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Welcome Edition: LovesworLd

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Welcome Edition:


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List of Contents

Welcome to LovesworLd

Page 2

LoveStories 1: Left Outside Alone

Page 3


Page 4

LovesInspiration Page 5

LovesChildren Page 7

LovesPoems Page 9

LovesFaith: LovesAfrica Page 12

LoveStories 2: Three Sugars With My Coffee Page 15

LovesHumour Page 16

LovesFood Page 17

LovesworLd Letters Page 18

LovesQuiz Page 20


LovesworLd Vision

Page 21 Page 22

Let our LovesLight fly!

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Welcome to LovesworLd

So what’s this all about LovesWorLd? Good question!

I was walking-a-jog last year. Hogganfield Loch was to my right, at its heart a bird sanctuary. To my left was a

high barbed wire fence to the golf course and beyond that the walls of Barlinnie prison. Behind the fence was a

huge gaggle of geese. What a shame, I thought, locked away from the water, it isn’t natural! It was such a sorry

sight and it took a good few moments of me feeling sorry for these poor trapped birds to remember... err, just a

minute, geese are birds, birds have wings, birds can fly over fences...!!!!!

On cue, as one, the geese took wing. They landed on the water my side of the fence to feed, along with the swans and ducks, on bread being thrown to them by a group of children!

I felt soooooo silly, I laughed out loud!

Things aren’t always what they seem !

It set me thinking. Sometimes we choose to land somewhere, a church, a job, a relationship, a point of view, an

addiction... and we get trapped. We don’t even notice the fences which enclose us or if we do they seem

insurmountable. We forget we too have our wings! Not physical maybe, but mental and emotional and spiritual...

Well, LovesworLd is an attempt to help us remember our wings, our God given ability to see things from a

different perspective. One way or another we do have the ability to change the way we live, the way we think, the

way we work, the way we worship, the way we approach our health...!

It can be unspeakably difficult of course. Our prisons are often designed to blind us to what is really going on in

the world. It seems safer somehow behind bars! Seeing things from loves perspective, through the eyes of love,

well it hurts to see poverty, to see injustice, to see suffering and pain...and so we build these walls to protect

ourselves... but in so doing we can lose loves ability to also make us smile and laugh with the sheer joy of living in

this moment, at this time, in this world!

What I pray is that LovesworLd reflects GodsworLd, a world where all things are possible, a place which is filled

with HOPE. When we enter LovesworLd we can be reminded that each and every one of us is unique, special,

worthy and free to express ourselves without fear and without judgement. A place where there is absolute respect

for every single one of us no matter what road we are traveling no matter what prison we find ourselves living in.

A place where we can know we are loved with an absolute and unconditional love.

The mission statement of LovesworLd is that “ALL ROADS LEAD TO GOD, THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS!” No one

goes through life without baggage, none of us! Upbringing, genetics, environment and life experiences all play

their part. None of us can EVER know what another person has been through to get to the time and place on the

road we meet BUT if when we meet, we have the courage to share both our knowledge and ourselves, then we

will be inspired to grow and... FLY TO HEIGHTS WE NEVER IMAGINED POSSIBLE!

I hope you enjoy the flight


In Love we find the past understood

The present given hope

The future offered


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LoveStories 1 (Excerpt from POET IN THE BATHROOM by JAN)


I was a belly dance teacher then, but I used to work in a homeless shelter.

Maybe you know the Anastasia song ‘Left Outside Alone’, well it’s a good song for certain dance moves, and I use

it for my class sometimes. The first time we danced to this music I found myself crying. I was grieving for Eric. A

bit late really 23 years!

Here’s how it went.

Eric was one of those men that would never come in from the cold. He couldn’t stop drinking long enough to

tolerate a roof over his head. He was a small man, content in his own way and seemed sure of who he was. I never

heard him say a bad word about anyone. It was the depth of a very cold and frozen winter and he had been

sleeping by the vents of the local swimming baths for a bit of overnight warmth. The early morning cleaners had

come to work and hosed him down. Sober enough to know what had happened, but still too drunk to move on, he

slept on.

I don’t know how he made it to the shelter a couple of hours later. His clothes were hardened and frozen on him.

He had icicles in his hair. A frozen man! We did our best and gave him a hot drink, stripped off his clothes,

wrapped him in blankets, waited with him for an ambulance... He was admitted to hospital with hypothermia,

developed pneumonia and ended up staying in hospital a couple of weeks, recovering and drying out. A bed was

found for him in a local hostel, but before we could visit him and after only a few days in what was to be his new

home, he died.

I think he gave up that day at the baths. His life had lost meaning. He reached an all-time low treated as early

morning trash to be cleared away. No questions asked by those cleaners. No thinking about the consequences of

their actions “Just doing my job mate...”

There was just me, a colleague and the Reverend at his funeral.

So Eric would know what it was to be left outside alone.

Prayer: Lord forgive me my part in other peoples pain Amen


All my life I’ve been waiting For you to bring a fairy tale my way Been living in a fantasy without meaning It’s not ok, I don’t feel safe I don’t feel safe, I don’t feel safe

Left broke and empty, in despair Want to breathe, can’t find air Thought you were sent from above But you and me never had love So much more I have to say, help me find the way

And I wonder if you know how it really feels To be left outside alone when its cold out here Well maybe you should know just how it feels To be left outside alone, to be left outside alone…

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I thought it might be a good idea to share some of our favourite song lyrics… LovesWords put to music can be

enormously emotional and cathartic! Being a rock chick mama I’ll start us off with…

Aerosmith: Living on the Edge

There's somethin' wrong with the world today I don't know what it is Something's wrong with our eyes We're seeing things in a different way And God knows it ain't His It sure ain't no surprise We're livin' on the edge We're livin' on the edge We're livin' on the edge We're livin' on the edge There's somethin' wrong with the world today The light bulb's gettin' dim There's meltdown in the sky If you can judge a wise man By the colour of his skin Then mister you're a better man that I We're livin' on the edge You can't help yourself from fallin' Livin' on the edge You can't help yourself at all Livin' on the edge You can't stop yourself from fallin' Livin' on the edge Tell me what you think about your sit-u-a-tion Complication - aggravation Is getting to you If chicken little tells you that the sky is fallin' Even if it wasn't would you still come crawlin' Back again? I bet you would my friend Again & again & again & again & again…

Written by Steven Tyler, Joe Perry and Mark Hudson, 1993 (Album ‘Get a Grip’)

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Good quotes are often powerful words of wisdom that inspire, educate and even motivate us to take action…!

Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret

anything that made you smile (Anon)

Life is a shipwreck but we mustn’t forget to sing in the lifeboats (Voltaire)

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain (Anon)

The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain (Kahlil Gibran)

If you are going through hell, KEEP GOING (Winston Churchill)

It is never too late to be what you might have been (George Eliot)

"...Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

(This passage is commonly attributed to Nelson Mandela's 1994 Inaugural Address. It actually comes from 'A Return To Love' (1992) by Marianne Williamson)

I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me (Malone)

I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work (Thomas Edison) (Invented the LIGHT BULB!)

Do not worry if you have built your castles in the air. They are where they should be. Now put the

foundations under them (Thoreau)

You must be the change you wish to see in the world (Mahatma Ghandi)

A loving heart is the truest wisdom (Charles Dickens)

It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness (Chinese proverb)

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People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do (Apple)

I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to

take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is

why I succeed (Michael Jordan)

Winners lose much more often than losers. So if you keep losing but you’re still trying, keep it up! You’re

right on track.” (Matthew Keith Groves)

I Believe

I believe for every drop of rain that falls a flower grows I believe that somewhere in the darkest night a candle glows I believe for everyone who goes astray someone will come to show the way I believe, I believe I believe above the storm the smallest prayer will still be heard I believe that someone in the great somewhere hears every word Every time I hear a newborn baby cry or touch a leaf or see the sky Then I know why I believe Every time I hear a newborn baby cry or touch a leaf or see the sky Then I know why I believe, why I believe

(Sung by the Bachelors in 1964. Words and Music by Ervin Drake, Jimmy Shirl, Al Stillman, and Irvin Graham)

The journey of a thousand miles starts beneath your feet (with the first step (Lao-tzu)

Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right (Henry Ford)

If not us, who? If not now, when? (John F. Kennedy)

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it

daily (Zig Ziglar)

To be worn out is to be renewed (Lao-tzu)

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t

mind (Dr. Seuss)

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Well so often our children cut through to see the heart of things don’t they? Please share your children’s insight!

These are a couple of gems Josh wrote growing up…

Primary School Punishment Exercise:

Why I should not disrupt the table

I should not disrupt my table because it is annoying others. And they will not be able to do their work. If they are

doing their national testing they probably fail it. And they won’t do well with the rest of school years. That would

be really bad because probably won’t do well for the rest of life. I will disrupt the teacher she also will get angry

and give me punishment exercises like this one and I’m sorry I ever talked. In the future I will try my best not to

talk. I will then not do well in the rest of school or not well for the rest of my life because I won’t get a good job. I

hope the teacher forgives me for talking and putting people off. If I keep talking I will just keep bringing

punishment exercises on myself. And keep putting people off and all the group will be absolutely furious at me.

We will never win group of the week because I am always talking. I always hate getting into trouble it’s really

really annoying. I have definitely learnt a lesson from this and will never getting into trouble. If I get anymore

punishment exercises I will get a referral form and get suspended. I don’t want to be suspended because it will let

my mum and dad down. JOSH (age 10)

(Jan – that’s my boy!)

High School Essay:

Primary School Years

I started St. Charles primary School when I was five. I remember the big hill that lead to the school, which we

would run and race down every day of school. I don’t remember much about P1 or P2 but I do remember actually

enjoying school – pity it’s not like that anymore! A big part of that was, in primary school, I was friends with


In P3 I started to play with the school football team. Nobody else was allowed to play for the team except for me

because the manager was good friends with my dad. This made me feel very happy and proud of myself, but in P4

I started to play first team every week. I was a centre back and to me playing for the school was the greatest thing

ever. Every Friday a letter would be given to the football team telling us where the game was and what time. I

would always wait impatiently every Friday afternoon for the letter. Also in P4 we could play in the ‘big

playground’ it seemed so big to us back then. There was also a game of football played in the playground, it was

great. When we ran out at lunch times we would all shout “START THE REAL-A-SIDY” it makes no sense to me

now but it did back then, but even though it was good there were some casualties there was always someone not

playing who would get hit with the ball or getting tackled.

The school lunches were not that bad compared to some. I used to love the pizza, although sometimes I would

just take a packet of crisps or a cake just to get out playing football quicker. Also the school building seemed

absolutely massive but I passed it recently and it seemed much smaller than I remembered.

Then P6 and P7 the ‘real-a-sidy’ got more serious and about ten pairs of school trousers got wrecked as the

playground was solid concrete. I was top goal scorer and everybody counted how many goals we scored. I scored

38 just in case anyone was wondering. Also the playground had a very low side fence and when the ball got kicked

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over we were always frantic with ideas trying to get the ball back. Sometimes we would even just shout out in the

hope that somebody would hear our cries and kick the ball back.

Then we moved up to P7, at last we were the kings of the school and everybody looked up to us. Also we were

allowed to do things like dinner duty which is where we would clean up the dinner trays and put all the scrap food

into a big bowl. Back then everybody wanted to do this and I don’t know why because it sounds disgusting to me

now. Also the football team was still going and I was made captain and was now the goalkeeper which i still am

now. In p7 the team was rubbish but I still absolutely loved playing for the school. Now I also was giving out the

football letters which had made me so excited back in P4. I was on top of the world. P7 was a good year for me as

everything was going my way. I was getting football accolades and all P7’s got to do a thing called monitoring

which was when two people looked after a younger class if it ever rained during break or lunch times. It being

Scotland, we had to monitor a lot! I loved it back then but now I wouldn’t. There was a rivalry between the P7’s

and P6’s and sometimes the rivalry boiled over a few times and led to a big fight and I would always participate in


The end of the year was great as the last week there was the football presentation which was when all the football

team got medals and some of us got trophies. There was player of the year, top goal scorer and most improved

player. I won player of the year that year. I was so happy all my hard work in football paid off. Then the next day

was the last day disco, which was all right, but the best thing was that on our last day the teacher let us do

anything we wanted. We just shouted all over the school, which at that time I thought was really fun.

After that my primary school years were over. At this time those years flashed in front of my eyes from getting my

first school game to winning player of the year. I thought to myself “I really enjoyed that”. Then I walked down the

big hill for the last time wondering what high school would be like. (JOSH age 13)

(Jan – so proud son)

Jesus said,

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

(Matthew 19: 14)

I couldn’t resist sharing this letter as it has helped me ENORMOUSLY over the last few years! It is a letter from an

Eton housemaster to the recently widowed mother of one of his new boys many years ago…

“The real purpose of this letter is to try and prepare you for the imminent change in the relationship between you and

your son. The affectionate small boy who has quite justifiably been your pride and joy is about to undergo such a

transformation that you may well begin to wonder whether you have mothered a monster. Perhaps you have already

started to wonder where you have gone wrong, and what you have done amiss to deserve this kind of anger.

Do not despair! Ride the storm. Be firm but affectionate. At this moment when he seems to need you least, he in fact

needs you most. Take a stand about the principles you regard as fundamental, give him rope about the less imprtant

things. Do not worry too much about his wearing apparel or the length of his hair. Comfort yourself with the

knowledge that his present moods are transitory. If you can do this and stand firm as a rock in the midst of his

tempestuous life, the small boy whom you thought you had lost will return to you as a charming young man, well-

groomed in appearance and with delightful manners.

It will have been well worth the wait. Meanwhile, we are both in for one hell of a time!” (O yes!)

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I was born and brought up for the first 6 years of my life in inner city Manchester. We lived in a two up and two

down terraced house with a tin bath, a back yard and an outside toilet! I remember that toilet well! In fact my first

EVER memory was sitting on that toilet relishing an ice-cream cone having been sent out into the yard to play! I

remember because my mum found me and took my cone away! Quite right!

Anyway, what has this got to do with poetry? Well, we moved ten miles south to a semi-detached rural area in

Cheshire (with built in bathroom and toilet) and me and my broad Mancunian accent stuck out like a sore thumb!

In a desperate attempt to integrate me into the local school, my parents sent me to elocution lessons! Yes indeed,

that is why I sound posh! It should have been awful, but I really enjoyed it because the teacher introduced me

to….POETRY! I have been inspired to read and write poetry ever since.

My vision for LovesPoems is that we share our favourite poems and also the poems we have written ourselves, so

please send them in!

I have written out two of the most profoundly influential poems in my life - ‘Mrs Malone’ by Eleanor Farjeon (she

wrote the hymn ‘Morning Has Broken’ incidentally) and ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling (which I grew up with taped to the

inside of my wardrobe)! I have many angst filled teenage poems I wrote but perhaps I will leave those for another

issue… No, in fact I WILL include my favourite ‘Naked’ by Jan Bradshaw (age 17 and on the edge of the world….!).

Naked by Jan

I gaze through my window, wonder and wish

It might be the window of life

A tree

And a sky so beautiful in the evening drift

That to touch, in nakedness

That world outside

Alone on the verge of acceptance

Then to fall loved

In arms open wide

With truth and excitement

Would be like the dream of wind

Together through life and sleep

and death

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Mrs Malone by Eleanor Farjeon

Mrs Malone lived hard by a wood, all on her lonesome, as nobody should

With her crust on a plate and her pot on the coal and none but herself to converse with, poor soul

In a shawl and a hood she got sticks out-o’-door, on a bit of old sacking she slept on the floor

And nobody, nobody asked how she fared or knew how she managed, for nobody cared

Why make a pother about an old crone?

What for should they bother, with Mrs Malone?

One Monday in winter with snow on the ground, so thick that a footstep fell without sound

She heard a faint frostbitten peck on the pane and went to the window to listen again

There sat a cock-sparrow bedraggled and weak, with half-open eyelid and ice on his beak

She threw up the sash and she took the bird in and numbled and fumbled it under her chin

“Ye’re all of a smother, ye’re fair overblown!

I’ve room fer another” said Mrs Malone.

Come Tuesday while eating her dry morning slice, with the sparrow a-picking (“Ain’t company nice!”)

She heard on her doorpost a curious scratch, and there was a cat with its claw on the latch

It was hungry and thirsty and thin as a lath, it mewed and it mowed on the slithery path

She threw the door open and warmed up some pap, and huddled and cuddled it in her old lap

“There, there, little brother, ye poor skin-an’-bone,

There’s room fer another” said Mrs Malone.

Come Wednesday while all of them crouched on the mat, with a crumb for the sparrow, a sip for the cat

There was wailing and whining outside in the wood and there sat a vixen with six of her brood

She was haggard and ragged and worn to shred and her half-dozen babies were only half-fed

But Mrs Malone, crying “My! Ain’t they sweet!” Happed them and lapped them and gave them to eat

“You warm yerself mother, ye’re cold as a stone!

There’s room fer another” said Mrs Malone.

Come Thursday a donkey stepped in off the road, with sores on his withers from bearing a load

Come Friday when icicles pierced the white air down from the mountainside lumbered a bear

For each she had something, if little, to give “Lord knows, the poor critters must all of ’em live”

She gave them her sacking, her hood and her shawl, her loaf and her teapot, she gave them her all

“What with one thing and t’other me family’s grown,

And there’s room fer another” said Mrs Malone.

Come Saturday evening when time was to sup Mrs Malone had forgot to sit up

The cat said meeow, and the sparrow said peep, the vixen, she’s sleeping, the bear, let her sleep

On the back of the donkey they bore her away, through trees and up mountains beyond night and day

Till come Sunday morning they brought her in state through the last cloudbank as far as the Gate

“Who is it” asked Peter 'You have with you there?”

And donkey and sparrow, cat, vixen and bear

Exclaimed, “Do you tell us up here she’s unknown? It’s our mother, God bless us! It’s Mrs Malone

Whose havings were few and whose holding was small and whose heart was so big it had room for us all”

Then Mrs. Malone of a sudden awoke, she rubbed her two eyeballs and anxiously spoke

'Where am I, to goodness and what do I see? My dears, let’s turn back, this ain’t no place fer me!”

But Peter said “Mother go into the Throne.

There’s room for another one Mrs. Malone”

(Jan - Well is there a dry eye in the house….???????)

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If by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or, being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with triumph and disaster And treat those two imposters just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build 'em up with worn out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breath a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch; If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run - Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

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A few years ago I had the privilege of working for the Church of Scotland in Ruchazie parish in the north-east of


At that time Ruchazie was participating in a project called Together for a Change, a project set up to bring poor

communities together who would not otherwise have had the chance to meet and bring about… well, change!

Ruchazie parish was brought together with Baula, a scattered village community in northern Malawi. Both

communities struggle with poverty as part of everyday life. Baula, which has no electricity or phone links, had

never had any outside connection to the world before and depends on subsistence farming. Ruchazie has

problems with youth unemployment, drug and alcohol abuse and violence. Both communities could identify with

the shared issues of debt, poor health, poor housing and lack of opportunity!

By ALL accounts this was an exceptional partnership, profoundly uplifting and positive and I am hoping someone

will write into LovesworLd to give us some details of this life changing relationship!

When I left Ruchazie I continued to write to Eunice, one of the Baula committee members.Thus began my

commitment to support the ladies network in Baula and the many projects of care which are close to their hearts.

My contact to the ladies is via Martha, Eunice’s sister who works in Mzuzu, a town with internet access, 45km

from Baula. I can’t begin to describe what love, joy and sisterhood I have found in the friendship of Eunice, Martha

and the ladies of Baula. I have been humbled and overwhelmed countless times!

I had asked Martha if she could send in any poems or prayers she had written for LovesworLd. I also asked her to

write a little about herself and the lovely ladies of Baula. Well she has again overwhelmed me with her response! I

have kept the editing to a minimum. The profound faith which jumps from the page, despite this not being

Martha’s first language, is heart-warming and inspirational!

Martha Lowole

Martha wrote this:

Love world, Baula and UK ladies. Have you shared your love vest? Love s world is the answer. Once upon a time

Janet and Eunice met in Scotland at parish called Ruchazie. They met in the resting room. Eunice visited Ruchazie

through the partnership of Baula and Ruchazie community. They chat and gave addresses to each other and hug,

it was God’s plan. With love and joy through this partnership and exchange visit, Baula ladies, Jan and UK are

related. It was God’s plan for these ladies to meet there to minister about love world and how to build close

relationship with friends all over the world. Jan and Love world is feeding the need, orphans, widows elderly and

disabilities. Women in Baula, north of Mzimba have started small businesses making jewellery, to get an income.

Lovesworld has also started food bank for the next coming season and is also looking for orphans in Baula. We are

praying hard for mercy and wisdom to lead Jan to fulfil the vision to share and minister LovesworLd. He who

kneels before God can stand before anyone. Many thanks to God, Jan and all ladies in UK who are giving support

to us. I thank my creator for the great invaluable contact that his Holy Spirit made in bringing us together in the

ladies networking. God has indeed opened our eyes to actually see that all is not lost even though the Baula

Ruchazie partnership has ended but there is hope for the future in Christ “At least there is hope for a tree: if it is

cut down it will sprout again and its new shoots will not fail” (Job 14: 7) I am so deeply humbled and blessed by the

astounding support blessing that have been raining on us Baula ladies through love world like a delightful summer

shower. Everyone’s love and encouragement, prayer support and presence have been an astounding source of

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strength. How can we not be the visitors in Christ’s love world? When we walk such a mighty arm of God is with

us. I would not exchange anything these few weeks of joy and pleasure I have experienced being in presence of

my heavenly father with ladies in the network of Malawi and UK Scotland. Over and over again, I come to know

how good God is. How much more deeply I love and cherish him. Through love world I come to know gods abiding

peace strength and power. I am not afraid of whatever comes in terms of hunger or diseases. It truly has no sting. I

do have great expectation for what God has ahead of us and our families in the next working. Whoever else he

sends a long your paths darling Jan to minister love world to, there will be great healing and restoration

everywhere and most of all my God will be glorified lifted, up so high that no one cannot attempt to ignore him.

Prayer and Meditation: Gods glory echoes through skies it whispers with dawn and trumpets in the setting sun

when the day is almost done. I can feel the love of God surround me as I go through peaceful fields, by waters still,

on high paths and on low. The things I fear all disappear. Go with God for all is well. “The Lord upholds all those

who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down” (Psalm 145: 14) Amen

(Donna (Ruchazie) said she can see you walking Martha! Your prayer took her right back to Malawi…!)

You can find Martha on Facebook MARTHA LOWOLE and see the wonderful photographs of the community and

the tremendous work that is being done in Loves name!


I have recently developed quite severe food allergies (sigh…!) and in one of the parcels I sent over to Baula for the

food bank was some dried food I could no longer eat. Anyway a few weeks later Martha posted a photograph on

Facebook of three very bemused looking little boys from the Baula orphanage holding up small ready packets of

Scott’s Porridge Oats!!!!!! O boy, did I feel bad! I dropped to my knees immediately in prayer as I felt so stupid and

inadequate! What was I thinking with my drop in the ocean parcels of oats! Another photograph showed huge

40kg bags of maize that had been purchased for the food bank and in that picture I understood the real scale of

the devastating hunger in a village during times of famine for my precious, precious friends. The next time I was

speaking to Martha on Facebook I mentioned this to her, that what I had sent was sooooooooo small I was

ashamed – and she told me off! Her reply was that I was only seeing the oats as physically small but that

spiritually it had fed thousands!

It’s the parable of the loaves and the fishes isn’t it? We give what we can – money, food, clothes, time, prayer….

We give it to the Lord and we give it for the Lord and then we let it go! We LET IT GO & LET GOD!

What we give grows and multiplies and feeds in ways we could never have thought possible! Praise God!

“…Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he

gave them to the disciples to set before the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up

twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over…” (Luke 9: 16-17)

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I have been bowled over that Martha has been inspired to translate some of LovesworLd UK into the Malawian

language for LovesworLd Africa! I have written out the translation of Welcome to LovesworLd below because,

well it represents commitment and faith and is the language of our sisters and brothers in Baula!



MWALANDIRIDWA KU CHIKONDI CHA DZIKO LAPANSI. Kodi izi zikhudzana ndi chiyan? Ndinali kuyenda pangono pangono dera

lina lake chaka chatha. Kudzanja lamanja kunali malo otchedwa hogganfield Lock. Pamtima pake malo otetezedwa osungirako

mbalame. Kumanzere kwanga kunali mpanda wa waya obaya wawutali.ngati mpanda omenyera gofu. Ngati dzipupa dza ndende

ya Barlinne. Kuseli kwampanda kusonkhana chigulu cha mbalame za akadyansonga. Chokhumudwitsa ndizochititsa manyazi

chinali choti ndinazikiyira kunja kuti zisapite ku madzi. Sichinali chilengedwe. Kunali kungolakwitsa chabe kuwona.

Chinangonditengera nthawi pang,ono chabe chifukwa chambalame zo sadziwa kanthun,kugwidwan.......aaaah kwa mphindi i

modzi akadyamsonga ndi mbalame, mbalame ziri ndi mapilko ndipo zingathe kuwuluka kudutsamipanda!!!!

Pagulu mwawunyinji akadyansongawa anatukula mapiko ndikuwuluka. Ndikukatera pa madzi mbali mwa mpanda wanga,

kuyamba kumwa madzo limodzi ndivingw,a ngw,ali ndi abakha, ndi akadyamsonga ndi kudya mkate amene ana amaziponyera

mbalamezondinawoneka opusa zedi. Ha ha ha ndinayamba kuseka mokuwa. Zinthu siziwoneka chimodzimodzi. Zinandipatsa

maganizo,chinthu chimodzi kusankha kutera pamalo pena pake. Patchalitchi, patchito , paubale,pa chilinganizo,pa

mowa,ndikugwidwa . Sithakukumbukira mpanda umene timachitandikupeza nawo bvuto. Timayiwala kuti nafeso tiri ndimapiko

osati achilengedwe ongo yikika mmaganizidwe kuthupindi kuwuzimu. Chabwino ku konda kwa dziko lapansi, cholinga

chothandiza kuti kumbutsa kuti tiri nawo mapiko. Tirinayo mphamvu, titha kuwona zinthu mosiyanitsa munjira imodzi kapena

titha kusintha zinthu mumalingaliro,mmachitidwe, mmayendedwe,mmatewetedwe,mmapempheredwe,ndimene tingafikire ku

umoyo wathu. Chikhoza kuwoneke ngati chobvuta mmalankhulidwe. Ndende zathu zimatipangitsa khungu kiti tisawone

ndikuzindikira chomwe chikuchitika padziko lapansi .zimaoneka bwino nthawi zinaku malo omwera mowa. Kuwona zinthu ziku

kondweretsa . Kuwona ndimaso a chikondi bwinobwino,nkuma wona kuwawa kwa umphawi,chilungamo, ndiye timamanga

mpanda ndikumadziteteza tokha munjira imeneyi tikhoza kuluza nazo chikondi ndikumaseka ndi kusangalala pa nthawi

imeneyo,pa nthawi ina mdziko lapansi.

Chimene ndima pempherera ndi ichi chikondi chadziko lapansi, chima walitsa pamene zinthu zonse ndi zotheka pa malo pamene

pali podzadza ndi CHIKHULUPIRIRO tikalowa upo umenewu wa chikondi cha dziko la pansi tikhoza kumakumbutgidwa kuti tosefe

ndife amodzi. Mwapadera dera kulongosola mwa ife tokha mopanda mantha mosaweruzidwa.malo amene muli ulemu

mwapadera dera,

Kwa wina aliyense ngakhale titayenda mnjira ya mabvuto olo titapezeka titakhala mundende. M'malo amene tingadziwe kuti muli

chikondi chopambana chatoto moyo.

Muchikondi timapezamo zakale zimene tisana mvetse,chikhulupiriro chopatsidwa mwatsopano. Kupatsidwa utsogoleri.


Cholinga cholemba buklu la za chikondi kudziko la pansi ndiku phunzitsana njira zosiyana siyana zotitsogolera kwa

mulungu.mopanda zikhulupiriropalibe munthu amene anga khale ndi moyo popanda phukusi la zomuyenereza,pa moyo watsiku

nditsiku. Palibe munthu wina aliyense amene angadziwe zimene munthu amadutsamo m'malo osiyana kapena mnjira zimene

timakumana. Koma ngati takumana tiri nayo mphamvu yolimbikitsana tonse ndikugawana nzeru zathu, kenako tidzaimbikitsidwa


Ndikhulupirira mwasangalala ndikuwuluka kumeneku..



Now Martha is also going to translate LovesworLd into Tumbuku, the common language in the northern part of

Malawi and distribute round the Churches. Go with God Martha. May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the

light of His countenance shine upon you all, and bring you peace Amen

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LoveStories 2 (Excerpt from POET IN THE BATHROOM by JAN)


Chick, alias ‘Little Big Man’, age 50 and from Glasgow, living ‘rough’, meths drinker, admitted to hospital for

detoxification and became my student nurse case project on psychiatric placement. Over coffee we talked for

long, long hours - how he came to lose his job, his home, his family – believed I came to know him, believed he

wanted to change his life around. Believed him really is all. Apparently no one else did. I may not now, if I was me

then! Sad. Anyway, I had a couple of days off duty. I lived in at the hospital so news was carried to me quickly.

Following a case conference with the head honcho’s (In the 1970’s it was customary to have the consultant at the

head of the room behind a BIG, keep your distance table, with medical, nursing and social work staff arranged in

descending order of importance in two lines down from him around the room. The patient would be place in the

middle interrogation style and ‘grilled’…) Challenged, intimidated, Chick walked out, took a drink, returned, and

was discharged – hospital policy. I couldn’t accept it! He wanted to change! Wasn’t this our fault not his? He had a

place waiting for him in a dry house… I couldn’t leave it at that. Not a chance! I don’t remember there being a

choice! One of the other student nurses came with me to look for him. We took a taxi to Waterloo and started to

search. Homeless men and women, drunks, dangerous places… Have you seen Little Big Man? Short, from

Glasgow… and my friend went home. I couldn’t stop. I was focused. I was on a mission! I found him late into the

night curled up in drink and vomit under the archway at Waterloo.

How did I persuade a taxi driver to help me pick him up into a taxi and take him back to the hospital? l I have no

idea! How was it that in a locked psychiatric ward, behind the admissions desk was a patient who believed he was

Lazarus, risen from the dead, and let us in? Luck? Destiny? The RIGHT thing? God? I struggled with him into his

old room, threw him onto the bed and prepared to wait out the night with him. I fended off all senior staff, said

they could sack me later, that Chick would be gone by the morning – but he would walk out sober! We owed him

that. It was a long night and I could only imagine the snakes and giant insects which plagued his withdrawal. By

late morning Chick was weak but alert and he walked out sober and alone to take his place at the dry house. The

hubbub of the night died down, I slunk away to return to work the next day in trepidation ready with my


I began to visit him, weekly mostly, when I finished work. He said what had made the difference was someone

cared. We would have coffee (always with condensed milk and three sugars) and chat in his room. It was three

months later I think or thereabouts. It was warm, the gas fire was on, and I shook my hair out of its tight nurse’s

bun and slipped off my coat. The next thing I knew it was me being thrown onto the bed with Chick on top of me

kissing me with a passion! I was scared. I prayed. I didn’t struggle but held him tight in a bear hug and stroked his

hair talking into his ear as to a child – you don’t want to do this my friend, its wrong, what you are doing is wrong

and you will regret it. He was still and he wept and I hugged. He walked me back to the underground and we were

hand in hand. I won’t see you again will I? Probably not I replied. I couldn’t feel anything now but sadness, with

regrets of my own. I grew up a bit that evening.

I can tell you the story didn’t stop there and it jumps a few years but maybe you would like to know what

happened to Chick?

I didn’t visit him in London again and I did go on to finish my training! My first job outside London was on a

medical ward down in Southampton. After that night with Chick I had started to go out on soup runs around

London. I couldn’t believe my eyes at the men and women who slept rough. Beautiful people with stories that

here but for the grace of God go you or I. In Southampton I hooked up with the local night shelter. The shelter

worked closely with a day centre that ran a series of dry houses with supported living and I heard stories of a

resident called Chick who made really awful coffee… Was it possible? I found the address and really nervous

knocked on the door. The door opened. We stood for a while staring at each other.

Well you took a f***ing long time to find me…!

The coffee tasted magnificent! And on his table? A recent photograph of his family! Praise God!

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The contents of this page were dictated to me over the phone by my friend George, an inspirational age 97! I met George when I was temporary custodian of the Shettleston Methodist Lunch Club. It was a joy! There was such laughter, love and friendship! I love you all! Keep smiling, keep shining and keep LAUGHING…!

“ A SCOWLING FACE, SUCH A DISGRACE NOBODY LIKES IT AT ALL SLIP A SMILE IN PLACE ON OLD MISERY FACE AND YOU’LL BE THE BELLE OF THE BALL" (Anon) Apparently these bloopers appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church:

The sermon this morning is ‘Jesus walks on the water’. The sermon tonight is ‘Searching for Jesus’!

Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community!

Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say hell to someone who doesn’t care much about you!

Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the

deterioration of some of the older ones!

A father was at the beach with his children when his 4 year old son ran up to him, grabbed his hand and led him along the

shore to where a seagull lay dead in the sand. “Daddy, what happened to him?” the son asked. “He died and went to heaven”

the dad replied. The boy thought for a moment and asked “Did God throw him back?”

A Sunday school teacher asked the children as they were on their way into the Church Service “Why do we have to be quiet in

Church?” One bright little girl replied “Because people are sleeping!”

A little boy was overheard praying “Lord if you can’t make me a better boy, don’t worry about it! I’m having a real good time

like I am!” (With thanks to Barlanack Greyfriars Church magazine)

At a Church fete a little boy was queuing for his face to be painted.

“You’ve got too many freckles, there’s no place to paint!” A girl in the line said to the little boy. Embarrassed he dropped his head

His grandmother knelt down next to him and traced her finger across the child’s cheek. “I love your freckles” she said “When I was a

little girl, I always wanted freckles. Freckles are beautiful!”

The boy looked up “Really?”

“Of course,” said the Grandmother “Just name me one thing that’s more beautiful than freckles?”

The little boy thought for a moment, peered intensely into his Grandmother’s face, and softly whispered “Wrinkles…”


PLEASE send in jokes, funny stories, ANYTHING to make us laugh or smile!

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Dear Jan. Ok so found my first offering for LovesFood. Especially for you since you say you're good with a

microwave!!! It turns out surprisingly well.

Chocoholic Chocolate Pudding!

4 oz self-raising flour

4 oz caster sugar

pinch salt

2 oz cocoa powder

2 oz butter/marg

1 beaten egg

4 tbsp milk

1 tsp vanilla essence

4 oz soft brown sugar

quarter pint hot water

1. Place flour, sugar, salt & 1 oz of cocoa into mixing bowl.

2. Melt butter on high for 45 seconds.

3. Add melted butter to flour along with egg, vanilla essence and milk. Beat well.

4. Pour mixture into 8'' souffle dish or medium-sized, high-sided micro-wave dish, or (what I do) individual

ramekin dishes.

5. Mix together brown sugar and remaining cocoa and sprinkle over the top of mixture.

6. Cook on high for 5-6 mins or until set on top.

The pudding will separate on cooking, giving a chocolate fudge sauce at the bottom. Mmmmmmmmmm Serve

with cream, custard or ice-cream.

(My next will be my all-time favourite lemon cheesecake...also in the micro!!! Val S, GREECE

Nsima: Cooked, ground maize flour that is the staple food in Malawi

You need the following tools and ingredients: medium-sized cooking pot, maize flour (ground and pound from

dry maize kernals using a huge wooden pestle and mortar), water, cooking stick, and firewood if you don’t have a

stove. To make enough nsima for five people you need: one litre of water, and four cups of flour. The first thing

you need to do is to make a hot fire. Fill the pot with the water. The water should get hot before you start pouring

the flour into it. When you feel that the water is hot enough, pour half the flour into the water while you are

stirring it. Make sure that the flour is well mixed with the water. Cover the pot with a lid for a few minutes until the

porridge starts bubbling. Cook for five minutes. Then add more flour and stir until it gets medium hard and

smooth. After that, take the pot off the fire and start scooping the nsima onto a serving plate using the wooden

spoon. Now your nsima is ready! Serve with meat, vegetables or relish.

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LovesworLd Letters

The statement “ALL ROADS LEAD TO GOD THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS!” has already incited welcome comments

even before publication and with permission I have reprinted the emails here in LovesworLd Letters…! Over to YOU!!!!!

Hi Jan,

I warmed to your mission statement: All roads lead to God there are no exceptions. I suppose in my own

somewhat unstructured way, I feel that to be the case. It’s a concept that begs a lot of questions of

course – not least the nature of God. That’s the question I tend to get snagged on. I spend a lot of time

walking through the Sussex countryside in the company of a large brown dog. It’s an activity that – in my

case anyway – lends itself to something that closely resembles meditation and prayer. To be more

precise I often find myself debating moral issues with the real or imagined presence of a deity as the

catalyst. So am I communicating with God or creating a reflected self? I still don’t know... The various

established churches, as I see it, don’t really cater for people on an uncertain spiritual journey.

Ideologically, economically and practically they are only interested in promoting themselves as the true

destination. They certainly don’t want to be another point on the journey. That may not be a bad thing

but it can be used as an excuse to close down thought. A case in point is my local church where the vicar

can supply a long list of activities (including yoga and belief in intelligent life beyond this planet) that are

the slippery slope to doing the devils work! Actually its fear that wide-ranging interests will lead the

masses away from the true path... Personally I always feel uncomfortable when I’m told what to think...

the story of Eric was very moving. I wanted more though. More about Eric, more about the people who

were responsible for his death...

Trevor C, SUSSEX

Dear Jan

... Theologically I would clarify the ‘ALL ROADS LEAD TO GOD’ a bit more. Are you saying that life

experiences that come our way lead us, sometimes unwittingly, on that quest? What is known to us, who

have come to Faith, is that it is Jesus the Son of God who is the gate for the sheep…

Rev. Chris, GLASGOW

Jan’s response

In the course of our lives we find ourselves on many different roads. Some of them peaceful or exciting but often

destructive, self-destructive even... perhaps we are trapped in addictions, abusive or manipulative situations

feeling powerless and with no self-esteem... Maybe we feel unimportant, lonely, left outside alone and unworthy

of the time, care and consideration or love of humanity. Indeed all too often on this difficult road, we may find

ourselves with fingers pointed at us, judged for the state we are in, judged by our actions or by our mistakes but

not for who we are... Well GOD FORBID! I believe that God is there wherever we are and whatever we are doing.

He is with us on whatever road we travel, good or bad, loving us, worrying for us, laughing with us, sharing our joy

as well as our sorrows – and helping us to find our way back when the road we are on is leading to yet more hurt...

That is why I say all roads lead to God... All we have to do is reach out… When we are at our lowest points, when

we have made the biggest mistakes of our lives, I believe we can be assured that God is there loving us and ever

ready to embrace us in His loving arms. There are NO exceptions!

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I agree with Trevor that all too often, the church doesn’t cater for those of us on an uncertain spiritual path. I have

been accused myself, as lay preacher, of being the devils spawn and asked to leave a church because I teach belly

dance (albeit for women’s health) and on another occasion for reading New Scientist magazine! Because of these

exclusions, it is difficult to find Jesus the Son, before we find ourselves turning naturally to the Father God Creator

as we feel His presence in our lives, even walking with our dog in the Sussex countryside! I think it is a matter of

semantics Chris, when we reach out for our ever present help in times of trouble whether we call Him Father, Son

or Holy Spirit! Or even Lemon Popsicle! What road we take after finding God may indeed lead us to an ever

growing and all-encompassing faith in Christ Jesus but we have ONE GOD and that GOD IS UNIVERSAL LOVE…..

So, yes, it is my personal belief that all roads lead to God!

Trevor asked for more about Eric. Well to my shame I know, or remember, very little else! He was one of the many

men and women who were homeless at that time. Every few weeks he would call down to the Shelter for food, a

new set of clean clothes and blankets. As to what happened to him, if I was me now then, I would have caused

such a fuss with the local council! As it was I let it go! I hope it has become an experience from which I have learnt

to do better at calling injustice to account!

Dear Jan,

Loved reading LovesPoems… It gave me a surprising realisation (???) understanding (????) as to where

you are now (????) and how you got there…! Those two favourite poems are very revealing I think.

They’re almost writing about you…do you think???


Jan’s response

Interesting what you said about me and the poems! I was introduced to Mrs Malone age 7 during elocution lessons and

I resonated to it back then even if I didn't understand it at an adult level. It was the same with Mr Kipling in my teen

years! I suppose poetry, like music and art, can inspire us to grow either in the direction we were already going or in a

new direction entirely! So what do you think it says about me now? Certainly I can identify to both poems and the

1964 hit by the Bachelors ‘I believe’! Perhaps the seeds of LovesworLd are indeed to be found within them…!

Dear Jan,

Loved LovesworLd, made me feel CONNECTED… Can’t wait for more, especially LovesHealth!


Jan’s response

To feel CONNECTED is perfect! Thanks Audrey!

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Now I may read New Scientist travelling by train but camping in a rain drenched Scotland requires every

glamorous and fashion magazine available! A couple of years ago there was an iPod quiz in Company which went

something like…

So you thought your iPod was just good for playing music? Well it can reveal more about you than you ever

realised! Just put it on shuffle (if you don’t have an iPod or MP3 player you could write down songs and shuffle

them...) and write down the first seven songs that come up in the spaces below…

1. ________________________________________ (Reveals what you think about LOVE)

2. ________________________________________ (Reveals how you feel about your JOB or CAREER)

3. ________________________________________ (Reveals how you feel about your BEST FRIEND)

4. ________________________________________ (Reveals what you are looking for in the ONE)

5. ________________________________________ (Reveals how you feel about your FAMILY)

6. ________________________________________ (Reveals your LIFE MANTRA)

7. ________________________________________ (Reveals the SOUNDTRACK to your life)

So this is what came up for me….hahahaha! Please write in with yours….! Enjoy!

1. Bliss (Paul Gilbert) (O yes!)

2. Crazy Train (Ozzie Osbourne) (O dear!)

3. The Raggle Taggle Gypsies (Waterboys) (Indeed a mixed bunch!)

4. You know I’m no good (Amy Winehouse) (O those bad boys!)

5. I still believe (From Lost Boys) (Always hope!) 6. November Rain (Guns ‘n Roses) (I am a November Scorpio!)

7. We are the people (John Cougar) (Definitely! LovesworLd!)

WHY GOD MADE HUGS Everyone was meant to share Gods all-abiding love and care He saw that we would need to know A way to let these feelings show

God made HUGS – a special sign And symbol of His love divine A circle of our open arms To hold in love and keep out harm

One simple HUG can do its part To warm and cheer another’s heart A HUG’S a bit of heaven above That signifies His perfect love Jill Wolf

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This is a BIG subject how our world’s rainbow colours affect us! Have a look at the colour wheel. Which is your

favourite colour? Which is your least favourite? How do different colours make you feel? Have a think about it for

next time! In the meantime why not colour in this mandala (prayer wheel)? Enjoy!

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LovesworLd Vision

Whats in a Word?

Loves world is Gods world

Loves word is the word of God

Love sword is the challenge, the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God (Ephesians 6 v 10-18)

The difference is the because we are all learners of God’s word in God’s world…in Loveswor d!

So, what do you think? I am hoping LovesLetters (and my somewhat limited replies) stimulates lots of

conversation FOR and AGAINST! We won’t always agree THANK GOD (what a boring old world that would be!)

but we do need to talk, all of us! We need to talk about what is happening around us! And not just with my voice!

In the words of Aerosmith “There is something wrong with the world today, something’s wrong with our eyes, we’re

seeing things in a different way and God knows it ain’t His…”

There are people around us who are in poverty, hungry, suffering racial abuse, lonely, hurt or grieving and in

pain… What can we do? Can we make a difference?

Well we can try! We can meet together in LovesworLd and talk about it. We can open our hearts and minds to

communicate how we feel, to offer help and support for each other. We can pray, we can laugh and dance, feel

joy, feel sadness, grief and heartache together, in the company of friends. Let us stop this loneliness now! Let us

stop that sometimes it feels like no one’s listening. Let’s talk to each other, for each other, by each other’s side. If

we do then this space, LoveSpace, will be a positive and empowering place to be! Challenging yes, because we

have to be challenged to grow and change and become who we were meant to be. All of us are beautiful in our

different ways and we have gifts and talents to share with the world, and with each other. Every one of us has

something, there are no exceptions! It doesn’t matter what it is, if we share it round between ourselves then


So what is the vision for LovesworLd? Please let me know if you have enjoyed this first taster welcome edition.

Please write or phone in with ideas, tips, inspirational stories, recipes, poems, jokes….problems! You name it,

LovesworLd want to share it!

That is the vision! That we share ourselves and our knowledge! That we stand by each other as we travel our

different, often difficult, roads. That we can reach out world-wide without barriers of age, sex, religion or culture.

Humanity, like the rest of Gods world, is rich in its diversity! Let’s acknowledge, embrace and encourage our

differences… Find our wings and FLY!

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These are some ideas:

Having regular meetings in a LoveSpace to inspire and support. These meetings could be world-wide!

Having a regular edition of LovesworLd to inspire and support (monthly or quarterly what do you think?)

Developing a LovesworLd website

I have started a blog ( for internet chat and LovesThoughts!

Development, for example, of LovesHealth, LovesPoetry, LovesDrama, LoveSinging, LovesMemorials…

I will definitely run a LoveShop-from-home selling fancy goods, button necklaces and all sorts to help

fund projects. Please buy!

My friend Donna has suggested t-shirts and I love that idea!

What do you suggest…? The sky is the limit!

From our small beginnings……..we can GROW and FLOURISH

All of life is best lived with that prefix of LOVE. Let us never ever forget that my beautiful LovesFriends!

Final Words


My son was trialling for a pro-youth (big league!) football team. He’s a big strong boy, a goalkeeper.

He came home beaming.

“Mum, you know that coach Peter...” (No, but go on) “When we were training, running around the park, as usual I

was trailing behind; he dropped back and ran with me! He encouraged me to keep going and I made up time. In

the end I didn’t finish far behind the others. That never happened before. I was always left to run alone.”

“I will never leave you; never will I forsake you…” (Hebrews 13: 5)

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LovesworLd talks, listens and inspires!

Let our LovesLight shine!

Contact Details:

Editor: Jan Bradshaw

Mobile texts: 0752 244 6084


Email: [email protected]

Website: (coming soon!)

LovesworLd and LoveSpace will be free to all, but donations towards printing costs and

distribution, meetings and towards giving help where needed, for example the Baula food

bank, will be gratefully received anytime (please contact Jan)

July 2012

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