have been named. Tbe Democrat!thua far have brougM out only a candidate for oneof tbe county offices, that of iheriff, and they aremnxing extraordinary exertions to achieve his elec-

tion. We truat our friends in old Shelby will cot bedeceived by tbi apparent a'asence of opposition.It it one of the nana! atratagema of tbe Democracy.Conscious of the titter hopelessneas of electing a fullticket, tb-- y are trying to deceive the Americans intoa fancied aeenrity and fatal apathy, while tre-

mendous e ffjrt are lieing made to concentrate theentire Demoratic vote of tbe county npoa theirsingle rami 'date.

Tbe Americana of Shelby have every reason to lproud of their candidate f the sheriffalty. He itworthy of their most industrious efforts. He is en-

tirely qualified for tbe office and ia a tried acd faithful American. Ilia unfaltering devotion to American principles is the cause of tbe bitter h stilitv ofthe against Lim. Whenever occasionrequired, Mr. lliy haa cheerfully devoted his timeacd bit means acd bia pen and Lis voice to promotethe success of hij party, and a tbe candidate of thatparty ha deserves, and, if our American friends dotheir duty, he will unquestionably receive, tbe

support of the while Americu vote of tbeouuty.

On account of hia lieing a descendant of LloydKsy, one of the princ:pl witnes'ea in the casc of

Duparc (a Catbol e priest) vs. X. L. Rice, in tbesuit of the Roman Catholic hierarchy of

Rsrdstosrn against Rice, Mr. Ray has incurred tbeintensest hatred of Jesuitism, which mercilessly andrelent leesly transfers ita resentment from father to

at J generation to generation of thosi ho haveopposed it. In this instance the orpoiitkn to JosephL. Ray has bfcome a practical illustration of reli-

gious persecution, hich should rally arouud thiscandidtte in 'olid ph.il mx all the friecds of religionsfreedom in the county. We commend Mr. Rjymoat heartily to our American fiicnils in Shelby, andurge thera earnestly to lalior incessantly to defeattbe cabals of Lcoi"ocoisui acd Jesuitism arrayedagainst him ar.d give bun such a routing majorityin August as hill forever silence the opposition iu

Sbelny ouuty, one of the strongholda of American-ism in Kentucky. ,

Da. R :;ers. We regret to learn that thispractitioner hu resigned hia place in tbe

mtdical of onr I'niverMty. Dr. Rogers

has for many years leen a leading practitioner inthe city. He haa Iwen connected with the I'niver-fi'- y

aa Professor of Slateria Medics, of Theory ofPractice, and lastly of Clinical Medicine. In eachcf these positions he haa proved himself equal totbe dutiot of his ataticn. He brought to bear npoathese department the rich stores of experiencem tich he had gathered ia his large practice, Tbccghcomparatively a young man, he hat identified himself so thoroughly with medical teaching that hitresignation will b deeply regretted by all thefriends of the institution.

rKF.SBVTF.RtAN GfcXEKAL A3KMBLT Second Day.On the 14t, tbe General Assembly in session atXew Orleans selected Indianapolis aa the next placeand tbe third Thursday of May, 1653, as tbe timefor the meeting of tie next General Assembly.

Tbe report of tbe Eclkif Fund Committee showedthat eibt minister, twenty widows, and two farr.i-li-

of orphan had I teen nlieved at an expense of2,750.A resolution was offered that overture Xo. 5, re

specting tbe alteration made by tbe American BibleKttety, and toe publication or tbe Bible by the

Hoard of Publication, wbich wat referred by tbelast General Assemoiy to this, be taken np, read, andreferred to a committee with instructions to draft andreport a minute expression of tbe views of tbe As-sembly oa their duty in reference to tbe claims oftbe American Bible Society on our church. Theoverture declared that tbe American Bible Societybad no right hy tbe terms of its constitution to al'erin any way the common and accepted standard En-

glish Scriptures, and expressed a conviction that thesupport of tbe Preshvterian Chan-- would dependoa a strict adherence to tbe principle of their constitution.

Dr. Breckinr'de advocated a discussion on the resolution by tbe General Assembly liefore it was refer-red to the committee. He gave the Bible Societymucn credit lor ita lalior in publishing a truthfulversion of the Scripture.I. Hewitt elated that tte Bible Society was now

preparing to pubVi-- a perfect edition of" tbe B.blefrom the original version.

Lafayette, Ind., Mar 15.An accident happened at 1 o'clock thit morninc.

at Potato creek. In miles south of LtfayeUe. Ttebridire ia about liX) feet bmr. Tbe train wat run-ning at 25 mile an hour; wben tbe engine reachedtbe further end of tbe bridge the wools gave way,piling the cart one upon tbe other b?low. The wholetrain ia a complete wreck. Tbe nibt waa vervdark. Tbe high water had undermined the abut-ment s. Jacoj Burstinger, engineer, and Malorey,lirenian, were instantly kilkd. Tbe conductor, J as.Irsrin, eitting in tbe f.irward passenger car, waastruck by timler and di-- d in an hour. Tne passen-gers escaped without serious injury.

WAjsiiiXiiTos, May 15.A disnatch from Lient. Col. Simnson. dated Fort

Leavenwortb. May 7th, "tales that tbe Sixth Infant-r-

under command of Lieut. Col. Andrews, and thecompany of engineers, commanded by Lieut. Duane,icrt on mat aay en route lor Ltan. IDs regimentwould co ia. Tort Reamer and thence divercefrom tbe Oregon route aa far at tbe south f'k ofthe Platte, aud thence through tbe black hills torort linajrer. Ibis route was surveyed and locatedby Lieut. Bray an in 1356, and ia nerenty milessnorter than the old one. Gen. Smith was expect-ed to arrive at Fort Leavenworth on tbe 'J.h inst.

St. Lofts, May 15.The suspended banks of this citr resumed Tester- -

dar.Tbe Chamber of Commerce of thit citr has re

ported in favor of tbe establishment of ocean mailrv ice between tbe United States and the We-- t In-

dies, Brazil, and the Argentine Republic, aa pro-posed in the memorial of John Gardner, now beforeCongress.

Unci, X. Y'., May 15.

The verdict of the coroner's jure on the killed bvthe recent railway accident, censure tbe Xew1 ork Central lilroad Lompanr fur not havinc thebridge properly examined.

Xew Obleaxs, May 15.

Billr Buwlers't whole partv, consisting of 160persona, arrived at the barrack below the city lastevenmp.

l.ti.irt to stop tbe crevasse twentv-fiv- e milesaliove hare been abandoned. The damage by tbe ecrevasse u counted by the million. Tbe river isnot falling bere.

Kaxsas Cm (via Bonneville), May 13.Intelligence wss received here last night from Le- -

compton to tbe effect that a bard of marauders hadcommitted ncmerous depredations in tbat ncightior- -noon on tne tun, rot uutr several settlers and tbestore of Wut. S. Well", fifteen milea from Le Co

The' gang is said to number sixty men, completely anneo, ana it is asserted to be tbe e imethat recently rpetrated the robberies and murderat rort Scott. Xo pursuit waa attempted.

Washington, May 15.The Micresota Senator have drawn lots tor term

of office, tteocral Shields drew th terra expiringmarcn, ana air. liice drew the term expiru.gMarch, 103.

Nashville, May 14.Th steamer Citr of Huntsville sunk on Wednes

day night at Palmyra Island; total losf; 10 lost; cofurther particular.

The Xew Yxtx Ckntral Railroad Accident.The bridge at which the accident occurred was en-tirely rotten, several of the main beams on whichtbe track waa laid being found decayed all the warthrough. There is now no doubt but tbat the acci-dent occurred through the voluntary breaking of

paam over the bTidgeat the san.o time. Thegreater portion of tb heart of th wood is like somuch punk, acd toe wonder is that the brid-- e hadstood so long.

J be smash ia a most temble one. and the ruinsconvey a vivid impreseioa the horrors of the disaster, lietweca tlie atone abutments of the hndge isa space of 82 feet; tlie ordinary length of a car is85 feet, and the to tbe bottom of tbe creek is9 feet. Three entire cars lay lengthwaya, crushedup lik: a telescope, between tbe abutments of tbebridge, thus cictuping a space of but little morethan tbe length of one car. Tbe first and secondcar cannot lie distinguished one from tb other.The third car ia entirely demolished, except a'louton third of tbe rear. Oa the sides of tbe cars andon tbe timber of bridge are frightful stains of hu-man blotd.

74e 7ef.A coroner's jury was called thesame cinht of the accident, and examined BenjaminStoutenj:er, engineer of tLe op train, whose testi-mony show that both engines passed over thbridge at tbe same time. He felt nothing nctil hisengiue got oa tbe west sida of tbe bridce, whs atber was suddenly a jerk, and tbe tender bn,keshort off. He tbey lor k d round and saw tbe carspiling up ia tbe creek, Tbe engineers have ordersnot to run two engines at tbe aame time over thebridge at Home, but no anch ordera aa to any otherbridges. Both engine passed over tbe bridge andremained on their separate tracks.

Chaiies Cbamplin, of Y'orkville, wat then sworn.Ha waa at tbe scene of the disaster immediately af-ter it took place, and helped to get out the dead andwounded; he had beard several persons talk withinthree weeks past of tne rottenness and insecurity oftbe bridge, and predict an accident there,

Georjre Btylis, Justice ef the Peace, of Whites-tow-

deKsed that two weeks since be passed overthe bridge, and waa struck by tbe rottenness of tliemood. Many tbe beams were of bastard elm,apparently enfit ta I.ear their own weight. He hadetamned bit heel into litem by tbe side of tba rail,and foand them perfectly rotten. This unsoundnesswaa ao apparent at to t evident to his eye whileco sing tbe bridge. He bad mentioned the fact incon vers it ion before tbe accident.

The Ii.quest adjourned at 11 P. M , till Wedne- -aav evenmir.

Thm-- A lnt tie Brtrthnfi of am Arie ItlnprnrrJ.Tbe theory of the railroad employee is tbat tne axleof tbe baceare car oa tb down track broke, andthis caused the accident. This is destroyed, Low- -ever, lir the fact that the bap (race car was over tnebri'Ie mhea tha break happened, at well as by tbeevident rottenness of tbe bripe.

The Cevtral Kailboad Disaster Tie fireneof the Acddrnt Tbe scene of tbia disaster, which

ill link tbe name of the Swqnoit with the DesJardins ia tbe record of horrors, is between the Eriecanal and tb Mohawk river, and directly oppoMtetha nliage of Yorkville, The bridge wis aboutthirty live fet auan.of wood, with stone abut menuJ be Quia nee to toe mater is aooui eigui icei, amitbe denth of the water not over four feet.

The wood work is of elm. Tbe timbers outsideappear camparatively solid, though , butwben broken several of the beams were rotten near-ly throurh and through.

The heap of ruins at a distance even were sad tobehold. At cue drew nearer, be saw on tbe southtide of th track a paereuser car in splinter"; thebridge cnttbed; a pile of passenger car rising 20or 30 feet into tb air; freight car on the bank andia tbe creek: and bar and there gout of blood andfrsgtrenti of clothing that hinted at tbe terriblecasuaii v.

Wii.-M- r. Moore m as killed br a fracture ofthe akull. causing a compression of the brain. Hewn insensible, A penile man who helped to takehim from the car informed our reporter that m henhe raised him be aaid, "this man is dead " and Mr.Moore answered, "no, I am not dead." These werethe only words he aftered. H waa identiikd brhis baage check. Three daguerreotypes f younglid.es were found in bia thelikenesses of hi daughters. He waa a man appa-rently about CO year of age, and, probably aa Irish-man.

Tb name of th French lady at the Xortbern no-te! ia Mr. Zahn, of Louivi:;r Ky. She has bothbone broken, acd it otherwise dangerously injured.

In tha last two months w have sent out avery large aumlier of accounts for collection. Manyof them have been tf long standing, Dearly all cfthem over twelve months. We hope they will bepromptly met"in presentation, and that oar collect-

or will make returns to at without delay,diim.Xew Water Ci re Estabijshment. Wa atk

the attention of inralids te the water cur establishment of Mr. Egeln, (lite Dr. Caspari'i), in thitcity. The estahlUhmect has a reputation second tonone in the country, and has been tried by hundredscf our citizens with the most beneficial effects.


Got. Cummins in Salt Lake City.

The 3Ifrm,'iH Departing.St. L011- -, May 16.

The Republican received a dispatch late last niphtstating th it an express reached leavanwortb on th13th fn m Camp Scott April 10;h, bringing intelli-gence that tbe Murmona had laid down arm. Gov-

ernor Cummirg, on invitation of Young, enteredSalt Lake City without escort. Many Mormonshave gone to tb southern part of tbe Territory.Tbe women and children are preparing to follow.

A dispatch dated Leavenworth tbe 1 tth states tbatthe nems from I "tab is unofficial, but a private letterreceived by Col. Rich, at the Tort, corroliorates thestatement, and it is universally credited at Leaven-mor.-

G v. Cuiuming entered Lake City on tbel;t of April, and tbe army wat in readinest fur im-

mediate action in case of an emergency.Tbe steamer Lucas, from the Missouri, arrived

last nit;bt, brine no further particulars of the Utahnews tcleirrsphed yesterday.

lien. Smith had cot reached Leavenworth wbenthe Lucas left.

Ti e K u ka poo correspondent of th Republicansaya tbe liamtita in the neighborhood cf Fort Scott,Kansas, number tM, commanded by the notoriousOpt. Montgomery, and are thoroughly armed andmounted cn fleet horses. They the L'citedStates troops, and swear they never can be taken.I'pwards of 150 families have letn robbed anddriven into Missouri.

Three hundred troops, composing tbe first detach-ment of tlie 7th Infantry, kft Jrftern Barracksyescrdav for Leavenworth.

Gen. Ilarney arrived at Leavenworth on the 12lh.Secretary Hartnett left for L'Uh on tlie 13th.


Tbe steamer Xorth America is below with Liver-pool dates to the itb.

Sales of cotton tlie three days 34,000 bales, 5,000to siecnl.itors and 3,0"0 to exporters. All qualitiesadvanced l;d.

Brcad-turt'- s steady. Provisions ditto. Consols7SH'. ikef heavy; all qtialitits have sligh ly ii

el.ciVriW litspttch.-Th- dispatches hy the America

furnish th following intelligence: The steamerXorth Star, for Havre, arrived at Southampton onthe 1st. The steamer America reached Liverpoolon the 3d.

The resolution relative to the Government cf In-

dia is progretsing in Parliament.A resolution endorsing tbe anion of the Dannbian

Principalities bat been rejected in the H juse ofby a lare majority.

The Trench LepbLiture has adopted the budget.Tbe Envoys of tbe leading corners have requested

a convocation of tb German Diet to consider tbproposition of Denmark relative to the Duchies.

England A collision ccenrred in St. GeorgesC laurel Iwtween a steamer and a barque, whichcaused both vessels to sink. Thirty lives were lost.The sc'iosner tieorfre, l.ouc d on an expedition to theriver Xiger, fjusdered in the channel, by whichseven cf the crew were .

Engl.ind has made a formal demand on Xarles forindemnity for the imprisonment of the English en-

gineers captured on board the Cagliari.France The grain crops are promising. Bread-

stuff, firmer.Jmlui Letters from India state that Xana Sahib

has n r n breed, and mai about to recommenceoperations.

Isiudon Mimfy Marlei, WeJnetity, ifayhth. Tbefunds hav improved under the sstisfactorr state-ment of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. There iaan increased demand in the discount market, theratea ranging rrom z.vo-- J i psr cent, the heavypavmcnts due on Tnssday mere met without embarrassment. Consols closed at 97 j"07-"- . Mancber- -ter advices favorable, prices having an upward tendency.

Jjrernnnl. Flour closed dull at the following Quotations: Ohio 2Zi 63(i2it Od; Western Canal 21so21s OI; for Philadelphia and Baltimore 21 1 62','s

wneat closea quiet, quoting red at b.'bj,d;white 7i7t tid. Corn also closed quiet; white isslichlly better, quoting at 31cr:!4s fid.

Provision market Beef dull and 5d lower; lard57s; bacon closed firm.

Liverpool produce market Rosin dull at 4s 3d:turjientine spirits steady at 44?; sugar firm; ricequiet; linseed oil quoted at 30efa3)s Co,

ixracon markets Sugar closed buoyant and Gd

better; breadstuffs generally closed firm; linseed oilquoted at 30 9ia31s.

Money market Consols for money ar quoted at

XXXVTH COXGRESS FIRST SESSION.Friday'$ Proceeding Concluded.

Washisqtox, May 15.llrmm. Two dozen private bills were laid aside

for favorable action. There beins no quorum present, several ineff ectual effort) were made to adjourn

then a call of the House, when excuses were offered for absentees, and, after further proceedings.on motion of Mr. Clemens, the sergeant-at-ar- masdirected to arrest and bring to tbe bar of the Housesuch memtiers at bad not been excused. A numberwere arrested from time to time and brought in,but their excuses cot beinz deemed satisfactory .they mere discharged from custody on payment of

es.Mr. Morcan, of Xew Y'ork. said he understood

that members mere dining at the President's bouse,ana tne nicer or mis tjodr had cone thither forthem, but tber were refused admittance. Hethwught it ontrageons that gentlemen should be sit-ting here at tLis hour (8 o'clock), while those refer-red to were enjoying themselves. korh merrimentwas caused by occasional Tiumomus incidental re-marks mad ia the cour-- e of a debate as to the pro-

priety of these proceedings. One side contendedtbat it woud result in no benefit, while others main-tained that members should be compelled to attendand transact business in order to adjourn on the 7thof June,

Seven Pennsylvania members, who had been dining with the President, rendered excusea for theirabsence, and at half past 11 o'clock tbe Hons adjourned.

Saturday's ProteedJngt.Washixtox, May 15.

&rnafe.'$U. Gwin, of California, presented a memorial from tbe Legislature of California, calling onthe Executive to take up tbe caaeof Juan Enzr, whowas Miwwi iiv an armeu uauu 01 iuexicans in

and carried to Sonora, where he ia still helda captive. The California delegation had written toPresident Comonfort, m ho gave orders to have theprisoner released, but his order being disregarded,be professed himself unable to enforce it-- Mr. Ga inspoke warmly on the subject of Mexican out raceon American citizens, and hoped tbat are this Congress should adjourn, the Government will send aship of war to that coast to demand reparation.This prisoner is the onlv survivor m bo can testify tothe Snora massacre of" Americana by the very par-ti-

m ho invited them into Mexico. Tbe subjectreferred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Seward introduced a joint resolution to autho-rise tbe President to cive notice to the Governmentof H.mover for the abrogation of the treaty of lSlti,which imposes restrictions on commerce.

Mr. Crittenden of Ky., presented a petition fromTal. P. Shall rer praying for an amendment of theact of March 3d, 157, wbich granted concessions totbe Atlantic lelegrsph Company, to tbe effect thatthe subsidy granted by that act be extended to allAtlantic telegraph line. The petition was orderedto be printed and referred to Judiciary Committee,inasmuch as it mar involve questions at law.

lluuit: R. W. litlum, summoned as a m itnessbefore the Willet s Point examination committee,mas in pursuance of a previous order, brought

the bar of tbe House by the sergeant-at-arm-

His statement, detailing trie circumstances of hissb:ence from the citv. and disavowing anv nnrnosdisrespectful to the House.

Sir. liaskin of . 1., made some explanatory re-

marks, aud, as Mr. Latham had voluntarily ap-peared; tbe latter, on Haskin's motion, was orderedto be discharged on giving his testimony before thecorpmittee.

Mr. Smith of Ills., from tbe Select Committee, temhichtbe subject hsd been referred, presented abill to apportion tba clerks and messengers of tbeseveral Department at Washington among the several States, territories, and District of Columbia.

7 he House then proceeded to tte consideration ofthe private calender.

XXXVTH COXGRESS-FIR- ST SESSION.Saturdays ProceedingtConctuded.

Washington, May 15.ftemde. Several local (District of Columbia"!

bills passed.1 be House lull for the relief of Barclay & Liv

ingston and others was referred.Ine duties oa merchandize destroyed at th great

fire in Xew York, ia loio, after being debated, wakilled by 15 majority. Adjourned.

Washington, May 15.Tbe Senate in executive session cocfirmed the

of Joseph Williams as Associate Justiceof Kansas, end several postmasters ia Massachu-setts, including Capen, of Boston.

Lient. Ives, in official letters, states tbat the ex-ploration of the Colorado so far progressed well.

1 be Mormons do not appear to have lieen success-ful in conciliating the Xavajoes. Tbe latter arejealour of their approach.

A party ha been sent to examine the route fromthe Mormon road to the Colorado south of big Can-non, which work, mith the exploration of VirginValley, m ill be numbed in the course of two weeks.When this information was obtained, the practica-bility of the route aa a channel of communicationfrom Utah was determined an important object ofthe expedition.

Wasihnutox, May 17.Tbe War Department has no confirmation of th

latest newspaper intelligence from I" tab. Lieut.General Scott says there are two chances out of nvthat it is true.

Tbe President has demanded explanations fromF.ncland acd Spain witb reference to tbe aearch andvisitations of American vessels in the ricinity ofCuba and ita harbors. .

Tbe Colorado, which left Xorfolk on the 12thinst., baa specific orders to tbe home squadron tostop these interferences with American shippingfrom any quarter. Tbe recent violations have caus-ed much indignation on tbe part of Congress as wellas the Administration, and both Houses hare calledupon the President for (articular.

1 he Senate, in executive session, confirm-ed the nomination of Mr. Rynders as V. S. Marshalfor tbe Southern district of New Y'ork. Mr. Schell,Collector of Xew York, has not yet been reportedfrom the Committee of Commerce.

Tbe following postmasters have been confirmed:Mr. Fowler, New York; Gideon Westcott, Philadel-phia; Mr. H niter, Eistoc, Pa.; Mr. lirattan, Car-lisle, Pa.; Mr. Sloan, Eric, Pa.; Mr. Mcfarland,Meadville, Pa.; Mr. Stewart, Allegheny City, I'a.;also, the following, aurveyors: General Francis L.Dan v for Florida; John Loughborough, of Missouri,for Missouri acd Illinois; Warren Lewis, of lows,for Vircocein and lows; A. C. Davis wa also con-firmed an district attorney for Kansas.

Mr. Bitrler's bill reported authorizing achange in the buildings for custom house, post officeand court room is on tbe principle of that passed inthe Ilou'O, but more explicit in its provisions. TbeSenate refused to consider it.

1 be volunteers enrolled by Florida have been dis-

banded. Only thirty-two- " Iuduu warriors, and acomparatively small number of women and childrenare now ft in tbat State.

At a Democratic caucus of the membersof the House of Representative Joseph L. Wright,of Xew Jeotey, received the nomination for door-keeper over many candidates. Tbe lobbies werethronged with persons interested in the result.

Daytox, Ohio, May 17.

Tb Miami river has risen to mi thin fiv feet oft be great fiood of 1847. McPbersontown, on theopposite tide of the river is partially inundated.Tbe river has jirobably attained iu highest point.

Boston, May 17.

The brig Winpald reports lieing fired into withmmkets by a British cruiser soon afier leavingSierra Morena and was afterwards lioarded andsearched by an armed bat'a crew of Iiv.

New Yoick, May 17.A special Washington dispatch to tbe Herald says

it is lielieved that orders have been issued to theborne squadron to pievent the outrages committedby British cruisers on American vessels.

ISichmomi, Va , May lfi.A disastrous bail storm occurred in Chesterl 'd

county last evening. The hail stones were as largeas eg, completely destroying the vegetation. 1 beground was strewed with leaves and branches fromtrees, and an immense amount of glass was broken.In some place hail lay from two to three feet deep.Tbe storm wa unprecedented. Tbe train from Pe-

tersburg last evening came in contact with a treethat had fallen across tbe track. The engine andcars wer damaged, but th passengers escaped ur..curt.

Cincinnati, Mar 17. .

In the case of Wm. M. Connelly, e n trial for sev-

eral days past for harboring fugitive slaves, a ver-

dict was rendered tbismorningof guilty. A motionwaa made for a new trial, one of the jurror beingdeputy U. S. marshal.

On Saturday night the postoffic at BrooVville,Ind., to which is attached the jewelry store nf J. R.Cla'ke, was entered by burglars and upwards of$2,000 worth of matches and jewelry stolen. Tbercarried off all the letters in tbe postoffice, some ofwhich were registered as valuable, and some (300ia stamp.

St. Louis, Mar 15.

A violent tornado blew the pa'senger train nf thaChicago, Alton, and St. Loui3 Railroad off the trackat Lexington, Illinois, Thursday night. The townsof Lexington, Peoria, Junction, and Towanda suffer-ed severely. Half the houses in them were pros-

trated. Three men were killed at Towanda. Yes-

terday another storm of a like character pased overthe region between Bloonreagton and Springfield,doing much damage. A large numlier of bouses inElkhart and Williamsville were demolished, one ofthem falling in and crushing a family of five personsto dtath.

ANWTnr.n Seirirw. Oa Tuesday evening, a mannamed George W.Taylor, aged aliout 28 years, de-stroyed his life. The" deceased was a plasterer bytrade, and was originally from Philadelphia, whereh ha respectable relations living. He had beenmarried but, a few month, and came from Wash-ington, Franklin county, Mo., where his wife re-sides, about two weeks ago. Among the papers ofthe unfortunate man mas found a slip overwrittenwith a pencil, in these touching word;:

"My Dear Wife: I have wronged yon. Forgiveand pray for me. I am a villain, and deserve to die.May God have mercy on my soul."

S. Lmlt Republican.

A friend from the country informs as that tbeyoung blades of corn, which has just put up, arelieing destroyed by a small insect, such as he hasnever seen before." It is about tbe size of a flea andhas wings. It is a new enemy that our farmershare to contend with, and one "whose rtrages arevery destructive. Similar complaints of the sameinsect are made from some of the surrounding coun-ties. Lex. Olnerrer.

nrPr f. W00S. the renowned discoverer of the Invalu-able "Hair still continues to labor in lichalf

thxattlirlrd. Ilii nirilirinns are universally admitti--by the American ris to be far snjierinr to all oheis forcaurinr tlie hair on the head of the seed to stow tortll withaa nitirh vUor and luxuriance as when with the

ynuth. Tin-r- ran be no doubt, if we placecivdit in the Innumerable testimonial which the Profesaorha in hi uoawsion. that It is one of the created discove-ries in the medical world. It r'tor permanently frayhair to its original color ami makes tt assume a brautifulsilky texture, which ha been very in all ages ofthe world. It frequently harp-n- that old men marrybeautiful and amiable youna ladi, and not unfru(uentlycruty old maids, make victims of handsome puod naturvdyounr eeutlemcn, and by what process it has never beendetermined until lately, when it was attributed to the useof this invaluable Hair Restorative. La Salle Journal.

Sold by all good druggists.

What it is Doinu for thk Suk. Wm. Schuch-ma-

Esq., the well known lithographer, savs: "Ihave frequently used Boerhave'a Holland Bitters,and find it invariably relieves indigeston and debi-lity."

Rer. Samuel Babcock says: "I fonnd special re-

lief from ita nse for a sever headache with which Ihsd long suffered."

J. W. Wood well, Esq., says: "I have used 'a

Holland Bitters mvsclf, and recommend it toothers, knowing it to be just what it is represent-ed."

Aid. Jonathan Xeely, of Lower St. Clair, says: "Ihave derived great tienefit from its use for weaknessof the stomach and ind'gestion."

James M. Murphy says: "After several physi-cians bad failed, Bo?rhare'i Ilollmd Bitters "re-

moved the pain from my heart and side, arisingfrom indigestion." ml5 jibeod3iwl

Morgan-field- , Kt., April 19, 1858.Dr. R. D. Porter Dear Htn I enclose von

the proceeds of another hundred bott'es of y'oarLiniment, and wish yea to send me another supplyimmediately. In this section of Kentucky your Lin-

iment stands for the many virtues itpossesses more, really, than you claim for it. Tomy own knowledge, it has bein eminently success-ful in the complete cure of piles. Many cases, thathave defied all other remedies for years, have been cu-red perfectly by a few applications of your Liniment.

Y'ery respectfully, vours,J. II.'JUPIX, M. D. and Druggist.

ap2G d&wtf

MIjSL OUTPUT JUSKentnrWr Harvester,... $150Manny's Harvester, ISOXew York It caper, 13SKndlrs C'liatn Thresher, ITSTwo Horse Ohio Thresher, fiHFour HorKC Ohio Thresher 133Four Horse It a 1st oil's Cleaner,.. 20Klcht Horse Kslatnn's Cleaner, 3'iiSquare Teeth Hny Rakes, $4.00Improved 5 Teeth Cultivators,. 6.30



inayli vou&wdiu

MARRIED,On the lath Inst., by the Very r.ev. Tt. J. gpaldine. Tr.

Ann., of n, to Mis Kats O'Nkil, ward of J.C. Webb, of t tiie city.

of Klkuiu, Ky., to Mis Fbedo.ma Got l, of Todd co.On the 15th Inst., hy rtv. F. II. Hn.iuell, Mr. rintXABii

MoSMI WOSTA to MLl Ll.lIA O'iiRVAX.On the 1.1th inst.. by Rev. W. L. Prockinridee. n.D.. Vr

A. C. SrarLt to Mia Salmk Bi.At niiTra, all of th scity.I I "i III 'I I Witj

DIED,In Hardlnsbnrf. Ky.. on the ?tli April, nf disease of

ine neart, ltoia Li.vr, wile or Mom aged Mlyears.

The demised was an exemplary memlier of the M. EChurch and has been nearly all her life aortly arltictedwhich he bore with christian

Far removed from niort.il care and strife,Ke.t the friend, tlie mother, snd the wile;

Farewell, mother, till we meet thee in Heaven.At Ptephensiiort, on the ptth in , on lioard the steamer

fVd'ito. Mra. F.HTlir.a Ax Seat, wife of Francis Stav. anddaughter of 11. 11. Williams, of Washington co.

At Nashville. Tenn.. on the 25th of April. C'l.irrnan.egttd 'Jl month, and on the lurh iutaut. Mowbray, ageda year aud s month, sons of James and Jane iiacrc.

te-Xe- Orleans papers please ropy.Oa Friday miniins. the 14th inst.. Thiwii GrsxrrT.

infaut sou of Mary aud Chos. A. Kobardj.In thi citv, on Thursday eveninf, May It, at t o'clock,

Ir. llr:T J. Jo em. 45 years, formerly of St Louu,but for many yeama practicing physician in thi city.

In Shasta, CtV, April 6th, Jon Fields, a fed 2 years,formerly fpm Kentucky.

In Run Frane ere. Cat.. Aprit 7th. of Inflammation of thebrain, Mr. Kokebt t. Woods, agid Si years, formerly ofliarosiowu, ar.


LotrisriLLS. May 18.

r.UABKS So great a stagnancy a has prevailed Inevery department of the produce business during the pastweek has rarely been known. Tobacco is the ouly articleIn which any confidence is evinced, and the market hasbeen really animated, all the receipt being eagerly takenat full prices. In flour and grain, and in groceries, a mereretail businees has been done at former rates. The provi-sion market has labored under unususl depression. Noth-ing to guide us in quotations has been done. There baabeen no demand whsteyer, excojit in a retail way. Holdershave, howeTcr, some hope that a reaction a ill oon takiplace. I n the minor articles nothing of moment has trans-

pired. The money market has bev-- very ijniet.Account begin to reach us from tlie Green river eoontry

and aleo from the Tennessee that the fly U doinc erratdamage to the tobacco plant. There i no doubt that It hasbeen injured, but for these reports great allowance must bmade-B- o

far as the cotton crop is concerned, it is now satldac- -torily ascertained that the late frosts have doue compara-tively little injury. Hut the overflow in the Iwer

will unquestionably reduce the yield of it as well asof sugar, but to what extent has not yet b.cn aacrtained.The crevasses on the MUsissippi a e doing immense damage. Far the last three week the river has been out of itsbanks, aud it is likely to remain so for some time. Therise from Pittrburg and the tribntaries of the Ohio hasjust reached here, and the river here i biith andIlet4des, It wa raining agaiu very hard lat night.

We are having entirely too much rain for wheat, and italso prevent farmer from planting corn. Thus far, wehave heard of no actual injury by it, bdt should the wetweather continue a week longer, it will cut the crop short.

Onr quotations embrace only tbe wholesale price uule-- a

otherwise specified.DacsitfO and Dale Rora. The only large sale in bag.

gingwa 600 pieces good handloom at 12Xc Some fewsmall salt to fill orders have been made within the raneeof onr quotations. In rope we notice a sale, of UK) coilshand at 6c and 300 coils machine at 7, e's'iTe. We con-

tinue to quote handloom bagging at 11 W I2Vc, accordingto quality, and Hunt' powerloom at 12c, and hand rope atX (a H'tfe, and machine at TtSTc. At New Orleans they

are dull and unchanged.(Jotto. Nothing doing. The receipts at New Orleans

are nearly Til.(so bale in excess of Iat year. Liverpooladriocs to the 5th report an advance of ',d with a goo 1

business.Cottok Yabns, SniETirioa. c etottnn yarns we quote

(KM. 9(S!i)tf, and 10c10Xe in lots. Cannellton andlilteburg sheetings we quote at C.Vc CanoeM ton batting14 cents.

CoaDAoe, ie, Manilla cordage we quote at13c. Hemp twine we quote at W4dZc.

Ciief.sk. Sales of Weatern R'' serve In lot from store atI cents.

Cahdles akd Poar. Btar we continue to qnote l320c,eah, according to weight. Hard pressed tallow candlewe quote at llc. Soap w continue to quote at Vii 5c Vlb, according to qnality.

Coal. Another supply of Pittsburg ia srrlving, butmost of it is going South. By the barge load it has beensold at the river at SVc. The retail price ia as before 14cfor PitUburg and lJc for Pomeroy.

Floce akd Geaix No large transactions have beenmade during the week. The sale have been pretty muchin lots by the drayload at prices ranging from 43 75 to $4,according to qnality and quantity. The city mills continueto ship nearly all they make. Wheat has continued toarrive quite freely, and former rates have been maintain-ed aay 64a70c for red and white, and prime white 75c.Corn is firmer, and dealer offer 30(12e for ear. A dealerpurchased 00 bushel white shelled at 3.V. For oats dealers continue to pay 30c. Very little rye and barley comingin, and we qnote them 40(5 4.1c rtran I very dull, and wequote it non inally at 5ui 7, short f9, shipstuffs lz,and middling (05 3? ton.

FartTS Dried apples are dull at (1 15 and dried peaches we quote at ... Itamns we now quote 4.1S3 2u for MIt. and layer. Figs 12'ic Date 9e. Lemons 3 50.

FEATnr.as, Uiksexo, Beeswax, akd Rags All therearticles continue to tome in slowly, and are scarce. Feathers have declined to 4oe, giueeng nomiually 47c, beeswaxS4c. and rags Se cash.

Ftsu. There only s retail trade In fish, and quotationstake a wide range. For the present we omit thera.

Gkoterieb. A mere retail business has been done, andquotation bar undergone no chance. The sales of rurarbar been at prices ranging from 6?f to7?ic for common toprime Louisiana, and sales of refined white, powdernd,and crushed at lOiSHWc. Plantation molames has beenselling at 4(S."Sc for bbls and 3c for hf bbls. Coffee continue unchanged and rather firm, tbe uling rates for Riobing HJia,ll)c and the extreme prices 11 to lie. Rio 4)4

S4cGlass Cunningham's Pittsburg city brands declined

The agency bere is wiling via: 8x10 it 50, li xli (3 75,10x14 is 4, 10x16 (4 50, 10x17 and 12x14 4 75, 10x18 and 12x16 i, litis 85 5, l iii3 and lix20 go, and lix!.! $4 23.Country brand sell ic lower.

IiEiip Nothing doing and very little coming la. Manufacturers would pay C4 V hundred for fair Kentucky.Missouri w quote nominally js0(S$s2 for fair.

Hides We have no ehaure to notice. Dealers are pay-ing to butchers 4 se, and e.ll at the same, adding 2oe $hide for commission. Dry salted we quote at 9c, and flintat in lie.

Hav There is an abundaaee of Inferior In market, butgood hay L very scarce, and dealers would readily pay forit 10to 10 50 from the wharf. Inferior ha been sold af lowaa 45 per ton from the wharf.

Iaon. Stonecoal and charcoal w quote atS(S4!, In lotto tha trade. Bormx soe lb. Oakum 7'nc Pig Iron isscarce, and the iron maker have withdrawn from tho mar.ket, anticipating an advance. "Vo quota nominally $27so , usual tltal

Jeans and Linsets Small sale of mixed at 30 and 40cLeatiiei Remains firm. We qnote oak sol and hem

lock at IK 15c. Harness we qnote at 24a2Se, skirting M28e, black bridle Jfio.'!c, and fair bridle (a Ce.Lead anb SnoT. Bar lead we now quote at c, and

pU at 6c The city manufactory ia selling pure whit leadat 43 to )2 13 V, superior at 1 75 to 5, and Clinton at (160 $t 75, according to quantity. Shot I SO.

Nails. We quote lOd's from the wharf from first handsat 3 for ronnd lots; from atore we quote 3 15. Horseshoenails. Imported, Xle, and e Sec.

Oils. The mill U selling at 67c. Lard oil w quote ateOS;35c for No. 1.

Paovisio.ta and Lasd. A few small sales to fill South.ern order comprise the extent of th business. Nobodywant to buy, and the market ha therefor had a moatdiscouraging appearance throughout. It may be tbat aasoon as the overflow abate a demand may ensue. Ourquotations are only nominal and for small lota, aay mesapork $17, rump ail, bacon shoulder 6H7c, ribbed side

H e, clear side 9io U Sc, plain ham fd v, canvassed hamf.VoflOc, fancy sugar cured ham ll312c, bbl lard 10,Ve

and keg live. Many holders bought at high prices, andhence this range in quotations. Very little meat ha beenreceived from the eoontry.and nobody want to buy excelat a considerable decline; we quote from wagons shoulders

, bam 77c, clear side (WS(Jie, bbl lard 9e,and keg lard l()a Our country friend had better keeptheir meat at home and watch the turn of events.

PoTATora and Oxionb Nothing doing In either. Potatoes very dull at 50c per bbl.

Salt. The Kanawha agency Is selling at 21c by whole.sale and 23c by retail.

Seeds. Flaxseed continues firm at $1. Th eaon forother description of seed I over.

t tabch W qnota at Viis'te for No. 1 In lota.Tim Plats Unchanged. Wa quote If, 10x14, 413 50;

IX, 10x14, .14 25; IC, 1420, leaded, 12 SO; IX, 14x20, al4Ji; block tin, 35'33c y ft; charcoa ron 6Xc; boiler doSXc; brazing eoppor 38e. Galvanized Iron, all numberfrom 2C up, 14.iilB. Russian iron, from 26 np, $lii(20.

Tallow. We quote city rendered at 9)s. Dealers arpaying butchers for rough, 5c.

Tobacco Great flrmnea ha characterized tbe tobaccomsrket, ar.d all receive '; Specs,lators have some confidence In tobacco, and thia, togetherwith an easy money market, ha tended to sustain price.Tiie sales have been somewhat larger tlian during th preceding week. The total sales here since the 1st Novemberhive been 10,200 lihdj, the bulk of which has been ld du-

ring tlie Iat three month, a there was no stock on hardat the commencement of the season and the receipts duringthe first three months went very trifling. The sale of theweek have been 880 hhd, of which th following are theparticulars, viz.: 23 hhds at 4(4 95, 25 at tirtjj W, SoOat

t P5, li5 at 7)7 i, 130 at 9. 33 at t(i9 R5, tat 1U. 10 80, and 5 at til, (12 35, 12 50, )13, and ,14We now quote merchantable lug at $5 25 to 6 50, eorr.mon to medium leaf $6 50 to $, good to fine leaf $4 to50, and extra fine 10 50 to tl4.

The sales yesterday, exclusive of the above, were 1: thhd 1 at tt ?, 27 at 5(S5 95, 33 at ft(46 95, 40 at $7( 7

95, S2 at (SS 95, 3 at a!3 35. and S at )I010 25.

Wool Very little doing. We contiuue to quote greaseat 182oe, pulled 24i)2ie, and washed 2Ha2Sc.

WmsET. Raw ha advanced to 17c, at which the mar.ket close.

FBKinnTSj Are scarce, but ws quote aa before, as follows: To New Orleans and Virkburg rates are 25c y hun-

dred for pound freights, 40c for flour, 60e for pork, 65e fortierce lard, 75c for whiiky. Sheep we qnote 50c T) head,mules $5, and horses and cattle $. On way freights anadvance I charged. freights we quote to Wheel,ing and Pittsburg lic If hundred. Flour Is taken throughto Philadelphia at V bbl. Wliieky to Nashville andMemphis 50c 1$ bbl, and to Ohio river point 40c V bbl.There ha been hardly a day during the week that therewere not two or three Wheeling and Pittaburg biaU at tbe


The Money Market Great quietness haa prevailed inthe money market. The bank take all the good 4, , and8 months' paper that ia offering ot their usual rate percent per month. The broker are doing very little. Ex.chance continues very dull; the bank and brokers wilingEastern at X prem., but refuse to pay more than par. NewOrleans is without demand, and New Orleans bank notesare at a discount. Exchange on St. Louis and Cincinnatii par. Gald continues at to H prem.

Unrurrent money continues at former rate. Tennesseeat 1 discount. North Carolina abont the same. The bestGeorgia and South Carolina banknotes ar I V dieco int.Ohio ai d Indiana State bank are par. Indiana freebank X to discunt, and Illinois 1 discount.

The St. Louis banks resumed specie payment on Satur-day. The State Bank of Missouri haa refused to receivethe notes of her branches in payment of collection paper,but take them in payment of note discounted. AU theother St. Louis banks will take Missouri note at par.

The New Orleans Crescent of Wednesday say:The money market is, without any donbt. daily leading

to conoesion iu favor of seller of paper, or those wantinglosns. Tlie paiier market was very quiet We note thesale of some long date commercial ier at the rate of 10percent, and some fair at 1U:12 ?r cent The call onthe bank were only moderate. There does not appear tobe full employment that is, in the aggregate for the entireresource of the bank.

The exchange market had a heavy feeling Thebanks were selling checks on New York at par for large and

i remiuin for small smite. The demand waa stark, veryslack, outride the transactions were a" par to "4 discount.Some sixty day Havana bill, payable. 1st July, were Boldst V'a dicount. This cannot be called a quotation.Resident drawers (Al) ssked 7 discount, and we quote therange of the market from that to 1, l1,', 1Vij dicoiintSome of the Iwnk were not During, and towards the cloneof busine.se there was some difficulty in realizing at theserate. In sterling there were salesof bills with shippingdocument at llil'aoVli 7J4 We quote, however, a low a107 and a hie1! as hi, '.i -. witb clear hills of hlch rig.natures at lu1!!!!"?. and some at 109 for remittance. Infranca there were several transactions at b.mlid..li andpL'ilai.15. Tb market, however, closed without anima-tion.

The New York Journal of Commerce cf Friday evening"says:

The market is less astir but rate of Interest re-

main the same, and the supply of money ia aoundastWe quote

Loan on call, stock securities 4I hi do, oth"r good securities 4 f

Pi ime endorsed bill, hoc '.i day. 3ik 4Do do. 4.o nioutli . 4( 5

First class incle signature &c 6other g.iod bill 7

Name less known.... tKt y

Foreign exchange ia firm, and prime bill are rill scarce.We quote bid at ixty darson London for com-mercial: ln!i',(allo for barkers'; do at sight llollH:Paris at sixty days 6.1:i,'(i).124; do at short sight 5.12'i(ft. 10.

The stork market opens heavily, akd the tendency isagain in favor of the buyers.

The imports of foreign dry goods at thia port for tlieweek are comparatively li'ht, and the supply in bond istiil drawn upou to supply the deficiency. We annex ourusual weekly comparative summary:

Import of Foreien Dry Goods at Xeu York.For the week. VM. Is57. lsiis.

Fntered at the port tl,nsn,J47 )75,90 e.w.ofaThrown on market P.'!.' 5lo,i20 75u,tsW

Since Jan. 1st. 1&. 1X57. 1V.Entered at the port aW.HW.S4? 3t,71l,113 (17.!6,7:i3Thrown on market i"VvSV.s;4 87,.V',iW 21,041.4--6

The following is a summary ef th condition of the NewOrleans bank on the 8th:

Liabilities. Resource.Cirenlation. 0.023.1 2 t.Slwcie 10,615,539I posiM l.274.:lll Short Loans. 1.V4.V.I

Due distaut banks ..1.112,1", Exchange y.liavHThe Boston Traveller, of Friday evening, in an editorial

on business matters, rayr:We are gratified to be able to announce that the last ac-

count from Calcutta, not a single ship wa loadiuc for Boston, nor for any port in the United Mate! Some five orsix ship are now on the way to tin port, and will arrivewithin three mouths, but none are now lookel for. Wetrust to be able to announce that there are none on theway soon.

Our stocks of roods here are amply snftVient for the tradefor m.nny month torome.even with good buinas,and wehorc that for six month at least our merchants will atopall im imitations of Iudia good.

A i a general thing t here it no life ts trade in thi city Inlarrre Jooher are doing in many cases as muchas usual, bnt on the wltarve. and among the mrrrhanta,much apathy prevails. Although money is so plenty, noone seems liKsed to speculate in merchandise, thinkiugthat the leading article are tot low euoub to oiler any in-

ducement. Our (eople have sutfered j much that they donot choose to dabble in fancy ttocks on State street, andthey do not care aliout buying anything hut good payingseciiniies. Let us Hope that tney will hoia to this determi-nation, and not eire iviv cood mouer unless they obtainsomething equally good aud sure. The quicker some oftneee uubiilcsare nurei uie oeiier, never, we uojic.io oe

arain.In rhinuiua matters, nothing can ba more unfavorable

than the present aspect. Ves Is, as a general thing, arenot naviiir their way. Thi year we see a great falling ortin the shipping at this port, not much more than oiie.halfof last year. For several mouth to come, the decline willbe more marki-d- , as the iudia aud New Orleans ship harenow uearly all arrived.

This U the tons of the press In all tbe commercial citiesof the Union, New York not excepted.

17oi(r&o ouse Cattle ilark'tIl. F. Yituman.Louisville, May 17.

The cattle market for the week past has been du I andprice a shade lower. We quote fair from 3 i5 to 3 75.

There have been few sold at higher figures. Second rate

&i (Hv,3.Sheep and lambs are in fair demand and retailing from

t 2 to $3 50 for old sheep; lamb from $1 75 to $2 50, accor.ding to quality.

The hog market is dull, with but few in market Pricesranging fiom 4 25 to S)5.

Receipts:Spencer county, Mr Yeesh, 13 cattle Nelson county, J

Rebhart, 16 cattle City, 8 Bills, 30 cattle WashingtonO'Connel, cattle Clark county, Ind., Mr Frey, 4cat.tie Clarke county, Ind., Thos Byrnes, 12 eittle Shel-

by, Ky J Newman, 12 cattle Clarke county, Ind., A

Cooues, 5 cattle Boyle county, Ky., G C Battmus, 17

cattle B Warner, 17 cattle Mr Prewitt & Co, 13 eat- -

tie Oldham county, G Anderson, 21 sheep Shcloy,W Carn, ft sheep Jefferscn, 8 Yager, 21 sheep Clarkecounty, Ind., Mr Miller, 1 hogs Jefferson county,Ky., D ITotiu. 55 hog Clarke, J Bennett, 18 hogs--do

Howard, 17 hogs. Total 157 cattle, 113 heep, and100 ho;.".

Shelby IIoum Cattle XarketW. W. Summer.There is still a fair demand for cattle, and the market

moderately supplied.Hogs are very dull, and the market crowded.There is a fair demand for sheep and none on the marketFrist quality rattle 4?4 50 V cwt , gross; second rate $3

(33 7?; third rate $2 50(;i3. Hops arc atlllng slowly at4 503 4 75, cross. Sheep selling briskly at s33 50 per

head for fira quality, wool off; common tl 75(32 75; lambs

tl 25 to )3.Receipts:

Cattle D W Doyle, Clark, Ind, 12 M Adams, do do,8 W W Ladd, city, 2 B Pruett, Marion, 20 II

Carlton, 6 K Rucker, Jack-on- , Ind, 11 V Campbell, do do, 5 B Long, Clark, Ind, S C Bivcn, Bar.tholomew, Ind, 32 Wm Gray, Trimble, W O Pra- -thcr, Bartholomew, Ind, 14 M Morgan, city. 5. Total,123 head.

Hots Mr McMeekio. Marion, 57 O W Weller, Bullitt,14 T Norris, Washington, Ind, 57 II Zolman, Jack-son, Ind, 97 R Davi, Bullitt, 11 Wm Canady, If R

Lyle, Henry, 41 Bowdine & Davi, South Carlton, l!i7.

Total, 4x4 head.Snr.Er W W Ladd, city, 52 Thoma Ewing, Marlon, 121

Total, lt head.

New Yoek, May 17, P. M.Cotton firm but unchanged s lea of 2,5uo bale. Flonr

heavy sale of 13,000 bbl. Wheat firm sale of 40,000

bushel Southern red $1 06gl lu, white 151 JO, Mil

waukee club 98, Western white 1 07, red unchanged. Cornfirm sale of 27,000 bushels yellow 73e?70c. Chicago beefdeclined 4"c sales a ?1J tu(13 50. Prime pork advanced10c sales at (14 12M14 25. Lard heavy at lO fill HeWhisky firm at lie. Bacon steady dry salted hamst'ic, do shoulders 6li6Se. Hides steady Western 17.VTallow steady at lOCijluc. Sugar quiet Porto Rico ()G.Vc Coffee steady. Rice dull st lX4c. Freight veryftcady.

Cincinnati, May 17, P. M.There haa been a moderate demand for flour, and price

are steady rale of 1,200 bbls at )3 60(3 65 for superfineand 43 10 for extra receipts light Whisky in activedemand, and 1,600 bbl sold at liic, doling buoant Salesof 600 bbls mess pork at (16 60, at which there was a gooddemand. There was nothing doing In bacon or lard. 50,(00

tb bulk sides sold at sSc, to be delivered June 1st

uiw Obleans, May 17, P. M.Sales of cotton 4,000 bale. Tba steamer' new

had no effect upon the market d wheat S5e, white tl12,'tf. Yellow corn otaouc Lard in keg) li

Cincinnati, May 17, M.

Flour unchanged; higher grade scarce and held higher;receipt but BOO bbls of all kind since Saturday. Whiskyadvanced to 17'tc and In good demand. Provisions arenominal.

New Yoek, May 17, M

Flour heavy sales of 8,500 bbls at 844 10 for State andt4 oO(A,4 35 fur Ohio, an advance of 5c; Southern steadyand unchanged. Wheat firm sales 20,000 bushels st tl 10

for Southern red and tl 20 for white. Cora Is firm sale15,00o budiels at 71Xs72),c for white and 7475 for yel.low, an advance of lc for each. Mea pork loc lower andunsettledrale et $17 59. Prime pork haa also declined10c, quoting at tl4 1SJ. Lard duU at 10?f113c,

Stocks higher Chicago and Rock Island KX, IllinoisCentral 91. do do bonds WV, Michigan Southern 25?i, NewYork Central 8X, Reading 47S, Milwaukee and Musis-slp-

TOVf, Missouri 85, Galena and Chicago 90, MichiganCutral 65, Erie 24X, Cleveland and Toledo 44.", Cleve-

land, Columbus, and Cincinnati 9nV: Tennessee a" "90,Calafornia 7 a 87, Ohio 1875 105J, Ohio 10 1C2.1,,

H5. Sterling exchange dull aud nominal.

New Obleanb, May 11, P. M.gales cf cotton l,8t0 bales; market firm. Sales of

the last three days 13.500 bales. Stock at New Orleans202,000 hales; receipts shead of last year 46,500 bales. Re.eeipt at all th Southern port ahead of lat year 340 bales;receipt for la 'luce days 12,250 bales


New Oei iAa, May 13, F. V.Sale of cotton 3,000 'laies: price irregular and

eajierbut qnotition unehang-d- stugar firm. Molaaae

lie. Flour declining. Pork very dull. White com Ve,yellow 68. Baeoa d nil and tending downward. Lard dullOther article unchanged.

New Obleans, May 14, P. M.Sale of cotton 4,500 bale. Silea of tbe week

26.000 bale. Stock at New Orleans bale. Reeeirtlast week 20,000 bales. Receipt ahead ef last year SSJO

bale. Reeeis ahead of last year at all the Southernporta 25,000. Lard dull at a decline of e. Rio coffee 11(3

ll 'ic; sales of the week 5,250 bags. Stock at New Orleans6,000 bag, against 91.000 last year. Freights en eottoa toLiverpool to Havre lc.

New Obleans, May IS, P. M.Sales of cotton 4,500 bales; market dnlL Pricesisier, but quotations unchanged. Sugar firm, Mouumv

31c Flour declining. Corn steady. Pork dull. Freightextremely dull. Exchangeon London lOBXSKftt. Otherarticle unchanged.

i aw Yobk Cattlb if asset. May 12.

BIBT CATTLB.Firs nualltr.. .t 8 50(4 t OA

Ordinary .. 8 uti'4 8 60Common ,. 7 50.4 8Inferior .. 7 OOvA J 60

COWS AND CALVES.First quality... ,. 60 M(6f, SO

Ordinary...... .. All 0n:6 00Common ,. 40 00i16 0Inferior........ .. 24 U(.iA 04



First qualityOther qualities 1 5o( 4 vv


The market wa well supplied with good cattlebut price declined nearly a cent a pound. Th receiptduring the past few weeks having been large, and therehaving been left over quite a lir;e number last week, priceeuld not be kept np, notwith'ta-.din- g the atrenuou exer- -

of brokers to do so. 1 here were on sale someof the rineet steer we have seen thi seas n. and during theearly honi some of them sold at 9Hc. It waa thought thata large number would be left over unsold.

At iteriren f ill and tlie other a moderate businesswa done at t he derl ine; at the former place about 200 head

lanceo: nanus on Monnav at rroaa 1 H to sc.ither stock waa in moderate demand at last weeks prices.

Swine are plenty, aud at 5i.r)4c.The total receipt of all stock at ail the yards for the

week were a follows:Veal Sheep

Beeves. Cows. Calve. A Latuba. Swine.At Allertnn 3217At nin i 77 . 64



New Obleans Cattlb Mabkxt, May 10.

lower deerriptions of stock easy for purchaser at our quo-tations, viz:

Price:Beef Cattle, Western fine to choice $ 8 50(4 SO

.. rougn ana lair 7 s 11Texas and Attakapaa 6 voA 7 00

choice. !" onHogs. too lb net C i)'at 8 ()Sheep, Inferior and ordinary 4 i4 0 no

choice o ISHsS a vtlMilch Cow, ordinary 30 is.;o IM

.. choice 00 owa oil Oil

Yaal Cattle 10 500300 00

JAMES McHENRY & CO9 CIRCULAR.LivxarooL, April 20.

Provision The consumptive demand has not responded to the speculation in bacon; the stock i iarre and in-

creasing. Some fine cheese haa arrived and been sold at56. All qualities beef has receded Ss Sd to 5a per tierce.Pork very quiet. Hacon, long mMiaie, nD in, 4.1 toper cwt.; short middles, nb in. 4" to ass id do; c cut noin, to 4ri do. Prime mea boef. now, oa to llli per .India 10 to 2os more. Prima mesa pork ,2 hd. Shouldernone. Lard has advanced to 57: there is a fair demand.but it ia generally held for higher prices. Tallow supportthe advance, and is wonn tw to oh.

BreadernfT. At thi day' market some Improvement intone waa evident and at a slight decline in wheat or Hoursome extensive operations would have beeli entered into;the actual transactions were unimportant, except in Indiancorn, wbich recovered tho dee line submitted to early in tlieweek.

Cincinnati Cattlb Maheet, Mar li.Ilors are dull and heavy, with a good snpplv. The Ice

eurer have discontinued business for the present owing totb dull state of the market for tba hog product Waquote $4 SVl4 50 V cwt gro as the range.

Beef eattle have been rather scarce during the week, bntthere is no change iu prices, and the market close laurtiidat t2 50 to 4, the latter ueiug an extreme ra ta for choice.

C"Hundred of oar citizens complain of debilityand langor of the aystem, derangement of tba liver orstomach, want of appetite, Ac. They are frequently there Ut of too close application and a thou.-an-e other causeswe cannot here name; but we would aay to all so afflicteddo as we have done get a bottle or two of Dr. Hoofland'German Bitter, prepared by Dr. Jackson, and, onr wordfont, yon will be cured. We recommend thia medicineknowing from experience that it Is much superior to tbg snerality of patent medicine. We would aay to ourreader purchase none unless prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia.

Principal Office No. 418 Arch street, Philadelphia, fa..and sold by druggist and storekeepers in ev.ry townand village in the United SUtea, Canada, West Indies, andSouth America, at 75 cents per bottle. See that tbe algna.ture of C. M. Jackson is on the wrapper of each bottle.

SUTCLIFF4 HUGHES,Agents, wholesale and retail

mayl8 dl2AwI Louisville, Ky



Kentucky State Agricultural


Southwestern Agricultural and Me-

chanical Association,


Tuesdays Wednesday, Thursday,Friday, auu Saturday,

Sert-rab- 7tfa, 8th, Oth, lOtb, and 11th, 1838.

OYER $5,000 OMRE1

Competition, txcept for tbe products of th Farmana tne Uaraen, open to toe woria.

ORDER OF EXHIBITION, Ac.1st dajr 'atttv Phwp, end2,1 da lilnodtMi Hon' and Mult- -.

Sd day Hitmen-! linn and poultry.4th da.v addle Hon.ftth d a v Draft lfor. . and Aeycs.Y.vvry day, aftr th fina. Fruit, Flower, pnmwtw

M;inuicturv Agricultural joipieaifnrd mnd Macmaer)'.l-- arm iTouiKta, rrouuciiuns oi me orKuop, kc

KVLES AND REGULATIONS, Ac1. All ptork mut be entered by half-p- t 9 o'clock of the

day nf exhibition.2. Eah dy exhibition will commence prcWl v at 9 o'-

clock, the dtock to be brought iuto the Amphitheatre in theorder of th prvraium t.

3. The award, of the judges win be announced aa toonan their decision are made.

4. All animal to which premium fhall be awarded willhe required to remain on the ground until the close of theFair, with the exception of thoe who removal mar bepermitted by the Frenidcnt for peculiar and aatufactoryrewons.

fr. The hallt will be ready for the reeeption of articleeve ml day before the open inr of the Fair.

ft. AU articles must be etitert-- on or before the fint day,and placed in the appropriate halls for exhibition, to re.main in charge of the su.erintndenU until the clow ofthe Fnir.

7. The halls will be opened after the first day for theof visitors.

8. Premium will be paid out daily. Immediately afterthe cloe of the exhibition.

9. All rtock and articles intended for exhibition, andwhich shnll beffhown and not old, will be conveyed to andfrom the Fair Ground free of chare, tinder the ukiiI reg-ulation, br the Louisville and Fraukfort and the Lexing-ton and Frankfort Kailroadi.

10. All !t,)ck and articles mu?t be entered by and In thename of the owner.

1. The payment of $.1 shall entitle pnrwns not membersef the State Societr to compete for all premium. Thepayment of $l shall entitle wh person to compete forpremium than five dollar in amount.

12. premiums will be paid in either silver plate, coin, orbook, ma the rceiver may elect.

X Provender for stock on the ground; will be fur nichedto exhibitors for the act ami cost.

W A stronit police force will be on the ground bothdav and nicht, and disorder aud immorality of every kindwill be lrictiv repreueed aud puuisbed.

CsT"No articles can b enured and received after thecommencement of the Fair, previous to that time

may be made to W. E. Mil 'on. Main street, sec-ond house wwktt of Firxt, Louitviii. Ky.

PRICES OF ADMISSION.Each person on foot 55Each. pwiNon on horse 3.i?inple btispr 40Double bnecy 74Private carriatre, per day, $1 9Hack, per day 00Uninibiin, ier day, 1 50

tWV.veTy pa.veufer in an omnibus or hack will be re-

quired to deliver his Fn trance Ticket at the rate before thevehicle enter. No money received at the rates.

For Premium Litj. and other information, addresa theCorrespond iu and Recording Secretary,

W. L. GALLAGHER,mayl7 Pewee Valley, Kr.

Fourth Sale of LotsAT AUCTION

Emporium Real Estate and Manufactur-ing Company,

MOTJISri) CITY,Pulaski County, 111.,


June 1st and 2d, 1858,

EMBRACING elaree nnmlvr of eliirfble locations forwhether for reeidtincee. stores, man-

ufactories, or other purposes. Also several Houees, doubleand single Frame Cottages, recently erected, in modernstyle, ani ready for occupancy: all of which wiil be olferedtijKin liberal terms and sold, without reavrva, to the highestbidder.

Mound City offers inducements to pernons desiroos oflocating unequalled by auv othr point at the Went. Pe-

tal? fit list. d upon a high, blutf bank of th Ohio river, ixmiles abore ttM confluence with tha Mtmiesippt, it is freefrom all miasmatic vapors. Is at the head of navigation onthe Ohio river for Urpe steamer in seasons of extremecold weather or of drought; w connected with the wholeNorth, East, and Wtst, bv means of the

MOUND CITY RAILROAD,which makes fonr daily connections with the Illinois Cen-tral Rtiiroad, north and south; ss, also, d.iilr connctionsbr river with all the rrcular packet to ( iocinnmti, Louis-ville, M. Louie, Memphi, New Orleans,

To the manufacturer and niechauic Mound City offerssuperior inducement, havinic now in operation an extru-sive Foundery and Machine Shop, Marine Hail war andShip Yard, 8 team Pottery and Ten a ltta Work, an ex-

tensive rUrrel Factory, Flouring Mill, Furniture Factory,Planinc .Mill and Saith and Ikor Factory, Pork 1'ackincErtahlihment,and several Saw Mills in the immediate ri.cinHy of the Uwn, all of which rive constant and lucra-tive employment to a Iarre number of hands.

It slreadr ha some twelve s'ores, doiur a rood buIns,Prakerttw, printinr Othf. Newp;.m-r- , lintel. KomrdinnHouses, School, Chnrches, etc., and possewes. fn an emi-nent decree, all the elements of a Iarre eirv. The incremeein it buinvss and the number of iu inhabitants haa beenmarvellous.

The materials for all kinds of nianufactminc purporsare abundant and close at hand, while the facilities forshipment of the manufactured article are unequalled byany other point on the Ohio river.

Tfbms or Salf in csh, balance In threeeo,nal annual installment, bearing interest at sis per cent,per annum, or the deferred payment may be made ia thestock of the Compauy.

Lots mar be purchased at private sale at all times.For further particulars, maps, plan, etc., apply to W. H.

fftokes, ., Louisville, Kr.; C. E. N'onrse fc Cincin-nati, O.; J. II. Gamhart, ti., St. Louia, Mo.; M. Mumly,

Phi'adelphia. Pa.; J. W. Cochran, Lexinfton,Ky.; A. V. 8. LindJe, Kq.. Tenn.; W. T.

En., Colunbua, O.; or to the Secretary of the Com-pany at Mound City.

By order of the board.n. IIAINKR, President.

JGkiswolp, Secretary. may 15 dlOeVwl


NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT CHEAP.WE are now offering to the public a fine assortment of

such as Coaches, bretta, Rockaways, si le- -seat, top, and open Hurries, tic, at price correrpondioaCwith tha times. Bl'KR, H AIGHT, fe WHEELER,

Ferpuon's ner building. Main .opposite Walt House.aprl diatoiAweowSiD

DICKSON & OILMORE,Importers of Gons and Fishing Tackl,

WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,No. 8J Third street, near Main, Louiavfll,, Ky.,

IIV leare to Inform marchanta. Ooa.uun, aoa ail otucr Ral Uley barnow on naodalarrs lot of Una aolI'lain dinblo and siarle hrrH fhotGam.Cnlt'aaiKl All.n'. Pi.t..l. W,H.

Itarrel, Oaa Lock, and crrrr ar'icle foraportina Ap aratu, nch a Gam Hr, bhot Illt, Pow.

Flak, Ptrenxiion Car, lliintina Kn rea. and OnPockrt ;nt)ry, akn a lara utork of Rifr of our owBiake and warranted, alro Tarkle of crfrrdmrip.lion, all of which w wll oil mix h lowr than hrmf raTboae wantlnrwiil pUaaaaall and axauiia lor tnemMlT


AN ACTTo Incorporate the Jefferson Southern

Pond Draining Company.Be it enacted In th Kemerml Aimrakl nf t,rm.

wjonwOTWa 0 Kentucky, That E.iha .inTif .r.1, YL G.Miner, . W. vuk John Mrl,mrl. iilrr irkrj,and Rii hard Philirp.ancl ih. ir uH-ib- , xliall anl thrrare crral- - d a hody poiitir and mrporate br the nam' andtrie of the .;,;.., oi,THra Hum Iiaaixi'fo

( owrAXY. and wh ahan rorprrt erarnr. witbiKiwrr to file and be nd. eoiiirwc a ixi V- ronrrad win.and do and perform all at nrr-- r and proper to rarrron! ine draining the pontlaand pmwuima tnr rarryuif onthe watr within the dpare of coiintry tna ahail be em.hrao-- within tbe boundary of laid corporation aa bwraaf.tar prorided.

frc. i. T hat all the owner and proprietor of landwithin the bonn'larr of eail corporarion ahail he aieTnhrof aaid corporation, and bare the right of Toiing for therr anient and I hrvrtor of ald mnwranon acroriina totbe theivof. and al to anthn an annual taxper rear nf not more than nfty nor trx than fire oeni prarre, to be rated ami chanted npon aid lands in propor-tion to tht henti'i ennfrceil, to efffct the draining thepond and la ndn where in the boundary of .eld corporation.

Sec. . That th- named In the llr ecti.u ofthUact - the rlr-- t l.ard of Dirertoio of aaid corpo-ration, with the ight to nelrct one of thlr own body aPrpinilent, or win- - ther person holdin land to be bene.nud by the draining of the !nd and country contem-plated by thin act. and said Pivi.leiit ar.d Irirtctora shalleierciaeall the powers of the corporation and upplr advacancies in their body nntil their uceeeaoni shall belrt-e- d

In accordance with tne and their aucceaaorhall hare the same power and authority.

gee. 4. That it shall he the duty of sid President andIVirertory to raiuc a surrey of the outward boundaries ofthe mnds to be by the draining, with a plan fordraining the same, and call a meeting of .11 the proprietorsof lands within the boundary by giviug public notice of thatime and place thi reof ia the printed in

at least two we. k. and said proprietors shsll bara ruiht to accept this charter and petition the circuit courtot to establish the boundary of the corporation,and said court, on raid peri ion, snail haee toepower to estahli'h the mm or to iu ..lify the same if roodcause to that effect shall be shown by the proprietor ofaid land residing witinn the boundary and for lb purpose

of giiing an opportunity of constructing In a,ine. Theboundary shall nrst be published for one month after the

i tiled and public notice given a the Court shalldirect.

See. i. That a said meeting of proprietor of land, afteraccepting the charter, they shall estahhsh a code of he.law for the gowernnv-n- of the corporation. The Presi-dent and sha1! keep a record of their proceed-ings and that of the proprietors, in which rha charter andthe code of ny.Hws and all the ecu of the corporation andproprietors shall he recorded.cv. . That the .IcnVrson tjonthem Pond Draining Colo-rs nv shall have th power anil anthoritv vested in theJetfersoQ Pond Draining Company by ita charter andBoieuonienr to raise money By taxation on tne land olthe proprietor within the boundaries of said corporation,from year to ytar. and the same powr to collect or haretlie Mine collated by the sheriff of that waaresUe l in the Jefferson Pond Draining c omny. They mayobtain money for the obiecta of trie Com, any by aubaenp- -uou iruu uioee wuaiu ur wiuiout the boiindarr.

hamki. p. whitk.Speaker of the House of Represenratirea.Jims VI A. KINO.tisfaker of the SenateApproved Fehrtiarr 15, l3t.By the Governor, c. 8. MOSEHEAD.

Maaox Baow.v, Secretary of S'ate.

Cohmoswiaitb orUthco of tbe Secretary of dtaia.

I. Mason Brown, Secretary of Stata for tbe Common.wealtu aforesaid and of tlie srrhins thereof dohereby certify that the is a true copy of tho

bill now on record In my ortice.r. In testimony whereof I have hereunto act mv

5r a hand and affixed the seal of my otfce, thi ltt1" of April, A. l. 1851." M.OM BROWS, brT. P. ATTIC'l'H BlbU, Aaiistanl see'y.

At a meeting of tha President and Direetom of th Jeff-erson Southern Pond Draining ( omianv, held In Louis-ville, at tha olfice of lleuuiug it Speed, oa Saturday, May15, IV

The committee appointed for the purpose, having, em-ployed John Rohb to make the surv-- v of the outwardboundary proposed to be included in the charter of the"Jcil-rso-n Southern Pond Draining Company." and aaidRobb having made and submitted a map of the outwarkboundary of the lam's supposed to be proper to inelud1athe bound' of said Company, bounded on the east bv thSulphur Weil plank Koad Company, and extending npthe plank road to the new Shepherdsville road, and withthat road to a point opposite the brick house of B. F.

and th. nee west through the land of B. F. andM. A. McCawley and Lochery's heirs to a point inLochery' line at Moore's corner, and thence through

Locherv's land ton point on the railroad at Speed'sold corner, and ttfeuee with the railroad to the deposit de-pot, and thence along the new cut road to the corner be-

tween Wood ami Combs' s, thence along their line toWood's corner iu Philip moot's line, theuee at rieht an-gle to Wood's southwestern line, thence along Woodline to Michael Beck s corner, thence across his land to hiscorner on Bee Lick, near his house, thence along tbe linebetween Mr. i'eck and Mr. Conner fifty poire, tbeneeaonrh45 degree west to the Man's Lick road, thence down thevalley of Pond creek on the south side to Kemp's miiUdam, thence across pond creek, and up it valley on thenorth side to the Man Lick road, thence to a corner ofLen. Smith and Heritage's heirs, thence with the lino ofSmith and Harltge to a stone comer to said Smith, theneaaero the land of lianl-ur- and throuh the Barman honeto the line between Banuan and Fiuley, thence said linecontinued so far a to include 50 acre of Finley's land,thence hack to Barman's line, thence with F'nley's line loMajor Minor's corner, thence with Major Minorline tothe intersection of Uigont's line, theuce with his and

line to a stone corner to Finlev. thence with Finley'aline north to hi corner, thence north degree east to thecorner between W. P. Thomaeson and Murry Phillip, aforked beech marked M. P., thence with Thomasson' lineto the railroad, thence to the corner of Irr. Standiford andL. L. Dorsey on the new proposed road, thence along thesame to th pland road.

Resolved. That said boundary ia approved by the Boardand said Kohb requested to complete his map plan ofdrainage, with a written report to lay before the personwhiiee linds are included in said boundary oa the ftth dayof June next, and that a meeting of all the proprietor oflands within said boundary be called by public notice forthe th day of June next, in the city of Louisville, betweenli and 3 o'clock of aaid dav, at the livery stable of BaconA Davis, on street, preceded by a publ. ration oftlie ehart-- aud the foregoing boundary and this resola-Oo-

for the pnrpose of accepting or reiseting the charter,ana. if accepted, of petitioning the Jederson Circnit Courtto establUh said boundary, and also to adopt the necessary

JAMfcS GL'l'HKlE, Freeident.W. J. McGokicalb, Secretary.

NOTICE to hereby riven to the proprietors of land within the above described boundary to meet on the .Vh day ofJune next, at tne urrry stable or bacon oj Davis. In tbecity of Louisnille. on Jefferson street, between Third andFourth, between the ho irs of 1J and 3 o'clock P. M.. forthe purpose of accepting or reiecting the charter, and. ifaccepteii, to petition the jenvrsnn circuit Court to estab-lish the boundary, and to adopt the necessary

JAMES GL'THKlE, President.W. J. McOciuboalb, Secretary. may 19 wl

Fistnla inAno Cnred in Eighteen Days!

I KNOW thij to tme bwatt- it it mf own c&9. I hav)beca for a Ion time artUrred anrvlr witb this abhorrent

d 146. The bt( meiliral aid had b9n to nouseful pnrpow. I met with Dr. William PriwTof thwrity.and told him my condition. At ter examination, he tnidme he could cure ma. and I eonwM.ed U Win ruakiuc a trialand he did to. He ha no knite. no tiktature; nor hahe Dried any other arnizijig arrin:nt metoi. In n

day. I am well. 1 can be found at my houe ofon Market street, where al. who e k further Intor- -

mation can ee tue.AprU 14, ld. JOSEPH YOU9E- -

F I propoee to enre Cancer. ferofn la. BonfarT9rpbUib in aii iu acrravatea torrn. inronvesora .yea, coron;Diarrhea, and itula in Ano. No cure no oar for medi- -eiDeandattenuon. I keep tha jenoaua ftici FiLt. foxn.e.

Office Fifth street, between Jefferson and Green,auc Uddfwil

WE OFFER FOR SALE ON FAVORABLE TERMS' thecHKMICALd and PRODI CTSol the LOl 1H- -V1LLK l llb.Vlll AL ui;kj,iii.l invite the an nof the trade to them. We are pre,ared U furoi'h thera Inanr reiiird qiiantttr We warrant the purit of ererjarticle nii. in in are.

tipirinot Nitrous tUwr;Sulphuric Eiber;Aqua Ammoui;ii iriu AmtuoDia;Chloroform;11 tf man' Anodyne;Mile 1111;Mercurial Ointmert;Hub mrbonjf.tr1 of Itimuth;

of bismuth:Nitrar of Silrer (cry At and In nti k:The II poptto"phiU ChurrhiU'a new remeijr for

Con .pnon

Select powders, Ac.

nayl w4.W

PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS.TV'ITRATF'. of Silver (pcrt-tl- r piitv-- , wiihthe11 othtr PhotorraphicChrrnipaUof Ihe Lotiiivill Chemical Work of J. Laarence dmttb A Co, ia lull suppl atasaDulacturan pnrus by

WILSON 9TARBIRD,marl wltrM Arit for tn Work.

THESE M AtHIN'F.S are nnqurrtionahljr tha mt inNo wxll rrciila'rd familr ran affirl to

do without. liKOVKRA BAKKR SEWINCi MACUI.NE,aiae xpr-l- y f.:r ranlLT ttwiw.

Ther mak a new au4 auprior stkra. In which thathreadu are so fintDed aa to render it iinpomribU to rip,even if everr third stitch be etit. It makeaa morafui and durable iam than can be dvn bv hand, wliil. HWW ilk or cotton front ordinar spovl with ciualfaciiitv,by a mere chanre of poola.

Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Co,49i Pmadwav. New York: 1' Summer rtrect, Boston; and

SU rhestnut rtrret, Philadelphia.w respectable and A rent wanted for

every county in th. Vni'ed States. fcMii wiitu

CAUTION !Brad Carefully.



CHASING.auk rna


BENJAMIN CAIIE, .1 K. , V C O . .Of FUteburo. Fa ,

And at that their nam is on tha label of svery bottle.BKMAMIX PAiiF. JR., A CO.,

Manufacturing pharmaceutist and i hemtsta.Pittsbiirf, Pa.

Wll.SOy A STARIiiK.aprl deodA veowly Wholeajl Ajfsau, Louiavilla.

JKl'S. rfhrlet EraltMl ia theGLIMPSESOF (t rou lit second Londoa edition),for sale by

maylt d.wib G. W. H0r.KRT-- CO.

BOOKS! BOOKS'!AND CHEAP BOOKS at the Masonic Tempi,NEW of Tourth and .KTtVrn, for ale bv

ma.vl4d.4w;AI . W. KOHERTON CO.

REMOVAL.mherriher h.i removed hi REAPER and SEFITHE SE from sivth street, b. tween Main and

Market, to No. 371 and 3l Main street between iath andSeventh. mayl7 d4&wi II. B HOWARD.

NOTICE.of WILSON 4 STARBIRDwill "ufferno

TITEbn-ln- br the de:ith of mv laf partner Mr. A. P.St irbird. The tvle of the firm will remain th name salhis interest continue a k stood to the teria of our partner- -

b'V.Inten'finc to devote my time and presence to the

with able in every department of it, Iwou d k for the h .ne a eontirmanee of thatand eonridenee whieh it baa heretot'o-- enjoyed with itscorreiondeBt iu ail it ruoceaEious for th last 34) yearsacd loner.

Order sha!! be promptly filled with (food roods at feirpricae. marI7 dAw;rm THOMAS E. WILSON.

Soutnwestem AgTicultaral and Mechani-cal Association.

meetlna ef stockholders held ia Louisville eaTr.K May IS, paeu lii following resolutiona:1. Rrmolred w fAi mcetim). That the li rectory be in.

structed to aasume the deut due WilL Watkins on the Im-

provement put npon the Grounds of he SouthwesternAgricultural and Meehatiical A.teiation hv fall: proMedtba a clear title to aaid improvement be nada to saidAssociation.

t. Remilrtd. That th Board of IlreTors be irwtrnetedto collect the dues of deliminent Stockhoiden forthwith bylaw or otherwise.

Attest: A true copy from the minutes.inayKdJ&wt W. U. GALLAGHER, See'y.


tX. r u iksh i i fmayla dilmdtwl Main st.. Louisville, Ky.

TO THE LADIES.IRig? Jl received a gonertl aneortment

LA LiIEa1 aud CHILlJREN'S BOOTS andBHOLS, coaipr:nij ail tae varioua st7'..a In , and furaia at reooeea fTKB by u. Jl KLl..aiayu dmtcdiwl Mala .. Ky.P. S. Also a art ef Ladies' aoiled Shoe al less tbaa roe.

D. M.

WHITE and Yellow Com for Seed;If I'eabodv's Proline Corn:

HunarUn fila-- s Seed (sow any tim ia May);White and BKek onfr

At the Reaper and Warennnsr, No. TT1 and 371Main t.. sUlh and aevaatU, Lounvillf.

apri7 dietf w4 H. B. IloWARP.FHENPPT crTTCiTca

w) .Tntreceived. d'reet trett th celebrated .JTV "V ' ot M. H. n. f I'.rk-- . an artiiienl of

Gent Patent Lsoi r '", a very handsomearticle, and lor sale ny u. iiK"ii.ii.uMain, near Third rfreet,IfiBavUdMadl 1 " larruia, Hy.






Direct Importations.

ora rntcHisEs n this cocmiMade only from the largfjst Importers

ana juaauxacturers.

Ottr SZXI0R rARTXSS rmtdemt tf.VewYark Ofa.


Offered iurinj th pretent 8aaoi



Floor Oilcloths,


House Furnishings.


Ia thai department may ba foand reery variety of rtalaand Fane







BiscHorrs black,BONJOUK BLACK, 4W.


b hitei to our Sfpartiiwit tt


"VUlalto Goods,Uoslory,tfco.,












Ia rsarr vartsty aad ef baa very boss brass la.

LINEN GOODS.A aylaadld ssoeb ef wsn laat1ttlBn troaa larmw and

bt taaairfacvsrte ta laropa.

CARPETS.tnaHak and Aatwrkan amvoro, of aba awwes aad

abotrex pattern, and a nraatS t low at ean ka atarchaaad

at tba band of tbair aawass.



Batwwsai Blnrknt and Jateraaat,

aaatllarWU IrOVUTUJ

or a WATto: "WANTED.



e vo all wno " ' ia ' rTe TT, "1". 11i, and s.lHeei '' viYnrnnrn .ir.s v- ,-

lLocl TixJja.fT& KI- "'" t avrvroa: I ant bow f.

L , 'll'h ' Th r "on"1" beweniiT

Wianea j Umber-- d. The rxul.liDea r .d a two.

a n well ia the vrd hIspring whsca rJrda plenty of stota wt'er 'or the

the road to vra . na Spnoga. aud wouid a aToodand sor a awn.

eleven and m a I ware of euinvuoa. wirfi a7L . " ' a water. aearwMra

r."iao"ntow and Grava piinaa road centKude s e. wrh medeaee and necessary

dowa and Um bmaaea ia una and two year, wi.a

kuKto 1 iT re-oiar- s MTees Hevdon Ertia, TOa.- aader igned. .t owenso... r.- LfcWIS H. fcN'Lisif.

N'OtlCO. -

ath."el , l"m,'-J- ia tho aame ofwiiii- .o'.ie r B Andrew- - sompanv or

r tho fo.u,!l""wW',"l', b beea " a- -

aot Mwf.lil'Y'i''' rouDtv. Tenne.oie-.- wt d.toto the yea-- , "1 "TT0 ' " it Hire lime iw or previoatlie varr ' " " 'T"ent wo Informal, and

btooa by Siowuiaont to be no.iJd.rH-ti-tr'ffT-lJ

IerrTi:7,n ' Jlr":,iiJvJ.? asa.na ud vurui tooorBee. It m mr m d ume us"W for a 'l iiieio of sud warrant for lao baajeat ofloose whom it nx eneern..NATiiA.M KL LAIRD. WirrsniesrVnrt. m w.m.

. aovWw7 Br C. H. BARK La. Y. AUoraoy.

Tbe SoQt2ern Harmony and MaaicaJCompanjon,

COITAIINf; aenoiee eollee., of T roeo, Hyassje,and Anthems. aelrted from ho sane

emineot anthor. to the I rji'ed Hates, toeetber with Bear,lyeno neadred oew tunes which hav never before beapnhuebed. wilted In mn at too Metre. waU'Ded in W tt eHvmn Merree'sl luster. lMrv'n over's

Hvmo Hook, and Bd-i- - Harmony, sada.laried to 1 bnMiaa nurehe of everr nwuiti,snxin; srsiooia, sad orlvwa Brxrieti-- .vo, an ismv lairo.durle.n lo the ro)ios of muste, he eidima-- of medo,and puna ules'or i WtiKer.nners. By WMiom Frieo,

nam wuie lu, suit tnm of noete: or j oer doaeavrssjobv C UAGA.'. diCtK. ,may',9 w.'dri Lowrrule. Kr.

SIDE'SForty-thir- d Gift Enterprise:

913.0 la TalaabU rriawoT

100 PRIZES IN AMERICAN GOLD!Rangta; from ap to tSOO aach.


275 Cold and Silrer Leifr iTiicaes!Bdiaio from j op to jijO acbu

Gold TtMmnd Gitt4 Cm. Slid mnd

Ticket lamlted to 13,000.

TotdU Number of Prlxes, 2,000.

Jm tutT 1. ATX vald mirffiBrf to th nblf th Hi For-L- o

ty.tiurrt Man moth iifT will drval, oa whirl, oocawn vUl b .tniatd th TMkr)wt'ir9 two UwunmuU wt.tin Uiiu, a.ioa vlucb u4

TWO THOr'AXO TTVl Ht"XTRFT TXAMERICAS Li. is d ht.4rl KKI, f. rmo1i.rfrom 4 lo thr-- o 4uf re ni i iw r In4Wma r ,J: V..fi Si1t-- t Wi4-fw- vn.trm . ivfri, mhrrii,i wm of ihm fti- -Wtchn of KitsT'wf. d A "?rr mna-f'nrr-

, m &ntflGo"i Virha)iMa, Lvii. iro,(i uur1 i om. A

nniid aai d iiTr.r- -, ron-- tr jim of TTw.iirt, Fork, Burr-Kiiiv- . e. a:,

frld Cama-o- . mo4 Frnjotdwl a.t, BrciiaLLAcktat, . Aiio. (tim irtd ,n u4 (biaiaftWv Button. Hin. she.

AU nf Ui Gut - of i xj qnalitr m tfor th prk ttl m irrodrianmdiL

TS WlrTV r cca.rav4mnd if tor of th pfi Bhoiini Nil t - murm mttim-Uf-

they will fxciuagv! if rtiturocd is m goo4 rtirM W he'll lciT.

1 ir imt thftt tOT EdIi ,rW mr fahir anforarri v eondnctavrl. tn1 tltfr ea tx ril tmb ta r--

poricu nr. I)nj alwitys toft piem ib4my tvdnavsM, aa-- i thaw m avr aay (keiawdi4-a- i aa.dr anr CTrrnmaiK; mni ail Prix dri tr arvtnavrM nrtDot a..tDd tb irwin r mjioVt. r frrvr..4 at air exiD aol nk; aiti a ot to 4rawn iua.Vt is forwM4 u er keuaoidcr, wbtbr U.j art

fornn-- f or aot.AaiwBtmliira tvf apM will S mt'T' "tt h TVit

attrbanrat! ffntuM-h- ; SmW nrktr mm urk-- t a A.All or'W'il t avl.irve-v- i L. D. il K, oi tU.

Iaqip. M .. or thr mar bif1rea'4 w L. I. ?1 N E, Ha710,1 ininnati. Obio. a I har aa Afrat at.atttrittclanplr U h mw fr1r frm tKrt. wiar 4


A.W. irf.T, H D . FaTlciav.JOHN EM.EL.N, ProvrMior.

HTS rtf,b1hmriV frTn-r.- T nnA tha mrm of rvtra. Cdtvai. hTnt aatarD a hortWB rmum. a

aw eDm, wn a avcomnriia, for wo rvai.titMiof iavauHndvi-ib- PI vlr r TiwfJ-ka- i

ear- - of th "inr W nn i r J ramoa ami fuarrf-- lat" A. W. alm. M. T.. w ltnj m raAlioHU hir am H Trnaj.f hc B'riro pmJmwIt Bt b,m :ortb ear f aiau froa tn urh ni TH i

Mtrsnm which t4nil 'tt H iricbM? ?rrmfBi 4

'Fvmaiv onijU.nt in hi nra a lo ih$ autnr-tnn- a

mm of itfrrH rriwhrf awiiranca f aetrdj viia ao liobiiitr to rutur inturr. If iriicioc KiU,arbaa oiaaBrt. anl v bion rna.bta to avntha of t phri ma ai t

Dior ani m.k r'i Mo. n tiTO'ii will!KI b laOAl'TlOtDtawl m n to a'Bi wib ht0 .

aia (rva.iUa- - ia lb atMuAi iiuissaDi of tht a.6.taia)BVT.L

Tia anl Tthirir JTririn ar nnrr thofonirfvl of Jorif p.m.icl'. tna Prprbpvr. and hmwho wll 4w ihTia'iT' to m.B ta UTOO

boa at tio "Xuxa K'.b proauaO a4 pacorouy ta utap wnt.

porata PaMiina atwromotHo!a, aTnSrc,nc w rof Raino. aiaiouTar-- - io fm! etifim wr rrifort

aad aoBTviucaca, ara prTwltd, fox ioadv and xaaipa-ant- a.

A.l 'firabla and maar rtiotrvtwinf and uVii fatalmal'. which her trnar;nn, vri to Wur1, uro mnaaniaTt- A. 'ha Kpo - Hr.dropocuir trvornaBt ran oh'oirtrd ( '. tob abmnt.

TH tMuoi cbarx wiu brw, t Ko'hiBtu ut; frTUthiti .nd ; for Bothing, budndMinfU LrOdd)--

aol wt nf rrMifa, flhra fr MIm a. &tradaara will aTo tha enaraett-- r nf ,h caa aitd ra

uirvvi: bin in ail 'o:-All rhararoto ba ph ra adwava.HvlpaM orouj mttot bovs, tbaiir wa arvBnt a rtaal

thnav. And wbaaarvtra vnica ara iiiairt4 Aala.uoBoiciurj will m aialo tor 'hvin.

Ai cotumiinirnoTa in ivf'rn to tha Twrrna?atnf Biiniaioo mn-- t S - roci, d to A-- W. ci,xx. M.

. Wirr i,r, t. Kr.IVtor a. - ifB-i-i 'o ra ia Id thadtr or ohdtt.Tn-ie- p rLai cbb be accomioi i Bails

wy li ltw-Aw- propn ar.

A SPLENDID GOLD WATCH,AV'ARRAXTKD to beeichleea earat eld. aad a perfect

v nchlv irli I'irrT Iiilais. is ?e.sentrd to every rri wht ."n t. it. FITY l'LLAKin ibemt'tODe th. loe-es- t lO.woed and porojlA' net-n-

wonthlr. TH K I'M r Kl I"A I ES J' l Al . or oaov persoa seuiu Um .auto am mat to aay oi our yoew-l-


A Boaatlful Engraved Gold Rln$fti prapnt4 ta anr paraaa asadiac oa oaa dollar aitoar fortb ppr or Banttax

Sand tor a wmn of th Jovtrnal ar a aawy of oarCafctKua, wb rh n.f.ra- - teu; '. d.n-o-t boofemnd lu pltvlid a' - wf arHwittin. Inc'iUina i.ftWATfnrja. Jxwblit or ail kia. PmJ"i a Kaoradk.Tovytw MwtmrtT EoBriTtoa. c., aadyou eaa ia a aor no Urm a eia for in pmnor aalbook, tthar or oofA, that oilt arnr van rvnira toryoir trniioi. Hon ar nnriM to wtart To.irowa

froat tha arboiiiia In or ardonro with ha aawooaaroa wad, umu and eacakc ta t'luajraod frea oa aopiicauoa.

J. X. I3IEB30 CO., TrNWWv-r-

aamyll d3diw1 bnaiwr, Y ra.

Winter Arrangement C2ix-- of Time.




AND AT FARKEKSBL'RQ WITH THIJIarietta ana Ciaeinnati Kallra4

(Amortc. Coatrai KoateV,

A ad fen Batthstwv) witb tbo wmriooat Koateanil iaa turns and aoatbeaal.

Mm and dotiiawea jo


AND TX)TOMAad Use ONLT KOCTK thai an foraiah a

Tbr.MhTWkslssd R((ssCssck SO) Va.ustoa lujt.Tno bolder of a throttab rdeket to "" T'ttK oaa e

ever in BALTIMOKr. end fll I LA Li LPH I A a kag aadeirtrle and reonie 'heir Mvtrnee t pleasure.

rar-T- wash NtiTov t ITY KAI Li4nn bernatmearni part of the lA I.T1 w IKK AMI) oril'l lUileRi Ai. and eonnectiuc wiib it aino ssiles from t'.SM:iaMrpreata ui. ou.y oonuauouo liao of rati WtssiaioaCity.

livers tnr WHinrwa Cfty bava tna illillsia alvfcttUO bsuttsaoro witltoat salra coaro.

foa Trmiwo Uav. rlartnaaia TrailTuwan.ra aAA:arraix

Two Trains tU LitUn Miami and CentralOhio Railroad.

A. M. LIOHTNJ EXPHKSS Leavsw Uttl MlanlDepot at A. M . amvina is Bsiumors .1 uc.M A. M. oaatday. connecting imnWieiv wirb Tr.inor Poi.ad-ltni-

Sew York, aud rVs a. Arrive. s Wwiin'ot civ M11: A.M.. eoaneenaw wiib uraussfor aoaaaoad, Nortoin,and ail potnu Sooth.

A. X. Vr'KES Lovea I tttlo Miasal Depot ak A. X. arrive Baltimore at r" U. Beat dav. ar.rivea .t Wsriinroo t'ltv ac ' f. M. . inansmn soabove for all point, bast aad 4oata.TWO TB I l Tf v?RlTTT AMD CW-- C1VTI KAli.at.ttAl.

t A. M. SXPBK.s- s- Tr.ia leawsa tba llto M'arjliwv.l st A. M . arnveea Marit tu.1 tja p. t : WjtaPvkertMire l ..i P. X.: srnvwi .t uti4o .t o) p )t.and Baltimore .1 lie M A. X. next day. eenneet,.. imiue.duMeiy witb miasior Phil.delprxa, 'w Vora. ts Un.loa. Thi. rrmia eooneeui t ute K.v ns. tin n.uefrom Bai'iraora, witb train for W aauia4toa, arnvia) at.. w.

W A. M. X VTt THAIf Teain bsv Llttla Warndepot .1 A X . arrveeat Manetu t p. M. LoavoaParkersbeir. MSA. X.; arrive, at lnu to a at :M A. X..Baltimore sA I'tJ) A. X. Uio aaat da, aad WMauiatonCity st P. X.

HTPenoer mar view tha iwacnlfeoat as itel of rbor fci by d.vlisnt irutn.i'JN m a. m. traia trosaWboes.a or tao A. X. traia irosa prkerbnr, vine over oa

Cuioberiaad atsd fwuraiaa aeat aaoraiaa a A4 bvjre...

tlfTonr Traina leave Rxltimore dally for Wvirir)City a i A. X.. acatt a. . P. X.. aad at p. X.

TOR THROCGH TIC KET Apply oa board taa Innsail stoaaserw, wttM-- leave everr day .

o'oloek, or .t trie ornee ol ilto JenVrsiavii o RAtlroad.sywarof the Jeifersoavtlle. t irito aui X seueoppt. .1 unio)basis Railroad, or via lU'ii.aapoiM. Usr'i.s. odaad in luemoati. st tne ouv-- ot ;bo Liui. t.drnod. No. I Kuraet Hoasa.seooBd door we.tt V'nestrwt,aad old odteo. enrnor of Broadway aad Prosstreet., th 9teneer Uoueo. er a Uta Eastern(Little X ami) Depot, Last Front street.

W. A WOtTMirPB,Mapaaraftnanortaaea,Baltnor.aDd ud .iroad-- J

d X X. irtAitp.now o daoddVwaowti- -

REMOVAi.A mso. luw removed ta 5a. M4 Main

GLAZTBHOOK Seveutk aad Litutn.a.yl dtvbw

W.Jcb A berd i brrtll. r baavLouAwfll A Covinstsea Ksilroad CI eary coars., OTIC It k bsr'tiT trveoi that there a pmeeed a 'ax 1 tatsmiav to wcilo .nd wire! u. the ..lair, ot tio

uxl ' ovioito. Ka.iro.1 Kaianr, .ad the meaas oeew reierred to me, andev the trt "eowoerairt tooLooserillo and t'ovinnroa ko.lroad Conoaov, .eoeovedFsoroarv K 1A' Pewa. h.vin ei.im. saiaot .tontpany are ootilled to ;rodtteo Jtem peior ate. M airi.nVo. in tb eitr of LooMviile. and orove be sate ea rbefore too In dav of vsoher. teat best, be A.Wliod by entii eourt oa or betora abien suert ea. ne d

lo be died and proved. TH. P. 4iT 4.wi.rli fsa. t's. (! Coir.


irr saie by .rtay dw Ab q w. Korrvso "A

Sn tr, EON'S WORKS COMPLETE;sod TSeol .tcai Workst

Sraool Hio;Mvwil.'teM Works;jlrho.d H.ek-- .A mil f Statioaerr: er v

aayl4 id. d tt. W. K H A CO.

V"OX kN, Hr.H. kll"1 ANI Llf-R- bvAltHat u s.l r. I) . lata ier m Pan- -, T'ao

kited" fr"m tb. r'reoen. "Taey is roek tbe mda ruin,A. world. - w ,,TJ(1, . ro..

Masonic Tempsa, ornr FowtAaud Jarsea ita.BsfUiasA