love is an action - st michael’s lutheran primary school · secretary tammy kowald treasurer...

Issue 7 Term 2 22 May 2019 23 May Kindergym 24 May Worship Service 9:00 am 28 May SAPSASA District Cross Country 29 May Canteen Orders Due LLL Banking 30 May JLC Adelaide Excursion Boys Knockout Soccer Kindergym 31 May SLC LEAH Day 3 June PYP Evaluation Visit Assembly 2:00 pm 4 June PYP Evaluation Visit Knockout Netball 5 June PYP Evaluation Visit Canteen Orders Due LLL Banking Love is an Acon Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” John 14:23 On my wedding day the pastor talked about the word love. Knowing that I was a teacher he decided to give us all a grammar lesson and spoke about the fact that adding ‘ing’ to the end of love made it an action. Now, his link to spelling was very loose but his message was quite clear, Love is more than something that you feel; it is something that you do. When we look at this week’s bible verse, it quite clearly links love with actions. Jesus says, if you love me, you will obey what I say. He links our love with a change in us which will show in the way that we live. Jesus follows up to say that if we love him, God will love us and gather us to him. The actual bible verse uses the words ‘we will come to them’ which is an awesome thing to remember. Because what this verse is telling us is that God’s loving action is to come to us and gather us into his home. We don’t have to fight our way to God… be good enough… work hard enough… all that we have to do is love Jesus and God will do everything else that is needed for our salvation. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that read: God loves you – and there is nothing that you can do about it! That is how God is. He loves us and will do every action possible to bring us into his home. Terri Taylor Principal Please pray for the following families: Glynn, Gould, Grivell, Hampel, Hampton, Hartley, Henderson, Hera-Singh Mr Brad Pfeiffer & Mr Daniel Eckermann

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Page 1: Love is an Action - St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School · Secretary Tammy Kowald Treasurer Esther Westra Committee Members Nichole Hunter, Amy Cowin, Hannah Waller, Sheridan Wilson,

Issue 7 Term 2 22 May 2019

23 May


24 May

Worship Service 9:00 am

28 May

SAPSASA District Cross Country

29 May

Canteen Orders Due

LLL Banking

30 May

JLC Adelaide Excursion

Boys Knockout Soccer


31 May


3 June

PYP Evaluation Visit

Assembly 2:00 pm

4 June

PYP Evaluation Visit

Knockout Netball

5 June

PYP Evaluation Visit

Canteen Orders Due

LLL Banking

Love is an Action Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” John 14:23

On my wedding day the pastor talked about the word love. Knowing that I was a teacher he decided to give us all a grammar lesson and spoke about the fact that adding ‘ing’ to the end of love made it an action. Now, his link to spelling was very loose but his message was quite clear, Love is more than something that you feel; it is something that you do.

When we look at this week’s bible verse, it quite clearly links love with actions. Jesus says, if you love me, you will obey what I say. He links our love with a change in us which will show in the way that we live. Jesus follows up to say that if we love him, God will love us and gather us to him. The actual bible verse uses the words ‘we will come to them’ which is an awesome thing to remember. Because what this verse is telling us is that God’s loving action is to come to us and gather us into his home. We don’t have to fight our way to God… be good enough… work hard enough… all that we have to do is love Jesus and God will do everything else that is needed for our salvation. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that read:

God loves you – and there is nothing that you can do about it! That is how God is. He loves us and will do every action possible to bring us into his home. Terri Taylor Principal

Please pray for the following families:

Glynn, Gould, Grivell, Hampel, Hampton, Hartley, Henderson, Hera-Singh

Mr Brad Pfeiffer & Mr Daniel Eckermann

Page 2: Love is an Action - St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School · Secretary Tammy Kowald Treasurer Esther Westra Committee Members Nichole Hunter, Amy Cowin, Hannah Waller, Sheridan Wilson,

New App for St Michael’s Soon you will receive information about how to sign up for our new school App. This App will take the place of Skoolbag and will link directly to our database, giving you access to the school calendar, your information and details, an absentee process, newsletters, blogs and eventually, your child’s reports, account information and documents. You will be informed when Skoolbag will no longer function. Please look out for your log in details and sign up for an easy way to stay connected to the school information.

Parents & Friends Committee

Chairperson Kylie Johns Vice Chairperson Therese Hartley Secretary Tammy Kowald Treasurer Esther Westra Committee Members Nichole Hunter, Amy Cowin, Hannah Waller, Sheridan Wilson, Peita Petersen, Cassandra Altmann, Sara Holman, Sarah Luke, Sarah Woods, Emma Purvis, Victoria Pollard and Jo Fairley

Reconciliation The 27th May signifies the beginning of Reconciliation week here in Australia, this date is significant as the day in 1967 that Australian people voted ‘Yes’ agreeing that Indigenous Australians deserved equal rights. The week ends on 2nd June another significant date when the High Court ruled in favour for the first time recognising Indigenous people as the original custodians of this land.

This week is a time that we reflect on the journey that we have been on as a country. We look forward to improved relationships, understanding our past and present and unity into the future. At its heart, reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians. (1) During this coming week the students will learn more about why we use the Acknowledgement of Country at different times within our school life. They will have opportunities to reflect on and learn about reconciliation and what it means to them. This is not the only time that a focus has been put on reconciliation within our school environment. Our use of Restorative conversations when conflict and hurt happens, is a form of reconciliation. We also learn about the Australian History, the impact and the stories that have been told from both European perspective and the perspective of the First Australians. Throughout our Program of Inquiry the perspective and knowledge of First Australians is valued and discussed. If you would like further information about Reconciliation please use the below links. Have a wonderful week. Evie Stevens PYP/Curriculum Coordinator

Page 3: Love is an Action - St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School · Secretary Tammy Kowald Treasurer Esther Westra Committee Members Nichole Hunter, Amy Cowin, Hannah Waller, Sheridan Wilson,

2019 Term Dates Term 2 29 April - 28 June (9 weeks)

Term 3 22 July - 27 September (10 weeks)

Term 4 14 October - 11 December (8-1/2 weeks)

School Crossing Monitors

Term 2 Week 5

AM: Damon, Brooke, Tily

PM: Charlotte, Angus, Rhys

Term 2 Week 6

AM: Hudson, Charlie, Amber

PM: Ethan, Quinn, Ryan

Please organise your own swaps if you are unable to do road crossing.

Lunchtime Clubs and Activities With the cooler weather approaching, we have organised a smorgasbord of clubs for our students to be involved in during lunchtimes. The Library will also be open each lunchtime for quiet reading and games.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Dude Perfect Club MLC & SLC Students Bukatila

Tech Club Maker Space

German DVD Club German Room

Lego Club Fo - Year 4 Maker Space

Trading Cards Library

Garden Club Garden Area

Choir Club The Hub

Ukukele Group Outside Wellbeing Room

Making Club Maker Space

Page 4: Love is an Action - St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School · Secretary Tammy Kowald Treasurer Esther Westra Committee Members Nichole Hunter, Amy Cowin, Hannah Waller, Sheridan Wilson,

The Outdoor Learning Space – Progress report The Outdoor Learning Space has been progressing ‘behind the fence’ with debris removal, tree pruning, rock moving and earthworks. There is still a little cleaning up to do but we are getting very close to the ‘creation’ phase of the project. We hope to have a working bee in the next couple of months to get some of the manual work completed. P & F have committed to raising funds to support this project with fundraisers throughout the year. We aim to create a learning space with various defined areas for learning, most of which are ‘all weather’. The concept plan is below:

2019/2020 Entertainment Books

Support St Michael’s P & F ! Get your new Entertainment

Membership today

The 2019/2020 Entertainment Memberships are here, with exclusive offers for everything you love to do. It’s the best Membership yet, packed with amazing offers for activities, attractions, shopping, travel and all kinds of tasty treats - from cool cafes to fabulous fine dining. With the Entertainment Book there are thousands of experiences you can enjoy, while raising funds for the things we care about. Click on the picture above to order your online or book membership.

St Michael’s Car Stickers If you would like a St Michael’s Car Sticker, to show others that you are part of the St Michael’s community, pick one up from the front office today.

Page 5: Love is an Action - St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School · Secretary Tammy Kowald Treasurer Esther Westra Committee Members Nichole Hunter, Amy Cowin, Hannah Waller, Sheridan Wilson,

Changed Volunteer Requirements At St Michael’s we believe that volunteers make a significant contribution to the school community by giving of their time and sharing their God-given talents, skills and expertise with others. Volunteers may have a wide range of interests and abilities that complement and support school programs, thus providing a wider range of interactions and experiences for students. We greatly appreciate your willingness to help at St Michael’s, our students would not have the opportunities they have without you! Thank you so much. Our school policies, in relation to Child Protection, require ALL volunteers in our school to undergo a DHS/DCSI check, and from July 1, this becomes a State requirement for all people working with children and will replace all other Police Clearances. If you already have a DHS/DCSI screen, please forward a copy to Lee-Anne at [email protected]. If you have not undergone this screen or it has expired please email Lee-Anne at the above email address your Full Name, DOB & Email address. Once these details are entered you will receive an email to confirm your identity. All volunteers at St Michael’s must also complete the Responding to Abuse & Neglect – Education & Care (RAN-EC) training for Volunteers. Volunteers who work with children (under 18 years) are mandated notifiers. They must understand notification and reporting child abuse requirements. The RAN training is updated by DECD every few years with the most recent update in 2018 which expires in 2021. The Responding to Abuse & Neglect training can be accessed via the following link Responding to Abuse & Neglect training. Should you have any questions please contact Lee-Anne in the office or by email [email protected].

School Day Routines Parents are reminded that the school day begins at 8:50 am. The roll is marked by 8:50 am and if a child is not in class at that time they will be marked ‘unexplained absence’ which will be followed up with you. Students arriving after 8:50 am need to sign in via the front office. If your child is absent or will be late for any reason the school needs to be notified. You can use the following means of passing on this information: Leave a message on our answering

machine - this can be done at any hour and does not need to wait until 8:30 am.

Send an e-form if you have the St Michs


Send an email to

[email protected] this email is regularly monitored by office staff

School Banking LLL School Banking is available to all students and is processed on a Wednesday. Bank books need to be in the letterbox, found in the office, no later than 9:00 am each Wednesday. For more information please contact the office.

From next week ALL Bank Books will be sent to the LLL to have interest added. Books may take a little longer to be returned to students. Mrs Collins

Appointments or Leaving Early If you need to collect your child during the day for an appointment etc please notify your child’s teacher &/or the office so that your child can be ready to be collected from the office, where you will need to sign your them out. If your child returns to school the same day you will need to sign them back in at the office.

Page 6: Love is an Action - St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School · Secretary Tammy Kowald Treasurer Esther Westra Committee Members Nichole Hunter, Amy Cowin, Hannah Waller, Sheridan Wilson,

Kindergym is held in the St Michael’s School Gym on a Thursday morning, 9:30 am - 10:30 am, during term time. Bring your child to enjoy a morning of movement and fun taught by a qualified PE and Gymnastics teacher. Complimentary First Session. Purchase a 5 week block for $40 or pay $10 per session.

St Michael’s Celebrates 180 Years of Education in


Save the Date!

Saturday 9th November P & F will be hosting the celebration dinner and silent auction at the Hahndorf Resort. Details about tickets will be available later in the year but for now, we are looking for families who may be able to donate some goods or services to our silent auction. If you have a business and are able to donate something to the P & F, please contact the school. Funds raised will go toward finishing our new Outdoor Learning Space. Sunday 10th November we are planning a celebration worship service followed by a family day with lots of free fun and games for the children

Medication @ School If your child needs any medication (including paracetamol) during the day, parents/caregivers must supply the medication to the school office in the pharmacy labelled container or package. (Please note that if your child needs to take medication/antibiotics 3 times a day, we request you give it to them before school, straight after school finishes and at bed time) School staff are unable to dispense any medication to students without either an Action Plan / letter signed by a doctor or a signed ‘form to accompany medication’ available from the office. If your child does not come to the office to take their medication, we will endeavour to locate him/her but no responsibility is taken by staff for forgotten medication. If there is a need for long-term medication to be kept at school (ie. for anaphylaxis, asthma or allergies) the parent/caregiver should ensure that the medication is within its “use by” date and is clearly marked with the student’s name, and also it is accompanied by a current plan/letter from the doctor outlining the dose and frequency of the medication.

Page 7: Love is an Action - St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School · Secretary Tammy Kowald Treasurer Esther Westra Committee Members Nichole Hunter, Amy Cowin, Hannah Waller, Sheridan Wilson,

Extra Curricula Activities Band The Hahndorf Town Band is offering lessons each Monday evening (see flyer later in the newsletter) for students from 9 years of age. Children who participate in the Town Band’s program and who also participate in the school lessons will not need to pay instrument hire fees. Choir will be held on Monday afternoons this term and will be led by Mr Theo Prucha. Choir is open to all students. If your child enjoys singing, but does not want to join the formal choir, Mr Prucha will be offering a choir club on Wednesday lunchtime, to support those who are in the choir and want more singing practice and to encourage students who just enjoy singing informally. Clarinet, Flute, Saxaphone & Trumpet Lessons are available through Andrew Scott. It is not necessary for student to own an instrument as they can hire one from Andrew. For more information contact Andrew on 8370 8358 or [email protected] Drum Lessons are available with Paul Angas who is an experienced drum teacher and professional drummer who can teach all ages. Weekly half hour lessons every Friday $27.00 per lessons. Contact Paul 0418 854 149 or [email protected] Guitar Lessons are available at with Brenton Manser who is an experienced guitar teacher. Weekly lessons available. Contact Brenton 0423 748 483 Piano Lessons are available through Andrew Eckert - half hour lessons available during school hours. For more information contact Andrew on 0410 112 658 Piano Lessons are also available through Anna Klatt. For more information contact Anna on 0488 391 110

Page 8: Love is an Action - St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School · Secretary Tammy Kowald Treasurer Esther Westra Committee Members Nichole Hunter, Amy Cowin, Hannah Waller, Sheridan Wilson,

Woolworths has just launched Earn & Learn, and we're once again joining in. For those parents who aren't aware of the program, if you shop at Woolworths between 1st of May and the 25th of June you can earn stickers. Our school will be collecting these stickers which we'll be able to swap for new school equipment; things like art and craft supplies, sports gear, teaching aids, and more. So for any parents who shop at Woolworths, please collect those stickers and drop them in one of our collection boxes, 1 is located in the front office the other is located at Mt Barker Woolworths. Thanks for helping out!

Page 9: Love is an Action - St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School · Secretary Tammy Kowald Treasurer Esther Westra Committee Members Nichole Hunter, Amy Cowin, Hannah Waller, Sheridan Wilson,

Lutheran Church

St Michael’s

Hours: Mon to Fri 8.30am to 4.00pm Phone: (08) 8388 1225 Address: Cnr Balhannah Rd & Church St Hahndorf Email: [email protected] Website:



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Worship Services Saturday 8 June

SMS Worship 6:00 pm

Sunday 9 June Traditional Worship 8:30 am

Contemporary Worship 10:30 am

Saturday 15 June SMS Worship 6:00 pm

Sunday 16 June Traditional Worship 8:30 am

Contemporary Worship 10:30 am

Saturday 25 May SMS Worship 6:00 pm

Sunday 26 May Traditional Worship 8:30 am

Contemporary Worship 10:30 am

Thursday 30 MayAscension Worship 7:30 pm

Sunday 2 June Combined Worship 9:30 am

Page 10: Love is an Action - St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School · Secretary Tammy Kowald Treasurer Esther Westra Committee Members Nichole Hunter, Amy Cowin, Hannah Waller, Sheridan Wilson,

During the 2019 Winter Netball Season, Taught and Bowled will be offering 3 week block netball coaching for players aged 9-15 years. The blocks are broken up into Goalies, Mid Court and Circle and are aimed at teaching some of the specific skills needed to play in those areas. We are also offering a General Skills session, where

the players will do one week of each of the areas. More details can be found by clicking HERE.