lovesworld edition 2

Edition 2: Loveswor Ld

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The second edition of LovesworLd


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Edition 2:


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Reach out and touch somebody's hand Make this world a better place if you can Reach out and touch somebody's hand Make this world a better place if you can

(Just try) Take a little time out of your busy day To give encouragement To someone who's lost the way (Just try) Or would I be talking to a stone If I asked you To share a problem that's not your own We can change things if we start giving Why don't you[ Lyrics from: ] Reach out and touch somebody's hand Make this world a better place if you can Reach out and touch somebody's hand Make this world a better place if you can

(Just try) If you see an old friend on the street And he's down Remember his shoes could fit your feet (Just try) Try a little kindness you'll see It's something that comes very naturally We can change things if we start giving

Why don't you Reach out and touch Why don't you (Why don't you) Reach out and touch somebody's hand

Reach out and touch somebody's hand Make this world a better place if you can Reach out and touch somebody's hand Make this world a better place if you can Songwriters: Ashford, Nickolas/Simpson, ValerieS

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List of Contents

Reach out Page 1 Welcome Page 3 LovesLetters Page 4 LoveStories3: We are Witnesses Page 5 LovesAfrica: LovesMalawi: LovesBaula! Page 6 LovesChildren Corner Page 10 LovesInspirations Page 11 LovesMusic Page 13 LovesPoems Page 15 LovesHumour Page 16 LovesThoughts Page 18 LovesFood Page 20 LovesQuiz Page 21 LovesAnswers: Suffering Page 22 LoveStories4: The Return Page 23 LovesColour Page 24 LovesVision Page 25 LovesFaith Page 26 Final Words Page 27 Contact details Page 27


LovesworLd talks, listens and inspires!

Welcome all who enter here!

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So who am I and what is Lovesworld?? 

Well, LovesworLd is a project in its infancy which seems to have been given wings to fly! It began with a vision for a local LovesworLd magazine with a mission – to encourage us to talk and connect with each other in an open, loving and supportive way. LovesworLd is a chain of people with a connection of hearts.

  Hearts that reach out to each other with a helping hand! Each link in the chain of people becomes someone we know, someone we care about, someone whose needs are important to us..... Like Jesus taught us in the parable of the Good Samaritan. It was a stranger, a foreigner, a fellow traveller, not the officials, who reached out in friendship to answer the needs of the broken and beaten man. It was one of us. The Good Samaritan didn't judge the man on the ground - he just lifted him up into his arms and took him to a place of safety. He left the judgement to God. It is my belief and hope for LovesworLd that we do the same! Our love is unconditional and can be found on any road that has ever been travelled!

I believe God is to be found in the deepest, darkest places and prisons on this earth, offering hope and inspiring goodness. I have seen acts of such kindness, such unconditional caring in the far reaches alcohol and drug addiction and prostitution… These roads are paved with pain and loss but can lead to God as surely as any road to be found on more conventional paths. Indeed, I have seen acts of such unkindness and lack of care on those established paths, even within the church…

Me? I am a fellow traveller! I have been down some very difficult roads, but all of them led me to the risen Christ. I have been through times of plenty and times of poverty, times of hope and times of despair, times of loss and times of the greatest gain. I have been heartbroken and joyful in equal measure. I have made many mistakes and found myself on roads that when I looked around I had absolutely no idea where I was or where I was going! But I have always been found. Thank God! What I hear from His message is that I love the Lord my God (love LIFE) with all my heart and soul and strength and that I love my neighbours, my  fellow travellers as I love myself…! That's it really! Simple! I hear be open to God and be open to each other... and have FAITH. Not in theology, not in the routine of worship, but in the Love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. When someone falls and stumbles, it is up to us to reach out on loves behalf. When someone succeeds it is up to us to share in that joy.

Life is a wonder we can choose to embrace or try to control – and why would we want to do that? LovesworLd chooses to embrace life in its entirety, in all its beauty and all its possibilities but it refuses to ignore the ugly places we can find ourselves trapped in. If we dare to live life we will make mistakes… but when we are lost, we will be found! Love can reach anywhere THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS…! So I say again, all roads lead to God...!

It is LovesworLd’s belief that everything in life is lived best with that prefix Love.... So LovesFriends... Let us reach out and touch somebody’s hand…

             Let our LovesLight shine! Let our LovesLight fly!


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Lord, so often we have judged by outward appearances and not looked further into the heart to see the hurt, the pain and the confusion. Enable us to know your way so that we may help

and heal others in Your nameAmen


Letter from the Editor:

Well for the most part verbal feedback for LW Welcome Edition has been positive. Yippee! There has however been some controversy over the LW mission statement. I wasn't expecting that! All roads lead to God… I have had texts and emails with attempts to put me straight, mostly from people within the Church. My answer is this and I stand by what I said for the following reasons... I never said all roads lead to Heaven… Christians are very protective of their place at Christ’s side even although Jesus himself said that in His father’s mansion there are many rooms… I said all roads lead to God. Where we go and what we do after finding God is a different matter…a matter for each of us individually. I could have made it easier on myself and said all roads CAN lead to God… which is true… but too ambiguous don’t you think?! It is open to such doubt... It leaves a chance that the road we are on may NOT lead to God, to Love, and we are lost forever. LW is intended to reach out to those of us who are lost, have been lost or who recognise just how easy it is to get lost! It is intended to reach out to those of us who are in need, have been in need or who recognise just how easy it is to find ourselves in need! If we are in a deep, dark place we have to KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, that God is there for us, rooting for us, loving us UNCONDITIONALLY and welcoming us back into safe arms… and those arms are sometimes human... We are His instruments as we reach out and touch a hand or a heart and offer succour, comfort or rescue. Sometimes we are too sick, too out of control, too blind to remember that God, and a host of angels, are with us on every road we travel, no exceptions! LovesFriends let us be a reminder that we are all called, at times, to be that stranger on the road who tends and cares for a fellow traveller just as sometimes we are that broken and beaten man who needs help and not to have people pass by on the other side of the road! God bless JANx

Please write in with your ideas or text or email (or blog) with permission to print…. I would love for this page to become a vibrant open format for discussion and debate. I failed to ask everyone who fed back to me whether I could use their names, so for LW2 I will keep the feedback comments few, general and anonymous…!

“I wasn’t expecting Aerosmith…!”

“Well written, well done…!”

“LW made me feel connected too…”

“I thought that was very brave talking about attempted rape in ‘Three Sugars with My Coffee’, it must have happened to a lot of women…”

“I get tingles when I read about the children in Baula…”

“I loved the poem ‘Naked’. I have put it to music and made it into a song…!”

“The IPod quiz was a hoot…It really worked”

“Please write an article about why God allows children to suffer violence and abuse…”

“Most people don’t want to expose themselves and make themselves vulnerable (to judgement). You do, and

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I like to read that because it resonates and gives permission to do the same…”

“I liked it…but too much reference to God…”

“I was brought to tears…”

“Are you going to write something about angels…?”

Yep…!LoveStories3 (Excerpt from POET IN THE BATHROOM by JAN)

We are Witnesses

I saw an angel once! I think it was an angel – you decide. I can tell you one thing with certainty, I was TERRIFIED!

My son was 3 years old. It was very early morning and I had set him up with toys in the living room, left the bedroom and living room doors open to keep a passage across the hall free for him to roam. I settled back on the bed with a cup of tea to salvage from the night what rest I could. The next thing I knew, the front door opened, someone came in, and closed the door behind them. This isn’t happening I thought. The door is locked, the key is still in the lock, and in any case the only spare key is with my neighbour in the flat above and why would she come in unannounced at the crack of dawn? I couldn’t move. I tried to get up, but I COULDN’T MOVE. I heard the intruder walk into the living room where my son was playing. I was really scared now, my son may be in danger, but still I couldn’t move. Steps came towards the bedroom and in the doorway a very tall, dark figure. He came towards me with arms outstretched. I panicked, in an absolute cold terror. All I could move was my eyes so I closed them (I still can’t believe I did that…).The vision lifted my hands and held them together “I just came to say everything is going to be OK”. I felt a great peace. He left the way he came. I could move again. I dashed in to my son who was smiling and playing happily on the floor. I sat down. What just happened there? I must have fallen asleep and it was a particularly vivid dream or perhaps that sleep paralysis I have read about…

“Mum, who was that man that just came in to see me?”

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not…” (Luke 2:10)

So here’s the story behind the story the better for you to decide…

A favourite auntie had died and her daughter had given me treasured gifts of her watch and microwave… Over the next few days there were strange happenings… One evening a Pyrex milk jug exploded into a thousand pieces in the kitchen. The next morning I woke up and two stoneware mugs in the kitchen had clearly melted overnight, solidified and were completely misshapen… It was getting a bit spooky. Then the microwave blew up in flames…and my new watch stopped! The next night, and the night of my story, we had all gone to bed as normal. I always take a glass of water with me for the bedside table… At around 4am we were woken up with a loud bang and an explosion of water and glass. The glass beaker and contents were spread over us, the bed and the floor! We had to get the sweeper out, change the bedding…and of course Josh woke up with the noise ready to start his day…! I set him up in the living room with milk and toys…

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Later on that day I was telling Josh’s Granny what had happened…and after a huge intake of breath she told me that it had been my guardian angel… Prayers were said for the peace of my beloved aunt’s soul.

We all have stories of the supernatural kind. Every time in Church Christians believe Jesus is with us, in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost! The sacred experiences that are recounted in the bible, the experiences of the Divine that are recorded there are still needed today. They still occur today. What these experiences have in common is that we are changed by the experience in some way! We needn’t throw away those strange and mysterious experiences that happen in our lives or let go of those things that we witness that we don’t understand or can’t explain. Rather we can meditate on them, delight in them and use them as a source of strength.

We get to see as well as believe

We get to experience as well as hope

We get to know as well as have faith Amen (After Rev. Fairchild from Lectionary resources)

LovesAfrica: LovesMalawi: LovesBaula !

SO much has happened in Baula since the outset of LovesworLd…!

In JULY I wrote in LovesNews (http//

“Hi. I have just been talking to Martha in Malawi (see LovesworLd welcome mag) and she was in bits! Since the magazine came out LW has swept through Baula and been accepted by the village heads as a force for good. We have a LovesworLd Centre food and clothes bank, and we have a LovesworLd orphan corner for over 30 children. So why was Martha in bits? I had asked her for the names and ages of our children and she had gone from Mzuzu to Baula to find out and take photos. She found that most of the children really had no family, no home to go to, no clothes and only the one bowl of porridge a day we can give from LW. It made Martha cry and she prayed we could find a way to help more. If it made Martha weep to see the children of her own community so alone and in need, what would it do to us here in the UK????? I told her to tell the children LovesworLd would be their family and help them to grow big and strong in the certainty that they are beloved of God and all LovesFriends. I hope that was OK. JANx” 

So, dear LovesFriends, was that OK…?

I find it awe-inspiring and frankly hard to absorb or imagine, that because of us, there is now food in store for the next famine season, that there is the beginning of a bank of clothes, especially for the children and the elderly, so that no one need be naked or cold, that we have soap for distribution for washing bodies and clothes and that we have so many beautiful, orphaned children to look after, some of them with disability…! Wow...! That is some responsibility LovesFriends! We have started something, and I hope we are up to it!

Thank you to Martha, Eunice and the volunteers in Baula - Mama Lowole, Rachael Mabaso, Chisomo Zulu, Losana Hara and Edina Mkandawire. The ladies care for and teach the children with love and commitment. Some of the children who had no homes to go to have been taken in by the ladies… I am humbled! Thank you to those LovesFriends who have helped with funds and prayer.

On Sunday August 26 2012, LovesworLd Baula held a launch party. It was a special day for the women and for the children! A women’s project accepted and applauded by the while

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community! Well done ladies! What strength in adversity! We are behind you all the way! This is what Martha wrote for us in SEPTEMBER:

Martha Lowole A day to remember in my life

It was on 26th august when we had a launch for LW children in Malawi Baula Mzimba North East. This is the day to remember in our life because it was the time to introduce this ministry in Malawi. During this day we had get together with 23 chiefs surrounding Baula community, 100 children from LW Children's Corner. We had the elderly, the LW ladies. During this day we had about 200 people. The program started with a prayer by Mama Lowole followed by a song Amazing Grace. Later on we introduced each other. Then I read the message from Mama Jan. After introduction we watched different types of activities e.g., netball, drammer ingoma cultural dance from Mzimba. During this time other womens were preparing food for the people who attended the launch party. LW children displayed what they are taught at school.This day is unforgettable because we ate different type of food with LW children. We had food never eaten before. Children enjoyed sweets. They also receive some pencils from Mama Jan. We drunk, danced, we ate we went home with smiling faces children received branches membership cards clothes books. My prayers are to all well-wishers who support Mama Jan. We thank all ladies in UK who have a heart to help us. Food bank, clothes bank. We are lifted! God bless.

Martha is sending a CD of photos taken on launch day and I will upload them to LW website. I can’t wait to see……

This is an update written by Martha in OCTOBER....x

Loves world Loves children Malawi.

I thank God for this ministry. I thank Mama Jan and Donna. LW is very important in the history of development in my community Baula Mzimba North East.

This ministry started after Baula Ruchazie Partinership. Now we have two schools here in Malawi. The first one was Baula Lovesworld childrens Corner now Janlovesworld childrens orphan corner and Mzuzu Loves world childrens orphan corner. Jans and Baula loves world corner has one hundred and five children while Mzuzu has thirty children.

We started with thirty children see what the Lord has done.

We started as a mustard seed. It has started to bear fruits. Baula village heads and all people surrounding Baula community are more thankful for what Mama Jan and other UK ladies are doing.

Please continue helping these children as they grow to be leaders of tomorrow..

We have a total of 135 children and 5 volunteers... We have a food bank and clothes bank

God bless everyone who will render any support to us through LW UK  Love from Martha Lowole LW Malawi.

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So, we were 30 and then 100 now 135 children…and growing. I can’t tell you how proud I am, to be Mama Jan in Baula. Words cannot express the depth of my gratitude.

Martha described HAPPY SMILING FACES!

That is what we want to see LovesFriends, happy smiling faces! We can’t have wall to wall happy in this life, but for us to see sad faces because there is no one to love and care for us, feed and clothe and comfort us…is unacceptable! LovesFriends reach out, in love, wherever

and whenever we can… BE LIFTED! Amazing Grace

Amazing graceHow sweet the soundThat saved a wretch like meI once was lost, but now I'm foundWas blind, but now I seeIt was grace that taught my heart to fearAnd grace my fears relievedHow precious did that grace appearThe hour I first believedMy chains are goneI've been set freeMy God, my Saviour has ransomed meAnd like a flood His mercy rainsUnending love, Amazing graceThe Lord has promised good to meHis word my hope securesHe will my shield and portion beAs long as life endures

With God all things are possible…! (Matthew 19:26)

And…! Well… Speaking of all things possible… LovesworLd has gone in another and unexpected direction…!

In Baula and its surrounding area there is something of an alcohol addiction problem from the maize homebrew. Gift, Martha’s brother is doing his best, having been inspired on his exchange visit to Ruchazie by several AA meetings, single-handedly, to go around the churches and youth groups to talk on the problems and, most importantly, solutions of addiction. I asked Gift how LW could help and he asked for resources and prayers. Resource books are parcelled and on the way over and here are a few of those thoughts and prayers which have been sent to Gift… We are all addicted one way or another to addictions which enthral us… I can’t be away from a cup of tea for more than an hour really…and chocolate don’t even mention chocolate…! But seriously we can be addicted to most things we want to hang on to – a state of mind, an opinion, a behaviour, a place, a person, gambling, sex even… So the prayers can be read as a help and as an aid to perspective for us all! REALLY, SERIOUSLY for us all…! I especially love the Pettiness Prayer…

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The Pettiness Prayer:  (author unknown, is used in 12 step programs)

Keep us, O God, from pettiness.Let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.

Let us be done with fault finding and leave off self-seeking.May we put away all pettiness and meet each other face to face,

without self-pity and without prejudice.

May we always be patient, never hasty in judgement and always tolerantTeach us to put into action our better impulses,

Straightforward and unafraid.

Let us take time for all things; make us calm, serene and gentle.Grant that we may realize it is the little things

In life that create differences,That in the big things of life we are as one and

May we strive to touch and to know the great common heart of us all.

And O God, let us not forget to be kind!

I am writing out more of the prayers and thought here but if anyone reading this wants more help, resources or prayers PLEASE, get in touch. Addiction can be a killer and can affect us and those around us perhaps more than we realize. There is always the light of HOPE that life can and will get better.

Lord, grant me today the courage to change and grow in the knowledge that I am deserving of Your love. Grant me the strength to do what is right. Grant me the hope which will fill my heart and spirit with love for my recovering self. I ask for patience with myself and others as I put one foot in front of the other as I heal and reclaim my life Amen


I was weary and sad but for TODAYToday I am clean and soberToday I move towards my futureToday I am further from my pastToday I am learning to live againToday it is getting a little easierToday is not perfect, but it is betterToday I am learning to value myselfToday I am grateful to be aliveTomorrow I will build on what I do today

My Morning Prayer

Bless this day Keep me safe and whole Kind and compassionate

Bless my path todayHelp me to act with wisdom 

And live in perpetual gratitude 

Bless my human familyWho are everywhere & everyone Bless the creatures and plants  

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May all life be blessed on this day

(Abby Willowroot 2008)

Prayer of St Francis of Assisi

"Lord, make me a channel of thy peace - that where there is hatred, I may bring love - that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness - that where there is discord, I may bring harmony - that where there is error, I may bring truth - that where there is doubt, I may bring faith - that where there is despair, I may bring hope - that where there are shadows, I may bring light - that where there is sadness, I may bring joy. Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted - to understand, than to be understood - to love, than to be loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds. It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. It is by dying that one awakens to eternal life.” Amen

I failed miserably to bring peace and harmony the other day! I was VERY unkind to the window cleaner! My son and I were just heading out in the car for shopping as the window cleaner arrived. He started round the back. I went back to pay him before we left and found him jumping all over my back garden destroying carefully tended beds of bark and breaking my little (Duh…PoundShop…!) picket fences…to avoid a WASP. The wasp was chasing him round the garden! I couldn’t believe my eyes… I growled, put the money on a garden chair and left him to it with a parting shot something like try and leave my garden in one piece… I got into the car and set off livid and swearing down the road, Josh staring at me in astonishment …. I stopped the car. I was very unkind then son wasn’t I? Yep...! I put my head on the steering wheel… I’ve got to go back! I reversed the car, turned round and went to find him to apologise. I had offered him no sympathy, no understanding and certainly no help…! JANx

Lord forgive us for when we are unkind…! Amen

LovesChildren Corner


I came across the story behind a hymn that was written many years ago!

There was a young boy called Mark Guy Pearse. As he was returning home from school on a boat, for the holidays, he discovered that he did not have enough money for the boat fare. When the money collector came to him poor Mark became upset. As he counted out his money, the kind man went into his own pocket and made up the fare. How relieved the young boy was, but before he could say anything, the man said, "If you ever find anyone in the same state just remember, and pass this kindness on." Well, years went by and this young boy grew up and became a preacher. One day as he was standing on a railway

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platform he saw a boy crying. When he asked why, the boy said, "I've no money for my fare." Mr Pearse, as he now was, replied, "Don't cry, I'll buy the ticket for you." As they were going along the platform, Mark Guy Pearse remembered his own school-day experience and told the boy to pass this kindness on. Mark Guy's brother-in-law, Dr Henry Burton, heard all about the incident and wrote a hymn called,


Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on! It wasn’t for you alone. Pass it on! Let it travel down the years Let it wipe another’s tears Until in heaven the deed appears. Pass it on!

Did you hear the loving word? Pass it on! Like the singing of a bird? Pass it on! Let its music live and grow Let it cheer another's woe You have reaped what others sow. Pass it on…!

Why not make up a card, draw in a picture or colour in and cut this one out…!? Then… PASS IT ON…!



A few weeks ago I had a good sort out at home and found lots of costume jewellery I no longer needed. I put it into a carrier bag and took it round to Donna to give to her 8 year old daughter Leah. When I drove up Leah was outside playing. I handed her the bag. Her face lit up and the next thing I knew, without any prompting, she was sharing and handing out jewellery to all her friends! Happy smiling faces of little girls with necklaces and bracelets around the streets of Ruchazie. It was a full goose bumps moment! PERFECT…Thank you Leah! JANx


A little word in kindness spokenA motion or a tear

Has often healed the heart that’s brokenAnd made a friend sincere

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A word, a look, has crushed to earthFull many a budding flower

Which had a smile but owned it’s birthWould bless life’s darkest hour

Then deem it not an idle thingA pleasant word to speak

The face you wear, the thoughts you bringA heart may heal or break

(Hymn by Daniel C Colesworthy 1871)

Be kind:  Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle (John Watson)

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless (Mother Theresa)

If you stop to be kind, you must swerve often from your path (Mary Webb)

Shall we try to make a new rule of life from tonight: Always try to be a little kinder than is necessary (James M. Barrie)

It is difficult to give away kindness. It keeps coming back to you (Cort Flint)

When you receive a kindness, remember it. When you do a kindness, forget it (Greek proverb)

Kind words are the music of the world.  They have a power which seems to be beyond natural causes, as if they were some angel’s song which had lost its way and come on earth.  It seems as if they could almost do what in reality God alone can do - soften the hard and angry hearts of people.  No one was ever corrected by sarcasm - crushed, perhaps, if the sarcasm was clever enough, but drawn nearer to God, never (Frederick William Faber)

While great brilliance and intellect are to be admired, they cannot dry one tear or mend a broken spirit.  Only kindness can accomplish this (John M. Drescher)

Kindness is not a weakness, it’s a manifestation of strength

An old Cherokee Indian told his Grandson

“My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is good. It

is joy, peace, love hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth.”

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The boy thought about it and asked “Grandfather, which wolf wins?”

The old man quietly replied “The one we feed” (Anon)

Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die (Buddha)

Love is not an emotion, it is your very existence (Ravi Shanker)

Be thankful for the bad things in life for they opened your eyes to the good things you weren’t paying attention to before! (Kermit)

It’s never too late to be what you might have been (George Elliot)

The mighty oak was once a little nut that stood its ground (unknown)

When sleeping women wake, mountains move (Chinese Proverb)

You have enemies? Good! That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life (Winston Churchill)

You must be the change you wish to see in the world (Mahatma Ghandi)

It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness (Chinese Proverb)

There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because his conscience tells him it is right (Martin Luther)

New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings (Lao Tzu)

Hard times require FURIOUS dancing…!


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Well, it’s that time of year again, when you know Christmas is on its way because X factor and Strictly Come Dancing are into the live shows….! What can I say?! I watch them both! I love the…glitter! In this edition I thought we might enjoy a song from last year’s X factor runner-up Rebecca Ferguson from her album HEAVEN…!

Glitter & Gold (co-written by Ferguson and co-produced by Alex Smith and Mark Taylor) 

How good or bad, happy or sadDoes it have to get?Losing yourself, no cry for helpYou don’t think you need itAnd old friends are just a choreBut now you need them more than ever before

All that glitter and all that goldWon’t buy you happyWhen you’ve been bought and soldRiding white horses, you can’t controlWith all your glitter and all of your goldTake care of your soul. Take care of your soul

How high, how low, how on your ownAre you gonna get? BecauseLosing your soul, will cost you moreThan the life you’re paying for

And all those friends you left behindYou might need ’em when it’s cold outside

All that glitter and all that goldWon’t buy you happyWhen you’ve been bought and sold


Riding white horses, you can’t controlWith all your glitter and all of your goldTake care of your soul

One day you’re gonna wake up and find thatNew dream is losing its shine andNobody is by your sideWhen the rain comes down and you’re losing your mind

So, who you gonna run to? Where you gonna hide?Glitter and gold won’t keep you warmOn those lonely nightsAnd all those friends that were such a choreYou’re gonna need them more than ever before

All that glitter and all that goldWon’t buy you happyWhen you’ve been bought and soldRiding white horses, you can’t controlWith all your glitter and all of your goldTake care of your soul. With all of your gold Take care of your soul


Just in case this LW edition reads too sweet and glitter and not enough metal …How about a bit of Metallica…?

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Nothing Else Matters

So close no matter how farCouldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we areAnd nothing else matters

Never opened myself this wayLife is ours, we live it our wayAll these words I don't just say

And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in youEvery day for us something newOpen mind for a different view

And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they doNever cared for what they know

But I know

So close no matter how farCouldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we areAnd nothing else matters

Never cared for what they doNever cared for what they know

But I know

Never opened myself this wayLife is ours, we live it our wayAll these words I don't just say

And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in youEvery day for us something newOpen mind for a different view

And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they sayNever cared for games they play

Never cared for what they doNever cared for what they know

And I know

So close no matter how farCouldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we areNo nothing else matters


There’s a film called Hook which was my sons favourite and we watched it together many times. On one occasion during the scene when, after being captured by Hook and his pirate gang, Wendy sings to her brothers the gentle lullaby their mother sings to comfort them… I asked Josh (Age 7) what song would remind him of his Ma… He thought for a bit then starting singing (with full head banging action and air guitar):

Give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huhGive it to me baby, uh huh, uh huhGive it to me baby, uh huh, uh huhAnd all the girlies say I'm pretty fly for a white guy… (Offspring 2008)

My own fault, I should never have asked… Ha! JANx


Another two of my favourite poems by ROBERT FROST on the theme of journeys and roads and choices made…!

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The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow woodAnd sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveller, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth

Then took the other, as just as fairAnd having perhaps the better claimBecause it was grassy and wanted wearThough as for the passing thereHad worn them just the same

And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden blackOh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to wayI doubted if I should ever come back

I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages henceTwo roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less travelled byAnd that has made all the difference

Into My Own

ONE of my wishes is that those dark trees,So old and firm they scarcely show the breeze,Were not, as ’twere, the merest mask of gloom,But stretched away unto the edge of doom.I should not be withheld but that some dayInto their vastness I should steal away,Fearless of ever finding open land,Or highway where the slow wheel pours the sand.I do not see why I should e’er turn back,Or those should not set forth upon my trackTo overtake me, who should miss me hereAnd long to know if still I held them dear.They would not find me changed from him they knewOnly more sure of all I thought was true.

The Reference Section by JAN

I work as a wardenOf a night shelter

Tonight was my night offTonight I went

To the Public LibraryWith a friend

To photocopy a play about relationshipsI knew a lot of people

In the libraryMost of them had no homes

The rest had nobody

LovesworLd by Martha Lowole

In the heart of LovesworLd there is a love for youLove most pure and tender, love most deep and trueWhy should you be lonely? Why for friendship sigh?When the heart of LovesworLd has a full supply

In the mind of Mama Jan LovesworLdThere is a thought for youWarm as summer sunshine, sweet as morning dewWhy should you be fearful? Why take anxious thought?Since the mind of Mama Jan cares for you

In the field of Jesus there is work for youSuch as angels might rejoice to doIn the home of LovesworLd there is a place for youGlorious, bright and joyous, warm and peaceful too

Why then like a wanderer, roam with weary paceIf a home in lovesworLd holds a place for you?

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The following were all found in Church Bulletins…!:

The audience is asked to remain seated until the end of the recession

The low self-esteem group will meet Thursday at 7pm. Please use the back door

Weight Watchers will meet at 7pm. Please use the large double door at the side entrance

Ushers will eat latecomers

For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs

The Reverend Meriwether spoke briefly, much to the delight of the audience

The pastor will preach his farewell message, after which the choir will sing ‘Break Forth into JOY’

During the absence of our pastor, we enjoyed the rare privilege of hearing a good sermon when J.F. Stubbs supplied our pulpit

The concert held in fellowship Hall was a great success. Special thanks are due to the minister’s daughter who laboured the whole evening at the piano, which as usual fell upon her

A new loudspeaker system has been installed in the Church. It was given by one of our members in honour of his wife

The choir invites any member of the congregation who enjoys sinning to join the choir

Potluck supper: Prayer and medication to follow

Don’t let worry kill you off – let the Church help

The pastor is on vacation. Massages can be given to the Church secretary

It may not seem like it from these pages, but I really do like to LAUGH – a lot! I just never remember jokes. Please send in jokes or funny stories to cheer us up on cold winter evenings….

These are some interesting comments written by Sunday School students…!:

Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree

Lot’s wife was a pillar of salt by day, but a ball of fire by night

Sampson slated the Philistines with the axe of the apostles

The Egyptians were all drowned in the dessert

Afterward, Moses went up on Mount Cyanide to get the Ten Amendments

The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple

The fifth commandment is humour thy mother and father

The seventh commandment is thou shalt not admit adultery

Moses died before he ever reached the UK

The greatest miracle in the bible is when Joshua told his son to stand still and he obeyed him

David was a Hebrew King skilled at playing the liar. He fought with the Finkelsteins, a race of people who lived in biblical times

Solomon, one of David’s sons, has 300 wives and 700 porcupines

When the three wise guys from the East Side arrived, they found Jesus and the manager

The people who followed the Lord were called the 12 decibels

The epistles were the wives of the apostles

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St Paul cavorted to Christianity. He preached holy acrimony, which is another name for marriage

A Christian should have only one wife. This is called monotony


This article, written by a teacher and displayed on a school staffroom notice board, is for those born before 1940

We were born before television, before penicillin, polio shots, frozon food, photocopying, contact lenses, videos, Frisbees and the pill. We live before radar, credit cards, split atoms, laser beams and ball point pens, before dishwashers, tumble driers, electric blankets, air conditioners, drip-dry clothes and before man walked on the moon!

We got married first and then lived together (how quaint can you be?) and we thought’ fast food’ was something you ate at Lent. A ‘big mac’ was an oversized raincoat and crumpet was something we had for tea. We existed before househusbands, computer dating, dual careers and when a meaningful relationship meant getting along with your cousins. Sheltered accommodation was where you waited for a bus!

We were born before day care centres, group homes and disposable nappies. We had never heard of FM radio, tape decks, electric typewriters, artificial hearts, word processes, yoghurt and young men wearing earrings. For us ‘time sharing’ meant togetherness, a chip was a piece of wood or a fried potato and hardware meant nuts and bolts. Software wasn’t a word!

Before 1948 ‘made in Japan’ meant junk, the term ‘making out’ referred to how you did in exams, a stud was something that fastened a collar to a shirt and ‘going all the way’ meant staying on a double decker bus until it reached the depot. Pizzas, McDonalds and instant coffee were unheard of. In our day cigarette smoking was fashionable, grass was mown, coke was kept in the coalhouse, a joint was a piece of meat you had on Sunday and pot was something you cooked it in. rock music was grandmother’s lullaby, El Dorado was an ice-cream and a gay person was the life and soul of the party. Aids just meant a beauty treatment or help for someone in trouble!

We who were born before 1940 must be a hardy bunch when you think of the ways in which the world has changed and the adjustments we have had to make. No wonder we are so confused and there is a generation gap!

BUT by the grace of God we have survived! ALLELUIA!_______________________________________________________________________________________________

My Mum used to go to regular over 60’s tea dances at her church and one of the ladies wrote this fictional account, with tongue firmly in cheek – any resemblance to anyone…purely coincidental…! Strictly watch out…! TEA DANCE It’s the Sunday tea dance and there’ll all be here today Aches and pains forgotten, dance the night away Foxtrots, quicksteps, waltzes, some are slow but some are nifty With memories of how it was back in 1950

Norman’s in the toilet and he’s struggling to pee He’s got trouble with his prostate and he’ll likely miss his tea Eddie’s got a new love that he met in Thornton Heath She does a lovely tango, but she hasn’t any teeth His latest fancy footwork nearly broke his partner’s neck She mistook his outside swivel for a travelling contra-check

Ida’s had her hair done and she’s ready for the

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saunter She had a vindaloo last night and it’s coming back to haunt her Florry’s mini skirt’s revealing when she’s fanning in the jive She really shouldn’t wear a thong approaching 85

They’ve had their tea and cake and chat and had a little laugh And gamely rise with creaking knees to face the second half Norman made it back in time for rhumba number 1 His cucaracha’s very neat, but he left his flies undone

Vera’s fallen over in a massive crimplene heap Berts got indigestion and mabels fast asleep It’s waltz time and up they get for Humperdink’s old tune And then “Goodbye, Good Luck, Take care” “God willing, see you soon”


LovesThoughts are mini bite thoughts which I post some times on the LW blog (

To tell the truth, I have a lot of thoughts but only limited knowledge…but between us, in dialogue, perhaps we can make greater personal sense of our world. Rational minds want rational sense but it is my experience that sense comes in many shapes and forms and they are rarely rational! There is a spiritual sense which comes when we take a chance on faith… Like love, faith defies the rational, those double blind trials required to prove its existence! It just IS... Think about the bright, hot sun for a minute… We know the sun is up there with an almost, absolute certainty (we bask in its warmth and eat the fruits of its existence with our every breath) but if we turn our eyes to look directly into it, we are immediately blinded, it disappears… If we look at faith and love too closely…they too disappear… We can take pictures of the sun and look at them…and in the same way, we can share our experiences of love and faith and look at them…!

I have great ideas about writing articles about this and that, but bottom line, I don’t know enough about any one subject to write a knowledgeable, fully considered article looking at all possible sides of any issue. I have bias.

What I have realised writing this edition is that the LovesworLd mag is really about our collective thoughts, shared experiences, personal hopes and dreams - to reflect on and to be inspired, encouraged and supported by on the many different roads we travel… We can help each other to grow into the fullness of our lives by being connected !

There was a series of blogs I wrote last month which I have edited and reproduced here because they pull together, connect (ha…!) some of the threads exposed by LW2 the sequel! I think…!

LovesThought: EMPTY HEADS

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Well is there anything less useful than an empty head when staring at a blank screen headed LovesThoughts for the day…?! Even a cup of tea didn’t help…until I realized that it was the empty head itself is the message! I was reminded that no matter what we believe is true, if we cling to it too tightly, become addicted, then we run the risk of becoming blind to new realities set in front of us. Each situation, each person we meet is best met with an empty head! A full heart, but an empty head…! We need to be free of logic, and rational, and preconceptions, and opinions if we truly want to LISTEN and to HEAR and to GROW in wisdom and understanding! Real truth is to be found in peace and harmony and LOVE. If we follow loves guidance, thoughts will form and thoughts can be put into actions. Actions that are driven by something greater than ourselves…

So LovesFriends, the thought for the day is always have access to your empty head!!!!!

Let go…. Let go and let God… Let go and Let Love…x

A quick JoshThought from a Public Enemy rap (It’s harder than you think) “If you don’t stand for something, you fall for anything…!”

LovesThought: SILENCE &TREES

We hear nothing very clearly, either from Source or each other if our heads are full of chatter….! That’s not to say we don’t love to chat….! Silence and empty are FILLED to the brim with POSSIBILITY…! It’s where dreams seed future action. It’s where the depth and substance of friendship is found (those comfortable silences) and where we can pray with or without words…

My best time for empty is before I get out of bed in the morning and before the chatter sets in…!

In the silence this morning I was presented with an image of a tree! So, a tree..?! I used to be a guest speaker of all things Homoeopathic at the Psychic Centre in Glasgow. One time a speaker on Past Lives told me I had once been a tree! He said I had been cut down violently and that was why in this lifetime I found it difficult to put down roots… Well, I have no idea….although I do like the idea… BUT trees really are rather magnificent! Have you ever hugged a tree?

Trees have branches that reach out and reach up, and roots that reach out and reach down, with a solid chunk of wood between. Trees show the cycle of the four seasons with unsurpassed clarity and beauty, and support such a diversity of life within their embrace…and trees do their best to stand firm and not fall…

We would do well to meditate on a tree!x

LovesThoughts: FRUIT

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I think we all need to stand for something, so we don’t fall. I think we all need to believe in something that we believe is true and real but I think that the stance we take mustn’t be fixed! It must be always open for change, open for debate and discussion and be open to a different point of view…! That makes for progress – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. If we know, we can change what needs to be changed, call it a mistake, call it a step in the right direction and move on. But we have to KNOW before we can GROW! We need to meet each other in open silence! BUT we can be assured that behind the flexible moving feast that is knowledge or opinion is the immoveable, immutable creative force of unconditional LOVE. If we keep faith with love, then all our stands will lead us to a full and productive and ever expanding life experience!

And trees?

Let all our trees, be fruit bearing trees! The fruits of our physical, mental and emotional toils and labours and the fruits of spirit: LOVE, JOY, PEACE, FORBEARANCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS and SELF-CONTROL (Gal 5:22-23)

Be OPEN, be STRONG, take a STAND, keep HOPE and live in FAITH

I think I want to be called a LOVEian rather than a CHRISTian. Christians get, and sometimes deserve, such bad press… Who could argue with being a follower of all things LOVE? Wasn’t that Jesus’s message? LOVE God, LOVE each other as you LOVE yourself……as God LOVES you….! I am LOVEian…!x


Martha’s Baula Relish

4 bunches pumpkin leaves1 cup ground nuts flour2ripe tomatoes1tea spoon kitchen salt

Wash the leaves and shell the stems and chop into small piecesPut one cup water in a pot to boil, add pumpkin leaves and cook for 3-5 minutesChop tomatoes and add with groundnut flour to the pot and cook for a further 5 minutes until tenderReady to serve with Nsima… Add meat or chicken if available!

Donna’s Pork and Mushroom Pasta

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Take 1 ½ lbs. of diced pork and fry in a little oil. Add a jar of tomato puree (passata), water and 3 crushed garlic cloves and seasoning. Boil, cover and simmer for 50-60 minutes. 10 minutes before serving add required amount of sliced mushrooms and adjust seasoning. Serve with favourite cooked pasta. Delicious!

Jan’s easy-peasy-all-in-one-anti-allergy-no-wheat-egg-dairy-GINGER-AND-CHOCOLATE-CAKE

DRY ingredients: 200gms wholemeal spelt flour 30gms cane sugar 1teaspoon baking soda pinch salt 100gms crystallised ginger (chopped small) 100gms plain chocolate (chopped roughly or choc chips) WET ingredients: 120mls water 140mls apple puree (ready-made baby apple works well!) 50mls sunflower oil 1teaspoon rice vinegar

Mix all DRY ingredients Add and beat in all WET ingredients Put mixture in a 7inch silicon baking ‘tin’ Bake for approx. 35mins at 180 Leave to cool and cover in melted chocolate if desired! EAT…!

LovesQuiz: Number Cruncher Quiz Sheet!










26 – L of the A

7 – W of the W

8 – H (K of E)

1066 – B of H

12 - S of the Z

52 – C in a P

9 – L of a C

9 – P in the S S

10 – G B (H on a W)

ANSWERSLetters of the Alphabet ---------------------------------------------------

Wonders of the World-----------------------------------------------------







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7 – C of the R

18 – H on a G C

2468 W D W A

90 – D in an R A

200 – P for P G in M

1815 – B of W

3 – B M (S H T R)

4 – Q in a G

147 – M B in S

24 – H in a D

12 – M in a Y

57 – H V

13 – B D

11 – P in a F T

3 – C in a F

29 – D in F in a L Y

180 – M S in D

64 – S on a C B

10 - D S

13 – U for S

12 – D of C























Answers in NEXT edition….send in any completed for a PRIZE!!!!!!!x

LovesAnswers: SUFFERING

The huge question I was asked in LovesLetters1 was why God allows such terrible things…. And there would be as many answers as the number of times the question is asked and to whom…. I have no perfect answer, so all I can bring is the answer I have found for myself…. I can’t bring it into a rational sphere or even into a sound theological one….but I don’t think I have to. I will consider this question with my heart, my faith and with my experience…

The fabric of this world, as I understand it, is love and would love ever ask children to submit in terror to the evil and horrors of the world…? Many times, over and over, because we have the will to choose, humans choose to do bad things, the things-that-aren’t-love things... We choose to rape and pillage, drive under the influence, commit murder and such abuses that are so terrible they defy most of our imaginations… So what use choice? Well, if God took away our choice or if we weren’t allowed to make the wrong choice, there would be no point to being human! We are human because we have choice… I think that is what it means to say we are made in Gods image… We know there is a difference between right and wrong - we ate the apple from the tree and it gave us that knowledge, and I for one am glad of it…

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We are not made to look like God, or He us, an old man with long flowing locks… Indeed what does love look like… God is Love… and like looking at the sun… I can't see it! Can you? So, we have an army of angels whispering in our ear and the Holy Spirit offering us direction and showing us the road of good choice… but we insist on make BAD choices all the time. God doesn’t let bad acts happen, they happen despite Him because we have this precious gift allowing us to know, feel and act in LOVE, with our individual and collective free will. When violence is perpetrated on innocent children then God weeps. Jesus wept. The rapist, abuser or thief made a series of bad decisions and people suffer and get hurt. Badly. Some of us to death.

What happens to the souls of the victims who are killed, the innocent children of the original question…? I believe they go straight to a good and wholesome, healing place of love we call heaven…and into everlasting LIGHT…

But Universal love, Creation love, God’s love is unconditional. Have you ever known an abuser who wasn’t destroyed, disturbed and damaged by their own cycle of abuse? The hard reality of love, of unconditional love, is that, no matter what our actions, we are each and every one of us, beloved of God equally on this earth. We hate the sin but love the sinner…! If we are on that bad choice road as long as there is breath, then there is hope of redemption, hope of forgiveness and hope that someone somewhere reaches out and saves us! There will always be a consequence to our actions which must be faced, but our lives can be transformed. Jesus tells us to love our enemies. It is easy to love our friends and family, it’s easy to love children and victims… Not so easy to love homeless, hungry, desperate and imprisoned. But who does Jesus love and minister to… ALL PEOPLE…!

In the Lord’s Prayer we say lead us not into temptation deliver us from evil…or in other words… SAVE US please when, having given in to temptation, we are lying battered and bruised and in the grip of addiction, violent behaviour…as victim and abuser. Deliver us from the evil which afflicts us on those big bad choice roads… AMEN

LovesFriends PLEASE write in with your thoughts, the better to help those of us who have suffered tragic loss…x

“For he delivers the needy when they call, the poor and those who have no helper.  He has pity on the weak and the needy, and saves the lives of the needy. From oppression to

violence he redeems their life and precious is their blood in his sight” (Psalm 72:12-14).

LoveStories4: Excerpt from The Return (Jan – this is fiction)

Dear Tony,

I tried to let it go, let you go, but I couldn’t.... I feel I owe you an apology. Who was it said that the best way to have the last word is apologise....? I don’t really expect or require a reply to this letter I just need to say something.... It’s OK. I understand why you lied. It gave you an opportunity for a fresh start, a new page, a new chapter in a life you are creating.... I hope you know that that is possible in real life also!

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We can make massive, gut wrenching, death defying mistakes and still re write the consequences. It’s called redemption! And I believe in redemption. Look what happened to me and my story.... If you read the articles about me you will know I dedicate my life outside design to the Suzie B Foundation for young people who have lost their way.... I am different from the Susan you knew. I understand first-hand how tragedy breaks you. Whether you get mended depends on circumstance and chance meetings with people who are prepared to hold out their hands to you and help you to your feet.... I remember you told me something of your tragedies Tony, losing your brother in the North Sea, your mum taking her own life, your dad drinking...and then there was me. This is where I apologise.

You say you are good at stirring things up and then leaving....but I grabbed hold of you Tony, like I was sinking. You were exciting and I was drowning in a sea of middle class boredom and banality.... I used you and then betrayed you when I chose the safety of Simon and marriage. I was a coward. And I was pregnant. Your life may have been different had I broken that pattern of betrayal in your life…or maybe not. We will never know. We can’t change the past. All we can do is change the future by living each day with new decisions and a clean sheet.

So, I don’t care that you lied. If you want to start a new friendship, I am here. If you don’t, then I am still here and our lives go on. I am sorry for any part of your life which hurt Tony. I pray for you with all my heart that you find direction and a spark of hope from which you can rebuild a life to be proud of. You are worth it, whatever the little demons in your head say....

Love and God bless Suziex PS I have attached an invitation to my birthday party. It would be good to see you.


Dear Simon,

Thanks for writing. You were right, Tony lied. He owned up to being a 'failure'… It took me a while to work it all out in my head because I had to look in the mirror and own up to my own mistakes.

I wrote to Tony to say sorry that I led him on and chose you....and I am writing to you to apologise for being a half-hearted wife.... You always knew I think that although I chose you it was because I was afraid and pregnant. It shows the strength of your character that you stuck by me and brought up Tracy as you own, even although it became clear she was Tony’s. I haven't told him, just said I made the decision because I was a coward and expecting.... He may figure it out. Don't know what happens if he does.

Anyway, thank you for being straight with me Si. I really do wish you and your fiancée Emma all the best of everything. I have attached an invitation to my birthday party. It would be great if you both could come.

Take care Si and thank you for everything. Be happy.

God bless Suziex

An important part of an addiction programme is to encourage us to hold our heads high and our hands up in acknowledgement of our mistakes…and when we apologise…with a simple and sincere SORRY…we are set FREE…!x

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So, COLOUR, I promised we could think about colour but it will be in the NEXT (Christmas) edition of LovesworLd! I promise! In the meantime, another mandala for colouring…

The word mandala is from the classical Indian language of Sanskrit. Loosely translated it means circle and it represents wholeness…

Tibetan sand mandala Navajo sand painting Labyrinths are a type of mandala found in many cultures and are used as a tool for centring.

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Well, I thought I had finished this edition but on giving it an editorial read I realized I had left some gaps. One gap was LovesVision! I speculated in the Welcome Edition that we might flourish and grow – and we have indeed grown in Baula where there are LW fellowship meetings, orphan schools, food and clothes banks... Martha wrote “We are transformed…!” Wow! Perfect! Thank you! In Glasgow we haven’t flourished so much, although I think individuals have appreciated the LWmag and it has been passed around the streets of Ruchazie and lunch club at Shettleston in a quite remarkable manner! If possible, I would like a LWGlasgow launch before Christmas. If anyone has ideas about an affordable weekend venue, please get in touch. We could have food and dance and fellowship… It would be good!

There is now a website up and running at http// where I can upload photographs and the like which I can’t print into the mag, and also a blog at which is beginning to get some blog responses! I have also opened a LW twitter account and a Tumblr blog account, neither of which I really know how to use yet (although I receive tweets from Will.I.Am, Metallica and the BBC news…!)

I have indeed got the LoveShop-from-home I suggested in the Welcome Edition. If you have suggestions for where I could rent a table top or if you would like me to bring the shop to your home for a LW home shop party please let me know as soon as possible! We really are in dire need of funds to send ‘stuff’ over to Malawi. It has been suggested that LW applies for charity status and I am indeed thinking about that. LW isn’t an aid project, although we do reach out to give aid. LW is more about empowering each individual to find within, the heart to reach out in friendship. In so doing we create a worldwide community which supports each other because we really care, loving each other as we love ourselves.

I am aware that this edition is pretty much my voice. Please write or phone (0752 244 6084) I have had some response already to the LoveStory of me seeing an angel, which really brings into focus the need to discuss more about the so called ‘supernatural’. That will be a big focus of the next edition, considering dreams, visions, the tarot (a taster below) etc. I know that these subjects may make LW unpopular in certain circles, but LW was never meant to be mainstream. It is here for those of us in the cracks trying to make honest sense of the world we live in from all possible angles and all available depths…! God bless JANx

LovesThought: LovesFools

The tarot is often used for divination but it is best used as a mental and spiritual map for our life’s journey.

There is a card in the Tarot called the FOOL. It is a card in the pack numbered zero, the number of unlimited potential and we need to hold on to this card, this sense of adventure, as we move, step by step along life’s way. Inherent in the Fool is the faith that we have all the tools and resources we need for our journey. The Fool came here to learn. The Fool steps out and takes a chance and has the courage to meet the many challenges along the way. The Fool takes time out with many different characters on his path, who teach him their knowledge… I said on the welcome page of this edition that LovesworLd isn’t afraid to go into the dark places…and the Fool needs to face his demons as he makes his way to source…to God, to the fullness of Loves experience…! Just a thought…to be continued…!

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Martha has sent us a message of encouragement. I have kept editing to a minimum dear, the best to feel you are close in heart and thought.

The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you.Where God guides he provides.God give the best to those who leave the choice to Him. He we will do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Phillipians 4 verse 13. “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength…”

Be strong and couragious do not be afraid nor dismayed ....For there are more with us than with him. With him is an arm of flesh but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.

2 chronicles 32 : 7 - 8. “Do not be afraid or discouraged…”

Let our conduct worthy for LW for the gospel of Christ so that we still stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of LW Gospel and not in any way terrified by our adversaries which is to them a proof of perdition but to you of Love and that from God. For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him , but also to suffer for his sake.

Phillipians .God is our salvation.

The safest place in the world is the centre of God's will. Duty is ours the results are Gods. God’s servant is Gods responsibility.

We need to be able to say Loves worLd hourma (?)

True love is measured by sacrifice. True love shows itself in action.

The scripture teaches us that our Love should not be just words and talk must be true Love example LovesworLd which shows itself to Baula. Jesus showed us his great example of true Love is measured by sacrifice some of the most revealing indicators of our love for God are the sacrifice which we make for him. Love gives and does not count the cost. Love rejoices in the giving and wants to give not out of duty but out of a glad and willing heart.

Faith on fire.

A blacksmith keeps his iron in the fire long enough for the fire to be in the iron. Are we so immersed in God's word? LOVE is like a fire it spreads easily it constantly needs more fuel to keep it raging. Our LOVE LW for God feeds by faith in his words in worship in prayer and in praise and adoration love is like life it grows it fed and dies if starved Let us seek him in longing and long for us in seeking Let us find you in Love and Love you in finding. Amen

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Lord keep us safe this nightSecure from all our fearsMay angels guard us while we sleepUntil morning light appears


Final Words

“Baula was left dying. Now we have food, clothes, schools and fellowship together. We are rich!

We are transformed” (Martha Lowole)

You cannot always save people, but you can love them – and that might just be enough…!

Contact Details:

Editor: Jan Bradshaw

Mobile texts: 0752 244 6084


Email: [email protected]

Website: http//

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LovesworLd is free to all, but donations towards printing and distribution costs and also

for our LovesworLd children and other projects in Malawi will be gratefully received. We

need help with funds, children’s and aldult’s clothes, school materials and books….

Thanks JAN October 2012

Lovesworld © October 2012 Page 30