lower limb-practical-4

Practical exam in anatomy of lower limb Anterior & lateral leg foot joints of LL Abbas A. A. Shawka

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Page 1: Lower limb-practical-4

Practical exam in anatomy of lower limb Anterior & lateral leg

footjoints of LL

Abbas A. A. Shawka

Page 2: Lower limb-practical-4

1Identify the spot ?

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2Identify the spot ?

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3Identify the spot ?

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4Identify the spot ?

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5Identify the spot ?

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6Identify the spot ?

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7Identify the spot ?

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8Identify the spot ?

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9Identify the spot ?

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10Identify the spot ?

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11Identify the spot ?

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12Identify the spot ?

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14Identify the spot ?

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15Identify the spot ?

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16Identify the spot ?

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17Identify the spot ?

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18Identify the spot ?

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19Identify the spot ?

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20Identify the spot ?

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21Identify the spot ?

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22Identify the joint ?

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23Identify the spot ?

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24Identify the spot ?

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25Identify the spot ?

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30Identify the spot ?

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31Identify the spot ?

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32Identify the spot ?

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33Identify the spot ?

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34Identify the spot ?

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35Identify the spot ?

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36Identify the spot ?

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37Identify the spot ?

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38Identify the spot ?

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39Identify the spot ?

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40Enumerate these structure from lateral to medial ?

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Answers1. Plantar aponeurosis2. Flexor hallucis longus T3. Flexor digitorum longus T4. Tibialis posterior T5. Flexors hallucis longus T6. Posterior tibial artery7. Abductor hallucis & digiti

minimi 8. Flexor accessorius 9. Flexor hallucis longus10. Flexor hallucis brevis

11. Adductor digiti minimi12. Adductor hallucis13. Tibialis posterior insertion

& expansion.14. Long plantar ligament15. Fibularis longus T16. Extensor hallucis longus17. Extensor hallucis brevis18. Anterior tibial nerve19. Deep fibular nerve20. Fibularis longus

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21. Fibularis longus & brevis with there tendon.

22. Hip joint23. iliofemoral & pupofemoral

ligament.24. Ligament of the head of femur25. Obturator internus26. Obturator canal 27. Obturator externus 28. Nerve to quadratus femoris 29. Pudendenal nerve an internal

pudendenal vesseles30. Anterior tibial artery

31. Medial and lateral ligament of the knee

32. Meniscus 33. Posterior cruciate ligament34. Anterior cruciate ligament35. Anterior talofibular ligament36. Posterior talofibular ligament37. Medial ligament38. Deltoid ligament 39. 1- flexor hallucis longus 2- posterior tibial nerve 3- posterior tibial artery 4- flexor digitorum longus 5- tibialis posterior