loyaltygames 2014 - finals game plan - achint nigam

2014 WORLD FINALS Note: All copyright and intellectual property rights remain with the Finalist who authored this submission. Published by Professional Services Champions League (LoyaltyGames) with the author’s permission. Finalist: ACHINT NIGAM Country: INDIA This Game Plan was created in 4 hours as part of the LoyaltyGames 2014 World Finals

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This Social Innovation Game Plan was produced by Achint Nigam as part of the 4-hour World Vision Case Study completed by the 12 World Finalists of LoyaltyGames 2014, the Loyalty and Gamification World Championships (http://www.theloyaltygames.com). All rights reserved.


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Note: All copyright and intellectual property rights remain with the Finalist who authored this submission. Published  by  Professional  Services  Champions  League  (LoyaltyGames)  with  the  author’s  permission.    

Finalist: ACHINT NIGAM Country: INDIA

This Game Plan was created in 4 hours as part of the LoyaltyGames 2014 World Finals

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Submission by:

Achint Nigam

Doctoral Student in Marketing

at Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, India.

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Section #1 “Visual Awareness – Create a Memorable 2015



2. The organizations that could be potential collaborative partners for my symbol can be

X Government hospitals as well as large private run hospitals.

X Organizations undertaking CSR initiatives towards child education and women empowerment.

X TV channels, can be asked to be a sponsor.

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X 3. External Events / activities in 2015 that could be part of promoting our new visual representation are, the forthcoming major sports events like ICC cricket world cup, cultural festivals, road shows, banners are public places etc.

X 4.Mobile marketing can help in initiating a chain of awareness messages.

X With permission marketing, once the user give clearance to enroll, mobile messages can be customized from friends list.

X So, for me a message will be like, Hey Achint, your friend Abhishek just posted a photo on world vision. X Or Mohit just donated 100$ to World vision and helped a poor child in India.

X A mms, with a picture, showing a happy face of child, who could survive another day.

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X 5. Practical Challenges

X Getting people committed for supporting a child on a long run – Will mitigate this by asking the child to send a thankyou note each time the money comes.

X How to win the lost players – will ask the player friends to check of the player is fine, putting social pressure for return.

X Getting for-profit corporates to get linked to our cause – target he soft people in organization, who are feelers towards humans, and show them how we can make this world better. Such feeler will then may push your pitch harder.

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Section #2 “Giving Back to Existing Supporters of World Vision” Middle class emerging economies ¾ My strategy will be to identify and reward the loyal supporters and donors.

¾ But providing monetary incentive will not work, as it will show that we have too much money. Hence, alternate rewards like tax incentives, other valued incentives need to be planned.

¾ When a supporter posts, does a word of mouth publicity or makes a donation, a record is generated for the same using a weighted score for the impact made with the activity of the supporter/donor.

¾ The weighted score will keep on adding to the supporter/donor account which he can cash for certain benefits that we can provide.

¾ Such benefits can be like tax incentives, free public transport, some benefits to the donor kids etc.

¾ We will make monthly , quarterly and yearly score calculation for the effort that the player has put.

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¾ Once this score has been calculated a ranking will be generated so that the player can know where he/she stands, and what all benefits can be availed.

¾ To be fair and transparent, the players will be having a record for the activities done by them and their other supporters, so that they know where do they rank in the process, and what effort can make them better.

¾ The recommendation engine will suggest activities than will get more points depending upon the players activity.

¾ It is possible that the player is pushing too hard in one dimension, hence the recommender system will show other options.

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X Epic calling is already there for supporters since they are participating.

X The development and accomplishment will be fixed with the points, badges and leaderboard ranking.

X The badges will be monthly given for appreciating the effort.

X Supporters will feel empowered with the various choices that they will have in the reward program.

X Supporters will be curious in thinking and calculating which activity they should do next to gain more in less time, hence making myself more impactful supporter.

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X Resources that I will be needing include, a software system that can track employee activity on daily basis.

X A feedback touch point, where supporters can see their performance. This feedback should have multiple touch points and not single technology dependent.

X The players will be able to check their behavior depending this feedback.

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X Overlap between loyalty and gamification occurs, when loyalty leaves its monotonicity of fixed action, and gets an emotional touch to it.

X So, from a mere 200 points for a ticket, to an experience for choosing XYZ airlines because this is what you community prefers, so this is what your lifestyle matches with.

X In gamification points and action take a backseat, and emotional connect to drive behavior comes forward.

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X Since some activities like word of mouth are difficult to measure, we will ask the supporter to use unique hashtags, and ask the audience to tweet with that #, more the # more the score you will get.

X For online activities the monitoring can be handled with software, by tracking the donations made, or new members added successfully etc.

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Section #3 Gamification Design- A Multi-channel Game

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X Business metrics

X More messages posting

X More donations

X Take survey

X Send email

X Users

X Socializers on Bartle scale, mostly people who think philanthropy is good thing.

X Will include all class, all income, since we not only need money, but non monetary help as well.

X Desired actions

X Add a message and photo to the wall

X Donate to vital child health work

X Take survey and let us know what do you think about child health

X Send an email or meet with government decision makers.

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X User metrics X Number counter for message and photo posted.

X Number of likes and comment received on the photo and message.

X Amount of donations made till date.

X Constant feedback on how many people benefitted in what ways with the donations made.

X Incentives X Slow and steady power. From posting to moderation of posts.

X From donation to managing a group of children etc.

A detailed analysis of to be used game techniques is attached with this submission using Yu-Kai Chou Octalysis model in form of a doc file.

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Octalysis Level -1 Analysis for make change happen game.

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X Planned this game for all streams, not depending on mobile marketing only. Once this game is built it can be accessed from laptop., tablet mobile etc.

X But keeping future in mind, mobile is the promising technology, as in poor world as well as rich countries the phones used are shifting to smartphones.

X Celebrities like Aamir Khan, Amitabh Bachchan can be enrolled.

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X Center image taken from http://cmc-bd.org/index.php?controller=single&idf=article&page=single&p_id=9

X www.yukaichou.com/gamification-examples/octalysis-complete-gamification-framework/#.U9zSDOOSySo

X http://www.yukaichou.com/gamification-study/the-strategy-dashboard-for-gamification-design/#.U90ivOOSySo

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