low carb fat bombs for atkins and ketosis

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  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis

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  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Allspice Dark Almond Fat BombsMakes 2 Servings | Per Serving: Cal 192, Net Carbs 2.5


    2 tbsp al !n" b#tter 1 tbsp $eav% crea 1 tbsp c!c!n#t !il 1 tsp c!c!a p!&"er

    1'4 tsp allspice 4(5 "r!ps li)#i" Splen"a


    P#t 2 tablesp!!ns !* pean#t b#tter int! a c#p, !l" !r c!ntainer.

    +"" 1 tablesp!!n !* c!c!n#t !il, 1 tablesp!!n !* $eav% crea , 1 teasp!!n !* c!ca p!&"er an" teasp!!n allspice t! t$e i-t#re.

    Stir &ell, t$en *ree e *!r ab!#t 2 $!#rs. /e !ve an" en !%

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Deep Chocolate Coconut BombsMakes 1 Servings | Per Serving: Cal 145, Net Carbs 2.3


    2 c#ps s$re""e" c!c!n#t #ns&eetene" 1 c#p c!c!n#t !il 4 ! crea c$eese 2 tbsp $!ne% 2 tbsp c!c!a p!&"er 2 packets Splen"a 1'4 tsp cinna !n pinc$ !* sea salt


    6ar t$e c!c!n#t !il !ver e"i# $eat an" a"" in all ingre"ients e-cept *!r t$e c!c!a p!&"er.

    7ine a s$all!& pan &it$ &a- paper !r *!il an" p!#r in t$e c!c!n#t i-t#re. Press it "!&n,creating a s!li" la%er.

    Place t$e pan in t$e *ree er #ntil i-t#re is s!li".

    /e !ve *r! *ree er. Melt t$e c!c!a p!&"er an" crea c$eese, an" p!#r !n t!p. Place it backin t$e *ree er *!r 10(15 in#tes.

    8nce it s s!li", break it #p an" en !% St!re t$e rest in t$e *ri"ge.

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Cinnamon Ball Fat BombsMakes 10(12 alls


    1 c#p c!c!n#t b#tter 1 c#p c!c!n#t ilk 1 c#p c!c!n#t s$re"s 1 tsp vanilla e-tract 1'2 tsp n#t eg 1'2 tsp cinna !n 1 tsp Splen"a


    Place a glass b!&l !ver a sa#ce pan &it$ a *e& inc$es !* &ater insi"e, creating a "!#ble b!iler.Place all ingre"ients e-cept s$re""e" c!c!n#t int! %!#r "!#ble b!iler !ver e"i# $eat.

    Mi- t$e ingre"ients as t$e% elt, t$en re !ve *r! $eat.

    Place t$e b!&l in t$e *ri"ge #ntil it s $ar" en!#g$ t! r!ll int! balls 30 ins .

    ;!r t$e i-t#re int! 1 inc$ balls an" r!ll t$r!#g$ t$e c!c!n#t s$re"s.

    Place t$e balls !n a plate an" re*rigerate *!r !ne $!#r. Serve an" en !%.

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Vanilla Mocha Fat Bomb PopsPer =ablesp!!n: Cal >3, Net Carbs ?1


    4 tbsp grass(*e" b#tter 4 tbsp c!c!n#t !il 2 tbsp $eav% crea 1'2 tsp c!**ee e-tract 1 tbsp c!c!a p!&"er 12 tsp Splen"a

    InstructionsS!*ten b#tter in t$e icr!&ave. +"" $eav% crea an" stir. Set asi"e t! c!!l. Mi- t!get$er c!c!n#t !il,c!c!a p!&"er, c!**ee e-tract an" s&eetener.

    7et t$e b#tter c!!l, a"" it t! t$e c!c!n#t !il i-t#re an" blen" &ell. P!#r t$e $eav% crea i-t#re int!t$e #**in liners'tins *irst, creating t$e b!tt! &$ite la%er. Place int! t$e re*rigerat!r #ntil *ir , ab!#t 15


    /e !ve *r! *ri"ge an" p!#r in t$e re aining !c$a i-t#re, *illing t$e c#ps t! t$e t!p. +"" t$ep!psicle sticks an" *ree e *!r an a""iti!nal 20(30 in#tes.

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Cinnabon Blonde Fat Bomb BarsMakes 2 Servings | Per Serving: Cal 1@0, Net Carbs 1.5


    1'2 c#p crea e" c!c!n#t, c#t int! s)#ares 1'> tsp cinna !n

    First Icing

    1 tbsp e-tra virgin c!c!n#t !il n!t elte" 1 tbsp al !n" b#tter !r %!# a% "!#ble t$e c!c!n#t !il

    Second Icing

    1 tbsp e-tra virgin c!c!n#t !il !r al !n" b#tter 1'2 tsp cinna !n


    7ine a c!ntainer &it$ &a- paper !r #se #**in'c#pcake tins &it$ liners.

    An a b!&l, i- t$e c!c!n#t crea an" cinna !n. Pat int! t$e "is$ !r c#pcake liners.

    Make the First Icing: An a b!&l, &$isk t!get$er t$e c!c!n#t !il an" al !n" b#tter. Sprea" t$is

    !ver t$e crea e" c!c!n#t, an" place in t$e *ree er *!r 5(10 in#tes.Make the Second Icing: Bsing a &$isk, i- t$e icing ingre"ients t!get$er in a b!&l. ri le t$eicing !ver t$e b! bs an" *ree e an!t$er 5 in#tes.

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Fat Pumpkin Butter Bombs


    2 tbsp re*ine" c!c!n#t !il 1'2 stick grass(*e" b#tter, s!*tene" 1'2 c#p p# pkin cinna !n n#t eg cl!ve ginger

    Splen"a t! tasteInstructions

    Melt c!c!n#t !il in t$e icr!&ave #ntil li)#i" an" $!t. +"" t$e b#tter an" &$ip &ell &it$ a *!rk#ntil blen"e".

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Almond Pistachio Fat BombsMakes 3 Servings | Per Serving: Cal 1@0, Net Carbs 1.5


    1'2 c#p caca! b#tter, *inel% c$!ppe" an" elte" 1'4 c#p pistac$i!s, s$elle" an" c$!ppe" 1 c#p al !n" b#tter 1 c#p c!c!n#t b#tter 1 c#p c!c!n#t !il, *ir 1'2 c#p c!c!n#t ilk, c$ille" 1 tbsp vanilla e-tract 1'4 tsp al !n" e-tract 1'4 c#p g$ee 2 tsp C$ai spice 1'4 tsp sea salt


    Drease an" line a 9 inc$ baking pan &it$ parc$ ent paper an" set asi"e. Melt t$e caca! b#tterin a s all sa#cepan !ver l!& $eat stirring !*ten an" set asi"e.

    +"" all t$e ingre"ients e-cept caca! b#tter an" s$elle" pistac$i!s, t! a large i-ing b!&l.

    Mi- &it$ a $an" i-er !n l!& spee", increasing t! $ig$ #ntil all ingre"ients are &ell blen"e". =$ei-t#re s$!#l" be lig$t an" air%. P!#r t$e elte" caca! b#tter rig$t int! t$e al !n" i-t#re an"

    c!ntin#e i-ing !n l!& spee" *!r a *e& in#tes.

    =rans*er t$e i-t#re t! t$e paper(line" pan, sprea"ing as evenl% as p!ssible. Sprinkle &it$c$!ppe" pistac$i!s an" re*rigerate #ntil c! pletel% set, a ini # !* 4(5 $!#rs, b#t pre*erabl%!vernig$t.

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Seasonal Four Spice Fat BombsMakes Servings | Per Serving: Cal 3@2, Net Carbs 1.@


    > !#nces *#ll *at crea c$eese, s!*tene" 1'2 c#p baking Splen"a 1 tsp *res$ ginger, grate" 1 tsp gr!#n" cinna !n 1'2 tsp cl!ves, gr!#n" 1'2 tsp gr!#n" n#t eg 3'4 c#p c!c!n#t !il


    Place all ingre"ients int! a *!!" pr!cess!r, e-cept t$e li)#i" c!c!n#t !il.

    Pr!cess sl!&l%, p!#ring t$e c!c!n#t !il int! t$e crea c$eese last.

    Note: Pour VERY slowly in a thin stream.

    ivi"e int! s all c$#nks an" r!ll int! a ball. /e*rigerate *!r 15 in#tes an" t!p &it$ a "ab !*"ark elte" c$!c!late. Place back int! t$e re*rigerat!r #ntil rea"% t! eat.

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    10 Sec Oran e Butter Pecan Fat Bomb BitesServing Si e( 2 Pecan San"&ic$es: Cal >9, Net Carbs 1


    4 pecan $alves, t!aste" 1'2 tbsp grass *e" b#tter, #nsalte" 1'2 tsp *inel% grate" !range est 1 pinc$ sea salt


    =!ast t$e pecans at 350E in t$e !ven *!r >(10 in#tes, set asi"e an" all!& t! c!!l.S!*ten b#tter, a"" t$e !range est an" i- &ell #ntil s !!t$ an" crea %.

    Sprea" $al* !* t$e grass *e" b#tter(!range i-t#re bet&een t&! pecan $alves. Sprinkle &it$ seasalt an" en !%.

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Pumpkin Cheesecake Fat Bomb S!uares(Shared from Maria McWhinnie)


    1'2 c#p grass(*e" b#tter 3 !#nces crea c$eese 1'2 c#p p#ree" p# pkin 1'4 c#p c$!ppe" pecans 4 tbsp =r#via, !r "esire" s&eetener 2 tsp vanilla e-tract 1 tsp gr!#n" cinna !n 1'2 tsp p# pkin spice 1'> tsp salt


    Melt b#tter !ver e"i# $ig$ $eat, stirring !*ten.

    +"" p#ree" p# pkin an" c!ntin#e &$isking. +"" crea c$eese, s&eetener, c$!ppe" pecansan" spices. 6$isk #ntil s !!t$, t$en a"" vanilla e-tract.

    Mi- c! pletel% an" re !ve *r! $eat. 7ine a 9 inc$ pan !r "is$ &it$ &a- paper an" p!#r *#"gei-t#re int! t$e pan.

    Sprinkle &it$ !re pecans i* "esire" an" place in t$e *ree er *!r 24 $!#rs. 6$en rea"% t! slice,re !ve it b% p#lling !#t t$e &a- paper an" c#t int! pieces.

    St!re in a c!ntainer &it$ a li" in t$e *ree er #ntil rea"% t! serve.

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Almond "o# Fat BombsMakes 4 Servings | Per Serving: Cal 100, Net Carbs 1.5


    2 tbsp c!c!n#t !il, elte" 2 tbsp c!c!a p!&"er 1 tbsp al !n" b#tter 1 tbsp c!c!n#t *l!#r Splen"a t! taste


    Mi- t$e c!c!a p!&"er int! t$e c!c!n#t !il. +"" t$e al !n" b#tter an" i- #ntil s !!t$. +""t$e c!c!n#t *l!#r an" Splen"a.

    P!#r int! r!#n" !l"s an" *ree e *!r at least 10 in#tes.

    8pti!nal: 8nce *ir , #se a t!!t$pick t! grab an" "ip eac$ ball in a t$in la%er !* elte" "arkc$!c!late. Place !n &a- paper an" p#t back int! t$e *ree er *!r 5 in#tes.

    =$ese *at b! bs st!re &ell in t$e *ri"ge and *ree er.

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    $est# %emon Cheesecake Fat BombsMakes 14 Servings | Per Serving: Cal 92, Net Carbs ?1


    1'4 c#p c!c!n#t !il, elte" 4 tbsp grass(*e" b#tter, s!*tene" 4 ! s!*tene" crea c$eese est !* 1'2 le !n 1 tbsp le !n #ice 2 tbsp Splen"a


    len" all ingre"ients &it$ a $an" i-er #ntil s !!t$.

    P!#r int! c#pcake liners, tins !r !l"s an" *ree e #ntil *ir , at least a *e& $!#rs, pre*erabl%!vernig$t.

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Blueberr# Coconut Cream Fat BombsMakes 20 Servings | Per Serving: Cal 140, Net Carbs 1


    1 c#p bl#eberries, *res$ !r *r! en 1 stick grass(*e" b#tter 4 ! crea c$eese, s!*tene" c#p c!c!n#t crea 3'4 c#p c!c!n#t !il Splen"a t! taste

    Whole Berry Instructions: Place cr#s$e" bl#eberries int! t$e b!tt! !* a "is$ !r pan. An asa#cepan !ver l!& $eat, elt t$e b#tter an" c!c!n#t !il. /e !ve *r! $eat an" c!!l *!r 5


    +"" re aining ingre"ients an" &$ip &ell &it$ a &$isk !r $an" blen"er, a""ing Splen"a sl!&l%.P!#r t$e i-t#re int! t$e pan an" place in *ree er *!r 1 $!#r. Slice be*!re serving an" t!p &it$ a*e& &$!le bl#eberries.

    ureed Berry Instructions: Place berries, c!c!n#t crea an" s!*tene" crea c$eese in a *!!"pr!cess!r !r blen"er an" p#ree #ntil s !!t$.

    An a sa#cepan !ver l!& $eat, elt t$e b#tter an" c!c!n#t !il. C!!l slig$tl% *!r 5 in#tes, a""Splen"a an" p#t back int! t$e *!!" pr!cess!r. P#ree again #ntil s !!t$.

    P!#r int! c#pcake liners, tins !r !l"s an" *ree e #ntil *ir , at least 1 $!#r.

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Stra&berr# S&irled Mocha Fat BombsMakes 24 Servings | Per Serving: Cal 9@, Net Carbs ?1


    4 tbsp grass(*e" b#tter elte" 4 tbsp c!c!n#t !il 2 tbsp c!c!a p!&"er 1'2 c#p baking Splen"a

    Strawberry Swirl

    1 tbsp grass(*e" b#tter 1 tbsp c!c!n#t !il 1 tbsp $eav% crea 1'4 c#p stra&berries, as$e" 2 tbsp Splen"a

    Chocolate Layer

    S!*ten b#tter in t$e icr!&ave, t$en all!& t! c!!l slig$tl%. +"" c!c!n#t !il, c!c!a p!&"er an"Splen"a t! t$e elte" b#tter, i-ing &it$ a $an" blen"er. Set asi"e.

    Strawberry SwirlMas$ stra&berries an" a"" $eav% crea . Micr!&ave 10 sec!n"s #ntil &ar an" set asi"e. Meltb#tter an" i- t!get$er t$e &ar stra&berr% i-, c!c!n#t !il, s&eetener an" b#tter. Bse a stickblen"er !r &$isk rapi"l% #ntil &ell c! bine".


    P!#r t$e c$!c!late i-t#re int! a !l" !r c#pcake liners. +"" t$e stra&berr% t! t$e center !*%!#r *at b! bs an" s&irl &it$ a t!!t$pick. ;ree e *!r 20 in#tes, #ntil *ir .

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Speckled Bacon Maple Butter Fat BombsMakes 24 Servings | Per Serving: Cal 115, Net Carbs 1


    > ! crea c$eese, s!*tene" 1'2 c#p grass(*e" b#tter 4 tsp bac!n *at 4 tbsp c!c!n#t !il 1'4 c#p S#gar *ree aple s%r#p !r aple e-tract an" Splen"a t! taste > strips c!!ke" crisp% bac!n, cr# ble"


    C! bine all ingre"ients, setting asi"e s! e cr# ble" bac!n, an" elt sl!&l% in t$e icr!&ave*!r 10 sec!n" intervals #ntil s !!t$.

    P!#r int! a "is$ !r pan an" place in t$e *ree er #ntil *ir , ab!#t 15 in#tes.

    /e !ve *r! *ree er, sprinkle &it$ !re cr# ble" bac!n, slice an" serve.

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Peanut Butter Cinnamon Chocolate Bombs


    4 tbsp c!c!n#t !il 4 tbsp "ark c$!c!late c!c!a 1'4 c#p c$!ppe" &aln#ts !r al !n"s 1'2 c#p pean#t b#tter 3 tsp Splen"a 1 tsp vanilla e-tract 1'4 tsp cinna !n

    sea saltInstructions

    Melt c!c!n#t !il in icr!&ave *!r 45 sec!n"s.

    Stir in c!c!a, Splen"a an" vanilla, i-ing &ell #ntil s !!t$. ;!l" in c$!ppe" n#ts.

    P!#r c$!c!late i-t#re int! a pan !r "is$ an" sprea" evenl%.

    Mi- t!get$er t$e cinna !n an" pean#t b#tter, an" gentl% p!#r !ver t$e c$!c!late i-t#re.Sprinkle &it$ sea salt, t$en *ree e *!r 20 in#tes. Slice be*!re serving.

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Stacked Chocolate Mint Coconut BombsMakes 12 Servings | Per Serving: Cal 1 >, Net Carbs 1


    3'4 c#p c!c!n#t !il 1'4 c#p c!c!a p!&"er 1'4 c#p pean#t b#tter li)#i" Splen"a t! taste, ab!#t 1> tsp e)#ivalent, "ivi"e"

    Feat c!c!n#t !il #ntil elte". ivi"e a !ng t$ree b!&ls.

    An !ne b!&l, stir in t$e c!c!a p!&"er #ntil c! pletel% "iss!lve". +"" li)#i" Splen"a t! taste,ab!#t "r!ps.

    An an!t$er b!&l, a"" pean#t b#tter t! t$e c!c!n#t !il an" blen" #ntil s !!t$. +"" Splen"a t!taste.

    An t$e last b!&l, #st a"" Splen"a t! taste.

    =! ake in"ivi"#al *at b! bs, #se a s)#are !l" !r #**in c#ps. ivi"e t$e c$!c!late *lav!re"!il a !ng 12 s all c#ps. Set t$e i-t#re int! t$e re*rigerat!r #ntil *ir , ab!#t 10 in#tes.

    Sp!!n t$e pean#t b#tter i-t#re !n t!p !* t$e c$!c!late la%er. /et#rn t! t$e re*rigerat!r t! set.

    6$en *ir , re !ve t$e !l"s *r! t$e *ri"ge an" p!#r t$e re aining clear la%er !ver t$epean#t b#tter. C$ill #ntil rea"% t! serve.

    Visit LowCarbeDiem.com c 2014

  • 8/11/2019 Low Carb Fat Bombs for Atkins and Ketosis


    Walnut 'utter Butter BombMakes > Servings | Per Serving: Cal 145, Net Carbs 2.5


    4 tbsp grass(*e" b#tter 1'2 c#p plain al !n" b#tter 1'2 c#p c!c!n#t !il 3 tsp Splen"a c!#ple pinc$es !* k!s$er salt "ark c$!c!late elte" i* "esire" c$!ppe" &aln#ts


    C! bine all ingre"ients in a s all "is$ !r b!&l an" &ar in t$e icr!&ave *!r 30 sec!n"s.6$isk #ntil &ell blen"e".

    P!#r int! c#pcake liners, #**in tins !r !l"s an" place int! t$e *ree er #ntil *ir , ab!#t an$!#r. e*!re serving, t!p &it$ a "!ll!p !* elte" "ark c$!c!late.
